
The most effective masks for facial rejuvenation at home. How to make a mask for facial skin rejuvenation? How to make a face mask at home


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Homemade face masks have long been a good alternative to store-bought products. As you know, the maximum effect of a mask is achieved with minimal storage. Store-bought masks cannot provide this. The advantage of a homemade mask is that it is made from fresh and natural ingredients. Below we have presented some simple yet effective face mask recipes that can be easily prepared at home. You can also prepare a face mask at home yourself, but for this you need to know about the benefits and properties of the main ingredients used in preparing the mask.

What you need to know about the ingredients

Cucumber- due to the fact that it consists of 90% water, cucumber masks eliminate wrinkles and other imperfections on the skin such as blackheads, peeling, pimples, redness on the skin, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Advice: make sure that the cucumber is not bitter; remove large seeds, because they injure the skin.

Aloe— eliminates oily shine, has an anti-inflammatory agent. Aloe tightens the skin, cleanses pores, has moisturizing properties, and stimulates cell regeneration.

Honey- rich in microelements. Contains vitamins B, C, A, K, PP, H. Helps retain moisture in the skin, protects against the negative effects of sunlight. Helps tighten pores.

Advice: use in masks if you are not allergic to honey.

Lemon or lemon juice- has immunostimulating and antibacterial properties. An effective product for whitening facial skin, evening out complexion, as well as for acne and freckles. In addition, lemon has a tightening effect. Lemon is actively used in home remedies for the face to get rid of the effects of burns and scars, eczema, insect bites and herpes.

Advice: Do not use lemon if there are ulcers and tumors on the face, as well as if blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin.

Preparing your face for applying a mask

It is very important to cleanse your face before applying the mask. A steam bath with aromatic oils or herbs (mint, nettle or celandine) is perfect for this. Then scrub your face with a scrub to remove dead skin particles. You can also find recipes here. Steamed skin improves blood circulation and promotes better absorption of ingredients.

Applying a mask

It is best not to run after applying the mask to your face, but to take a horizontal position and relax. There is no need to talk after applying a face mask at home; let it absorb and dry. This is important, since additional facial expressions cause wrinkles to appear and the mask fixes them. Do not leave the mask on for longer than prescribed.

After washing off the mask, apply the moisturizer you usually use. And if your skin is oily, use lotion.

Do not rub your face with the towel, just pat lightly.

Do not expect an immediate and long-lasting effect after the first use. The mask must be done 2-3 times a week.

Below we will present some simple, effective face mask recipes.

Eye mask

  • 1 tsp finely chopped parsley;
  • 2 tbsp chopped cucumber;

To obtain a slurry consistency, the ingredients can be ground in a blender.

Apply the mask for 15 minutes. To saturate the skin with oxygen, rinse off the mask with mineral water.

Mask for dark spots

  • 1 tbsp honey;

Mix the ingredients and apply for 15 minutes. The mask must be applied before the honey thickens.

Whitening mask

  • 2 tbsp cucumber chopped in a blender;
  • 1 tsp squeezed lemon.

Mix the ingredients and apply for 15 minutes.

Nourishing mask with anti-wrinkle effect

  • 1 yolk;
  • 2-3 tsp honey.

It is very important to mix the ingredients in a glass bowl so that the ingredients do not oxidize.

Nourishing masks against peeling

Option 1

- 0.5 tbsp honey;

- 2 tbsp olive oil;

Mix the ingredients and lightly heat this mixture in a steam bath. Apply the face mask for 10-15 minutes. Some people add yolk to this mass, but in this case we do not heat the consistency.

Option #2

- 2 tbsp chopped cucumber;

— 2 tbsp homemade full-fat sour cream;

Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes.

Anti-acne purifying facial mask

Option 1

- 1-2 aloe leaves.

Squeeze the aloe juice onto cheesecloth. Steam your face and apply the soaked mask to your face for 40 minutes.

Making this mask 2-3 times will help you get rid of acne and oily shine. This mask slows down the aging process of the skin.

Option #2

– 2 tablets of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)

- 1 tsp honey.

Add a couple of drops of water onto the tablet and mix with honey. Apply to the face. Hold for 15 minutes. After application, you will feel a slight tingling sensation, which means that the mask is working.

Mask for soft lips

This mask has not only a nourishing agent, but also a scrubbing effect.

- 1 tsp. a spoonful of honey and a little sugar.

Apply to lips using fingers or a toothbrush. Wash off after 5-7 minutes. Repeat as needed.

You will find even more useful secrets for facial care in our section:

After 25 years, girls should start taking care of their face and not just wash it with clean water, but also nourish it with various masks. Otherwise, inadequate care will manifest itself in early expression wrinkles and a noticeable deterioration in skin condition.

What types of face masks are there?

Typically, face masks are classified according to the effect they provide. There are types of masks:

  • nourishing, moisturizing, toning and cleansing - they are designed for constant care and maintenance of the skin in ideal condition;
  • anti-inflammatory, whitening, anti-rosacea - this group of masks successfully fights obvious skin imperfections;
  • anti-aging, lifting masks - belong to the anti-aging group and help tighten the skin of the face.

How to determine your skin type

Before choosing a face mask, you need to determine your skin type. In classical cosmetology, it is customary to distinguish skin types:

  • fatty,
  • dry,
  • normal,
  • combined.

Since the needs of different skin differ markedly, a homemade face mask should be selected depending on what type you have.

As a rule, there are no problems with this, since girls are usually attentive to their appearance, and their skin type can be easily determined even by looking at themselves in the mirror. However, sometimes difficulties arise. Therefore, to accurately determine your skin type at home, wash your face using regular neutral soap and do not apply any products to it.

After about an hour and a half, apply a well-absorbing paper napkin tightly to your face. Carefully examine the napkin and evaluate the degree of oiliness of the skin:

  • If there is a trace of sebum all over the surface of the napkin, it means that the skin is not tight at all, and you have an oily skin type.
  • If there are no traces left on the napkin, but the skin does not peel off or feel tight, then your skin type is normal.
  • If there are no greasy marks on the napkin, but you feel obvious tightness, then your skin is of the dry type.
  • If your forehead, nose and chin are left with a greasy mark in the center of the napkin, and the skin in the area where your cheeks and temples are applied leaves no traces (dry or normal), then such an uneven distribution of fat content indicates a combined or mixed skin type.

Nourishing face masks at home

Nourishing masks are necessary to compensate for the lack of nutrients, vitamins and microelements in the skin.

Recipe No. 1. Nourishing mask for oily skin (honey)

For oily skin, a simple composition prepared from 2 teaspoons of honey, 20 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream is ideal. Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth, apply the resulting mixture to your face. Keep it on for 20 minutes to half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

The mask will nourish the skin, give it an even color, radiance and beauty.

Recipe No. 2. Nourishing mask for dry skin

To nourish dry skin at home, take the following ingredients:

  • 1 egg yolk,
  • 2 teaspoons milk,
  • 1 tablespoon of small oatmeal flakes.

Pour Hercules flakes with very warm milk, leave to soak a little (10-15 minutes). Beat the egg yolk with a fork and stir into the cereal. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes.

This soothing mask with deep penetration into the pores will nourish dry skin, relieve the feeling of tightness and flaking, making it soft and velvety.

Recipe No. 3. Nourishing mask for normal skin

It is a big misconception that normal facial skin does not need nutrition, care, or saturation with vitamins. A nourishing mask for normal skin based on grapes gently and gently cares for the skin and soothes it.

Crush 6-7 grapes of any white variety (in a pinch, black can also be used), remove all seeds and peels, combine the grape mass with 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face, hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask is so nourishing that it allows you to heal even skin irritations.

