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They say that in the south San Antonio, Texas Some time ago there was an accident in which several children died. The ghosts of these children are pushing cars towards the railroad crossing, even though the road is already going uphill. Recently, a young girl and her mother were passing by this crossing and photographed a ghost.

"Lady Brown" by Captain Provende: this ghost portrait of "Lady Brown" is actually the most famous ghost shot of all time. It is believed to be the ghost of Lady Dorothy Townshed, wife of Charles Townshed. The couple lived at Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England in the early 18th century. Dorothy was rumored to have been Lord Wharton's mistress before marriage. Charles suspected Dorothy of treason. Although according to the documents she died and was buried in 1726, people suspected that this was a performance and that Charles locked his wife in the farthest corner of the house until her death, which came many years later.

Lord Combermere. Photo by Sibell Corbet: in the photo you can see a blurry figure of a man sitting in a chair. It is believed to be the ghost of Lord Combermere, an early 19th century British cavalry commander who died in 1891 as a result of a horse-drawn carriage.

Freddie Jackson: Behind one of the aviators, you can clearly see the face of another person. It is believed that this is the face of Freddie Jackson, an aircraft mechanic who died in an accident (he was killed by a propeller) two days before the shooting. His funeral was on the day the picture was taken. Colleagues easily recognized Jackson in the picture. They decided that Jackson, not realizing he was dead, decided to participate in a group shoot.

Rev. Ralph Hardy, retired from White Rock, British Columbia, took this famous photograph in 1966. He intended only to photograph the elegant spiral staircase in the Queen's House section of the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. However, after developing, the picture showed a figure walking up holding the railing with both hands. Experts (including those from Kodak) who examined the original negative came to the conclusion that no manipulations were made with it. It is known that in the area of ​​the stairs these phenomena were seen more than once.

While visiting her mother's grave in 1959, Mabel Chinnery filmed her husband waiting for her in the car. After developing the film, both spouses were surprised to find a figure in the back seat who was Mabel's mother.

Terry Ike Clanton took a photo of his friend at Boothill Cemetery. The photo was taken on black and white film, as a friend wanted pictures in the style of the Wild West. Clanton took the film to Srifty Dragstore for processing and was very surprised when he got the pictures. In the upper right corner there is an image of a man in a dark hat. Judging by the height, a person either has no legs, or he is on his knees, or ... rises from the ground.

On November 19, 1995, the City Hall of Wham (Shropshire, England) burned to the ground. Many onlookers gathered to look at the fire of this ancient building, built in 1905. Tony O "Rahilly filmed the fire from the other side of the street. One of the photos shows a translucent figure of a girl standing in a doorway. Neither O" Rahilly, nor other observers or firefighters remember the girls during the fire. According to historical documents, in 1677 a fire destroyed many wooden houses in the city. According to legend, a little girl named Jayne Charm accidentally set the roof on fire with a candle. Many believe that her ghost lives in this area.

The picture was taken during an investigation at Bachelor Grove Cemetery, near Chicago, by the Ghost Research Society (PRS). On August 10, 1991, several members of the IPR were in a small, abandoned cemetery on the outskirts of a forest reserve in the suburbs of Midlothian, Illinois. The cemetery has a reputation as one of the most mystical cemeteries in the US. There are reports of more than 100 different cases strange phenomena that have occurred here: disappearances, incomprehensible sounds and visions, and even glowing balls of light. After developing one of the images taken by the IPR, a lone woman can be seen sitting on a gravestone. Parts of her body are translucent, and her clothes and style are clearly dated.

James Courtney and Michael Meehan, members of the Watertown crew, cleaned the cargo hold of an oil tanker en route from New York to the Panama Canal in December 1924. As a result of an accident, they were poisoned by gas fumes and died. According to maritime tradition, they were buried at sea. The next day, one of the crew members saw their faces in the waves to starboard. They appeared in the water for 10 seconds, and then melted. During the following days, other members of the crew often saw the faces of the dead in the waves. Upon arrival in New Orleans, the ship's captain Kees Tracy reported the strange events to his employers, who advised him to capture the faces on film. Captain Tracy bought a camera and went to sea. When the faces reappeared in the water, the captain took 6 pictures and then closed the camera in the ship's safe. When the film was developed in New York, five shots showed nothing but water, and the last showed the dead sailors' faces clearly. The negative was examined for forgery by the Burns Detective Agency. After the change of the ship's crew, the faces no longer appeared.

