
Congratulations on the day of airborne forces in verse. Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day - prose, poetry, short SMS and those who served Good congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day


You are a paratrooper, which means
You never hope for luck
Confidently and honestly guarding Russia,
You fulfill your duty conscientiously.
Today is the day of the Airborne Forces, congratulations,
I always wish to be in great shape,
Let you, my friend, be lucky in everything, always,
Let a lucky star illuminate your path.

Honor and praise to all the paratroopers,
Thanks to you, the country is sleeping peacefully,
You protect the air,
You are doing yours for a long time.
On the day of the paratrooper, accept, friend, congratulations,
May the service only bring inspiration
May the sky always be peaceful
All the best to you, prosperity and goodness.

Let it not be the red number of the calendar,
But the whole country knows about the Airborne Forces holiday,
Real men serve there
Glorious, brave sons of Russia.
Friend, I sincerely congratulate you,
I sincerely wish you all the best
May fate be favorable to you
Let it always be lucky in everything.

There are no random people in the Airborne Forces,
Male friendship unites everyone
They fly into the sky like eagles
To protect the airspace of the country.
I am glad to congratulate you, my friend,
There are no barriers for you
Always be so strong, brave.
Let a bright star illuminate your path.

Paratroopers - you are real heroes, well done,
Brave, brave fighters
There is no word for you - "No!"
In honor of the holiday, we send all our heartfelt greetings.
My friend, accept my congratulations
May your dreams come true
Let the service always be calm, peaceful
Let fate always smile at you.

I'm proud of my friend, he now serves in the troop,
The second of August, your holiday has come
I congratulate you, because we have been friends since childhood,
So that every your jump was successful.
Let the taut lines sing to you
Let the parachute dome dance in the sky
With all my heart now I wish that
Was always the same strong friendship our.

My friend, you gave two years to the landing,
The second of August is your Airborne Forces holiday,
May the weather be wonderful on this day
Walking cool let the troops everywhere.
There will be strong guys in berets on one side
Walk in the square in a crowd, dive into the fountain,
My friend once served in such troops,
That "death from heaven" will forever be called.

My friend will celebrate his holiday today,
He walks in the park, he will pay tribute to the water,
After all, there is a tradition - swimming in the fountain
Those guys who served in the Airborne Forces.
Although she is incomprehensible to many people,
The fountain beckons them like a magnet,
Let these nice guys have fun
Let them remember their service in the Airborne Forces.

It's nice to say that my friend is a paratrooper,
Serves faithfully in the troops of Uncle Vasya,
He is in the sky among the clouds, like cotton wool,
More than once he saw our land from a height.
May mother earth gently greet you
Let your parachute not fail in height,
Happy Airborne Forces, my friend, I congratulate you,
May your every flight be peaceful.

You served, friend, in the airborne troops,
I want to congratulate you on this day,
Energy boils in you, full of excitement,
You are honest, brave, you can handle any business.
Now you're in the park, wearing your blue beret
You sit at a table among your friends at work,
There is no cooler in the world than the landing, you believe me,
There is no more reliable, there is no truer friendship.

Friend, congratulations on the day of the landing troops,
The second of August, meet your holiday,
I am proud that I have been friends with you for many years,
Let me try on your blue beret.
Let it be all: swimming in the fountain,
Barbecue with vodka and talk about the service,
They won't stop calling you “death from heaven”,
After all, there is strength in the Airborne Forces, there is male friendship.

A friend served in the troops of Uncle Vasya,
For two years he ruled the world in the sky,
I always remember your holiday, I have not forgotten
Happy Airborne Forces, I hasten to congratulate you.
Let my congratulations fly like an arrow
I will hug you tightly when we meet
Take a walk and celebrate, and then dive into the fountain,
The paratrooper keeps his traditions forever.

August 2 - Day of the Airborne Forces. This holiday is not celebrated by everyone, but many people know about it and this is understandable. "Blue Berets" celebrate their day noisy, on a grand scale.

If you have familiar paratroopers, then you probably want to congratulate them. Here you will find a variety of congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces - in prose, poetry, short poems for SMS, postcards, pictures.

A bit of history about Airborne Forces Day

In 2006, by Presidential Decree Russian Federation№ 549 was determined the day, August 2, to honor the paratroopers and the memory of the brave paratroopers who died by death.

The date was not chosen by chance. On August 2, 1930, at the exercises of the Moscow Military District, for the first time in world history, a military parachute jump was performed by a group of twelve people, who, after landing, had to complete a combat mission. This event is considered the birthday of the airborne troops. A year later, the first airborne unit of 164 people was created. At first, the paratroopers belonged to the air force, then to the ground forces.