Moisturizing masks at home

Natural moisturizing face masks help maintain the skin's moisture balance. Most often, moisturizing is necessary in summer and spring, when, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and ambient temperature, some of the moisture is lost from the surface layers of the skin. Even slight dehydration can lead to decreased skin elasticity, sagging and wrinkles.

Recipe No. 4. Moisturizing masks for oily skin

The following recipe will help moisturize oily skin. Beat 1 egg white and mix it with 20 ml of liquid honey until smooth. Add 1 heaped tablespoon of chopped oatmeal. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water first, then rinse your face with cold water. You can replace the flakes with potatoes or starch, this will help tighten the pores and nourish the skin with useful substances.

Recipe No. 5. Moisturizing masks for dry skin

Dryness is perfectly eliminated with a curd mask.
Dry skin especially needs hydration, not only in summer and spring, but at any time of the year. Mix approximately 30 g of regular fat cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of milk, heated to body temperature. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, without lumps. Apply the resulting mask to the skin for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe No. 6. Moisturizing masks for normal skin

To moisturize normal facial skin, use a grapefruit mask. To do this, mix the crushed pulp of two grapefruit segments with 1 egg yolk. Apply the mask to the skin for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Toning and cleansing homemade face masks

Cleansing and toning masks have a general strengthening beneficial effect on the skin, activate subcutaneous blood circulation and cleanse the pores of the face from sebaceous secretions, giving it a youthful appearance.

Recipe No. 7. Toning mask for oily skin

Oily skin is perfectly toned by a white clay mask. To prepare it, dilute 2 tablespoons of white clay in cold boiled water, add 1 egg white, 3-4 drops of lemon juice and 5 ml of honey. The resulting homogeneous mass should resemble sour cream in consistency. Apply the mask to your face and wait until it dries completely. Wash off the clay mask with warm water as soon as it completely dries.

Recipe No. 8. Purifying mask for dry skin

Dry skin is noticeably improved and cleansed by the action of white clay. To prepare a mask at home, take 1 tablespoon of white clay, 2 times as much milk and 5 ml of honey. Mix until smooth and apply to face. After 10-15 minutes, rinse off the mask and finally use a moisturizer after cleansing.

Recipe No. 9. Toning mask for normal skin

Normal skin types will quickly regain freshness and elasticity with a face mask made from lemon peel. Mix 1 yolk and 20 ml of low-fat sour cream, add the finely grated zest of 1 lemon. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 30 minutes.

Whitening homemade face masks

Many girls dream of getting rid of freckles and generally whitening their face. At home, whitening face masks will help lighten age spots, even age spots.

Recipe No. 10. Cucumber whitening mask is known to everyone due to its good effect. Finely grate a medium-sized cucumber (without seeds) and mix with your daily nourishing cream or sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe No. 11. The next whitening face mask is quite liquid. At home, mix liquid honey and lemon juice in equal parts. Soak gauze pads in the resulting mixture, which you then place on your face. Keep it on for 15 minutes, then remove the wipes and gently rinse your face with water.

Anti-aging homemade face masks

Over time, the skin begins to age - this is an inevitable process. But when the first problematic wrinkles appear, you should not be discouraged, but include a rejuvenation procedure in your regular skin care. Regular use of rejuvenating collagen masks allows you to delay the appearance of new age-related changes on the skin of the face and smooth out existing small wrinkles.

Recipe No. 12. A homemade rejuvenating face mask made from aloe is extremely popular. Combine a tablespoon of the juice of this plant with the same volume of nourishing face cream and premium vegetable oil (preferably olive). Stir and apply the mask lukewarm, keep on your face for 10 minutes.

Recipe No. 13. In summer, you can make a mask from fresh plantain leaves. Grind the leaves into a paste and mix with honey in equal parts. If the mixture turns out too thick, like gelatin, dilute it slightly with water. Keep this paste on your face for at least 15 minutes. Remove it first with a damp swab, then rinse your face with cool water. And no Botox will be needed.

Masks with a tightening effect for the face at home

The fight against sagging skin on the face requires constant attention from women over 30. Therefore, when the skin begins to fade, you need to arm yourself with time-tested products that will help smooth out the upper layer of the epidermis.

Recipe No. 14. This vitamin anti-aging face mask is prepared at home from pharmacy ingredients.


  • 1 heaped tablespoon of pink clay,
  • 1 ampoule of retinol acetate (vitamin A)
  • 30 ml of brewed green tea without flavoring.

Gently dilute the dry clay with tea and, stirring continuously, bring the mass to a homogeneous texture. Add vitamin A and apply the entire mixture to the skin. The mask lasts for 25 minutes. Regular use of this recipe restores skin elasticity and health.

This mask should be washed off with plenty of cool water.

Recipe No. 15. Natural and effective lifting can be observed in the white of a chicken egg. Beat one egg white into a strong foam and mix with two teaspoons of soaked oatmeal. The exposure time of the mask on the skin is 15 minutes.

According to the girls' reviews, there is a lifting effect: there is skin tightening.

How to properly apply a face mask at home

Before applying any mask, you should cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics with a gentle makeup remover. A refreshing gel usually completes the makeup removal procedure, but you can use additional peeling.

Preliminary exfoliation of dead cells is desirable for good penetration of all the substances that make up the mask into the facial skin, this will ensure its greatest effectiveness. The scrub can also be used at home, for example, using any coffee scrub recipe.

When applying masks, follow the general rules for homemade cosmetic compositions:

  1. The procedure for applying a mask cannot be done “on the run.” Put aside all household chores and spend half an hour just for yourself.
  2. Any effective homemade face masks must be prepared (mix ingredients) immediately before use. The remaining mass cannot be stored.
  3. All components of the mask must be of good quality, and ingredients such as sour cream, fruit, kefir, etc. must be fresh.
  4. Before applying the mask, your face must be cleansed as usual. Those with oily and combination skin will probably also need a preliminary exfoliating peel. After cleansing the skin, open its pores as much as possible; you can steam them over a bath or make a warm, damp compress. This will allow all the ingredients to be absorbed as much as possible and have the best effect.
  5. To keep your hair out of the way of your face, gather it in a bun and secure it with something.
  6. Depending on the consistency, the mask should be applied with clean hands, a brush, a gauze pad or a cotton pad.
  7. Most masks should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté area. An exception would be drying masks for oily facial skin, because the skin in the décolleté area is much drier.
  8. Apply the homemade mask along the massage lines, performing movements from the middle of the face to the temples. The exception is the skin directly around the eyes; there is no need to apply a mask to it.
  9. Rinse off the mask with clean water. It is better not to take it from the tap, but to prepare in advance a jug of boiled water, cooled to body temperature.
  10. After washing off the mask, do not wipe your face; gently blot away excess moisture with a clean towel. Apply a cream appropriate to your skin type to a damp face.
  11. Don't expect an immediate effect from the first procedure. Homemade face masks must be repeated regularly 1-3 times a week. The course duration must be at least 3 weeks.

Precautions when using homemade masks

For girls prone to allergies, before applying the prepared mask at home, be sure to perform a test on the wrist or the inside of the elbow. If signs of an allergic reaction occur, take an antihistamine and do not use this product.

Today you can combat skin imperfections not only with the help of purchased products. Despite the huge selection of caring and cleansing cosmetics, many women prefer homemade masks. After all, by mixing all the ingredients yourself, you can be sure of the safety and effectiveness of the mask. So, we present the most popular and effective face masks.

Face mask blackheads

Blackheads are the most obvious sign of untreated skin. We can and should fight this. For deep cleansing, use an egg white mask. It is whipped until thick and foamy and applied to the face until completely dry. As soon as the mask has saturated the skin and has begun to dry, apply the next layer. And so on several times. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes and remove with dry hands. The resulting film also takes away impurities from the pores. This mask somewhat tightens the skin, as it has the effect of narrowing pores and tightening the skin of the face. After it, you need to use a moisturizer or even olive oil if you have dry skin.

