
What you need to know about a sling pocket? Which is considered the most convenient


Today, many mothers have appreciated the advantages of slings. Lightness, compactness, relative ease of use and exceptional convenience allow parents to live an active life, and that feeling of mobility, as well as the feeling of amazing closeness with the baby that the sling gives, they are unlikely to exchange for bulky strollers.

A mother who has chosen this way of traveling with a child can only choose which sling to prefer. Slings may differ in the material from which they are sewn, in cut, in the way they are worn, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular types of sling today are ring sling, sling scarf, may sling, as well as more compact types - sling tube and sling pocket. Unlike wide panels, like the scarf and the version with rings, the last two varieties are smaller, and it is much easier to put a child in them, as well as to get it.

Many people think that the sling pocket is an improved version of the tube sling. In fact, they are similar - only the "pipe" is a strip of fabric sewn with a ring about 1.5 meters long and 45 to 70 centimeters wide, worn over the shoulder, and the "pocket" (this type of sling is also called "pouch"), with the same parameters, it has a special round dart, which bears the charming name "smile".

Thanks to the "smile", the sling pocket has a greater depth, so the legs and butt of the child are placed in it with great comfort, as a result, both the mother and the baby feel much more comfortable. In addition, there are other benefits to this sling.

  1. The “pocket” is a solid strip of fabric, so after putting it on, it does not leave any fluttering ends of the cloth or strings that can catch on or get tangled on something when walking.
  2. When wearing such a sling, there is no need to tie uncomfortable bulky knots.
  3. The adjustable sling pocket options can be “tweaked” in a couple of minutes, without getting your baby out of the sling.
  4. The length of the sling (for adjustable versions) is securely fixed, and the weight of the child no longer affects its length. One-piece slings, even from stretchy fabrics, keep their shape well.
  5. The pocket can be removed and put on very quickly.
  6. It is easier and faster to get a sleeping child out of a sling and put it in a crib than from wide, difficult to tie slings.

Fixation of the child in the sling is carried out due to the tension of the fabric under the weight of the baby, while the sling is folded on the parent's shoulder, and under the baby's booty - it opens in the form of a pocket. Due to such ease of use, it is primarily recommended for mothers who are just starting to get acquainted with slings.

While a sling pocket is a pretty tempting option for young inexperienced mums, for newborns, this is far from the best solution: The load on the baby's spine is too great. Therefore, you can put a baby in such a sling from about 3-4 months, when the baby begins to confidently hold his head and straighten his back.

How to choose the right model

In addition to the advantages, the sling pocket has a very significant disadvantage: it is almost impossible to adjust its size. This is especially true for one-piece sling. Today, many companies produce more ergonomic versions of "pockets", where the length can be changed using buttons or hooks, but the range of adjustment is limited in this case. Therefore, choosing such a sling in size should be very careful.

Most of the slings are produced by American companies, while each of them has size tables differ. So, for example, for Hotslings sling, the size is determined by the distance from shoulder to hip, height, weight, as well as the size of the bra and T-shirt, while in the Azul sling, the size scale is focused only on the mother's weight and height. So you can't do without trying on, and you should take into account that when choosing an unregulated sling, you will have to buy at least two different sizes - for yourself and your husband.

Concerning fabrics for a "pocket", then 2 options are possible here: stretching (fleece or knitwear) or non-stretching materials (satin, denim with a slight addition of elastane, jacquard, twill). Non-adjustable slings are more often sewn from stretching fabrics, "pockets" with the ability to adjust to size provide a more reliable fixation of the baby due to the dense elastic fabric. In any case, you can understand that the sling is correctly sized if its bottom edge (when the child is in a sling) is in the area between the navel and top adult pelvis.

However, if the mother feels constrained and uncomfortable, it is very difficult to seat the child in the sling, and the edges bite into the baby's legs, which means that you should pick up a larger “pocket”. The sling slipping off the shoulder, the feeling of an unreliable fixation of the child in the sling, as well as severe fatigue after a short period of wearing indicates that the size of the carrier is larger than required.

