
Children's allowances in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Child benefits in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory


Almost all child benefits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are paid from the start of the Children program. The birth rate in the region is higher than the national average, but the list of payments for children is still wide.

Federal child benefits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Federal benefits are paid to families living throughout Russia and do not affect the possibility of obtaining regional payments.

Benefit name Sum
Maternity allowance Officially employed -100% average salaryfor the previous 24 months (or in the amount1 minimum wage (7800 rubles)if the income was below the minimum wage, or the insurance period was less than 6 months).

Officially unemployed (registered with the Employment Center, dismissed during the previous 12 months due to the liquidation of the enterprise, the termination of the activity of the individual entrepreneur or the bankruptcy of the company) -613 rubles 14 kopecks per month.

Students - in the amount of a scholarship.

The unemployed are not paid.

One-time allowance for registration at the district clinic or antenatal clinic no later than 12 obstetric weeks pregnancy 613 rubles 14 kopecks(paid to the same categories of women who receive maternity benefits).
One-time allowance at the birth of a child 16350 rubles 33 kopecks(paid for each child separately to all categories of citizens)
Monthly allowance for caring for a child under the age of one and a half years Officially employed and dismissed due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of the company -40% of the average salaryfor the previous 24 months, but not less than the minimum amount and not more than the maximum amount (23 089 rubles 4 kopecks).

Non-working, unemployed, students - in the minimum amount:3065 rubles 69 kopecksfor 1 child6131 ruble 37 kopecksfor the 2nd, 3rd and subsequent children.

Monthly compensation for unemployed mothers laid off while on parental leave up to three years due to company liquidation 50 rubles(in some regions - in the amount1 minimum wageif the child is the third and subsequent).

Various measures of social support for families with children in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Some of the most vulnerable categories of families with children in the region are provided wide set benefits. Orphans, children without parental care, large families, residents Far North and children aged 3-18 years old from low-income families (if there are recommendations from a doctor) a free ticket to a sanatorium is issued. Travel to the place of treatment in the absence of a similar institution at the place of residence is also compensated.

Children with disabilities and children of disabled parents receive from the regional authorities free gifts to the New Year. Pupils of schools from low-income families and children of single mothers receive free breakfasts and lunches at the place of study. Targeted assistance can also be provided in the amount of 10-15 thousand rubles if the family is in a difficult life situation.

Families with many children are paid subsidies to pay for housing and communal services, compensation for part of the fare on public transport, a plot of land, and one-time rewards for awarding the honorary badge “Mother's Glory”.

Regional maternity capital in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

If a woman has given birth to or adopted a third child (or a subsequent one, if the payment has not been made earlier), she can receive regional maternity capital in the amount of 117 422 rubles. Condition - the child must appear in the family from July 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016. The child must have an insert or stamp on the birth certificate indicating Russian citizenship.

Money can be spent after receiving the certificate at any time. Funding can be used for the following purposes:

  • repair of electrical wiring or furnace heating;
  • receiving benefits in small installments;
  • purchase of those means of rehabilitation for a disabled child;
  • purchase of a car;
  • paying for a child's education;
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • payment of the first installment of a housing loan or repayment of a loan;
  • purchase of housing.

Monthly supplement to the pension for the children of the fallen soldiers

If a child was left without one of the parents due to the fact that he was a military or police officer and died in the line of duty or after dismissal from injuries received in the service, as a supplement to the survivor's pension, he will receive an allowance in the amount of the difference between the size of the children's subsistence minimum in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the size of the pension. In addition, these children are paid 20 898 rubles 50 kopecks for the organization of summer holidays in a health-improving institution until the age of 15 years.

Monthly allowances for a child in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for families with disabled parents

If a child is brought up in a family where both parents or legal representatives have a disability of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd group (the ITU conclusion was received before January 1, 2010), until he reaches the age of majority (or up to 23 years of age in full-time education) benefit in the amount of 1 896 rubles per month.

Monthly allowance for disabled children studying at home

If a child is forced to study at home due to disability-related contraindications, his parents may receive compensation in the amount of 1 175 rubles per month. The age of the child is from 2 months to 18 years.

