
How many intercourses does it take to get pregnant. How long do you need to lie down after intercourse for conception. The difficult path of male germ cells


Are you waiting for a positive pregnancy test result?! Then the following expert advice will help you get pregnant very quickly if it doesn’t work out.

If you have made a clear decision to start a family, you most likely want to do it quickly, right?! If this is about you, then start planning right now. Because getting pregnant quickly means not only having sex at the “right” time, but also creating such a favorable environment in which a healthy embryo will grow into a healthy child after the sperm meets the egg. So what should you do to get pregnant? Here is a step by step guide on how to get pregnant faster.

If you are interested in how to increase your chances of getting pregnant, then start taking care of yourself. It's no secret that during pregnancy and childbirth, a woman's body goes through major changes and trials, so be sure to start your journey with important steps towards a healthy lifestyle. Here are some simple tips regarding a healthy lifestyle, following which it will be much easier to get pregnant faster.

Go to the gynecologist and dentist

The gynecologist (midwife) will analyze your general health and advise you on the necessary lifestyle changes to get pregnant faster. Do not forget to mention cases of infertility that have taken place in the family, as some problems with the reproductive system of a woman can be hereditary. It is also recommended to consult a dentist if there are any problems with the gums and teeth, which are one of the causes of prematurity and poor weight gain of the baby. Before you become pregnant, be sure to tidy up the oral cavity and observe the necessary hygiene daily.


Various kinds of exercises should become a habit, as you need to prepare the body for pregnancy. Even short walks in the fresh air will help stabilize the work of the heart and improve health. Be careful not to overdo it: studies have shown that excessive exercise and training to the point of exhaustion can cause menstrual irregularities and lead to infertility.

Start taking prenatal vitamins

It's never too late to start taking prenatal vitamins. In addition to various vitamins and minerals, they contain folic acid, which is important for a child at all stages of his development. According to scientist, doctor and nutritionist at Harvard Medical School Audrey Gaskins, folic acid prolongs ovulation, helps fertilization and promotes the survival of the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy. Talk to your gynecologist about which vitamin complex is better to choose. Folic acid is found in large quantities in strawberries, spinach, orange juice, and beans.

Do not smoke

Smoking reduces the chances of getting pregnant quickly. It is associated with a high risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. “Smokers have significantly reduced levels of estrogen, which can reduce the chance of ovulation in the cycle and potentially affect the continuation of a pregnancy,” says Gaskins. This habit should also be eradicated by a partner, as smoking negatively affects the number of spermatozoa and sperm quality.

Monitor your caffeine intake

Don't cut out caffeine altogether, just cut back to 1-2 cups (250 ml) per day. Too much caffeine can lead to reproductive problems.

Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink

Although a small glass of wine will not affect fertility in general, it is best not to drink alcoholic beverages while you are trying to conceive. There is no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy, and until you get pregnant, it's best to avoid it altogether.

Do not get carried away with fast food and sweets

Eat right, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. A healthy diet increases the level of progesterone - a key hormone in maintaining pregnancy, supports the process of ovulation and the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall.

Step 2: Stop Birth Control

Probably about it is obvious why you need to stop birth control and stop using a method that helped you not get pregnant. It is also worth noting that depending on the method that you used for these purposes, how quickly the reproductive function will be restored and how easy it will be to get pregnant will depend. If you have used condoms, then the chance of getting pregnant will increase significantly if you forget about them on the bedside table this time. It is the same with the IUD: after removing the coil, the body will be ready for pregnancy immediately. With hormonal contraceptives, the situation is a little more complicated: after stopping the intake, the body will take some time to return to normal.

« If a woman has been taking oral contraceptives for a long time, then after stopping the medication, there may be disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Menstruation may be absent in principle or be scanty, repeated several times a month, etc. - says Eric D. Levens, MD, a certified specialist in reproductive endocrinology at the Shady Grove Clinic. As a rule, after six to eight weeks, the cycle should be restored almost completely. If after 8-10 weeks there are still cycle failures, it is wise to seek the help of a doctor to find out what is happening.

Step 3: Track Your Ovulation

Ovulation is the period of the highest fertility of a woman, so knowing when this period occurs is extremely important in order to quickly get pregnant at home. Precisely determining this moment can sometimes be difficult, but there are several proven ways to track ovulation.

Find out when you ovulate

You need to know the essence of ovulation, understand how it works, in order to further track its symptoms and signs. The first misconception about this is that ovulation occurs on the 14th day from the beginning of the critical days, this is partly true, but if the cycle is constant and lasts 28 days. Every woman has a different cycle. “On average, a cycle can last 24 to 35 days, and it can start 3-4 days later than usual,” says Levens. Depending on the length of the cycle, ovulation may occur 11-21 days after the first day of the last period (maybe earlier or later if the cycle is very short or too long). The timing of ovulation depends on the woman's unique cycle, and for all healthy women, the critical days begin 12-14 days after ovulation.

Use the ovulation calculator

Just as you write down all the important things and plans in your diary or calendar, you should do the same with ovulation, because pregnancy is a very important goal. The ovulation or fertility calculator will determine the length of the cycle and help you determine the very days when the probability of getting pregnant is very high. Just record the first day of your cycle (the start of your period) for several months. Over time, you will begin to notice patterns in when your cycle should start and therefore when you ovulate. The highest chance of conceiving a child is before ovulation and 24 hours after it.

Know the symptoms of ovulation

One of the easiest ways to get pregnant is to listen to your body and know the symptoms of ovulation. You may have one or two, or even more of the following symptoms:

  • Small spotting
  • Colorless, viscous cervical mucus
  • Increased libido
  • Sensitivity and soreness of the chest
  • Heightened vision, sense of taste and smell
  • Bloating
  • Change in the position and firmness of the cervix (it becomes softer, taller and more open)
  • A sharp and stable increase in basal body temperature

Increase your chances of a "miracle" with an ovulation test

Knowing the symptoms ovulation, you can learn more about your cycle. By the time you finally understand all this, most likely, you will already become pregnant. If not, then ovulation tests can help. They are sold without a doctor's prescription in small kits. One set includes several test strips, the task of which is to track the moment of ovulation by measuring the level of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH is produced by the pituitary gland and is well monitored in the urine. The body produces this hormone constantly, but in the 24-48 hours before ovulation, it is produced a lot.

To get the most accurate result, follow the instructions on the package. The test should be done at the same time every day for several days, and do not drink or urinate two hours before. Next, you need to place the test strip in the collected portion of urine, and then view the results on a digital monitor or on the strips. A certain color or sign will appear, signaling a high level of LH. This means that ovulation is coming soon, it's time to get down to business. These tests are very convenient, but not 100 percent accurate because they only check one ovulation indicator. Some health problems can interfere with test results and show a false positive result (polycystic ovary syndrome or luteinizing neovulating follicle syndrome), and certain drugs containing estrogens and progesterones (birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy) can lower LH levels.

