
Second pregnancy and first. Features of the course of the second pregnancy: main issues. multiple pregnancy


Carrying a baby is always accompanied by excitement and anxiety, and the process of giving birth to a baby can conceal new sensations and discoveries for a woman. What are the features of the second course?

Pregnancy planning

Planning a second child is an important and crucial stage in active preparation for conception.

During pregnancy, all the resources of the mother are directed to meeting the needs of the baby, the weakened body will not be able to cope with the stress.

Therefore, most doctors agree that the minimum interval from childbirth to conception should be from two years, during which time a woman will be able to recover and recover from the stress she has endured.

Planning a second pregnancy includes the following steps:

  1. Refusal of contraception several months before conception.
  2. Full health examination of partners, with visits to all specialists.
  3. Introduction to the diet of foods of proper nutrition.
  4. The transition to a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits.

Planning for a subsequent pregnancy is different when the bearing of the first child was accompanied by complications or pathology in the development of the fetus. Observation by a specialist even before conception will avoid the repetition of unpleasant surprises.

Features of the course of the second pregnancy

How is the second pregnancy going? Experienced mothers' reviews are mixed.

Yes, a woman is psychologically prepared and understands what she will have to face while expecting a baby.

Physiological features are difficult to predict, since each gestation proceeds individually, depends on the woman's health status and the time that has passed since the first birth.

How is the second pregnancy different from the first? If a second pregnancy occurs immediately after the first, the mother's body may not feel the changes, carrying a child will not differ from the sensations already experienced.

20% of women note an increase in painful sensations accompanying the growth of the fetus. This fact is explained simply - the muscle tissues did not have time to fully restore their elasticity and are experiencing great tension.

A feature of the second pregnancy is the rapid growth of the tummy, due to the stretching of the anterior wall of the peritoneum. The baby can be located lower than the last time, which will increase the pressure on the bladder and lumbar spine.

A pleasant bonus for subsequent carrying will be the baby's movements a few weeks earlier than the last time.

A bandage will help relieve pain, and additional rest and change of position will help to avoid varicose veins and uterine hypertonicity.

The second pregnancy differs from the first in the duration and size of the fetus. Labor activity begins at 38-39 weeks, and the born baby weighs 300-500 grams more than the first-born (the female body is already adapted and can create the most comfortable conditions for the growth and development of the child).

Second pregnancy and features of childbirth

The main feature of the delivery of the second pregnancy is the duration of the process.

The fact is that the muscle tissue remembers previous events and is rebuilt to accommodate the child's passage faster.

The first labor activity lasts 12-15 hours, while most of the time is occupied by the opening of the cervix, the birth of the second child takes from 6 to 9 hours.

The decrease in duration is due to the rapid opening of the cervix, accompanied by intense contractions.

Therefore, the opinion about the painlessness of labor activity the second time is erroneous. The muscles of the woman's vagina are more developed and elastic, allowing the child to pass through the birth canal without rupture.

A feature of the second delivery is the mother's experience.

The process of the appearance of the baby remains in the memory of the woman, the woman in labor already knows all the comfortable positions, the technique of correct breathing and points that relieve pain.

An unpleasant surprise will be the sensations of the postpartum period - the intense contractions of the uterus are very painful. To alleviate the condition of the mother, analgesic medications are used.

Possible complications

The absence of fear and correct behavior during childbirth allows avoiding possible troubles as much as possible, and psychological calmness and the absence of panic help muscle tissue to quickly adapt to the passage of the fetus.

Complications when a second baby is born appear much less often, and arise for the following reasons:

  • Wrong actions of the woman in labor.
  • The mother is over 40 years old.
  • Breech presentation of the baby.
  • Entwining it with an umbilical cord.
  • Fetal birth after 41 weeks.

Risk factors for a second pregnancy

Among the factors that negatively affect pregnancy and childbirth are:

  1. Inappropriate mother's age. Childbearing age is considered to be between 16 and 38 years old. Conceiving a child earlier leads to difficulties due to the body's unpreparedness for a stressful situation, later - to a difficult course of pregnancy and the birth of a baby with pathology.
  2. A woman's small stature and weight can lead to the birth of small babies or a difficult course of labor with a large baby.
  3. The excess weight of the mother will not only increase the load on the pregnant woman's body, but also negatively affect the development of the child.
  4. A second pregnancy a year after childbirth is dangerous for the mother and the child; an insolvent suture can burst at any time.
  5. A stillbirth or a woman's history of stillbirth indicates the presence of high risks. In such cases, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor long before conception.
  6. Chronic diseases of a pregnant woman endanger the baby throughout the pregnancy.

