
8.04 17 Is it possible to remove Orthodoxy? What should you not do on church holidays? What not to do on holidays


Many rural residents are constantly interested in: Is it possible to work on church holidays? In the countryside, especially in spring and autumn, there is a lot of work in the garden and courtyards. Moreover, Sundays are also considered church holidays throughout the year. To answer the question when to work, when not to work, and on which church holidays, I’ll try to summarize all the information on this matter: what I heard and read personally, what I heard from our priests, what I heard from people who constantly go to church.

Where did it come from, since when is it forbidden to work on church holidays?

The fourth commandment of God says:

“Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy: six days you shall do it, and in them you shall do all your work; but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, is for the Lord your God.”

With this commandment, the Lord God commands us to work for six days and do the necessary things to which one is called, and to devote the seventh day to serving Him and to holy deeds. Deeds pleasing to Him include: caring for the salvation of one’s soul, prayer in the temple of God and at home, studying the Word of God, enlightening the mind and heart with useful religious knowledge, pious religious conversations, helping the poor, visiting the sick and prisoners in prison, consoling the mourning and other deeds. mercy.

In the Old Testament the Sabbath was celebrated. In the New Testament times in which we live, Saturday in the first centuries of Christianity was replaced by Sunday.

A weekly withdrawal from ordinary activities allows a person to collect his thoughts, renew his physical and mental strength, and comprehend the purpose of his labors and, in general, of his earthly existence. Work is necessary, but the most important thing is the salvation of the soul.

The fourth commandment is violated not only by those who work on Sunday, but also by those who are lazy to work on weekdays and shirk their duties, because the commandment says: "Work six days." Those who, although they do not work on Sunday, do not dedicate this day to God, but spend it in nothing but amusements, indulge in revelry and any excess, also violate the fourth commandment.

By Sunday we must mean not only the resurrection, but also other holidays and fasts established by the Church.

Very detailed information about this and other commandments of God is written on the website

Practical Application of the 4th Commandment

We are concerned with the practical application of this commandment in our time for rural areas, for people engaged in agriculture (the most noble occupation according to the testimony of the Old Testament).

So, let’s use a real example to examine the question of How to treat work on church holidays.

A farmer I know, Oleg, who has already outlined his personal experience on this site, after consulting with our local priests, does this:

On major holidays (list below) and Sundays, no one works on his farm.
But... if there was an extreme need, for example, the wheat crops were very quickly eaten by some turtle, then the work on chemical treatment went on even on holidays, every hour was important.

This leads to one general rule: If there is work around the house or in the garden that can be postponed, then it is better to postpone it and do it after the church holiday. For example, paint a fence, chop wood, dig a well, etc. A day or two won’t solve anything, and your conscience will be clear, and everything will turn out in the best possible way later.

But... you can chop wood if you run out of wood and need to heat the stove in the house so that the family doesn’t freeze. It's the same with washing. If, for example, there are no clean clothes for the children and husband, then you can and should wash them. Also with ironing. What about feeding your family and pets? It is also possible and necessary. Even on Easter.

That is, everything must be approached with reasoning: you have to look at the circumstances. If you take Orthodox monasteries where there are cows in the yard, they are fed and milked in the same way, even on major church holidays. And there is no contradiction here.

Often people work in production and only have weekends to spend in their farmyards and gardens. There is simply no other time. For example, the deadline for planting some garden crops is already running out. In this case, many people in our area do this: they begin work when the Sunday service departs, or at least from lunch on a Sunday (holiday).

It has also been noticed, not only by me, but also by many people, that on a church holiday there is an urge to do some work that can easily be postponed to another day. This is the real temptation.

And you can give a lot of examples when work on church holidays did not end well. There were even tragic cases.

Some will say, when can you work if there are continuous holidays according to the church calendar?

This is far from the case. There are not so many big holidays - 12. The rest are usually days of remembrance of Saints and days of veneration of icons of the Queen of Heaven. You can work these days.

But in Rus' there are also especially revered saints, or patronal feasts of churches. For that area, in this case, it is the day of the patron saint of this locality. In these cases, you can also refrain from work if you wish.

