
What can you wear to the exam. What to wear for the exam? (about clothes for the exam). Regulations on the appearance of students and employees of the VGPU


In the morning I dreamed of sleet, it splashed like blots on the dark asphalt and quickly melted. A good, restful dream, completely different from yesterday, which turned out to be crazy, crazy. Crazy, crazy Like in the movies.

My daughter called from school, she was writing a rehearsal exam in the Russian language. The daughter was upset and almost cried. She said that the teacher refused to accept her work. Why, I asked, assuming the worst: the use of a mobile phone to refine the ways of matching words. Because, the daughter answered, that I was in shorts.

The teacher said, added her daughter, that I just came to her from the panel. Lawlessness, I thought in rage, the child put on almost knee-length denim shorts, a white sweater, and some bitch, by the way, in the performance of official duties, speaks insultingly, mocks and tyrannizes. It shakes the poor children's nerves, already strained on the eve of damn exams and everything else, graduation and entrance.

I developed activities. I called the class teacher. The class teacher said that she could not cope with a terrible teacher, a bitch in performance. I called the director. The director was disgusting, he listened to me weakly, but he got excited at the sound of his own voice, rather high-pitched. To my request to show a document about not wearing shorts on the territory of the lyceum, he cleverly replied: I'm not going to show you anything. Then he suggested that I also wear shorts and "she's good" (right! right!), but languidly promised all the same that the girl would take the job.
They didn't take the girl's job. It turns out that my beautiful daughter, having met the teacher's refusal to take the notebook for verification, threw it into the trash can. Ah, our family anger!

The teacher said that she respects herself, probably, and is probably not going to check the work from the garbage. I called the Department of Education, specifically the department of control and supervision, some kind of strict department. Klyauzno described the situation to two attentive workers, asking for advice on her next steps. The workers shrugged their shoulders (probably), and ordered to negotiate "on the ground", since the exam is not real yet and everything seems to be not so scary, but they will take control and "send the call".

I drank coffee. I drank Corvalola. I called the director and informed him about the control. The director told in detail how terrible my daughter is, and that children generally need to be raised, I guess. He was dissatisfied with the call he had already received from the Department of Education and specifically the department for supervision. The director told in detail what a quarrelsome unpleasant woman I am personally to him. I thought, and repeated a couple of times the phrase about raising children.

I said that the first duty of teachers is to check the work, and then everything else, optional. I said knee-length denim shorts look as decent as possible, but the insulting screams of the teacher - on the contrary. I said human rights and the court in The Hague (I just really like the word The Hague). I also said something very beautiful, at the prompt of the gentle editor Katya: "I hope you understand that this case will not remain within a separate region for long! I will do everything to bring it to the all-Russian level!" I said, monthly one and a half thousand requisitions for the mysterious needs of the Lyceum, for five years.

The director spoke about modern youth and the threat of the degeneration of the nation. The director told my daughter and the death of civilization. The director said there was a trash can and a notebook in it.
I said that the notebook had been in the child's hands for a long time, and he could put the trash can on his head. And perish with civilization in good health.

The director hung up. I drank more Corvalola. The son returned from the gymnasium with a message that he had broken his mobile phone. We packed up and went to buy a new one. The son also reported that he had lost his keys, I think. My daughter called, we consoled her and told her not to grieve. The daughter consoled herself and asked for two and a half thousand rubles for a dress for the last call. She said that the fate of the work is not yet clear, she was taken by the class teacher, the head teacher and some other teachers, a lot.

Attention: the prom dress and the last call dress are two different dresses. We bought a phone, a simple Nokia. Keys found...
In the morning I dreamed of sleet, it splashed like blots on the dark asphalt. I woke up - it was raining outside and it was overcast. But it smelled very good of young leaves and you can always make coffee.

There is an opinion that you should never dress flashy for exams. It is true! But many applicants take this advice too literally and try to look much worse. No need for extremes!

On the eve of the entrance exams, we turned to the Belarusian designer Natalya Potkina for advice on how to win the sympathy of the selection committee.

Are you going to the exam? With them:

1) A bright tie with a beer mug pattern. You need to look serious.

2) Clothes with colorful stripes, a cage, with a sophisticated pattern. During the response, the examiner will count the stripes on a tie or look at the intricate Chinese dragon embroidery on a blouse. So you can earn a maximum of additional questions.

3) Tracksuit.

4) New clothes and especially shoes. You'll think of a rubbed callus and a tight skirt.

5) Short skirts and deep-cut blouses are taboo. In young male teachers, beautiful legs can arouse interest, but in women, aggression.

6) Tops that expose belly piercings.

7) A tight-fitting tank top that shows off a full torso, or deep V-necks that reveal a hairy chest.

8) Sandals with visible toes. You are not at a resort!

9) White socks. They are worn only with sports shoes.