Gelatin face mask

Gelatin is a permanent homemade ingredient in natural masks. Due to the property of gelatin to harden and change consistency, it has a lifting effect on the skin, but only with regular use.

Masks with gelatin begin to be used when wrinkles first appear. They prevent sagging and fill the skin with collagen. By the way, while many other store-bought products use plant or artificial collagen, in gelatin it is present in animal form, which is closest to the composition of natural collagen in human skin.

Gelatin is used as a stand-alone mask or mixed with other moisturizing and nourishing ingredients.

Preparing a mask from gelatin and milk takes a little time. Gelatin is poured with milk (preferably high-fat) in a ratio of 1 to 5. After the gelatin swells, which takes about 15-20 minutes, the mask is slightly heated. The finished mass is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes. Gelatin mask is harmless and safe. It is suitable for frequent use.

Face mask with honey

The honey mask should be used with caution by people with allergic reactions. Honey is never heated to a hot state, otherwise it becomes useless as a nutritional element.

The honey-egg mask is prepared as follows: add an egg yolk to a tablespoon of honey. You can also add a few drops of vegetable or almond oil. This mask is very moisturizing and nourishes the skin. Leave on the face for no more than 20 minutes. The mask must be washed off with warm water.

Clay face mask

Clay masks are easy to prepare. It is enough to mix the clay with warm water to a thick consistency, and the nutritious base is ready. Clay is also often diluted with milk or sour cream.

The peculiarity of this mask is that it has a tightening effect. This happens as the mask dries, when the clay pulls together with the skin. Do not allow the mask to dry completely, this dries out the skin very much. Therefore, regularly apply a new thin layer of mask to your skin, distributing it evenly over your entire face.

Oatmeal face mask

Oatmeal perfectly evens out the complexion. It is necessary to grind or grind the oatmeal to a powder, mix with a small amount of olive or peach oil and apply a thick layer to the face. This mask is very popular due to its effect, which is noticeable after just a few times of use. The oatmeal mask is absolutely hypoallergenic and suitable for those with sensitive skin. The main thing is to apply the mask with gentle, gentle movements.

Starch face mask

Starch is a unique product for our skin. It has many useful properties. Starch not only cleanses our skin, but also nourishes, smoothes wrinkles and has a lifting effect.

To combat inflammation, oily shine, and enlarged pores, use the following mask. A small amount of starch is ground with egg white, a pinch of soda and a few drops of tea tree oil are added. This mask is applied to the face in a thick layer, but avoid the skin around the eyes. While using a starch mask, you may experience a slight feeling of skin tightness. This is due to the tightening effect that starch has on the face. Therefore, after the mask, be sure to apply a moisturizer to your skin.

Egg face mask

Egg yolk and white have different properties. Yolk is the basis of a nourishing mask, recommended for any skin type. Protein tightens pores and tightens the skin.

Let's give an example of a nourishing mask that both moisturizes the skin and slightly whitens it (a side effect of cottage cheese, like many other white natural products).


  • cottage cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • chicken egg.

Grind a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a whole egg. You can add part of the egg to make the resulting composition convenient for application. In addition, you need to add half a teaspoon of olive oil to the mask, which will make the solution even more liquid. To make the mask thicker, you can add wheat flour or starch to it.

Face mask with aspirin

Aspirin has become a popular remedy to combat inflammation, large pores and uneven complexion. Of course, this is explained not only by the effectiveness and ease of use of this product, but also by the fact that it can be bought at any pharmacy and is cheap. That is, you get a complete solution for intensive skin treatment for an almost symbolic amount. Aspirin masks even get rid of blackheads. Also, masks with aspirin have a scrubbing effect, so be sure to crush the tablets well.

You must first grind the aspirin tablets to fine crumbs. Add a small pinch of salt and lemon juice to the aspirin. Lemon should be squeezed directly into the mask, but only a few drops! Before using this mask or lemon juice in any other homemade mask, make sure that there are no scratches, minor inflammations or cuts on your face. Lemon, like any other acid, corrodes wounded skin, which will lead to painful sensations.

The required amount of honey is added to the solution of aspirin, salt and lemon juice. It is better, of course, to take homemade honey and preheat it in a water bath. Why in a water bath? Honey should not be heated to a hot state, otherwise it becomes useless as a nutritional base for your mask. It loses its beneficial properties; they “evaporate” when heated strongly, and even more so when boiled. This is why a water bath is such a popular way to heat a solution.

Carrot face mask

Vegetables are one of the most natural and healthy products for the face in home cosmetology.

Carrots are one of the most popular vegetables for creating masks, along with cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes. Carrots are rich in vitamins and substances that help facial skin acquire an even complexion, stop flaking, and become softer and more elastic. In addition, carrots also moisturize the skin.

In order for carrots to be conveniently applied to the face, they must acquire the consistency of gruel. Since the vegetables from which homemade masks are prepared must not only be environmentally friendly, but also fresh, since they are not boiled. Therefore, carrots are passed through a grater. The finer the grater, the better, since when thoroughly grated, the carrots release more juice. Add a few drops of almond, peach or grape oil to the vegetable puree. Apply a thick layer to the face and leave for 20-25 minutes. Although this mask is absolutely harmless, you should not keep it on your face for longer. After all, if you follow the advice of cosmetologists, any mask cannot be kept on your face for more than 30 minutes.

Olive face mask

Olive oil has a very beneficial effect on the skin. It is the most popular in cosmetology. Unlike linseed oil, it does not have an unpleasant odor. Although grape oil is also often used. A huge amount of useful substances makes this product indispensable in home masks. Olive oil can be used as an independent mask if you apply it warm to the skin of the face with your fingertips and gently distribute it along the massage lines of the face.

Masks made from oils and fruits are also common. For normal and combination skin, a mask of kiwi and olive oil is suitable. This puree is applied to the face in a thick layer. If your skin is prone to allergies, then it is better to take less “sour” fruits: apples, bananas.

Banana face mask

This mask fights skin aging very well and returns good complexion to the face. After a course of 10-14 procedures, your skin will be transformed, become healthier, and will not cause problems in the form of pimples and dryness.

If you want your skin to become more elastic, soft and absorb a large amount of beneficial substances (which, of course, will affect its appearance), then use the following mask. You need to mix 100 ml of yogurt and 1 banana. It is better to take a banana that is slightly overripe so that it can be easily mashed, and you need natural, classic yogurt, without additives, without taste, with a high percentage of fat content. Add a spoonful of warm honey to the mixture.

Protein face mask

Chicken egg white is the active component of many masks. When the protein dries, it begins to shrink along with the skin. Don’t let this scare you, because it is this property of egg white that helps tighten the skin and tighten enlarged pores. In principle, protein can be applied to dry facial skin, but then it is better to add a spoonful of any oil to the mask. You can also mix the white of a chicken egg with cottage cheese or yogurt and apply a thick layer to your face, avoiding the eyelid area.

The protein is also mixed with starch to the required consistency. If you have two ingredients (one liquid, the other powder), then you make up the proportions yourself. The main thing is that the mask is comfortable to apply to the face and lasts for the required amount of time.

Sour cream face mask

Sour cream is a natural moisturizing product. It does not have highly targeted effects, such as narrowing pores or clearing the skin of blackheads, but due to its natural composition it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin in general.

Fruit pulp, for example, peach or apple, is added to sour cream. If you want to lighten your facial skin (then the skin looks fresher and cleaner), squeeze a little fresh lemon juice into the resulting mixture. Do not use concentrates, only the fruit itself!

Blue face mask

Blue clay is a popular ingredient when making homemade masks. It's cheap but effective. In addition, its powdery state allows it to be mixed with various nutritional liquid ingredients. To combat acne, scars and acne, clay is diluted with water and aloe juice. The mask on the face should be regularly moistened with wet hands.

