
New Year's scenario hare hut. The scenario of the New Year's holiday "hare hut" for the middle group. Suitable scenarios for the holiday


"Hare Hut"
Children: Bunnies - 4 boys
Bears-4 boys
Squirrels-3 girls
Snowmen-2 boys
Snowflakes-3,4 girls.
Winter girl.
Adults: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Leading.

To the music, children enter the hall and rebuild the Vedas: Dear children and guests! We congratulate you on the upcoming new year!
The past year was a glorious year, but hurried time does not wait!
The last leaf of the calendar was torn off, the New Year is striding towards us!

Vedas: When the New Year lights up, colored lights on the Christmas tree
The fairy tale around comes to life, they become bright days
And in the New Year's fairy tale, there are a lot of miracles
The wind whistles, sparkles winter forest,
The stars wink and they dance,
Everyone is looking forward to a happy new year!

Song" New Year»

1 A merry winter brought us a holiday. See our tree is fluffy and slender. A green tree came to visit us. Garlands and crackers she hung out. Silver snowflakes on the branches shining. How elegant you are with a silver star And ice floes ring like bells. How beautiful you are so happy
with you 3. Gathered friends, girlfriends, a wonderful Christmas tree How her outfit shines, the snow sparkles on needles In the New Year, everyone dances and sings Have fun and play Santa Claus is waiting! 4. Cheerful winter came, with skates and sleds, she dressed up the tree, gave the hares a fur coat
I whitened it at home, oh yes, winter is winter!

Song "Winter"
Winter enters the middle of the hall.

Zimushka: Hello guys, I'm Zimushka-winter!
I decorate everything with beautiful snowflakes!
I'll wave magic wand and everything is white!
And everything spills over beautiful silver!
What are you all elegant beautiful, and can you sing and dance?
Well, more fun then!

Dance "And it's cold outside"

Children sit on chairs.

Winter:Under new year, under New Year!
Miracles happen here!
New year, new year!
Here the fairy tale comes to life!

Vedas: All day the blizzard sweeps,
Weaves good tales
Braided a blizzard braid
The story will be about a fox!

Music sounds Zimushka sits on the chairs.

Music sounds for the Fox's exit. The Fox goes and throws snowballs.

Fox: What a fluffy, red tail
What paws, ears, socks
How good am I
Oh, how my soul sings!

Fox collects snowballs.

Vedas: What are you doing Lisonka?
Lisa: I dream of one thing, to fashion a beautiful house!
To sparkle like a gem, because nowhere else is there!

Vedas: And what a royal house, everything glitters shimmers, but you need a porch made of snow
finish it, and we will help you with the guys!

Game: Children collect snowballs and carry them to the porch of the Fox's house.

Fox: So without any worries, the house is ready! (Enters the house)

There is a knock of a hammer. Bunny comes out and jumps to the house.

Hare: Oh, it’s good! In winter it’s cold to run through the forest, but the house is warm and cozy!

Vyuga theme.

Hare: Oh, it’s getting cold, I won’t have time to finish building the house, where are my hares? where are my kids?

Bunnies come out to the music.

1 hare: What is it, what happened?
Papa Hare did you call us?

2 hare: Something terrible happened, did you lose your carrot?

3 hare: Maybe trouble has come to us? Maybe the wolf is running here?

Hare dad: No, don't be afraid, don't shake
You better help me!
We need to build a house
After all, winter has already arrived!

The bunnies take the hammers and dance the dance.

Hare: Thank you my helpers!

Bunnies jump to the house.

Fox: What else happened? Knocking and knocking can be heard throughout the forest!

Fox on Hare's house: Fu, what a miracle!

1 Hare: There are no miracles here!
We are building a house here!

2 hare: In order not to freeze us in winter, warm the paws, ears, tail!

The fox laughs: Well, why build this house! I collected the snow into lumps and the palace is ready!

All bunnies: You work wonders here. Goodbye fox!

Bunnies sit on chairs.

The fox goes to his house, the hare goes to his.
Solar music sounds

Fox: The sun is not very warm! Oh, my house has melted!
Well, okay, I won’t grieve, I’ll go to the hare, he’s kind, he’ll let me in!

The fox goes to Zaikin's hut.

Bunny: Who's there?

Lisa: It's me Lisa Patrikeevna. My house has melted away!
Let me go, I'm homeless now!

Hare: I know you Fox, are you cunning to let you go, and will you kick you out?
Lisa: What nonsense are you talking about?
Bunny: Okay, come on in!
The fox kicks out the rabbit.

The hare is crying: Oh, where will I live with the hares now?

Vedas: Guys, the Fox offended a hare from her own house and kicked her out! Guys, how can we help him? It seems I know a strong beast will help us!
Bears, bears, bears
Leave your lair
Get out for help.

Dance "Bears"

After the dance, the bears approach the hare.

1 bear: Something hare you are not cheerful?
Why hang your head like that?

Hare: Trouble happened to me, the fox kicked me out!

2 bear: Don't cry, don't be sad
We can help if we can!

3 bear: Keep your ears up, we'll show the fox how to take away the hut!
After all, according to a fairy tale, everyone knows, we will fight back the fox!

4 Bear: Hey, open the fox,
And run away
Get out of the hare's house
Better go home!

Fox: As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!

Vedas: Don't cry bunny! We will definitely help you!
Here is our cheerful orchestra, loudly, loudly rattle
And we'll drive the fox out!

"Orchestra with bells"

Fox: Go away you nasty hare, and take these with you! It won't be bad!

Vedas: Fox, look how you upset the bunny and the guys, don’t you feel sorry?
Lisa: I don't feel sorry for anyone! By the way, your guys know how to solve riddles!
Vedas: Of course they can, now we'll show you!

Cunning cheat, redhead
The tail is fluffy, beauty, what is her name?

(A fox)
A ball of fluff, a long ear
Jumps smartly, loves carrots.