Tell the gynecologist all the comprehensive information about the past illnesses, genetic characteristics and nuances of the first pregnancy. With detailed information, the doctor will be able to take measures to prevent negative consequences and reduce the influence of risk factors.

Rebirth after cesarean section

Pregnancy and childbirth after cesarean section have their own characteristics. For the safe bearing and birth of a baby, doctors recommend refraining from conceiving for three years after the operation. The main risk is rupture of the uterine scar, leading to the death of not only the baby, but also the mother.

The birth of a baby naturally after an abdominal delivery is not always possible, much depends on the reasons for the operation, the location of the incision and the degree of tissue repair.

Natural childbirth with incomplete recovery of the maternal body is a big risk, therefore, do not neglect the doctor's recommendations, they will avoid many complications.

A repeated cesarean does not cause much harm to the mother or the fetus, the use of gentle anesthesia will significantly facilitate the postoperative period, and early delivery will allow a woman to save a lot of energy.

Psychological preparation of the first child

The main difference between the second pregnancy is that now you are expecting a baby in three. Psychological preparation for the birth of a second child plays an important role, because right now the further relationships of children are developing. The realization that a child is not the only one for his parents is painful.

The main task of adults is to correctly approach the solution of the issue and adhere to the following rules:

  • It is advisable to start talking about brothers / sisters even before the conception of the second child, the more time it takes to prepare the eldest, the easier.
  • In conversations with a child, it is necessary to discuss the positive aspects of the birth of a second baby.
  • The best adaptation will be involvement in the process of preparing for birth, choose together a name for the unborn baby.
  • There is no need to answer unasked questions in advance and tell the child that he will not notice the lack of love, affection and attention from parents. Such conversations will only alert the child.
  • Let your child care for the younger brother / sister.
  • Do not raise your voice if your toddler has done something wrong or inadvertently caused discomfort to a younger child.


How is a second pregnancy different? Features of its course affect mainly quantitative indicators (duration, weight of the baby, transience of labor). Feelings of a woman, her well-being and morale are individual.

To prevent the development of fetal pathologies, pregnancy without complications, it is necessary to carefully plan the conception of a second baby, be under the supervision of the attending physician and believe only in the best pregnancy outcome.

Video: Fetal movement during the second pregnancy

Many women who have already become mothers are interested in the question - will the second pregnancy differ from the first, and if so, then how? There are still differences, but a woman should not worry about this. If she has no health problems, then the second pregnancy will be easier than the first. Perhaps the reason for this is the experience of the body, which he received during the first pregnancy. After all, as you know, cells and organs have memory.

It is worth planning a second pregnancy 2-5 years after the first. During this period, a woman's body is able to fully recover and gain strength after the process of bearing a child, childbirth and lactation.

Features of the second pregnancy

The second pregnancy has a number of distinctive features, namely:

  • It's easier to spot... After pregnancy, the uterus does not contract to its original size, but is in a slightly enlarged state. This leads to the fact that with the onset of pregnancy, the abdomen increases by 1-1.5 months. before. In this case, the expectant mother may earlier feel the movement of the fetus in the womb. If during the first bearing of a child, movement can be felt only at 5 months, then at the second - closer to 4 months of pregnancy. Perhaps the reason for this is that the expectant mother already has an idea of ​​how such movement manifests itself.
  • Different location of the abdomen... The second pregnancy is characterized by its lower location. After the first pregnancy, the muscles and ligaments in the abdomen stretch and become weaker. As a result, they can no longer support the fetus as it was during the first pregnancy. This feature has both positive and negative consequences. On the positive side, the woman will not experience major digestive problems, and the breathing process will not be difficult. The negative side is the increased frequency of urination and increased stress on the lower back. In order to reduce this load, it is necessary to use a bandage designed for pregnant women. It will allow not only to relax the back, but also prevent the development of increased uterine tone in a pregnant woman. In this case, a special set of exercises for the spine should be performed, before that, having coordinated them with a doctor.
  • Rapid reaction of the mammary glands. This manifests itself in the form of an increase in their size, the appearance of pain and discomfort. The skin around the nipples becomes rough.
  • Strengthening the sense of smell. There is an immediate reaction to certain pungent odors and food.
  • Increased fatigue. It is caused by the fact that the woman's body is biologically “worn out” after the first pregnancy and does not have the capabilities that it had before.

