
The right first kiss. First kiss. When will your time come? How to touch your partner's hair during a kiss


But how to make sure that this amazing event is not spoiled? Girls, and especially boys, as a rule, believe that they will not have problems with the first kiss, and everything will work out right away. However, when the first date suddenly looms on the horizon, many people panic: I won’t succeed! To make everything go like clockwork, you should familiarize yourself with the basic methods of the first kiss.

As a rule, both partners are afraid of each other, embarrassed, and the more stiffness, the more awkward the kiss will turn out.

The problem of the first kiss torments not only boys, but also girls, although it would seem that it is much easier for girls - the young man takes the initiative, and the young lady should simply repeat his movements and have fun. In no case should a girl be ashamed of her ability to kiss: a good and smart guy will definitely appreciate the girl's inexperience, and will certainly treat her with more tenderness.

Young men in this sense are much more difficult and have to overcome their constraint. Boys often delay the moment of the kiss in every possible way. If a girl looks at a young man without looking away, this is the surest sign that she is ready to be kissed. If the young man averts his eyes and starts talking “about something else”, the first kiss will not take place this time.

It is highly desirable that the first kiss takes place in a romantic setting - then it is guaranteed to be remembered for a lifetime.

A young man should invite a girl on a romantic date. If everything went well on a date and sparks appeared in the girl’s eyes, then we can hope that the kiss will take place. Seeing the girl home from a date, the young man needs to try to carry out his "insidious" plan.

But in no case should you ask a girl: Can I kiss you? This question will put her in a difficult position. If the girl answers positively, she will reveal the secrets of her soul and feel like a “read book”.

A girl who does not want to be kissed will definitely show this unwillingness in some way. She may have her arms crossed or keep her distance when the boy tries to cut her short.

Very good place for the first kiss is a movie show (preferably some kind of romantic movie). Sitting in a dark room, the young man needs to take the girl by the hand and try to choose the most appropriate moment for the first kiss. Here, a young person should rely on his intuition.

A good moment for a first kiss is a goodbye. For example, a young man leaves for a short time, a girl comes to see him off. Women's nature is prone to romance, and therefore, in this case, an unforgettable first kiss may well take place. Returning from a trip, the young man can be sure that the girl will look forward to him.

It is difficult to simulate all the possible situations in which the first kiss can take place. After all, romantic relationships are very individual and no two love stories are the same.

Lips and boys and girls should be ready for a kiss, relaxed. It is very important that the tactile sensations are pleasant. To make lips as suitable as possible for a kiss, a few simple techniques will help:

  • Lip peeling. Implement this procedure you can use sugar. Peeling will make lips brighter and softer.
  • Moisturizing lips. Humidity is very important when kissing, and achieving it is very simple: you just need to open your mouth a little.
  • Pleasant breath. It is clear that at the first kiss from the mouth should smell good. To achieve this is not difficult: it is enough to chew the gum for a short time.

In addition, it is very important to look friendly. After all, it often happens that a girl who wants a kiss repels a young man with her formidable appearance, and unconsciously. Psychologists have long known that you can tell a person “leave me alone” with the simplest bodily movements, and absolutely spontaneous ones, caused by nervous tension.

To look friendly, you need:

  • Never cross your arms over your chest.
  • Do not cover your face with your hands.
  • Look into your partner's eyes.
  • To smile.

To make the first kiss perfect, you need to pay attention to the "body language" of the partner. In addition, it is very important to break down the barrier between people. When talking, you need to lightly touch the partner’s hand, as if by chance. Visual contact is also very important: feel free to look your partner in the eyes and smile.

The first kiss is usually gentle and innocent enough. However, it all depends on the temperament of the partners, and on how far their relationship has gone.

Here step-by-step instruction first kiss:

  • The first kiss should not be aggressive, only lips should take part in it.
  • The young man should bow his head, move his nose to the side and touch the lips of the girl, without connecting the tongue to the process.
  • You need to freeze for a couple of seconds to feel the whole unusualness of the moment.
  • Now you should move a little on the girl's lips with the tip of your tongue.
  • After the kiss, you need to gently hug the girl and whisper tender words into her ear.

Sometimes a girl can take the initiative. This can be done unobtrusively and completely naturally when saying goodbye to a young man after a romantic date.

  • Facing the young man, the girl smiles and says: "Thank you for a wonderful evening."
  • As if by chance she takes a step towards the young man and finds herself face to face with him. At this moment, both the boy and the girl feel excitement up to dizziness.
  • Closing her lips, the girl closes her eyes and begins a smooth movement towards the lips of the young man.
  • Slowly and gently the girl kisses young man, just lingering on his lips a little.

After this kiss, the girl's quick departure looks like the optimal development of events. This will make the young man think about her when he returns home and look forward to a new meeting.

Doubts at the first kiss

Sometimes young men are afraid that their kiss will seem too nasty to the girl because of saliva collecting in her mouth. There can be only one recommendation here: immediately before the kiss, you need to swallow saliva and not tighten the kiss itself.

However, there is such a type of kiss as a wet kiss. The famous writer William Kane once conducted a poll that showed that a huge number of women like a wet kiss.

Another of the fears of the first kiss is its duration. Guys can't decide how long a kiss should last. In principle, the optimal duration of this wonderful action is one minute. Breathe while kissing through the nose.

In addition, boys and girls cannot figure out what to do with their eyes when they kiss. Looking at your partner's nose? Or to the sky?

Don't worry, the eyes themselves will "decide" what to do. When kissed, they will close on their own. Why? The reason is purely psychological.

Kissing, a person is somewhat detached from the surrounding reality, concentrating on his feelings.

Building romantic relationships is long and hard work, so it's no surprise that people are overcome by the fear that some little thing can ruin everything. The first kiss is, of course, not a trifle, but still not a determining factor in the relationship between a man and a woman.

