
Scenario of the New Year's theatrical fairy tale Pinocchio. Scenario for celebrating the new year for children “The New Adventures of Pinocchio. The tree won't light up again


Julia Tsedrinskaya
"New Year's Adventures of Pinocchio". Scenario New Year's party in the middle group

The kids go to the music

Happy New Year,

Both hosts and guests

Happiness, I wish you joy

And fine clear days

Look, all sparkling

Our tree is lit

under the green branches

Let's all spin now

To be remembered for a long time

This holiday tree!

1st child: We are in our cozy room

gathered many times.

The music sounded loud

surprising us sometimes.

2nd child: But today is a special day,

each of the guys knows.

This is a holiday New Year

comes to kindergarten.

3rd child: Our beautiful new year hall

sparkles all around.

We start the carnival

quickly get in a circle.

Round dance New Year.

4th child: Look, in our hall

the tree blossomed overnight:

All dressed in gold

On the top of the head is a star!

5th child: Let's hold hands together,

Let's go around the Christmas tree

Let's smile at a dear guest

Let's sing a song with joy!

6 child.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance.

With beads, crackers,

New toys!

7 child.

How beautiful it is in this room

We invited guests here

All the people have fun -

We are celebrating the New Year!

8 child.

Dads, moms are with us

We are celebrating the New Year!

He and adults and children

It will bring a lot of happiness!

9 child.

Will be with us soon

Our beloved Santa Claus,

He won't forget anyone.

Will bring gifts.

10 child.

And today is a wonderful day

We'll start a round dance

Let's sing a song together

Hello, hello New Year!

11th child.

How good Christmas tree!

How she dressed up, look!

Dress on a green silk tree

Bright beads on it, confetti!

12th child:

Hello tree, how happy we are

That you came to us again

And in green needles

The freshness of the forest has brought!

13th child:

On the branches of your toys,

And the lanterns are on

colorful crackers,

Beads are burning!

14th child:

You are the freshness of the forest dawn,

Brought light into our room,

She straightened the resinous needles,

Light up sparkling lights!

15th child.

Let's join hands, friends,

And let's dance!

Not every day, but once a year

The New Year is coming!

On chairs

V. Guys, today we will all go to the magical forest together, to Christmas tree Because it is there that miracles happen on New Year's Eve. Only how can we get there? On the magical path, we can enter the fairy tale,

But where is the magic path, how can we look into a fairy tale?

Music will now be heard, we will be able to get into a fairy tale!

One, two, three, turn around yourself in a winter fairy tale.

presenter: Presenter (against the background of music).

Old, old winter forest

You hide many miracles

And in magical silence

Hiding secrets in the depths

Here live the heroes of fairy tales,

Their wonderful dream is quiet and sweet,

He can wake them up

Who boldly walks through the forest!

Guys, listen, it seems someone is in a hurry to us.

Appears Pinocchio.

Pinocchio: Hello, here I am! I am a wooden boy in a striped cap. I was created for the joy of people, happiness is the key in my hand. Santa Claus gave me a golden key so that I could open a magic chest, it contains some kind of secret. and what - he did not say.

Shows everyone the key and puts it under the tree. Listens.

Hush, guys, listen. music sounds in the distance

I know these sounds - the Snow Maiden is in a hurry to us!

Music sounds in the hall, the Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys! Happy New Year, boys and girls! Mom and Dad! Grandmothers and grandfathers! Happy New Year!

To all the girls, to all the boys

I confess now

What I miss so much

And glad to see you.

Winter forest in magical beauty,

Snow lies everywhere

He is on the tree New Year's

Shines silver.

How many people are in the hall,

A glorious holiday can be seen here, So they told me the truth,

What guys are waiting for me!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus sent me to check if everything is ready for the holiday (Looks around the room).

Everything is beautiful and elegant, the marvelous Christmas tree stands,

You tried pretty hard to open the doors to a fairy tale!

Everything around is shining with fire, the hall is filled with magic,

With a dance, with a song will play New Year's ringing ball!

V: Guys, it seems to me that someone is missing at our holiday!

Pinocchio: Probably Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden. :(SHOWING TELEGRAM) to hurry Santa Claus, you need to send a telegram. Let's, Pinocchio Let's run to the post office and send it to Santa Claus! And you do not miss us! We'll be back soon (Leave).

V: And in order not to be bored, we need to dance rather. See how many animals are in the magical forest. Hey little animals, come out and show a fun dance.

Dance of the Animals

Children sit on chairs. The cat Basilio and the fox Alice appear to the music.

cat: Oh, I smell, I smell luck, Alice, it seems to me that our old acquaintance was here recently Pinocchio.

fox alice: Exactly, it smells like a planed log, and also money!

cat: Or sweets!

Fox: Look what a tree has grown! Probably, Pinocchio I buried my money here! What a scream!

cat: Exactly! He probably buried a whole treasure here, let's look!

(Digging near the Christmas tree, looking for a treasure).

V: Yes, there is no treasure here! What makes you think! Guys, they won’t just leave, they will still find our golden key and we won’t see New Year! We need to distract them! Come on, Malvinas, true friends Pinocchio Come out, dance a fashionable dance for us!

Dance Malvinok.

Fox A: Something I wanted. You don't remember, Cat!

cat: To my mind. we were looking for something, but forgot something! Guys, don't tell me.

Children: Not!

Fox: Ah, I remembered, we were looking for money (find key)

cat: Look, the golden key!

Fox: It `s that. what we need! Reeling rods!

V. : Oh, oh, what to do now!

The Snow Maiden returns and Pinocchio, go to the Christmas tree, looking for the key.

Pinocchio: Where is the golden key?

Snow Maiden What, someone took our magic key!


Snow Maiden and Pinocchio: Who!

Children: Fox Alice and cat Basilio!

V: Here's the trouble, trouble, what should we do then! Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat are probably not far away yet, let's go chasing them! Come on, dogs, help out! You will catch up with the cat and the fox and take the key from them.

Dance of the Dogs.

V. : It was not possible to catch up with these robbers Fox Alice and Cat Basilio! We'll have to call Santa Claus for help!

