
What should be the care for oily hair. How to wash your hair less often. or how to get rid of oily hair. tell oily hair "stop!" How to wash oily hair


Update: October 2018

Oily hair is a type of hair caused by over-activity of the sebaceous glands located on the scalp. Even with daily washing in the morning in the evening, the hairline already looks oily and greasy, styling and hairstyles practically do not hold. If the hair is not washed for 2-3 days, it sticks together in strands and looks very untidy.

This problem is not purely aesthetic, and, of course, cannot characterize the owners of oily hair as sloppy and not taking care of themselves. To improve the condition of the scalp, first of all, you should consult a trichologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist, and only then, together with specialists, choose the appropriate comprehensive care.

At-risk groups

Most often, this type of hairline is found in brunettes, somewhat less often in red and blondes. The age group at risk includes adolescents and the elderly. Fat people often suffer from a similar problem.

It has been noticed that oily hair is characteristic of people who are under constant stress, often nervous and worried, as well as those who hold responsible leadership positions.

Since hormone imbalance is one of the causes of oily hair, the problem can occur in women during periods of natural hormonal changes, such as pregnancy, lactation, and those taking contraceptives or other hormonal drugs.

Causes of increased oily hair

Why is hair greasy? The answer to this question is individual in each case, but the root cause of unaesthetic hair is always the excessive formation of sebum.

With normal, physiological function of the sebaceous glands, their secretion forms a hydrolipidic film on the scalp. A thin fat mantle performs a protective function and prevents overdrying of the hairline, prevents moisture loss and the penetration of ultraviolet rays, bacteria and dirt into the scalp.

The activity and number of the sebaceous glands are programmed at the genetic level. Accordingly, it is impossible to drastically influence their function. Improving the condition of the scalp can be done through proper daily care and nutrition.

So, the main reasons for increased hair greasiness:

  • Hormonal changes- adolescence, pregnancy and menopause in women, stress. During the period of hormonal changes, the production of the hormone testosterone increases, which means that the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to it also increases.
  • Internal reasons... Dysfunction of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system negatively affects the condition of the hairline. This cause is most often found when the hair suddenly becomes oily.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis... One of the pathological causes of oily scalp (see), in which not only the amount of sebum increases, but also changes in its composition (see).
  • Diet . Spicy, fatty, smoked, salted and canned food, soda, fast food, alcohol, confectionery can increase the production of sebum.
  • Improper care... Excessive use of greasy masks and oils. Constant wearing of hats made of synthetic materials, etc.
  • External factors such as high humidity and heat increase the function of the sebaceous glands.

Oily hair - characteristic

  • Increased greasiness, which is first noted on the scalp, literally a few hours after washing, then on the roots and hair shaft.
  • Hair clumping into separate, unkempt strands.
  • Unpleasant odor from the head, which is formed due to the high adsorption of particles of dust and dirt by fat.
  • The fragility of styling and hairstyles, even when using fixing products.
  • Dandruff that sticks together and is visible on both the scalp and hair shafts.

In almost 100% of cases, oily hair is accompanied by oily skin as a whole. If the hair roots are oily and the rest of the hair shaft is dry, this is a mixed hair type.

Home care for oily hair

What to do if your hair is oily? This feature requires special daily care that will have to be followed throughout your life. The following is strongly discouraged:

  • Using hot water for washing.
  • Use a hair dryer to dry, especially hot air.
  • The use of irons and styling pans.
  • Using waxes and gels to fix the hairstyle.
  • Active scalp massage.
  • Frequent brushing of hair.
  • Tight hairstyles and complex styling.
  • Metal hair accessories.
  • Long hair - short or medium hair is optimal for owners of oily hair.

Improper and irrational nutrition, as it turned out above, activates the activity of the sebaceous glands. As much as possible, you should abandon the "harmful", increase the proportion of vegetables, unsweetened fruits, whole grains and fish, and also try to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

Taking vitamin and mineral complexes

Oily hair is not directly associated with hypovitaminosis or mineral deficiencies, but some experts recommend taking such drugs, especially during recovery periods after illness, in winter and spring.

Healthy lifestyle

This includes giving up bad habits, giving up physical inactivity, frequent walks in the fresh air, etc.

Washing head

Experts differ - some believe that washing too often aggravates the problem, while others consider frequent leaving as a vital necessity. How often to wash oily hair? You should stick to the golden mean and wash your hair as it gets dirty, once a day. But you really should not go to extremes - washing your hair several times a day leads to a compensatory activation of the sebaceous glands, while oily, greasy hair and dirty skin is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

  • you should wash your hair in the morning, since the sebaceous glands work most actively at night;
  • you need to use warm water, but not hot;
  • it is advisable to apply the shampoo twice and rinse thoroughly;
  • it is best if the hair dries naturally.


To reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and prolong the aesthetic appearance of the hairstyle, it is recommended to rinse oily hair after each wash with decoctions and herbal infusions, and also gently rub them into clean skin.

The following plants have a normalizing effect on the sebaceous glands: calamus, horsetail, oak bark. To obtain an infusion of about 2 tbsp. dry raw materials are taken for 1 liter of boiling water, insisted for half an hour. To obtain a decoction, the composition in the same proportions is kept in a water bath for 30 minutes.

As a natural rinse, you can use water to which a few drops of rose, mint, bergamot, citrus essential oils have been added.

Natural shampoo substitutes

Low-fat fermented milk products such as yogurt, milk whey and kefir have a positive effect on the scalp. Biocultures and microelements in their composition strengthen hair roots and normalize the hydrolipidic balance of the skin.

