
Psychological development of a child of 4 years. Psychologist's advice to parents of five-year-olds. What lies behind parental prohibitions


The child is still physically active and is already quite well in control of his body: he runs perfectly, jumps, walks along the curb, keeping his balance, hangs on the horizontal bar, tries to pull himself up.

For full development, it needs regular physical exercise . It can be physical education and dancing in kindergarten and / or daily exercises at home.

Such exercises in combination with walks and hardening activities have a positive effect on the physical condition of the baby and his immune system, increasing the body's resistance to disease.

At this age, you can enroll your child in the sports section.

It is good because it directs energy in the right direction, instilling new skills along the way, and educates character. In addition, the habit of regularly moving, as, indeed, most habits, is already being formed.

Skills and abilities

If for a child early age perception was the main cognitive process, now memory comes first.

The thinking of a three-year-old is visual and effective. To understand the relationship of objects, the baby needs to see, touch, move them. At the age of 4, the child already has the ability to establish connections between phenomena that are not given in sensory experience, here and now. Now the child can solve life problems not only during practical action with objects, but also in the mind, representing these objects in the form of images. At the same time, he relies on his past experience, that is, he remembers.

In this way, the thinking of a preschooler becomes figurative, and memory becomes a central mental function.

In this case, the memory itself becomes manageable. The child remembers not only bright or interesting things that are remembered "by itself", but also what he needs to remember - sounds, speech, images. During this period, the child usually knows and reproduces a large number of poems, songs, fairy tales, movements.

Attention also acquires the features of arbitrariness - the child can, albeit for a short time, concentrate on the activity that is offered to him, even if at that moment he would like to do something else.

The vocabulary of a 4-year-old child is approximately 2000-3000 words, speech is quite understandable and clear, most sounds are pronounced correctly. In everyday communication, the child uses complex and complex sentences, and also asks a lot of questions.

In these endless “why?”, “why?”, “how?” the desire of the child to somehow explain and streamline the surrounding reality for himself is manifested.

A preschooler is trying to build a clear picture of the world, and adults, of course, should help him in every possible way. However, it is not necessary to arrange special classes. You can tell about everything that interests the child both on a walk and on the way to Kindergarten, and before going to bed.

The main thing is not to dismiss the baby’s questions and, if suddenly you don’t know the answers, look for the necessary information together.

How to play

Play is an essential part of a preschooler's life. For a 4-year-old child, role-playing and directing games are most characteristic.

In the case, the child takes on a role (“doctor”, “mother”, “salesman”) and performs appropriate actions (“heals”, “feeds”, “puts out the goods”). Such a game always involves interaction with other people - peers or adults.

In the director's games, the child can play alone, distributing roles with toys. He, as it were, animates them: he speaks for his "actors" and controls their actions.

Why does the game have great value for harmonious development children?

On the one hand, this is the most free activity of the child, which gives him great pleasure. The game reveals Creative skills and develops emotional sphere preschooler.

However, the main feature of children's play is different: it is in the game that the child learns to control his behavior and regulate it in accordance with the rules set by the role. "Waiter" brings a cup of tea, "cafe visitor" drinks tea - game situation reproduces reality, and the child, taking this or that role, must behave “correctly”. This is how the foundations of arbitrary behavior are laid.

In addition to playing, a 4-year-old child continues to master various forms productive activities: drawing, application, design. Each of these activities involves obtaining a result (according to a model or one's own design) and requires certain skills (cutting, gluing, connecting parts, etc.).

Parents should make sure that the child has free access to creative materials and several different designers.

Psychological features

At the age of 4, a new need begins to form in a child - the need for respect for an adult.

If earlier the baby had enough simple attention or joint activities, now it is important for him to see the recognition of his success by adults. Parents should not only notice his achievements, but also be sure to praise him, give a positive assessment.

