
Ritual holiday “Larks” (preparatory group). Festival of larks for children of the preparatory group Folklore entertainment - arrival of larks


Holiday "Larks"

Target – to awaken in children interest in Russian folklore, in the rich world of human emotions associated with the old traditional way of life.


    introduce students to the history of spring holidays.

    expand children's horizons about the life, traditions and holidays of their native people

    to educate students in moral values, respect for the traditions of their homeland, its cultural heritage.

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation, proverbs and sayings, fabric, threads for making “larks”

Progress of the lesson

Guys, it seems to me that even the sun has begun to shine brighter.
- Why do you think the sun shines brightly?
- Because spring has come! (children’s answers)
- That's right, spring has come! And what signs did you feel
spring approaching?
- (thawed patches and icicles appeared, the day is long and the night is short,
the sun is shining brightly, the snow has become loose and black), (children's answers)
- What month is it now?
- The month of March has come. (children's answers)
- Yes, guys, people say: “March has come - the drip has begun and winter has begun to cry.”

There is one special day in March. According to the folk calendar, on March 21, winter ends, spring begins, day and night are equal.

Day of spring equinox

Only on the days of the equinoxes do the rays of the Sun fall on the Earth at right angles to its axis of rotation.

It is believed that on the day of the vernal equinoxHuman energy changes like water in a vessel in which electric wires are placed and voltage is applied. The human body is filled with strength and heat.

The Russian people everywhere believed that on March 22, forty different birds fly from warm countries, and the first of them is the skylark, which is why the holiday is called"Larks" This day is also popularly calledday of the forty martyrs, or"Magpies."

When there were persecutions of Christians in ancient times, pagan rulers forced everyone to make sacrifices to idols - and this primarily concerned Christian warriors.

Forty friends, very brave and valiant warriors and true Christians, served in the Roman army in the regiment that was stationed in the Armenian city of Sebastia; Of course, they refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods.

For disobedience, they were thrown, bound, into the icy spring water of Lake Sevastia. It was bitterly cold and windy. A bathhouse was deliberately flooded on the shore so that those who could not bear the torture and renounce Christ could warm themselves. It was getting dark and the frost was getting worse. The bodies of Christians were quickly covered with an ice crust. And one couldn’t stand it: he ran away from his comrades to the hotly heated house. But as soon as he stepped on the threshold of the bathhouse, the unfortunate man fell dead and melted like wax.

There are thirty-nine of them left. In the dead of night, the Heavenly Light descended onto the water, illuminating the lake, the black mountains, and the blue faces of the dying.

The light was warm, like in summer, it melted the ice and warmed the water.

And then a pagan soldier named Aglai, one of those who guarded the place of execution, threw off his clothes and ran across the ice, shouting:

- I'm a Christian too!

The next morning the ruler came to the lake and was amazed and angry when he saw that the Christians were alive. The ruler ordered to break their legs with a hammer, which is why the saints gave up their souls to God.

This is such a sad story.

- And now we will find out how in ancient times people greeted the red spring. Just guess the riddle first:

Who drove the blizzard away?

Who cleared the ice from the rivers?

Who woke up the drops ringing?

Who gave the first kidneys something to drink?

Who gave the earth warmth?

Who called the birds to come back to us?

D.: - Spring is red!

A.:- Mother Spring is coming - open... (the gate).

March came first - white snow... (disappeared).

And behind him April opened the window and... (door).

And when May came, the sun came into the house... (invite).

A.: - And now, from across the sea, a string of birds returned to our home. Guess which ones:(Riddles about migratory birds)

With the first signs of a thaw, the peasants called out with cliques for spring to come and visit them. The guys had to prepare for the arrival of birds: build birdhouses. And to speed up the arrival of birds, it was necessary to make toy larks, waders, and cranes. They used to lure live birds, lifting them high on long rods (they climbed onto the roofs of houses). The twigs were untwisted as if birds were flying. They imitated bird voices using whistles made of clay. As it seemed to our ancestors, if you show real birds their images, and even whistle like a bird, then they will fly to these lands sooner and spring will come sooner.