Signs of a second pregnancy

The second pregnancy has almost the same standard features as the first. Noticing them, a woman can find out about her situation. These include:

  • bloody issues;
  • pain and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

As medical practice shows, in some women, the symptoms of a second pregnancy did not differ at all from the first. At the same time, there are women who, during their second pregnancy, discovered new, unusual signs for themselves.

Benefits of a second pregnancy over a first

According to statistics, second births are easier and faster. The reason for this is that the cervix and the muscles around the vagina are more elastic after the first birth. In this case, the process of cervical dilatation takes about 6-8 hours. But, along with this, "false contractions" can occur from time to time. When the position of the body changes, they usually disappear within 10 minutes. If, after this time, the contractions have not passed, then this is a sure sign of the beginning of the childbirth process.

Perhaps many people think that a second pregnancy is easier and more understandable for a woman. Allegedly, all this has already been passed and now there will be no worries and fears. However, this is not the case.

With the bearing of a second baby, many questions come and there may be even more of them than the first time due to age, existing chronic diseases, breastfeeding of the first child and many others.

Therefore, do not think that the second pregnancy will proceed in the same way as the first. Each new pregnancy is a different pregnancy.

When to plan?

Regardless of whether the woman's first pregnancy or the second, it is always better if this pregnancy is planned. Particular attention should be paid to those mothers whose previous pregnancy and childbirth were associated with all sorts of problems, because knowing about the possibility of the onset of pathologies, they can be identified and eliminated in advance.

The advantage of planning also lies in the fact that you can try, in varying probability, to guess the desired gender, because it is so good when there is both a knight and a princess in the family.

The maternity guides say that, for medical reasons, it is best to plan a second pregnancy 2-3 years after the first. It is during this period that the woman's body has time to recover enough after the first birth and breastfeeding.

When to register?

One of the main mistakes of getting pregnant a second time is late registration. Registration is recommended no later than 14 weeks of pregnancy. At such times, doctors need to conduct an ultrasound examination.

An ultrasound scan should reveal: whether the pregnancy is ectopic; whether the fetus is developing normally; whether the unborn child has delays and developmental defects. The sooner this is done, the greater the chances of improving the situation.

Differences in the second pregnancy

The second pregnancy differs from the first in a calmer psychological state of the woman. However, the possibility of complications in re-birth can be a cause for concern.

During repeated pregnancy, due to the stretching of the abdominal muscles, the tummy will appear earlier and lower. The woman is likely to feel the first movements of the child earlier. It is possible that the back pain will be more severe also due to the previous muscle strain. But repeated contractions and childbirth, most likely, will be about 2-3 times shorter, because the uterus has already been "trained".

But false contractions are possible. The likelihood of problems accompanying pregnancy (varicose veins, toxicosis, constipation, edema) does not decrease or increase. And it is impossible to say whether everything will be the same as the first time or otherwise.

If the second birth occurs a year after the first, then most likely they will pass quickly, if not rapidly. The fact is that the mother's brain remembers the pattern of childbirth for a while. If these neural connections persist until the second child is born, then the process proceeds as if along a knurled one.

If childbirth takes place many years after the first pregnancy, then the woman by this time forgets almost everything and therefore the birth takes place with her, as for the first time.

Symptoms of pregnancy with a second child, childbirth

The signs of the second pregnancy, as well as the first, are similar. As a rule, this is a delay in menstruation, frequent urination and early toxicosis. However, repeated conception has its own characteristics, which not everyone knows about.

If at least 2 years have passed between pregnancies, then most likely everything will go in the same way and even better. By this time, the menstrual cycle will have time to recover and the delay after fertilization will make it clear that conception has occurred.

If the pregnancy with the second child happened during the course of several months after the first birth, then the woman may not even know about it until the first movement of the baby. Experienced doctors warn patients against such situations and strongly recommend contraception. Among women, there is an opinion that breastfeeding insures against conception. However, this is not the case and pregnancy occurs quite often in the postpartum period.

