
Summary of conducting conversations with children. Synopsis of a conversation with older preschool children “Theatrical alphabet. Problem-game situation "Dunno in a magic forest"


Conversation with elder children preschool age DOE. How do you know your mood?

Program tasks:
1. To systematize children's ideas about human mood
2. Develop the ability to recognize the mood by facial expression
3. Foster a desire to give positive emotions to others

- photos of emotions and mood
- emoticons with good and bad mood for every child

Conversation progress:

Guys, I have a very good mood... And you? ( Answers).
Is there a bad mood? ( Answers)
Look at these pictures ( the teacher shows pictures of a cheerful and sad person).

How are the people in these photos different? ( Mood).
Right. How did you know? ( a cheerful person has a smile on his face, but a sad smile does not).
Yes guys, a smile expresses joy. How can you see sadness? ( no smile, tears, by sight)

And what can cause joy, good mood in a person? ( presents, pleasant words etc.)
What can spoil your mood? ( if someone offended, etc.)
You're right. I suggest you listen to one story.

A hedgehog came to visit the squirrel. She was very pleased with the guest. And she offered to play with her toys, because the squirrel was not greedy. The hedgehog took the mistress's favorite toy, it was a bright, multi-colored whirligig, and played out so that he accidentally broke it. The squirrel was very upset and cried. The mood was ruined, because it was her favorite toy. The hedgehog felt ashamed, he felt sorry for the squirrel and asked her for forgiveness. He took the broken whirligig home, repaired it and returned it to the squirrel. The squirrel's joy knew no bounds when she saw her toy as good as new. The hedgehog was also glad.

Questions about what you read:
- What was the squirrel like? (kind, generous, funny)
- Why did she cry?
- What was her mood like?
- How did the hedgehog's mood change?
- How did the hedgehog cheer up the squirrel?

You guys are great! You know, on the face of a person, we can see not only joy and sadness. There are also other emotions ( showing a photo with emotions):




Let's try to portray these emotions:
1. Joy. I'm smiling. My eyes are slightly squinted, the corners of my mouth are slightly raised. I am laughing.
2. Sadness. I'm upset. The eyes are slightly narrowed. The corners of the mouth are down. I'm crying.
3. Calmness. My movements are smooth. My face is calm. The eyes are slightly open.
4. Surprise. My eyebrows are raised. The mouth is slightly open, rounded. Eyes wide open.
5. Fear. My eyebrows are raised. And slightly reduced to the bridge of the nose. The eyes are very wide open.
6. Anger. My eyebrows are strongly drawn to the bridge of the nose. The teeth and lips are closed. The eyes are narrowed.

Now you know what emotions are and how mood changes. I suggest you show an emoticon with the mood you are in now. ( Children show their emoticons)

Thanks guys. I wish you always have a good mood!


The author offers a summary of the lesson with an environmental focus. The lesson can be useful for educators not only for instilling love for hometown, but the education of a creative, humane attitude to nature, clarification of ideas about the dependence of the urban environment on green spaces.

Lesson summary - conversations

for older preschool children

“Why does the city need plants? "

Target: To develop in preschool children a conscious sense of responsibility for the beauty and cleanliness of their hometown.


1. Expand children's knowledge about the urban environment and the importance of green spaces for the city.

2. Teach children the techniques of a culture of discussion. Expand the vocabulary of children by introducing the words into their speech: green spaces, harmful emissions, urban environment, phytoncides,

3. To foster in children a culture of behavior in nature: do not leave garbage in places of rest, do not break or tear plants, treat them carefully and carefully.

Materials for the lesson:

1. Panoramic picture of Yaroslavl, which depicts an unusual city landscape (without trees, grass and flowers). One can see the factory's chimneys with outgoing smoke, residential buildings, roads, cars;

2. Pictures with views of Yaroslavl, flower beds;

3. silhouettes of trees, flowers, grass;

4. glue stick;

5. audio recording of city noises, birdsong, leaves rustling;

6.ecological models (carbon dioxide - plants - oxygen)

Guys, look closely at the picture, what is depicted on it? ( city, houses, factory, cars ...)

Have you noticed anything unusual?

Did the artist portray the city correctly?

Is it comfortable to live in such a city? ( there are no trees and flowers, no grass. Residents feel bad)

- Do you know what this city is?

You rightly noticed that there is absolutely no green in the picture. Or maybe the artist is right? What is a city?

What is more important in the city - houses, shops, factories or trees and flowers? Maybe you can do without them? What do you think?

(the teacher listens to and guides the children's answers)

You are absolutely right, plants are absolutely necessary in the city, they not only decorate the city, but also bring benefits. You can't do without them. Let's see how plants help us.

To do this, we will mentally transfer ourselves to the city in the picture and try to correct the artist's mistakes, help its inhabitants. Close your eyes, join hands, 1,2.3 - and we are in the city in the picture.

Open your eyes and walk down the street. Look around there are houses, under our feet we have an asphalt path, the sun is shining brightly, we are hot and have nowhere to hide from the sun's rays. What will help us hide from the sun? ( let's hide in the shade, plant trees)

Good suggestion. Let's plant a lot of trees to make a park. (children stick silhouettes of trees on the picture).

Trees keep you cool in hot weather. Even a small park lowers the temperature by a few degrees. Trees absorb heat through their foliage and reflect Sun rays... Let's sit in the shade of the trees, rest and move on. Then the residents of the city will rest here. And how should people behave in places of recreation so that the park always remains clean and beautiful? ( clean up trash, don't pick plants, treat diseased trees, etc.)

