
Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy: possible causes, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment. Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy - when is it dangerous? If the upper abdomen hurts in a pregnant woman


Pregnancy is a special state of a woman in which her body works in a new way. For the internal organs, this is stress, as well as for the mother herself. One of the reasons for feeling unwell and pain in the upper abdomen may be the expansion of the uterus.

When a baby begins to grow inside the mother, it needs a lot of space. The uterus gradually increases in size and presses down on other internal organs: the liver, gallbladder, kidneys. Reacting to such pressure, the organs begin to hurt.

Pain also occurs due to muscle strain. As the belly expands, the ligaments stretch to support the new weight. In view of this, such pains are called natural. They start suddenly and just as suddenly pass. There is no reason to worry about this. Everything will pass by itself in some time.

If a pregnant woman has a sharp pain, the first thing that comes to mind is the threat of pregnancy. Yes, this happens, but the symptoms of pain are somewhat different. With the threat of termination of pregnancy, discomfort appears at the bottom, and not at the top, and is accompanied by bloody discharge.

Therefore, if the upper abdomen hurts, there is no need to worry much: most likely, this condition is associated with diseases of the internal organs of the mother. Although it cannot be said that such diseases are not serious.

If the stomach hurts at the top and the pain point is on the right, then this may indicate a chronic or acute disease.

When the stomach hurts at the top, it cannot be massaged, because. an already damaged area can become even more vulnerable to forced massage. Moreover, you can’t massage the stomach when pain is present in any of its areas, especially if the pain is severe, because. in some types of diseases, bleeding may occur when massaging the abdomen.

Often, pain on the left and right in the upper abdomen can be caused by the usual overeating of a person. And if the upper abdomen hurts in the middle, without shifting to the left or right, then these symptoms signal problems with the stomach.

The main causes of stomach problems, stomach disease, and therefore the destruction of its mucous membrane is considered malnutrition, the use of low-quality food, bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcohol.

During pregnancy, pain in the upper abdomen causes inconvenience and discomfort. However, before starting therapy, you need to understand why it arose, since such pain during childbearing can be caused by standard uterine enlargement.

Infrequent pains when walking or during an unsuccessful movement appear unexpectedly and just as suddenly disappear. Such pains in the upper abdomen on the left or right during pregnancy, in most cases, are not dangerous and do not portend anything serious.

A possible cause of such pain is the strengthening of the ligaments or the deformation of the muscles that are located in the pelvic region. The uterus can shrink, which leads to tightening of the liver and gallbladder. This can cause the process of bile separation to be disrupted.

If there is pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, which is permanent or acute, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor. If, as a pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, a woman feels only mild discomfort, then you should not worry, but if the pain appears again and again, you should discuss such discomfort in the upper abdomen with your doctor.

In some cases, pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can be felt by an absolutely healthy woman for no reason. Very often, such pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy are associated with the location of the fetus in the uterus.

Such pain in the abdomen from above can often lead to a loss of appetite of a pregnant woman and to a feeling of severe heaviness in the abdomen. So pressure in the upper abdomen of a pregnant woman can develop into a feeling of bloating.

The most extensive cause of pain on the right is considered to be diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas and duodenum. If the stomach hurts at the top right, then it is possible that the pain will radiate to the shoulder, then the cause should be looked for in the biliary tract.

And if the pain in the right upper abdomen radiates to the back, it is worth looking for an ulcer in the duodenum or disorders in the pancreas. If we are talking about men, then with a diagnosis of "kidney stones", the resulting pain can radiate to the testicles.

Every pregnant woman begins to treat her body with greater responsibility and care, worrying not so much about herself, but about the little man inside her. Therefore, any discomfort and tingling cause a feeling of fear and panic.

Minor pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy or in the lower section may occur on the most early dates and continue throughout the gestation period. This is absolutely and is connected with the arrangement of the embryo in the uterus.

But if the pain becomes and only intensifies over time, then this is a serious reason for an immediate visit to a gynecologist (preferably a specialist who has managed the pregnancy from the very beginning).

Periodic pain during walking or an unsuccessful sudden movement, which, as suddenly appeared, just as suddenly and left, as a rule, does not signal anything serious. Most often, they occur due to deformation of the muscles located in the pelvic region, and strengthening of the ligaments.

If the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy, then the most common cause, it is a natural uterus. The organ grows, begins to take up more space and squeezes its “neighbors” - the liver and gallbladder, thereby disrupting the process of bile separation.

An absolutely pregnant woman can also experience discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen, accompanied by heartburn, nausea, increased gas formation, lack of appetite and bitterness in the mouth. It is usually caused by intensive movements of the baby inside the uterus or an unbalanced diet (in particular, overeating).

  1. Is the pain sharp and concentrated in the epigastric region? There is a violation of the stool, vomiting and decreased arterial pressure? The likely culprit is .
  2. Pregnancy is exactly the time when an old comrade, who has been quietly dozing until now, can remind of himself. His name is chronic.
  3. In the last trimester, there were pains in the upper abdomen and head area, vomiting, blurred vision (spots, flickering)? Unfortunately, these are symptoms.

There are a number of diseases in which the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy. Speaking of them, you need to accurately determine the nature of the pain and its location. But most likely, only a qualified specialist can do it correctly.

Therefore, if the pain does not go away and is complicated by a number of other factors, visit your doctor or contact him by phone. If you feel that your condition is deteriorating and the symptoms of pain are in no way characteristic of your current situation, call an ambulance team.

Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can be associated with stretching of the muscles that support the uterus, and also occur as a result of the weight gain of the fetus. With the gradual growth and weight of the child, the pressure on the area of ​​​​the ligaments gradually becomes greater, and as a result, the uterus is stretched.

At the same time, all organs are squeezed a little, which somewhat impairs their functioning. This pain in the abdomen can be sharp, but it goes away very quickly. Pain may occur when coughing or sneezing.

Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy may be associated with natural physiological processes. Sometimes similar symptoms occur when the egg passes through the tube with its growth to the uterine mucosa.

During the bearing of a child, almost all women experience a change in taste preferences. In order to avoid serious health problems, it is important to learn how to control your desires. Too frequent consumption of spicy, sour and sweet can provoke the occurrence of dysbacteriosis.

If it hurts at the top of the abdomen on the right

Pain in the upper abdomen is most often a symptom associated with problems in the gastrointestinal tract. A possible cause may be gastritis, stomach cramps, or a malfunction of the gallbladder. Pain in the upper abdomen is often a symptom of a digestive disorder, even during a woman's pregnancy.

Pain at the top of the abdomen in pregnant women has a number of its own characteristics. But most often, pains in the upper abdomen on the right or left during pregnancy can be associated with the most natural processes in a woman’s body, or due to the baby’s movements for more later dates pregnancy.

In some cases, pain in the upper abdomen can occur due to overeating.

In no case should you massage the abdomen, as there is a danger that bleeding will begin. The most common cause of upper abdominal pain during pregnancy is overeating and not following a diet.

Food may contain a large number of fat. This in turn leads to strong gases, to the accumulation of gases in the stomach. It is also possible that the body does not digest dairy products well. Of course, if the cause of pain in the abdomen at the top, left or right during pregnancy is exactly this, then the woman will have everything in a couple of hours at the most.

