
New Year's scenario in the middle school. New Year's holiday script (high school). And now ... a modern New Year scenario


New Year - middle and senior link. Veda: Hello dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our school again on a holiday. On the eve of the New Year, let me congratulate you with these verses: The clock is knocking, the old year is leaving, its last pages rustle. And let all the good not go away, and the bad - not repeat. And now we invite you to remember our best years! Let the New Year, which is on the doorstep, enter your home like a good friend! Let sorrow, adversity and illness forget the road to you! May good luck and success come in the coming year! Let it be the best, the most joyful for everyone! Now the picture “ Best years our life "! (on stage BYaga - reads "Peasant" and her granddaughter Yagovna looks at the catalog, chooses cosmetics) By: Ohoho, my back hurts. So, and here they write something interesting. So interesting. Hmm ... I found a page about health! Yagovna: What are you reading there, granny? Nothing will help you! Bya: My dear, God protects the saved. You are interested in mazyuki krasyuki. Eh, young people, this is not how you live, you are not interested in that. After all, we at one time did not read such books, where they say about perfume and lipstick, but such that they took for the soul. Yagovna: Granny, it's not for you to judge. If you were young and beautiful, like me, you would not think about books, but would dream of your own Kaschey. By: Yes, there were our years. How we lived, how we had fun, now they do not know how. Yagovna: Granny, you really started to flog a greaseless shnyaga. The skirmish is not rolling us. My shoelaces have been dumped, the responsibility for me is all on you, I’m late for the bulkotryaz, chase the greens for me, otherwise there will be nothing for me to curl up on and the bottleball will screw up with our humanizers, then everyone will be stupid. Do you mean? Bya: Translate! Something I'm not securing. Yagovna: What an ancient age! I say: give me money for the disco, if you don’t want to argue with me, the party is planned. Bya: What am I saying, eh! Yes, you young people do not know how to talk! Bull shaker! Laces! It's disgusting to listen! Nothing good. And what are you dressing in! Yagovna: In what? By: Yes, no matter what! Ugh! Shame one! Look you better how we walked in our time. (Girls come out to the music. In old clothes) Bya: That's right. Great, huh? Yagovna: And now they dress no worse. Any Yudashkin and Zaitsev will wipe their nose. Look! (to the music. Girls in super-modern outfits come out) By: Nightmare! Nightmare! How can this be called clothing? Horror! Yes, I would not wear it for a milen, and then go to people! Do you remember when you were little, what fairy tales I read to you, so nice, kind, look, remember! (the tale "Kolobok" is staged) Yagovna: Well, and boring things! There is one tragedy all around. What's good - the Fox ate Kolobok and did not choke nirazu! Nice fairy tale! Look how she is now! (Staging of the fairy tale "Kolobok" in a new way) Kolobok. Author: Grandfather and Baba lived. This is how Grandfather says to Baba: Grandfather: if you could bake me, Baba, a Kolobok for dinner. Baba: And from what will I bake it for you? You and I took a loan to dress up for the New Year! Grandfather: And you go to one neighbor and ask her for flour, the other - butter, the third - sand, maybe they will forget. Author: Grandma did just that and baked Kolobok. (Gingerbread man appears from under the table) Grandma: This is what the Gingerbread man has turned out to be nice, ruddy, rich and good-looking. Oops hot! (blows on fingers) Let it cool on the window. The author: sat, sat Kolobok at the window, completely cooled down, froze and he decided to take a walk in the forest. He jumped from the window and rolled along the path, whistling a song. The Kolobok is rolling, rolling, and the Hare is meeting him. : Gingerbread man, Gingerbread man, I'll eat you! Hare Kolobok: don't eat me, I'll sing you a song: I don't sleep well at night, because I love you, Because I love you for a long time. My bunny! Author: the Kolobok Hare got scared, shook all over and ran wherever his eyes were looking. The Kolobok rolls on, pleased with himself, proud. And suddenly Bear met him. : Ha! The head itself rolls towards me! And what? One head it's good, but two better! Bear Gingerbread Man: I am not a head, but a Gingerbread man. Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window. I left my grandmother, and I left my grandfather, and I left the Hare, and I’ll leave you. Bear Gingerbread Man: I'm not tasty, I'm cold all over, dried up, just break your teeth against me. Bear Gingerbread Man: And that's it! Hiya! Hiya! Hiya! (hard rock sounds, Kolobok shows the Bear some karate techniques. Bear clutches his teeth and runs away): So, I won't eat you or something? : like this? Author: And Kolobok rolled on. Rolls, rolls, and towards him the Wolf. Wolf: Hey, Sphere, do you hear Little Red Riding Hood? Gingerbread man: I saw it, but only the blue one on the Bear, but what? : Completely foolish or something by leaps and bounds? Little Red Riding Hood is a girl that I Wolf must eat together with her grandmother. But since I'm unlucky today, I'll have to feast on you, otherwise you're too rosy and appetizing. Gingerbread man: Don't eat me, Wolf, I only wish you well. Look: my grandmother added a lot of vinegar to me - heartburn will torment me, I was too lazy to sift the flour - some lumps - you will choke, overcooked the oil and even unrefined - bad cholesterol. Wolf: Oh, mom! Beat me! (runs away) Author: And Kolobok rolled on, enjoys life and likes everything: he will eat a berry, then smell the flowers. And he did not notice at all how long ago the Fox was watching him, wagging his tail, licking his lips in anticipation of a delicious dinner. : Oh, what people! And no security! Something is unclean here! What a cute, Lisa is cute! I didn’t expect to see such a surprise. Gingerbread man: (cocky) Yes, I am. Fox: And where are we going? Gingerbread man: I'm walking. Fox: One? It is generally dangerous in the forest: there are bears, and wolves, and hares, finally! Gingerbread man: Well, all of them! I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I left the Hare, I stammered the Bear, and the Wolf ran away himself! Here! Fox: Well, miracles! What if I eat you? Gingerbread man: Me? I'm not tasty! You don't want to, but you try - you will only cripple me. Fox: I haven't eaten poppy dewdrops for three days and three nights, everything will work out for me. Gingerbread man: And what did you do for three days and three nights? I say - callous me! And my teeth are strong - "Blendamed" and caries is gone! Cholesterol in Fox: normal - oil "Zlato" is rich in miracles! The coat is strong, shiny - "Heden Sholders" and no dandruff! Gingerbread man: Stop! It's still not an option. I heard that the New Year's holiday is celebrated at the Kholyazin school. Let's go there, Santa Claus will come soon, he has so many tasty and sweet things! Fox: Aren't you deceiving me? Kolobok: Yes, my grandmother and grandfather are already going there, it's a lot of fun there, and you can find many friends for a long life. : Truth? But I have no one at all. So I want at least such a friend Lisa (shows short stature). Gingerbread man: And me? Let's be friends? (gives Lisa his hand) Lisa: Come on, with pleasure! All heroes fit: And we want to celebrate, and we want friends! (they all joined hands) sing: There is nothing better in the world, Than wandering friends around the world. Those who are friendly are not afraid of alarms, We are dear to any road - 2 rubles. Lalala ... Happy New Year to the school, we wish her happiness and joy. We have relatives next to us, Let's have fun with you - 2 rubles. Lalala ... End of the tale. Bya: Oh, you made me laugh, granddaughter, you me! I haven't laughed like that for a long time! Ay, yes Gingerbread man! Good job! He circled everyone around his finger. Yes! But you are going to dance, as you said, for a bun, tea, and you can’t dance as it should. Look, study, as we used to be weaned. (music sounds, children come out and dance __________________________________) Yagovna: Yes, we can give a head start to your dances. Look how it should be! (Yagovna jumps up, begins to jerk to the rhythmic music.) Bya: Wow, wow! Are you waving your bones here, huh? As if they put you on an electric chair! Fear! Yagovna: You just don’t understand anything. After all, you won't be able to, even if you want to. Bya: I don’t want to, it’s painful for me. And your dances are stupid, and the songs are the same. Here, I remember, it used to be, you go out with the girls into the forest, take Leshy and to the swamp. You sit on the shore, singing until dawn. (sings): (incl. Phonogram, BJ sings) Yagovna: We, too, grannies, have good songs. And you can also jerk around under them, or you can give a hint to the boyfriends that the jokes are bad with us, for example, this song: (a group of virgins comes out, singing "We are all babysters") Bya: Aha, or the boyfriends will give you a hint about What a pretty girl you are today at the bunny: (a group of guys out, singing "Why are you so ugly") Bya: Well, what kind of songs are these? Trouble! Yagovna: Well, look at a good song, I took 1st place at Eurovision! (Dima Bilan comes out, Plushenko and the violinist are singing to the soundtrack) Yagovna: Well, how? Bya: Well, you won't go against Eurovision. Only I won't listen to her. Yagovna: Why is that? Bya: And I do not know how to skate under it! And so nothing, a normal song. And igrto, games, what were they! Business before pleasure! So we are in this hour - and "Lapta" and "Sovushka" and "Stream". Watch and Learn! (Game "Stream") Bya: That's right, yagovna. And you, do you even know how to play any games? Something I can't remember! Yagovna: We? Yes Easy! Look! (2 boys come out, each has a steering wheel in their hands, they imitate that they are playing races on a computer) By: What kind of games are they playing? These games are disorderly parents invented so that the children do not interfere with them, or rather, so that the upbringing of children is not involved. Games sitting by the drawer. Look! Yagovna: But now cartoons show bright, colorful and funny with new characters, look! 1. Nightingale the Robber: (whistles), a grandmother comes up to him, punches him in the teeth and says: "Don't whistle, otherwise there will be no money!" 2. Luntik: "Hello, I was born!" 3. Masha: "So, who am I going to play with today?" 4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: "We are not pathetic insects - Super Ninja Turtles!" 5. Caterpillars: “I am Wupsen, and I am Mupsen! We're learning polite words! Chew the leaf! Not this way! Please! " (leave) By: And we have good cartoons. They are still watched by children, normal children. Get to know! Crocodile Gena: “Have you seen Cheburashka? Did I send him in a parcel instead of oranges? " Cheburashka: “Where is Gena? Again, probably, he rides free carriages and sings songs! " Mouse: “I’m a little mouse, I’m lost, looking for my mitten” Wolf: “Where is Fox? I'll show her where the crayfish winter! And then - the beaten unbeaten is lucky, wow! " Turnip: “They pulled, pulled me with the whole camp! And what they pulled, they left. They don't want to eat turnips, give them sausages and barbecue! " Dunno: “Brothers, where am I? If anything, I am not responsible for myself! I don’t remember anything, I don’t know anything, I will hide my hut ”Bear:“ Who ate from my cup? Who rocked in my chair? Who slept in my bed? Return the good! " Carlson: "I am the most well-fed man in the world and moderately educated!" (leave) By: Well, how do you like it? Yagovna: And how funny everyone is, scream! And here we have ... By: And what are we arguing with you for what time? You’ll be late. Yagovna: Granny, I understand, you and I will not argue with each other, because everyone cherishes the time that he lives and everything that is connected with him: songs, dances, humor. Bya: And we need to respect and appreciate each other, especially on the eve of such a holiday - New Year! Yagovna: You need to have time to make gifts to your loved ones and make a wish! (all the heroes come to the tree, sing the final song) the final song. New Year is like a new book. How many unfamiliar pages are in it - Days pass quietly above us With a light rustle of fabulous birds. Every day is a new miracle, Every hour, then another turn ... And the fairy tale will not end, until New Year comes again. Pv: Ah, New Year! Ah, New Year! The world of fairy tales leads us, Ah, New Year, ah, New Year, And we rush forward. Ah, New Year, ah, New Year, And what will become of us? New Year, ah, New Year, The world is full of wonders. We will open the magic book And enter under the shining vault. Everyone will become the main character in it And they will go their own way. They will open up to us, That are unknown even to the creator ... But, having barely found ourselves at the beginning, For some reason we strive for the end! Pv: the same