We go further down the street. (Audio recording of city noises sounds) Can you hear the noise, what is this? Look, there is a large factory in the distance, it is working and smoke is coming out of the chimney. Cars are driving along the road, they also pollute the air and make noise. There is an unpleasant smell in the city, it is difficult for us to breathe. What will we do in this case? (children's answers)

- Plants will help us again (model show). Trees absorb carbon dioxide, unpleasant odors and give off oxygen, they clean the urban environment of dust and gas. There are many cars, factories and factories in the city and they do harm environment polluting the air. And plants retain dust on their leaves. Even a lawn with grass traps dust. Imagine, only 1 tree of average size per day restores as much oxygen as is needed for breathing three people... Let's add a lawn along the road in the picture, it will protect us from dust, plant shrubs and trees, they will protect us from noise. ( Children stick silhouettes of trees, bushes, grass)

- How else can residents protect their city from harmful emissions? (build treatment facilities)

Look, the city has become quieter, the air has become fresher and the street is more beautiful. (Audio recording of leaves rustling and birds singing sounds) We also became more fun. The rustle of leaves and the singing of birds caresses our ears, we are pleased to see beautiful plants, green grass. Let's call rain to water our plantings and play.

Physical education "Rain"

The first drop fell - a drop! ( from above with a finger show her movement)

and the second came running - cap! ( the same)

we looked at the sky, (looking up).

Droplets drip-drip sang

Faces got wet, We wiped them. (wipe their face with their hands).

Shoes, look (they point their hands down and look).

Steel wet.

Let's take our shoulders together (shoulder movement)

and shake off all the droplets,

we will run away from the rain, we will sit under a bush (squatting).

In such an environment, people become more comfortable, their mood improves. We can hide from the sun, sit on the grass. Plants will brighten the life of the inhabitants. But still something is missing. Guys, what else can we add for the beauty of the city? ( flower beds, flowers).

Of course, let's decorate the city with flowers. ( children paste flowers).

- What's the beautiful. Let the flowers delight the residents and raise their spirits.

What other benefits do you think plants bring to humans and animals?

Green spaces produce special substances (phytoncides) that kill some harmful bacteria and microorganisms. This is a very important city. Tell me why is it important in the city? (model show)

The city air contains 10 times more pathogenic microbes than the air of fields and forests. Scientists have conducted various studies that have shown that the diseases that noise causes in humans are similar to the effects of poison. So that trees, flowers and grass grow well, they help themselves to fertilize the soil. They absorb solar energy and create carbohydrates and other organic substances from minerals of soil and water. (model show). Without the plant world, the life of man and animals is impossible. All animals, except predators, feed only on plants. Insects need flowers, cats and dogs who live in the city of grass, they are treated with it.

Well, we helped the residents of the city - we planted different plants, it's time to return, Close our eyes, 1, 2, 3, here we are in the group.

The teacher shows pictures with views of Yaroslavl.

Look in front of you a few more pictures.

What is depicted on them? (Yaroslavl, flower beds ...)

How did you know that this is our city? (theater, fountain, we were there)

Now look at the painting again?

Do you see how plants change the face of the city?

Do you know what this city is? Now does our Yaroslavl look like a city in a picture? (Yes)

Of course, this is our city and you and I helped ourselves, we are its inhabitants.

We live in a very beautiful ancient city. Why can our city be called beautiful? (many flowers, trees, beautiful buildings, churches)

It is completely different from the gray city that was in the beginning. People love their city very much, strive to decorate and make it clean. What should be done to have a lot of plants in our city? (dig the ground, plant plants, protect them from pests, loosen and weed the soil, heal plants)

Educator: in conclusion, the educator brings the children to the conclusion:

Love nature and she will love you. Remember that if plants get sick, people get sick.

Conversation with older preschool children

on the topic: "Good will not die, but evil will disappear."

Purpose: To form in children an idea of ​​good and evil (good always triumphs over evil, about good and bad deeds, the ability to correctly evaluate oneself and others; teach to see the positive and negative qualities of characters. To bring up in children such personality traits as generosity, honesty, justice , ability to empathize and empathize with other people

The teacher reads a poem to the children:

Is it easier to be kind or evil?

Probably easier for the evil.

To be kind is to give

Warmth to others.

To be kind is to understand

And loved ones and strangers

And sometimes you don't know the joy

Taking care of others.

Of course, it's harder for the kind

And yet look:

How many friends he has!

And the evil one is always alone ...

Situational conversation.

Educator: Guys, what do you think is good? (children's reasoning). One good is treasures, books, jewelry, paintings, toys. Such goodness can be seen and even touched with your hands. Other goodness can be heard - this is music, soulful verses, tender words... But there is such good that cannot be touched, it cannot be seen, heard, but every person should have it: you, and I, and your parents. This is a kind heart, a kind soul, good words to help those in trouble. Such people are said to be "Kind Man". (Kind - kindhearted)

Educator: Where could you hear about kind people and kind deeds? (Probably most of all in fairy tales)

Educator: About what heroes can you say that they are kind? (Cinderella, Alyonushka, Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, Boy - sleeping bag, Khovroshechka)

Educator: Are fairy-tale heroes only kind? Yes, they can be evil.

Let's remember the evil fairy tale characters? (Evil stepmother, Koschey the immortal, Karaba - Barabas, Baba Yaga, geese - swans)

Role-playing gymnastics: use facial expressions and pantomimes to portray good fairy-tale heroes or evil ones. (Cinderella, Evil stepmother, Cheburashka, Old woman Shapoklyak, Malvina, Baba - Yaga)

Educator: In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. It is a pity that life is different.

