
Do they give wedding rings? Is it possible to give a ring to a girl before the wedding on different holidays. What does a ring gift mean?

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Not everyone is ready to admit this explicitly, but in fact, consciously or subconsciously, many of the fair sex want to receive a ring as a gift from their beloved guy. This speaks to the majority about. And if it's not even about upcoming wedding and a marriage proposal, then, at a minimum, about what a girl is for young man means a lot, since she was honored with such an expensive gift how Golden ring.

What does it mean to give a girl a ring

Guys who want to do something nice in the form of a gift to their girlfriends should keep in mind that they will certainly melt and thrill from the fact that you gave them a gold ring. But, if you are not yet ready to make a marriage proposal, it is advisable to choose something else as a gift. For example, earrings or pendants, or even a bracelet. For many women, the fact that they were given an expensive ring means an upcoming marriage or, at least, the maximum degree of seriousness in a relationship. This desire to see in a girl not just a beloved, but a life partner. And this is a generally accepted fact.

What does it mean if a husband gave his wife a ring

If, as they say, all the seriousness in the relationship has already taken place, moreover, we are talking about a married couple, then the significance of the fact that the husband gave his wife a ring should not be exaggerated. With such a variation of the gift, the spouse can mark your anniversary of meeting or living together, or even prefer the ring as a gift for your birthday or even for the New Year. If a husband gives his wife a white gold ring, one can only be glad that they still have a warm relationship, inspiring a man to give gifts in relation to his beloved woman. And it doesn’t really matter whether it’s a gold or silver ring, cubic zirconia or a real diamond, the main thing is that the husband still wants to please you, as before, and this is worth a lot.

How to hint to a guy to give a ring

Every girl who is in a serious relationship with a young man secretly or even clearly dreams of the guy giving a gold ring. However, it would definitely not be possible to say this directly. the best option actions. A man can be so puzzled, or even completely frightened. In this case, diplomacy should be, first of all. Hinting that a lover give a white gold ring should be done gently. Do not lead your loved one in the context of a walk in, but, for example, wait for the moment when he takes your hand and hints that you would like to decorate this very hand with data jewelry. It is also not necessary to cause jealousy in order to directly declare the absence of a yellow gold ring as an essential attribute of an engagement. It would be better to say it softly, but not intrusively, seizing the appropriate moment.

Many modern gifts are considered from the point of view of signs, beliefs and superstitions that have come to us from the depths of centuries.

The meaning of some of these signs is not even disputed, and some cause surprise and even bewilderment.

Here, for example, is a ring given to a girl. On the one hand, it is a sign of love and seriousness of the relationship, an obligatory element of the ritual of marriage proposal, and on the other hand, very bad omen.

What can a gift ring bring?

The ring is one of the most long-awaited gifts for any girl. Unmarried, this shows the love and devotion of a partner, implies a quick wedding. Married ladies are given a ring in honor of the next date of the relationship, in gratitude for the birth of a child.

But such gifts should be accepted with caution. According to signs, they can lead to a serious quarrel and even a break in relationships, to illness, to loss of beauty, to deprivation of female happiness, and even to death.

Do not be afraid ahead of time. Signs do not apply to all rings. It also matters who gave it as a gift.

What rings and how dangerous

The danger of the ring lies in its shape. The circle has always had for people magical meaning. It denoted power and superiority, helped to collect the necessary energy in one place.

Being on a person's finger, the ring becomes its particle, absorbs information, both positive and negative.

You cannot give or receive a ring as a gift in the following cases.

  • If the ring long time belonged to another person. Passed down from her own relatives or future ones from her husband, it can bring both joy and sorrow to a girl. It is better not to put on such a gift, but simply store it in a secluded place.
  • You can't give a wedding ring. Having removed the wedding ring from the hand, the mother or mother-in-law will convey to the young woman all the problems that they had to face in marriage. It is especially dangerous to do this if living together ended in divorce or the death of her husband. A widow's ring is the scariest gift for any woman.
  • If the ring was found and the exact owner is unknown. Very often, various rituals are performed with the rings, most of which consist in “dropping” the negative. Whoever raises such a ring will take a part for himself, and having presented it, he will pass it on in an increased amount.