The Russian people say that birds bring real, warm spring on their wings. Russians everywhere believed that on March 22, forty different birds fly from warm countries, and the first of them is a lark or sandpiper.


The skylark is slightly larger in size than a sparrow and has a dull but attractive plumage color.Larks arrive in early spring, in March.

Larks stay in flocks in thawed patches exposed on sunny hills, or near the edges of the forest, where they can hide from the wind and bad weather. In such places they run on the ground and look for last year’s fallen grass seeds.

Skylarks live in fields, meadows and steppes. They are never found in the forest. It feeds on seeds and insects.

The nest is always located on the ground: in a hole made either by the bird itself, or by the hoof of a horse or cow, usually among sparse, sometimes very sparse grass.

Many hobbyists keep skylarks in captivity. A tamed young male is capable of singing 8 hours a day. These birds live in captivity for up to 10 years, which practically does not occur in nature.

Folk sign

If after 40 morning frosts last 40 days, then the summer will be warm.

    • On Soroki day and night are measured.

      Winter ends - spring begins.

      Forty forty birds fly to Soroki.

      I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.

      There are as many thawed patches as there are larks.

Ritual tree

The Spring Festival was held at a ritual tree, which was decorated with ribbons, paper flowers, and bells. The ritual tree was carried around the village so that everyone could decorate it, and then the decorated tree was brought to where they called for spring.

Baking larks

To hasten the arrival of spring, housewives on this day baked birds from unleavened or sour dough - “zhavor” O NKOV", who were called children or brothers of migratory birds, they were seated on thawed patches, roofs, trees and haystacks.

Baked birds were sent to relatives and friends so that spring, light and warmth would come to them.

Baked larks were impaled on long sticks and they ran out onto the hills with them, or the birds were impaled on poles or on fence sticks and, huddled together, shouted as loud as they could:

“Larks, come,
Take away the cold winter,
Bring warmth to spring:
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread!”

In the evening, the baked birds were usually eaten, and the heads were given to the cattle or given to the mother with the words:“As the lark flies high, so may your flax be high. What kind of head does my lark have, so that the flax has a big head.”

Sometimes these cookies were crushed, scattered on four sides for birds to eat.

With the help of such birds, a family seeder was selected for Zhavoronki. To do this, a coin, a splinter,...

The men pulled out a baked bird for themselves. Whoever got the lot scattered the first handfuls of grains when sowing began.

Other folk customs are also associated with this holiday. For example, it was customary, in addition to the birds, to bake forty “nuts” and each subsequent day throw one out into the street with the following words: “Red Nose Frost! Here's your bread and oats! Now get out as quickly as possible!”

Sometimes forty balls of dough were placed in specially made straw nests so that the chickens would not walk through other people’s yards, would fly home and bring more eggs for the bright holiday of Easter.

Lark birds were not only baked, but also made from fabric. And now you and I will make such birds so that, like our ancestors, we can call spring to us

(Children make birds, then everyone goes outside together to call for spring)


Aw! Aw! Let's hear it!
Let's celebrate spring!

Larks, come!
Drive away the cold winter!
Bring warmth to spring!
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread!

Larks, larks

Come and visit us

Bring it to us

Summer is warm,

Take it away from us

Cold winter

Our winter is cold,

I'm bored

My hands and feet are frozen!

Larks, quails,

Come and visit us

Bring it to us!

Spring is red

Warmth - letechko

Green mowing

Dry frost go away!

Round dance "Stream"

The round dance game “Stream” is an ancient ritual game that symbolized the melting of snow. The sun warmed the earth, the snow melted, and babbling brooks ran everywhere.

People stood in pairs, held hands and raised them up to form a stream. Accompanied by singing and music, the presenter entered the stream and took a mate for himself. Whoever is left alone drives, choosing whoever he wants.

