
How not to get old after 40


Forty years of age for many women brings anxiety and confusion. The first traces of withering are visible in the mirror, and it seems that time has rapidly intensified its run. During this period, it is important not to despair. It is worth a little change in attitude to life and get used to the new rules. Then you don’t have to think about how to keep youth after 40 years.

This age is the heyday of your mature beauty. Nature just needs a little help in maintaining it.

Important Rules

  • a full night's sleep;
  • good food;
  • physical exercise;
  • moderate cosmetic procedures.

If you discard laziness and follow simple recommendations, you can delay the process of withering for a long time and fill the body with vivacity, energy for new achievements.

After forty years, sleepless nights should be avoided. They will immediately affect the appearance, manifesting themselves as swelling, flabby skin and bruises under the eyes. Go to bed no later than 11 pm and rest at least 8 hours during the night.

Physical activity is the basis of good mood and beauty. It is useful to do aerobics or fitness under the guidance of an experienced trainer who will correctly distribute the load and select the desired set of exercises.

To tighten the skin, relieve it of sagging, prevent the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite, you need to saturate the body with oxygen. Try to master bodyflex, yoga or oxysize. Breathing exercises strengthen muscles, relieve excess weight and prolong youth.

If there is no habit of playing sports, now is the time to make adjustments and choose activities for the soul. It can be dancing, water aerobics, swimming, tennis.

Remember to take daily walks in the fresh air and walk more. More often go to the forest, to the mountains, go hiking and enjoy outdoor activities.

Proper nutrition

In forty-year-old women, hormonal changes occur. It negatively affects overall well-being and causes morning swelling. In order not to aggravate the problem, you should reconsider the diet and give up salty, fried and smoked foods. Such food is poorly digested, does not benefit and provokes skin aging.

With age, free radicals begin to accumulate in the tissues, accelerating the aging process. You can stop their harmful effects by saturating the body with vitamins and microelements.

For women over 40, it is important to balance the diet so that it contains a sufficient amount of vitamins A, E, B2, B6, B12, C, as well as selenium, iodine, zinc and rutin. These are natural antioxidants that prolong youth. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables, especially:

  • green apples;
  • red grapes;
  • blueberries, cranberries;
  • blackberries, currants;
  • peaches, apricots;
  • carrots, beets;
  • cauliflower, bell pepper;
  • garlic, onion.

The more varied your menu, the more vitamins and minerals the body can absorb.

Women's beauty requires polyunsaturated fatty acids. Add flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, beans and other legumes to your diet.

To prolong youth, give up hard-to-digest meat and fatty foods. A storehouse of valuable vitamins - crumbly cereals. Most useful:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • pearl barley;
  • barley.

Cooking destroys most of the vitamins. To preserve them, oatmeal and buckwheat are recommended to be steamed with boiling water, and not boiled. Oatmeal for steaming is enough for 20 minutes. It is desirable to steam buckwheat at night, pouring 1: 2 boiling water over the groats.

Proper nutrition, which saturates the body with useful substances, is a reliable way to preserve youth after 40 years for a woman.

Benefits of water

Water thins the blood, reduces the load on the heart, removes decay products and harmful substances from the body. Proper drinking regimen is important at any age. Women over 40 need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water per day. This amount of liquid prevents the appearance of early wrinkles, flabbiness and dryness of the skin.

  • In the morning it is useful to prepare and drink a lemon drink.
  • Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. natural honey.
  • Put a slice of lemon in it and stir.
  • Healing water gives energy and improves performance.

The elixir of youth, which is recommended to be taken daily in the evenings, can provide the body with useful substances and strengthen the immune system.

  • Take 400 g of peeled garlic, chop it and combine it with the juice squeezed from 20 small lemons.
  • Place the mixture in a glass jar and refrigerate for 3 weeks.
  • Ready elixir, take 1 tsp, dissolving in a small amount of warm water.

To prevent morning swelling, try not to drink a lot of water after 20 hours. During extreme heat, increase your daily fluid intake by 1-2 cups.