Listen to the story.

Once upon a time there was a girl just like you. She was often given many beautiful, bright, expensive toys. But she never shared them with other children. And when they bored her, the girl broke them and sent them to the closet. A hare with a torn off ear, a car without wheels, a dirty doll with disheveled hair settled there. Once the new toys were afraid that they would also end up in the closet and went to look for a new kind mistress. And only the old toys, closed in the closet, remained.

Educator: Do you think this girl can be called evil? Why?

How do you think she felt when she opened her eyes in the morning and did not see her favorite new toys?

She got angry, began to scream loudly and demand new toys from her mother. But my mother said: “I had to take care of the toys and treat them kindly.”

Educator: What do you think happened next?

Out of resentment against her mother and toys, she decided to hide in the closet. The girl cried for a long time, but suddenly she saw a box with old broken toys. She was so delighted with them, clasped to her chest a dirty shaggy doll, a hare with a torn off ear and sat for a long time thinking.

Then the girl went to her room and took out a thread and a needle, sewed an ear to the hare, combed her hair and washed the doll. And for a long - a long time I played with them.

Educator: What do you think happened to the girl? (she turned from evil to good). What helped her become kinder? (care, attention, sympathy)

Educator: Do you think good won over evil? Why do you think so?

Conversation with senior preschool children "How I Help Mom"

Purpose: To educate children in love and respect, a desire to help and do nice mom, the dearest and closest person on earth for older preschool children.

Conversation progress

Educator. Guys, today we will talk about the upcoming holiday.

And you will guess how it is called after you listen to the poem. Listen carefully.

Once I said to my friends:

There are many kind mothers in the world,

But I can't find it, I'm trying

A mother like mine!

She bought for me

On the wheels of a horse

Saber, paints and album.

Only is that the point?

I love her anyway

Mommy, my mommy!

(N. Sakonskaya)

Educator. That's right guys, you guessed it. Today we will talk about our beloved mothers. And the holiday is called ...

Children's answers.

Educator. That's right, it's Mother's Day.

Initiative to create a holiday in Russian Federation came from the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The chairman of the Committee, Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina, made a useful proposal to establish Mother's Day. The order on the establishment of Mother's Day in Russia was signed on January 30, 1988 by Boris Yeltsin, then the country's president. The date for the celebration was set for the last Sunday in November.

Since 1999, this touching holiday has become one of the most adored in every Russian family... On this day sincere congratulations pour in to beloved mothers and women who carry a baby under their hearts. Children of all ages prepare surprises for the holiday. Kids make gifts with their own hands and draw beautiful postcards... Matured children visit their parents with gifts, flowers and useful gifts.

On this day, festive concerts, contests, festivals, exhibitions dedicated to mothers are held everywhere. Soul films and holiday programs are broadcasted on television. Matinees and themed evenings are held in schools and preschool childcare facilities. V in social networks and on forums happy women congratulate each other, and loving children shower them with virtual bouquets, colorful pictures and beautiful poems.

Educator. Children, Mom is the dearest and closest person. She will always protect, help in difficult times. Mom will always understand you and comfort you. Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day takes a special place. On this day, everyone says to their mothers words of gratitude, which give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Educator. Guys, tell us how you help your mothers.

Children's stories.

Physical education "Assistants"

We help mom -

We rinse the clothes ourselves (inclines)

One, two, three, four, (sideways movement)

Stretched out, (hung up the linen)

Have stopped

We did a good job! (we stroke our head with our hand)

Educator. Well done, good helpers!

Educator. Now let's remember the proverbs and sayings about mom.

There is no dearer friend than dear mother.

It is warm in the sun, good in the mother.

There are many relatives, but the mother is the dearest.

To live with a mother is neither grief nor boredom.

A mother's heart warms better than the sun.

The most valuable and precious thing in the world is mother and father.

The teacher says the beginning, and the children finish.

Children's answers.

Educator. Many famous poets dedicated their poems to their mothers. Is anyone familiar with these poems?

Reading poems by children.

Child 1.

I remember the bedroom and the lamp

Toys, warm crib

“Guardian angel over you! "

You cross, kiss

Remind me that he is with me

And you will charm with faith in happiness ...

I remember the night, the warmth of the crib

A lamp in the dusk of a corner

And the shadows from the chains of the lamp ...

Weren't you an angel?

Ivan Bunin

Child 2.

I love my mom

Mom brings me

Toys, candy,

But I love my mother

Not at all for that.

Funny songs

She hums

We are bored together

It never happens.

I open it to her

All my secrets.

But I love my mother

Not only for that.

I love my mom

I'll tell you straight

Well, just for

That she is my mother!

L. Davydova

Child 3.

What does mom smell like

Spirits on Saturdays

Mom's outfit smells like

So they go to mom -

Both perfume and theater.

Pancakes on Sunday

Breakfast - here it is, ready!

So he suits mom,

This pancake smell.

Monday - business

Immediately our house smelled

So he suits mom -

This smell of papers.

But I will say, between us,

I'll tell you a secret:

I am dear to my mother

I come up the most!

O. Bondur

Child 4.

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...

But I didn't play either!

I don’t start a top,

And I sat down and sit.

My toys don't make noise

Quiet, the room is empty.

And on my mother's pillow

The ray sneaks golden.

And I said to the beam:

I want to move too!

I would sing a song

I could laugh

Yes, I don't really want what I want!

