
The project of psychological and pedagogical education of parents "excellent pupils of childhood". Problems of pedagogical education of parents in dhow Ped education of communities sp in dhow





Faculty of Education

Department of ND and CO

Course work

in the discipline "Preschool pedagogy"

on the topic "Content, forms and methods of pedagogical education of parents"

Completed by: Morozyuk Galina Vladimirovna

Academic Supervisor: Datskaya Natalya Anatolyevna

Kolomna 2013


Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family

1 Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family

2 Modern approaches to organizing interaction between family and preschool educational institution

3 Forms of interaction between preschool educational institution and family

Chapter II. From the experience of working with parents on the introduction of non-traditional forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family

1 Studying the state of work with parents at the stage of the ascertaining experiment

2 Formative stage of work with parents on the implementation of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family

3 Control stage of work with parents on the implementation of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family


List of used literature


“Each of us, teachers and parents, bears his share of responsibility for the treasure named Childhood” - these words of the teacher E.P. Arnautova determine the meaning of the joint work of the preschool institution and the family. It is from us, adults, from our concerted actions, our ability to find common ground, to help each other in the difficult task of raising children, that the personal development of the child and his mental health depend. The effectiveness of such cooperation is determined by the degree of mutual understanding, trust and mutual assistance to each other. And the emotional well-being of the child in the family and kindergarten depends on how correctly we can understand each other, accept, coordinate our actions.

Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of the upbringing of the younger generation have developed: family and public. Today, there is no longer a dispute about what is more important in the formation of an individual: family or social education (kindergarten, school, other educational institutions). Modern science is unanimous in the fact that without prejudice to the development of the child's personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified, upbringing.

A modern family cannot raise a child in isolation from other educational institutions: a child goes to a preschool institution, then to school, studies in a circle or studio of art education, attends a sports section, etc.

All educational institutions are designed to contribute to the maximum development of the child, therefore, they are interested in joining their efforts, taking into account those aspects of educational activities in which each of them has certain advantages. Thus, a kindergarten is more qualified than a family in teaching, developing the creative abilities of children, preparing for school, etc. To some extent, a family can introduce a child into the world of the knowledge and skills mentioned above. But it is important how pedagogically competent it will be. After all, the wrong method of upbringing and teaching the development of a child can easily do more harm than good.

For all the universality and indispensability of family education, it does not provide all the conditions for the harmonious and versatile development of the individual. Therefore, today we are not talking about replacing home education with public education or vice versa, but about their complementarity in creating a child's personality, about cooperation between parents and professional teachers.

After all, no matter how seriously the forms of raising children in preschool institutions are thought over, no matter how high the qualifications of the workers of the preschool institution are, it is impossible to achieve the set goal without the constant support and active participation of parents in the educational process. The all-round harmonious development of the child's personality requires unity, consistency of the entire system of upbringing and educational influences of adults on the child. The role of the family in creating such coherence can hardly be overestimated, because the family, as the first institution of socialization, has a decisive influence on the development of the basic personality traits of the child, on the formation of his morally positive potential. It is in the family that children receive their first lessons in morality, their character is formed; initial, life positions are laid in the family. Therefore, it is extremely important that the main component of the work of preschool institutions is the promotion of pedagogical knowledge among parents. This is also necessary in order to eradicate mistakes made by parents in family education: many young parents underestimate the importance of physical education of children, some find it difficult to take a psychological approach to children, others do not pay due attention to labor education, etc. In connection with the above, the relevance of the topic is determined by its social significance - the provision of the necessary assistance to the family in the performance of educational functions.

The object of the research is the organization of interaction of the preschool educational institution with the parents of pupils, and the subject of the study is the forms and methods of work of the kindergarten with the families of pupils.

Purpose: To reveal the forms and methods of working with parents in a preschool institution, necessary to increase the activity of parents as participants in the educational process.

Research objectives:

.Study and analyze psychological - pedagogical literature on the problem of interaction of a preschool institution with a family.

.Consider modern approaches to the organization of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution.

Get acquainted with the forms of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution.

Determine the importance of psychological - pedagogical education of parents.

Research hypothesis: We assume that the interaction of the preschool institution with the family will be more effective if:

non-traditional forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families will be used in combination with traditional ones;

the work will be dominated by forms aimed at involving parents in the upbringing of their children.

The theoretical significance lies in the fact that the theoretical approaches to the work of a preschool educational institution with a family were generalized. Practical significance: The results can be applied by educators to work with families of pupils in a preschool educational institution.

The methodological basis of the study is scientifically grounded pedagogical theories about the social role of the family, its priority in the development of the child's personality, the need for special preparation of parents for raising children, pedagogical support of the family (E.P. Arnautova, T.I. Grizik, O.I. Davydova, V.P. Dubrova, E.S. Evdokimova, L.V. Zagik, O. L. Zvereva, V. M. Ivanova, P. F. Kapterev, A. V. Kozlova, V. K. Kotyrlo, A. A.A. Mayer, L.F. Ostrovskaya, K.D. Ushinsky and others).

Research methods:


a) analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature;

b) comparison, generalization, specification;

c) the study of advanced teaching experience.

ü Empirical: conversations, questionnaires, observations, quantitative and qualitative analysis of research data.

Base of research: MADOU d / s combined type No. 10 "Scarlet Flower", covered 20 parents.

The work consists of: introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion for each chapter, conclusion, list of used literature.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family

1.1 Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family

For a long time, there has been a dispute over what is more important in the formation of an individual: family or social education (kindergarten, school, other educational institutions). Some great teachers leaned in favor of the family, while others gave the palm to public institutions.

So, Ya. A. Komensky called the mother's school the sequence and amount of knowledge that the child receives from the hands and lips of the mother. Mother's lessons - no change in the schedule, no days off or vacations. The more diverse and meaningful the child's life becomes, the wider the range of maternal concerns. Ya. A. Komensky is echoed by another humanist educator I. G. Pestalozzi: the family is the true organ of upbringing, it teaches by deed, and the living word only complements, and falling on the soil plowed by life, it makes a completely different impression.

In contrast, the utopian socialist Robert Owen saw the family as one of the evils on the path to the formation of a new person. His idea of ​​the need for an exclusively social upbringing of a child from an early age was actively embodied in our country with the simultaneous relegation of the family to the position of a "cell" with "backward" traditions and customs. For many years, in word and deed, the leading role of social education in the formation of a child's personality has been emphasized.

After the establishment of Soviet power in Russia, preschool education became a matter of state importance. Kindergartens and nurseries were created throughout the country with the aim of educating members of a socialist society - a society of a new type. If before the revolution the main goal of preschool education was the harmonious development of the child, then after it its goal was to form, first of all, a citizen of the Soviet state. In this regard, the attitude of the leaders of preschool education to the concept of "free education" is indicative, according to which education should encourage the natural, spontaneous development of the child, not imposed from outside, in which the family plays the main role. For example, D. A. Lazurkina called for a fight against "free upbringing", and upbringing in preschool institutions began to be seen as a means to compensate for the shortcomings of family upbringing, and often even as a means of destroying the previously existing institution of the family, a means of combating the "old family". which was considered as a hindrance or even an enemy of the correct, that is, social education.

Ideas of this kind were further developed in the works of A. S. Makarenko: “There are good and bad families. We cannot guarantee that the family can educate as it wants. We must organize family upbringing, and the school must be the organizing element as a representative of state upbringing. The school must lead the family. " Makarenko called on teaching teams to study the life of children in the family in order to improve their life and upbringing, as well as influence on parents. At the same time, family education was supposed to play a subordinate role, to depend on the "order of society."

Later, in the 40s and 60s, the problem of the "struggle" between the preschool institution and the family was no longer raised so acutely, but the main tendency - the desire to subordinate the family to the influence of the preschool institution - persisted. The global goal was still upbringing, first of all, of a member of society, therefore social upbringing was considered more correct than family upbringing. This led to the conclusion: the family should play a subordinate role in relation to the preschool institution. The family, thus, as before, was viewed not as a subject of cooperation, but rather as an object of influence on the part of a preschool institution. So, for example, in the Charter of the kindergarten, approved on December 15, 1944, it was said: "The kindergarten ... should serve as an example of the correct upbringing of preschool children and provide assistance to parents in raising a child in the family," institution, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on March 8, 1960, said: "A preschool children's institution - a nursery - a kindergarten - is created in the interests of implementing a unified system of communist education of preschool children."

According to the forecasts of Academician S. G. Strumilin (1960), in the future “every Soviet citizen, already leaving the maternity hospital, will receive referrals to kindergartens with round-the-clock maintenance or an orphanage, then to a boarding school, and from there he will go with a voucher into an independent life ... ".

But not all scientists adhered to this opinion. For example, in the 60s - 70s of the XX century. Over the years, much attention has been paid to the combination of social and family education. Pedagogical research was carried out, the purpose of which was to scientifically substantiate the ways and means that ensure the functioning of the "school-family-community" system. In the works of I. V. Grebennikov, A. M. Nizova, G. I. Legen'kiy and other authors, various concepts were used: "pedagogical education", "pedagogical propaganda" public education ", etc. The effectiveness of forms and methods of providing pedagogical assistance to parents was studied.

In 1960, in our country, the first research institute of preschool education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR (later the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR) was created, headed by Academician A.V. Zaporozhets. In various laboratories of the Research Institute of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, the problems of development and education of children of early and preschool age were considered, attention was also paid to the study of issues of family education of preschoolers. The researchers concluded that none of these can be successfully solved by kindergarten without the cooperation of the family. Although these social institutions have common goals and objectives, the content and methods of upbringing and teaching children are specific in each of them.

Here is a scheme developed by E.P. Arnautova and V.M. Ivanova, where the disadvantages and positive aspects of social and family education are considered.

Dow Family Disadvantages Advantages Business form of communication between the teacher and children, reduced intimacy, emotional deficiency. The presence of successive educators with different programs of their behavior, methods of influencing the child. The teacher's appeal to all children, the lack of individual communication with each child. Comparative severity of the daily regimen. Communication with children of the same age. Relatively "soft" relationship between parent and child, emotional saturation of the relationship. The constancy and duration of the pedagogical program of parental behavior, their impact on the child. Individual appeal of pedagogical influences to the child. An active daily routine. The ability to communicate with relatives of children of different ages. Advantages Disadvantages Availability and use of a program for the education and training of preschoolers, pedagogical knowledge of teachers, scientific and methodological manuals. The purposeful nature of the upbringing and education of children. Living conditions and life are scientifically developed for the upbringing and education of children. The use of methods of education, training, adequate to the age characteristics and capabilities of preschoolers, understanding their spiritual needs. Skillful application of the assessment of the activities and behavior of children as a stimulus for their development. Various meaningful activities of children in children's society. Ability to play and communicate with a wide range of peers. Lack of a parenting program, the presence of fragmentary ideas about parenting, parents use random pedagogical literature. The spontaneous nature of the upbringing and education of the child, the use of individual traditions and elements of purposeful upbringing. The desire of adults to create conditions for themselves in the family, their lack of understanding of the importance of these conditions for the child. Misunderstanding of the age characteristics of preschoolers, the idea of ​​children as a smaller copy of adults, inertia in the search for methods of education. Misunderstanding of the role of assessment in the upbringing and education of a child, the desire to evaluate not his behavior, but his personality. The monotony and lack of content of the child's activities in the family. Lack of communication with children in the game. Inability to give the child an objective description, to analyze their methods of education.

Based on the above table, we can conclude that each of the social institutions has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, growing up only in a family, receiving love and affection from its members, guardianship, care, a child, without entering into communication (contact) with peers, can grow up selfish, not adapted to the requirements of the life of society, the environment, etc. Therefore, it is important to combine the upbringing of a child in a family with the need to educate him in a peer group. The above analysis confirms the need for cooperation between the kindergarten and the family, the complementary, mutually enriching influence of family and social education.

As a system of propaganda of pedagogical knowledge, in the 70-80s there was a pedagogical universal education for parents. It was an integral system of forms for the propaganda of pedagogical knowledge, taking into account various categories of parents. The purpose of pedagogical universal education was to improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

Investigating the problem of pedagogical universal education, Olga L. Zvereva revealed that it was not carried out in all kindergartens due to the insufficient preparedness of teachers to work with parents. Practitioners used its various forms: group and general parent meetings, design of stands for parents, travel folders, etc. Educators noted the fact that parents want to get, first of all, specific knowledge about their child.

Teachers often complain that nothing will surprise parents now. But, as the studies carried out by O.L. Zvereva show, and later these data were confirmed by E.P. Arnautova, V.P.Dubrova, V.M. Ivanova, the attitude of parents to activities depends, first of all, on the setting of educational work in kindergarten, initiatives of the administration, its involvement in solving issues of pedagogical education of parents. Often, the search for ways to improve work with parents was limited to finding new forms, and much less attention was paid to its content and methods.

A number of works by teachers (E.P. Arnautov, V.M. Ivanov, V.P.Dubrov) speaks of the specifics of the pedagogical position of the educator in relation to parents, where two functions are combined - formal and informal. The teacher acts in two persons - an official person and a tactful, attentive interlocutor. His job is to overcome the edifying attitude by talking to family members and develop a tone of trust. The authors identify the reasons for the difficulties experienced by the educator in communicating with the parents. These include the low level of socio-psychological culture of the participants in the educational process; lack of understanding by parents of the intrinsic value of the preschool period and its significance; their lack of formation of "pedagogical reflection", their ignorance of the fact that in determining the content and forms of work of a kindergarten with a family, they are not preschool institutions, but they act as social customers; insufficient awareness of parents about the peculiarities of the life and activities of children in a preschool institution, and educators - about the conditions and characteristics of family education of each child. Teachers often treat parents not as subjects of interaction, but as objects of upbringing. According to the authors, kindergarten only fully satisfies the needs of the family when it is an open system. Parents should have a real opportunity to freely, at their discretion, at a convenient time for them, get acquainted with the child's activities in kindergarten, with the teacher's communication style with children, and be included in the life of the group. If parents observe children in a new environment, they perceive them with “different eyes”. The ideas of the interaction of family and social education were developed in the works of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, in particular, he wrote: "In preschool years, the child almost completely identifies himself with the family, discovering and asserting himself and other people mainly through the judgments, assessment and actions of parents." Therefore, he emphasized, the tasks of education can be successfully solved if the school maintains contact with the family, if a relationship of trust and cooperation has been established between educators and parents.

Thus, the studies of the 70-80s of the last century concretized the content, forms and methods of pedagogical education of parents and made it possible to develop valuable recommendations for teachers.

Deeper changes in the interaction between the family and the preschool institution took place in the 90s. This was due to the education reform, which also affected the preschool education system. Changes in state policy in the field of education entailed recognition of the positive role of the family in raising children and the need to interact with it. Thus, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" states that "the state policy in the field of preschool education is based on the following principles: the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal values, human life and health, the free development of the individual, education of citizenship, industriousness, respect for rights and human freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, homeland, family. " In this law, in contrast to the documents of previous years, respect for the family is recognized as one of the principles of education, that is, the family turns from a means of pedagogical influence on the child into his goal.

In the 90s, in accordance with the "Concept of Preschool Education" (1989), new approaches to cooperation with parents began to be developed, which are based on the relationship of two systems - kindergarten and family, family community and kindergarten (L. M. Klarina) ... The essence of this approach is to combine the efforts of preschool institutions and families for the development of the personality of both children and adults, taking into account the interests and characteristics of each member of the community, his rights and responsibilities.

L. M. Klarina developed a whole complex of formation and development of the content and organizational directions of the kindergarten community and the family (children, parents, professionals), for example, the creation of a methodological room in the kindergarten equipped with psychological and pedagogical literature for parents, a joint discussion with them with the aim of the possible use of the knowledge acquired in this way in a kindergarten, the opening on this basis of a discussion club of professionals and parents, a library of children's literature, which can be used both in kindergarten and in the family, the organization of a sports section for children and parents, various interest clubs, etc.

So, we can conclude: the pedagogy of the beginning of the Soviet period recognized the role of the family in the upbringing of preschool children, but this did not lead to the recognition of the need for cooperation between the preschool institution and the family, but rather to the views on the family as such a social institution that opposes society as a whole and preschool institution in particular. In those years, it was also noted that the family should be studied, but studied not as a potential or real ally, but rather as a factor that interferes with the correct upbringing of children, which it is desirable to subordinate to society and whose influence must be fought.

