
Patriotic education project. Project "Patriotic education of youth" Projects of events for patriotic education


The draft of the optimal program for the patriotic education of the youth of St. Petersburg “Patriot. Leader. Specialist."

I. Abstract of the project.

This program is designed to develop young man in accordance with the three foundations laid down in its name.


In modern youth policy, the topic is especially acute patriotic education youth. More recently, in Soviet society, patriotic education was based on communist society as the most just and solidarity in the world, as opposed to capitalist society. But the country abandoned this political course. The ideology switched to patriotic education, which is based on the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War. This is the clear and correct way. A patriot is a person who is devoted to his people, who loves his fatherland, is ready to make sacrifices and performs feats in the name of the interests of his homeland.

Today, in the education of patriotism among the youth, it is necessary to look for and apply new approaches.

V modern world of growing opportunity, in an age that requires ever more personal initiative, leadership is a vital skill for any active citizen of society. The importance of citizenship, possession and application of leadership skills determines the formation of civil society. Each of us finds ourselves in a situation where you need to be a leader: in a group of friends, in a work team. The vector of activities of the organization that a person manages depends on the citizenship position. Modern society lacks talented and well-trained leaders - patriots of their country, interested in developing the potential of society.


It is currently emphasized that right choice professions and career guidance aimed at this are important not only from the standpoint of determining a person's life plans, but also from the point of view of the development of society as a whole. The solution to this vital issue is sometimes spontaneous and accidental.

When does today's youth begin to think about their professional orientation? If we analyze the current system of vocational education and additional education in this area, it becomes clear that the concept of professional socialization is very little invested in the minds of young people.

Modern youth do not understand that the later they begin to think about the professional realization of themselves, the later and less success they will achieve. If they do not do this in advance, form the correct conceptual apparatus regarding themselves and the profession they have chosen, then they will not have a chance in today's highly competitive environment.

Today, very often after graduating from vocational schools, we often get unreasonably ambitious and not knowing where to apply themselves in society, young people. All of them do not stand out from the gray mass of graduates, who, in in large numbers graduate from higher educational institutions, are often limited to work outside their specialty, with an average income, watching TV in the evening and unwillingness to develop professionally. There is no concept, no habit, no skills and abilities to do it.

II. Objectives of the Program.

1. Education of youth in the spirit of patriotism and high morality, based on the historically established national moral and spiritual values.

2. Education in young people of an active life and civic position.

3. Training and consolidation (including through the creation of informal (leader) associations) of young professionals to solve urgent economic problems.

4. Involving young people in the economic, social and public life of the city through the implementation of their professional activity.

III. Program objectives.

1. Involvement of youth in additional educational activities.

2. Formation among young people of the desire for success and self-realization through professional activities.

3. Creation of conditions for personal professional orientation.

4. Assistance to young people in obtaining socially significant professional knowledge.

IV. Description and stages of the Program implementation.

1st stage. Identification of the participants of the Program from the total mass of young people of secondary and higher professional educational institutions of St. Petersburg participating in the program.

The stage includes the creation of a wide information field in the educational institutions participating in the program. The information field is based on the preparation of information material and its distribution in educational institutions. All those wishing to take part in the Program will have to go through a selection process (registration on the site, filling out a questionnaire, an interview). Based on the selection results, a group of 100 Program participants will be formed.

2nd stage. Organization and holding educational activities with program participants.

The stage includes the organization of a broad educational program, which is divided into three main stages in accordance with the name of the program. Each stage includes the following educational elements:



Meetings with leaders public opinion in the stated topic;

Game training.

Program implementation schedule.

Cycle "Modern Russia".

The cycle includes 2 lectures (the lecture includes discussion elements), 2 seminars, 1 meeting with the public opinion leader of St. Petersburg on this topic and the final round table.

Cycle "Team building".

This cycle is aimed at developing the skills of building a project team and interacting with it. The cycle includes 5 training sessions.

Time management cycle.

This cycle is aimed at developing the skills of prioritization and time resource management. The cycle includes 5 training sessions.

Cycle "Geopolitics".

This cycle is aimed at analyzing and explaining the role of Russia in modern world processes, identifying strategic partners and competitors.

The cycle includes 3 lectures, 1 seminar, 1 meeting with the leader of St. Petersburg's public opinion on this topic, and a final round table.

Cycle "Social Design".

This cycle is aimed at developing the skills of analyzing and managing social processes, identifying problem areas in the public environment and their further solution.

The cycle includes 2 lectures and 3 training sessions.

Cycle "Project Management".

This stage is aimed at developing the skills of creating projects and managing them, as well as developing project thinking. The cycle includes 5 training sessions.

Cycle "Media in the modern world".

This cycle is aimed at analyzing and explaining the role of the media in the modern world, developing skills in working with information and the impact of the media on society.

The cycle includes 4 lectures and 2 seminars, as well as a final round table.

During the 2nd stage, several exams will be held for program participants. According to the results of the examinations, the Program will have at first 50, and then 25 semi-finalists of the Program.

3rd stage. Implementation of the acquired knowledge in practice.

The stage is divided into two parts.

First part includes the preparation and implementation of the acquired theoretical knowledge in their educational institutions through the development and implementation of projects related to their professional activities (the specialty in which the program participant is studying) for students of the educational institution. Each event will be evaluated by the Program Directorate. As a result, 10 participants become finalists of the Program.

4th stage. Presentation of implemented projects.

The stage includes the work of the finalists of the Program at one site for the presentation of completed projects (quantity, quality, social orientation, etc.). The work is carried out publicly openly, in the form of a talk show, with the involvement of young people who took part in projects, specialists and experts. Based on the results of the stage, three winners of the program are determined.

The stage is aimed at popularizing the receipt leadership qualities among young people in St. Petersburg, drawing attention to the goals and objectives of the Program.

5th stage. Includes debriefing and analysis of the implementation of the Program.

As a result of the implementation of the Program, a ceremony of awarding diplomas to the finalists of the Program is held. A booklet with information about the Program and its participants is published. The collection and analysis of statistical data on the participants of the Program is carried out.

V. Program results.

Training of patriotic young managers with leadership skills, understanding of work and adaptation in modern society, implementation in their professional activities, capable of making a real contribution to the formation of civil society in St. Petersburg.








creative project

"Who if not we!"

Developed by: technology teacher

Highest qualification category

Kozlova Nadezhda Ivanovna


Creative project: "Who, if not us!"

Stages of project implementation:

  1. Problem selection.
  2. Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project.
  3. Development of an action plan.
  4. Collection of information.
  5. Project implementation.
  6. Project results.

Epigraph for educators and members of the public:

If not us, then who

Help our children

Russia to love and know

How important - do not be late!

Relevance, identification of a number of problems

Today, along with other strategic goals of the state, civil and patriotic education of the younger generation is of no small importance. Through the desire for a stable and sustainable social development of society, the content and main ways of developing the system of patriotic education are determined, which is aimed at further shaping the patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens as the most important value, one of the foundations of the spiritual and moral unity of society.

At present, in the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as throughout Russia, there is a comprehensive work on the formation of civil society and the rule of law. All this introduces changes in the system of the modern general education school.

The upbringing of citizenship, hard work, morality, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the motherland, family, and the environment are considered as fundamental directions in education. The result of the educational process of a general education institution for pupils is: self-realization of the individual during the period of study and after it, its socialization in society, adaptation to changes in the labor market.

Citizenship, patriotism determine the active life position of children. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin said: “And in solemn times and on weekdays, the idea of ​​​​the fatherland should equally be inherent in its sons, for only with its clear consciousness does a person acquire the right to call himself a citizen.”

The formation of civic consciousness should go through each person's own domestic feeling. The motherland needs each of its sons and daughters, who, using their rights and freedom, strictly observe their obligations to the state and other people. Concern for the common good is the foundation of everyone's well-being.

There is an urgent need to rethink the issues of civil-patriotic education by the participants in the educational process. Without abandoning the old traditions, achievements in this direction, much needs to be changed in the approaches and content of educational work.

All this determines the relevance of this project in the framework of the implementation of the intra-school program "Development".

What is patriotism today? How to instill this great feeling in our children? How to convey to them Turgenev's idea that "Russia can do without each of us, but none of us can do without it."

2010 was rich in anniversaries - the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory of our people over Nazi Germany, the 90th anniversary of the formation of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. This was an important addition to the choice of the theme of our project. To convey to children the importance of these events in the life of our country is the duty of every teacher.

Patriotism in our country is not an artificially invented concept imposed on us from outside. This is a kind of folk ideology, rooted in the depths of history. Unfortunately, attention to this priority task has declined. And as a result, our children grow up with a weakened sense of national duty, low knowledge of the historical and cultural roots of our society.

Today, when civil-patriotic education is singled out as a priority at the state level, we consider our project, which is aimed at preserving the continuity of generations and the formation of patriotism, especially relevant. We often ask the question: “Why do young guys not want to go to serve in the army? Who can protect us and their Motherland?”

Education of patriotism;

This project is designed forcreating an atmosphere of interest among teenagers in the problems of local wars that took place in Afghanistan and Chechnya, in the life of our fellow countrymen, participants in the soldiers-internationalists.

Project participants:5th grade students, class teacher, residents of the village, the village administration, members of the Afghan Club and the Council of Veterans.

