
Short good fairy tales for children to read. Instructive fairy tales for children at night. Who is in charge in the forest


What does a baby need to sleep peacefully and soundly? Of course bedtime story! Short good stories calm the baby and give wonderful dreams.

How Bunny Learned to Jump

Once upon a time there was a Bunny who couldn't jump. He, of course, moved, but in a different way, moving his paws like a cat. Because of this, the other rabbits, his brothers and sisters, made fun of him. The bunny was very worried about this and, finally, firmly decided to learn how to jump. One day he got up and walked into the forest, hoping to find someone who would teach him how to jump.

Zainka walked for a long time until he reached the pond. Then he saw the Frog.
- That's who will help me, - Zainka was delighted and ran up to her, - Frog, please teach me how to jump.
- Why not teach? - answered the frog, - Look! You stand on the shore near the water, sharply push off with your hind legs, once, and you are in the pond.
The frog said this and demonstrated how it jumped into the water.
Bunny went to the pond, touched the water with his paw and walked away. He thought that he couldn't swim either. After thinking a little, Zainka quietly slipped away until the frog emerged from his pond. He wandered on.

Suddenly, he saw a Kangaroo. The kid deftly jumped, trying to reach a branch with a bulk apple.
- Hooray, Kangaroo will definitely help me, - said Bunny and ran up to him. - Hello, Kangaroo, teach me how to jump as well as you.
- It's easy - you stand on your hind legs, lean on your tail and jump up - the kangaroo showed how it was and finally got a ripe apple. - Wow, you did it! Now you try!
The bunny stood up on its hind legs and tried to lean on its little tail. But he lost his balance and fell on his back, hitting the ground painfully.
- Oh-oh-oh, - groaned Zainka, - how painful! No, I can't jump like you, I'm sorry.

Bunny wandered on. Suddenly he heard a cheerful song and saw the girl Masha skipping along the path. The girl had a birthday today and she was given a lot of gifts and balloons. That's why Masha had good mood, she jumped on one, then on two legs. She had a beautiful blue ball in her hand.

Girl, - our Bunny dared to turn, - you are so great at jumping, but I don’t know how, teach me, please!
- With pleasure, - agreed Masha.

The girl picked up a sharp twig from the ground and pricked her blue ball. It burst with a deafening bang and echoed throughout the forest. Poor Zainka, hearing this terrible unfamiliar sound, jumped so high! And then he took off running. He ran fast, skipping like a real hare, until he reached the house. The hares began to torment him, where did he learn to jump like that. Finally, the Bunny calmed down, understood and was glad that he still learned to jump.

Since then, he often told this story to his brothers, then to his children, then to his grandchildren. True, since then the hares have become cowardly and have begun to be afraid of everything.

Let short bedtime stories become a good tradition and bring you closer to the baby.

One of my readers' favorite stories. She was born spontaneously, on the go, when I put my daughter to bed. I did not expect at all that this tale would be so loved by readers, and even fall into. It turned out that both children and their parents are very fond of such fairy tales at night. Therefore, I share with you two more evening tales.

The Tale of the Rhino Who Couldn't Sleep

Once upon a time there was a Rhinoceros, he was gray and thick-skinned, with a large horn on his nose. Cute, such, Rhinoceros. Once the Rhinoceros began to prepare for bed. He drank a glass of milk and cookies, washed his face, brushed his teeth, put on his pajamas and went to bed.

Everything is as usual. Only that evening the Rhino could not sleep at all. He tossed and turned in bed, but sleep did not come. First, he decided to think of something pleasant. He always did that when he couldn't sleep. The rhinoceros remembered the colored butterflies fluttering in the sky, then he thought about the juicy fresh grass. Delicious ... But the dream did not come.

And then a wonderful idea came to the Rhino! He thought he couldn't sleep because he forgot to do something before going to bed. Probably something very important. What exactly? He thought carefully and remembered! It turned out that Rhino forgot to put away his toys. That's what was the matter! He even felt ashamed.

Rhino got out of bed and cleaned up all the toys that were strewn across the floor. Then he lay back on the bed, closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

Good night Rhino!

Meditative sea tale

Imagine that you are sitting on the back of a blue dolphin. It has nice slippery sides. You firmly hold on to him with your hands, and he carries you forward along the playful waves. Funny sea turtles swim next to you, a baby octopus waves its tentacle in greeting, and seahorses swim with you in a race. The sea is kind and gentle, the breeze is warm and playful. Already ahead is the very rock to which you are swimming, your girlfriend, the little mermaid, is sitting on its edge. She is impatiently waiting for you. She has a green scaly tail and her eyes are the color of the sea. She laughs happily when she sees you and dives into the water. Loud splash, splash. And now you are already rushing forward together to the magical island. Friends are waiting for you there. funny monkey, a clumsy hippo and a noisy motley parrot. Finally, you are already with them. Everyone sits down on the shore, a dolphin in the water, a little mermaid on the rocks. Everyone is waiting with bated breath. And then she begins to tell you extraordinary fairy tales. Tales about seas and oceans, about pirates, about treasures, about beautiful princesses. Fairy tales are so wonderful that you do not notice how the sun sets and night descends on the earth. Time to sleep. The little mermaid says goodbye to everyone, the dolphin takes you on his back to take you home to a warm bed, and the little animals say goodbye to you, already yawning a little. Night, night has come. It's time to sleep, it's time to close your eyes to see in your dreams the beautiful tales told by the little mermaid.