So the stream runs on and on. And along with this running, Spring is approaching...

Folk game “Sun” (choose a driver)

Children walk in a circle in pairs, holding multi-colored ribbons, with the Sun in the center.


Bucket of sunshine,
Look out the window.
Your kids are there
Eating candy


One, two is not a crow,
And run like fire.

The couple that happens to be closer to the driver lowers the tape at his signal. They run in different directions in a circle. Whoever comes later is the driver. The game is repeated again.

At the end of the game program, children are given baked larks

The spring holiday "Magpies" is an ancient Slavic tradition associated with the arrival of spring. The celebration of the meeting of the first migratory birds in kindergartens speaks of the desire to revive this Orthodox custom and introduce children to

Spring Bird Festival

The holiday "Magpies" is celebrated according to the folk calendar on March 22. The very name of the holiday is associated with the day of remembrance celebrated by the Orthodox Church.

However, holiday rites and rituals are not associated with this event, but with the belief that it is on this day that the first migratory birds - larks and waders - return home. They bring spring with them and open the way for all other birds returning from wintering in warmer climes. The spring equinox is the day when winter ends and spring begins, day and night are equal.

The holiday was popularly called differently: “Magpies”, “Larks”, “Waders”, “Teterochny Day”. The last name is associated, however, not with birds, but with a special type of ritual cookies - tethers, made on the day of the spring solstice in the northern regions of Rus'. They have a round twisted shape as they symbolize the sun.

The tradition of baking dough products in the shape of the sun or birds for the Magpies holiday was widespread throughout the country. They were called “larks”, “magpies”, “waders”.

Rituals of the holiday "Magpies"

The Magpies holiday was considered for children. Children took an active part in making ritual baked goods. Children and youth were given the main role in performing festive rituals. They had to call on spring, call upon it. With baked birds in their hands, the children ran into the field and began to invite the larks and spring. For this there were special poems and spring songs. Children, girls and boys danced in circles, sang, and played folk games.

According to tradition, it was necessary to decorate the ritual tree with ribbons and bells. It was carried throughout the village, and then installed in the place where the invocation of spring was held. The holiday is associated with many different signs and fortune telling that determine the weather at the beginning of spring, the beginning of field work, and happiness in family life.

In some regions of Russia, traditions are carefully preserved, and residents of villages and villages celebrate the arrival of spring, welcoming it with songs, round dances, and chants.

Holiday "Magpies" - children's holiday

This is great fun for kids. By celebrating the Magpies holiday in kindergarten in March, teachers give children the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of ancient traditions, get acquainted with Orthodox customs, and take part in inviting spring. During the preparation process, children are told about the holiday and rituals. They learn to make birds from paper and plasticine. Teachers teach children ritual songs, rhymes and sayings, and introduce them to ancient folk games. Children gain knowledge about the history of their country, the traditions of the Russian people, and become acquainted with natural phenomena.

How can you celebrate a holiday in kindergarten?

In kindergartens where the Magpies holiday is held, the script includes a story from the presenters about the signs of the coming spring, natural phenomena, and migratory birds. During the story, children become familiar with sayings related to the change of seasons, for example: “In March, the frost is creaking, but not burning,” “Spring is red during the day,” “Winter scares spring, but it itself melts.” The presenters, dressed in clothes, tell the children about how they prepared for the holiday in Russian villages: they baked “larks” and taught spring songs.

The children are invited to take part in the invocation of spring themselves. Children dance in a circle, recite rhymes, and sing songs. Elements of Russian festive costume can be used in children's clothing. One of the stages of the holiday is decorating the ritual tree with silk and paper ribbons and flowers.

