
A rubber band ring on a slingshot “Flower. Rubber band rings: bright jewelry for young fashionistas How to make a rubber band ring


Silicone rainbow rubber bands are, one might say, a versatile material from which you can weave a lot of interesting and useful things! Very popular now bracelets made from Loom Bands, some of them look like real chic jewelry! You can always weave to such a bracelet beautiful ring from rubber bands in the same color to make an awesome set!

How to make a rubber band ring today we will look at detailed photo master class, as well as in the video tutorial posted on our channel Maximum Ideas.

The ring that we will weave is very similar to a flower of five petals. Therefore, first we will need to make five petal elements, and then connect them together. The ring will be put on the finger with the help of an elastic loop, which will be located on the back of the flower.

What you need to make a flower rubber band ring:

  • 12 yellow rubber bands:
  • 5 red rubber bands;
  • special slingshot machine;
  • plastic hook for weaving.

How to make a rubber band flower ring?

Before weaving, for your convenience, lay out the yellow rubber bands in pairs, i.e. two things each when weaving, we will put them on a slingshot in pairs.

So, to start weaving the ring, hold a slingshot in your left hand, with the open sides of the columns towards you.

Wind the red elastic on the right column in three turns.

Put a pair of yellow rubber bands on both columns.

Crochet all three turns of red rubber bands and remove from the post to the center of the slingshot.

Now hook both yellow rubber bands on the right column and transfer them to the left.

This is the first petal of our flower ring. Four more to go)

Move the resulting element down to make room for the next, and repeat the steps four more times.

When 5 petals from the ring are already woven on the left column, put a couple more yellow rubber bands on the columns in the usual way.

Then, using a hook, remove all the petal elements in turn from the left column to the center. Like this:

On the columns you should have two yellow rubber bands left.

Remove the bottom elastic bands and throw off in the center from both columns.

Crochet the remaining elastic on the right column to the left.

Crochet the bottom elastic band and throw it off the column to the center.

Insert the hook into the remaining rubber band and remove from the slingshot. Pull firmly on the loop to firmly fix all the petals in a circle.

Pull the hook out of the loop. Now insert the hook into the center of the flower with reverse side, grab the loop with it and pull it to the wrong side.

Rubber band ring Flower is ready!

It's so easy and quick to make yourself a beautiful ring out of bright silicone rubber bands! Good luck weaving!

Also watch the video tutorial on weaving a rubber band ring.

Many fashionistas and needlewomen strive to create jewelry for themselves with their own hands. Weaving crafts from rubber bands is an interesting and exciting activity. Such products do not need care, they are not afraid of water, and it is very simple to make them. Let's try to figure out how to make a rubber band ring.

Weaving methods

You can weave this decoration in the following ways, using:

  • fingers:
  • forks;
  • slingshots;
  • pencil
  • using a special machine.

Important! Particularly beautiful are products made from multi-colored elements of rich colors.

Weaving on the fingers

In this case, your own fingers are the working tool. Moreover, one hand will be leading, and the other - auxiliary.

Important! For right-handers, the main hand is right, for left-handers - left. To make it convenient to pick up the elements, use a regular crochet hook.

So let's get started! We will weave a ring of details of two colors:

  1. Put the rubber band on your finger, twist it with the “eight”. You will get a loop, which you place on the next finger. Ready! Lower the “eight” closer to the palm so that it does not interfere.
  2. Put the second silicone ring on two fingers, but without twisting.
  3. Pull the bottom element to the center through the top.
  4. Repeat the same steps, but with the other finger.
  5. Put on the next piece without twisting.
  6. Remove the bottom element from two fingers sequentially, in the center, through the top.
  7. After putting on the next elastic band, repeat the whole process from the beginning.
  8. Continue to put on new elements and remove the lower ones. The result is a chain.
  9. Hook one side of the S-fastener into the first loop. Hook the other end over 2 loops on the other side to secure.

The ring is ready!

