
Fat women have a small belly during pregnancy. What to do if during pregnancy a small belly and it does not grow? Malposition of the fetus


A pregnant woman is distinguished from a non-pregnant woman by the size of her belly. And that's not true - many will object. Well, firstly, in the early stages, the stomach can just disappear altogether, especially if toxicosis is tormented in earnest. And in recent months, you can’t always make out whether a neighbor has recovered or become pregnant. Don't you have friends who told you that they had a very small belly during pregnancy? Personally, I have a couple of these. And absolutely everyone was worried: there was no belly and it seemed that she was not pregnant at all. And is everything all right? As a result, healthy children were born to them, and a small stomach remained a little mystery.

Why is the belly growing?

Although there are always exceptions to the rules, nevertheless, during pregnancy, the belly grows, even if it is imperceptible to others, and even to the expectant mother herself. It is easy to guess why the size of the abdomen increases every month. Of course, the baby grows in the tummy, and the uterus in which it is located does everything to make this growth comfortable and correct, that is, during pregnancy, the uterus itself increases, placing the placenta with the fetus that floats in the amniotic fluid. Here, in fact, the fetus, uterus and amniotic fluid are the three whales that are responsible for the growth of the abdomen.

Changes in the uterus occur from the very first days of pregnancy. At the same time, the uterus begins to actively increase, the fetus gradually grows, and amniotic fluid, or as they are called by doctors - amniotic fluid - also fills the space in the uterine cavity. For others, this process will become noticeable only at the 5th month of pregnancy - it is during this period that the stomach becomes “pregnant”. During this period, the length of the fetus is 12 cm, and its body weight is 100 g. By the end of pregnancy, this figure increases tenfold, that is, the body weight of the fetus at 32 weeks of gestation is 1700 g, and its length is 40-42 cm. But and this is not the limit, because children are born both 4 kilograms and with a height of more than 54 cm. The final indicators are formed at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy.

Of course, the uterus itself also increases, because the little man "stimulates" her. Moreover, the uterus for the entire period of pregnancy not only grows, but also changes shape, and also partly its location. It is the size of the uterus that indicates how the fetus develops, therefore, at each examination, the doctor will measure the so-called value of the standing of the bottom of the uterus using a centimeter tape. This height in centimeters (the distance from the upper edge of the pubic symphysis to the upper part of the uterus) approximately corresponds to the gestational age in weeks.

As for the amniotic fluid, they also affect the size of the abdomen, although the increase in their volume is very uneven. For example, at 37 weeks of gestation, their volume can range from 1000 to 15000 ml, and when overdone, it sharply decreases to 800 ml.

Norms and deviations

There are certain norms for the growth of the abdomen for each week of pregnancy, which are indicators of the normal course of pregnancy. Any deviations indicate "malfunctions" in the "pregnant" body.

We offer you a description of the size of the uterus during pregnancy.

Week 4. Look at the chicken egg - this is what your “pregnant uterus” looks like during this period.

Week 8. Now the egg is already goose - this is the size of your uterus.

Week 12. The size of the uterus corresponds to the size of the head of the newborn. Already at this time, the doctor will feel your uterus through the anterior abdominal wall and measure the circumference of the abdomen.

Also Read: Pregnancy Belly Shape

Week 16. The tummy is already rounded, the uterus is somewhere in the middle between the pubis and the navel.

Week 20. Now you should definitely give up your seat in the minibus, because the stomach is visible to the naked eye. The bottom of the uterus at this time is palpated 2 transverse fingers below the navel.

Week 24. Now the bottom of the uterus should be at the level of the navel.

Week 28. Now the uterus is located already above the navel, its bottom should now be 2-3 fingers above the navel.

Week 32. The navel begins to "disappear", that is, to smooth out, and the bottom of the uterus is palpable in the middle between the xiphoid process and the navel.

Week 38. During this period, the uterus is at its highest level - it is raised to the xiphoid process and costal arches.

Week 40. The navel protrudes noticeably, and the fundus of the uterus descends again.

During the entire period of pregnancy, the uterus can increase 20 times. Each muscle fiber changes its thickness (it increases 5 times) and length (10 times). The vascular network of the uterus also increases in volume.

No less important are the indicators of the circumference of the abdomen. The belly of a pregnant woman is measured in the region of the lumbar deflection in the back and the navel in front. So, at the 32nd week of pregnancy, the abdominal circumference should normally be 85-90 cm, at the 36th week - 90-95 cm, and at the 40th - 95-100 cm.

What can abnormalities in the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy indicate? Why can the belly be invisible and very small? Firstly, the stomach does not grow if the fetus itself does not grow. In medicine, this condition is called malnutrition (fetal growth retardation). Secondly, common cause small abdomen during pregnancy is oligohydramnios. By itself, it does not occur, but has a pathological basis: infectious and inflammatory diseases (including the genital organs) of the expectant mother, placental insufficiency, hypertension in a pregnant woman. Thirdly, a small belly may indicate an incorrect location of the fetus in the uterus - transverse. In this case, the woman will have to give birth through C-section.