Track your basal temperature

Tracking your basal body temperature (BBT) is another way to find out when you're ovulating. When there is no ovulation, normalthe temperature is between 35.6 and 37.2 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to measure BBT throughout the entire cycle, and during ovulation it can be half a degree higher. A special thermometer is used to measure BBT. You need to measure the temperature every morning without getting out of bed. Draw a graph where the y-axis is BBT and the x-axis is cycle days.Record your BTT on a chart for several months. When BBT is slightly higher than usual for several days, it should be concluded that ovulation has occurred.This method takes a lot of time, but it helps to get to know each other better.with your body and create an overall picture of your fertility. If you understand your BBT schedule, then you can safely proceed to conception.a few days before the highest BBT values.

Step 4: Have sex in moderation and properly

When you're trying to conceive, it's likely that you spend every spare moment you have in bed with your partner. But remember, everything is good in moderation. Experts believe that the best way to get pregnant quickly is to have sex once a day or every other day, during the favorable days before and after ovulation. If you have sex too often, your partner's sperm count may be reduced, and if you have sex too infrequently, the sperm stagnates and the sperm don't move as fast. If you want to conceive a child quickly, do not do the following:

Do not use lubricant

With it, of course, it is more convenient, but some types of lubricant can kill sperm before they reach the egg. So read the labels and choose the best, or try canola oil. You can increase the prelude to stimulate the production of natural lubrication.

Don't shower after sex

Your chances of getting pregnant are lower if you shower immediately after sex. Moreover, there is a possibility of developing pelvic infections. You should also avoid long runs, saunas, hot tubs, or any other activity that raises body temperature immediately after sex.

Position during sex does not matter

Researchers did not find any specific position in sex that contributes to the rapid conception of a child, which means that you can have sex in absolutely any position. “The position you prefer in sex will not prevent you from getting pregnant and will not cause infertility,” says Rachel Gurevich, fertility expert and co-author of the book “ Planning a Pregnancy: A Guide for Dummies". Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment and look for that very favorite position in sex that you and your partner like. “When choosing a position, there are only a few things to keep in mind: the position is comfortable for both of you, brings a lot of emotions from the meeting, and most importantly, orgasm,” says Robin Elise Weiss, Ph.D., certified doula. After sex, you can help the sperm to stay inside you, just lie on your back, bend your knees and pull them to your chest.

How long does it take to conceive a child?

Most healthy couples who have frequent and unprotected sex get pregnant within a year. 38 percent of couples conceive within a month, 68 percent achieve results in 3 months, 81 percent within six months, and 92 percent after a year. In some cases, you have to seek help from specialists to get pregnant.

If you are 30 years old or younger, you and your partner are both healthy, then it is possible to get pregnant quickly just by actively having sex, and without the help of a gynecologist and reproductive specialists, without using contraceptives by yourself. In the end, it is important to remember that even at the peak of ovulation, the chances of getting pregnant in any given month are only 1 in 5.

The reproductive function of a woman decreases with age, so if you are over 35, then you need to seek help after half a year of unsuccessful attempts. The sooner you visit the doctor, the sooner you will get pregnant. Some causes of infertility worsen over time. If you sit back, then the chance that fertility treatment will help will only decrease over time.

The main thing is not to blame yourself for the fact that you cannot get pregnant yet. Infertility has been a common occurrence lately, with 1 in 8 couples having trouble conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy, according to research from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And don't jump to the conclusion that you are the source of the "problem". Problems with conception can be not only because of a woman, but also because of a man, and even because of several factors at the same time. What to do if it doesn't work for a long time? If you're having a hard time, reach out to a loved one for support. Join a group of like-minded people, discuss your problems with them, share experiences and emotions, ask for advice and don't be afraid to be open. It’s not enough just to want, you need to act.

sperm quality

The quality of sperm is determined by its special study - semen analysis (spermogram), which consists in the study of the entire ejaculate obtained to determine the quantitative, qualitative and morphological characteristics of sperm.

As a rule, a spermogram is prescribed in conjunction with other tests to identify the cause of infertility in marriage, as well as in case of male infertility and the presence of inflammatory or hormonal diseases of the male reproductive organs.

In addition, a spermogram is mandatory before IVF and artificial insemination.

Preparation for the delivery of ejaculate

In order for sperm indicators to be reliable, it is necessary to prepare for its delivery:

  • abstinence from 2 to 7 days (optimally 3-5 days);
  • refusal to drink alcohol, strong tea, coffee and drugs during the entire period of abstinence;
  • refusal to visit the bath, sauna, taking a hot bath and shower, a ban on the solarium and sunbathing for the above period of time.

Sperm is given directly in the laboratory (special room) by masturbation.

It is possible to bring coitus interruptus ejaculate from home into a medical condom, but the delivery time should be no more than three hours, and the temperature of the delivered semen should be around 36°C (armpit). It should be borne in mind that ejaculate obtained outside the laboratory may spill on the way to it, which will affect sperm counts.

Spermogram norms


The norm of ejaculate is 3-5 ml. Reduced (less than 2 ml) indicates either a violation of the delivery of sperm to the laboratory, or a lack of functions of the gonads (prostate, seminal vesicles, and others). An increase in the amount of sperm indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitals.


Normally, the color of the ejaculate is whitish, grayish or with a hint of yellow. The red or brown color of the semen indicates either an injury to the genitals, or stones in the prostate or chronic vesiculitis (the red tint is due to the admixture of red blood cells).


The normal pH of sperm is 7.2-7.8 (alkaline). Deviations in one direction or another indicate the inflammatory process of the sex glands.

Liquefaction time

The time of semen liquefaction should not exceed 60 minutes. If the liquefaction time is prolonged, the sperm cells in the acidic environment of the vagina waste their energy and lose activity, which significantly reduces their ability to fertilize the egg. Most often, a long liquefaction time is observed in chronic prostatitis and / or vesiculitis.

Viscosity of semen

To determine the viscosity of the ejaculate, measure the length of the thread flowing down from the end of the pipette. Normally, it is no more than 0.5 cm.

An elongated thread (increased viscosity) indicates either chronic prostatitis or vesiculitis. Thick and viscous sperm significantly reduces the chances of conception, so it is difficult for sperm to move into the vagina, which further enhances the negative impact of the acidic environment on them.

The number of spermatozoa in 1 ml of ejaculate

Normally, 1 ml of semen should contain more than 20 million. spermatozoa.