The airborne troops have several unofficial names - "blue berets", "winged infantry" and "Uncle Vasya's troops." Pole is more connected with General of the Army Vasily Filippovich Margelov, who made a huge contribution to the reconstruction, formation and development of the Airborne Forces. Margelov was firmly convinced that in modern operations, only highly mobile assault forces capable of wide maneuver would be able to successfully operate deep behind enemy lines. He abandoned the previously prevalent views on holding the area captured by the "winged infantry" before the main forces break through to it, by the method of tough defense, because with such an approach, those who landed are in danger of complete destruction.

True, his opinion was not always taken into account, he often ran into misunderstanding and obstacles from the Ministry of Defense and the "upper echelons of power." He constantly had to prove the need to equip the Airborne Forces with modern equipment and weapons. It was thanks to Markelov in our country for the first time in the world that the BMD-1 with two crew members on board was dropped from the An-12B military transport aircraft on parachute platform vehicles - commander Major Alexander Margelov (the general's son) and driver-mechanic Lieutenant Colonel Leonid Shcherbakov. This happened on January 5, 1973.

“Paratrooper No. 1”, as Margelova is called, made sure that the paratroopers, like the marines, born under Peter I, received the right to wear vests, only the stripes were decided to be blue - to match the color of the sky.

In 2005, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation established the medal "General of the Army Margelov" in recognition of the special merits of "paratrooper No. 1" to the Fatherland. It is awarded to servicemen, veterans and civilian personnel and the Airborne Forces for conscientious service and personal contribution to the strengthening and development of this type of troops.

On the day of the Airborne Forces sound official congratulations from the Ministry of Defense, the next ranks, awards are given to especially distinguished paratroopers. On this day, both employees and veterans put on vests, blue berets and take to the streets of cities. The meetings are accompanied by recollections of various events of their difficult service, songs with a guitar, bathing in fountains, often during the celebrations there are fights and fights. One of the versions, why the tradition of swimming in fountains has taken root, is that the paratroopers see the reflection of the sky in the water of the fountains and want to be closer to it that day.

The leader of the Fair Russia party, Sergei Mironov, who served in the airborne troops, wrote on his blog:

“How does a paratrooper differ from a serviceman of other types and types of troops? Only by force of arms and technology? No, the tank forces will probably have such a greater force. Maneuverability and speed of transfer? No, many types of aircraft have both maneuverability and speed. Maybe an airborne assault? But other troops can also be parachuted from the air if necessary. No. The landing party differs from others in that there are no insurmountable tasks for it. When a task is set, the paratrooper will complete it with a 100% guarantee. He will not just die, but he will do it, even if for this it will be necessary to die. This is how Uncle Vasya's troops differ from other glorious troops. "

So let's congratulate these courageous and strong guys on their professional holiday.

Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day in verse

Happy Airborne Forces Day, guys, congratulations,
I wish you strength and courage!
It's cool to swim in the fountain,
Laugh enough today.
I wish to golt for glory,
The entire landing force.
You are the best troops in the world
Even children know about this!

We will raise our glass
For our landing!
So that the spirit of the soldier grows stronger,
Musculature grew!
So that in difficult moments
They did not give up their hands!
We give you compliments,
We respect the service
May the sun shine brightly for you
Experience comes to you!
Let the girls smile
And the sadness goes away!

"Winged Infantry"
Congratulations today.
We are very proud of you,
We appreciate and respect you!
The paratroopers are ready
Risking my life
Execute all orders
And jump with a parachute.
May peace reign everywhere
There will be no wars of the damned
So that for the native country
The guys would not die!

Who has not jumped from a parachute
And he didn't try on
He does not know that there are many
Lost in my life.
Congratulations to the landing,
For whom the vest is a mother
Who is fearless, strong, brave,
It can crawl and fly.
We want to wish the guys
On this courageous day
Be smart and stately
And worthy of the Airborne Forces!
And in his life proudly
To carry the honor of a paratrooper,
So that Russia if necessary
Save from the invasion!

You are brave and we will decide
You, my friend, are undaunted,
You are called a paratrooper
Fearlessly rush into battle like a lion!
You are in the army - almost a god,
There is nothing that you could not!
So let it be, wherever you are,
Dreams come true
May you succeed
Let the enemy surrender
Romance reigns in the soul!
Paratrooper, Happy Paratrooper Day!