Annual child benefits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for schoolchildren

Parents with many children are entitled to receive 1,733 rubles 50 kopecks per year for each minor student if both parents or legal representatives of the child are disabled. In turn, children of parents with disabilities have the right to use a single social fare 110 rubles for transportation within the region.

Monthly compensation for children not attending kindergarten

Low-income families, one of whose parents is forced to refuse employment due to the need to look after a child from one and a half to three years old, who did not get a place in kindergarten, can receive 4 109 rubles per month as compensation. You can apply for money when the baby is 1.5 years old.

Monthly allowances for a child in the Krasnoyarsk Territory when transferring orphans and children without parental care to a family

To be sure that the child will be comfortable after transferring him to foster family, guardianship and guardianship authorities appoint substitute parents a monthly allowance for the maintenance of each adopted child. The payment is a good help and greatly relieves the financial burden of the family:

  1. For the maintenance of children in foster and guardian families:
    • RUB 4,719 12 kop. for children under one year old;
    • RUB 5,099 66 kop. - for children 1-2 years old;
    • 5 725 rub. 6 kop. - for children 2-3 years old;
    • RUB 7,085 4 kop. for children aged 3 years;
    • 7 005 rub. 54 kop. for children under 6 years old;
    • RUB 8,849 94 kop. for a boy from 6 years old;
    • RUB 9,078 90 kop. for girls over 6 years old.
  2. Educators (not guardians) also receive remuneration for their work and receive the right to dispose of the payment at their discretion:
    • RUB 5,276 - standard rate;
    • 1 298 rub. 50 kop. - patronage educators.

Orphans and children without parental care are also entitled to:

  • apartments from 30 m² after 18 years;
  • RUB 54,267 57 kop. - one-time assistance to a graduate (guy) for clothes;
  • RUB 58,135 54 kop. - one-time assistance to a graduate (girl) for clothes;
  • RUB 1,661 40 kop. - allowance once a year for textbooks;
  • 553 rub. 80 kop. – social scholarship for full-time students;
  • 50-100 rubles a month for pocket expenses.

One-time allowances for a child in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for the birth of several children at the same time

A family of citizens of the Russian Federation at the birth of several children at once can apply for a special one-time allowance equal to 44 550 rubles for every newborn. A similar payment is due to adoptive parents, guardians and foster parents who are ready to immediately take on the upbringing of two or more children. You can receive money only six months after the birth of children or the conclusion of an agreement with the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

One-time allowances for a child in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for adoptive parents of a child from 7 years old

If parents adopted an orphan or a child without parental care aged 7 years or older later than January 1, 2011, they are entitled to one-time financial assistance in the amount of 234 thousand rubles for each adopted child. You can receive money six months after the transfer of the child to the family.

One-time allowances for a child in the Krasnoyarsk Territory when he is transferred to a family

Guardians, trustees, patronage educators and foster parents are paid 13 087 rubles 61 penny for caring for every orphan child and children without parental care up to 18 years of age. The payment is provided only once, directly upon the transfer of the child to the family. You can apply for benefits 12 months after the adoption of the child.

Regional monthly allowances for a child in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Low-income families of citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to receive a monthly allowance for all relatives, adopted and guarded children under 16 or 18 who attend school. The payment is subject to renewal once a year. Recipients can be both Russians and foreign citizens, stateless persons and refugees. Benefit amount:

  • 250 rubles for children under one and a half years old;
  • 350 rubles for children of single mothers, parents with disabilities and a child of parents with many children.

Compensation for travel for pregnant women in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Pregnant women living in a family whose average per capita income is 1.25 subsistence minimum in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, can apply for a compensation payment equal to the actual expenses incurred for travel by public transport to a diagnostic center, antenatal clinic or maternity hospital located in large cities of the region. The payment will be assigned only if there is no suitable healthcare facility in the woman's place of residence, and if she managed to apply for reimbursement within six months after returning from the clinic.