How to carry a baby in a "pocket"

There are not so many ways to carry a baby in this type of sling. The most correct and safest way to put on a "pocket" is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Fold the sling exactly in half along the entire length with a "smile" down.
  2. Pass the head and hand into the resulting ring so that the strip of fabric is worn obliquely over the shoulder, and the "smile" is in the area just below the navel.
  3. Place the child on the opposite shoulder from the sling.
  4. Holding the baby with one hand, bring the other under the sling and stretch the baby's knives under the fabric.
  5. Gently holding the baby, slowly lower it down until it is pressed by the breast to the mother's breast.
  6. Give the child's legs an anatomically correct position: the knees are wide apart and slightly raised, the buttocks sag slightly, the feet are freely lowered.
  7. Tighten the upper edge of the sling, ensuring a snug fit of the fabric to the back of the baby and its secure fixation.
  8. Raise the bottom edge of the sling so that it is between the mother and the baby and goes above the baby's shoulder blades.
  9. Fold back the top edge of the sling at the shoulder slightly, creating a slight twist.
  10. If you need to get the child out of the "pocket", you need to take him under the armpits, squeeze him tightly and gently and quickly remove the canvas from his back.

According to the instructions for the pocket sling, this is the optimal and anatomically correct position of the baby in the sling. If you wish, you can gently move the baby behind your back (for this, you need to slightly raise the fabric on the shoulder and gently shift the baby behind you, pulling the sling over your shoulder again) or on the thigh (in this case, you need to turn the twist of the sling on your shoulder).

Many mothers argue that you can carry a baby in your pocket from any age and in any way, but this misconception is dangerous: in the “cradle” position, the baby's head will be pressed to the chest, but this is extremely harmful for both the spine and breathing, and the pose with legs brought together with tight fixation can lead to the risk of developing dysplasia.

In addition, the sling pocket has other contraindications:

  • inability of the child to keep his head and back in an upright position;
  • if the mother has spinal diseases or serious postpartum complications;
  • too much weight of the child (the parent runs the risk of not holding the baby and getting tired quickly);
  • long walks with the baby.

One of the main inconveniences of the "pocket" due to rigid fixation is that 20-30 minutes after wearing it can begin to dig into the shoulder and cause a feeling of fatigue, therefore it is necessary to transfer the sling from one shoulder to the other at short intervals. However, if the baby's weight does not cause discomfort, and the walk promises to be short-lived, or, for example, you put the baby in a sling to do household chores, a sling pocket will help out a lot. It folds easily, it is convenient to carry it even in a woman's purse, and if necessary, it turns into a comfortable strong sling with which both a child and an adult are comfortable.

What will allow for a walk with a child to do without a stroller, and at home to redo all things without waiting for the baby's next sleep? This unique helper - a sling - is gaining popularity among parents. Slings - devices for carrying babies on oneself - have been around for thousands of years with slight modifications. And today, I would say, they are becoming fashionable.

In shops you can often see a "kangaroo" backpack - a modern product. Maybe he's better? Unfortunately no. The fact is that the sling has a soft edge, so it is easy to adjust it so that it supports not only the back and crotch, but also the hips of the child. Hard kangaroos do not have this option, so the legs hang down from the crotch itself. This increases the load on the pelvic spine, possible stagnation of blood in the pelvic area, abnormal development of the hip joints, abnormal formation of the spinal curves (for more details see "Accessories for carrying children and load on the spine"). A sling for children is designed so that the child is in the same position in which he would simply be in the arms of his mother - and this is the most physiological one. V baby sling you can carry the child lying down, as well as vertically, while the load for both the child and the mother is minimal.

Some mums argue that the baby is too heavy to carry in a sling. What can you say here? Firstly, it is still easier in a sling than on hands, and it is perhaps impossible to do without taking the baby in your arms. Secondly, your physical fitness will grow with the child, and when weight gain slows down, it will seem to you that the child has become lighter, although objectively the weight is still growing. Thirdly, by refusing to carry a child, you at the same time refuse to visit many places where the stroller simply will not pass.