This picture was taken in 1963 by the priest K.F. Lord at Newby Church in North Yorkshire, England. This shot caused a storm of controversy as it is very clear. The face and the direction of the gaze give grounds to talk about overlapping shots. But, they say that this photo was studied in detail by experts who came to the conclusion that these are not two frames superimposed one on one, but one shot.

A woman named Andrews visited the grave of her daughter Joyce, who died at 17. Andrews didn't see anything out of the ordinary when she took the photo of the gravestone. When the film was developed, Andrews was stunned by the image of a small child sitting next to a grave. The ghost child appears to have been seen by Andrews as he looks directly into the lens.

In 1982, photographer Chris Brackley took a picture of the interior of London's St. Botolph's Church, but did not expect what he saw on film. In the upper right corner you can see the figure of a woman. According to Brackley, there were only three people in the church and not one of them was in the place where the figure is visible.

According to the author of the book about ghosts, there was another photographer in the church during the shooting of this shot, but neither he nor the person who took this shot saw a ghost or a person. Since the figure is dressed in black, it is assumed that this is a priest.

Denise Russell took this picture of her grandmother in 1997 and was shocked to see a picture of her deceased grandfather behind her grandmother's back after development.

A ghost or ghost is the spirit of a deceased person. Scientists say that there are no real ghosts, but many people believe in their existence. There are a huge number of stories about ghosts. Many books have been written about them and more than one film has been made. There is an opinion that a ghost is the spirit of a person who was killed by someone or who died without repentance. The ghost may stay on Earth because he wants to say goodbye to loved ones, or he has unfinished business, having completed which, he can leave Earth forever. According to legend, ghosts live in a certain place, for example, in an abandoned house, in a cemetery.

Many say that they saw, heard and felt ghosts next to them. The ghost may manifest as a feeling of cold and light or as a foggy cloud, but sometimes eyewitnesses claim to have seen ghosts that are more like people. People who try to contact ghosts as part of their job are called mediums. Attempts to contact the spirit of the deceased are called séances.

Ghosts can be bad and good. However, not a single case when they hurt a person or killed him has not been scientifically confirmed, although there are many stories about this. In most cases, the sight of a ghost causes fear in a person, especially if he saw him suddenly. However, there are many stories in which ghosts are friendly and help people in a difficult situation in every possible way.

A ghost can appear immediately after a person's death, and exist for centuries. Various stories and urban legends have been invented about these paranormal creatures. Many try to prove their existence with the help of special technologies such as thermal sensors, cameras and video cameras. There have been TV shows dedicated to proving that ghosts really exist. Journalists investigate cases where a person saw or contacted the spirit of the deceased, and also visit places where this unusual meeting took place.

Ghost stories can be found all over the world. The Chinese philosopher Confucius said: Respect ghosts and gods, but stay away from them».

Belief in the existence of ghosts (animism) is widespread among people: it is present in the culture of almost all peoples of the world. Obviously, its appearance is associated with the cult of ancestors - an ancient and widespread form of poletheism, based on the worship of deceased parents and relatives, and the belief that the spirits of ancestors magically participate in the life of their descendants.

Although ghosts are mostly called the souls of dead people, there are many legends and beliefs about the ghosts of animals, planes, ships, entire armies and cities. The concept of "ghost" generalizes a number of phenomena, sometimes having different origins. It is used by observing the following phenomena:

  1. Figures of a person, reminiscent of the deceased, capable of passing through walls, flying, suddenly appearing and disappearing before the eyes of eyewitnesses.
  2. Some unidentified creatures that resemble humans, but differ from them in capabilities and anatomical structure (Mothman, Jumper Jack, Bigfoot).
  3. The appearance in the air of persons or other parts of the human body.
  4. Ghostly beasts or vehicles.
  5. The appearance in the photo during its development of objects that were not there at the time of photographing (incomprehensible shadows, human faces, lights, luminous clouds, etc.).