But my mother is asleep, and I am silent.

The beam rushed along the wall

And then he slid over to me.

Nothing, - he whispered as if, -

Let's sit in silence.

Elena Blaginina

Educator. Children, now I ask you to guess the riddles.

The cradle who rocks you,

Who sings songs to you,

Who tells you fairy tales

And give you some toys?

(Mama is golden)

Who warms with love

Everything in the world is in time

Even play a little?

Who will always comfort you

And wash, and comb,

Kiss on the cheek - smack?

Here she is always like

My. dear!


There is no dirt, trash in the apartment,

Cleaned everything clean. (Mother)

Who came to me in the morning?

Who said: "It's time to get up"?

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Tea - pour into a bowl?

Who braided my braids?

Did you sweep the whole house alone?

Who picked flowers in the garden?

Who kissed me?

Who kiddies love to laugh?

Who is the best in the world?

DIY gifts

We will do it for the holiday. (to mom)

Educator. Now it's time to prepare gifts for our mothers.

Children make gifts.

"Christmas gatherings". Introducing children to folk traditions. Summary of the lesson-conversation with older preschool children

Christmas gatherings.

Lesson summary - conversation

Part 1 of the holiday - conversation, acquaintance of children with the holiday, its traditions, memorizing some texts.

Part 2 - caroling in neighboring groups, congratulations to the kindergarten staff.

Purpose: familiarizing children with folk traditions.

Org. moment: trouble passes in the evening; a Christmas tree is decorated in the group, the lights are muted, candles are burning. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the book lying under the tree. This is the "Christmas Book". 1 page - Christmas, 2 - Christmastide, 3 - Carols, 4 - Mummers, 5 - Winter fun, 6 - Gatherings: Chastushki, Riddles, 7 - Divination.

Nativity of Christ is one of the most important Christian holidays. Christmas "returned" to our lives quite recently. Let us celebrate Christmas today, as we celebrated it many years before us ...

We still have a tree. And this is a candle. Christmas candle - symbol hearth... Many years ago, when every house had a hearth, from Christmas Eve (the day before Christmas), for the next 12 days and nights, a Christmas log burned in the hearth. Now there are no hearths, candles have replaced the log.

Christmas has long been accompanied by colorful folk customs. 12 days from 7 to 19 January is the time of the winter Christmastide in Russia. Carols, walking with a star, dressing up, winter fun, gatherings, fortune-telling, all this was accompanied by the holiday of Christmastide.

KOLYADKI - special songs with wishes for a rich harvest, health, harmony in the family. Few people know these songs now. I suggest you learn a few carols, they will still be useful to us.

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Merry Christmas!

Open the chests

Get the snouts!

Open the pots

Serve fifty rubles!

You will give us -

We will praise

Anya will give

We will reproach.

Kolyada! Kolyada!

Serve the pie.

The sofa is crunchy - drive the chop.

For hello, for a treat,

All congratulations.

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Happiness will be your mountain!

The harvest is big!

Carollers scattered oats and wheat around the house, wishing wealth and fertility. And the hosts gave gifts, treated guests.

The indispensable participants in the Christmas holidays were RAGED. They dressed up as bears, old people, devils, parsley. The mummers were allowed to play pranks, to misbehave, within reasonable limits, of course.

And on fresh air our ancestors loved to arrange WINTER FUN. This includes sledding from the mountain, throwing snowballs, cockfighting on ice, tug-of-war, etc.

When evening came, all the girls went to SEATING. They jointly rented the hut, where for a long winter evenings, spun, embroidered, knitted. And they sang for sure. I suggest you learn a few ditties:

The carol was sung well,

Lovely girlfriends.

Just what a gathering

Without a cute ditty.

God grant, snowball,

Smooth track

Bad luck to get away

From my window.

I will come with an accordion

Under your window.

Look, accordion,

A window will open.

Oh floor, fail

The ceiling collapsed.

I'll stay on the board

I will not part with the carol.

They loved to guess and guess riddles even more.

Wiggles ears all day

The earth was covered with fluff -

Outside the window is white white.

These white fluffs

The star spun

A little bit in the air.

Sat down and melted

On my palm. (Snowflake)

Christmastide is a special time. It has long been engaged in fortune-telling at Christmas time. Fortune-telling is a dangerous game, there is always a risk of meeting some evil spirits. But at Christmas time, the risk is much less. During Christmas time, there are “holy evenings” (January 7-13) for funny funny fortune-telling - and “terrible evenings” (January 14-19) - for dangerous and risky ones. Fortune-telling on Vasilyev's evening - the eve of January 14, that is, on the old New Year... That is, today. So, let's tell fortunes.

Fan - difficulties in the service.

The bell is the message.

Pants are a fork in the road.

The egg is the beginning of something new.

All these customs have survived to this day. For sure, acquaintances, friends, just strangers are knocking at your house.

Today carols are not as important as they were in the old days. Now this is child's play or an opportunity for practical jokes.

V.: Dear guys, I suggest that you, our neighbors, have fun, sing, tell them some riddles, play, tell fortunes ... But for this we need to dress up in different costumes, as in the old days. We have baskets of oats, wheat, we will "sow" them.

In each group, work according to an example scenario:

Words are spoken by children and a teacher, some words are spoken by children.

I drove, it was, by,

Yes turned up to smoke.

Leap onto the porch

Bryak in a ring.

An unexpected guest

Better than the two expected.

They sing carols, sow.

I sing We sow, we sow, we sow,

Merry Christmas!

Open the chests

Get the snouts!