Even in the early stages, the uterus should increase. And if this does not happen, the doctor may suspect an ectopic pregnancy, when the fetal egg does not develop in the uterus itself, but, for example, in its tube. Of course, the uterus in this case will not increase.

You should also not forget that in tall expectant mothers with lush hips, unlike fragile women with a narrow pelvis, the stomach is almost always hardly noticeable. And remember that the growth of the abdomen is also directly related to the overall weight gain.

What to do?

It is clear that every expectant mother with a small "pregnant tummy" will worry about this. Your doctor will be the best advisor-consultant.

If a small belly was “caused” by fetal hypotrophy, then hospital treatment is indispensable. But this condition can be avoided if you prepare for pregnancy with awareness and cure all your sores long before the onset of pregnancy (chronic diseases are also possible reason future fetal hypotrophy). If the pregnancy came suddenly, it is important to register for pregnancy on time. O proper nutrition, it’s not even worth reminding about the fulfillment of all the doctor’s instructions and the rejection of bad habits, because everything is clear anyway.

As already mentioned, a small stomach can also be a symptom of oligohydramnios. However, only a doctor can make such a diagnosis with a clear discrepancy between the gestational age and the size of the height of the uterine fundus, as well as after additional examinations (ultrasound, dopplerography, tests and smears for bacteria and infections, fetal CTG). Fortunately, the outcome of even a “low-water pregnancy” can be favorable if you turn to a specialist for help in time.

Be attentive to your pregnant body and believe that everything will be fine!

Especially for - Tanya Kivezhdy

why do i have a small belly at 33 weeks pregnant

Because you, Fedor, are not pregnant)))) Other answers Thinker (6922) 4 years ago, at 9 months my stomach was 98 cm, and my daughter was born small 2.800, but healthy, everything is fine! But the son was also small at 30 weeks, and then as he began to grow (4 kg), stretch marks on his stomach appear from this. because the subcutaneous layer does not have time to stretch and breaks. Profi (674) 4 years ago I was recently in the hospital, everyone groaned and gasped! oh why 30 weeks is such a tiny belly! sent for an ultrasound, the ultrasound specialist said the baby will be large, apparently, now according to the parameters it corresponds to 31 weeks))) water in a moderate amount. Everything is OK. I return to the doctor who observes me. says everything is fine! you're just a mother, you're probably drisch))) that's why the stomach is small. Similar questions

Why a small belly during pregnancy

14 Feb 2015 | Comments disabled

Hello everybody! If you opened this article, it means that in the search engine you were interested in the answer to the question, what should be the belly during pregnancy. If such a question arose, it means that you consider your stomach to be too big, or vice versa, too small. And if this question is addressed to the Internet, and not to the attending physician, then you are either not registered yet, or you do not trust the doctor.

Well, let's try to help and answer the questions that arise with what the belly of pregnant women should be like.

First you need to remember that every girl is individual. It cannot fully meet the standards and norms set for the majority. Any deviation from the norm should not be immediately turned into a panic, you must first find out its causes.

belly growth during pregnancy

Let's start with why the growth of the abdomen does occur during pregnancy. Well, of course, because the child grows inside the mother. And the uterus grows with the child. And the placenta grows with them. And all this time, the amount of water in which the baby is located is increasing. Of course, all this affects the circumference of the abdomen.

What happens at the beginning of pregnancy. The vast majority of women in the initial stages suffer from the so-called toxicosis. It can manifest itself only in the form of nausea, but is most often accompanied by vomiting.

Of course, with such a phenomenon, having breakfast, lunch, a snack, or at least dinner is out of the question. Everything that enters the body, with a high probability, will not have time to be absorbed. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that toxicosis is a phenomenon that manifests itself, let's say, by itself. It does not depend on food intake.

At this time, a pregnant girl reacts to everything, to smells, to taste sensations. Let this seem strange to many, but even the color and appearance of some object.

Let me get a little personal. I had a phone when I got pregnant of blue color. I almost always had it on silent mode, but with vibration. I can’t say for sure what, vibration, color or all together I had a reaction, but the sight of this particular phone made me feel sick. And this went on for almost six months.

Only when I changed my phone did the nausea go away. And even now, although almost half a year has passed, when I remember this phone, I get nausea. Such is psychological feature pregnant girl.

But, back to the topic of belly growth. So, when a girl is tormented by toxicosis, it is quite possible that during pregnancy the stomach became smaller. Not surprising, because in order to get better, you need to get the appropriate proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins. And with a constant, pardon the expression, sitting over the toilet, getting all these elements is out of the question even from afar. And, of course, the necessary substances do not get to the baby, who needs it.

