
Who killed the frog in Fairy Tail. Slavic mythology. Frogs. What happens if you see a frog


Who said frogs are nasty creatures? See how proudly the sharp-faced frog raises its head, barely noticing the approach of a stranger. And her eyes? It seems that she is looking through you, because she already knows what you are thinking. This is probably why since ancient times people have attached special importance to these amphibians. The ancestors of many peoples firmly believed that it was impossible to kill frogs and toads. How did they justify their claims?

Many tribes living on the territory of our country had a belief that if one of these amphibians was killed, there would certainly be a thunderstorm or heavy rain that would destroy the crop. The ancestors of the Vietnamese were also convinced of this. Another common and more attractive version is that toads and frogs are converted people.

It is not for nothing that in the tales of our ancestors and great-great-grandfathers of other peoples there are many examples of frog and toad transformations. After all, they believed that we all in due time will become these animals, and they - us. Therefore, killing them is like disturbing the souls of your dead ancestors. This was considered a great sin and a very bad omen.

Such a belief became especially popular among some Slavic tribes after the baptism of Russia. And they are all related to biblical stories. Christians were convinced that people who drowned during the Flood were turned by God into these animals. And the time will come when they will be returned to their original appearance again, and all people will become toads or frogs - whoever is lucky.

Another legend tells of the transformation into frogs of the army of the pharaoh, who pursued the Jews during their exodus from Egypt. If they ask God for forgiveness, will they go back to their old ways? Novgorodians were sure that the first of the frogs was a human child cursed by its own mother.

Frogs were considered cursed or cursed people in many regions of Russia. In any case, killing these creatures of God, already punished by the Almighty, was considered a huge sin. A person who committed such an offense was foretold that after death he would be cursed and doomed to eat only frog soup.

People have always known about the benefits of toads and frogs and about their defenselessness. Their uniqueness is also in the fact that they are surprisingly caring creatures. Only they carry on their backs brothers who have injured their paws. Different ways people tried to protect them from possible offenders. Apparently, such warning predictions worked flawlessly, since they long time preserved in our memory.

If you crush a frog, it will rain

There is a superstition that if you kill a frog, it will rain. But this is just a superstition. In general, the Frog, like other inhabitants of the ecosystem, contributes to its existence. The simplest example is that she eats mosquitoes. And whether to kill her or not depends on the person.

The frog was in the house, a sign

According to different folk omens, if the frog somehow ended up in the house, this means both good and bad events for the residents. The locality matters, as in each region it is interpreted differently. There is an opinion that when you see a frog in the house, you should expect something bad: unpleasant guests, trouble, death.

Most of the signs associated with these amphibians are interpreted positively. It is forbidden to kill a frog, to drive it out of the house, let it jump out by itself.

But, if the animal died in your house - a warning of trouble.

If you kill a frog intentionally, it brings trouble to the family. They say that the energy of a dead toad is very difficult to withdraw. Even an accidentally killed amphibian, according to signs, can attract financial problems. You can not kill a frog outside the house.

In ancient times, according to legend, this could lead to such consequences:

  • prolonged heavy rains, which led to loss of crops;
  • illness;
  • a girl could lose her beauty, according to a sign, a frog took a girl's beauty with her;
  • drought and crop failure.

According to some versions, the toad has a connection with otherworldly forces and is able to repay for its death.

What happens if you see a frog

The nice thing is that there are much more positive signs about frogs than negative ones, if you do not harm her. So, in Slovakia, this animal has the image of a brownie, or in another way - a home keeper. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about if the frog lives near the house. The main thing is not to try to get rid of her, as she will attract happiness and prosperity to the house.

Noticing a frog in the kitchen is a sign of the arrival of a good housewife in the house. The following visits are possible:

  • the arrival of the wife;
  • home visits by the mother;
  • sister's arrival;
  • a hired cleaner to clean the house.

If the frog met the bedroom - wait for the wedding of the one who sleeps in it. A frog sitting on a bed where an unmarried man sleeps means a rich bride for him.