Open the pots

Serve fifty rubles!

You will give us -

We will praise

Anya will give

We will reproach.

Kolyada! Kolyada!

Serve the pie.

The little boy sat down on the sofa.

The sofa is crunchy - drive the chop.

For hello, for a treat,

All congratulations.

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Happiness will be your mountain!

The harvest is big!

Chastooshkas sing together:

The carol was sung well,

Lovely girlfriends.

Just what a gathering

Without a cute ditty.

God grant, snowball,

Smooth track

Bad luck to get away

From my window.

I will come with an accordion

Under your window.

Look, accordion,

A window will open.

Oh floor, fail

The ceiling collapsed.

I'll stay on the board

Make riddles:

Wiggles ears all day

And time dictates to find out. (clock)

The earth was covered with fluff -

Outside the window is white white.

These white fluffs

Not suitable for feather beds. (snow)

The star spun

A little bit in the air.

Sat down and melted

On my palm. (Snowflake)

An icy bag hangs outside the window.

It is full of drips and smells like spring. (icicle)

Fortune telling with wax. Required - a bowl of water and a candle. When the candle is lit, pour the wax into a bowl of water. Figure meanings:

Many round small drops - money.

Fan - difficulties in the service.

Grapes - love, friendship, luck, prosperity.

Mushroom - vitality, perseverance, longevity.

Dragon - flying high, fulfilling hopes, completing labor or giving birth to a child.

The bell is the message.

A leaf of a tree - envy, intrigue from others.

The monkey is a false friend, pretense.

Pants are a fork in the road.

An apple is a symbol of life, wisdom, health.

The egg is the beginning of something new.

We sang, danced

Well, owners, are you tired?

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

Live us together

Up to two hundred years!


Lesson-conversation for older preschool children "If you suddenly get bitten by a dog"

Purpose: to acquaint with dangerous situation associated with improper behavior when communicating with a dog, to consolidate the rules of behavior when communicating with pets (a dog, to cultivate a love for pets, to develop thinking, attention, memory, speech.

Vocabulary: someone else's dog, bite, first aid, rules of conduct.

Equipment: a letter from the boy.

1. Introductory part.

- Guys, yesterday I visited a friend of a first-grader boy in the hospital, whose name is Artyom. Now he is in the hospital and is being treated by doctors.

2. Reading the letter.

Listen to the story he told me: “Once I was walking around my house. And when I decided to go home, I saw a dog near the door of my entrance, like our neighbor's. I wanted to walk past her, but she growled menacingly at me.

I am a brave boy and was not afraid of a dog: I took a big stick, swung at it! I thought that she would get scared and run away, but the dog suddenly jumped to me, grabbed my hand and bitten painfully. I screamed, cried, and the dog walked away.

I went home, cried, and when my mother came, I didn't say anything to her: why upset, because the wound is not small. Then my arm began to hurt a lot, and I told my mother everything. I was admitted to the hospital, now they are being treated. I'm already getting better, now it doesn't hurt! "

3. Conversation about what you read.

- Guys, what happened to Artyom? Why did the dog attack him?

- What do you think, is it possible to swing a stick at a dog? Why? (The dog can lash out and bite)

- And you can generally come close to other people's dogs (No)

- What did Artyom need to do when he saw the dog at the entrance door? (Do not approach the door, wait until the dog leaves, only then go to the entrance).

- Artyom was bitten by a dog. Who should he turn to for help? Who should I tell about what happened? (Mom, she would help, call a doctor).

4. Rules of conduct

- Have you met dogs that walk without owners? (Yes) .

- What would you do if you met someone else's dog? (A stranger's dog must be bypassed. If you come close, you cannot run away from it, make sudden movements, wave your arms. Then the dog will move away by itself).

- Which of you has a dog? Are you walking with her? How do you take care of your dog?

- Let's learn with you and remember the rules of how to behave when meeting a dog, so that such troubles do not happen to you as with Artyom:

Don't wave your hands too much

Material from the site

Summary of GCD Conversation with senior preschool children on the topic: "Thank you grandfather for the victory"

Expand children's ideas about the heroic past of the people.

To acquaint with the veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

To form in children patriotic qualities and a sense of involvement in the history of the Fatherland.

Create in children a mood of empathy with the past events of the Great Patriotic War.


To develop the skills of speech, musical and productive activities on the basis of patriotic material.

Develop the skill of active participation in dialogue with the teacher.


To foster respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

To foster a sense of patriotism, respect for the history of our people

Material: audio recording of songs about the war; photographs, illustrations depicting military operations;

Preliminary work: Conversations with children on the topic: "The Great Patriotic War", "Our heroes", reading fiction on military topics, examining paintings, illustrations, memorizing poetry, songs about the war, drawing competition about the war.

Course of the lesson:

Children are sitting at tables, in front of them is an easel with illustrations of wartime, photographs. The music "Get up, the country is huge!"

May 9 is the most main holiday celebrated in our country. What holiday is it? (Victory Day) . And who remembers what this victory is? Over whom? (Over the fascists). That's right, children. It was a terrible and long war.

It lasted four whole years. In the early morning of June, fascist Germany attacked our peaceful country. The fascists wanted to take over our country and turn our people into slaves.

All the people rose to defend the Motherland, our army, women, old people, even children.

At the very beginning of the war, the Nazis came very close to Moscow - the capital of our Motherland. Our brave soldiers did not allow the fascists to reach Moscow, but they themselves went on the offensive. This war was difficult, difficult and terrible, many people died in it. But the long-awaited Victory Day has come.