So, the most important Christian holiday is The Bright Resurrection of Christ, called Holy Easter. This is a moving holiday, falling on different dates each year.

7. Annunciation (angelic announcement to the Blessed Virgin Mary about the incarnation of the Son of God from Her) - April 7

8. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) - on the last Sunday before Easter

9. The Ascension of the Lord - on the fortieth day after Easter.

10. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles (Pentecost, or the day of the Holy Trinity) - on the fiftieth day after Easter (movable holiday)

It should be noted that the Feast of the Holy Trinity always falls on a Sunday. Immediately after, on Monday, the Day of the Holy Spirit is celebrated - also a big holiday. It is not advisable to work unless absolutely necessary.

Other most revered holidays

I will give a universal recommendation if you do not know what to do with work on a Holiday (Sunday). Ask your priest and do as he blesses. In this case, he takes full responsibility upon himself. Just before you go to the priest, firmly decide for yourself that you will definitely follow his advice.

What to do on church holidays?

First, if possible, attend a church service.

Secondly, you can devote time to your loved ones who, due to their daily work, lack our care and attention. For example, take a walk with your children, go out into nature with them, go fishing, etc. You can visit elderly parents or just old acquaintances, or someone in the hospital.

And of course, no one forbids getting together with the whole family, friends, acquaintances, sitting at the festive table and drinking something alcoholic. Of course, in moderation.

Recently there was the Annunciation. And soon it’s Easter. Many rural residents are constantly interested in: Is it possible to work on church holidays? In the countryside, especially in spring and autumn, there is a lot of work in the garden and courtyards. Moreover, Sundays are also considered church holidays throughout the year. To answer the question when to work, when not to work, and on which church holidays, I’ll try to summarize all the information on this matter: what I heard and read personally, what I heard from our priests, what I heard from people who constantly go to church.

Where did it come from, since when is it forbidden to work on church holidays?

The fourth commandment of God says:

“Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy: six days you shall do it, and in them you shall do all your work; but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, is for the Lord your God.”

With this commandment, the Lord God commands us to work for six days and do the necessary things to which one is called, and to devote the seventh day to serving Him and to holy deeds. Deeds pleasing to Him include: caring for the salvation of one’s soul, prayer in the temple of God and at home, studying the Word of God, enlightening the mind and heart with useful religious knowledge, pious religious conversations, helping the poor, visiting the sick and prisoners in prison, consoling the mourning and other deeds. mercy.

In the Old Testament the Sabbath was celebrated. In the New Testament times in which we live, Saturday in the first centuries of Christianity was replaced by Sunday.

A weekly withdrawal from ordinary activities allows a person to collect his thoughts, renew his physical and mental strength, and comprehend the purpose of his labors and, in general, of his earthly existence. Work is necessary, but the most important thing is the salvation of the soul.

The fourth commandment is violated not only by those who work on Sunday, but also by those who are lazy to work on weekdays and shirk their duties, because the commandment says: "Work six days." Those who, although they do not work on Sunday, do not dedicate this day to God, but spend it in nothing but amusements, indulge in revelry and any excess, also violate the fourth commandment.

By Sunday we must mean not only the resurrection, but also other holidays and fasts established by the Church.

Very detailed information about this and other commandments of God is written on the website

Practical Application of the 4th Commandment

We are concerned with the practical application of this commandment in our time for rural areas, for people engaged in agriculture (the most noble occupation according to the testimony of the Old Testament).

So, let’s use a real example to examine the question of How to treat work on church holidays.

A farmer I know, Oleg, who has already outlined his personal experience on this site, after consulting with our local priests, does this:

On major holidays (list below) and Sundays, no one works on his farm.
But... if there was an extreme need, for example, the wheat crops were very quickly eaten by some turtle, then the work on chemical treatment went on even on holidays, every hour was important.

This leads to one general rule: If there is work around the house or in the garden that can be postponed, then it is better to postpone it and do it after the church holiday. For example, paint a fence, chop wood, dig a well, etc. A day or two won’t solve anything, and your conscience will be clear, and everything will turn out in the best possible way later.

But... you can chop wood if you run out of wood and need to heat the stove in the house so that the family doesn’t freeze. It's the same with washing. If, for example, there are no clean clothes for the children and husband, then you can and should wash them. Also with ironing. What about feeding your family and pets? It is also possible and necessary. Even on Easter.