What rings can be given

It is best to present a new ring as a gift. If you make it to order, then for scrap it is better to provide chains, earrings and other jewelry. Rings, the types of which are listed above, should not even be allowed into the material for a new ringlet.

There will be no harm from the "mother" ring. It is given for the birth of the first child, and it carries exceptionally positive energy. The church ring will not harm its new owner either.

Although it doesn't hurt to be safe. Even if you put the ring on your finger, accepting it as a gift, then remove it, rinse it under the tap, dip it in a glass of water and freeze it. After some time, you can wear it without fear. All negativity will go away.

In ancient times, women loved exquisite jewelry. Their quantity and quality were a sign of wealth, stateliness, position in society. In African countries. Indian decorations favor required attribute and an element of clothing, they emphasize the traditions and culture of the people. In Mesopotamia, Egypt, Ancient Rome, not only women, but also men wore dyes. This characterized the symbol of their power.

In the matter of choosing a ring, there are traditions and signs

Earrings, beads, rings can be attributed to this kind of jewelry. A number of countries support such a sign as giving a ring to New Year, birthday, professional holidays.

A popular sign explains why it is impossible to give a ring. If you were given such a present, for your own safety, you can say: "Save and save."

Interpretation of superstition

It is difficult for a guy to make a choice regarding a gift for his girlfriend. Among all the souvenirs and presents, the ring takes pride of place. Such a present will delight every fashionista, especially if it is presented with love and belongs to an expensive series. What matters is how the gift is presented. Since the ring has the shape of a circle, it is easy to imprison in it the energy that is present in the person who gives the gift during the purchase and presentation of the gift.

Gifted jewelry with love will surely bring good luck and happiness to its owner.. Our ancestors were of the same opinion. They took the gift for a special occasion. It is difficult to do without this item at many celebrations, there are holidays when such a present can be made. Ancient people believed that a gift ring for a birthday or New Year would bring a couple separation, a girl would cry. In this case, you need to say the words: "Save and save."

In some cases, the ring is an integral attribute

When and to whom can I give a ring

In a number of celebrations, the ring is an essential attribute, without which the ritual is impossible. These are such holidays as:

  • Engagement. For an engagement, a guy needs to give a girl a diamond ring. This stone is strong in its structure and this is exactly what a relationship and marriage should be like for a couple. The man shows the firmness of his intentions.
  • Wedding, wedding. In ancient times, the main element and proof of marriage was the ring. Now, without this decoration, young people are not painted, since this particular item is a symbol of their love and fidelity.
  • Replenishment in the family. When replenishing a family, it is customary for a man to give his beloved a worthwhile gift. Such an element is jewelry made of precious metals.

Believers people. A believer will accept a gift from you in the form of a silver ring. At the moment of acceptance, you can say: "Lord, save and save."

Who will not accept a gift

Not everyone is capable, such a talent is accepted, and there is a logical explanation for this. The sign interprets that it doesn’t matter who you are a person, you can’t give it for a birthday. a girl is not recommended to receive a gift in the form of a golden ring. This can disrupt the relationship of a young couple, even if they are strong. You can replace the gift with earrings, beads, a bracelet.

It is a bad omen to give a ring to her husband for a celebration

It is a bad omen to give such a surprise to her husband for a celebration. The ring or signet must be chosen from durable and expensive metal. You can present a gift as a truce, but not for a celebration. The sign interprets that at this moment the energy and perception of a person are not so susceptible to the evil eye, loss of aura.

Additional beliefs and actions

With a new ring, girlfriends or good friends have a desire to try on such a thing for themselves. This is a bad omen. If this is the situation and you cannot prevent the fitting, you can conduct a purification ceremony after this. Bring the ring to a burning candle and hold it in this position for several minutes. Next, the decoration must be put in consecrated water for a couple of hours. The last step is to dry the product.