Go to sleep. Adults can make babies go to bed on their own. After all, it’s good to lie down and listen to how mom tells interesting short bedtime stories. You can invent them yourself - there are so many objects around, and each of them can temporarily become a participant in a magical action. Ideas are just in the air. You can invent fantastic characters or endow forest animals and pets with magical powers.


If you have an aquarium, let its inhabitants provide inspiration for new history. Short bedtime stories can be about fish.

Tell your child that when everyone falls asleep, the light turns on in the aquarium - these are the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom who arrange funny dances.

You can start the tale with the fact that a small catfish (or other fish that is in the home aquarium) lived in an aquarium. Catfish was very fond of singing, but the owners of the aquarium did not hear him. The fish diligently opened its mouth to extract beautiful sounds and was very upset that no one praised it for this.

The owners saw that their catfish was sad and thought it was from loneliness. They bought him a girlfriend and planted her when the catfish was sleeping. After he woke up, he began to sing as always, and suddenly he heard someone praising him. He was surprised and saw another fish. Somik was glad that now they hear him, he began to try even harder.

The second individual was female and over time, the catfish created a strong family, they had many children. And now, when people fall asleep, the fish begin to sing in their own language and dance merrily. From their joy, the aquarium is filled with light that streams in different directions.

Short bedtime stories can be dedicated not only to fish, but also to forest animals.

Hare with magic ears

When your baby goes to bed, surprise him. Ask if he knows that the magic hare has detachable ears. The beginning of the story will surely interest the child. Tell him if he wants to hear more, let him lie down in his bed. After that you will be able to continue. Short stories told to children at night will help them fall asleep faster and have good dreams.

So, there lived a bunny with magic ears in the forest. He woke up early, went for a walk and sang his cheerful song. This morning the animal, as always, fastened its ears and went for a walk. On the way, he met a hedgehog, they talked and the hare told him about his magic ears, which can hear what will happen the next day. Friends did not know that their conversation was heard by the evil wizard Mukhomor Muhorovich. He was the lord of three foxes and called them. The foxes have arrived. Mukhomor Muhorovich revealed a secret to them, telling them about the wonderful ears of a hare. The magician ordered the foxes to bring him ears.

They asked the forest dwellers where the hare could be found. But no one answered them, since everyone loved a kind animal, but no predators. But the foxes managed to deceive the squirrel. They said it was the hare's birthday and they were bringing him a present. The gullible squirrel showed the way to the foxes.

What happened next

They grabbed the hare and took it to the fly agaric. But he did not reward them, but turned chanterelles into mushrooms. He grabbed the hare by the ears, but he broke free and ran away. And the ears remained with Mukhomor Mukhorovich.

Meanwhile, the little squirrel told the animals that the hare had a birthday. Everyone went to him with gifts, but they found him weeping bitterly. Kosoy told the beasts what happened and how he lost his ears.

The animals found a wise old raven and asked him how to defeat Mukhomor Mukhorovich. He replied that he needed to say 3 times: "Be healthy." They uttered these words in chorus, and the evil wizard immediately turned into a simple fly agaric mushroom. The animals brought the bunny his ears, and everyone began to sing and have fun.

Such short bedtime stories will help the child fall asleep in good mood, and the next evening, too, quickly go to bed to hear another interesting story.

How the sun argued with the moon

One day, towards evening, the moon and the sun met in the sky. The daylight and says the night: “Still, people love me more. In winter, they ask me to appear, then everyone’s mood improves. In the spring they look forward to me, they want me to melt the snow faster, bring warmth closer. I give people a golden tan, warm up the seas, rivers, lakes in which people love to swim so much. over the horizon."

The moon listened to the sun for a long time and replied that she had nothing to say to this, and it would be better for her to hide behind the clouds, since people do not need it. So the moon did. Meanwhile, a man was returning to his village. At first he walked joyfully along the road, but when the moon hid behind the clouds, it became dark, he lost his way.

Then he began to ask the moon to appear at least for a little while. She looked out, the man found his way home. Then the moon realized that people needed it too, and therefore tried not to hide behind the clouds, but to light the way for night travelers.

White bull and the like

If you want to tell your child very short bedtime stories, jokes will help you out. You can tell about the grandfather and the woman who ate milk porridge. Then tell about the fact that the old man was angry with his wife and slapped her on the stomach (lightly). And then adults know what happened.

When talking about a white bull, you simply repeat the words after the child, first saying the phrase: “Do you want to listen to a fairy tale about a white bull”? You can diversify the story by calling it gray or even black.

Funny bedtime stories

Short funny stories will amuse both adults and children. If you need a fairy tale for an adult, tell me that there was a prince. One day he came to the princess and asked if she would marry him. She answered: "No." Therefore, the prince lived happily ever after - he did what he wanted, went wherever he wanted, no one forbade him anything, etc. Of course, after such a story, all that remains is to laugh.

At night, the guys themselves can compose. So, one boy came up with a story about a merchant who had everything. Once he bought a mirror box. When he opened it at home, he lost everything - both the house and wealth. Amuse the child and the like short stories who teach not to desire more than a person needs and to rejoice in what he has.

If your child loves short stories, then this category is a real gift for you. Here we have tried to collect all short stories, reading which does not take much time and does not tire your baby. If your child falls asleep quickly, then short stories- exactly for him!


You take the earth in handfuls,

How much can you carry

Remember those later

Who fell asleep in her eternal sleep,

But not noble knights,

And the unknown English

Whose harsh mournful path

A woman took a glass of oil to the city to sell; time something went to maslenoy. Two soldiers are catching up with her: one remains behind, and the other runs ahead and asks the woman:

Hey, aunty, gird me up, please.