He slept all night, sucked his brown paw,
And when he woke up, did this forest beast begin to roar?


Who quickly jumps on the Christmas tree, who hides the mushrooms in the hollow!
And carries nuts there? This (squirrel) of course!

Vedas: Of course, how did I forget about squirrels?
Squirrels come out and drive the fox away?

Dance of squirrels with cones.

1 Squirrel: Hello hare, did you call us?
Did you have trouble?

Hare: The fox kicked me out and took my house!
The 2nd squirrel strokes the hare on the head: Don't cry, we'll help you, we can drive the fox away!
3rd squirrel: Hey fox, come out, otherwise we will get angry and drive out of the hut! Fox: Oh, oh, oh, I'm not afraid! Now, when I jump out, when I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets! Come on!
The whites run away.
Vedas: Well, a cunning fox! There is no way we can drive her away. And no one can help. Will the Hare really winter on the street?
(Ved. hugs a hare, gentle music is heard)
The Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Snow Maiden: I'm a Snow Maiden grandfather's granddaughter big fidget!
Hello my friends, I'm glad to see you all!
Both big and small, nimble and remote!
What are those sad eyes? What is your trouble here?

Vedas: The fox had an ice hut, and the bunny had a wooden one
The sun shone, the hut melted away from the fox, she is cunning, drove the bunny away and occupied his hut!
And no one helped us, neither the bears nor the squirrels could drive the fox away!

Snow Maiden: Yes, the trouble is big, but I know who can help us, Grandfather Frost!
He needs to be called together cheerfully! Gotta save the bunny!
Children: Santa Claus, Santa Claus!
Santa Claus comes.

Santa Claus: Hey, I'm going, I'm going! Through frost and snowstorm!
Hello my friends, how glad I am to see you!
I remember exactly a year ago I saw these guys, a year rushed by and I didn’t notice!
Just what the trouble is, what kind of sad eyes?
Snow Maiden: Fox bunny deceived, kicked out of the house!
Santa Claus: Oh, that's how, red-haired cheat! But we will fix this matter now!
Hey, where are my helpers Snowmen are funny!
Hurry, come out, let's chase Lisa away!

Snowmen: We were snow and blizzard and snowballs
But sometimes it’s better to walk snowmen in winter.

We will sing and dance and clap more cheerfully
After all, the bunny needs to be rescued soon!

Dance "Snowmen"

Santa Claus: Now let's freeze the Fox! (They start to blow, the music of the blizzard sounds)
Fox: Oh, oh, oh, how cold! Ears, paws, tail are frozen! Stop it! I won’t leave the house anyway!
Santa Claus: Oh, if you don’t go out, then the Snowflakes fly in a dance, whirl, blow now and you are a winter breeze!
Snow Maiden: Snowflakes come out to the dance !!!
Dance "Snowflakes"

Fox: Oh, how cold, stop turning me into an icicle now!
Fox leaves the house.
Lisa: I was just joking.
And the bunny didn't hurt!

Santa Claus: Oh, you are a red-haired cheat, we are all not clever for you, shame on you
Lisa: I'm lying!
Snow Maiden: You are a fox, do not make noise! Look at the boys
How nicely everyone is dressed
Agree, it's just amazing!
Lisa: That's true, good!
Why did they dress up like that, and why did they come here!
Santa Claus: Everyone sings and has fun, they lead a noisy round dance
Because today is a holiday! What holiday?

Children all: New Year!!!
Fox: New Year! Forgive me bunny, forgive me guys, I don't want to be
more angry, want to sing and have fun with you!
Hare: Okay, in honor of such a holiday, we are ready to forgive the fox!

Vedas: Guys, let's sing a song to Santa Claus for his help!

Song "Santa Claus"
Vedas: And now grandfather sit down and listen to poetry!
Poems children:

Good Santa Claus A bag falls from the sky
All overgrown with a beard And grandfather has a bag
He is in a hurry today too In it he is to each of us
Together with the granddaughter to the kids! Save up for a gift!

Beard and red nose, Grandpa, you are visiting us
Coat, hat, gloves. sit down for a while
Titmouse sit on the nose Soon there will be a quiet hour
Beard and red nose You will sleep a little!
It's Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, why is the Christmas tree sad, it doesn’t burn with lights!
Santa Claus: We will fix this now, we will make the Christmas tree burn, but first we will dress it up!

Game "We will hang the balls"

Santa Claus: And now, Let's say together One, two, three, Christmas tree burn!
The tree is not on fire.
Santa Claus: Let's clap our hands, stomp our feet, say loudly one, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!
The tree lights up.
Vedas: Get up together in a round dance, and sing a song about a Christmas tree!

"Round dance at the Christmas tree"

Santa Claus: I won’t get tired of surprising everyone today!
Gifts are waiting for you all!
Snow Maiden help and look for gifts!

The presenter and the Snow Maiden take out the carrot in it gifts.

Santa Claus: One, two, three, pull the tops!
Distribution of gifts.

Vedas: On the day good new year,
Let it ring, cheerful laughter
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations everyone!

Actors: Skomoroh, Z, aya c, Lissa, B r, a t ya Psy, M edved, Rooster.

Scenery on the stage: a forest, two huts, a stump.

Buffoon. On the edge of the forest
Two huts have been built!
The Fox has ice!
And the Hare has a bast!

The Fox and the Hare appear. They sing to the tune of "Duet Federico and Ricardo" from the movie "Dog in the Manger".