Although, pain in the upper abdomen can be caused by other, more dangerous diseases associated with vital organs. It is extremely difficult to understand what exactly hurts, because the pain can move.

Sometimes a completely healthy woman may experience pain in the upper abdomen. Most often it depends on the placement of the baby. The pain may increase, especially at the moment when the baby begins to move.

In such a situation, the expectant mother usually loses her appetite and does not leave the feeling of heaviness. There may also be bloating. In addition, a woman may experience heartburn, bitterness in her mouth, and this is a fairly common concern for expectant mothers.

If the pain lasts for a long time and is accompanied by some other symptoms, see a doctor immediately. And if you get worse, and the symptoms do not correspond to your present condition, call an ambulance.

On the left are organs that can easily get sick, which will cause discomfort or pain. In order to understand which organ hurts, it is important to understand that the spleen, part of the intestine, stomach, diaphragm are located on the left, as a result of which pains appear at the top of the abdomen in its left part.

For example, an enlarged spleen is characteristic of some diseases that can cause severe pain upper abdomen on the left. In addition, the spleen may burst: the skin around the navel will turn blue, and a sharp pain in the upper abdomen will be felt on the left side.

If you have problems with the intestines and you feel severe pain in the left side of the abdomen, most likely you have had constipation or diarrhea, which may be accompanied by the release of blood, as well as high fever.

If the cause of pain is the intestines, then there will be severe pain in the upper left side of the abdomen. Often such pains in the upper abdomen on the left with problems and diseases of the intestines are accompanied by defecation disorders, such as constipation and diarrhea.

One of the most common causes of pain on the right in the upper abdomen is problems with the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, if it hurts on the right in the abdomen at the top, then the causes of such pain and discomfort often lie in the beginning of the inflammatory process of the internal organs or in violation of their work on other reasons.

Pain on the right in the abdomen, in its upper part, usually indicates problems with organs such as the gallbladder, liver, pancreas. Sometimes pain in the upper right abdomen appears due to problems with the duodenum.

An attack of pancreatitis can cause pain in the upper abdomen. At this moment, the patient has very painful sensations, he sweats a lot and feels sick. Possible vomiting. Quite often, the signs of such a disease are confused with inflammation of the gallbladder.

But the pain in the upper abdomen on the right with pancreatitis also radiates to the back. If the patient is lying, then the pain in the upper abdomen on the right can be very unbearable, but as soon as he sits down or leans forward, the pain subsides a little.

In order to determine with absolute certainty that a patient has had an attack of pancreatitis, some laboratory tests need to be performed. Analyzes will help identify the enzymes that the inflamed pancreas secretes.

So, if you're sure it's not an ulcer, diverticulitis, or gallbladder disease, you can treat yourself at home. The body needs to be allowed to rest and given the opportunity to gain strength. In order to relieve pain on the right side of the abdomen, you need to take simple painkillers or antispasmodics.

Do not drink alcohol and caffeinated drinks. Never give an enema or take a laxative. If the cause of the pain in the upper abdomen on the right is unknown to you, it is better to contact a specialist. After all, we are talking about your health and, accordingly, your life.

If a person has pain in the upper abdomen on the right, which is paroxysmal, very strong and unbearable, in no case is it recommended to endure it or self-medicate. You should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible, especially in cases where the pain on the right side of the abdomen at the top appeared suddenly.

Pain in various diseases

Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can occur due to the occurrence of various diseases. In particular, among the main diseases it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • appendicitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cystitis;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • pancreatitis.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. Such a condition necessarily requires surgical intervention. It is very difficult for a pregnant woman, especially in the later stages, to recognize the course of the disease, as she constantly experiences certain discomfort.

Pregnancy acts as a provoking factor for the development of appendicitis. The thing is that inflammation of the appendix occurs due to its insufficient blood supply. The enlarged uterus squeezes the blind process, as a result of which the blood flows very slowly. Among the main signs of appendicitis during childbearing, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • sharp pain in the upper abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • temperature increase.

Symptoms manifest themselves in completely different ways and depend on the characteristics of the organism. Therefore, if you experience constant soreness, you should urgently consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Treatment is carried out only by surgery.

If it is removed in the initial stages, then the woman and the child are not in danger. The appendicitis filled with pus is very dangerous. If it bursts, then the purulent contents will penetrate into the abdominal cavity and provoke peritonitis.

A fairly common disease in pregnant women is cystitis. Inflammation of the walls Bladder may be infectious or non-infectious. Often cystitis acts as the first sign of pregnancy. Among the main signs it should be noted:

  • aching pain in the abdomen;
  • cramps when urinating;
  • blood in the urine;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • temperature increase.

The danger of cystitis is that if treated in a timely manner, the disease can turn into pyelonephritis. Treatment of cystitis is carried out with medications. There are many medicines that can be used without harm to the child. However, after the treatment, you need to undergo a course of rehabilitation therapy.

Another reason why pulling pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can occur is cholecystitis. This is an inflammation of the gallbladder, provoked by infections and stagnation of bile. In addition to pain in the right hypochondrium, characteristic signs will be such as:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • bitterness in the mouth.

The main treatment is to take medications and following a strict diet.

Cutting pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can occur during the course of chronic gastritis, which can be aggravated under the influence of hormones. This disease is mainly associated with malnutrition.

Also, provoking factors can be burns of mucous membranes with hot food, mechanical injuries, penetration of pathogens, poisoning. Among the main signs it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Often women do not notice the symptoms of gastritis, mistakenly believing that this is toxicosis. As a result of the course of the pathology, nutrition worsens, which is bad for the condition of the fetus. If you have such symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment.

Pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, is quite common during pregnancy. The main symptom is the presence of pain in the upper abdomen on the left side. Competent supervision of a specialist and adherence to a special diet are required.

Pain in the second trimester

It is very important to understand exactly why it hurts at the top of the abdomen during early pregnancy, as this will prevent the occurrence of complications. It should be noted that during this period, pain does not always indicate the course of the pathology.

This will not only relieve constant fears, but also morally set you up for bearing a child. If you constantly experience pulling pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, you need to urgently see a doctor, as this can be a sign of dangerous diseases.

In addition, miscarriage should be highlighted among the main reasons. However, there may be additional spotting and lower back pain. Causes of abdominal pain can also be non-obstetric problems.

Pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy in the second trimester may indicate less dangerous problems and pathologies. During this period, the body has already rebuilt and got used to the new state. Increasing in size, the uterus gradually puts pressure on the muscles and ligaments, thereby provoking aching pain in the upper abdomen or only on one side of the body, which occurs with sudden movements.

Similar symptoms in the second trimester usually occur as a result of nervous strain, stress, excessive physical activity. Soreness also develops against the background of impaired functioning of the intestines and stomach. Spasms of the digestive system can provoke malnutrition.

If at the 36th week of pregnancy the stomach hurts at the top, then this may be a sign premature birth or placental abruption. In addition, such soreness may indicate acute surgical pathology and indigestion.

If at the 36th week of pregnancy the stomach hurts at the top, then this is mainly due to the activity of the fetus itself. An already almost fully developed child moves its legs and arms, pushes off, causing a certain discomfort to a woman. However, in general, symptoms occur only at the time of movement of the baby.