Baba got down from the cart and began to gird.

Pull up tight!

The grandmother went to the forest for firewood. Suddenly he hears: in the swamp it crackled, in the forest it knocked - the bear is coming.

Grandma, grandma, I'll eat a filly.

Don't touch the filly, I'll give you a strong man for that.

The bear did not touch the filly.

Here's another time the grandmother went for firewood. There was a crackle in the swamp, a knock in the forest - a bear is coming.

Grandma, grandma, and I'll eat a filly.

Don't eat, I'll give you a caravan for that.

An old grandmother lived in a village. And the village was small, with ten households. And on its very edge stood grandmother's hut. Just as old as grandma.

Some kind person was found, put props to the grandmother's hut and overlaid it with a mound. And she stands, not knowing which side to fall on. The grandmother collects wood chips, melts the stove and warms herself by the fire. It is clear that the old man is cold even in summer. If there is something, then he will eat, but if he doesn’t, it will be fine.

And once I passed through that village, sir. He saw a familiar grandmother and was surprised.

I wanted to build a black grouse house.


"There is no ax, no blacksmiths - there is no one to forge an ax."

There is no one to build a black grouse house.

“What do I need to start a house? One night went anywhere!”

Bultykh in the snow!

He spent the night in the snow, got up early in the morning, flew around the free world, shouted loudly, very loudly, looked for his comrades. He went down to earth, met with a friend.

How in our village Luka argued with Peter, the water was confused with sand, the daughter-in-law had a big fight with her sister-in-law; at that battle they wounded the porridge-goryukha, the jelly-goryun was completely captivated, they took turnips with carrots, they bowed the cabbage under the sword. But I didn’t get to the fight, I sat on the bench. At that time we lived six brothers - all Agathons, the father was Taras, and mother - I don’t remember what she was called; what about the name? Let there be Malanya. I was born smaller, but big in mind. So people went to plow the land, and we, six brothers, waved our hands. People think: we plow and wave our hands at the horses, but we manage between ourselves. And the priest tied a grain of buckwheat on the whip, waved it once or twice and threw it far away.

Once upon a time there was an old gentleman, and he had a wife, both young and pretty. It happened to this gentleman to go somewhere far away. He is afraid that his wife would not become with anyone ... and says:

Listen, honey! Now I’m leaving you for a long time, so don’t take any gentlemen to yourself so that they don’t embarrass you, but rather this: no matter who tells you and no matter what you say, answer everything: “No!” Not really!"

The old man went to the field to plow and plowed a treasure trove of money, a lot of gold - a whole cartload. He brought the treasure home and hid it. And he says to his wife:

Old woman, don't tell anyone! - And he began to follow the old woman.

And the old woman went to a neighbor and said:

Neighbor, the old man found a treasure, but don't tell anyone.

The old man heard that she was talking about the treasure, and ordered her to bake pies and pancakes. In the morning, when I got up, I called the old woman, they got into the cart and went to the field. And the old man took the pies with pancakes. And he put the old woman back to front. He scattered pies along the way. The old woman saw and shouted:

A carpenter was driving from the forest, carrying a thick log. To meet him, the master rolls in a troika.

Hey man, get out of the way!

No, sir, you gate. I am with a cart, and you are empty - you and turn back.

The master did not talk much, he shouted to the coachman and the servant:

Get the cart out of the way, guys, and give the peasant a good shot so that he knows how to argue with the master!

Once upon a time there was a gentleman in the city; came to him from the village headman.

Is that you, Vasily Petrov? - asks the barin.

I, the father-barin!

Have you brought letters from your mother?

There is no letter, only one letter.

What is written in it?

There lived a gentleman and a man-hunter. The master constantly called the peasants: “Well, these fools!” The hunter did not argue with the master.

Once a gentleman went to church, and a hunter came across to him, he was also going to church. The master is driving, and the hunter is walking with a carriage nearby, and they are talking among themselves. Hunter said:

Sir, my bitch brought puppies. Good ones: some bark loudly, and some bark softly. Other hunters ask me for them.

One gentleman envied the blacksmith: “You live, you live, someday there will be a harvest and you will wait for money, and the blacksmith knocked with a hammer - and with money. Let me run the forge!”

The master started the smithy, ordered the footman to inflate the bellows. Worth waiting for customers. A man is passing by, he wants to order tires for all four wheels.

Hey stop! Come here! - shouted the barin. The man drove up.

What do you want?

Yes, sir, you need tires for the whole camp.

Okay, now, wait!

And how much will it cost?

A soldier went on vacation, hired himself to serve the master: a year for a hundred rubles. The landowner ordered him to clean the horses, and carry manure, and carry water, and chop wood, and the garden of revenge - he completely exhausted him with work. The soldier served a year and asks for calculation. It is a pity for the landowner to give money, he began to get it, and he roared with rage.

One peasant had a quarrelsome and stubborn wife: if she wanted anything, give her a husband, and the husband would certainly agree with her. Yes, she was painfully flattering to someone else's cattle: as it used to be, someone else's cattle would come into the yard, so her husband would say that it was hers. Terribly tired wife husband.

One day, the lord's geese came to her yard. The wife asks:

Husband, whose geese are these?


How - lordly!

One man went on a business trip. But happiness did not accompany him, and he decided to return home. On the way, he took out a bag of food and stopped to eat. A hungry Bedouin passed by. He bowed to the Arab and said:

I'm from your country and I'm going to Iraq.

