
Elisha gray Slutsk. Saved children's lives: a charity marathon ended in Slutsk


Taisiya Seraya is still with her son in Germany, where Elisha is undergoing treatment.

That's what she wrote today, December 14, in Odnoklassniki:

“We are still in Germany. Yesterday at Professor Lenarz (our attending doctor) we discussed the plan for further treatment for 2018 and summed up the work done over the past year (Thomas Lenarz is one of the best ENT doctors in Germany — Note. ed.).

We have a positive trend. Everything that was planned for the fall was done.

In two months we were three times in Hannover, twice with hospitalization.

A tumor biopsy found no cancer cells. During the treatment, we had many doctors both at home and here in Germany, but the most important phrase was told to us by Thomas Lenarz. At the end of the conversation, he shook hands and said: "YOUR CHILD WILL LIVE."

This is the best news ever new year holidays. There is still a lot to come, we will do something here, something in Borovlyany.

Thank you all very much!!! Without your love and support, we would not have succeeded. I kiss the hands of everyone who helps us."

Earlier (September-2017). Mother five year old, for the treatment and rehabilitation of which the whole world raised one hundred thousand euros, told Kur "er" about how their family's life had changed a year after the diagnosis of cancer.

Elisha Gray during treatment in Hannover CONTEXT. Since the beginning of November 2016, a campaign has been spontaneously launched in the Slutsk region to raise funds for the treatment of Elisey Sery, a Slutsk resident (he was then 4 years old). The boy was diagnosed with severe neuroblastoma of the nasopharynx with damage to the optic nerves. The child has lost his sight. Elisey underwent chemotherapy courses at the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology. To save Elisha, the financial help of caring people was needed. Elisha's father is a well-known gynecologist in the city. During this year, mother and child traveled to Moscow and Hannover for consultations and treatment.

Fundraising for the treatment and rehabilitation of Elisey Sery is still open - until the baby gets better.

Details and name:

CBU No. 615 of branch No. 633 of JSC ASB Belarusbank UNP 600,286,255 MFO 153,001,969

Postal address: 223 609, Slutsk, st. Chekhov, 22, Minsk region.

  • The transit account in Belarusian rubles is 3,819,382,106,339.
  • Transit account in US dollars - 3,819,382,100,003.
  • Transit account in euros — 3,819,382,100,003.

Purpose of payment: in the name of Gray Taisiya Nikolaevna for the treatment of the son of Gray Elisey Yurievich.

The mother of a five-year-old baby, for whose treatment and rehabilitation the whole world raised one hundred thousand euros, told Kur "er" about how their family's life had changed a year after the diagnosis of cancer.

“In September, it was a year since Elisha lost his sight and his son was diagnosed with neuroblastoma of the nasopharynx with damage to the optic nerves,” recalls Taisa Seraya. - The first three months were in shock - they could not accept it. The son's illness, like a litmus test, highlighted our surroundings. There are close people who, to put it mildly, turned away and did not show attention and support. But there are others who used to just say hello on the street, came to our aid, visited us in the hospital.”

Elisha underwent a series of chemotherapy courses in Minsk. Parents took the baby to Russia and Germany several times and consulted with the best specialists.
According to his mother, in January of this year, Elisha was refused an operation at the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology.

“We received an official refusal signed by the director of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center Olga Aleinikova,” says Taisa Seraya. - Doctors refer to the complex localization of the tumor. We were offered to undergo a course of treatment in Moscow and then have a bone marrow transplant in Belarus. We refused, as the German doctors offered an alternative treatment option and prepared Elisha for the operation, which was scheduled for October.”

On October 1, the parents take Elisha to Hannover to the clinic, where the baby was observed for a year. The family had previously paid 22,000 euros for hospitalization. The final amount will be posted after check out.

Elisha will be operated on by Professor Thomas Lenarz, one of the best ENT doctors in Germany.

The plans of the boy's parents are to go to the clinic for psychomotor disorders in the German city of Tübingen. In this clinic, children are treated with optic nerve atrophy using stem cells. Parents want to consult whether there is a chance to restore the child's vision.

Elisha's mother says that her son is doing well, there are no negative dynamics: “The tumor has stabilized, and we hope for a successful operation. Our friends, the Cartel family of doctors, are hosting us in Hannover. These people have become our family, and their home has become our second home.”
Photo from the family archive of the Gray family Taisiya Seraya draws attention to the fact that the operation is not a complete recovery of the child. This is one of the treatments for neuroblastoma, after which further treatment and rehabilitation will follow.