The children are called Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: No my grandfather? The telegram probably didn't reach him! You'll have to follow him yourself!

Hey, magic snowflakes, spin in a snow dance, Help me get to Santa Claus as soon as possible!

Dance of the Snowflakes.

(After the dance, music sounds and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear).

Father Frost:

Wow! Here I am!

Hello my friends!

To you, friends, I flew, did not go

I have read the telegram.

Here is a magical confession

I speak truthfully.

that I will fulfill my desires

And I will give gifts.

Happy New Year!

I wish you happiness, joy!

What would you grow and wiser,

They had fun and sang songs.

So that your laughter always sounds!

Happy New Year! Everyone, everyone, everyone!

But what is it?

What kind? (points to tree)

Is our tree on fire?

Not in order! You can not do it this way?

Help me friends!


Come on, tree, one, two, three,

Burn with the light of joy!

Children scream 3 times

The lights on the tree light up.

V: Welcome, Santa Claus, to our holiday. We invite you to the round dance.

Round dance "Father Frost"

V: Santa Claus, we have been waiting for you for so long. The kids want to play with you.

The game "Like Santa Claus"

Children: Like Santa Claus

Here's a beard.

D. M: I have, I have such a beard

Children: Like Santa Claus

Here is a hat.

D. M. I have, I have this kind of hat.

Like Santa Claus

Here are some mittens.

D. M. : I have, I have Here are some mittens.

Like Santa Claus

Here are some boots.

D. M. : I have, I have Here are some boots.

Like Santa Claus

Here is such a wearer

D. M. : I have, I have this kind of nose.

Father Frost:Oh, you also tease. I'll take it and freeze it.

The game "I will freeze"

Father Frost: Well, you killed me!

You should get some rest.

Everyone sits on chairs.

V: Here, Grandfather Frost, please sit down, rest, and the guys will tell you poems.

Father Frost: I'm happy to listen.

Poems for children.

Father Frost: Thank you guys for such good poems about me, about winter, about our holiday New Year. Oh, well done, made grandfather happy! Yes, and I will make you happy!

Come on, Pinocchio Let's take the magic key. It's time for the magic.

Pinocchio: I don't have one.

D. freezing: how is it not? Where is he?

Pinocchio: I hid it under our Christmas tree. And Fox Alice and Cat Basilio found him and took him away.

D. freezing: Oh, robbers! Ah, villains!

Leaving cat and fox

Fox A. and Cat B. guiltily approach D. Frost.

D. freezing: Come on, Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat, give us the key, otherwise you won't be in trouble.

K. and L. : We won't give up

We want to know the secret.

We know that on New Year's Eve

Children are waiting for gifts.

We also want gifts.

D. freezing: Well, then, hold on! Well, Snowmen, my faithful friends, come out, dance, so much so that Fox Alice and Cat Basilio freeze and we can return the key.

Dance "Snowmen"

Cat and Fox are cold. Pinocchio takes the key.

Pinocchio(rejoicing): Finally! now we can open the magic chest with this key. And what is in it! Now we will find out!

Opens and takes out gifts. Santa Claus and all the heroes distribute gifts.

D. freezing:

me boys and girls

I want you to grow up.

A year will pass and we, kids,

Let's meet here again!

From the bottom of my heart I played

The kids danced

And now I'm on my way,

It's time for me to go to others!

I heartily embrace

Everyone, both adults and children!

Happy New Year,

I'm on my way soon!

Santa Claus and all the heroes say goodbye. Leave.

New Year's adventures of Pinocchio for children of the senior and preparatory groups. Scenario for kindergarten

Presenter, Santa Claus, Karabas, Fox Alice, Cat Basilio - adults.

Tin soldiers, Lanterns, Snowflakes, Parsley - children.

The host is at the door.


Everyone, hurry up here

Come to this hall

If you want to see

New Year's Carnival!

There will be masks, there will be dances,

So let's hurry

Let's gather near the tree

To welcome guests.

Everything is ready for their arrival -

Santa Claus gave them the address.

Let's start, let's start

New Year's Carnival!

To the music, the children of the eldest, then the preparatory group run into the hall. They stand around the tree.


Good Santa Claus

He brought the tree to us here,

To us for the New Year

They danced with her.


We all dressed up in masks

We can never be known.

Everyone has turned into someone.

And girlfriends and friends.


Today we have fun:

We are celebrating the New Year.

And everyone who came to us now,

All children. Congratulations!

Performed "New Year's round dance", music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volchina.


We, Christmas tree, have been waiting for you,

We counted all the days.

And here in the elegant hall

We're on fire!


You, our magical holiday,

Gathered around the guys

How fun and bright

Everyone's eyes are sparkling!


Circle and make friends

We are a noisy round dance,

And we are not afraid of cold -

A fairy tale will guide us!


Opening doors for us

To a magical land

Toys nod after

Well, like magic!


Let's follow the fairy tale

Seriously trusting her

And there we will be met with affection

Merry Santa Claus!

S. Yu. Podshibyakina

A round dance “Here it is, our Christmas tree!” is performed, music by S. Podshibyakina, words by V. Donnikov. After the round dance, the children sit down.


Carpenter Giuseppe - blue nose

Once brought home a log.

He began to saw the log,

The log began to speak.

What log was he sawing?

Who spoke in that log?

Children. Boo-ra-ti-but! (Pinocchio, a child of the preparatory group, comes out.)


My dad is the carpenter Giuseppe

On New Year's Eve he brought a ticket (shows).

And such a ticket - to the Christmas tree!

I am happy - there is no doubt about that!

How happy I am, how glad I am

I'm going to the Christmas tree in the garden! Hooray!

fox alice. Who is very happy here?

Pinocchio. I'm going to the Christmas tree in the garden! (Shows ticket.)

Cat Basilio.

He goes to the tree in the garden,

Where it's full of guys! Hee hee hee!

fox alice(concerned). Oh, Pinocchio! Oh, poor cue!

Pinocchio. What?

fox alice. It's cold outside!

Cat Basilio. Mor-rose! (Squirms.)

Fox Alice. Dark!

Cat Basilio. Oh, how dark! (Squirms.)

fox alice. Just look out the window!