It is necessary to properly set yourself up, to convince that there are no bad kisses, because this, in itself, is one of the most beautiful phenomena that exists on our planet.

Romantic films that set you in the right mood help get rid of the fear of a kiss. You can train a kiss on a tomato, and even on your own hand.

A lot of confessions from boys and girls who are afraid of the first kiss go around the Internet.

Here, for example, on one of the forums Sergey writes:

“I have never kissed and when the girls find out about it, they run away from me. What to do?".

Obviously, Sergey's problem is not that he has no kissing experience, but how he positions himself. Complexity, insecurity are not the best helpers in a romantic relationship.

In this situation, the lack of experience is not a disadvantage, but a virtue - just a guy “protects” the first kiss for his girlfriend. But Sergey himself, apparently, is sure of his "inferiority", and begins to behave insecurely, constrainedly. Therefore, the girl and "runs." The guy himself scared her with his own fears.

You can advise the young man to play the situation differently: to say that he has no experience in kissing because until this moment he has not met a girl whom he would like to kiss.

How to learn to kiss for the first time without a tongue

Kissing without a tongue is perhaps the most appropriate way for a first kiss. A proper kiss without a tongue can be done when the lips of the partners are relaxed. Hard, tense lips will not be able to please a girl or a boy. Breath should be refreshed with a special tool. It would be useful for a girl to wipe off lipstick, and it is permissible for a young man to moisten his lips a little.

When the immediate moment for a kiss has come, it is necessary to approach the partner as close as possible and take him by the waist or by the hands.

Now you need to touch your partner's lips with your lips, close your eyes.

Next, you should very gently and gently grab one partner’s lip with your lips, pull it a little, suck lightly. The same must be done with the other lip of a girl or boy. By the way, let's say a weak (very weak!) bite of the partner's lip with teeth.

You should not strongly stretch the lips with a tube, from this they will become hard.

The basic rule of a kiss without a tongue is naturalness. You need to be yourself in a kiss, not to take over from others their manner of kissing.

How to learn to kiss for the first time with tongue

Tongue kiss or french kiss- very close and sensual contact between a man and a woman.

Before kissing, you need to lick your lips so that they glide well. Bringing your face closer to your partner's face, tilt your head so that your noses do not collide. When your faces are as close as possible, close your eyelids.

You should start with a kiss with closed lips. You need to open your mouth gradually and very slowly.

Make sure your partner is okay with French kissing. Opening your lips a little, make your partner's lips pinch one of your lips. Open and close your lips, sticking out your tongue and licking your partner's lips like a lollipop.

It is necessary to act with the tongue as gently as possible. When French kissing, breathe through your nose.

Once your tongue is in your partner's mouth, go over the palate, teeth, and, of course, their tongue.

If the partner is responsive, a French kiss can be the most sensual and extraordinary experience in life.

Kisses are the most different types, and in the second century BC, in India, they were described in sufficient detail.

Here are some popular types of kisses that have been pleasing to men and women for many years.

  • Kiss "inato"- a gentle and smooth kiss on the lips, one of the most romantic kisses. It is carried out exclusively with the lips.
  • "Even Kiss". The young man folds his lips with a tube and, as it were, “sucks” the girl’s lips from himself, while trying to touch her tongue.
  • famous kiss "Fight of Mouths" carried out by biting the partner's lips. In this kiss, it is extremely important not to bite your loved one or loved one too hard.
  • "Kiss of Teeth" they call the action when the young man throws his partner’s head lower and lower, literally glaring at her with his lips.
  • Kiss "mill". A girl or a young man takes the partner's tongue on his cheek, and, as it were, rotates it with his tongue.
  • "Bashful" they call that kiss when a girl slightly moves her lower lip.

The most suitable for the first date of the above kisses are "inato", "fighting mouths" and "shameful". However, it all depends on the temperament of the kissing couple.

How to get someone to kiss you

The Swedish language has a separate word that can be translated into Russian as "a person who wants to be kissed." For Swedes, kissing is a serious matter, a whole concept.

In order to be attractive from this point of view, you must:

First, carefully monitor the freshness of your breath, brush your teeth, use special tool mouthwash.

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, be sure to brush your tongue. Bacteria accumulate on the tongue, and by destroying them, you make your breath much fresher and more attractive.

Third, remember that people are always drawn to those who have a sense of humor and friendliness. For example, according to a US study, women like Woody Allen more than Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Finally, the fourth point, which, however, applies only to young men. According to the survey, most women want to kiss a clean-shaven guy.

In order for the first kiss to be remembered for a lifetime, you must strive to comply with the following conditions:

  • For the first time, you need to kiss the desired person, at the sight of which the heart stops. There must be a reciprocal sympathy.
  • You should not kiss for the first time if there is no desire for this, the situation is completely inappropriate. You also don't have to sacrifice your first kiss just for the sake of "gaining experience." A kiss is a manifestation of feelings, not a servitude.
  • Those who kiss for the first time, drinking an alcoholic drink for courage, do wrong. Alcohol dulls our senses, and despite the artificial liberation obtained, a memorable first kiss will not work.
  • The girl still should not take the initiative first, since in the future it is important for her to know that it was the guy who kissed her. This attitude is inherent in the female field since childhood, and this attitude should not be destroyed.

Summarizing, it must be said that the main mistake that a kissing person can make for the first time in his life is, so to speak, "a kiss for himself." It is necessary with all the fibers of the soul to try to catch the desires of the partner and follow them, thinking about how to give him or her pleasure, then the kiss will become unforgettable.

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How to learn to kiss!

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The first kiss is a kind of rite of passage through which, sooner or later, millions of people pass. Whatever he was - unintentional, impetuous, awkward, timid - he is always the best and remains in memory for a lifetime.