“Elisha's illness changed the life of our family. We make it through our unity. Older children love the baby and help in everything,” says Taisiya. She recalls how she underwent chemotherapy courses in Borovlyany: “How many small children have passed away before our eyes ... We communicate with their mothers, we support them. Psychologists worked with us for a long time: without their help, we would not have coped. But morally it is very difficult to live with the knowledge that the child is sick. You analyze the past, which cannot be changed... These thoughts are exhausting. Trouble came to our family when we were happy. We hit the sickest."

Elisha's parents removed photographs of their son before his illness from home so that they would not remind them of what their life was like before.

“We need to live and take care of ourselves: the child needs us. We'll manage. We have forces and people who worry and help us. Thanks to all the folks for their support. We are grateful to the organizations that helped us. The Slutsk library and the director Lyudmila Gurinovich are still raising funds for the treatment of Elisha, ”says Taisiya.

Yelisey's mother says that when she walks around the apartment, she closes her eyes and blindly explores the space for several minutes.

“I want to open my eyes as soon as possible!” And how does my son live without light?

In Moscow, doctors told the parents that the child's optic nerve had completely atrophied.

Upon returning from the German clinic, the parents plan to take Elisha to a tiflopedagogue (a teacher who works with children who are blind or have visual impairments - Note. editions) and a psychologist.

“Perhaps, a rehabilitation doctor will be needed so that the son learns to navigate in space and is not afraid of the sounds in the street,” says the mother. - Elisha - cheerful child. He wants to run and play. Dreams of going to the sea. The son remembers our trip to the sea last year - it was two weeks before he lost his sight. So far, doctors do not allow going to the sea, but we hope that in next year we'll definitely go."

Taisia ​​admits that after Elisha's illness, she looks at the world differently. “We live one day at a time, solving problems as they come. We are not alone - and it gives strength when you understand that people have been in similar situations, ”she says.

Fundraising for the treatment and rehabilitation of Elisey Sery is still open at the bank until the baby gets better.

REFERENCE. Details and name:

CBU No. 615 of branch No. 633 of JSC ASB Belarusbank UNP 600,286,255 MFO 153,001,969

Postal address: 223 609, Slutsk, st. Chekhov, 22, Minsk region.

  • The transit account in Belarusian rubles is 3,819,382,106,339.
  • Transit account in US dollars - 3,819,382,100,003.
  • Transit account in euros — 3,819,382,100,003.

Purpose of payment: in the name of Gray Taisiya Nikolaevna for the treatment of the son of Gray Elisey Yurievich.

News of Belarus. Director of the Dobra Foundation, head of the largest social projects competition in Belarus Social Weekend - Alexander Skrabovsky and the winner of the same competition, as well as the creator of the first inclusive bakery in Belarus - Dmitry Bogdanov, were in the STV field studio, the 24 Hours News program reported. on STV.

Yana Shipko, correspondent:
How many good projects that affect the infrastructure of Minsk, the quality of life, bring something new?

Alexander Skrabovsky, director of the Dobra Foundation, head of the social projects competition Social Weekend:
Our competition has existed for more than five years, and during this time we have received more than 3,500 applications, more than 300 projects have been implemented. These are completely different projects. These are the projects that Dima talked about, and those that, in principle, create an inclusive society both in the city and in the country. There are even outside the country.

On the agenda are mobile applications that, on the one hand, teach to collect garbage, on the other hand, take care of animals, that is, they are diverse. Partly Tamagotchi, partly game mechanics: the right piece of paper is placed in the right box. And all these game mechanics give their effect.

There are more serious projects, like virtual reality: directly software and hardware complexes that work with our leading doctors and make it possible to speed up rehabilitation, make it more accessible for people who have had a heart attack or stroke.

There are already, in general, world-class projects that are recognized throughout the European continent. Our members are the DeepDee project, which makes diagnostics various diseases according to the analysis of the fundus. It was originally a mobile application with a special attachment.

