
Federal action is a reliable partner. The federal action "Reliable Partner" starts in the regions of Russia. Terms of the promotion


In the regions of the Russian Federation, preparations for the fourth federal action "Reliable Partner" begin.

In 2016, the campaign was held in 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the reliability of about 600 thousand consumers of legal entities was checked, of which 59 were included in the rating of the most trustworthy and were awarded in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Summing up the results of the implementation of the federal campaign "Reliable Partner" is included in the Action Plan of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the spring session of 2017.

According to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Reliable Partner Project, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy of the Federation Council Viktor Rogotsky: “Wide support for the activities of the Reliable Partner Project at the level of representative and executive authorities of the country’s constituent entities indicates the demand for an open dialogue between suppliers and consumers of energy resources on the issues of developing the energy sector of the region and the country as a whole, setting tariffs and improving the quality and reliability of energy supply to various categories of consumers. I hope that in 2017, the Reliable Partner federal campaign will attract even more regions, participants and supporters.”

The federal action "Reliable Partner" is carried out in two stages. Based on the results of the first stage, a regional rating of the most trustworthy consumers is formed. Among the winners of the regional stage there is a selection for inclusion in the federal rating of the most reliable enterprises and organizations in the country.

Promotion dates:

  • regional stage of the action "Reliable Partner": March-May 2017;
  • federal stage of the action "Reliable partner": June 2017

Additional verification of counterparties for the conscientiousness of fulfillment of contractual obligations is carried out in the "Monitoring of payments" system.

The Reliable Partner project is being implemented with the support of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the NP Market Council Association, the Guaranteed Suppliers and Energy Retail Companies Association, the National Credit Bureau, deputies of the State Duma, legislative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to give a new status to trustworthy consumers of fuel and energy resources and housing and communal services, companies and organizations that operate efficiently in the energy market, as well as to maintain and develop partnerships between suppliers and consumers of energy resources.

The general information partner of the federal campaign "Reliable Partner" is the international information group "INTERFAX", information partners: "Center for the Development of Communications of the Fuel and Energy Complex", "Kommersant. South of Russia”, the journal “Vesti i Electric Power Industry”, the journal “Regional Energy and Energy Saving” (, the information and analytical portal “Housing Control”, the online publication “Civil Forces”, etc.

Energy companies interested in strengthening partnerships with consumers of energy resources and improving the efficiency of work with debtors are invited to participate in the federal campaign "Reliable Partner".

In connection with the incoming questions from some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, we additionally inform that the Reliable Partner Association is not an organizer and does not support the holding of events other than the Reliable Partner federal action aimed at analyzing the payment discipline of energy consumers and evaluating the activities of energy companies. An exhaustive list of partners and participants of the federal action is posted on the official Internet resource Exclusive right to negotiate and use the trademark on the territory of the subjects Russian Federation, on behalf of the Reliable Partner Association, was delegated to the participants of the Reliable Partner federal action, the list of which is posted on the official Internet resource Please report the facts of unauthorized use of the logo and the name "Reliable Partner".

The organizer of the Federal Action "Reliable Partner" is

“The Reliable Partner campaign is aimed at forming a rating and encouraging the most conscientious and trustworthy consumers of energy resources among industrial and non-industrial enterprises, housing and communal services, agriculture, small and medium-sized businesses, the public sector and network organizations of the country. The federal action takes place in two stages: at the regional and federal levels.

The regional stage of the "Reliable Partner" competition is held to give a new status to reliable consumers of fuel and energy resources and housing and communal services, companies and organizations that operate effectively in the energy market, as well as to maintain and develop partnerships between the supplier and consumers.

Read more on the promotion website >>

The list of winners of the regional stage of the competition is sent to the Organizing Committee of the Federal Action "Reliable Partner", conducted by JSC ESC RusHydro with the support of the Committee of the Federation Council on Economic Policy, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Association "NP Market Council". Laureates of the competition from the regions of Russia, including the Far East, are invited to Moscow to participate in the Ceremony of awarding the winners of the competition.

Based on the results of the regional stage of the competition, the list of winners is sent to the organizing committee of the federal campaign "Reliable Partner" to form an all-Russian rating and determine the best energy consumers in the country.

The organizer of the competition in the region is PJSC "DEK" with the support of the administrations of Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur and Sakhalin Regions.

Ceremonies of awarding the winners of the Promotion "Reliable Partner"
at the end of 2018:

Winners of the regional stage of the action "Reliable partner"
at the end of 2018:

Industrial enterprises:

JSC "Vladivostok Buto-Crushed Stone Plant"

Provides the needs of capital construction in Vladivostok since 1960.

LLC "Khabarovsk Pipe Plant"

Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk District, with. Ilyinka
The company's products are in demand throughout the Far East.

LLC "Solntsevsky Coal Mine"

Sakhalin region, Uglegorsk district, town. Shakhtersk

Develops sections of the Solntsevo coal deposit.