Put on:

1) Midi skirt - these are now in fashion.

2) A knitted T-shirt or blouse with an English armhole (the throat and chest are closed, and the shoulders are slightly open). Very feminine, but modest.

3) Comfortable shoes. For girls in skirts - shoes or sandals with low narrow heels with a rounded nose.


Put on:

1) Sweatshirt, polo shirt, T-shirt and V-shirt.

2) A cotton or linen shirt over jeans or trousers. Just right for the student! Fashionable and modest. But do not confuse them with shirts under a jacket! Shirts must be tucked into trousers. A shirt with a tie looks terrible, but without a jacket.

3) Shoes with perforations and weaving - they are in fashion and will not be hot in them.

4) Socks. First, they basically should be. Secondly, be sure to match the color of the trousers.


1) Blue, green, brown and gray are colors that are attractive. You will be heard.

2) In order not to look like a cloud, dilute the above colors with blue, beige and light gray, respectively.

3) Red is the color of war and aggression. You run the risk of challenging the teacher to a duel.

4) Yellow and orange are the colors of frivolity. Exam is not the time for jokes!

5) White is the color of trust. But pure white clothing is best avoided. Ink pens, ashes, not always clean window sills can spoil the perfect picture.

6) Black is the front color. But you should not dress for the exam according to the "black suit + white shirt" scheme. It's not in fashion.


Or the entrance test at the university, requires careful preparation. And this is not only a solid foundation of knowledge, but also a certain dress code. In this article, we will show you how to dress for one of the most important events in the life of every graduate.

Usually, it is advised to come to exams in a classic office-business style, up to the “white top - black bottom” rule. This may seem boring - because times are changing, and now even in the largest world-famous companies you can not stick to one style. The fact is that the fashion of the 21st century is democratic and mixes different trends, catering to everyone at once. Therefore, you can even come to the Unified State Examination, deviating a little from the usual framework of the suit and strict classic shoes, cleaned to a shine.

The main rule of your image in the exam is to wear soothing colors (white, black, gray, blue, pastel, etc.) and classic silhouettes. It is better for girls to stick to natural makeup and not to wear a mini. Maxi skirts or skirts just above the knee will fit perfectly. Guys should not wear shorts, even if they are in office style. A strict examiner is unlikely to be delighted with any version of this wardrobe item. The ideal option is regular or slightly cropped trousers, you can also tuck them up.

And don't forget the shoes. You don't have to rush to buy dress shoes if you don't have them. Both boys and girls will go for sneakers of a non-flashy color (forget for a while about acid trendy sneakers from popular brands), and only for the weaker half - pumps with medium heels or closed sandals.

Here are a few ideas that will slightly diversify your usual appearance on the exam and even, perhaps, evoke more pleasant emotions from such a nervous time.

For him

1. Shirt: short sleeve, print or pattern

A short-sleeved shirt combined with a checkered gentleman's suit is unusual and comfortable.

And lovers of classic dark suits can diversify their appearance with a light-colored shirt or even a T-shirt with prints or patterns.

2. Bomber instead of a jacket

For many seasons, designers have been betting on sporty chic and coming up with new variations of the bomber jacket. Some of them resemble a jacket as much as possible, especially models that fit the figure and are made from fabrics that are not typical for sportswear. Such a bomber jacket, along with trousers or dark jeans, can be an alternative to a suit.

3. For creative types: more colors

Some of you probably would like to become an actor, director, designer. And he will take a creative exam. For such creative natures, we offer to follow the call of the heart and not be afraid to color the image: wear, for example, a colored shirt with a matching tie in combination with jeans or relaxed light trousers.

For her

1. Capes and jacket without buttons

Who said that you have to wear a very strict jacket with wide shoulders? A light cape or a thin button-down jacket is ideal for spring and summer. Under them, you can wear, for example, a closed dress or a tunic with trousers.

2. Jeans

Jeans can also be worn for exams, the main thing is that they be non-provocative: without scuffs, rhinestones, stripes and other embellishments. Wear them right with strict classic jackets or elegant jackets a la Chanel.

3. Dresses

No girl can imagine her life without a dress, so the exam is not at all a reason to refuse them. The rule is the same as with all other items of clothing: moderation and severity. A shirt dress or a mid-length sheath dress will come in handy more than ever.

4. Creative: a little cheeky

On the Creative Entrance Test, a slightly out-of-the-ordinary appearance may even give you additional benefits. Remember, future actresses, singers or writers: prints or a little decor on clothes, slightly tousled strands and one eye-catching jewelry (it’s better not to risk it with a lot of jewelry).

You have to take an exam, and you have doubts about the choice of clothes for a meeting with the examiner? In principle, such a problem can indeed arise. A uniform dress code for schoolchildren and students is not officially described anywhere. But in fact, formally, it exists. The truth is not on paper, but in the minds of people, obeying social norms of decency. If such a sense of decency has not yet developed in your mind, then be sure to test yourself by reading this article.