In many cases, when the mother is vomiting more than six times a day, the doctor may insist on inpatient treatment. It is necessary to make sure that at least a small particle of the nutrition that the mother can receive will be enough for the health of the baby.

The growth of the abdomen itself occurs from the very beginning of pregnancy. Only now he becomes visible to others only starting from the fifth month. In some cases, even from the sixth.

In addition to toxicosis, the psychological factor greatly inhibits the growth of the abdomen. Women who did not know about pregnancy note the absence of abdominal growth until such a pregnancy is determined. How can you not know about pregnancy? Very simple. Sometimes women do not have toxicosis at all. Those manifestations of pregnancy that occur in the early stages, a woman may well attribute to the beginning of menstruation.

Quite often during pregnancy, a woman still has her period. Of course, this is a sufficient risk for the child. After all, bleeding during the onset of pregnancy is a direct threat to the unborn child.

In young girls who suffer from irregular periods, their absence is not considered a pregnancy. Especially if it is not accompanied by such a main sign of pregnancy as toxicosis. But, in girls who are pregnant for the first time, already starting by the twentieth week, the movement of the child becomes noticeable.

If the second or subsequent pregnancy, then the stirring occurs a little earlier, somewhere in the sixteenth week. Around this period, it becomes known about pregnancy. And, as most of these women note, starting from the moment when the pregnancy is confirmed, the stomach begins to grow at an incredible rate.

Of course, it happens that even from the third month the stomach becomes quite noticeable. And this can also be attributed to the psychological features.

I'll digress a little again. I have two children. I got pregnant with my first child at 22. By that time I was married. But she just got to work. Somehow it happened that, even with protection (not pills), I managed to get pregnant. Even considering that I was accompanied by a slight toxicosis, which manifested itself in the form of nausea for some smells, I did not even imagine my pregnancy.

Since it was important for me to prove myself at work, I gave all my best, and there was no time left for anything else. Sometimes I forgot, sometimes I just didn't have time to eat. Therefore, I attributed my nausea to an exacerbation of gastritis. I found out that my pregnancy had come already at fifteen weeks, and then, one might say, by chance, at a medical examination. What can I say, young and stupid.

When I became pregnant with my second child, it was conscious. I have been preparing for this event for more than six months. We didn't get pregnant for several months. But the fact that the pregnancy did come, I learned almost in three weeks. Already at eleven weeks (that is, less than three months), my employees noted clear signs of pregnancy. I was so happy about this that my stomach began to grow literally from the second month.

We return to the topic of the article. As it has already become clear, the size of the abdomen can depend on many factors. It can be both very large and remain small throughout the pregnancy.

Norms of the size of the abdomen during pregnancy

There are certain norms for such an indicator as the size of the abdomen. They are not absolutely mandatory for everyone, but we will consider them nevertheless.

As for the growth of the uterus, in which the baby is comfortably located, it begins to grow somewhere from the fourth to fifth week. Only no one sees this growth, even the mother herself. After all, it is only the size of an egg. By the end of the third month, she looks more like a big tomato, but still not noticeable to others.

The main suspicions that the girl is pregnant come by the sixteenth week, when the uterus is already growing so much that it begins to stretch the stomach. Precisely when the equator of pregnancy comes, those around them begin to discuss pregnancy.

It was then that the phrases fly by: “I told you that she was pregnant.” Well, further, like a snowball, the size of the abdomen becomes much larger. For example, at a period of 30 weeks, the stomach already looks like a watermelon. At 36 weeks, it's already so big that you can't see your knees. And by 40 weeks, the stomach drops, and its extremely large size is reached.

Separate norms measure the circumference of the abdomen. It is measured with an ordinary centimeter, and normally it is 90 centimeters for a period of 30 weeks, and 100 centimeters before childbirth.

Causes of the wrong size of the abdomen

But what to do when the size of the abdomen does not meet the standards listed above. First, you need to undergo a serious examination. The causes of a large abdomen can be polyhydramnios and multiple pregnancies.

There may be more serious causes, such as a violation of the child's kidneys or diabetes. But, all such symptoms should be determined exclusively by a doctor, and preferably not by one.

If a small belly during pregnancy, the reasons may be somewhat worse. a small belly during pregnancy can be observed in case of slow fetal growth. This deviation from the norm can be triggered by the presence of a serious illness of the expectant mother.

The answer to the question of why a small belly during pregnancy can be such a diagnosis as oligohydramnios. This deviation also requires constant monitoring, since the baby is at risk of not receiving enough oxygen.

If pregnancy is determined using a pharmacy test for home use, then the causes of a small belly during pregnancy may be hidden in the presence of a pregnancy that develops in the tubes, and not in the uterine cavity. This is very dangerous for a woman, and requires a quick and decisive approach.