In the 40s-60s, the problem of the “struggle” between the preschool institution and the family was no longer posed so acutely, but the global goal was still education, first of all, a member of society, therefore, social education was considered more correct than family education. This led to the conclusion: the family should play a subordinate role in relation to the preschool institution. In the 60s - 70s of the XX century. Over the years, much attention began to be paid to the combination of social and family education.

Research in the 70s - 80s of the last century concretized the content, forms and methods of pedagogical education of parents and made it possible to develop valuable recommendations for teachers.

In the 90s, much attention began to be paid to the interaction of the kindergarten and the family. Practitioners are looking for new, non-traditional forms of cooperation with parents.

Currently, a restructuring of the preschool education system is underway, and at the center of this restructuring are the humanization and deideologization of the pedagogical process. From now on, its goal is not recognized as the education of a member of society, but the free development of the individual.

1.2 Modern approaches to organizing interaction between family and preschool educational institution

preschool parent interaction educational

The new concept of interaction between the family and the preschool institution is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are called upon to support and supplement their educational activities. The policy of transforming education from family to public education, officially implemented in our country, is becoming a thing of the past.

Recognizing the priority of family education requires new family-preschool relationships. The novelty of these relations is determined by the concepts of "cooperation" and "interaction".

Cooperation - This is communication "on an equal footing", where no one has the privilege to indicate, control, evaluate.

Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication.

The main point in the “family - preschool” context is the personal interaction of the teacher and parents about difficulties and joys, successes and failures, doubts and reflections in the process of raising a particular child in a given family. Helping each other in understanding the child, in solving his individual problems, in optimizing his development is invaluable.

It is impossible to move to new forms of relations between parents and teachers within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it must become an open system. The results of foreign and domestic studies make it possible to characterize what constitutes the openness of a preschool institution, including "openness to the inside" and "openness to the outside".

To give a preschool institution "openness inward" means to make the pedagogical process more free, flexible, differentiated, to humanize relations between children, teachers, and parents. To create such conditions so that all participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents) have a personal readiness to open themselves in some activity, event, to tell about their joys, worries, successes and failures, etc. An example of openness is demonstrated by a teacher. The teacher can demonstrate his openness to children by telling them about something of his own - interesting, seen and experienced during the holidays. days, thereby initiating in children a desire to participate in the conversation. Communicating with parents, the teacher does not hide when he doubts something, he asks for advice, help, in every possible way emphasizing respect for the experience, knowledge, personality of the interlocutor. At the same time, pedagogical tact, the most important professional quality, will not allow the teacher to sink to familiarity and familiarity. The teacher “infects” children and parents with his personal readiness to open himself up. By his example, he invites parents to confidential communication, and they share their worries, difficulties, ask for help and offer their services, freely express their claims, etc. "Openness of the kindergarten inward" is the involvement of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten. Parents and family members can significantly diversify the life of children in a preschool institution, contribute to educational work. It can be an episodic event that every family can do. Some parents are happy to organize an excursion, a "hike" to the nearest forest, to the river, others will help in equipping the pedagogical process, and others will teach children something.

Some parents and other family members are involved in systematic educational and health-improving work with children. For example, they lead circles, studios, teach kids some crafts, handicrafts, engage in theatrical activities, etc. All subjects of the pedagogical process benefit from the participation of parents in the work of a preschool institution. First of all, children. And not only because they learn something new. Another thing is more important - they learn with respect, love and gratitude to look at their dads, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, who, it turns out, know so much, tell so interestingly, who have such golden hands. Teachers, in turn, have the opportunity to get to know families better, understand the strengths and weaknesses of home education, determine the nature and extent of their assistance, and sometimes just learn.

Thus, we can talk about a real addition to family and social education.

"The openness of the kindergarten outward" means that the kindergarten is open to the influence of the micro-society, is ready to cooperate with the social institutions located on its territory: a general education and music school, a sports complex, a library, etc. So, on the basis of the library, a "Knizhkin holiday" is held, in which senior pupils of the kindergarten take part; music school students give a concert in kindergarten; children, staff and parents are involved in community activities. For example, a preschool institution presents the works of its pupils at exhibitions of children's creativity held on a regional scale. On Defender of the Motherland Day, the children, with the help of their parents, invite veterans and servicemen to their concert.

The content of the work of a kindergarten in a microsociety can be very diverse, largely determined by its specifics. Its undoubted value is in strengthening the connection with the family, expanding the social experience of children, initiating the activity and creativity of the kindergarten staff, which, in turn, works for the authority of the preschool institution, public education in general.

For a kindergarten to become a real, and not a declared open system, parents and teachers must build relationships on the psychology of trust. Parents should be sure of a good attitude of the teacher to the child. Therefore, the teacher needs to develop a “kind look” at the child: to see positive traits in his development and personality, to create conditions for their manifestation, strengthening, to attract the attention of parents to them. The parents' trust in the teacher is based on respect for the experience, knowledge, and competence of the teacher in matters of upbringing, but, most importantly, on the trust in him due to his personal qualities (caring, attention to people, kindness, sensitivity).

In an open kindergarten, parents have the opportunity at a convenient time for them to come to the group, observe what the child is doing, play with the children, etc. Teachers do not always welcome such free, unplanned visits from parents, mistaking them for control, checking their activities. But parents, observing the life of a kindergarten from the inside, begin to understand the objectivity of many difficulties (few toys, a cramped washroom, etc.), and then instead of complaining about the teacher, they have a desire to help, to take part in improving the conditions of upbringing in the group. And these are the first shoots of cooperation. Having got acquainted with the real pedagogical process in the group, the parents borrow the most successful methods of the teacher, enrich the content of home education. The most important result of the free attendance by parents of a preschool is that they study their child in an unusual environment for them, notice how he communicates, studies, how his peers treat him. There is an involuntary comparison: is my child lagging behind others in development, why does he behave differently in kindergarten than at home? Reflexive activity "starts up": do I do everything as it should, why do I get different results of upbringing, what needs to be learned.

The lines of interaction between the teacher and the family do not remain unchanged. Parents and teachers should be able to express their views to each other about certain problems of upbringing.

Interaction in a small group of parents with similar parenting problems is called a differentiated approach. For example, childish stubbornness, shyness, whims, restless sleep.

There is one more line of influence on the family - through the child. If life in a group is interesting, meaningful, the child is emotionally comfortable, he will definitely share his impressions with his parents. For example, the group is preparing for Christmas carols, children prepare treats, gifts, come up with sketches, rhymed congratulations, wishes, etc. At the same time, one of the parents will definitely ask the teacher about the upcoming entertainment, offer his help.

Among the relatively new forms of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family, one should note the evenings of relaxation with the participation of teachers, parents, children; sports entertainment, gatherings, preparation of performances, meetings in the form of "Let's get acquainted", etc. In many preschool institutions there is a "helpline", "Day of good deeds", evenings of questions and answers are held.

The main goal of all forms and types of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family is the establishment of trusting relationships between children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, fostering the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together. The interaction of teachers and parents of preschool children is carried out mainly:

- through the introduction of parents to the pedagogical process;

- expanding the scope of parents' participation in organizing the life of an educational institution;

- stay of parents in the classroom at a convenient time for them;

- creation of conditions for creative self-realization of teachers, parents, children;

- informational and pedagogical materials, exhibitions of children's works, which allow parents to get to know the specifics of the institution better, acquaint them with the upbringing and developmental environment;

- various programs of joint activities of children and parents;

- combining the efforts of the teacher and the parent in joint activities for the upbringing and development of the child: these relationships should be viewed as the art of dialogue between adults and a specific child based on knowledge of the mental characteristics of his age, taking into account the interests, abilities and previous experience of the child;

- the manifestation of understanding, tolerance and tact in the upbringing and education of a child, the desire to take into account his interests, not ignoring feelings and emotions;

- a respectful relationship between family and educational institution.

So, the relationship of the preschool institution with the family should be based on cooperation and interaction, provided that the kindergarten is open in and out.

1.3 Forms of interaction between preschool educational institution and family

An important condition for the cooperation of teachers with parents is an orientation towards the needs and demands of preschool families. Most parents are interested in their children to be successful, to actively develop their abilities, therefore, already in the process of the first acquaintance of parents with the preschool institution, even before the child enters the kindergarten, the services provided by the preschool educational institution are discussed during an individual conversation. The meetings are aimed at pedagogical education of parents, their topics may be different, but in one way or another it is related to the educational activities of the preschool educational institution.

It is necessary to strive to ensure that parents become active participants, and not passive observers of the pedagogical process. The inclusion of family members of pupils in the activities of a preschool institution should imply a variety of approaches; various forms of interaction should be used, which can be divided into traditional and non-traditional.

Traditional forms of improving the pedagogical culture of parents:

Family visit

The educator of each age group should visit the families of his pupils. Each visit has its own purpose.

The purpose of the first family visit is to find out the general conditions of family upbringing. Return visits are planned as needed and include more specific tasks, for example, checking the implementation of recommendations that were previously given by the teacher; acquaintance with the positive experience of family education; clarification of the conditions for preparing for school, etc. There is another form of family visits - a survey, usually conducted with the participation of the public (members of the parent's asset) in order to provide material assistance to the family, protect the rights of the child, influence one of the family members, etc. Based on the results of such a survey, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the family are drawn up.

A visit to the child's family gives a lot for studying it, establishing contact with the child, his parents, clarifying the conditions of upbringing, if it does not turn into a formal event. The teacher must agree in advance with the parents on a convenient time for them to visit, as well as determine the purpose of his visit. To come to a child's home is to come to visit. This means that you need to be in a good mood, friendly, benevolent. You should forget about complaints, comments, not allow criticism of parents, their family economy, way of life, advice (single!) To give tactfully, unobtrusively. Having crossed the threshold of the house, the teacher captures the atmosphere of the family: how and who of the family members meets, maintains the conversation, how directly the issues raised are discussed. The child's behavior and mood (joyful, relaxed, quiet, embarrassed, friendly) will also help to understand the psychological climate of the family.

Visual propaganda

When carrying out pedagogical propaganda, you can use a combination of different types of visualization. This allows not only to acquaint parents with the issues of upbringing through the materials of stands, thematic exhibitions, etc., but also directly show them the upbringing and educational process, advanced methods of work, and provide parents with the necessary pedagogical information in an accessible and convincing manner. You can constantly arrange group stands like "For you, parents" containing information on two sections: the daily life of the group - various kinds of announcements, mode, menus, etc., and the current work on raising children in kindergarten and family. At the beginning of the year, as a rule, the Council of Teachers discusses the annual work plan. Then the teachers inform about the tasks of upbringing in a specific section for the quarter, inform the program content of the educational activities directly, give advice to parents on how the work carried out in the kindergarten can be continued in the family.

With great pleasure, parents look at the works of children, exhibited at a special stand: drawings, modeling, applications, etc.

For families with disabled children, you can arrange a stand where there will be practical recommendations of a teacher - psychologist, social teacher, defectologist. You can also include a list of authorities where parents can get the help and support they need.

Parents show great interest in how their children live in kindergarten, what they do. The best way to educate parents about this is through open house days. It is necessary to make great efforts to carry them out by methodologists, social educators, and psychologists. Preparation for this day should begin long before the scheduled date: write a colorful announcement, think over the content of educational work with children, organizational issues. Before you start watching educational activities directly, you need to tell the parents what activity they will watch, their purpose, the need for it.

Open views give parents a lot, who get the opportunity to observe their children in a situation different from the family one, to compare their behavior and skills with the behavior and skills of other children, to adopt the teaching and educational methods from the teacher.

Along with open days, shifts of parents and members of the parent committee are held. Ample opportunities for observation are provided to parents during walks of children on the site, on holidays, evenings of entertainment. This form of pedagogical propaganda is very effective and helps the teaching staff to overcome the superficial opinion still encountered among parents about the role of kindergarten in the life and upbringing of children.

When working with parents, you can use such a dynamic form of pedagogical propaganda, such as folders-moving. They also help with an individual approach to family work. In the annual plan, it is necessary to foresee the themes of the folders in advance so that teachers can pick up illustrations and prepare text material. The topics of the folders can be varied: from material related to labor education in a family, material on aesthetic education to material on raising children in an incomplete family.

Moving folders should be mentioned at parent meetings, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the folders, give them for review at home. When parents return folders, educators or social educators, it is advisable to have a conversation about what they have read, to listen to questions and suggestions.

One should take seriously such a form of work as visual propaganda, correctly understand its role in pedagogical education of parents, carefully thinking over the content, decoration of folders, striving for the unity of text and illustrative materials.

The combination of all forms of visual propaganda helps to increase the pedagogical knowledge of parents, encourages them to revise the wrong methods and techniques of home education.

An open door day, being a fairly common form of work, makes it possible to acquaint parents with a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational work, to interest it and involve it in participation. It is carried out as a tour of the preschool institution with a visit to the group where the children of the parents who have come are brought up. You can show a fragment of the work of a preschool institution (collective work of children, gathering for a walk, etc.). After the excursion and viewing, the head of the preschool educational institution or the methodologist talk with the parents, find out their impressions, answer the questions that have arisen.

Pedagogical conversations with parents

This is the most accessible form of establishing a connection between a teacher and a family; it can be used both independently and in combination with other forms: a conversation when visiting families, at a parent meeting, during a consultation.

Purpose: to provide parents with timely assistance, or to exchange views on a particular issue of education and achieve a common point of view on these issues.

The leading role here is assigned to the educator, he plans in advance the topic and structure of the conversation.

Thematic consultations

Consultations are close to conversations, the main difference between them is to give parents qualified advice.

Consultations can be planned and unplanned, individual and group.

Planned consultations are carried out in the kindergarten systematically: 3-4 times a year in each age group and the same number of general consultations according to the annual plan. The duration of the consultation is 30-40 minutes. Unscheduled ones often arise during communication between teachers and parents on the initiative of both parties.

A consultation, like a conversation, requires preparation for the most meaningful answers from teachers to parents.

Thematic and individual consultations

Consultations are carried out at the request of parents if they are faced with a problem in raising a child that they cannot solve on their own.

Thematic and individual consultations are held for parents on the recommendation of the educator, if he sees that they are not able to deal with the problem on their own, or the problem is brought to a conflict situation, or the parents are trying to get away from solving a difficult situation.

When preparing for a consultation, it is necessary to talk with the child, his immediate environment, and teachers. Moreover, this must be done tactfully and skillfully. Each consultation involves not only a discussion of the problem, but also practical recommendations for solving it. Not every educator can provide such a consultation, therefore it is always appropriate to involve competent people and specialists in finding a solution in a difficult situation.

Parents, especially young ones, need to acquire practical skills in raising children. It is advisable to invite them to workshops. This form of work makes it possible to talk about the methods and techniques of teaching and show them: how to read a book, look at illustrations, talk about what was read, how to prepare a child's hand for writing, how to exercise the articulation apparatus, etc.

Parents' meetings are held group and general (for parents of the entire institution).

In group meetings parents are introduced to the content, tasks and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family.

The agenda of group parenting meetings includes a pedagogical conversation (report) on the most important topic at the moment; a performance by a doctor or nurse, music worker; messages from either parent about family parenting experience; discussion of current organizational issues. It is recommended to spend 3 - 4 group meetings, they are prepared, as a rule, by both educators in turn. Duration - 1,5 hour.

After the end of the meeting, parents ask questions that worry them and were not covered at the meeting, consult with the teacher and, perhaps, express complaints.

At general meetings, they discuss the tasks for the new academic year, the results of educational work, issues of physical education and problems of the summer health-improving period, etc.

At each meeting, a chairman and a secretary (from the parents) are elected, minutes are taken, a decision is made; personal registration of those present is required.

The head of the preschool educational institution plans and conducts a general parent meeting together with the educators and the parent committee. You can invite a doctor, lawyer, etc. Organized 2 - 3 times a year.

The old structure of parenting meetings does not meet the expectations of the parents. In accordance with the regulatory and legal framework of preschool institutions, parents are customers of educational services and have the right to take part in organizing the educational process, create their own self-government bodies and resolve some issues independently at parent meetings and conferences. Usually parent-teacher meetings are held traditionally - a teacher's report on some topic and a discussion of organizational issues. As a rule, at meetings of this type, parents do not show any activity, and passivity is an indicator of either disinterest, that the very form of the meeting does not dispose to statements from the parents.