First of all, I would like to give a few specific examples. Some universities explicitly describe the rules for the clothes of students, but, as you can see now, there are plenty of people here ... however, in the end, we will still try to come up with an answer to the question "what is better to wear for the exam."

Dress code for the exam at MGIMO

One of the most famous exact descriptions of the student's dress code for the exam is given in the "Rules of conduct for tests and exams" of the MGIMO Faculty of International Journalism. Their first paragraph reads:

“A student must come to the exam in a formal suit (jacket, tie, shirt, boots, etc.). Students in tight-fitting clothes (sweatshirts, trousers, jeans), tracksuits, girls in tops, sweatshirts with a deep neckline, skirts above the knees are not allowed to take the exam. It is forbidden to come in clothes of bright colors.

Here we see a very strict and specific restriction on the choice of clothing for the exam. In addition, it is difficult to imagine that all the girls came to the audience in a jacket, tie, shirt and boots as described here, if you understand everything written directly.

Regulations on the appearance of students and staff of the VSPU

VSPU (Volgograd State Pedagogical University) offers students the following rules:

"2. Basic requirements for appearance (for all university staff)

2.2. Rules that form the basic requirements:

  • business style in clothes means a strict smart look to maintain the image of the university as a solid institution;
  • neatness, that is, a neat, well-groomed appearance;
  • restraint (moderation) in color schemes, shoes, accessories;
  • style (harmonious combination of all components of clothing, shoes and accessories);
  • corporatism, that is, the presence of elements of the style of a business person.

2.3. Clothing of an employee or student should be appropriate for the season, the nature of the training session and the work situation.

4. Requirements for the appearance of students

4.1. Appearance of men - trousers, shirt, tie and jacket are welcome, neat hair, small accessories are acceptable.

4.2. Appearance of women - a skirt from the middle of the thigh and below or trousers, a blouse and a jacket below the waist, dresses with long or medium-length sleeves with a jacket are allowed, a neat hairstyle, restrained makeup, the smell is not sharp or absent, decorations are inconspicuous, small.

  • low waist trousers,
  • open back and forearm,
  • deep neckline,
  • demonstration of underwear (translucent clothes),
  • skirts above 3/4 hips (midi), skirts with a high slit,
  • large and bright patterns, drawings, inscriptions on clothes,
  • shorts, sandals, beachwear,
  • sportswear."

Dress code in VolgGTU

In VolgGTU and most other educational institutions, such rules are not described at all. But it is worth noting that people in shorts are generally not allowed into the Volgograd State Technical University (both girls and boys), but in miniskirts, however, please. And to be kicked out of the exam because of the clothes, you need to try very hard.

In any case, do not forget that if you dressed inappropriately, or even indecently, then it is not necessary that you will be immediately informed about this. Rather, they will simply think something bad to themselves, or, even worse, begin an inexplicable, at first glance, prejudiced attitude.

On the other hand, the rules described in MGIMO and VGPU demonstrate their excessive attachment to a strict business style. For example, in reality, as everyday practice shows, a jacket can be redundant, and classic jeans are very out of place. The dress code for exams in Russian society is slightly less formal and more casual. But here, of course, you need to know the limit, namely:

  • No shirts.
  • No tops.
  • No deep cuts.
  • No bright colors.
  • No too short skirts.

Also pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Clothing must be clean and tidy;
  • The head should be washed, and the hairstyle should be neat and not defiant;
  • Nails should be trimmed and clean, and for girls - not brightly painted;
  • No need to perfume so strongly that everyone can smell it;
  • Ears should also be clean (well, this is already a kindergarten);
  • It is worth adding that you should always carry a scarf with you (just in case);
  • Applies to guys: if you are wearing trousers, then socks should NOT be the opposite color with them (for example, white socks with black trousers).

Finally, here are some tips for taking other types of exams:

  • The employment exam is usually administered by the employer himself. And here you need to take into account a lot of different factors: his age, gender, and oddly enough, the office environment and appearance. After all, a prim, strict lady in a black and white suit, without makeup and a particular passion for fashion, will never hire a girl with a glamorous appearance, on 15 cm high heels and with combat makeup on her face.
  • If you want to get into a cool youth group, first study the style of its members. What are they wearing, what accessories are they wearing. And dress in their own style, but a little simpler, more modest, so that your examiners do not have a sense of competition.
  • In the entrance exam to the theater school, clothes will help you to express yourself in all its glory. Dress as if clothes could represent your soul, inner world. But do not forget that everything needs a measure! Good luck!

