
How to choose the right hair color for yourself: recommendations for the color type. How to choose the right hair color for your eyes, skin, haircut


Many people miss the fact that hair color directly depends not only on style or personal preferences, but also on the color type. Let's take a look at how to choose the right hair color at home, taking into account the shade of the eyes and skin.

Initially, it so happened that all the girls were conditionally divided according to the seasons. Please note that mixing types is possible, this is normal, it is even a little easier for such young ladies, because they can use colors for painting from several options at once.

Appearance color type Spring

Girls with a light type of skin and eyes, as well as hair, belong to the Spring color type. They are the easiest to create light and cute images. In most cases, girls of this type of appearance are real blondes with golden curls or with a slight hint of red. This, by the way, is the rarest type of appearance.

Main advice in this version: do not overload your appearance with heavy and dark contrast. There should be a simple and light make-up, light basic tones of clothing. With the greatest desire to radically change, all the same, the black color will make the face gray and uninteresting, and perhydrol white will look very unnatural.

Another feature of these girls is that their hair, in any case, has individual strands that are somewhat lighter than the total mass of curls. If they do not stand out too much, then ask the hairdresser for advice on how to unobtrusively shade them. In addition, coloring is now back in fashion, so you can safely use this trend.

Spring is only for warm colors.- this is a golden palette, soft reddish shades, sandy or light blond. But there are exceptions, for example, the most prominent representative of this category is Marilyn Monroe, and she became known as a natural blonde. So, if you are a happy owner of very pale, even porcelain skin, then you can safely paint in silvery tones.

Photo - Color type spring

Video: how to choose the right shade of hair

Summer Girls

Photo - Color type mixed summer

Most of the representatives of Leto complain that they have a very ugly natural hair color, and they try in every possible way to correct this natural flaw. For clarification: this category appearance determined by these features.:

  • very cold skin tone, almost blue-white;
  • there is a contrasting summer and not a contrasting summer, the first option is relatively dark hair and porcelain skin, the second - light skin and a light cold shade of strands (for example, Ksenia Sobchak);
  • the eyes are light, sometimes streaked with blue or green.

Most often the best option for hair coloring 2015 is an ash color, it will beautifully shade the skin and give the appearance of some mystery. We categorically do not recommend using warm light colors (and this also applies to clothes), this will only aggravate the situation. Instead of a bright blonde, you get a completely uninteresting girl with a face merging with curls.

In case you decide change into red hair, particularities must be taken into account. This is one of the richest colors in its shades. The best solution to the problem will be red-blue or even yellow-red, i.e. bright and cold colors at the same time. Henna is often used for coloring.

Photo - Two-totype summer

Another feature of Summer girls is that they are all born real blondes, and when they grow up, their hair insidiously changes to a darker one. This can be easily corrected by painting in a very light color, but in no case with shades of yellow. Also, summer ladies with platinum curls just look amazing.

What to choose for your face:

  • mahogany tone, white paint;
  • very deep blond, almost with the effect of gray hair;
  • blue palette.

Warm autumn

Photo - Color type autumn

By right, the warmest color type is Autumn. This is a common Slavic appearance: skin of warm shades, soft brown hair and bright eyes (green, brown, light brown). Autumn ladies include redheads and brown-haired women.

Skin with freckles and a peach tint will not work with flashy black hair dye, it will give it an earthy tint, a strange brown tint. A similar effect will be from white paint, it contrasts too much with relatively dark skin.

The best option- all kinds of shades of brown: this is chocolate, and red and even burgundy. In addition, red curls look very beautiful on girls with freckles. A feature of Autumn is that she either does not have a blush at all, or it is not expressive, so redness can compensate for such an inexpressive face. Even a very sharp carrot orange will look appropriate.

Also look at the warm light colors - it's light brown, dark brown and sandy. Now it is very fashionable to do armoring, you can safely take note of this option for changing the image.

Photo - Redhead

In order for the skin of the face to shine, it is necessary to select a palette with a golden sheen, these can be:

  • warm black;
  • all natural blond;
  • red, burgundy;
  • chocolate or cappuccino.

winter girls

Photo - Color type winter

It is most difficult for a woman with the Winter color type to change her appearance. The fact is that all the charm is a sharp contrast between the curls and the face. The fairy tale about Snow White tells precisely about winter beauties, who have incredibly pale skin with an almost bluish tint and black hair, sometimes even with a natural blue tint.

