
Drawing with cabbage leaves in the preparatory group. Master class for teachers “Drawing with Chinese cabbage leaves. Unconventional technique of painting with beet leaves


MBDOU No. 95

“The use of non-traditional drawing techniques in the visual activities of preschool children. Drawing with Chinese cabbage leaves"

Goal: to introduce teachers to the methods and techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques and their use in working with children.

Objectives: demonstration of methods and techniques for introducing children to the non-traditional technique of drawing with Chinese cabbage leaves. To encourage teachers to use non-traditional drawing techniques when working with children.

Materials: tinted paper, brushes, white and green gouache, Chinese cabbage leaves.

Master class stages.

Stage 1. Introductory speech by the master.

Master: “Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. This world should surround the child.” (Sukhomlinsky)

In preschool age, the child’s process of cognition of the world around him has the character of emotional and practical cognition. A child of this age discovers the world around him, he is happy and surprised by his discoveries, wants to act actively, test his abilities in the practice of his own activities. Visual activity gives him such opportunities in full.

Visual activities are of great importance for the formation of a child’s personality. It develops fine motor skills and intellectual abilities of children. Thanks to it, children can reflect their impressions, convey their mood; preschoolers receive great pleasure from their actions with visual materials.

Drawing using non-traditional materials and non-standard techniques provides a unique opportunity to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers. With the assistance of an adult, they learn to think and find unusual uses for ordinary things. Techniques such as palm painting, monotype, blotography, collage develop imagination. Poking with a hard brush, various impressions, tearing paper, etc. - develop coordination of movements, eye, and fine motor skills of the hand. Children begin to experiment and create not only during direct educational activities, but also during independent activities. They come up with new ideas related to combining different drawing techniques and materials.

Non-traditional drawing techniques are effective for creating expressive images, that is, for demonstrating and developing children's talent in drawing. I decided to work in depth on the topic “Use of non-traditional drawing techniques in the visual activities of preschoolers” because it helps children successfully master visual arts and develops their creativity.

The basis for this topic was taken by R. G. Kazakova’s methodology “Drawing with preschool children: Non-traditional techniques, planning.” I selectively use methods and articles published in magazines and the Internet.

(Showing the presentation)

In my work, I use a variety of materials for drawing: stamps, dry leaves, candles, cocktail straws, cotton swabs, crumpled paper, etc. Drawing with prints of Chinese cabbage leaves aroused great interest among children. At first, the children simply painted over a cabbage leaf and printed with it. There was so much delight in the children’s eyes when they lifted the sheet and saw the image. And then we all fantasized together, what would it be like? Then the children had a desire to create a certain image.

First, the teacher needs to do preliminary work. Ask the children to imagine what time of day they would like to depict in their drawing? Depending on this, suggest thinking about what colors of paint they will use for the background? Prepare the background in any way you know. First, simply paint over a leaf of Chinese cabbage with gouache paints and print it on the leaf. Children will see for themselves what the print of the sheet reminds them of. Someone twists a sheet of paper, someone twists a cabbage leaf, someone tears off pieces of a leaf, and so on. As a result, flowers, butterflies, and fish appear.

If you print a cabbage leaf first in green and then in white on top of it, you will get a wonderful green Christmas tree!

As a result, when children get the hang of it, they will learn to control the process, draw with part of a cabbage leaf or exactly in the place where the imprint is needed according to the design of the drawing.

Stage 2. Basic.

Master: And now I want to introduce you to the methods and techniques of painting with Chinese cabbage leaves and cotton swabs. I invite 4 people to join me.

Listen to an excerpt from F. Tyutchev's poem.

Enchantress in Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands.

And under the snow fringe,

motionless, mute,

He shines with a wonderful life.

What is the poet describing in the poem? (forest)

What would you name this forest? (fabulous, enchanted, asleep)

I suggest you draw a picture for this poem.

Teachers do the work: they paint over the prepared cabbage leaves with gouache, place the cabbage leaf on a blue sheet of paper, press it hard, leaving a stamp. After everyone has stamped their leaves, the teachers complete the overall composition with snowflakes, depicting them with cotton swabs.

Stage 3. Modeling.