Number of participants:no more than one class.

Nature of contactsis defined as external, as there is a collection of information, access to other organizations, to sponsors.

By execution time:one academic year.

The main goal of the project is:- involvement of students, teachers, parents, social partners in active patriotic education in order to form students' citizenship, patriotism, active life position for their successful socialization for the benefit of the region and the Motherland as a whole.

Attracting the attention of the younger generation and the public to the history of local wars in Russia, to the existence of such war veterans as participants in the hostilities in Afghanistan and Chechnya, by creating a banner on the building of the Afghan Club in the village of Aktobe.


To form among the project participants an idea of ​​the true values ​​of a real citizen, such as an interest in the history of their homeland, in its heroes, in little-studied facts of past local wars;

To teach children the basics of search activity, communication skills that help to establish contact with war veterans;

To instill in children a respectful attitude towards veteran soldiers-internationalists, tact, an understanding of the need to protect the external borders of their homeland.

Project forms:civics lessons,cool watch - meetings with internationalist soldiers, search work to collect information and places of memory of past local wars (streets, monuments, memorial plaques, photographs, houses of residence of living and dead soldiers), debates, round-table meetings, meetings with the village administration, sponsors, with members of the Afghan Club, with members of the Council of Veterans.

Organization different types activities:questioning, the game "Aphorism about patriotism", psychological training "Farewell letter", reading poetry, monologues, staging a stage miniature "Our time is in our hands".

Group work ideais to divide the class into"Arrows" . This is the children's idea, because " Arrow" It is a specific direction of activity that has its own purpose.

Before proceeding directly to these activities, it is recommended to carry out preliminary work. It is necessary to determine the range of issues and problems that concern children today on this topic, to conduct a preliminary survey, conversation, and survey.

The nature of coordination:centralized frontal type of communicative structures of a small group. The main coordinators are the class teacher and commanders"Shooter".

Expected results:

Installation of a banner of patriotic content on the building of the Afghan Club in Aktobe village to draw attention to patriotic history their small homeland;

Enrichment of the content of civil and patriotic education in the educational space of the school;

Involvement in the system of civil-patriotic education of representatives of the administration and the public;

Development of creative abilities of students;

Awareness of responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, the formation of pride in participation in the deeds of previous generations;

Awareness by students of higher values, ideals, guidelines, the ability to be guided by them in practical activities.

The success of the project is ensured by:the interest of all participants in a joint dialogue to discuss the issues raised by the project; the desire to establish a dialogue on drawing public attention to the existence of internationalist soldiers

Financial support of the project:this project requires material costs for the installation of a banner dedicated to the soldiers-internationalists, thanks to sponsorship.

As a result of the implementation of this project, a bet was made on the true interest of children in the study of this problem and on curiosity.

Everything that happens in this project is the ideas of children, the name"Shooter", ways of action

Implementation of the project (description):

Stage 1 - questioning of children;

Stage 2 - meetings with the Council of Veterans, with the Club of Afghans, with the soldiers-internationalists and their relatives, with the administration of the village - collecting information;

Stage 3 - a number of activities aimed at solving the problems;

Stage 4 – design of a banner dedicated to the soldiers-internationalists. Analysis of the work done and determination of further actions in this direction.

In order to study social and personal qualities, a survey of students was conducted on the topic:

1. "Do you know what patriotism is?"

b) no.

2. "Do you know who the internationalist warriors are?"

a) if “yes”, write how you understand it;

b) no.

3. “Do you know what monuments, places of memory you know, dedicated to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. and other wars?

a) if yes, please list their names and locations;

b) no.

(Results of students' answers in diagram No. 1)

№ 1

To fill the gaps, a lot of hard work had to be done. In the beginning, in my opinion, it was necessary to arouse the children's interest in the history of their native land. To do this, I held an intellectual game "I know ...".

III . Development of an action plan

Develop an action plan

Determine "points of independence": drawings, poems, photo reports, visiting veterans, etc. (stages of work that the child considers it possible to resolve, perform independently, without the assistance of adults);

Determine "points of cooperation" (a range of tasks for the solution of which it is advisable to involve adult assistants, high school students, parents, and a teacher)

Work plan for project implementation

IV. Collection of information.

Within each Strelka group, its own goal was determined,

your line of business

Various paths were used to work on the project.

  1. Excursions.
  2. Walks and observations.
  3. Visiting libraries.
  4. Essay competitions.
  5. Drawing competitions.
  6. Internet resources.
  7. Visit to the school museum.
  8. Meetings with the administration, famous people and heroes of the village.
  9. Appeal to the media.
  10. Study of primary sources.

During the implementation of this stage, one of the most difficult tasks for me and the guys was the task of finding sponsors. And our parents helped us a lot.

V. Presentation of the project.

The final stage of the work was the week of presentation of the project. During this time, guests were invited from among the parents, teachers of the village schools, employees of various organizations, residents of the village, school students. On the streets of the village were placed leaflets of appeal and leaflets - announcements with the invitation of residents to the upcoming presentation of the project "Who, if not us!".

The text of the appeal.

Dear fellow villagers! Students of class 5A MBOU “Secondary school No. 2 p.g.t. Aktobe" - participants of the project "Who, if not us!"We all live in a beautiful and wonderful village, which, indeed, we can be proud of! For the prosperity of our village, we urge you to take care of everything that was built by our residents, keep the streets, courtyards, entrances clean, ennoble and maintain the comfort of our common home, please others with your good deeds and deeds, do not skimp on warmth and sincerity for each other .

Leaflet text.

Dear residents of the village! We appeal to you - your children and grandchildren!

If you love your village, if you are interested in its history and people,

who live near you, if you want to learn about the soldiers of the internationalists of our village - We invite you to the presentation of the project "Who, if not us!".

We are waiting for you within the walls of our school.

Pupils of grade 5A MBOU secondary school No. 2

For a whole week, the guys in groups performed with a presentation of their work. 3 major extra-curricular activities were held

Project presentation plan

The project was long term. It took a year of work to achieve this goal. We are glad that the information we have obtained will go beyond the archives and everyone can learn a lot of interesting things about the internationalist soldiers of our village of Aktobe.

How fast time has flown

We've done a great job!

And everyone in the class is very happy

That made a feasible contribution to the project.

We have finally created it!

Communicated with people, filmed a film,

We have learned so many new things!

And sponsors helped us.

Let our banner help people

See warriors, soldiers,

Let the feat be their example,

For all Aktobe children!

VI. Work results

Publication and release of the calendar

Children expanded their horizons. They developed an interest in the history of their native land, the traditions of the village. The work also contributed to fostering a sense of pride in the villagers. In addition, the children in the class became more friendly and gained the skills of conflict-free communication.

Teachers and parentsreplenished and consolidated knowledge of history, ethnography, local history. Work in this direction contributed to active cooperation with residents and the administration of the village, the establishment of partnerships, and the rallying of the team of students, parents and teachers. Everyone received a lot of information about their native village, realized the significance of this work. They gained pride in their fellow villagers, a desire to be no worse, responsibility to them and their children.

An important point in the work on the project is the analysis of the financial support of the project.

It is necessary to determine the estimate of financial costs:

  1. Production of leaflets 100 pieces - 250 rubles
  2. Release of calendars format A-4 15 pieces - 1830 rubles
  3. Diplomas, Thanksgiving letters 30 pieces - 450 rubles

Total: 2,530 rubles

How to create this budget? It is necessary to attract sponsorship.

And throughout the year to take an active part in the collection of mountain ash, waste paper, rags.

in order to form students' citizenship, patriotism, active life position for their successful socialization for the benefit of the region and the Motherland as a whole.


  1. M.K. Gospodnikova, N.B. Polyanina, E.I. Samokhvalova, Yu.A. Rodionova, O.Yu. Ektova, T.A. Gordiektov, T.E. Silaeva "Project activities of students", Volgograd, 2008
  1. N.V. Kashleva, Zh.V. Dmitrieva, T.V. Ignatkina "School design laboratory", Volgograd 2009
  1. G.A. Minnikhanov "Aktyuba", LLC "ALMEDIA", 2006
  1. District newspaper "Mayak" No. 2,7,9 2005, No. 4, 5, 1999.
  1. Scientific - methodical journal "Education of schoolchildren" No. 2, 1998,

No. 5.10, 2008.

  1. "Corporate Library of OAO TATNEFT"

“Three billion. HISTORY", Moscow, "Law and Order", 2007

  1. I. Yakovleva "Half a century of creation", Publishing house "Count and K", 2001.
  1. "Hello, native land", Tatar book publishing house, Kazan, 1970.
  1. Z.G. Garifullin "Ayter suzem bar", Aznakayevo, 2001.
  1. V.E. Cherkin “Read poetry, they are: delight”, Aznakayevo 1992.
  1. Magazine "Tatarstan" No. 8, 2000.

Love for the Motherland is the main component of patriotic education, which is the main quality of the moral core of a person. And, we - teachers need to solve the tasks of paramount importance:

Formation of spiritual and moral qualities of a person;

Education of patriotism;

Formation of a tolerant attitude towards the world;

Contribute to the realization of individual, creative, personal and business qualities of the younger generation.