The child becomes extremely sensitive to criticism, any remarks cause serious resentment. If parents often focus on the kid's mistakes, emphasize his failure in any business, then the child simply loses all interest in this activity.

Parents of four-year-olds need to remember: in order to arouse interest in a child in any activity, you need to encourage all his actions in the right direction. Even if the result (a drawing or a plasticine figure) objectively seems “not very good” to you, it is better to pay attention to minor advantages (“What an interesting shade!”) Than to describe the shortcomings in detail.

You should never compare your child with other children, especially if the comparison is not in his favor. At the same time, it is possible and even - necessary - to compare the child with himself in the past (a week, a month or a year ago) and note that he has already learned a lot.

Parents need to build and maintain their child's self-confidence. Fear of adults' remarks paralyzes any activity of the child, and he abandons any attempts to do better, if not at all, seeks to avoid activities that he is "not capable of." On the contrary, inspired by parental faith in their abilities, the baby will really try, and then success is inevitable.

The age of 4-5 years is considered not only the most interactive period in a child's life. The period of middle childhood is marked by a number of negative manifestations:

  • obstinacy,
  • stubbornness
  • disobedience.

It is at the age of 4-5 years that the process of self-assertion is formed, which often develops from the position “I know myself” and “I myself” into classic narcissism - praising oneself, which leads to conflicts with parents, in which the child can call the elder and show a sufficient degree aggression.

But this same period is characterized by rapid. The child tends to independently play role-playing, design and object games.

I will do everything like an adult

The main and leading activity of a five-year-old child is the development of various norms and behaviors of adults. This is a period of imitation, a kind of game of dads and moms.

Many parents are closely watching. A series of joy at the first successes is replaced by a series of bitter failures in the process of educating the younger generation. Unfortunately, parents are not always able to adequately assess the current situation in the child's behavior. Not everyone can remember themselves at a similar age and require from the child actions that are logical from the point of view of adults.

It should be understood that the psychology of a child of 4-5 years old and the level of his development is only at the very beginning. life path. The child has a lot to learn. So far, he only copies the behavior of his parents and the adults around him, not fully realizing the process of imitation.

Remember everything that was before birth

By copying people from the outer circle: the seller of the neighboring bakery, the teacher from the kindergarten, the security guard from the office opposite, the child tries to fit himself into the world. At this stage, the natural desire to communicate with their own wakes up, and the child begins to surround himself with a rapidly growing gang of children like himself. This is the period when the “mouse fuss” in the sandbox with an endless series of quarrels and insults associated with the selected toys ends and a general truce sets in, with common games in a large company.

Closer to the age of five, the child ceases to confuse the concepts of "yesterday" and "tomorrow". His memory is rapidly developing and becomes quite tenacious. It easily singles out an extra item from the given line of analogues. It is not difficult for a five-year-old child to learn a song, to read a poem from memory. The child easily remembers several foreign words and begins to apply them meaningfully.

The child is special. During this period, the beginnings of a leader appear. At this age, their own rules and roles, to which each child is determined by the children around him.

A revolution in consciousness: from the unconscious to the conscious

From four to five years there is a significant leap in the awareness of the world around the child. In 365 days, thinking overcomes a lot of metamorphoses.

From the prevailing egocentrism - the perception of the surrounding space only from one's own point of view and the complete lack of perception of someone else's understanding. As a rule, a child at the age of 4 does not catch the connections between objects.

Through the syncretism of thinking, the ability to isolate individual details from the total mass of factors, but is not yet able to link them together. This period is considered a transition to the final stage of the formation of thinking to the stage of animism - projection onto surrounding objects: rivers, clouds, cars.

This segment ends with the actual complete harmonization of the relationship between the child and parents. By the age of five, the child feels affection for his parents, their love and tenderness. Tries to pay with the same coin.

The age of five is considered critical moment for the final formation of feelings of love not only for parents, but also the spread of this feeling to a stranger.