In the case when at the 38th week of pregnancy it hurts at the top of the abdomen, then a doctor's consultation is required, as this may be due to the fading of the fetus. In addition, this may be a completely natural process, since during this period the pregnancy is full-term.

In the case when at the 39th week of pregnancy it hurts very sharply at the top of the abdomen, you need to urgently visit a gynecologist or call an ambulance, as this may be a sign of the onset of delivery.

Pain in the center of the abdomen

Quite often, during pregnancy, it hurts in the upper abdomen in the middle, which may be associated with various diseases or provoked by natural causes. The soreness is very pronounced on an empty stomach, this is the so-called hungry pain.

Cramping pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, which are accompanied by stool disorder, nausea and bitterness in the mouth, may indicate a serious intestinal infection. This condition is almost always accompanied by fever and chills.

When the pathogen enters the stomach or intestines, gastritis, enteritis or colitis may develop. Most dangerous states considered dysentery and salmonellosis. At any time, this situation requires an urgent examination by a doctor and often hospitalization.

Basically, at the 39th week of pregnancy, it hurts at the top of the abdomen, and the reason for this is the ever-increasing uterus, which gradually begins to squeeze the organs of the peritoneum. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the stomach throws gastric juice up the esophagus, causing severe discomfort.

Stitching pains in the upper abdomen in pregnant women can occur for a variety of reasons. This can provoke stagnation of feces in the intestines, which provokes constipation and flatulence. This can lead to the development of hemorrhoids.

If the skin at the top of the abdomen hurts during pregnancy, then this may be due to the fact that the fetus is growing and skin stretched. It also provokes periodic itching. If there are no additional signs, then this condition should not bother.

Additional symptoms

Pain in the upper abdomen can occur for a variety of reasons, which may also have additional symptoms. These should include things like:

  • heaviness, feeling of fullness in the hypochondrium;
  • increase in pressure;
  • puffiness;
  • discomfort and tightness of tissues in the abdomen;
  • pain in the joints;
  • headache;
  • feeling of heaviness in the legs.

Heaviness and bursting in the hypochondrium is mainly characteristic of dyskinesia. With late toxicosis, there is severe swelling, increased pressure and headache. This condition can develop into the occurrence of seizures that threaten the life of the fetus and mother.

Under the influence of progesterone, softening of the ligaments can be observed, and this provokes significant discomfort and severe soreness. Acute pain, localized only on one side, require urgent medical attention.

Carrying out diagnostics

If the stomach hurts in a pregnant woman, what to do, only the doctor can determine after the diagnosis. During the examination, the doctor collects an anamnesis based on the patient's complaints. A number of conditions require a gynecological examination and a smear for analysis.

In the presence of vaginal discharge, a blood test for biochemistry and infections, as well as a coagulogram and a complete blood count may be required. The most accurate result can be obtained during ultrasound diagnostics.

Using this technique, it is possible to determine violations of the functions of the pancreas, the condition of the uterus and fetus, as well as kidney diseases. Additional methods include fibrogastroduodenoscopy and MRI.

There are many reasons why upper abdominal pain can occur during pregnancy. Competent prevention will help to prevent them, which consists in:

  • dieting;
  • lack of stress and negative emotions.

Proper nutrition is the key to a woman's well-being and the proper development of the fetus. At the same time, the food consumed should be healthy, balanced and easily digestible. Be sure to eat foods such as:

  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • boiled meat and fish;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts.

They will provide the body with the required amount of nutrients and nutrients for the whole day.

It is good to walk a lot during pregnancy fresh air, doing fitness, light gymnastics, swimming. Yoga is very beneficial for the body. However, excessive physical activity and lifting of heavy objects is strictly prohibited.

Pregnant women should try to avoid situations that provoke negative emotions. It is recommended to surround only people who are pleasant for you, visit museums, exhibitions. All this will have a positive effect on emotional condition women.

Feature of the treatment

Treatment is selected only by a doctor, depending on the ongoing pathology and the degree of its development. When inflammatory diseases of the pancreas occur, therapy is carried out in a hospital using conservative methods, namely taking medications, following a strict diet.

The use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs is required. Some individual cases necessarily require surgery.

With renal colic, painkillers and antispasmodics are used, which help to normalize well-being. If there are small stones, they can come out on their own, but the blocking of the lumen of the ureter with large stones requires an operation and their removal.

In the event of pain in the later stages due to the threat of miscarriage, appropriate measures must be taken to save the life of the child. If such a condition is aggravated by bleeding, then you need to constantly be observed by a gynecologist.

If placental abruption is suspected, immediate C-section. This is especially important in case of heavy bleeding, regardless of whether the child is full-term or not. In any case, when pain occurs, regardless of their cause, it is imperative to visit a doctor for examination and diagnosis.

Prognosis after therapy

A lot of anxiety for a pregnant woman is caused by pain in late pregnancy. This condition must be taken very carefully, but do not panic. Pain and contractions prepare the body for delivery.

Soreness, provoked by constipation, and various kinds of intestinal problems, occur very often due to the fault of the woman herself, who constantly overeats. In the last months of pregnancy, you need to be very careful about the choice of food, which should be natural and fresh.

A pregnant woman needs to rest as much as possible, and in a position with her legs raised up. The prognosis of pain in late pregnancy in the course of the pathology of the internal organs can be disappointing.

First, we note that pain can be physiological, that is, natural. As a rule, they are associated with stretching of the muscles and ligaments that support the abdomen, an increase in the size of the growing uterus. In this case, the intensity of the pain syndrome is low, it occurs from time to time and is not progressive.

However, often, if a pregnant woman has a stomach ache, one can assume the development of a certain disease or the threat of pregnancy. With the threat of a miscarriage, a pulling, aching pain in the lower abdomen gradually increases. It is accompanied by spotting, dizziness, nausea, deterioration of the general condition. Such manifestations require an urgent call to the doctor.

Different diseases have different symptoms, the nature of pain. Let's consider the main ones.

Stomach pain on the right

The most common cause of pain in the right side of the abdomen is appendicitis. This pathology is characterized by severe pain for 12 hours or more, which is often localized near the navel, closer to the right side. Nausea, fever, general weakness also often appear. As a rule, in pregnant women, appendicitis most often occurs in the second trimester. This disease is an indication for urgent hospitalization of the patient and surgical intervention.

Pain in one side of the abdomen may indicate ectopic pregnancy. So, if the fetal egg is attached to the right fallopian tube, the woman will feel pain in the right lower abdomen. An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous with the risk of rupture of the fallopian tube, a sign of which is severe abdominal pain, bleeding, and a severe general condition of the woman.

During pregnancy, pain in the upper abdomen in its right side may indicate the development of the following diseases:

  • Gallbladder disease (cholecystitis, dyskinesia, bladder stones). Depending on the form of the disease, the pain can be acute (in the acute form) or aching (in the chronic form). In addition, the symptoms of gallbladder diseases include bitterness in the mouth, nausea, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, and general weakness.
  • Diseases of the pancreas. Pancreatitis is the most common inflammation of the pancreas. An attack of acute pancreatitis is characterized by severe pain that radiates to the back, increased sweating, and nausea. The pain syndrome increases in the supine position and decreases in the sitting position with an inclination forward.
  • Diseases of the stomach and duodenum. During pregnancy, pain in the upper abdomen, radiating to the right side, may indicate the development of gastritis or ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum. In this case, they are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, deterioration of the general condition, and sometimes elevated body temperature.