  • ring sling (the most common type in Russia, thanks to the book by William and Martha Sears);
  • sling tube (similar to a ring sling, but not adjustable, it must be sewn to the size of the mother);
  • sling scarf (more possible positions, worn on two shoulders);
  • and an Asian sling (a cross between a scarf, a ring sling and a baby carrier).

Let's take a closer look at all types of slings.

Sling tube

This is the simplest type of sling. It is a rectangular piece of fabric with opposite sides sewn together. The resulting "ring" or "pipe" is worn over the shoulder. The child can be placed in front, horizontally, at the chest, or on the hip or on the back (not all manufacturers guarantee a safe position on the back). If you need to lift the baby a little, the fabric on the shoulder can be turned over. This is especially convenient when carrying a child vertically, he then snuggles closer to an adult.

The sling tube must be sewn to the size of the adult who will use it, as there is no adjustment. In the west, they make adjustable velcro slings-pipes (similar to active suspension in tourist backpacks). First, the length of the sling is adjusted, then it is put on, and the child is placed or seated in the worn sling.

Convenience sling-pipes: no need to adjust, put it on and go.

Inconvenience: cannot be adjusted if the parents are of different sizes; limited possibilities of adjustment when changing the position of the child.

Baby weight falls on one shoulder and one thigh.

There is no mass production of sling pipes in Russia, but you can sew such a sling yourself or to order. There are patterns and sewing instructions.

The simplest option without sewing - take a sheet, put the middle over the shoulder, tie the corners at the waist level on the hip opposite to the used shoulder. Move the knot over your shoulder and you can carry the baby. Of course, such a device is not as convenient as a specially sewn sling, but in case of urgent need it can be very helpful.

The ring sling is an adjustable sling tube. It is worn over the shoulder of an adult, in front and on the side, there is a place for a child, such as a cradle. An adult's shoulder has a pillow that relieves pressure on the shoulder. As a rule, something soft is sewn into the sides, a synthetic winterizer or, less often, foam rubber. Two rings are sewn into the pillow. The opposite end of the sling, the tail, is threaded through the rings in such a way that the child tightens the fastener with his own weight. Thanks to the rings, the sling has a sufficiently large adjustment range for parents of different sizes and different positions of the child.

Possible positions are in front lying, lying under the arm, vertically in front, on the thigh.

Ring slings are widely represented in Russia. New manufacturers are constantly appearing, you cannot list all of them, but we will name the main ones.

A sling scarf is an ingenious device for carrying a baby. The trick is in choosing the right fabric and tying methods. The simplest sling scarf is a long strip of fabric 50-80 cm wide. Some manufacturers add pockets, beveled or round the ends.

The sling scarf, as it were, ties the baby to the mother. The positions are the most physiological: lying down or upright with the legs spread apart by the frog. You can carry your baby in the front, on the hip, on the back, and it is much easier to do this in a scarf than in a tube sling or ring sling. First, the child's weight is distributed over both shoulders, the entire back and thigh. Secondly, the child holds on more firmly: a cross made of fabric is obtained under his butt, and he cannot slide down, which sometimes happens when worn in a sling with rings (in this case, he has to be corrected on the go). If a tube sling or ring sling frees one and a half hands, then a sling scarf - both. In a scarf, it is even possible to breastfeed a baby without holding his head.

A sling scarf can be used from birth, and is often used to nurture premature babies, as the scarf envelops the baby from all sides, and the baby smells the mother's smell, the rhythm of her movements, the smell of milk - all this kind of brings him back to intrauterine life.

Flaws scarves are a continuation of its merits: in order to master all the positions, you need to study for a long time (but you can quickly master one thing, and gradually add new ones as needed).

Scarves are knitted (they are softer, better for very little ones) and woven, which do not stretch and hold the weight better. However, not every fabric is suitable for carrying a child - a hard, non-stretch fabric will be inconvenient to use. Therefore, when buying a sling-scarf, we advise you to make sure that the fabric stretches at least a little diagonally or in width.