Homemade masks for oily hair

  • Red clay mask... Cleans and improves hair, restores water-lipid balance, eliminates irritation. Red clay powder is mixed with boiling water until a slurry is obtained, 1 tsp is added to the mixture. dry mustard, which also dries the skin, is cooled to a warm state and applied to the scalp for 15 minutes, then washed off.
  • Green clay mask... Contributes to the normalization of the function of the sebaceous glands, actively absorbs fat. Helps prevent dandruff formation. The clay powder is mixed with olive oil and applied to the scalp for 40 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off. Apply this mask no more than 1 p per week.
  • White clay mask... Reduces oiliness, strengthens hair follicles and stops hair loss. Powder of white clay is mixed with mineral water without gas until a slurry is formed and applied to the head for 25 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off.
  • Blue clay mask... Reduces hair greasiness, prevents dandruff formation. Clay powder is diluted with warm water, 2 tablespoons are added. apple cider vinegar, mix and apply on the head for 20 minutes, rinse and rinse with 1 liter of warm water, to which is added 50 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  • Colorless henna mask... Suitable for the care of very oily scalp. Dries and soothes the skin - after the mask, the hair is fresh and clean for a long time. Henna powder is diluted with hot serum, heated in a water bath, to the consistency of sour cream and is not applied to the scalp and hair, except for the ends, to avoid drying them out, cover the head with a towel and hold the mask for 1 hour, then rinse off.

Home care for oily hair plays a key role in scalp health. They cannot be neglected.

Shampoos for oily hair

The best shampoo for oily hair should be chosen individually based on the condition of the scalp. There are much fewer series for oily hair than for dry and dyed hair, however, there is a considerable choice. The most bought and popular shampoos in this series:

Wella Regulate is a professional shampoo that regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. The price is about 1700 rubles, but the bottle is economical (1000 ml). Bioderma Node is an effective pharmacy shampoo for increased oiliness and sensitivity of the scalp. The price is about 1200 rubles. Schwarzkopf Professional BC Deep Cleansing is an active cleansing shampoo that has a positive effect on both skin and hair. Price RUB 750 Loreal Professionel Pure Resource is a professional product that is optimal for combination hair (dry hair with oily roots), but also copes well with oily scalp. The price is about 600 rubles. Batiste Original is a very effective dry shampoo for oily hair. The price is about 400 rubles.

Green Mama with nettle and black currant is one of the best mid-price shampoos (about 190 rubles). Le Petit Marseillais White Clay is a good shampoo for everyday use. Price 160 rubles. Natura Siberica is one of the most popular shampoos in this series. Price 280 rubles. Clean Line is a budget shampoo that guarantees effective cleansing of the most difficult cases, when even the ends of the hair are very oily. Price RUB 90 Schauma 7 Herbs is an inexpensive shampoo for everyday use. The price is about 100 rubles.

It happens that the owners of oily hair acquire medicated shampoos against seborrhea, relying on a significant improvement of the scalp. However, this should not be done, since such shampoos contain substances that have a detrimental effect on the pathogenic flora that is present on the skin in the case of seborrhea. This is not very good for a healthy scalp, since its microbiocenosis will be disturbed.

Professional treatment for oily hair

Before you receive appointments and recommendations from a specialist, you should conduct a computer diagnosis of the condition of the hair and examine them for trace elements. If the problem is really serious or appeared suddenly, the doctor will prescribe certain examinations and refer you for consultation to narrow specialists.

In the competence of the trichologist is the choice of care products for this type of hair and physiotherapy. An integrated approach is recommended, i.e. the use of several products at once - masks, shampoos, lotions that help fight high fat content. It should be understood that it is impossible to change the hair structure, but it is quite possible to maintain a healthy scalp, regulate the sebaceous glands and thus maintain the hydrolipid balance.

Professional healing procedures

Ozone therapy

The procedure improves blood circulation, oxygenates the tissues, destroys the pathogenic flora that lives on the scalp, and reduces the amount of sebum secreted. The procedure is indicated in complex treatment and is often combined with mesotherapy, improving the effectiveness of the latter.

As a rule, the ozone-oxygen mixture is injected under the scalp or intradermally using thin needles, in a course of 7-10 procedures lasting about 20 minutes. The "greenhouse" method is used somewhat less often, in which the ozonized agent is applied to the head, and a special device is put on top that creates a greenhouse effect.


Another injection technique, the purpose of which is to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and normalize the condition of the scalp.

Mesotherapy cocktails are injected into the scalp using thin needles, which include vitamins, medicinal substances, micro- and macroelements that suppress the work of the sebaceous glands. A course of procedures is prescribed. Each procedure lasts 30-60 minutes, while the course will require 5 to 10 procedures.

Plasmolifting or plasma therapy

The procedure, in which a person's own blood plasma is injected subcutaneously, leads to the activation of the body's internal reserves and self-restoration of the normal state of the skin.

The technique is similar to mesotherapy. This procedure is preceded by preparation of the patient, spectral hair analysis, blood test, etc. To obtain plasma, venous blood is taken, which is processed on a special apparatus. In the finished plasma, vitamins, trace elements and drugs are added, and if necessary. The procedure itself is quick, within 3-4 minutes, the doctor makes precise and quick injections under the scalp.


A popular physiotherapy procedure that has practically no contraindications, since it excludes allergic or toxic effects on the body. Liquid nitrogen has a positive effect on the sebaceous glands, reducing the production of fat.

The procedure is carried out using a special applicator, which treats the surface of the scalp for 5-10 minutes. Cryomassage is prescribed for a course of treatment, 15 sessions in 2-3 days.


An electrotherapeutic technique in which micro-pulses of high-frequency current act on the scalp. This leads to a change in the physicochemical processes in the tissues, a decrease in the production of sebum, the disappearance of dandruff, inflammation and a narrowing of the pores.