A decrease in sperm density is called oligozoospermia, which indicates ineffective testicular function (reduction of androgens, inflammation of the testicles, a history of toxic damage to the spermatogenic epithelium of the testicles, weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, etc.).

Reduced concentration reduces the chances of fertilization. An increase in sperm density or polyzoospermia (more than 120 million in 1 ml) precedes oligozoospermia.

Total sperm count

The total number of spermatozoa in the studied ejaculate must be more than 60 million. The decrease in density is associated with the same factors as the decrease in the concentration of spermatozoa in 1 ml of semen.

Sperm motility

The chances of fertilization depend on sperm motility. There are 4 groups of sperm:

  • group A - active motile spermatozoa with rectilinear movement;
  • group B - sedentary spermatozoa with rectilinear movement;
  • group C - inactive spermatozoa, the movements of which are oscillatory or rotational;
  • group D - spermatozoa are immobile.

Normally, there should be more than 25% of sperm from group A or 50% of sperm from groups A and B.

Reduced sperm motility is called asthenozoosperia and indicates inflammatory processes of the genital organs, toxic lesions and thermal effects on the male gonads (testicles).


With the help of this indicator, the number of normal spermatozoa is determined.

Normally, unchanged spermatozoa should be more than 20%. Teratozoospermia is said to be when the number of normal sperm is less than 20%.

The morphology of spermatozoa is affected by toxic and radiation damage, inflammatory and infectious processes, as well as ecology.

Live spermatozoa

This indicator estimates the percentage of live sperm in the ejaculate. The smaller it is, the lower the chance of conception. Normally, live spermatozoa should be more than 50%.

They speak of necrospermia with a decrease in the described indicator, which can be a temporary phenomenon in case of intoxication, infectious disease, stress. Permanent nercospermia occurs when the testicles are damaged by radiation, toxic substances, or thermal exposure.

spermatogenesis cells

The number of desquamated cells of the spermatogenic epithelium of the seminiferous tubules should be no more than 2%.

Agglutination and aggregation

Normally, there is no adhesion of spermatozoa (agglutination) and accumulation of spermatozoa in clots.

Leukocytes and erythrocytes

Normally, there are no erythrocytes in the ejaculate, and the number of leukocytes does not exceed 3-4 per field of view. If there are more leukocytes, this indicates an inflammatory process in the male genital organs.


Normally, there is no mucus in the semen or it is in a small amount. The detection of a significant amount of mucus indicates an inflammatory process of the prostate and seminal vesicles.

Deviations from the norm

  • oligozoospermia - low sperm concentration;
  • asthenozoospermia - low sperm motility;
  • teratozoospermia - a reduced number of morphologically normal forms;
  • azoospermia - no sperm in the ejaculate;
  • aspermia - no ejaculate;
  • oligospermia - the amount of sperm is less than 2 ml;
  • leukospermia - an increased number of leukocytes;
  • akinospermia - all spermatozoa are motionless;
  • cryptospermia - a very low content of spermatozoa, which are determined only after centrifugation of the ejaculate.

Methods for improving sperm quality

In addition to eliminating inflammatory and endocrine diseases, the treatment of which is prescribed by a doctor (antibiotics and hormones), to improve the quality of sperm, you must follow simple rules:

Temperature regime

The testicles are the only organ that is outside the abdominal cavity. Therefore, heating the testicles contributes to the deterioration of sperm quality: the activity of spermatozoa decreases and pathological morphological forms appear.

Accordingly, it is worth refusing to take frequent hot baths / showers, visit the bathhouse and sauna less often, and give up the pleasure of soaking up in the jacuzzi.

In addition, clothing (underwear and trousers) should be loose, not squeezing the testicles or overheating them. It is recommended to abandon tight-fitting underpants, tight jeans.

avoid stress

Stressful situations “hit” not only the nerves, but also the spermatozoa. If possible, conflicts, overwork, and nervous tension should be avoided.

sex life

An equally important role in the quality of sperm is played by the rhythm of sexual life. Too rare sexual intercourse leads to a decrease in sperm motility, and, on the contrary, frequent intimate contacts make the sperm "liquid", that is, the content of spermatozoa in it is significantly reduced.

The optimal rhythm of sexual life is 4-6 times a week.

Weight and sport

Excess body weight is the accumulation of excess subcutaneous fat, which produces estrogen, which also negatively affects sperm activity.

Normalization of weight will help a balanced diet and regular (2-3 times a week moderate physical activity). Particularly useful are physical exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor and abdominals.

Balanced diet

It is necessary to abandon semi-finished products and products that contain preservatives and flavor enhancers.

Food should contain foods that contain large amounts of vitamins E, groups B, C, and trace elements selenium and zinc.

The listed biologically active substances have a beneficial effect on the quality of sperm.

The list of products should include seafood, greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, celery), carrots, pumpkin, garlic, asparagus, tomatoes, pomegranates, apples, bananas and avocados.

Also, the diet must include milk and dairy products, beef and veal, fish, nuts in large quantities, mushrooms, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver and legumes.

Bad habits

Bad habits have a very negative effect on the number and activity of spermatozoa. It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol (or at least reduce the amount), especially beer, which contains a lot of phytoestrogens.

And, of course, a complete abstinence from drugs. The same applies to excessive consumption of strong tea and natural coffee. These drinks are best replaced with freshly squeezed juices and mineral water.

Environmental factors

It is not possible for one person to normalize the environment around, but it is possible to minimize the impact of harmful factors. You should not keep a laptop on your lap (testicular overheating), try to reduce contact with toxic substances (varnishes, paints, household chemicals and other "harmful things"), breathe fresh air more often.

Spermogram deviations from the norm and IVF

Almost 50% of men have certain deviations from the normal spermogram. Some of them are enough to establish a day and rest regimen, rationalize nutrition, give up bad habits - this improves sperm quality and increases fertility (the ability to fertilize).

But in some cases, only IVF will help to conceive a child, the procedure of which includes a selection of active and without pathological deviations from the morphology of spermatozoa.

With pathological results of the spermogram (the presence of azoospermia, teratospermia, necrospermia, asthenozoospermia, and others), the IVF procedure is extended, one of the stages of which is ICSI.

ICSI is an assistive technology and consists of several stages:

  • obtaining viable sperm from the testicle using microsurgical operation;
  • spermatozoa cultivation;
  • selection of the best and most active sperm;
  • implantation of the spermatozoon with the help of intracytoplasmic injection into the egg;
  • freezing the remaining viable spermatozoa for the future.

In addition to deviations from the norm of sperm analysis, ICSI is performed in the presence of antisperm antibodies, both in women and in men.


