
The husband constantly insults and humiliates - advice from a psychologist on what to do. In a knockout. What female phrases humiliate a man Why does a wife humiliate her husband


Many women strive to show that they are the main ones in the family, using the tactics of psychological pressure on their spouse. Reproaches and endless mockery with or without cause become a habit and are a way of self-expression. Life is boring for such women, and there is simply no one to quarrel with and let go of their negative emotions. Their pleasure is the humiliation of another person, the husband is always in the field of view.

Of course, living under the same roof with a person and not having any contact at all is hardly possible. Psychologists identify one key reason why a woman allows herself to be rude towards a man: if she has a higher social position and, therefore, earns many times more than her life partner. Instead of support, a man constantly receives criticism in his address, a wife cuts her lover every day and as a preventive measure.

What actions should be taken if the wife humiliates her husband?

A disappointing trend in the modern world - the majority of such couples. Many women are simply used to making all decisions for their chosen ones. It is much easier to command than to seek a compromise. A calm and balanced man is ready to follow any instructions of his woman, so long as she does not "saw" him. The lady feels like a commander, because if she does not give an order, it is unlikely that anything will be done at all. At least they see this situation in their own light and will not tolerate if a man does not adhere to the rules they have established.

A woman humiliates a man because she herself has many masculine qualities and therefore she suppresses her partner. On a subconscious level, it seems to her that humiliation will allow her to suppress the male in herself, but in the end everything turns out exactly the opposite. How to get out of this vicious circle? Only feelings and the very balance of the balance of the feminine and masculine in oneself will help in such a situation. Instead of taking and understanding this imbalance that is present, a person begins to criticize and actively express his emotions in order to quickly get rid of the energy of the collision of two opposites inside.

How to save a relationship?

Is it possible to somehow come to an understanding and find a way out of this situation? Partners simply do not understand each other, they speak different languages, neglecting the desires of the second half. What kind of respect are we talking about? But it all starts with him! Over the years, a man spends more and more time at home, preferring to watch football on TV and buy beer. This infuriates a woman, and she arranges regular tantrums about this - and again everything is in a circle.

Enough to endure it: the man defends his point of view

It is not worth continuing to remain silent, it is necessary to gather your thoughts and act. You are unlikely to succeed in remaking a person, but you always need to talk about the problem. By revealing your vectors, you will gradually learn more facets of similarity and difference, and you can play well on this contrast. If the second half has a desire, you can go to an appointment with a psychologist who will help you sort out all your experiences and unravel this emotional tangle. You should make a good habit: just spend more time alone with each other, please with surprises and small gifts. Maybe your wife just lacks attention, and she is trying to piss off a harsh man who rarely speaks words of love and so often keeps all his emotions under control.

It's never too late to reconsider your own behavior, because none of us are perfect, and it's easier to complain to friends about your woman than to do something. It's easier to run away from the problem for years, but this snowball accumulates and very soon it will cover you headlong, like an avalanche. Watch your wife, she probably lacks hobbies, girlfriends, something new and bright in her life. Try to push her to this thought and see how a woman will change next to you, who until recently fought in hysterics, sprinkled you with curses and sent you on all four sides.

Remember one thing: nothing can be perfect, and relationships in a couple are always built differently. Someone is always cold and distant, others have endless passions, and there are those who have prescribed the conditions of their interaction in the marriage contract. Relationships in couples are different, but first of all, there should be respect and awareness that you are doing something wrong. It is never too late to find the right words and just apologize, remember this when you once again start a scandal, or vice versa, silently listen to your wife in the kitchen.

Often, women have the question of what to do if the husband constantly insults and humiliates, the advice of a psychologist in this situation will help to cope with the problem. When entering into marriage, a woman wants to be loved, to create comfort in the house, to give birth and raise worthy children. But it happens that a person who was cute yesterday turns out to be a monster today, from whose lips abuse constantly flies.

The wife feels humiliated, tries to find flaws in herself, eliminate them, treat her husband more kindly, but this does not work. Humiliation and insults continue to pour out of his mouth, often the situation comes to assault.

She would take it and leave, but the children are already growing up, and her husband is still beloved. What to do in such a situation, forgive and wait until he comes to his senses and changes, or pack up and leave an inhospitable home?

Love without guarantees from a man humiliates and offends a woman.
Sunday Adelaja

Reasons why a husband humiliates his wife

There are several reasons for constant humiliation and insults, and a different approach to their solution is required.