Often, if a pregnant woman has a stomach ache on the right, this may indicate a pathology of the right kidney. In addition to the fact that a woman during the period of expectation of a child is more susceptible to various infections than usual, her kidneys experience a greater load during pregnancy. Therefore, kidney disease is not uncommon during the period of bearing a baby.

Stomach pain on the left

Pain in the lower abdomen may indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy, diseases of the left kidney. The symptomatology of these pathologies corresponds to that considered for the right lower abdomen.

If a pregnant woman has a stomach ache in the upper left side, this may indicate the development of such diseases:

  • Diseases of the spleen. In a number of diseases, the spleen increases in size, which is clearly seen on ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  • Gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the stomach. When this disease pain is felt in the upper abdomen and can radiate to both the right and left sides. In this case, the patient will suffer from heartburn, nausea, vomiting.
  • pancreatitis. The pancreas is located from right to left, and if its "tail" becomes inflamed, the patient will feel severe pain in the left upper abdomen. Also pain syndrome accompanied by nausea, a significant deterioration in the general condition.

In addition to all the above causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy, it is worth mentioning another, no less important. The growing uterus slightly shifts the abdominal organs up, as if “lifting” them. At the same time, some of these organs may slightly shift to the left or right, for example, the intestines. This can also provoke pain during the period of bearing a baby.

September 29, 2013

Pain in the upper abdomen is a common symptom found in a number of diseases.

The intrauterine device was removed through w ... .

What are the causes of pain in the upper abdomen? What diseases and functional conditions should be considered if such pain appears?

Causes of pain in the upper abdomen

Before you start talking about specific diseases that can cause pain in the upper abdomen, it is worth paying attention to what this pain is in general and what changes it is provoked by.

may appear in the pathology of internal organs. Pain in hollow organs (for example, in the stomach or intestines) can be caused by spasm - contraction of smooth muscles. In this case, it is cramping, burning or pressing. When the walls of a hollow organ are stretched, bursting pain appears.

Another cause of pain is damage or stretching of the organ capsule (liver, spleen). The organ capsule is a dense shell of connective tissue and has good innervation. When inflammatory or tumor processes occur, as well as during trauma, the capsule is stretched. In such cases, the pain can be either barely noticeable or severe - it depends on the degree of damage or stretching and on the individual perception of pain. When the capsule breaks, the intensity of pain increases significantly, it becomes acute, unbearable.

The third reason is ischemia (impaired blood supply) to the organs, which occurs when the vascular patency is impaired. Such a situation may arise, for example, due to an atherosclerotic lesion or blockage by a thrombus.

The fourth reason is irritation of the peritoneum - the mucous membrane covering the walls and organs of the abdominal cavity. The peritoneum has a huge number of nerve endings, so any chemically aggressive effect on it (for example, gastric juice poured out during perforation of an ulcer) causes very intense cutting pain. The condition in which "peritoneal" pain appears is called the "acute abdomen" and is regarded by doctors as the first sign of a catastrophe and an indication for emergency hospitalization.

Finally, the last reason for the appearance of pain in the upper abdomen is its irradiation (spread) from other areas. The appearance of reflected pain is explained by the structural features of our nervous system: nerve fibers that transmit information from diseased organs pass in the spinal cord close to the fibers responsible for pain sensitivity of the area where the pain radiates. With reflected pain, there is usually a zone of more pronounced pain, from which it “radiates” to nearby parts of the body.

What diseases cause pain in the upper abdomen

may appear when:

  • diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum;
  • with diseases of the liver, gallbladder;
  • with pathology of the pancreas;
  • in diseases of the cardiovascular system: acute myocardial infarction, aneurysm, dissection or rupture of the aorta;
  • with lung diseases: pleurisy;
  • with hernias: esophageal part of the diaphragm, white line of the abdomen;
  • with inflammation of the abdominal muscles (myositis);
  • with metabolic disorders: thyrotoxic crisis, diabetic coma, ketoacidosis;
  • in case of poisoning with salts of heavy metals - mercury, lead;
  • with pathology of the nervous system: intercostal neuralgia (arising as a result of compression of the nerve roots - most often occurs with osteochondrosis).

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Chronic most often indicates a pathology of the stomach or duodenum. With ulcerative lesions of these organs, there is a close relationship of pain with meals: pain most often appears after eating: with a stomach ulcer after 15-45 minutes, with a duodenal ulcer after 1-1.5 hours. Also, ulcer pain appears on an empty stomach and at night. Often it gives to the interscapular region, chest. As a rule, patients with pathology of the stomach and intestines, in addition to pain, have other clinical manifestations, such as bloating, unstable stools, nausea, and vomiting. In diseases of the stomach, vomiting usually brings a feeling of relief (this does not happen with diseases of other organs). If a person with an established diagnosis of a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer has suddenly changed its character - it has become unbearable, piercing, it is worth thinking about perforating the ulcer and pouring out the contents of the stomach or intestines into the abdominal cavity. In this case, emergency hospitalization is required.

If the patient is concerned about heartburn, belching, and the pain that occurs with these symptoms is felt as a burning sensation behind the sternum (in the central part of the chest), this may indicate an inflammatory or even ulcerative lesion of the esophagus, often occurring when gastric contents are refluxed. This happens with gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD). Pain in GERD mimics heart pain in angina pectoris. If the symptom occurs after eating, lying down, bending over or lifting heavy weights, disappears after taking antacids, and nitroglycerin does not affect its intensity, the diagnosis of esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) becomes most likely.

Liver disease

It is known that hepatitis and even cirrhosis can occur without pain, if there is no stretching of the liver capsule. But if it has arisen on the right (pain in the right hypochondrium), you should think about diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract. With hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer, the pain is usually bursting, giving to the right half of the chest or under the shoulder blade.

Another common cause of pain in this localization is cholelithiasis, in which stones form in the cavity of the gallbladder and bile ducts. Gallstone disease can manifest itself as a dull aching pain under the ribs on the right, or be accompanied by bouts of intense pain - hepatic colic.

The most common complication of gallstone disease is cholecystitis, an inflammation of the gallbladder wall. With cholecystitis, the pain is usually cramping, accompanied by nausea, and often vomiting, which does not bring relief. Pain occurs in the upper abdomen on the right and gives to the shoulder or shoulder blade. If the pain intensifies when walking, it is worth thinking about the transition of the inflammatory process to the peritoneum (pericholecystitis).

Diseases of the pancreas

Since the pancreas is located horizontally in the upper abdomen and ends with its tail in the left half of the abdomen, the pain during inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) is of a girdle character, or is localized at the top of the abdomen in the center (epigastric region) and on the left. The pain is usually quite pronounced, and in acute pancreatitis it is excruciating, often accompanied by incessant vomiting, after which the desired relief does not occur. With cysts and tumors of the pancreas, the pain is perceived by the patient as bursting, prolonged; its intensity can be from weak to very pronounced.