Glycerin face mask

Glycerin masks are very good at increasing the fluid level in the epidermis. This is the main property of a viscous colorless liquid. Moreover, it is allowed to dilute it with any liquids in any proportions, which makes this product universal, like olive oil, for example. Without any special requirements for use, liquid, moisturizing - this product has every right to become a permanent assistant in the care of your skin.

A wonderful mask with a fresh summer aroma is made from grapefruit pulp, grape oil, glycerin and one ampoule of vitamin A, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. In general, you should add this vitamin to any mask. After all, this is one of the main substances that is necessary for healthy skin.

Laminaria face mask

The Japanese called this type of algae “the grass of immortality.” Kelp is the seaweed that we are used to seeing on store shelves. But they are also sold in pharmacies.

Laminaria powder can be poured with mineral water and let it brew for a while. The liquid base of the mask should be at room temperature or lukewarm, but do not pour boiling water over the kelp! This will destroy all its nutritional properties, since kelp is accustomed to coolness.

Yeast face mask

Yeast is not such a popular ingredient in home cosmetology, but nevertheless it has certain properties. Yeast helps fight wrinkles and restores the skin's natural elasticity. After trying a yeast mask, you may be convinced of its benefits and become a fan of home treatments using yeast.

Yeast is mixed with cucumbers passed through a grater (it is better if they are without peel), and the required amount of water is added to the resulting mass.

Lemon face mask

Let us immediately note that the masks are made with only a small amount of juice, since long-term exposure of the skin to a large amount of acid can lead to redness. There is also a cosmetic procedure in which the skin is rubbed with a thin slice of lemon. But this is a short-term effect on the skin of the face. The composition of lemon is very nutritious, it is rich not only in vitamins, minerals, etc., but also in essential oils and substances that even cleanse the skin of the face. At the same time, the skin of the face lightens slightly after using masks with the juice of this fruit. Fresh lemon juice helps fight oiliness and age spots.

Mix a few drops of lemon with yogurt, add 2 tablespoons of grated celery and apply a thick layer to the face.

Green face mask

Using green vegetables in home cosmetology has a great effect on the condition of the skin. The mask is made from celery, parsley and apple. The products are grated and mixed, adding olive oil. Be sure to wash your greens before applying them to your face, and it is also best if you grow all your vegetables yourself.

Tea face mask

Tea is also used in home cosmetology, although not as often.

But all the beneficial antioxidants for which black and green tea are so loved can affect not only the human body from the inside, but also the skin of the face.

When preparing homemade masks, both green and black tea are used. Both tea leaves and the liquid obtained during brewing are used. The main thing is that the tea leaves are of the highest quality, and the tea itself is strongly brewed. If you feel that your skin is losing elasticity and is not as soft as you would like, then prepare a mask of mayonnaise and strong brewed tea. If the smell of mayonnaise bothers you, you can use sour cream and the yolk of a chicken or quail egg.

Soda face mask

Baking soda is known to have a cleansing effect. For this property, as well as for its scrubbing effect, soda has gained popularity in home cosmetology. When using soda masks for a long time (1-2 months), your face will be cleared of blackheads.

To make a mask, a teaspoon of baking soda and warm honey are enough. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the face with gentle movements. It is recommended to add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to this mask, aimed at disinfecting and cleansing the face (can be replaced with lemon juice).

White clay face mask

White clay is a very nourishing product for our skin. 2 tablespoons of clay are diluted in fat milk. Remember not to let the mask dry out.

Flax face mask

A flax mask is made from seeds, oil or flaxseed flour. Flax contains powerful antioxidants, thanks to which flax masks have a healing effect, smooth out wrinkles and fight pigment spots or prevent their appearance. For tired skin, the following mask is necessary. Flaxseed oil (half a teaspoon) is mixed with essential oils of rose, chamomile, orange and sandalwood. Essential oils are added a couple of drops at a time. This mask can also be used as a facial massage oil.

Coffee face mask

For a coffee mask, use the grounds of good quality coffee. Thanks to its composition, coffee actively fights skin aging and even promotes collagen production. A mask made from coffee and cottage cheese is very easy to prepare. It is better if the cottage cheese is homemade. For a more viscous consistency and to make the mask more nutritious, you can add yolk.

Please note that after coffee masks, the skin is very moisturized and covered with an oily film. Therefore, it is especially not recommended to make such a mask before going out.

Rice face mask

Homemade rice masks are not as popular as others. In addition, these masks require more time to prepare. But rice is very good for the skin. It dries the skin, as it contains starch, rejuvenates it and fights inflammation.

The rice mask suggested in this article is ideal for oily skin. It tightens pores and stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. To do this, crushed rice is ground with egg white. If you do not have the opportunity to grind rice into crumbs, you can use boiled rice, which is easily mashed with other ingredients.

Castor face mask

Castor oil not only moisturizes the skin, but also heals. Masks based on bone oil actively fight acne.

To prepare a castor mask against inflammation you will need:

  • a teaspoon of castor oil;
  • a teaspoon of calendula tincture;
  • 1 protein;
  • aspirin.

The mask is applied in several layers for 20 minutes. After you wash off this mask, you will feel a comfortable state of your skin, and there will be no need to apply cream.

Potato face mask

To improve skin tone, home cosmetology uses potatoes, which are passed through a grater. Add honey, a pinch of soda and a few drops of peach oil to the resulting consistency. This mask is applied for 15-20 minutes. It is suitable for any skin type and evens out the complexion with regular use.

Face mask with milk

Milk can serve as a base for many masks. So you can always use milk instead of water. If you have dry skin, then you need to take milk with maximum fat content. Oatmeal is added to milk to a viscous consistency and applied to the face. This mask has many positive reviews, it is easy to prepare and effective. Absolutely safe ingredients, so the mask can also be applied to the area around the eyes.

Flour face mask

A homemade flour mask is a magical remedy for combating the most unpleasant skin imperfections. Skin tired and fading? Flour has the ability to rejuvenate the skin! Inflammation and blackheads? Flour cleanses the skin and nourishes! Acne marks? Flour evens out your complexion! If you look at the properties of homemade products, all white and milky ingredients (including flour, oatmeal, starch, and other bulk products) effectively even out the complexion.

Women of different ages actively use the mask with the following composition:

  • 1 spoon of flour;
  • 2 spoons of strong tea (black or green);
  • 1 spoon of lemon juice.

The ingredients mix easily and the mask is completely safe.

It should be remembered that different flours are used in home cosmetology: corn, rice, wheat, barley, etc.

Each type of flour has its own characteristics and properties. If you decide to give yourself a course of home treatments using flour, then you must stick to the same composition throughout the entire course.

Oatmeal has cleansing properties, and in combination with other ingredients it forms a mask with a “double” effect: it increases moisture levels and cleanses the skin. Rice flour has the same properties.

If your facial skin is oily, then wheat flour is suitable. It can be mixed with other ingredients aimed at combating oily shine and slightly enlarged pores. Such ingredients are starch and sour milk. The recommended oils are those that have an “astringent” effect. This could be, for example, juniper, fir or mint oil. But you should remember that if you can add any other oils in unlimited quantities, then oils with an “astringent” effect are added literally 1-2 drops at a time. Otherwise, the strong smell of the mask will cause you discomfort, your eyes may begin to sting, and you will not keep the mask on your face for a sufficient amount of time. So when using mint and spruce oils, the rule “less is more” works.

For drier skin, use oatmeal or rice flour. These products are very gentle on the skin and cannot cause irritation. 1 tablespoon of rice or oatmeal is ground in a coffee grinder or ground in a cup. You can use heated honey, olive or vegetable oil, or grated tomato as the basis for the mask.