Paratrooper work
Protect the homeland!
And these are not candy wrappers for you,
And just just say!
Whether in heaven or on land -
They are good for anything!
Landing - soldiers are the best
At the army of the country!
Defenders of the Fatherland
Landing troops!
Known to mankind -
You can't find it safer!
Soldiers and romantics
May you be lucky in everything!
Happy holiday, paratroopers!
Thank you for everything!

Short sms congratulations on the Day of the paratrooper

Selected guys - blue berets,
All of Russia is proud of their valor and courage.
I wish you health and happiness and vigor to boot
To complete difficult tasks with dignity!

Congratulations, Airborne Forces!
This is your holiday!
You are a soldier, our protector,
And also a hero!
Happiness, joy, to you,
Peace on the planet!
May good luck settle
Wearing a blue beret!

It's already August in the yard,
The Day of the Airborne Forces has come.
Take the blue one
Raise a toast with your friends.
Accept congratulations,
Celebrate the holiday gloriously.
May they always be with you
Friendship, loyalty and love.

Thanks to you, we can sleep well
We know the Airborne Forces will not let you down,
You are serving with dignity
We wish you happiness and go forward!

The parachute has a white dome, and takes on the head,
White and blue vest. Congratulations to the Airborne Forces!
We wish you a lot of happiness, strength and vigor,
So that green always burns on your life path!

Congratulations to Dad on the Day of the Airborne Troops in verse and prose

Father, a paratrooper is never a former!
We are in a hurry to congratulate you
And on this important day, we wish:
Be healthy, cheerful and loved!
Look at life with a happy look
Let there be no troubles and partings.
We are calm, because next to us
There is a loyal and reliable friend!

Day of the Airborne Forces is celebrated today by the country,
Let's go glasses full of wine
For their health, happiness, friendship,
We'll drink it all down.
Father, I wish you only happiness
Let all the bad weather fly by
Let life flow like a full river
May the Lord keep you.

My strongest, bravest dad
You served in the landing troops,
Celebrate a holiday today
And you remember your youthful ardor!
And happy paratrooper day today
I want to congratulate you
May everything be fine in life
Live for us and for yourself.

Dear daddy, Happy Airborne Forces Day! You are a reliable support for our family and a vivid example of wisdom, loyalty, kindness. May the years only strengthen your health. I wish you happiness and good luck in all your affairs!

Father, I congratulate you on the holiday - Airborne Forces Day! I am proud that you are a paratrooper and that you are my father! I would like to wish you strength and courage, activity and prosperity, hope and faith in a wonderful future. Let life bring only the most pleasant surprises every day.

On Airborne Forces Day, I want to congratulate the hero, the defender of the country and the most dear person in the world. Dad, I wish your strength to grow stronger, let your health not leave for a moment, may all your undertakings lead to success, always go ahead and know that we love you!

Congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces in prose

Today, on the day of the Airborne Forces, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. Wish that under any circumstances you would have strength, courage and reliability. Your life principle is "Nobody but us!" inspires admiration and pride in you. You guys in blue berets always have willpower, pride in the country, the desire for the best and the willingness to defend the country from all dangers and enemies. We wish you from the bottom of our hearts good health, courage, patience and happiness.

Our dear airborne troops, we congratulate you on the holiday! You are the pride of our country, always remain so courageous, courageous and reliable. I would like to wish you joy to visit your strong hearts, grief to bypass your homes, and happiness and good luck to be faithful friends.

Our dear paratroopers of the air forces, with your day you, with the day of the airborne forces. I wish you only all the best - so that your hearts do not know offenses and disappointments, so that your plans and dreams always come true, may you be surrounded by faithful friends, as well as the love and warmth of your loved ones and relatives. I wish you good health and strength. Happy Holidays!

On the Day of the Airborne Troops, usually on the streets you can see a lot of guys, men in blue berets and vests. These are our "winged infantry", these are our "blue berets", these are our guys, which the country is proud of. After all, you are always ready to go ahead and selflessly fight the dangers, defending the country. Let the fire always shine in your eyes and all the peaks conquer. I wish you happiness, love, health. My toast is to the Airborne Forces!

Dear defenders serving in the Airborne Forces, I want to congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you happiness, success, confidence in a bright future, fulfillment of cherished desires and confidence that everything will certainly develop as we would like. May the Lord keep you.

Congratulations to your beloved

Your blue takes confuses me

Put on so dashingly on one side.

Why did you put it on, I certainly know

Today is the holiday of the Airborne Forces!

Cheerful, drunk, with a flag and in a vest

With friends you will walk the streets

And you will drink vodka for the Airborne Forces from a flask,

Shivering all the rookies today.