What documents are needed to apply for a regional child benefit in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In order to receive regional payments for a child, you must contact the local branch of the authorities social protection population, having prepared the following set of documents in advance:

Document Where to get
In free form
Passport of the Russian Federation (residence permit, RVP - for foreigners and refugees) GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Certificate of registration in the region of application Passport Office
Birth (adoption) certificate of the child for whom the allowance is issued Registry Offices
Birth (adoption) certificates of other children Registry Offices
Birth certificate of a child without records of the father or certificate of making records of the father according to the mother (for single mothers) Registry Offices
Certificate of marriage or divorce (if any) Registry Offices
Information about the composition of the family Passport Office
Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth (for registration of benefits for BiR) District polyclinic or antenatal clinic
Certificate of early registration in the antenatal clinic (for processing a one-time payment for registration in early dates) At the gynecologist observing the pregnancy
Information about the amount of average earnings for the last 2 years Accounting department at the place of work, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation
Employment record with or without employment record From last job
Certificate of non-registration at the Employment Center (for the unemployed, dismissed due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of the company) Employment center
Certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits (unemployment benefits cannot be received at the same time as child benefits) Employment center
Certificate stating that the other parent did not receive benefits USZN, from the place of work
Certificate of a large family (for parents with many children) USZN
Certificates of monthly income of all family members (for low-income families) At the place of work, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the CZN, at the place of study
Certificate of completion of studies at a school or university (for schoolchildren and students) By place of study
The conclusion of the medical and social examination on the establishment of disability (for children with disabilities) ITU Bureau
Certificate of absence of a place in the preschool educational institution (to receive compensation for the lack of places) Kindergarten at the place of residence
Information about enrollment in Kindergarten and the amount of the parental fee (to receive compensation for part of the parental fee) DOW
Agreement on the adoption of a child for upbringing in a foster family (for foster parents) Guardianship authorities
Death certificate or court decision declaring the person missing (for children who have lost a parent) Registry Offices, court clerk
Photocopy of bank account or savings book

Pensions in 2018 will be increased three times, but once for different categories of pensioners: in January, April and August. This year, some changes have appeared in the rules for indexing pensions. About this, as well as about what payments are due to families with children, she told the correspondent of AiF-Krasnoyarsk Deputy Head of the OPFR for the Krasnoyarsk Territory Larisa Shloma.

To whom and how much?

If earlier the indexation of old-age pensions took place from February 1, this year it was postponed a month earlier. This year, indexation was carried out above the inflation rate by 3.7%. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, since January, the average insurance pension has increased by 500 rubles and amounted to approximately 15,264 rubles.

The next increase, from April 1, will affect social pensions - for working and non-working pensioners - by 4.1%. As a rule, these are the disabled, war veterans, children left without a breadwinner in the family, and other beneficiaries, as well as those who have not earned the necessary experience. Average annual size social pension for pensioners in the Krasnoyarsk Territory will be approximately 9973 rubles.

But there are those who receive a small pension. Since January of this year, all non-working pensioners whose total amount of material support does not reach the regional subsistence level are receiving a federal social supplement. Today it is 8762 rubles.

In August 2018 Pension Fund will adjust the insurance pensions of pensioners who worked in 2017. The increase will depend on the length of service and points earned. One point in 2018 will increase by almost 3 rubles and amount to 81.49 rubles. And the higher the salary, the more points you can earn. Recall that since 2016, working pensioners receive insurance pension without taking into account the ongoing indexation. When a pensioner labor activity stops, he begins to receive a full pension. In 2016 and 2017, the resumption of indexation of the pension and the beginning of its payment in full took place three months after the date of dismissal. From 2018, this procedure will also take three months, but they will be compensated to the pensioner.

For those who are going to retire in 2018, you must have at least 9 years of service and 13.8 points. Recall that until 2015 it was possible to retire with only 5 years of experience, while in Soviet times - 15 years. By 2022, those who have at least 15 years of service and a score of at least 30 will be eligible for benefits. The length of service also includes periods of caring for a child up to a year and a half, non-contractual military service and caring for a disabled person. family member.

This does not mean that those who have not worked out the length of service and have not scored points will not retire. It's just that their release date will be postponed until the experience is worked out. In Krasnoyarsk, there were 275 such people in 2017. Basically, these are citizens who were in places of deprivation of liberty, as well as those who left for other countries in the 90s and continue to live there, but want to receive a pension in Russia.