Main ideas of the project

Choice creative works children

Collection of photographic material

Attracting sponsors

Souvenirs for veterans

Creating a banner layout

search party






Photo exhibition of works



Exhibition of drawings


Recitation of poems

own composition


Historians' speeches


Watching videos and

multimedia slides


1. Rechinskaya Larisa Mikhailovna, head of the museum department of the history of the college,

head of the Poisk association, head of the Poisk detachment.

The historical significance of each person is measured by his services to the Motherland, and human dignity - by the strength of his patriotism.

One of the most important problems of modern Russia is the problem of the revival and development of patriotism as the main and integral part of the national idea, the basis of the revival spiritual and moral foundations of Russian society. The formation of the patriotic consciousness of Russians should become the cementing force through which the unity of society, the rallying of the people, and the provision of national security are achieved. Today, the true patriotic duty of all is to wish our Fatherland to be not only materially, but most importantly, morally and spiritually strong. The implementation of the Project of military-patriotic education of youth “Worthy Fatherland!” is a way in this direction.



State educational budgetary institution of secondary vocational education of the Voronezh region.

Rossoshansk College of Meat and Dairy Industry.

"A patriot is a man who loves his Fatherland, devoted to his people, ready to make sacrifices and accomplishing feats in the name of the interests of his Motherland" (modern Russian language dictionary)

The project of military - patriotic education.


for 2014-2020.

1. Rechinskaya Larisa Mikhailovna, head of the museum department of the history of the college,

Head of the Poisk association, head of the Poisk detachment.

The historical significance of each person is measured by his services to the Motherland, and human dignity - by the strength of his patriotism.

One of the most important problems of modern Russia is the problem of the revival and development of patriotism as the main and integral part of the national idea, the basis for the revival of the spiritual and moral foundations of Russian society. The formation of the patriotic consciousness of Russians should become the cementing force through which the unity of society, the rallying of the people, and the provision of national security are achieved. Today, the true patriotic duty of all is to wish our Fatherland to be not only materially, but most importantly, morally and spiritually strong. The implementation of the Project of military-patriotic education of youth “Worthy Fatherland!” is a way in this direction.

INTRODUCTION… ………………………………………………………………………………4.



SCIENTIFIC CONCEPT OF THE PROJECT……………………………………………………....9







PROJECT BUDGET…………………………………………………………………………30


A comprehensive program for military-patriotic education in the RCMMP Rossosh has been operating since 2010. Today, the college has developed certain directions, forms and methods of patriotic education of students. Based on the fact that educational process is always a reflection of the socio-economic changes taking place in society, based on the goals and objectives, the strategy for the development of patriotic education, defined at the federal level, using the results of sociological and other studies and taking into account the specifics of the region, new conceptual approaches to the development of the military-patriotic education system were identified. education in our college. Analyzing the content of patriotism in our particular time, we came to the conclusion that patriotism cannot be attributed exclusively to moral, political or other values. In the new edition of the project “Worthy Fatherlands!” filled with more specific and purposeful content for 2014-2020 in connection with the adoption of a landmark, historic document - Government Decree Russian Federation dated July 11, 2005 No. 422 State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2008-2010".

In accordance with State Program the content and main ways of developing the system of patriotic education of students are clearly defined, which are aimed at further forming patriotism, the consciousness of an active citizen with a political culture, critical thinking, and the ability to make their own choice.

The project of military-patriotic education of students in the college is a single set of educational and educational tasks, legal, research, search and organizational activities that allow to achieve an increase in the level of civil and patriotic education, responsibility, personal involvement of students in the events taking place in the city, region, country , awareness of one's duty, social status, personal development.

The processes of socio-political and socio-economic transformations taking place in the Russian Federation have put forward a number of important, qualitatively new tasks to create a sovereign, economically developed, civilized, democratic state in the full sense of the word, which in fact ensures the constitutional freedoms, rights and obligations of its citizens with full guarantee their legal and social protection. The successful solution of these problems requires a deep understanding by Russian citizens of everything that is happening, the development of an active life position and their widespread involvement in full-fledged practical activities in the interests of society and the state. This implies the need for the formation of high moral, moral-psychological and ethical qualities among citizens, primarily among the younger generation, behind whom the future of the country is. Among them, patriotism, civic and military duty, responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland and readiness to defend it are of great importance.

An analysis of the entire system of educational work in our educational institution shows the timeliness of the problem posed, since, having destroyed the system of educating the young generation that had developed in Soviet society, the organizers of the reforms of public life did not give significant values ​​in return, which led to an increase in crime, drug addiction, nihilism among the younger generation.

In the era of reforms, educational institutions of secondary vocational education retained the richest experience of patriotic education, enriched with new content and managed to become pioneers in a number of issues, such as search work, new forms of museum work, entrepreneurial activity of students and much more.

All forms and methods of educational work, professional training in the college form respect for working people, for the exploits of war veterans, love for their profession, family, history of the region, the Citizen and the Patriot are carefully formed.

The most striking example of citizenship and patriotism for adolescents and youth is the feat of our people during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Knowledge of our roots, awareness of the uniqueness of the Fatherland, its fate, pride in participation in the deeds of ancestors and contemporaries are brought up in the youth environment as a result of the implementation of the "Memory Watch" project by the "POISK" search squad.

A special area for the application of the forces of youth and its patriotic education is the provision of social assistance war and labor veterans.

College students proudly carry their annual Watch at Post No. 1 at eternal flame in the city of Rossosh. This is an honorable right to be won by the guys with hard work and good study.

Regular meetings with graduates - soldiers, help the guys in preparing for military service: they give an idea of ​​the complexities of the service, of the difficulties that the future soldier should be ready for.

Festivals of military-patriotic songs, drill reviews, creative competitions, lessons of courage are regularly held.

It is better to get to know their region, their small homeland, the children are helped by multi-day hikes in the vicinity of the river. Dry Rossosh, form children's respect for their land and love for it. In the lessons of the local history circle, the children conduct research on the study of the history of their native land, the culture and traditions of the peoples inhabiting it.

The Museum of College History is the result of research work in various areas. Far from right are those who consider the museum only a repository of the events of bygone days. If you work informally, the museum becomes the center of life, a school of an active life position and an indifferent attitude to business and people.

We believe that one of the most important aspects of patriotic education is the formation of the physical, mental and moral health of young people, aimed at preparing for the full fulfillment of the basic duties of a citizen: labor activity, protection of the Fatherland, creating a family and raising healthy offspring.

Much attention in the college is paid to the fight against the widespread "bad habits" among the youth (smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs). Several years of work proved that it is possible to fight drug addiction! In the system of measures to involve adolescents in healthy lifestyle life, a special place is occupied by the prevention of anxiety and stress, deviant forms of behavior which is carried out by the socio-psychological service.

The founders of Russian age-related physiology showed that movements and physical activity, supporting metabolic processes, are the basis on the basis of which not only the biological, but also the spiritual development of a teenager takes place. The college has a variety of sports sections, competitions in various sports are held. Along with the traditional physical education classes in the rank of compulsory classes in the gym.

The project of military-patriotic education has been developed and is being implemented by the entire college staff, the Museum of History, the POISK search team, the Council of Veterans, student self-government bodies, parental assets and the region's media.


In Russian society, patriotism is always held in high esteem, as devotion and love for one's Fatherland, for one's people, public recognition, service for the benefit of society, respect for one's history.

Today it makes sense to consider patriotism solely from the side of actions and deeds, as an ability thanks to which we can set the proper status of Russia and begin to predetermine its place in the world. And this ability must be grown and cultivated in children and adolescents. Now, more than ever, it is necessary to revive the former military moral values, therefore this project is designed to stir up historical memory, deep Russian spirituality. Only the Russian educational community is able to fulfill this task.

The upbringing of young people on the heroic pages of the great history of our city, on the exploits of military and labor fathers, grandfathers, mothers, great commanders is the task that the teaching staff of the college sets for itself. We believe that you need to start with an understanding of yourself, your destiny, the history of your family, your kind, city, region, your small homeland.

Its implementation is based on the principles of science, legality, democracy, consistency, phasing and continuity, differentiation according to age and other characteristics, diversity and complex unity of the forms and means of this activity.


  1. Formation of civic consciousness: the foundations of legal, political culture, knowledge of the history of one's region, Fatherland and world civilization; philosophical and ideological preparation, self-education.
  2. Formation of civic feelings and qualities: patriotism, internationalism, a sense of civic duty and social responsibility, readiness to defend one's Fatherland, uphold one's convictions.
  3. Formation of experience and culture of civic behavior, social activity, skills and abilities of organizational activity.

Legal rationale

Law of the Russian Federation "On military duty and military service", Law of the Russian Federation "On education", Law of the Russian Federation "On perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland".

State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2001 No. 122.


  1. Education - the activity of transferring social and historical experience, high moral qualities, a creative attitude to activity, a scientific worldview, a high culture of work and behavior to boys and girls;
  2. Education is the process of mastering the skills and abilities of museum, research work, search, design activities, communication with a different circle of people;
  3. Development is an objective process of internal, consistent, quantitative and qualitative changes in the physical and spiritual forces of adolescents;
  4. Activation of military-patriotic education, the formation of moral values, civil creation, self-respect, love for the history of the country for the Fatherland.