Diseases of the spleen

A rather rare situation when abdominal pain is caused by diseases of the spleen, however, this happens. The spleen is located in the left hypochondrium, which gives pain in the upper abdomen on the left. As a rule, abscesses, cysts, infarcts of the spleen, or its defeat in tumor diseases can lead to the appearance of "splenic" pain. There is an enlargement of the spleen, accompanied by stretching of the capsule and arching pains in the left hypochondrium, in diseases of other organs, for example, in infectious, cardiovascular, etc.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

With coronary heart disease can also occur. The most common cardiac cause is the development of acute myocardial infarction. With it, abdominal pain is of a reflected nature, or is caused by secondary ischemic changes in the stomach and intestines. With a heart attack, the pain can be very pronounced, so that it sometimes leads to an erroneous diagnosis of an "acute abdomen". More often, heart attack pain in the upper abdomen is accompanied by other symptoms of damage to the heart and blood vessels: compressive pain in the chest, shortness of breath, a drop or a sharp increase in blood pressure, severe weakness, cold sticky sweat, rhythm disturbances, etc.

With an aneurysm (a sac-like pathological expansion) of the aorta, abdominal pain also appears, which can radiate to the back. In addition to it, attention is drawn to the presence of a formation visible under the skin, pulsating in the rhythm of the heart. With a rupture or dissection of the aorta, the pain becomes dagger-like, accompanied by a sharp drop in blood pressure. Such pain can radiate to the chest, under the shoulder blades, to the arm, move down or up (depending on the direction of the progressive dissection). Acute conditions associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system require emergency hospitalization of the patient in a hospital.

Pain in the upper abdomen with lung disease

With pleurisy (more often with dry pleurisy), pain may also appear in the uppermost part of the abdomen. To recognize such pain, you should cough and take a deep breath: if the pain has intensified, it is worth excluding pulmonary diseases accompanied by pleurisy. With pleurisy, the pain decreases in the supine position on the sore side. There are usually other signs of lung damage, such as coughing, shortness of breath. Often the development of pleurisy passes with fever, chills, weakness.

Muscle pain

Pain in the upper abdomen can give pain in the abdominal muscles. It is quite simple to exclude this nature of pain: when lifting the legs from a prone position, the pain intensifies, it is closely related to the physical load on the abdominal area.

Neurological pain

With osteochondrosis and some other diseases of the spine, compression of the roots of the spinal nerves can occur. This causes pain that spreads along these nerves. In addition to such pain, the doctor can determine other neurological symptoms. The epicenter of pain is usually located in the spine.

Hernia pain

Hernias occur in case of compression of parts of organs in the so-called. hernial ring. With hernias of the white line, it is possible to feel with your fingers in the area of ​​maximum pain a rounded formation, which can disappear when you press on it. Hiatus hernias usually manifest themselves in a similar way to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Diagnosis is based on instrumental examination (for example, on the basis of radiography of the stomach and esophagus after contrasting).

Metabolic disorders

With severe metabolic disorders (ketoacidosis, thyrotoxic crisis, etc.), peritoneal receptors may be irritated by aggressive compounds. This sometimes gives the symptoms of an "acute abdomen", i.e. severe unbearable pain in the abdomen, accompanied by tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall. To exclude surgical pathology and treatment, such patients should be sent to the hospital on an emergency basis.

Of course, knowledge of why they arise can help the patient navigate his condition. However, if you are concerned about abdominal pain, do not self-diagnose. A visit to the doctor will help resolve all worries and doubts, as well as maintain your health and prevent the development of serious complications.


Pain in the upper abdomen

If the upper abdomen hurts, without shifting to the right or left, this is the stomach. In cases where the pain is paroxysmal in nature and localized in the 4th intercostal space, this may indicate diseases of both the stomach itself and other organs located in this part. The main reasons that affect the destruction of the gastric mucosa as well as the deterioration of its condition are: unhealthy diet, drinking alcohol, smoking, taking many medications and much more. Also, a sharp pain in the stomach can be caused by the ingress of acids, alkalis, and can also be the result of food poisoning.

If stomach pains are not of a regular nature, this should not cause much concern. In cases where such pains become a pattern, or even in cases where the frequency of occurrence of pain in the stomach increases significantly, it is imperative to consult a doctor to diagnose the disease and further treat it. In order to be able to diagnose the disease, it is necessary to pay attention to such factors as the intensity of pain, its nature and the place of its localization. In cases where a person is sick with gastritis, the pain in the stomach most often has the following symptoms: heaviness and fullness are felt in the epigastric region. Peptic ulcers are characterized by severe pain in the upper abdomen.

In the case of acute dagger pain, urgent medical attention should be sought urgently, as this may be a sign of perforation of the ulcer with the possibility of subsequent entry into the abdominal cavity of the contents of the stomach. The most common customer complaints include: pain in the upper abdomen after eating; stomach ache and diarrhea; pain under the stomach; sharp pains in the upper abdomen; stomach hurts at the top and nausea.

The main causes of stomach pain include: increased acidity (typically - pain on an empty stomach, passing shortly after eating); chronic gastritis (stomach pain occurs after eating); stomach ulcer (most often, pain occurs after 1.5 - 5 hours after eating, as well as with strong emotional and physical stress); stomach cancer; polyps; functional disorders.

Upper abdominal pain during pregnancy

Pain in the abdomen for pregnant women - this is a common thing, but most often such pains are localized in the lower abdomen, but if there are pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, then this may be a sign of such diseases: preeclampsia (late toxicosis), HELLP syndrome, kidney infection and other less serious reasons.

Preecclamasia most often occurs on the 20th - 30th day of pregnancy, most often when future mom suffers from high blood pressure (hypertension), as well as the presence of protein in the patient's urine. Such disorders very often cause changes that occur in the blood vessels, while negatively affecting the following organs: the brain, placenta, liver, kidneys. Such pain may be accompanied by swelling of the face, feet and calves, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and rapid weight gain.

- most often occurs in the last 3 months of pregnancy and can mean hemolysis, that is, the destruction of platelets, and an increase in liver enzymes also occurs.

Kidney infection is one of the most common causes of upper abdominal pain during pregnancy. Such a condition may have the following symptoms: back pain, fever, chills, pain under the ribs, and some others. Other common causes of pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy include: tension of the ribs, bloating due to slow or improper digestion, constipation, gallbladder disease, and others. It should be remembered that pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy can signal serious disorders in the body, so you should not hesitate to consult a specialist.

Upper left stomach hurts

In cases where the stomach hurts at the top left - this may be due to the following diseases: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, enlarged spleen, damage to the chest, inflammatory or infectious diseases lungs, herpes zoster, various disorders in the upper intestine.

Pain in upper right abdomen

The main causes of pain in the upper abdomen include the usual overeating, but there may be more serious reasons. If the stomach hurts at the top right, then this may indicate "functional dyspepsia", the main symptoms of which are: bloating, indigestion, depression and other psychogenic factors. Other causes include: irritable bowel syndrome, gallbladder pathology, pneumonia, inflammation of the liver, pancreatic pathology.

It is very important to understand that any pain that occurs in the upper abdomen, whether acute or chronic, must be diagnosed and investigated for further treatment. If you experience acute dagger pains in the upper abdomen, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible, as delay can lead to sad consequences.