  • At the age of five, fairly strong relationships with peers are established, and the nature of the relationship is determined: leadership - submission.
  • The development of practical thinking and logic is also progressing, as well as the improvement of the ability to collect small objects, for example, design games.
  • Ability to music, drawing, singing, dancing.
  • The five-year period is considered the highest phase of the manifestation of curiosity, as well as imagination, the development of the ability for abstract thinking.
  • Also, this period refers to the phallic stage of the upcoming psycho-sexual development of the child, the final phase of which is the overcoming of the Oedipus complex.

As a conclusion, it can be noted that in the period from 4 to 5 years, the main aspect of the human psyche is formed - conscience, as a censor of moral judgment.

18 Mar 2012 609

Four-year-olds already seem to be adults, but still very small. At this age, the formation of the personality and character of the child continues, which should be gently corrected by the forces of the parents. What skills have the child already mastered by the age of 4 and what activities are suitable for the development of kids 4-5 years old?

Age Features

  • The baby is still mobile and energetic, but has already become more assiduous and is able to do one thing for about 20 minutes. Fine motor skills are constantly improving. Most four-year-olds especially enjoy drawing.
  • After 4 and a half years, the child changes outwardly, as he begins the active development of muscle and bone tissue.
  • For a child older than 4 years, the social component of development is very important. The kid makes friends among other kids, trying to find with them " mutual language". The child is well aware of the feelings of other people, knows how to empathize. The kid has learned to formulate his own thoughts in words. Many 4-year-olds have imaginary friends.
  • A 4-year-old child continues to master his native language. For many children of this age, a slight lisp is characteristic. The vocabulary of a four-year-old grows very rapidly (up to 2500-3000 words by the age of 5). The speech of the little one is enriched with expression and intonation. The baby voices his own actions and everything he sees, and also constantly asks a large number of questions. In about 5% of children, the development of speech in the initial stages is accompanied by stuttering.
  • The intellectual capabilities of a child of 4-4.5 years old increase significantly. The kid is ready to learn letters and numbers.

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Types of child development


A child at the age of four should move enough, increase his dexterity, coordination and endurance. This is the purpose of the physical development of the baby, including gymnastics, dancing, physical exercises with mom, swimming, cycling, outdoor games and many other activities.

Gymnastics, including dynamic exercises, is important to carry out at least 2 times a week. It is performed during the day, long before bedtime, in a ventilated room and preferably in a group of children. The optimal duration of such gymnastics is 20-25 minutes.


The psyche of a four-year-old develops very actively and the range of emotions of the baby expands. In addition, children at 4-5 years old are very susceptible to the reaction of an adult. If parents or caregivers treat the baby with approval and respect, this helps in forming a positive image of the child about himself.

Classes for mental development children 4-4.5 years old include exercises that affect the attention of the baby, as well as memory and thinking. The child is offered:

  • Summarize objects according to some attribute.
  • Collect a picture consisting of 3-4 parts.
  • Identify similarities and differences in drawings and toys.
  • Choose from a group of items that are the same.
  • Repeat a certain sequence of movements that an adult has shown.
  • Assemble buildings from the constructor, focusing on the sample.
  • Determine the odd one in the group of items, and then explain your choice.
  • Find antonyms for words.
  • Remember the plot of the picture.
  • Retell the tale.
  • Recite rhymes and rhymes by heart.
  • Describe bright event which happened recently.

To train your memory, do the exercises shown in the following video from SovaFilmProduction with your baby.


The development of the emotions of a 4-year-old child is an important part of the full development of the crumbs. A child of this age begins to understand the relationships between people, may notice that a person next to him has changed his mood, knows how to express his own emotions.

A four-year-old knows how to sympathize and show attention. The child feels how they treat him.

Sensory and musical

The sensory development of the child affects the baby's senses, which are responsible for hearing, smell, touch. The child is offered to determine the characteristics of objects by touch. So the baby learns that objects are hard or soft, rough or smooth, warm or cold. Also in classes for sensory development include games related to smells and tastes.