Here are the main reasons why a husband may insult and humiliate his wife:

  • Warm feelings for his wife have already passed, but love needs support, the feelings themselves gradually cool down, and the moment of cooling comes for any couple. If during this period you try to strengthen relations, they will be restored, but both spouses must work. If for some of them this stage means nothing, problems are not far off.
  • Husband took a mistress. In this situation, it is more convenient for him to humiliate and insult his wife in order to force her to leave first and file for divorce. So a man unties his hands and frees up territory for new relationships, in which he has already plunged headlong.
  • A man no longer respects his wife. There are several reasons, one of which is the wife's maternity leave. During this period, many ladies do not take care of themselves, they are only busy with a child and do not pay attention to their husband, which he requires. His wife just annoys him now.
  • A man's self-esteem is very low, thus he raises her, humiliating the woman.
  • The woman herself treats her husband disrespectfully, totally controls him, constantly asks where and why he went, when he will be at home, rummages through his phone, rummages through things, rummages in his pockets.
  • A woman is afraid to aggravate the situation even more, so she silently takes down the indecent behavior of a man. Among the main reasons: she has nowhere to go or she is heavily dependent on him financially.

Psychologist's advice is simple: if this happened for the first time, then you need to calmly ask your husband not to talk to her in such a tone anymore, otherwise the “conversation” will have to be stopped. The reasons for rudeness on the part of the husband can be anything, but he must control himself, so you should not silently respond to his insulting expressions.

You can tell your husband about feelings, about love, that such words hurt the soul and are very unpleasant. Communicate that you can change something, change yourself, but together, and if there is a problem, you need to voice it tactfully, find a way out together.

It happens that a husband does not want to react in any way to his wife’s words, does not want to change anything in himself, then this is a reason for a woman to think about whether she needs just such a relationship, and what more radical measures she is ready to take.

But, when the question of what to do is acute, if the husband constantly insults and humiliates, then this may be a temporary or permanent separation - a divorce.

If only insults are heard from the husband, will it be better later?

When a man constantly calls his woman offensive words, finds fault with her for any reason, this does not mean that she is bad and he is trying to correct her.

The reason may not be immediately noticeable, and a woman will never change the way he wants. The couple has not been married for the first day, while the wife has not become worse, there are children and she takes care of them. In such a situation, the reason lies in the husband himself.

He may be dissatisfied with himself, his own career, salary, the team may dislike him. But he does not want to look for the reason in himself, to change himself, to correct the situation, it is much easier to break away at home on his wife. A wife can point out to her husband his own mistakes, failures, but there is no way out, you can only aggravate the situation, make him more angry.

You can take two steps:

  1. Pack up and leave it.
  2. Wait until he realizes the reason on his own. But in this case, you can waste many years in vain.
If a husband abuses alcohol, becomes cheeky and aggressive after drinking, you do not need to comfort yourself that he does this only when he is drunk. In the future, cases of drunken rudeness will become more frequent and last longer. As a result, they can turn into physical violence, since each time the husband will go further and further in his obscenities. And the reason here is not at all in alcohol, just in a sober state, a man may well keep his emotions and feelings under control.

If he has reached the point where he can humiliate his wife in front of strangers, in front of children, then the situation will not get better. It is convenient for him to solve his own psychological problems in this way. You will either have to endure, or take radical measures, that is, move away from it.

A man wants to feel superior to the victim, if you do not stop this, you can no longer remember your own name in the future, but he will call you whatever you like, and always insultingly. If, when trying to change the situation in this case, the husband does not draw conclusions, there is no need to call him names in response, he will not change.

What to do if the husband beats?

If the husband raised his hand, is he a scoundrel or a worthy man? Many women think that this is the manifestation of true love. But if this is a problem, and the husband constantly humiliates, insults and beats his wife, and even with a child, then what to do? The problem is that the man in this case does not feel any remorse.

He believes that she herself is to blame, finished. He's had a hard day at work, and she's on hand. Or had a nice talk with a neighbor, get it! Nothing to flirt with.

Some men regard beatings as the last argument to "convince" their wife that she is behaving wrong from his point of view. You can find fault with everything, even the fact that the wrong slippers were filed at the doorstep. Unfortunately, such behavior of men has been justified for centuries, but today a marriage of equal people is concluded, and not subordinates to one another!