In this case, the woman has a panic, because she now feels tired, both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, some young mothers decide to have an abortion, thinking that the fetus will not be able to fully develop. Doctors, however, do not consider such a repeated pregnancy as an indication for abortion. The only difficulty will be in raising two babies that require full attention. In practice, this is comparable to raising twins.

Features of childbirth during the second pregnancy:

  • The opening of the uterus in the second pregnancy is faster. In the first birth, this process takes up to 12 hours, and in the second, the maximum is 8 hours.
  • The internal and external pharynx open at the same time during the second birth, so the sensations can be more intense.
  • The contraction is less painful, but more active.
  • The baby's passage through the birth canal is easier, since the firstborn made the walls of the cervix more elastic.

Stirring the baby during the second pregnancy

Whatever the pregnancy, a woman will always experience this exciting expectation of the first stir. During the gestation of the first child, this important event occurs at about 20 weeks of gestation with the second child. In cases with a second pregnancy, movement is felt a little earlier.

Recall that movement is considered to be the movement of the fetus felt by the mother from the outside. This is possible only when the child reaches a certain size, when he is already becoming strong enough. Before that, the baby also moves and can in rare cases touch the walls of the uterus, but it is impossible to feel this, but can only be observed during the ultrasound procedure.

The beginning of the baby's movements during the second pregnancy cannot be accurately determined. The fact is that it strongly depends on the development criteria, because the growth and other indicators in babies at the same time can be very different. This is also influenced by individual personal characteristics.

It's amazing, but the baby already possesses them from the moment of birth. A more active, playful child begins to stir earlier than a melancholic and dreamy one. At the same time, doctors still determine the period when the second child will make itself felt. This time falls on 16-24 weeks. This may happen earlier. In the second pregnancy, a woman already better understands the processes occurring in her body and knows how to correctly interpret them.

Second pregnancy: "I don't want a baby"

After the woman's body has fulfilled its main function - it has brought a new person into the world, it recovers and rests. Now the main task is to take care of the baby and the manifestation of the maternal instinct. The phrase in my head “I don’t want a baby” during the second pregnancy sounds quite often and the reasons for this may be different. Basically, these are fears.

One of the most common is the fear that there will not be enough strength to raise two babies and give them everything they need financially. Another fear is associated with the firstborn. At the birth of the second, he will have to take away some of his mother's attention. In such situations, the older child may feel jealous, worried, and even angry.

Another area of ​​concern concerns your own health and the upcoming birth. Many women do not want a second pregnancy due to their reluctance to experience birth pain again.

Be that as it may, all these doubts are dispelled after gaining another child. Problems that seemed insoluble before are solved by themselves. Of course, it is better to plan pregnancy, but if this has already happened, then you need to tune in and follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist, then the pregnancy and childbirth will be successful.

Second pregnancy: the child is a year old

A one-year-old baby requires maximum attention and control. As a rule, at this time he is just beginning to walk, which means that the moment of intensive knowledge of the world comes. Mom gets very tired during this period. It is possible to take time for oneself only when the baby is asleep, and there are still so many household chores.

The second pregnancy does not fit into this busy schedule. This, first of all, should be understood by loved ones and help the pregnant woman by providing time for rest and sleep. Some reorganization in the distribution of responsibilities will set the stage for the arrival of a new family member, which will prevent interpersonal problems in the future.

As for the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the average recovery period (2-3 years after the appearance of the first baby) has not yet ended. That is why a pregnant woman should take seriously the recommendations of the gynecologist and follow all the prescriptions. In this case, childbirth is faster and easier, because the body still remembers the pattern of its course.


Considering that the muscles and spine have already undergone the labor load once, while carrying a second pregnancy, it is better to wear a bandage (from about 20 weeks), try not to lift anything heavy, not bend over unnecessarily, rest more, sleep on your side. For any pregnancy, no matter how good you feel, go through all the necessary research.

Under special supervision of specialists are women who are pregnant for the second time, whose history includes any serious problems with the kidneys or heart.

If the first pregnancy was accompanied by an exacerbation of chronic diseases, then the second will be burdened with additional studies and analyzes.

With Rh-conflict between father and mother, the observation of a second pregnancy is also enhanced. Timely administration of antibodies, passing the necessary tests and other medical procedures will help prevent possible negative consequences.

Author of the publication: Anastasia Druzhinina 

Congratulations on your second pregnancy! This is how you are going to become a mom for the second time! Motherhood is a truly amazing feeling. You are probably now very interested in how your second pregnancy will differ from the first. Now that your body is older, you are probably worried about the possibility of complications. We invite you to familiarize yourself with what to expect during your second pregnancy, and some precautions you need to take to ensure that everything goes well.