By the age of four, the child is already familiar with some musical instruments, small pieces, music with different rhythms. The child already has favorite melodies, having heard which, the baby will sing along.


Speech development is extremely important for every child of 4 years of age. First of all, it is influenced by the communication of the baby with adults, as well as with other children. This increases the toddler's vocabulary, teaches him to build sentences and express his opinion in words. At the age of 4, many children still do not pronounce hissing and “p”, therefore, with four-year-olds in the form of games, they often conduct classes on the pronunciation of these sounds.

To stimulate the development of speech in children 4-4.5 years old, you can:

  • Learn poems and songs with them.
  • Look at the pictures with the story and discuss them.
  • Look at the story in pictures and reproduce its plot.
  • Read stories with mom and discuss them.
  • Listen to audio stories.
  • Solve riddles.
  • Discuss before bed how the day went.
  • Do articulation exercises.
  • Learn letters and sounds.
  • Determine the first letter in a word, divide words into syllables.

Sing the following nursery rhyme from the Lyulyabi TV channel with your child.

If a child at 4 years old has a small vocabulary or formulates complex sentences, it is necessary to assess the dynamics of his speech development. See the video by E. Komarovsky for more details.

fine motor skills

The development of motor skills is considered a very important point in the development plan for babies. younger age. Classes for fine motor skills stimulate speech development by influencing the area of ​​the brain responsible for speech. Such activities include games with sand, cubes, constructors, beads, cereals, beans. Do it with your baby finger gymnastics, tie knots on the cord, fasten and unfasten zippers, buttons, buttons, hooks. At the age of 4, add crafts to modeling and drawing, for which you need to cut something with scissors and glue it.

For the development of fine motor skills of a child, you can use ordinary cereals. How to conduct such a lesson, see the video of the TSV channel "Mom's School".


A four-year-old child actively explores the world, and the development of his cognitive sphere should be aimed at improving memory, thinking, logic, and attention.

Usually classes for cognitive development A 4-year-old child has a specific theme, such as "pets", "spring", "water", "land transportation", "professions", "night" and others. On this topic, games are organized with the child, during which the baby will determine colors, shadows, shapes, differences and similar elements, parts of the whole, generalizing properties, superfluous, opposites, missing elements and much more.

To develop attention

It is important for a child of 4-5 years old to learn to focus on a specific task, as well as to notice small details. He will need these skills in the future for success in school.

To develop the attention of a 4-year-old baby, you can offer your child:

  • Repeat actions after mom, for example, sit down - stand up - close your eyes - touch your ear - open your eyes - take your hand to the side.
  • Play with the ball in "edible-inedible", "flying-not flying".
  • Cross out a certain letter in the typed text. To complicate this task, one letter can be crossed out, and the second - underlined.
  • Mom touches the parts of the face and calls them, the child must repeat her actions. Then mom starts to "get it wrong".


For a 4 year old child, learning math should be fun and fun game. It is convenient to teach the baby math while walking, for example, counting steps, passing cars, houses, birds. To explain simple examples, you can use fingers or special counting sticks.


Classes aimed at the creative abilities of the child, like most children. These include drawing, creating various crafts and applications, modeling from salt dough or plasticine, as well as role-playing games.

Development diagnostics

Parents should be alerted if at 4 years old a child:

  • Cannot walk down stairs in alternating steps.
  • He does not give his first and last name, as well as his gender.
  • Unable to summarize multiple subjects in one word.
  • Unable to memorize a short verse.
  • Does not remember the plot of the story.
  • Can't count to 5.
  • Doesn't know simple geometric shapes.
  • Doesn't know primary colors.
  • Cannot build a bridge from blocks according to the model.
  • Cannot assemble a pyramid of 5 parts.
  • Shows cruelty to an animal, toy, or other child.
  • Sluggish and lethargic during the day, or, conversely, often agitated.