It is recommended to put in the sun. If this is not possible, in a place where no one will touch it and the drying process will be natural. Putting on the product, say: "Lord, save and save." Avoiding problems with the second half, the sign recommends letting her choose and purchase the product on her own. A man can give money to buy and it will be a gift. A folk sign explains and highlights those cases when rings can be bestowed. If you are a superstitious person, for such a yes, give a ransom in the form of a coin and say the words: "Save and save."

Most likely, such questions and doubts are related to the unusual status of the ring. Since ancient times, it has been not just a thing or object, but a multi-valued symbol that only special people could wear - those who had power and power, belonged to a certain circle - rulers, priests, sorcerers.

It has no beginning and end, therefore it symbolizes infinity and integrity - relationships, love, power. It was believed that energy, divine power passes through the hole in the ring. Therefore, the one who wore the ring became more powerful, endowed with a special power that allowed him to control people and even elements, energies. In this sense, to give a ring means to accept the donee into the circle of the elect, to single him out, to seal the union, the contract.

Another meaning of the ring is . In many cultures vicious circle was a symbol of the female genital organs. The genitals, as well as their designations, images are strong amulets. In this case, the donated ring guaranteed protection and safety to the donee.

For most peoples, the ring was considered a magical item. If you recall fairy tales, thanks to the ring, a person could read the thoughts of animals, become invisible, move in space, and the water spilled through the ring was purified. The heroes of myths and legends believed that giving someone a ring meant tying a person to oneself, and it didn’t matter if it was an expensive ring or a simple ring.

Knowing all the symbolic meanings of the ring, you need to understand that you can’t give rings just like that and to random people. A ring is a special gift for a special person.

Is it possible to give rings before the wedding?


There is a belief that it is impossible to give a ring to a girl before the wedding, because this can lead to quarrels and early parting. The logical explanation of this sign has not been preserved, but a settled thought can spoil the mood, set it up for a negative development of relations. To avoid discord, a girl needs to buy a ring from a young man, i.e. just give him any coin in return for the ring. Another option is that a man can give the girl money for a ring, and she herself will choose the jewelry to her taste and size.

Is it possible to give rings for a birthday?


Most often, other jewelry is given for a birthday - watches, earrings, pendants, bracelets. But in some families there is a wonderful tradition of giving a ring for adulthood. It can be both a new piece of jewelry and an old family heirloom. In both cases, the ring symbolizes that now the child is perceived by family members as an adult, capable of making independent decisions, acting meaningfully, and therefore worthy of wearing expensive jewelry. And at the same time, a ring given to a child for his birthday speaks of the great love of parents and the desire to protect their child from the troubles of adulthood.

Is it possible to give a ring to a guy or a man?


Jewelry is given to men much less often than women, but still there are young people who are happy to wear rings or seals. Belief says that giving a ring to a loved one should not be, this can lead to a break in relations. In this case, the guy can also buy a ring from the girl, paying symbolic money for it.

Is it possible to give a "Save and Save" ring?


Gold and silver rings engraved with "Save and Save" can be given to believers, because presented from a pure heart, they will protect from evil thoughts, deeds and dark forces. The Church is also not opposed to wearing or giving “Save and Save” rings, often such rings are used as wedding rings.

Signs associated with rings


There are a lot of signs about rings. Each of them once had a practical explanation. For example, why is giving a ring a bad omen? Yes, because earlier only a wealthy person could give a ring, taking a family jewel or money for jewelry from his family. The family was against such squandering of property. Or another sign: you can’t accept a ring from stranger. Why? Because you should not take anything from strangers at all, you can’t even talk, it can be dangerous to life or health.