Our valiant warriors drove out the fascists and themselves came to Berlin. It happened on May 9, 1945. And since then, every resident of our country and residents of other countries have been celebrating this holiday.

May holiday - Victory Day

More details on the website

Topic: Conversation about autumn with older preschool children.

Purpose: to summarize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn.

Consolidate children's knowledge about the signs of autumn.

To continue teaching to compare, analyze, draw the simplest conclusions about changes in living and inanimate nature in autumn.

To foster the ability to feel and understand the beauty of the surrounding nature, the desire to take part in its protection and protection.

Dictionary activation: leaf fall, golden blossom, fieldfare, feathered friends.

Demo Material: Toy Set different color, pictures of trees without leaves.

Handouts: cards for the seasons, autumn leaves.

Preliminary work: observations in nature, a walk in the park, viewing the painting by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", reading the poetry of A. Pushkin about autumn, children displaying autumn nature in landscapes, in decorative painting, creating patterns from leaves.

The course of the lesson.

Educator: Sad time, charm of the eyes! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me! Children, who dedicated these beautiful lines and to what time of year? Children's answers.

Educator: Autumn was the most favorite time of the year for A.S. Pushkin, but he didn’t like summer: oh, summer is red, I would love you if it weren’t hot, but dust, and mosquitoes, and flies!

Educator: Children, why do you think A.S. Pushkin calls autumn - a charm of eyes? What kind of poem is it? Merry, sad, sad or solemn?

Children's answers.

Educator: Why is this poem sad?

Children's answers.

The teacher summarizes the answers. The sun shines less often, the day is getting shorter, the leaves fall from the trees, there is often fog, birds fly away to distant lands.

Educator: Look at the cards and tell us what natural phenomena are depicted. (Children go out and name natural phenomena)

Name the seasons. Select cards on which winter natural phenomena are drawn, spring, summer, autumn.

Educator: How many months in a year? Children's answers.

Educator: they live together for 12 months and everyone comes at their own time. Which autumn months come to visit us?

Children's answers.

Educator: September is the first autumn month. This is the velvet month, the blush of autumn. What is also popularly called it?

Children's answers.

The teacher summarizes the answers. Why is September called the golden flower, field ash, bird flock?

Children's answers.

Educator: How do animals prepare for winter?

Generalization of children's answers. The animals arrange dwellings for themselves, store food for the winter. The bear wanders through the forest, eats ripe berries, nuts and acorns, feeds fat for the winter.

Squirrels and hares begin to change their fur coats for winter ones. Have winter fur coats and the fur is thicker, more luxuriant, and the color is suitable for winter nature. Badgers gather roots and mushrooms. The squirrel makes supplies in the hollows. Moles and mice stock up on spikelets.

The wolf and the fox do not sleep in winter and do not make supplies. They spend their time carelessly until the frost forces them to seek not only food for themselves, but also a home.

Educator: What kind of jobs do people have in September in the field? Children's answers.

Generalization of children's answers. Vegetables are harvested from fields and vegetable gardens: potatoes, beets, carrots, and the field is plowed.

Educator: Back in September, winter breads - wheat and rye - are planted in the fields.

Physical education:

The wind is blowing in our face, the tree swayed, and then everything is quieter, and the trees are higher! Educator: Why is September called leaf fall? Children's answers.

Didactic game: "1, 2, 3 - run to the tree." The teacher calls, for example, a birch, and the children with a birch leaf on the table run to the picture with a birch. Play exercise: Leaf carpet.

Children at the tables make up a carpet ornament of leaves.

Educator. Gone September, followed by October. "There are seven weather outside in October." Why do they say so about October?

Generalization of children's answers. October is a capricious month. During the day, the weather can change several times: the sun is shining brightly, the annoying rain is drizzling.

Educator. All the signs of autumn were once noticed by the people on the basis of constant observations of the life of nature. Let's remember with you folk signs.

Late leaf fall - by a harsh long winter.

Strong winds during rain portend good winter weather.

The cobweb spreads over the plants - to the warmth.

Thunder in September foreshadows warm weather.

The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn - for a mild winter.

Educator. If in September the birds are preparing to leave, then in October they begin to fly away. Which birds fly away first?

Children's answers.

Generalization of children's answers. Swallows and swifts fly away first because they feed only on insects. And with the onset of cold weather, insects become less and less.

Educator. What birds fly away a little later? Children's answers.

Generalization of children's answers. Cuckoos, rooks, cranes fly away later because they feed on grains, seeds, berries. Educator. Which birds fly away the latest?

Children's answers.

Generalization of children's answers. These are ducks, swans, geese. Until the reservoirs are frozen, there is enough food for them.

Educator. All birds fly away differently. How do the cranes fly? Ducks? Geese?

Children's answers. Summarizing the answers. The cranes are flying in a wedge, the ducks are on the right front, the geese are in a school.

Educator. What do we call the birds that fly to warmer regions? Children's answers.

Educator. And the birds that winter with us?

Children's answers.

Educator. People call them "winterers". And we have to take care of them. What is our concern?

Children's answers. Generalization of children's answers. We can make feeders and feed our feathered friends.

Educator. What do people out of town do in October? Children's answers.

Educator. People harvest the remaining crops from fields and gardens. Mushroom pickers collect mushrooms. Housewives chop and ferment cabbage.

It is not for nothing that people say: "September smelled like apples, and October smelled like cabbage." Educator. November is the last month of autumn. A sad and pensive month. It connects deep autumn with winter.