The best time for kissing

The first kiss can take you anywhere. For example, on an empty podium after a football match; at the entrance of your own house; under the flickering of a strobe light in a disco ... One way or another, this will become a big event in your life. You understand what I'm writing about if the first kiss has already happened. But don't worry if it hasn't happened yet: everyone gets it eventually.

Naturally, you would like to know when the time for the first kiss will come. But nobody knows this. You will just feel when the time comes. One day you will find that the guy (or girl) who (th) gives you a delicious feeling of butterflies fluttering in your stomach treats you with the same attention and reverence. The time spent together brings you both pleasure, and you want to extend it even longer. And further. And one more thing ... And at some point you will clearly understand that you are ready (s) to express the feeling of your deep sympathy with a kiss ...

The main thing is not to rush things. Surely most older friends and adults will tell you this. And this good advice. Lots of kissing ahead. Now it is important not to spoil the impression of the very first experience with fuss and haste. In addition, the expectation makes the moment of the first kiss even more vivid and exciting.

What is the first kiss like?

This is something terribly awkward that makes your heart beat so fast and loud that it seems that this sound is heard from outside ...

It's like an electric shock that takes you by surprise and pierces you before you have time to understand what happened ...

This is a thrill on the lips, gentle, like the touch of a ray of sunshine, and light, like the flapping of a butterfly's wing...

First kiss stories are as unique and different as the people who tell them. One day you will understand that your own impressions of the first kiss are quite special and not like any of those stories you heard from your friends.

How to understand that they want to kiss you?

There are many signs that a guy (girl) gives, indicating his desire to kiss you, for example, touching your hand or leaning closer when you speak, looking into your eyes for a long and expressive time ...

Everything becomes especially obvious when you say goodbye. If he (s) by any means tries to delay the moment of parting, is unusually embarrassed (s), talks about something without much meaning, but a lot and quickly, or, conversely, silently plays for time, this is sure sign strong excitement, anticipating the first kiss.

But if you want to be absolutely sure that you are not mistaken, hug your (th) friend (girlfriend) and, before opening your arms, look into his (her) eyes. If you understood everything correctly, right now the kiss will happen in the most natural way when you reflexively stretch towards each other.

Forever first

The first kiss can go on for as long as you both want it to go on. But in reality, due to strong excitement most first kisses are very quick and often clumsy. But it's so beautiful and innocent! You don't have to be ashamed of your inexperience and some awkwardness. The time will come, and you will comprehend the art of kissing to perfection. But absolute purity, sincerity and openness - this is what will always distinguish your very first kiss.

And remember: no kissing test. So no matter what, you won't be able to fail your first kiss exam. And even if your first experience is more like putting your lips to the lips of a guy (girl), it is impossible to spoil it. Believe me, after many years you will remember this with warmth and joy.

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Young people often approach the first kiss with great excitement and anxiety, as they have no experience and do not know how to kiss for the first time. This exciting moment has a chance to become either a successful start to a relationship that is just emerging, or a complete failure.

No one wants to seem like an amateur in such a serious matter as kissing for the first time. Due to the lack of practice, both partners can expect curious, funny, or even completely unpleasant moments which we would like to avoid. Relationships are always exciting, touching and romantic, and so that this moment leaves only the best memories for many, we will figure out how to get away from the mistakes that prevent making a kiss for the first time an indicator of the most serious intentions.

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Events that were emotionally significant, a person remembers throughout his life.

This has long been proven by psychologists. The more important the action, the more vivid the memory remains. This definition is called emotionally colored brightness. The brighter the feeling emotionally, the longer it will remain in the memory of a person, especially if such events occur for the first time. And the first kiss of teenagers is one of the most emotional sensations that can leave a deep mark on the memory for many years. Moreover, the memory of the first kiss and the pleasant sensations that were experienced can be remembered forever.

Kissing the first time and the second, and the third is good for health. It improves mood, burns calories, strengthens the immune system, increases physical and mental activity. Psychologists believe that kissing means finding peace of mind and harmony between the outer and inner worlds.

How to kiss for the first time so that it will be remembered forever? It's important to know:

  • you need to kiss for the first time with someone who is desirable for you, someone who causes your heart to sink even at a glance; it is important that sympathy is mutual;
  • you should not kiss for the first time in the absence of desire, if the situation does not at all correspond to the expected event;
  • you should forget about alcohol for courage - it can dull feelings, and the emancipation created in this way will not help make the kiss memorable.

The main mistake made by those who decide to kiss for the first time in their lives is to do it just for their own pleasure. It is advisable to try to feel his (or her) desires and support them. This will help to get a unique impression from the first kiss.

How old can you be?

Are you worried about the question, at what age can you kiss for the first time? In this case, most likely, you are in love and the desire to get closer to the object of sighing. The specific age is not important, because:

  • someone experienced kissing for the first time in kindergarten;
  • others were lucky at the age of 20;
  • teenagers begin to kiss at the age of 12-16, there is nothing reprehensible and strange in this.

There are no critical age limits. It cannot be blamed or ridiculed. Girls, unlike boys, develop faster, so they often want to kiss for the first time with a high school student more than with a peer.

Be responsible in choosing a partner. There will be no second attempt, you need to act sincerely and gently. Girls should not kiss solely because all their girlfriends already have this practice, and guys - to look cooler in the eyes of others.

It is important for a girl that her feelings are not overshadowed by a feeling of insincerity and distrust. Therefore, before taking a step towards the first kiss, you need to be sure that this is exactly the guy you need. Only then will the first kiss be remembered forever.

How to behave with a guy?

You are a young lady, which means that you are worried about the thought of first contact with a member of the opposite sex. How to kiss for the first time so that the sensations are not spoiled by wrong actions? What to do if he seems to show signs of attention, but still does not dare to make such tactile contact? Well, you have to take the initiative and take the first step yourself.