Skin care

  • Every day, wipe the décolleté, neck and face with ice cubes. Do the treatment in the morning and evening, 20 minutes before applying the nourishing cream. Herbal decoctions of parsley, linden, calendula are suitable for making ice. You can use the juice of fruits and vegetables.
  • If spider veins are present on the skin, replace the rubdown with ice cubes by washing with warm herbal decoction or weakly brewed green tea.
  • Be sure to use a nourishing cream for the skin of the hands and face. It should be age appropriate and match the skin type. Night cream for the face should be applied a few hours before bedtime so that the composition can be completely absorbed. Otherwise, swelling may appear in the morning.

To reduce age and mimic wrinkles, pinch massage and facial gymnastics are useful. Learning how to do them is not difficult, but keep in mind that the key to success is the regularity of procedures, which need to be spent at least 20 minutes a day. If you do exercises occasionally, there will be no benefit.


At the age of 40, it is important to cleanse the skin regularly. Peeling is a great way to remove the stratum corneum. It allows you to open the pores before applying nourishing masks. To make peeling, any berries or oatmeal will do.

  • Fruits should be mashed, applied to the skin, left to act for 10 minutes and washed off with plenty of cool water.
  • Oatmeal should be poured with hot water, wait until it steams, apply on the face along the massage lines and after 10 minutes wash thoroughly with herbal decoction.

Peelings are required 1-2 times a week in the evenings. After the procedure, it is advisable to pamper your face with a nourishing mask that helps preserve youth.

Face and neck masks

A universal mask for mature skin is made from birch leaves. They must be collected away from the city, highways or purchased raw materials in a pharmacy.

  • Grind the leaves in a blender. Select 1 tbsp. l. and mix with oatmeal in the same amount.
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. linseed oil. Stir. If the composition is not viscous enough, pour in a little water.
  • Apply a thick mass on the face, put gauze on top with slits for the mouth and eyes and lie down for 20 minutes. Wash off with herbal decoction or clean water.
  • Pour a spoonful of oatmeal with two tablespoons of boiling water.
  • When the mixture has cooled slightly, add 1 tbsp. l. applesauce and the same amount of chopped ripe banana.
  • Apply the composition on the face, neck and décolleté. Wash off after 20 minutes.

For the rejuvenation of 40-year-old ladies, oil compresses are useful. As a base, you can use cold-pressed olive or grape oil. Procedures should be done in courses - 10-15 days in a row. Then you need a mandatory break for a week.

Hand masks

The skin of the hands is very sensitive. To keep her soft and tender, she needs constant care. Forty-year-old women need to apply nourishing masks on their hands 2 times a week.

  • Boiled potatoes can soften the skin of the hands.
  • Mash hot tubers, add a little butter.
  • Cover the skin with the mixture, put on cotton gloves, wait 2 hours and rinse off the composition.

It is easy to whiten the skin with melon and lemon. Connect 3 tbsp. l. melon pulp with the juice of half a lemon. Put 1 tbsp. l. starch and stir. Apply a thick mass on the handles and leave to act for half an hour. Then rinse. Lubricate the skin of your hands with a moisturizer.

To preserve youth for a long time, expensive salon procedures are not required. With the help of a balanced diet, fresh air, sports activities and home cosmetics, you can achieve great success and remain attractive for many years.

According to the modern WHO classification, a woman is considered young up to 45 years. After that, some join the ranks of mature ladies, while others - beautiful women without age. We tell you what seven habits will help you stay young as long as possible.

1. Learn to listen to your body

Everyone comes to this period in a different state and everyone experiences it differently, therefore, the means of supporting health and beauty for different women will be different. From this age, everything that you do with your body should be selected strictly individually and meet your needs in a specific period of time. Recipes “I’ve been doing this for 10 years” are worth revisiting, as are the hopes that everything will go naturally and smoothly by itself.

To get started, build regular check-ups with doctors into your schedule to help you keep track of any changes and minimize their effects on health and appearance. If the following specialists and procedures still do not appear in your diary, it's time to enter:

  • Therapist - once a year to control blood pressure, a blood test for biochemistry, the level of vitamins D and B12, with a lack of which, auxiliary therapy is prescribed.
  • Gynecologist - once a year for preventive examination and mammography, once every two years for oncocytological screening.
  • Dentist - once every six months for preventive examination and cleaning of teeth.
  • Dermatologist - once a year for screening your skin condition, observing moles, pigmentation and planning.

At 40, you need to start running to the doctors.