Although many people believe in ghosts, science does not recognize their existence, and explains specific cases for one reason or another. The most popular of them:

  1. hallucinations that people can see during certain illnesses, with mental disorders or with the use of psychotropic and narcotic drugs.
  2. Illusions associated with an unusual combination of visual images, lighting features, observation of objects that have not been seen before in a given perspective, etc. Unlike hallucinations, optical illusions can be fixed by technical means.
  3. Mirages- optical phenomena in the atmosphere, when, together with a real-life object or part of the sky, its reflection in the atmosphere is visible.
  4. Film defects, hardware failure, glare etc. Most of the ghosts "documented" in photos and videos are explained as glare from light sources pointed at the lens but out of view.
  5. Conscious hoaxes. It has long been proven that some of the documentary evidence that confirms the existence of ghosts is simply fake, made to draw attention to specific individuals or to advertise certain places.

Video: Do ​​ghosts really exist?

No child questions the existence of ghosts. But with age, people stop believing in otherworldly phenomena. The denial of the existence of another world continues until a person encounters something unusual and unknown. And it makes him wonder if ghosts exist or not.

The nature of the phenomenon

There is no effect without a cause. If a person has encountered a ghost, there must also be some logical explanation for this. And it will depend on the general views on the world.

  • Skeptics. People who deny the existence of otherworldly phenomena consider ghosts to be an ordinary hallucination. Vision does not have to be caused by illness. Hallucinations occasionally occur in a healthy person. If a ghost was seen in a photograph, skeptics claim that this is nothing more than a film defect. With the advent graphic editors to depict a luminous silhouette in the picture has become even easier. The suspicious creatures in the photo are just a fake. The skeptic also believes that a lack of education makes people see the unusual in quite understandable phenomena.
  • Scientists. Not always the words "skeptic" and "scientist" can be considered synonymous. Some highly educated people are serious about ghosts and ghosts, studying the nature of this phenomenon. However, scientists have not yet been able to establish the exact cause of visions. According to one version, people see creatures from another dimension. Probably, these creatures also see us and consider us ghosts. According to some scientists, aliens from distant planets can be ghosts.
  • Mystics. These include psychics, magicians, parapsychologists, believers or simply superstitious, prone to mysticism. These people do not question whether ghosts exist or not. Visions, from the point of view of mystics, are explained simply: we observe the souls of the dead, beings from the higher (angels) and lower (demons) worlds. At the same time, each representative of this category will answer the question of how to relate to incorporeal creatures in his own way. The opinion will depend on religion or belonging to any mystical movement.

Of course, visions cannot be explained only by morbid imagination, excessive religiosity, or lack of education. Official science recognizes that psychic energy is indestructible. Knowing this, we can assume that after the death of a person there remains a certain energy structure, which religious people call the soul.

Encounters with the Unknown

Researchers of the other world not only are not afraid of ghosts, but also deliberately seek to meet them. To do this, they go to anomalous zones. It may be an old building, such as a castle. Built centuries ago, stone fortresses often keep terrible secrets. The walls of the castles remember the inhuman tortures and executions to which the feudal lords subjected prisoners, servants, or even their own relatives.

A ghost roams the Swedish castle of Haringe, built in the 11th century. little boy. Axel Horn (that was the name of the child) froze under the walls of the building. According to legend, his aunt left the boy to freeze on the street. Today, the castle houses a hotel. One of Haringe's guests assures that, having woken up at night, she noticed a figure of a boy near her bed, whom she mistook for her nephew. The woman invited him to lie down next to him and was very surprised to feel an unnaturally cold body near her. In the morning it turned out that the nephew slept all night in his bed and did not approach the bed of his aunt.