Is male authority earned by beatings, and this is male wealth? But often the cause of violent behavior is alcohol, it causes aggression, which has no motives. You need to think about whether you want to live with an alcoholic in the future? The exit is obvious.

The man suffers from an inferiority complex, his career is at zero, he has not achieved anything, neither a position in society, nor a decent salary. A person who has not succeeded anywhere wants to feel like a master at home. If the wife tries to be independent, she will be severely punished, especially if she is higher in the career ladder and has an income that exceeds her husband's.

The husband does not need to look for reasons for beatings, he will find fault with everything. And often raises a hand against children, crippling them mentally and physically. According to statistics, tens of thousands (about 50,000) children run away from home every year, fleeing from parental beatings and bullying.

Approximately 2,000 children attempt suicide each year. A huge number of children sit in a juvenile colony for the murder of their father, from whose violent behavior they saved their mother or saved themselves. And to maintain such a relationship for a woman is already a crime against her own children.

If a woman is faced with humiliation in the family, psychologists give unambiguous advice:
  • To think that the husband will change his mind overnight is stupid - he will not change.
  • You should not show affection, care and love in response to humiliating words, you should not expect a positive result from such behavior.
  • It is also not necessary to insult in response, the wrong tactic.
  • It is also not necessary to satisfy the whims of a husband without desire.
  • It is impossible to re-educate an adult without his own desire.
  • It is impossible to think that such relationships in the family are the norm, it is not so.
If the husband continues to behave vilely, constantly causing mental pain with words, it is better to part with him and find another half. If, for some reason, a woman does not want to do this, she can only accept the role of the victim and not complain that life has not been a success.


A person who has crossed the line at least once will cross it again and again, if for the first time it was under the influence of alcohol, in the future it will be so when he is sober. Maybe not right away, but the situation will happen again. Any domestic troubles will serve as a catalyst for a surge of emotions, and love will go by the wayside.

If a woman is already interested in what to do if her husband constantly insults and humiliates, then the relationship has given a deep crack. But if he has even reached the point of assault, and does not hesitate to do this in front of children, then there is only one way out: to leave. So you can save the physical and mental health of your children, your own health, and sometimes life.

Dear women, what do you think, is it possible to forgive and not notice such behavior of a husband, if so, to what extent, and if not, when should action be taken?

anna base

Every woman, deciding on the most important step in her life - marriage, dreams of a cozy home, children and reliable support in the person of her husband. If she can translate the first two components of family happiness into reality on her own, then the third one depends entirely on her husband. For many, the question arises, how to behave when a husband constantly insults and humiliates his wife after several years of marriage?

Many of the men, even having married, do not want to take responsibility and become the head of the family. They believe that life has not changed, as he was loved, and remained. Only one thing changes in this situation - now he requires attention and care from another woman - his wife. He forgets that she has problems related to work, children and home, which cannot be pushed aside and dealt with only "His Majesty - her husband."

The man's irritation grows and instead of understanding his wife and helping her, he begins to act using available methods. And what could be more accessible than driving a person into a corner and forcing teams to fulfill their whims? Only insults, assault and humiliation. Therefore, the situation when the husband insulted becomes the norm. But is it necessary to put up with this or is it worth understanding why the husband offends and making an effective decision? We will try to analyze the answers in our article.

Why does a husband constantly insult and humiliate his wife - reasons

The reasons why a husband constantly insults and humiliates his wife are classified by psychology in several positions:

- The feelings that the spouse experienced have cooled down. This happens in any family - behind everyday worries and problems, men and women gradually forget how much they loved each other, and how good they were together. That is why the husband always finds fault with trifles. Instead of trying to maintain the flame of love for his wife in his heart, he begins to blame the soulmate and splash out his discontent in insults about her appearance that has changed after childbirth or for other reasons.

- The husband started love on the side. To say directly that he has a mistress, a man can not always. Usually this can be said aloud by men who are confident in themselves and try to live according to the laws of justice and honor. Alas, in the modern world, such specimens are in the minority. That is why the husband begins to “harass” his wife with nit-picking and tantrums, so that she herself leaves him. That is why the husband offends his wife with words: he immediately “kills two birds with one stone” - gets rid of the unloved woman with her own hands and “unties his hands” to start a new relationship.

— Disgust. It sounds rude, but this is really the feeling that many men experience when looking at their “descended” wives. What kind of girl did he meet when he fell in love? Beautiful, desirable, well-groomed, cheerful and interesting. And now, in front of him, a “monster” with greasy hair, in a filthy dressing gown and with a mine of discontent on his face, is walking around the apartment. This is the same reason why an ex-husband insults his ex-wife. He loses respect for her because of the "descended" look.