Games for the development of speech

  1. The "what happens" game. Ask your child what objects can be long, sharp, round, hard, fragrant, blue, liquid, and so on.
  2. "What if" game. We discuss the given situations with the child, for example, “what will happen if the ball falls into the water”, “what will happen if I fall into the snow”.
  3. The "what can be done" game. We ask the baby what can be done with an apple, a ball, water, cookies, sand, and so on. Another option for such a game would be a discussion of “what you can do with” - drink, eat, sew, pour, buy.
  4. The "what's where" game. We ask the little one what is in the hallway, in the nursery, in the kitchen. Then we ask you to say in which room is the frying pan, wardrobe, TV, and so on.
  5. Guess who game. We describe the animal in a few words and invite the baby to guess. For example, "guess who is fluffy, red and cunning."
  6. We stimulate the pronunciation of hissing. We hiss like a snake, drive away the sparrow “shoo-shoo”, pronounce tongue twisters with “sh”, buzz like a fly, repeat tongue twisters with “zh”, alternately buzz and hiss. In order for the child to distinguish “s” from “sh”, we pronounce them in turn. To distinguish "sh" from "h", imagine yourself as a fly, and then a mosquito. To pronounce the sound “h”, we invite the baby to imagine himself as a train.
  7. We perform gymnastics for the tongue and lips. We smile with a silent pronunciation of “and” (like a frog), stretch our lips forward with a silent “y” (like an elephant), open and close our mouth without sounds (like a fish), opening our mouth, moving our tongue up and down (like a swing) and in side to each corner of the mouth (like a clock), keep a relaxed tongue on the lower lip (like a shovel), pull the tongue forward (like a needle).

To set the sound "P", do the exercise "Snake", shown by speech therapist Yulia Orlova.

Articulatory gymnastics will help the child speak the sound more clearly. Complete with crumbs the tasks from the following videos, shown by speech therapist Tatyana Lazareva.

Sample weekly exercise program

Classes for the development of a child of 4 years old should be planned in advance, and best of all - for a week. So you will not miss the types of development that are important for your baby, do not overload the baby and you will be able to prepare all the materials in advance. In drafting weekly plan developmental activities at the age of 4-4.5 years, first of all, they take into account whether the baby attends kindergarten. If the baby is in the garden all day, then you need to understand the following points:

  • The child in the garden already has daily developmental activities and regular physical activity.
  • It will be possible to deal with the baby at home only in the evening and on weekends.
  • In the evening, vigorous activity should not be planned.
  • After returning from kindergarten, there is not much time left for classes, so, as a rule, only 1-2 classes are planned.
  • It is worth finding out what program they are engaged in with the baby in the garden, so as not to duplicate classes, but to supplement them.

For a child who does not yet attend a childcare facility, the lesson plan will be more extensive. When compiling it, the interests of the crumbs, existing skills, attendance at a development school or sports section are taken into account.

We offer the following approximate weekly program of developmental activities for a 4-year-old child:








Physical development

Charging with music

Outdoor games

ball game

A bike

Fitball game

Charging by video lesson

cognitive development

Learning Colors

Finding an extra item

Studying pets

Looking for differences

We study plants

Sensory and musical development

We study smells

Guessing objects by touch

Sensory bag play

Exploring Tastes

Learning musical instruments

fine motor skills

water play

Finger gymnastics

Bead game

Groats game

Clothespin game

sand play

Speech development

Learning the verse

Listening to an audio story

Fairy tale retelling

Articulation gymnastics

Learning letters

Reading with Mom

Guessing riddles

creative development



Puppet show


Crafts from natural materials

Games with a constructor

How to raise a child from 3 to 6 years old, see the video of the Upbringing channel. TV.