He asked:

Do you have news of my family?

Yes, the Bedouin replied.

How is my son's health?

He is in good health, thank God.

And his mother?

There was a people in ancient times, to the shame of earthly tribes,

Which before that hardened in hearts,

That he armed himself against the gods.

Rebellious crowds, behind a thousand banners,

Some with a bow, some with a sling, noisily, rush into the field.

Instigators, from remote heads,

To set fire to more riots among the people,

They shout that the court of heaven is both strict and stupid;

That the gods either sleep or rule recklessly;

That it's time to teach them without ranks;

Which, however, from the nearby mountains with stones is not difficult

There lived a husband and wife. The wife was a lazy and carefree woman, and besides, she was also a big gourmet: she ate everything on nuts and gingerbread, so that at last she was left in one shirt, and then in a thin one - tattered.

Here comes a big holiday, and the woman has nothing to wear, except for this shirt. And she says to her husband:

Go, husband, to the market and buy me a shirt for the holiday.

The prince decided to marry, and the bride is in mind - a beautiful princess, but how to get her? Many kings and queens and all sorts of heroes wooed her, but they didn’t take anything, they only laid their violent heads on the chopping block; and now their heads still stick out on the fence around the palace of the proud bride. Twisted, saddened prince; does not know who would help him? And then Ivan Naked turned up - the peasant was poor, there was nothing to eat or drink, his clothes had long since fallen off his shoulders. He comes to the prince and says:

You can’t get a bride yourself, and if you go alone to get married, you’ll lay down your head wildly! Better yet, let's go together; I will help you out of trouble and arrange the whole thing; just promise to listen to me!

Purdel, you haven't learned your lesson? Answer the lesson, or I will whip you!

- I taught-and-il! .. But I will still cry. I am very sorry: on the way to school I lost one Anna.

[Anna is a small copper coin. Anna and rupee are Indian coins circulating in Afghanistan.]

- Ah well! Here's Anna. Now answer the lesson, or I will whip you! .. Why are you crying again?

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:

- Let me in.

Wolf said:

- All right, I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you're all playing and jumping up there.

A man was walking along the road and pricked his leg with a nail. The blood is flowing with might and main. And the man examined the wound and was delighted:

- Glory to Allah, I didn’t have sandals on, otherwise what would have become of them?!

They also say that one day Kutub Khan left the house barefoot.

– Oh-oh! Woo! Wow! - He is screaming like that because he stepped on a sharp, sharp nail. – Ha-ha-ha! Ho-ho-ho! He-he-he! - He's laughing so hard.

That he cried is understandable. But why laugh when it hurts and blood is pouring with might and main?

The thing is that Kutub Khan, having examined the wound, was upset and at the same time delighted, laughed and cried at the same time:

The soldier served his legal term, received his resignation and went home. He goes along the path, but the unclean one meets him.

Stop, soldier! Where are you going?

I'm going home.

What are you at home! After all, you have no clan, no tribe. Hire better to me as a worker; I will give you a big salary.

My son-in-law came to visit my mother-in-law. Mother-in-law treated him to jelly.

The son-in-law ate jelly and asks:

What kind of food is this?

My son-in-law liked the jelly very much; he thinks: “I’ll certainly make my wife cook at home, if only I don’t forget the name.”

The rich man saw a poor peasant on the street, approached him and said:

Honey, go get that bag of bottles and take it to my house and I'll give you good advice and you won't be so poor.

Very well,” answered the peasant, shouldering the sack and walking beside the rich man.

Dear, - the rich man said on the way, - if they tell you that oat bread is better than gata, do not believe if they say that pure butter is better than rotten cheese, again do not believe it.

The mother-in-law gathered to visit her sister long time. Before leaving, she called her daughter-in-law to her and said:

Here is some cloth for you, before I return, sew a shirt for me.

Two months later, the mother-in-law returned home. She called her daughter-in-law and asked:

Sister-in-law, did you sew a shirt for me? Bring it on, I'll get dressed.

I’m already finishing, - the daughter-in-law answered, - the hem of the sleeve, neck and sides remained.

The marsh wader saw a hunter who wanted to catch him. And the sandpiper said to the hunter:

Wouldn't it be better for you to catch other birds, fatter and tastier? What good will it do you if you catch me?

Do not be like this hunter and do not engage in a business from which you do not expect any benefit.

There lived a husband and wife. The wife was a passion, what a talkative: she could not hide anything. Whatever it hears, at the same moment the village knows.

The man went into the forest. He began to dig a wolf hole and found a treasure. He himself thinks: Well, how to be now? As soon as the wife finds out about wealth, the ringing will immediately go all over the district, a rumor will reach our landowner, and say goodbye to money: he will take everything away.

One deer fell ill and fell down the mountain into the valley. But the brothers did not leave the patient in trouble and often visited him. However, at the same time they feasted on the grass that grew in the valley.

When the deer recovered and stood on his feet, he soon began to feel hungry.

Is it not clear that many sympathizers do more harm than good to those to whom they express their sympathy?

In a country where many swift deer lived,

One Deer once fell ill.

And now friends from everywhere rolled to him:

Who to see him, who to give advice as best he could,

Who can pull the soul with boring consolation.

“Oh, gentlemen! Leave me to die -

Then Deer weakly whispered to them. -

Believe me, he will be able to cut off in time

The thread of the Park's life is evil to me:

One man had a big house, and the house had a big oven; and this man had a small family: only himself and his wife.