The arrival of a toad in the house of a young family predicts a prosperous married life and material well-being for the newlyweds. It is very good if the newlyweds, walking down the street, accidentally see a frog, they are promised mutual love, happiness.

In a place where quarrels and scandals are often present, the appearance of an amphibian means the restoration of normal relations between people. This is explained by the ability of the toad to take over negative energy. This cleans up the room.
To see the first frog on the grass portends a high harvest. In ancient times, this was a great fortune.
But, to notice the first frog in the water is a warning of trouble: neighbors will flood, a flood from heavy rain, or even a drowned man. It is very bad if the first frog is seen lying belly up. This is a harbinger of the dead.

Other signs

Frogs can predict the weather, heal people. You can't beat a toad, it's a sin. According to some folk beliefs, toads represent the souls of people who died during the Flood. Before the flood, humanity was very corrupted: unwillingness to work, adultery, theft. This is described in the bible. These people have already been punished by higher powers and we have no right to judge them now.

The frog is able to cure diseases. According to superstition, if a sick person begins to swallow frogs, he can quickly recover even from a serious illness. Scientists proved this phenomenon, arguing that toads have such biological qualities, thanks to which they take on all the disease. But who can swallow a live toad? The Slavs have a judgment that the frog is the soul of a small child and in the spring its croaking resembles the cry of a baby.

The wah does not croak until the first thunderstorm. Such a sign speaks of the observation of the Slavs. People who know how to listen, love nature, noted that the frog will never croak until the first thunderstorm thunders.

Frogs jumping on land portend rain. Everyone knows that for wahs, water is life. But this is an amphibious animal, so the toad can live both in water and on land. And if a long rain is expected, she will jump on the ground for pleasure.

Hearing the croaking of toads for the first time, you need to do a few somersaults on the grass. Tumbling on the grass with the first croak means good health for a whole year. To do this, you need to wait for the first thunderstorm and not miss the first spring croaking.

Whoever touches the toad will be covered in warts. This sign is scientifically substantiated. The toad is able to secrete a special substance that causes the formation of warts. She does it as a way to protect herself.

I must say right away that after re-watching the first season, the impressions have deteriorated much, but Elsa / Erza as a character is magnificent. The only thing I'm happy about is when she turns on the spontaneity mode. It looks so natural in the context of all this children's surrealism that only it catches the eye. Although, to be honest, Lucy still looks alive, but she turned out to be too ordinary. And I was surprised that a man created such a manga. Throughout this series, I thought that the author was a woman, projecting her personality onto Lucy, reinforcing the guesses with all these vanilla emphasis on friendship. The result is some dissonance.
And the narration is so toothless with characters marking time that it’s even hard to call it a shonen, in the classical sense of the word, with all the outbursts. It feels like watching the Muppets, where the scenes change, but there is no development. And I myself am surprised that my mind could remember the Muppets from childhood. But it is worth noting that the 7-year leap somehow made it possible to get out of the stagnation, realizing that there were not enough eggs for the main characters.
And I still can’t keep silent about the monotonous fights without any dynamics and originality, the main thing is not how the character showed himself in battle, but how much he was able to realize something, be it a villain or a good man. And then it ends with the usual blow of the fist. And you have no idea how annoying it is.
In general, I only wanted to write about Elsa, but something flooded one after another, let it be a review.

I don’t remember why I finally decided to start watching, but I remember that I watched the first episodes of 30-40 commercials in just a few days. foolish, in good sense, anime. It shoves fanservice right in your face and it knows it's fanservice! There is absolutely stupid humor at which you laugh like a horse. Fillers are generally only made out of fanservice and humor, and if you like the main series, then you won’t want to switch fillers either.