Children are given dough birds. They are baked in advance in the kitchen or children prepare them at home with their parents. After singing the chant songs, new characters appear - “Spring” and “Sun”. Together with the children, they take part in ritual folk games and dance in circles. During the game, children name the birds they know and solve riddles. Outdoor games involve moving in a circle performing various actions, running, jumping. Among the folk games associated with the traditions of welcoming the arrival of spring, one can name “Burn, Burn Clear”, “Stream”, the round dance game “Sparrow”, “Birdcatcher”. The holiday ends with tea and sweet treats.

The Magpies holiday helps children and their parents not to forget the traditions of their people, awakens interest in Russian folklore, ancient traditions, and gives a good mood.

Scenario of a folk ritual holiday

“Larks, come! Spring - bring red!

Goals and objectives:

    Arouse children's interest in Russian folklore.

    Continue to introduce children to the cultural heritage of the Russian people through nicknames, signs, sayings and Russian folk songs and games.

    Update children's knowledge about birds.

    Cultivate a love of nature and birds.

    Create a favorable microclimate and festive atmosphere.

    To promote the joyful emotional unification of all children in joint activities in preparation for the holiday and participation in it.

Location: Assembly Hall


Music center, percussion and noise musical instruments: rattles, wooden spoons, whistles, bells, costumes for performances, drawings, posters, satin ribbons

Participants: students of grades 1–6.

Preliminary work: sewing Russian folk costumes, working on stage design, making bird figures from dough and paper, learning poems, songs, chants, round dances, games.

The progress of the holiday

Russian folk music is playing: the introduction to the Russian folk song “Two Birds Flew.”Children enter the festively decorated stage playing whistles. They are greeted by a presenter in Russian folk costume.

Leading: - Hello, invited guests! Guests are invited and welcome!

We invite you to join us for a holiday. Today we will dance in circles, sing songs, call upon Spring, and glorify the birds of spring!

Today we have a folk ritual holiday - the holiday of welcoming Spring. It has long been held at a ritual tree, which was decorated with ribbons, paper flowers, and bells. The ritual tree was carried around the village so that everyone could decorate it, and then the decorated tree was brought to where they called for spring. Well, guys, the power of winter is over and we will sing the song “So winter is passing.”

Host: - Guys, it seems to me that the sun has begun to shine brighter. Why do you think the sun shines brightly?
- Because spring has come!
- That's right, spring has come! What signs did you use to sense the approach of spring? (thawed patches and icicles have appeared, the day is long and the night is short, the sun is shining brightly, the snow has become loose and black)
Host: - What month is it now? (the month of March has arrived).
Leading: - Yes, guys, people say: “March has come - the dropper has come and winter has begun to cry.” And in March, birds begin to fly in from distant countries. In the old days, people believed that spring came with the arrival of birds. A Russian proverb says: “As the birds fly, so will the warmth flow!” The first of the arriving birds was the skylark and this bird was the most awaited, as its iridescent trills made nature awaken from sleep. That’s why our holiday is called “Larks”.

1st child: Bless, mother, ring in spring,

Call for spring, see off winter.

2nd child: Let winter go away, let's let spring arrive.

Child 3: Let spring come soon, we miss it so much

4 child: The sun will become kinder, and the days will become brighter and longer.

Presenter: Early in the morning in the villages on Zhavoronkov, housewives baked birds from dough. Children ran through the streets with these birds, threw them up, caught them and shouted loudly. Come on, children, and you and I will fulfill them.

Larks, you are mothers!

Red spring, on the plow, on the harrow,

on rye roll!

Larks, quails,
Fly to us, bring us
Red spring and red summer

Larks, thin legs

Fly to us, bring us
Sweets on a branch, spring is red

Summer is warm!

Host: Spring cannot come without the sun, it’s time to call for it.

Girls: Sunshine, sunshine, red bucket,

Rise high, shine far!

Boys: In dark forests, in damp forests,

To the river, to the fields, to the blue seas,

For the green garden and for all the people!

Presenter: And here the sun woke up, shone, smiled

The birds sing merrily, they carry spring on their wings!