Because of such a very effective combination, it is categorically not recommended to radically change the appearance. It's just that no matter what tone is chosen, it will not be bright enough and not so spectacular.

It is quite difficult to choose the right hair color for bright brunettes of a cold type. Avoid warm colors, they will make you look plain, without zest. If you want to experiment with yourself, then follow these tips:

  • try a tonic with blue or even a la eggplant (very good for dark brown eyes);
  • you can experiment with cold blond;
  • the white cold palette looks very nice.

dark colors suitable for the fair sex, who naturally have grayish hair or with an ashy tint. A swarthy face will only emphasize your image. Dark strands with brown and green eyes will look very good and natural, on which you can freely make bright daytime and. They visually increase the volume.

It so happened that men, and society as a whole, perceive such women as serious and businesslike people, many believe that brunettes are the most romantic of the fair sex.

A little warning: over time, the hair grows back and the roots look untidy and cheap, so you need to touch up from time to time.

Do you want to be red? seductress. It was not in vain that it was said so, since it is the red-haired beauties that are considered the most passionate and fatal, and many are afraid of them.

Red is a unique color, as it suits everyone, especially faces with obvious blush. The disadvantage is that compared to others, it quickly fades and loses its saturation. Choosing a redhead, be prepared for difficulties. You will face such a problem as the inability to get a new color: dark or light, since red is difficult to paint over.

Photo - Dyed blonde

Do you want to be a carefree blonde. Etid Girls always win men's hearts, and most of the representatives of the gentle sex want to paint in this particular shade.

If you decide to go blonde, then take care of your skin tone, it should be light, otherwise your hair will look unnatural. Unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve the ideal bleaching result - exactly the same color as on the paint box.

Often, curls can get a greenish tint or look burnt. Blondes more than others need extra care with strands that dry out more. Advice for you: consult with a specialist how light-colored dye will affect your hair, whether it will harm you.

How to match

If you need to independently and free of charge choose the right shade of curls by type, then use this advice from professionals: bring a piece of paper to your face peach color and blue. When shading, the appearance became interesting? So, we start from this palette, if, on the contrary, circles under the eyes appear or pimples stand out, then this palette should be avoided. This test is done even in well-known beauty salons.

Also sometimes a special program is used. It allows you to upload your photo and pictures with interesting shades of curls. And then just pick up beautiful examples of haircuts and hair colors that suit you.

Photo - Hair color selection

If you are still not sure about the chosen coloring, then you can buy a few overhead strands on clips, and simply attach them to the coufure, thereby assessing whether the new color is coming or not. The same accessories can be used just every day to give the appearance a little exotic and zest.

There is no clear distribution of how to combine a hairstyle with a color. But as it happens, bob is for dark-haired people (remember Leon Killer and Pulp Fiction), and long curls are the prerogative of blondes. Remember that it is important not only to choose the color of the hair or haircut, but also the brand of paint, for example, very good feedback about garnier and schwarzkopf.

Many girls are interested in how to choose a hair color so that it matches the shade of the eyes, skin tone, tan. One needs to hide skin imperfections, divert attention from sharp cheekbones, a short neck, or a not too slender figure. Others, on the contrary, want to favorably emphasize their beauty, youth and create an image of a bright, independent personality with the help of paint. In order for the shade chosen during dyeing to hide excess age, wrinkles and small flaws, you should take into account your appearance color type, know the secrets of how you can easily match the hair color to your face.

You can determine your appearance color type at home without contacting stylists. There are four of them: winter, summer, spring, autumn. The most common among girls and women is the summer color type, it is distinguished by the presence of a tan, freckles and a healthy blush. You can rarely meet ladies with skin type winter and spring.

To understand how to choose the right hair color, you need to decide on your appearance color type, identify the distinctive features of the face, skin, figure.

For coloring in a different tone or a brighter shade, a change of the entire image will be required, and not every girl will confirm that I can do this in half an hour. Here every detail of the image is important in order to find a new style of clothing and makeup that matches the hairstyle. That is why you need to know your color type, which will help determine the information below.