I congratulate you, my warrior, from my heart,

May there be peace in the soul and on Earth.

I always wish to be cool and strong

Health, happiness and love to you!

Paratrooper, my dear hero,
One in the soul, unique.
On the Day of the Airborne Forces, your cherished
I send wishes, darling!
I promise to wait faithfully
With your difficult, long service.
Sometimes you so want to hug
To say that I really need you !.
I pray that God will keep you
In flight to goals and to victory.
My white-winged pilgrim
Let the sun of happiness shine brighter!

Happy Airborne Forces Day, darling!
You are the best, the strongest.
And on your very important holiday
Let there be the right attitude.

I wish you all the best
Solutions to life's problems,
Moments full of positive
In the soul - good, and in the world - peace.

Again you are flying down from heaven by parachute,
You know all your air routes
Let the earth meet you as gently as possible,
And I worry, you are the only one in the world.
I will send my kiss to you in the sky
And he will reach the goal, wherever you were,
Let him congratulate you on the day of the landing troops,
Let him leave a memory of me.

I'm happy that you are with me
Reliable, strong, generous for no reason.
There are no former paratroopers,
Happy Airborne Forces day, my beloved man.
I wish you simple things:
In the family - love, success at work,
Health, happiness, peace, kindness,
Let it whirl in the bright whirlpool of life!

Holiday cards for the Day of the Airborne Forces

Pictures with congratulations

Postcards, pictures, poems, prose with congratulations can be sent by e-mail or congratulated via social networks... You can also send an original congratulation to your phone.

Do not forget to check, so as not to miss an important date.
Happy holiday to everyone!

Celebrations of the Airborne Forces Day are timed to coincide with the birthday of the airborne troops. In 2018, it will take place on August 2. The date is celebrated by employees of the airborne troops, auxiliary personnel, former paratroopers, cadets and teachers of specialized higher educational institutions.

According to the established tradition, a festive program will take place on this day, which includes meetings of veterans and employees, the presentation of medals, extraordinary ranks to the military, promotions, bathing in fountains or reservoirs, demonstration performances of the military, reviews of personnel, patriotic events, concerts and much more.

It's already August in the yard,
The Day of the Airborne Forces has come.
Take the blue one
Raise a toast with your friends.

Accept congratulations,
Celebrate the holiday gloriously.
May they always be with you
Friendship, loyalty and love.

May health be strong
And success will not be rare.
So that your fuse does not go out,
Remember: "Who but us?"

My dear friend, paratrooper,
May you be lucky everywhere.
I hasten to congratulate you
Happy Airborne Forces Day.

You are decisive, courageous.
With a bright flame in my eyes
And you are not afraid
No jumping, no heaven.

Can't find anyone like you:
Strong, brave, lively.
Be always healthy
Brave, bright, young.

Pieces of heaven on earth
Warmed by the scorching August,
On a strong-willed brow
You are adjusting your berets.

Brave, loyal, strong
Passing the test in life,
You are like heavenly eagles
Keep the peace of the country from above.

Hurray for you today:
For strength, valor and talents;

Because the country has you;
For the day of the airborne assault!

« Z and the Airborne Forces! " - the guys shout,
Diving headlong into the fountain.
They are not at all to blame
After all, they have such a custom.

The bottles are beating, but what can you do -
Traditions cannot be changed.
And in general, a sacred cause -
Celebrate the holiday on a grand scale.

Well, I congratulate you,
I will say some simple words:
I still wish you
The head was stronger.

Happy Airborne Forces Day, blue berets!
Peaceful sky overhead.
It's not for nothing that you are dressed in vests -
You are friends with height, with blue.

We wish you good luck any minute
There were no dead ends anywhere.
May parachutes always be reliable,
And the sky is tender, and the slings are strong.

You have a lot: strength, courage, figure.
I wish you health, happiness, good luck in your destiny.
Relax today. Take a walk, landing party!
Happy Holidays everyone! Honor and praise of the Airborne Forces.

Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day in jokes and postcards

A paratrooper is never a former!
We are in a hurry to congratulate you
And on this important day, we wish:
Be healthy, cheerful and loved!

Look at life with a happy look
Let there be no troubles and partings.
We are calm, because next to us
There is a loyal and reliable friend!

Airborne Forces Day is your glorious holiday!
I sincerely hasten to congratulate.
Fearless, valiant paratrooper
I respect you.

I wish you happiness and success,
And also peace on Earth.
Nothing will be a hindrance
In your lucky fate.