That is, everything must be approached with reasoning: you have to look at the circumstances. If you take Orthodox monasteries where there are cows in the yard, they are fed and milked in the same way, even on major church holidays. And there is no contradiction here.

Often people work in production and only have weekends to spend in their farmyards and gardens. There is simply no other time. For example, the deadline for planting some garden crops is already running out. In this case, many people in our area do this: they begin work when the Sunday service departs, or at least from lunch on a Sunday (holiday).

It has also been noticed, not only by me, but also by many people, that on a church holiday there is an urge to do some work that can easily be postponed to another day. This is the real temptation.

And you can give a lot of examples when work on church holidays did not end well. There were even tragic cases.

Some will say, when can you work if there are continuous holidays according to the church calendar?

This is far from the case. There are not so many big holidays - 12. The rest are usually days of remembrance of Saints and days of veneration of icons of the Queen of Heaven. You can work these days.

But in Rus' there are also especially revered saints, or patronal feasts of churches. For that area, in this case, it is the day of the patron saint of this locality. In these cases, you can also refrain from work if you wish.

So, the most important Christian holiday is The Bright Resurrection of Christ, called Holy Easter. This is a moving holiday, falling on different dates each year.

7. Annunciation (angelic announcement to the Blessed Virgin Mary about the incarnation of the Son of God from Her) - April 7

8. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) - on the last Sunday before Easter

9. The Ascension of the Lord - on the fortieth day after Easter.

10. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles (Pentecost, or the day of the Holy Trinity) - on the fiftieth day after Easter (movable holiday)

It should be noted that the Feast of the Holy Trinity always falls on a Sunday. Immediately after, on Monday, the Day of the Holy Spirit is celebrated - also a big holiday. It is not advisable to work unless absolutely necessary.

Other most revered holidays

I will give a universal recommendation if you do not know what to do with work on a Holiday (Sunday). Ask your priest and do as he blesses. In this case, he takes full responsibility upon himself. Just before you go to the priest, firmly decide for yourself that you will definitely follow his advice.

What to do on church holidays?

First, if possible, attend a church service.

Secondly, you can devote time to your loved ones who, due to their daily work, lack our care and attention. For example, take a walk with your children, go out into nature with them, go fishing, etc. You can visit elderly parents or just old acquaintances, or someone in the hospital.

And of course, no one forbids getting together with the whole family, friends, acquaintances, sitting at the festive table and drinking something alcoholic. Of course, in moderation.

St. Righteous John of Kronstadt:

What does Christ expect from us first of all?

Nowadays, many Christians consider it a sin to do something on holidays, for example, some necessary work, but do not consider it a sin to envy one’s neighbor, be at enmity, take revenge, or get drunk. Or they consider it a sin to eat something modest on a fast day, even due to bodily weakness, and without a twinge of conscience they despise or condemn their neighbor. For example, acquaintances are offended and deceived, weighed down, measured, and indulged in carnal impurity. O hypocrisy, hypocrisy! O misunderstanding of the spirit of Christ, the spirit of the Christian faith! Is it not inner purity, meekness and humility that he demands from us, first of all? Lord our God?

To the question why you can’t do anything on Orthodox holidays? given by the author Yovetlana Kedrya the best answer is God bless.
Brothers and sisters, when will you understand that Christianity is not a religion of prohibitions. That much of what we inherited from our grandparents in the form of “impossible” is in fact just the natural order of things, now simply disrupted.
There is absolutely nothing in (Orthodox) Christianity that is IMPOSSIBLE.
Pavel also wrote EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR ME, but not everything is useful. All commandments and teachings are only for the benefit of man, spiritual, emotional, and often bodily. And what is prohibited is harmful to a person, it destroys him. His integrity, his spirit, soul and body.
The Church, both Old Testament and New Testament, SUGGESTS setting aside at least one day a week for communication with your Creator and Manager. At least one. Go to church, take time to pray. Spend the rest of your day doing good. Which ones are possible? At least give your family time and attention.
That is why it is a sin to do work on this day, our pious ancestors did not understand why such a wonderful day should be wasted on all sorts of nonsense. And God will forgive of course. He forgives everything, as long as we truly repent before Him.
Sincerely, Alexey Arefiev

Answer from Natalia Victorovna[guru]
because I don’t want to, but here is a reason for it)

Answer from Real Corsar[guru]
That's why they are holidays, to do nothing but just celebrate. Well, something like this.