When winter came, a man began to heat the stove and burned all his firewood in one month. There was nothing to heat, but it was cold.

Then the man began to break the yard and drown with wood from the broken yard. When he burned the whole yard, it became even colder in the house without protection, and there was nothing to heat with. Then he climbed in, broke the roof and began to heat the roof; the house became even colder, but there was no firewood. Then the man began to dismantle the ceiling from the house in order to heat it.

I lived with my grandfather, but my father had not yet been born: by the very beginning of the world, I was seven years old.

We lived richly! We had a big house made of one brick - you can’t look at it with your eyes, but there’s nothing to look at; surrounded by light, covered by the sky.

A friend of a friend asked

So that he loaned his barrel for three days.

Service in friendship is a sacred thing!

Now, if it were about money, it would be different:

Here friendship is aside, and it would be possible to refuse, -

And why not give barrels?

As she returned, then again

They began to carry water in it.

There lived a brother and sister. The brother's name was Janym, and the sister's name was Kuara. There was a loud fame about Janym. He was a real hero; straightforward, generous and courageous. And his sister, Kuara, did not stand out in any way, was invisible next to such a knight as Ja-nym.

Dzhanym was not married, Kuara also did not find a groom. One fine day, Janim decided: “It’s enough for me to be single. We must marry the daughter of some decent man! And then I’ll marry my sister.”

When Joel ran to the old hut the next day and called from afar, "Good evening, Uncle Remus!" - the old man answered him only:


The boy was very surprised:

What did you say, Uncle Remus?

Ay-dum-er-ker-com-mer-ker! Ay-dum-er-ker-com-mer-ker!

What does it mean?

This is a tortoise conversation, my friend ... If you lived with mine, boy, but you would see how much I have seen in my lifetime, you would understand every creature. Here one old rat lives; when everyone goes to bed, she sometimes comes, sits there in a corner, and we talk with her. Of course, what she says, you will not find this in the primer. I now remembered just what Brother Turtle said to the Old Fox when the Fox let go of his tail.

The man shaved his beard and said:

Look, wife, how clean-shaven I am.

Is it a shave? It's just so - sheared!

Say shave.

No, it's cut!

Like our gates
Over the mountain
Once upon a time there was a sandwich
With sausage.

He wanted
take a walk
On grass-ant

And he lured with him
To the walk
Red-cheeked butter

Praise and glory to God! Whether it was, wasn't it, lived-were a blade of grass, a clod of earth and a flea. One day they went on a trip. The white-bearded blade of grass carried a long mouthpiece in her hand, the respected clod of earth barely moved from the weight of her weight, and the lady flea carried her load on her back.

How long, how long they walked, they had to cross narrow gorges, fast rivers. They ate rotten frogs. But I will not bother you with my story, I will only say that after all the difficulties and vicissitudes, the noble travelers reached a small beautiful lake located in a fertile and flowering valley.

They liked the place very much, and they decided to sit in the shade of a tree to rest and eat.

There lived an old man with an old woman; they had a son, Ivan the Fool. The time has come - the old man and the old woman have died. Ivan the Fool says:

That I live alone at home, it's better to go on God's way to burble.

So he went. A pop fell towards him. Pop says to Ivan the Fool:

Where are you going?

Ivan the Fool replies:

Yes, my father and mother died, so I went to rumble.

Come to me in fear. (workers).

Volga and Vazuza argued for a long time which of them is smarter, stronger and more worthy of greater honor. They argued, argued, did not argue with each other, and decided on this business.

Let's go to bed together, and whoever gets up first and comes to the Khvalynsky Sea sooner, that of us is smarter, stronger, and more worthy of honor.

Volga went to bed, and Vazuza went to bed. Yes, at night Vazuza got up slowly, ran away from the Volga, chose her own path and straighter and closer, and flowed. Waking up, the Volga went neither quietly nor quickly, but as it should; in Zubtsovo she caught up with Vazuza, so terribly that Vazuza was frightened, called herself a younger sister and asked the Volga to take her into her arms and carry her into the Khvalynskoye Sea. And yet Vazuza wakes up earlier in the spring and wakes the Volga from its winter sleep.

Once upon a time there lived a poor widow, she had many children, but all were babies. With great difficulty, she obtained food for them.

One day a widow was sitting on the threshold of a hut, darning child dress. Suddenly, a chick fell out of the swallow's nest and ended up at her feet. The widow took the chick in her hands, examined it and saw that it had broken a leg. Kind woman took pity on the chick, fastened the broken leg with threads and laid it in the nest.

Autumn came, the birds flew away to warmer climes, and the swallow's nest was empty. So the winter passed, and in the spring the swallows came again.

A witcher sits on a stump, counts the stars as a claw - one, two, three, four... The witcher has a dog's head and a hefty, bare tail.

Five, six, seven... And the stars go out, and instead of them black holes appear in the sky. The witcher needs them - rain pours through holes from the sky.

And rain from the sky - gloom and darkness on earth.

The witcher is glad then: he goes to the village to harm people.

For a long time the witcher thought that the callus on the claw had already settled.

Suddenly, a drunken tailor noticed him: "Oh, you, he says, you bastard!" And he ran behind the bushes to the month - to complain.

The man had a witch wife. As soon as dead midnight comes, he wakes up, and there is no wife near him, he looks around, the hut is locked on a hook, the porch is on the latch, but she is not there. He thinks to himself: "Let's track it down."