Elena Asaker

Even if you are very lucky, even if you are perfectly healthy. At this age, significant changes take place in the body, and at this time, figuratively speaking, you need to hack, check and pump your system so that it can work in new conditions for a long time.

2. Change your diet

Although approaching the age limit does not imply the transition to a rigid diet, for many women it is the most difficult.

Changing eating habits can be very difficult.

Elena Asaker Obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in anti-aging medicine

It is difficult to refuse both an extra cup of coffee and dessert. However, if you want to stay young and beautiful, give your body what it needs most at this age. For a woman, these are foods rich in fiber: fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. Fatty fish should also be included in the diet. But it is better to introduce red meat into the menu no more than twice a week, its frequent use can increase internal inflammatory processes. Also, from this age, it becomes necessary to drink a sufficient amount of fluid. Drink lots of water!

3. Find the right people

Well, if by now you have already managed to acquire connections, and if not, then right now it is worth gathering the circle of specialists with whom you will be ready to stay for a long time: a hairdresser, cosmetologist, makeup artist, personal trainer, psychologist, doctors.

Random experiments on yourself can now play against you, but reliable assistants who understand your needs and observe your changes with you and evaluate the effectiveness of certain procedures will come in handy. And there will be many procedures. Hormonal changes lead to the fact that the production of collagen and elastin decreases - tissue dryness appears, and with it their vulnerability and sagging. Against this background, skin hyperpigmentation is also exacerbated. These problems will not be solved with the help of home remedies - for an effective method, contact the professionals.

4. Adjust your daily routine

It is not for nothing that their thirty-year-old colleagues vied with each other that their main trump card is the dream of beauty. Quality sleep is one of the main conditions for health and youth, it should not be underestimated. In addition to rest and recovery, proper sleep affects mood, reactions, and even helps control hunger throughout the day.

Sleep should be continuous and be 7-9 hours.

Elena Asaker Obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in anti-aging medicine

To wake up wrestlers, we need melatonin, which is produced only with quality sleep from 12 am to 5 am. It is this hormone that starts all the biological rhythms in the body, so it is important to go to bed before midnight.

It is also necessary to adhere to intermittent fasting at night and keep a gap of 12-14 hours between dinner and breakfast. This is a fairly simple advice, but an effective prevention of many conditions that cause early aging of the body and age-related diseases.

5. Change your workouts

Even those who are lucky with genetics and metabolism, now still have to go to training. Between the ages of 40 and 50, women of any size tend to lose shape and gain fat. This happens because the body loses the volume of dry muscle mass if it becomes not particularly in demand (during office work, for example). And even if you adhered to a balanced, proper diet, calories to maintain muscle mass are no longer consumed in the same volume, but are stored in reserves.

Perhaps you already lead an active lifestyle and visit, however, at the age of 40, in order to maintain a healthy shape, you will have to love the glands and do exercises regularly - such a load will help keep muscle volume at the right level.

Youth cannot be returned, but you can not lose it.

Elena Asaker Obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in anti-aging medicine

At 40, it's not too late to get into this carriage, change your lifestyle and prolong your health and functions, including sexual ones, for many years.

The difference in appearance and physical condition of women over 50 years old, who from a young age began to take care of themselves, and those who never acquired good habits, is huge. Today, cosmetology and gynecology (which interact very closely in anti-aging therapy programs) have a wide range of technologies and techniques that you may not even suspect about before contacting a specialist, and also allow women to look and feel great at 50 and 70, and older.

7. Learn to deal with stress

Middle age is full of different experiences. We have to simultaneously adapt to changes in our own body, watch our parents grow old and our children grow up.

The stress of this period is one of the most important factors to which health reacts and which is easily read in our appearance. Don't let stress cancel out all your efforts in eternal youth.

  • Make time for yourself, make taking care of your health a daily and unchanging part of your life.
  • Master relaxation and meditation techniques (use a mobile application with relaxation meditations, make a list of your favorite ASMR videos).
  • Seek help from a psychologist.
  • Use our list and change your daily habits. According to psychologists, planning and implementing specific actions aimed at improving health can make the transition to the “middle-aged lady” category smooth and calm.