What is due to children?

The biggest changes affected maternity capital, although its size in 2018 will not change and will amount to 453,026 rubles. There are currently 177,000 families in the Krasnoyarsk Territory who own such certificates, and more than half have already used them in full.

As a reminder, the program has been extended until the end of 2021. From January 1, 2018, low-income families with a second child will be able to receive a monthly payment from maternity capital. Low family income means earnings that do not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence minimum, which is approximately 73 thousand rubles for a family of four. The amount of the payment also depends on the region - it is equal to the subsistence minimum for children in the region for the II quarter of the previous year.

A three-year moratorium on the disposal of maternity capital for preschool education children. Otherwise, the conditions for the use of maternity capital remain the same: improvement of housing conditions, payment educational services for children, the formation of the mother's future pension and payment for goods and services for social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities.

Since 2018, Russia has been introducing the new kind foundling pensions. There are 36 such children in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Previously, unlike orphans, they did not have the right to receive a survivor's pension, since legally they never had either parent.

By the way, from January 1, parents at the birth or adoption of their first child and until they reach one and a half years will receive a monthly payment. But families whose income does not exceed one and a half years have the right to this. living wage per child in the region. The monthly allowance in the region in 2018 will be 12,020 rubles.

The regional authorities' concern for stimulating the birth rate and supporting families with children cannot but affect the improvement of the demographic situation. As before, in 2016, local (regional) payments will be added to the federal benefits paid in the region.

State assistance ensured positive dynamics of birth rates and population growth in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. A long-term target program"CHILDREN", according to which various children's allowances are allocated in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Not always those who are entitled to any benefits are aware of their existence. In the tables below, you can find a complete list of state payments, indicating their size and those persons who are entitled to this assistance.

Pregnancy benefits

Maternity allowance:

The size
Required documents
  1. Grant application.
  2. Sick leave from the antenatal clinic.
  3. If you were fired due to the liquidation of the company, you can receive benefits from the Social Security Service, for which you need to register with the labor exchange.
Who is supposed to?Working women subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.

Women who are in military service under a contract as privates and commanding officers.

Women who study full-time in educational institutions.

Women who are dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization, the termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur, the termination of powers of private notaries or the status of a lawyer, as well as in connection with the termination of activities by persons whose professional activity subject to state registration and licensing.

Where to go
  • At the place of work;
  • To the social protection authorities at the place of residence

A one-time allowance for women registered in medical institution in early pregnancy:

The size581.73 rub. + district coefficient.
Required documents
  1. Statement.
  2. Certificate from the antenatal clinic or other medical institution on registration in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks).
Who getsWorking pregnant women.

Women who were fired due to the liquidation of organizations, the termination of activities as individual entrepreneurs, the suspension of powers by private notaries and the status of a lawyer, as well as in connection with the termination of activities by persons whose activities are subject to state registration and / or licensing.

Where to go
  • Working women - at the place of work (service).
  • Women studying full-time in an educational institution - at the place of study.
  • Women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization while on maternity leave - to the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

Lump sum the pregnant wife of a soldier passing military service on call:

Travel allowance for pregnant women:

Benefits for childbirth in Krasnoyarsk

One-time allowance at the birth of a child:

The size15512.65 rub. + district coefficient.
Required documentsAt the place of work (service, study):
  • certificate from the registry office issued during the registration of the child;
  • certificate from the place of work (service) of the other parent stating that the allowance was not assigned - if both parents work (serve);
  • if the other parent does not officially work anywhere - a certificate from the RUSZN stating that he (a) did not receive this allowance.
    For children of single mothers, additionally: a certificate from the registry office on the basis for entering information about the father of the child into the birth certificate.

In RUSZN at the place of residence of one of the parents -

if both parents are not working (not serving):

  • application for the grant;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • certificate of the registry office;
  • work books with records of the dismissal of both parents.
    For those who did not work - diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming the absence of labor activity from parents.
Who getsOne of the parents or a person replacing him.
Where to goIn RUSZN (District Department of Social Protection of the Population)

in the event that both parents (persons replacing them) do not work (do not serve) or study full-time in educational institutions of vocational education.