I pretended to be asleep and waited until midnight. The wife got up, lit the kagan, took a vial of some kind of drug from the shelf, took a small skull, poured it from the vial of that drug, poured soot, stirred it, put sulfur and vitriol, threw off her shirt, put it on the bed, covered it with a row, and she herself anointed herself with a washcloth with a skull under her armpits, and flew out through the mouth of the furnace into the chimney.

About that about this

"Tell me," he says, "you know the world well enough,

And as if in a book, you read in the hearts of people:

How is it, whatever we start,

Will we start courts, societies, or scientists,

We can hardly look back

How will the first ignoramuses get in here?

Is there really no cure for them?"

A camel entered the barnyard and groans:

Well, a new worker has already been hired, and he only strives to burn his hump with a stick - it must be a gypsy.

So you, lanky, and it is necessary, - answered the brown gelding, - looking at you is sickening.

Nothing sickening, tea I also have four legs.

A dog has four legs, but is she a beast? - said the cow dejectedly. - Barks and bites.

And you don’t go to the dog with mugs, ”the gelding answered, and then he waved his tail and shouted to the camel:

Well, you lanky, get the hell out of the deck!

One day a man caught a flea.

Where are you taking me? she asked.

I want to weigh you,” he replied.

How much do you think I weigh? the flea asked.

One carat, he replied.

No, I weigh ten talents,” said the flea.

The man went to the weigher and weighed the flea. It turned out that she weighed half a carat.

Well, who was right? the man asked.

This is not where you should have weighed me,” the flea objected.

A man lies on a cart, sucks his tube - he sells a black goat. And to the people at the fair - an unpounded pipe.

A gray-haired old man comes up to the peasant, the caftan on him is new, and the floors are wet.

Look, you managed to get wet in a dry place, - said the man.

The old man looked out from under his shaggy eyebrows and asked.

There lived a stupid wolf in the world. One day he meets a goat and says to her:

Now I'll eat you.

Well, well, if this is my fate - I agree. But only I am very thin and old. If you can wait a little, then I will run home and send you my daughter. Her meat is tender and young.

Once one groom went to woo. He spoke very awkwardly. Here the matchmaker gives him advice:

You, brother, speak more roundly to the bride.

Well, he came to the bride's house. He paused, paused, and as he ate, drank, cheered up, he said to the bride:

Yes, be silent, be silent and again:

After all, a round wheel, and he was told to speak “rounder”, so he chose a round one.

There lived a man and a woman in the same village. The peasant was good for everyone: he was both hard-working and not lazy, but he was offended by fate alone - he had little mind.

Once a woman sends a peasant to the forest for firewood.

Go, - he says, - chop wood, I'll at least heat the stove and cook cabbage soup.

Remember, Murochka, in the country
In our hot puddle
The tadpoles danced
The tadpoles splashed
The tadpoles dived
They messed around, tumbled.
And the old toad
Like a grandmother
I was sitting on the couch
Knitted stockings
And said in a bass voice:
- Sleep!
- Oh, grandmother, dear grandmother,
Let us play some more.

One woman was a striker; the husband came with advice, she asks him:

What were you judging?

Why judge something! The head was chosen

And who was chosen?

Nobody else.

Choose me, the woman says. Duck that the husband went to the council (she was evil, he wanted to teach her a lesson), he said this to the old people; they immediately chose the woman in their heads. A woman lives, judges and judges, and drinks wine from the peasants, and takes bribes.

E the potter is on the way; a passer-by meets him:

Hire, - he says, - me as a worker!

Can you make pots?

How else can I do it!

Here they were in order, shook hands and went together. They come home, the worker and says:

Well, master, prepare forty wagonloads of clay, tomorrow I'll get to work!

The owner prepared forty wagonloads of clay; but the worker was himself unclean, and he punishes the potter:

I'll start working at night, and you don't go to my barn!

Why so?

Once upon a time there lived a bird called a dawn. She was renowned for her hospitality.

Once the bird was visited by distant relatives: a finch and a sparrow. The golden eagle wanted to feed and drink the guests to their fill. But unfortunately the flour ended. Maybe the neighbors will help out ... The dawn ran to the tit, but she swore that she herself had been sitting without flour for several days and was starving. Nothing helped and so-roka. What was left to do? Perhaps a good nightingale will help out. But he lives far away, outside the village.

You are our sovereign Sidor Karpovich, how old are you?

Seventy, grandma, seventy, Pakhomovna!

You are our sovereign Sidor Karpovich, when will you die?

On Wednesday, grandmother, on Wednesday, Pakhomovna!

You are our sovereign Sidor Karpovich, when will you be buried?

Friday, grandma, Friday, Pakhomovna!

Sovereign, you are our Sidor Karpovich, how will you be remembered?

Pancakes, grandma, pancakes, Pakhomovna!

Sovereign, you are our Sidor Karpovich, what will you call after you?

The brother's name was Ivan, and the sister's name was Pigtail. Their mother was angry: she would put her on a bench and tell her to be silent. Sitting is boring, flies bite or Pigtail pinches - and fuss began, and mother pulls up her shirt and - slap ...

To go into the forest, even walk on your head there - no one will say a word ...

Ivan and Kosichka thought about this and into the dark forest and fled.

They run, climb trees, somersault in the grass - such a screech has never been heard in the forest.

By noon, the children calmed down, tired, and wanted to eat.

I would like to eat,” Pigtail whimpered.

Ivan began to scratch his stomach - to guess.

We will find a mushroom and eat it, - said Ivan. - Let's go, don't whine.