Cat Basilio. Come on, look out the window! (Sharp.)

Pinocchio looks out the window, scratches his nose.

fox alice. Suddenly you stumble, you fall,

Cat Basilio(convinced). You will fall!

They speak together. No matter what, you'll be lost!

Pinocchio. But what to do? I want a tree!

fox alice. We have flashlights! (Shows.)

Cat Basilio. There are flashlights!

Fox Alice. How they will go to a merry dance!

Cat Basilio. Such a cheerful one!

Fox Alice. They will dance together.

Cat Basilio. They will dance!

Fox Alice. Light the way!

Cat Basilio. And so you don't fall! Hee hee!

(Officially.) Hey! Flashlights! Here!

Performed "Dance of Lanterns", music by I. Gurtova, lyrics by N. Veresokina.

Pinocchio looks at the dance with his mouth open, the Fox quietly steals a ticket from him.

fox alice. Hee hee hee! Ha ha ha!

Together with the cat. Fool fooled! (They run away.)

Pinocchio sits on the floor, rubbing his eyes. The Snow Maiden enters the door, singing the “Song of the Snow Maiden”, music and words by M. Krasev (“All the animals know me, they call me the Snow Maiden, they play with me ...”).

Snow Maiden. Pinocchio! That's a meeting!

(Compassionately.) What suddenly happened to you?

Pinocchio. The cat and the fox were deceived,

(Offended.) Having stolen my ticket! (Rubs eyes.)

Snow Maiden. What's the ticket?


Rushed to kindergarten.

I wanted to have fun

In a round dance with the guys!

Snow Maiden. Don't be so sad, my dear

(Affectionately.) Call your friends!

And with Pierrot you, and with Malvina

Advise soon!


Hey Piero! Where are you, Malvina?!

Run over here!

Piero and Malvina appear and look around.

Pierrot with Malvina. Did someone call us? Pinocchio!


There is trouble here!

(Sorrowfully.) The cat and the Fox were deceived

And they took my ticket

I wanted to get on the tree

(Confused.) And now there is no ticket ...

Pierrot(decisively). I'm going to visit the Fox,

(Cunningly.) I'll ask them for advice,

How can we make a show

To glory - to the whole world!

Pinocchio, Pierrot and Malvina laugh.

Pinocchio. Well done Piero! Run!

(Teasingly.) And sing a plea to them!

We'll show them all!

And I'll call the dolls! (Everyone runs away.)

Under the soundtrack from the film "Pinocchio" includes Fox Alice, Cat Basilio and Pierrot.

Pierrot. Here, let me introduce you

(Respectfully.) Dance puppet soldiers.

Take a look and say

(Cunningly.) Is he good for the guys?

Performed "Dance of the Tin Soldiers", music by P. I. Tchaikovsky.


And now the game is

You will like her.

Let's play hide and seek,

You, Lisa, must drive!

(Blinds Lisa's eyes.)

Cat Basilio (enviously). I want too! And me!

(The cat is also blindfolded.)

The game "Zhmurki" is being played - the Snow Maiden rings the bell, the Fox Alice and the Cat Basilio walk around the hall, spreading their paws. The ticket is falling. Pierrot picks it up and runs behind the Christmas tree with the children. Fox Alice and Cat Basilio catch each other and shout: “Aha! Gotcha!

Cat Basilio. Listen, Alice, something is quiet...

(Concerned.) They do not untie the eyes ...

Fox Alice. No one... Oh! Where is the ticket?

(Indignantly.) They deceived us again!

Wait, Pinocchio!

Cat Basilio. Wait for it!

fox alice. We'll take revenge on you again!

Cat Basilio. Oh, let's get revenge!

fox alice. We'll still come to the tree,

Cat Basilio. Come anyway!

They speak together. To take gifts away! (They run away.)

The Snow Maiden enters with Pierrot and Malvina.

Snow Maiden.

Without Santa Claus

Snowflakes don't fly

Without Santa Claus

Patterns are not shiny.

And there is no frost

Have fun guys!

Father Frost! Ay! Hey!

Do you hear me calling you!

presenter. Guys, let's help the Snow Maiden, let's call Santa Claus.

Children call Santa Claus, he enters the hall.

Father Frost.

Oh how long it took

To your Christmas tree through a blizzard!

I walked, I fell, I got up -

Looking for a path in the snow.

Sisters - violent blizzards

They covered my bridges.

And put on snow coats

For all the trees and bushes!

Thank you all I want to say!

It's time for us to start the holiday!

The Snow Maiden, Pinocchio, Pierrot and Malvina approach Santa Claus.


How beautiful everything is here

The Christmas tree is just amazing!

And fragrant, and slender -

I liked her!


Let's get closer to the tree

And look up, down,

What hangs on branches

What's so fun about it?


We love the Christmas tree

We can't take our eyes off her.

Tell me you're not cold

Are we bored here?

Snow Maiden.

We are you, green

Let's take it to our circle

About you, green.

Let's sing a song!

The round dance "Yolochnaya" is performed, music and words by V. Kozlovsky.

Father Frost.

So I'm having fun now -

Legs are torn themselves into a dance!

You guys help -

And dance with me!

S. Podshibyakina

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are dancing, the children are clapping, at the end of the dance, Santa Claus “loses” his mitten.

presenter. Santa Claus, where is your mitten?

Father Frost. Oh you! Lost! Where is she?

Child. Here she is, Santa Claus! Catch!

Children pass the mitten in a circle, Santa Claus “catches up” with it. After the game, the children sit down.

Father Frost.

Oh, I've played it!

It even seems to be tired.

Something is hot here -

I can melt all!


Do not melt, Santa Claus,

The wind brought snow.

Snow Maiden.

Girlfriends, snowflakes, fly!

Girlfriends, snowflakes, circle!

Let's dance now

For Grandfather his own snow waltz!

S. Podshibyakina

Snow Maiden with Snowflakes perform "Snow Waltz", music by L. Lyadova.

Father Frost.

Are you tired? -

They danced a lot.

Nothing, we'll rest

And we will read poetry to you.

Children read poems to Santa Claus.


We dance under the Christmas tree

We can do three hours!