Fork use

It's about the usual cutlery which can be used for needlework. With the help of a fork, you can even weave a set of rings and bracelets. The principle of their manufacture is approximately the same, the difference is only in length.

We start weaving to make a ring of rubber bands:

  1. Put a rubber band on 2 prongs of a fork. Twist the "eight", put on the remaining two.
  2. Slightly lower the "eight" to the base of the teeth.
  3. String the next part without twisting.
  4. Hook the bottom, pull up and to the side, release in the center.
  5. Repeat the same steps on the opposite side.
  6. String the next element.
  7. Remove the lower part so that it is centered between the fork tines.
  8. Repeat the steps until you get the product of the desired length. Then fasten the clasp.

Making decorations with a slingshot

To make a ring, you can use one or more shades.

Important! The product on a slingshot turns out to be more interesting and looks more beautiful than woven on fingers or a fork.


  1. Put the elastic on one of the protrusions, twist. Place the second part of the "eight" on the second horn.
  2. String another elastic band on both horns, but without twisting it.
  3. Grab one end of the bottom element with a crochet hook, pull it up. In the same way, hook the edge on the other side of the slingshot, lift it up.
  4. Put on the next elastic band without twisting, repeat the whole algorithm from the beginning.
  5. Performing the entire sequence of manipulations with each of the stringed elastic bands, follow the length of the product.
  6. After the chain is the desired length, attach the clasp.
  7. After that it's quite ready product can be removed from the slingshot.

Important! The resulting decoration is universal. It is suitable for both boys and girls. Shades can be chosen arbitrarily.


You can make a ring of rubber bands in the shape of a spider on a special machine, fork or slingshot.

Important! If you use black, it will be a great addition to the “villainous” carnival costume on the New Year or Halloween. If you use bright and juicy tones, you get a cheerful tropical handsome.

So, for such an unusual product you will need:

  • Slingshot.
  • Knitting hook.
  • Rubber bands (10 pieces).
  • Scissors.

Position the slingshot so that it is facing towards you. Then follow this algorithm:

  1. Throw one elastic band over the left horn. She will not take part in the manufacture of jewelry, but will be used as an auxiliary.
  2. Screw on the right horn 1 rubber band, making four turns.
  3. Throw one elastic band over both protrusions in two turns, slightly slide down.
  4. Drop 4 turns of the lower part from the right column to the middle between the tabs.
  5. To make the legs, fold 2 rubber bands in barrels to the middle so that the top one is on the right.
  6. Hook under the bottom element, take it by the right side. Pass through the loop on the left, tighten well. Using 2 more pairs of rubber bands and doing the same manipulations with them, you get 3 pairs of legs.
  7. Put the loops of the “legs” on the slingshot and lower them lower so that they do not interfere with further work.
  8. Throw one elastic band over both tabs in 2 turns.
  9. Drop the two bottom turns from the right ledge to the center.
  10. Lift up the very first rubber band that sags and dangles. Place it exactly in the center.
  11. Throw off the bottom two turns of the gum from the left horn to the middle.
  12. Pull and hold the dangling rubber band with your fingers. Transfer 2 turns from the right ledge to the left.
  13. Drop the 2 bottom turns from the left ledge to the middle. Now you have 3 loops hanging freely on each of the ledges. Cut them down the middle. These will be the paws.
  14. Remove 2 turns from the left ledge and tighten with a knot. Two loose loops serve as the head of the spider.

The decoration is ready, you can put it on your finger!

Important! The paws can be straightened, but randomly located, they will look much prettier.

How to make a flower ring out of rubber bands?

The product is easier to weave than a spider, but it will look much more spectacular:

  1. Position the slingshot so that it is facing towards you.
  2. Screw the red elastic band around the right “horn” in 3 turns.
  3. Take 2 rubber bands yellow color and put them on both tabs.
  4. Using a crochet hook, remove the red element to the center so that it hangs on the yellow ones.
  5. Throw 2 yellow “ears” from the right “horn” to the left. You have made the first petal of the future flower. Without removing it from the ledge of the slingshot and following the same algorithm, prepare 4 more “petals”.
  6. When all the petals are ready, put 2 yellow rubber bands on both horns, and then remove all the elements to the center. Pull off the ring.