Some parent-teacher meetings can be made open so that educators of other groups and specialists of the preschool educational institution can attend.

An active parent meeting can include:

elements of training;

Master Class;

seminar - workshop;

video training;

video presentation;

demonstration of educational activities directly on video.

By organizing parent-teacher meetings according to this scheme, you can achieve amazing results in a short time: parents become active and interested.

Parent conferences

The main goal of the conference is to exchange experience in family education. Parents prepare a message in advance, the teacher, if necessary, provides assistance in choosing a topic, designing a speech. A specialist can speak at the conference. His speech is given as a "seed" to provoke discussion, and if possible, then discussion.

The conference can be held within the framework of one preschool institution, but conferences of city and district scales are also practiced. It is important to determine the actual topic of the conference ("Caring for the health of children", "Physical and psychological readiness of the child to study at school", "Aesthetic education of preschoolers", "School tomorrow" of our children, etc.). An exhibition of children's works, pedagogical literature, materials reflecting the work of preschool institutions, etc. is being prepared for the conference. You can end the conference with a joint concert of children, preschool staff, and family members.

Non-traditional forms of interaction with the family

Preschool presentation

Objectives: to acquaint parents with the preschool institution, the charter, the development program and the team of teachers; show (fragmentarily) all the activities for the development of the personality of each child.

As a result of this form of work, parents receive useful information about the content of work with children, paid and free services provided by specialists (teacher - speech therapist, teacher - psychologist, social teacher, swimming instructor, etc.)

Round table with parents

Purpose: in an unconventional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, to discuss with parents the actual problems of upbringing.

Parents are invited to the round table if they have expressed a desire to participate in the discussion of a particular topic with experts in writing or orally.

Family clubs. Unlike parental meetings, which are based on an edifying and instructive form of communication, the club builds relationships with the family on the principles of voluntariness and personal interest. In such a club, people are united by a common problem and joint searches for optimal forms of assistance to the child. The topics of the meetings are formulated and requested by the parents. Family clubs are dynamic structures. They can merge into one big club or split into smaller ones - it all depends on the theme of the meeting and the idea of ​​the organizers.

The library of special literature on the problems of upbringing, teaching and development of children is a significant help in the work of the clubs. Teachers monitor the timely exchange, the selection of the necessary books, make annotations of new products.

Film University or Film Lecturer

This form makes it possible to widely use both short popular science and newsreel documentaries, as well as full-length feature films. Currently, a video recording of the real life of the preschool educational institution is used. Films are edited, dubbed by specialists and offered to parents for home viewing. Using a video camera helps parents see their children in a new, closed environment and draw appropriate conclusions.

The work of the film university is based on a specific curriculum and the corresponding program. A thematic film is selected for each lesson.

The game library is also an unconventional form of interaction with the family. Since play requires adult participation, it encourages parents to interact with their child more often. Preschool childhood is a period of play. The game brings great joy to the child; it enables the preschooler to take active action. If the tradition of joint home games is instilled, new games invented by adults together with children appear in the library.

Taking into account the busyness of the parents, such non-traditional forms of communication with the family as "Parental mail" and "Helpline" are also used. Any family member has the opportunity in a short note to express doubts about the methods of raising their child, seek help from a specific specialist, etc. The helpline helps parents to anonymously find out any problems that are significant to them, to warn teachers about the noticed unusual manifestations of children.

Parents' Pedagogical Interview

Recorded on a dictaphone, video camera. Can be used at parent meetings, conferences, seminars. Topic: "How would you like to see your son or daughter?", "What should be the ideal teacher for my child", "What should be the environment in a kindergarten."

Grandmothers are attracted by the Crazy Hands circle. Modern bustle and rush, as well as crampedness or, conversely, the excessive luxury of modern apartments have almost excluded from the child's life the possibility of doing needlework and making handicrafts. In the room where the club works, children and adults can find everything they need for artistic creation: paper, cardboard, waste materials, etc.

Training game exercises and tasks. Parents assess the different ways of influencing the child and the forms of addressing him, choose the more successful ones, replace the unwanted ones with constructive ones (instead of “Why didn't you put away your toys again?” - “I have no doubt that these toys obey their master”). Or parents should determine why such words addressed to the child are unconstructive: "It's a shame!", "I am not satisfied with your" I want ", you never know what you want!" "How can you do this to me!" and others. Tasks can be performed in this form: the teacher begins the phrase: “It is good to study at school - it means ... "or" For me, a dialogue with a child - this is ... ”The mother or father must finish the sentence.

Master Class

The master class is conducted by an expert in a specific discipline for those who want to improve their practical achievements in this subject.

The master class is:

- an active form of parenting education, in which knowledge is acquired or improved through an activity approach through self-organization and activation of the creative potential of each participant;

- a visual demonstration of the achievements of a professional in order to transfer knowledge and experience to students for their possible use in work;

- one of the forms of an educational lesson, in which the teacher - master, involving each participant in the creative joint activity, teaches him the skill of communication, creative thinking, independent organization of training, active development of the new;

- it is a "zest" that needs to be presented creatively in order to be relevant and interesting;

- one of the forms of cognition through the vigorous activity of the participants solving the individually and jointly assigned task; a sign of this form is the use of the maximum potential of each in the creation of a creative product and the interaction of all;

- it is a kitchen in which the chef teaches cooks very “simple” recipes that allow them to communicate, actively interact, and creatively improve themselves in order to reach the heights of excellence.

The concept of "master class" implies not only that the presenter is a recognized master, but also that all those present in the class want to improve their professional level and learn skills.

For parents after class it is necessary:

- systematize and evaluate the knowledge they already have;

- get new theoretical and practical knowledge;

- learn to apply the knowledge gained;

Master classes - classes do not imply a fixed start and end time, a fixed number of participants and the receipt of diplomas and certificates. The main result of attending classes is the receipt and systematization of information in the field of unique technologies. The transformation of information into personal knowledge and skills, training of technical, analytical and technological thinking and, accordingly, - improving professional literacy.

Evenings of questions and answers provide concentrated pedagogical information on a wide variety of questions, which are often debatable, and the answers to them often turn into a heated, interested discussion. The role of Q&A evenings in equipping parents with pedagogical knowledge lies not only in the answers themselves, which is very important in itself, but also in the form of these evenings. They should take place as a relaxed, equal communication between parents and teachers, as lessons in pedagogical contemplation.

Parents are announced no later than a month in advance that this evening will be held. During this time, the methodologist, educators, teacher - psychologist must prepare for it: collect questions, group them, distribute them in the teaching staff to prepare answers. At the evening of questions and answers, the presence of most of the members of the teaching staff is desirable, as well as specialists - doctors, lawyers, social educators, psychologists, etc., depending on the content of the questions.

How to organize the receipt of questions from parents? Usually, the methodologist and educators use parent meetings, questionnaires, and all kinds of questionnaires for this. At parent-teacher meetings, they announce the time of the evening of questions and answers, provide an opportunity to think over the questions and record them on paper, and parents also have the opportunity to think over the questions at home and hand them over to the teacher later.

In the area of ​​special attention of the pedagogical staff of a preschool institution should be the guidance of parents' self-education. Therefore, the library of a preschool institution should have literature on various issues of family education, including magazine articles. It is advisable to involve the parents themselves in the acquisition of the library fund, who willingly donate read books and magazines for public use. The propaganda of literature on pedagogical topics is the responsibility of preschool teachers. Various forms of this work are important: traditional sliding folders, discussion of individual books or publications during consultations, discussion club meetings, information on a group stand, exhibitions of new literature with a short annotation, a review of new products at a parent meeting, etc. The task of teachers is to awaken parents' interest in pedagogical literature and to help them choose theoretically reliable sources in the stream of modern publications.

Teacher cooperation - a psychologist, educators and family helps not only to identify the problem that caused the difficult relationship between parents and the child, but also to show the possibilities of solving it. At the same time, it is necessary to strive to establish equal relations between the teacher-psychologist, educator and parents. They are characterized by the fact that the parents form an attitude towards contact, there is a trusting relationship with specialists, which, however, does not mean full agreement, leaving the right to their own point of view. The relationship proceeds in the spirit of equal rights for partners. Parents do not passively listen to the recommendations of specialists, but they themselves participate in drawing up a plan for working with a child at home.

Thus, the cooperation between the kindergarten and the family can be carried out in different ways. It is only important to avoid formalism.

Since the beginning of the existence of the Soviet regime, in our country, which proclaimed the policy of public education, for many years a derogatory attitude towards the family and home education has developed, under the influence of which the belief in the pedagogical incompetence of parents, their unwillingness to overcome it (“They are nothing want to know, do not know how to educate "). Meanwhile, the teachers did not seek to acquaint the "incompetent" parents with the content, methods of raising children, of which they were professionals. Parents were admitted to the kindergarten when they needed their help in cleaning, landscaping the premises, landscaping the site, repairing, they were invited to holidays, meetings. And on other days, the doors of the kindergarten are closed for them. The teachers sincerely believed that their mission was to teach, control the family, point out mistakes and shortcomings to her. As a result, very tenacious ways and forms of work with the family have developed, dominated by the teacher's monologue (instructional messages at a meeting, consultations, information stands, etc.). This entailed many mistakes in the teacher's communication with parents (impersonal appeals, haste in assessing the child with an emphasis on negative manifestations, neglect of the interlocutor, ignorance of his mood, state, life experience, etc.). The indicated mistakes and negligence are evidence of the teacher's communicative incompetence, which practically nullifies his pedagogical competence: it is not enough to know enough, you have to be able to say so to be heard. However, in the future, since about the 60s, our country has accumulated considerable experience in pedagogical education of parents - "schools of mothers", "universities of pedagogical knowledge", "parental education", etc. But the content of the programs was often ideologized and politicized. In addition, teachers often chose an edifying tone for communicating with parents: they did not advise and offered, but demanded; did not prompt, but instructed - and acted in the role of a judge, not a partner. All this repulsed the parents. And the result was the same - the kindergarten and the parents were engaged in raising the child without interacting with each other.

This state of affairs required not only a change in the approach to the family, but also the creation of new forms of preschool education.

In recent years, domestic science has been talking about the priority of the family in raising a child. The RF Law "On Education" for the first time in many decades recognized that "parents are the first teachers of their children. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in early childhood."

Currently, a restructuring of the preschool education system is underway, and at the center of this restructuring are the humanization and deideologization of the pedagogical process. Its goal is not the education of a member of society, but the free development of the individual. Much attention is beginning to be paid to the interaction of the kindergarten and the family. Practitioners are looking for new, non-traditional forms of cooperation with parents, based on the principle of the unity of educational influences.

Chapter II. Experimental work on the introduction of non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and a family in the practice of a preschool educational institution

.1 Studying the state of work with parents at the stage of the ascertaining experiment

Experimental work on the introduction of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family into the practice of a preschool educational institution was carried out on the basis of the MADOU d / s of the combined type No. 10 "Scarlet Flower" in the senior group No. 3. The work was carried out in 3 stages, which are ascertaining, formative and control experiments. To carry out experimental work, we identified two groups of parents - experimental and control. - 10 parents in each group.

During the ascertaining stage, the work has been carried out since September 2012. to December 2012 Experienced - the experimental work began with studying the state of work with parents in a group. To do this, we analyzed the annual work plan, a long-term plan of work with parents and found out that parent meetings are held in the group once every three months, questionnaires, entertainment, and workshops are also held.

Then we surveyed the parents.

Answers of the parents of the experimental and control groups to the questions of the questionnaire (stating the stage of work with parents).

Questions and answer options Number of answers in the experimental group Number of answers in the control group 1. What parenting issues remain less studied for you? Relationships between children10 Relationships between children and parents67 Organizing a healthy lifestyle for a child22Inclusion of cultural values11Other (name) 002. Do you read pedagogical literature? Read regularly10 Read sometimes46 Do not read543. Do you read newspapers and magazines devoted to the problems of preschool education? I read regularly11 I sometimes read 64 I don’t read 354. In what forms would you like to receive information about the upbringing of your children in kindergarten? At parent meetings65 At parent conferences00In individual conversations with specialists35In direct educational activities, in a playful way10Other (name) 005. Would you like to participate in the work with the children of your group? Yes12 No986. What kind of circle could you lead in the group? "Origami" 01 "Crochet" "Non-traditional drawing techniques" "Entertaining physical education" "Young technician" 1 Others (name)

Analysis of the responses to the questionnaire showed the following:

To the question "What problems of upbringing remain less studied for you?" 60% of the parents of the experimental and 70% of the control groups answered: "The relationship between children and parents." This suggests that the parents of both groups are poorly informed about the education of preschoolers. This fact is confirmed by the answers to the following two questions: "Do you read pedagogical literature?", "Do you read newspapers and magazines devoted to the problems of preschool education?":

Ø 50% of parents in the experimental group and 40% of parents in the control group do not read pedagogical literature;

Ø 30% of parents in the experimental group and 50% of parents in the control group do not read periodicals devoted to the problems of upbringing preschoolers.

The overwhelming majority of parents of the experimental and control groups take a passive position in the issue of interaction with preschool educational institutions. Thus, 60% of parents in the experimental group and 50% of parents in the control group would like to receive information about the upbringing of their children only at parent meetings. 90% of the parents of the experimental and 80% of the parents of the control group did not want to participate in work with children in kindergarten, citing the lack of free time and the fact that only preschool workers should deal with this issue. Only one parent in each group studied by us expressed a desire to lead a circle in kindergarten.

Based on the results of the survey, we set the following tasks for working with the parents of the experimental group:

Ø Establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, join efforts for the development and upbringing of children;

Ø Create an atmosphere of common interests, emotional mutual support and mutual penetration into each other's interests;

Ø To activate and enrich the educational skills of parents;

Ø Maintain their confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

The solution to these problems is associated with the parents' awareness of their educational role in the family, their experience of relationships with the child. In psychology, this form of rethinking is called reflection (translated from Latin - "turning back").

We used a reflexive model of communication between the teacher and the family, which aims at the parents' rethinking of their educational attitudes and stereotypes. In the concept of "pedagogical reflection" we included the ability of parents to analyze their own educational activity, critically evaluate it, find adequate reasons for both their pedagogical successes and miscalculations, choose methods of influencing the child that correspond to his characteristics and specific situation.

Before we got down to work, the educators discussed collectively, and then adopted the principles of interaction with parents:

Ø Realize that only the joint efforts of the family and the educational institution can help the child; treat parents with respect and understanding;

Ø Remember that the child is a unique person. Therefore, it is unacceptable to compare him with other children. There is no one like him (she) in the world anymore, and we must value his individuality, support and develop it. In teachers, the child should always see people who are ready to provide him with personal support and help;

Ø To bring up in children boundless respect for their parents, who gave them life and put a lot of mental and physical strength to make them grow up and be happy;

Ø Take into account the wishes and suggestions of parents, highly value their participation in the life of the group;

Ø To consider the upbringing and development of children not as a set of general techniques, but as the art of dialogue with a specific child and his parents based on knowledge of the psychological characteristics of age, taking into account the child's previous experience, interests, abilities and difficulties that arose in the family and educational institution;

Ø Respectfully treat what is created by the child himself (a story, a song, a building made of sand or other building material, modeling, drawing, etc.). Admire, together with the parents, his initiative and independence, which contributes to the formation of the child's self-confidence and his abilities, and the parents cause a feeling of respect for the educators of their children;

Ø Regularly, in the process of individual communication with parents, discuss all issues related to the upbringing and development of children;

Ø Show understanding, delicacy, tolerance and tact, take into account the point of view of the parents.

"Authoritarian parenting methods" are excluded. You should interact with parents with interest and love for the child. In order for educators and parents to find time for such interaction, it must be specially organized. Each direction of the child's development presupposes special content and forms of communication between educators and parents, in the process of which their psychological and pedagogical culture will increase.

2.2 Formative stage of work with parents on the implementation of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family

The second, formative stage of the experiment took place from December 2012. to April 2013 - the introduction of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

From the first day we met the parents of the experimental group, we reminded: for our children to grow up morally healthy, close contact between parents and educators is necessary. Acquaintance with the life of each family began with a questionnaire that parents fill out.