To learn the secret of how to kiss a guy for the first time, you will need:

  • an object of the opposite sex;
  • your lips and his;
  • appropriate environment;
  • possible absence of witnesses.

The recipe is simple - maximum naturalness, minimum stress. All of us were inexperienced and literally understood nothing about the art of love. However, having overcome shyness and fear, some manage to find a person for life. And what if the lucky one who likes so much is fate?

So the long-awaited first date has come. How to kiss without a tongue for the first time?

  1. Do not rush things.
  2. You communicate nicely various themes, laugh, and the meeting time is slowly coming to an end.
  3. There are two options: he looks into the eyes without looking away, or he behaves at ease, and in his future plans to take him home, as a result, to carry out his plans.

Be that as it may, act relaxed, open and smile more. A smile always disposes the interlocutor.


  • look at him and playfully lower your eyes down;
  • playing with hair - lightly winding a strand on a finger, correcting a hairstyle is always perceived as flirting;
  • do not overplay, so as not to frighten.

There must be a measure in everything, the so-called "golden mean".

The fewer nerves, the more likely that the meeting will be successful, and you yourself will understand how to kiss a guy for the first time, since it almost always looks natural and relaxed if there are sincere feelings. Nothing terrible will happen if something does not go according to plan, there is nothing to be ashamed of. And for you it will be a lesson and experience for the future.

How to make your first kiss unforgettable

How to kiss for the first time?

The moment is approaching when the first kiss will take place. How to kiss a young man you like?

Only lips are involved in this process, the initiative is in the hands of the lady. How to kiss without a tongue for the first time? You can gently kiss him, saying goodbye at the end of the date:

  1. Facing the young man, smile at him and thank him for a pleasant evening.
  2. Step towards him or rise on your tiptoes to be close to his face.
  3. Close your lips, lower your eyelids, touch your lips to his lips and press, only lingering in this position for a second.
  4. After that, your best decision is to leave. After such an act, he will think about you, eagerly plan the next meeting.

A little trick: before kissing with the tongue with a guy for the first time, make up your lips with lipstick at home. If the “same” moment comes up, erase it discreetly. This will be a clear sign for him to take the decisive action that you are waiting for.

How to kiss with the tongue with a guy for the first time? This technique is called - the most common. France is considered the birthplace of love, lovers often come here and confess their feelings.

  • a man should start kissing, a girl should follow him;
  • although sometimes ladies can take over this initiative if the guy cannot make up his mind;
  • trust your beloved, come closer, do not hide your hands;
  • movements are smooth, calm;
  • surrender to the moment, everything will happen by itself.

A few tips on how to properly kiss for the first time with the tongue:

  1. Lick your lips, lightly moisturize them.
  2. Approach the face of the man, bow your head to avoid a collision with your nose, close your eyelids.
  3. Kissing for the first time in this way should be started by first closing and gradually opening the lips, doing it as slowly as possible.
  4. If he doesn't mind a "French Kiss", open and relax your lips a little, make him lightly press one of your lips with his lips.
  5. Open and close your mouth again, sticking out your tongue, making movements similar to licking a lollipop.
  6. The movements of the tongue should be smooth, soft.

And how does a guy kiss for the first time with a girl with a tongue, and breathe? Your breathing should be through your nose. If your tongue is in your partner's mouth, you can fantasize: hold it across the sky, touch his teeth, tongue. A responsive man will make the first French kiss the most sensual and give an unforgettable experience to both.

Every young man who wants to impress the girl he likes should feel confident and be able to kiss - beautifully, correctly and very romantically.

To match the image of a confident man and leave a lasting impression on the first kiss, you need to know how to behave on a first date and how to kiss a girl for the first time on the lips.

What to do and what not to do on a date?

The first kiss with a girl is a wonderful event. Most young men are too worried about this. Only the right attitude can control the situation.

Remember: this is not an exam that you need to pass on the top five. Only trial and error results are achieved.

You will understand when it is possible to kiss a girl for the first time from all of the following:

  1. Do not rush things and do not act against her will, otherwise a good slap in the face and termination of communication are guaranteed. Her high spirits, sparkle in her eyes - the "green light" of approval.
  2. The beautiful half of the sex loves when a man smells "delicious". Perfume should not be harsh and cloying. Refreshing, light fragrance is the perfect solution, especially in summer.
  3. Show gentlemanly qualities: offer a hand, open the door, move a chair in a cafe for the first time and in subsequent meetings. In a word, do everything to make her feel protected.
  4. Give flowers, not necessarily a large and expensive bouquet. It will be a manifestation of tenderness and feelings.

How to kiss a girl for the first time so that it will be remembered forever? To understand how to kiss a girl for the first time on the lips, you need to create tactile contact. But if the lady cleans up, crosses her arms, moves away, or explicitly asks you not to touch her, you need to urgently stop and apologize. You didn't like it, it happens. You can't please everyone, that's ok. Jokes, sharp remarks regarding her appearance, hobbies, friends, family are in any case unacceptable, this is not the best way for conversations.

The list of common incidents on a date for the first time should include:

  • the question of the possibility of a kiss;
  • excessive touch;
  • abstract conversations after what is happening;
  • ridiculous phrases and comments.

How to kiss a girl on the lips?

Many magazines cover the topic "How to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time." It will always be relevant, nothing changes from year to year.

To properly kiss a girl for the first time, you must:

  • avoid large crowds of people, as there is a high risk of meeting acquaintances; what if she doesn’t want anyone to know about it yet - such an atmosphere pinches, doesn’t allow her to fully open up, enjoy each other;
  • a look and an unobtrusive smile decide a lot, if not all; touch her hair, gently swiping behind the ear; if she does not turn away, you are on the right track;
  • gently reach for her lips, lightly touch them with your mouth;
  • start kissing for the first time gently, watch her reaction.