  • At the age of 4, a child can be enrolled in some sports sections. visit sports activities not only will it give you the opportunity to spend energy, but it will also help you learn new skills and understand what discipline is.
  • Praise your child more often and give him enough attention. The kid has become more mature, but still needs parents.
  • From the age of 4, the child can be taken to the cinema, circus and similar places. To get acquainted with this pastime option successfully, do not immediately take tickets to the first row.
  • Hearing hundreds of children's questions every day, it is important to remain a patient and wise parent. Do not refuse to answer the baby, even if you do not know what to say. Together look for the answer and satisfy the children's curiosity.
  • A kid of 4-5 years old can begin to teach foreign languages. Classes, of course, should be in the form of a game.

Care and mode

For the normal development of a four-year-old child, it is important to maintain his health, so parents should pay attention to the daily routine of the little one and caring for the baby:

  • The child should be provided with a good rest. 4-year-old children sleep an average of 11-12 hours a day. Many four-year-olds protest against daytime sleep, but doctors emphasize that children of this age still need rest during the day.
  • Every morning in the mode of a 4-year-old child, there are already familiar hygiene procedures. The kid washes himself, brushes his teeth, visits the toilet, combs his hair. Four-year-olds still often have to be reminded to wash their hands after a walk and before eating.
  • The child should have daily walks, on which the four-year-old baby will have enough movement. In addition, you can walk with friends, inventing mobile and exciting games.
  • If parents are engaged in hardening a child from an early age, but such procedures continue and are carried out systematically.
  • With 4-year-old children they walk twice a day, picking up clothes according to the weather.
  • Menu

Children of the age of four are already preschoolers: the child acquires the first ideas about the world, which will expand with age.

Four years is a stage full of discoveries for parents and crumbs. And for discoveries to be crowned with success, you should rely on age features child, helping him to develop.

The psychological state of a 4-year-old child

The psychological feature of a four-year-old child is a vivid manifestation of "feelings and sensitivity." As the Soviet psychologist and teacher Mukhina V.S. notes, “in preschool age, especially at the age of three or four years, feelings dominate all aspects of a child's life, giving them a special coloring and expressiveness. Small child still does not know how to manage experiences, he almost always finds himself in captivity of the feelings that captured him ”(Mukhina V.S.“ Age-related psychology. Phenomenology of development”, 1999).

The scientist also focuses on the fact that "the feelings of preschool children of three or four years, although bright, are still very situational and unstable." Therefore, parents should not take seriously over-emotional reactions to events. Sometimes children play pranks on purpose in order to look at the reaction of others and understand what emotions leprosy causes in them. So the child learns to distinguish between positive and negative sides.

Now the children begin to realize what is happening more acutely. They have new emotions: shame, resentment, disappointment, sadness. Children at the age of 4 become sensitive: they catch the mood of a loved one and empathize. Moral qualities are formed: understanding, insight, kindness, responsiveness.

Intellectual features at 4 years old

The intellectual features of a child at 4 years old are explained by the level of his anatomical development. The brain is already almost commensurate with the brain of an adult. But the right and left hemispheres are developed to varying degrees: the right hemisphere, which is responsible for the manifestation of emotions and feelings, prevails.

The fourth year is a time of increased interest in the study of the world, manifestations of cognitive activity. A child learns the world not only through books and toys. It's time to consciously get to know the world while walking or attending a children's event.

It's time to introduce your son or daughter to the alphabet and prime numbers. Teach your child to do simple arithmetic and make words out of letters. You can also teach your child foreign language. There are many schools offering foreign language programs for preschoolers. Or take classes at home.

It is important to exercise your memory regularly. For example, lay out cards with simple pictures and ask them to remember the sequence. Stir and invite the child to restore the order of the pictures from memory. Read small children's fairy tales and poems more often, offer to memorize them and tell them from memory.

Complete physical development a child at 4 years old implies the formation of fine motor skills of the hands. To train finger dexterity and prepare your hand for writing, sculpt from plasticine or clay, cut out large and medium elements with scissors different shapes. Also draw with different artistic tools (brushes, markers, pencils, crayons, finger paints). Albums and coloring books will become assistants to the young artist. Keep collecting puzzles and constructors.