Master: Which of the described techniques, in your opinion, develop fine motor skills of the fingers? Do you think it is worth paying much attention to the technical side of the work or focusing on the creative component of this activity? What other non-traditional drawing techniques can be used to depict a winter landscape?

Stage 4. Reflection.

Master: And now I invite you to evaluate the master class. For this I suggest using snowflakes. A white snowflake will mean that you liked it, and you could use such drawing techniques in your work. And the red snowflake means that it was difficult or unclear for you. (Teachers’ statements, questions).

Master: Thank you for your attention. I wish you all success and good luck!

How to draw a landscape on the topic: Seasons. For example, using a beet leaf.

Unconventional technique of painting with beet leaves

Master Class. Drawing landscapes. Summer landscape, autumn landscape and winter landscape

Description: Working in kindergarten, often in art classes we often use non-traditional drawing techniques: in early age groups, children draw with their fingers, maple leaves, cotton swabs, and palms. Well, my work is intended for children in the preparatory group and teachers.

Purpose: such works can decorate exhibitions of children's creativity.

Step-by-step work:

We will draw three works using one technique; in finished form they look like this

So for work we need

1. gouache paint

2. beet leaves are preferably the same size

3. three sheets of paper, one blue

4. brushes and water

5. any fluffy twig can be thuja (to draw grass)

Beet leaves should be fresh, then the prints will turn out better

Place a leaf and the desired paint for a summer landscape on a plastic plate.

We coat the reverse side of the sheet where the veins are with brown paint.

We carefully take the piece of paper and apply it to a white sheet of paper.

The print is ready

And so we print the required number of trees with beets

While our trees are drying for the second layer, we draw a stream and clouds with a candle

Drawing with cabbage leaf. Trees.

MBOU secondary school No. 1

Primary school teacher

Mishina Yulia Evgenievna

Today guys we will draw

unusual technique. And it's called

"Drawing with a cabbage leaf"

We will need:

Cabbage leaf

Gouache or watercolor paints,

Thick brush,

Step-by-step execution

1. Lay out a flat cabbage leaf

Step-by-step execution

2. We wet the brush in water, then in green paint and begin to paint over our sheet. There should be little water, otherwise the wood will be smeared. The more paint is applied, the richer the wood will be.

Step-by-step execution

3. Take our leaves, turn them over and make an imprint on a sheet of paper. You can make multiple prints of different sizes, shades of colors and shapes.

Step-by-step execution

4. Add a trunk and grass to the finished prints. The grass can be simply made by pressing a brush onto the paper.

Step-by-step execution

The trees turned out to be beautiful, very

similar to real ones.

You can also experiment with

colors, sizes, shapes.

Subject:"Winter. Winter forest.” (senior group)
Educator E.V. Gileva
Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”, “Speech development”
Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, musical and artistic, productive.
Target: Teaching children non-traditional drawing techniques, clarifying and generalizing children’s knowledge about winter.
Software tasks:
-Introduce the technique - imprinting with a cabbage leaf and drawing with a cotton swab.
-Learn to press a cabbage leaf to colored paper and make an imprint on the paper;
-Develop creative individuality.
- Develop fine motor skills of hands.
- Contribute to the development of children's creativity when doing work independently.
. Educational:
- To cultivate in children a sense of beauty, a love for nature, for their native land through fine art, music, poetry.
- Cultivate interest in reflecting one’s impressions in visual arts.
-Cultivate accuracy when working with paints.
Technique: Drawing an imprint (imprint) with a cabbage leaf and drawing with a cotton swab.
Materials and equipment: easel, illustrations depicting a winter forest; white gouache; sheets of tinted paper, brushes; jars of water, napkins, cotton swabs; cabbage leaves, snowball with a surprise inside. Laptop, ribbons, “rain”
Enrichment and activation of the dictionary:
Ancient names of the months: gloomy, fierce, snowy;
GCD move
All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other
Let's give each other smiles.
I invite you to take a trip to the kingdom of winter nature...
Guys, listen to A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”:
Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Shining, the snow lies in the sun,
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice.
Guys, tell me what time of year is the poem talking about? (Winter) (I post a picture of winter)
Yes, but winter, unfortunately, is ending, and I would like us today to remember winter and talk about this wonderful time of year.
Each season has its own 3 months. Do you know the winter months? Please name it.