At the place of work (service) of one of the parents (the person replacing them).

One-time allowance for the birth of two or more children at the same time:

Regional maternal (family) capital:

The sizeRUB 111,830.00
Required documents
  • application for the issuance of a certificate for maternity capital;
  • passport or a document replacing it, proving the identity, place of residence of the person, (stay) or actual residence of the person entitled to receive maternity capital;
  • a document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation for a child, for whom maternity capital should be received (a stamp on the birth certificate, affixed by the passport and visa services). This is necessary if one of the parents is not a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • for adopted children - a court decision on adoption;
  • passport or a document replacing it, confirming the place of residence (stay) and the authority of the legal representative or authorized person.
How to implementIs used for:
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • getting an education;
  • acquisition of vehicles;
  • acquisition of technical means of rehabilitation;
  • receiving cash payments in the amount of 12,000 rubles. in year.
Who getsWomen who gave birth (adopted) a third child or subsequent children, starting from July 1, 2011.

Men who are the sole adopters of a third child or subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption has entered into force as of July 1, 2011.

Where to goSocial security authorities at the place of residence

Help for large and low-income families

In accordance with the Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory "On the Regional Budget" in 2016, an indexation rate of 1.05 was set for social support for families with children. Low-income families receive an increased monthly allowance for a child. Base size allowances - 250 rubles + regional coefficient. Without a doubt, any assistance provided to families with many children is a very important support.

Parents (or one of them) who do not work, being able-bodied citizens, and are not registered with the employment service as unemployed, except for disabled people, as well as citizens caring for a child under the age of three, the right to monthly child benefits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory do not have.

Parents who were entitled to a monthly child benefit prior to the entry into force of the Law shall retain it until the end of the term of its assignment.

Allowances for children under 1.5 years old in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Monthly child care allowance:

The size
  • 2908.62 rub. + district coefficient (for the care of the first child);
  • 5817.24 rub. + district coefficient (for the care of the second child and subsequent children).
Required documentsDocuments for working citizens:
  • application for parental leave;
  • application for the grant;
  • birth certificate (adoption) of the child being cared for, and a copy thereof;
  • birth (adoption, death) certificate of the previous child (children) and its copy;
  • certificate from the place of work (study) of the second parent that she (he)
    does not use parental leave and does not receive this benefit.

Documents for non-working persons:

  • application for the grant;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • work book with a record of dismissal;
  • a copy of the order on granting leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years (for those dismissed during the period of leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years);
  • information about the average earnings from which the specified allowance should be calculated;
  • certificate from the employment service on non-receipt of unemployment benefits.
Who getsCitizens who actually care for a child and are not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood (including full-time students in educational institutions
and those on maternity leave).
Where to goIn RUSZN

Monthly allowance in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

Size, rub.
  • 325 - for a child from low-income families;
  • 455 - for a child of a single mother;
  • 325 - for a child with military service on conscription or whose parents evade paying alimony;
  • 455 - for a disabled child, and for children from a large family;
  • 630 - for large families from Norilsk;
  • 1,365 - for large families with three children in the central and southern regions of the region;
  • 1 890 - for children from large families with 3 children in the North.
Required documentsBenefit for caring for a child up to one and a half years (for a parent or other person taking parental leave):
  1. Application for parental leave and benefits.
  2. Copy of the child's birth certificate.
  3. A copy of the birth certificate of the previous child(ren).
  4. A certificate from the other parent's place of work stating that he does not use the specified leave and does not receive benefits, and if one of the parents does not work, the same certificate from the social protection authorities at his place of residence.
Where to goTo the social security authorities

Allowances for children from 1.5 to 3 years

Monthly compensation for children not attending preschool institutions:

The size3913.10 rubles - compensation to parents for a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) per child;

2934.80 rubles - for preschool educational institution (temporary stay group).