Dear ladies! Look at yourself in the mirror! Perhaps the reason for your husband's nit-picking is precisely in your appearance and psychological mood? Pregnancy, financial difficulties and temporary problems with work are no excuse.

A woman should always look neat and desirable, and then the husband will not have an idea how to humiliate his wife.

Otherwise, he finds no reason why he once married this "monster" and begins to get nervous. In this case, the husband's nit-picking is quite obvious and understandable.

Have you ever seen couples in which the husband plays the role of a handsome peacock, and the woman looks like him against his background? Be sure that in these families, humiliation and insult is the usual manner of communication between husband and wife. The woman herself allows herself to be treated like this, and she often does not even have the thought, “what if my husband calls me a foul language and humiliates me?”. The low self-esteem and silence of the spouse makes it possible for the husband to mock her with impunity.

- There is another reason why men allow themselves a dismissive attitude towards their other half - addiction. And if a guy humiliates and insults a girl for no apparent reason, you should think about your position in this life. The woman, feeling that she herself is not able to cope with the life situation, tries not to irritate her husband over “trifles” and is silent in response to all his insults.

- Controlling a child is a prerequisite for educating a person in him. But controlling her husband is another matter. An adult, most likely, will not like the total control that spouses arrange. They scour his phone looking for mythical mistresses, look through the correspondence on social networks, check where and when he is. What to do if a husband yells at his wife in this situation? It is worth respecting the personal space of your other half. But no, some even go down in order to hire private detectives. This behavior of the spouse irritates the man and, defending himself, he can stoop to extreme measures - humiliation and insults.

True, from many acquaintances you can hear: “My husband insults me and humiliates me, what should I do?” But few people think what is the reason for this attitude.

Psychology divides the motives why a man humiliates and insults a woman into several types. But whatever the reason for this attitude, urgent action should be taken to prevent a recurrence of the situation.

So, psychologists advise:

- Call your husband for a walk in those places that are dear to you, like a memory. For example, in the park where your dates took place. To the fact that the husband constantly calls names and humiliates his wife morally, the advice of a psychologist recommends remembering your happy moments. Maybe you are "stuck by life" and it is worth resurrecting past feelings?

- Take out wedding photos and remember how happy you were;

Talk to your significant other about the reasons that cause such a negative reaction.. Together try to decide what to do if the husband constantly insults and humiliates his wife (psychologist's advice - stay calm).

- Explain how painfully his statements hurt you. Give arguments in favor of the fact that you are not the same as he says, let him be ashamed of his words. Although, if a man constantly humiliates and insults a woman, psychology gives an unambiguous solution - the wife must become self-sufficient! There are many ways to do this, believe in yourself!

Often, no arguments can force an insecure and notorious husband to change his behavior. Because a man who insults a woman feels a surge of strength and confidence due to the one who is dependent on him and loves. This is a kind of energy vampire, feeding on the life energy of the one who is nearby.

Here is how to respond to an insult to your husband and these are the advice of a psychologist: look for ways out of this problem, but do not stoop to reciprocal insults.

Don't run to your girlfriends and complain about your "bad" spouse

Tomorrow you will make peace, and for friends, he will always be a bad person who "kills you from the world."

Wife constantly offends: what to do?

Psychologists say that a wife begins to humiliate and insult her husband in only one case - the loss of respect. Therefore, in order to correct the situation, every effort should be made to regain respect. You can't force it, but you can earn it. Here are some tips on what to do if a wife insults and humiliates her husband:

Treat your wife with respect, not only in words, but also in deeds.
Do not demand respect with rudeness and force. This will cause an even stronger reaction in response.
Often the reason that the wife is unhappy and insulting is her tacit leadership in the house. When a wife constantly has to resolve all issues in the house, she grows irritated at her husband's insolvency.
Set your priorities. Sometimes a man puts his own interests above others, forgetting about his soulmate. Often, by shouting and arguing, the wife tries to attract attention to herself.

Husband yells with a child: consequences

Your child receives the biggest blow from the humiliation and insults of her husband. After all, it only seems that the child remains on the side of the conflict. In fact, the mother is a protector and when she is insulted and humiliated, her child loses her sense of security. The child receives stress, which can later be expressed in a craving for theft, various fears, sadism.