A fox. My house shines with pure white,
Blinding, sparkling with winter silver.
And can not be compared with a hare hut
My glorious home, beautiful home,
Great house!
Hare. Let my house not be brighter and more modest,
But still warmer and more comfortable in it.
From the heat, from the rains and from the blizzard
Will cover the house, my sweet home,
Reliable home!
Buffoon. The day passes, followed by the night.
Now the winter is gone.
The sun is hot,
Lisa's hut is melting!
A fox. Oh, how scared I am in the forest!
Hare, have pity on the Fox!
I will repay you well!
You let me into your house.
I'll just get through the night
And in the morning I will go to the forest.
Hare(sings to the tune of the song "Belle"). Light, the light of the sun warms the glade.
Oh! My neighbor's roof is melting.
Trouble! How many troubles such a thing promises her
Why did a heavy load fall on her shoulders?
Little fox, honey, let me help you!
No, I will never drive you away!
welcome to my house
Everything that I built myself, I will share
with you.
Buffoon. The hare let the Fox into the house,
He served pies.
She jumped on the stove
And kicked out the slanting one!
On a stump under a pine tree
Our oblique cries bitterly,
Nodding his head sadly
He wipes tears with his paw.
Hare. Ah, the fox-cheat,
You cleverly deceived me!
Closed the door tightly
I am now a homeless animal!
buffoon. But fate this time
Gives the Hare a chance.
They walked near that pine tree,
Collected cones from the trees
bully-boys -
Two stray dogs.
Dog Brothers (sing to the tune of "Songs of the high-altitudes"). We are not piglets, not rabbits, no!
And we are not afraid of Foxes, Foxes!
After all, we are fierce, brave, yes!
Dashing boys, Dog Brothers, Dog Brothers.
Come on, Hare, where is your house?
We'll scare Lisa now.
So shameless oblam
So we bite the cheat,
What does not want to again
Offend the defenseless!
Hey Fox! Get out of the house
I'll do well!
We will not joke with you!
We'll bite you!
A fox. Who dares to scold me?
Who wanted to scare me?
Now I'll take the grip from the oven -
There will be kalachi brothers!
As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!
Buffoon. Here is a scream! Bullies -
Two stray dogs
From the shameless Lisa
Barely carried away the legs!
A fox (sings to the motive of the song of the robbers from the m / f "In the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians"). Let there be no stake and no yard -
I won’t disappear, that’s why I and the Fox,
What cunning and dexterity is strong
And I know where I can live.
I don't want to live differently
I don't want to live differently!

You are the Lisu of this house!
Do not drive away, Hare, do not drive away,
You won't see home anymore!
Buffoon. Again our Hare is sad,
He hung his head again.
Do not be sad, do not cry, Bunny,
Toptygin Mishka is hurrying to us!
Bear(sings to the motive of the song "At the bear in the forest"). In the summer I'm out of the woods
I'll bring a lot of raspberries.
How can I get honey?
I won't be hungry.
Buffoon. And the Bunny is in trouble:
The fox drives from the yard.
Bear. I am the master of the forest!
Let me teach Lisa now!
Hey, red-haired cheat!
Shameless redhead!
Leave while you're still alive!
I'll give you sides!
A fox. What?! What do I hear?
Is it Misha?
Should I, Lisa, be afraid of you?
Apparently, you forgot, brothers,
The sharpness of my teeth!
Buffoon. The clubfoot was like that!
Hare. No, I can't see the house ...
I can't get rid of the Fox.
Soon the night, and me, poor fellow,
Sleep under a bush like a tramp!
Buffoon. Look who's coming!
He wears a braid on his shoulder.
Daredevil and well done -
Ringing morning singer.
This is Petya the cockerel -
Golden comb.
Rooster (sings to the motive of a soldier's song from the movie "Old, Old Tale"). Along the road, along the road
Here I go, one and two!
And even though he met with the Fox and the wolf
on my way,
My head is gone! At-two!
At-two, left, at-two, right!
Along the pole road!
Let adversity on the road on each
I can handle any danger!
(Hare.) Don't worry and wipe your nose!
Return the house? Sure, not a problem!
Hare. You already, Sing, do not blame me,
But we can't scare Lisa.
If Bear couldn't...
I can't see my threshold!
Rooster. Risk is a noble cause.
And if the offender is wrong,
I enter into battle with him boldly,
Correct dishonor with honor!
Buffoon. Well, we'll see if that's the case.
Will Lizaveta run away?
Rooster. I am a brave Rooster
I am a Rooster - not a burdock!
I carry a scythe on my shoulder -
Cut the fox's head!
A fox. Petya, don't get excited!
Rooster. You, Lisa, hurry up!
So the scythe is torn from the shoulders -
Cut off your head!
A fox. I'm getting ready... getting dressed...
Rooster. Get together quickly!
Hare. Finally the door opened.
A fox. You, friends, forgive me,
Don't cut off my head.
I honestly promise you:
I don't hate rabbits anymore!
Hare. So be it, I forgive you
I leave with a pure heart.
And for such joy
I ask everyone to come home to me!
Let's set the table
Let's feast!

Everyone sings a song about friendship.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Sketch from industrial life. Characters: Bear…
  • Characters: Narrator Kolobok Bear Fairy Cinderella Hare Baba Yaga Fox Grandfather Baba ...
  • Educational tasks: To enrich the emotional experience of children through the introduction of a fairy tale plot and fairy tale characters. ...

HARE hut

(Christmas fairy tale for children middle group)

Children enter the room

In front of the Christmas tree, Santa Claus sits on a mortar and sleeps, the host leads the children to the Christmas tree.

Leading. Guys, look what beautiful hall. Here is the beautiful Christmas tree

meets. (Children answer. They see Santa Claus.) Oh. who is it?

Children. Father Frost.

Leading. What does he do?

Children. Asleep.

Leading (gives the opportunity to see Santa Claus closer).

That's the news! We have a holiday, and Grandfather Frost fell asleep right in the hall. How

should we wake him up? Let's sing a song to him.

The song "Then snowflakes are like fluffs"

At the end of the song, Santa Claus wakes up, rubs his eyes

Father Frost. What? Did I fall asleep?