Beauty and energy combined with accumulated experience, skills and knowledge are undeniable advantages that distinguish a woman over the age of 40. After all, forty years is the second twenty, only better and more conscious! How to maintain activity, joy, fullness of emotions and prevent the development of age-related changes?

The answer to this question excites many of my patients. the aging process starts in our body. At first, the speed of these processes is slow, but by the age of menopause, it increases exponentially. I want to talk about how to stay healthy and prevent the development of aging processes over the age of 40.

Here are 10 simple steps you can take now to prolong your youthful, happy, and inspired years.

1. Accept your age.

Life is a gift. Feel it when you wake up in the morning. Accept your body with kindness, love and care. Wake up in the morning to a new day, new discoveries and joys. Pamper your body with aromas and sensations. , massage and care products will give joy and pleasant sensations to your body. Eliminate mental beliefs: pointless, late, nothing will work.

2. Add creativity to your life.

We can’t get away from everyday and routine affairs. Bring a touch of creativity, and boring things will be transformed. Improvise while cooking: the combination of spices will give you new tastes and sensations. Listen to music while cleaning. Combine a trip to the store with joy and interest from studying the environment around you, the details. Notice new things around, find new themes in birdsong, notice the changing shade of the sky, sunsets. Expand your horizons, travel, meet, chat, read, enjoy art!

3. Sports and physical activity.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

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Questions of rejuvenation have been of interest to humanity for a very long time. After 35 years, people are increasingly thinking about how to rejuvenate the body. And this is understandable: visual signs of aging begin to appear, fatigue comes more and more often, the rhythm of life gradually slows down. What was easy five or seven years ago is now becoming a problem.

Causes of female aging

Female aging is associated with several causes.

Insufficient production of female sex hormones by the ovaries. As a result, the skin rapidly ages, becomes flabby, sags, and deep skin wrinkles appear on it. Cells lose the ability to retain moisture and produce their own elastin, collagen, and after 40-45 years, aging is irreversible.

Lack of trace elements, vitamins, nutrients. Oddly enough, the deficiency of these substances also has a very bad effect on the condition of the skin and the body as a whole. The lack of micro and macro elements has a direct impact on sexual functions, can disrupt the menstrual cycle, reduce sexual desire, and therefore bring old age closer.

But it is not all that bad. The process of biological aging can be slowed down if the knowledge accumulated over the centuries and modern medical discoveries are correctly applied in order to rejuvenate. First of all, you should not deal with the skin, but with the improvement of the body. Moreover, internal reserves are guaranteed to be enough for this.

Answering the question of how to rejuvenate the body, doctors recommend starting with bowel cleansing. It is from his work that the state of immunity depends, which means the ability to destroy foreign microorganisms and produce young, healthy cells.

We clean the intestines

After 35 years, intestinal slagging for a modern person is practically the norm. Due to toxins, useful substances obtained from food are absorbed extremely poorly, toxins are not properly excreted, and the body is constantly poisoned. As a result, the state of health decreases, the immune system begins to “fail”, the skin, nails and hair deteriorate, the person feels constant fatigue.

These are all signs that it's time to get serious about bowel cleansing. The easiest way is to use natural fiber from a pharmacy, honey or herbal preparations.

The general rule during cleansing is to limit or completely eliminate everything salty, smoked, spicy, sweet, fatty. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal protein.

Cleansing methods

Fiber is taken for a month three times a day, one or two tablespoons half an hour before the main meal. Be sure to drink fiber with a glass of warm (or room temperature) water. It is necessary to clean the body twice a year, in spring and autumn.

Honey also has great cleansing power, but requires more frequent and prolonged use. Stir one hundred to one hundred and twenty grams of natural honey in 200 ml of warm water (a glass is enough). If the acidity of the stomach is increased, drink one and a half hours before the main meal, lowered - twenty minutes. Do not use hot water: the beneficial substances of the bee product will disappear. The course lasts two months, it must be repeated three times a year.

Herbal preparations are another way to cleanse the intestines. First, the following mixture is prepared: take five tbsp. tablespoons of dried yarrow, chopped dried rose hips and lemon balm, one teaspoon of fennel, cumin, one tablespoon of buckthorn (bark), birch buds, immortelle (grass). Mix everything well, brew two tablespoons per liter of boiling water. Leave for at least forty minutes. Take half a glass 30 minutes before meals. Gathering to drink for half a month. After a three-month break, repeat the course again.