At the end of the arc with the hour hand, this very arch got me so sick that I already dropped the view for a couple of months. I can’t exactly explain how this arc differed from the main series, but the script just infuriated me with stupidity or even more royalism than in the main arcs. However, the ending storyline Lucy's sister is pretty good, and they tried the arch itself

Erza Scarlet is given the hammer to fight evil in this arc. It's kind of funny that it can't be used in the main series due to it appearing in the filler arc, but it does occasionally get used in subsequent fillers.

in the main series. A mini-arch with an artificial dinosaur also brought out an emotion like

From this I watched only Naruto and Black Clover, so I can only compare with them. So, in addition to more humor (simple, but still straining your

Spongebob Squarepants s04 ep5b "Funny Pants"

), the world of "Fairy Tail Tale" is really more fabulous. If in Naruto there are certain rules by which the world works, then in Fairy Tail the author calmly pushes pianos through the bushes, if only the plot goes as he wants. Actually, for this and -1 point to the final assessment. What does the final attack of the guild on the island of fairies even knock out tears of delight from me - that's how much this anime makes you empathize with your heroes! I also didn’t really understand why they decided to split the festival arch between the first and second seasons (

or maybe they didn’t want to start the second season with fillers

The rest of the anime is great. There was a fear that they would get bored with special animations of blows, but over time the authors began to show them in an abbreviated form, and then cut them out altogether, showing the last time in the scene that moistened my eyes.
9/10. I recommend it to all shounen lovers.
P.S. Sound effect like "Wow!" hit the heart I even listened to it sometimes

I think the time has come for this anime... After a lot of time, I decided to write a review on it. And I want to say, I hate this anime as much as I actually love it.
This is my first shonen. And I can say with confidence that there are many shonens that have a much better storyline. But now, having seen so many different things, it seems to me that this anime is worth its time and now I will tell you why.
Because there is a very addictive atmosphere of adventure. This is a representative of a bright fantasy about friendship and relationships of such a huge ... hefty crowd of individuals of different sorts. However, they do not show you their development, as is customary in shonens. You are shown different comical situations they get into, mixed with bright battles. And being in front of this impenetrable wave of action, you simply do not understand anything. What are they showing you? It seems like fun, but it feels like you're missing something.
The plot is somewhat twisted. A villain appears who needs to be eliminated. He knocks out the entire guild, but then Natsu rises... Dragon Slayer! And just kicks him out.
There are, of course, exceptions, but otherwise the villains are simply eliminated, like in a dodgeball game.
Character development? This anime is not about that. You will never understand how Lucy learned to summon a second spirit. Here, at least bang your head against the wall. But the anime pulls out with its outlandish bad humor, which, coupled with the voice acting of the chord, makes you smile almost from the top of your head.
I thought for a long time why, even through all this prism of shortcomings, I like this title so much ... I really like to return to the fairy from time to time, no matter how I swear and hate this anime. This is a tube anime that catches with its length.
I watched all 175 episodes and that's why I'm so drawn to see Lucy, Mirajane, Natsu, Gray and all-all-all in the second season. Although it drags on for a while ... Because now I have completely different tastes. Because they lure much more elaborate plots. But still, I want to say, this is a cool anime that will save you from melancholy and depression.
It's hard to rate, seriously. I'll break it down by genre:
Senen: 1/10 (He's not here at all).
Adventures: 7/10 (Exceptional lampness...)
Comedy: 10/10 (If you take the voice acting from Ankord)
Fantasy: 10/10 (Very warm atmosphere, it burns...)
Action: 8/10 (Battles are spectacular and beautiful. However, due to the lack of shounen, they simply fade in memory).
Now for the following points:
Plot: 3-6/10 (The weakest side of the fairy, but still tolerable. Especially when Mashima dilutes with comedy).
Graphics: 8/10 (Compared to the next season, there is a lot of censorship here. However, if you do not take this into account, then I will put it IMHO).
Seiyuu: 10/10 (Perfectly matched. No blunders. Seriously, I have something to compare...
P.S Despite all of the above, I am ready to give this anime 10/10. It's just so nice to be back...

Exceed and the mage of the Sabertooth Tiger, is also a member of the Two Dragons of the Sabertooth Tiger.


As an Exceed, it is a long-tailed green tom that can stand on its hind legs. He has large, round eyes, eyelashes and plump cheeks. He wears a pink frog suit that has black spots on it, but the suit is on his belly. white color. He also has webbed hands and a hood with eyes that sits on his head.