Let's dance around our tree

and sing the song “Two Birds Flew”

Presenter: Guys , and people also played on holiday. Here we are now

Let's play the Russian folk game "Sun".

Children: Sunny bucket,
Look out the window.
Your kids are there
Eating candy

Driver: One, two, not a crow,
And run like fire.

Presenter: Well, children, the sun has risen and is shining brightly, and now we will call for spring.

Girls: Spring is red, why did it come?

On the plow, on the harrow

On a spinning wheel.

Boys: On the whip, on the collar.

A sandpiper is walking, carrying a key

Open summer, close winter

(Spring enters)

Spring: I am Spring, Red Spring! I came to you with joy,

With joy, with goodness, with great mercy.

Hello, good people! (bows).

And she also brought you health: the first is cow health, the second is sheep health, the third is human health.

Host: Spring is red, what will you give us?

Spring: I will give you spring water, silk grass, warm summer, azure color.

And also, I, Spring is red,
I came to your holiday,
She brought a willow branch.

It's not spring without willow.
- The willow drives ice from the river.
- If the willow blooms well, there will be a harvest.

(Spring passes, touching children with a willow twig)

Spring: - Give the children health, little willow. As the willow grows, so do you grow, the willow is red, it does not strike in vain.

Another sign of spring is flowing rivulets everywhere, so we are now going to play the Russian folk game “Rucheyok”

folk game "Stream"

Spring: With the arrival of spring, birds fly from beyond the mountains, from beyond the seas

So the birds came with me.

Can you guess their names?

1.Black, agile, shouts “Krak!” the enemy of worms. (Rook).

2. The bird has an awl in front, and a fork in the back.

The bird itself is small, but it was overseas. (Martin).

3. He flies every year to where the house awaits.

4. Who is wearing a bright red beret and a black satin jacket?

He doesn’t look at me, he keeps knocking, knocking, knocking. (Woodpecker)

5. He builds his nest in a field where plants stretch.

6. Both his songs and his flight were included in the poem. (Lark)

Vesna: You guessed all the riddles, well done.

And also, according to tradition, every person must visit a ritual tree. I love different birds, but one small bird is dearer than all of them. Who is she, do you know, children? Answer me quickly!

Children : This is a lark.

Spring: Correct. Do you know why?

This bird is a harbinger of spring.

Larks can rise high into the sky, where, according to ancient legends, patron spirits live.

- This bird is a symbol of goodness and happiness.

Spring: Well done. Let's listen to the lark's song. (Recorded: lark singing)

And now we will play a game called “Lark”

Children stand in a circle, a child (lark) walks around the circle with a bell, saying the words:

In the sky the lark sang, the bell rang,
Frolic in silence, hid the song in the grass,
Whoever finds the song will be happy for a whole year.

Children close their eyes, the driver hides the bell behind the child, the finder rings the bell, then the leader changes.

Presenter: Guys, the holiday “Larks” is celebrated on March 22, on the day of the spring equinox. This holiday was also called by another name - “Magpies”. But the name is not in honor of the magpie birds, but in honor of the forty martyrs who were executed for their faith.

Child: Larks, larks!

You fly quickly, bring warmth.

We are tired of winter - it has eaten all the bread.

There is no bread, no potatoes, the samovar is standing on the window.

Host: A samovar on the window is a mess! The samovar should always be on the table, chugging and inviting you to tea. And here’s a treat for you guys and our dear guests – the birds are larks

Hot, hot - for our samovar! Help yourself - don't be shy!