Course treatment, 10-12 procedures are prescribed. This treatment can be carried out at home, if you purchase the appropriate device (see).

Laser shower

The quantum therapy procedure is based on the effect of laser energy on the sebaceous glands. It has a revitalizing effect on the scalp, reduces sebum production, and improves hair structure.

The painless procedure is carried out within 10 minutes using a special device. The course is 10-12 procedures, which are repeated in 1 day.

How do I choose personalized care?

Obviously, both traditional medicine and official cosmetology and medicine offer many therapeutic and supportive methods to improve and normalize the condition of the hair and scalp. How to get rid of oily hair?

Owners of genetically determined oily scalp should focus on daily home care, normalization of nutrition and healthy lifestyle - this is the key to the health and aesthetics of hair. Once a quarter, you can conduct a course of salon procedures.

If the excessive fat content of the hairline is due to somatic pathology or a change in hormonal levels, emphasis should be placed on treating the underlying disease, and in the case of hormonal changes, just wait out this period, competently caring for the hair at home.

Most modern shampoos consist of a number of components that are harmful to health. How to safely wash your hair with natural products is described in the article.

Shampooing with a store-bought shampoo often causes a series of hair problems. The most common consequences of improper care are dry, brittle, oily hair, split ends and dull color.

Shampoo manufacturers convince customers that their product is not only harmless, but also extremely useful for people. As proof, they produce shampoos with essential oils, herbal decoctions, honey, milk and other products. People are presented with these remedies as natural.

And it does not matter at all that the decoction of nettle, for example, in the shampoo contains only 0.01%. The very fact of its presence is important.

People rarely read the composition of food products, which can be said about care products. But in vain. If you look at the back of the shampoo jar, you can find there a whole periodic table, and in addition a bunch of parabens, silicates and other debris.

People are deceived into offering them a completely chemical product with the addition of natural ingredients.

There is a way out of this situation. In order not to be deceived - do the shampoos yourself!

How can you wash your hair at home?

In addition to shampoos, there are many other products for washing hair. These include ash, egg, mustard powder, soda, salt, clay, bread, and flour.

Sulfate-free shampoos

  • If you cannot refuse shampoos or think natural remedies are unreliable, then the modern market offers you a new product - without sulfate shampoos. They are not so common, unlike ordinary ones, but every day there are more and more fans of such shampoos.
  • Sulfate-free shampoos contain much less harmful chemical compounds. In the first weeks of using this shampoo, your hair may look dull and lifeless.
  • This is fine. Previously, their tone was supported by silicone, and now this very silicone is washed out. After a while, the hair structure will begin to recover, and the hair will return to its former strength and beauty.
  • But even when choosing sulfate-free shampoos should be extremely careful. Take the time and see the composition. A very often flashy headline is just a publicity stunt

Folk remedies - hair shampoos: recipes for oily, dry, thin hair

Folk remedies have always had their admirers, and this is logical. What makes sense to buy shampoo, hair mask or hand cream with any extract, when you can use this very extract in its pure form. In the latter case, the benefits will be much greater. The same goes for shampoos.

Making shampoo at home is quite simple and cheap. Most likely, you have the food you need in your refrigerator. However, you should only use shampoos that are appropriate for your hair type.

Washing oily hair with folk remedies

Greasy hair is easy to care for. It is enough to monitor the condition of the scalp, regularly cleaning it from the secreted sebum.

  • Mustard shampoo. To prepare shampoo from mustard powder, you will need 1 tbsp. mustard powder itself, egg yolk, 1/2 tsp. cosmetic oil (but any vegetable oil is suitable), water. So, we mix all the ingredients and dilute them with water until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Apply this mixture to slightly damp hair. Keep it under a hat for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water
  • Soda shampoo. Soda is taken in half with water. 2 tbsp is enough for shoulder-length hair. soda. Soda is diluted in a glass with warm water and the hair is washed with this solution. Leave them in this state for 5 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. It is recommended to rinse the hair after such a procedure with herbal decoctions or water with a bite
  • Salt shampoo. It's not even a shampoo, but a scalp scrub. Your task is to wet the hair and massage the sea salt into the scalp, spreading the residue through the hair. Just be careful not to overdo it, otherwise you can injure your scalp. Sea salt contains a huge amount of minerals, due to which it normalizes lipid metabolism. Hair stops getting dirty quickly

Washing dry hair with folk remedies

Dry hair needs gentle care, so washing with baking soda or mustard will not work.

  • Egg shampoo. This shampoo is suitable for owners of thin and dry hair. Egg yolk contains a lot of healthy fats and vitamins that help restore the hair structure from the inside. To prepare this shampoo, you need 2 yolks. Whisk them and apply to slightly damp hair for 30-60 minutes.
  • Bread shampoo. The effect of this shampoo is especially noticeable on dry split ends. B vitamins contained in bread will restore the hair to its former shine. It is necessary to cut in the crusts from several slices of rye bread (no bran), leaving only the crumb. The crumb must be poured with water or herbal decoction so that the liquid covers the bread, but does not rise above it. The mixture is left for an hour, or more, after which it is rubbed through a sieve so that there are no lumps, egg yolk and half a teaspoon of vegetable oil (peach, grape seed, olive or wheat germ) are added. The bread is soft and now has a smooth consistency. It is imperative to wet your hair and apply a bread mask, evenly distributing it over the roots and the entire length of the hair. If you do not wet your hair before the mask, then the bread will not be washed off with plain water. Bread shampoo is kept on the head for at least 15 minutes, after which it is washed off under a strong pressure of water
  • Herbal shampoo. The head can and should be washed with herbal decoctions for owners of dry hair. Such a decoction can be prepared from oak bark, chamomile, nettle, calendula. You can experiment and try to wash your hair with a decoction of each herb separately, or you can combine them. To prepare herbal shampoo, take 30 g of dried herbs and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The broth should be infused for an hour, after which they just need to thoroughly rinse their hair, rubbing it into the hair roots. The effect of such a shampoo is not achieved immediately, but after several applications, since the natural balance of the scalp is restored for a long time.