OGSCOU boarding school in Cheremkhovo


New Years holiday.

(Middle link)

New Year's Scenario


Masha (from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear")


Basilio the cat

Fox Alice


The Dragon

Father Frost

Snow Maiden

(To the music, children enter the hall, stand around the tree, a melody from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" sounds in the hall, Masha and the bear appear, sit under the tree and fish.

Soundtrack from the cartoon.

Suddenly the bear's phone rings.

Masha: Misha, and Misha, you got a text message.

Bear: Masha, take it, read what is written there.

Masha: Misha, Santa Claus sent you a message. Let's see, let's see what Santa Claus writes (reads):

Bear, urgently roll up your fishing rods and start preparing for the start of the holiday, New Year not far off, but find some competent helpers!

bear (indignantly): Oh, I'm tired of these instructions from above, organize a holiday, then do it, go there, I don't want to!

Masha : And what about us without a holiday, not interesting! (thoughtfully) I need to think of something! Oh, and let's turn to the agency for organizing the holidays, they know how to do it.

(picks up the phone) Now I'll look for the address and phone number of this agency

Well, what do we have here (reads): Agency for organizing holidays "Golden Key", number 55-77-55. Give me phone.

Masha (dials the number): We are dialing a number, Ale is the Golden Key holiday agency, we need to organize a New Year's performance, you’ll come now, great!

(the music "We are not supporters of robbery" sounds, Lisa Alice and the Cat Basilio appear in the hall)

Lisa A. : Good afternoon, who called us about the event?

Cat B. : Yes, yes, about the event ?!

Masha : We called you, help us organize a holiday, please, please, please

Lisa A. : What a restless girl

Cat B. : Yeah restless

Lisa A. : (in a sly voice) Well, well, we will help you, because we are kind!

Cat B. : Yes, yes, good ones, and we don't need anything from you for that!

Bear : It's great, what a good agency you have found Masha, and we will fulfill the request of Santa Claus and there is no need to pay!

Lisa A. : (referring to the Cat) Here are the fools, they bought our trick, ha ha ha, free cheese only in a mousetrap. You see, there is a bag with gifts under the tree, you and I will steal it and spoil the holiday with them.

Well, now let's play.

Together we dance tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

Our merry dance. Dance - Lavota

Our hands are good

And the neighbor's is better (hold hands, walk in a circle to the music)

Our elbows are good, but our neighbor's is better.