Everything! Can be worn.

Read the article. It contains different ways from the most elementary to the most complex. Choose your favorite ideas, master the technique of weaving, combine color combinations. So you can make original jewelry from the popular rainbow loom bands for yourself and your girlfriends.

Materials and fixtures

To learn how to weave rubber band rings, you should immediately cook necessary materials and repeat consistently all actions in practice. So, you will need the following:

  • Multicolored rubber bands.
  • Slingshot.
  • Hook.
  • Machine.
  • A lock for those rings that will not be connected using the loops themselves.

It is easy to buy everything separately or order the whole set.

Work technology

If you already know, the ring won't be a problem. The principles for creating patterns are the same. The execution of the beginning of the product and the dropping of the loops are the same. Some options are created in exactly the same way as bracelets, only of a shorter length. According to more complex schemes, a whole set of jewelry can be made on the machine - a ring and a bracelet with the same decor in the form of flowers.

If you decide to learn how to weave rubber band rings, then you want to turn this interesting activity to your hobby. Having mastered the basic methods of weaving, you can develop your own versions of products. Most often weave rings with flowers, simple or complex, one-color or variegated. Also popular are jewelry with spiders and woven just like bracelets.

Use your fingers

If you are immediately interested in the question of how to weave a ring of rubber bands without a machine, then you should know: all the options that are woven on two columns of a machine or a slingshot can also be done on the fingers. Some schemes are easy to implement, others are possible, but inconvenient. It is worth saying that it is always better to use some kind of device to free your hands. If the work is being done on a slingshot or machine, you can always postpone it for a certain period, and then complete it. Fingers are more difficult.

homemade tool

If you study instructions on how to weave a ring of rubber bands on a slingshot, while you don’t have the latter, and it’s very difficult to make such an ornament on your fingers, you should make a semblance of a slingshot with your own hands. To do this, just take two identical sticks, such as felt-tip pens or pencils. Fix them at an angle and place a regular eraser between them. You can fasten the parts, for example, with adhesive tape.

How to weave a "Flower" ring from rubber bands (the simplest option)

You can make a five-petal flower in just two minutes. Use a slingshot or double-post machine, although it's possible to get by with your own fingers. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Place one color #1 rubber band on the right ear horn and twist it three times.
  2. Place a pair of color #2 elastic bands on both horns without crossing or twisting.
  3. Crochet an element of the first color from the right horn to the middle between the columns.
  4. Move the element of the second color (upper right double loop) to the left column.
  5. Repeat the sequence of steps 1 to 4 as many times as necessary (according to the number of petals), for example, five.
  6. Put another rubber band of color No. 2 on both horns without crossing and transfer the elements made on the left column to the center between the horns with a hook.
  7. Put another elastic band of the second color on top of both horns and throw off the loops of the lower elastic band through the top of the slingshot.
  8. From the right horn, throw the loop to the left, from the left - to the middle.
  9. Remove last loop from the left column and pass through the center of the resulting flower.

Everything is ready. Put a loop on your finger and wear a ring.

Ring with a bead on a slingshot

In this version, the base is made, and any bead is used as a decor. In the previous scheme, it is assumed that one loop is put on the finger, and the decoration is woven directly. The principle of operation used here is called " fish tail". If you have made bracelets in this way, making a ring will not be difficult.

So, read on how to weave a rubber band ring on a slingshot using a bead. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Put the first elastic band in the form of a figure eight on the slingshot.
  2. Put on a couple more elastic bands without crossing.
  3. Drop through the top loop of the bottom elastic to the middle.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 in sequence until the middle of the ring.
  5. Pass one elastic band, folded in half, through the prepared bead.
  6. Put the elastic band with the bead on the horns of the slingshot and throw off the bottom loops through the top to the middle.
  7. Continue braiding, repeating step 4 until the desired length of the ring.
  8. Throw off the loops that have become upper also to the middle.
  9. Throw the remaining upper right loop on the left column.
  10. Pass another elastic band through the loops on the left column and secure
  11. Pull out the first loop of the ringlet and pull the last loop through it. Secure the remaining tail of the last elastic band by crocheting it sequentially through the elements of the ring. Another option is to use a clip to connect the braided strip into a ring.