In March 2011, an earthquake hit Japan, which was accompanied by a tsunami. Thousands of people became victims. At the same time, unusual incidents began to occur with taxi drivers working in the earthquake area. Drivers have encountered customers asking for a ride to dangerous areas, despite warnings from taxi drivers not to go there. On the way, strange passengers suddenly disappeared right from the car.

In his book Far Journeys, parapsychologist Robert Monroe suggested that our visible world is surrounded by several layers of subtler worlds. In the layers closest to us live people who have not managed to accept their death. They try to return to their former lives, often feeding on the energy of the living. It is these dead who have not found peace from time to time come to our world in the form of luminous silhouettes, translucent figures, etc.

Whether ghosts exist or not, modern science is not able to answer. Not every "sensational" photo of a ghost should be considered as evidence of the existence of the other world. However, it is also not worth completely rejecting the existence of other dimensions with its inhabitants. Perhaps scientists will be able to give answers to all questions in 200 - 300 years.

Many stories can be heard about the existence of ghosts or other anomalous beings living within the astral plane of the earth. It turns out that most of these stories are true.

Why do ghosts linger on earth?

Known fact that they exist. Many people have encountered inexplicable phenomena in their lives. However, not everyone believes in the existence of an afterlife. Some people, after contact with ghosts, refer to the fact that this vision seemed to them against the backdrop of a nervous strain. However, there are also people in this world who have a super-sensitive energy field. They are called psychics or mediums. They are forced to often encounter the inhabitants of the other world, so they are amused by ridiculous skeptical beliefs. Many psychics claim that anyone can communicate with ghosts, one has only to develop their abilities.

But why do ghosts linger on the earth plane? In fact, these are the souls of the departed, who for various reasons refuse to leave the earth. Most often this is due to unfinished earthly affairs.

Supporters of many religions are convinced that people who have committed atrocities should suffer earthly punishment in the form of imprisonment. Priests believe that criminals should not be deprived of their lives by, as this is contrary to the laws of God. And this also makes some sense. Psychics claim that death is not a punishment for the soul. In reality, physical death is liberation from earthly suffering. Priests also have a very negative attitude towards suicide. In their opinion, God gave man life, and he will take it away. If a person dared to end his own life, then this is considered a grave sin. Not without reason, after all, earlier suicides were buried outside cemeteries. Mediums and psychics believe that a person should not commit suicide, because by doing so he cuts off his karmic program, which he must work out safely. Therefore, the souls of suicides often reside on the lower energy layers. They realize that they have not completed their earthly destiny. Therefore, now they are forced to be reborn again in order to work out their karmic task, but in more difficult living conditions, due to suicide.

In general, the premature death of the physical body as a result of murder, accident or suicide is accompanied by obstacles that do not allow the soul to safely leave the astral plane of the earth.

In addition to the physical shell, a person has mental and astral projections. When a person dies, the energy body separates from the physical body. For three days, the invisible part of the subtle body dwells near its decaying flesh. After three days, the etheric body is detached from the physical shell. This is the ghost of the deceased person. Therefore, some people see ghosts in cemeteries. After that, the etheric body can stay on the earth level for nine days. And after about a month and nine days, the spirit frees itself from the astral shell and moves to a higher mental level. This place of the souls of the dead is called their home. That is where they are until their next reincarnation on earth.

This process is characteristic of a soul that has experienced natural death, since by this time energy body already partly destroyed. In this case, the soul is already ready for the transition and therefore does not experience suffering.

But what happens to souls if they leave this world prematurely? The ethereal shell of the soul is not yet ready for the transition to the higher plane. Therefore, it hangs on the lower astral levels. Such souls are ghosts.

Unfortunately, people who commit suicide do not relieve themselves of earthly suffering. They reside on the lower levels of the astral plane. These souls do not find peace, as they constantly experience visions of their own suicide and realize that they have only aggravated their situation.