For convenience, if you have chosen a mask made from a specific flour, you can grind the required amount of flour for the entire course. This jar will be a great helper in maintaining beauty at home.

Kefir face mask

A kefir mask is considered universal and nutritious.

For the masks we offer, mix a few drops of almond oil, 2 parts of kefir, and 2 parts of apple or grapefruit pulp. Citrus fights fine wrinkles.

Cinnamon face mask

Cinnamon has a rich composition and tart smell. Despite this, cinnamon is recommended even for dry and sensitive skin. Cinnamon perfectly tones the skin, saturating it and charging it with natural energy. Cinnamon can be added to any mask. A very popular mask is made from cinnamon and honey. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon is dissolved in a tablespoon of warmed milk. This solution should be kept on the face for no more than 20 minutes to avoid allergies to honey. Leave the area around the eyes uncovered.

Chocolate face mask

Chocolate masks are popular, and this is easy to explain: chocolate has a unique composition that gives the skin energy to restore its natural tone. With regular use of a chocolate mask, your facial skin really transforms. After all, chocolate contains ingredients such as: vanilla, cocoa beans (help speed up metabolism in the epidermis), theobromine (promotes the release of natural collagen, which increases the youthfulness of the skin), caffeine (antioxidant of youth), tryptophan (helps increase “immunity” our skin), tannins (heal microcracks on the face that are invisible at first glance, which promotes uniform color and texture), phenylethylamine (deliveries oxygen to the cells of the epidermis).

Chocolate has such a rich composition that it can be used as a full-fledged mask. Remember that the higher the percentage of cocoa beans in chocolate, the healthier the mask. Therefore, choose dark chocolate without additives. By heating it, you get a ready-made solution that covers your face and neck.

Cottage cheese face mask

Cottage cheese moisturizes and whitens the skin. To prepare a nourishing mask that is suitable for any skin, you will need 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, a chicken egg yolk and grated cucumber. The products must be mixed until they have a homogeneous consistency. You need to apply the mask in a thick layer, but so that it fits tightly on the skin. Therefore, there should be no lumps left in the mask, and it is better to remove the peel from the cucumber.

Masks, creams and scrubs for all skin types that you can make at home. Many women think that creams are enough to take care of their skin. But they are deeply mistaken and underestimate the nutritional properties of face masks! Especially those masks that can (and should!) be made at home.

How to apply masks at home

For a mask at home, you will need approximately 20-30 minutes, taking into account the preparation time. Apply a face mask at home for about 15-20 minutes. Relax and enjoy precious minutes of rest that will make your skin beautiful and well-groomed!

It is best to make masks at home in a course of 4-6 times, 2-3 times a week. In this case, the effect and result of the masks will be better and last longer! You shouldn't try one mask today and another tomorrow. The effect will be worse! We choose one mask, try it, if you like it, make it a course!

Before applying the mask to your face, you must thoroughly cleanse your facial skin. It’s even better if, before applying the mask at home, you do a facial steam bath, warm compress or peeling. This will open and unclog your pores and help your skin absorb even more of the nutrients from your mask! Never apply the mask to your lips or the skin around your eyes. The skin around the eyes can simply be lubricated with a nourishing cream. After applying a homemade face mask, reduce the light, close your head, it is best to lie down on the sofa or in a bubble bath and relax. Until you take off the mask, it is better not to talk so that the skin on your face remains motionless.

Never wipe your face after washing. Let the skin dry on its own and absorb moisture. Especially in the winter season, when the skin lacks nutrition.

Facial skin care

Masks, scrubs, creams for facial skin care at home

Skin care for enlarged pores

Remedies, masks, for enlarged pores. Causes of enlarged pores. What to do and how to fight? Treatment with folk remedies.

Pores on the face

We doubt that you don’t know what pores are. But, just in case, we remind you: these are holes that bring fat to the skin surface.

Where do enlarged pores on the face come from?

Women with oily or combination skin are unlucky: they are the ones most likely to develop (enlarged) pores. Due to the fact that dirt gets into the pores, they visually appear deeper than they actually are.

Causes of enlarged pores

What causes dirt to accumulate in pores?

  • Decreased immunity. You can boost your immunity with hardening. Douse yourself with cold water for ten minutes;
  • Excessive use of cosmetics (decorative). Remember the “golden” rule: “Everything is good in moderation”;
  • Medicines. Before using them, be sure to consult a good, competent doctor;
  • Stress and stressful situations. Don't get stressed;
  • Dysfunction of glands (endocrine). Get examined more often to avoid any dysfunctions and “problems” of the body;
  • Improper skin care;
  • Use of low-quality cosmetics (in 78 percent of cases).

Not only do pores look unsightly, but they also promote acne and bacterial growth. The “victim” of pores is most often the chin, nose and forehead (the so-called T-zone).

Enlarged pores (with blackheads) are not a death sentence. You can get rid of them. Now you will find out exactly how.

How to get rid of enlarged pores on the face

Oatmeal mask for enlarged pores on the face at home

Pour water (hot) over oatmeal (one tablespoon). The oatmeal must be crushed and brought to a mushy state. Apply the porridge to your face as soon as it has cooled, leaving the area around your eyes intact. Wash off the mask after twenty minutes.

Compress for enlarged pores on the face at home

Take two tablespoons of plantain. Grind. Pour boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain. You can apply both a cold and hot compress (cold for five minutes, hot for three). You can also change the compress, alternately making it hot and cold.

Treatment for skin with enlarged pores using folk remedies at home

The following recipe is especially for lovers of vegetables and fruits. Choose based on your taste preferences:

  • lemon(tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles). Slice (finely) the lemon. Pour a glass of vodka into it and let it brew for ten days. Apply to your face for twenty minutes. Rinse off the mask, but do not wash your face;
  • cucumber(for porous skin). Buy two cucumbers. Grate and add vodka (100 ml). Leave the grated cucumbers in a glass bowl. Insist for a week. Strain. Dip gauze into the infusion and apply it to your face for fifteen minutes;
  • Potato(for aging skin and oily skin types). Boil and mash the potatoes. Apply the puree of this vegetable to your face.

It is very good to use clay to cleanse pores. Let's make a mask out of it.

Clay mask for treating enlarged facial pores at home

Let's take kaolin, that is, blue clay (one tablespoon) and add a little mineral water. We will mix kaolin and mineral water until the consistency of the mixture resembles sour cream. Add two drops of fennel oil and a couple of drops of glycerin (glycerin helps save the mask from drying out quickly). Apply the mixture to the skin (for twenty minutes). The mask is washed off only with warm water. By the way, do not let it dry out while it is on your face: periodically spray it with water.

Acidified water can also help. The only pity is that the effectiveness does not last long.

There is also a remedy for coffee lovers. Yes, you guessed it right, this is a coffee scrub. Coffee can have a beneficial effect on the skin. The substances it contains soothe and smooth the skin, preventing it from aging. Coffee substances are an indispensable skin protection against ultraviolet rays. You can praise coffee and talk about its charms endlessly, but now let’s focus on how coffee scrub is made. You are interested? Then - read. Here are three ways to make it:

Coffee scrub for skin with enlarged pores, method one

Mix cinnamon and cream with coffee grounds.

Coffee scrub for skin with enlarged pores, method two

Mix any essential oil (that you like) with 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of sour cream and two teaspoons of coffee grounds.

Coffee scrub for skin with enlarged pores, method three

Use regular coffee grounds.

Remember that you should not use this scrub if you are allergic to coffee or its aroma.

Combination skin care

Homemade masks for combination skin

Mask for combination skin care oatmeal at home

Pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with four tablespoons of cream or milk. When the flakes swell, spread the resulting mixture onto your face and leave it for 20 minutes. After the procedure is completed, the mask is removed alternately with hot and cold water.