The following questions were included in the questionnaire:

Do you know your child well?

What is your child's temperament?

How often do you spend your free time with your child?

Do you enjoy communicating with your child?

What does your child like to do in his free time?

What household chores does your child have?

How does he carry out his chores around the house?

What parenting methods do you prefer to practice?

Which member of your family spends the most time with your child?

After analyzing the questionnaires, we learned a lot about the family: about the child's hobbies, about his behavior and responsibilities at home, about the methods of upbringing used by the parents, about who is involved in upbringing in the family.

The following questionnaire for parents allowed us to draw a conclusion about the child's sociability, about his character traits, the ability to communicate; we learned about family relationships from the drawings of the children.

At this stage of the pedagogical experiment, we held a meeting "Family Leisure". Children’s drawings on the theme “Evening in my family” become an indicator of family leisure. All the drawings are similar: mom is in the kitchen, dad is on the couch, and the child is somewhere off to the side, alone with toys, at the computer, etc.

Drawing is an indicator of family relationships. The child does not have enough communication, he is often lonely in the family. That is why difficult children grow up in seemingly prosperous families.

The children's drawings made parents look at their child with a different look. There was only one answer: we don't have much contact with children.

To the question: "What are you not allowed to do by your parents?" the children's answers boiled down mainly to the following: you cannot light the gas, open the door to strangers, light a fire, etc. Some children said: "I don't know what I can't, I can do anything."

With this setup - everything is allowed! - children usually come to kindergarten: you can shout, run, misbehave during lunch, etc. The principle of raising many parents: do what you want, just don't bother me. But parents are responsible for their child, they must make the necessary demands on him, teach him what is possible and what is not.

Analyzing the content of questionnaires, drawings, analyzing various situations of communication between a child and adults and peers, together with the parents, we have drawn up a number of rules:

Ø Be kind and demanding to your child if you want to achieve something;

Ø Before evaluating the actions of the child, try to understand the situation;

Ø Set a good example for your child.

Together with my parents, we decided to create the ABC of Family Happiness club. We build his work under the motto "My family is my joy". Purpose: to bring up kind, sympathetic children, loving and respectful parents, sisters and brothers, grandparents, friends and loved ones, to be merciful to people.

The first meeting of the club was devoted to getting to know the families of children. The exhibition of family albums turned out to be very interesting. The meeting of the club turned into a wonderful holiday, in which every family took part. Children, parents and grandmothers showed their talents.

The second meeting of the club was devoted to the traditions of Russian folk culture. Children together with their parents prepared Russian folk costumes, read fairy tales, learned folk songs and games, got acquainted with ancient traditions and rituals.

The holiday "Village gatherings" was interesting. Russian folk songs were performed by mothers and grandmothers; mothers staged folk tales; children solved riddles, demonstrated old things: grips, rocker arms, tubs found at their grandmothers and great-grandmothers. A little later we held a marathon "My friendly family". In poetry, songs, playfulness, children expressed their attitude towards grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters. Children expressed their opinion on how they understand what the "world of the family" is. As a result, it turned out that the "world of the family" - this is a home, comfort, warmth; mutual understanding, love, respect; holidays, traditions.

The adults tried to explain to the children: in order for peace and friendship to reign in the family, three important rules must be remembered:

- respect your elders and love them;

- take care of the younger ones;

- remember that you are the helper in the family.

The questions of what qualities one should cultivate in oneself, with what mood it is necessary to carry out household duties, how family members should relate to each other so that everyone is happy, were answered not only by children, but also by parents.

Folk wisdom says: "Wormwood does not grow without a root," so we began practical work on collecting materials about the family's pedigree.

So, having laid the foundation of the family chronicle, restoring, as far as possible, their pedigree and even inventing their own coat of arms and motto, the children realized that they owe their lives to many generations of their family. A person in this world is not alone and should cherish all his relatives.

All this work helped the children understand: in order to take good care of loved ones, they need to help in everything and do good deeds.

The result of this painstaking, but at the same time interesting work was the family holiday “My family is my joy”. The holiday was held on a great emotional upsurge.

The effectiveness of the educational work of the educator largely depends on his ability to find a common language with parents, relying on help and support. Parents' meetings are one of the most effective forms of enhancing the pedagogical culture of parents and forming a parental team.

Each of our meetings with parents gives rise to thought, a desire to analyze, reason. Recently, we have come to the conclusion that parenting meetings need to be held in a new way. Our parent meetings are pedagogical education, consultation, discussion, and family holidays.

To help parents choose the right path, within the framework of the ABC of Family Happiness club, we held a series of roundtable discussions. Parents could freely express their opinion on the problems of upbringing, shared their experience of family upbringing. So, talking about the relationship between mother and child, we came to the conclusion that maternal love has many faces. The main thing is to really love the child. This means, for his sake, overcome yourself, suppress your bad habits and addictions, limit the demonstration of your "I". And this, it turns out, is much more difficult than satisfying the basic needs of the child.

Preparing for the parent meeting on the topic "Raising a culture of behavior for older preschoolers", we set ourselves a goal: to help parents see the shortcomings in the process of raising children and find ways to eliminate them.

A. S. Makarenko wrote: “Our children are our old age. Correct upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, our guilt before other people, before the whole country. "

The personal example of parents is the main condition for upbringing. What the child sees every day in the family, he will certainly transfer it into adulthood.

During the work of the "ABC of Family Happiness" club, many holidays, parental meetings, and round table meetings were held. We consider this form of cooperation "educator - parent - child" to be very effective; during the preparation for various events, there are many opportunities for communication between children and parents. Preparatory work creates an atmosphere for creativity, activity. Common affairs and interests unite children and parents, have a positive effect on the formation of the child's personality. Parents become heroes in front of their children. The receptive souls of children are grace soil capable of nurturing the seeds of goodness and morality.

Further, we solved one of the main tasks of the experiment: the development of methods for the development of parents' reflection of their own educational methods. To do this, we used: discussion of different points of view on the issue, solving problematic problems of family education, role-playing of family situations, training game exercises and tasks, parental analysis of the child's behavior, referring to the experience of parents, game interaction between parents and children.

Discussing different points of view on the question will set the parents up for reflection.

The solution of problematic tasks of family education encourages parents to search for the most suitable form of behavior, exercises in the consistency and evidence of reasoning, develops a sense of pedagogical tact. Problem situations are proposed for discussion. Role-playing of family situations enriches the arsenal of ways of parental behavior and interaction with the child. For example, the following task is given: play, please, how you will establish contact with a crying child, etc.

Training game exercises and tasks. Parents evaluate different ways of influencing the child and the forms of addressing him, choose more successful ones, replace unwanted constructive ones (instead of “Why didn't you put away your toys again?” - “I have no doubt that these toys obey their owner”). Or parents should determine why such words addressed to the child are unconstructive: "It's a shame!" and others. Tasks can be performed in this form: the teacher begins the phrase: "Studying well at school means ..." or "For me, a dialogue with a child is ..." The mother or father must finish the sentence.

Parents' analysis of the child's behavior helps them understand the motives of his actions, mental and age needs.

Referring to the experience of parents. The teacher suggests: "What is the method of influence that more than others helps you in building relationships with your son or daughter?" Or: “Was there a similar case in your practice? Please tell us about it ”and so on. Encouraging parents to share experiences activates their need to analyze their own successes and failures, to correlate them with the techniques and methods of upbringing used in similar situations by other parents.

Game interaction between parents and children in various forms of activity (drawing, modeling, sports games, theatrical activities, etc.) contributes to the acquisition of experience of partnership.

These methods provide parents with the opportunity to model their behavior options in a play environment. Experimental observations show that when a parent simulates his own behavior in play, his view of the educational problem expands. He may even question his previous view of the problem.

Only verbal communication (parents answer the questions of the teacher and each other) does not allow solving problems associated with the parents' awareness of themselves in the role of the educator. The reason is that, trying to present themselves in the best possible light, moms and dads carefully control their statements, suppressing the naturalness and spontaneity of their behavior.

A parent involved in play training begins to rediscover the joy of interacting with a child. Many, as a result of participation in play trainings, discovered such, for example, truths that it is impossible to experience alienation, anger and anger at a child and at the same time be a happy parent; it is impossible, by sowing seeds of negative emotions in the soul of a child, to receive in return his smile and love.

3 Control stage of work with parents on the implementation of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family

At the last control stage, which took place from April to May 2013, the effectiveness of the work done was studied and analyzed.

Based on the results of experimental work on the introduction of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution into the practice of a preschool educational institution, a repeated survey of parents was carried out.

After analyzing the answers of the parents of the experimental group, we came to the following conclusions:

Most of the parents began to purposefully deal with the problems of upbringing preschoolers. Now they are interested in problems that they had not thought about before: the moral - patriotic and aesthetic education of children, their culture of behavior, the introduction of children to cultural values. As shown by the results of the survey, these problems are of interest to 70% of the parents of the experimental group (before the formative stage - 10%).

All parents of the experimental group read pedagogical literature (40% - regularly) and periodicals devoted to the problems of upbringing preschoolers (60% - regularly). Before the forming stage - 10% each.

% of parents would like to take part in kindergarten life (up to the formative stage - 10%). 40% of parents want to receive information about the upbringing of their children in a playful way, at parent conferences - 30%. Before the formative stage - only 10%. Parents expressed a desire to hold circles: "Origami", "Modeling from salt dough", "Crochet", "Young technician", "Skillful hands", "Young sportsman" - 60%. Before the formative stage - 10%.

Answers of the parents of the experimental and control groups to the questionnaire (control stage of work with parents)

Questions and answer options Number of answers in the experimental group Number of answers in the control group 1. What parenting issues remain less studied for you? Relationships between children00 Relationships between children and parents04 Organizing a healthy lifestyle for a child33Inclusion of cultural values32Other (name) 412. Do you read pedagogical literature? Read regularly40 Read sometimes66 Do not read043. Do you read newspapers and magazines devoted to the problems of preschool education? I read regularly61 I sometimes read47 I don’t read024. In what forms would you like to receive information about the upbringing of your children in kindergarten? At parent-teacher meetings 24 At parent conferences 30 In individual conversations with specialists 14 In direct educational activities, in a game form 42 Other (name) 005. Would you like to participate in the work with the children of your group? Yes84 No266. What kind of circle could you lead in the group? Origami 11 Crochet 10 Non-traditional drawing techniques 00 Entertaining physical education 10 Young technician 11 Others (name) 10

The answers of the parents of the control group differ in many respects from the answers of the parents of the experimental group. This is due to the fact that with these parents there was no active work on their pedagogical training and attracting them to cooperation with the preschool educational institution.

Analysis of the responses of the parents of the control group showed the following.

Some parents have begun to show more interest in the problems of raising their children. If earlier they were mainly concerned with the issue of relationships with children, now they have become interested in the problems of physical education and a healthy lifestyle of a child, culture of behavior and familiarizing children with cultural values ​​- only 60% versus 30% at the ascertaining stage. In all likelihood, this is due to the fact that the parents of the experimental group shared their impressions of the lessons at the preschool educational institution with the parents of the control group.

The attitude towards pedagogical literature has not changed, but 80% of parents began to read periodicals on the issues of raising children (only 10% regularly).

In joint work with children, 40% of parents expressed a desire to participate - a little more than at the ascertaining stage (20%), but much less than the parents of the experimental group (80%).

20% of parents want to receive information about the upbringing of their children in a playful way. The majority, however, prefer the traditional forms - parent-teacher meetings and one-to-one conversation - 80%.

The parents of the control group do not feel a great desire to hold circles: only two parents agreed to do this - "Young technician", "Young sportsman", that is, 20%. The relationship of the preschool institution with the family should be based on cooperation and interaction, provided that the kindergarten is open inward (involving parents in the educational process of the kindergarten) and outward (cooperation of the preschool institution with social institutions located on its territory: general education, music, sports schools, libraries, etc. etc.).

The main goal of all forms and types of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family is to establish trusting relationships between children, parents and teachers, fostering the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together. This is facilitated by non-traditional forms of interaction with the family.

Various methods of developing parents' reflection on their own educational methods are very effective.

The experience of working with the parents of the experimental group showed that as a result of the formative experiment, the position of both parents and educators became more flexible. Now they are not spectators and observers, but active participants in various events. Dads and mothers feel more competent in raising children. The position of the parents of the control group has hardly changed: parents show insufficient knowledge and skills in the field of upbringing of preschool children, show little activity in interaction with preschool educational institutions on the problems of child upbringing and development.


In the course of the work, the questions were considered that the family and the preschool educational institution in the chronological series are connected by continuity, which ensures the continuity of the upbringing and education of children. It is not the principle of parallelism that is important here, but the principle of the interpenetration of two social institutions.

The family and the preschool educational institution have their own special functions and cannot replace each other. An important condition for continuity is the establishment of trusting business contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school.

The family is the institution of primary socialization. Kindergarten is part of the system of the child's mediated or formal environment and is an institution of secondary socialization. All stages of the socialization process are closely related to each other.

At present, no one doubts the need for public preschool education. In recent years, increased requirements have been imposed on preschool institutions.

Modern approaches to organizing the interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family should be based on cooperation and interaction, provided that the kindergarten is open inward (involving parents in the educational process of the kindergarten) and outward (cooperation of the preschool educational institution with social institutions located on its territory: general education , music, sports schools, libraries, etc.).

The interaction of the kindergarten and the family should permeate the entire educational - educational work in a preschool educational institution. It is necessary to ensure that teachers use various forms of work, paying attention to improving the practical and educational skills of parents (conversations and other work should be confirmed by practical observations, joint activities of children and parents, etc.).

Particular importance should be attached to the study of the conditions for raising children in a family.

Practitioners are looking for new, non-traditional forms of cooperation with parents; there is a restructuring of the preschool education system.

Thus, the use of non-traditional forms together with traditional forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family contributes to an increase in the efficiency of work with parents.

List of used literature

1.Amonashvili Sh. A. To school from the age of six. - M., 1986.

.Arnautova E.P. Visiting the director: Conversations with the head of the preschool institution about cooperation with the family. - M .: Linka - Press, 2004. - 208s.

.Arnautova E.P. Educator and family. - M .: Karapuz, 2002. - 264s.

.Gippenreiter Yu.B. Communicate with your child. How? - M .: OOO Astrel, 2006.

.Danilina T. Modern problems of interaction of a preschool institution with a family // Preschool education. 2000. No. 1. - P. 41 - 48

.Davydova O.I., Bogoslavets L.G., Mayer A.A. Working with parents in kindergarten: Ethnopedagogical approach // Supplement to the magazine "Office of the preschool educational institution". - M .: TC Sphere, 2005 .-- 144p.

.Doronova T.N. On the interaction of a preschool educational institution with parents // Preschool education. - 2000. № 1. - S. 60 - 68.

.Doronova T.N., Glushkova G.V. and others. Together with the family: A guide on interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents - M .: Education, 2005.

.Elzhova N.V. Working with children and parents in a preschool educational institution. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2008 .-- 282s.

.Innovative forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family: parent meetings and conferences, discussions, workshops, round table meetings / author. - comp. Sertakova N.M. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. - 203s.

.Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy: textbook for students. wednesday ped. study. head - M: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. - 351s.

.The concept of preschool education (1989) / S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova // Preschool pedagogy: textbook. manual for stud. wednesday ped. study. institutions. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2009. - P.389 - 399.

.Kulikova T.A. Family pedagogy and home education: a textbook for students. wednesday and higher ped. study. institutions. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 232 s.

.Leontyeva A. Parents are the first teachers of their children / A. Leontieva, T. Lushpar // Preschool education. - 2001. No. 8. - Pp.57-59

.Mayer A.A., Davydova O.I., Voronina N.V. 555 ideas for involving parents in kindergarten life. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011 .-- 128p. - Appendix to the magazine "Office of the preschool educational institution".

.Makarenko A.S. Book for parents. - M .: Pravda, 1985 .-- 448 p.

.Miklyakova N.V. Creation of conditions for effective interaction with the family. - M., 2006.

.Peterson L.G., Abdulina L.E. Interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family as a resource for the development of adults and children // Management of preschool educational institutions. 2012. No. 3.