Our ears are good, but the neighbor's is better.

Our eyes are good, but the neighbor's is better (the guys should close their eyes with their palms)

(during the game Lisa A. and Cat B. quietly take away the bag with gifts, after the game the Imps also escape from the hall unnoticed)

Scene: "Christmas tree"

Bear : Wow, we are really playing with you, we need to check if everything is ready for the holiday? Have the children come?

Masha : Come!

Bear : Have you dressed up the Christmas tree?

Masha : Aha!

Bear : Have you prepared gifts for the children?

Masha : I remember exactly that there was a bag with gifts under the tree. And now he's not there!

(Masha is crying)

Bear: it seems to me that the Fox and the Cat deceived us and took the gifts away while we were playing

Wow, these bad workers of the agency "Golden Key" instead of helping us organize the holiday, they ruined everything, soon Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will come, whatever will happen, what will be!

Masha : I think we need to go to the forest and find these scoundrels.

Bear: how do we find them?

Masha : but on the trail and find.

(a soundtrack from the cartoon sounds, Masha looks at different tracks, stops at the tracks of a hare.

Masha : Oh, and whose footprints are these? (sees the hare standing) Who are you?

Hare : I, the symbol of the outgoing year, Hare, today is the last day in office. I hope my year was not too difficult for you, but memorable.

Masha, why are you crying?

Masha : The Fox and the Cat stole gifts to ruin our holiday, Santa Claus will come soon and will be very upset

Bear : help us dear Hare.

Hare : I'll help you, but first I'll see how friendly you are. Let's get up in a round dance and sing our favorite song together (Round dance)

Hare : And now I will ask you riddles, if you answer in unison, you will definitely find your gifts, okay?

Puzzles :

Colds set in.
The water turned into ice.
Long-eared bunny gray
He turned into a white hare.
The bear stopped roaring:
A bear fell into hibernation.
Who will say, who knows
When does this happen?


I opened the doors wide
I look into the garden - I can't believe my eyes.
Hey! Look - miracles!
The heavens have come down!
There was a cloud above us -
It turned out to be underfoot!


What are the stars through
On a coat and a scarf?
All through, cut-out,
And take it - water in your hand.


Appeared in the yard
It's in cold December.
Clumsy and funny
Standing at the rink with a broom.
I'm used to the winter wind
Our friend ...


If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies
If the tree goes into the house,
What a holiday? ...
(New Year)

Who painted the cheeks of the children
Red in winter, not summer?
And who pinches their nose?
Have you guessed?
(Father Frost)

Bear: Our guys have prepared a scene for you "Hare"

Hare : Well done boys! I know how to help you. We need to call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden as loudly and friendly as possible.

Lisa A. : Oh, help, save

Cat B. : Save, help

Damn : Santa Claus spare us

Father Frost : Oh, you scoundrels, charlatans, they wanted to ruin our holiday, they stole the gifts, well, I'll show you now

Snow Maiden : It's still good that we caught you on the way, and Drakosha is great, you were immediately scared of him, you will know how to mess with

Lisa A. : Ouch! Santa Claus, we just wanted to joke!

Cat B. : Well, by chance, well, joking

Lost on the right track.

So after all, we are a child of nature,

Though bad, but a child!

Hare : Well, and you were worried, we said that everything would be all right

Father Frost : Well, I don’t know, I don’t know, I’m very angry with you!

Masha : Grandfather Frost, guys, today is a new year, everyone wants to have fun and be friends, let's forgive the Cat, Lisa and devil too, let them stay with us.

Snow Maiden : Okay, let's forgive them, just don't let people spoil the fun next time!

Lisa A. and Cat B. : We won't be anymore !!!

Song "New Year" 2 g class.

Drakosha : Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, it's time to start a holiday to light our Christmas tree

Father Frost : Guys, let's shout in chorus - one, two, three - burn the Christmas tree (they repeat several times, music sounds, the Christmas tree lights up)

Rhythmic dance music turns on, during which the presenter gives a variety of tasks, for example:

    dance as if you have a stomach ache

    as if you are cold

    as if you are in a great hurry somewhere

    as if you are very tired

    as if you have a splinter in your leg

    to portray sea ​​waves to the music



    fat, fat hippos

    dance only with the head

    by hand




Father Frost : Phew, well, I danced with you, I'm tired, I'll sit down, rest a little

Snow Maiden : That's right, grandfather, take a break. Guys, let Grandfather Frost rest, and we will tell him poems.(Children read poetry).

"Dance of the Snowflakes".

Father Frost: I'm glad to laugh with you,

I'm glad to play with you.

(I will "freeze" the game).

Father Frost: Oh, what daredevils - all the guys are great!

Masha: Santa Claus, do you like to dance? Let's Dance.

And we will hold a costume parade, because our guys are so smart and beautiful today (they form a round dance, sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")

Father Frost : Nice fun!

I laughed heartily.

Now is the time to say goodbye.

Happy New Year to you, friends!

Drakosha : Happy New Year!

And with all my heart I wish:

Good health to you

Both big and kids!

Lisa A. : Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a New Year,

Cat B. : So that no alarm, no misfortune

They did not guard at the gate.

Imp 1 : Let them come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you,

Imp 2 : Let him be the best

Most joyful for everyone.

Snow Maiden : May for you good people,

Not afraid of worries

It will not be just New,

Happy New Year.

Everything : HAPPY NEW YEAR!


new year holiday

for students in grades 5-10

OGKOU SKOSHI No. 26 of Ulyanovsk

The date of the:25 .12.2015


Host: _________________________

Buffoon 1: ______________________

Buffoon 2: ______________________

Father Frost: _______________________

False Snow Maiden: _______________

Ivan the Fool: _______________________

Baba Yaga: _________________________

Snow Maiden: _______________________


(The presenter and 2 buffoons enter the stage):

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests!

Buffoon 1. Everyone is funny!

Buffoon 2. And what smart ones!

Leading: Old year goes away forever.

He brought us a lot of new things!

Are running away into the past year

To make the future closer.

Buffoon 1: Today it is forbidden to whine and mope,

And it is strictly forbidden to yawn, squeak and whine.

Buffoon 2: There will be fun and jokes and laughter!

We invited everyone to our holiday!


Leading: And who came to our holiday, we will now find out. Let's get acquainted! (the audience performs the task of the presenters).

Buffoon 1. All Sasha's clapping, and Natasha's feet stamping!

Buffoon 2. Dimki and Earrings are jumping!

Buffoon 1.A Katya and Tanya are kicking!

Buffoon 2. Lena's hands are raised!

Buffoon 1. And Vanya squats.

Leading: And everyone calls their name as loudly as possible. So, one, two, three - give your name. (Everybody screams their names)

The game is "Yes" and "No".

So that triumph reigns everywhere,

The long-awaited one here

Lacks! Tell me who? (All: Santa Claus!) Well, of course, Santa Claus. Well, let's see if you know everything about Santa Claus?
Buffoon 1. If we tell you right,

Say yes to the answer.

Buffoon 2. Well, if it is suddenly wrong,

Boldly say no

Buffoon 1. Santa Claus is known to everyone! (All Yes!")