In a situation where a husband insults and constantly yells in front of a child, the advice of a psychologist gives an unambiguous solution: this should be stopped. There are several ways: from psychological seminars to a complete break in relations. Here the situation should be analyzed individually.

Insults from a drunken husband

Before figuring out what to do if the husband drinks and insults, it is necessary to abstract and assess the scale of the tragedy. Alcoholism affects more often those people who are constantly under stress. Therefore, if your other half drinks, he lacks inner peace.

The desire to escape from reality leads to complete degradation of the personality, when a person does not understand what is happening, where the truth is. If you have such a situation and you do not know what to do when your husband drinks and insults, try to provide him with psychological support and help with getting rid of addiction. If he refuses this and he is completely satisfied with the situation, you are left with 2 options:

Change your attitude towards your husband and accept him with all his shortcomings;
Break off the relationship and leave.

What to do when your husband is abusive?

There is one "but" in solving this problem. All the advice of psychologists can resolve the conflict only if the man also wants it.

Having tried to establish understanding, and not finding a response in your spouse, do not continue to humiliate yourself.

Look for more radical methods. Try to make him understand whether he needs you or not. Break the relationship. Maybe he will understand that you are the only woman he needs. Otherwise, your breakup will be the beginning of a new life for you with another person who will need you like air, with all your strengths and weaknesses.

January 14, 2014, 15:25

Many of the ladies throw insulting reproaches at men, and often do not even notice it. Some women, on the contrary, deliberately try to hurt their partner more painfully and release the harshest statements about him that can bring a man to the highest degree of despair.

What phrases expressed by women are truly humiliating for men, and why they should not be used, says Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Vladimir dating agency "Me and You", family psychologist, consultant on interpersonal relations.

Below the belt

The most humiliating statements for men of all that can be are statements regarding. If, in a fit of anger, a woman screams at a man that he has a little one, or that she is, then, in this way, she automatically knocks out her partner.

According to Kuznetsova, such reproaches are the most humiliating and most painful for the stronger sex, because they relate to physiology, and there is no way to change anything.

“If we start from Freud's phrase that, then it is clear why all negative phrases about manhood are perceived by the stronger sex so sharply. In general, a man considers himself a man if he is capable. And it’s not just that they compare members and show off to each other,. A penis is a man's pride, and unflattering statements about him can permanently put a man out of psychological balance, ”says a consultant on interpersonal relations.

Elena Kuznetsova emphasizes that it is hard for all men to hear nasty things about sexual relations, but some representatives of the stronger sex can adequately endure insults, and some such humiliations can break and even bring them to.

If a man is inexperienced and unsure of himself, then all curses against the “lower chakra” are like death for him. A strong man, who also knows that he can not only with the help of a penis, but also in alternative ways, swearing at the reproductive organ will not be unsettled. But hearing them from a partner is still unpleasant and humiliating.

Comparison with other men

In everyday life, women very often reproach their men for armlessness, “nodding” at the efficiency and thriftiness of other members of the stronger sex, whom they set as an example for their partner. At the same time, ladies focus on only one “golden” quality of the standard, and his.

Classical statements in this context are as follows: “You can’t even drive a nail into the wall, but Sashka repaired the entire apartment at Masha’s.”

Needless to say, such people with a stranger are hardly able to induce a partner to take action. Hearing this, the representatives of the stronger sex in the first minute experience disappointment, pain and resentment. Weak men simply give up and withdraw into themselves, strong men behave differently. Some men, out of love for their partner, after a while still decide on the household feat expected from them. They are trying to prove to their woman that she thinks wrong about them, and that in fact they are as handy as Mashkin Sasha. Another thing is, if a lady again begins to admire an outsider, she runs the risk of being sent.

“A man with character will not allow constant humiliating statements addressed to him. He will immediately comment on them: either he will send them, or he will take into account criticism and try to put together a regiment, in extreme cases, he will hire a worker for this. But if a woman says something like that again, I sympathize with this woman, she is not very smart, ”says Kuznetsova.

Perpetual Loser Label

No matter what a man says or does, it is never enough. , and very often for nothing: “You didn’t make coffee in the morning, I went to work without breakfast”, “You didn’t tell me: “Good morning”, I’ve been messed up all day.”

A woman attributes all the achievements of a man not to his efforts and merits, but to banal luck: “You just got lucky,” this is how the lady usually comments on the success of her partner.