The most famous signs about rings

  • you can not drop the gift ring;
  • you can’t try on other people’s rings and give your own;
  • don't lose your wedding ring.
  • a good sign is to receive a ring as a gift in a dream;
  • you can not wear two rings on one finger;
  • if you find a ring, then you should not immediately put it on, because it is charged with the energy of the former owner. It is better to put it overnight in dry salt and then hold it over the fire for a few minutes. Such a ritual will cleanse the ring. Another option is to give the found ring to a jewelry workshop for remelting;
  • you can not accept a ring as a gift from an ill-wisher or evil person, it will bring tears and unhappiness.

In what cases can you give rings?


1. For an engagement
The presented ring speaks of the seriousness of intentions, the desire to enter into a legal relationship. By accepting this gift, the girl expresses her consent.

2. For a wedding
Even in ancient Rome, there was a tradition to give a wedding ring to the bride. Over time, the iron was replaced precious metals, symbolizing the high value of relationships and feelings.

3. For a wedding anniversary
Round dates are a great occasion to exchange rings again and pronounce the words of the oath.

4. For the birth of a baby
As a sign of love and gratitude, a man can give a ring to his wife.

6. In honor of reconciliation
If the couple is ready to resume relations, has serious intentions, then beautiful ringthe best gift and way of reconciliation.

In what cases it is impossible to give a ring?

  1. If a young man just wants to do nice girl and does not put a special meaning into this gift. In this case, it is better to give another decoration.
  2. If the ring is very cheap or vulgar. Such a present will spoil the mood and further relationships.
  3. If this ring was originally presented to another girl, and then for some reason it turned out to be with the man again.
  4. If the fate of the former owner of the ring turned out to be tragic.
  5. If this gift is inappropriate. For example, if people are connected only by business relations, a donated ring will cause misunderstanding.

To the question “Is it possible to give rings?” world celebrities give an unambiguous positive answer. The ring is one of the most popular gifts in Hollywood, its average cost is about 200 thousand dollars.

Denise Richards with ring

jennifer aniston with ring

Photo source:

The ring has never been an ordinary thing, since ancient times people have endowed it with a special meaning. Is it possible to give a ring to a girl just like that, or is such a gift endowed with a deep meaning?

The ring represents infinity, i.e. integrity in everything. Divine power and energy passed through the ring, which made it possible to control people and the elements. A gift in the form of a ring meant the bonding of an alliance or the signing of an agreement. Also, the ring was considered a talisman and such a gift was supposed to protect and protect from everything bad.

There is a sign that it is impossible to give a girl a ring before the wedding, as a quarrel or even an early parting may arise. So that the sign does not work, the girl should buy this ring from the guy, just give him a coin instead of the ring.

A girl is sometimes given a ring for her coming of age. They can give a ring as a family value or just as a gift, but in any case, this is a sign of a person's adulthood. And the ring given by parents symbolizes their great love and desire to protect from troubles in life.

Important! Of the well-known, there are such signs: you can’t drop a donated ring, measure someone else’s, and also lose an engagement ring, you can’t wear two rings on one finger at once and carefully accept such a gift from ill-wishers.

There are some signs on the subject of a ring gift, for example, these:

  1. For an engagement. In this situation, the ring confirms the seriousness of intentions, and when the girl accepts the gift, she agrees;
  2. To the wedding. As a symbol of the value of feelings;
  3. On the anniversary of the wedding, to exchange rings again;
  4. For the birth of a child and for the anniversary of his wife.
  5. In honor of reconciliation and resumption of relations.
  6. For the New Year, you can give a ring with a symbol of the next year.

The ring can be given for any occasion, any girl will appreciate this gift.

Is it worth paying attention to bad omens?

It is sometimes said that giving a ring is a bad omen. It is connected with the fact that earlier only rich people were able to give rings, who took them from their families, i.e. these rings were a family heirloom, and the family was categorically against it. It is also impossible to accept a ring from a stranger as a gift, as this can be dangerous to health, and even human life.

Do you believe in signs associated with giving rings?