Buffoon 2 ... He arrives at exactly seven. ("No!")

Buffoon 1. Santa Claus is a good old man! ("Yes!")

Buffoon 2... Wears a hat and galoshes! ("Not!")

Buffoon 1. Bald and no beard! ("Not!")

Buffoon 2. He made ice out of water! ("Yes!")

Buffoon 1... He will bring gifts! ("Yes!")

Buffoon 2. Lights the Christmas tree for us! ("Yes!")

Acquaintance with Santa Claus.

Leading: These are great fellows! Smart and resourceful! Santa Claus will definitely come to such! (Bells ringing). He seems to be getting closer!

Buffoon 1. With the wind, blizzard and blizzard

Gray-haired Santa Claus is racing.

Buffoon 2. Waving long arms,

Pours stars over the ground.

Leading: Meet, guys, our dear guest!

(Santa Claus enters the hall, everyone claps).

Father Frost: Hello my dear guys!

Hello dear adults!

From Distant Ustyug

On a wide road

Through the snowy fields

I was in a hurry, guys, to see you!

Happy New Year!

I wish everyone happiness!

Many years of health to you!

Both big and kids.

(goes to the tree)

And it’s good here, beautiful, cozy. And the tree is elegant, and there are a lot of people. It’s immediately obvious that they tried, they were waiting for me. But what a holiday without the Snow Maiden. Let's click it, beauty.

5. "False Snow Maiden".

(The name is Snegurochka, to the music "Tell me, Snegurochka", the False Snegurochka comes out in a short sundress, with a bandana on her head, chewing gum).

D / M: Snow Maiden, granddaughter, well, finally, you've come. (turns towards the exit of the Snow Maiden, surprised). You've already put on a carnival costume. Say hello to the guys, guests.

False Snow Maiden: Hi, people!

D / M: You, Snegurochka, it’s not customary to say hello.

False Snow Maiden: And you, old man, do not teach me how it is accepted, but how it is not accepted. (steps on him.) As I want, I say hello.

D / M: Granddaughter, dear, what's the matter with you? Did you get sick for an hour?

False Snow Maiden: Yes, leave me alone, grandfather, with your concern.

D / M: (surprised): I don’t recognize my granddaughter Snegurochka, as if they’d changed her. But what kind, polite she was. I knew a lot of games and songs. And now she has become kind of angry, rude.

False Snow Maiden: Yes, I am the Snow Maiden, the Snow Maiden! I swear on my crown ... oh, bandana!

D / M: Then you must answer my questions. If you answer, then you are a real Snow Maiden.

False Snow Maiden: Go ahead, old! (Santa Claus is surprised, steps aside).

Oh, right now, grandfather will start tormenting with his questions. Guys, can you help, if what?

D / M: Well, let's start, what's my name cousin?

False Snow Maiden: Uh! Everyone knows that. (Aside). I do not know. What about you guys? Just quietly so that the grandfather does not hear. (approaches the person who wants to answer from the audience). A! Well, this one ... Santa Claus.

D / M: Right! What city do I live in? Where is my residence located?

False Snow Maiden: Where, where ... In Karaganda! Or where? Tell! (a hint from the audience). Ah, in Veliky Ustyug!

D / M: Right! Where does the snow come from?

False Snow Maiden: And this is generally lightweight! (to the guys): I will answer it myself. You have a snow bed at home. When you whip it, snow falls out of it.

D / M: And that's wrong! So you are not a real Snow Maiden. (walks around her, looks). And where is the Snow Maiden herself? Where is my granddaughter? But what about the holiday, what about the New Year without her? Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden! (they call all together 3 times).

False Snow Maiden: Yes, your Snow Maiden has melted! Well, wait, wait! ...

Competition "Best Snowflake"

(Ivan the Fool appears on the scene).

Ivan the Fool: Hello! Didn't you call me?

D / M: And who are you?

Ivan the Fool: I am Ivan from a Russian fairy tale.

False Snow Maiden:(laughs) A fool, or what?

Ivan the Fool: Well no! And I will prove it to you! What happened to you?

D / M: Yes, my granddaughter Snegurochka is missing.

False Snow Maiden: And with this (pointing to the hall), you need to light the tree.

Ivan the Fool: Uh! Yes, this is us in an instant! I have matches with me. (takes out a large box of matches). Now how cute will light up! (goes to the tree).

D / M: What you! What are you doing? You don't need to light the tree, the lights on the tree.

False Snow Maiden: No wonder they called you Ivanushka the Fool. The Christmas tree is lit not with matches, but with garlands, and before that they are decorated with toys.

D / M: Look, what a beautiful Christmas tree we have!

Ivan: Beautiful! And I would decorate it with snowflakes!

Leading: And I know that the guys can help us with this! Each class has blanks with which you will now decorate your snowflakes. And we'll see whose snowflake is the most beautiful! (The buffoons distribute the prepared paper snowflakes to the classes, for 3 minutes the classes decorate the snowflakes with the prepared materials. At the end of the class representatives show their snowflakes from the stage. The jury - the school administration - evaluates the work, announces the winners).

Game "Dress up Babu Yaga".

(Baba Yaga runs into the hall to the music "Stretch the furs, accordion ..."

B / I: Shouting faq? FAQ are we laughing?

The old woman was woken up, they piled off the stove,

I slept so sweetly, but then I had to fly.

Leading: So we have a holiday, grandmother!

B / I: What a grandmother I am! In just a week I will be 300 years old. I can sing, I can dance, and I can play.

Ivan the Fool: Can you help us find the Snow Maiden?

B / I: And who are you?

Ivan the Fool: I am Ivan ...

B / I: Fool? Ali how? Okay, I can see from the eyes that he is not a fool. It's written on your forehead - TALENT. Help me to tie a handkerchief, otherwise, while it was flying, the makeup worn off, the handkerchief fell off. (holds out a handkerchief. Ivan twists it in his hands, cannot do anything with it).

Leading: Can you guys help? We need one representative per class per stage.

Ivan: In the meantime, I'll go look for the Snow Maiden!

Leading:(Those who want to take part in the competition come out on stage.) On my command, you will need , using the wardrobe items offered here to dress up our Baba Yaga. (One representative from each class, who went on stage, dress up Baba Yaga with wardrobe items and jewelry lying in a box. At the end of the competition, Baba Yaga, showing off, walks across the stage to the melody of a song from the movie "Pretty Woman").

B / I: Or maybe you don't need a Snow Maiden? How am I worse than her? A? Need not? (hall: "Need").

Leading: Of course you do. And while our competition was going on here, Ivanushka Snegurochka found.

Competition "Do you know songs about the New Year?".

(Snegurochka appears on the scene and approaches Santa Claus).

Snow Maiden: Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Hello kids!

Boys and girls!

I walked here for a long time!

Finally, I found you.

D / M: Oh yes Vanya, well done!

Brave guy, dashing.

And from now on you, believe me,

You will be smart now.

Snow Maiden: Get together, all people!

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Let's all go in a round dance

And we'll sing about the Christmas tree.

D / M: Guys, do you know New Year's songs? Let's sing them! (the classes take turns singing one verse of New Year's songs prepared at home).