What is the popular name for November?

Children's answers. Educator. Why is November called the "Gate of Winter", "Prewinter"?

Educator. What do forest dwellers do in November?

Children's answers.

Educator. What kind of jobs do people have in the villages and villages in November? Children's answers.

Educator. Work in the garden, in the fields, in the gardens is over.

Educator. If early autumn is called "golden", then late autumn- "silver". Why?

Children's answers.

Educator. In November, thin ice crunches loudly in puddles, tree branches ring in the wind, and everything seems to be in silver. When the geese leave their native land,

The forest will freeze in the cold in captivity,

November will hit the ice harp

Meeting the Empress - winter. Didactic game: "What color is autumn?" Children, if they wish, choose a toy of any color and explain that in autumn nature the same color.

Outcome: Round dance "Kalina".


We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

We mash the cabbage, mash it.

But what about our doll Alina: she ate proteins, ate carbohydrates, ate fats. But the whole secret is that there are harmful and healthy foods, that the way we prepare food and the amount we eat affects whether this food helps or harms our body.

If you want to be cheerful, efficient, if you want to fight infectious microbes - take vitamins every day.

Children, what do you think vitamins are? (Answers of children.)

Vitamins are substances that our body needs to assimilate food.

They increase efficiency, resistance to infectious diseases, contribute to the growth of our body. If there are not enough vitamins in food, a person suffers from various diseases, becomes lethargic, weak, sad.

What vitamins do you know?

I'll tell you what vitamins look like! When zoomed in many times, they look like air balloons.

GREEN BALLS is vitamin A, it is found in green and yellow vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers, green onions), peas, peaches, apricots, apples, grapes, watermelon, melon, butter.) Vitamin A is good for eyesight and human skin.

RED BALLS are B vitamins. It is found in bread, cereals, nuts, meat, fish. These foods have a positive effect on the brain, normal appetite, stomach and heart. Leafy vegetables, legumes, carrots, avocados, bananas, walnuts, cabbage, corn, potatoes, meat, fish (B2) are essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system.


A significant amount of ascorbic acid is found in plant foods (citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, melon, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, black currants, bell peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, apples, peaches, rose hips, mountain ash). Action: Protects the body from germs and viruses.

PINK BALLS - Vitamin E.

Action: consists in maintaining the work of muscles and skin, enriches the blood with oxygen.

BLUE BALLS - vitamin D.

Egg yolk, butter, cheese, fish oil, caviar, dairy products.

Action: provides normal growth and bone development.

Didactic game "Useful vitamins" (Prepared cards with the image of individual organs human body(eyes, brain, hair, bones, heart, muscles) are laid out on tables, children disassemble multi-colored "vitamins" balloons and, at the instructor's command, go to the necessary tables and tell what products are useful for this part of the human body.)

Distribute Vitrum vitamins to children and examine. (They are multi-colored.

Conclusion: they contain a whole range of vitamins.)

Consider ascorbic acid. (She white- so it contains only one vitamin C).

And now let's try to draw "What are vitamins" so that not only we, but also Alina's doll, and our parents do not forget how important they are for our body.

Synopsis of a conversation with older preschool children on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills "Babushkino's soap"

Synopsis of a conversation with older preschool children "Babushkino's soap"

Target: Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in older preschool children.
- improve the understanding of the importance of hygiene procedures
- expand knowledge of hygiene products
- improve vocabulary
Guys today we will talk with you about hygiene.
- What is personal hygiene? (caring for your body, keeping it clean)
- Right! It is not without reason that people say: "Cleanliness is the guarantee of health!"
- In order to keep the body clean, people have one great helper.
Try to guess what it is?
Smooth, fragrant, washes clean
It is necessary that everyone has…. (soap)
Every morning, all children should wash: wash their face, hands, neck, ears. Be sure to wash your hands after walking, using the toilet, before eating and after, after interacting with animals. You need to take a shower every day.
And in this we are helped by our assistant - toilet soap.
- Guys, think about why you need to wash yourself with soap? (to wash away all dirt and germs).
- Right! Let's look at the skin on our hands, notice how smooth, elastic, and able to stretch with movement.
- The skin protects a person from getting inside various microbes. When you jump, run, you get hot and beads of sweat appear on your skin. If the skin is not washed for a long time, then grease and sweat accumulate on it, which trap dust particles. From this, the skin becomes dirty, rough and stops protecting our body from germs.
Dirty skin can be harmful to your health. And besides, dirty, sloppy people are always unpleasant to those around them.
This is why skin care needs to be taken. Water alone, albeit hot, will not be able to wash off all the dirt from the body. And soap can remove all dirt and sweat.
- Raise your hands, please, those guys who use soap every day.
- Well done! Tell us what kind of soap do you have at home? (children's answers).
- Yes, guys. Soap is different in shape, smell, composition.
At the end of our conversation, listen to a story that happened in an ordinary family.
In one big family there was soap. He so wanted to be useful to people, but they did not pay any attention to him. And all because it was "economic". People did not like the gray-brown color of the soap, nor its acrid smell!
Sometimes children would grab him by mistake. At this moment, the soap was happy.
- Well, - it thought, - and I came in handy!
But as soon as they realized they had taken laundry soap
- Ugh! - said the children and threw him back with disgust. Then, as neighbors of soaps, the so-called toilet, were in great demand.
- Naturally! - they thought, - we are so bright, fragrant, different in shape. And you? - brick-brick !!!
The laundry soap didn't even have its own soap dish. And so it lay, no one needed, on the shelf under the sink.
Once, a boy living in this family, as always by mistake, grabbed laundry soap and wanted to throw it back, but suddenly he thought about it.
“Where did this awful soap come from?” And why do we keep it among other fragrant varieties? We must throw it out!
The soap was very scared!
His mother came up to the boy and said that he should not be thrown out! This is grandma's soap. That, when the great-grandmother was young, there was not such a variety. Times were difficult! And only it saved from dirt and microbes - HOUSEHOLD soap! No wonder it was called "economic". They washed themselves, washed clothes, washed dishes, floors and furniture. Mom also said that grandmother would never trade her favorite laundry soap for any other.
Then children began to respect laundry soap. We bought him a soap dish, highlighted the most a good place on the shelf. But, they didn’t use it anyway! We decided - let him rest! In due time it worked out!