This situation is possible only in a pair where . And from such statements he obviously does not become stronger, there is only an aggravation of his complexes. There is nothing good in such a union for a man. Labeling an eternal loser is not a "one-time action", it is a system of relationships. A woman who has embarked on the path of rotten partner will humiliate him tirelessly until she finally scores.

Plugging and ignoring

“Shut up, I don’t want to listen to you,” ladies often say to their partners. And this is one hundred percent humiliation for a man

“A strong man will not allow himself to be treated like that, he simply will not allow such a situation. So it is capable of communicating with a partner, and a strong man is prone to suppression. Initially, there is a misalliance in the pair, ”says Kuznetsova.

She explains that a man with character simply does not get along with a woman who tries to shut his mouth. Especially in such a hard form. Joint life with an imperious bitch is possible only for whom one can only sympathize.

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the Me and You dating agency, family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35.

Clarification of relations with outsiders

It doesn’t matter what kind of insults are addressed to a man, if they sound in public, this is doubly and even triple insulting. This is very painful, especially if the man is soft and well-mannered. For him, the public attacks of a partner, even if they are fair, are akin to a disaster.

An interpersonal relationship consultant advises women not to wash dirty linen in public, because, even if insults do not sound, they are still humiliating. The situation is humiliating. If there is a need to express a claim to a man, be patient until the house, or at least move away to talk to a deserted place. But if, nevertheless, they did not restrain themselves and reproached their man in the presence of third parties, you should immediately make amends:.

If you have questions for psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected].

Many men are humiliated by their soul mates, although they are not ready to admit it even to their closest associates. If such a relationship continues for years, it seems impossible to break this vicious circle: the wife is used to raising her voice, and the husband is used to dutifully pulling his head into his shoulders and agreeing with the most unfair accusations. But psychology can help in solving even such a problem - there are several proven ways with which you can change the situation in the family and make your wife respect her husband.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read history carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

Why is my wife behaving like this?

To change a person's attitude, you first need to try to understand the reasons why he behaves aggressively. If a wife constantly raises her voice and insults her husband, then there may be the following reasons for this:

  • The wife is used to doing this. If at the very beginning of the relationship a man was silent, when his wife first humiliated him, then it became fixed in her mind that he allowed such behavior. Even in a dialogue with the closest person, you need to immediately respond to humiliation. A man should openly make it clear that he is categorically against such an attitude.
  • The husband did not indicate his dominant or at least equal position with his wife in the family hierarchy. The reasons may be different, for example, if the wife earns much more than her husband, so she considers herself entitled to humiliate him. According to many women, if a man does not cope with his role as a provider, he does not deserve respect.
  • The wife has too many responsibilities that she cannot physically handle. There are families where a woman works on an equal footing with a man, does household chores, takes care of the children, and the man does not consider it necessary to help her. In this case, it is not surprising that the wife reacts negatively to the inaction of her husband and insults against him are the result of banal overwork. A similar situation can also arise if the spouse cannot cope with the load at work, so she “lets off steam”, breaking down on her loved ones.
  • The husband stopped seeing a woman in his wife. If a wife has not received affection and compliments from her husband for a long time, she may be trying to get the missing attention by screaming and swearing. Men are unlikely to be able to understand how you can achieve love in such a strange way. But women in such a situation behave like children who, being capricious and disobedient, try to attract the attention of their parents.
  • In the parental family of the wife there was a similar model of behavior. If the wife grew up in a house where the mother of the family constantly insulted and humiliated her father, then she can, without hesitation, copy such relationships in her own adult life.
  • The wife is jealous of the children to her husband. If the spouse is a very strict and domineering woman, then the children, as a rule, are more drawn to the weak-willed and complaisant father. A woman, seeing that her own offspring are afraid of her and avoid her, will begin to take it out on her husband, deliberately humiliating and insulting him in the presence of children. As a rule, after such scenes, any child will feel even more sorry for and love the unfairly offended father, which will greatly increase the wife's negative attitude towards her husband.
  • Health problems. Women's health is usually very fragile, and pregnancy and childbirth can further undermine it. A woman may begin hormonal disruptions, problems with being overweight, toxicosis and postpartum depression. All these violations often cause unreasonable mood swings and unreasonable aggression against the closest people.

How to behave if the spouse humiliates and insults her husband

When dealing with an angry spouse, you should remain calm and friendly. The wife will “cool down” faster if she sees that her husband cannot be provoked into an open conflict.