How to wash thin hair? How to wash your hair with an egg

Thin hair needs increased nutrition. They look lifeless and dull. The following homemade shampoos can help make your hair thicker:

  • Egg shampoo. For fine or dry hair, use a different version of the egg shampoo. For thin hair, take the whole egg, beat and filter. Sea salt, a couple of drops of essential oil and 1 tsp are added to it. lemon juice. All this mixture is applied to wet hair for at least an hour. Washed off with water
  • Rye shampoo. Rye flour contains more vitamins than rye bread. To prepare rye shampoo, take 2 tbsp. rye flour and mixed with water or kefir until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. If you have diluted flour with water, then you can add 2-3 drops of some cosmetic oil. If desired, you can add an egg or yolk, lemon juice
  • Clay shampoo. Green, gray and blue cosmetic clay is suitable for this procedure. Clay is diluted with water or milk to the consistency of liquid sour cream, then applied to damp hair. Keep the mask for 15 to 20 minutes. Otherwise, there is a risk of dry hair. Over time, you will understand what ingredients should be added to the clay for amazing results.

How to properly wash your hair with shampoo and soap?

  • The shampoo makers have made their product very concentrated. The implication was that in this way it would be spent much more economically. But few have understood it
  • To properly wash your hair with shampoo, you need to dilute the shampoo with water in a small jar or glass. For 1 part shampoo, 3 parts water. You will get the same shampoo, only in a triple volume. Not a bad economy, right? Diluted shampoo is enough for 2-3 lathering
  • Washing your hair with soap is not recommended for those with sensitive scalp or brittle hair. But for owners of oily hair, laundry soap is ideal. Before use, the hair should be wetted with water, then well lather your hands and distribute the foam through the hair. In general, the procedure is similar to washing your hair with a regular shampoo.

How to wash your hair for growth and density in case of hair loss?

For hair to grow, it needs nutrition. If you want to grow thick hair, then give up purchased shampoos in favor of homemade ones. Use egg, bread, mustard and rye shampoos. Before washing your hair, you can scrub your scalp with sea salt

Be careful with hair loss. It is important to know the reason for their loss. Perhaps it is hidden inside. In this case, it is recommended to first undergo a course of treatment. if you are sure that there are no such reasons, then use clay as a means for washing your hair.

Choose either white, blue, or pink. Mix it with water, add egg yolk. Don't keep the mask on for too long. Maximum 15 minutes. Otherwise, it will dry out, and it will be problematic to wash it off without damaging the hair.

How to wash your hair to make it shine?

  • Usually, dull hair is associated with a lack of vitamins in the body or with opened hair scales. In the first case, a complex of vitamins will help you, and in the second, it is enough to change the shampoo
  • To "glue" the hair scales, it is necessary to act on it from the outside. Sour foods like lemon and vinegar can help you with this. You can use egg shampoos, bread shampoos, or sea salt as your base shampoo. And rinse your hair after washing with diluted apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. 1 tbsp is taken per liter of warm water. juice or vinegar
  • If you opted for vinegar, then be sure to choose natural apple cider. Table 3% and 9% will not work. Ideally, learn how to make your own apple cider vinegar at home. In the store, you are likely to buy a mixture of apple cider juice and table vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar. Of course, in this case, there can be no question of any benefits for hair.

How did you wash your hair in the old days? Washing hair with soda, recipe

Now we are so accustomed to a huge variety of shampoos that we cannot even imagine how people washed their hair before, before the appearance of these miraculous remedies.

It turns out that in Russia it was customary to wash hair with ash. Since in those days everyone had stoves in their homes, there were no problems with ash.

RECIPE: To wash your hair with ash, you must first wet it well, then dilute the ash and water in a 1: 1 ratio in a glass and rub the mixture into the hair roots. Remains should be evenly distributed over the entire length and "wrinkled" the hair.

To wash your hair with baking soda, you need the following components:

RECIPE 1: Prepare two jugs. Hot water (60-70 degrees) is poured into both. Add 2-3 tablespoons to the first jug. soda, and in the second 1-2 tbsp. lemon juice or vinegar. In a jug of soda, a neutralization reaction will take place; in this form, soda is harmless to hair. Now the procedure itself: wet your hair with water and gradually pour a solution of slaked soda on them, as if soaping their hair. After the first pitcher is empty, rinse your hair thoroughly with water. Now rinse your hair in a basin with a vinegar solution. This will give your hair shine and strength.

RECIPE 2: Pour about half a pack of baking soda into a basin (20 liters), add water so that its level reaches the middle of the basin. Immerse the hair in this solution and rinse thoroughly. This method is much easier than the previous one. The soda solution is washed off with plain clean water. after this procedure, let your hair dry on its own.

How to wash your hair after keratin straightening?

The fashionable procedure for hair straightening with keratin takes a leading place in the ranking of salon procedures. After it, the hair becomes strong, shiny, light and very soft. However, such hair needs special care.

In order not to wash out the keratin from the hair, exclude the use of shampoos with sulfates. These are the vast majority of shampoos on the market.

Ask your master what kind of means he used to make you keratin recovery. If this is a special series of one company, then they probably have shampoos to use after this procedure. It is advisable to use all hair care products of the same line to maximize the effect of beautiful hair.

How to wash your child's hair?