You can see the instructions for the slings-scarves.

Asian sling (aBC)

This is some hybrid of a sling-scarf and a kangaroo. Consists of a rectangular piece of fabric and four shoulder straps that extend from the corners of the rectangle. The baby can be carried lying down or upright. In the upright position, the Asian sling provides good support for the child's thighs, the position is physiological.

Of the shortcomings we can say that the Asian sling loses to the scarf in flexibility of use, and its straps are narrower. Convenience Asian sling depends on the fabric from which it is sewn.

In Russia, Asian slings under the name "MySling" are made by the aforementioned "Velina". They cost 700-1300 rubles

Choosing and buying

When choosing the type of sling, mothers are guided by intuition, but many eventually come to the conclusion that two sling are needed: a sling with rings for the first months and for situations in which it is often necessary to put the baby in and out of the sling. Sling scarf - for long walks and the time when the child grows up and becomes heavy.

The size of the sling depends on the size of the adult wearing it. If mom and dad are very different sizes, you will most likely need two sling. In the case of a sling-scarf, you can do with one, mother's size, because Mom carries the baby more often. A larger dad will be able to use shorter windings, and a smaller dad will be able to wrap excess tails around the waist.

The size of the sling may also depend on whether it will be worn over outerwear or under. In the cold season, babies are usually worn under clothes - due to imperfect thermoregulation, and simply because of the need for the mother's closeness.

All manufacturers have mailing in Russia and in neighboring countries, many have representatives in Russian cities (especially many of them at "Bayushka"). It is also possible to select and order slings from different manufacturers on one site "Orange Mom"

We wear

All slings create a position for the baby, similar to the position in the mother's arms. But, of course, if it is possible to carry the child simply in your arms, then it is better to do so. This is especially true for children of the first month of life.

Usually babies love to be in a sling, but there are some very empathetic babies that need to be approached.

The first times the baby is placed in a sling, it is best to breastfeed immediately. Babies often begin to sniff joyfully themselves and look for breasts, as they smell their mother, and the situation contributes. Also, to make it easier for the baby to get used to the sling, at first for mom, putting it there, it is better to start moving right away - the tightness, familiar smell and swaying reminds him of the feeling of a serene intrauterine life.

The ability to carry a baby in a sling is best communicated personally. Most manufacturers advise mothers on how to carry a baby (we advise not to buy a sling without consulting), but it is important that a printed instruction is also attached: different ages the child is worn in different ways, and remembering all the positions at once is unrealistic.

Nowadays, mom does not need to deny herself long walks and interesting excursions. There is no need to deprive your baby of attention and leave him at home for a long time. Explore the world together is the best thing to do for your child's development!

I didn't want to part with my baby for a minute. By the way, she didn't want that either.

So our device helped me to be constantly with my daughter. By the way, household chores did not suffer and absolute freedom of movement was preserved.

The physiologically correct position of my child also contributed to the correct development of the spine and hip joints.

Due to the fact that we were constantly together, our bodily and emotional contact grew stronger every day, which had a positive effect on the psyche of my girl. She quickly calmed down when crying and had no sleep problems. If I had a need to put her in a crib, I had no fear of waking her up.

I also want to note that when feeding, a sling is simply an irreplaceable thing. With it, you can safely feed your baby even in a busy place.

It was somewhat uncomfortable for me on a hot summer day, but, rather, not even comfortable.

Therefore, I had to carefully think over my wardrobe and baby clothes. In addition, it was necessary to frequently change the shoulder on which the sling was located.

Although, if there are no problems with the back, then it can rather be called an inconvenience.

So many different types of slings: how I made my choice

Before purchasing a sling, I studied the theory. The main means of transferring the baby include: a sling on rings or, as it is also called, SSK, may-sling or onbuhimo, sling-scarf, sling-pipe. Let's take a closer look at each of the types presented.

Ring sling

Visually it is a strip of fabric, the ends of which are fixed on rings. The rings help to adjust the required length.