Which rings are strictly forbidden to give?

Many have heard of such a sign that it is impossible to wear other people's rings. There is an opinion that it is impossible to measure only wedding rings, others say that no other people's rings can be measured. Because of this, you can lose your luck, try on someone else's fate, or draw into your life all the negativity and problems that its owner had.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Expert on family relations. Family psychologist.

You can not try on the rings, at first glance, happy people. No one knows what is in their lives and in their souls, because external happiness is not always happiness in fact. This sign means that, putting on the ring of another person, the energy of the owner passes to the one who tries on the ring and vice versa. There is a kind of energy exchange going on.

By letting him try on his wedding ring, the owner shares his happiness.

Divorced women, as well as widows, should not be allowed to measure rings. There is a sign that their fate can be repeated.

Unmarried girls should not wear other people's wedding rings to get married successfully.

The ring belonged to a previously unknown person.

If the ring used to belong to another person, then it is charged with his energy. The ring can be melted down or cleaned at home. To cleanse it, you need to put it in dry salt so that it lies there overnight. And then hold over the fire. This will help clean the ring.

Ring taken from the hand of a deceased person

There are cases when a person dies in a family and his rings remain or a ring of a deceased person is presented. Superstitions regarding this issue are contradictory. From the point of view of esotericism, the wedding ring that remains from the deceased one of the spouses is a kind of talisman for the other person, especially if the relationship in the family was good, kind and love and understanding reigned in the family. In this case, the ring will accumulate positive energy and will be a good talisman. If the life together was full of experiences and quarrels, then it is better to melt the ring, since it definitely will not bring happiness.

Widow's or engagement ring

It is impossible to bury a spouse with a ring, this is done only if a widow or widower is buried. Leaving the ring of the deceased husband or wife, they put it on as a sign of memory and love. And after the death of a spouse, they change his clothes on the other hand or hang him on a chain as a pendant.

The rings of the newlyweds should be of the same metal and smooth, and if they were inherited from parents or grandparents, then it is better to leave them as a keepsake. You can’t wear them, as children can repeat the fate of their parents.

Advice! Children can get married with the rings of their parents, if they marked a gold or silver wedding. You can’t put a wedding ring on a glove, but find a wedding ring for an imminent wedding.

It happens that during the ceremony, the newlyweds dropped their rings, this is a quarrel and divorce, losing a wedding ring is a test and illness. If you lose the ring in the house and find it - this is happy life and well-being in the family, but you cannot sell and rent rings while being married, you can lose your happiness.

Ring found

If it so happened that the ring was found, then it is better to immediately think about what it can bring. It can be cursed and will bring some troubles and health problems.

And here folk omens they talk about finding a ring - fortunately, especially if the finder is not married. For family people, this is a sign of harmony and harmony. It can also be a sign of the birth of children, pregnancy, wealth and promotion.

In any case, such a find leads to a prosperous life and a harbinger of a happy life.

If a person has not passed by the find, then he must remember that it is impossible to wear it. Even if it is simply lost, the energy of the previous owner remains on it and it needs to be energetically cleansed and consecrated in the temple.

Have you ever found someone's ring on the street?


There are very real reasons why a ring is a difficult gift.

The ring is a very important and valuable gift.. If a young man wants to please a girl with a gift, then it is better not to give a ring, but to give another piece of jewelry. A donated ring should not be cheap and tasteless, and even more so, you cannot give a ring that was presented to another girl, and then was returned to the man again. A ring with the tragic fate of its previous owner can also have negative consequences.

Determining the correct ring size

The size of the rings starts from 16 to 24 sizes. The size increases by 0.5. To find out the ring size that a girl has, you need to do the following.

  1. Take the existing gold ring, put it on paper and circle it on the inside. After that, you need to measure the diameter of the circle in millimeters.
  2. In the absence of a ring, you can take the thread and wrap it around your finger and cut it off. You need to measure the length with a ruler.
  3. You can wrap a rope around your finger five times and measure the length in millimeters, and then divide this number by 15.7.