  1. Active participation in the revival of lost moral values ​​and the implementation of state policy in the field of education of patriotism.
  2. Affirmation in the creation of youth of patriotic values, respect for elders, for the history and culture of Russia, for the Armed Forces, increasing the prestige of military service.
  3. Creation of conditions for social, cultural and spiritual and physical development of children and youth, stimulating them to improve their social status.
  4. Providing conditions for a more targeted process of socialization of the individual, the inclusion of students in the solution of socio-economic, cultural, environmental problems.
  5. Creation of a mechanism for coordinating the activities of all subjects of patriotic education, developing relations with veteran organizations and youth associations, search teams and museums of regional schools.
  6. The formation of a civic active personality, to adapt in modern socio-economic conditions, to help each student find their place in life.


Search work (establishing historical destinies and perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, establishing participants in significant events in the history of the region, region, the event itself, its content, collecting documents, memoirs, personal things, etc.)

Research work (abstracts, reports, work in archives)

Design work (newspapers, stands in the museum, booklets, exhibitions)

Sociological surveys, interviews, publications in the media.

Carrying out and participation in public actions, seminars, participation in reviews - competitions.

Generalization and popularization of experience.

Patriotism is love and loyalty to the Fatherland, awareness of one's involvement in big and small things, an acute, conscious need to serve one's Motherland, respect for its history, awareness and experience of its greatness and glory, pride in it and its people, the desire to protect its honor and dignity to multiply her courage and independence.

Patriotism includes:

1. Feeling of attachment to the places where a person was born and raised, to his small homeland;

2. Respectful attitude to the language, culture, customs and traditions of their people:

3. Continuous concern for the interests of the Motherland;

4. Awareness of the duty to the Motherland, upholding its honor and dignity, freedom and independence (defence of the Fatherland);

5. Manifestation of civic feelings and loyalty to the Motherland;

6. Pride for one's Fatherland, for the symbols of the state, for one's people;

7. Respect for the history of the Fatherland, the study and knowledge of it;

8. Responsibility for the fate of the Motherland and its people, their future, expressed in the desire to work honestly and creatively, to show their abilities and direct them to the cause of serving the Motherland, its prosperity;

9. Humanism, mercy, universal values.

Patriotism is a combination of spiritual, moral and socio-cultural components, which, as can be seen from the Project and the history of Russia, like any nation, state, implies the formation, long-term development of the highest moral qualities of a person.

Need-motivational component of patriotism

Human needs are always the determining factors at the heart of human development and activity. They also influence, determine the motivation of his deeds, goals, achievements.

The formation of this component in the college takes place in the entire system of educational work, lessons, circle classes, events, promotions, summer and recreational work of the team, parents, veteran organizations.

These are lessons in social disciplines, preparation for a profession, museum, research and search work.

Local history allows the children to feel their attachment to the family, the small Motherland, the desire to know the history of the region, wonderful people. It leads to search work, which develops the best qualities of the guys, awareness of their responsibility, duty and honor, equips them with the most valuable experience and knowledge.


For the implementation of these tasks, the possibilities of training sessions in all subjects are used, especially in history and social science, in the study of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Russian language and literature.

Our college has an effective system of extracurricular activities: class hours, intellectual marathons, round tables, reader conferences, museum and research, search work of the "POISK" detachment. This work activates the best qualities of students, encourages them to educational activities, significantly increases their personal potential and civic qualities.

Emotional and sensual component of patriotism

Its task is to form students' patriotic views and beliefs.

They should permeate all the actions of students, be reflected in their worldview, self-realization and become guiding their activities and behavior.

Educational work in our college is holistic, personal in nature and has real results, both in work and in military service, family and friendly relations readiness for small and big things.

College students actively manifest themselves in student self-government, debating clubs, the POISK search team, environmental expeditions, real help war and labor veterans.

Behavioral and volitional component of patriotism

This is the formation of students' ability to volitional manifestation in the field of patriotism and culture of interethnic relations.

The specificity of the student team of our college is that we have children from low-income families from many districts of the Voronezh region, villages and villages, a multinational composition. The goals of the guys are close and clear: to get a good profession, high qualifications, most want to continue to study even on a commercial basis, work, take place as a citizen, all this implies camaraderie, collectivism, a sense of duty and mutual responsibility to each other, parents, college and of course their country and people.

The main directions of military-patriotic education in the RCMMP

Spiritual and moral

Purpose: students' awareness in the process of military-patriotic education of higher values, ideals, guidelines, socially significant processes and phenomena of real life, the ability to be guided by them as defining principles, positions in practical activities.


A system of measures for military-patriotic education aimed at understanding the historical and cultural roots, awareness of the uniqueness of the Fatherland, its fate, inseparability from it, the formation of pride in participation in the deeds of ancestors and contemporaries and historical responsibility for what is happening in society.


Through a system of measures, it influences the formation of a legal culture and law-abidingness, skills for assessing political and legal events and processes in society and the state, citizenship, constant readiness to serve one's people and fulfill one's constitutional duty.


It is aimed at activating the spiritual, moral, cultural and historical continuity of generations, the formation of an active life position, the manifestation of feelings of nobility and compassion, the manifestation of care for the elderly, the suppression of ethnic hatred.


It is focused on the formation of young people of high patriotic consciousness, the ideas of serving the Fatherland, the ability to defend it armed, the study of Russian military history, military traditions.


It is focused on promoting the heroic deeds of Russians, fellow countrymen, their contribution to the development of the country, region, city, the study of the heroic destinies of college graduates, the stages of development of the educational institution. The study of the heroic and historical dates of our history, the cultivation of a sense of pride in the heroic deeds of the ancestors and their traditions.


It is aimed at the development of moral and volitional qualities, the education of strength, dexterity, endurance, stamina, courage, discipline in the process of doing physical culture and sports, the formation of experience in serving the Fatherland and readiness to defend the Motherland.

Project Implementation Mechanism

Stage 1. The project is discussed and approved by the Museum Council.

Stage 2. Coordination in higher and interested organizations:

Council of Veterans of Rossosh..

Department for youth policy of the administration of Rossosh

Stage 3. Project implementation.

Management is carried out by the Headquarters consisting of:

Sukharev S.A., Director of the RCMMP - Chief of Staff.

Rechinskaya LM, Head of the Museum Department - Deputy Chief of Staff.

Headquarters members:

Commander of the Poisk software - Savenko Vladislav 441 gr.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Rossosh - Zharyy A.M.

Headquarters Functions:

Carries out operational management and coordination of activities for the implementation of program activities.

Provides control over the intended use of financial resources.

Provides organizational and methodological assistance to the Project participants in the implementation of the Action Plan.

Analyzes the implementation of activities.

Interacts with the administration and governing structures of the college.

Attracts financial, logistical and other resources for the implementation of the Project activities.

Evaluation of the efficiency of the Program implementation

As a result of the Project, it is expected

On a national scale:

In the socio-ideological plan - ensuring the spiritual and moral unity of society, reducing the degree of ideological confrontation, reviving the true spiritual values ​​of the Russian people, strengthening the unity and friendship of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

In socio-economic terms - ensuring the interest of students in the development of the national economy and, on this basis, reducing social tension, maintaining social and economic stability;

In the field of the country's defense capability - increasing the prestige of military service, the readiness of citizens to defend the Fatherland, the preservation and development of its glorious military and labor traditions, and the training of young people for service in the Armed Forces.

College scale:

The implementation of the main directions of the Project will allow:

To unite the efforts of all educational structures of the college in solving the problems of patriotic education;

To overcome socially negative phenomena in the youth environment: alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.

To develop creative abilities, hobbies, talents of young people.

Strengthen the material and technical base of the college structures that carry out the patriotic education of youth.

Improve the organizational and methodological support of activities aimed at the patriotic education of youth.

Increase youth interest in learning significant events the history of their Motherland, to cultivate respect for the exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland.

The end results of the Project implementation should be a spiritual and cultural uplift in the college. High spirituality, civic stand, patriotic consciousness of our college students will greatly contribute to the successful solution of the problems of overcoming the crisis and determining the future of Russia.

Action plan for the implementation of the project "Military-patriotic education of students" GOBU SPO VO RKMMP Rossosh for 20140-2020.




1. Work on patriotic education in the course of preparation for the 72 (73) anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945.

1.1. Student research and scientific and practical conferences:

"Rossoshians during the Second World War 1941-1945"

"Poultry College during the Second World War"

"Graduates and teachers of the college during the Second World War"


Rossosh operation"

1.2 Carrying out a month of military-patriotic work (according to a special plan)

1.4 Holding a collective competition of the military-patriotic song "Glory, Fatherland!"

Holding a meeting of veterans and students "Front-line soldier, put on orders!"

January to April 2014 -20

From 23.01. to 23.02.

From 20.02. to 23.02.

23.02. to 04.05. to 08.05.

Increasing students' interest in the history of the region, the contribution of Rossosh residents to the great cause of the Victory.

The study and evaluation of the activities of the townspeople "Everything for the front! Everything for the Victory!

Study of the history of the educational institution, the role of the older generation of graduates during the war years.

Continued study of the history of the Ostrogozhsk-Rossosh operation, its heroic military path, the discovery of new names and new destinies.

Raising the prestige of the army service, intensifying educational work, the work of the museum, the search squad "POISK", circles. Prevention of socially active phenomena.