9. Competition "New Year's Riddles".

D / M: And now, guys, with you

We will light the Christmas tree with lights!

Snow Maiden: So that she lights up with lights,

Speak with us.

Together: One, two, three - our Christmas tree, shine!

Everything:(repeat 3 times. The tree does not light up )

D / M: What is, what is this passion? Straight some kind of misfortune! The Christmas tree does not light up!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, these words are probably out of date and have lost their magical power. Let the guys try to light the tree with lights, but not with the help of electricity or magic, but with their knowledge. I will now make riddles, and the classes will guess them.

Leading: We invite one representative from the class to the stage for a riddle (representatives of the classes go out for the assignment, then return to the class, solve the riddle. At the command of the leader, they return to the stage with an answer).


1. He draws palm trees, stars, skiffs on the glass.

They say he is a hundred years old, but he is playing pranks like a little one. (Freezing)

2. Lives - lies,

If he dies, he will run. (Snow)

3. Come on, guys, who will guess:

Two fur coats are enough for ten brothers. (Mittens).

4. Who grows only in winter? ( Snowdrift or icicle).

5. Without wings, but flies,

Without roots, but growing. ( Snow).

6. This hut is not made of cedar,

But she is not afraid of the frost.

After all, she herself is made of snow,

And the owner is an Eskimo. (Igloo.)

7. A mountain floats from the ice

In the sea-ocean.

Do not expect good from her

Watch out, Titanic. (Iceberg).

8. In winter the bear is going to sleep.

What should you call his bed? (Den).

9. Sits on top of the head,

Ears are tied. (Hat with ear flaps).

10. The river flows - we lie,

Ice on the river - we are running. (Skates).

New Year's round dance.

D / M: Well done, guys!(the Christmas tree lights up).

Snow Maiden: Look guys! Our tree is on fire!

D / M: Another wonderful year has passed

In which they sang and was sad.

Snow Maiden: And what did not fit in it,

Let everything happen in the new.

Leading: Hours go by, days go by

This is the law of nature.

Ivan: And we want you today

To congratulate with new Year!

Buffoon 1: In the New Year, we wish with love:

Do not let you all let down ... (Viewers: "Health")

Buffoon 2: So that your life is more fun,

We wish you more reliable ... ("Friends")

B / I: We wish everyone to boot

May it accompany you ... ("Luck")

D / M: So that you are the happiest of all,

Rules of conduct for the new 2018.

1. This year, of course, we wish everyone -
Don't have dog problems!

2. Do not let strangers into your cozy booth:
There will be no luck - just be sure!

3. In the new year, you will have to smack,
After all, this year everything is not just given.

4. But you shouldn't bark in vain:
It can cost you a lot.

5. Do not knock your paws
And do not forget to take care of them.

6. Try to bark culturally,
And do not express yourself like a dog!

7. And do not be cocky like roosters,
The latter can be very bad.

8. Eat only fresh meat, and gnaw bones
Save it for a year more!
And also roast, chops and, pilaf,
The dog's appetite is not bad.

"New Year's miracles from a goldfish"

All the children are in the hall. (A quiet flowing melody sounds).It's dark on the stage. The old man and the old woman are sleeping. A candle is burning in an empty bucket (as if there is a goldfish there).

An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea,

And they lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly 30 years and 3 years.

The old man was fishing with a net, the old woman was spinning her yarn.


The old man has not caught for a long time, and the old woman has not spun her yarn,

Because they had a gold fish,

She fulfilled any desire.

Small fish : Old man, old man, stop sleeping, because the New Year is on the nose, and you don't even smell like a holiday.

Old man (stretching): And that's right, gold fish, but can we not have a Christmas tree in the dugout? So that she was beautiful, smart.

(Music screensaver, the light comes on, there is a Christmas tree).

Old man : Thank you, golden fish, respected the old man on the very holiday. Hey old woman, really wake up. Get up, I say, we have a holiday today. Look what tree the fish gave us!

Old woman (stretching, gets up): Oho-ho, and the old one won't let him sleep, he crumpled: holiday, holiday! Well, all right, old, it is useless to swear on a holiday! Let's think about how we will celebrate the New Year.

Old man : How to meet! Obviously, in Russian: let's look at the TV set - and at the side one.

Old woman: I'll give those! I was dreaming. How can you sleep on such a holiday. At least once humanly note. The TV, and that, as luck would have it, broke, otherwise we wouldn't even know grief. We would have looked enough in total.

Old man: Listen, old one, let's ask for a gold fish to fix our TV.

(Goes to a bucket of fish)

Fish: What do you want, elder?

Old man: Have mercy, lady fish! Can you fix the TV for us?

Fish: Ah, old man, it is not in my power. Don't be angry, I can't help you. They are different now, some pixels live in them. Deliver me to mess with them!

Old woman : Or maybe you will give a new one?

Fish: Oh, and I would be glad to help, but I won't be able to. Now, if only you had a new trough or a hut. Or maybe an old woman can become a free queen?

Old woman : Not! I do not want to become a queen at all! I'd like to see the New Year's program!

Old man: I want miracles on New Year's Eve!

Fish: What miracles? They just waste magic, use fabulous resources for just about anything!

The TV is new - it's not in my power, but I'll try to help you with the program. Don't worry, sit back and wait - there will be a New Year's program for you.


The Goldfish puts on a clown costume right on stage (puts on over the Goldfish costume):

Did everyone recognize me, friends ?!

I'm a funny clown!

Now that the acquaintance has taken place,

To begin fun party we have left!

Happy New Year to all of us.

We begin with a New Year's song (DANCE).


The edge of the forest. Leaning against the tree, the tired Baba Yaga is dozing. A Genie lands nearby.

JINN: Salam aleikum, Baby Yogi khanum!

Baba Yaga: Ah, hello, sick one! I already thought that Ivan the Fool again came to harass me ...

JINN: You, khanum, why are you spending the night here? Not good! The tree head will fall ...

Baba Yaga: Yes, I can’t already be in the hut. Worse than on the merry-go-round, Izza! .. What blockhead does not go past, immediately barks: "To me in front of me, back to the forest!". So I am spinning back and forth, falling from the stove three times a week ...

JINN: What do they all want?

BABA YAGA: We know what! Drink, granny, feed, steam in the bathhouse and tell me how to defeat Gorynych, how to kill Koshchei ... Fool! They know that he is immortal, but they still climb.

JINN: You put up a price for a wait.

Baba Yaga: Do you, hover, charge a price for your flights? A? That's it ... I've seen enough, tea, how you hump for your Aladdin: now you drag the Palace of Versailles to him, now the Tsar Cannon, now the girls from Las Vegas ... Soon you will drum off the time, eh?

JINN: Have you seen Hottabych? I exchanged the fourth thousand, and everyone is running around on pioneer errands: bring a glass of cola, change a ten, earn a five ... The poor man sleeps and sees how to get back into the bottle.



Splashes are heard from behind the tree, water splashes are flying.

Baba Yaga: Oh, I forgot about the pike! It's time to feed her! (PIKE EXITS.)

PIKE: Who is this?

Baba Yaga: Don't be afraid, your own!

PIKE: And where is Emelya?

BABA YAGA: Your Emelya is far away, it won't reach you.