Feast of the Larks. History of the holiday for children

The ancient Slavic holiday Larks is celebrated on March 22 - the day of the spring equinox. It was believed that on this day larks returned to their homeland, and other migratory birds followed them.
By the arrival of the larks, they determined when it was possible to plow and begin other spring work. Once the lark has arrived, it means spring has come. The lark's song is quiet and pleasant. The lark's flight is unique: the bird first rises up and then falls down, and the song changes accordingly. “The lark plows the sky,” people say.
On Zhavoronkov, in villages and sometimes in cities, rituals with obvious pagan roots were performed: early in the morning, housewives baked birds, round gingerbread cookies and buns from dough. Then they made small nests out of straw, put buns in them and placed them in the poultry house - it was believed that this would help the chickens lay eggs better and not get sick. It was customary to treat everyone to round gingerbread cookies. Children impaled larks with outstretched wings on poles, ran with them into the field, or placed dough birds on the roof, while singing songs that attracted the larks, and with them, spring:
Larks, come!
Drive away the cold winter!
Bring warmth to spring!
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread!

However, in addition to good omens, it was necessary to create larks with sad predictions and empty larks - otherwise the good things would not come true. The first lark eaten was considered significant and important. Of course, the housewives were cunning in their own way and gave the “unlucky” birds to the children with strict instructions - not to eat them, but to leave them on a pole in the field, or they pushed them deeper under the “lucky” birds.
Baking larks
To hasten the arrival of spring, housewives on this day baked birds from unleavened or sour dough - “larks”, who were called children or brothers of migratory birds; they were seated on thawed patches, roofs, trees and haystacks.
Baked birds were sent to relatives and friends so that spring, light and warmth would come to them.
The birds were distributed to the children, and they ran screaming and laughing to call the larks, and with them spring. To do this, baked larks were impaled on long sticks and ran out onto the hills with them, or the birds were impaled on poles, on fences, thrown up and shouted out song songs.
800 g flour,
1 egg,
5 tablespoons granulated sugar,
1 teaspoon salt,
50 – 70 g softened butter,
500 g warm milk,
30 – 40 g yeast,

1 pack of vanilla
Preparation of the dough:
Dilute the yeast with warm milk and sugar.
Sift flour 2 times.
Add salt, sugar, vanillin to flour. Stir.
Stir in milk, egg, butter, and yeast, gradually adding flour.
Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Place the dough in a warm place.
After about 1 hour, stir again and place again in a warm place.
After another 1 hour has passed, the dough should be ready.
Note: Feel free to knead the dough with your hands. The dough loves this very much.
Making "Larks":
And now you can start getting creative - sculpting a wide variety of birds. The easiest option is to tie the rolled out sausage of dough with a simple knot. A beak is molded at one end to form the head of a bird. From the second end, flattening it and cutting it, we get a tail. You can use raisins for decoration - they make wonderful eyes for birds.
But don’t get attached to forms, create. Larks can be anything...
Before placing the birds in the oven, grease them either
beaten egg or sweetened water.
Good luck to you!
Round dance "Stream"
The round dance game “Stream” is an ancient ritual game that symbolized the melting of snow. The sun warmed the earth, the snow melted, and babbling brooks ran everywhere.
You need to stand in pairs, hold hands and raise them up to form a stream. Accompanied by singing (music), the leader enters the stream and takes a pair for himself. The one who is left alone is the one who drives, choosing whoever he wants.
So the stream runs on and on. And along with this running, Spring is approaching...
The ritual of releasing birds into freedom
Another holiday associated with birds falls on April 7, when Spring was called for the third (last) time. In Rus', spring was awaited with great impatience and they believed that birds could speed up its arrival.
That is why, since ancient times, there has been such a beautiful custom of releasing birds into the wild on this holiday, so that together with the birds nature would gain complete freedom from winter, so that along with the free life and ringing singing of birds, spring would fully come into its own.
Learn a few spring calls with your child:
-Lark, lark!
Take winter for yourself
Give us spring.
Get yourself a sleigh
Give us the cart.

Larks, larks!
Come and visit us
Bring us a warm summer!
We're tired of winter
She ate all our bread,
All the cattle were killed

Spring, red spring
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with great mercy:
With large flax,
With deep roots,
With great bread.
We wish you a warm, blooming, joyful spring!