You can also use a trick, take the girl’s ring, put it on and mark the place where it will reach with a marker, and then measure the size of the finger at the level of the mark.

A ring that fits the size of your finger will favorably emphasize the beauty of your hand and fingers, so you need to choose it responsibly.

The ring suggests a certain seriousness of the relationship.

A man can emphasize the seriousness of his intentions by proposing to a girl by giving a ring. But this ring does not need to be given for a birthday. With a serious relationship, it is customary to give an engagement ring with a stone, for example, with a diamond.

What if the girl thinks she's being proposed to? And it's not like that

A ring for a girl is a welcome gift, and at all times it was a symbol of the sun, wisdom and love. If a guy gives a ring, then he should always remember that a girl can regard this as a marriage proposal, but this may not be the case. If the ring is not connected with love and betrothal, then it is better not to make such a gift so as not to get into an awkward position.

Difficulties with determining the style that a girl likes

The choice of a ring that will match the taste and style of the girl is very important point. The girl will wear the ring all the time, and it will often remind of the person who gave it. The ring should be spectacular in design to attract the eyes of passers-by, friends and colleagues. The ring should be a great accessory and addition to any outfit.. Nowadays, jewelers delight with a variety of styles and trends, as well as the beauty and originality of rings for any finger, of any shape and size.

Finances do not allow you to buy a decent ring

In case when financial position does not allow you to buy an expensive ring, it is quite possible to buy a gold ring at a significantly lower price. To do this, the most important thing to consider is the following. The cost of the ring largely depends on the amount of gold that was spent on its manufacture. You can buy a ring with a small amount gold, but creating the effect of lightness and airiness due to the specificity of weaving. Also, the cost of the ring largely depends on the high cost. precious stones with which it is inlaid. It is not necessary to choose a ring with a diamond, you can choose it with a cheaper stone, but no less beautiful and elegant.

Conclusion: is it worth it or not to give a ring just like that?

Girls love to receive gifts, and especially when they are pampered and show attention to them in every possible way. Just like that, of course, you can give a ring if it is very beautiful or unusual shape, but there is a chance that the girl will perceive this incorrectly, but will consider it as a proposal for marriage. You can disappoint a girl, especially if you give it during a romantic dinner. Perhaps it is even better to do this during normal shopping, as if by chance entering a jewelry store.

Can the ring be re-gifted?

If the ring is being re-gifted, then most likely it already had an owner with whom the relationship did not work out or something went wrong. In any case, the donated ring does not carry a positive attitude and charge. The energy of the ring will not fill a new relationship with anything positive. That's why you can't regift rings. It is even worse to give a ring to a girl if the fate of its previous owner was tragic.

On which finger should a girl wear a ring?

Everyone knows that wedding and engagement rings are worn on the ring finger of the right hand. If the ring was not presented as a sign of engagement, then you can wear it on any finger except the ring finger. It is on it that divorced people or widows wear rings. In general, in most cases, the girl puts the ring on the finger on which the ring looks good and fits in size.

How to give a ring as a gift in an original way

Often, men think about how to present a ring as a gift in an effective and unbanal way. All girls love romance, so it is better to give it in a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere, for example, during a sea voyage, against the backdrop of a sea sunset, during dinner in a restaurant. The ring can be hidden in a bouquet, but make sure that the girl has found the ring. It is not advisable to put the ring in desserts and drinks in order to remove the situation when a girl can swallow this ring. The ring can be presented in any way and in any way, the main thing is that it be sincere and from the heart.


The ring is very important symbolic meaning. You can’t just give it to random people, it is given on special occasions and on serious occasions. Still, there is a tradition that rings with a stone are given when they offer a hand and a heart. To avoid an awkward situation when a girl, receiving a ring as a gift, thinks that a man is proposing to her, it is better to give earrings, a brooch, chains and other jewelry instead of a ring.