.Prokhorova S.Yu., Nigmatulina N.V. and other non-traditional forms

parenting meetings in kindergarten - M .: Scriptorium 2003, 2011. - 104s.

.Solodyankina O. V. Cooperation of a preschool institution with the family / O. V. Solodyankina. - M., 2004.

.Social partnership of kindergarten with parents: Collection of materials / Comp. T.V. Tsvetkova - M .: TC Sphere, 2013 .-- 128p. (Library of the journal "Office of the preschool educational institution")

.V.A. Sukhomlinsky Selected pedagogical works: In 3 volumes. Vol. 3 / Comp. Bogdanova O.S., Smal V.Z., Sukhomlinskaya A.I. - M .: Pedagogy, 1981 .-- 403p.

.Falyushina L.I. Quality management of the educational process in a preschool educational institution: A guide for preschool leaders. - M., 2003.


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INTRODUCTION .. …………………………………………………………… 3.


DOE WORKS. ………………………………………………………….... 5.

    1. Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    1. Order of the Ministry of General and Professional

education of the Rostov region No. 163 dated 03.24.2015 "On the approval of the basic component of the activity of a teacher-psychologist of educational institutions of Rostov

region "……………………………………………………. …… ..... 6.


CHILDREN OF PRESCHOOL AGE IN THE DOW. …………………....... eleven.

2.1. Basic concepts ……………………………… ... ………. …….… 10.

2.2. “Optional instructions” …………………………… ... ……. 12.

2.3. Forms of work of a preschool educational institution with parents ……………………………… .. 14.

CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………… 27.



The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that a kindergarten is the first non-family social institution, the first educational institution with which parents come into contact and where their systematic pedagogical education begins. The further development of the child depends on the joint work of parents and teachers. And the level of pedagogical culture of parents, and, consequently, the level of family upbringing of children, depends on the quality of the work of the preschool institution, and in particular the methodologists and the teacher-psychologist. In order to be a real promoter of the means and methods of preschool education, a kindergarten in its work must serve as an example of such education. Only under this condition will parents trust the teachers' recommendations and will willingly establish contact with them. Pedagogical workers should constantly increase the requirements for themselves, for their pedagogical knowledge and skills, their attitude towards children and parents .

Let us note once again the relevance of this topic, because no matter how seriously the forms of raising children in preschool institutions are thought out, no matter how high the qualifications of the workers of the preschool institution are, it is impossible to achieve this goal without the constant support and active participation of parents in the educational process. Comprehensive harmonious development of a child's personality requires unity, consistency of the entire system of educational and educational influences of adults on the child. The role of the family in creating such coherence can hardly be overestimated, because the family, as the first institution of socialization, has a decisive influence on the development of the basic personality traits of the child, on the formation of his morally positive potential. It is in the family that children receive their first lessons in morality, their character is formed; initial life positions are laid in the family. Therefore, in my opinion, it is extremely important that the main component of the work of preschool institutions is the promotion of pedagogical knowledge among parents.

Therefore, the OBJECT of this work is pedagogical education of parents of preschoolers, and the SUBJECT content and forms of pedagogical education.

PURPOSE OF THE WORK: Disclosure of the actual forms of work with parents in preschool institutions, necessary to increase the activity of parents as participants in the educational process.


    Explore a differentiated approach to working with parents.

    Determine the need for work with parents of preschoolers.

    Highlight both traditional and new active forms of work with parents.


1.1 Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on October 17, 2013 under No. 1155

In the specified document, in the context of our question, it is said that:

    The standard is the basis for assisting parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, in the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of their developmental disorders.

    A social development situation for the participants in educational relations should be created, including the creation of an educational environment that ensures the openness of preschool education; creates conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities.

    For the successful implementation of the Program, the following psychological conditions must be provided: support of parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health, involving families directly in educational activities

    The conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age presuppose: interaction with parents (legal representatives) on the education of the child, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting educational initiatives of the family.

    In order to effectively implement the Program, conditions must be created for advisory support of teachers and parents (legal representatives) on education and health protection of children, including inclusive education (if organized).

    The organization should create opportunities for providing information about the Program to the family and all stakeholders involved in educational activities, as well as the general public; to discuss with parents (legal representatives) of children issues related to the implementation of the Program.

1.2. P Order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region No. 163 dated 03.24.2015 "On approval of the basic component of the activity of a teacher-psychologist of educational organizations of the Rostov Region"

In the said document, in the context of our question, it says that:

    The main goal of the work of a teacher-psychologist is to contribute to the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions conducive to the development of the main educational program, assistance to the formation and development of the psychological and pedagogical competence of pedagogical and administrative workers, the parental community.

    The forms of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process are: prevention, diagnostics, counseling, correctional, developmental work, education (formation of psychological culture, development of psychological and pedagogical competence of students, administration of educational organizations, teachers, parents), social dispatching activities.

    Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process is carried out at several levels: individual, group, class levels (in our case, a group), organization.

    The same document states that, based on the results of in-depth diagnostics, it is necessary to consult parents and teachers in order to coordinate interaction in the correctional process. If necessary, a teacher-psychologist, in working with parents, can perform a social dispatch function (help parents in establishing ties with society to solve problems in the development of a child). Parents and teachers are also consulted in the course and results of correctional work with children.

    The participation of a teacher-psychologist in the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions of continuity in the process of lifelong education requires the teacher-psychologist to advise parents on the further education of children.

    Psychological support of the process of adaptation of children of early and preschool age, in the context of the issue under consideration, sets the task of preparing parents for the child's admission to preschool education and implies the following system of work:

collection of information - a questionnaire for parents (before the child enters the preschool educational institution)

forecast of the course of the adaptation period.

Speaking about education, training and counseling during the adaptation period, it is proposed:

Conduct individual consultations for parents before the child enters the preschool educational institution when preparing documents, as well as joint planning of the administration and parents of the adaptation period.

Prepare information for each parent, for example, a booklet - a guidebook with information about the features of the preschool educational institution (working hours, working hours of specialists, educational services) and with recommendations for the adaptation period.

Arrange poster consultations for parents (when creating a group).

Prepare a speech at the parent meeting.

Conduct individual consultations for parents of children with severe adaptation.

Let's briefly consider some areas of education:

Psychological education

Psychological education- a section of the preventive activities of a specialist psychologist, aimed at forming positive attitudes among the population (the general public), activities and broadening their horizons in the region.

Psychological education is the main method and, at the same time, one of the active forms of the implementation of work tasks, regardless of which of the areas of social activity (, etc.) he works.

Psychological education fulfills the following four tasks:

    the formation of scientific attitudes and ideas about and (psychologization of society);

    informing the population on issues of psychological knowledge;

    the formation of a stable need for the application and use of psychological knowledge in order to effectively socialize the younger generation and for the purpose of their own development;

    When organizing work with parents, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Using positive communication skills ( pp. 9-10).

    • We ask and listen to the child's parents more than we point out or give advice.

      We often inform parents both orally and in writing about the progress and achievements in the development of their child.

      We use individual forms of sending information to families and receiving information from them.

      Give parents the opportunity to understand that we are ready to discuss with them a wide range of topics related to their child.

      Before telling parents about the goals and objectives of the educational program, ask what they want.

      Timely and positively respond to suggestions, ideas and requests from parents.

      Seek to resolve problems while making decisions with families that affect their children and themselves.

      Empowering family members to make choices and decisions.(p. 10)

      Help family members generalize what they want for their children and for themselves; together make a list of the goals expressed by the parents themselves.

      In planning and delivering services, treat parents as true experts on issues related to their children.

      Together with parents, we define strategies for education and upbringing, provide an opportunity to decide which of them best suits their needs and resources.

      Giving parents the choice of when, where and how they will participate in their child's education.

      Regularly ask parents about the effectiveness of the strategies chosen, the results of the program and the changes they would like to make.

      Identifying and using positive traits, strengths of the child and family.( p. 10-11)

      Communicate to parents about the strengths, achievements and positive traits of the child through conversations, telephone conversations, through notes, etc.

      Getting information from parents about long-term goals, hopes and aspirations for the future of their child and family.

      Recognizing and expressing gratitude to parents for their unique contributions to their child's progress.

      Inviting parents to formulate goals and actions in those areas in which the child is strong, and the inclusion of their proposals in the development plan.

      Help parents understand that they can make a significant, positive impact on their child's life.

      Respect for the diversity and uniqueness of families.(P. 11).

      Accept and respect the opinions and feelings of parents, even if they do not coincide with our own.

      Try to develop an understanding of the cultural values ​​of the families with whom we work.

      Accept the values ​​of families, even if they conflict with our own.

      Creation of a friendly partnership between kindergarten and family. ( page 11).

      Providing all family members with the opportunity to actively participate in group activities, to do everything so that parents feel comfortable at the same time.

      Give parents the opportunity to participate in decisions regarding group activities.

      Involve parents in teaching children in ways that make them feel at ease and comfortable.

      Willingness to accept parents in kindergarten at any time throughout the day.

      Help families find other community services they need.

    2.3. Forms of work of a preschool educational institution with parents, persons replacing them.

    The current situation in which our society finds itself demanded a search for a new model of social education of the individual in an open social environment and closer contact between the public and the family. Therefore, various forms of pedagogical education of parents of preschoolers should be interconnected and represent a single harmonious system that provides parents with familiarization with the basics of theoretical knowledge, with innovative ideas in the field of pedagogy and psychology, and, to a greater extent, with the practice of working with children.

    Currently, all kinds of methods and forms of pedagogical education of parents are used, both already established in this area and innovative, non-traditional.

    Let's consider some of them:

    Preschool presentation.

    Objectives: to acquaint parents with the preschool institution, its charter, development program and the team of teachers; show (fragmentarily) all activities for the development of the personality of each child.

    As a result of this form of work, parents receive useful information about the content of work with children, paid and free services provided by specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, etc.). The presentation of a preschool institution can take place through the media, the Internet (for example, the institution's website), open days, poster information, etc.

    Doors open days. Parents' visits to kindergarten, direct acquaintance with the work of the kindergarten in the process of visits and observation of children in certain periods of time attract parents, are an effective form of pedagogical propaganda. Open house days are not only a means of satisfying parents' natural interest and curiosity about how their children live in kindergarten. This is, first of all, an acquaintance with the conditions, content, methods and techniques of upbringing and educational work, as well as overcoming the sometimes very persistent, in some parents, superficial judgment about the role of kindergarten in the life and upbringing of a child. Acquaintance with the organization of the pedagogical process, with the methods of work of the teacher, his manner of communication with children, tone, speech addressed to the child, can teach a lot to parents.

    Pedagogical advice with the participation of parents.

    Purpose: to involve parents in an active understanding of the problems of raising children in a family based on their individual needs.

    Pedagogical conversations with parents.

    This is the most accessible form of establishing a connection between a teacher and a family; it can be used both independently and in combination with other forms: a conversation when visiting a family, at a parent meeting, consultation.

    Purpose: to provide parents with timely assistance on a particular issue of education, to promote the achievement of a common point of view on these issues.

    The leading role here is assigned to the teacher, he plans in advance the topic and structure of the conversation.

    Thematic consultations.

    Consultations are close to conversations, their main difference is that the teacher, when conducting a consultation, seeks to give parents qualified advice.

    Consultations can be planned and unplanned, individual and group.

    Planned consultations are carried out systematically in kindergarten: 3-4 consultations per year in each age group and the same number of general consultations in kindergarten according to the annual plan. The duration of the consultation is 30-40 minutes. Unscheduled ones often arise during communication between teachers and parents on the initiative of both parties.

    A consultation, like a conversation, requires preparation for the most meaningful answers from teachers to parents. They involve not only teachers, but also teachers, doctors, artists, representatives of other professions (depending on the content of the questions asked by the parents).

    Group meetings of parents.

    The most traditional and at the same time necessary form of work with the family. When preparing and conducting them, it is necessary to take into account the needs of parents, help them understand the essence of preschool education, and arouse a desire to cooperate. It is recommended that the meetings be held in an interactive way, so that the parents themselves “live” some of the learning situations.

    At group meetings, parents are introduced to the content, tasks and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family.

    The agenda of group parenting meetings includes a pedagogical conversation (report) on the most important topic at the moment; a speech by a doctor or nurse, a preschool educational institution specialist, a message from one of the parents about the experience of family education; discussion of current organizational issues.

    At the end of the meeting, the parents ask questions that worry them and were not covered at the meeting, consult and, perhaps, express complaints.

    Round table with parents.

    Purpose: in an unconventional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, to discuss with parents the actual problems of upbringing.

    Parents who have expressed a desire to participate in the discussion of this or that topic with experts in writing or orally are invited to the meeting of the "round table".

    Conference with parents.

    At the conference, in an entertaining way, teachers, professional specialists and parents simulate life situations, playing them. This makes it possible for parents not only to accumulate professional knowledge in the field of raising children, but also to establish trusting relationships with teachers and specialists.

    The main goal of the conferences is to exchange the best experience in family education. Parents speak at the conference. The conference is held by a methodologist or head of a kindergarten, who summarize the results after discussing the reports, give concrete answers to questions of concern to parents.

    Educational propaganda among the population. Assumes appearances in the media, posting consultations, recommendations and other material on the Internet, and much more.

    General meetings of parents.

    General organizational issues of joint work of the entire preschool institution are discussed at the meetings.

    At each meeting, a chairman and a secretary (from the parents) are elected, minutes are taken, a decision is made; personal registration of those present is required.

    The head of the kindergarten plans and conducts a general parent meeting together with the parent committee and teachers. There should be at least three meetings a year.

    Visual propaganda.

    In the work of preschool institutions, it is recommended to use various means of visual propaganda. One of these means is to involve parents in attending kindergarten with setting specific pedagogical tasks for them: observing the activities of the group educator, relationships between peers, as well as adults and children, games, preschoolers' activities, and the behavior of their own child; familiarization with living conditions in kindergarten.

    A visual acquaintance of parents with the life of children in kindergarten is also carried out when organizing open days, which are held 3-4 times a year at appointed dates. On these days, parents can visit kindergarten, in one or another age group, without prior agreement. Parents' activities include monitoring the conduct of classes, children's games, and regime moments. After watching, a small group conversation is held, parents ask questions, share their impressions.

    In order to visit a preschool institution, not only on specially designated days, shifts are held. Parents on duty are invited to participate in excursions and walks with children outside the kindergarten, in leisure and entertainment activities.

    The number of shifts during the week, month, year can be set at the discretion of the kindergarten leadership and the parent committee, as well as depending on the capabilities of the parents themselves.

    During the watch, parents should not interfere in the pedagogical process. They can express their views or comments to the educator, the manager, and later write them down in a special notebook.

    Traditional means of visual pedagogical propaganda are various stands. Each age group should have a group stand (parent area).

    Requirements for the design of the corner for parents.

      The information posted on the parent stand should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least every two weeks.

      When placing any printed material on the stand (advice from doctors, psychologist, etc.), a reference to the publication, including authorship and year of publication, is required.

      The stand should be colorfully decorated. When decorating stands, there is no need to abuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls, toys. The ratio of text and illustrations in movable folders should be approximately 2: 6 (2 parts - text, 6 - illustrations), they should first of all attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information to them.

    Sections of the corner for parents: a tablet about the age characteristics of the children of the group; our life day by day; our parents advise; children's rights; age group regime; Bulletin board; menu; section for a kindergarten specialist.

      Announcements for parents.

      "A letter to parents is open"

      A weekly child development report sheet.

      Counseling - Cheat Sheets for Parents. This is a very easy and not burdensome kind of help for parents. The cheat sheet is so, for confidence, and not for mandatory execution. You can read and think, but do everything in your own way. To use cheat sheets for working with parents, it is advisable to select separate themes, copy and post them one by one in the parent's corner. If the peculiarities of the family require you to have a delicate approach to the presentation of information, offer the parents all the texts "in the collection", perhaps they will independently find those cheat sheets that will become their support.

    Issue of a special magazine for parents.

    Release is possible once a quarter on a topical topic. These magazines are loaned to individual families for one to two weeks. After the parents study the material, the teacher conducts a conversation with them on this issue.

    Thematic exhibitions.

    It is good to have a closet or shelves for displaying children's crafts, drawings, and a table for newspapers and magazines. The purpose of thematic exhibitions is to supplement verbal information for parents with drawings, photographs, natural objects made by the hands of children, parents, educators.