If the young lady reciprocates, do not stop. Hug your shoulders, stroke your chin and cheeks a little.

How to kiss with tongue?

How to kiss with the tongue with a girl for the first time? Start with the traditional option:

  1. Without opening your lips, kiss a couple of times in a row.
  2. Run the tip of your tongue over your lips, as if licking.
  3. After that, your partner should reciprocate, that is, part her lips.
  4. If this does not happen, put your tongue in your mouth a little.

Did not help? Do not continue, then she did not have a desire to kiss "in French" for the first time.

If the first time everything goes as planned, continue to "explore" the beloved's mouth, going over the teeth with your tongue. It is possible to approach such a moment if people trust each other, there are no physical barriers between them in order to kiss for the first time. Kissing for her is a magical feeling of "butterflies in the stomach", a bright, incomparable feeling.

Most lovers believe that sticking their tongue in full length for the first time causes only disgust. Do not forget about saliva, at first its excess causes negative emotions.

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  1. Goosebumps, accelerated heartbeat, pleasant trembling - the first kiss is to blame. How to kiss for the first time, present yourself, you already know. The main thing is to gather your courage, nerves - into a fist, do not be shy, give free rein to feelings. Love is a wonderful state that knows no barriers, no matter how it is explained from a medical point of view. kiss - The best way express feelings without words. If you want to confess your love, start kissing.
  2. The fairer sex should not forget that it is not advisable to take the initiative and start kissing for the first time with a young man on your initiative. Nevertheless, kisses are, perhaps, an expression of feelings for you of exactly “that one of your own” person.
  3. A young man who has a desire to kiss should react to how she perceives his initiative, and if she is unpleasant to her, she needs to stop in time. Lady will definitely appreciate such an act.

Let the process itself, which takes place for the first time, bring only positive emotions, kiss to your health! And the question of how to kiss a girl for the first time on the lips does not bother you anymore. Everything comes with experience, after a while you both will not be equal.

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The article describes the features of the first kiss and recommendations that will help make it unforgettable. Various techniques will give you confidence and teach you all kinds of techniques.

The content of the article:

The first kiss is very important point in young people's relationships. Many imagine it as a plot from a movie, but more often than not, expectations do not match reality. As practice shows, experiences that spoil all romance prevail. For a kiss to become a wonderful memory, you need to prepare a little.

What date is it time to kiss

Each of us is afraid of being rejected, so the question, on which date to kiss a girl or a guy, arises in almost all young people who are just starting to build relationships. It is extremely difficult to answer it unambiguously.

A lot depends on the nature of the dates, the upbringing of the girl, the worldview of the couple and the approach to the issue. If the girl herself is very modest, then it is better not to rush, so you can only frighten her away. The same can be said if one of the partners adheres to strict, for example, Muslim customs.

The ideal option You can call the second or third date. The thing is that after a given amount of time, people already get used to each other a little and manage to get carried away. Of course, it is important not to think about the deadline, about what kind of date today. The main thing is the feelings and impressions that arise. It is very important to feel the pull and understand that it is time to move on to the kiss. One is enough for this and a few hours, the second has to pull a couple of weeks.

It is also very important to monitor the reaction of the partner. For example, you can lean towards him, simulating the desire to kiss. If the partner has set his face towards you, then you can try.

Fears and doubts before the first kiss

Many young people are not just waiting for the first kiss, they are afraid of it. Worried about what will accumulate in the mouth a large number of saliva, because of which the whole impression will be spoiled. To prevent this from happening, you can swallow it before the kiss and not delay the process itself.

But do not forget that there is such an option as a wet kiss. It is worth noting that, according to statistics, this species is liked by a huge number of the fair sex. Therefore, everything has its advantages.

Another fear is duration. Many simply cannot decide how long the first kiss should last. It is impossible to answer this question exactly, you have to feel it. But, according to many experts, the ideal time is one minute. Do not be afraid that there is no experience with kissing, everything comes with time and training.

Great value has the mood of a person. Agree that smiling and friendly people always attract more. If a person closes in himself, is shy and hides his nature, then he can scare away, even having an attractive appearance. Try to joke more, talk more and don't be afraid of the moment of the first kiss. Fear can be transmitted to a partner, which is highly undesirable.

Tightness, excessive experiences can only harm. If you have a really real feeling, then everything will go as it should.

Remember that you never need to ask your soulmate a question: “Can I kiss you?”. It will ruin the whole moment and could put both of them in a difficult position. If a girl does not want to be kissed, then she will definitely show this in her behavior. Away with doubts!

Preparing for the first kiss

For everything to go perfectly, it is worth considering every detail in advance. After all, absolutely everything is important: the place, the technique, the attitude of the partner, his reaction. Well, if the partner himself takes the initiative, then you only have to answer his call. If this did not happen, or you have to take control of the situation yourself, then the following recommendations will help you not to blunder.

The overall impression and emotions are greatly influenced by the place. Therefore, it is better that the kiss takes place in a romantic setting, without prying eyes. It’s good if a guy invites a girl on a date and thinks through all the details in advance. An ideal place can be a quiet flower meadow, cinema, park or boat in the middle of the river. You can also take a beautiful lady home and only then decide on this step.

According to most psychologists, the ideal place for a kiss for the first time is a movie show. Pick up some exciting romantic movie that will spice up your time together. If it's hard to decide, then take your loved one by the hand and try to attract his attention. Be brave and take the initiative.