  • Children are more susceptible to allergies than adults, so you should not teach them from an early age to chemistry.
  • It is recommended to wash babies with plain clean water. Sometimes you can add the most harmless baby soap, which will not cause an unwanted reaction.
  • Since the sebaceous glands of babies work less intensively than in adults, it is advisable to carry out the bathing procedure no more than 2 times a week.

If you decide to use shampoo, then choose a baby shampoo. It contains the least of all different chemistry. In this case, the shampoo must be applied carefully, avoiding contact with the eyes or mouth of the child.

How to properly wash your hair:

  1. Wash your hair only when it gets dirty
  2. Use natural shampoos
  3. Comb your hair before shampooing. So they won't get confused
  4. Never comb damp hair. The tips will begin to split and split
  5. Massage your scalp while washing your hair. It improves blood circulation

Yana, 38 years old, Rostov-on-Don

All my adult life, except for the last three years, I washed my hair with shampoo. By the age of 30, a miserable ponytail remained from my gorgeous head of hair, and by 35 I almost lost my hair. Doctors said that this is how the body reacts to the chemistry in shampoos. Then I switched to homemade shampoos. Mustard did not suit me, but thanks to bread, I have hair again. And not just hair, but healthy and beautiful curls.

Natasha, 24 years old, Novosibirsk

My childhood dream is to have hair down to the waist. But I was unlucky with genetics: the hair grew to a maximum of the shoulder blades, then broke. I was saved by an egg shampoo, which my friend (a trichologist by training) taught me to cook. Now for a year my head is only happy with them. My hair does not split and has long outgrown that ill-fated "barrier". Just a little more and my dream of long and strong hair will come true!

What happens if you wash your hair with Coca Cola?

Few will dare to such an experiment, because everyone knows about the dangers of Coca-Cola. However, if you wash your hair with this drink, it will acquire a noticeable shine, become soft and frizzy.

But this is a one-time effect. By performing this procedure more often, you risk losing your hair forever. So be careful.

Video: Homemade Rye Flour Shampoo

Hello dear girls.

Today I want to touch on such a hot topic as oily hair. With the arrival of summer, this problem has become more and more urgent and there seems to be no escape from it. But it only seems so.

Oily hair is not a sentence, but just a type and can be tamed.

I'll tell you a little about my scalp type

I have oily hair. Really oily, although I know that someone will want to prove to me that my type is normal, because oily hair becomes so by the evening of the first day after washing, and mine lasts a little longer. But, I have something to compare with and I know what I'm talking about. Therefore, I will tell you a few details.

I have oily hair type since childhood. Somewhere on day 2, the hair already loses significantly in appearance and the front strands of the face turn into greasy icicles. In an amicable way, at this time you already need to wash your hair, but I always endure up to 3 days. Simply because it is trite to me uncomfortable to wash my hair more often. Day 3 I can no longer afford to wear loose hair and always do my hair and by the evening my head.

I tried to fight the problem of fat for about 10 years and tried everything I could. And I will tell you about this by making a rating of funds in terms of effectiveness.

10th place - clay
This also includes mustard and soda. In many ways, their action is similar.

Clay is a very popular remedy, so it is not surprising that it has found use as a remedy credited with removing oiliness from hair.

The simplest clay mask is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • a couple of tablespoons of clay
  • a couple of tablespoons of water
Everything is mixed to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied to the hair for 15-30 minutes before washing.

I have done a lot of clay courses in good faith.... I liked the blue one the most, but the white one was just as attractive.

I liked the clay masks for the feeling that they left on the scalp after rinsing: it seemed to start breathing. A plus, the clay was washed off the hair to a fairly strong squeak and I blissed out on it. At that time it seemed to me that this creak is nothing more than a guarantee of the quality of purification. How wrong I was!

Each time I was looking forward to the next moment of washing my hair to make a clay mask. And when we were resting at the sea and there were whole mountains of clay ... In general, then every day I made masks with clay.
I even show rare photographs of me making a mask in the sea with a jar of clay.

Well, you can imagine how people looked at me. I think that you, my dear hair-lovers, will understand me like no one else.
But I was adamant! What are those sidelong glances to me if I was driven by quite a keen interest and I believed in the result!

By the way, about the result. The expected result did not come. All that the clay masks gave me was an amazing sensation at the roots and, in the future, dryness of the tips. At that time, I had not yet seriously looked after the length of the hair, therefore, when I wrapped the ends of my hair in a bun and they came into contact with the clay, it is clear that they dried out significantly.

So, if you nevertheless decide on these masks, I highly recommend applying oil to the ends, or even better, over the entire length of the hair, or a mask that suits you.

Instead of solving the problem of oily content, my hair, on the contrary, began to become oily faster. By the evening of the second day they urgently need to be washed, and not by the evening of the third.

It's all about the drying effect of the clay. Due to deep cleansing, which borders on a drying effect, the glands begin to work more actively, releasing the amount of sebum that is necessary to eliminate the dryness caused from nowhere for the body.

So with clay masks, you can achieve the opposite effect.
After I stopped using them, my hair started to oily as usual.

So I give clay the last place in my top.

9th place - essential oils

I am summarizing this point without highlighting anything specific. Although, the most popular are lavender and peppermint essential oils.

First of all, I would like to strongly warn everyone who does this. This cannot be done with all shampoos. Shampoo is a chemical product that has a specific pH level and the addition of an essential oil changes its formulation. In which direction, we do not know, we are not chemists, therefore, in order not to harm, I recommend refraining from such experiments.

Exception is adding essential oil to organic shampoo. You can experiment with it.

What did adding essential oils to my shampoo give me?