How to raise children of 4 years

What your son or daughter will become depends on parental upbringing. Therefore, the key rule for parents is to be attentive to the child. Spending time together brings people together and establishes an emotional connection. A child who feels the love and care of loved ones has the right example of family relationships.

  • Cultural leisure. visit cultural events to introduce the child to the world of art. going to the cinema, puppet show, circus, zoo, festive city festivities socialize and develop imagination.
  • Praise on small and big occasions. Praise even for small victories - this will give confidence and an understanding that they are proud of the child.
  • Self-care skills. Teach them to follow the rules of personal hygiene, use cutlery, dress and undress, throw garbage into buckets, put toys away.
  • Doctor's observation. Bring your child for routine check-ups, and even more so if you suspect a disease. The child should be regularly examined by a pediatrician, ophthalmologist, surgeon, ENT, cardiologist and endocrinologist.
  • Healthy food. Eat a balanced diet that contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The frequency of meals for a child of 4 years old is 4-6 times a day.
  • Mode. Set a daily routine: it’s easier for you to control his activities, and for him to get used to the regime.
  • Useful games. Teach in game form: so classes are more fun and easier.
  • Living encyclopedia. Don't ignore or get angry at a child who asks questions. Four years is the age of the "why-why" who wants to know everything. Explain phenomena with patience and understanding.
  • Search for friends. Help to establish contacts with children: give tips on how to get to know each other, invite parents and friends of the crumbs to visit, spend leisure time together.
  • Rules without exceptions. Establish rules and responsibilities in the family that all family members must follow. If a child breaks the rules, punish them, but without humiliation. Agree with relatives that in the event of punishment, you will all act according to the same scheme, without exceptions out of pity or misunderstanding. The kid must learn to be responsible.

This period of age development is very important. It is now that the foundations of the character of the baby are being laid. Therefore, proper upbringing has its own characteristics, which should not be neglected. It is very important to find the right approach to the child. The psychology of raising a boy at the age of 4 recommends not sending him to kindergarten, not looking for a nanny for him. Parents themselves should take care of a child at this age.

How to raise boys 4 years old?

Correctly raising a child at 4 years old should shift the balance towards mental activity. Jumping, running is no longer interesting, I want to do something more calm. At this age, children are attracted to drawing, making crafts from various natural material. Such interest should be encouraged. Such activities develop perseverance.

Mugs. In terms of physical education, the time has come when you can send your baby to the sports section. Daily walks are also required. They contribute to the development of gross motor skills, strengthening immunity.

Reading. Show your child the letters, teach him to read. Do it better in the form of a game. Toys can be used to develop simple mathematical operations. Develop a love of books, reading fairy tales is useful for developing imagination. It is recommended to organize a mini theater: paper or rag puppets from socks are a great solution.

Knowledge. The upbringing of a boy at the age of 4-5 marks the awakening of curiosity. There are endless whys. Adults must not lose patience. It is necessary to calmly answer all questions, explain the incomprehensible. Extra details, however, can be omitted.

Kindergarten. If a boy has problems adjusting to children's team, help. Find the causes first, then carefully eliminate them. Teach your son how to communicate with children.

Emotions. Raising a boy of 4-5 years is difficult due to the emergence of new emotions. The kid begins to be offended, annoyed, feel shame, sadness. He does not always know how to deal with new feelings. Doesn't know how to behave. Explain to the child that in such situations it is better to use words rather than actions.

Praise, scold, punish. The kid needs approval of his actions. He will show even more efforts if he sees that his parents are happy for him. Swear only on business. Make comments in a way understandable to the crumbs. Tell your baby that you love, even when his behavior leaves much to be desired.