Special requirements are imposed on the material of the rings. They must be either metal or special plastic. Wooden rings can break, and simple ones made of plastic can crack in the frosty season. The fabric is usually natural.

It is worth noting that a device of this type should be equipped with bumpers, since such slings optimally solve the problem of transferring a newborn baby.

Also, this model makes it possible to adjust the length without removing the sling, and helps to quickly change the position of the child.

Attractive in terms of convenience and speed of embarking and disembarking a small passenger.

They are worn only on one shoulder, therefore, a change of shoulders is indicated in order to reduce the load.

Instruction video

Onbuhimo or my-sling

The appearance resembles a "kangaroo" carrier, but differs from it in the physiologically correct fit of the child. Long straps are sewn to a square or rectangle made of fabric. The lower ones are tied in such a way that the fabric square supports the baby's back. The upper ones are thrown over the shoulders and, crossing over behind the mother's back, are brought forward and crossed behind the child's back. After that, they are fixed on the mother's back.

The straps are wide enough to significantly reduce the strain on your back.

This sling includes options for fixing on the back, abdomen and hip.

Onbuhimo does not have the ability to adjust the straps, but it is very stylish and suitable for "special" occasions.

It is also worth noting that it is the easiest of all to learn. Optimal for kids over three months old.

Video instruction

The most functional of all representatives. It looks like a strip of fabric up to six meters long and about 60 centimeters wide. The baby can be "tied" in various positions - sitting, half-sitting, lying down.

Options for wearing such a device on one shoulder and on two, which allows the mother to choose the most convenient option based on her back condition.

Requires some training when tying, not very convenient when dressing outdoors.

In addition, due to the many layers of fabric, it creates additional warmth.

Video instruction

Looks like a sewn elastic ring. Equipped with hooks and buttons for adjusting the size.

It is very convenient to put on and take off, the baby up to five months of age can be carried in the "lying" position, then he can be half-sitting and sitting.

Video instruction

What are the most comfortable slings: I share!

Since I needed a device that was convenient for me, comfortable and safe for the baby, I appreciated all types of offered slings.

I would like to note right away that Until the age of three months, my daughter moved exclusively in a sling with rings. This choice was due to the sufficient ease of use and comfortable position of the child.

As the baby grew up, I stopped my choice on a tube sling. It takes up little space, the child can be in three positions, which is just super valuable with our active lifestyle.

Before using any sling, I would advise you to get competent live advice on tying it, since we are talking about the safety of the baby, about the comfort and the absence of painful back conditions for the mother.

If this is not possible, then you can use the video instructions.

I also made a rule for myself: before removing the transfer means, I must take the baby out of there.

It would be nice to have two slings, for outdoor use and for home use.

As for the care of the product, I wash it in a typewriter on the delicate wash and let it dry naturally without spinning. When ironing, I use a steamer, but if this is not possible, then you can iron it with an ordinary iron, but not until dry.

During the period when the sling is not in use, it is in a twisted "pigtail" state. This allows you to add extra softness to the fabric.

Sling is universal remedy to carry the baby. He is just perfect from birth until the age of three. The main thing is to choose the right model. This device allows you not to limit yourself and the child in learning about the world and enhances emotional contact with the child.

What kinds of slings are there?

Ring sling

It is a strip of fabric about two meters long, about 60-70 cm wide, at one end of which there is a pillow under the shoulder and rings, and the other end of the sling is tucked into rings so that its length can be adjusted. The child can be worn in it from birth, put in a sling with rings, like in a cradle, or when he grows up, sit on his mother's thigh. This sling is worn on one shoulder, but the shoulders can be changed. It is versatile and very convenient in that you can quickly put a child in it and also quickly pull it back out. If a child falls asleep in a sling, you can completely imperceptibly put him on a bed, sofa, just pulling the tail of the sling out of the rings.

As a rule, it is sewn from coarse calico, and many consider it the best option, because the coarse calico is cool and strong, but other options are also possible: linen, satin, jeans, corduroy, etc. baby. Change the seated one to the recumbent one, or vice versa, put your face to yourself, so that the baby clasps you with his legs, or on the thigh, etc.