Development of students' abilities, creative qualities, education of respect for the military history of the state, for the Army.

Raising respect for veterans, for feats in the name of Victory.


2.1 Competitions of student essays, poems, drawings, photographs, layouts and models “Dedicated to Victory ...!”

2.2. Relay race of good deeds "Help a veteran"

2.3. Carrying out in order the places of burial of war veterans, veterans.

2.4. Opening of the memorial plaque to the Hero Soviet Union TARASENKO.

Opening of a memorial plaque to the Hero of the Soviet Union Visloguzova Z.V.

Opening of the memorial plaque "HOSPITAL"

From 25.04. until 08.05.

May 2015

May 2013

May 2013

Identification of talented children, development of their abilities, interest in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Education of humanism, respect for the older generation.

Education of humanism, duty and responsibility.



3. Work on patriotic education in connection with other memorable dates and events in the history of Russia.

3.1 Classroom hours, local lore classes.

3.2Meeting with participants in the hostilities in Afghanistan, college graduates

(on the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan) Screening of the film "9th Company" and a press conference.

3.3 Scientific and practical conference "Outstanding Russian naval commanders"

3.4 Study of the history of the domestic submarine fleet

Throughout the period



(watching films once a month, the theme is patriotic)

Preservation and development of a sense of pride in the Fatherland, the study and perpetuation of the memory of military pages.

The study of this war, awareness of the events of the Afghan war, the heroism of Soviet soldiers and the current situation of the participants in these events.

Preservation and development of a sense of pride in the great historical events.

Activation of attention and formation of respect for the history of the Russian Navy.

4. The work of the search team "POISK"

Organizational work

Analysis of the results of search work in the 2010-2015 academic year, report on the work.

October 2014-20

Summarizing the results of the activities of the detachment.

Preparation and participation in the 19.20th All-Russian gathering of search teams and museum associations in



Presentation, popularization of the experience of the detachment.

Participation in the regional competition of museums among secondary professional institutions.

May 2014-15

The reaction of the creative abilities of search engines, popularization of the experience of the museum.

Participation in a poetry evening within the framework of the Days of Russian Spirituality and Culture "Shine of Russia".

October 2014-20

Development of communicative qualities, creative abilities of children.

Recruitment of the new detachment, interviews with candidates, solemn admission to the detachment.

October-February 2014-20

Definition of participants.

Preparation of regulations on the content of search work

November 2010


Formation of a work plan for the search team and the museum.

Search for participants in the Second World War, veterans of the home front, participants in military events in Afghanistan and Chichne-graduates of the college. Arrangement of materials in the museum.

All period

Raising the level of search work, expanding the participants in search work, fostering interest in historical events.

Holding meetings with youth, lessons of courage, class hours.

During a year

Patriotic education, promotion of the detachment.


Development of an action plan for project implementation

November 2010

Preparation of the draft Program

Organization of meetings with veterans, watchmen.

November 2010-15

Coordination of the action plan and organizational moments.

Conducting research in the following areas:

1. World War II, events.

2. Rossoshantsy - participants in the war.

3. History of Rossosh, culture

Until June 2014

Compilation and publication of the “Book of Memory”, design of new museum expositions, reports on the results of research on the pages of the media, preparation of the historical base of the expedition.

Expedition "Memory Watch" in Rossosh.

July-August 2010-20

As part of the expedition:

1. Landscaping and maintenance of military graves.

2. Installation of commemorative plates.

3. Solemn rally "Worthy of the Fatherland",

The laying of wreaths.

4. Search for information in order to establish the historical fate of compatriots who fell in battle.

5.Meetings with representatives of youth associations of the city. Experience exchange. Cultural programs.

Processing and summarizing the results of the expedition

September-October 2014-15

Presentation of the results of work in video materials, publication of a booklet, design of expositions.

Work with archives, military registration and enlistment offices and other organizations

During a year

Establishment of the historical fate of the fallen defenders of the Motherland based on the results of the expedition and on the basis of requests from relatives.

Presentation of the work of the "Search" detachment.

December 2010, 14-20

Promotion of the group's activities.

Related research:

“Burial at 2 bldg. RCMMP and identification”.

Within 4 years.


Museum work:

Work with documents;

Working with museum exhibits;

Processing of the received materials, the rule of registration;

How to interview, features of dialogue, conversations;

During a year

Acquisition of skills in collecting exhibits and designing museum expositions.

Methods of field search works:

Safety regulations for field work;

Types of military burials;



Methods of identification and establishment of the fate of the fallen soldiers;

Work with relatives in establishing the fate of fallen soldiers;

Basics of tourism: setting up a bivouac, orienteering, first aid methods for injuries, packing a backpack, field cooking skills, survival in extreme situations.

During a year

Acquisition of search engine skills necessary for field search work and methods for establishing the fate of fallen soldiers.

The work of designers

During a year

Development of skills in the design of research materials and exposition.


During a year

Introduction to military service, mastery of combat techniques.




Creative search "My relatives during the Second World War"

Creative search work "History of my family"

Study of the history of the profession

Research "My small Motherland"

- "Beloved city of Rossosh"

- “Rossoshsky streets speak”

- "Your people, Rossosh"

Continuation of the College Book of Remembrance

The whole period, local lore circle.

All period

local historians, search group "Search".

Inculcation and development of research skills and abilities. Raising interest in one's own land, in one's family.

Perpetuation of the Memory of veterans who died in the battles for the Motherland.


7. Working with veterans

Meeting with the veteran "With all my heart", joint work with the city council of veterans, the council of college veterans.

4 meetings per year

2.10., 30.12.

23.02., 08.05.

Raising respect for veterans, studying their life and work, fostering humanism and patriotism.

Providing patronage assistance to veterans in housing repairs, food delivery, etc.

Project "House without loneliness"

Assigning groups to college veterans

All period

Moral education of students.


College Birthday Sports Relays

Day of Defenders of the Fatherland;

Victory Day;



Development of moral and volitional qualities, education of strength, dexterity, endurance, courage.

Formation of the experience of serving the Fatherland and readiness to defend the Motherland.

Sports competition by type

During a year

health days

February, June

Tourism and tourist gatherings

Winter holidays summer.

All period

Ecological education;

love for the land, nature.

Participation in competitions

"Ski track of Russia"

February 2008,2014-20

"Volunteer Squads"

Research work "Serve the Fatherland"

Setting up exhibits in the museum anniversaries Fatherland, region and college

Care of monuments

Participation in the game "Zarnitsa"

Holding the festival "Salute, Victory!"

Participation in the campaigns "Conscript's Day", a month of good deeds.


April. Annually.

According to dates

January 2014 -20

according to plan


Spring Summer Autumn


From 20.04. to 09.05.

Spring, autumn

Increasing the effectiveness of military-patriotic education of students

The study of national history, patriotic education

Interest in the constitution of the Russian Federation, knowledge and respect for state symbols.

Search work, generalization and design of the found materials.

Activation of museum works

Popularization of the work of the museum and the search team "Poisk"

humanistic education.

Raising loyalty to the exploits of veterans of the war and home front.

Preparation for service in the Army

12. Popularization of military-patriotic education in college


For 2014-2020

The program is managed by the Headquarters for Patriotic Education, consisting of:

Sukharev S.A - Chief of Staff, director of the college


Rechinskaya L.M. - Head of the museum department

Deputy director of physical education

Zharyy A.M. - Chairman of the Council of Veterans

Kopylov V.A. - Head of the military-industrial complex "School of pre-conscript"

Material and technical base of the project for military patriotic education "I serve the fatherland" in the RCMMP.

  1. Military training "School of pre-conscript"

OBZh cabinet;


Gas masks-50 complexes;

  1. sports training


Sports complex for spring and autumn activities;


  1. information center (computer equipment, multimedia equipment, Internet).

    Requested amount, rub

    Organization and preparation for the rally of museum and station teams in the city of Anapa (including travel expenses, food, equipment, medicines, etc.)

    150 000

    150 000

    Organization of patronage work on veterans of the Great Patriotic War.



    Participation in the All-Russian rally of search teams in Anapa

    15 0000

    15 0000

    Development of the manufacture of attributes of the college and the museum (emblem, flag, anthem)

    10 000

    10 000

    Making challenge cups: them. Tarasenko and Forty Heroes of the Soviet Union

    40 000

    40 000

    Action for the preservation of military graves



    Registration of new expositions of the museum

    20 000

    20 000




    Consumable photos, video materials



    Directing, editing, video films

    10 000

    10 000

    Printing costs

    20 000

    20 000

    Communication services



    Expenses for organizing solemn and educational (conferences, seminars, reviews, etc.) events.

    15 000

    15 000

    Strengthening the material and technical base of the “Poisk” circle, the military-industrial complex “School of the pre-conscript”

    40 000

    40 0000

    Sports equipment

    15 000


    15 0000

    Development of the material base of the Information Technology Center

    50 000


    50 000

    Provision of specialized teams and clubs with uniforms

    50 000


    50 000


    455 000

    3.2 TOTAL PROJECT AMOUNT - 455,000 rubles.


    RCMMP was formed on March 8, 1931 (historical reference) for the training of workers. Currently, 687 students study at the college, including: 105 orphans; 70% of students are from large, low-income families.