A person must understand the difference between a club party, an evening walk, an exam at a university or school, a sports walk, and choose the right clothes for each occasion. Then everyone will be fine. Isn't it a good reward? (the photo below shows a fragment of the exam in physics at VolgGTU)

The opinion of school teachers about the clothes of students on the exam

And what about the teachers themselves? There are results of a good experiment in this regard. It's simple - they took and asked the teachers themselves) The answer turned out to be very obvious. Thank you personally Gulara Melikova (grade 11, school No. 376, Moscow, 1999), for this mini-study. Here's what the teachers said:

  • Teacher of history and social studies: “The main thing for me is that the student learns everything, knows everything at the highest level, shows brilliant knowledge in my subjects. He spoke confidently, beautifully and interestingly in his own words, and not by memorizing tickets corny, so that he understood what he was talking about. And clothing is a secondary matter. True, if a girl with a bare navel comes to me for an exam, I will immediately kick her out. After all, an exam is not a disco where they try to show themselves loved in front of their peers. Here you need to show your knowledge! Yes, and this is just disrespect for us teachers!”
  • Math teacher: “In my opinion, you can come to the exam in whatever you want. There are no fixed rules here. But it should be recognized that for a student who is dressed with taste and stylishly, for this it is not necessary to come in a suit, it is more pleasant to look at and more pleasant to listen to.
  • Director: “Of course, knowledge, knowledge, and once again knowledge is the most important thing!”

In the morning I dreamed of sleet, it splashed like blots on the dark asphalt and quickly melted. A good, restful dream, completely different from yesterday, which turned out to be crazy, crazy. Crazy, crazy Like in the movies.

My daughter called from school, she was writing a rehearsal exam in the Russian language. The daughter was upset and almost cried. She said that the teacher refused to accept her work. Why, I asked, assuming the worst: the use of a mobile phone to refine the ways of matching words. Because, the daughter answered, that I was in shorts.

The teacher said, added her daughter, that I just came to her from the panel. Lawlessness, I thought in rage, the child put on almost knee-length denim shorts, a white sweater, and some bitch, by the way, in the performance of official duties, speaks insultingly, mocks and tyrannizes. It shakes the poor children's nerves, already strained on the eve of damn exams and everything else, graduation and entrance.

I developed activities. I called the class teacher. The class teacher said that she could not cope with a terrible teacher, a bitch in performance. I called the director. The director was disgusting, he listened to me weakly, but he got excited at the sound of his own voice, rather high-pitched. To my request to show a document about not wearing shorts on the territory of the lyceum, he cleverly replied: I'm not going to show you anything. Then he suggested that I also wear shorts and "she's good" (right! right!), but languidly promised all the same that the girl would take the job.

They didn't take the girl's job. It turns out that my beautiful daughter, having met the teacher's refusal to take the notebook for verification, threw it into the trash can. Ah, our family anger!

The teacher said that she respects herself, probably, and is probably not going to check the work from the garbage. I called the Department of Education, specifically the department of control and supervision, some kind of strict department. Klyauzno described the situation to two attentive workers, asking for advice on her next steps. The workers shrugged their shoulders (probably), and ordered to negotiate "on the ground", since the exam is not real yet and everything seems to be not so scary, but they will take control and "send the call".

I drank coffee. I drank Corvalola. I called the director and informed him about the control. The director told in detail how terrible my daughter is, and that children generally need to be raised, I guess. He was dissatisfied with the call he had already received from the Department of Education and specifically the department for supervision. The director told in detail what a quarrelsome unpleasant woman I am personally to him. I thought, and repeated a couple of times the phrase about raising children.

I said that the first duty of teachers is to check the work, and then everything else, optional. I said knee-length denim shorts look as decent as possible, but the insulting screams of the teacher - on the contrary. I said human rights and the court in The Hague (I just really like the word The Hague). I also said something very beautiful, at the prompt of the gentle editor Katya: "I hope you understand that this case will not remain within a separate region for long! I will do everything to bring it to the all-Russian level!" I said, monthly one and a half thousand requisitions for the mysterious needs of the Lyceum, for five years.

The director spoke about modern youth and the threat of the degeneration of the nation. The director told my daughter and the death of civilization. The director said there was a trash can and a notebook in it.

I said that the notebook had been in the child's hands for a long time, and he could put the trash can on his head. And perish together with civilization for good.

The director hung up. I drank more Corvalola. The son returned from the gymnasium with a message that he had broken his mobile phone. We packed up and went to buy a new one. The son also reported that he had lost his keys, I think. My daughter called, we consoled her and told her not to grieve. The daughter consoled herself and asked for two and a half thousand rubles for a dress for the last call. She said that the fate of the work is not yet clear, she was taken by the class teacher, the head teacher and some other teachers, a lot.

Attention: the prom dress and the last call dress are two different dresses. We bought a phone, a simple Nokia. Keys found...

In the morning I dreamed of sleet, it splashed like blots on the dark asphalt. I woke up - it was raining outside and it was overcast. But it smelled very good of young leaves and you can always make coffee.