And we will not get tired at all -

What miracles!

Petrushka dance.

Father Frost.

Ah, the clowns are mischievous,

You colorful hats!

They danced so well, I'll take you to the forest! Get in the bag!

A game is played with a bag without a bottom (Petrushki climb into the bag, and then crawl out of it through the other end. Santa Claus is surprised - where are the Petrushki?)


Santa Claus, and we have one more game,

You will love her!

The game "Search" is being played, music by T. Lomova.

Father Frost.

Oh! Let me get drunk!

Snow Maiden. Let's go, Grandpa, I'll give you a drink! (They go to the tree.)

presenter. Guys, I'll tell you my secret: I have a magic carpet! As soon as you stand on it, your legs will dance on their own! (Spreads a carpet near the Christmas tree.)

A satisfied Santa Claus comes out, stroking his beard.

Father Frost. Oh, and good water, cold! ("Unintentionally" steps on the carpet and begins to dance.)

Father Frost. Oh help, help!

What should I do, tell me?!

Children. Get off the carpet! (Santa Claus comes off the carpet.)

Father Frost. Here is the carpet! Not simple, but magical! 11u-ka, I'll check it now. (He puts his foot on the carpet - she starts to twitch.)

Father Frost. Oh, and the carpet is really magical! Take it away, otherwise I’ll step on it and go dancing again! (The carpet is being removed.) And I can also show magic. Show? Want to?

Pinocchio. Show me, Santa Claus!

Father Frost. Come on, everyone dance! (Knocks staff.)

Children perform a general dance "Pinocchio", music by A. Rybnikov. After the dance, Pinocchio runs out the door, climbs into the bag.

Father Frost. Well done boys! How well you sang, danced, read poetry! I'm going to get presents! (Leaves.)

A bag is imperceptibly brought into the hall, put in a corner. The Fox Alice enters the opposite door, stealthily, dragging the stubborn Cat Basilio by the scruff of the neck. He purrs, hisses. The fox puts his finger to his lips: "Sh!", looks around.

Cat Basilio. Well, Alice, you're an actress!

(Frightened.) You're always cunning and always lying!

Why do you need me, Alice,

Did you bring it here?!

Fox Alice.

Hush, kitty, don't hiss!

We are in kindergarten.

You see - the guys have a Christmas tree,

Aren't you happy with the tree?

I heard that guys

Handing out gifts here!

Cat Basilio.

At first you would think

Will they give us with you?!

Fox Alice.

You, Basilio, are a fool!

Yes, you understand, finally -

To get something.

Everyone needs to be outwitted!

deceive, take away, take away,

And in general - without asking to take!

We need to cheat with you

To get presents!

Cat Basilio.

How, Alice, to cheat?

How to get gifts?

Maybe better to Karabas

Should we go for advice?

He's so big and smart

Sly, fat Karabas!

If we ask him

He gives good advice!

Fox and cat. Karabas! Karabasik!

Karabas Barabas enters, singing a song.


I am Karabas, I am Barabas.

And I'm terribly angry!

You are on my way

Please don't stop!

Oh how I love to offend

Those who are weaker than me!

And I become day by day

Everything is angrier, and angrier, and angrier!

(Speaks softly to the side.)

And if I get really angry

I'm even afraid of myself!

Fox Alice. Karabas Barabas,

We are very glad to see you.

Cat Basilio.

We always miss you

Because we respect!

Fox Alice.

You are very smart, Karabas,

And please give us advice!


More to the point, say -

What do you want from me?!

Fox Alice.

We want to take gifts

But don't know where to get it?

Karabas "thinks", scratches his beard and points to the bag at the door.

fox alice. Near the door, Karabas?! (Karabas nods.)

(To Cat Basilio.)

There Frost has a bag in store!

There are gifts in that bag!

Those gifts must be taken

And rather escape into the forest!

All together they go to the door, stealthily, take the bag and drag it to the middle of the hall. The fox turns around, pretending to help.

Fox Alice.

Oh! Heavy bag!

You, Basilio, my friend,

Don't be lazy, don't fall behind

Help Karabas!

Untie the bag.


Whose nose is long?

Bah! Yes, it's Pinocchio!!

The fox faints, falls on the Cat.


I am a cheerful Pinocchio,

My nose is sharp

My nose is long.

There is a jacket and pants

I came here from a book.

I am cheerful and ruddy,

It doesn't matter that it's wooden!

Santa Claus enters with the Snow Maiden. The fox comes to his senses, gets up.

Father Frost.

What is the noise in my forest?

Oh, I see Lisa here,

Both Kot and Karabas.

Why did you take the bag?

Thought there were gifts?

But you were wrong, my friend

Messed up the bag.

You wanted the guys

Select all gifts

And for this we decided

Get rid of you guys!

All the children stomp, the Cat, the Fox and Karabas leave.

Father Frost.

Pinocchio, help!

And find gifts for us!

Pinocchio. There is!

Pinocchio runs up to the painted hearth, “pierces” it with his nose, takes out gifts and, together with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, distributes them.

Father Frost.

Well, friends, you need to say goodbye,

Have fun from the heart!

All of you were good!

Grow up kids

I wish you not to get sick.

Everyone to be more friends with a book,

Respect Mom and Dad!

Lyrics by S. Yu. Podshibyakina

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave, the children say goodbye to them and leave the hall to the music.

Victoria Bliznyuk
Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the preparatory group "New Year's Adventure of Pinocchio"

New Year's celebration

"New Year's adventure of Pinocchio"

(preparatory group)

Music sounds, children run into the hall.

Leading. New Year comes in the sparkle of snow, as always its scope is wide.

The stars of happiness have fled from the sky and are shining in festive houses.

Everywhere, Christmas trees in the lights of living and colorful, and around a single family.

Happy New Year, dear guests, Happy New Year, all around, friends!

1st child. The New Year brings us an armful of miracles with it:

The mouse will wag its tail and give us a paw.

2nd child. Will draw Santa Claus on the picture window -

Blue fabulous dragonflies, mountain peaks.

3rd child. In the chest, the magic dwarf will turn his ray -

And the sun will shine in the blue sky.