First of all, a pleasant aroma procedure. Lavender essential oil is pleasantly soothing, especially if you wash your hair before bed. Peppermint essential oil leaves a pleasant chill on the skin.

Adding any essential oil gave me only one thing: a toning sensation.

But, unfortunately, it also did not help me solve the problem of oily scalp.

8th place - rinsing with broths

I love this business. Especially to harvest herbs in summer.
I've tried a lot of different things.

The most popular rinses are nettles, mint, lemon balm and hop cones.

All this has a very healthy effect on the roots, significantly strengthening them. But many herbs are dried, so you should be extremely careful with this procedure. I collect my hair along the length with my hand and lift it above my head, and with the other I pour the decoction onto the roots, and then squeeze it on my hair, approximately at shoulder level, so that the decoction does not flow down my damaged length. Then I apply the mask. You can also apply it before, this will completely save your hair from drying out if the herbs are dried for you.

As for the effect on fat content - none.
A strong mint broth, for example, has a slight tonic effect, but that's about it.

The procedure is good, but in the context of the issue under consideration it is useless.

7th place - wash your hair less often

I thought this advice was meaningless for a very long time. Somehow, during all summer holidays, I washed my hair once a week and went with terrible greasy hair for half a week. Then I couldn't wait to finally wash my head and look like a normal person.

I have always considered it normal (however, I still think so) to wash my hair as it gets dirty, but this should be done with the most gentle shampoos. I'll tell you more about this a little further.

The fact is that I didn't manage to retrain to wash my hair in 3 months and I began to consider this advice as sheer nonsense.

Until I met the girls who really managed to retrain to wash their hair... But for this they needed a different amount of time and great fortitude.

We also once talked with a master who at one time enlightened me on the topic of hair care, and I casually talked about my experience. I thought he would say that it was nonsense, but not at all. He supported this idea and explained why I couldn't retrain to wash my hair in 3 months. Apparently, my glands were already very accustomed to the amount of secretion produced and they needed more time to rebuild. But then I did not have time to repeat the experiment, and by the time I was ready to repeat the feat again, I no longer needed it.

So this position works fine, but you need to dare and be patient.

6th place - salt scrub

In principle, this position could simply be called a scrub, since there are a huge variety of scalp scrubs from different manufacturers, but I noticed the greatest effectiveness from homemade salt scrubs.

I think there is no need to explain to anyone what a scrub is for. We all love to use face scrubs, but why is the scalp worse? She also needs cleansing, the results of which, at times, are surprising.

There are a lot of cooking recipes and the scrub can be easily adapted for yourself.

I'll give you a basic recipe:

  • a couple of tablespoons of salt (it is better to take finely ground)
  • a couple of tablespoons of water
I usually take 50 to 50. Mix everything and massage into the head before washing the hair. Can be stopped on hair for a couple of minutes before rinsing.

This is the easiest recipe. But scrub can be enriched. Instead of ordinary water, use a decoction, you can also add a teaspoon of clay and a couple of drops of essential oil to it.
This combination of ingredients will only contribute to improving its properties.

What effect?

The effect is very pleasant. After the procedure, the skin begins to breathe, and even root volume may appear. Plus, if earlier there was the use of shampoos containing silicones, the hair stays clean longer, after about 3 procedures.

But the effect is rather short-lived. It works only as long as you use the scrub, so I cannot recommend it as a panacea. When used as a course - yes, good. But on a permanent basis, it is not suitable, because overdoing it you can get the opposite result.

5th place - henna

It's no secret that henna has a drying effect, especially with constant use. Therefore, both the coloring itself and the masks with henna can prolong the freshness of the hair, but only during the course.

Definitely, masks with henna are not suitable for girls who dye their hair, including blondes, even when using colorless henna. All the same, everything is complicated with herbs, and no one knows how the paint will behave if you are carried away by such masks.

Henna masks are perfect for those who paint with it., as well as owners of natural hair color who do not plan to change it.

Important: the mask must be done after washing the hair and rinsed off with water. This eliminates the addition of oils to it, so it can really seriously dry out your hair.

Preparing the mask is simple. For her you need:

  • 15-25 gr henna
  • water or broth
On the eye, henna is mixed with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, applied to washed wet hair, lasts for 30 minutes and rinsed off with water.

4th place - dry shampoo

I want to say right away that dry shampoo is not a way to fight, it does not eliminate the cause, but only helps to cope with it for a while.

Now there are a huge variety of dry shampoos, they can be easily found in any store. Their principle of operation is simple: dry shampoo absorbs the amount of sebum already present on the hair, due to which the hair becomes clean again for a while.

Dry shampoo is easy to use. It needs to be shaken and sprayed onto the hair, from some distance, after which it is good to comb it out with a comb.

As the owner of a fairly dark hair color, I was afraid to try them, because I was afraid of plaque on my hair and the fact that I would not be able to comb out the shampoo to the end. But after trying, I realized that the fears were in vain. Dry shampoo is really cool and I would definitely recommend trying it for anyone who hasn't gotten to it yet.

Also, if you still do not have the opportunity to purchase dry shampoo, do not worry, there is a completely affordable alternative and this is baby powder or regular cocoa powder.

They, of course, cannot be sprayed and must be carefully applied along the partings. The easiest way is to do this with a slightly damp sponge. It sinks into your homemade dry shampoo, picks up the product, and then spreads it over the partings. Then comb out.

I do not want the effect at all than from a purchased product, but with a homemade one will have to be a little confused.

3rd and 2nd place is hair and a comb


It is very important to use a clean comb... Especially if you are not combing with a comb, but with a massage or tang teaser or an angel. They very well "gain" on themselves "fat", which aggravates the situation of fat content.
The more often you wash your comb, the better.