LLC "Fish Company"

Jewish Autonomous Region, Birobidzhan

It has been operating since 2004, the main activity is the wholesale trade of fish, crustaceans and molluscs, canned fish and seafood.

LLC "Malomyrsky mine"

Amur Region, Blagoveshchensk

The first large-scale project of the Petropavlovsk group of companies in the Selemdzhinsky district.

Public sector organizations:

KSAU Sports Training Center - School of Higher Sportsmanship

Primorsky Territory, Vladivostok

The center trains the strongest athletes of the Primorsky Territory, as well as their nearest reserve.

KSAUK "Khabarovsk regional musical theater"

One of the oldest creative teams in Russia.

FGBPOU "Izvestkovskoye SUVU"

Jewish Autonomous District, Obluchensky district, settlement Izvestkovy

Special educational-educational school of open type.

GAUZ of the Amur Region "Amur Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital"


The hospital provides inpatient care to over 10,000 patients a year.

Agricultural enterprises:

JSC PrimAgro

Primorsky Territory, Ussuriysk

It is part of the agricultural business area of ​​the RUSAGRO group of companies, one of the largest agricultural holdings in Russia.

JCG Evergreen LLC

Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk

A Japanese manufacturer of high-quality, environmentally friendly products grown in a greenhouse complex with an area of ​​2.5 hectares.

OOO TF Sakhalin Bacon-2

Sakhalin region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, with. further

The enterprise is included in the national register "Leading agro-industrial and agricultural organizations of Russia".

In the Ryazan region, the regional stage of the federal campaign "Reliable Partner" is starting, aimed at identifying and encouraging the most conscientious consumers of energy resources.

The organizer of the action on the territory of the Ryazan region is PJSC "RESK", with the support of the Government of the Ryazan region, the Ministry of the Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the region and the Ryazan Energy Commission. The most reliable partners of power engineers will be identified among industrial and non-industrial enterprises, housing and communal services, agriculture, small and medium-sized businesses, public sector and network organizations.

The regional stage of the "Reliable Partner" competition is held to give a new status to reliable consumers of fuel and energy resources and housing and communal services, companies and organizations that operate effectively in the energy market, as well as to maintain and develop partnerships between the supplier and consumers.

Based on the results of the regional stage of the competition, the list of winners will be sent to the organizing committee of the Federal Action "Reliable Partner" to form an all-Russian rating and determine the best energy consumers in the country. The winners of the action will be invited to Moscow to participate in the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners, which will be held in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Summing up the results of the Reliable Partner federal project is included in the action plan of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the spring session of 2018.

In 2017, five enterprises of the Ryazan region were included in the federal list of the most reliable consumers of energy resources. The awards were received by Elatomsky Instrument Plant JSC, Avangard LLC, the Krasnaya Nov plant of the Federal State Reserve Agency, the Skopinskiye Thermal Networks Municipal State Enterprise of the Moscow Region - Skopin City District, Ryazhsky Vodokanal LLC

Summing up the results of the campaign held in 2017, the Executive Director of PJSC "RESK" Sergey Kuzmin noted that the "Reliable Partner" has become one of the most effective mechanisms for working with consumers. Regional authorities, represented by the Government of the region, the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Public Utilities, the Regional Energy Commission provide serious support to the project, and this gives a special status to both the company and the action, stimulating payment discipline. At the same time, Sergey Kuzmin emphasized that in the Ryazan region there are qualified consumers, thanks to which RESK is one of the leaders in terms of collection of payments in the Central Federal District. “The most important thing is the support of the consumer, his awareness of the need to pay. It doesn't matter if it's public or private. Payment must always be made on time.

The Reliable Partner project is expanding its boundaries: last year, thermal power companies joined the project, the geography of the competition expanded to 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and more than 570,000 consumers of legal entities passed the reliability test.

According to Andrei Romanchuk, Chairman of the Board of the Reliable Partner Association, coordinator of the federal project, the competition is already bringing results, stimulating payment discipline. Among the additional measures that are currently being discussed, he noted the inclusion of data on the terms of payment for housing and communal services in credit bureaus so that payment discipline could become one of the grounds for making a decision on issuing loans by banks.

On July 3, the Federation Council will award the winners of the 5th Federal Action "Reliable Partner". Members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, representatives of federal legislative bodies, the business community, professional associations, and the media are invited to participate in the event.