Leading. Yes, Santa Claus, we came to the holiday, and you were sitting on a chair and sleeping. Far and hard was the way on snow-covered roads, now you're tired.

Father Frost. Everything is ready, the children are assembled, the tree is in festive attire,

Enough for me, Frost to sleep, we need to start the holiday.

Happy New Year! I wish you happiness, joy!

Children stand around the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus (looks at the Christmas tree and frowns) Ai-yay-yay, "This is not order. Something the Christmas tree is not happy with us ... We must ask her to light the colorful lights. Let's all together.

Christmas tree game (2 times)

Clap once and say: Come on, Christmas tree burn! (Lights light up)

Now let's stomp our feet. And the heels are stomped. And the lights go out

The lights are turned off.

Father Frost. Let's start a round dance - because today is the New Year!

Round dance song "Santa Claus and children" (phonogram)

Santa Claus: How good! The Christmas tree is lit with colorful lights, children

elegant and cheerful, but why don't I see my granddaughter Snegurochka?

Presenter: Grandfather Frost and she did not come to us.

Santa Claus: Where did she disappear to? Here's the trouble! Snowflakes - girlfriends

help the Snow Maiden find.

Dance "Snowflakes"

After the dance, Santa Claus begins to take revenge. The snowflakes run away to their places.

Santa Claus: (takes a whisk) Oh yes Snowflakes, all the roads are covered. Well, nothing, I'll clear all the paths of snow with a whisk now, (Sweeps and slowly moves towards the snowdrift) Look what a mountain of snow I have covered - a whole snowdrift. That's so miracles, the mountain is moving!

Vedas: We know you Grandfather Frost, you have prepared some kind of surprise for the guys.

Santa Claus: Let's see what's there?

The presenter raises the tulle, and there is the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: I will throw snowballs high, they will fly far. And the guys will collect snowballs and bring them to baskets.

Snowball fight (children)

Vedas: Thank you Snow Maiden for playing with our children. But the snowballs are cold and the kids can catch a cold. Let's get some rest.

Santa Claus: Sit down, guys, on the chairs. Now it's time for a fairy tale. I have a familiar hare, he is always with me. (Takes it out of the bag - it's a bee-ba-bo. A child is already standing behind the tree) I am a magician and now I will try to revive him. Want to? Then I will put it behind the Christmas tree and say the magic words.

(Magic music playing)

Fairy tale, come visit, revive, my white Bunny!

A sad Bunny runs out from behind the tree. The fox takes a place in the house.

Santa Claus: Hello, bunny!

Zainka: (sadly) Hello, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Why are you so sad?

Bunny: I'm not up to fun - I'm in trouble!

Santa Claus: Tell me, maybe we can help you?

Bunny: I built myself a house on the edge of the forest. It was good for me to live in a bast hut. But the treacherous Fox saw the house; She knocked and went in, but she sent me away. I was a modest hare, so I became homeless!

Santa Claus: Oh, the Robber Fox! Here's what I thought! Do not worry, Bunny, we will drive the fox out of your house.

Bunny: Oh, I'm afraid of the Fox:

Tail, eyes and whiskers,

And the character is rude, and what teeth!

Fox: (loudly.) As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, maybe Petya the Cockerel will help us?

Santa Claus: Petya, Petya-cockerel, Golden Scallop!

Early in the morning you get up, sing a sonorous song!

You sing louder in the forest, scare the Fox more!

Rooster comes out.

Cockerel: Here with me are my friends - fighting cockerels.

We stomp our feet, flap our wings,

Petushkov dance is performed

We are dashing cockerels, we are fervent and light.

(Cockerels walk in a circle one after another, flapping their wings)

We raise our wings, we walk cheerfully. There are patterns on the costume, cock spurs on the legs. (They put the right, then the left foot on the heel)

To protect against the enemy, a spur - one and a spur - two! We go, we are looking for grain, it is very tasty. (perform forward bends - looking for grain, hands behind)

Lean down, be closer to the grain. We will defeat the Fox, we will free the house in an instant. (Cockerels walk in a circle, flapping their wings.)

We raise our wings, we walk cheerfully. (They stop and shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the Robber Fox is not afraid of anyone. Maybe you can try to kick Lisa out of the rabbit house?

Santa Claus: (gets up). Nothing to do about.

Play out, blizzards, bend lower, pines, firs.

Everything that is in my forest, I will cover it with white snow.

He brings his hands to his lips and begins to blow on the house where the Fox is.

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds.

Fox jumps out of the house

Fox: Oh-she-she, Grandfather Frost, you froze my nose!

(Children) You have pity on the Chanterelle, warm the paws of the redhead.

Santa Claus: How do you, Fox, do not feel sorry for the Bunny? He also has paws

the tail is frozen, it's winter outside, and you kicked him out of the house.

Lisa: (mournfully) I won't do that again.

Santa Claus: Oh, you cheat! Do you think guys will forgive Lisa?

(Children answer) And you, Bunny, go to your house and don't be afraid of anyone.

Bunny: Thank you! (Goes into the house)

Santa Claus: And what will we do with the Fox?

Snow Maiden: Let's let her go.

Santa Claus: Come on, stomp your feet. The fox gets scared and runs away. The children stomp and the Fox runs away.

Santa Claus: And now, honest people, go out into a round dance!

Performing "Dance of Friendship"

Santa Claus: I can't do anything. Oh, and I'm tired.

Vedas: Grandfather Frost, you sit down on a chair and rest, and the guys you and the Snow Maiden

poetry is revered.

Children read poetry

Santa Claus: Children forgot something, what do you play in the winter, what games do you know?

Vedas: We will not say, but we will sing and show everything

The song "Santa Claus is our New Year's guest" is performed

Santa Claus: What good fellows you are! They helped the hare, sang and danced,

And now I want to say: time to play games.