The prognosis after the IVF procedure in conjunction with ICSI depends on two factors. First, the chances of egg fertilization increase when active, viable spermatozoa are obtained from the testicle or ejaculate. And secondly, the higher the quality of the eggs received from a woman, the higher the percentage of their fertilization.

During ICSI, fertilization of eggs occurs in 60-70% of cases, which is significantly higher (by 30%) during the standard IVF procedure.

In addition, 90-95% of fertilized eggs develop into an embryo.


Spermogram norms

For the conception of a woman during IVF, only high-quality sperm is used. For this reason, a man undergoes appropriate tests that determine his ability to conceive. If the norms of the spermogram are observed, the chances of a successful union of the sperm with the egg increase, and artificial insemination is carried out.

Basic information

In each case, the norm of spermogram analysis is based on the quality of seminal fluid, leukocytes and erythrocytes. Any violations may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, which is necessarily treated.

An important condition - a normal spermogram proves the absence of red blood cells in the seminal fluid. If a deviation is noted, there is still no significant threat and fertilization can occur. The presence of red blood cells indicates the consequences of injuries, the presence of stones in the prostate gland, oncology.

A normal semen analysis result additionally evaluates leukocytes. Elevated rates indicate inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs (most often we are talking about the prostate gland, testicles and their appendages).

If there is an excessively large number of leukocytes and erythrocytes in the seminal fluid, inflammation of the seminal vesicles can be suspected.

Ideal sperm is almost never observed, therefore, on an individual basis, the doctor conducts a study and determines his diagnosis.

The specialist remembers: a normal spermogram should be of a certain composition and with the right quantities, characteristics of leukocytes, erythrocytes.

In most cases, if the spermogram is not normal, the man is treated before further stages of IVF.

Danger signs

Recently, serious violations with the intimate health of a man are evidenced by blood in the semen. If such a deviation did not affect the rest of the parameters and still managed to get a normal analysis of the spermogram for fertilization, additional treatment is required.

Table - spermogram norms

The presence of blood in the semen may indicate the following problems:

  1. chronic inflammation of the kidneys;
  2. bladder problems;
  3. urinary tract diseases.

Experts note that in men under 40 years of age, the phenomenon is periodic, but the consultation of a urologist - andrologist becomes mandatory. It is recommended to be especially vigilant if blood has been detected three or more times.

Knowing that the analysis is called a spermogram, it is best to prepare for the potential continuation of diagnostic measures. Only after a complete examination is a final opinion made regarding the possibility of fertilization of a woman by a man.

Only a good spermogram result increases the chances of pregnancy, because artificial insemination is carried out using strong sperm and good eggs.

Analysis data

After the procedure, the doctor evaluates the received sperm, which should fit the normal parameters of the spermogram.

What does the spermogram result look like? The ability of a guy to fertilize a girl depends on the quality of the seminal fluid, red blood cells, spermatozoa. Spermogram is carried out in the laboratory.

The analysis includes microscopic examination of the ejaculate, spermatozoa.

After carrying out diagnostic measures, a document is submitted with all the results, which are deciphered on an individual basis.

What should be the analysis of spermogram:

  • ejaculate volume is one of the most important characteristics of semen, since 2 milliliters or less is considered a potential sign of infertility;
  • the liquefaction time depends on the viscosity of the seminal fluid (the optimal duration is about 10 - 40 minutes);
  • color is interpreted indefinitely, therefore it is not given an important diagnostic role;
  • acidity - 7.2 - 8.0 (an increase indicates inflammation of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, a decrease indicates blockage of the excretory ducts);
  • sperm count: per milliliter - 20 - 60 million;
  • mobility is one of the key characteristics (50% of motile spermatozoa are required);
  • glued spermatozoa are undesirable, because otherwise the standards of the spermogram cease to play their former role, and the risk of infertility increases;
  • the presence of antisperm antibodies indicates the production of antibodies against spermatozoa and the impossibility of fertilizing the egg;
  • composition of the ejaculate: amyloid bodies, spermatogenic epithelial cells, lecithin drops and a minimum number of leukocytes;
  • abnormal spermatozoa no more than 50%.

Only if the spermogram has normal indicators, a man can become a father.

Every couple dreaming of a child should know: normokinesis is a diagnostic assessment of the number of motile spermatozoa. If the minimum percentage is fixed (for example, 2%), the guy must undergo the treatment prescribed for him.

Factors for a reliable diagnosis

When conducting IVF, the true characteristics of the sperm and the results of the examination of the girl play an important role. In order for the parameters to be reliable when donating sperm, the patient should follow the recommendations of the doctor.

The great importance of the indicators provides for responsibility in the conduct of the study.

The procedure is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • the ejaculate must be collected in a timely manner in a special plastic tube for further transportation to the laboratory;
  • to maintain true characteristics, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate temperature.

The doctor provides a special memo with tips that it is advisable to follow for several days before donating sperm for analysis:

  1. abstinence from intimate contact and masturbation for three days;
  2. refusal to abuse alcohol, which reduces the quality of spermatozoa;
  3. exclusion of visiting baths and saunas, which negatively affect the ability to conceive.

If you neglect the advice, there is a serious risk of changing the quality of sperm and receiving false information that will not help in the successful implementation of artificial insemination.

Every guy should remember: the example of other men's sperm counts is not important, since only an individual interpretation by a specialist allows you to understand the chances of becoming a dad.

After checking the spermogram standard, doctors determine the possibility of IVF with the participation of a man. If necessary, additional examinations are carried out. The success of in vitro fertilization largely depends on the quality of sperm.


Spermogram, its norms

Spermogram- a detailed analysis of sperm, a study of the ejaculate (sperm) of a man under a microscope. This is the main and in fact the only analysis that allows you to assess the ability of a man to conceive a child.

But at the same time, it should also be noted that no deviation from the norm of spermogram indicators can mean a complete impossibility of conception.

Any deviations of spermogram parameters from the norm can only lead to a decrease in the probability of conception in a natural way, but not to the complete absence of such a probability.

The most common cause of male infertility is the loss of the sperm's ability to move. Changes in the physical properties of the ejaculate, sperm morphology, the presence of foreign elements in the ejaculate, changes in chemistry also lead to a decrease in fertility.

How to prepare for spermogram analysis

The main recommended method for obtaining sperm for research is masturbation. When collecting semen for analysis, it is necessary to collect all semen released during ejaculation, including the very first and latest portions, in a sterile plastic container with a wide neck.

The reliability of sperm analysis directly depends on both the time after which the container with sperm was delivered to the laboratory and the conditions of transportation. It is preferable that the semen container be delivered to the laboratory within 20 minutes of ejaculation.