Facial hair

I noticed this interesting feature quite recently. I have always believed that my facial hair is the fastest to grease because I touch it a lot. I like to wear loose hair and often remove it from my face precisely for the front strands. By the way, yes, it is really better to touch your hair less often, but now is not about that.

I have oily skin. And the front strands get fat much faster than the rest, because hair is in contact with it... Such an obvious fact, but it became clear to me quite recently.

Therefore, it is better to pin the hair, keeping such contact to a minimum.

By the way, second interesting observation I was overtaken when I began to deliberately remove hair from my face.

The fat content really became less and I was pleasantly pleased with it.

But we cannot control our hair during sleep, and it is then that they can again climb into the face. This is what prompted me to tidy up my hair before bed. I'm not a big fan of braiding pigtails at night, so I found a solution for myself and this net for hairstyles... It is sold in any professional store and looks like a spider web, but it is easy to put it on your head and hide your hair in it. So they do not climb into their face, someone's mouth, and on top of that, they practically do not get confused overnight.

Perhaps this particular item will become a pleasant and useful discovery for many. The way it was for me in due time.

The control of the front strands is really great for the moment of prolonging the cleanliness of the hair for the better.

1st place - switch to sulfate-free shampoos

I would even say that it is better to switch not just to sulfate-free, but to natural and organic shampoos.

For those with oily hair, shampoos with silicones are a particularly bad option. It is after using these that it can be noted that the hair becomes unkempt much faster than usual. So first step- this is the rejection of funds with silicones.

Second- switching to sulfate-free shampoos.

This was also suggested to me in due time by the master. If not for him, I would still suffer with the problem of oily content, but now I was able to shift the feeling of fresh hair for a day. Now my hair becomes greasy only by the evening of the fourth day after washing, which I consider quite normal.

And it was the transition to sulfate-free shampoos that helped me to come to this. After a year of constant use, I got a result that I have been looking for for 10 years.

Why sulfate free shampoos?

It's all about the harmful effects of sls. I am not saying that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (sls) is a terrible attack and should be banned from funds with it, no. In fact, I think that modern shampoos are just quite good, because the cosmetic industry does not stand still and constantly creates new formulations. The point is that SLS is a rather aggressive surfactant, which nevertheless cleans not delicately and carefully.

We all have been using SLS products for a very long time, so our skin is accustomed to a certain “rhythm of life”. SLS has a drying effect, so the skin produces the amount of secretion that neutralizes its effect. This is not abnormal and if you are satisfied with it, then everything is fine. But I suppose that since you are reading this post, you are tired of the fatness and you want to deal with it. Therefore, I share with you my experience and knowledge, as they once shared with me.

It was my master who suggested this method to me, and now I am talking about it. I hope that this information will be useful for you and will help you as well as me in due time.

The transition to sulfate-free shampoos is a kind of analogue of the 7th position, but not at all complicated. I did not try to walk longer with a dirty head, and washed my hair as usual, to be honest, without even expecting anything, but when the result appeared, I was incredibly and extremely pleasantly surprised.

My journey and the search for the perfect shampoo was long, and I think that I cannot do without advice here. I have tried a lot of things, but in terms of action and quality, I can distinguish shampoos from the following companies: Greenpharm, Milorad, etc. I would recommend starting with Greenfarma.

Also, I cannot but highlight one moment and this is the moment of transition.

The transition to sulfate-free shampoos may not be "painless" at all. For example, when I started trying really organic shampoos at the beginning, I had completely incomprehensible flakes in my head and a kind of itching. I could have dropped everything, but it wouldn't have been me. I continued to use the tool, because everything was not so catastrophic, if the discomfort was more tangible, I would, of course, quit, but I continued. But by the end of the remedy used, all the symptoms disappeared and never recurred.... It was the same with my friends, who also switched to organic. Therefore, I consider this moment of transition to be quite normal, and even more than that - natural.

But of course, if it scares you, you shouldn't try.

For me, the risk was justified and I enjoy my clean hair, which stays that way for four days after washing my hair. And I am very glad that I found my own way and means that helped me.

Hope others find them just as helpful.

Thank you for being with me


Caring for oily hair is often tiring: just washed your hair, made a beautiful hairstyle, and literally in a day they are already dull, saggy, stuck together, and there can be no question of volume.

Nevertheless, experts are quite optimistic: it turns out that oily hair is much easier to treat than weakened, brittle or dry hair. You just need to know how to handle such hair, take care of it on time, follow simple rules and use special products for oily hair.

About how to properly care for oily hair, we want to talk to you right now.

Why is hair greasy

Indeed, why is hair oily? In fact, it is not the hair that is oily, but the scalp - due to the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Of course, there are no sebaceous glands on the hair, but all hair follicles have them.

How does fat spread along the entire length of the hair, and why doesn't it stay at the roots? The properties of fat are such that it easily and quickly forms a thin film. So, a glass bottle of oil, if you open it and use it, can very quickly become greasy, even if no one spilled the oil. The sebum spreads through the hair in this way, as if it flows around it, covering it with a film.

The appearance of such hair is very unpleasant, and you don't want to touch it. But for the hair itself, this condition is not so bad: they, like oily skin, are much better protected by sebum from adverse external influences. No wonder cosmetologists consider oily skin less prone to early aging than other types.

However, this is not comforting - the appearance and structure of oily hair looks unattractive, and you have to wash your hair every day in order to communicate with other people without any problems - just like in a shampoo advertisement. It may seem that frequent washing will solve the problem of oily hair, but this is not entirely the case.

How to wash

Trichologists - specialists in the treatment of scalp and hair, recommend washing your head with oily hair not often, but regularly, using only special products. In no case should you wash oily hair with shampoo intended for other types, since the secretion of the sebaceous glands only increases from this.