The game "I'll Freeze" (r.n.p. "Oh, you, canopy")

1.Show your hands, they love to dance

I'll freeze them now, we need to clean the handles!

Children show pens, stretch them out in front of them and perform "Lanterns"

Loss: hide hands behind back

2. Show off your ears, ears love to dance

I'll freeze them now, I need to clean the ears!

Children hold their earlobes with their fingers and shake their heads

Chorus: cover your ears with your hands

3. Show your cheeks, cheeks love to dance.

I'll freeze it now, I need to clean the cheeks!

Santa Claus: How smart and fast you are! You made me happy - you helped the Bunny. And now it's my turn to please you with gifts.

Vedas: And where are they, did they all fit in the bag?

Santa Claus: Do not forget that I am a wizard. Snow Maiden, where are your snowballs? Snow Maiden: Here they are.

Santa Claus: Give me one, the most beautiful.

(The Snow Maiden gives a snowball to Santa Claus)

Now I will cast a spell on him, I will ride around the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus rolls a snowball around the Christmas tree and rolls out a big ball of snow.

Vedas: That's how Grandfather Frost, what a big lump of snow it turned out! What's in it?

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden break the snowball and take out the gifts. Gifts are being distributed.

Santa Claus: And now it's time for us, the guys are waiting for us in another kindergarten. Goodbye!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave. The holiday ends.

hare and fox

New Year's fairy tale

Characters: Bunnies



spinning top

Bears (Adult and kids)


Snowflake (adult and kids)

Children enter the hall, line up near the Christmas tree in a round dance.


We celebrate the holiday again

Happy New Year!

Near the fluffy Christmas tree

Let's start the round dance again.

Hurry up to visit us

The music is calling us!

The song "Christmas Tree"

Host: Guys! Do you hear the ringing? Where is it distributed from? (includes Snowflake)

Snowflake: Hello! I am Snowflake, Grandfather Frost's main assistant. (Turns to children.) Santa Claus needs to fulfill all the wishes of the kids, to deliver all the gifts they ordered. So, the New Year holidays are the hottest time for Santa Claus. And here he can not do without assistants! Everyone helps him deliver gifts: the Snow Maiden, snowflakes, and forest animals. And yet the work of Grandfather Frost is the most difficult: gifts must be prepared and then delivered.

Host: Can you create some kind of miracle?
Snowflake: Anything!
Host: (showing a sheet of white paper): Can you make this paper colored?
Snowflake: Of course I can!
Snowflake shows focus. To do this, you need to prepare two containers with plastic lids. The containers are filled with water, reverse side each cover is painted: the first is red, the second is blue.
Snowflake (tells fortune and utters words over the first jar of water): Oh, water, you are water, become water, not simple, but become red!
(She shakes the vessel well, the water turns red. The snowflake lowers a white sheet into it, which turns red.)
Host: It's easy to paint paper red. Everyone can handle. And you try to make it, for example, blue!
Snowflake: Please! (repeats the same thing, over the second jar.) You, water, my water, my faithful friend, become you, water, blue! Shakes the vessel, the water in which turns blue. He dips a white sheet of paper into it, and it turns blue.)
Host: This is Snowflake! Bravo! Well done! A real sorceress! (At this time, he notices a white thread on his clothes. He tries to shake it off, but he can’t do it. The snowflake pulls on the tip of the thread, which turns out to be very long. This New Year’s trick needs to be prepared by attaching the spool to the back of the Lead’s clothes in advance)
Snowflake (laughs): Now do you believe that I am Grandfather Frost's helper?
Host: Yes, Snowflake, now we believe that you are a real sorceress!
Snowflake: And now, I will turn the guys into snowflakes.

When losing, they stand on the line.


Like fluff we are light,

We are swayed by the winds


White flock we fly

We want to lay down on the ground.


We are snowflakes, we are sisters

Hold hands tightly.


They swirled like birds

They flew boldly down.


But we did not fall into the snowdrift,

And you got to the holiday!

Song "First Snow"

Snowflake: Look how much snow!

snowflakes fly,

Snowflakes flutter.

covered with snow

Forest paths.

And along the white path

Some legs ran.

The bunny appears to the cheerful music.

Bunny: My legs ran along the silver path.

Snow on the roof on the pipe, snow on the porch - everywhere.

I am glad to congratulate all the animals and all the guys on the holiday.

I live here on the edge in my brand new hut.

I'll open the door as soon as possible, I'm waiting for guests today.

Hares go out into the clearing, perform

poems and the song "Jump - skok."

Little fox appears from behind the tree

Lisonka: Hello, Zainki - Bunnies.

Happy Holidays to you all, cowards.

Oh, how beautiful the tree is!

And beautifully decorated!

Bunny: In the house, Chanterelle, come in,

How good he is, look.

Lisonka: The house is really so good!

You won't find a better home!

Bunny: (demanding and not affectionate)Well, everything. Admire my house, now come out!

Lisonka: I'm not going anywhere! I like it here!

Bunny: Come out quickly, I'm already cold!

Lisonka: (gives carrots). Come on, chew and jump! Warm up quickly! Friends - bunnies will help you.(in command tone)And you kids, clap your hands!


Bunny: Not warm, go away!

Lisonka: I won’t leave, and that’s it!

Squirrel appears, approaches the Bunny, dancing.

Squirrel: Congratulations, Bunny!

What happened, runaway?

What did you lower your ears?

Why are you sad?

Bunny: That's why I was sad:

I let Lisonka into the house.

Says the house is good

You won't find better in the world.

And sits laughing

Doesn't want to leave.

Squirrel: (referring to Lisa)That's harmful, Chanterelle! I brought a lot of nuts, I’ll give them to everyone, but I won’t give you!

Foxy: Think! Do not need! Your nuts only hurt your teeth!

Squirrel: (offended) Not true! I have good nuts!(steps aside)

The Top appears with a click of teeth.