Answer from Alexey Trubachev[guru]
You can't sin! You cannot sin on any day. But work has never been a sin. Actually, a holiday is a day that is worth dedicating to God, going to church, and spending more time on prayer at home. And they say that working is a sin for those who neither pray nor work. God will forgive, but will we be ready to accept the request in all its grace?

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Because these are holidays, that on New Year or March 8th you work by the sweat of your brow or what?

Answer from Anyta[guru]
It’s just that on these days you need to think Most of all about God and celebrate his days, that is, devote yourself to him, and not to your worries.. And God will forgive you if you think about God, but due to circumstances that God himself can and sent, you are forced to work.. That’s why God forgives.

Answer from Vladimir dubasov[guru]
You can work...
You can’t do vain things, things that could have been done either the day before or put off until tomorrow...
These days are not dedicated to vanity, but to God...:))

Answer from Meeting of Ages[guru]
Because God commanded on such days and on Sunday to devote thoughts to God, and not to the vanity of affairs...

Answer from ?r???[guru]
Wow.. there are probably holidays this Sunday too?
Tomorrow I will buy an Orthodox calendar
e May .. at least there is some benefit from religion))

Answer from King Katia[guru]
religion is just religion. read the Holy Scriptures, because they don’t say anything about this. This is a purely human tradition, not a fact that it is from G-d! as they say, “all that glitters is not gold!”

Answer from Linda[guru]
I don’t know, for some reason the Orthodox came up with this idea, although from a spiritual point of view it doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a custom that probably came from ancient times, when there were completely different laws, and has taken root among us.

Answer from hayas[guru]
IT IS NOT A SIN TO WORK - IT IS A SIN NOT TO WORK. Even Christ treated on Saturday - and we are better.
Imagine on an Orthodox holiday you fell into the mud, and it’s far from home. Will you walk around dirty or wash off at the nearest spring?

Answer from Yasha[guru]
The fact is that on Orthodox holidays it is customary to CELEBRATE them - from the heart. Go to church, pray a lot - some people can pray a lot and they are happy about it. Morning service, evening service. During the holiday break, some people like to listen to spiritual songs and read books, and this is where time was freed up. Imagine, everyone is going to church, and Vasily is chopping wood, and they say to him: “Vasily, it’s a sin, it’s a holiday today, come with us!”
If the choice is to work on a holiday or go out and kill time, then it’s stupid to think that working on a holiday is a sin. Or if a person was sick and, more or less, the whole house is dirty and one day off and there is little energy - then of course the person will start cleaning and there is no sin. The Orthodox will clean with prayer, the advanced will sing the troparion of the holiday in the process :) On the contrary, in such a situation it would be a sin to say to the family - sorry, there is no lunch, no clean shirts, no cleaning, and I’m going to church - it’s a holiday today. 🙂 But he’ll still try to find at least an hour here, and at least go to church for a minute.

Answer from Lu Mai[guru]
That's why it's a holiday.... On this day, a believer goes to a church service and, together with other parishioners, prays and praises God.
Oh, you can clean up and do laundry the day before.

Answer from Cat Scientist[guru]
on holidays you need to pray (preferably in church) and do good deeds - visit your neighbor in the hospital, for example

Answer from Vitya Tapochkin[guru]
Apparently they are lazy. In their charter, every day is a holiday.

Answer from Optimist.[guru]
Why not? But if a person is a believer, an Orthodox Christian, then on such days he is at a service, in a church, and not running around the apartment with a rag. And if a person is at work, for example, in a hospital, in the police station. fireman, etc., should he leave his job and play the fool? No, you're wrong. Work cannot be a sin if it is for the benefit of a person.