In no case should one stoop to reciprocal abuse and assault - in this way it will only be possible to destroy the family and inflict psychological trauma on children.

Depending on the reasons that prompt the wife to behave in an unworthy manner, the husband should adhere to a certain line of behavior:

  • If the wife is simply used to pouring all the accumulated negativity onto the man, he needs to clearly and clearly let her know that if such a situation repeats, she will lose him forever. In the future, when the wife tries to insult her husband, you can raise your voice at her (or bang your fist on the table) and remind her of the warning. In such a situation, it is very important to show masculine character traits (assertiveness, self-confidence) so that the spouse is imbued with respect.
  • If a wife humiliates her husband because of a small income or failures in life, you need to wait until you can talk to her calmly and in detail. In a conversation, you need to make it clear that marriage should be built on the principles of equality of both partners and respect for each other, and earnings should not play any role in this. The situation can change at any moment: the wife will lose her job or go on maternity leave, and her income will drop sharply, but she will not agree to be insulted and humiliated in this case.
  • If the wife gets tired doing all the chores around the house and taking on too many responsibilities at work, it makes sense to try to redistribute the load. From the day when the husband begins at least daily to wash the dishes, wash clothes or walk with the children (or take on some other business), the wife will feel tremendous relief. She will free up at least a little time that she can devote to relaxation or her favorite hobby. The wife will become a little happier and will stop taking out her anger caused by fatigue on her husband.
  • If a man has not hugged and kissed his wife for a long time, he needs to take care of it. You should not try to hug a woman when she is angry with her husband and expresses her claims - in this case, hugs will be regarded not as a sign of attention, but as an attempt to extinguish the conflict with the help of manipulation. In the future, you should pay more attention to your wife - celebrate a successful haircut or a well-fitting dress, gently hug her when she passes by, kiss when meeting and parting, give a hand when leaving the transport. Such behavior will not go unnoticed - perhaps mutual feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, and all claims will be quickly forgotten. After all, for any woman there is nothing more offensive than the indifference of a beloved man. Therefore, the spouse must try to prevent the wife from even thinking about his indifference. You must always be courteous and attentive to a woman.
  • When aggression on the part of a woman is due to problems with her health, there is only one way out - to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is the husband who should notice dangerous changes in the behavior of his wife and make a timely decision to visit a specialist of the appropriate profile. It is not uncommon for prolonged depression and a constant negative attitude to end in a suicide attempt. The attention of the husband will help to notice the signs of a possible illness of the wife in time and prevent a disastrous outcome.
  • If the wife's behavior model is copied from the family of her parents, it will be quite difficult to cope with the situation. A woman may simply not understand that in a normal family there is no place for constant insults and humiliation against her husband. But it would be useful to try to talk to her - to tell her that her constant reproaches kill mutual love, since the ideal woman in the eyes of a man should be soft and accommodating, and not grumpy and quarrelsome. If the wife really values ​​the relationship, she will think about her behavior and try to change it. In the future, the husband will have to periodically remind her of this conversation if, out of habit, she again brings down a hail of insults and claims on his head.
  • When a couple practices sadomasochism intimately, it is not uncommon for the wife to try to dominate in other areas as well. If the husband is categorically not satisfied with this situation, you need to clearly and clearly make it clear to the wife that she should dominate only behind the closed doors of the bedroom, and in the presence of friends and relatives it is necessary to respect each other. It is important to express your position in time so that the aggressive behavior of the wife does not become a habit.
  • It is absolutely unacceptable for a woman to offend and insult her husband in the presence of children. In this case, it is necessary not only to constantly explain to the wife how inappropriate her behavior is, but also, if she continues to do so, to resort to the help of friends and relatives. If a couple is surrounded by a person whose opinion she values ​​\u200b\u200b(for example, a mother or older sister), then there is no need to be shy about telling him about the conflicts taking place in front of the children. Any person will be horrified when he finds out what kind of example is set for children, and will try to explain to a woman that in no case should one quarrel in the presence of a child. When the spouse realizes that everyone unanimously condemns her behavior, she most likely will no longer risk doing this.

If it is not possible to change unsatisfactory relationships on your own, it is advisable to contact a family psychologist. Modern psychology is able to answer many questions of family life, in particular, to resolve conflicts and contribute to the establishment of harmonious relationships in marriage. Naturally, you should contact a specialist only if both partners are ready to work on the current situation.