Mask for combination skin care from pork lard AT HOME

Fresh pork lard is a universal cosmetic product. Apply it to your face and keep this mask on for 20 minutes. A few grams of lard are enough to make the skin soft and elastic.

Mask from carrotsAT HOME

Grate two fresh carrots and mix with two tablespoons of potato flour and one egg yolk. Apply the resulting mass to thoroughly cleansed facial skin. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask first with hot and then with cold water. This mask nourishes, refreshes and smoothes any skin; it can be done relatively often.

Swedish mask for combination skin carecottage cheese facesAT HOME

Grind three teaspoons of fresh cottage cheese with a spoon of honey, beat it all into a cream and spread it on your face. Particular care must be taken to cover the areas around the eyes and around the mouth. After 20 minutes, thoroughly rinse off the mask with a cotton swab dipped in cold milk.

The curd mask has a refreshing effect, nourishes and cleanses the skin. You can use it quite often.

Mask for the care of combination skin cucumber peel AT HOME

Immediately after you peel the cucumber, carefully place the peel on your thoroughly washed face. The peel will hold well if you press it with something, such as covering your face with a layer of damp gauze. Leave the mask on your face for at least 20 minutes, but do not wash your face afterwards, as cucumber juice is much better than any water. It has a nourishing, refreshing and smoothing effect.

Honey masksfor the care of combination skinAT HOME:

  • D Mix two tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of flour and one egg white and apply the mixture to your face. Leave until it dries well (20-30 minutes), then rinse with hot and cold water alternately. This mask has a nourishing and stimulating effect. “Chicken's feet” - wrinkles around the eyes - disappear with this mask, at least for a while. The honey mask should not be used very often;
  • Mix two spoons of honey with one spoon of very strong tea and two spoons of oatmeal, add a little water until the required consistency is obtained, lightly heat the resulting mass by steaming. Apply the warm mass in a thick layer, cover your face with a paper napkin, top with a towel and hold for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with hot and cold water alternately.

Care for oily skin

Oily skin gets dirty faster and more than dry skin. Therefore, it needs more thorough cleansing. Oily skin usually tolerates soap and water well.

You can prepare the simplest composition for cleansing oily skin from equal parts of camphor alcohol and distilled or simply boiled water.

Cucumber cream AT HOME

Cut several overripe cucumbers lengthwise and, using a spoon, remove the juice and seeds, pass the pulp through a meat grinder, and then combine the resulting mass with the juice and seeds again. Fill a large jar with the resulting mass, add alcohol or vodka to it at the rate of 600 g of alcohol or vodka per half-liter jar of mass. Then close the container with the mixture well and leave it in the sun for three weeks. Initially, the vessel should be filled with the prepared mixture to only two-thirds of the capacity. During the exposure time, the mass of the mixture will increase by the remaining third. Pour the finished cream into small bottles. Keep one for use and put the rest in the refrigerator. Every morning, moisten a cotton pad with this cream and wipe your face and neck.

Milk for oily skin care AT HOME

This is an excellent skin cleanser. It is recommended to use it in the morning. The skin is cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

Vitamin mask for oily skin care AT HOME

Dilute a small amount of yeast with freshly squeezed juice from vegetables or fruits. Apply the resulting mass to the skin and keep the mask on for 20-30 minutes. After this, rinse off with hot and cold water alternately.

Sauerkraut leaves for oily skin care AT HOME

They are crushed, applied in a thin layer to the face and covered with a napkin. Keep this mask for 20-30 minutes. After this, wash with cold water and lubricate your face with nourishing cream. It is recommended to do such masks once a week.

Parsley leaves for oily skin AT HOME

They are used to prepare a decoction (at the rate of one bunch of parsley per glass of boiling water). Three tablespoons of bran are added to the strained broth, stirred and this composition is applied to the face while warm. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

In order for the skin to become firm, elastic and fresh, it is recommended to use a milk infusion of parsley leaves, tarragon, rosemary and sorrel.

Hollywood mask for oily skin care AT HOME

Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal or corn flour with one egg white, beat until foam forms. Apply the resulting paste to your face for 15-20 minutes. Wipe off the dried mask with a handkerchief, rinse your face first with hot and then with cold water. This mask cleanses and strengthens the skin, giving a matte finish to oily skin.

Protein mask for oily skin care AT HOME

You can immediately spread the protein onto your skin after you break the egg. You can whip it until foam forms and apply it to your face using a shaving brush. Within a few minutes, the protein dries and tightens the skin. When this happens, wash it off with a cotton swab dipped in cool water and lemon juice. The protein mask has a tonic and tightening effect and is an excellent remedy for dull skin and enlarged pores. But you shouldn't use it often.

Paraffin mask for oily skin care AT HOME

One mask requires about 35 grams of paraffin. It should be steamed and applied to the face as quickly as possible in a thin layer using a flat brush. Once the first layer has dried, apply it to your face again. After about 20 minutes, the mask can be removed. Under the influence of paraffin, the pores on the face expand and cleanse. After removing the mask, wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in water and lemon juice, and then rinse well with cold water.

Be careful! Do not overheat paraffin to avoid burns.

Roman mask for oily skin careAT HOME

Two tablespoons of dry pea flour should be mixed with two tablespoons of whey. Apply the resulting mass to your face and leave until completely dry. Then wipe it off your face, making circular movements with your fingertips, rinse your face alternately with hot and cold water. This mask cleanses, smoothes and mattifies oily skin.

Care for normal skin


If you are one of the lucky few who have the wealth of normal skin, then take care of it. In order for normal skin to remain beautiful and young for a long time, it requires the same care as any other, that is, it must be cleansed from time to time. If you do not have the opportunity or time to visit a beauty salon, you can easily do this procedure yourself.

Steam bath for normal skin care AT HOME

Place a pinch of chamomile and linden flowers in a bowl of boiling water and remove from heat. Wash your face, lubricate it with cream, cover your head and bowl with a terry towel and hold your face over the steam until it sweats profusely. After this, take two cotton swabs and clean your forehead, nose and chin with them. Sprinkle salt and soda on the tampons before this procedure.

The same steam bath is used when cleansing the skin and acne.

Attention ! If your skin is too reactive, facial vasodilation, or inflammatory eye diseases, steam baths are contraindicated.

For dry and normal skin, factory-made lotions are used, which include eucalyptus oil and clove extract; tinctures of birch buds; plantain tincture; solutions of Tuluan balsam and benzoin resin; infusion of chamomile and marigold (calendula); tincture of marigolds and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Based on medicinal herbs, creams have been created for dry and normal skin that perfectly tone the skin, give it elasticity, protect against dehydration, and improve metabolic processes in the skin.

Dry skin care


This skin produces almost no oil. Therefore, you need to avoid everything that can dry it out even more - water, soap, cold and heat.

The best way to clean dry skin is this: lubricate it with a rich cream and after a few minutes remove it, blotting it with a napkin.

If you cannot do without water, wash your face with bran or oatmeal (rolled oatmeal).

Washing with bran AT HOME

Pour boiling water (500 g of water) over one tablespoon of bran. Let it sit for ten minutes, add one tablespoon of milk and apply this mixture on your face.

After five minutes, after washing off this cleansing mask with cold and hot water alternately, lubricate your face with a nourishing cream.

Washing with oatmeal(rolled oats) for dry skin care AT HOME

Pour one teaspoon of oatmeal with three tablespoons of boiling water and let stand for thirty minutes. After the flakes swell, you need to thoroughly wipe the skin with the resulting mass. It is useful to keep it on your face for a few minutes, then rinse it off with cool water and wait until your face dries. This has a very good effect on the skin, making it smooth and velvety.