PIKE: Thank God! At least a little rest, to lie down at the bottom ... I am completely exhausted from these stupid desires: to go there on the stove, to go here on the stove ... At first I thought, okay, poor guy, I didn't see a wide place, let him indulge himself ... But now!

Baba Yaga: Is it even worse, fish?

PIKE: You ask! He is now not Emelya, but Emelyan the Sixteenth. Ryakhu ate be healthy - on magic grubs ... His stove is made of native gold, buckets of crystal, even the latrine is lined with malachite. He himself does not get up from the stove, he only barks on his cell phone with the generals ...

JINN: Just like my Aladdin! Only mine lies on satin pillows ... He doesn't even need an airplane - after all, he has me ...

PIKE: I recently received a telegram from a goldfish. Some old man caught her again. The old people don't have a TV, but they want to see the New Year's program. So she's back in the park.


(The cell phone rings. Baba Yaga turns it on, Emelya's loud voice comes from there):

"By the pike's command, at my will!"

PIKE: Well, it has begun again !! On New Year's Eve, Emelya orders such desires! Well, where will I take aliens for him ?? They are not fabulous at all! And if I do not fulfill the desire, it will fry it instantly!

JINN: Let's try it together, maybe this miracle will work out. (perform miraculous manipulations and leave for the tree)


Old man: Well, old woman, is your darling happy now?

Old woman : Nearly. That does not leave me a presentiment that something is missing ... And there seems to be a mood, and these all sorts of fabulous creatures have come to life, but somehow not so in my soul, there is little light, or something ... A-ah! I remembered! Damn sclerosis! The Christmas tree is not burning with us!

The old man addresses the Golden Fish:

That's why I love you, my golden fish, that on New Year's Eve you always fulfill any wishes. Don't deny one more thing - light the tree, huh?

Gold fish:

Grandfather, it's the same every year! This is not in my competence! Santa Claus is needed here with the Snow Maiden! Call until you get hoarse. And my spell ends (takes off his clown costume and climbs into the "bucket")


Father Frost: The old year is coming to an end, the good old year.

We will not be sad, because a new one is coming to us.

It's time, friends. The turn has come.

We meet the New Year together

So that the tree lights up and our disco begins,

You will have to try too!


Snow Maiden:

Grandfather's staff gets its magic power from huge snowflakes, but something is wrong this winter, there is not enough snow, there is no blizzard. We need help, guys! JINN, overseas buddy, lend your weapon

/ competition: bring the snowflake to the staff - paper snowflake speed on the Genie saber / OLD MAN SSO OLD WOMAN - too (start - show and refuse: "tired")

And now, BABA YAGA, your help is needed. Take note of your broom and twirl it so that no one can resist!

Well, now the last thing: the ritual must be observed - bypass the tree around the tree, repeat all the movements after me, no one to run away, listen to music and wait!

/ following Santa Claus and Snegurochka, everyone stands around the tree and under new year song they go around it: jumping, with a goose step, with their backs to the tree, with their arms raised, swinging. Finally, the tree lit up.


Father Frost:

Happy New Year to you all,

With new happiness!

Snow Maiden:

Let your laughter flow

Like the sea, endless.

Let the songs and jokes never end.

Hope and happiness and faith in a miracle

Your hearts will fill!

/ For this competition, all participants are required (if the participants are very a large number of, then take half) line up. At the command of the presenter, all participants "jump" into the New Year. The winner is the participant who jumped the farthest.

/ all the speakers are presented with gifts and leave /

It's time for us to go to other lands, Christmas trees are waiting for us, kids, rest, have fun, Happy New Year, bye everyone! Until next year!

Father Frost : Let them come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you,

May he be the best

Most joyful for everyone.

Not afraid of worries

It will not be just New,

Happy New Year.

Presentation script

"New Year's casting"

(for grades 5-11)

For 2-3 weeks, classes by lot play a representative for a fun casting for the right to be Santa Claus on a Christmas tree with evil spirits. The main performance is prepared by children from grades 10-11. A festive lottery is held in advance (it is then played out on new year's eve after all competitions).



Baba Yaga



Snow Maiden

Father Frost


Rooms: two walls of the Snow Maiden's room, two walls of Kashchei's hut

Computers (you can use the old model), laptops - a lot

Broom for Baba Yaga

Paper snowflakes - large (notebook sheet format)

Lottery prize box


New Year's round dance

The sound of the dialed number (button), the signal of the sent SMS

Blunt blow sound

Phenomenon 1

Mansions of Santa Claus. The Snow Maiden is going to the mirror.

Snow Maiden:

Oh no, it won't do! Circles under the eyes, the blush is not the same! It would be necessary to see a beautician ( looks at his watch) ... Nothing, I'll have time! I'll call my grandfather that I'll be next, I'll meet at the Christmas tree(dials the number).Grandpa, why aren't you picking up the phone? Okay, I'll write SMS(dictates the text loudly to herself, as if she were typing):“De-doo-la, go without me, I will soon catch up with you. I collected the bag with gifts, cleaned the staff "(leaves)

Phenomenon 2

On the other side of the scene:

Black room. At the computer, Koschey sits in headphones, on his back and on his chest is written "Super-Hacker", next to Kikimora. Koschey actively knocks out something on the keyboard.


Come on, Koscheyushka, look for them! Ah! There is! I intercepted an SMS point!(reads Snegurochka's SMS, mimicking, spitting)Everything, write another, Koscheyka: “Grandpa!(spits) Go without me. I will send the bag and the staff as luggage. I'll be the next flight! "

Phenomenon 3

Baba Yaga, Leshy, Kikimora, Koschey appear on the stage. They are dragging a huge bag of gifts, in the hands of Kikimora the staff of Santa Claus.


Here you are, Kikimora, well done! How great I came up with! Now let Grandfather look for his bag and staff!(rubs his hands) All our gifts will be !!


I told you: be calm! Today our power rules! Now we will be the hosts of the holiday!

My granny, Yagulechka, let's sweep the path so that the weather is not flying!

Baba Yaga ( spinning with a broom around him and in a circle):

I twist, twirl, I want to confuse everything!

fly to the left, not to the right,

Not forward, but vice versa!

Blizzard, blow, blow out!

Sweep all the paths!


Well, that's it! Until Grandfather and Snegurochka get here, New Year's Eve will be over! They will be late, one hundred percent !! People will not forgive them for this! And we, here they are, sort of organize everything for them. Imagine how our ratings will grow! The main thing is that there is a bag, there is a staff, there is a Christmas tree in every house.


Only now it is not clear to me, how are we going to celebrate the New Year without Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:

What if …. (and everyone turns and looks at Kashchei, who is completely absorbed by the computer)


What do you mean, he hangs up on the Internet all the time. Creates and launches all sorts of viruses. He removes money from the cards. Everything above its gold wastes away. Now they are stealing some new currency: bitcoin called. He even forgot how to speak on this basis.

Why should he tell? We will dress it up and put it by the tree. I've seen people do that.


Do not be scared! I'm the most intelligent among you! Here's what I came up with: we will announce the casting for the role of Santa Claus. Be sure there will be a lot of people interested. And we will choose the one who suits us best.