    According to the educational programs, each student can get a second profession.

    Honored teachers of the Russian Federation, teachers and masters of industrial training of the highest qualification category work in the teaching staff of the college, more than 40% of the staff are young specialists.


    The college has several hectares of land on which there is an educational building with classrooms, a public building with a gym, an assembly hall, and a library. Training workshops, where it is installed, metal and woodworking equipment, a hostel, its own garage.

    In 2007, the College opened the Information Center, equipped with modern computer technology, multimedia equipment, there is a dedicated line for connecting the Internet. According to the established indicators of the GOBU SPO VO RKMMP, he entered the top 100 CSUs of Russia. The teaching staff is creative and constantly working to improve effective methods training and education.



    on civic-patriotic education

    "I can't help it..."

    Uspenskoe 2018

    3.Project name-"I can't help it..."

    4.Keywords: duty, Fatherland, honor, patriotism, morality.

    5.Implementation period: 2018-2020

    6.Relevance of the problem:

    The relevance of the problem of education of patriotism and morality in modern society is determined by the following main reasons:

    The expansion of the unfavorable environment of the social space, which negative impact on the consciousness and feelings of young people;

    The emergence of new socio-cultural and economic realities arising from the development of a market economy,

    Mismatch of the activities of the main social institutions, the mechanism of socialization of generations, which is associated with the change and loss of the system of traditional values, the continuity of generations and the aggravation of social contradictions in society,

    Overestimation of the role of education and a clear underestimation of education;

    The introduction of values ​​alien to the Russian mentality, displacing the traditions of Russia.

    The above factors had a negative impact on the public

    consciousness of some age groups population of the city, the country, thereby belittled the educational impact of Russian culture, art, education as the most important factors in the formation of patriotism and morality.

    Objective and subjective processes began to make significant changes. Unfortunately, in the public mind

    widespread indifference, selfishness, individualism, cynicism,

    unmotivated aggressiveness, disrespectful attitude towards the state,

    social institutions.

    New ideological attitudes lead to a change in the modern school.

    These changes require a new approach in the formation of patriotic and

    moral consciousness of students. A developing society needs not only modern educated, entrepreneurial people who

    can independently make decisions in a situation of choice, predicting them possible consequences, ways to cooperate, distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, but also passionately loving their Motherland, able to defend it, appreciate its moral achievements.

    7. Goals and objectives of the project:


    Education of citizenship, patriotism, morality;

    Instilling fundamental values, ideas, beliefs;

    Perpetuation of the feat of the multinational people in the Great Patriotic War;

    Counteraction to falsification of the events of the Great Patriotic War;

    Increasing interest in the history of the Motherland, the history of one's family.


    Raising a sense of pride for the Fatherland, one's people, one's family;

    Formation of a new role for the child - a member of society, the acquisition of experience in civic activity;

    Formation in the younger generation of a sense of loyalty to the Motherland, responsibility for the fate of the country, readiness to serve the Fatherland and protect it, fulfill civic duty; familiarization with the historical, cultural and moral values, traditions of their people;

    Development of national self-consciousness and citizenship in the conditions of the educational process, extra-curricular and leisure activities of students;

    - the formation of views, beliefs, value orientations, motivation of behavior through forms of activity that are exciting for students, socially approved and productive activities for the good of the Motherland;

    Involvement of schoolchildren, parents in the preparation of events dedicated to important events country;

    Consolidation and coordination of the activities of the school, family, community in the military-patriotic education of the younger generation;

    Strengthening common interests in the family by involving children and adults in holding joint events of a patriotic orientation;

    Formation of attention, respect, respect for veterans, a sense of tolerance;

    Development of creative intellectual abilities, the communicative culture of students, the ability to work in a team;

    Increasing motivation for learning, cognitive activity, the ability of self-realization of students;

    Supplement, expansion of students' knowledge of history; familiarization of the project participants with the main events, the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, Russia's contribution to the victory over fascism;

    Approbation of forms and methods that contribute to the development of the creative potential of the individual in the context of civil and patriotic education, the integration of general and additional education, social partnership and networking;

    Formation of the civil-patriotic position of students through the system of traditional affairs.

    8.Expected results of the project:

    100% of students will become participants in the project “I can’t do otherwise…”,

    The percentage of admission of graduates to educational institutions related to military service, internal affairs bodies and the Ministry of Emergency Situations,

    The percentage of graduates wishing to serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation will increase,

    The number of students wishing to join the Yunarmiya, Volunteer, Zarnitsa detachments will increase.

    - students' awareness that a true citizen loves his Motherland, studies, preserves and enhances its historical, cultural, spiritual heritage, is faithful to his civic duty, is proud of his Motherland, and is ready to defend his Fatherland;

    - formation of a sense of pride among the younger generation for their homeland, for its national culture, heroic past;

    - increasing the degree of readiness of students to fulfill their civic and patriotic duty, responsibility for the future of their country;

    - formation of an active life position in the struggle for the preservation of peace on Earth;

    9.Expected effects of the project:

    - growth of responsibility for the real contribution of the younger generation to the prosperity of the rural settlement "Uspenskoye", Odintsovo district and our country as a whole.

    10. Criteria and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the project.

    Combining the efforts of the pedagogical community in solving the problems of patriotic and moral education in the context of social partnership and networking;

    Approbation of new forms and methods of activity of patriotic and moral education of schoolchildren;

    Introduction of modern mechanisms for the implementation of targeted programs and projects in this area;

    Publication of school materials on the specified issues in the media, Internet communities, websites of the school and village / settlement;

    Improving the quality of knowledge, civil, moral, legal culture;

    Development methodological material for lessons, conferences, round tables, extracurricular activities, collective creative affairs and implementation of social projects;

    Increasing social activity and the level of socialization and self-realization of schoolchildren;

    Development of school self-government;

    Increasing the level of upbringing of students;

    Involvement of all participants in the educational process in the implementation of this project.

    Quantitative parameters:

    As a result of the implementation of the project "I can not do otherwise ..." it is planned to achieve:

    1. Absence of children with deviant behavior.

    2. Increasing the mass character and activity of students in competitions on patriotic and moral topics.

    11. Description of the main activities of the project by stages

    I-th stage: design - (January 2018)

    Target:designing a project model, creating conditions for its implementation.


    - get acquainted with the practice of designing projects for patriotic education of educational institutions of the district, region, country;





    Target:project implementation

    The main content of the activity:

    - work out the content of the activity, try out the most effective forms and methods of educational influence;

    - develop: student self-government; volunteer movement; movement "Youth Army";

    - to expand and strengthen the ties and relations of the school with institutions of additional education, culture, sports, the Council of Veterans;

    - involve representatives of all subjects of educational activity in the system of civil-patriotic education;

    - take part in regional, city, district competitions in civic-patriotic education;

    - monitor the implementation of the program.

    Project activities:

    1. Conducting competitions among students for the best essay, essay, story, poem on civil and patriotic topics.

    2. Participation in the school and district military sports game "Zarnitsa".

    4. Participation in the tourist rally "Forest School".

    5. Holding sports holidays and competitions, sports days.

    6. Class hours, conversations, lectures, matinees.

    7. Lessons of courage.

    8. Lessons of kindness.

    9. Conference "Peace and Youth"

    10. - Festival "Katyusha",

    11. -Competition of a military combatant song.

    12. Classroom hours and conversations

    13. Patronage:

    Over-fixed monuments and burials in the territory of the village "Uspenskoye";

    14. Organization of screening and discussion of popular science, documentary and feature films on military-patriotic topics

    15. Holding meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of local wars

    16. Coverage of experience in military-patriotic education in school and local media

    17. Exchange of experience with educational institutions working on the problem of patriotic education of schoolchildren

    18. Organization of trips to the native land, to military and historical places.

    19. Visiting museums and exhibitions.

    20. Participation in permanent regional, district competitions that implement programs of patriotic education of schoolchildren.

    21. Promotions:

    - "Veterans live nearby",

    - "Candle of memory",

    - Salute to Victory,

    -"George Ribbon",

    - Russian Ribbon

    - "Immortal Regiment",

    - "Good Wizards", etc.

    22. Work with constantly updated school stands "Salute to Victory!"

    III-th stage: analytical - (July-August 2020 academic year.)


    The main content of the program:


    Create an event bank

    - to correct the difficulties in the implementation of the project

    12. Calendar plan project implementation.

    Project stage



    Deadline or period

    Expected results

    I th stage: design

    - study the regulatory framework for patriotic education;

    - get acquainted with the practice of designing projects for patriotic education of educational institutions of the district, region, country;

    - design a project model;

    - analyze logistical, pedagogical conditions project implementation;

    - select diagnostic methods for studying the effectiveness of activities in the main areas of the project.

    - develop, discuss and approve the project for pedagogical council schools, on the Council of High School Students - a body of student self-government, on the Governing Council - a self-governing body of the school.

    (January 2018)

    designing a project model, creating conditions for its implementation.

    II th stage: practical

    Work out the content of the activity, try out the most effective forms and methods of educational influence;

    Develop: student self-government; volunteer movement; the Yunarmiya movement;

    Expand and strengthen the ties and relations of the school with institutions of additional education, culture, sports, the Council of Veterans;

    Involve representatives of all subjects of educational activity in the system of civil-patriotic and moral education;

    Take part in regional, city, district competitions in civic-patriotic education;

    Monitor program implementation.