Does your upper abdomen hurt during pregnancy? Looking for reasons

Every pregnant woman begins to treat her body with greater responsibility and care, worrying not so much about herself, but about the little man inside her. Therefore, any discomfort and tingling cause a feeling of fear and panic. Especially if the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy. However, pain is not always a sign of serious trouble and a threat to the life of the crumbs. Let's look at the main reasons for its occurrence.

Minor pains in the upper abdomen during pregnancy or in the lower section can occur at the earliest possible date and continue throughout the entire period of gestation. This is absolutely and is connected with the arrangement of the embryo in the uterus. But if the pain becomes and only intensifies over time, then this is a serious reason for an immediate visit to a gynecologist (preferably a specialist who has managed the pregnancy from the very beginning).

Periodic pain during walking or an unsuccessful sudden movement, which, as suddenly appeared, just as suddenly and left, as a rule, does not signal anything serious. Most often, they occur due to deformation of the muscles located in the pelvic region, and strengthening of the ligaments. If the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy, then the most common cause is the natural uterus. The organ grows, begins to take up more space and squeezes its "neighbors" - the liver and gallbladder, thereby disrupting the process of bile separation.

An absolutely pregnant woman can also experience discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen, accompanied by heartburn, nausea, increased gas formation, lack of appetite and bitterness in the mouth. It is usually caused by intensive movements of the baby inside the uterus or an unbalanced diet (in particular, overeating).

But there are less pleasant reasons why the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy:

  1. Is the pain sharp and concentrated in the epigastric region? Is there a violation of the stool, vomiting and decreased blood pressure? The likely culprit is .
  2. Pregnancy is exactly the time when an old comrade, who has been quietly dozing until now, can remind of himself. His name is chronic.
  3. In the last trimester, there were pains in the upper abdomen and head area, vomiting, blurred vision (spots, flickering)? Unfortunately, these are symptoms.

There are a number of diseases in which the upper abdomen hurts during pregnancy. Speaking of them, you need to accurately determine the nature of the pain and its location. But most likely, only a qualified specialist can do it correctly.

Therefore, if the pain does not go away and is complicated by a number of other factors, visit your doctor or contact him by phone. If you feel that your condition is deteriorating and the symptoms of pain are in no way characteristic of your current situation, call an ambulance team. It is possible that the reasons will turn out to be frivolous, but it is definitely not worth risking your health and the life of a baby.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman from time to time feels discomfort or pain in different parts of the body. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, and with the growth of the abdomen, and with the exacerbation of diseases that were in a "sleeping" state in the non-pregnant body. Most of all, the mother is alarmed if discomfort or pain occurs in the abdomen, an organ that is directly related to the child. The stomach, unlike the heart or liver, is not a single organ. In his “department” there are many different organs, tissues, structures, etc. If something is sick, then you are unlikely to be able to independently determine what it is. Therefore, contact your doctor immediately. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with what are the pains that occur in the abdomen, and what they can signal.

The sensations that occur in the abdomen during the period of bearing a child can be conditionally divided into obstetric and non-obstetric. What does it mean? When they say "obstetrics", they mean the sensations and feelings that arise in the body precisely because of pregnancy. For example, fetal movements in the later stages or mild, quickly passing pain in the sides. These symptoms are classified as non-dangerous, which do not require intervention from outside. medical workers. In the first trimester, moderate pain is not an alarm, but is due to physiological changes: there is a softening of the tissues that form the supporting apparatus of the uterus, as well as their stretching and displacement due to the growth of this organ. Often, such pain bothers women who had painful menstruation before pregnancy. But, remember: if a pregnant woman feels a pulling or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, if she “whines” in the area of ​​​​the sacrum, consult a doctor immediately. This may indicate the onset of a spontaneous miscarriage. The likelihood of an induced abortion increases if discharge is added to the pain. If you take action in time, you can avoid misfortune.

In addition, hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman make the intestines work more slowly, which, in turn, leads to stagnation of its contents. A favorable environment is created for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended not to overload the intestines: eat right (balanced, 4-5 times a day in small portions). Pain can also be caused by stretching of the intestine, squeezed by an enlarged uterus.

A decrease in immune defenses and changes in blood circulation in the small vessels of the internal organs also lead to conditions that contribute to the development of inflammation. Due to the displacement of the internal organs, the greater omentum, designed to delimit the inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity, is pushed back by the uterus and is in poor contact with internal organs. This leads to the fact that the inflammatory process quickly spreads to nearby organs and the peritoneum, causing their inflammation.

In the second case, speaking of non-obstetric sensations, they mean those that are inherent in any person, regardless of gender and age. So, abdominal pain can be a symptom of a variety of diseases. Let's list the main ones.

appendicitis during pregnancy

It is extremely rare in pregnant women, it appears with severe pain in the navel, as well as in the right hypochondrium and right side. In this case, there is a high temperature, nausea, vomiting. In the second trimester, cases of acute appendicitis are noted, requiring urgent intervention from doctors. In this case, the pain appears suddenly and is manifested by sharp strong attacks, and after a while it acquires a constant aching character. Pain, as well as with simple appendicitis, may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, fever.

cystitis during pregnancy

Inflammation of the bladder is manifested by characteristic pulling pains and a feeling of heaviness over the bosom. When filling the bladder, the pain intensifies, becoming sharp cutting, and reaches its greatest intensity at the end of urination. A woman suffering from cystitis constantly wants to "small", but at the same time urine is excreted in small portions. In some cases, blood may appear at the end of urination.

The period of pregnancy causes a wide range of different symptoms, some of which are expected, while others can be a little unpredictable. Starting from pain in the body and, a woman may experience, which occurs naturally or with the participation of irritants.

Abdominal pain is one such symptom that women often complain about during pregnancy. However, are frequent complaints normal?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also called heartburn because of the burning pain it causes in the upper abdomen or chest, is common during pregnancy. It affects up to 45% of women during this period, according to a systematic review of studies published in 2015.

Other symptoms seen with GERD include a sour taste in the mouth or belching, which usually gets worse after eating. As your pregnancy progresses, you are more likely to develop GERD because the growing uterus puts more pressure on the intestinal tract. GERD can also result from decreased muscle tone in the lower esophageal sphincter, which separates the stomach from the esophagus and prevents food from moving back up. Slow passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract due to hormonal changes can also be a cause of heartburn. Certain foods can make symptoms worse. Ask your doctor before taking antacids or other medicines.

However, a woman should not attempt to diagnose the cause herself, and it is always a good idea to visit a doctor at regular intervals.

2. Serious reasons

Upper abdominal pain is not always due to bloating and other bowel problems, but can also be a sign of some devastating pathologies, each of which is a serious complication during pregnancy and can lead to disastrous results if left unchecked.

gallbladder problems

A significant proportion of women suffer from diseases of the biliary system during pregnancy. During this period, the formation of stones in the gallbladder (cholelithiasis) may increase. Sand in the gallbladder, according to studies, occurs in 5-36% of pregnant women, and stones - 2-11%. Acute cholecystitis (violent inflammation of the gallbladder) is a common complication.

Gallbladder problems occur due to the fact that the secretion of cholesterol in bile increases during pregnancy, which leads to the formation of cholesterol, which eventually form stones. Also, the gallbladder empties more slowly during pregnancy, which contributes to the accumulation of sediment in it and contributes to the formation of stones. Symptoms include pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, especially after eating a high-fat meal.