In all cases, do not torment yourself with the question of why the stomach is small during pregnancy. If the tests are normal, then everything will be fine. Maybe the baby just lies so that it is comfortable for her, and not in the way that is customary in medicine. The most important thing is to believe in yourself, and wait for the birth of your child in positive emotions.

small belly during pregnancy

Possible Causes of a Small Belly During Pregnancy

What is the difference between a woman who is expecting a baby and just a woman? Most will immediately answer that the size of the abdomen. But there are those who will object to them, and they will be right. Why do some women have a huge belly, while others are barely noticeable? Although most expectant mothers do not pay much attention to the size of the abdomen, there is an opinion that it is more important to monitor and control swelling, pressure, stretch marks, etc. Each belly is individual and grows according to the schedule. But it is very important that there are no deviations from generally accepted norms. There may or may not be explanations for a small belly. Maybe this is a pathology of fetal development, or maybe your norm is just like that, and at the same time a completely healthy baby will be born.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the stomach may or may not be, if a woman suffers from toxicosis, then the stomach will disappear and begin to grow only in the second trimester. Everyone probably has a couple of girlfriends whose stomach was small during the entire pregnancy and not everyone even knew that the woman was about to give birth.

In any case, you should not panic right away, you must first go through all the examinations and tests.

Let's look at why the belly is growing?

Nevertheless, in the vast majority of cases, the stomach grows and this is explained by the fact that the uterus grows, in which the child develops and grows. The uterus during pregnancy must contain the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid, all this must fit somewhere, in addition, the child must be comfortable and safe inside the woman, which is why the uterus grows, changes its shape and location in the abdomen.

The uterus has been changing since the very early dates pregnancy, firstly, it changes its shape from triangular to round, and secondly, it grows, and very quickly, although this will not be noticeable until a certain time, the fetus grows, amniotic fluid fills the uterus, surrounding the fetus. All changes will not be noticeable until about the 5th month, from that time the stomach begins to grow. In the fifth month, the weight of the fetus is approximately 100 grams, its length is 12 cm. By childbirth, these indicators will increase tenfold and the child can be born with a body weight of 2.5 to 5 kg, a height of 42-60 cm. All indicators will be formed by 35-36 th week of pregnancy.

At each visit to the doctor, the doctor will measure the stomach with a centimeter tape, these figures can approximately determine the duration of pregnancy and the weight of the fetus. Also, for the entire duration of pregnancy, amniotic fluid is constantly changing its volume, it can be from 1000 to 15000 ml, if the pregnancy is delayed, then the volume of amniotic fluid can be reduced to 800 ml.

Consider norms and deviations

Although all women are completely individual, there are some norms that are approximately the same for all pregnancies and deviations from them signal pregnancy problems.

Let's take a look at the description of the uterus throughout the duration of pregnancy.

At the 4th week, the uterus looks like a chicken egg, at the 8th week it looks like a goose egg, increasing in size. At the 12th week, the uterus is the size of a newborn's head; at the appointment, the doctor already probes it through the front wall of the abdomen and measures the circumference of the abdomen. At the 16th week, you can already notice a rounded tummy, if you imagine a place between the pubis and the navel, then the uterus is now located somewhere in the middle. At the 20th week, the belly is already clearly visible to others, this is exactly the middle of pregnancy. The bottom of the uterus is located two fingers below the navel. At the 24th week, the fundus of the uterus has moved to the level of the navel, and at the 28th week, the uterus is already located above the navel. At the 32nd week, the navel is aligned, the baby grows and the bottom of the uterus is palpable somewhere between the navel and the xiphoid process. At the 38th week, the uterus rises to the highest level to the costal arches. At the 40th week, the navel already sticks out, and the bottom of the uterus drops again, preparing for childbirth.

During the entire pregnancy, the uterus grows about 20 times. The muscle fibers of the uterus also change. Thickening and increasing in length by 10 times. The vascular network of the uterus also increases. The circumference of the abdomen is a very important parameter during pregnancy, it is measured in the region of the lumbar deflection in the back and the navel in front. The norm is 85-90 cm at the 32nd week, 90-95 cm at the 36th, and 95-100 cm at the 40th week.

If there are nevertheless deviations from the general norms, then the reasons may be the lack of fetal growth, this is the so-called malnutrition (fetal growth retardation), or oligohydramnios. The reasons for this are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the expectant mother, placental insufficiency, hypertension in a pregnant woman. Often the cause may be the incorrect location of the fetus in the uterus, then a caesarean section is necessary. The uterus grows almost from the very first days of pregnancy, if the doctor notices that this is not happening, then it can be diagnosed ectopic pregnancy. This is a pathology of pregnancy, in which the fetal egg develops outside the uterus, but in its tube, for example.