This is the most rare type of appearance, which is considered a feature of blond hair, eyes and snow-white skin. Usually the spring girl turns out to be a natural blonde with expressionless facial features, but sometimes the curls have a reddish or golden hue. Many spring women answer the proposal of stylists to change the color of the strands: “I can’t decide on coloring because of the fear of looking unusual.” In fact, they can easily do coloring, highlighting, change their shade to light brown, sandy, reddish. The new image will turn out to be very stylish and, of course, attractive.

Girls with the summer type of appearance are most often found in nature. They have bluish or greenish eyes and tanned skin. The contrasting summer color type is less common, it is porcelain skin and dark strands.

A non-contrasting summer is distinguished by a barely golden tan and light curls, there are many more such women.

For girls of the summer type, ash, light brown, bright red and platinum tones can be used for coloring. It’s not worth thinking for a long time whether I can afford a change in image or not. The main thing is to decide on this with an experienced specialist. The stylists in the salon will advise you on how to choose the perfect hair color, make the new color fashionable and stylish.

It is considered warm, a bit like spring and non-contrasting summer, but it has its own characteristics. The skin color of such girls is golden, it does not fit well on a tan. There is no blush, but there are many freckles, and the curls are almost always golden-red, most often curly. The eyes are olive, hazel, amber-green or cognac. Such women can be dyed in copper, dark chocolate or brown, choosing a reddish-orange hue to create a bright look. The only question that an autumn girl should ask herself is whether I can pick up a new image and style in clothes for the resulting hair color. If yes, then it's time to experiment with paint or.

This color type is considered cold, it is distinguished by milky skin, a delicate blush, blue, black or gray-brown eyes. Like summer, winter can be contrasting and non-contrasting. In a contrasting winter girl, you can see straight black strands, in a non-contrasting one - soft curls of chocolate, cognac or brown color. Your new shade must be chosen depending on the natural ebb. For coloring, you can buy tones such as black tulip, ebony or mahogany,. Do not ignore the popular coloring technologies - shatush, ombre, coloring.

Knowing how to choose a hair color makes it much easier to change their shade without making mistakes. You can repaint yourself or do it in the cabin - it all depends on your preferences and available finances. The main thing is to carry out the staining procedure in accordance with all the rules, choosing in advance the tone of paint or tint that suits your type. If everything is done without mistakes, the new tide of curls will look organic and very stylish.

Rules for choosing hair color

Stylists identify 7 coloring rules when choosing a new color:

If you want to change the image, many resort to hair coloring. To obtain good results, it is necessary to take into account the features of the appearance and figure of a woman.

There are several simple ways determine the appropriate range of colors that will successfully complement your image, help to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws.

How to choose the right hair color

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the tone of hair dye, you need to carefully approach this issue. The following recommendations are important:

  1. Shades of eyes, skin and hair must match. It is better to choose colors 1-2 tones darker or lighter than natural.
  2. When choosing a paint, evaluate the condition of your skin. Very dark or light colors emphasize imperfections.
  3. To more accurately determine the color scheme, use the paint map.
  4. Before applying a long-lasting product, try tinted shampoos / balms of the desired tone. They will give temporary results. If desired, you can quickly return the original tone of the hair.

To pick the right color scheme, you can use one or more methods. Popular ways:

  • by color type;
  • to the eyes;
  • to skin tone, face shape;
  • with a test;
  • through online resources.

According to the color type of appearance

Choosing the right hair color will help determine the color type of appearance. When it is detected, the shades of the eyes and skin are also taken into account. You can determine the appropriate tone for coloring using the table:

Color type

Characteristics of the color type


Winter (cold)

Very light to very dark

Black, brown, blue, gray

Dark, light ash

  • black;
  • fair-haired;
  • ashy.

Spring (warm)

Light (green or blue)

From light blond to brown

  • golden;
  • light brown;
  • red dark.

Summer (cold)

Light, cool colors

Light (gray, blue, hazel)

brown, blond

  • light brown;
  • wheat;
  • blond.

Autumn (warm)

Golden, olive, bronze

Hazel, hazel (light eye color is also possible)

Red, brown

  • milk chocolate;
  • copper shades;
  • dark blond;
  • chestnut;
  • black.