Answer from Victoria Voznesenskaya[guru]
If you want to please God, observe the Lord's feasts, recorded in the book of Leviticus in chapter 23. And the meaning of all His holidays is also written in the Bible.
And everything else is from people, so nothing will happen (at least good) whether you follow them or not.

Good afternoon Older people say that on major church holidays you can’t work or bathe. They even give examples that when someone worked on a holiday, something broke, something didn’t work out, or the garden didn’t grow. You can’t wash yourself, especially in a bathhouse; it’s better to wash in advance. But is it really better to go dirty and lie on the sofa on a holiday, because laziness is also a sin? Reason, father! After all, a holiday may fall on a working day, and we are working people. Also, a holiday - a day off - is an opportunity to put your home and garden in order. My late mother said, for example, that radishes are planted on Trinity Sunday, but my husband’s relatives, on the contrary, said that they should not plant or even knit. Maria.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko answers:

Hello Maria!

The meaning of such prohibitions is not that certain actions cannot be performed, but that an Orthodox holiday is, first of all, a day that we dedicate to God. You need to start this day not just with prayer at home, but with a visit to church, confession, and Communion. After this, you can do some necessary things, but these things should not replace visiting the temple and prayer. It is very good if we devote a Sunday or a holiday to acts of mercy and caring for our neighbors. And, of course, it is better to do the cleaning the day before in order to celebrate the holiday in a clean house at the festive table.

Sincerely, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko.

Many believers often wonder whether it is possible to work on church holidays? The answer in this case cannot be unambiguous, as it depends on various factors.

If we are guided by what is written in the Old Testament, then its fourth commandment states that the Sabbath day must be spent holy and dedicated to the Lord. The remaining six days of the week must be devoted to work.

According to this commandment, received by Moses from God on Mount Sinai, once a week there should be a day of rest from everyday worries, when you need to devote your thoughts and deeds to the Lord, attend church and temple, and study the Word of God.

What does the New Testament say?

New Testament texts call this day Sunday, which has become for believers a day when it is not worth working, but rather going to church and praying. But given the pace of modern life, few people manage to step away from a variety of tasks, so even on their days off people continue to deal with current issues.

Why can't you work on church holidays?

Nevertheless, there are periods when believers try to put everything aside - these are church holidays. People believe that it is sinful to work on these days, since they are dedicated to saints and events from the Bible that should be read.

A person who violates the tradition and instructions of the New Testament will face punishment. Therefore, Christians try to refrain from work on the main (twelfth) church holidays.

What church holidays are you not allowed to work on?

It is considered a particularly great sin to work on major church holidays, including:

    February 15: Presentation of the Lord - meeting of Jesus Christ in the Jerusalem Temple with Simeon the God-Receiver;

    April 7: Annunciation - on this day the Archangel Gabriel informed the Blessed Virgin Mary about the imminent Birth of the future Savior of the World, the Son of God Jesus Christ;

    Last Sunday before Easter: Palm Sunday or Palm Sunday - Jesus Christ enters Jerusalem on a donkey, where he is welcomed by the locals;

    Moving date (depending on the lunisolar calendar) - Easter: the most significant holiday of Christians, the day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ;

    Thursday 40th day after Easter: Ascension of the Lord - the ascension of Jesus into heaven in the flesh;

    Fiftieth day after Easter: Holy Trinity (Pentecost) - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Virgin Mary;

    August 6: Transfiguration of the Lord - the appearance of the Divine Majesty of Jesus before his three closest disciples during prayer;

    August 15: Dormition of the Virgin Mary - the day of the burial of the Virgin Mary and the day of remembrance of this event;

    December 4: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple - the day on which Anna and Joachim brought Mary to the Jerusalem Temple to dedicate her to God.

What can't you do on holidays?

To avoid unpleasant situations, still try to avoid working on major holidays, even if you are not a very religious person and do not attend church often.

What signs and beliefs exist?

    On Christmas, you should not go hunting, fishing, hiking - in general, spend the day actively, as there is a high probability of an accident. This is a family holiday, and it should be spent with family and friends.

    At Christmas, you also cannot do things related to productive labor: sewing, knitting, weaving, spinning. The thread is considered a symbol of fate and life, and tying it or doing anything else is a bad omen.