It is necessary to indicate on the container the exact time when the ejaculation occurred. The semen container should be protected from temperature extremes. When transporting, the semen container should be placed in the inner breast pocket of the jacket to maintain a temperature close to body temperature.

Ideal conditions for taking sperm for analysis are a separate room next to the laboratory, where the study will subsequently be carried out.

It is not recommended to obtain sperm for research through:

  • interrupted vaginal intercourse;
  • oral intercourse;
  • sexual intercourse in a latex condom.

Vaginal secretions, saliva and condom latex components can adversely affect semen quality, leading to a distorted test result.

Before receiving sperm for research, it is necessary to refrain from ejaculation for 2 days.

To obtain an objective and reliable result, it is necessary that the semen analysis be performed four times with an interval of 2 weeks. It is permissible to perform a semen analysis twice with an interval of 4 weeks.

But in the event that at least one of these two studies revealed deviations, the semen study should be repeated at least twice more.

The spermogram consists of several parts, including macro- and microscopic examination of the ejaculate. At present, the WHO criteria are generally accepted for evaluating results.

The meaning of the results of the analysis

Norm:> 1.5 ml.

A decrease in the volume of ejaculate most often indicates shortcomings in the transportation of the material and therefore does not have a great diagnostic value.

If all the obtained material is delivered to the study, and a decrease in its volume is detected, this may indicate an insufficient function of the gonads - the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and some others, which in turn may be a manifestation of a reduced level of male sex hormones in the blood. Exceeding the volume of semen is sometimes associated with the inflammatory process of these glands, mainly with prostatitis and vesiculitis.


Norm: white, grayish, yellowish.

The appearance of a red or brown hue of the ejaculate may be due to the admixture of blood in the semen, which happens with injuries of the genital organs, chronic vesiculitis, calculous form of prostatitis. The yellow color of semen may be due to the use of food dyes or the intake of certain medications. In this case, this indicator has no great diagnostic value.


Norm: 7,2 – 8.

Abnormal pH may be associated with inflammation of the gonads, primarily with prostatitis or vesiculitis.

Liquefaction time

Norm: up to 60 minutes.

An increase in liquefaction time may be the result of prolonged chronic inflammation of the gonads - chronic prostatitis or vesiculitis. Rarely, an increase in liquefaction time is associated with an enzyme deficiency in the body.

As a result of an increase in the liquefaction time, spermatozoa take longer to gain their full mobility. This leads to their longer contact with the acidic environment of the vagina, which drastically reduces their chances of penetrating the uterus and fertilizing.

This indicator of spermogram has a direct relationship with the likelihood of conception.

Viscosity of semen

The viscosity of semen is determined by the length of the thread that the semen forms when flowing from a pipette or a special needle. Thread length is measured in centimeters.

Norm: up to 2 cm.

An increase in the viscosity of sperm is most often associated with chronic inflammation of the gonads - prostatitis and vesiculitis. The increased viscosity of semen leads to difficulty in the movement of spermatozoa into the vagina, to a longer contact with the acidic environment of the vagina, which significantly reduces the chances of fertilization. This indicator of spermogram is directly related to the likelihood of conception.

Sperm concentration

Norm: more than 15 million in 1 ml of ejaculate.

Decreased sperm concentration is called oligozoospermia.

Most often, oligozoospermia indicates a reduced efficiency of the testicles, which may be associated with a decrease in the level of male sex hormones in the blood, an inflammatory process in the testicles, an inflammatory or toxic lesion of the spermatogenic epithelium of the testicles, the state of immunity, changes in metabolism and some other factors. The reasons leading to a decrease in the concentration of spermatozoa have not been fully studied. this indicator of the spermogram is one of the most important, it is directly related to the possibility of conceiving naturally.

Some laboratories consider an indicator of polyzoospermia - an increase in sperm concentration of more than 120 million / ml.

There is an opinion that polyzoospermia is a precursor of oligozoospermia in a number of patients.

It is assumed that patients with polyzoospermia need observation by an andrologist and periodic control spermograms. However, this result does not affect the possibility of fertilization at the moment.

Sperm count

Norm: more than 39 million in the ejaculate.

The reasons for the decrease in the number of spermatozoa are the same as the reasons for the decrease in their concentration.

Sperm motility

Sperm motility is also one of the most important indicators of the spermogram, the result of which directly affects the likelihood of conceiving naturally. Depending on the motility, spermatozoa are divided into 4 groups.

Group A- active moving with rectilinear movement.
Group B- inactive with rectilinear movement.
Group C- inactive with oscillatory or rotational movement.
Group D- motionless.

Norm: A > 25% or A+B > 32%.

Reduced sperm motility is called asthenozoospermia.

Its causes are very diverse - from various diseases (inflammatory diseases of the sex glands, varicocele and others) to various kinds of toxic and thermal effects on the testicles.

There is an opinion that a sexually transmitted infection, ureaplasma, leads to a decrease in mobility. However, the ability of ureaplasma to act directly on spermatozoa and reduce their ability to move has not been proven.

Sperm morphology

This indicator reflects the percentage of normal forms of spermatozoa capable of fertilization. This indicator is directly related to the likelihood of conceiving naturally.

Norm: more than 4%.

A decrease in the number of normal forms of sperm is called teratozoospermia. This is often observed with toxic and radiation lesions of the scrotum, less often with inflammatory or infectious diseases. The morphology of spermatozoa is strongly influenced by the ecology in the region where the man lives.

Live spermatozoa

Percentage of live spermatozoa in the ejaculate. This indicator is directly related to the possibility of conception in a natural way.

Norm: more than 50%.

A decrease in the number of live spermatozoa is called necrospermia. This occurs primarily with radiation, toxic or thermal damage to the tissue of the testicles, less often with infectious diseases and inflammation of the sex glands. There is evidence that the simultaneous occurrence of necrospermia can cause severe stress.

spermatogenesis cells

These are desquamated cells of the spermatogenic epithelium of the seminiferous tubules of the testicles.

Norm: 2-4 per 100 spermatozoa.

An increase in the number of spermatogenesis cells indicates an inflammatory, infectious or other damage to the testicular tissue, which indicates a secretory form of male infertility.


Agglutination is the bonding of spermatozoa together.

Norm: absent.

The appearance of sperm agglutination may be a manifestation of a violation of the immune system, autoimmune inflammatory processes. Also, agglutination can manifest itself in chronic inflammatory processes in the sex glands of a man. The appearance of agglutination in itself does not reduce the likelihood of conception naturally, but it almost always leads to a decrease in sperm motility.


Aggregation is the accumulation of spermatozoa in large clots.

Norm: absent.