Under eye color

The selection of hair color can be carried out in accordance with the shade of the eyes. The following recommendations should be observed:

  • Women with dark eyes (black, brown) and swarthy skin, tan, shades from dark blond to black are suitable. Fair-skinned should choose chocolate, red, copper. If the eyes have a light brown tint, you need to use golden or amber paint.
  • Owners of green eyes are suitable for a red-red palette (golden, fiery). If it is difficult to decide on such experiments, it is recommended to choose an option from a chestnut range. With marsh eyes, dark blond goes well.
  • To match the paint to blue eyes, it is necessary to take into account their shade. Ashy, light blond are suitable for cold colors. If blue eyes are interspersed with brown, a good option would be coloring in caramel, red, golden. Saturated color is combined with light chestnut strands.

For fat girls

A suitable coloring option for girls with a full figure and face is a shade that is as close to natural as possible. To divert attention from shortcomings, it is recommended to use various techniques: highlighting, ombre, coloring. The combination of several tones will emphasize the liveliness of the color, visually make the face slimmer.

fat women do not choose too dark or light colors.

How to pick up online

An online hair color test can help you change your appearance. The principle of operation of resources is based on a single algorithm:

  1. Upload a photo in front. The picture must be clear.
  2. In the photo you need to indicate the contours of the mouth and eyes (sometimes the entire face).
  3. Then you need to choose a hairstyle and coloring option from those offered.
  4. Save the completed option to your computer.

This feature is offered a large number of sites. List of popular resources according to user reviews:

  1. Hair ( A site in Russian will help you choose a haircut and coloring for women and men for free. To start the test, you need to upload a photo in which all facial features are clearly visible, or take a picture using a webcam. The next step is to set the pointers along the edges of the lips and eyes. Then mark the contours of the face. After this procedure, options for suitable hairstyles will open. At this stage, you can choose the tone of the strands (button on the right). To save the result you like, click "Authorization", go through the suggested steps.
  2. Makeoveridea ( An international site with a language selection option. With the help of the resource, you can choose the coloring option online. A feature of the service is a large database of hairstyles, the ability to choose makeup, try on accessories. The result is saved on the PC. To work with the resource, you need to upload a clear front-facing photo from your computer, set pointers in the necessary places. Then you can choose the hairstyle and tone of the strands using the menu on the left side of the window. To save the option you like, click "download result".
  3. Instyle ( The site is in English and will help you try on the hairstyles of Hollywood stars. The resource assumes the use of a standard algorithm. To get started, you must press the red Start your makeover button to upload a photo - Browse. The Zoom link will help you center the image on the screen. The Next button will need to be used to go to each next editing step. To choose a paint, you need to choose the option you like from the Change hair color menu. To save the result, click Save makeover.

How to choose paint for hair color

To choose a good paint, you need to consider the natural color of your hair. The following guidelines should be followed:

  • Redheads. For such hair, tones from a chestnut, chocolate, ashy palette are suitable. Experts consider appropriate and red shades. You should not use blond, because the color will give yellowness. For the same reason, light brown and wheat shades will not work. Black may not match the skin tone of redheads.
  • Fair-haired. Owners of this color can pick up paint from ash, caramel, chestnut, chocolate tones. When using blonds, yellowness may appear. To get rid of the unwanted effect, it is recommended to use silver, purple tint balms. When choosing black, you need to consider that you will have to tint the roots twice a month.
  • Dark. Brunettes are advised to choose an option from a dark chestnut, chocolate palette. To obtain a hazel color, you will need lightening, which often leads to damage to the hair. For this reason, coloring in light golden, blond is not recommended.
  • Light. Blondes who want to change their appearance are suitable for caramel, red, ashy, honey, golden, light chestnut colors. Milk chocolate, cold platinum looks good.
  • Gray-haired. If a woman wants her hair to look natural, it is recommended to choose an option 1-2 shades lighter than natural. Wine or light honey paints will help to give a fresh look. It is not recommended to use ashy, beige.


Changing hair color is not that difficult. But it is necessary to start the rebirth of the image correctly. The new shade should not stand out from the overall image. If you dye your hair in the wrong color, you can become older at once by several years. Or turn into a gray moth against a background of too catchy color. The tones of colors that we just like visually may not suit us at all. Therefore, a new shade should be selected so that it harmoniously fits the appearance. Color types will help with this.