    University of pedagogical knowledge and lecture halls.

    Objectives: to equip parents with the basics of pedagogical knowledge necessary for organizing life and raising children in a family; to ensure the unity of the educational influences of the kindergarten and the family; to generalize and disseminate the positive experience of family education; prevent the most common mistakes in family education; to involve parents in educational work in preschool institutions.

    UPZ is a kind of educational institution that has an organizing core; permanent composition of listeners; a specific curriculum; teaching staff, etc.

    Film university or cinema lecture hall.

    This form of pedagogical propaganda makes it possible to widely use both short-length popular science and newsreel documentaries, as well as full-fledged feature films. Currently, a video recording of the real life of the preschool educational institution is used. Films are edited, dubbed by specialists and offered to parents for home viewing. Using a video camera helps parents see their children in a new, closed environment and draw appropriate conclusions.

    The work of the film university is based on a specific curriculum and the corresponding program. A thematic film is selected for each lesson.

    Schools for parents.

    They are created at kindergartens and aim to cover the issues of upbringing and caring for children from birth to seven years old.

    Readers' conferences on books about education.

    Readers' conferences are organized in libraries or on the territory of a kindergarten and are held on the basis of books and publications of modern teachers and psychologists. Sociologists, writers and poets can speak at them. "Days of fairy tales" can be organized, discussion of the works of children's writers, to which parents and children are invited.


    They are hung out (by agreement) at the enterprise, as well as in the nearby shops of toys, books, children's clothing, sports equipment. In the newsletters, buyers are given recommendations: what kind of toy a child needs at a certain age; how to organize a play corner at home; what books a preschooler needs; what clothes and shoes a child needs for certain activities and at different times of the year, etc.

    Libraries for parents at a preschool educational institution.

    Performances by pupils of the preschool educational institution.

    Their purpose is to show the results of education in public institutions for children.

    Teachers' speeches. On radio and television, in the local and central press.

    Pedagogical problems discussed in the local press and on the radio are mainly of a practical nature, reveal pedagogical situations, give advice on how to act in a particular case.

    Newsletters and letters of gratitude ... (They thank for the choice that the parents made in favor of this kindergarten and give full information about the services provided by the preschool educational institution and the opportunities for parents to participate in the life of their kids in the kindergarten).

    Parent's Guide ... Nothing can replace personal communication, but it is recommended at the end of the conversation to offer parents a "Guide for Parents", in which all the necessary information is systematized and set out. One of the reasons why it is advisable to make and distribute special guides to parents is that in this case families receive a well-organized and easy-to-use document that contains specific information about the services provided. The following topics and points may be included in the content of the guide: addressing parents; clarification of the philosophy and basic principles of the educational program; calendar / schedule of general events; daily routine of children; confidentiality statement; information on health care, nutrition, psychological and speech therapy support; list of personnel; information about higher structures and officials.

    Workshops for parents ... Their main goal and content is coordination between parents and teachers of the goals and strategies of the child's development (what the parents want for the child, and by what means, joint actions can achieve the goal at home and in kindergarten), the formation of an idea of ​​goals among parents and the content of preschool and preschool education; health improvement and nutrition, helping parents acquire confidence in their abilities; development of tolerance of all members of the group (including parents) in a situation of multinationality and various social opportunities; assistance in preventing difficulties in mutual understanding between children and parents before they arise, etc.

    Lectures, pedagogical circles, evenings of questions and answers, conferences.

    Interesting and effective forms of propaganda of pedagogical knowledge among parents are becominglecture cycles, pedagogical circles, evenings of questions and answers, conferences for the exchange of experience in family education, schools for young parents, universities of pedagogical knowledge. These various forms of work complement each other when skillfully combined. Their content may be different, depending on the need to illuminate for parents this or that issue of education, the tasks put forward in the work plan for a given year.

    Thematic exhibitions. An effective form of work with parents is the organization of thematic exhibitions, varied in content and form. Such exhibitions allow acquainting parents with topical issues of public life, issues of theory and practice of raising children, promoting the best family experience, and presenting demonstration material in an accessible visual form.

    Projects ... Relevance: projects are aimed at intensifying work with the family on the basis of a two-way impact: preschool educational institution on the family and families at preschool educational institution.

    Advisory point for parents (legal representatives) and children. The goal is to ensure the unity and continuity of family and social education, to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (legal representatives), to support the comprehensive development of the personality of children who do not attend educational institutions.

    Visiting families. Work with parents will have a specific, effective character, contribute to mutual understanding and mutual interest of parents and educators, if the following tasks are realized in unity in it:

    Familiarization with the material living conditions of the family, its psychological climate, the characteristics of the child's behavior in the family.

    Determination of the level of pedagogical culture of parents.

    Identification of difficulties experienced by parents.

    Studying the positive experience of family education in order to disseminate it.

    Implementation of collective, differentiated and individual pedagogical influence on parents based on a thorough analysis of the data obtained about each family.

    Business games. A business game is a space for creativity. It brings the participants of the game as close as possible to the real situation, forms the skills of quick adoption of pedagogically correct decisions, the ability to see and correct mistakes in time.

    Correspondence with parents. It is established in cases where direct communication with them is difficult due to any circumstances.

    A skillful, competent and timely combination of the listed forms of pedagogical education of parents of preschool children, in my opinion, makes the work of both an individual teacher and the entire institution more fruitful, complete and of high quality.


    From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: The interaction of teachers with the parents of pupils is one of the most difficult and important areas of activity of a preschool institution, the tasks of which are:

    Establishing partnerships with the family of each pupil, combining the efforts of teachers and parents for the development and upbringing of children;

    Creation of an atmosphere of common interests, emotional support and mutual assistance;

    Activation and enrichment of parenting skills;

    Supporting parents' confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities, helping them to realize their educational role in the family, their experience of relationships with the child.

    The success of each teacher and preschool institution as a whole, in my opinion, largely depends on a competent approach to this issue. That is, the teacher must have knowledge of the basic documents that determine the activities of the institution, the skills, knowledge and skills of organizing and conducting educational work on relevant material.

    At present, prevention and correction of family disorganization associated with many factors are becoming an urgent social psychological and pedagogical problem. Therefore, it is important to increase the effectiveness of the positive educational influences of a public institution on a family, in particular on a problem family. It is necessary to organize cooperation - communication "as equals", when no one has the privilege to indicate, control, evaluate. Interaction should be a way of organizing joint activities based on social perception and through communication.


      Federal state educational standard of preschool education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on October 17, 2013 under No. 1155.

      Order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region No. 163 dated 03.24.2015 “On approval of the basic component of the activity of a teacher-psychologist of educational organizations in the Rostov Region”.

      For an educator about working with a family. A guide for a kindergarten teacher. Urbanskaya O.N. Ed. 2nd, revised and enlarged. M., "Education", 1977. - 159. S.).

      Kindergarten and family. Edited by T.A. Markova. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Education, 1986 .-- 207s.

      Preschool pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical institutes. At 2 o'clock, part 2. Edited by V.I. Loginova, P.G. Samorukova. - 2nd edition, rev. and add. - M .: Education, 1988 .-- 270s.

      Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia. - ›Enlightenment.

      Scientific and practical journal Management of a preschool educational institution 2008, No. 3 (45). Theme of the issue "Cooperation of a preschool educational institution with a family"

      Working with parents in kindergarten. Davydova O.I., Bogoslavets L.G., Mayer A.A .: Ethnopedagogical approach. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005 .-- 144 p. (Appendix to the magazine "Office of the preschool educational institution").

      Parents' meetings in a preschool educational institution Senior and preparatory group. / Author-comp. T.V. Ivanova. - Volgograd: ITD "Coryphaeus". - 96 p.

      Svirskaya L. Working with family: optional instructions: Methodological guide for employees of preschool educational institutions. - M .: LINKA-PRESS, 2007 .-- 176 p.

      Social partnership of kindergarten with parents: Collection of materials / Comp. T.V. Tsvetkova. - M .: TC Sphere, 2013 .-- 128 p. (Library of the journal "Office of the preschool educational institution")

    Parents' meetings in a preschool educational institution Senior and preparatory group. / Author-comp. T.V. Ivanova. - Volgograd: ITD "Coryphaeus". - p. 4.

    Svirskaya L. Working with family: optional instructions: Methodological guide for employees of preschool educational institutions. - M .: LINKA-PRESS, 2007 .-- 176 p.

Pedagogical education of parents at the present stage.

Deputy head for VMR MBU d / s No. 92 "Lebedushka"

The new philosophy of interaction between family and preschool educational institution is aimed at recognizing the priority of family education. The characteristics of these relations are defined by the concepts of "cooperation" and "interaction".

Cooperation- This is communication "on an equal footing", where no one has the privilege to indicate, control, evaluate.

Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of interpersonal perception and through communication.

The look at the family as a partner in education and upbringing of children is significant both in line with the ongoing changes in the education system, and as a condition for increasing the willingness of parents to cooperate not only with preschool teachers, but also with the child.

At the same time, a critical look at the previous experience of the relationship "kindergarten - family" that has developed in a preschool institution and its analysis from the standpoint of modern approaches and made it possible to see "convenient and familiar", but not effective at the present stage.

An analysis of the system of work with parents in our preschool educational institution showed that, on average, only 32% of parents, showing an interest in the development and upbringing of their child, are active participants in the life of a kindergarten. For the overwhelming majority of parents, the organization of interaction with preschool educational institutions (according to the results of the questionnaires) is reduced to a personal conversation with a teacher or psychologist about the features of the physical and psychological development of their child. At the same time, when working with parents, teachers give preference to formal group forms of organization, taking on the role of a teacher, without taking into account the existing experience of family education, and leaving the role of the learner to the parents. Moreover, the selection of topics is largely based on the tasks of the pedagogical process and the interests of teachers, and not parents.

Monological orientation prevails in communication between teachers and parents. Guided only by the attitude towards propaganda and education, we put parents in a situation where they are forced to be the object of our pedagogical influence. It is not effective to replace the establishment of true partnerships with parents with the notorious propaganda of the merits of public preschool education. The fixation on the "upbringing" of parents' respect for the work of a teacher minimizes psychological and pedagogical support of parents, taking into account the specifics of family upbringing.

So, we were forced to solve the problem of designing effective family teacher education? We took the path of implementing a differentiated approach to families; implementing the system of pedagogical support (and not only pedagogical education) of family education.

Pedagogical support implies a specially organized holistic process creating conditions in the course and as a result of which a variety of subjective experience is formed in the parents.

Parental subjective experience as a result includes:

EMOTIONAL COMPONENT (emotional-value attitude);

COGNITIVE COMPONENT (a set of knowledge, skills and ways of communicating with children);

BEHAVIORAL COMPONENT (transfer of acquired experience into everyday situations of communication with children).

The process of cooperation involves taking into account the interests of the parents, both in the choice of the content of interaction, and in the choice of forms of transmission of this content. And thus, the willingness and orientation of parents to interact with preschool educational institutions, we defined as one of the criteria for the implementation of a differentiated approach. On the other hand, highlighting the awareness of parents in a particular issue of upbringing preschoolers, we also consider it as a criterion for a differentiated approach to parents. As a result, indicators for differentiation of steel:

Ø Competence of parents on this issue of raising children.

Ø Orientation and willingness to interact with preschool teachers.

Based on these indicators, the parents were conditionally divided into several groups.

Group A consists of parents who are well informed about specific issues of upbringing and independently find adequate solutions to pedagogical problems. But they are not interested in active interaction with the preschool educational institution

Group B consists of parents who, to varying degrees, are informed about the issues of raising children and are aware of the need to expand existing knowledge, they have difficulties in solving problems. Ready to interact with the kindergarten.

Group C is parents who have vague knowledge and do not think about pedagogical problems in raising children, are not interested in interacting with preschool educational institutions.

Thus, a differentiated approach is aimed, on the one hand, at optimizing the efforts of teachers in organizing parental education, choosing adequate forms of interaction, on the other hand, selecting the content most in demand by parents and further planning to expand the competence of parents, taking into account the existing experience of family education.

To implement a differentiated approach, we classified the forms of work according to the goals of interaction based on the components of the parents' subjective experience.

aimed at: the formation of motivation, the transfer of knowledge, the development of skills.

In our opinion, the most effective in organizing pedagogical support of families are discussion forms work. It is the discussion that makes it possible to identify the existing diversity of the participants' points of view on any problem and, if necessary, conduct a comprehensive analysis of each of them, and then form the participant's own view of this or that problem. This form is most acceptable when implementing a differentiated approach in the process of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family, since various roles in the course of the discussion provide an acceptable degree of activity for parents.

Analyzing various classifications of discussion forms, two main categories of discussions can be distinguished. This group discussions in which several groups of 3-5 people participate and each group defends its point of view on a given problem, as well as events where participants individually express their own opinion on the topic. Group forms are more common in the pedagogical practice of preschool educational institutions. The organization individual discussion requires the presence of trained participants who have their own judgment on the issue under discussion.

Parent readings- an effective form of work with parents, which enables parents not only to listen to lectures by teachers, but also to study literature on the problem and participate in its discussion. The selection of the topic and the participants takes place at a preliminary stage, where the parents determine the issues that concern them the most. The educator collects information and analyzes it. With the help of other specialists, books are selected in which you can get an answer to the question posed. Parents read the recommended books and then use the information they learn in parenting readings. A feature of parental readings is that, while analyzing the book, parents must state their own understanding of the issue and the change in approaches to its solution after reading the book.

The discussion itself takes place in several stages:

- initial stage"thawing" includes rituals of greeting, problem questions, game techniques, immersing in the essence of the problem, if necessary, the results of the questionnaire are announced. Which will allow parents, through self-reflection, to immerse themselves in the problem under discussion, to consider it from the standpoint of all participants. Here are some examples of such situations:

1. The child does not want to put away toys. What should mom do?

2. Your son offended his sister, brought her to tears, scattered dolls. Your actions?

(Parents in a couple act out the situation through the roles of "mother" and "child", choose the most adequate ways of interacting with the child when solving conflict situations)

- Working stage of "change": where the discussion of the positions set forth in books, articles, excerpts from magazines takes place directly.

So in the event we are describing, the point of view is compared:

Masara Ibuka, who believes that up to three years old a child can be spanked on the bottom for bad behavior, since the child is not yet aware of himself as a person, does not realize his misdeeds, and after three years, one should not resort to this type of punishment;

Position a, who opposes punishment and believes that people are deceiving themselves into thinking that punishment is effective because severe punishment has no lasting effect. Overly harsh punishment can stop unwanted behavior, but it will resume when the punishment is delayed. Punishment only indicates what a person should not do, but does not reveal how to act.

The opinion of K. Rogers, who believed that the best parenting strategy for a child who behaves in an undesirable way would be to say to him: “We love you, but what you do upset us, and therefore it would be better if you didn’t. did ".

The theory of J. Aronfried, where he believes that the successful socialization of a child cannot do without punishment. He experimentally proved that children who were reprimanded at the very beginning of the offense were much less likely to commit them later than those who were punished after the offense.

To intensify the discussion, a number of problematic questions are proposed:

Is it possible to use physical punishment in raising a child? Evaluate the effectiveness of the "carrot and stick" method? Describe the psychological profile of a child in whose upbringing they use physical punishment. What do you think the parenting behavior will shape the child's self-control?

Parents, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the proposed literature in advance, represent the position of the author, with whose opinion they most agree, argue their point of view with examples from their own experience and from other literary sources. The rest of the audience is included at will in the discussions, she expresses her agreement with applause.

In this way:

Punishment is an indication and instruction on how to act.

The purpose of punishment should not be to infringe upon, suppress the child's personality, but to teach new, socially acceptable behavior.

The result of such punishment will be the outwardly controlled behavior of the child, and self-control.

Fixing conclusions in the form of rules "How to punish a child correctly":

    The child has the right to know what he is being punished for. The child should be given the right to choose to remedy the situation. It is better to stop the child when he is just about to commit an offense.

Final stage "freezing"includes summing up the discussion, fixing conclusions in the form of rules, creative works, posters, ritual farewell. Creative fixation of conclusions activates memory and allows you to relieve emotional stress from discussing controversial issues.