Song of the Wolf

Wolf: (joyfully) Happy New Year! Why are you in such joyful holiday Are you sitting sad, or have you been bitten by a mosquito?(referring to children)Have they been bitten by a mosquito? Why are they so sad?

Children explain the situation. The wolf approaches the Fox.

Fox: Oh-oh-oh! How scared I was! Oh, I'm afraid! I'll jump out right now! You will not get it. I'm not afraid of any teeth. I have the same ones!

The wolf walks away in fear.

Wolf: (referring to Rabbit)Well, sorry, it didn't work!

Music sounds, Adult Bear appears,

Bear: (oh talking to children)Happy New Year!

The clumsy bear beckons the children with its paw,

Invites you to dance, to play catch-up.

"Game with Bear"

Adult Bear: I'm going to visit the Bunny, but I forgot the poem. Tell!

Bear children:

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest,

He collects cones and puts them in his bag.

Suddenly a bump fell, right on Mishka's forehead.

The bear got angry and kicked - top!

(referring to Rabbit)Can we go to your house?

Let's drink raspberry tea.

Bunny and all the guests, interrupting each other, tell about what happened.

Bear: That's how I throw a bump into the house, so you immediately jump out!(throws a bump, Lisonka throws it back, hitting Mishka)Oh oh oh! How painful!(walks aside)

Cockerel appears

Cockerel: I am a cheerful Cockerel,

Golden comb!

I congratulate you!

Oh what a wonderful house!

Just why are you all sad?

Are you sitting in front of the house?

Everyone is talking about what happened.

Cockerel: (threatens with a gun)The gun fires loudly.

And he will scare you.

You, Chanterelle, will tremble,

Jump out and run away!

Lisonka: Yes, I'll cook soup out of you with your gun!

Cockerel: (confused) Is it possible to cook soup out of me, from such a beautiful one?

Suitable Snowflake

Snowflake: Don't quarrel, you my friends. It is a holiday today! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, I wish you to be cheerful! Why are you making such a noise, who offended you, tell me?

The animals are complaining.

Lisonka: Let me tell Snowflake everything. I came to visit Bunny, he invited me to the house, and then began to kick me out! He didn't tell me, "Chanterelle, please come out!" He didn't say any affectionate word. The squirrel also began to offend me, said that she would not give me nuts. The wolf did not even greet me, but began to show his teeth. Bear, threw a bump at me. The cockerel threatened with a gun.

How are you not ashamed?!

I, Foxy, am so offended!

Became ill-bred

You all drove me away.

And they forgot about politeness

Why were you evil?

Although everyone came to the holiday,

But there were no good words.

Snowflake: (referring to children)Children what do you know kind words? How should I ask Chanterelle to leave the hut?

Children pick up the right words. Apologies to Foxy.

Snowflake: Today we have fun,

We are celebrating the New Year.

And everyone who came to us now,


Near the wonderful Christmas tree we start a round dance,

Sing and dance with us, the music is calling you all!

The song "New Year's round dance"

(scene with Santa Claus)

Snowflake: Guys, let's call Santa Claus to our holiday.

The children are called Santa Claus. He answers them: "I'm coming! I'm coming!" (Snowflake offers to play a trick on him and hide behind a Christmas tree. The children squat down behind the Christmas tree. Santa Claus enters the hall.)

Father Frost : Hello guys! Oh, where are the kids?

Snowflake: And you look for them, grandfather!

Father Frost: (walks down the hall, looks around)

I walk around the hall

And I can't find guys.

I'll go to the tree.

Maybe I'll find the guys there?

Children growl. Santa Claus is backing away.

Father Frost:

Where the angry bear growls

There can't be kids.

Whose noses stick out there,

Maybe the guys' noses?

Children meow. Santa Claus shakes his head.

Father Frost:

Where kittens meow

There can't be guys!

Father Frost:

Maybe guests, you saw

Where did the children run to?

Guests: We don't know!

Father Frost: (looks behind the tree)

Snowflakes and Bunnies,

Rather run out

Take each other by the hand

Dance around the Christmas tree!

The song "New Year is coming to us"music V. Gerchik, sl. Z. Petrova

Leading: Santa Claus, the guys and I have learned your favorite game.

One two three four, (curl fingers)

We made snow with you. ("making snow"

Round, strong, very smooth (show a circle, squeeze the palms together, stroke the other with one palm).

And not at all sweet. (point fingers)

Once - let's throw it up. ( toss)

Two, we'll catch it. ( squat, "catch")

Three - drop. (get up, drop)

Let's play!

Game "Snowballs"

Snowflake: And I also know fun game. Let's play! The game is called "Rattles".

Game "Rattles"

Children take rattles. Music sounds. The guys run around the hall, rattle rattles. As soon as the music ends, they need to stop and hide the rattles behind their backs. Santa Claus approaches one or another child and asks to show either the left or the right hand. Children should not show rattles, shifting them to one or the other hand behind their backs.

Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit, I'll take a look at the guys, I dreamed like that for a whole year, who will read poetry to me?


Father Frost:

Have fun honest people!

I invite you to the round dance!

Song "Herringbone" in a round dance (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by Poznanskaya).

Snowflake: Santa Claus, we invite you to dance with us

"Merry Polka"(in pairs)

(Sack scene)

Father Frost. It's very hot in your room.

Snowflake: It's time to distribute gifts!

Santa Claus: (surprised).

While we sang and danced -

Gifts seem to have run away!

The forest is great, I'll go look

(children) You will have to wait.

About to leave.

Father Frost:

Who's calling grandpa?

Let's get in here soon!

Runs "bag".

Father Frost:

Oh, you, fathers, a bag,

It goes here on its own.

Where did you disappear to?

Bag: Started to travel...

Father Frost:

You must stand still

Or walk with me.


And today, on the New Year,

It will be the opposite!

(He runs away, Santa Claus follows him).