Required documents
  • application for the appointment of benefits (filled in by a specialist);
  • parents' passports, original and copies (1, 5–7, 14, 16 pages);
  • pension insurance certificate of the applicant;
  • birth certificates of children, originals and copies;
  • certificates from housing and communal services about cohabitation with children. Extract from the financial personal account (house book) - valid for 1 month (original);
  • a certificate from the Department of Education that the child is on the waiting list for a place in kindergarten, but the place is not provided (at the child's place of residence), on the child's registration for placement in a preschool educational institution and confirmation of the fact that the child was temporarily not provided with a place in preschool educational institution at the time of application - (valid for 1 month) or from a polyclinic about the child's illness, which for one month or more prevents attending a kindergarten. A certificate from the clinic must be certified by an expert commission;
  • Savings book (copy 1 page) or savings card of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (agreement or printout indicating the account and full name of the cardholder);
  • income statement ( wage, pension, alimony, unemployment benefit, allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years, sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth) of both parents for the three months preceding the month of application (income in the family should not exceed one and a half times the subsistence minimum). If the income exceeds the subsistence level, then compensation is assigned from January 2011 without providing a certificate of income.

Additional documents:

  1. If the parents have different residence permits, a certificate from the social security authorities at the place of residence on non-receipt of monthly compensation for the child (the certificates are valid for 1 month).
  2. If the marriage is dissolved - a certificate of divorce (original, copy).
  3. If both parents (or one of them) are not working, then work books must be provided.
  4. In cases where at the time of the emergence of the right to receive compensation (the child reaches the age of 1 year and 6 months), the parent and child were registered in another district of Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a certificate from the social protection department is provided stating that compensation was not awarded in this area.
Who is eligible and the period of receiptParent co-registered with the child.

monthly payment is assigned from the month of submission of the application with all necessary documents, but not earlier than the month in which the child turns 1.5 years by the month the child reaches the age 3 years. When a child is placed in a kindergarten, recipients are required to report this to the department of social payments within a month.

Eligibility for monthly compensation is determined by:

  • parent has citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • registration at the place of residence of the parent with the child;
  • the child is registered with the CBR for determination in the preschool educational institution, and he is temporarily not provided with a place in the preschool educational institution.

Regional authorities seek help families with children and after they reach the age of three. There are enough benefits in Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory on the child school age relating to recreation, travel by transport and other issues.

Benefits for children aged 3 and over

The social protection authorities at the place of residence of the parent (adoptive parent, guardian, trustee) with the child pay the following benefits for children after three years:

Who is eligible for the allowancePayout amount

Annual allowance for a child of school age

One of the parents (a person replacing him) of a large family; families in which both parents (persons replacing them) are disabled; incomplete family, in which the parent (person replacing him) is a disabled person living together with the child (children).RUB 1733.50

Monthly allowance for disabled parents in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Families with children whose parents are disabled.RUB 1805.88

Monthly compensation of expenses for the purchase of a single social ticket or for obtaining a social card for the travel of school-age children

One of the parents (a person replacing him) of a large family, a family in which both parents (persons replacing them) are disabled, an incomplete family in which a parent (a person replacing him) -

a disabled person living together with a child (children).

Paid at the rate of 110 rubles. per month.

Support for large families in the form of a subsidy to pay for housing and utilities

Families with many children - families with three or four children (adopted, stepchildren, stepdaughters, as well as foster, guardianship, under guardianship), under the age of eighteen, living together.
  • 30 percent of payment for housing within the social norm of housing area established by the law of the region;
  • 30 percent of payment for utilities within the social norm of housing area established by the law of the region, and (or) standards for the consumption of utilities established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Subsidies for large families to pay for housing and utilities

Families with many children - families with five or more children (adopted, stepchildren, stepdaughters, as well as foster, ward, under guardianship), under the age of eighteen, living together, are provided with a subsidy.
  • 50 percent of payment for housing within the social norm of housing area established by the law of the region;
  • 50 percent of utility bills within the social norm of housing area.