In 2018, the action was held in 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, within its framework, more than 600 thousand consumers of energy resources-legal entities were tested for reliability, of which only 32 organizations from Krasnoyarsk Territory, Ryazan, Sverdlovsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Penza regions, the Republic of Komi, Chuvashia, Tatarstan and the Udmurt Republic will be included in the federal rating of the most trustworthy energy contractors, which will be awarded in the Federation Council. The organizers of the regional stages of the Federal Action "Reliable Partner" were subsidiaries and affiliates of PJSC GC "TNS energo", JSC "ESC RusHydro", JSC "Tatenergo", PJSC "T Plus". For the third year in a row, a separate nomination is dedicated to the contribution of enterprises to environmental well-being, the application of high environmental standards in production and the elimination of accumulated environmental damage. The 2018 laureates include Russian Railways OJSC, GazEnergoStroy Corporation and VEKA Rus LLC. The winners were determined jointly with the organizing committee of the Russian Ecological Society.

As part of the event, a discussion is planned on the topic “Interaction between suppliers and consumers of energy resources: high-quality, reliable energy supply and timely payments for energy resources as facets of energy development”.

According to Viktor Rogotsky, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Reliable Partner Association, payment discipline remains one of the most acute problems in the Russian energy sector. Consumer debt in the retail electricity market as of March 31, 2018 reached 269.4 billion rubles, an increase from the beginning of the year amounted to 42.9 billion rubles. The high level of accounts receivable and the complexity of settlements between enterprises of the fuel and energy complex remain. Debt in the wholesale market, as of June 21, 2018, is 75.6 billion rubles. It is obvious that the enterprises of the energy complex must learn to put into practice all possible tools for working with consumers, such as SPARK-Payment Monitoring, and more actively transmit data, unfortunately only negative so far, to credit bureaus. These tools create effective incentives for timely payments and make it possible to form an independent assessment of the actions of consumers of goods and services. We are glad that the majority of consumers remain reliable partners for power engineers and once again we propose to discuss issues of interaction at the “chamber of regions” site.


The federal action "Reliable Partner" is carried out in two stages. Based on the results of the first stage, a regional rating of the most trustworthy consumers is formed. Among the winners of the regional stage there is a selection for inclusion in the federal rating of the most reliable enterprises and organizations in the country. The site of the Federal Action "Reliable Partner" is open to new participants.

In the regions of the Russian Federation, preparations for the fourth federal action "Reliable Partner" begin.

In 2016, the campaign was held in 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the reliability of about 600 thousand consumers of legal entities was checked, of which 59 were included in the rating of the most trustworthy and were awarded in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Summing up the implementation of the federal campaign "Reliable Partner" is included in the Action Plan of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the spring session of 2017.

According to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Reliable Partner Project, Deputy Chairman of the Economic Policy Committee of the Federation Council Viktor Rogotsky: « Widespread support for the activities of the Reliable Partner Project at the level of representative and executive authorities of the country's subjects indicates the demand for an open dialogue between suppliers and consumers of energy resources on the development of the energy sector of the region and the country as a whole, setting tariffs and improving the quality and reliability of energy supply to various categories of consumers. I hope that in 2017, the federal campaign "Reliable Partner" will attract even more regions, participants and supporters».

The federal action "Reliable Partner" is carried out in two stages. Based on the results of the first stage, a regional rating of the most trustworthy consumers is formed. Among the winners of the regional stage there is a selection for inclusion in the federal rating of the most reliable enterprises and organizations in the country.

Promotion dates:
. regional stage of the action "Reliable Partner": March-May 2017;
federal stage of the action "Reliable partner": June 2017

Additional verification of counterparties for the conscientiousness of fulfillment of contractual obligations is carried out in the "Monitoring of payments" system (

The Reliable Partner project is being implemented with the support of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the NP Council of the Market Association, the Management House Project of the Edinaya Rossiya VPP, the Association of Guaranteed Suppliers and Energy Retail Companies, the National Bureau of Credit stories", deputies of the State Duma, legislative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to give a new status to trustworthy consumers of fuel and energy resources and housing and communal services, companies and organizations that operate efficiently in the energy market, as well as to maintain and develop partnerships between suppliers and consumers of energy resources. The current composition of the organizing committee can be found at.

The general federal campaign "Reliable Partner" is the international information group "INTERFAX", information partners: "Center for the Development of Communications of the Fuel and Energy Complex", the magazine "ELECTRIC ENERGY. Transmission and distribution”, “Kommersant. South of Russia”, the journal “Vesti i Electric Power Industry”, the journal “Regional Energy and Energy Saving”, the information and analytical portal “ZhKH Control”, the online publication “Civil Forces”, etc.

Energy companies interested in strengthening partnerships with consumers of energy resources and improving the efficiency of work with debtors are invited to participate in the federal campaign "Reliable Partner".

In connection with the incoming questions from some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, we additionally inform that the Reliable Partner Association is not an organizer and does not support the holding of events other than the Reliable Partner federal action aimed at analyzing the payment discipline of energy consumers and evaluating the activities of energy companies. An exhaustive list of partners and participants of the federal action is available on the official Internet resource official Internet resource Please report the facts of unauthorized use of the logo and the name “Reliable Partner”.

The organizer of the Federal Action "Reliable Partner" is