Aggregation of spermatozoa can appear with prolonged chronic inflammation of the gonads, most often it appears simultaneously with an increase in the liquefaction time and viscosity of the ejaculate. Aggregation itself does not affect the likelihood of conception naturally, but severe aggregation can dramatically impair sperm motility.


White blood cells, in a certain amount, must be present in the ejaculate.

Norm: up to 106 in 1 ml (up to 3 - 4 in the field of view).

An increase in the number of leukocytes is a sign of an acute or chronic inflammatory process in the male pelvic organs. In itself, this does not affect the likelihood of conceiving naturally, but most often it worsens almost all other indicators of the spermogram.

red blood cells

Red blood cells.

Norm: missing.

The appearance of red blood cells in the ejaculate may be a sign of trauma, tumor diseases of the genital organs, the presence of prostate stones, chronic prostatitis or vesiculitis. The indicator does not affect the possibility of conception naturally, but may be a sign of a serious disease of the pelvic organs.

amyloid bodies

Specific formations that form in the prostate gland.

Norm: are present.

The absence of amyloid bodies may be evidence of a decrease in the function of the prostate gland, which most often occurs with its long-term chronic inflammation. This indicator does not directly affect the possibility of conceiving naturally.

Lecithin grains

Lecithin grains are produced by the prostate gland.

Norm: are present.

The absence of lecithin grains in the ejaculate indicates a decrease in the function of the prostate gland, which is possible with its long-term chronic inflammation. This indicator does not directly affect the likelihood of conceiving naturally.


Norm: missing or small amount.

A large amount of mucus most often appears with a pronounced inflammatory process of the gonads.

If your spermogram is not normal, you need to seek the advice of an andrologist.

Many spouses dream of children, but for a long time they fail to conceive, while the partners have no health problems. Often in such a situation, the spouses lose patience, begin to go to extremes, make a bunch of mistakes, losing hope for a long-awaited child. There are many tricks for conception that have been tested by many women, so you should never give up.

In case of prolonged absence of conception, it is necessary to consult a doctor, do all the necessary checks and tests

Doctors have determined that in order to successfully conceive, spouses need to become more responsible and change their usual lifestyle to a more correct and healthy one.

  1. Eliminate stress. These conditions are considered the most common reason for the lack of conception in perfectly healthy girls. Therefore, for an early onset of pregnancy, you need to learn how to relax. Massage treatments, aromatherapy, auto-training, aromatic baths, etc., help a lot with this.
  2. Unhealthy habits - no! Quit smoking and alcohol. Nicotine reduces the chances of an early conception, as does drinking alcohol. It's just that egg cells are laid at birth, and then new ones are no longer formed. If a girl abuses alcohol and smokes throughout her life, then the components of nicotine resins and ethanol will begin to have a toxic effect on egg reserves. As a result, inability to fertilize may develop or the child will have congenital abnormalities and anomalies. Resins and nicotine are deposited in the liver tissues, reducing the efficiency of the liver, to increase which the body is forced to produce more androgenic hormones, which, if excessive, prevent ovulation.
  3. Adjust your diet. For a successful conception, it is necessary to include in the diet a large amount of greens and vegetables, whole grain bread and cereals, fruits. To fully replenish vitamin E, you need to eat vegetable oils, etc. If a woman often has anovulatory cycles, then it is extremely important for her to eat legumes and nuts daily, as well as dairy products and milk.
  4. It interferes with rapid conception and unstable weight. Too full girls, as well as too thin, it will be quite difficult to conceive a child.
  5. It is worth stopping taking medications, especially those belonging to the group of antibiotics, analgesics and antihistamines.

Do not despair, if you can’t get pregnant for a long time, you need to constantly hope for the best, imagine your baby, then everything will work out.

How to choose the right time for PA

Regular intimate life during the ovulatory period is the key to a quick pregnancy

According to statistics, the number of pregnancies in spring and autumn is much higher than in other seasons of the year. But it is better to plan the onset of pregnancy in the autumn, when the mother's body is rich in vitamins, and sperm are very mobile at this time. How high the chance of conception is depends on the time of the cycle at which sexual intercourse takes place.

The most favorable time is the fertile period, the duration of which reaches approximately 6 days - 5 days before the onset of the ovulatory period and 1 after. Ovulation occurs around the middle of each cycle. It is possible to determine its exact onset by the method of basal measurements. Immediately after the release of the cell from the ovary, the temperature in the rectum increases by 0.3-0.4°C. The most favorable time for fertilization is 2 days before and the day of ovulation.

With the correct determination of the ovulatory date and 2-3 days of abstinence before the fertile period, you can increase the chances of conception many times over. In this case, abstinence will help improve the quality of the seed material. Specialists have developed a special recommendation for spouses who want to conceive a child as soon as possible. In order for sexual intercourse to surely fall on the fertile period and lead to conception, you need to have sexual intercourse every other day or daily on the 10-18th day of the cycle.

How often do you have to have sex to conceive

Now let's take a closer look at the topic of abstinence until the ovulatory period. It is necessary to increase the quantity and quality of the seed, because with daily and repeated sex, the sperm simply does not have time to accumulate. However, the fertilizing ability of sperm directly depends on the frequency of PA - the more often sex, the more mobile sperm. But if intimacy occurs several times a day, then the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate drops. It turns out that with too frequent or rare contacts, the chances of conception are greatly reduced. According to statistics, couples who have sex every day or every other day have a 22-25% chance of successful fertilization, and those who have sex only once a week - only 10%.

At least 4 sexual intimacy during the week is considered optimal for conception. If you allow long abstinence for more than 4 days, then the chances fall. Therefore, the previously given recommendation is considered the best option, that is, have sex every other day on the 10-18th day of the cycle.

Posture matters

Among other recommendations for the rapid onset of pregnancy, it is impossible not to talk about the positions in which the spouses make love. Some positions allow you to increase the likelihood of conception, and many times over. Sperm have a special flagellum that helps them move so quickly. That is why, in any position, the probability of pregnancy is, but not always high. After the ejection of sperm into the vagina, an innumerable number of spermatozoa rush to the uterine body and after a few minutes most of them reach their destination. Some semen leaks out, which is quite natural and should not be a cause for concern.

If a woman has some individual features in the structure of the uterine body, for example, deviations or bends, then the use of a certain position can greatly help in the onset of conception. If you have sex with your legs pressed to your chest, then the contact of the seminal material with the uterus will become the maximum possible. And with a uterine bend, a knee-elbow position is recommended with the partner located behind.

There is also a theory regarding behavior after sex, for example, with raised legs and the pelvic region, less ejaculate flows out, which means that most of it will be involved in the fertilization process, increasing its chances.

conception and orgasm

For the future mother, peace of mind plays an important role.