Sling tube

It looks like a sling with rings, only without rings for adjustment, just a strip of fabric is sewn up tightly. The length of such a sling either cannot be adjusted at all if the fabric is sewn tightly, or the sling has a row of hooks or buttons on the back that can be adjusted to the right size before putting on the sling. The advantages of a sling-pipe include the fact that its length is stable and it cannot "loosen up" on the road, although slings on rings do not particularly sin with this either (even if the sling on the rings stretches out one or two cm, it is easy to pull it up with one hand). Usually a sling tube is sewn to order for a certain size, or its length is adjusted using buttons / hooks on the back. The sling tube is also worn on one shoulder.

My-sling (or ABC - Asian Baby Carrier)

This sling is called Asian not because it is used exclusively in Asia, it is just that the first such slings that they learned about in the West were from Asia, and therefore they were called Asian. It looks like a square or rectangle made of dense fabric, into the corners of which long straps are sewn. The lower straps are tied at the mother's waist behind the back so that the square is in front and supported the child's back, after which the upper straps are thrown over the mother's shoulders, crossed behind the back, brought forward, crossed behind the child's back, and then tied behind the mother's back. By outward appearance this sling resembles a kangaroo, but the baby is in a more physiological position than a kangaroo. As with other slings, the baby in the may-sling can be worn on the belly, on the back and on the hip.

A variation of this type of slings is cozy sling ... (See photo on the right).

Sling octopus (a type of may-sling)

A variation of the may-sling, but not with 4, but with 6 straps (5 and 6 straps are sewn into the middle, which are threaded into the rings that end the upper straps).

In Russia, octopuses can be bought in the St. Petersburg online store

Onbuhimo (onbuhimo)

Onbuhimo is a Japanese version of the sling. Outwardly, it is very similar to a regular may-sling, and differs only in that it has rings instead of a lower waist strap. If the top straps of the may-sling simply cross behind the back (under the butt) of the baby, then here they are passed through the rings, and, as in the may-sling, then they are brought forward and tied. In such a sling it is convenient to carry babies who are already sitting.

Podeagi (Podegi)

Podegi (two spellings: podegi or podeagi) is a type of sling that has long been used for babies in Korea.

Unlike the may-sling and onbuhimo, the leg has only one long strap - on the belt, and in fact it consists only of a "back", usually two-sided, and a long waist strap.

There are four ways to carry your baby on the run so that the baby can be carried there from infancy.

Nypyat (Udmurt sling)


Nyap is a Udmurt type of sling. As in some other countries, such as Mexico, the sling was intended not only for carrying children, but in general for carrying any weights.

It is not known for certain, but apparently, as a means of carrying children, napet was much more common in southern Udmurtia, in the northern part of the country it was more often used for domestic purposes.

Sling scarf

It is a long strip of fabric, from three to six meters in length, 45-70 cm in width. With the help of a sling-scarf, a mother can “tie” the child to herself in various positions: on her stomach, on her hip, on her back. The sling scarf can be worn on one shoulder or on two shoulders; the load is evenly distributed on my mother's back and shoulders. Unlike a kangaroo, in a sling-scarf, the baby is pressed closer to the mother, his legs do not dangle, but half hug the mother by the waist, which means that the weight is distributed better, and it is easier to carry the baby. Unlike slings with rings, the load is evenly distributed (on both shoulders, not one) and it is even easier to carry the baby. Babies can be worn in a sling-scarf from birth. A newborn baby can be snugly tucked into a sling scarf, just like in a cradle. You can breastfeed your baby discreetly without removing it from the sling-scarf and without tying the sling. The sling scarf is universal: it can be used like a kangaroo - to carry the baby on the chest, it can be worn on the hip - like in a sling with rings, and the slider is convenient to wear in a sling-scarf on the back - like in a children's backpack.