Father Frost:

Stop, stop, wait

Do not go anywhere!


I, the bag is not easy,

I'm magical, that's what!

Father Frost:

Well, bag, spin around

Show up guys!

"Sack" dances to the soundtrack of the Russian folk song "Oh you, canopy."

Father Frost : Now you tell us...

The "bag" does not listen and runs out the door again, Santa Claus behind him.

Father Frost . Stop, stop, wait...

Santa Claus comes out and takes out a bag with gifts.

Father Frost:

I ran after him,

Tired, but caught up!


And now let's untie it

Let's see what's inside(look in).

Oh, yes, there are gifts here,

How many, look!

Santa Claus and Snowflake distribute gifts to children.

Father Frost : Have you received all the gifts?

Snowflake: Have we forgotten anyone?


Thank you Santa Claus

For a happy new year.

Father Frost:

Now it's time to say goodbye.

Santa Claus orders:

Don't be sick, don't be bored

And don't forget me!

Me next year

I will visit you again.

Photographed for memory

"Hare Hut"

Children: Bunnies - 4 boys

Bears-4 boys

Squirrels-3 girls

Snowmen-2 boys

Snowflakes-3,4 girls.

Winter girl.

Adults: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Leading.

To the music, children enter the hall and rebuild the Vedas: Dear children and guests! We congratulate you on the upcoming new year!

The past year was a glorious year, but hurried time does not wait!

The last leaf of the calendar was torn off, the New Year is striding towards us!

Vedas: When the New Year lights up, colored lights on the Christmas tree

The fairy tale around comes to life, the days become bright

And in the New Year's fairy tale, there are a lot of miracles

The wind whistles, the winter forest sparkles,

The stars wink and they dance,

Everyone is looking forward to a happy new year!

Song "New Year"

1 A merry winter brought us a holiday. See our tree is fluffy and slender. A green tree came to visit us. Garlands and crackers she hung out. Silver snowflakes on the branches shining. How elegant you are with a silver star And ice floes ring like bells. How beautiful you are so happy

With you 3. Gathered friends, girlfriends, a wonderful Christmas tree How her outfit shines, the snow sparkles on needles In the New Year, everyone dances and sings Have fun and play Santa Claus is waiting! 4. Cheerful winter came, with skates and sleds, she dressed up the tree, gave the hares a fur coat

I whitened it at home, oh yes, winter is winter!

Song "Winter"

Winter enters the middle of the hall.

Zimushka: Hello guys, I'm Zimushka-winter!

I decorate everything with beautiful snowflakes!

I wave my magic wand and everything is white!

And everything shimmers with beautiful silver!

How beautiful are you all, and can you sing and dance?

Well, more fun then!

Dance "And it's cold outside"

Children sit on chairs.

Winter: Under the new year, under the new year!

Miracles happen here!

New year, new year!

Here the fairy tale comes to life!

Vedas: All day the blizzard sweeps,

Weaves good tales

Braided a blizzard braid

The story will be about a fox!

Music sounds Zimushka sits on the chairs.

Music sounds for the Fox's exit. The Fox goes and throws snowballs.

Fox: What a fluffy, red tail

What paws, ears, socks

How good am I

Oh, how my soul sings!

Fox collects snowballs.

Vedas: What are you doing Lisonka?

Lisa: I dream of one thing, to fashion a beautiful house!

To sparkle like a gem, because nowhere else is there!

Vedas: And what a royal house, everything glitters shimmers, but you need a porch made of snow

finish it, and we will help you with the guys!

Game: Children collect snowballs and carry them to the porch of the Fox's house.

Fox: So without any worries, the house is ready! (Enters the house)

There is a knock of a hammer. Bunny comes out and jumps to the house.

Hare: Oh, it’s good! In winter it’s cold to run through the forest, but the house is warm and cozy!

Vyuga theme.

Hare: Oh, it’s getting cold, I won’t have time to finish building the house, where are my hares? where are my kids?

Bunnies come out to the music.

1 hare: What is it, what happened?

Papa Hare did you call us?

2 hare: Something terrible happened, did you lose your carrot?

3 hare: Maybe trouble has come to us? Maybe the wolf is running here?

Hare dad: No, don't be afraid, don't shake

You better help me!

We need to build a house

After all, winter has already arrived!

The bunnies take the hammers and dance the dance.

Hare: Thank you my helpers!

Bunnies jump to the house.

Fox: What else happened? Knocking and knocking can be heard throughout the forest!

Fox on Hare's house: Fu, what a miracle!

1 Hare: There are no miracles here!

We are building a house here!

2 hare: In order not to freeze us in winter, warm the paws, ears, tail!

The fox laughs: Well, why build this house! I collected the snow into lumps and the palace is ready!

All bunnies: You work wonders here. Goodbye fox!

Bunnies sit on chairs.

The fox goes to his house, the hare goes to his.

Solar music sounds

Fox: The sun is not very warm! Oh, my house has melted!

Well, okay, I won’t grieve, I’ll go to the hare, he’s kind, he’ll let me in!

The fox goes to Zaikin's hut.

Bunny: Who's there?

Lisa: It's me Lisa Patrikeevna. My house has melted away!

Let me go, I'm homeless now!

Hare: I know you Fox, are you cunning to let you go, and will you kick you out?

Lisa: What nonsense are you talking about?

Bunny: Okay, come on in!

The fox kicks out the rabbit.

The hare is crying: Oh, where will I live with the hares now?

Vedas: Guys, the Fox offended a hare from her own house and kicked her out! Guys, how can we help him? It seems I know a strong beast will help us!

Bears, bears, bears

Leave your lair

Get out for help.

Dance "Bears"

After the dance, the bears approach the hare.

1 bear: Something hare you are not cheerful?

Why hang your head like that?

Hare: Trouble happened to me, the fox kicked me out!

2 bear: Don't cry, don't be sad

We can help if we can!