In severe cases, surgery is often required. If gallstones need to be removed, your doctor may prefer to do so in the second trimester, when the risk of complications is lower and surgery is easier to perform than in the third trimester, when the uterus is larger.

Problems with the pancreas

The pancreas and gallbladder are connected through the bile ducts. Because of this, blockage in the ducts caused by gallstones can also cause problems in the pancreas. The risk of developing acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) increases during pregnancy, but it remains a rare condition affecting only 1 in 1,000 to 3 in 10,000 pregnant women.

You may experience pain in the upper abdomen that wraps around your back. Leaning forward can relieve pain.

It is believed that about 70% of all cases of acute pancreatitis during pregnancy are associated with gallstones. High triglyceride levels or abuse are among the other causes.


HELLP syndrome

Some experts consider HELLP syndrome to be a severe form of preeclampsia, while others consider it to be a separate condition. The term is an acronym for hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme, and low platelet count. It is a rare complication and occurs in 0.1-0.6% of all pregnancies and 4-12% of women with preeclampsia. Usually occurs between the 27th week of pregnancy and childbirth or immediately after them.

Main symptoms:

Any severe abdominal pain during pregnancy requires an immediate visit to the doctor.

How to alleviate the condition?

Below are simple home remedies and traditional methods. However, if you experience severe pain, you should seek emergency medical attention.

Eat small meals Eat small meals at short intervals to prevent stomach pain, discomfort, and gas.
Try to exercise Do a relaxation exercise that helps relieve muscle spasms and relax stretched muscles. For example, whenever you feel pain in your upper abdomen, you should curl into the fetal position and then slowly straighten your body. Keep doing this for a few minutes, relief will come immediately.
Avoid constipation In some conditions, expectant mothers may experience abdominal discomfort due to constipation, which is a common complaint of pregnant women. To prevent this, it is recommended to include foods high in fiber in your diet. The fibers help in the absorption of water and allow the stool to pass without excessive drying out.
Consume enough liquid If , it can prevent stomach pain caused by constipation and bloating. Water supports the metabolic system and prevents.
Go to the toilet more often As the pregnancy continues, the uterus begins to grow and take up more space, which puts more pressure on the bladder. If urine does not come out often, then there is pain in the abdomen, so it is recommended that women urinate more often.
Relax in a comfortable position Take frequent breaks from work and activities to relax your body by lying or sitting in a comfortable position, especially in later pregnancy. This can prevent fatigue and muscle cramps, thereby minimizing the intensity and frequency of abdominal pain.

When should you visit a doctor?

  • If the pain in the upper abdomen remains constant and/or there is also pain in the lower abdomen with cramping or bleeding. In some cases, bleeding may be light and accompanied by vaginal discharge.
  • If pain is felt and continues for a significant period of time and/or does not respond to over-the-counter remedies, it is recommended that you speak with your doctor immediately. If spasmodic pain is felt in the neck and shoulder along with the abdomen, seek medical attention immediately.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy is a cause for concern. During this important period for all women, the stomach is the center of special attention.

Therefore, with any pain in the abdomen, it is worth sounding the alarm. There are many reasons why your stomach may hurt during pregnancy.

Let's find out in more detail in this article why the stomach hurts during pregnancy.

Why can a woman experience abdominal pain during pregnancy?

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be associated with stretching of the muscles that support the uterus, as well as with the addition of baby and mommy weight.

With an increase in the height and weight of the child, the pressure on the area of ​​​​the ligaments gradually becomes greater, as a result, the uterus is stretched. Usually, a pregnant woman has pain in the upper abdomen.

During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges, for this reason the gallbladder, digestive organs, and liver have to be compressed. This pain in the abdomen can be sharp, but quickly passes.

It can appear during normal sneezing or coughing. Adopting a comfortable posture helps to soothe temporary pain. In this situation, medications are not needed, such pain is normal.

Pain in a pregnant woman may be associated with physiological processes. The sensation of pain sometimes appears from the passage of the egg through the tube and its growth to the uterine mucosa.

A growing child inside squeezes the perineum and abdominal cavity, can rest against mommy's liver or stomach, squeeze nerve endings in a certain place in the abdomen.

Try to relax, persuade the baby to calm down. Such pain should not cause great anxiety, it is natural. You may be tired after physical exertion.

During pregnancy, almost all women begin to experience changes in taste preferences. To avoid health problems, it is important to learn how to control your desires.

Remember, you are responsible for your child for his and your health. Do not get carried away with food: spicy, sour, there is a lot of sweet, so this can provoke the appearance of dysbacteriosis.

During this important period, forget about alcohol and carbonated drinks.

If the pain in the abdomen continues, this indicates a difficult situation, in order to avoid problems, it is necessary not to delay over time, but to immediately contact a specialist.

Why the pain does not go away, and the pregnant woman feels bad

Perhaps the pain is caused by other causes not related to the course of pregnancy. Feeling of pain can give various diseases. Therefore, it would be right to seek the advice of a specialist.

For diagnosis, it is important to clarify the sensations of pain. The pain may be cramping in nature, at which point the attack intensifies or becomes less, or may be permanent.

According to the sensations, pains in the abdomen are stabbing, cutting, pressing, squeezing, aching. At the time of pain, it is important to determine exactly where it was localized.

Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy at the time of sex appear from intense physical exertion. Under the action of prostaglandins, which contains male sperm, irritation occurs in the cervix.

In this regard, the smooth muscles of the uterus contract, “hypertonicity” occurs at this moment and a painful sensation appears in the pregnant woman.

During this important period, it is necessary for spouses to select more lightweight positions and reduce the number of sexual intercourses.

If there was a moment of threat of losing a child (miscarriage), a ban on sexual life may last several months.

In the first months of pregnancy, the female body produces a large amount of the hormone progesterone. It can be the cause that causes problems in digestion.

Under the action of progesterone, muscles relax, it also affects the stomach and intestinal tract.

In this regard, the processes of digestion become slower, bloating is observed, discomfort in the stomach is felt and flatulence increases. At these moments, the pregnant woman may experience pain.

If a pregnant woman likes to eat tightly (especially at lunch), this provokes gas formation. At these moments, gases go into the stomach with air, this process interferes with the proper breakdown of food by intestinal bacteria.

In this regard, belching appears, since gases are partially removed from the body in this way. The rest of the collected gases goes down.

What needs to be done to reduce gases during this period?

The increase in gas production occurs because foods containing legumes, asparagus and cabbage have entered the digestive tract.

Such manifestations can be from the use of any carbonated drinks, dairy products, plums or pears. Some women may experience this problem after pasta, potatoes and bran.

In order for gas formation to become less, not to cause discomfort and pain in the abdomen, and digestion to improve, you need to accustom yourself to eat food in small portions (5-6 times a day).

Train yourself to chew your food thoroughly, not to rush. This habit will help reduce the amount of air entering the stomach. Thanks to these tips, the metabolic process in the body will improve.

Eliminate foods that cause gas formation from your diet. These include cabbage, beans, beans, try to find a "safe" substitute for them. The appearance of gases can provoke coffee, ordinary chewing gum, since it contains sorbitol.