Changes in the body and body, different from the changes during the first pregnancy.

You may have less severe toxicosis, although this is not the rule. You are likely to experience varicose veins, hemorrhoids and bladder incontinence again.

You may get tired this time. You may not be able to rest this time as well as the first time, since you still need to take care of the first child. The pelvic joints may hurt more. Now you need to carefully monitor your own posture, and lie on your side while sleeping.

Perhaps the belly will appear earlier than the previous time. Last time you already had the walls of the womb stretched, so this time the muscles are more elastic. Sometimes, signs of pregnancy appear a second time before the second trimester, around the eighth to tenth week of pregnancy.

For the first time, labor can take up to 12-14 hours, or in some cases even up to 20 hours. However, the second time, the delivery time is often much shorter. The muscles of the cervix expand faster, by about 1.5 centimeters per hour, versus 1.2 centimeters in the case of the first pregnancy. However, if the first time you gave birth by caesarean section, then the second time the duration of labor will not change.

This time, in the first few days after giving birth, a woman may feel stronger uterine contractions. Such uterine contractions are an indicator that your uterus is returning to the state it was in during pregnancy. But the pain associated with it. may be so strong that you may need pain relievers.

Emotional restructuring of yourself and your family

During the second pregnancy, mothers are often not as keen on their own pregnancy as the first time. They need to look after their firstborn, who by this time can already playfully run or go to preparatory school. Plus, now that they already have experience, they worry less. But sometimes mothers feel that they are not taking good care of their unborn child and feel guilty about it. Don't worry, during the second pregnancy, the number of required check-ups is reduced compared to the first pregnancy. Plus, you will have ample opportunity to care for your baby after birth.

Guilty attacks can also arise from the inability to spend as much time with your first child and husband as before pregnancy. You may feel like you are ignoring your older child. Relax; see this as an opportunity for an older child to learn to take care of themselves.

You may also be concerned about when to tell your first baby about a second pregnancy. It is recommended that you tell them this as early as possible to give them enough time to adjust to the thought. Try to spend quality time with them, involve the older child or older children in the planning and preparation process for the arrival of a newborn in the family. Be sure to explain to your child that he is by no means becoming less important to you because the second child is coming soon. Try to give your child the feeling that you are hoping that he / she will take care of his / her sister or brother. If the child has to move to another room or to another bed, then do not wait until the very birth, the child may feel that he is being replaced. Also, consider having the baby nearby during labor in the waiting room.

Possible complications

Weight gain between the first and second pregnancies increases the risk of complications, this applies to both the mother and the baby. Studies have shown that even an extra 3 to 6 kilograms can lead to high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy. The extra nine kilograms can lead to toxemia, eclampsism, or worse still, stillbirth.

Preeclampsia is more likely if the first baby is premature or young, or if the mother has diabetes or chronic hypertension. Symptoms of preeclampsia include pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, proteins in the urine, and excessive fluid retention. In the worst case scenario, it can stop blood flow to the placenta. Moreover, the longer the interval between the first and second pregnancies, the higher the risk of these problems.

During the second pregnancy, hemolytic disease of the newborn is another high-risk factor. This occurs when, during the first pregnancy, the mother has a negative Rh, and the baby in the womb is positive. Some red blood cells from the fetus can enter the mother's bloodstream during childbirth. They activate certain antibodies, which are then hibernated in the mother's blood. During subsequent pregnancy, these Rh antibodies can cross the placenta and damage the fetal blood cells with fatal consequences. This can be prevented by giving the mother after the birth of the first child, a special injection. They kill any red blood cells that enter the mother's blood and prevent the formation of Rh antibodies.

All women preparing to become a mother for the second time, I hope your first experience will give you the opportunity to experience much less excitement this time. The second time, you already know a lot more about what diet you need to follow, what exercises you need to do to avoid all the risks during the second pregnancy. Check with your midwife and try to stay updated on any new tests or medications that may appear on the market. Consider going back to the mothers-to-be courses as you may have forgotten most of the exercises. Chatting and discussing your feelings with other mothers who have two or more children in your circle will also allow you to relax a little. So sit down, relax, enjoy motherhood and happily meet a new baby in the family.