Also, do not forget that each woman has her own constitution, one will have a belly before pregnancy, the other will not have it even with her. It happens that at work with a pregnant woman, no one even suspects that their colleague is pregnant until the woman goes on maternity leave.

For any suspicions, deviations from the norm, the expectant mother should always consult a doctor, only he can make the correct diagnosis and try to save the pregnancy, even with all its possible problems. If there are any problems, then you need to go to the hospital and be treated, the likelihood of recovery and the birth of a healthy child is very high. Do not delay with registration and delivery of all necessary analyzes. Ideally, all your illnesses should be cured before pregnancy, any harmless infection or bacterium can cause complications during pregnancy. It is necessary to eat right before conception and during pregnancy, to keep healthy lifestyle life, it is advisable to give up all your bad habits, from smoking and alcohol, and ending with eating chocolate at night.

And of course, a woman should listen very carefully to her body, which almost always signals any problems. It is also necessary to have a positive attitude and believe that everything will definitely be fine and you will have a healthy baby!

What is the difference between a woman who is expecting a baby and just a woman? Most will immediately answer that the size of the abdomen. But there are those who will object to them, and they will be right. Why do some women have a huge belly, while others are barely noticeable? Although most expectant mothers do not pay much attention to the size of the abdomen, there is an opinion that it is more important to monitor and control swelling, pressure, stretch marks, etc. Each belly is individual and grows according to the schedule. But it is very important that there are no deviations from generally accepted norms. There may or may not be explanations for a small belly. Maybe this is a pathology of fetal development, or maybe your norm is just like that, and at the same time a completely healthy baby will be born.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the stomach may or may not be, if a woman suffers from toxicosis, then the stomach will disappear and begin to grow only in the second trimester. Everyone probably has a couple of girlfriends whose stomach was small during the entire pregnancy and not everyone even knew that the woman was about to give birth.

In any case, you should not panic right away, you must first go through all the examinations and tests.

Let's look at why the belly is growing?

Nevertheless, in the vast majority of cases, the stomach grows and this is explained by the fact that the uterus grows, in which the child develops and grows. The uterus during pregnancy must contain the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid, all this must fit somewhere, in addition, the child must be comfortable and safe inside the woman, which is why the uterus grows, changes its shape and location in the abdomen.

The uterus changes already from the earliest stages of pregnancy, firstly, it changes its shape from triangular to round, secondly, it grows, and very quickly, although this will not be noticeable until a certain time, the fetus grows, amniotic fluid fills the uterus, surrounding fetus. All changes will not be noticeable until about the 5th month, from that time the stomach begins to grow. In the fifth month, the weight of the fetus is approximately 100 grams, its length is 12 cm. By childbirth, these indicators will increase tenfold and the child can be born with a body weight of 2.5 to 5 kg, a height of 42-60 cm. All indicators will be formed by 35-36 th week of pregnancy.

At each visit to the doctor, the doctor will measure the stomach with a centimeter tape, these figures can approximately determine the duration of pregnancy and the weight of the fetus. Also, for the entire duration of pregnancy, amniotic fluid is constantly changing its volume, it can be from 1000 to 15000 ml, if the pregnancy is delayed, then the volume of amniotic fluid can be reduced to 800 ml.

Consider norms and deviations

Although all women are completely individual, there are some norms that are approximately the same for all pregnancies and deviations from them signal pregnancy problems.

Let's take a look at the description of the uterus throughout the duration of pregnancy.

At the 4th week, the uterus looks like a chicken egg, at the 8th week it looks like a goose egg, increasing in size. At the 12th week, the uterus is the size of a newborn's head; at the appointment, the doctor already probes it through the front wall of the abdomen and measures the circumference of the abdomen. At the 16th week, you can already notice a rounded tummy, if you imagine a place between the pubis and the navel, then the uterus is now located somewhere in the middle. At the 20th week, the belly is already clearly visible to others, this is exactly the middle of pregnancy. The bottom of the uterus is located two fingers below the navel. At the 24th week, the fundus of the uterus has moved to the level of the navel, and at the 28th week, the uterus is already located above the navel. At the 32nd week, the navel is aligned, the baby grows and the bottom of the uterus is palpable somewhere between the navel and the xiphoid process. At the 38th week, the uterus rises to the highest level to the costal arches. At the 40th week, the navel already sticks out, and the bottom of the uterus drops again, preparing for childbirth.

During the entire pregnancy, the uterus grows about 20 times. The muscle fibers of the uterus also change. Thickening and increasing in length by 10 times. The vascular network of the uterus also increases. The circumference of the abdomen is a very important parameter during pregnancy, it is measured in the region of the lumbar deflection in the back and the navel in front. The norm is 85-90 cm at the 32nd week, 90-95 cm at the 36th, and 95-100 cm at the 40th week.