4th child. Bunnies will jump, overtaking the wind,

The fairy will ride us in a golden carriage.

5th child. The choir of sonorous titmouse will not fall silent until dark,

And the moon will give us a star for the Christmas tree.

6th child. The wonderful night is coming, the airy snow is dancing.

Sleep leaves before dawn, the whole planet triumphs!

7th child. And the gifts rustle - they want to be open!

And the cat is already unbearable: what's in the box? Maybe a hedgehog?

8th child. New Year is a spiritual holiday, teasing us with its magic!

Everyone wants to be healthy, and, of course, cheerful!

The song "A cheerful motive sounds again"

9th child. So the old year is leaving, but it was not in vain -

After all, the New Year will come soon, new friends will come with it,

And a new one, with a needle, our life will begin,

When we say to the Christmas tree.

All children. Christmas tree, light up!

10th child. There are two words, and a new life will begin for us,

When we call the Christmas tree.

All children. Christmas tree, light up!

11th child. And as you head into the New Year, take a little look back,

Wave your hand to the Christmas tree.

All children. Christmas tree, light up!

The music sounds, the lights go out, the Christmas tree garland lights up on the Christmas tree.

Leading. The Christmas tree lit the lights, brought a holiday to the children,

Let's sing and dance, Happy New Year!

Round dance "New Year", on the motive of Amer. songs

Leading. The New Year is coming soon, the whole Earth is waiting for it!

The forest is dressed in silver. Expect miracles this holiday.

Music sounds, children sit on chairs.

Presenter (on the background of music). Old, old winter forest

You hide many miracles

And in magical silence

Hiding secrets in the depths

Here live the heroes of fairy tales,

Their wonderful dream is quiet and sweet,

He can wake them up

Who boldly walks through the forest!

Pinocchio runs out to cheerful music, holding a golden key in his hands.

Pinocchio. I am a wooden boy in a striped cap.

I was created for the joy of people, happiness is the key in my hand.

The turtle gave me this magical key.

And then I found myself in a good fairy-tale land.

To the merry music, he runs around the Christmas tree, he returns sad without a key.

Pinocchio. I carried a golden key, only it kept growing, yes growing,

I didn't bring it to you.

He lies in the forest now, not far from you.

I couldn't find it.

Who would help me in trouble?

"Mysterious" music sounds, Leshys come out.

1st Goblin. Hey Pinocchio, do not worry, we will help you:

We are forest goblin, we will not leave you in trouble.

2nd Goblin. Just tell me where to find the key

We are ready to look for him day and night.

3rd Goblin. We walk through the swamps

We sigh, then we mutter,

We're going to look for the key

You'll have to wait.

Dance "Leshy" (disc)

At the end of the dance, Leshy "look for" the golden key, but they don't find it.

Pinocchio. What a shame! How to be? Who will help you get the key?

Music sounds, detectives come out.

1st Investigator. We are forest detectives, specialists in your business.

We will find the key in the forest and return it to you.

"Dance of the Detectives" (CD)

At the end of the dance, the Detectives "look for" the golden key, but they don't find it.

2nd Investigator. Pinocchio! We didn't find the key.

You ask Malvina.

Music sounds, Malvina, Pierrot, Artemon come out.

Malvina. My name is Malvina! I am Pinocchio's girlfriend.

Artemon is obedient to me, and Pierrot is in love with me.

Do not be sad, the four of us, we will quickly find the key.

Pierrot. Let the children play while we go looking for the key.

Artemon. If the music is cheerful and plays on the spot, well, you can’t resist.

So it's time for all the kids to play.

Game "Dancing Zoo" (disc)

Pierrot. Fun does not come to mind, the celebration is gone.

Who will find the magic key for us, who will do it, who will do the magic?

Malvina. To continue the holiday, you need to call the sorcerer.

He is such a funny prankster, he will pinch for the very nose,

Let him come to us for the holiday.

Artemon. Who is he?

Children. Santa Claus!

Music sounds, Santa Claus enters the hall.

Father Frost. Hello guests, hello children!

I am the real Santa Claus, I brought you news,

That the New Year is already on the way, and will soon be on the doorstep!

Are you waiting for a miracle? There will be a miracle! After all, Santa Claus will not forget:

A gift is put for everyone, carefully packed in a bag,

Tied up, packed brightly, because everyone is waiting for a gift now,

Miracles and fairy tales by January, and that's all I give you!

We go to the Christmas tree soon, I invite you to a round dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year together with song and dance!

Round dance "Santa Claus", music by Filippenko

Father Frost. It was interesting to listen to your wonderful song,

And now I want to know: do you like to play?

Father Frost. Well, then the circle is wider, we start: three, four.

Only you help me, repeat after me.

The game "We will hang the balls" (cd)

After the game, the children sit on the chairs, Pinocchio, Malvina, Piero and Artemon come up to Santa Claus.

Together. Santa Claus, we have a misfortune!

Pinocchio. I lost my key, that magical golden one!

What a shame! How to be? Can you help us get the key?

Father Frost. Well, I'm not at all averse to helping yours.

Hey, frogs, hey, frogs, come out quickly,

Help me, wah, to find the key as soon as possible.

Music sounds, Pinocchio and his friends sit on chairs, Frogs appear, croak.

Father Frost. Wait, don't make noise, speak in order.

To the music of the Frog, the Turtle Tortilla is “taken out”, and Santa Claus goes behind the Christmas tree.

"Dance of the Frogs and Tortilla Turtles" (disc)

Tortilla. Happy New Year, I congratulate you, my children,

Let no evil ice live in your hearts!

Great health, friends and warmth,

I tell you this, children, loving.

The frogs told me the trouble is here, in this hall,

Of course, I will help, I will find this key for you.

Music sounds, Tortilla calls the Frogs to him, whispers something in their ear. The frogs take out a golden key from behind the Christmas tree, Tortilla gives it to Pinocchio.

Pinocchio.Thanks, Turtle Tortilla!

Tortilla. I say goodbye, children, with you.

Laugh, sing out of place

I wish you good health

Three hundred thousand times in a row.

Music sounds, the Frogs accompany the Tortoise Tortilla.