Everything is ready. It's time to try on.

Using the same technology, several other rings can be made, for example, without a bead or with several decorative elements. In the latter version, the main thing is to correctly calculate the number of loops between the beads so that they are located at an equal distance.

Weave a ring with a flower on the loom

Using the technology described below, you can create different options for jewelry. To do this, it is enough to change the colors of the rubber bands that form the petals. If you use white rubber bands, you will get chamomile, if blue or blue - forget-me-not.

So, read how to weave a ring of rubber bands on the loom. Work like this:

  1. Prepare the machine. You will need six pins arranged in two rows of three columns. Take rubber bands in three shades: two for the petals, such as blue and blue, and brown for the middle and base. Put one brown elastic around the perimeter of all six posts.
  2. Remove the edge of the elastic band from the corner post to the middle and wrap a loop around the post. Do the same with the rest of the corner posts, and then with the remaining ones. As a result, inside the six columns you should get a contour in the form of a rectangle.
  3. Lower the outline.
  4. Put on two blue elastic bands along the diagonals of the rectangle and stretch one over the two central columns.
  5. Place the white elastic bands in the second row in the same way.
  6. For the third row, put on the blue ones in the same way.
  7. Take another brown elastic band and put it around the perimeter of six columns.
  8. On each of the six columns, crochet the bottom brown elastic band up, putting it on the column.
  9. From one middle column, transfer the brown loop to the second central one.
  10. Also transfer all the other brown loops from other columns to this one. First, shoot from the ones farthest in relation to the one you put on, then from the neighboring ones. All brown rubber bands are on the same pin.
  11. Take another brown elastic band and carefully crochet through all the other elastic bands of the same color. As a result, you will get two loops, one on the left side of the ring of all brown rubber bands, the second on the right. Now you can remove the flower from the posts without removing it from the hook. Start with the corner petals and remove the middle petals last.

The flower is ready. Now use this element instead of a bead when weaving a bracelet according to the instructions from the previous section.

How to weave a spider ring from rubber bands

Prepare elastic bands in black, gray or two-tone, for example, black with a transparent one. The sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. First, make blanks for the legs. Take a couple of rubber bands and put the edges on top of each other. Tie them together with a knot. As a result, you will get a detail that looks like a bow.
  2. Repeat the previous step with two more pairs of elastic bands.
  3. We turn to weaving on a slingshot or a mini-loom with two columns. Take one rubber band and place it between the tips of the slingshot. This gum will be used later.
  4. Put on the second elastic band on the right column and twist it four times.
  5. Put on another elastic band, but now on both tops, twist it twice.
  6. Take your crochet hook and loop the elastic, twisted four times, over the top of the column to the middle between the two.
  7. Take the first pair of previously prepared legs and put the workpiece loops on the tops of the slingshot. Lower the parts down, securing them under the fillets of the slingshot, so that it is more convenient to work further.
  8. Do the same with the second and third pair of legs.
  9. Put the next elastic on both tops of the slingshot, twist twice.
  10. Bring the first top elastic band on the right column over the top to the middle.
  11. Throw the very first elastic band left in stock over the left side through the top to the middle.
  12. Throw the left side from the top pair of legs over the top to the middle.
  13. Remove the upper loop from the right horn to the left, and move the one that was on the left to the right to the center between the horns.
  14. Carefully cut all the loops of the legs with scissors.
  15. Remove the last remaining loop on the left horn on the hook and tighten the knot tightly.

Everything is ready. Put the loop on your finger and admire the wonderful spider.

So, you have learned how to weave rubber bands. It's not difficult at all. Choose first simple ways, then, when you master them, move on to working with the machine and weaving more original things.