Celebrating a holiday today
Paratroopers of all ages:
Those who served and those who serve.
And everyone is ready for the holiday!

It is not a sin to congratulate such men.
And, of course, wish
Health, happiness, longevity,
To be in the ranks, not to lose shape.

On a worthy, proud holiday
I will tell you on the occasion:
Happy Airborne Forces, paratrooper.
I wish you only the best!

More health
And a lot of pleasure
So that life is love
With warmth, abundance.

You are an airborne squad - it's proud!
You know your calling firmly.
Not only in the sky - on earth
You will give yourself to your native country.

I wish you strength, patience,
In any business, there is always luck.
So that the sky is blue over your head
It was not overshadowed by the war again.

Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day in postcards and prose

Day of the Airborne Forces is the day of a human hero. Happy holiday, paratrooper! Let the parachute canopy become your protection from the hardships of life, health lines will be strong and reliable, and only white stripes will be present on the vest of life.

On Airborne Forces Day, I want to congratulate you on your holiday. I wish you many years of life and good health. May there be good and memorable moments in life, there will always be relatives and friends nearby. Never lose heart, be an example for guys and men and always stay in great shape!

Happy Airborne Forces Day and I sincerely wish you to fly through the clouds of dream and glory and land on the platform of success and good luck. May your heroic deeds color you, may happiness and love inspire you, may any of your deeds justify your goals and hopes.

Happy Airborne Forces Day, we congratulate all the paratroopers. We are proud of you and admire you! Thank you for your courage and heroism, courage and valor. I would like to wish you courage, strength, endurance, reliable friends and trusted comrades, as well as perfect health.

I congratulate you on the Airborne Forces Day and wish the airspace happiness in life, great open spaces of good luck on the ground, incredible strength and vigor of the body, great courage and courage of the soul. Let any task be on the shoulder, let courage, respect, friendship and love be your faithful companions in life.

For our immense landing
I poured a drunken glass today.
I drink to those who serve in the military,
Or once served it.
Let the insidious enemy rush about hopelessly -
He will not make his way into the deep peaceful rear,
When the defenders of the Fatherland are in the ranks,
Military and Air Force paratroopers.

Oh, how much you've been through
There, somewhere in the sky high!
And forever the sky is open to you,
And the sun looks far away.
You are close to the wind, next to the bird,
She sings about happiness to you.
Don't forget to come back
Home and to families and friends.
To be guilty and to be fun
So that the verse flows freely so
To shine on you forever
Love and joy beacon.

Congratulations to the paratroopers

Airborne Forces - elite troops,
And it's not just muscle strength that sets them apart:
Their strength of spirit is no less strong, -
Those who served know this for sure.
On the second day of August, always
The streets echo the heavenly blue:
Blue berets of those river
In the villages, in the cities it flows, in Moscow.
All the paratroopers seem to be on the selection:
Young, beautiful and strong
Until today from the earliest times
They protect the peace of the country!

Congratulations on the Airborne Troops Day

Congratulations to the paratroopers today -
May all your wildest dreams come true.
May you be given extraordinary titles,
And the girls will give you flowers!
So that the BeeMDeshki are fast,
The armor was strong and powerful.
And life flowed so peacefully and freely,
So that the bullets do not whistle at the temple!

Landing - not only on airplanes,
And not always a beautiful reset,
This is hard work,
Order, go ahead, and no question!
All who are Troops from Uncle Vasya,
Gone, that Rambo will give a head start!
And he remembers the law of the landing,
Nobody can but US.

Paratrooper Day Poems

We wish you on the day of the Airborne Forces,
Landing soft on the grass,
So that the parachute does not let you down,
And the compass did not start.
May you be brave in the sky
Let the success be reflected in the deeds.
For you, loved and brave,
The world is behind you, and this is important!

Happy airborne forces day

You are like a proud bird from heaven
You go down to defend the country.
Such people are dear to all,
All admire the landing.
Who served in the Airborne Forces,
We shake your hand tightly!
Have fun, don't be bored
Celebrate the holiday brighter!

Song of the Airborne Forces Day - Congratulations!

Let's put on aiguillettes today,
Let's put on the blue beret.
After all, we don't have a cooler holiday,
Than Airborne Day!
We will not lose face
At least we will swim in the fountain, -
Used to pull the ring
Three meters from the ground in the fog.
And nothing! Really we,
After all, our character is firm and ardent,
Can't beat two or three bottles?
After all, this is just shame and disgrace.
Easy! And it will be in the head
Only a light breeze and fun:
This potion is not dangerous for us
After all, you and I are from the Airborne Forces!