Baba Yaga:

And rightly so, Kikochka, what a clever girl you are! Write, cryptocurrency holder, open all programs, launch SMS on all gadgets!(Kashchei is typing)

Phenomenon 4

Wait, has the first applicant already arrived? This is speed! Internet in one word! Come on, let's see(sit down to watch)

Class performance ("glamorous" Santa Claus and his support group)

Baba Yaga:

Yes, good! Suitable like ... Young! ( sniffs) Smells tasty! And why not a bag of gifts?


Look at his manicure! He doesn't carry such burdens! The manicure will break off!(laughs ) Yes, and he is some kind of artificial, or something. And I don't like his voice! Bright too!


There is another candidate. This one seems to be dim. Quite on the contrary, he is so black, cute, he is somehow closer to us.

Phenomenon 5

Class performance (Vampire Santa Claus with cheerleader)


Well, no, even I am afraid of him. And what gifts will you get from him?

Baba Yaga:

And I like it, he reminded me of my first love!(rolls his eyes)


Come on, this one will definitely do! He's super modern! All youth parties on New Year's Eve will be ours! Look.

Phenomenon 6

Class performance (super modern Santa Claus with a cheerleader)

Baba Yaga:

I don’t understand half of the words! Eh-eh, I must have lagged behind life! It's time to retire!


A serious competitor, of course, but ... it seems like my self-esteem began to fall at the sight of him ...

Baba Yaga:

(sniffs) Oh, what smelled like? It smells not of our, not of an earthly spirit! Perhaps a candidate from other planets has come to us?

Phenomenon 7

Class performance (alien Santa Claus with entourage)


What a popular New Year holiday, that there are people from other planets who want to play the role of Santa Claus! He needs a translator! Where can we get it?

Phenomenon 8


Well, let's choose!


People can't be fooled, they will quickly see a catch!


I came up with it! Who of them can light the Christmas tree, we take that!

(Everyone is given a staff, they take turns trying, improvising, but the tree does not light up).

Baba Yaga:

Well, okay! You don't need to light the Christmas tree! But we have a bag with gifts! These are our gifts !!!

(trying to open, untie - it does not work) Suddenly a voice: "Enter the pincode" all run away from the bag in fear.


That's it, I give up! Looks like there will be no holiday without Santa Claus. You will have to, Yaga, return it together with the Snow Maiden.


Yes, there is no time at all, the New Year is coming soon, and gifts of passion as you want ...

Phenomenon 9

Baba Yaga:

I twist, twirl! I want to unravel everything!

Go straight ahead

Don't go the other way around

Blizzard, blizzard, be quiet

Give your grandfather and granddaughter back!

(everyone, except Kashchei, ritually walk around Baba Yaga, raising their hands, she sweeps in a circle with a broom. After the words, everyone stops, looks at each other: nothing happens)


So what? There is nobody! It's all your fault, Kikimora!


I wanted the best, I tried for you!

Baba Yaga:

And she also said: "I am the smartest"! No holiday, no gifts, no Christmas tree!

(press on her, want to beat her)


Stop! I remembered, remembered! Everyone needs to call them loudly. Come on, all four, three or four!

(only Baba Yaga, Leshy and Kikimora shout. Nothing happens. Everyone turns to Kashchei):


Hey hacker! Come out of the darkness! You will be silent during the whole holiday on the web!(Kashchei leaves the table, joins them, everyone stands up holding hands)


Well, three or four, all in chorus, guys: “Santa Claus! Snow Maiden!"(everyone in the audience screams)

Phenomenon 10

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka come out.

Father Frost:

Hello my friends!

I walked to you for a very long time!

All flights were canceled

All trains were banned.

But on New Year's Eve always

Miracles happen!

Snow Maiden:

Look, grandfather, and the bag of gifts is already here! And here is your magic staff! Who brought them here?

(all the evil spirits come out and, proud and sticking out in front of each other: "I!" "I!")

Father Frost:

I see a lot of guests here

from different places and parishes!

All my gifts are waiting!

Here I will take my staff,

I will untie the big bag.

(evil spirits rejoice, clap their hands, the first come up for gifts).

Santa Claus gives gifts to the "guests" in turn to each suite - the casting participants.

Snow Maiden:

To make it more fun

Brighter, more beautiful and brighter,

We need to light the Christmas tree!

And then dance and sing!

Father Frost:

Let's say in unison: one two three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!(everyone repeats until it lights up)

Father Frost:

The old year is ending

Nice old year.

We will not be sad

because the new one is coming to us.

It's time, friends. The turn has come.

Let's meet the New Year together!


Father Frost:


I see there are many here who want to take my place. Well, let's arrange a battle, let's see who will win: you need to dance to folk dance music, maintaining your image /

/ The round dance is unusual: it is proposed to walk around the tree with unusual movements, repeating after Grandfather and (or) the Snow Maiden: forward with the back, on one leg, with closed eyes, with raised arms, on tiptoes, etc. /- it is better to make it the last competition, so that later say goodbye to the guys until next year:

Father Frost:

Goodbye friends

I was glad to meet you!

In the new, next year

I will come to you again with my granddaughter!

Snow Maiden:

Let them come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you,

May he be the best

Most joyful for everyone.

May for you good people

Not afraid of worries

It will not be just New,

Happy New Year.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather's staff gets its magic power from huge snowflakes, but something has not worked out this winter, there is not enough snow.

/ competition: bring a snowflake to a staff - a paper snowflake at speed on the handle of Baba Yaga's broom

Baba Yaga:

/ competition: Baba Yaga "sweeps" around herself with a broom, children jump so as not to touch their broom, wins 1 of the group (5-6 people) - 3 times /


/ competition "Congratulate a friend first": at the same time everyone calls those who are in the hall, the ringtone should be heard for the whole sound, who is called first within the first minute - comes out with the caller. When everyone comes out, the callers aloud say their wishes to the person they called /

Kikimora runs a lottery


Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Baba Yaga

Magic music sounds (Vivaldi. "Seasons". "Winter"). There is twilight on the stage. The Snow Maiden appears from behind the curtains.

S: Hello guys! Hello my friends! Well, now, finally, I got to you. How I missed you.

I am the forest Snow Maiden
Brought as a gift to you
From the whole forest land
Noise of trees, bird noise.
For rollers - mirror gloss,
For the ski track - sparkling snow.
I give you a blush
And a cheerful, ringing laugh.

Three days and three nights ago I left Veliky Ustyug, from the ice palace, from the snow tower, to get to your holiday. My road was not easy. I rode through blizzards and snowstorms, through forests and thickets. I also visited different cities.
I drank tea in Pskov, sang songs in Novgorod, told fairy tales in Ryazan.
And from all cities, large and small, to you guys, bow and congratulations on the holiday. mobile phone rings

S: Hello! Yes! Yes I. Who is speaking? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't recognize it. (Whispering to the children: “Guys, it's my grandfather calling.”) What ?! How are you staying ?! Out of gas? Are the horses white-maned? Ah ... I see ... Well, we are all waiting for you.
That's the trouble. Our horses said that they were very tired and were taking a vacation for this year. Like, very tired. And what only my grandfather and I did not travel this year. And on reindeer, following the example of Santa Claus. And on an airplane carpet, like old man Hottabych. Except that they did not fly on a broom like Baba Yaga! scared Oh, why did I remember about her, about the evil witch. It’s not even an hour hears ...
Okay, guys, while grandpa is gone, let's play with you. Want to?
First, here are some riddles. Whoever knows the answer raises his hand.