If there are nevertheless deviations from the general norms, then the reasons may be the lack of fetal growth, this is the so-called malnutrition (fetal growth retardation), or oligohydramnios. The reasons for this are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the expectant mother, placental insufficiency, hypertension in a pregnant woman. Often the cause may be the incorrect location of the fetus in the uterus, then a caesarean section is necessary. The uterus grows almost from the very first days of pregnancy, if the doctor notices that this is not happening, then an ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed. This is a pathology of pregnancy, in which the fetal egg develops outside the uterus, but in its tube, for example.

Also, do not forget that each woman has her own constitution, one will have a belly before pregnancy, the other will not have it even with her. It happens that at work with a pregnant woman, no one even suspects that their colleague is pregnant until the woman goes on maternity leave.

For any suspicions, deviations from the norm, the expectant mother should always consult a doctor, only he can make the correct diagnosis and try to save the pregnancy, even with all its possible problems. If there are any problems, then you need to go to the hospital and be treated, the likelihood of recovery and the birth of a healthy child is very high. Do not delay with registration and delivery of all necessary tests. Ideally, all your illnesses should be cured before pregnancy, any harmless infection or bacterium can cause complications during pregnancy. It is necessary to eat right before conception and during pregnancy, lead a healthy lifestyle, it is advisable to give up all your bad habits, from smoking and alcohol, and ending with eating chocolate at night.

And of course, a woman should listen very carefully to her body, which almost always signals any problems. It is also necessary to have a positive attitude and believe that everything will definitely be fine and you will have a healthy baby!

Author of the publication: Eduard Belousov 

Reading 6 min. Views 5.7k. Published on 14.02.2019

During pregnancy, the uterus is able to stretch and increase several tens of times. After childbirth, the parameters of the reproductive organ return to their previous dimensions.

An increase in the woman's abdomen occurs according to the growth of the uterus at a certain gestational age. Sometimes expectant mothers fear for the health of the baby, believing that the fetus is lagging behind in development. But in most cases, a small belly during pregnancy is not a cause for concern.

What affects the size of the abdomen

There are 2 groups of factors on which the size of the abdomen during pregnancy depends: physiological and obstetric.

To physiological reasons miniature pregnant belly include:

  1. Features of the body structure. In expectant mothers with a wide pelvis, the belly increases more slowly than in women with a narrow pelvis. The development of the abdominal muscles also does not allow the stomach to grow quickly.
  2. The body weight of a woman. In obese women with body fat, it is difficult to recognize pregnancy by the parameters of the abdomen.
  3. small fruit. Usually, parents who are not tall are born children with low weight and height.
  4. genetic predisposition. The growth of the abdomen in a woman is observed at the same time as in her mother.
  5. Malnutrition, fasting expectant mother.
  6. Severe toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the stomach may appear only after the 24th week of pregnancy.

If a woman is carrying a second or third child, then her belly will increase faster. This is due to a decrease in the elasticity of the abdominal muscles.

Among the obstetric reasons why the stomach does not grow during pregnancy, the following are distinguished:

  • embryonic hypotrophy;
  • fading pregnancy;
  • incorrect position of the child;
  • oligohydramnios.

If you feel that your stomach is smaller than normal, consult a gynecologist. He will measure the parameters of the abdomen and find out the cause of possible deviations.


Delayed intrauterine growth fetus requires fetometry - a method that allows you to get accurate data about the condition of the baby.

After identifying the cause of such a violation, gynecologists prescribe a number of medications to the woman along with the enrichment of the diet with meat, cereals, and sour-milk products.

The baby who is born in due date with malnutrition, has lower characteristics of height and weight. With good nutrition, the crumbs' physical parameters quickly normalize.

Fading pregnancy

The most dangerous reason small belly - when the fetus dies.

This situation is accompanied by the absence of movements of the child, the appearance of bloody discharge, and an increase in body temperature. If the anomaly is not detected in time, the woman may die.

Wrong position

Such localization of the fetus inside the uterus affects the diminutiveness of the abdomen. Doctors determine the incorrect location of the baby through ultrasound scanning and external palpation.

The transverse position does not pose a threat to the health of the child, but can provoke premature onset childbirth. The tummy will be smaller with the posterior presentation of the embryo.


The size of the abdomen during pregnancy is much less than normal if a woman has a lack of amniotic fluid. With such a deficit, the volume of the intrauterine space is reduced. Normally, the amount of amniotic fluid is 1-1.5 liters by 49 weeks.

Insignificant deviations that do not pose a threat to the health of the baby can only be determined through ultrasound scanning.

With a decrease in the volume of water by a third or more, the following occurs:

  • a significant decrease in the parameters of the abdomen;
  • the appearance of discomfort during the movements of the child;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • deterioration in well-being.