Also quite popular is the myth that the lack of an orgasm in a partner makes conception impossible. Adherents of this theory believe that during orgasm, vaginal graying becomes alkaline, which increases the chances of spermatozoa intact reaching the egg, and much faster than in the absence of orgasmic reactions. In part, this statement has a certain logic, however, it cannot be completely trusted.

In practice, the absence or presence of orgasms in a potential mother has no effect on conception. The main factor is the release of a mature egg, without which no speed abilities of spermatozoa will help accelerate the onset of pregnancy.

How to lie down after PA

It was mentioned a little above that after sex, a woman needs to lie down for some time in a horizontal position for an early pregnancy. There is no official confirmation of the effectiveness of this technique, but it cannot be considered implausible. Staying in a horizontal position only helps sperm enter the cervical canal and further into the uterine cavity.

How long to lie after PA for conception? In order for the long-awaited pregnancy to come sooner, a woman is recommended to lie down quietly for at least half an hour after sex. With the normal structure of the uterus, it is recommended to lie down after the PA, pulling the knees to the stomach. If a woman has a bend of the uterus, then she should also lie on her stomach for about half an hour. After sexual intercourse, you should not immediately jump up and run to the shower - this will reduce the likelihood of conception many times over. Although even in such a situation, part of the spermatozoa will still remain inside and continue its purpose.

Improving the quality of seeds

Equally important for conception is the quality of the male ejaculate. To make it as high as possible, the spouse also needs to give up unhealthy hobbies, observe the optimal work / rest regime and eat according to a special program. It has been proven that foods like nuts, fish, oysters, bananas and apples, garlic, asparagus, tomatoes and oatmeal have a very beneficial effect on male fertility. Men also need to drink hibiscus and green tea, pomegranate or pumpkin juice.

In addition, to increase the fertilizing ability, a man should refuse:

  • Wearing tight underwear;
  • Bath procedures;
  • Hot bath;
  • Strong physical activity, etc.

All these factors lead to a weakening of the seed, which makes the chances of a successful pregnancy negligible.

Popular questions about conception

In order to at least roughly imagine the purpose of recommendations regarding the rapid onset of pregnancy, it is useful to know how long the viability of female and male cells lasts, and how conception occurs.

How long do spermatozoa live

Of the huge number of sperm, only one fertilizes a mature egg

If the sperm is already in the uterus, then this still does not give any guarantee for conception, because male germ cells have a certain life span. Many people think that sperm only live for a few hours, but the reality is a little different. The lifespan of a spermatozoon is 1-5 days, and some especially tenacious specimens can live for more than a week.

The viability of spermatozoa depends on their chromosome set. If the cell has a male set of chromosomes (contains the Y chromosome), then it is small in size, very mobile, but they only live for a day, because they are weakly resistant to external aggressive influences (acidic vaginal environment, temperature changes, etc.). Spermatozoa with the female (X) set of chromosomes are larger, not as nimble as male ones, but are more resistant to adverse effects, therefore they live up to 7-10 days.

How long does an ovum live

The duration of the life of the egg is individual in nature, so it differs for each patient. When, after the final maturation, the cell leaves the ovary, it goes to the fallopian tube, where the “date” with the sperm should normally take place. The minimum life span of an egg is only 12 hours. It is during this time period that the egg retains the ability to fertilize.

The maximum life expectancy is a day, although medicine knows cases when a cell is fertilized after 1.5 days, but this is more a rare exception than a common fact. Most often, already a day after the rupture of the follicle, the unfertilized cell dies, coming out with the next menstruation. Therefore, the most favorable time for conception is the first 24 hours after ovulation.

If the spermatozoon managed to get to the cell, then it touches it with its head, releasing an enzyme that dissolves the cell membrane. Then the sperm gets inside and the passage closes again, it takes a matter of seconds. The nuclei of the male and female cells merge, the exchange of genetic data takes place - this is how the DNA of the future crumbs is laid. Then the already fertilized cell is sent to the uterine body, where it is fixed in the endometrial layer, i.e., it is implanted. If everything went according to plan, then the pregnancy occurred, but if the fixation did not happen, then the cell comes out with menstrual bleeding.

Let's summarize

The problem of pregnancy today, unfortunately, spoils the lives of many couples, depriving them of hope for a happy parenthood. Often because of this, seemingly happy families break up. Indeed, modern women often build a career first, they and their spouses postpone childbearing until a later time, being engaged in arranging life and financial well-being. If a woman decides to have a child at the age of 30, and such difficulties arise with the onset of pregnancy, then there is a real risk that she simply will not have time to become pregnant. Indeed, over the years, ovulation occurs less and less, reducing the chances of conception.

But if you do not give up and use the above tips, then the probability of conception increases many times over. You need to lie down after the PA, eat only healthy food, isolate yourself from all stresses and problems, etc. In such a case, any means are good.

The question of the required amount of sperm for successful conception is relevant, both for and for contraception. fertilization process contains a number of nuances. The quality of the male ejaculate plays an important role in this.

  • General characteristics of sperm

    Conception occurs as a result of the fusion of female and male cells. The success of fertilization directly depends on the quality and. At the stage, many couples carry out diagnostic tests that determine the condition reproductive system. Men tend to give up. This is the name of the analysis that determines the following parameters of seminal fluid:

    • visual characteristic;
    • compound;
    • viscosity.

    Initially, the ejaculate is evaluated by appearance. Normally, it should be milky, white or grayish. Pearl shade available seminal fluid. The presence of impurities or a change in the color of the sperm indicate pathological processes.

    Before taking a man, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for about 3-5 days. This will make it possible to objectively evaluate ejaculate viscosity. Normally, its consistency resembles liquid sour cream. Liquefaction process in a healthy man is carried out in 10-30 minutes. In the event that the sperm does not liquefy within the specified amount of time, its movement through the fallopian tubes will be problematic.

    Determining the composition of sperm is necessary for diagnostics of the inflammatory process. In the case of its presence in the seminal fluid, a large number of leukocytes are present. The total volume of seminal fluid is also determined. It is divided into active, inactive and immobile spermatozoa in percentage terms.

    The structure of spermatozoa is assessed. Optimal sperm count normal head morphology considered to be at least 14%.

    In the process of laboratory research, there is a possibility of detecting pathologies. The most common problems include:

    • (teratozoospermia);
    • (oligospermia);
    • a large volume of dead sperm (necrozoospermia);
    • limited mobility of live spermatozoa (asthenozoospermia);
    • complete absence of sperm (azoospermia).

    Delivery is carried out in accordance with established standards. There are situations in which research is strictly prohibited. These include:

    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • treatment with antibiotics;
    • conditions in which body temperature rises;
    • intake of alcoholic beverages the day before;
    • after therapeutic prostate massage.