White geese are walking from the river along the frozen grass, in front of them an evil gander stretches its neck, hisses:

If someone gets me, I'll pinch.

Suddenly a shaggy jackdaw flew low and shouted:

What a swim! The water has frozen.

Shushura! - the goose hisses.

Long twig

Man, Geese drove to the city to sell;

And to tell the truth,

Not very politely honored his herd with a goose:

He hurried to the profits to the market day

(And where it touches profit,

Not only there geese, and people get it).

I don't blame the peasant;

The peacock, spreading its tail, walked along the shore of the pond. The two caterpillars looked at him and condemned him.

Look, - they say, - what ugly legs he has and listen to how awkwardly he screams.

The man heard them and said:

It is true that his legs are not good, and he sings awkwardly, but your legs are even worse, and you sing even worse; but you don't have a tail.

It was a long time ago. There was no priest in the village. The peasants agreed to elect the priest as a peace, chose and went to Uncle Pakhom.

Pakhom, - they say to him, - and Pakhom! Whether you are a priest in our village.

Groin and became a priest, but that’s the trouble: he doesn’t know the service, he can’t sing, he can’t read.

- And I live easily. There is enough to do - and I have plenty of everything ... Here, - he says, - the bishop will go to the cathedral. Let's seem to argue: you say - "six toes", and I - "five". And it’s like we have a hundred rubles as a deposit ... But don’t yawn there!

They went and stood on the road to the cathedral.

That thief who boasted of an easy life says:

The lord is coming!

The carriage arrived. The thief got on his knees. The bishop looked at him and stopped the carriage. Vor says:

Eminent lord! Here I am with this merchant (pointing to a friend) bet a hundred rubles. If I am true, then I will turn back my hundred rubles and take his hundred rubles, and if he is true, he will take it. He says "six toes" and I say "five".

There lived a thief. They called him the big thief. Once he went to steal in one city. Whether he walked a lot or a little - he meets one person. - Great! - Hello! What is your name and what is your trade? asks the big thief.

My trade is theft, and they call me a small thief, - he says.

And I am a thief. So let's mate. Good?

Two barrels rode; one with wine

Here is the first one - without noise and step by step


Another gallops rushing;

Once upon a time there were two merchants, both married, and they lived among themselves amicably and lovingly. Here is one merchant saying to another:

Listen, brother! Let's do a test, whose wife better than a husband loves.

Let's. Yes, how to do something?

And here's how: let's get together and go to the Makariev fair, and whichever wife begins to cry more, she loves her husband more.

So they got ready to go, their wives began to see them off. One cries and spills, and the other says goodbye and laughs herself.

The merchants went to the fair, rode off about fifty versts and talked among themselves.

Two horses pulled two carts. The front horse drove well, but the back horse stopped. On the front horse began to shift the load from the rear wagon; when everything was shifted, the rear horse went light and said to the front:

Suffer and sweat. The more you try, the more you will be tormented.

A bishop comes to one parish, and in the village where the parish was, there lived two old women. They never saw the bishop. Old women say to their sons:

We must go to church and see the bishop.

The sons began to teach their mothers how to approach the old women for blessing.

Two girls were walking home with mushrooms.

They had to cross the railroad.

They thought that the car was far away, climbed onto the embankment and went across the rails.

Suddenly a car roared. The older girl ran back, and the smaller one ran across the road.

The older girl shouted to her sister:

Don't go back!

But the car was so close and made such a loud noise that the smaller girl did not hear; she thought she was being told to run back. She ran back across the tracks, stumbled, dropped the mushrooms and began to pick them up.

The car was already close, and the driver whistled with all his might.

The older girl shouted:

Throw the mushrooms!

One girl guarded a cow in the field.

Robbers came and took the girl away. The robbers brought the girl to the forest to the house and ordered her to cook, clean and sew. The girl lived with the robbers, worked for them and did not know how to leave. When the robbers left, they locked the girl. Once all the robbers left and left the girl alone. She brought straw, made a doll out of straw, put her dresses on her and sat her by the window.

There were three sisters, the youngest was a fool. In the summer they gathered berries in the forest; the older sister got lost, walked and walked and came to a hut on a chicken foot. She entered the hut and began to call out to her sisters:

Who is in the forest, who is in the forest, come to spend the night with me!

I'm in the forest, I'm in the forest, I'll come to spend the night with you, - the huge bear answered, entering the door, - don't be afraid of me, get into my right ear, get out into my left - we will have everything!

The girl climbed into the bear's right ear, climbed out into the left, and found the keys in her bosom.

Now cook dinner!

She cooked dinner. We sat at the table; the mouse runs up and asks the girl for porridge.

One father had two sons. He told them:

I'll die - divide everything in half.

When the father died, the sons could not separate without a dispute. They went to sue a neighbor. A neighbor asked them:

How did your father tell you to share?

They said:

He ordered to divide everything in half.

Neighbor said:

So tear all the dresses in half, break all the dishes in half and cut all the cattle in half.

The brothers listened to their neighbor, and they had nothing left.

Three people found a jar full of gold. They began to think how to divide it, but could not agree. Then one of them said:

We have an honest and fair old man in the village. Let's go to him, ask him to share the gold.

They came to the old man and said:

You are an honest old man, share this gold between us fairly!

"Neighbor, my light!

Please eat."

"Neighbor, I'm fed up." - "There is no need

Another plate; Listen:

Ushitsa, she-she-she, is perfectly cooked!

"I ate three plates." - "And, full, what an expense;

If only it would become a hunt,

And then in health: eat to the bottom!