Poems happy paratrooper

Hooray! Today is the day of the landing
Your glorious holiday, dear friend!
May your life bloom richly
Like a joyous spring meadow!
I want you to be as strong
With the same sincere warmth
So that life is both generous and abundant
You gave your good house!

Congratulations in verse for the day of the airborne troops

You are an airborne trooper!
And today is your holiday!
Proud and loving
Congratulations to you.
Probably scary
Step into the unknown
Straight off the plane
To the heavenly area.
Is it your photo
Stands on the sideboard
People like you
They serve only in the landing!

Funny congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces

You are fearless, brave, beautiful
Blue berets suit you
You are reliability, courage, strength.
Airborne forces - and it says it all.
We congratulate you paratroopers
Who served and who is serving now
We wish you strength and courage
And God bless you in difficult times.

Birthday greetings for the Airborne Forces

Let's drink to those who hung in slings,
Who jumped night and day.
Let's drink to the sky, let's drink to the dome
Let's drink and pour again.
Let's drink comrade for a young life,
And let's remember our jumps.
Let's drink to friendship
For friendship and service,
In the Airborne Forces.

Every year on August 2, our country celebrates the Day of the Airborne Forces (Day of the Airborne Forces). The history of this holiday dates back to August 2, 1930. The airborne troops have solved and to this day solve the most difficult military tasks, while showing massive heroism, so they are undeniably considered the army's elite. Every year "blue berets" celebrate their professional holiday noisily and cheerfully. Congratulations on this day are received by both serving employees of the air force and serving paratroopers. On this occasion, we have prepared beautiful and touching congratulations Happy Airborne Forces in verse, prose and for SMS. And if you want to congratulate your relatives, friends or acquaintances defending or defending our homeland as part of the winged infantry, choose any congratulation and send them in the form of SMS, using social networks or instant messengers. Also on our website you can order cool audio congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day.

Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day - beautiful poems

For you, paratroopers! For your honor and valor!
For your strength, your brotherhood, your conscience!
Let everything work out, fate will give many chances
Worthy deeds, useful, profitable finances!

And may friends only support in any beginnings,
Your team spirit will be strong as before!
And all the best to you, of course, the main thing - health!
Useful everyday life and the most luxurious feasts!

The sky is wide
Only here is a paratrooper soul
Will find high freedom
And hit the enemy with an arrow!

Your army has strength and courage -
Two sisters who keep each one!
Let fate squander its blessings
For paratroopers, for true soldiers!

You are fearless, brave, beautiful
Blue berets suit you
You are reliability, courage, strength.
Airborne forces - and it says it all.
We congratulate you paratroopers
Who served and who is serving now
We wish you strength and courage
And God bless you in difficult times.

"Nobody except us!" - this is your motto!
You boldly, resolutely jump down!
And you can handle any difficult order,
I want to congratulate you on the day of the Airborne Forces!
It is prestigious to serve in the Airborne Forces,
We are glad that the Motherland is in your hands,
Always stay friendly and strong
You are the pride and strength, the mainstay of the country!

You go through life without knowing the barriers,
And courage and honor are the mottos of your life.
You deserve honorary awards for your service,
Patriot of the beautiful Motherland.
You are paratroopers, pride and glory of the country,
Eternal strength of our Motherland!
Always stay true to your oath,
And live with dignity, beautifully!

"Nobody but us" - for the winged infantry
Not just words - this is life's motto.
Always where the landing companies are difficult
The order is carried out by flying down from the sky.
For faith and valor, luck, guys!
Airborne brotherhood - for you, Airborne Forces!
An example and a dream for any soldier,
You are the knights of the sky in the popular rumor.

There are troops in which all the soldiers
Serve faithfully throughout the country.
The bravest guys
They serve with honor in the glorious airborne forces.

And today, Happy Fatherland
Congratulates the glorious sons.
Congratulations rush to them in envelopes,
From friends. Fathers and mothers.

Wishes them joy and happiness
Russian darling earth.
Asks: not to be timid and not to give up
Nobody, anywhere and never!

Airborne troops,
There is a reason to congratulate you today,
Let no annoying things happen
May the day bring you good news.
Paratrooper boys, the hope of the fatherland
May fate protect you
And so that there is success in your life,
Your star would shine brightly!

No wonder they called you winged infantry,
And your serious look seems to say:
The landing party can handle a hard job -
He does not drown in water, he does not burn in fire!