First of all, it is very important to relax, and this is possible only if there is confidence in your appearance and fresh breath. To make lips as pleasant as possible for a kiss will help:

  • . Agree that dry and tightened lips do not deliver pleasant sensations. Girls can use a special balm or hygienic lipstick. In addition, they add a pleasant smell. Young people can also take advantage cosmetic intended for men. It has no smell and is not felt on the lips. Therefore, guys who are not used to procedures will not feel anything, except for soft and smooth skin.
  • Peeling. The procedure will help to make the lips soft, tender and pleasant to the touch. The scrub will also help get rid of all the unwanted bits of skin. You can make it at home with ordinary sugar and honey.
  • Pleasant breath. Remember that during the first kiss, your mouth should smell fresh. To do this, it is better to carry mint candy, chewing gum or a special freshener with you. Brush your teeth regularly, preferably twice a day. It is recommended to clean the tongue, because no less bacteria accumulate on it. Avoid leftover food or drink in the mouth.
It is extremely important to show positive emotions. Many girls repel boys with their formidable and impregnable appearance. Be more friendly, smile more and show interest. You can take a loved one by the hand, thereby relieving nervous tension.

The main types of kisses

The first kiss on the lips, as a rule, is very tender and reverent, but it all depends on the temperament of the partners. In any case, it is better to prepare in advance for this action and familiarize yourself with the technique:
  1. touch. The young man should tilt his head slightly to the side and lean towards the lady's lips, and then touch them. You can freeze for a few seconds to feel the beauty of the moment and enjoy it.
  2. intensity and penetration. You should not immediately frighten the chosen one with your aggressiveness, only lips should participate in the first kiss. If you want to connect the tongue, then you can slightly move it without penetrating your mouth.
  3. Completion. After the kiss, you need to hug the girl, hold her close to you and say something nice.
Kisses can be completely different, experts distinguish several types. Here are the most popular ones:
  • "Smooth" kiss. The young man must fold his lips with a tube and "suck" the lips of the girl into himself. In this case, it is very important to touch the language of the partner.
  • "Shameful". This is the kiss when the girl moves her lower lip.
  • "Inato". It is romantic and gentle kiss, best suited for the first time. It is carried out without language.
  • "Fight of Mouths". It is one of the most popular. During such a kiss, a little, very slightly bite the partner's lips. But remember that it is extremely important not to harm, but to please.

The first kiss should be romantic, but not too intrusive. After a while you can try different techniques and views, but for a start it is better to choose a standard no-frills option.

How to learn to kiss properly

It is difficult to think through all the romantic situations, because every relationship is individual. The best thing is to listen to your inner voice and act according to the situation. Many young people are wondering how to kiss for the first time. For everything to go perfectly, you should not let the situation take its course. It's better to prepare a little in advance.

How to learn to kiss without a tongue

A kiss without a tongue is the best option for the first time. If you want to learn how to kiss well, then it is only important to relax your lips in a timely manner. Tense and firm, they are unlikely to please a partner. A young man can slightly moisten his lips, and a girl should not forget to wash her lipstick.

At the first kiss, it is better to close your eyes and only after that touch your lips. You can hold your loved one by the arm or waist to increase body contact.

In the process, gently and gently grab one partner's lip with your lips, you can pull it a little. Change your upper and lower lip. We also allow a very weak bite, the main thing is not to overdo it so as not to injure delicate skin. It is not recommended to stretch the lips very much with a tube, as they will become harder.

The main rule is to be yourself, follow your feelings and do not be shy about your impulse.

The task will be greatly simplified if an experienced partner is caught. In this case, you just need to relax and try to repeat his movements, act in time. The initiative is also welcome, it can pleasantly surprise and please.

How to learn to kiss with tongue

A French kiss or tongue kiss is a very sensual and passionate moment between a man and a woman. He is very close, fills the relationship with new feelings and emotions.

Before kissing, it is better to lightly lick or moisturize your lips. So they will glide well. Tilt your head slightly to the side so as not to bump noses. When the faces are very close, close your eyes and enjoy.

It is better to start a kiss first without a tongue and with closed lips. Gradually open your mouth and use your tongue. You also need to be completely sure that the partner is not against a French kiss. For the first time, some may be surprised.

When the tongue is in the mouth of a loved one, try to feel his mood and play with him. All movements should be smooth and gentle. If the partners really feel each other, then such a kiss will be remembered for a long time.

There are some helpful tips that will help make this moment memorable for a lifetime. Firstly, it is better to kiss with a special and beloved person, because this is the only way to get real pleasure. Reciprocal sympathy is a necessary condition.

Secondly, it is not recommended to kiss if there is no desire, but you simply do not want to offend the person. It is also better not to do this in order to simply get the desired experience. A kiss is a manifestation of true feelings, which should not be forgotten.

Thirdly, in no case do not drink an alcoholic beverage. Many do this in order to gain courage and be less shy. Remember, alcohol dulls the senses and desires. So there is a risk of missing all the most beautiful and intimate past oneself.

A girl can take the initiative into her own hands, because not all young men are able to take this step, so it is important to know how to kiss a guy first. So:

  1. Opportunity moment. You need to face the young man, smile and look straight into the eyes. If you are sitting nearby, then catch the eye of your partner. His head should not be at a great distance from the girl.
  2. Approach to a guy. Take a step forward, so the faces get closer. At this moment, the mood of people and the true relationship to each other is best felt. Close your eyes and start smooth movements towards your partner.
  3. Kiss. Slowly kiss the young man, tilting your head slightly to the side. Try not to rush, feel all the charm. The technique should be the same as described for the guy (without deep penetration, only light, weightless touches).
After the kiss, the most optimal solution for the girl would be to say goodbye and leave in order to leave some mystery. So, the young man will be looking forward to the next meeting with even greater impatience.

It is worth noting that the "mystery" plays an important role in further relations. A little intrigue touches everyone and arouses interest. If you do not forget about this, then you can save the partner's burning eyes for many years, the main thing is not to overdo it with the "mystery".