After the age of 40, the use of bowel cleansing regimens becomes mandatory. At the same time, you should completely reconsider your diet so as not to load with harmful substances not only the intestines, but also the lymphatic, vascular, biliary systems, liver, kidneys, and heart.

We eat right

The basic rule of maintaining health is to reduce the calorie content of the diet and the amount of animal protein in food with age. After 40 years, protein diets on meat, sausages become not only undesirable, but very dangerous. Animal proteins contained in meat, when decomposed, release a lot of toxins, accelerate aging.

You can replace them with the following herbal products:

  • white rice, pasta;
  • cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage;
  • oat bran;
  • corn, olives, soybeans;
  • tomatoes, eggplants, turnips, onions, dill, beets, carrots;
  • mushrooms, nuts, beans;
  • apples, oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, peaches, apricots, plums, figs.

Vegetable proteins not only rejuvenate, but also prevent stroke, hypertension, heart attack, osteoporosis, and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. They contain essential amino acids in terms of rejuvenation, contribute to the removal of toxins.

Some protein products of plant origin can be consumed even after 40 years, but in moderation: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir without sugar. It is better to eat fish instead of meat.

Sea kale, sorrel, young nettle stimulate the growth of new cells very well, and sesame, green leafy vegetables replenish calcium reserves.

Sprouts of cereal crops have a fantastic rejuvenating effect: wheat, oats, green buckwheat, lentils. Grains need to be filled with water, covered with gauze. When the sprouts reach eight mm in length, the product can be consumed at 50 grams daily. It is not necessary to eat sprouts separately: they can be added to salads.

For the correct and timely removal of toxins, it is important to drink at least one and a half liters of water daily. It is better to replace black tea with unsweetened green tea, store-bought juices from the package, carbonated drinks should be abandoned.

The diet must include bioenergy food: nuts, honey, fresh fruits and vegetables. You can not exceed the calorie threshold of 2000 kcal. Nutrition after 35 years should become low-calorie and contain a large amount of vegetable fiber, trace elements, vitamins.

It has been proven that it is possible to prolong life, rejuvenate the body, and prevent fatal illnesses by increasing the amount of plant foods (including vegetable fats) in the diet. Longevity, rejuvenation, health become not a dream, but a reality.

Rejuvenation rules

Rejuvenating the body is not as difficult as it might seem. By cleansing the intestines and adjusting the diet, you can very quickly notice positive results. But this is not enough.

Rule One: Antioxidants

For rejuvenation after 35 years, the body needs antioxidants, that is, substances that destroy the so-called free radicals - killer cells. Radicals provoke the development of cancer, inflammation, atherosclerosis. You can fight them with the help of antioxidants - vitamins C, A, E, selenium, etc.

Berries (cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries), fruits, vegetables, beans and beans, nuts, tea, cocoa, coffee, cinnamon, cloves, vegetable oils are rich in antioxidants. After 40 years, the use of these products becomes mandatory.

Rule Two: Pepsins

Contribute to the replacement of old cells with new special enzymes - pepsins. To enhance their production, half an hour after eating, put a gram of salt on the tip of the tongue, hold until completely dissolved, and then swallow the salty concentrated saliva. It will cause the active production of gastric juice and pepsins, which are able to dissolve cancerous, old, damaged cells, pathogens.

Rule three: remove the salt

To remove some types of alkaline salts that the body is not able to evacuate (phosphates, urates, oxalates), you need to help it with a decoction of sunflower root. The amount of crushed root, which is placed in a glass, pour three liters of boiling water, boil for two or three minutes. Divide the entire volume into two days and drink even portions.

When the urine becomes completely transparent (after ten to fourteen days), stop the course. Taking a cleansing decoction, you can not eat too salty, spicy food, make plant foods the basis of the diet.

To remove salts, you can brew horsetail, bear ears (bearberry), watermelon peels, cinquefoil, knotweed (highlander). The recipe with black radish is also good: grate the vegetable, squeeze the juice through a gauze filter. Mix the squeezed part with natural honey in a ratio of three to one, put the resulting juice in the refrigerator. Drink a teaspoon of juice after meals, eat radish honey cake in a large tablespoon three times a day.