A paratrooper can do anything, surprising civilians,
Taking one or even two on my chest in the morning ...
Paratroopers, friends! I congratulate you all!
Goodness and peace to you! AND GLORY VDV!

Brave prowess, bearing and becoming,
Strength, skill, courage you will not take,
Everyone is determined, brave as one
There are no men cooler than a paratrooper in the world.
You soar like eagles in the blue skies,
Forged a proud spirit in the seven winds,
No one can defeat you in battle,
Protect, like a mother, your homeland.
To the strong-willed and valiant - glory and honor,
Strength, health, vigor and great heights,
To heroically destroy all enemies,
To sacredly value service in the Airborne Forces.

This section contains official congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day in prose, suitable for honoring paratroopers at events.

Dear paratroopers!
Our country is proud of you! Your service has always been considered honorable and extremely responsible, being a school of courage and heroism, a test of courage and fortitude.
For you, those who live according to the principle “Nobody but us!”, I would like to wish on the Airborne Forces Day endless strength, courage, fortitude and a peaceful sky over the heads of your family and friends.

The paratroopers are real men, strong, noble and courageous! Today we congratulate and praise all of them, which is absolutely fair! Therefore, we boldly wish all the paratroopers good luck, happiness, mutual love, loyalty, long life and good health!

Today we honor and congratulate our loyal, courageous and strong defenders of the homeland, dear paratroopers on the Day of the Airborne Forces! Let your family and friends always be proud of your exploits and valiant service. Let your parachute land only in peaceful locations. I wish you happiness, health and good luck!
Happy Airborne Troops Day, Happy Birthday Winged Infantry! Thank you for your courage, for the honest performance of your military duty! With all our hearts we wish you and your loved ones good health, prosperity and a clear sky over your head, success in military and peaceful work, happiness, love and that your relatives are always waiting for you at home.

I sincerely want to congratulate you on the holiday of the Airborne Forces! I wish you never to lose dignity and honor, and the blue beret to become for you a real talisman for happiness. Let the guardian angel be your protection, and the family - real support and support. Have good health and a sensitive heart. May every day bring you positive emotions and joy.

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Airborne Forces! This Day is not just a holiday of courageous, selfless, fearless people. This is a holiday for those who are deeply devoted to the Motherland, who know what a code of honor and military duty is, who will not let you down or betray, who, despite any difficulties and obstacles, are capable of defending the interests of the state and human life with high skill as a paratrooper, with self-sacrifice and courage. from any encroachment.

Guys, happy airborne forces day! The strongest and bravest men would like to wish good health, a peaceful sky, a strong friendly shoulder nearby, successful parachute jumps, courage and courage! May this day be sunny and the water in the fountains warm!

Congratulations in prose on the Day of the Airborne Forces for colleagues

Sincere and my sincere congratulations in their own words on the Day of the Airborne Forces from this section are suitable for congratulating colleagues and former colleagues.

Brothers! Paratroopers!
Well, our day has come. That day when together we will remember jumping from An-2, siren from Il-76, marches, shooting, field, and much more! Life is long, we can forget a lot in it, but we will never forget the army years !!!
Thank you Bath!
Peaceful sky for everyone!
Happy Holidays!
Glory to the Airborne Troops!

I wish you good luck and fun, good friends and loyal comrades, I wish you real commanders and the love of the most beautiful girls! Happy Airborne Forces Day!

The sky, the blue sky, beckons and calls,
The sky, and those who have not been there will not understand our love ...
Happy Holidays, brother!

Brother, dear, happy airborne forces day to you. I wish you moral and physical strength, lasting health, fighting spirit and mood, prosperity and good luck, noble deeds and courage. May life make you happy and give you a holiday every day.

Buddy, I congratulate you on the Airborne Forces Day! This is truly your day, because you have dedicated your life to serving in these harsh troops! It was all during the years of service, but I want you to know that our friendship cannot be stronger - this is what the landing troops are famous for! Peace to you, happiness, health! And God forbid you to raise your kids under a peaceful sky!

Happy holiday, guys! Today, let your beloved women forgive you, because on this day meeting with fellow-spirited comrades is not just a tradition - it is a duty! Let songs flow, beer froth and memories flow. Walk the Airborne Forces!

Congratulations to colleagues on the Day of the Airborne Forces (poetry)

Congratulate fellow soldiers and veterans of the Airborne Forces with these wonderful verses that we have collected here on the occasion of Airborne Forces Day.

Desantura knows for sure
That wherever you come
Their victory awaits
Even at the ends of the earth.
The pride of the Russian army,
Airborne forces shout Hurray!
Landing is power
Pour some wine, lads!