    Project activities:

    1. Conducting competitions among students for the best essay, essay, story, poem on civil and patriotic topics.

    2. Participation in the school and district military sports game "Zarnitsa".

    4. Participation in the tourist rally "Forest School".

    5. Carrying out sports holidays and competitions, sports days.

    6.Class hours, conversations, lectures, matinees.

    7. Lessons of courage.

    8. Lessons of kindness.

    9.Conference "Peace and Youth"

    10. Festival "Katyusha",

    11. Combat song competition.

    12. Cool hours and conversations

    13. Patronage:

    - over the participants and veterans of the Second World War,

    Above the fixed monuments and burials in the territory of the village "Uspenskoye";

    14. Organization of showing and discussion of popular science, documentary and feature films on military-patriotic topics

    15. Holding meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of local wars

    16. Coverage of the experience of work on patriotic education in school and local media

    17. Exchange of experience with educational institutions working on the problem of patriotic education of schoolchildren

    18.Organization of campaigns in the native land, in military and historical places.

    19. Visiting museums and exhibitions.

    20. Participation in permanent regional, district competitions that implement programs for the patriotic education of schoolchildren.

    21. Holding promotions:

    - "Veterans live nearby",

    - "Candle of memory",

    - “From generation to generation, from heart to heart”,

    - Salute to Victory,

    -"George Ribbon",

    - Russian Ribbon

    - "Immortal Regiment",

    - "Good wizards."

    22. Work with constantly updated school stands "Salute to Victory!"

    (February 2018 - June 2020)

    project implementation

    III th stage: analytical

    - prepare analytical materials on the implementation of the project based on the analysis and evaluation of the results of the school, issue Toolkit on this issue;

    Create an event bank

    - to correct the difficulties in the implementation of the project.

    – (July-September 2020 academic year.)

    analysis of the results of the project implementation.

    13. Resource support of the project:

    13.1. Project staffing.

    No. pp

    FULL NAME. employee

    Position, education, academic degree.

    Name of projects

    (international, federal, regional, municipal school), carried out with the participation of a specialist over the past 3 years

    The functionality of a specialist in the project of the organizer-applicant

    (head, developer, expert)

    Razuvaeva G.P.

    Deputy Director for VR


    "Salute to Victory"

    "School without aggression"

    "Veterans live nearby"



    Mustafina I.N.

    Deputy Director for OIA


    "Salute to Victory"

    "School without aggression"

    "School-educational mini-district"


    Terentiev E.A.

    Deputy Director for OIA


    "Salute to Victory"

    "School without aggression"

    "Volleyball-3rd hour of physical education."

    "School-educational mini-district"


    Sedova M.A.



    "Salute to Victory"

    "Veterans live nearby"



    Kondrashova E.G.

    Social teacher


    "Salute to Victory"

    "School without aggression"

    "Veterans live nearby"


    Beglaryan K.E.

    Head of ShMO class teachers


    "Salute to Victory"

    "School without aggression"


    Goryaeva I.E.

    Teacher primary school


    "Salute to Victory"

    "School without aggression"


    Chegodaikina E.G.

    Head of School of Teachers elementary school


    "Salute to Victory"

    "School without aggression"


    Mikhalin V.A.

    Teacher physical education


    "Salute to Victory"

    "School without aggression"

    "Volleyball-3rd hour of physical education."


    Razuvaev A.N.

    Teacher-organizer of life safety


    "Salute to Victory"

    "School without aggression"



    13.2. Logistics support of the project.

    No. pp

    Name of available equipment for project implementation

    Number of units

    interactive equipment


    Acoustic system

    document camera




    13.3. Financial support of the project

    No. pp



    Financing volumes

    (thousand roubles)

    Uniform for the detachment "Yunarmiya"


    The budget of the Odintsovo district

    500 tas.rub

    Attributes of a detachment of volunteers


    The budget of the Odintsovo district

    300 thousand rubles

    14. The main risks of the project and ways to minimize them

    No. pp

    The main risks of the project

    Ways to minimize risks

    Among those participating in the project, a significant part of the children and parents live in other settlements, some of the parents work outside the region.

    Measures to consolidate the social status of the school:

    Open days, alumni forum, school-wide parent meetings, conferences;

    Publication of materials about the school and school life in the media, on the website of the school and s/settlement;

    Building educational work on the basis of associations of different ages,

    Introduction of additional school bus runs.

    Lack of funding

    Attracting extrabudgetary funds;

    Attracting sponsorship.

    Families of students representing different social groups.

    Thematic class hours with parents;


    Organization of excursions and trips.

    15. Proposals for the dissemination and implementation of the results of the project into mass practice and ensuring the sustainability of the project after the end of its implementation.

    No. pp


    Implementation mechanisms

    Introduce this project into the general system of the educational program.

    Conducting seminars and round tables;

    Media coverage best events this project.

    16. Main implemented projects for the last 3 years.

    No. pp

    Project implementation period

    Project name

    Sources of financial support

    Main results



    "School without aggression"

    1. The number of students on various types of accounting has decreased.

    2. The level of anxiety has decreased.

    3. Improved indicators of the level of upbringing of students.



    "School-educational mini-district"

    17. Proposals on the list of educational, educational and laboratory, training and production, demonstration equipment necessary for the implementation of the project.

    No. pp

    Name of equipment / set of equipment

    Number of units

    Uniform for the detachment "Yunarmiya"

    Attributes of a detachment of volunteers

    Professional camera

    Patriotic education project

    "We are patriots"

    I Introduction

    II. Goals, objectives of the project

    III. Forms of patriotic education

    IV. Stages of project implementation:

    1. Oriented diagnostic

    2. Main

    3. Final

    V. Project Implementation Mechanism

    VI. Social partners

    VII. Expected results

    VIII. Appendix


    The relevance of the project on patriotic education.

    Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and obligation of its citizens. Its highest manifestation is a civic, patriotic duty to the Fatherland. Patriotism is manifested in the actions and activities of a person. Born out of love for their "small homeland", patriotic feelings, having gone through a number of stages on the way to their maturity, they rise to a national patriotic self-consciousness, to a conscious love for their Fatherland. Patriotism is love for the Motherland, devotion to one's Fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness, up to self-sacrifice, to protect it. At the personal level, patriotism acts as the most important stable characteristic of a person, expressed in his worldview, moral ideals, and norms of behavior. Conducting questionnaires among the students of our school, we can say with confidence that not all students understand and know what meaning is hidden behind the words "Motherland", "patriot", "citizen", "patriotism", "citizenship" and what qualities they should to educate in oneself in order to become a support for one's country in the future. Therefore, in our school, the patriotic education of students is a systematic and purposeful activity to form in students a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland. Patriotic education is aimed at the formation and development of a person who has the qualities of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland, capable of successfully fulfilling civic duties in peacetime and wartime. This project is integral part educational activities of the school and is carried out within the framework of the school-wide program for the education of students of the school "Become a Human Being" (2011-2016)

    Objective of the project:

    the formation of students' civic personality traits, love and respect for their Fatherland, students' ideas about the legal and spiritual and moral meaning of the concept of "citizen".

    Project objectives:

    1. To develop feelings of patriotism, citizenship, understanding of the rights and freedoms of the individual;

    2. Form the moral foundations of the individual, raise the level of spiritual culture;

    3. Form a humanistic attitude towards the world and people;

    4. To form the internal need of the individual for constant self-improvement;

    5. Conduct ongoing work on the socialization of students, prepare them for life in modern reality.

    Forms of patriotic education:

      Spiritual and moral direction includes:

    Formation of a morally stable integral personality, possessing such moral qualities as conscientiousness, honesty, collectivism, observance of the rules of conduct, respect for the older generation, courage, love for the Motherland and one's people;

    Raising respect for the family, parents, family traditions; the formation of social activity aimed at serving the interests of their Fatherland; education of attitude to work as a vital necessity, the main way to achieve success in life;

    Formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, education of an active life position in relation to one's own health, rejection of asocial phenomena that undermine the physical and spiritual health of the nation.

      Cultural - historical direction involves:

    Raising students' love for their "small" Motherland. Native land, its wonderful people;

    Formation of a sense of national pride, national identity, the ability to live with people of other cultures, languages ​​and religions.

      The civil law direction focuses on:

    The study of the state system of the Russian Federation, the meaning of its Constitution, anthem, state symbols, rights and obligations of a citizen of Russia.

    Formation of a deep understanding of civic duty, a value attitude towards the national interests of Russia, its sovereignty, independence and integrity;

    Formation of a culture of legal relations, the desire to comply with legislative norms;

    The development of a really functioning school self-government.

      Military - patriotic includes:

    Preservation of military traditions, ties between generations of defenders of the Motherland, organization of meetings between students and war and labor veterans, participants in local military conflicts and anti-terrorist operations;

    Formation of a positive image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, readiness to perform military duty.

    Stages of project implementation:

    I. Oriented diagnostic stage

    Purpose: to identify students' ideas about patriotism, about the legal and spiritual and moral meaning of the concept of "citizen";

    what they know about the history, traditions and customs of their people;

    identify areas for future work on the project.