Art objects that we see. If we touch on Minsk, then, for example, the metro station "Molodezhnaya". Then he was still a schoolboy, now a student came and said: “Youth is not quite youth, you need to decorate it, cheer it up.” And now time goes by, several artistic councils have passed, we have received permission from the subway. And we really hope that the whole documentary story will end very quickly, and we will see a new, beautiful "Youth" metro station.

Yana Shipko:
For some, this is a holiday weekend, but right now there is a Social Weekend competition in the hackathon format. This means that several hundred people spend their free time - almost two days - in order to make the life of the city and the country better, offer their ideas, look for like-minded people and implement them.

Alexander Skrabovsky:
You are absolutely right. There is a competition that takes place twice a year. As part of this competition, during the application period, we are holding a separate hackathon event. Two day marathon Right now, 400 people, 400 participants are working on more than a hundred ideas. And tomorrow we will see 20 finalists, 20 new ideas that will change Minsk. Maybe a republic, the world as a whole.

These are all good projects. We were very afraid that the city and all the events that take place - that after all people would prefer to relax. But no, here we have four hundred - it's more than enough to make the city even better in the new season.

Yana Shipko:
And what in general pushes young people - they are mostly young people, active, active - to spend their free time with altruism?

Alexander Skrabovsky:
You know, not only youth. Absolutely different ages, and from every corner of Belarus we have a regional representative. How it works? It will be grandmothers, and professors, and students, and schoolchildren.

What is pushing? The desire to make someone better. That is, they did not come there for money, and we emphasize this. As a rule, it happens so in our competition that the money is received by those who sincerely want to change something in better side. This pushes, such motivation. Our people are kind.

Yana Shipko:
Do you notice how the quality of life is changing for the better, the city itself?

Alexander Skrabovsky:
And the city is changing, and we are helping to change it too. Of course yes!

Dmitry Bogdanov, creator of an inclusive bakery, winner of the Social Weekend social project competition:
Oh sure.

Four-year-old Yelisey Sery from Slutsk dreams of a trip to Germany. Doctors are waiting for him there, who will help him cope with the disease - neuroblastoma of the nasopharynx with damage to the optic nerves. In the meantime, the child's everyday life is monotonous - droppers, pills, chemotherapy blocks and such a protracted wait.

The struggle for the life of Elisha began in the summer. The baby's mother, Taisiya, turned to the Slutsk district committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union. Volunteers of the "Kind Heart" immediately threw a cry for help in in social networks, produced leaflets with details for transferring funds for treatment, created a VKontakte group where you can find out about the health of the child, the help provided to the boy. “It was at that moment that it was decided that the next stop of the annual marathon “All the Colors of Life for You” would take place in Slutsk in support of Yelisey Sery,” said Dmitry Voronyuk, First Secretary of the Minsk Regional Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

The concert will take place on December 9 at the Slutsk City House of Culture. Start at 18:00.

The permanent participants of the charity marathons of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union Natalya Tamelo, Uncle Vanya, Slava Nagorny and Lesya Kodush, the PROvocation group, the show of the Cossack song “Mom Likes”, Turan By, Dmitry Korolev, soloists of the National Center named after. V. Mulyavina, HUNTERS break dance house and others.

Photo courtesy of Taisiya Sera

“Very often people ask why the tumor began to grow so quickly after the operation? Unfortunately, none of the doctors can give a definite answer. It is possible that during the operation, air and good blood flow played a favorable environment for the tumor, ”about this today, August 23, wrote Taisiya, mother of Elisha.

“Its most difficult localization was not allowed to be removed, as they say, with a margin. Here every millimeter played a role. Any oncological disease requires surgery. The hearth needs to be removed. /…/ For a whole year we went for consultations and various biopsy examinations. Many consultations were held for us: professors, oncologists, radiologists, neurosurgeons, ENTs. It was a well-planned decision. At the end of the year, Thomas Lenarz announced the exact date to us and that everything would be fine. We came home so happy, we were going to the fifth kindergarten, then to school ... But the disease, unfortunately, does not recede.

According to the mother of the child, they did not go for a follow-up examination in July, as the disease began to progress. On the this moment the child is undergoing treatment in Borovlyany. Recently received radiation therapy. The procedure itself was painless, but now the baby feels bad. They irradiated his neck and submandibular region. Elisha could not eat, lost weight, had a fever, and his hair began to fall out. In parallel, the child takes drugs against tumor growth. Two months later, a tomography will be done and a plan for further treatment will be adopted.