We select the tone of paint according to the color type

Stylists believe that the shade of hair dye should be chosen based on their natural data. By creating fashion images, they advise you to always focus on your color type. That is, a combination of the natural tone of curls, eye color and skin tone. There are 4 color types in total, and they are named after the seasons. Determine your color type, and choosing the right hair color that suits your face and eyes will become much easier.


The main difference between "spring" is light shades of appearance. Even if the hair is dark, then light strands must be present. This color type is divided into several groups:

  • Bright spring. Eye color - turquoise, green, topaz (tea). Hair - light brown with a golden sheen, black with a chestnut tint, sometimes with reddish strands. Skin tone - light ivory, porcelain, with bronze or warm, swarthy undertones.

  • Warm spring. Eyes - blue, green with an olive undertone, light hazel, tea color. Hair - from a bright blonde with golden strands to light chestnut with a golden hue. Skin - porcelain, golden beige, bronze.

  • Bright spring. Eyes - green, blue or light hazel. Hair light or not too dark chestnut tones, cast in gold. Copper shades available.

Stars of the "bright spring" subtype

To more accurately determine whether you belong to this color type, infographics will help. It can also be used in the selection of clothing colors.

What shades are suitable for "spring"?

Warm, golden colors are suitable for girls of this type. Very gentle reddish undertones, light blond gamma and sandy curls will also set off the subtle beauty of “spring”. Best Options shades for "bright and warm spring":

  • Copper blonde.
  • Golden blonde.
  • Golden caramel.
  • Solar amber.
  • Golden blond.
  • Sand.

The “bright spring” color type will suit more saturated tones:

  • Hazelnut.
  • Golden brown.
  • Golden chestnut.
  • Cognac.
  • Light brown.

This infographic will help you decide if your appearance belongs to the spring color type.


Oddly enough, but the peculiarity of the "summer" - cooling shades in appearance. This applies to blue-white skin, cool blond shades of hair and icy undertones of the eyes.

"Summer" is also divided into three categories:

  • Bright summer. Eyes - in a green or light blue palette. Hair - light or blond. Ashy shade of strands - required attribute. Soft or pale pink-beige skin tones.

In the photo - celebrities with the appearance color type "bright summer".

  • Cold summer. Blue or gray iris. Curls are dyed by nature in light or dark chestnut colors. Ashy strands decorate, less often - a golden undertone. The skin is fair, with various cool beige undertones.

  • Soft summer. Hair - light golden blond or golden blond. Eyes - blue, green, tea color. Skin - soft, pale tones, with peach and yellowish tints.

Jennifer Aniston is a well-known representative of the "soft summer".

What shades are suitable for "summer"?

Any platinum shades can emphasize the slightly strict beauty of the “bright summer”:

  • Ashen.
  • Silver.
  • Platinum.
  • Pearl.
  • Vanilla blonde.
  • Wheat blonde.
  • Frosty beige.
  • White gold.

Of the extravagant options, you can advise "purple blond" or "rose gold".

For the “soft summer” color type, light brown and light brown tones with a cool ash-colored undertone are also suitable. The shades in the dark blond palette will also look good. If you are a representative of this soft summer type, then such paint tones as:

  • Light brown (light).
  • Chocolate blonde.
  • Ash blond.

Girls with dark hair of the “cold summer” color type will look good with a hair tone - an intensely ash brunette. The shade of "black tulip" perfectly emphasizes the cold color of the skin and gray-blue or blue eyes. If natural strands are cast with cold gold, then you can choose the tone "light brown" or "deep brown". Dark blond tones will look most natural:

  • Pearly blond.
  • Ash brown.
  • Dark blond.

For lovers of unusual experiments, there is an interesting shade - purple-brown.


The main features of "autumn" are a warm palette of appearance with reddish-golden hues. The face of autumn-type girls is often decorated with cute freckles.

In the photo - celebrities of the autumn type.

"Autumn" is different:

  • Dark autumn. These are the most saturated, deep shades of the autumn color type. Eyes - in brown or dark green tones. Hair - thick, brown tones or dark chestnut. Skin - with golden hues.

In the photo - Hollywood celebrities of the "dark autumn" color type.