But the riddle is easy:
1 in the summer I saw in the park
On a pine tree, the pattern is bright.
I wanted to see him.
Suddenly, the halves formed.
And the picture flew away.

2. A white-and-white miller sat on the clouds.
White flour is poured through a sieve.

3. We saw him dressed in the spring and summer.
And in the fall all the shirts were ripped off the poor thing.
But winter snowstorms dressed him in furs.

4. Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats
Whoever undresses him sheds tears.

And this riddle is very difficult:
5. What animal does not bite,
Doesn't rush at anyone
Does he live above everyone else?
(Big Dipper)

the difficulty of the puzzles varies depending on the age composition of the audience.

S: Great! You guess riddles well. Now let's play my favorite game with you. The game "Santa Claus is coming, coming to us ..."

Well done. And now…

The door opens. Baba Yaga appears on the threshold. She pretends to be a good person.

S: Yes. And what happened?

B. Ya. No, no, it's okay. I was just walking down the street and met some old grandfather with a white beard. So he said that he was feeling very bad, and asked me to go to school and call you.

S: Thank you very much. Guys! This is probably Santa Claus. I'll be right back. And you, grandmother, sit down and rest. Drink some water. The guys won't hurt you. running away fast

B. Ya. (Laughs loudly and maliciously.) These are these shmakodavki! Yes, I will offend them myself. And it is very strong. Hey, you old driftwood, swamp tree frog! Come syudy. Kikimora enters. Ominous music sounds.
Don't be afraid. The guys will not offend you. (Laugh) Well, how I deceived this snowy fool!

K. (admiringly) Yes, Yaga. You are doing great.

B. Ya. We are great.

In chorus: After all, we are WITCHES.

B. Ya. So, they decided to celebrate the New Year?
K. Will you give gifts to each other?
B. Ya. Santa Claus invited? Snow Maiden?
K. And we were invited? !!! No. This means that the New Year is canceled.
B. Ya. Yes, the New Year is canceled.
K. Toys break. hits toys on the tree.
B. Ya. And what are we to do with this rotten stick? Listen, Kikimora, is it cold in your swamp?
K. It's very cold, Yaga.
B. Ya. Is it hungry in your swamp?
K. Very hungry, Yaga. I eat only frogs. And they are not high in calories.
B. Ya. Here's what I came up with. Let's drag this tree to us, grab two or three kids ...
K. More calories.
B. Ya. Yes, more caloric. And let's make ourselves a holiday. We'll call the goblin, the water one ... Then we'll organize a disco. Have some fun !!! Trying to lift the tree
K. No, Yaga, it won't work for us at all. There are some wires twisted. Listen, friend, it's cool here too. So let's light a bonfire right here. And you don't have to run far for food. There she is, the food, sitting and staring at us.
B. Ya. Right. They will also help us. pulls out matches Well, let's all say together "One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!"
Snow Maiden runs in
Stop! What are you doing, villains !!!? Don't touch the tree !!!
B. Ya. Look, she screamed, you fool. Now we will touch you. So touch, that the snowplow will have to be called. We're not just villains. WE ARE WITCHES. sing the song of the witches:

K. Where the forest grieves for summer,
Where the wind shakes the pines
Where in the cold moonlight
the centenary oak trees are sleeping
At sunset, at dawn
We put nets on people
Everyone, both adults and children
Run away, who where !!!

Deer and bears are sleeping
Only witches, witches, witches
They walk around the world and spoil the New Year's holiday for children.
To make you all feel bad
We will now arrange a miracle:
We are now going to arrange a holiday - NEW YEAR ON THE VERSA !!!

B. Ya. We will light the stove with a Christmas tree!
K. And we'll throw the Snow Maiden into the river.
Wow !!!
Chorus: Everyone should be afraid of us
Because we are WITCHES !!!
B. Ya. Like wolves we toothy
Santa Claus is our enemy and that's it.
We are insidious.
K. We are smart !!!
Chorus: Because we are WITCHES.
S. doomed But it all started so well. We played good games.
B. Ya. What are you stupid, Snow Maiden. Good games have long been out of fashion. Children love to play terminators, star wars, shoot at each other from toy machines. And everyones there are stupid kind fairy tales they are not at all interested.
S: Really guys? children shout "no", "yes". But let's have a fair competition. We will play games with the guys. I am those good ones that Santa Claus and I came up with, and you, yours, are evil, witchy. Whose games the guys like best, he will decide whether there will be a New Year or not.
K. Fair competition. Hehe. Well, let's try. Only, mind you, we are the first.
They take turns playing games with the guys. The set of games varies depending on the age composition of the participants. *
S: So we played. Now let's vote. Now, those who liked the games of Baba-Yaga and Kikimora will raise their hands.
And now those who liked my games and who want the New Year to come will raise their hands. You see. There are more of us!
B.Ya. (insidiously) This is because they have not yet seen our favorite game, which is called (in chorus) LINK THE SNOW MAID !!! They take out a rope and quickly wind it around the Snow Maiden. She's screaming. The song of witches is played. Kikimora takes out a knife. Baba Yaga is again trying to set fire to the tree. Suddenly a Voice is heard.
G. Come on, forest scum, stop! Baba Yaga and Kikimora freeze.
Santa Claus enters.
D.M. Who is offending my granddaughter here? Ah, it's you again. Everything will not calm down in any way. How many years have I been fighting with you. I'm already tired. Well, today my patience came to an end.
Raises the staff menacingly.
S: Wait, grandfather. Have you known them for a long time?
D.M. But what, granddaughter, we have been fighting for two thousand years. I am for good, and they are for evil.
S. So, have they always been like this?
D.M. No, granddaughter. Sits down. Quiet music sounds Many, many years ago, far from here, in magic forest there was a blue lake. And the beautiful Little Mermaid lived in this lake. I remember she was very young. Every evening she went ashore and sang wonderful songs with her friend Lesnaya Tsarevna. They sang so well that all the hares, foxes, bears came running to listen. From the sea-ocean, fish swam into this lake. Birds came from distant countries. That's how well they sang.
S. quiet And what happened to the Little Mermaid and the Forest Princess?
D.M. But this is what happened ... You see - there are two monsters standing in front of you. They have forgotten that the most important thing in the world is GOOD. Forgot how they were young, how they loved different holidays... We decided to spoil the New Year for the children.
S. Ah, grandfather! So in fact they need help. Maybe someone has bewitched them? Please, I beg you, because you can do anything, you are a wizard. Make them good again.
D.M. You’re talking about it, granddaughter. Come on, beauties, come here.
"White snow, blue light -
there are no more witches in the world !!! "
Are you still going to misbehave?
B.Ya., K. in chorus No.
D.M. Will we believe them guys? You have to believe. One cannot live in the world without faith in people. Especially today. After all, very soon in chorus NEW YEAR. Happy holiday to you.
S. Happy New Year, friends.