Visit of ghosts

In general, ghosts are harmless entities. They just scare people with their appearance. However, there are such ghosts that can harm a living person. This is due to the fact that during their lifetime they harbored aggression towards other people. Sometimes due to premature death, ghosts retain negative traits. In this case, a person should not feel fear, as aggressive ghosts will be fueled by his emotions. They are powerless over humor. Try to imagine how a harmful ghost was enveloped in a huge transparent ball filled with water. Then this ball bursts, and the ghost is all wet. Connect your fantasy. Make it really funny. Humor helps drive away an invisible guest. However, many individuals are frightened when a ghost appears in their field of vision.

If the ghost of a deceased person is not aggressive towards a person, but rather tries to make friends with him, then you should not drive him away. Perhaps a person will be able to gain an ally in the person of an invisible guest.

Most often, ghosts live in cemeteries or in hospitals. They are strongly attached to these places, so they do not want to leave them.

Ghosts are really close to people. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of them. Unfortunately, these unfortunate souls are able to hang on the lower astral levels for centuries. Perhaps the compassion of a living person will help them move faster to a higher plane.

It is difficult to answer the question of whether ghosts exist. Many reject this theory, but more and more evidence to the contrary is emerging.

Who or what are called ghosts

People encounter cases of apparitions or apparitions that cannot be scientifically explained. Persons who have seen ghosts begin to believe in:

  • mysticism;
  • ghosts;
  • otherworldly forces;
  • the existence of spirits.

Others remain skeptical and believe that this is just a figment of fantasy and computer graphics.

A ghost or ghost is the lost soul of a person who could not find his place in another world. Parapsychologists believe that ghosts remain because of unfulfilled debt, unfinished business, or because the person was not yet ready for death.

Some people think that ghosts may not even suspect that they no longer live in the present, and years for them are only fractions of a second. It is difficult to explain this in words, but there is a version that a ghost is the last breath of a person, which in our time can last for decades, as if stuck between the edges of reality.

Ghosts and ghosts differ in that the second entity appears only once. She does not pursue and does not appear several times in a row. The term comes from the word "had a dream" - maybe something happened or just a dream. Ghosts can appear for days or even months, but mostly they are tied to a specific place or object and rarely disturb just like that.

  1. Often spirits come to fix something or bring things to an end.
  2. Ghosts can appear because of a deep sense of guilt in front of someone, begging for forgiveness.
  3. If a person died suddenly, his soul may want to say goodbye.
  4. They can appear close and indicate their place of death, so that they can be mourned and say goodbye to them, after which the spirit finally finds peace.
  5. May appear completely strangers.
  6. Essences come during magical rites at deserted crossroads or bridges.

They mostly live near the place of their death or rest. Many ghosts can be found in cemeteries. Not a single photograph has captured human images near the graves. It can also be the scene of car accidents or abandoned buildings.

There was a case of the brutal murder of a mother and her little son, which were later buried in the forest. The case was closed a long time ago and one traveler, traveling through the forest, met the ghost of a woman in patchwork clothes and as if with a cut throat, who tried to tell him something.

The spirit pointed to a small mound, near a birch. Soon the traveler left, but the ghost of a woman began to haunt him, showing images. Until one day he again went there and found the remains, as it turned out later, of those same mother and child. After that, he saw her for the last time, she appeared to him already in clean clothes with a small child in her arms. Both smiled, she thanked him and did not appear again.

Varieties of ghosts

There are several categories of ghosts:

  1. Tied to a specific location. They can be tied to the house where they lived before, to the place of their death, to things that could be passed down from generation to generation. Such are the people who have not been able to find their place in life. You can even feel sorry for them, they are eternal wanderers who are looking for their life path and himself, even after death. In fact, they do no harm.
  2. With a special message. These ghosts appear only once and for a specific purpose. They can come in a dream and point to something, give a sign or signal. This is the soul that protects you all the time. Often people are faced with a situation where a fire starts in the house, and they dozed off, and suddenly, something suddenly wakes them up, like a whisper or a breath. There were cases when the relatives of the missing person despaired of finding him, the ghost of the missing person appeared and pointed to the place of his death. Such spirits can be harbingers of illness and trouble.
  3. Ghosts of living people. When a person gets into trouble, his ghost may come to another with a plea for help. It can come in a dream or as a bad premonition. Such spirits come not only to relatives and friends, but even to complete strangers. There was a case when one woman dreamed of a young guy who got into a car accident, he asked her to help him and showed her the scene. When she woke up, she immediately called an ambulance, indicating the very coordinates, and went there herself. The young man was saved.
  4. Ghosts of people who returned from the other world. They can use the human body as a vessel to achieve certain goals. They may act out of good or bad motives. Such ghosts are called by black magicians and sorcerers to bring trouble.
  5. Poltergeist. A number of strange events taking place in the house: strange whispers or sounds, rustles, squeaks, wiring problems, spontaneous turning on / off of the TV, flashing lights can cause a lot of psychological trouble, do not cause physical harm. Such ghosts are engaged only in pranks and disappear if left unattended.

What evidence is there for the existence of spirits?

There are many secrets and mysteries in the world for which there is no explanation. This also applies to the paranormal, the existence of ghosts and ghosts. To date, there are many eyewitnesses who have repeatedly met with such unusual phenomena, whether it be a ghost lost in the night or a poltergeist raging in the house:

  1. The presence of a ghost nearby can be indicated by a sharp jump in temperature: people who are next to a ghost can suddenly become shiveringly cold: the more active the ghost, the lower the air temperature.
  2. Over the years, ghosts have increasingly been discovered in random photographs. In 1945, in England, there was a big fire that journalists filmed for the news. In one frame, the ghost of a girl was seen, whose clothes looked more like the fashion of the 1670s. According to old records, it was found that the house where the girl died was already on fire at this place. Many consider this to be a fake, others have tried to explain it as a result of double exposure, but this picture has excited the public.

There are known cases of the phenomenon of ghosts of living people, a couple of hours before their death:

  1. The situation with a soldier who went to war and with his family. At 9 pm, a soldier appeared in his sister's room, talked to her, said that he wished her all the best, after which he kissed her and disappeared. A few days later, his family learned that at 9 o'clock, that very day, he had been killed in action.
  2. Have a young married couple there was a case when her wife dreamed of her father, who told her not to worry, and that he had died. The frightened wife woke her husband up and told him about her dream, to which her husband did not believe her. They called her father, where her mother said that her father had passed away a few minutes ago.
  3. There is also a case of self-sacrifice. During the war, young children were sent to an abandoned barn that was hidden away. There was an agreement that one woman would come to them once a day to feed them. After 2 months, she disappeared for 3 days, but then she continued to walk, all this time she was taciturn, brought food and immediately left. This went on for several more months, after which they were found by soldiers who were at a loss to find the children alive. They told them that the whole village, incl. and this woman was killed.

Some ghosts came from a sense of unfulfilled duty. For example, when two friends before parting promised each other one day to meet again. The promise is suddenly fulfilled, after which one of them leaves the other under a certain pretext, and the next day a person receives a letter about the death of that friend a few days before the meeting.

What to do if you meet a ghost

The fact that ghosts exist, there are many records of eyewitnesses. Their existence has not been scientifically proven, and almost every person at least once, but doubted that these were just fiction. It is impossible to explain the fact that the presence of otherworldly energy causes temperature and voltage surges.

Experts believe that the phenomenon of the otherworldly is not just a soul that has not found peace. There is a theory that due to a strong feeling of love and affection for loved ones, after the death of a person, part of his consciousness takes on a different shell that protects his family and, after fulfilling his duty, leaves this world forever.

Ghosts should not be afraid, they are to warn or tell the news. They cannot harm you, and on the contrary, they will often try to help.

If a ghost appears to you, do not ignore it, but try to listen to it, try to understand what is keeping it here. Perhaps in this way you will prevent something bad or free an unfortunate soul who has long dreamed of finding peace.