Try to correctly allocate time during this crucial period of life and be more on the street, walking, this will help normalize digestion.

If the formation of gases does not stop, and at the same time there are pains in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting, an urgent need to see a doctor.

Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy

  1. If it hurts in the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman, this may signal an abortion. This nagging pain is reminiscent of the pain experienced by women during menstruation. Pain is collected over the vagina, then follows to the sacrum. Mucous discharge appears from the genital tract. They may be blood.
  2. A pregnant woman has frequent urination. This situation can occur from nervous overexertion, a stressful situation or from strong physical exertion. It is necessary to do everything so that the pregnant woman calms down, her pain stops, as this is serious and can lead to contractions and termination of pregnancy.
  3. In the second half of pregnancy, the appearance of pain may be from tension in the uterus. The abdomen, as it were, becomes stone, there may be discharge with blood. Do not waste time, consult a doctor immediately! Thanks to ultrasound, it is possible to diagnose an increase in tone in the uterus, detachment of the fetal egg, placenta. Thanks to the diagnosis, a pregnant woman can find out about the condition of the child and start treatment on time.
  4. Acute appendicitis is especially common during this period. This pathology occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy. Manifestations of pain in the abdomen during inflammation of the appendix are sudden, sharp with a aching character. At first, it may appear in the center of the abdomen (in the middle) and gradually move down to its location. The displacement of the appendix during this period is associated with the duration of the pregnant woman. There may be a strong fever, the temperature rises, the heartbeat becomes more frequent, the stomach swells. These are all symptoms of developing peritonitis.
  5. In second place among the diseases that occur in pregnant women is cholecystitis. The gallbladder becomes inflamed. Usually, the feeling of an attack of pain and heaviness in the hypochondrium on the right speaks of this disease. These are dull, sharp, cramping and aching characteristic pains. During them, bitterness gathers in the mouth, there may be attacks of nausea, vomiting, bloating of the abdomen, heartburn. Such an attack of pain can provoke fatty, fried, spicy foods. Or the presence of stones in the gallbladder.
  6. With pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), the pains can be acute, they appear in the upper abdomen, they can be shingles. At this point, the pressure drops, an emetic reaction appears. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound, pass urine and blood tests.
  7. If it hurts on the right in the abdomen, this sensation may manifest itself due to the special position of the fetus in the uterus. At the moment when the baby moves, the pregnant woman may feel new pains. Usually heartburn and bloating are added to them.
  8. Obese pregnant women may develop a hiatal hernia - this is an anomaly in which part of the woman's stomach can get through the hole in the diaphragm into the chest cavity. Stressful situations, smoking, and if coughing are carried out to hiatal hernia. It usually hurts in the upper part of the stomach, in the chest area.
  9. The cause of acute abdominal pain during pregnancy is inflammation in part of the bladder. In chronic cystitis, characteristic pains, pulling with a feeling of heaviness in the womb region. As the bladder fills, the pain increases at the end of urination. A cutting sensation of pain is accompanied by frequent urination. Cystitis is determined after examination and tests.

Feelings during a spontaneous abortion and its signs or why the stomach hurts

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy, occurring against the will of the pregnant woman, is called spontaneous abortion.

  • With spontaneous abortion, cramping pains in the abdomen are observed, they are caused by active contraction of the muscles of the uterus. According to clinical data, weak aching pains appear in the lower abdomen or sacrum. In early pregnancy, cervical abortion may occur. In this situation, the external uterine os does not open, the exfoliated fetal egg begins to be released into the cervical canal due to contractions occurring in the uterus. At the same time, the walls of the canal are stretched and the cervix of the uterus becomes barrel-shaped.
  • It hurts in the abdomen with contraction of the uterus, if the process of separation of the fetal egg has occurred. With weak contractions in the uterus, a detachment of the fetal egg occurs, at these moments there may be prolonged mild uterine bleeding. This can lead to the development of anemia.

If a pregnant woman notices any symptoms of an unpleasant nature, she should immediately seek help from a specialist, call an ambulance.

She is responsible not only for the life of the child, but also for his own health. Thanks to a thorough examination of the body, it will be found out what condition the fetus is in and whether there is a threat of miscarriage.

If the sensations during pregnancy are disturbing

After seeing the doctor, you did not have any health problems, but the sensations remained and you are worried. In this situation, you can additionally apply for one more consultation to another specialist.

And if again no serious violations were revealed, and the sensations continue to disturb, then try to reconsider your behavior and lifestyle.

Pregnancy is not a disease, do not lie in bed all day, it is harmful for you and the unborn baby. At the same time, don't be too active. Everything should be in moderation.

  • During pregnancy, a woman must do special exercises for pregnant women. It will help cheer up, strengthen the abdominal muscles, and help relieve an unpleasant sensation. You can get acquainted with the exercises in the courses for future parents.
  • Take advantage of short baths or showers, just five or ten minutes, the temperature should not exceed 37 degrees.
  • Be sure to review your diet and connect fresh vegetables and fruits to it. Mandatory fruits during pregnancy should be dried apricots with prunes. Thanks to them, you can avoid fixing the chair. Regulate the water regime and do not overeat.
  • Try to go outside every day to walk.
  • Protect yourself from negativity and stressful situations, unnecessary worries. If possible, go to maternity leave early.
  • Sleep is important during pregnancy. Therefore, be sure to sleep fully, at least nine hours a day. Daytime sleep will be a great rest and stress relief.

Anxiety during false contractions or why does the stomach hurt?

For some women, before the start of the main labor activity, preparation for childbirth in the form of training contractions may begin.

The uterus begins to contract the smooth muscles in the uterus, the cervix does not open and labor cannot begin during this period.

This happens around the twentieth week of pregnancy. There is no need to look for pathology in this process.

Of course, with false contractions, women experience discomfort, these are not the best sensations. Their sign is not the constancy of contractions.

The stomach hurts, but not as much as during childbirth. They can frighten the mother and make her worry that a real birth has begun.

Thanks to false contractions, muscle training occurs, which is involved in contraction. At these moments, the placenta is filled with oxygen and beneficial substances. This has a positive effect on the fetus.

With false contractions, there is no clear rhythm, compression is felt in the lower abdomen, groin, and at the top of the uterus. The whole abdomen does not hurt, there is a distribution of sensations only to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen.

The time of contractions is not regular, contractions can be painless, but with discomfort.

False contractions do not stop, you lie in bed, try to get up and walk around, that is, change activities. The contractions started when you were working, then it will be better for you if you lie down.

And yet, premature contractions in the abdomen during pregnancy may be a suspicion of premature onset of labor. Especially if you notice vaginal discharge and its soreness.

It can be blood (when smeared), thick mucus. In this situation, call and call an ambulance.

In the article, we got acquainted with the types of abdominal pain during pregnancy in women. As you can see, they are very different and their appearance can be associated with various reasons.

With similar symptoms, be sure to seek the advice of a specialist. Only an experienced doctor can correctly diagnose and determine why the stomach hurts during pregnancy.

You can not ascribe medicines to yourself and use them. Medicines are prescribed only by a specialist after an examination and diagnosis. In case of sharp unbearable pain, you should immediately call an ambulance.

This article is for informational purposes only.

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