Summary of the ethical conversation with older preschool children. Topic: "Learning to play and work together."

Purpose: The abstract will be of interest to educators of older preschool children, as well as parents.
Software content: To teach the ability to control your behavior. Improve yourself as a person through communication with people. Restrain yourself and listen to the opinions of others. Teach children to coordinate their actions with those of a partner when doing work together.
Equipment: Sheets with the image of two mittens for each pair of children. Sets of colored pencils for each table. Blank sheets for two children and sheets with an unfinished drawing, also for two children.
Preliminary work: View a selection of How To Play Together illustrations.
Course of the lesson:
V-l: Do you guys like to play? (Yes).
V-l: How do you like to play: alone or with friends? (different answers of children).
V-l: Why is it better with friends? (one is bored).
V-l: When several children are playing, you can come up with a long and interesting game, assign many roles, and unfold the plot. Together, it is more interesting to draw, guess riddles, puzzles, labyrinths, run. Guys, do you ever fight when you play with your friends? (we quarrel).
V-l: Do you want to learn how to play together and not quarrel? (we want).
V-l: Now we are going to practice playing together. Sit at tables for two.
V-l: Drawings and pencils are on each table. Look, there are two mittens in the picture. Each of you colors one mitten, but the patterns on the mittens should be the same.
(When the children have finished their work, I interview each pair).
V-l: Which one of you came up with this pattern? What did you both agree with? What did you think differently about? Did you enjoy drawing together? Now swap in pairs.
(children change in pairs).
V-l: It is necessary to complete the following task together. Take a close look at the two pictures. They are very similar, but still somewhat different. Find the differences, you need to find them together. (children complete the task).
V-l: Guys, how easy is it to look for differences: one by one or two? Didn't you quarrel? (children's answers).
V-l: Well done! You know how to play and work together. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Listen to how Masha and Petya played in the story "Labyrinth".
Once Masha and Petya wanted to play the maze. They took the cars, put them in the garages ... Let's go!
Soon the car and Petina's cars met on a narrow path.
"Oh, come on, let me pass!" - Petya demanded. "What more! Get out of the way! " - answered Masha. "Ah well!" - Petya got angry, grabbed the Car and threw it off the road. “Well, I’m not going to play with you,” Masha said, pouted her lips, turned away, tears flowed down her cheeks.
The guys didn’t succeed in the “Labyrinth” game.
V-l: Guys, why do you think Masha and Petit didn't play well? (children's answers).
V-l: Let's advise the guys what to do in order to learn to play without quarrels and offenses. (children's suggestions).
V-l: Guys, let us draw up rules from your advice, write them down and attach them somewhere in a prominent place. (children agree, begin to formulate rules).
V-l: Do you think that if you talk at the same time without listening to each other, you can agree on something? (No).
V-l: This is how it is in the game. The first rule means: Speak in turn and do not interrupt each other.
V-l: Guys, do you like it when in the game one person commands, does not listen to the opinions of other children? (No).
V-l: So the second rule is: When you have your opinion, ask the others if they agree and how they think.
V-l: Do you like kids who are greedy? (No). Here's the third rule: Share toys, don't be greedy.
V-l: What if your friend didn't want to give you a toy? Will you be offended by him for this? (children's answers).
V-l: Here is the fourth rule for you: You must give in to each other, not show stubbornness, pride.
V-l: Now let's try to work together using our rules.
Think and draw what in the world yellow color... You are drawing together on one sheet. To make it easier to complete this task, turn to each other. If you know the answer, whisper to your neighbor. When you agree with each other, nod your heads. And if not, then clarify the opinion of each other.
(After completing the assignment, I talk with the children)
V-l: Guys, was it interesting to work together? What rules did you remember when drawing? What feelings do you have? What's the hardest rule for you? And now the job is getting harder. In the next task, an unfinished line is drawn on the sheet. Discuss together what shape it can be turned into. This assignment will require prior discussion of all options. Don't forget the rules!
(Children begin to complete the assignment, then discuss)
V-l: How many of you came up with this drawing? What did you agree with? Did you think differently? What did each of you like about this assignment? Did you enjoy working together? And I really enjoyed watching you, when you worked together together, did not quarrel, yielded to each other, tried to understand each other. This is what real friends do. Now let's play word game"Complete the sentence."
My friend…
I like in my friend ...
I wish my friend ...
Me and my friend ...
At my friend…
I know that my friend ...
I want my friend ...
Such as my friend ...
My friend can ...
My friend is the most ...

V-l: What good fellows you are! Wish your friend the very best. Today, completing different tasks, each of you learned something. Think and say what you learned today (children's answers).
V-l: Now thank each other for the joint work and try to always remember our rules when you play and work together.