Pinocchio. And to celebrate, now we will arrange a dance.

Dance "Pinocchio" (disc)

To the music, Karabas Barabas enters the hall.

Karabas (terribly). I am Karabas Barabas!

No, it's better like this: I'm a doctor of all puppet sciences!

And I have seven pieces of seven-tailed whips!

I am the undisputed leader! Do not dare to argue with me!

Where did this Pinocchio go, he has a magic key. Oh what is it? Christmas tree! Are you celebrating the New Year? And how many kids! I do not like them, they only squeal and dirty noses! Where is this ugly boy?

Leaves behind the Christmas tree, returns with Pinocchio.

Pinocchio, you have always been a kind boy, give me a golden key, and I will give you a golden bag.

Pinocchio. It is foolish to give such a wonderful key for some bag of money.

Runs away.

Karabas. Hold it! Stop, Pinocchio!

Runs after him.

Pinocchio (returns). Oh, barely escaped! This Karabas Barabas wants to take away my golden key.

Leading. Children, let's hide Pinocchio from the evil Karabas.

Pinocchio sits down between the children.

Karabas (returning). Where did this boy go?

Santa Claus (coming out from behind the Christmas tree). Karabas Barabas, what are you making noise?

Karabas. Pinocchio stole my golden key!

Father Frost. Are you telling the truth, are you lying?

Karabas. Truth, truth! I swear on my beard!

At this time, Karabas's beard falls off.

Father Frost. That beard betrayed you.

"Round dance with Karabas"

Father Frost. Near the Christmas tree

Let the miracle happen

Let evil leave the planet

Will leave us forever.

Karabas. What is, what's wrong with me?

I became kind.

I love all the guys so much

I want to play with them.

The game "Snow porridge" (O. A. Sivukhina)

Two children participate. Everyone gets a basin with fake snowballs and a wooden spoon.

Father Frost. Grandfather Frost will ask you a tricky question now.

Do you like to play snowballs? Do you like licking snowballs?

I do not advise you, brothers, to overeat with snow porridge!

Now we will play - the most dexterous who, we will find out!

At the command of Santa Claus, the participants transfer snowballs from their basin to the opponent's basin with a spoon. The winner is the one who does it faster, or the one who, after the cotton of Santa Claus, has less snowballs left in the basin.

Karabas. Forgive me, and do not hold evil.

I used to be very ugly

I used to be very angry.

But now educated

And so polite.

I, friends, it's time to say goodbye,

Return to your fairy tale!

Music sounds, Karabas leaves.

Leading. At the Christmas tree

No wonder we gathered

Played, sang, danced

And they could visit the fairy tale.

Father Frost. And now, mischief-makers

Individual poetry reading (3-4)

Father Frost. You are a smart people, right,

Everyone enjoyed themselves to the fullest.

Well, now it's time to

Treat you kids.

Have you taken my bag?

Children say what is behind the Christmas tree.

Well then you sit down

And wait a little

I'll go get my bag

I'll find him under the tree.

Santa Claus is looking for a bag of gifts under the tree, but does not find it. Runs out from behind the tree.

Where did the gifts go?

Oh, and my bitterness

There's nothing there!

Leading. Grandfather Frost, let's call for help Emelya from a fairy tale.

Host, Santa Claus, children (name). Emelya! Emelya! Emelya!

Music sounds, a stove enters the hall, Emelya walks nearby, plays the balalaika.

Father Frost. O! Here is Emelya!

Emelya (singing). You, Morozushko - Frost! Don't freeze Emelya.

Chok-chok-chok! Chok-chok-chok! I am Emelya - a fool!

Hello, good people!

As by pike command, as by my will.

The stove is heated to glory, have fun honest people!

Walks to the left, walks to the right, the stove goes back and forth!

Father Frost. Oh, Emelyushka! We have trouble!

Emelya. What happened, grandpa?

Father Frost. I remember putting a bag of gifts under the Christmas tree, but I can't find it. Help, Emelyushka!

Emelya. Don't worry, grandfather. Help!

Now we will return the gifts.

I have a wonderful oven.

I will cook gifts on it.

How would you kindle the oven?

Come on, moms, dads, give what Emelya can do: a scarf, a boot, a handbag for kindling, you can also have some money.

Emelya is served pre-prepared things. He puts them in the oven.

Emelya. “At the command of the pike. According to my desire.

Cook gifts in the oven.

The music dims the lights. The stove “walks”, a flashlight burns in the window behind the red cloth. The light comes on

Emelya. Well, that's it!

Santa Claus, get it! And treat the kids!

Father Frost. Thank you, Emelyushka, helped me out.

Santa Claus takes gifts out of the oven and distributes them to children.

Emelya. And I have to go! Goodbye, kids!

Music sounds, Emelya "leaves" on the stove.

Father Frost. I'm very happy guys

What visited your kindergarten,

I wish you a joyful whole year,

You are very nice people.

Leading. Santa Claus goodbye

Let's all say it together.

Children. Goodbye!

To the music of Santa Claus leaves.

The host invites the children to take a picture near the Christmas tree.

Maria Ermolaeva
The scenario of the New Year's holiday "Pinocchio for the New Year"


Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale

Karabas runs into the hall:

I am Karabas - Barabas,

I'm terribly evil

And puppets New Year

I'll lock you in a closet damp!

Children enter the room (the boys remain behind the curtain, the girls dance with Karabas)

Dance puppet girls (Thread, thread)

Karabas Barabas (dolls are menacing). Come on, jump in the closet, little fry!

(Puppets run backstage).

And I will sleep (sits in a corner on a chair asleep).

Leading out:

Carpenter Giuseppe - blue nose

Once brought home a log.

He began to saw the log,

The log began to speak.

What log was he sawing?

Who spoke in that log?

"Dance Pinocchio" general (children run out to dance in groups).

After the dance, they sit on chairs.

Pinocchio remains.

Karabas wakes up

Who disturbed my peace, who freed all the dolls? And it's you Pinocchio!

Starts to sneeze!

presenter: let's ask the dolls from Karabas, the secret about new year holiday! Dear Karabas, how can we get to New Year holiday?