  • Warm autumn. The iris of the eye is colored different colours but brown or green color prevails. Blond hair with honey-caramel shades of gold. They can be dark blond with a red or golden tint, as well as chestnut-red. Skin - warm golden, beige or bronze tones.

  • Soft autumn. Eyes - blue, gray-green, light brown, light hazel. Hair - golden blond, light brown with red or golden wheaten strands. Light colored skin.

Still not sure if this is your color type? Use this infographic to find out for yourself exactly this question.

What shades are suitable for "autumn"?

Chocolate, bronze or copper curls will help to emphasize the golden hue of the skin and the warm tone of the eyes for girls of the autumn type. Shades of gold-colored hair dye also go well with “autumn”. The most optimal tones for dyeing hair for "dark autumn" - with a reddish and golden tint:

  • Chocolate or coffee with a golden sheen.
  • Golden chestnut.
  • Honey chestnut.

"Warm autumn" will be decorated with honey and caramel shades:

  • Golden honey.
  • Dark caramel.
  • Golden chestnut.
  • Dark cognac.

For a “soft autumn”, warm reddish and amber shades are suitable:

  • Hazelnut.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Caramel.

Without exception, all autumn girls can safely choose copper and reddish shades:

  • Dark red.
  • Red-red.
  • Chocolate red.
  • Red chocolate.
  • Red chestnut.


The coldest color type. It is believed that it is very difficult for such girls to radically change the image. They are naturally very bright. After all, their main feature is the contrast in appearance. Against the background of a pale face with a bluish undertone, dark, sometimes blue-black hair stands out brightly.

Three subgroups of "winter":

  • Bright winter. The eyes are bright blue, sometimes with a purple undertone, emerald green. Chestnut and black hair color with a bluish or ashy tint is the hallmark of "winter". The skin is white, pale olive or light beige.

  • Cold winter. The eyes are blue or dark grey. The strands are chestnut or "the color of the wing of a raven." The skin is pale, with a slight hint of beige or pink tone.

  • Dark winter. Eyes - black or deep brown shades. The hair color is also vibrant. As a rule - black or dark chestnut. The skin is pale. But a beige or olive tone is noticeable.

Infographics - 3 subtypes of "winter".

What shades are suitable for "winter"?

The ideal colors for "winter" are coffee, black, rich chestnut shades. Does this look look good with blue and red hues? For example - "eggplant". All three winter subtypes with dark and rich tones are best combined:

  • Blueberry black.
  • Black chestnut.
  • Anthracite.
  • Cocoa fusion.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Frosty chestnut.
  • Black Tulip.
  • Frosty look.

Advice. Light colors are best avoided. But if you still want to radically change your appearance, then choose cold dark blond tones or white platinum shades. There is another way out - paint in light colors only lower part hair. Fashionable ombre and balayage techniques allow bright brunettes to lighten their hair without compromising their natural beauty.

In the photo - dark hair, clarified using the ombre and balayage technique.

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Human skin and hair are colored with the same substance, melanin pigment. Therefore, skin tone and natural hair color are combined in a natural way: as a rule, blondes have light skin, brown-haired women have a honey tint, and brunettes have olive skin. In order not to disturb this natural balance, the ideal hair dye should be the same color as the natural strands, but 1-2 tones darker or lighter. However, often the desire to change appearance and trying something new makes us dream of a hair color that is just the opposite of natural.

Of course, it is possible to completely change the “suit”, often this only benefits the image and allows you to discover new sides in yourself. But, before applying the dye to the hair, it is necessary to carefully approach its choice. The wrong hair color can age, emphasize skin imperfections, turn a pleasant face into a nondescript, too simple or gloomy one. Check out these hair color tips to help you avoid the most common mistakes.

Tip one. The main rule to follow when choosing a hair color is compliance with the principle of skin and hair compatibility according to the scheme "warm skin tone - warm hair tone" or "cold skin tone - cold hair tone". With a cool skin tone, shades like ash blond, Scandinavian light blond, ice chestnut, eggplant and blue-black are combined. With warm - colors with a copper, honey or reddish tint. At the same time, almost all shades of red are very suitable for white-skinned and pink-skinned women.