Scarf slings can vary in length and fabric. The length of the sling scarf depends on the way you want to wear your baby and also on your size. Russia has different types slings-scarves: Omama slings-scarves made of high-quality knitwear, Yuji's slings-scarves made of coarse calico and Polartec fleece, knitted scarves Harmony. In Tomsk you can also buy scarf slings made of high quality knitwear, fleece, waffle fabric(see more details here.) There are different opinions about the fabric from which a sling scarf should be made. Someone is more comfortable for the fabric to stretch (knitwear, fleece), while others, on the contrary, prefer it when the sling scarf does not stretch (coarse calico).


There are many foreign analogues of sling-scarves. First of all, it is, of course, didymos. It is rightfully called the "Rolls-Royce" among the slings. Didymos has three main types of fabric, simple- which have striped colors, jacquard weave- these are fabrics referred to as INDIO, in which the pattern is woven by means of a machine, and jacquard fabrics- in which the pattern is achieved with the help of the game of thread and color. The fabric for didymos is produced in Germany and Austria. Didimos is a rather expensive sling (on average $ 80-110), but also very high quality. Evenly and gently distributes the load, stretches quite slightly diagonally, firmly fixes the knots, even tied once, many colors, looks beautiful and stylish.


Hoppeditz is a cheaper analogue of didymos. Similar fabric, but different manufacturer and lower price. By different reviews, the difference is practically not felt between the hopeditsa and didymos, but, again, according to subjective reviews, the hopeditsa fabric is somewhat coarser (the fabric is woven in India).

Hugabub (hugabub / hugabab)


Rebozo is a type of sling scarf with a length of 1.5 to 3 m, common in Mexico. It is a strip of fabric, usually made of cotton, wool or silk, used for carrying by children, as well as simply for household purposes, for example, for going to the market :). The cost varies greatly: from very cheap to very expensive (several hundred dollars). It is believed that rebozo is not a native Mexican type of sling, but occurred as a result of the merger of two cultures - Spanish and Mexican.

Selendang (sarong) Indonesian

Selendang (sarong) is a type of sling from Indonesia and Java. Like rebozo, the sarong is worn on one shoulder and can be used not only for carrying children, but also as an element of clothing. Generally, sarongs are made from 100% cotton and are very soft and lightweight.

Kanga (Kikoy) - African sling

Kanga (or kikoy, as it is called in the coastal regions) is a type of sling common in Africa and Kenya. They are worn by both men and women. They are produced in Eldoret (Kenya) and each of them is printed with some saying in Swahili. Translated from Swahili, "kanga" means "to carry a child on the back." Usually kangas are sold in a set of two, both of the same fabric. They can either be shared between close friends, in which case he acts as a link between them, or both can be used in positions where the child is wrapped in two sling.

It must be said that there are quite a few foreign analogues of slings-scarves, and as a rule, they all have their own name, for example

other. They can differ in quality and type of fabric, color, length, cost, there are even slings-scarves on rings (!), But in fact, all these are slings-scarves.

Ergo baby carrier

a means for carrying babies, in many respects resembling a "kangaroo" in appearance. However, unlike a kangaroo, it does not harm the baby's spine. In a kangaroo, the baby sits on only one crotch, but here the baby sits correctly, i.e. the tissue is stretched from knee to knee, and there is no pressure on the perineum and stress on the spine of the child, which are common kangaroos. The Ergo baby carrier clearly supports the baby's back and spine and guarantees physiologically correct wearing. Wide, padded, padded shoulder straps and a close-fitting, padded pelvic strap ease the strain on the mom.

The fabric is usually cotton and the inner material is soft poplin. A distinctive feature is the presence of a fixed headrest in the form of a hood, which can be used as a support for the back of the head, if, for example, the baby has fallen asleep. Ergonomic design, various wearing positions (front, back, hip). Manufacturer - Germany.

Water slings

There are even so-called "water" slings, that is, slings in which you can swim with your baby in open waters or pools. These slings are made of lightweight silky fabrics with good breathability, they dry quickly and do not transmit ultraviolet rays, protecting sensitive skin your baby.

Amautiq (Amautik)