Removal of salts is a great way to rejuvenate after 40 years.

Anti-aging drinks

To rejuvenate the body, each nation has its own, proven methods for centuries. The national drinks of Tibet, India, and Egypt go very well with Russian traditions.

Tibetan drink

Take in equal proportions chamomile, immortelle, birch buds. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour. Strain, add (optional) a little honey. Drink in the morning before meals and at night before going to bed.

Tibetan tincture

Gently grind 350 grams of garlic in a mortar so that at least two hundred grams of garlic puree is obtained. Pour it with 200 mg of real alcohol. Infuse in a glass container for ten days, putting it in a dark pantry. Dilute in a quarter of a standard glass of whole milk twenty minutes before meals according to the rules below.

First day: breakfast and lunch - two drops each, dinner - three drops each.

Second day: breakfast - four drops, lunch - five, dinner - six.

From the third to the sixth day, increase the amount of intake by one drop.

Having reached the sixth day from lunch, begin the reverse movement in the direction of reducing the number of drops: breakfast - fifteen drops, lunch - fourteen, dinner - thirteen. Continue decreasing until the eleventh day.

From the eleventh day, take 25 drops for breakfast, lunch and dinner until the tincture is over.

This remedy is used to clean vessels after 45 years. It is one of the very strong, so you can repeat the course only after three years.

indian drink

It is called the elixir of youth. Peel and boil two heads of garlic in a liter of fresh milk until completely softened. Infuse for at least an hour, then strain and drink half a glass on an empty stomach in the morning. Skin color improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, arthritis ceases to torment. Flower tea can be drunk from the age of thirty.

Other rejuvenation methods

It is important to use all means to rejuvenate the body. The Russian bathhouse perfectly removes slags. If possible, you need to bathe every week. High temperature and humidity stimulate cell regeneration processes, improve blood flow, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Long walks in the fresh air, combined with proper breathing, work wonders. You need to breathe with the diaphragm, that is, the stomach. The chest should expand, and the clavicles remain motionless.

Yoga is not only a fashionable activity, but also an excellent means of rejuvenation. It leads to a normal state of muscles, blood vessels, ligaments, normalizes metabolic processes. You can learn several asanas and perform them at home. Be sure to make a "candle", first for a minute, ideally - under ten minutes a day.

It is really possible to rejuvenate the body only in case of a complete rejection of bad habits, malnutrition, overeating. You need to take care of your health comprehensively, remembering that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This rule is also true for aging.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 7 minutes


A woman always wants to be feminine and attractive. As at an early age, when young beauties begin to emphasize their own beauty, struggle with the first acne and skin problems, they begin to follow their figure. When women reach the age of forty, problems of a different kind appear. And I really want your face and body to always look great. Therefore, women love to share tips and recipes that have already been tested in their experience. The secrets of those procedures that were effective and led to positive changes.

Keep your face in great shape without resorting to Botox

Seeing a vivid manifestation of age-related changes on their own face, women often turn to various kinds of cosmetic salon procedures and plastic surgery, including resorting to Botox injections. For many, such procedures do not inspire confidence and they prefer to use alternative means.

Such means include facial gymnastics. In order for your tummy to be beautiful and toned, there is perhaps no better means than constantly pumping the press and keeping your muscles in good shape. The same can be said about your face. If you keep your facial muscles in good shape all the time and constantly do gymnastics for them, your face will not “float” anywhere. And it will always look smooth and beautiful.

Facial skin nutrition

If you have found the time and energy for facial gymnastics, this is very commendable. Facial gymnastics requires patience and needs to be done constantly, but the procedure brings a lot of pleasure. However, only one gymnastics for the face is not enough.

Facial skin needs nutrition and vitamins. If you have already chosen a cream suitable for you, to which your skin responds well, you can add a little sea buckthorn oil to it, it is saturated with vitamins that the skin needs and perfectly nourishes your skin. Sea buckthorn oil is a therapeutic and prophylactic and it has a good effect on the color of your face, giving it a lively warm tone.

For skin cleansing faces should use fruit peels. Peelings from kiwi, papaya, pineapple well nourish and vitaminize the skin of the face. They also contain enzymes that devour dead cells.