The higher the risk of developing physical abnormalities in the fetus: curvature of the spinal column, torticollis, clubfoot. In addition, compression of the umbilical cord can occur, leading to the death of the baby.

Preeclampsia, arterial hypertension, infectious diseases, and placental insufficiency lead to insufficient synthesis of amniotic fluid. An ultrasound method is used to determine oligohydramnios.

The dynamics of the growth of the abdomen

The uterus begins to increase almost immediately after fertilization. The growth process is influenced by the growing embryo and the production of amniotic fluid, which fills the space of the organ.

Others will notice that you are “in position” at the 5th month of pregnancy, when the weight of the fetus reaches 100 g, and the length of its body is 12 cm.

A significant increase in the size of the uterus begins from the 6th week of pregnancy, when the organ is similar in parameters to a chicken egg.

Over time, the uterus grows:

  • at week 8 it becomes 2 times larger;
  • at week 10 - 3 times;
  • at week 12 - 4 times;
  • after 14 weeks, the uterus passes the boundaries of the pelvis, it can be palpated.

The gynecologist is obliged to monitor the norms of the increase and location of the uterus in order to know how the belly grows during pregnancy, if there are any deviations in the development of the baby.

Doctors begin to measure the circumference at each turnout already in the 2nd trimester, for this they use a centimeter tape.

Based on the gestational period, the following norms of the abdominal circumference are differentiated:

  • 2 weeks - up to 75 cm;
  • 22 weeks - up to 78 cm;
  • 24 weeks - up to 80 cm;
  • 26 weeks - up to 82 cm;
  • 28 weeks - up to 85 cm;
  • 30 weeks - up to 87 cm;
  • 32 weeks - up to 90 cm;
  • 34 weeks - up to 92 cm;
  • 36 weeks - up to 95 cm;
  • 38 weeks - up to 98 cm;
  • 40 weeks - up to 100 cm.

With the harmonious growth of the fetus, the abdomen should also constantly increase by 1 cm per week. Slight fluctuations are allowed.

The doctor enters the received data into your exchange card, and constantly monitors the growth dynamics. The height of the uterine fundus is also determined, which indicates the parameters of the abdomen: the higher the fundus of the uterus, the greater the circumference of the abdomen.

Specific norms for the height of the uterine fundus by weeks of pregnancy are determined:

  • 16 weeks - 7 cm;
  • 20 weeks - 13 cm;
  • 24 weeks - 24 cm;
  • 28 weeks - 28 cm;
  • 32 weeks - 30 cm;
  • 36 weeks - 34 cm.

After 38 weeks, the uterus gradually descends to 28 cm, you may notice that the abdomen has become lower during pregnancy. This indicates the imminent start of the delivery process.

All measurements are approximate as every woman is different. The norms may deviate from the indicated values ​​​​by several centimeters.

If the difference in values ​​is more significant, the doctor will send you for an additional examination. It is not necessary to associate the slightest deviations with pathology. Your job is to let your doctor know about your concerns and stay calm.

The stomach has sharply decreased - what to do?

The parameters of the "pregnant" belly may decrease during the day: become smaller in the morning than in the evening. This is due to increased gas formation.

During the bearing of a child, a large concentration of progesterone is synthesized in the female body. The hormone helps to relax the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract, which slows down the process of digestion of food, provoking an increase in gases.

To fix the problem, adjust your diet, exclude cabbage, confectionery, legumes and grapes from your menu. Women with lactose intolerance should limit their consumption of dairy products.

Insufficient physical activity also leads to increased gas formation. Increase the duration of your daily walks, do moderate physical exercises. It will be useful for you to do yoga, swimming.

If the stomach has significantly decreased, and in the evening it has not returned to its previous parameters, immediately visit a doctor. This condition can threaten the life and health of the baby.


The belly during pregnancy can be of various sizes and shapes, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman.

A doctor should monitor the dynamics of the growth of the uterus, only he is able to determine the presence pathological conditions. Regular monitoring by a gynecologist will allow you to timely identify possible dysfunction, and eliminate it without health consequences.

If a small belly during pregnancy, future mother overcome unrest. This may depend on the individual characteristics of the woman, but only the doctor determines if there are any deviations from the norm.

Why a small belly during pregnancy?

The small size of the abdomen is not a very frequent phenomenon, but it may well be a physiological norm. If the expectant mother has been examined and no pathologies in the development of the fetus have been identified, there is no cause for concern.