Education games

When the son turns 4, mom and dad think about the choice of toys. They must develop curiosity, personal preferences are formed.

Educate 4 summer boy You can use role-playing games.

Teach your son to play “construction site”, “fireman”. This will give him a basic idea of ​​what men do. It is their role that he will play in the games.

V given age it is important to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills:

  • come up with games with pencils, plasticine, scissors;
  • tell the kid a fairy tale where you need to arrange the grains on plates. Let the child fulfill this role;
  • you can arrange a competition between family members. This will contribute to the development of leadership inclinations in the baby.

In the summer, go out to play in the sandbox more often. Build castles. The boy will develop fantasy, imagination, creative thinking. Make figurines with him, endow them with names, different qualities, come up with stories together with their participation.

It is necessary to educate a 4-year-old boy, forming his logical thinking. Use for these purposes children's dominoes, different puzzles. In any store in the department of children's toys today there is enough material.

The main participant in the game should be the baby. He is obliged to make a decision, to think, to look for a way out of the current situation.

Choice of toys for boys

Whatever the kid plays, the toy will still occupy a leading position. The question is the correctness of her choice.

As a rule, parents believe that it is necessary to raise a four-year-old boy by buying him pistols, planes, cars. Moms and dads brush aside any idea of ​​dolls. When they noticed that the son was playing with the doll, there was a dumb shock. Such fear is completely unfounded.

At this age, the baby develops an interest in other children, he learns to communicate with them. A living example of this is the doll. At first it can be a roly-poly, then a fireman, a pilot, a driver, a policeman. The doll cannot interfere with the development of masculinity, courage. Rather the opposite. Remember robots loved by all generations of children. Their exploits delighted the kids, developed courage and courage.

When the toy exhausts its interest, the boy puts it on the shelf. He goes further in his development. Various constructors appear in his life. An inquisitive mind is looking for something new.

Properly raising a boy of 4 years means:

  • do not arrange unreasonable prohibitions for him;
  • participate with him in the choice of toys;
  • imperceptibly suggest, without imposing your opinion.

The main task of parents in raising a four-year-old son is to expand his horizons. Do not interfere with learning new things. Teach communication with children, gratitude for help, gifts.

Help develop artistic abilities. Kids at this age are happy to sing songs, dance, read poetry to the public. The upbringing of a 4-year-old boy implies greater participation of the father in this process, however, the mother does not need to withdraw herself.

Psychologists note at this age an increase in the desire to know everything. Children's imagination expands, communication becomes more active. The development of the baby occurs quickly, and the task of the parents is to give him the right direction.

  1. develop your child as a person. Explain to him what is good and bad, right and wrong, possible and impossible;
  2. encourage the manifestation of emotions, explain how to express them correctly;
  3. have patience and indulgence for noisy deeds. You should not restrain the child's behavior (within the limits of reason), but also teach to be restrained;
  4. raising a child at 4 years of age involves teaching him empathy. The kid must understand the feelings of other children, respond to them correctly;
  5. follow the sequence. When told "no", stick to this prohibition, do not quickly change it to consent. Otherwise, you will fall under the influence of the baby;
  6. repeat the instructions several times. Children at this age are not attentive. They can hear, immediately forget. In such cases, multiple repetitions are needed;
  7. You can't limit your imagination. The kid comes up with different stories, fantasizes. Sometimes his inventions seem silly. You can make your own adjustments, but do not kill the awakening imagination;
  8. laugh together more often. Read to the kid funny stories, fairy tales;
  9. teach your child to be social. Introduce him to peers. Organize their joint games. During the game, they satisfy the thirst for knowledge, their communication skills grow;
  10. do not insist on doing anything for a long time. The child does not have great perseverance at this age.

Tantrums. Show the right reaction to the tantrum of the baby. Raising a boy of 4 years is difficult, he begins to experiment on his parents, throwing false tantrums. The kid watches the reaction of adults. Wait until he calms down, then talk to him.