If you suffer from problems with circles under the eyes, then it will be very useful to wipe the skin with ice cubes made from parsley decoction. So your skin under the eyes will acquire a pleasant shade.

Hair care

Hair needs nutrition no less than facial skin. Therefore, all sorts of nourishing hair masks will be useful, egg masks and herbal decoction masks are very good, it is enough to do them only two or three times a week. Hair, especially subject to constant coloring and constant drying with a hair dryer, is significantly weakened and needs additional care. Use for them a special foam that protects against thermal exposure.

5 exercises to preserve youth and beauty

  1. Getting out of bed in the morning, right in front of the bed, make several turns around its axis. Gradually, once every one to two weeks, increasing their number.
  2. Lie down on a bed or on a rug and lift your leg up, bringing them to a vertical position. At the same time, tilt your head forward. Do this 3 times, then gradually increase the number of times.
  3. Get on your knees, put your hands on your buttocks and tilt your head back.
  4. From a sitting position, stretch your legs forward, take your hands back. Now from this position you should move into the “table” position. To do this, you need to raise your pelvis and stomach up, while leaning on your arms and legs. Repeat three times, gradually increase the number of times.
  5. It is done from a prone position. Put your hands and feet on the floor and lift your buttocks up as high as possible, while tilting your head down. Repeat the exercise three times, gradually increase the number of times.

Exercise should be done continuously.

Vitamin drinks will help keep you young

It is very, very important that your body receives the right amount of vitamins, this will have a beneficial effect on your life and on the condition of your skin as well. You can nourish your body with daily consumption of nutritious drinks. A daily schedule of fortified drinks will help your body get the right dose of essential nutrients.

Monday. Most often, Monday is the day after a hard weekend when we allow ourselves to eat a little extra. Therefore, Monday morning should be started with a glass of warm mineral water with the juice of one freshly squeezed lemon.

Tuesday. On this day, you should drink a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice with the addition of green parsley juice.

Wednesday. On this day, fresh grape juice should be prepared for yourself.

Thursday. On Thursday, preference should be given to the juice of fresh strawberries, raspberries or currants in summer. At other times of the year, grapefruit juice will do.

Friday. The day before the weekend. It will be very useful to drink a glass of leek broth.

Saturday. Drink apricot juice.

Sunday. Well, on Sunday you can treat yourself to a glass of beard or any other red wine.

Secret recipes for beautiful women after 40 - how to keep young?

We will interview familiar women and having studied the Internet, we have found the following recipes and secrets of preserving youth. These are real tips from women over 40 who look great!

And I add sea buckthorn oil and vitamin e to any cream. The skin acquires a lively beautiful warm shade. At the same time, it is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

Every morning I wipe my face with a slice of lemon, parsley ice (with parsley or chamomile juice) and apply a light moisturizer. All day I look cheerful, fresh - no one gives me my age.

My recipe - . No matter how much they say, but it works. + You can, problem skin.

Only genetics supported by a healthy lifestyle! Do not drink, do not smoke, do not overeat!)

Various procedures in salons help me a lot - mesotherapy, Botork, vitamin injections, gel in the nasolabial folds. Genetics are not very good, so beauty has to be maintained that way. However, all this is not only effective, but also very costly!

The main thing is to nourish and moisturize the skin. Most often, age is given out by the hands, neck, and not just the face. I often mix natural oils with warm wax (I heat the mass together) - a rich natural cream is ready. You can smear the arms, legs, stomach, chest, lips, neck.

Everything comes from food! Cleanse your liver regularly. + I drink on an empty stomach honey diluted in water in the evening and a spoonful of olive oil. + add to some creams.

My secret is spermaceti cream (it costs 30 rubles). Spermaceti cream - there are no problems on the skin))) I have been using only this cream for 20 years. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. I smear at night.

Find the main thing "your master". + keep the body in shape. Pool and a glass of water before meals for 20 minutes. Avoid fried and sweet things. Don't skimp on quality products. A vacation at the sea also helps a lot!) Despite the fact that they say the sun is bad for the skin, I just take a good protective cream + body milk - and after the vacation I look 5 years younger).

Lack of laziness! Get in the mood! always positive mood! Do not freak out, avoid stress. don't waste your nerves. Healthy food. do facial gymnastics, exercises according to the Nishi system, yoga, proper breathing. activity is welcome!