    ON A NOTE! The following factors contribute to the deterioration of performance: the presence of stress, wearing tight underwear, work in hazardous production, unhealthy diet and abuse of bad habits.

    How much sperm do you need to get pregnant?

    For successful conception during ejaculation should stand out at least 1.5 ml of semen, and in total should be more than 39 million.

    This amount is explained by the fact that part of the sperm dies while moving through the fallopian tubes and the woman's vagina. The chance of fertilization also depends on the environment in the vagina. Acid environment neutralizes, preventing them from entering the uterus. Conception in this case is impossible.

    In addition to the amount of sperm, the frequency of sexual intercourse is also of no small importance. Doctors recommend practice sexual intimacy every 2-3 days. When ejaculating, a man loses only 10% of his sperm reserve, but the body needs time to fill the empty reservoirs. Usually, within an hour, the volume of sperm is restored by 70%, and completely by 100% within three days.

    To increase the chances of conception will help the definition exact day at a woman. In this case, sexual intercourse is carried out on a specific day and two days before it.

    ADVICE! To increase the likelihood of successful fertilization, a woman should not perform hygiene procedures immediately after intercourse. It is advisable to lie on your back for at least 30 minutes, placing a pillow under your lower back.

    sperm quality

    male fertility depends not only on quantity, but also on . The main condition is high and correct. With age, these figures decrease.

Rule One. The most important thing that is required of a man is that his spermatozoon be mobile. The fact is that the male sex cell carries all its "fuel" on itself. And she urgently needs energy: there is energy - the spermatozoon will run far, if there is no energy - it will stop on the spot. And then there can be no talk of any conception.

Therefore, a man needs to be properly prepared in advance, at least the last two weeks before the decisive sexual intercourse.

To do this, he must be properly fed.:

The preparatory diet includes: meat, any nuts, vitamin E, succinic acid (it improves overall metabolism). Such nutrition increases sperm motility.

In addition, before a man goes to bed to conceive, he must refrain from sexual intercourse for 2 to 3 days. Abstinence is necessary so that the necessary volume of spermatozoa accumulates and so that the sperm has time to mature. To prove to their patients the need for abstinence, experts usually cite a well-known case in sexological practice. The American married couple suffered from infertility for a long time. It turned out that the desire to have a child was so great that they worked on it two or three times a day. After the doctor forbade them to engage in excess, hypersexual Americans managed to conceive a child.

Rule two. Sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception should be a single! The first intercourse is the most decisive. All other moments are really just fun. There is a scientific explanation for this. During the first sexual intercourse, there is the highest concentration of spermatozoa. After it, the concentration decreases by 2 times. And then, as experts joke, there will be only water.

Rule three. As soon as an ejaculation has occurred, the penis must immediately come out of the vagina so as not to splash a puddle of sperm. Then the probability of conception will be much higher.

(By the way, the same rule must be observed on another occasion - if a man has some kind of inflammation, then the extra time spent in the vagina will increase the risk of infection for a woman.)

Rule four. If you really want to have a child, it is advisable not to bring a woman to orgasm during intercourse. The fact is that during orgasm, the cervix rises, and spermatozoa, like climbers, will have to conquer this peak, and, as you know, even men do not like to go an extra way.

If sexual intercourse is carried out without orgasm, the cervix remains in place, a puddle of sperm easily covers the entrance to it, and spermatozoa freely penetrate inside. However, some women assure sexologists that they became pregnant at the peak of mutual ecstasy with a sexual partner. But these are just their personal fantasies. In such cases, experts, chuckling, simply shrug their shoulders: they say, lucky, and thank God.

Rule five. It is very important for conception to choose the right time. Usually in the middle of the cycle, a woman is more fertile. At this time, the egg matures. Days can be calculated from the basal temperature, which is measured, as you know, in the anus. In addition to two days of ovulation (the maturation of a female egg), 5-6 days before it are considered favorable for conception - so many days the sperm cell lives, waiting for the "bride", and all this time it is capable.

Within 6 days after ovulation, you can also become pregnant, because all this time the female egg remains viable.

Previously, many religions stipulated a time when sexual activity was strictly prohibited. Usually under the ban were 7 days after menstruation. The custom was strictly observed: the woman was required to present a clean sheet, which meant the end of her period. And that was the starting point of the forbidden time. Therefore, the peak of sexual life fell exactly in the middle of the cycle, when the probability of conception was highest. Thus, religion strictly and categorically instructed women to become pregnant. However, there are cases when a woman became pregnant during menstruation. Experts consider this a failure in the cycle.

Rule six. Before intercourse, it would be nice for a woman to douche with a soda solution. The fact is that often she has inflammation, which she does not even suspect. Because of it, an acidic environment is formed, which is very harmful to the health of spermatozoa - they simply die in it. Baking soda neutralizes the acidic environment. You should not be afraid of douching, because even if there is no inflammation, a weak soda solution will not hurt anyone.

Rule seven. After the ejaculation has occurred, little depends on the man. Then it all depends on the woman. She must lie down, and not immediately jump out of bed, even if she really wants to take a shower.

By the way, you also need to be able to lie down. With the usual arrangement of the uterus and cervix, the woman should lie on her back, pressing her knees to her chest. In the event that she has a bend of the uterus, then you need to lie on your stomach. In this position, the cervix will be able to sink into the puddle of semen.

There are times when the advice of a gynecologist is required. For example, if a woman has inflammation of the appendages, the cervix can turn to the side, and only the doctor will determine which one. Then, after intercourse, you need to lie down on the side where the cervix looks.

Rule eight. It is very important for conception to choose the right position. Among them are those that contribute to pregnancy, and vice versa. True, the choice in favor of pregnancy is small: - it should be a classic position, that is, in a prone position. It is extremely difficult to get pregnant while standing: all the liquid will simply pour out. In general, all non-classical positions are of little use for pregnancy. Well, for fun, you can choose whatever you like.

There are exceptions to this rule. If a woman has a bend of the uterus, then sexual intercourse should be carried out in the “behind” position. Lying on your stomach or leaning on your knees - it does not matter.

Rule nine. After intercourse, you need to completely relax, renounce everything. And such a detached-exalted state should be maintained for the next two or three days. If this does not work out and the woman is waiting, in a restless, nervous state, it is better to take valerian.

Experts advise staying in a state of euphoria is not accidental. This is necessary so that there is no violation of the contractile activity of the fallopian tubes. They are the ones that are known to move the sperm to its destination. If the potential mother is overly worried, the tubes contract incorrectly and do not move the sperm. The consequences can be unpleasant: either the long-awaited fertilization will not occur, or there will be an ectopic pregnancy.