3 bear: Keep your ears up, we'll show the fox how to take away the hut!

After all, according to a fairy tale, everyone knows, we will fight back the fox!

4 Bear: Hey, open the fox,

And run away

Get out of the hare's house

Better go home!

Fox: As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!

Vedas: Don't cry bunny! We will definitely help you!

Here is our cheerful orchestra, loudly, loudly rattle

And we'll drive the fox out!

"Orchestra with bells"

Fox: Go away you nasty hare, and take these with you! It won't be bad!

Vedas: Fox, look how you upset the bunny and the guys, don’t you feel sorry?

Lisa: I don't feel sorry for anyone! By the way, your guys know how to solve riddles!

Vedas: Of course they can, now we'll show you!


Cunning cheat, redhead

The tail is fluffy, beauty, what is her name?

(A fox)

A ball of fluff, a long ear

Jumps smartly, loves carrots.


He slept all night, sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, did this forest beast begin to roar?


Who quickly jumps on the Christmas tree, who hides the mushrooms in the hollow!

And carries nuts there? This (squirrel) of course!

Vedas: Of course, how did I forget about squirrels?

Squirrels come out and drive the fox away?

Dance of squirrels with cones.

1 Squirrel: Hello hare, did you call us?

Did you have trouble?

Hare: The fox kicked me out and took my house!

The 2nd squirrel strokes the hare on the head: Don't cry, we'll help you, we can drive the fox away!

3rd squirrel: Hey fox, come out, otherwise we will get angry and drive out of the hut! Fox: Oh, oh, oh, I'm not afraid! Now, when I jump out, when I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets! Come on!

The whites run away.

Vedas: Well, a cunning fox! There is no way we can drive her away. And no one can help. Will the Hare really winter on the street?

(Ved. hugs a hare, gentle music is heard)

The Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Snow Maiden: I am the Snow Maiden granddaughter of my grandfather, I am a big fidget!

Hello my friends, I'm glad to see you all!

Both big and small, nimble and remote!

What are those sad eyes? What is your trouble here?

Vedas: The fox had an ice hut, and the bunny had a wooden one

The sun shone, the hut melted away from the fox, she is cunning, drove the bunny away and occupied his hut!

And no one helped us, neither the bears nor the squirrels could drive the fox away!

Snow Maiden: Yes, the trouble is big, but I know who can help us, Grandfather Frost!

He needs to be called together cheerfully! Gotta save the bunny!

Children: Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus comes.

Santa Claus: Hey, I'm going, I'm going! Through frost and snowstorm!

Hello my friends, how glad I am to see you!

I remember exactly a year ago I saw these guys, a year rushed by and I didn’t notice!

Just what the trouble is, what kind of sad eyes?

Snow Maiden: Fox bunny deceived, kicked out of the house!

Santa Claus: Oh, that's how, red-haired cheat! But we will fix this matter now!

Hey, where are my helpers Snowmen are funny!

Hurry, come out, let's chase Lisa away!

Snowmen: We were snow and blizzard and snowballs

But sometimes it’s better to walk snowmen in winter.

We will sing and dance and clap more cheerfully

After all, the bunny needs to be rescued soon!

Dance "Snowmen"

Santa Claus: Now let's freeze the Fox! (They start to blow, the music of the blizzard sounds)

Fox: Oh, oh, oh, how cold! Ears, paws, tail are frozen! Stop it! I won’t leave the house anyway!

Santa Claus: Oh, if you don’t go out, then the Snowflakes fly in a dance, whirl, blow now and you are a winter breeze!

Snow Maiden: Snowflakes come out to the dance !!!

Dance "Snowflakes"

Fox: Oh, how cold, stop turning me into an icicle now!

Fox leaves the house.

Lisa: I was just joking.

And the bunny didn't hurt!

Santa Claus: Oh, you are a red-haired cheat, we are all not clever for you, shame on you


Lisa: I'm lying!

Snow Maiden: You are a fox, do not make noise! Look at the boys

How nicely everyone is dressed

Agree, it's just amazing!

Lisa: That's true, good!

Why did they dress up like that, and why did they come here!

Santa Claus: Everyone sings and has fun, they lead a noisy round dance

Because today is a holiday! What holiday?

Children all: New Year!!!

Fox: New Year! Forgive me bunny, forgive me guys, I don't want to be

more angry, want to sing and have fun with you!

Hare: Okay, in honor of such a holiday, we are ready to forgive the fox!

Vedas: Guys, let's sing a song to Santa Claus for his help!

Song "Santa Claus"

Vedas: And now grandfather sit down and listen to poetry!

Poems children:

Good Santa Claus A bag falls from the sky

All overgrown with a beard And grandfather has a bag

He is in a hurry today too In it he is to each of us

Together with the granddaughter to the kids! Save up for a gift!

Beard and red nose, Grandpa, you are visiting us

Coat, hat, gloves. sit down for a while

Titmouse sit on the nose Soon there will be a quiet hour

Beard and red nose You will sleep a little!

It's Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, why is the Christmas tree sad, it doesn’t burn with lights!

Santa Claus: We will fix this now, we will make the Christmas tree burn, but first we will dress it up!

Game "We will hang the balls"

Santa Claus: And now, Let's say together One, two, three, Christmas tree burn!

The tree is not on fire.

Santa Claus: Let's clap our hands, stomp our feet, say loudly one, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!

The tree lights up.

Vedas: Get up together in a round dance, and sing a song about a Christmas tree!

"Round dance at the Christmas tree"

Santa Claus: I won’t get tired of surprising everyone today!

Gifts are waiting for you all!

Snow Maiden help and look for gifts!

The presenter and the Snow Maiden take out the carrot in it gifts.

Santa Claus: One, two, three, pull the tops!

Distribution of gifts.

Vedas: On a good New Year's day,

Let it ring, cheerful laughter

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations everyone!