Parent's rings are built according to a similar scheme, but at the working stage, personal advanced experience of family education is presented to a greater extent. Families and or their individual representatives are in the role of “competent participant in the discussion”. The parental ring is prepared in the form of answers to questions on pedagogical problems. The parents themselves choose the questions. Two families answer one question. They may have different positions, different opinions. The rest of the audience does not enter into polemics, but only supports the opinion of the families with applause. Chosen representatives act as experts in parenting rings, determining which family in the answers to the question was the closest to their correct interpretation.

The widespread use of discussion forms makes it possible to increase the degree of parental activity in the events organized by the preschool educational institution and to enrich the experience of family education with constructive ways of resolving conflict situations in relationships with children.


Psychological and pedagogical education of parents

in a preschool educational institution

Developed by: Irina Neustroeva

“From how childhood passed,

who led the child by the hand in childhood,

what entered his mind and heart from the environment

the world - it decisively depends on this,

what kind of person today's baby will become "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Relevance of the problem:

The changes taking place today in the field of preschool education are aimed primarily at improving its quality. It, in turn, largely depends on the coordination of the actions of the family and the preschool educational institution. A positive result can be achieved only when considering the family and kindergarten within the framework of a single educational space, which implies interaction, mutual perception, mutual assistance, cooperation between preschool teachers and parents throughout the child's preschool childhood.

Russia starts with a family. The family occupies the most important place in the formation of a child's personality. According to researchers (LB Schneider), it depends on her how a person will grow up, and what character traits will form his nature. In the family, the child receives primary skills in the perception of reality, learns to be aware of himself as a full-fledged representative of society. The family and the preschool educational institution are two important institutions for the socialization of the child. And although their educational functions are different, their full and close interaction is necessary for the all-round development of the child. If the preschool educational institution promotes the integration of the child into society, then the family is called upon to ensure the individualization of child development.

Article 18 of the RF Law"About education" says: " Parents are the first educators. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality.».

Parents must be taught to be parents. This is what the new"Philosophy" family work. Parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, and all other institutions of upbringing and education, including preschool educational institutions, are called upon to contribute to this. The role of the family is to gradually introduce the child into society so that his development is in accordance with the nature of the child and the culture of the country where he was born. Teaching the child the social experience that mankind has accumulated, the culture of the country, its moral standards, the traditions of the people is a direct function of the family as a social institution. But all this is impossible without the systematic education of parents.

What the child acquires in childhood in the family, he retains throughout his entire subsequent life. The importance of the family as an educational institution is due to the fact that the child is in it for a significant part of his life. In the family, the foundations of the child's personality are laid, and by the time he enters school, he has already more than half formed as a person.

Studies by domestic psychologists (Leontyev A.N., Petrovsky A.V.) indicate that the most favorable opportunities are created in the family for strengthening the child's health, developing his physical qualities, moral feelings, habits and motives of behavior, intellect, familiarizing with culture. ... The importance of the relationship between parents and a child attracted the attention of many teachers and psychologists (Zakharov A.V., Varga A.Ya, Spivakovskaya A.S., etc.). Common to all approaches is the affirmation of the child's need for the presence and maintenance of a sense of security and confidence in its provision on the part of adults. It manifests itself in the care of the adult and the demonstration to the child of his positive and emotional attitude towards him. In this way, the adult forms the child's need for emotional interaction. In conditions when the majority of families are preoccupied with solving problems of economic and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of many parents to withdraw themselves from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of a child has intensified. Parents, not having sufficient knowledge of the psychological, age and individual characteristics of the child's development, sometimes carry out blind and intuitive upbringing. A crisis situation in the family, uncertainty about one's future, the development of tension in personal relationships, emotional tension leads to a violation of child-parental relations.

The need of children for love, warmth, affection, attention and care from a close adult is enormous, but today the need to find work, overload at work, and a reduction in free time lead to a deterioration in the physical and mental state of parents, increased irritability, fatigue, stress, manifestations of cruelty. disharmony of parent-child relations, which damages the physical and psychological health of the child, his well-being Many parents realize the shortcomings of raising their children, but often they do not have enough basic knowledge of pedagogy and psychology to solve the problems that arise

Analyzing the situation (in our case, through questionnaires of parents, individual conversations with parents and children, analysis of the social passport of families of pupils attending a child care institution), we came to the conclusion that parents need methodological help, knowledge about the psychophysical development of children, about the importance of the psycho-emotional state of family members , on the methods and techniques of interaction with children. One of the effective forms of family support can be the organization of a creative association of parents, teachers, children on the basis of a kindergarten. Here parents, through communication with each other, teachers, can get answers to their questions, jointly find ways to solve specific problems. Of course, parents have the opportunity to get information on the Internet, communicate on forums, but nothing can replace personal emotional communication with each other and teachers, aimed at mutual help and support in the upbringing of preschool children. The leading and significant goal of the activity of the creative association should be the preservation of the psychological and physical health of children and parents, the harmonization of interpersonal and intrafamily relations based on mutual understanding, support and respect for each other.

The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that a kindergarten is the first non-family social institution, the first educational institution with which parents come into contact and where systematic psychological and pedagogical education begins. The further development of the child largely depends on the joint work of parents and teachers.

Project object:

Psychology - pedagogical education of parents of preschoolers.

Project subject:

Project type:

Practice-oriented, long-term, open, collective.

Project participants:

Preschool teachers, pupils, parents.

Terms of project implementation:

The interest of children and parents, purposefulness, variability of forms and methods, cooperation, openness, consistency of work.


    Educational - providing information for the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents

    Practically effective - increasing the interest of parents in the implementation of a common cause, manifestation of creative abilities, full-fledged emotional communication

Objective of the project:

Ensuring the unity and continuity of family and social education, providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents, supporting the comprehensive development of the personality of children.


    Creation of a positive emotional environment for communication between children, parents and teachers.

    Providing advice to parents on the education, training and development of a preschool child.

    Activation and enrichment of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents.

    Development of creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities.

    Generalization and promotion of the positive experience of family education

Conditional division of work with parents:

    All parents - within the framework of parent-teacher meetings to improve pedagogical and psychological culture

    Group (subgroup) of parents - within the framework of a creative association for the formation of skills and abilities for the purpose of constructive communication and interaction in the parent-child system

    Individual - consultations, psychological - pedagogical support.

Working rules:

    Sincere respect for the project participants.

    Communication is not for harm, but for the good.

    Tactfulness and objectivity.

The project is being implemented in three stages:




Project implementation plan:

Registration of a passport for a preschool educational institution.

Design of visual agitation.

Home visits to families of pupils.

Analysis of the social passport of families of pupils attending kindergarten.

Contest "The Best Parents' Corner"

Creation of a website for a preschool educational institution.

October November

During the year

Head of the preschool educational institution, senior educator

Identification of parental requests for the organization of educational work with children

Drawing up a long-term work plan

Parents survey

"Mom, dad, kindergarten and I are a friendly family together."

Individual conversations with parents on the topic "My expectations"

Holding an open door day


Discussion of general issues on the organization of effective work with the family.




During the year

During the year

Art. educator, educators,

Educator - psychologist

The main stage

Establishing partnerships between all project participants

Making a home game library.

Organization of joint celebrations.

Organization of trips and excursions.

Design of joint photo exhibitions and art exhibitions.

Creation of the creative association "Blue Carriage"

During the year



Senior educator

Attracting parents to cooperation

Work in the creative association "Blue Carriage".

Formation of a library for parents.

Issue of creative booklets "Blue Carriage".

Consulting on the issues of education, training, development, preservation of the physical and psycho-emotional health of children.

Conducting parenting meetings.

According to plan



during the year

according to plan

Art. educator,

Visual communication of parents

About the traditions of preschool educational institutions, employees, groups, programs and technologies for working with children.

On the age characteristics of preschoolers.

On the importance of family education.

About the creative abilities of preschool children, etc.

During the year

Head of the preschool educational institution,

Art. educator,

Teacher - psychologist, educators

Pedagogical education of parents, implementation of interaction between family and preschool educational institution

Parents' meetings.

Functioning of the creative association "Blue Carriage".

Seminars - workshops.

Business games.


"Hour of communication"


Open day "First time in kindergarten".

Participation in holidays, joint activities.

According to plan

According to plan




During the year


During the year

Art. educator,

Teacher - psychologist, educators

The final stage


Results of work on the project

Analysis of the project implementation with the involvement of parents.

Determination of prospects for further work.

Revealing the level of awareness and assimilation by parents of the forms and rules of education and training of preschoolers


Project participants

Working with society:

    Hospital - data bank, conversations, consultations, inquiries.

    CDN, IDN - identification and work with families in a socially dangerous situation

    School - continuity, registration of a single social passport for families of pupils



    Answers to questions from the mailbox (trust mail)

    Consultations on request.

    Reflection of joint activities.

    Drawing up a work plan taking into account the wishes of the parents

Expected Result:

The use of modern technology of moral and spiritual development will help to increase the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, their study of themselves, their families, their relationships with people around them, their knowledge of the upbringing and development of children.

The novelty of the child-parent-teacher relationship is determined by the concepts of "cooperation", "interaction", "reflection".

Cooperation- This is communication "on an equal footing", where no one has the privilege to indicate, control, evaluate.

Interaction- represents a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication. In the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegova put it this way: interaction is the mutual connection of two phenomena, mutual support.

Pedagogical reflection- this is the ability of parents to analyze their own educational activities, critically evaluate it, find the reasons for their pedagogical mistakes.

Parents should not only communicate pedagogical knowledge, stimulate their interest in pedagogy and the problems of raising children, but also form their parental position. Indeed, parents often have knowledge, but they cannot use it for various reasons. It is very important to develop in parents the ability to apply the knowledge gained, to link theory and practice. Here it is necessary to highlight the concept of "pedagogical reflection", which includes the ability of parents to analyze their own educational activity, critically evaluate it, find the reasons for their pedagogical errors, ineffectiveness of the methods used, and select methods of influencing the child that are adequate to his characteristics and specific situation. OL Zvereva recommends using the analysis of pedagogical situations, the solution of pedagogical problems, the analysis of their own educational activities, the use of homework. Such methods help to form a parental position, increase the activity of listeners, actualize the acquired knowledge, help to look at the situation through the eyes of a child, to understand it.

Used Books:

    Formation of positive relationships between parents and children 5-7 years old: diagnostics, trainings, classes / author - comp. Korobitsyna E.V. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

    Parents' meetings / author - comp. Kylasova E.L. (and others) .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.

    Interactive pedagogy in kindergarten. Methodical manual / Ed. Miklyaeva N.V. - M .: TC Sphere, 2012

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parent education

Introduction. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Chapter 1.

Theoretical foundations of the problem of parenting pedagogical education. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

The concept and essence of parental education. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Modern research on the problem of parenting pedagogical education in preschool educational institutions. ... ... ... ... ... ...

Chapter 2.

Forms and methods of pedagogical education of parents. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Appendix 1. Approximate themes for the design of information folders. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Appendix 2. Sample Topics for Discussion with Parents


Childhood is a unique period in a person's life. It is at this time that health is formed, the formation of a person takes place. Childhood experience largely determines a person's adult life. At the beginning of the child's path, the most important people in his life are surrounded by his parents, who are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age, but raising children is impossible without certain knowledge of pedagogy and psychology. Parents often rely on their individual experience, without thinking about the consequences of incorrect educational influences on the child, underestimate the power of pedagogical knowledge and skills.

When the child enters the kindergarten, he is surrounded by new people - teachers. To educate a child competently, it is necessary to have a unity of educational influences on him from all adults, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, understanding what he should know and be able to do at this age, etc. However, parents often make typical mistakes in raising children. are experiencing certain difficulties. The task of preschool teachers is to help parents in raising their children.

Strengthening and development of interaction between the kindergarten and the family provides favorable conditions for the life and upbringing of the child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality. The main value of pedagogical culture is the child - his development, education, upbringing, social protection and support for his dignity and human rights. However, in culture, including pedagogical, forces do not always act to ensure its focus on meeting human needs.

At present, the level of pedagogical culture of the bulk of parents is not high enough, which negatively affects the results of their upbringing activities, manifests itself in the low level of upbringing of many modern children. So, recently there has been a tendency: parents, having sent their child to kindergarten, stop taking part in overcoming the difficulties they encounter, do not want to participate in the life of the preschool educational institution, and it is the interaction of teachers and parents that makes it possible to get to know the child better, to look at him from different positions, to see in different situations, and therefore, to help in understanding his individual characteristics, overcoming his negative actions and manifestations in behavior, the formation of life orientations.

In this regard, the purpose of the study is to reveal the content, forms and methods of work of a teacher with parents in preschool institutions, necessary for their pedagogical education, contributing to the effective interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family.

The objectives of the research work are:

1. Highlighting the forms and methods of the teacher's work with parents, contributing to their pedagogical education in order to generate interest in the material under discussion and the desire to actively participate in the life of the preschool educational institution.

2. Systematization of forms and methods of pedagogical education of parents in preschool educational institutions.

The practical significance of the study lies in the generalization of the forms, methods and content of pedagogical activity, which forms the effective interaction of the educational institution with the family, the search for effective methods of solving non-standard situations, and increasing responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the problem of parenting pedagogical education

  1. The concept and essence of parental education

Pedagogical education is one of the traditional forms of interaction between teachers of educational institutions and parents (section of methods of working with parents), parental education. Various forms of work with parents should be interconnected and represent a single coherent system (lectures, workshops, seminars, conversations, consultations, etc.), providing for familiarizing parents with the basics of theoretical knowledge, with innovative ideas in the field of pedagogy and psychology, to a greater extent with practice work with children.

It is expediently organized interaction between the teacher and the parents should be carried out in stages and has as its task the formation of an active pedagogical position of the parents. Properly organized work is educational in nature. The teacher should rely on the positive experience of family education, disseminating it, using it in the educational process to strengthen positive trends and neutralize negative ones.

The first and decisive condition for a positive direction of interaction is a relationship of trust between educators, social educators and parents. Contact should be built in such a way that parents have an interest in the upbringing process, the need to succeed, and self-confidence.

The second task is to equip the family with pedagogical knowledge and skills, to assimilate them in theoretical and practical activities. The consequence of such an organization of pedagogical interaction will be the active participation of parents in the upbringing of not only their child, but also the group as a whole. Educators and parents, as partners, should complement each other. Partnership relations presuppose equality of the parties, mutual benevolence and respect. The interaction of the kindergarten and the family in a single educational process is based on general principles, they carry out the same functions in education: information, educational, control, etc.

Parents are the guiding force and role model, they play an incomparable role in the development of the growing person as a person. Parents form a social microcosm that reflects the entire totality of social relations. They also give the child ideas about life goals and values, from them the child receives the first practical skills in applying these ideas in relationships with other people, learns the norms that regulate behavior in various situations of everyday communication. In the process of upbringing, children develop habits of behavior and criteria for assessing good and evil, permissible and unacceptable.

The direct function of the parents is to teach the child the social experience that humanity has accumulated, the culture of the country, its moral standards, and the traditions of the people. But all this is impossible without the systematic education of parents.

Positively influencing the whole structure of family life, the pedagogical culture of parents serves as the basis for the pedagogical activity of the father and mother, helps them avoid traditional mistakes in family education and find the right solutions in non-standard situations.

Pedagogical education of parents is the activity of public structures and institutions with the aim of forming parents' knowledge and skills in raising their children in a family, in shaping the pedagogical culture of the population. The goal of pedagogical education of parents is to equip fathers and mothers with a certain minimum of knowledge, to assist them in organizing self-education, the formation of educational skills and abilities.

The content of pedagogical culture has the following aspects: knowledge of psychology, physiology of children, medicine; knowledge and teaching skills, communication techniques, programs and methods of education; value-moral consciousness of parents, their understanding of their role, responsibility in upbringing, their pedagogical beliefs. Parents' lack of knowledge leads to the fact that upbringing in the family is carried out blindly, which affects both the development of the child and the level of his upbringing.

It should be noted that the formation of pedagogical education of parents begins from childhood. This happens due to the assimilation of lessons by children, given by adults, imitation of them; the influence of educators, the assimilation of the pedagogical techniques used by them, the manner of communication; communication with other children. The formation of this quality continues in the parents' own activities in raising children, as well as in the process of their self-education and self-education. A child, observing his parents, very early subconsciously learns many methods of pedagogical influence, and, having become an adult, uses them in raising his own children.