What the hell! Yes, how fat

As if she was covered with amber.

Grandfather and grandmother lived. Grandfather had a rooster, and a woman had a chicken. Babin's hen laid eggs, and grandfather's rooster - well, a rooster is like a rooster, it was of no use. Once the grandfather asks the woman for an egg, the woman does not want to give it. The grandfather got angry that there was no self-interest from the rooster, beat him and drove him away.

A rooster is walking along the road, looking - there is a purse with money. He took the wallet in his beak and carried it. Goes towards Mr. I saw a rooster

Jump down, - he says to the coachman, - and take away the purse from the rooster.

The coachman followed the rooster, caught it, took the purse away and gave it to the pan. Then he sat down in the britzka, hit the horses, and drove off. And the rooster runs after them and keeps screaming. The pan came home, drove into the yard, and the rooster is right there: runs around the yard and keeps shouting:

Tergach built a nest in the meadow late, and during the mowing the female was still sitting on her eggs. Early in the morning the peasants came to the meadow, took off their caftans, sharpened their braids, and followed each other. cut the grass with another and lay it in rows. Twitch flew out to see what the mowers were doing. When he saw that one peasant waved his scythe and cut the snake in half, he was delighted, flew to the derga and said:

Don't be afraid of men; they came to cut snakes; We haven't lived with them for a long time.

And the motherfucker said:

The peasants cut the grass, and with the grass they cut everything that comes across: a snake, and a turf nest, and a turf head.

Seeing that the Peasant was carrying an ax,

"Darling, - the young tree said, -

Perhaps cut down the forest around me,

I can't grow up alone

I can't see the light of the sun

There is no space for my roots,

Nor the breezes of freedom around me,

Such over me he deigned to weave vaults!

If it were not for him to grow a hindrance to me,

In a year I would become the beauty of this country,

And the whole valley would be covered with my shadow;

And now I'm thin, almost like a twig."

Jenny lost her shoe
I cried for a long time, I searched.
The miller found a shoe
And grinded at the mill.

Once upon a time there lived a rich merchant with a merchant's wife; traded in expensive and noble goods, and every year traveled with them to foreign countries. At some time he fitted out a ship; began to get ready for the journey and asked his wife:

Tell me, my joy, what will you bring to the hotel from other lands?

The merchant answers:

I am satisfied with everything; I have a lot! And if you want to please and amuse, buy me a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle.

Good; if i find it i will buy it.

The merchant sailed far away to the distant kingdom, landed in a great, rich city, sold all his goods, and bought new ones, loaded the ship; walks around the city and thinks:

A wild donkey saw a tame donkey, went up to him and began to praise his life: just like his body, he is smooth and what sweet food for him. Then, as they loaded a tame donkey, and as the driver began to drive him with a club from behind, the wild donkey said:

No, brother, I don’t envy you now, I see that your life is getting to you with juice.

It was a very long time ago when all birds lived in warm lands. In Altai, only rivers chirped. Southern birds heard this song of water and wanted to know who is ringing so loudly, singing so cheerfully, what joy happened in Altai.

However, flying to an unknown land was very scary. In vain did the golden eagle persuade his falcons and hawks, owls and cuckoos. Of all the birds, only the titmouse dared to set off to the north.

There lived a humpback bear. He was a real lazy person. I once saw a ripe cone, and immediately his shoulder ached, it began to prick under his arm.

How can I, sick, climb into the cedar?

Walks around. Walks through small decks. He sees a larger deck - and goes straight along it: he is too lazy to step higher. Suddenly: knock! - the bump itself fell to the bear on the crown. From crown to feet.

That's clever! - the bear rendered and looked up, would something else fall?

Oh, great bear, - the pockmarked nutcracker squeaked, - I threw you the best bump.

Once upon a time there was a pop. He hired a worker, brought him home.

Well, worker, serve well, I won't leave you.

The worker lived for a week, haymaking came.

Well, light, - says the priest, - God willing, let's move safely, wait for the morning and go tomorrow to mow hay.

Okay, daddy.

They waited for the morning, got up early. Pop and says popadye:

Let's have breakfast, mother, we'll go to the field to mow hay.

Popadya collected on the table. They sat down together and ate breakfast. Pop says to the worker:

There was a stupid village in the forest. People lived in the wilderness, they never saw a wide place, so much ... There was one smarter, They called Guess, and he was stupid. These men gathered in the forest to hunt and see: there is a hole in the snow, and steam comes out of the hole ... What is it? They began to think, they thought for two hours.

You have to ask Gud.

Well, Guess, he knows, he understands.

Frog under the mud
He fell ill with scarlet fever.
A rook flew to him,
Is talking:
"I am a doctor!
Get into my mouth
Everything will pass now!”
Am! And ate.

Once upon a time there were two brothers, two brothers - a sandpiper and a crane. They mowed down a stack of hay and placed it among the Poles. Can't you tell the tale again from the end?

Once upon a time there was an old man, the old man had a well, and there was a dace in the well, and here the fairy tale ends.

Once upon a time there was a king, the king had a yard, there was a stake in the yard, a bast on the stake; can't you tell from the beginning?

Shall I tell you a fairy tale about a white bull?

Three passers-by dined at the inn and set off.

And what, guys, because we seem to have paid dearly for lunch?

Well, although I paid dearly, - said one, - but not without reason!

Didn't you notice? As soon as the owner looks, I’ll grab a handful of salt from the salt shaker, yes in my mouth, yes in my mouth!