Egg yolk for dry skin care AT HOME

It is extremely beneficial due to the lecithin it contains. If you cleanse your skin daily, it will always be fresh and smooth. The yolk is also valuable because it is suitable for any skin.

If the skin is very dry, then you can add one teaspoon of burdock or olive oil to one yolk. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and neck, and then after 5-7 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

The remaining mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.

Lanolin mixtures for dry skin care AT HOME

Grind a teaspoon of lanolin, heated in a steam bath, with 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice or strawberries. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 30 minutes, then blot off any remaining residue.

Strawberry mask for dry skin care AT HOME

Mash one hundred grams of strawberries. Add a pinch of baking soda, a few drops of alcohol, vodka or wine and stir well. After this, add a quarter glass of milk. Apply this mixture to your face once or twice a day and keep it on for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with water at room temperature.

Parsley for dry skin care AT HOME

Recommended for firmer, fresher and smoother skin. An infusion of leaves of parsley, tarragon, rosemary and sorrel is prepared as follows: pour in equal parts the leaves of the above plants (only two tablespoons of the mixture) with half a glass of hot milk. Let it brew, wrapping the infusion. Then strain, add two tablespoons of bran and apply the resulting mass to the face. Hold for ten minutes.

Boiled potatoes for dry skin care AT HOME

Mixed with milk and egg yolk, it is widely used in cosmetics for masks that nourish the skin. Warm mashed potatoes with the indicated additives are applied to the face and kept for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off alternately - first with hot, then with cold water.

Hot compresses for dry skin care AT HOME

Used for aging skin of the face and neck. To do this, use water infusions of equal quantities of hop cones, sage leaves, linden flowers, chamomile and yarrow. A tablespoon of this mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water, adding a teaspoon of one percent infusion of Eleutherococcus, ginseng or buckthorn decoction. The face and neck are first lubricated with a rich cream and then an eight-layer gauze cloth soaked in the hot prepared infusion is applied. Leave until completely cool, then remove the napkin and lubricate your face and neck with nourishing cream again.

For aging skin of the face and neck, it is also good to use hot oil compresses, adding vitamins available on hand. The application technique is the same as for the above herbal infusion.

Melon or watermelon pulp for dry skin care AT HOME

Apply a thin layer of crushed melon or watermelon pulp to the face and neck and keep for 10-15 minutes. Then the mask is not washed off, but wiped off with a cotton swab, after which a nourishing cream is applied. This mask makes the skin pink, soft and elastic.

Wild strawberry for dry skin care AT HOME

Its leaves, flowers and berries are used to make masks for aging facial skin. To do this, leaves and flowers (one teaspoon of the mixture) are poured with a quarter cup of boiling water and infused for twenty minutes. Then add a teaspoon of mashed strawberries, one egg yolk and one teaspoon of honey. All this is mixed into a homogeneous mass and applied to the face and neck for 20-30 minutes. After this, the mask is washed off and the face is lubricated with nourishing cream.

Strawberry masks are contraindicated pregnant women women and those who are predisposed to an allergic reaction.

If you don’t have a nourishing cream with infusions of medicinal plants on hand, don’t worry. Add plantain juice (20 drops), or aloe juice (20 drops), or golden root (5-6 drops), or eleutherococcus (10 drops) to any fortified cream, and the nourishing cream with herbal additives is ready.

In winter, moisturizing masks have a particularly good effect: grated apple, gruel from crushed bananas, egg yolk, cottage cheese. Orange also helps: cut the orange into thin slices and place it on your forehead and cheeks.

It is also useful to thoroughly boil the apple in a small amount of milk; when the mixture has cooled, apply it to your face.

Flaxseed mask for dry skin care AT HOME

In winter, thin and dry skin quickly becomes inflamed. This can be prevented. Add two tablespoons of flaxseed to two cups of water and cook until the seed is softened. The resulting mass, hot (as soon as can be tolerated), is applied to the face. After no less than 20 minutes, wash it off alternately with hot and cold water. For dilated blood vessels on the face, apply a cool mask and rinse it off with cool water. The mask has a nourishing effect and protects against wrinkles and folds.

Yolk mask for dry skin care AT HOME

Mix one yolk with juice squeezed from half a lemon, grated zest from a whole lemon and a teaspoon of olive oil. Place the mask on your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with a cotton swab soaked in milk at room temperature. The mask has a nourishing and smoothing effect. A very good remedy against wrinkles and folds on the face.

Yeast mask for dry skin care AT HOME

Add one egg yolk to a small piece of yeast, mash well, add one teaspoon of sour cream. Place the mask on your face and keep it on for 25-30 minutes.

Fruity Hercules PERSONS AT HOME

In the evening, pour cold water over the oatmeal. In the morning, boil, cool slightly and pour the fruit juice that you have on hand into the warm broth. You can add vitamin A.

Lemon-herbal dry skin care mask PERSONS AT HOME

Boil a mixture of the following herbs with boiling water: chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, hop cones, blackberry leaves, strawberry leaves (one teaspoon of each plant). Mix everything into a homogeneous mass. Take one tablespoon of the mixture, pour half a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain and add two egg yolks, one teaspoon of honey and the juice of one lemon to the warm infusion. Mix all this thoroughly and apply to your face. But it’s better to moisten a piece of gauze with the resulting slurry, in which holes have been previously cut for the eyes, nose and mouth, and apply this gauze to your face. Keep it on for 25-30 minutes, then rinse off the mask with hot and cold water alternately.

A complex form of frozen juices of medicinal plants: strawberries, strawberries, cucumber (peel), parsley (leaves), watermelon (pulp) refreshes and tones the skin well. Take one part of the juice of the indicated plants, add an infusion of hop cones, linden flowers, chamomile, sage leaves and one percent tincture or extract of ginseng or eleutherococcus. Mix it all, take two tablespoons of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water over it and bring to a boil. Let it brew for one hour, strain and pour into small round-bottomed vinyl chloride boxes. Place the boxes in the refrigerator and freeze. The resulting pieces of ice with oval edges are used to wipe the skin.

One of the most used cosmetic products is lanolin cream. You can cook it yourself. To do this, take fifty grams of lanolin, thirty-five grams of olive oil and fifty grams of rose water. Melt the lanolin in a steam bath and add olive oil drop by drop, then add rose water in the same way. If you have oil vitamins on hand, add them and quickly whisk the mixture. Then the cream will be fluffy.

Refreshing masks (suitable for all skin types)

They are used once, before going on a date, visiting, or going to the theater.

Before applying a refreshing mask, you need to cleanse the skin of your face and neck using one of the above methods.

Cucumber refreshing masks:

  • Grate young cucumbers, add a few drops of lemon juice and apply this mixture to your face. Keep it on for 20 minutes, after which you need to wash off the mask and apply a nourishing cream;
  • Take one tablespoon of cucumber juice, mix with one tablespoon of warm milk and one egg yolk, beaten until foamy. Add gradually 25 drops of rose water or infusion of rose or rose petals.

Before applying the mask to the face and neck, lubricate dry skin with a nourishing cream, and for oily skin, apply the mask directly to a cleansed face.

Universal masks for all skin types at home

Face mask from dry herb mixtures at home

2 tablespoons lavender, 2 tablespoons chamomile, 2 tablespoons linden blossom, 1 tablespoon sage. All ingredients are crushed and poured with boiling water until the consistency of a thick paste. Keep covered until the herbs steam. Apply the mixture warm, cover with a polyethylene towel on top.

How to make your own mask for facial skin rejuvenation

Every modern woman, regardless of age, wants to look as attractive and younger than her age as possible. Recipes that promote rejuvenation have been relevant at all times. A beautiful face with well-groomed healthy skin is our calling card. Moreover, it is not necessarily the beautiful shape of the eyes or the correct shape of the nose given by nature that attracts attention - a more significant role in shaping the assessment of a person’s appearance, both for men and women, is played by the condition of his facial skin.