Children's answers:
December January February.

Guys, do you know that in the old days, people called December “gloomy”. Why do you think? (Children's answers) Correct, because in December the sun rarely peeks through the low gray clouds, the days were gloomy and sunless.
And in the old days January was called “fierce”. Why do you think? (Children's answers). I agree with you, because the cold is fierce, the frost is crackling, and the snow is creaking underfoot. February was popularly called “snowfall”. Why? Yes, this month snowstorms and blizzards create high snowdrifts, and it is at this time that the most snow falls.
We learned the ancient name of each winter month!
-What games do children like to play most in winter?
Game: "Snowball"
I invite you to play in the snow, I will throw a snowball at you, and you must describe winter in one word. For example: “What winter is it like? - snowy, cold...” and threw the snowball back.
-Tell me, what kind of winter are we having?
Children's answers:
White, fluffy, silver, cold, snowy, beautiful, icy, magical, fairy-tale, frosty, blizzard, sparkling, harsh, cheerful.
Yes, guys, you are right, our winters are indeed very different. It is both cold and thawed, with snowstorms and dripping snow, with crisp snow.
Poets, artists, composers very often like to tell us about winter in their works. Poets - in words (poems, stories, composers - in sounds (music), artists - in colors (paintings).
Composers in their works convey the character and mood of winter in music. I suggest you dance an impromptu dance to the music of Sviridov “Blizzard. Waltz" and create images where boys will see winter trees, and girls will see snow.
(The children are given ribbons and “rain”; the children perform an improvisation to the music of Sviridov’s “Blizzard. Waltz”. After the music ends, the children sit on chairs and put away their attributes.
Well done guys, you dance great.

Let's admire the paintings
How do we understand that winter is depicted?
What did the artist depict?
What color paint did the artist use?
What thoughts and desires arise in you when you look at this picture?
Guys, did you like the art gallery?
Would you like us to organize our own little gallery?
Children: YES!
Guys, we will try to convey the character and mood of winter ourselves.
Please take your seats
Look, what unusual things are on your tables? (cabbage leaf and cotton swabs).
Guys, today I want to introduce you to an unusual drawing technique. The drawing technique that I will introduce you to today is called cabbage leaf imprint and drawing with a cotton swab. See how this technique is done.
First you need to choose the more prominent, convex side of the cabbage leaf. Using a brush, apply white paint to the cabbage leaf.
We print it.
The tree is almost ready! Then we’ll draw the trunk and branches a little more expressively.
You can take several cool shades, we decided to take blue and also apply it to a cabbage leaf, it turns out very interesting.
At the end, you can draw the ground covered with snow.
And using a cotton swab, draw a snowball. First, dip a cotton swab into water, then into paint. Drawing snowflakes.
But first, let's get our fingers ready for work.

One two three four five, Bend your fingers.
You and I made a snowball. Children "sculpt".
Round, strong, very smooth They show a circle, clasp their palms, stroke one palm with the other.
And not at all sweet. They shake their fingers.
Once - we'll throw it up, "Tossed up."
Two - we'll catch "They're catching me."
Three - we'll drop it "They drop it."
And... we'll break it. They stomp.
N. Nishcheva

Guys, where do we start working? Now, guys, let's get to work and try to draw your own fairy forest. (Children work to the music “Draw”)
Guys, I suggest you put all your works on the board, create your own gallery, and admire the endless winter forest.
Who do you think got the snowiest job?
Who has the densest forest? Who has the highest snowdrifts? Who has the neatest job?
So, guys, what time of year were we talking about today? How did we draw trees? How did we depict falling snow? What new have you learned?
I would like to finish our lesson today with the famous poem by the poet Ivan Zakharovich Surikov “Winter”
White snow, fluffy,
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
And in the morning snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.
Dark forest - what's with the hat?
Covered up weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unstoppable...
God's days are short
The sun shines little
The frosts are here
And winter has come.
(While reading the poem, I throw the cut out snowflakes up)
- I want a piece of our lesson to remain in your heart, and for this unusual magical snowball to please you (I open the snowball and take out candy for the children).