If you wash your hair too often, the protective film is washed off the scalp and hair, the skin becomes irritated, and as a result sebum is released even more intensely.

Before trying to influence the work of the sebaceous glands, you should find out the reason for their activity. Perhaps it is associated with the work of the endocrine system, and then cosmetics cannot be dispensed with: you need to bring your health back to normal.

If this is your genetic trait, then know that this problem is completely solvable: by following all the recommendations for caring for oily hair, you can achieve that it becomes healthy, elastic and shiny.

Oily hair care

Wash oily hair properly. Choose shampoos for oily hair, which contain extracts of various plants: horsetail, sage, coltsfoot, nettle, calamus, seaweed; vitamins, trace elements, proteins.

Before washing your hair, it is advisable to rub degreasing agents into the scalp: aloe juice, yogurt, carrot juice. In the case of carrot juice, blonde hair may temporarily dye, so it is better to use this product for dark hair, and for light hair, you can take onion juice mixed with castor oil - 2 tablespoons each. both. The smell is not very pleasant, but it is very beneficial for the skin and hair.

For about 1 hour, they put on a shower cap or cover it with cellophane and a heated towel on top. When starting to wash your hair, apply the shampoo first to the roots of your hair and then massage your scalp with your fingertips. Thoroughly applying shampoo along the entire length of the hair is not necessary - the shampoo that runs down it is quite enough. This way you can eliminate the fat at the roots, and not rub or overload the rest of the hair - this is a gentle technique for washing oily hair.

There is another technique: apply already foamed shampoo to the hair, slightly diluted with water - this way the hair is less injured, and the foam is evenly distributed between them, eliminating dirt and oily sheen. The shampoo should be washed off very thoroughly, and after washing the hair should be rinsed with at least boiled water.

In general, the simplest ways to rinse oily hair do not require much trouble: for light hair, an infusion of chamomile with lemon juice is suitable - 2 tablespoons. for 2 liters of water, and for dark ones - water with the addition of vinegar, 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of water. After washing, you cannot rub your hair with a towel - you just need to wrap it up and wait until it dries. Otherwise, the hair can be injured, and then it will be even more difficult to care for them.

Special shampoos

Special shampoos are available for the care of oily hair. Which shampoo to choose? Today, shampoos for different types of hair, including for oily hair, are produced by many cosmetic companies. For example, the Dutch company KEUNE offers shampoos of the "P13" line; the Italian Selective Professional produces a shampoo that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands - Equilibre Pro-Tek; German brand Londa - shampoo with liquid keratin, which gives the hair volume and cleanses the scalp and hair roots from oil.

There are also targeted products for oily hair, called elite, but they cost significantly more than regular and even medium-sized shampoos for hair care. So, the shampoo of the Spanish brand Beauty Image contains special active substances that normalize the structure of oily hair and the condition of the scalp; strengthens, nourishes and gives volume.

Another shampoo for oily hair, offered by Italian manufacturers, is the Natural Tech Rebalancing System by DAVINES, which restores the oil balance of the scalp and deeply cleanses without stimulating the sebaceous glands. The shampoo contains azeloglycine - an exclusively active substance used in professional cosmetology to reduce sebaceous secretion and has an antioxidant effect.

Among the more affordable products for oily hair is Schauma 7 Herbs Shampoo, which contains tannins, which regulates the sebaceous glands and reduces oily hair. This shampoo contains herbal extracts that prevent scalp irritation and provide gentle cleansing for hair, leaving it looking healthy and shiny for longer.

Drying and styling features

Drying and styling oily hair should only be done in extreme cases, when it is really necessary. In other cases, it is better to let them dry without a hairdryer, and prefer a good haircut to styling, which does not need to be shaped. Then the hair will be strong and healthy for a longer time, and does not require frequent washing.

If a hairdryer is necessary, then do not dry completely wet hair, but let it almost dry, and then style it - this way it will better tolerate hot air. In general, owners of oily hair need to have a hair dryer with cold drying, which does not have such a detrimental effect on the hair.

When styling oily hair, try to give it volume at the roots: this way it will be able to keep its shape longer, it will touch the skin less, which means it will not quickly become greasy. To do this, you can use not only a hairdryer, but also the old, undeservedly forgotten method - curlers.

Today, the choice of curlers is much richer than in the old days, and hair responds to them more easily than to aggressive blow-drying. If you take large curlers, and also use special foams and sprays, your hair will stay clean and beautiful much longer than usual.

Folk remedies for the treatment of oily hair

Additional care for oily hair can be provided by home remedies: infusions, lotions, masks. The simplest lotion is made from lemon juice and alcohol (vodka). Juice - 4 tablespoons, vodka - 1 glass (or diluted alcohol); mix and rub into hair roots every morning.

You can rinse your head with an infusion of horsetail, oak bark and peppermint after washing - this will reduce the oily hair. Herbs take 2 tablespoons, pour a liter of boiling water, insist for 40 minutes. and filter.

A very affordable and simple mask of egg yolk and alcohol with water for oily hair. Alcohol and water take 1 tsp. and mixed with one yolk, then rubbed into the scalp, and after 10 minutes. rinse thoroughly.

Another simple mask for the care of oily hair is also an egg one, and it can be done at night - 2 times a week. 2 yolks are ground with 2 tablespoons. honey, rubbed into the scalp, cover with plastic, a towel and go to bed, and in the morning they wash their hair as usual.

It is better to use any masks warm - this way they give the best effect and do not cause discomfort. There are really a lot of effective products for the care of oily hair today, so it's hardly worth worrying about. You just need to pay more attention and love to your hair, and they will delight you with their beauty and strength for a long time.