One-time financial reward

Women awarded the Badge of Honor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory "Maternal Glory".11909.90 rubles

Provision of free vouchers for spa treatment

Orphans and children left without parental care, registered with the social protection authorities, children from large families, children from the Far North and equivalent areas, children in difficult life situation, including children with disabilities, children from low-income families aged 3 to 17 years (inclusive), in need of sanatorium-and-spa treatment at the conclusion of health care institutions. Children under the age of 7 and children with disabilities are provided with a ticket for an accompanying person.

Provision of free vouchers to children's health camps and free travel for children and their accompanying persons

Children and their accompanying persons to the location of children's health camps and back.

Orphans and children left without parental care, registered with the bodies of social protection of the population, children from large families, children from the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, children in difficult life situations, including children with disabilities, children from low-income families aged 7 to 15 inclusive.

Children who have received vouchers for children's health camps issued by the social protection authorities are entitled to free travel to the location of health camps and back by intercity transport.

The measure of social support for paying the fare applies to persons accompanying organized groups of children to the location of children's health camps and back, and is provided at the social protection authority at the place where an organized group of children is formed.

A one-time cash payment for the purchase of residential premises by those awarded with the Badge of Honor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory "Mother's Glory"

Women awarded the Badge of Honor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory "Mother's Glory" and spouses living together with them, minor children, adult children who have reached the age of majority after the applicant was awarded the Badge, and adult children with disabilities since childhood, who are registered as needing housing on the grounds , established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, are entitled to social support measures to improve housing conditions at the expense of the regional budget.

The right to free ownership of land

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have and are raising three or more children, including stepchildren, stepdaughters, as well as foster and ward children under the age of 18, as well as children studying full-time in educational institutions of all types and types.

Until graduation, but no more than until they reach the age of 23, and children undergoing compulsory military service on conscription.

Until the end of the service, but not more than until they reach the age of 23, and children recognized as disabled before they reach the age of 18 - for the period of establishing disability, regardless of age.

Legislative acts:

  1. Article 10 federal law dated 03.12.2012 No. 216-FZ "On the federal budget for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015".
  2. Federal Law No. 81-FZ dated May 19, 1995 "On State Benefits for Citizens with Children".
  3. Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory "On the regional budget for 2013 and the planning period of 2014-2015".
  4. Regional law dated December 9, 2010 No. 11-5393 "O social support families with children in the Krasnoyarsk Territory".
  5. Law of the region dated 09.06.2011 No. 12-5937 "On additional measures to support families with children in the Krasnoyarsk Territory".
  6. Art. 6 of the Law of the Territory of December 11, 2012 No. 3-876 "About the monthly allowance for a child".
  7. Decree of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated December 27, 2012 No. 726-p “On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of October 13, 2011 No. 595-p “On Approval of the Long-Term Target Program “Development of a Network of Preschool educational institutions» for 2012-2015».
  8. Long-term target program "Children" for 2010-2014
  9. Appendix to the Decree of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated November 23, 2009 No. 600-p.
  10. Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated April 21, 2011 No. 260-OD "On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of public services by local governments on delegated powers to assign an annual allowance for a child of school age".
  11. Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated April 21, 2011 No. 258-OD "On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of public services by local governments on the delegated authority to provide monthly compensation for the costs of acquiring a single social ticket or paying for travel using a social card (including temporary), a single social card of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (including temporary) for travel of school-age children".
  12. Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated April 21, 2011 No. 259-OD "On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of public services by local governments on the delegated powers to provide free vouchers to children's health camps and free travel for children and their accompanying persons to the location of children's health camps and back".
  13. Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated April 21, 2011 No. 261-OD "On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of public services by local governments on the delegated powers to provide free vouchers for sanatorium-and-spa treatment".
  14. Decree of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated June 28, 2011 No. 384-p "On the rules for the direction of funds (part of the funds) of the regional maternity (family) capital and the rules for filing an application for the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of the regional maternity (family) capital".
  15. Law of the region dated 04.12.2008 No. 7-2542 "On the regulation of land relations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, at any time from the date of birth of a child, in connection with the birth of which the right to the regional maternity (family) capital arose, until the child reaches the age of three years".
  16. Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated January 14, 2013 No. 1-N "On approval of the administrative regulations for the provision of public services by local governments on delegated powers for the purpose lump sum when two or more children are born at the same time.
  17. Order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n "On approval of the procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children".
  18. Decree of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated September 20, 2011 No. 534-p "On approval of the Procedure for the appointment and payment of compensation for the cost of travel to the place of medical consultations, examinations, treatment, prenatal (antenatal) diagnosis of developmental disorders of the child, delivery of pregnant women and back and the list of documents required to receive this compensation".
  19. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2008 No. 709.