If you have a small belly during pregnancy, you need to consult a gynecologist

Gynecologists-obstetricians identify several natural reasons why a woman has a small belly during pregnancy:

  • Heredity. If the parents are not tall and heavy, future baby, most likely inherited a petite physique.
  • Toxicosis. In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman loses weight due to attacks of toxicosis, in this case, the stomach loses weight in the same way as other parts of the body.
  • Body features. In expectant mothers with a large figure and wide hips, the tummy is less noticeable than in miniature girls.
  • The state of the muscles of the press. A trained press retains elasticity for a long time, keeping the stomach in good shape and preventing it from blurring.
  • Proper nutrition. If a young mother leads a healthy lifestyle and eats right, her stomach remains small, because excess fat deposits do not accumulate in the waist area.
  • Features of the location of the fetus. Sometimes the fetal egg is fixed closer to the back wall of the uterus, and the baby inside is located across the pelvis. In such a situation, the tummy will not protrude much.

To make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding normally, be sure to visit a gynecologist. Only he can determine whether the size of the uterus corresponds to the term.

Possible violations

Unfortunately, a small belly during pregnancy may also indicate violations:

  • Low water. If there is not enough amniotic fluid, the tummy practically does not grow, and the walls of the uterus put pressure on the baby, forcing him to be in an uncomfortable position. This condition is dangerous, because it leads to a curvature of the spine or legs of the baby, as well as to the growth of his skin to the membrane of the fetal egg.
  • Fetal hypotrophy. small belly in this case indicates a delay in physical development fetus.

In case of detection of such pathologies, the expectant mother must undergo appropriate treatment and be constantly under the supervision of a doctor.

If a woman carefully monitors her health, and the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the small size of the abdomen is not at all a reason for excitement. It does not matter how the tummy looks from the outside, the main thing is that the development of the baby corresponds to the gestational age.

Many women who are in an interesting position will agree that as soon as their belly begins to grow and become noticeably rounder, relatives, friends, work colleagues suddenly become real pregnancy experts. acquaintances and strangers keenly interested in how long you are, and why you have such a big or small belly. In most cases, comments, even if very friendly, confuse and depress the expectant mother. She has doubts about whether everything is fine with the child. In our article, we will try to answer the question: why the tummy during pregnancy can be smaller than expected, and is this normal.

Belly size is not an indicator

Some ladies are proud that their belly grows rapidly during pregnancy, while others are pleased that they look very “slim” for a decent period. Doctors say that just as all people are unique, so is the body of each woman in preparation for motherhood individually.

The size and shape of the abdomen in a pregnant woman depends on many factors:

  • woman's height and weight;
  • whether this is the first child or the next;
  • the position of the fetus in the abdomen;
  • singleton or multiple pregnancy.

Even the most experienced doctor or midwife will not be able to tell what month of pregnancy the expectant mother is in just by looking at her figure. Only with careful examination and palpation, experts can assume the approximate gestational age of a woman.

And one more thing: if you do not have diabetes and you did not suffer from severe and prolonged nausea in the morning (toxicosis), then the size of your stomach should not bother you!

Reasons why the stomach may seem small

Pregnant women are very suspicious and anxious about any remarks about their appearance. In any case, if you are worried about some problem that arose during pregnancy, it is better to immediately contact your gynecologist at the site, and not discuss it with incompetent people.

Doctors know that it is best to determine the gestational age in weeks, not months, since the child can grow significantly even in one week. For example, a six-month pregnancy may mean between 24 and 27 weeks, but the baby weighs much less at 24 weeks than at 27 weeks, which can cause mom's concern about her small belly. The most accurate method for assessing a child's height and weight is ultrasound procedure, so do not worry in advance and compare yourself with other women.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of a "small belly" in a pregnant woman:

  1. A woman is preparing for the first time to become a mother. A primipara has a more compact tummy, because the abdominal muscles have not yet stretched, are in good shape and tense. However, some ladies with a second and subsequent pregnancy also look very neat, especially if they are on the move and play sports.

  1. depending on the position of the fetus. The baby constantly moves and changes position, most often up to 32-34 weeks of pregnancy. This can affect the size of the belly, which seems smaller than other moms.
  2. The height of a woman. A girl with a high waist who is preparing to become a mother is likely to have a small belly during pregnancy, since the uterus has enough space to accommodate the baby and does not move far forward.
  3. The amount of amniotic fluid. amniotic fluid, which surround the child, in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy are produced from the woman's body fluid. Their level is constantly changing, so both the shape and size of the abdomen change. With oligohydramnios, the tummy will not bulge, so this pathology should be observed by a specialist.

  1. Fruit size. Babies are usually born in the same weight range as their parents. Nobody has canceled genetics yet. However, subsequent children are often born larger than their older siblings. It has also been observed that boys weigh more at birth than girls. Sometimes a too small belly indicates a child's lag in physical development, then a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist should be consulted.

I hope that from our article you will understand that a woman's petite physique during pregnancy is not a reason to panic. The expectant mother needs to be examined, calm down and enjoy this happy period of life!