This is why it is so important to pay close attention to facial care and pamper your skin with various procedures aimed at additionally nourishing the cells and supplying them with active ingredients. This will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles and delay the appearance of age-related changes on the face, thus maintaining the elasticity of the skin and prolonging its youth for as long as possible.

The most effective means by which we can prolong the youth of the face or rejuvenate already tired mature skin are masks for the face and neck. However, not everyone can allocate the time required in the modern busy rhythm of life to visit beauty salons to perform rejuvenation procedures.

And the cost of such professional cosmetic services today is a pleasure that not every woman can afford. Therefore, let's figure out how you can do homemade anti-aging treatments yourself at home, using available products.

What you need to know to provide proper care for your face

So, homemade masks are the most common and affordable product used to nourish, cleanse and rejuvenate all skin types:

  • They use only natural products, without chemical additives, all kinds of fragrances, dyes and preservatives.
  • They can be made from ingredients you have on hand or available at your local grocery store.
  • It is impossible not to take into account the effectiveness with which masks made from natural products act, and their relative cheapness compared to branded drugs.
  • Using certain products, you can provide complete care and good nutrition to your skin.
  • If you use masks regularly, you will soon feel the beneficial effect, which is reflected in improved skin tone, the disappearance of fine wrinkles and even out complexion.
  • The components of the mask will have the best effect on your skin if you pre-apply it with a steam bath of medicinal herbs. You can brew any herb you have at home for your baths. Steam the skin for at least ten minutes - this will open the pores as much as possible and ensure better penetration of the nourishing and moisturizing components of the mask into the inner layers of the skin. You can then wash off the mask with the same decoction.

Important: be sure to use tonics to tighten the pores on the skin after washing off the mask. You can take just a piece of ice for this purpose. And don’t forget about the nourishing cream: this is a must for skin care after the procedure.

You can evaluate the effectiveness of homemade masks only if you use them regularly. To obtain the desired effect, you need to make 15-20 masks. However, you should not get carried away: first carry out the course with a mask of one composition, then, some time after the end of the course, you can try the effects of a different composition on yourself.

According to numerous reviews, the best products that can be used for masks are:

  • Fresh berries, fruits and vegetables;
  • Milk and fermented milk products - yogurt, sour cream and kefir;
  • Fresh eggs;
  • Hercules;
  • Aloe;
  • Vegetable oils – olive, avocado, grape seed oil. seeds.

Using these products, you can prepare a variety of products at home to refresh your facial skin, smooth out existing wrinkles and protect your skin from further fading.

Effective recipes for masks

We present for you the best effective recipes for facial skin rejuvenation, simple in composition and selected taking into account different skin types. Using them at home, you can make masks not only for women, but also for men - especially since the latter very rarely use the services of beauty salons.

Masks for oily skin

  • Protein.

This is the easiest and easiest way to rejuvenate your skin:

  • Separate the white from the yolk, place it in a separate bowl and beat until foamy;
  • Take a paper napkin, try it on your face and cut out holes for the eyes, mouth and nose;
  • Apply a thin layer of egg white to your face using a sponge or wide brush. Place a piece of paper on top;
  • Cover the top of the napkin blank with a layer of protein mask and let it dry;
  • Repeat applying layers of protein and then drying several times.

You need to remove the protein mask very carefully after it has completely dried. Start removing the mask from the top of your face by grabbing the top ends of the dried tissue.

Important: relax your facial muscles while the protein is drying and do not strain them until the protein mass is completely dry.

  • Cucumber.

Cucumber is an excellent skin tonic, so it can be found in many masks. Using cucumber masks, you can get rid of swelling, soften and relax the skin, thus improving its appearance.

In order to prepare a rejuvenating cucumber mask, chop the cucumber on the finest grater or in a blender, mix it with a small amount of yogurt without additives or kefir. Apply the resulting paste to the entire face, including the eyelids. Leave on for half an hour, then rinse off.

Face masks for dry skin

  • Banana.

These berries are famous for their hypoallergenic qualities, and therefore they can be used as a base for preparing masks for the most capricious skin. Potassium, contained in large quantities in bananas, helps destroy bacteria that have settled in cells and the disappearance of age spots and painful redness of the skin. After a course of masks based on banana pulp, the skin becomes pleasantly velvety and matte.

You will need:

  • 1 or 2 ripe bananas;
  • A teaspoon of any citrus juice;
  • A tablespoon of bee honey.
  • Grind the bananas until mushy and pour in the juice of citrus fruits - orange, lemon, grapefruit.
  • Stir the mixture with honey until smooth.
  • Apply the banana mixture to your face and problem areas of the body.
  • The exposure time of the mask is 20-30 minutes. After this, rinse it off as usual, treat your skin with toner and don’t forget about the nourishing cream.
  • Hercules with honey.

This mask has an immediate effect on the dermis - immediately after washing off, you will see how much better your face looks. Oatmeal perfectly softens the skin and acts as a scrub, ridding the top layer of the epidermis of dead particles. Honey is an excellent nutrient and antioxidant. The oil, which is also present in the mask, has a softening and smoothing effect on the skin, improving its elasticity.

To prepare the mask, take:

  • Half a cup of crushed Hercules flakes;
  • Two tablespoons of liquid bee honey;
  • A teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Grind Hercules flakes using a blender or coffee grinder;
  • Heat honey in a water bath;
  • Mix honey and oil (preferably olive) in a deep container and add prepared oatmeal;
  • Pre-cleanse the skin and apply the oatmeal mixture.
  • Relax and lie down for half an hour, then remove the mixture with a cotton swab and rinse off the residue with warm water.

Universal masks for facial rejuvenation

  • Gelatinous.

This is a cheap mask that is available to everyone at home. At the same time, in terms of the effect obtained, it is not inferior to expensive procedures performed in beauty salons. This is an excellent product that tones the skin and has a rejuvenating effect on it for a long time.

Cooking method:

  • Fill the gelatin packet with a small amount of cold water, let it swell and heat until boiling. There is no need to boil the mixture; stir constantly while heating so that the gelatin melts and forms a homogeneous liquid mass without lumps.
  • Cool the mixture until warm - so as not to unnecessarily heat the skin of the face, and so that the mixture does not have time to harden.
  • Apply the cooled gelatin mixture to your face, except for the eye area and nasolabial area. If desired, you can apply a gelatin mask to your neck. It is best to use a wide brush or a special spatula for this.
  • After application, lie down and relax. It is necessary to lie down, without moving or straining your facial muscles, for about half an hour until the gelatin is completely dry.
  • As time passes, carefully remove the dried gelatin film, starting from the chin and upward to the frontal area. Thus, according to experts, deformation of the skin does not occur, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles.
  • Rinse your face after removing the film with water at room temperature.
  • Lemon with honey.

This is an affordable and effective mixture that can be used as a mask for facial rejuvenation. It not only perfectly tones the skin, but also, thanks to the presence of lemon juice, eliminates the problem of age-related pigmentation.

For the procedure you will need:

  • natural yogurt or kefir, two teaspoons;
  • lemon juice or lime juice, half a teaspoon;
  • bee honey, half a teaspoon;
  • if available, a few grapes without skins and seeds.

Combine kefir with lemon juice and honey, mix and use as a mask. After exposure, wash it off with a cotton swab with warm water.

There is such a great variety of folk recipes, using which you can regularly do procedures at home to care for your skin and rejuvenate it.

Knowing the properties of the products, you can combine them at your discretion and make masks that simultaneously have cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing properties. The main thing is to use only those products that do not irritate your skin, and also do the procedure regularly, at least 2 times a week for 2 months.

If you follow all these simple rules, you can heal and rejuvenate your skin in two months, with minimal investment of time and money.