I'd like a drink now
For our service without embellishment
For the dome overhead
For the fact that from the sky, immediately into battle!
For shooting, crosses, marches,
For unforgettable jumps.
For AKS, D-6, RD,
For our special forces, for the Airborne Forces!

Airborne troops,
The whole country congratulates you!
For the peaceful sky, for the service
She sends you a low bow.

All the girls send you smiles
What are waiting for you at home on earth.
They wish you good luck
On land, in the sky and in the water!

For our immense landing
I poured a drunken glass today.
I drink to those who serve in the military,
Or once served it.
Let the insidious enemy rush about hopelessly -
He will not make his way into the deep peaceful rear,
When the defenders of the Fatherland are in the ranks,
Military and Air Force paratroopers.

Landing - not only on airplanes,
And not always a beautiful reset,
This is hard work,
Order, go ahead, and no question!
All who are Troops from Uncle Vasya,
Gone, that Rambo will give a head start!
And he remembers the law of the landing,
Nobody can but US.

Glorified the landing of his name,
I wrote history in blood
Who held the forend tightly in battle,
He defended his country!

I want to congratulate you veteran,
Who is dressed in a vest with a soul,
Let the landing party live forever,
For many hundreds of years!

Happy Airborne Forces Day - short congratulations for SMS

Short congratulatory verses, dedicated to the Day Airborne Forces are suitable for sending SMS or messages using any messenger.

Congratulations guys!
And in the ranks, and in life, you are always strong.
Airborne forces - you are the pride of the winged army
And reliable protection of the whole country!

Congratulations, Airborne Forces!
This is your holiday!
You are a soldier, our protector,
And also a hero!

Happiness, joy, to you,
Peace on the planet!
May good luck settle
Wearing a blue beret!

We will put it bluntly, without concealing:
You guy in a striped jersey
And a blue simple beret,
Worthy best words in the world!
We appreciate your achievements
Human honor and respect
They belong to you by right.
Happy Airborne Forces Day, brave paratrooper!

Blue smooth berets
Walked around the country.
It immediately became clear to everyone -
This is a holiday of the Airborne Forces!

Co-workers meeting in the fountains
We will never forget
Even for little boys
I wanted to be with you!

Happy Holidays! The sun sparkles playfully
The day of the Airborne Forces, after all, has come!
Cold beer is waiting for you in glasses,
To make the day wonderful!

Today is a holiday for those who are wearing a beret
And their motto: "Nobody but us!"
These guys are responsible for the country,
Even those who are enrolled in the reserve.
After all, he became a paratrooper forever,
Who went through Margelov's school,
Who served in the Airborne Forces flawlessly,
And always ready to return to duty!

On the day of the Airborne Forces, at this holiday hour
Our smiles and toasts are for you,
With you, paratroopers, our hearts,
May there be no end to victories
Let the orders shine brightly
The country is proud of your service!

"Anthem of the Airborne Forces Sineva" lyrics

It spilled over the vests, over the berets,

Even in my heart the blue is lost,
Spilled over with its tempting color.

Behind the duralumin board, the noise of the engine,
Blue lies on the wings like paint.

Don't be afraid of the blue, you won't drown
This is a fairy tale, not a fairy tale.

I remember as a child on flying carpets
Unknown people have discovered routes

To fill the parachutes with blue.
And now we have found work in the sky,
To fill the parachutes with blue.

The blue splashed, splashed,
It spilled over the buttonholes, over the shoulder straps.

According to the harsh, airborne laws.
I want our life to go on
According to the guards, according to the airborne laws.

Day of the Airborne Forces (poetry)

The landing party celebrates its holiday:
Vests ripples and blue berets,
Muscle relief, muscle play,
And next to them ... police "carriages".

Fountains turn into pools ...
Bottles of vodka, shouts and fights ...
For the Motherland and even for Hussein
Forays, attacks on civilians.

The peaceful Park of Culture hums and groans.
Take a walk-soul and - the vests are torn.
Passers-by shied away like chickens -
On the body there are star prints from the buckle.

Here and there local outbreaks,
As if in Chechnya or Afghanistan,
And the cries of the "fighters" are disgusting to hear -
They do not celebrate, but only hooligans.

"Warriors" of the reserve are walking violently -
The landing party celebrates its holiday.
ATTENDANTS (their bulk)
In a circle of friends, they will celebrate culturally.

We hope you enjoyed our congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day in verse and prose and you chose the best of them to congratulate your "winged" warrior.