How to kiss - look at the video:

The first kiss is a happy memory that often remains for a lifetime. No need to worry about technique or other nuances. It is enough to become famous, after freshening your breath and putting your lips in order, and just reaching out to meet your partner.

Even more than hot movie kiss scenes, we care about real stories.

stories real people rather than fictional characters. Four girls told us what it was like, their first kiss.

Katya, 17 years old

I was 15 years old when my parents sent me to camp for the first time. We chose a fairly well-known Bulgarian camp, which promises a storm of new emotions and impressions. Already at the airport, saying goodbye to my parents and seeing a lot of handsome guys, I realized what was waiting for me, but the problem of the first kiss immediately popped up in my head. I didn't even know what it was! Of course, there were trainings on tomatoes, games in the bottle, but all my peers have long understood what's what, and I practiced everything on vegetables. The first 2 weeks in the camp flew by unnoticed, everything went like clockwork: a sea of ​​​​impressions, new acquaintances, cheerful counselors ... I then talked with several peers, but I knew that nothing serious would come of it. Our counselors were the guy Misha and the girl Olya - 20-year-old students. Everyone loved them dearly. Everyone especially liked Misha - a tall brunette with pronounced cheekbones and bottomless blue eyes, in short, the face from the cover. The girls hung on him, as soon as he entered the room. But I didn’t feel any feelings for him, except for friendly ones. Once at the evening "candle" he played the guitar. It was very sincere, and sometimes I felt his gaze on me, but I did not attach any importance to this. In the end, he is a counselor, what thoughts can there be. But then something happened that could not have been expected. In the evenings, an incomprehensible madness usually finds on me and my roommates, so that evening, after the “candle”, we went into our bedroom, and a wild pillow fight began.

During the game, no one noticed how Misha joined. He laughed and fooled around with us. But then the pillow flew onto the balcony and Misha and I ran after it. And now we are already standing together on the cold floor, and the door is safely locked behind us and giggling merrily.

Laughing, I started screaming and asking to be let out, but my friends left the room together, leaving Misha and me standing locked on the balcony.

It was a little scary, there was total darkness around, and, as luck would have it, not a single lantern was lit. I banged on the door, shouted, called my friends and marveled at the perfect calmness of my friend "by misfortune." She raised her hand to shy away again, but then Misha grabbed my shoulders, turned me to him and said: “Calm down, everyone has been sleeping for a long time, no one will come until morning.” Then he hugged her tightly and wrapped both arms around her back. Despite the fact that I was terribly embarrassed, and the stream of thoughts tormented my head, it was both pleasant and did not want him to let me go at all. At one point, I was so close to his face that I already felt warm breath on my cheeks, he gently kissed my forehead, and I involuntarily reached out to him, our lips touched ... For 10 seconds, his lips moved to the beat of mine, it was softly, strangely, pleasantly… He leaned back, brushed a strand of hair off my cheek, and then parted his lips again and leaned closer…

It was so sweet, but it didn't connect with all the things that had been carefully thought out over the years ...

We talked all night after that and it turned out that from the beginning of the shift he really liked me, but he was afraid that I would be embarrassed by the age difference. In the morning, the neighbors opened us and with a special smirk looked first at me, then at Misha. But at that moment I was grateful to them, more than ever. The rest of the week flew by at breakneck speed, the last night with friends, tears at the airport and the return home. We didn’t communicate with Misha anymore, but I am grateful to him for helping to fulfill my teenage dream and leaving behind pleasant memories that I am not ashamed to talk about.


Lena, 18 years old

You always remember such moments well: every second, every breath, every exhalation. But you will never remember exactly the feelings that you experienced, because, from the side of the past, you look at it, as a funny joke, as something childishly funny. So the memories of my first kiss are exactly the same ... I remember it was in the summer, at my grandmother's dacha. It was July outside, hot, bored. There was nothing left to do but lie down, watch TV shows and wait for something like that to happen.

The only one who brought joy to my gray holidays was the neighbor Kostya.

We had known each other for two years, we knew everything about each other, we shared our innermost secrets, and, as usual, spent every summer together. Sometimes he stayed overnight with me, but there was nothing personal behind this. He knew that I treated him like a friend, but I understood that he liked me. And I was not the only one who noticed this, my grandmother married us a long time ago and came up with names for future children. But I was unwavering - nothing but friendship, period. One day, it was broadcast on TV that on the night of July 24-25, the largest starfall is planned and it’s impossible to miss it! Naturally, all our conversations were occupied by this upcoming event, we thought in advance how and where we would contemplate the starfall. On the evening of the 24th, Kostya came to me, and we began the final preparations. We collected a huge bag, grabbed everything we needed and went to the lake, which was two kilometers from the house. All the way Kostya was telling me about some comics that were boring as hell, but I didn’t interrupt him, I just pretended to listen carefully. At the same time, I had some kind of strange jitters, I looked at Kostya and realized how close people we were to each other, how much we had experienced together, I have been living in this world for 16 years, and I associate half of what I have lived with him …

We have reached the lake. It was getting dark. Kostya took two folding beds, but after putting one down, he realized that the leg of the second one was broken. It remained to huddle on one narrow sunbed. I never felt awkward at such moments, but then a strange timidity seized me, and he felt uneasy. Somehow they settled down, began to wait for the fall of the first star. In painful anticipation and complete silence, 20 minutes passed.

The wind blew and goosebumps ran down my arms, then Kostya carefully covered me with a blanket, and somehow it became very comfortable.

I told him to hide too. We lay close to each other, I put my arm around his shoulder ... And suddenly a pale yellow light quickly appeared in the sky and immediately went out. Star! I began to carefully peer into the sky and saw another one, and then another and another ... The stars fell one after another, we rejoiced like five-year-old children.