Karabas takes out a ticket and shows:

This is a ticket to the Christmas Tree in Kindergarten! Sneeze drops, Pinocchio picks up and runs for the Christmas tree. Karabas runs after him and runs out the door.

Coming out from behind the tree Pinocchio:

And such a ticket - to the Christmas tree!

I am happy - there is no doubt about that!

How happy I am, how glad I am

We're going to the Christmas tree in the garden! Hooray!

Everyone stand up and sing:

Song: children sing about New Year

Children sit on chairs Pinocchio remains

Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat come out

Alice Who is very happy here?

Pinocchio. We're going to the Christmas tree in the garden! (Shows ticket.)

Cat Basilio.

They go to the tree in the garden,

There are gifts! Hee hee hee!

Fox Alice. It's cold outside!

Dark! Just look out the window!

Harlequin runs out

Take a look Pinocchio!

They dance harlequins!

Dance: for boys to the song of Harlequin (sit on chairs)

Pinocchio looks at the dance, open-mouthed, Fox quietly steals his ticket, runs away behind the curtain with the cat

Pinocchio sits on the floor, rubs eyes. The Snow Maiden enters the door to the music.

Snow Maiden. Pinocchio! That's a meeting!

(Compassionately.) What suddenly happened to you?

Pinocchio. The cat and the fox were deceived,

(Offended.) Stole my ticket! (Rubs eyes.)

Snow Maiden. Don't be so sad, my dear

(Affectionately.) And invite your friends!


Hey Artemosha, Malvina!

Run over here!

Artemosha and Malvina come out and look around.

Artemosha Did someone call us?

Malvina. Pinocchio!

Snow Maiden

There is trouble here!

(Sorrowfully.) The cat and the fox were deceived

And they took your ticket.

Artemosha: Aw! Now I'm going to Lisa with the cat! He approaches the curtain, barks, the Fox and the cat run out.

children sit on chairs.

Snow Maiden And now - such a game,

You will like her.

Let's play hide and seek,

You, Lisa, must drive!

(Blinds Lisa's eyes.)

Cat Basilio (enviously). I want too! And me!

(The cat is also blindfolded.)

The game is being played "Zhmurki"- The Snow Maiden rings the bell, Fox Alice and Cat Basilio walk around the hall, spreading their paws. The ticket is falling. Malvina picks it up and runs away to the chairs with the children. Fox Alice and Cat Basilio catch each other and scream: “Aha! Gotcha!

Cat Basilio. Listen, Alice, something is quiet.

(Concerned.) Do not untie the eyes.

Fox Alice. Nobody. Ouch! Where is the ticket?

(Indignantly.) They fooled us again!

Wait a minute Pinocchio! (go behind the curtain)

Snow Maiden So we just got to kindergarten

Without Santa Claus

Snowflakes don't fly

Without Santa Claus

Patterns are not shiny.

And there is no frost

Have fun guys!

Father Frost! Ay! Hey!

Do you hear me calling you!

Leading. Guys, let's help the Snow Maiden, let's call Santa Claus.

Children call Santa Claus, he enters the hall.

Father Frost.

Oh how long it took

To your Christmas tree through a blizzard!

I walked, I fell, I got up -

Looking for a path in the snow.

Sisters - violent blizzards

They covered my bridges.

And put on snow coats

For all the trees and bushes!

Thank you all I want to say!

It's time for us holiday start!

The Snow Maiden comes to Santa Claus, Pinocchio, Pierrot and Malvina.


How beautiful everything is here

The Christmas tree is just amazing!

And fragrant, and slender -

I liked her!


Let's get closer to the tree

And look up, down,

What hangs on branches

What's so fun about it?

We love the Christmas tree

We can't take our eyes off her.

Tell me you're not cold

Are we bored here?

Snow Maiden.

We are you, green

Let's take it to our circle

About you, green.

Let's sing a song!

A round dance is being performed "Yolochnaya", music and words by V. Kozlovsky. (children remain in a circle).

Father Frost.

So I'm having fun now

Legs are torn themselves into a dance!

You guys help...

And dance with me!

S. Podshibyakina

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are dancing, children are clapping, at the end of the dance Santa Claus "loses" your mitten.

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus, where is your mitten?

Father Frost. Oh you! Lost! Where is she?

Leading. Here she is, Santa Claus! Catch!

Children pass the mitten in a circle, Santa Claus her "catching up". After the game, the children sit down.

Father Frost.

Oh, I've played it!

It even seems to be tired.

Something is hot here -

I can melt all!

Do not melt, Santa Claus,

The wind brought snow.

Snow Maiden.

Girlfriends, snowflakes, fly!

Girlfriends, snowflakes, circle!

Let's dance now

For Grandfather his own snow waltz!

S. Podshibyakina

Snow Maiden with Snowflakes perform "Snow Waltz".

Father Frost.

Are you tired? -

They danced a lot.

Nothing, we'll rest

And we will read poetry to you.

Children read poems to Santa Claus.

Father Frost. Well done boys! How well you sang, danced, read poetry! I'm going to get presents! (Leaves with the Snow Maiden.)

A bag is imperceptibly brought into the hall, put in a corner. Fox Alice comes out the door, stealthily, dragging the stubborn Cat Basilio by the collar. He purrs, hisses. Fox puts his finger to his lips: "Ts!", looks back.

Fox Alice.

Hush, kitty, don't hiss!

We are in kindergarten.

You see - the guys have a Christmas tree,

here are the gifts!

Cat Basilio.

At first you would think

Will they give us with you!

Maybe better to Karabas

Should we go for advice?

Fox and Cat. Karabas! Karabasik!

Karabas Barabas enters, singing a song.

Karabas (sings).

I am Karabas, I am Barabas.

And I'm terribly angry!

You are on my way

Please don't stop!

(Speaks softly to the side.)

And if I get really angry

I'm even afraid of myself!

Fox Alice. Karabas Barabas,

We are very glad to see you.

Karabas (rough).

More to the point, say -

What do you want from me!

Fox Alice.

We want to take gifts

But don't know where to get it?

Karabas "thinks", scratches his beard and points to the bag at the door.

Karabas There Frost has a bag in store!