    Forms: questionnaires, mini-questionnaires, quizzes, essays, etc.

    II. main stage

    Purpose: to plan and conduct a series of events that form in students the civic qualities of a person, love and respect for their Fatherland, students' ideas about the legal and spiritual and moral meaning of the concept of "citizen".

    Forms: classroom hours, lessons in courage, extra-curricular and school-wide activities, meetings of interest clubs, sport competitions, games, competitions, quizzes, excursions, activities of the school museum, meetings with veterans and home front workers of the Second World War, military sports games (Biathlon), "Army Marathon",

    III. The final stage

    Purpose: to analyze the obtained "model of a citizen", to conduct a reflection to analyze and change the methods, forms, activities for further work on the problem. Forms: questionnaires, questionnaires, "round table", "disputes", "debates", etc.

    Project Implementation Mechanism

    The coordination of activities for the implementation of the Project is carried out by the project implementation group: the organizing committee, student self-government bodies. The Organizing Committee determines the content of specific activities for the implementation of the Project, organizes their implementation, discusses proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of work. The main executors of the Project activities are teachers, students and their parents.

    Expected results

    1. The result of the implementation of this project should be high social activity of students, civic responsibility, high spirituality of a person with positive values ​​and qualities, able to show them in the creative process in the interests of the Fatherland.

    2. School as a basis for the cultural life of young people.

    3. Humanistic attitude towards people around.

    4. Continuation of work on the project in all directions.



    Thematic event

    "These guys will be forever 20!..."


    Hall sounded

    (war songs from different times are played)


    Good afternoon dear children, Dear guests!

    Our today's meeting is a tribute to the memory of all those involved in the heroic and tragic wars of the twentieth century. And it takes place on the eve of the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! I hope that today people gathered in this hall for whom the history of our country is important, a country that survived the events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, and at the present stage, interethnic conflicts Afghanistan, Chechnya ...

    "Afghan, the first after the big ..."

    Afghan, the first after the big one,

    It was inconspicuous and bloody.

    Invisible to those who did not go to Afghanistan.

    And those who went, only it was visible.

    The Afghan one was not called a war.

    They tried to wash, following the example of the Spanish.

    But is it just the soldier who cares?

    I wanted to live Soviet, I wanted to live Islamic.

    But many soldiers had to die.

    Yesterday's adherents hoes and violins.

    I remember their innumerable army,

    Paying for someone else's mistakes

    Since then, everyone has become accustomed to war and death.

    To strangers ... - after all, it is impossible to get used to your own.

    Tbilisi, Baku, Dushanbe and Martan,

    Budyonnovsk and Grozny...

    Russia, be careful!

    How long has warlike stupidity been a load

    Took on the decrepit Union?

    Sharp, smiling, living leaders.

    You can't bring back dead sons. Do not wait.


    February 15, 2015 marks the 26th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. It was on this day that the war ended, which lasted twice as long as the Great Patriotic War. She was hushed up for a long time. They dosed out the truth about heroes and losses, they were not even allowed to cry over the graves. Skimped on the orders .... Then this war broke through with poems and songs, tragic, bright and courageous, and they are valuable for their sincerity and poignancy ...

    The first verse of the song "Cuckoo" sounds


    More than half a million people went through the Afghan war. A lot of them died on that rocky land: thousands of dead and dead from wounds and diseases, hundreds of missing people ... Soldiers' fates ... Vanya, Misha, Sasha, Grisha, Vova ... How similar they are and at the same time different.

    Sounds music with gunfire or helicopter

    A student in an officer's uniform comes out

    “Seryozha died at dawn ... The bandits threw a grenade into the house where Sergei and his two comrades-in-arms sat down. He had exactly four seconds to make a decision. Exactly four seconds and the whole life .... And he accepted it! Serezha threw himself with his body on this deadly piece of metal, which exploded under him. Two of his friends were not even injured, they were only splashed with Sergey's blood. Terrible, absurd and unnecessary death to anyone ... "

    Song "White Dance"


    A black, sinister wing hit the funeral .... How many tears shed, how much grief fell... Returning home... On a special flight... The last, terrible flight... How much grief the war brings to mothers who have lost their sons. Rulers come and go. But who will return to the mother a son who died in peacetime?... The death of a son, flesh of his own flesh, dear blood - what can be compared with this grief, with unbearable pain. And the figure of a mother hunched over by grief rises above this torn world.

    mother's monologue

    (A student in a black scarf comes out, lights a candle)

    "He was small for me.

    He was born small, two kilograms, small growth. Hug: "You are my sun! I was not afraid of anything, only a spider ...

    Military loved toys. They gave him a tank, machine gun, pistols. He puts them on and marches around the house.

    I am a soldier... I am a soldier...

    You are my sunshine... play something peaceful.

    I am a soldier... I am a soldier...

    Go to first class. We can’t buy a suit anywhere, no matter what you buy - it drowns in it.

    You are my sunshine.

    They took him to the army. I prayed not that he would not be killed, but that he would not be beaten. I was afraid that the stronger guys would scoff at him, he is so small. I was afraid of it.

    He asked: "Send all your photos: mom, dad, sister. I'm leaving."

    He didn’t write where he was leaving, two months later a letter arrived ...: “You, mom, don’t cry, our armor is reliable.”

    You are my sunshine ... our armor is reliable ... she was already waiting for home, he had a month left before the end of the service. I bought shirts, a scarf, shoes. And now they are in the closet. I would wear it to the grave. She would have dressed him herself, so they did not allow the coffin to be opened.

    To look at the son, to touch... did they find him a shape according to his height? What is he in there? The captain from the recruiting office came first.

    Brace yourselves, mother...

    Where is my son?

    Here, in Minsk. They'll bring it now.

    I sank to the floor

    You are my sunshine...

    She got up and rushed at the captain:

    Why are you alive and my son is not? You are so healthy, so strong... And he is small... You are a man, and he is a boy... Why are you alive?

    They brought the coffin, I knocked on the coffin:

    You are my sunshine! You are my sunshine!

    And now I go to his grave. I'll fall on my knees, hug

    You are my sunshine!

    The metronome is pounding


    There is a special memory, the memory of the soul and the memory of the heart…. We carry the memory of the dead through the years. Memory ... it lives in the hearts of people, it excites us from screens, stages, pages of books, it rises in bronze and granite. Afghanistan and Chechnya, they have firmly entered our life and history. We will remember these terrible wars for decades to come. It just so happened to the Russian soldier to defend not only his homeland, but also to help the fraternal peoples. And it was called "fulfillment of international duty." And then, back in 1979, Russian guys went to help build a happy life in the depths of Asia.

    "I pray for you"

    Well, that's it guys, that's it...

    For you, this is the end of the war.

    Now home, won his own.

    Meet Russia, mother, friends, wife.

    I ache for you with my soul, who is left,

    Who else to serve in Chechnya now,

    You are for the guys who died - paid off

    Both in the mountains and in the plains.

    God bless you - from a bullet, from fragments,

    Come back from all assignments...

    There are so many rumors about you now

    Because you were in that war.

    Nothing, guys, don't be shy

    Landing honor you are always true.

    Tell your family: "Don't worry

    Someday, let the war end!"

    Farewell, Chechnya, now you only see in a dream

    Gorges, rocks, mountain ranges.

    In my soul I pray for you and hear:


    Song "Return"

    "Wait for me and I will come back"

    (a student in a soldier's uniform comes out)

    Wait for me and I will come back.

    Just wait a lot

    Wait for sadness

    yellow rain,

    Wait for the snow to come

    Wait when it's hot

    Wait when others are not expected

    Forgetting yesterday.

    Wait when from distant places

    Letters will not come

    Wait until you get bored

    To all who are waiting together.

    Wait for me and I will come back,

    don't wish well

    To everyone who knows by heart

    It's time to forget.

    Let the son and mother believe

    That there is no me

    Let friends get tired of waiting

    They sit by the fire

    Drink bitter wine

    For the soul...

    Wait. And along with them

    Don't rush to drink.

    Wait for me and I will come back,

    All deaths out of spite.

    Who did not wait for me, let him

    He will say: - Lucky.

    Do not understand those who did not wait for them,

    Like in the middle of a fire

    Waiting for your

    You saved me

    How I survived, we will know

    Only you and I -

    You just knew how to wait

    Like no one else.


    To all those who went through "hell" and survived: "God bless you!" - and to all those who will never return: "We will always remember you!". But time is inexorable, it erases from the earth the traces of that distant war "beyond the river". A war in which tens of thousands of yesterday's boys, who joined the army after school, died.

    The metronome turns on


    A moment of silence...

    I ask you all to stand up

    And in memory - imagine the fallen heroes.

    forever in our heart

    Immortal names their sound...

    A moment of silence ... a moment of silence ...

    moment of silence


    Each time gives birth to its heroes. But the feat of arms at all times stood on a high moral pedestal, crowning the best qualities of a person - a citizen and a patriot. Our event takes place on the eve of the most courageous holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! We sincerely congratulate all our men, wish you health, strength of mind, noble deeds, courage... Today, boys are sitting in the hall who will be drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces. The most important thing is that you remember the exploits of those to whom we owe our peaceful present and bright future. The most important thing for you to know is that military service is an honorable and noble mission.

    final song

    "You survived a soldier..."