At one point, I looked at Kostya and I don’t know why, I kissed him. At first, lips dry from the wind timidly, and then too passionately and quickly, began to kiss mine, all this was diluted with an unpleasant smack, and sometimes he involuntarily bit the inside of his lip, apparently, this was also new for him. It was a little unpleasant for me that I constantly felt his tongue, but what to do - at that moment it seemed to me that all kisses were like that ... After that, he buried his face in my shoulder, and I thought about what had happened. Not to say that these were the best moments in my life, but for the first time it seemed normal ... Now I'm 18, I'm studying at the university as an interpreter and on weekends I go out to look at the stars with Konstantin - my childhood friend and beloved young man part-time. Now he kisses better. No one expected that fate would turn out like this, we just happened to be together under the right star in time.

Julia, 21 years old

I am 15. I am a first-year student at a technical school. He, the same boy, is on the 3rd. Kirill. As soon as I saw him, I immediately liked him madly: he had long bangs, a cool snowboard jacket, a beautiful green sweatshirt, small tunnels in the ears. In general, he looked very, very nice. The way I love. I personally met him at one of our parties. It was something like “Hi, I'm Julia! Hello, I'm Cyril. We didn’t talk much, but after that party I liked Kirill even more. A couple of days later he added me to ICQ. Yes, yes, VKontakte did not exist then. We began to correspond ... And even then I had his photo on my phone. Not on a call, on the wallpaper. That's how I liked him! After some time, we once again gathered with friends from the technical school. It was in November, and it was, of course, very cool. Therefore, the guys decided to hang out on the stairwell at the entrance.

We were, as I remember, five people. Me, my friends Masha, Nastya, Ksyusha and Kirill. Somewhere in the middle of the party, we were already sitting with Cyril in an embrace. Soon the girls realized that they should leave us alone and go home. So they did. I was left alone with Cyril. I understood that we would definitely kiss and began to worry terribly.

The question swirled in my head: Should I or shouldn't I tell him I've never kissed before?

As a result, I still decided to admit that this is the first time for me. In fact, I was very happy because he reacted very nicely and just kissed me. He did everything very carefully, slowly, smoothly ... I am very glad that he was not rude and did not do everything very quickly.

I immediately understood how and what to do and, it can be considered, I learned to kiss. Yes, but only when we finished, he looked at me and asked a strange question: “Sorry, what are you, a virgin ?!”. I was a little embarrassed and said yes. Although I still do not understand why he asked this and what he expected to hear in response. After all, I was definitely not going to have sex, even in the stairwell!

We sat for another 20-30 minutes, he walked me home and that was it - we didn’t kiss him anymore.

That is, we greeted each other, did not avoid each other, but did not begin to meet. It turned out that he liked another girl from our group. In fact, a week later he “stirred up” with her. I was, of course, very upset. And I didn't like this girl either. But, in any case, I am very grateful to Cyril for such a wonderful first kiss.


Olya, 23 years old

To be honest, I don't like to think about my first kiss. I mean, when asked to talk about a first kiss, they want to hear something sweet and romantic. Or, on the contrary, a terrible story about some maniac. And everything with me was so stupid, ridiculous and realistic ... The person who ruined my first kiss was called Andrey. He was a friend of a guy who dated my best school friend Katya. Oh, Katya... She was a real sex bomb. Of course, not a school “davalka”, but a girl with whom many of our classmates would not mind “stirring up”. One succeeded, and before that, Katya hung out with guys not from school.

It all happened when we were in 9th grade. At that time, Katya was a very close person to me, the most best friend. But sometimes I wanted to strangle her. After all, she got the coolest boys! And in general, in all these matters she was much more experienced than me. And it was frustrating. So, I once walked with her, her new superboy and his friend Andrey. Of course, it was implied that we were brought together with him. Not that I really liked him, but I found him cute. I don’t even remember if he proposed to me to meet and in general how we started spending time together, but yes, we began to go out often. Less often - two, more often - four. The guys rode us on bikes, bought us all sorts of goodies. All in all, everything seemed to be perfect.

Once Andrei said that his parents were not at home.

He lived in a five-story building. First, we hung out in the stairwell, where the guys showed off their skills to blow smoke rings, and then went to the apartment. Katya locked herself with her boyfriend in a small room. And Dron and I stayed in the living room. Everything around was so, I don’t know, “Soviet”: old furniture, a creaky mattress, wallpaper that was peeled in places. I dodged the kiss as best I could, but I gave in. I didn't tell Andrei that I couldn't kiss. And he didn't ask either. Thought I'd figure it out along the way. And Andrew just started kissing me. Not very pleasant, with language, rude and not at all the way I imagined it. I had to do it over and over. Instead of enjoying, I looked at the peeling wallpaper on the ceiling and dreamed that everything would be over as soon as possible. And, thank God, he stopped. I thought: “Pretending everything is OK is the best option.”

A day later, I found out that Andrei told Katya's boyfriend nasty things about me: that I suck at kissing, and that he doesn't want to meet with me anymore.

Of course, I was very upset. I cried as I remember. Katya continued to meet with that boy. All this time, I tried to leave school early, ran to the locker room, headlong ... after all, Max and Andrey always met Katya after school. And I didn’t want to see the person who said that I suck at kissing. A few months later, Katya's boyfriend and his friend somehow disappeared ... and Katya and I got a job - handing out leaflets. A guy named Sasha worked with us. Very handsome, tall blonde hair, blue eyes and wonderful freckles on the face. And, hurray, he liked me, not Katya. And we started dating. Kissing him was truly beautiful. After all, he immediately realized that I did not know how. He said that it was not scary and taught me. He spoke when it was slower, when it was faster, and so on. As a result, we just couldn't kiss! So, down with those first kisses. Give the second, third and fourth!