    Christmas is a holiday of family, peace and joy, so you can’t do household chores that can be put off: cleaning, laundry. You cannot clean up until January 14 - on this day, all garbage is collected and burned on the street, so that evil spirits do not disturb the house throughout the year.

    Another sign associated with Christmas: if you invited guests and the fairer sex was the first to step on the threshold, it means that the women in the family will be sick all year.

    On the Feast of the Presentation, you should not leave home, as the trip may not end as you expected, or you will not return home soon.

    On Annunciation and Palm Sunday, you cannot do housework until the evening. It is also not recommended to work on the ground from which, according to legend, snakes crawl out on this day. There is even a saying: “A bird doesn’t build a nest, a girl doesn’t braid her hair.”

    On Easter and in general the entire preceding Easter week it is also recommended to refrain from work. But if there are urgent matters, then the church perceives this circumstance loyally.

    Church holiday of Ascension. Is it possible to work? Ascension is considered one of the biggest holidays in the church. On this day, as well as on any other holidays, working is strictly prohibited. There is even a saying: “They don’t work in the fields on Ascension, but after Ascension they plow.”

    Is it possible to work on Trinity Sunday? This is the day when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and promised them to return after his ascension to heaven. And so it happened. The event has become a holiday for Christians all over the world and is celebrated with special honor. Therefore, various works (on the ground, around the house) are not recommended. And when asked whether it is possible to work on Trinity Sunday, the priest will tell you that it is not advisable to do this.

It is better to make sure that you are doing everything correctly, especially if you consider yourself to be deeply religious people. Therefore, do not be afraid to once again ask the church minister whether you can work on church holidays. The priest will tell you which works are permissible on a particular holiday, and which are strictly prohibited. Numerous signs and beliefs explain why you cannot work on church holidays: those who violate this prohibition will face punishment in the form of poverty, health problems and all sorts of failures.

What do church ministers say?

Church ministers say that if on holidays or Sundays a person does not pray, does not attend church or temple, does not read the Bible, but is simply idle, then this is very bad. Days off from work are given precisely in order to devote them to serving the Lord, knowing oneself, attending services and peace.

Is it a sin to work on church holidays? You will hear from the priest that if according to your schedule you have to go to work or start a shift, or there is no way to postpone household chores, then this will not be a sin. After all, you can devote your thoughts to God not only at home or in church, but anywhere at any time. It all depends on the situation. The same applies to the question of whether you can work in the garden on church holidays or not. If there is an urgent need, it is better to carry out your plan and ask God for forgiveness in prayer.

What signs are associated with church holidays?

Over the years, the people have accumulated a lot of knowledge, which they passed on from generation to generation. This is also associated with various signs, especially those related to holidays. Therefore, in addition to the pressing question of whether it is possible to work on church holidays, religious people should also be aware of observations related to them.

Thus, it is believed that if it snows on Christmas, the year will be successful and profitable. If the weather is sunny, then spring will be cold. A pleasant tradition was baking a coin in a pie. Whoever gets it will experience success and happiness in the new year.

On the Feast of the Presentation, people believed in the magical power of water and the fulfillment of desires. It was also a harbinger of spring: the weather on this day was an indicator of what the coming spring would be like.

The Annunciation is also rich in various beliefs and signs. On this day you cannot borrow money or take anything out of the house, so as not to give away your prosperity and luck. A very interesting observation related to hair: it was not recommended to comb your hair, put on makeup or get a haircut, as you could confuse your fate.

Easter signs

There were especially many signs for Easter. Among them are:

    if a child is born on Easter Sunday, be lucky and famous;

    if a child is born on Easter week, he will have good health;

    if the Easter cakes are cracked, then there will be no happiness in the family for a whole year;

    If you hear a cuckoo on Easter, it means that a new addition to the family is expected. If an unmarried girl hears the bird, she will soon have a wedding;

    A tradition that has survived to this day is that the whole family should begin the Easter meal with a piece of Easter cake and an egg, blessed in the church during the festive service.

To work or not to work?

The traditions of the people, passed down from generation to generation, change or are forgotten over time.

Whether you can work on church holidays is up to you to decide. Religious people even now sacredly honor such days and try to adhere to all the instructions of the church.