Scenario of spring entertainment for senior preschool age in MBDOU-d/s “Teremok”, Stepnoe

The larks are flying in - calling for the red spring

Russian folk music sounds.

Mistress in Russian nar suit ( meets children): - Oh! Are they really visiting me? Hello, little kids! Hello dear! I invite you to visit me, in the upper room.

Lead round dances, sing songs, call upon Spring, and glorify spring birds (children sit on chairs). Sit back and enjoy the arrival of spring with me. And at the same time, get acquainted with ancient Russian rituals and customs.

To bring the joyful spring time closer, people came up with a ritual "Invocation of Spring." Poems were written about spring, songs were sung, round dance festivities were dedicated to it, calling on it to melt the winter snow as quickly as possible.

1 child Bless, mother, call for spring, call for spring - see off winter!

Let winter go away for future use, let spring arrive on the doorstep!

2 children Let spring come soon, we miss it so much,

The sun will become kinder, and the days will become brighter and longer.

Mistress. Now let's call on spring together.

Spring, Spring!

Children (in unison):

Come, spring, with joy, with great mercy! (bow)

With tall flax! (raise hands up)

With deep roots! (squats hands down)

With a strong ear! (stand up, raise hands with unclenched fingers)

With plenty of bread! (holding a “loaf” with hands)

Repeat the call 2 times.

Exec. song “Chuvyl-vil-vil” (Music director No. 2-2008, p. 43)

Mistress. Spring cannot come without the sun, it’s time to call for it.

Children (clap and read the chant):

Sunny, show yourself!

Clear, gear up!

Come out quickly, be kinder to us!

Sit on a tree stump and enjoy the day!

The call is repeated 2 times.

(The sun appears on the central wall).

Mistress. So the sun woke up, shone, smiled

The birds sing merrily, They carry spring on their wings!

Phonogram “Birdsong”.

Sounds Russian. nar melody.

Spring is coming

Spring. I am Spring, Red Spring! I came to you with joy,

With joy, with great mercy.

With tall flax, with deep roots, with abundant bread.

Hello, good people! (bows).

And she also brought you health: the first is cow health, the second is sheep health, the third is human health.

Mistress: Come Spring, and start a round dance with the little kids!

Exec. round dance “The winter is already passing.”

(Musical director No. 1-2008, p. 60)

Mistress. Spring is red, what will you give us?

Spring. I will give you spring water, silk grass, warm summer, azure color.

Mistress. And we will please you with a song and a dance.

Exec. song “Drip-drip-drip, drops are ringing”

Dance of the Matryoshkas

Spring. They sang and played well, and I invite everyone to join the round dance again.

Round dance with the Snake.

Spring. The sun laughs tenderly, shines brighter, hotter,

And in the ravine a talkative stream flows loudly.

The wire. round dance game "Stream" under r.n. melody

3. The evil blizzard has passed away,
The night became shorter than the day.
A warm wind blows from the south,
The drops fall, ringing.

The sun warms the earth,
Ice is driving off our slide.
The snow woman is melting
And tears flow in streams.

Spring: What beautiful poems!

And now for our birds, let's call for fair winds.

Children perform the exercise “Wind” , pronouncing words, perform the appropriate movements:

The wind is blowing in our faces.Stretch your arms forward, wave your palms

The tree swayed.Tilts to the right, left.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter,Squat, arms forward

The tree is getting higher and higher.Stand on your toes, raising your arms.

Spring: Now it's time to test your attention. I will read a poem, and you try to clap your hands when you hear a word that does not mean a bird.

Spring: After the winter silence, after the winter cold

Birds fly from beyond the mountains, from beyond the seas.

So the birds came with me.

Can you guess their names?