Studies show that most families carry out upbringing at a low level: children are brought up spontaneously, unconsciously, irresponsibly, they follow the behavior patterns of their parents, shift upbringing to kindergarten, do not know what and how to do to raise children in a family. Proceeding from the fact that at present the level of pedagogical culture of the bulk of parents is not high enough, which negatively affects the results of their educational activities, there is a need to increase the pedagogical culture of parents.

1.2. Modern research on the problem of parenting pedagogical education in preschool educational institutions

Currently, many teachers are engaged in research on the problem of educating the pedagogical culture of parents.

Childhood difficulties are viewed as family difficulties, which cannot be considered in isolation from family problems. Without the conviction of other family members of the need for change, the likely causes of these problems will not be addressed.

Teachers Zvereva O.L. and Krotova T.V. believe that in the work of a teacher with preschool educational institutions, it is very important to focus on the needs of the family, the needs of parents, and not just read reports or lectures to them. It is important to activate the parenting skills of parents, to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities, to spread the positive experience of parenting in the family through family leisure activities, following family traditions, etc. on the other, they create optimal conditions for a small person to enter the big world. Therefore, the teaching staff must be sensitive to the needs of the family and competent in solving modern problems of upbringing and education. Cooperation between teachers and parents allows you to get to know the child better, look at him from different positions, see in different situations, and therefore help in understanding his individual characteristics, development of the child's abilities, in overcoming his negative actions and manifestations in behavior, the formation of valuable life orientations. Svirskaya L.S. believes that for the formation of cooperation between adults and children, it is important to represent the team as a whole, as a large close-knit family, whose life is interesting if the joint activities of teachers, parents, children are organized. This contributes to the establishment of mutual understanding between parents and children, the creation of comfortable conditions in the family. Thus, it is advisable to organize a significant part of educational work simultaneously with children and parents, and solve emerging problems, set tasks together and combine efforts to achieve effective results.

The interaction of teachers and parents is the diversity of the organization of their joint activities and communication. The content of work with parents is realized through various forms. A universal form of interaction between a teacher and parents is a parent meeting. Traditionally, the agenda includes the reading of the report, but this should be avoided and dialogue should be carried out using methods of activating parents. The educator needs a creative approach to the material: the search for new examples, the use of their own methods of activating parents, aimed at the students' interest in the problem being studied, at the emergence of associations with their own experience of raising children, rethinking their parental position. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the need of parents for knowledge. The main thing is that parents are not just passive listeners. To this end, it is necessary to ask questions to the listeners, give examples from the practice of raising children in a family and kindergarten, analyze pedagogical situations, offer parents to watch video clips of activities with children, games, walks, etc. Teacher Metenova N.M. believes that the main participants in the preparation of the meeting are children. They make invitations in the form of toys, designs, appliques using junk and natural materials and hand them over to their parents. With the help of a teacher, children record questions for parents on a tape recorder. The guys decide which of the fairy-tale characters to invite to the parents' meeting and how to prepare for the meeting. In preparation for the parent meeting, the teacher proposes to conduct a survey of parents on the topic of the meeting; prepare invitations for each family, taking into account the theme of the meeting; to record the answers of the children on a tape recorder; to hold a meeting of the parent committee, the purpose of which is to distribute responsibilities for the preparation of the meeting and the selection of equipment and materials.

Currently, meetings are being replaced by new non-traditional cognitive forms such as KVN, Pedagogical Living Room, Round Table, Field of Miracles, What? Where? When? "," Through the mouth of a baby "," Talk show "," Oral journal ". Such forms are built on the principle of television and entertainment programs, games, they are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents, attracting their attention to kindergarten.

Non-traditional cognitive forms are intended to familiarize parents with the peculiarities of the age and psychological development of children, rational methods and methods of education for the formation of practical skills in parents. However, the principles on the basis of which the communication of teachers and parents is built has changed here. These include communication based on dialogue, openness, sincerity in communication, refusal to criticize and evaluate a communication partner. An informal approach to organizing and conducting these forms of communication puts educators in front of the need to use a variety of methods to activate parents.

One of the most accessible forms of establishing communication with the family is pedagogical conversations with parents. Conversation can be either an independent form or used in combination with others, for example, it can be included in a meeting, family visit. The purpose of the pedagogical conversation is to exchange views on a particular issue, its peculiarity lies in the active participation of both the educator and the parents. Conversation can arise spontaneously on the initiative of both parents and a teacher. The teacher thinks over what questions he will ask the parents, informs the topic and asks them to prepare the questions that they would like to receive an answer to. As a result of the conversation, parents should gain new knowledge on the issues of training and education of a preschooler. The success and progress of a conversation depends on a well-thought-out start of a conversation. The caregiver should choose recommendations that are suitable for this family, create an appropriate environment. You can also ask parents how they managed to achieve positive results in upbringing, tactfully dwell on the problems of raising a child that need to be finalized, and give specific advice.

Chapter 2. Forms and methods of pedagogical education of parents

Pedagogical education is a section of the preventive activity of a teacher aimed at developing positive attitudes towards pedagogical assistance in parents and expanding their horizons in the field of pedagogical knowledge.

Psychological education is the main method and, at the same time, one of the active forms of implementing the tasks of preventive work of a teacher with parents.

The following forms and means of pedagogical education of parents are distinguished: Forms - individual, group, variety performances, public speeches, etc. Means - verbal (conversation, lecture, thematic KVN), journalism (print and electronic media), visual (poster, booklet, memo At present, all kinds of methods and forms of pedagogical education of parents are also used, both already established in this area and innovative, non-traditional:

Visual propaganda;

Parents' meetings;

Conversations and consultations;

Parents' conferences;

Oral journals;


Doors open days;

Round tables;

Organization of clubs;

Organization of business games.

It is worth touching on some forms and methods in more detail.

a) Visual propaganda.

When carrying out pedagogical propaganda, you can use a combination of different types of visualization. This allows not only to acquaint parents with the issues of upbringing through the materials of stands, thematic exhibitions, etc., but also directly show them the upbringing and educational process, advanced methods of work, and provide parents with the necessary pedagogical information in an accessible and convincing manner. You can constantly arrange group stands of the type "For you, parents!" Containing information on two sections: the daily life of the group - various kinds of announcements, mode, menus, etc., and the current work on raising children in kindergarten and family. at the beginning of the year, as a rule, the teachers' council discusses the annual work plan. Then the teachers inform the parents about the tasks of upbringing in a certain section for the quarter, inform the program content of the classes, give advice to the parents on how the work carried out in the kindergarten can be continued in the family. Under the general heading, for example, "Today in class", extracts from calendar plans, brief extracts on the implementation of the program are placed. With great pleasure, parents look at the works of children exhibited at a special stand: drawings, modeling, applications, etc. Advice and Recommendations "under the guidance of a psychologist and a nurse, recommendations on various issues are placed, reports of members of the parent committee are given. The topic of the stand materials should depend on both age characteristics and the characteristics of families. In the preparatory group, the stand materials can be devoted to the following topics: "What children should learn in the preparatory group for school", "Joint preparation of children for school in the family and kindergarten", etc. Great importance should be attached to the design of common thematic stands and exhibitions. Usually they are prepared for holidays, such as "Hello, New Year!" for large families), "Raising hard work in the family", "I myself", "The world around us", etc. It is desirable to arrange exhibitions on topics related to various aspects of education (labor, aesthetic, etc.): "We we work and try ”,“ Beauty and Children ”,“ We ​​and Nature ”When introducing parents to physical education in the family at the exhibition, you can use photographs, text material about the benefits of physical exercises, a list of basic movements that preschoolers should master. Parents show great interest in how their children live in kindergarten, what they do. The best way to educate parents about this is through open house days. It is necessary to make great efforts of methodologists, teachers, and psychologists to carry them out. Preparation for this day should begin long before the scheduled date: prepare a colorful announcement, think over the content of educational work with children, organizational issues. Before you start watching classes, you need to tell the parents what activity they will watch, its purpose, the need for it.

Open views give parents a lot: they get the opportunity to observe their children in a situation different from the family one, to compare the behavior and skills of the child with the behavior and skills of other children, to adopt the teaching methods and educational influences from the teacher. members of the parent committee. Ample opportunities for observation are provided to parents during walks of children on the site, on holidays, evenings of entertainment. This form of pedagogical propaganda is very effective and helps the pedagogical collective to overcome the superficial opinion that parents still have about the role of kindergarten in the life and upbringing of children. Working with parents, you can use such a dynamic form of pedagogical propaganda, such as folders. They also help with an individual approach to work with the family. In the annual plan, it is necessary to foresee the themes of the folders in advance so that teachers can pick up illustrations and prepare text material. The topics of the folders can be varied: from material related to labor education in a family, material on aesthetic education to material on raising children in an incomplete family

Moving folders should be mentioned at parent meetings, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the folders, give them for review at home. When parents return folders, it is advisable for educators or teachers to have a conversation about what they have read, to listen to questions and suggestions. You should take seriously this form of work as visual propaganda, correctly understand its role in pedagogical education of parents, carefully thinking over the content, decoration of folders, striving for the unity of text and illustrative materials. The combination of all forms of visual propaganda helps to increase the pedagogical knowledge of parents, encourages them to revise the wrong methods and techniques of home education.

b) Parents' meetings.

Usually parent-teacher meetings are held traditionally - this is a teacher's report on some topic and a discussion of organizational issues. Parents are usually inactive in this type of meeting. And passivity is an indicator of either disinterest, or the fact that the very form of the meeting does not dispose to statements from the parents. This suggests that there is an urgent need to revise the forms of parenting meetings. However, many preschool educational institutions are using innovative forms of holding. You can also discuss the guidelines that are given in the manuals, determine the general requirements for preparing and conducting the meeting. Some parent-teacher meetings can be kept open so that educators from other groups can attend. Together with the methodologist and teachers of the group, a plan of measures for preparing for the meeting is discussed, and a questionnaire for parents is drawn up. The meeting should be announced in advance — one to two weeks before the meeting. It is also found out in advance who can speak at the meeting.

An active meeting of parents involves showing conversation classes, then discussing what they saw, distributing reminders on the topic of the meeting. Organizing parent meetings in this way, you can achieve results in a short time: parents become more interested in the life of the kindergarten, more active in its work. This form allows parents to get to know their child again, observing him in a kindergarten, when pedagogical problems are discussed in a free conversation. This contributes to an increase in the sense of responsibility for the upbringing of children, unites the team of parents, and has a positive effect on the relationship between the kindergarten and the family.

c) Business games.

A business game is a space for creativity. It brings the participants of the game as close as possible to the real situation, forms the skills of quick adoption of pedagogically correct decisions, the ability to see and correct mistakes in time. The approximate structure of the game is as follows:

1. The preparatory stage, which includes the definition of the goal, objectives of the game, organizational rules governing the course of the game, the choice of the actor (s) in accordance with the roles, preparation of the necessary visual material and equipment

2. The course of the game, which consists in the fulfillment of the necessary rules and actions by all participants in the game.

3. The outcome of the game, expressed in the analysis of its results.

The purpose of business games is to develop and consolidate certain skills, the ability to prevent conflict situations. Roles in business games can be assigned in different ways. Educators, managers, teachers, parents, members of the parent committee, etc. can participate in it. The referent (there may be several of them) also takes part in the business game, who monitors his object using a special observation card. The topic of business games can be different conflict situations.

d) Evenings of questions and answers.

Evenings of questions and answers provide concentrated pedagogical information on a wide variety of questions, which are often debatable, and the answers to them often turn into a heated, interested discussion. The role of Q&A evenings in equipping parents with pedagogical knowledge lies not only in the answers themselves, which is very important in itself, but also in the form of these evenings. They should take place as a relaxed, equal communication between parents and teachers, as lessons in pedagogical contemplation. Parents are announced at least one month in advance that this evening will be held. During this time, methodologists and educators must prepare for it: collect questions, group them, distribute them in the teaching staff to prepare answers. At the evening of questions and answers, the presence of most of the members of the teaching staff is desirable, as well as medical specialists, speech therapists, psychologists, etc., depending on the content of the questions. In order to organize the receipt of questions from parents, methodologists and educators usually use parenting meetings, questionnaires, all kinds of questionnaires. At parent-teacher meetings, they announce the time of the evening of questions and answers, provide an opportunity to think over the questions and record them on paper, and parents also have the opportunity to think over the questions at home and hand them over to the teacher later.

e) Round table meetings.

Roundtable meetings broaden the educational horizons not only of parents, but also of the teachers themselves. The decoration of the event is of great importance. The hall should be especially decorated, furniture should be specially arranged, attention should be paid to the musical arrangement, which should be conducive to reflection and frankness. The topics of the meeting can be different. The conversation should be started by parent activists, then a psychologist, doctor, speech pathologist, speech therapist, educators, and other parents should join it. Various topics, situations, problems arising in the upbringing of children in various types of families can be proposed for discussion, which further activates the participants in the meetings (Appendix 2). In this form of work, it is noteworthy that practically not a single parent is left on the sidelines, almost everyone takes an active part, sharing interesting observations, expressing practical advice. A psychologist or a senior educator can summarize and end the meeting.


The main value of pedagogical culture is the child - his development, education, upbringing, social protection and support for his dignity and human rights. For parents to be able to educate their children competently, it is necessary to improve their pedagogical culture. In order to achieve a high level of upbringing of children, it is necessary to cooperate between the kindergarten and the family, the complementary, mutually enriching influence of family and social education.

Each form of communication between a teacher and parents has specific goals and objectives. The systematic use of various forms in work with parents leads to attracting the attention of parents to the problems of raising children, obtaining the necessary minimum of knowledge and, thus, increasing the pedagogical culture. An informal approach to organizing and conducting these forms of communication puts educators in front of the need to use a variety of methods to activate parents.

As a result of the study, we came to the conclusion that a parent who, along with general erudition, is familiar with pedagogy, psychology and medicine, can be considered enlightened. In addition to knowledge about childhood, skills are needed to use them. To be enlightened by a parent, one must constantly apply this knowledge and skills, and this is very difficult. Enlightened parenting consists of knowledge about a child (his upbringing, stages of development, individual characteristics, etc.), from special skills to ensure this development and, most importantly, from the application of this knowledge and skills in practice. The parent should be guided by this knowledge and skills, that is, to know the general stages of the child's development (physiological and mental), to understand their connection, to be aware of the basic principles of development - what, why and how to develop. It was found that the ability to use the right technique in time is another important quality of an enlightened parent. It is directly related to the ability to see problems and their causes, to anticipate the consequences of the child's actions or actions, that is, with the parent's ability to think pedagogically. Pedagogical thinking is different in that it is always directed at the child in the totality of the connections of his inner world with the outer one. This is a difficult job that requires the ability to abstract from yourself and focus on the child. However, you can be able to do a lot and know even more, but not apply it in life.

The application phase is direct contact with the child. Direct contact is always the creative work of an enlightened parent who at any given time understands what he is doing with the child and for the child. Pedagogical creativity is required from parents because of the unpredictability of those situations that the child continuously builds up. The task of the teacher is to help find the reason in the current situation and push the parent to an independent creative search for a solution.

The first difficulty in the application of pedagogical knowledge and skills lies in the unpredictability of a specific situation, which requires parents to constantly create pedagogical creativity, impromptu, and not use ready-made stereotypes.

The second difficulty stems from the parent's lack of patience in parenting. It is much easier for a mother to remove toys herself or to feed a child from a spoon than to wait until he cope with it himself. Hurried, impatient parents bring up dependent traits in their children and, of course, are not pedagogically enlightened.

The third difficulty in applying the most progressive knowledge, the brightest ideas of upbringing is the need for the constancy of this process. Education cannot be fragmented. Fragmentation erases all the achievements of upbringing. A child should not be torn between yesterday's “not allowed”, today's “can’s” and tomorrow's “not again” because of the inconsistency and inconsistency of adults. However, it should also be borne in mind that the opposite of fragmentary education is continuous edification.

Thus, the study showed that the use of various forms of work of a teacher with parents in a preschool educational institution with the use of methods of activating parents will contribute to an increase in the level of their pedagogical enlightenment.


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The consultation was prepared by: M.V. Dvoichenko