Frosch has a habit of speaking in the third person and agreeing with other people's opinions, whether they are correct or not. Likes to ask questions that others may find inappropriate, such as when scolded by Lector, he asked who would win between Orga and Warcray.

Frosch is very attached to Yukino Agria. Had good relationship with her when she was a member of the Sabertooth Tiger, and was upset by her excommunication from the guild. This made him feel lonely. Frosch has a fear of being separated from Sabretooth, but Rogue says his fears are unfounded since he is by his side. Frosch loves Rogue and was very upset when he was beaten up by Jimma. Frosch is also extremely outgoing and even willing to put himself in danger to protect those he loves. This is especially noticeable when he went to where the fight between Gajeel and Rogue took place, and when he arrived, he immediately began to guard

Released: 2009

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy, Shounen

Type: TV

Number of episodes: 175 (25 min.)

Director:Ishihira Shinji

Description:The action of the series takes place in the first millennium of our era, in a fairy-tale world. The main feature here is magic. It is an integral part of every character's life. The whole world is divided into countries. In each country there are several guilds that perform various tasks for the common people, using their magical power. Guilds are both light and dark. This story is about the most crazy, fun and strong guild of the kingdom of Fiore - Fairy Tail. In everything magical world this guild was called the most problematic. Its members always did all sorts of stupid things, destroying separately settlements, thereby creating problems for the Grand Magic Council.

This guild gathered some pretty amazing specimens of the world of wizards. Natsu Dragneel (Salamander) - lived all his childhood with a fiery dragon named Igneel and he taught him the magic of dragon slayers. Gray Frostbitten - possesses ice magic of creation. He is Natsu's main adversary and troublemaker partner. Elsa Titania is a stern girl in armor, able to pacify this couple, and indeed everyone. Tough girl. Each guild has a master-leader who keeps order and possesses the strongest magic. Fairy Tail's master was Makarov, one of God's chosen wizards. He was not tall, but capable of reaching the size of a house. This was his magic.

The Fairy Tail guild towers over Magnolia, and today, for some reason, it is suspiciously quiet and calm there. Only occasionally arguments were heard, and the reason for this was Lucy. No, don't think anything bad, it's just that Elsa accidentally found out that the sorceress's birthday is tomorrow, and now, under severe torture, all the "fairies" are trying to come up with a gift for the goldilocks. But they are not the only ones scratching their heads over this. Rogue also found out about Heartfilia's birthday. The guy has been in love with the girl for quite some time, and now he wandered through various stores in search of a gift that will make Lucy genuinely smile. - Frog, maybe this? - the guy closely examined the pendant with green malachite. - Frog?! - when Rogue turned around, the kitten was no longer there. Cheney began to quickly look around the street, maybe he did not have time to go far? Fortunately, the highest one was found quickly.

While the shadow dragon slayer was meticulously sorting through the jewelry, thereby bringing the seller to a nervous tick, Frosch noticed a blond top on the opposite side of the street. - Lucy, - the kitten whispered and stomped to the girl. Today, the sorceress was literally kicked out of the guild under the pretext that she was tired and needed a day off. But the spies of them turned out to be bad and, Lucy, quickly realizing what was happening, went to choose a new dress for tomorrow's party (drinking). She gazed with genuine childish delight bright decorations when someone started gently poking her with something soft in the leg. Turning her head, Lucy saw no one, but when she looked down, she noticed a miracle in a frog costume. "Lucy," the frog whispered happily. - Oh, Frog! What are you doing here? Besides, all alone, - Lucy took the kitten in her arms. - And I'm not alone, I'm with Rogue! And we choose a gift for you! - joyfully handed over the other kitten.