There are gifts in that bag!

Those gifts must be taken

And rather escape into the forest!

All together they go to the door, stealthily, take the bag and drag it to the middle of the hall. The fox turns around, pretending to help.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter.

What is the noise in my forest?

Oh, I see Lisa here,

Both Kot and Karabas.

Why did you take the bag?

Thought there were gifts?

But you were wrong, my friend

Messed up the bag.

You wanted the guys

Select all gifts.

Fox and Cat ask for forgiveness, Karabas runs away

Father Frost.

Pinocchio, help!

And find gifts for us!

Pinocchio. There is!

Pinocchio runs up to the painted hearth, "pierces" with his nose, takes out gifts and, together with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, distributes them.

Father Frost.

Well, friends, you need to say goodbye,

Have fun from the heart!

All of you were good!

Grow up kids

I wish you not to get sick.

Everyone to be more friends with a book,

Respect Mom and Dad!

Lyrics by S. Yu. Podshibyakina


Our dear guests!
We hasten to congratulate everyone!
May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you!
May all good people
Not afraid of worries
It will not just be new,
And Happy New Year!

Children read poetry

1. We were waiting for this holiday,
When will he come-
Our glorious, our elegant,
Happy New Year!

2. A Christmas tree came to visit us
And shines on us.
Let our guests New Year
Meet with us!

3. Suddenly fluffy white snow
All paths will sweep.
It means coming
Long-awaited New Year!

4. In a winter hat, in a snow coat
And with a huge beard
Knock on the door at night
Good grandfather gray-haired!

5. He will bring gifts to everyone
on a calendar sheet
Silver will write brightly:
Happy New Year to you, friends!


Let's pretend guys
That we are now in the forest.
Here is a winter meadow
Here's a Christmas tree in the snow...

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Snowflakes"

Baby New Year:

Oh, it's time to rest
And then on the road again.
I can't be late
I'm running to kindergarten, friends!


New Year was going to meet,
Washed for a long time.
Even combed the forelock!
That's how beautiful it has become!


I don't need to be introduced
We will have fun playing!
On New Year's Eve, everyone knows the secret
Heroes of fairy tales come to life!

In the meadow on New Year's Eve
Miracles happen,
Near the fluffy Christmas tree
Fairy tales (children) are gathering!


Gathering to meet
Cheerful New Year!
Someone will give a concert
who bakes cookies!
(The treat will bring)!

I will read a poem!


Bake cookies for everyone!


And I'm delicious jam
I'll bring raspberries.
Well, a bone as a gift
I'll store it under the tree!


We love music very much
We will play today!
Choose the tools
Let's play a song for everyone!


baby new year

I'll rest and run
Even a hat in the snow!
Even though I'm too wrapped up
My nose has turned to ice!

1st Christmas tree

Whole piles of snow
Winter gives us hats.
And on fur coats, on scarves
Throws snowflake stars!

Baby New Year:

Oh, hard road
I'll stay a little longer.
Candles, the main thing to save,
To light the Christmas tree!

2nd Christmas tree:

We are happy with the cold winter.
Thanks for the outfit.
And the blizzards flew
All dressed up in silver!

Baby New Year:

No one here, only snow!
So where does the laughter come from? (looks around)
Here is a clearing, here is a snowdrift ..
Well, who sings here?
What are the miracles
Whose voices do I hear?

1st Snowflake:

We are flying snowflakes.
We are transparent as ice
We are beautiful, we are airy,
We only obey the wind!

2nd Snowflake

We fly like butterflies
And we do not melt, and we do not melt!

3rd Snowflake:

We will change clothes for Christmas trees,
Let's dress them up in lace.
So that they glow at night
And sparkled under the stars!

Dance of Christmas trees and snowflakes

Stars appear, the moon is a dance

Baby New Year:

Everywhere a holiday, vanity,
Peace and beauty in the sky.
The stars are shining bright
And they don't know about the holiday!

1st Asterisk:

It hurts us to hear this.
From above, we can see everything better!
May the starlight not be bright,
But there is nothing more beautiful!

2nd asterisk:

The fish in the sea are so comfortable.
Soar in the sky for birds.
Well, it's not hard for us.
Shine in the sky at night!

3rd Asterisk

For our light to be sparkling,
To be clear and pure
We all need to try
Get rubbed with pure snow!

Well, rub my back!
I am half moon!
But this is a lot
Let everything shine!

Rubbing the moon's back

Be careful not all at once
Let me finish the sentence.
I honestly confess to you
What tickles I'm afraid of.
Enough, I will not become brighter,
Look at the field:
It looks like someone is dancing there.
Even I want to dance!

Dancing baby New Year

I danced and it got hot!
Only the light is too bright!

Song or dance of the stars

The month approaches the baby for the New Year and takes him by the hand

We'll take you into our circle
You are now our best friend.
Come here boldly
Together it will be more fun!

Skater dance


What miracles!
Heaven is waiting for the holiday.
It's a pity Artemon doesn't see
That would have surprised him.
Malvina will also be surprised
This fabulous picture!
I'll ask someone
Show them the way here.

Refers to Magpie

Well, please, Magpie,
It's not that far to fly
Tell your friend and girlfriend
That I'm waiting for them at the edge!


Dot, dot, comma,
I receive the transmission
But if I see, I don't know
Goodbye. Gonna fly Now!


I will wait for my friends here
Maybe you should dance?

Artemon, Malvina and Pierrot appear


Hello, our friend Pinocchio!
Here we are. Bring Malvina.
Running in your footsteps
You are ready to take to the ball.
I confess even glad
Take you to kindergarten!


I'll just fix the bow now,
Happy New Year to all!
I have a speech ready
I want to light the tree!

I'm so cold on the road
Is kindergarten coming soon?
We will go to the guys in the hall,
The ball is about to begin!


Is it true that girls
Are they lit on Christmas trees?
What do you say, friends? (waving hand)
I'll give in to the girl.


And I'll add
I love you all friends!
There is no better garden in the world,
How happy I am today!
Let's call Santa Claus
Let's light the Christmas tree!
Let's stand together in a round dance,
The New Year is coming to us!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden ... continue the holiday