1. Black, agile, shouts “Krak!” the enemy of worms. (Rook).

2. Stands on one leg
He looks intently into the water.
Pokes his beak at random,
Looking for frogs in the river.

3. There is a palace on the pole,
There is a singer in the palace,
And his name is...

4. Who is wearing a bright red beret and a black satin jacket?

He doesn’t look at me, he keeps knocking, knocking, knocking. (Woodpecker)

5. If he wants, he will fly straight,
He wants - he hangs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights,
And in the spring he sings in the fields.

6. Nest under the roof - deftly builds,
He constantly breeds his chicks,
Before the rain it flies very low,
Every child knows this bird
We love to watch her,
This bird ( Swallow) call for.

7. Look - above the rooftops
The sky cuts fast….

8. About this forest bird
One song says:
She went to the market
I drank bitter vodka there.

Faithful guardian and friend of the fields,
The first herald of warm days.

Spring. You guessed all the riddles, well done. I invite you to the garden to listen to the first spring birds and play a game.

Listen to the soundtrack of birds singing.

Wire game “Oh, yes a bird! What a bird!”

Children stand in a circle. The driver with the ball in his hands says:

“Oh yes bird! What a bird! Miracle bird - eagle!

And he throws the ball to someone else. He catches the ball and quickly

replies: “Oh, yes, a bird! What a bird! The miracle bird is the robin!

and throws the ball to another child, etc.

The hostess offers to play in the game "Golden Gate"

(Music director No. 2-2011, p. 32)

Spring and the Mistress raise their clasped hands up.

Children walk through the gates in a line and sing:

Go through the golden gates, gentlemen!

The mother walked through first and saw the children off.

The Golden Gate does not always allow entry:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is prohibited.

And we won’t miss you the third time!

The child who is caught in the collar stands in a circle with Spring and the Mistress. The game repeats itself.

Spring. I love different birds, I love different birds, but one is dearer than all

small bird. Who is she, do you know, children? Answer me quickly!

Children. This is a lark.

Spring. Right. Do you know why?


    This bird is a harbinger of spring.

    This bird is a symbol of goodness and happiness.

Spring. Well done. Now listen to his song.

Phonogram of a lark singing

Game "Lark".

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, a child (lark) walks around the circle with a bell, saying the words:

All players say or sing:

A lark sang in the sky,

The bell rang.

Frolic in silence

I hid the song in the grass.

The one who finds the song

It will be fun all year long.

Then the players close their eyes. The “Lark” runs out of the circle, rings the bell and carefully places it behind the back of one of the players. The one who guesses who has the bell behind his back becomes a “lark”.

Spring. Do you know that today is March 22 - the day of the vernal equinox, when the day is equal in length to the night. On this day, in every house they made birds and larks from dough, baked them, and smeared them with sweet and fragrant honey. The boys ran through the streets with these birds, threw them up, caught them and shouted loudly.

Mistress: People believed that larks, the companions of spring, would bring health to both people and animals.

4. Lark, bring spring

On your tail

On a plow, a harrow, on a rye hay,

On a rye hay, on a sheaf of oats!

5. Oh, you larks, larks!

Fly to the field, bring health!

The first is cow

The second is sheep!

Third - human!

6. Larks, larks!

You fly quickly, bring warmth!

We are tired of winter - it has eaten all the bread.

There is no bread, no potatoes!

The samovar is on the window!

Mistress: A samovar on the window is a mess! The samovar should always be on the table, chugging and inviting you to tea.

Exec. Song "About the Samovar" music etc. Z. Root.

(zh-l “Musical Director” 2008 No. 1, p. 29)

Mistress: Here's a treat for you guys: lark birds. You sculpted them yourself, bringing spring closer.

TWO OF THEM: Hot, hot - for our samovar!

SPRING: Don’t forget, guys, to give the birds a treat at home too, so that the birds will fly to your house.
SPRING distributes food, saying:
The larks have arrived
They sat on the children's heads.
Even though the birds are returning to us,
And the warmth is still far away -
40 martyrs,
40 matinees,
40 frosts.

The holiday ends with tea in the music room. The nannies bring out tea on a tray. The children come up and take it.