Pensions in 2018 will be increased three times, but once for different categories of pensioners: in January, April and August. This year, some changes have appeared in the rules for indexing pensions. About this, as well as about what payments are due to families with children, the correspondent of AiF-Krasnoyarsk was told by the deputy manager of the OPFR in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Larisa Shloma.

To whom and how much?

If earlier the indexation of old-age pensions took place from February 1, this year it was postponed a month earlier. This year, indexation was carried out above the inflation rate by 3.7%. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, since January, the average insurance pension has increased by 500 rubles and amounted to approximately 15,264 rubles.

The next increase, from April 1, will affect social pensions - for working and non-working pensioners - by 4.1%. As a rule, these are the disabled, war veterans, children left without a breadwinner in the family, and other beneficiaries, as well as those who have not earned the necessary experience. The average annual social pension for pensioners in the Krasnoyarsk Territory will be approximately 9,973 rubles.

But there are those who receive a small pension. Since January of this year, all non-working pensioners whose total amount of material support does not reach the regional subsistence level are receiving a federal social supplement. Today it is 8762 rubles.

In August 2018, the Pension Fund will adjust the insurance pensions of pensioners who worked in 2017. The increase will depend on the length of service and points earned. One point in 2018 will increase by almost 3 rubles and amount to 81.49 rubles. And the higher the salary, the more points you can earn. Recall that since 2016, working pensioners receive an insurance pension without taking into account ongoing indexation. When a pensioner stops working, he begins to receive a pension in full. In 2016 and 2017, the resumption of indexation of the pension and the beginning of its payment in full took place three months after the date of dismissal. From 2018, this procedure will also take three months, but they will be compensated to the pensioner.

For those who are going to retire in 2018, you must have at least 9 years of service and 13.8 points. Recall that until 2015 it was possible to retire with only 5 years of experience, while in Soviet times - 15 years. By 2022, those who have at least 15 years of service and a score of at least 30 will be eligible for benefits. The length of service also includes periods of caring for a child up to a year and a half, non-contractual military service and caring for a disabled person. family member. This does not mean that those who have not worked out the length of service and have not scored points will not retire. It's just that their release date will be postponed until the experience is worked out. In Krasnoyarsk, there were 275 such people in 2017. Basically, these are citizens who were in places of deprivation of liberty, as well as those who left for other countries in the 90s and continue to live there, but want to receive a pension in Russia.

What is due to children?

The biggest changes affected maternity capital, although its size in 2018 will not change and will amount to 453,026 rubles. There are currently 177,000 families in the Krasnoyarsk Territory who own such certificates, and more than half have already used them in full.

As a reminder, the program has been extended until the end of 2021. From January 1, 2018, low-income families with a second child will be able to receive a monthly payment from maternity capital. Low family income means earnings that do not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence minimum, which is approximately 73 thousand rubles for a family of four. The amount of the payment also depends on the region - it is equal to the subsistence minimum for children in the region for the II quarter of the previous year.

A three-year moratorium on the disposal of maternity capital for preschool education of children is also being lifted. In all other respects, the conditions for using maternity capital remain the same: improving housing conditions, paying for educational services for children, forming a mother’s future pension, and paying for goods and services for social adaptation and integration of children with disabilities into society.

Since 2018, a new type of pension for foundlings has been introduced in Russia. There are 36 such children in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Previously, unlike orphans, they did not have the right to receive a survivor's pension, since legally they never had either parent.

By the way, from January 1, parents at the birth or adoption of their first child and until they reach one and a half years will receive a monthly payment. But families whose income does not exceed one and a half subsistence minimum per child in the region have the right to this. The monthly allowance in the region in 2018 will be 12,020 rubles.