Tip two. Do not forget that very blond hair is not suitable for owners of copper or olive skin and initially chestnut hair - it looks unnatural, but color using different shades with a run of 3-4 tones will look very impressive. With light transparent eyes, a darker hair color that creates contrast is preferable to light. Combining hair and eyes, you should also follow the rule “warm to warm, cold to cold” - golden and honey-chestnut shades are suitable for brown, hazel, green eyes, ash-brown, platinum blond for blue and gray.

Tip three. If you want to wear very dark or very light hair, pay close attention to the condition of your skin. A radical hair color will emphasize everything that you might want to hide - imperfections, post-acne,. Of course, hunting is worse than bondage, and what is far from ideal can always be disguised with cosmetics, but think carefully about whether you need such a dependence on foundation, concealer and powder, especially in summer?

Tip Four. If possible, aiming for darker or more fair hair, don't change in one moment- this is not only harmful to the hair (and mental health relatives), but will also create problems that are difficult to solve in case of failure. Change your hair color gradually, 1-2 tones at a time.

Tip five. When choosing a new hair color, consider not smiling models on paint packages, but palettes with swatch strands or tone names. Many manufacturers indicate whether the paint has a warm or cold shade. If you want to cover a lot of gray hair, it's better to lean towards a lighter solution: the dark one looks less natural, especially when the roots grow back. A light ash or wheat shade will gently replace gray hair. Do not forget that hair dye reaches its maximum efficiency on gray hair, so it is better to refuse red and red tones, unless, of course, you are striving for a photographic resemblance to Vivienne Westwood.

Tip six. Hair dyes with varying degrees of durability open up different possibilities - depending on the degree of their washability, you can “try on” a new tone with different consequences and perspectives.

Temporary dye, the tinting agent will not completely change the appearance, but will allow you to make the hair color deeper or give the blond hair an interesting shade. The instability, which is its plus, can also become a minus - such products are washed off in the rain, stain bed linen and towels.

Semi-permanent (semipermanent) dyes act on the surface of the hair without penetrating into its structure. Gentle for hair and scalp, but do not always bring the expected result. But they are washed off after about six weeks.

Means "tone-on-tone"- a transitional link between semi-persistent and resistant paints. Their low or no ammonia formula does not lighten the hair, but makes the natural color richer and brighter. When choosing between two shades of tone-on-tone dye, take a lighter one - usually the result of using ammonia-free paints is somewhat darker than expected.

Persistent (permanent) dyes, which contain ammonia, which lifts the hair cuticle so that the pigment penetrates under the scales. They provide a long-term result, but negatively affect the structure of the hair. The use of persistent dyes must be combined with care procedures for hair and scalp.


Useful tips, sorry, I didn’t know them 10 years ago :) I was a blonde, redhead, brunette ... I didn’t do everything very competently and my hair suffered a lot. Now, at the age of 29, I firmly decided never to paint again and to do a gentle bio perm on healthy hair, I have been holding on for the second year :))

Thank you very much helpful tips. Last year I'm just in search of something new, but somehow I don't really like all my experiments. My natural color is brunette for a long time I was highlighting and I really liked it, but by highlighting I ruined my hair. :(Now I want to pick up some gentle paint of a light shade or with a redhead.

Good article, informative! I've always envied girls blue eyes, they can pick up almost any hair color. And I have burning brown, so nothing lighter than red will do. True, at the age of 17 I chose a dark chestnut, which looks like black, but now I generally only paint with black. And I don't even want to change anything. Very satisfied, this is mine!

Good article! Thanks! Learned a lot. Although now I go with my natural, not dyed. And before, she always painted in dark colors and in adolescence(oh horror!) in black, which does not suit me at all! Since the color type I am Summer!

Yes, the article is excellent, it is worth reading for many who want to dye their hair, but do not know what color it is. And then many of us first paint, and then they realize that this color does not suit them at all, and they don’t know what to do, so leave everything or repaint it in another.

I asked a question more than once, women were interested. Made a conclusion. It all depends on the arrangement of personal life. If not, no one wants easy, quick connections then White color the majority of those I interviewed. Dark tones - married, well-mannered, not experiencing joy from white.

I liked the article. I knew all this, they published it in space, but nevertheless, thanks to the author, for many it is informative !!! I love my hair, I dream of growing it out, but it just doesn’t work out, maybe there is an article - how to grow hair?! I will be very grateful!