Frosch sat in Lucy's arms. Rogue's heart began to race, his palms sweated, and the wizard blushed. From the thought that he needed to approach them, the poor thing was pounding, he had never talked to Lucy one on one, usually there was someone nearby, but now ... Barely moving his legs, the guy nevertheless moved in their direction. - Hello, Rogue, - Lucy smiled affably, which made the guy blush even more. - H-hi, L-lucy. Frog, why did you leave without warning?! - his voice trembled with excitement, so he shouted at the kitten. - But-but I saw Lucy, - the kitten began to cry. - Why are you screaming! Still good! - Lucy pressed the kitten to her and began to stroke the head. Oh-oh-oh, how Cheney would like to be in the place of a friend now! - S-sorry. - Are you okay? Are you some kind of red, maybe sick? - the girl looked anxiously at the dragon slayer, it was painfully unusual. “I-everything is s-good,” the voice was still trembling, so it came out unconvincingly. - He is shy! - happily said already calmed down higher. - Are you shy? - Thoughtfully repeated "fairy". Rogue loves Lucy! - the kitten was beside himself with joy saying this, but he was the only one who was joyful. Hearing this, the guy blushed so that against his background the tomato would have seemed as pale as a sheet of paper! - Well, what are you talking about, Frog? You must have mixed something up, - Lucy gently pressed the kitten's nose, which made him wince funny. Well, the sorceress could not believe it, she could not imagine such a thing! The dragon's heart pricked painfully... She doesn't believe in his feelings... She rejects them... He lowered his head, his bangs closed his eyes... It hurt... It hurt a lot... - It's time for us, let's go Frog, - the voice was a little warmer than snow, the girl shivered. The boy's eyes were so cold that he could not even believe that he was alive.

They were silent all the way to the guild. The guy was walking fast, and the kitten could barely keep up with him. Frosch still couldn't figure out what had upset Rogue so much? Why did he change so much in one moment? The whole evening the guy was silent, and there was such an aura around him that none of the "Sabretooths" dared to approach him.

It was already eleven by the clock, according to the plan, Rogue was already supposed to go to give Lucy a gift, but he was still lying, looking somewhere through the ceiling. The frog sat on the windowsill and was afraid to ask the question that tormented him. Although, why ask it, if everything is already clear. Although the kitten did not understand everything, it was obvious that Cheni would not give anything to anyone. Therefore, a plan began to slowly appear in the green head. Rogue has saved him so many times that it's time to pay him back. There was only one problem... The dragon, of course, will not allow him to take a gift and leave, he must somehow be escorted out of the room, but how? - I'm in the shower, - the Supreme shuddered in surprise. It seems that fate was favorable to him! As soon as the water turned on, he jumped up and took out a beautiful oblong box tied with a ribbon from the chest of drawers, there was a silver key, which was Lucy's gift. The kitten rushed as fast as he could to Heartfilia's house.

Lucy was now in the kitchen eating Natsu's gift. No, she did not crunch a vase or a bracelet! It was just that Salamander had given her a big chocolate cake, and rushed off to the guild, making sure his gift came first. Someone scratched at the door. Lucy thought she heard it, but nevertheless got up and went to open it, and for good reason. On the threshold stood a breathless Frog. - Frog?!

Frog. Frog, where are you? - Rogue just left the bathroom, and not finding a kitten, the guy got worried. But as soon as he saw the open box, he immediately understood everything. - Frog! - having dressed for speed, the guy jumped out of the apartment, he sincerely hoped that the slow kitten had not yet reached its goal. And in vain...

Here! Frosch handed the girl a box. - What is it? the blonde asked as she accepted the box. - It's a gift from Rogue! - And where is he? - Heartfilia did not have time to finish yet, as the above-mentioned burst into her apartment. - Frog! Cheney was now very angry. - Calm down, - Lucy came up and gently hugged the dumbfounded guy by the neck. A second and the girl was pressed against the wall, unable to restrain herself, the dragon gently licked her lips. Lucy flinched, which made the boy smile. He began to gently nibble and suck on the sorceress's lower lip, but that was not enough, he wanted more... The wizard lightly pressed his tongue on the holder's teeth, trying to get into her mouth. Realizing what they wanted from her, Lucy opened her mouth. The kiss was gentle and passionate, Rogue could not tear himself away from the desired lips, now he was most afraid that this was another dream. And Frog, with some childish delight, watched them kiss ...