
School childhood friend. Valyushka-girlfriend. childhood memories


I want to tell you about my girlfriend from childhood, you can say about my first girlfriend.
I went to first grade at the age of 6, all my other classmates were already a year older than me. I was a cowardly girl, I was not the first to make contact with the guys. But, fortunately, my mother is sociable and on the first line dedicated to September 1, she immediately met the mother of another girl. And our mothers decided to make friends with us. Moreover, as it turned out later, it was just on the way for us to go home.

Our first lessons, homework came, we looked at our teacher as a second mother, we wanted to be praised, we were afraid to blunder. My girlfriend always tried to draw the teacher's attention only to herself, she was jealous of others. In principle, I did not envy this, although I also liked it when they praised me. We played with her at recess, went home together. In friendship, as I was taught, I tried to be faithful and knew that friends should always be helped. Our elementary School was not big, the toilet was on the street. We often asked to go to the toilet in the middle of the lessons, but since it was boring to run before him alone, we always asked to go to the toilet together. And, one day, we also, as usual, asked our teacher to go to the toilet together. She let us go. We ran playfully into the street. And when they ran to the toilet, they saw that the builders had dug a huge hole near the toilet. The school planned to build a new toilet. So, we got curious. We approached the pit and looked into it with interest.
\"Wow, what a huge hole, is this all for the toilet?\" I asked.
\"Oh, but what, this is not a big hole, even if I climb into it, I can get out \" - answered the girlfriend.
\"Yes, you're lying, well, try to climb up \"-I said.
"Oh, yes, it's easy," she replied. And jumped into the hole.
I stared in amazement at her in the hole. \”And how will you get out now?\”
\" Well, look \" - said the girlfriend and began to cling to the pebbles sticking out of the walls of the pit with her fingers. But, she never managed to get out, the pebbles fell out, her fingers slipped off. Looking at such a picture, I was frightened, and told her that I was now quickly running to the class, I would tell the teacher, she would help.
\"Nooo!\" My friend yelled. \"No, if you leave, you are no longer my friend!\"
\"But, I can't pull you out, you're heavy\" — I said.
\"Then, you jump here, you'll give me a lift. Ah, I'll get out, I'll pull you out, I'm strong.\" Said a friend.
I jumped into the hole without thinking. I planted a friend, she got out. She began to pull my hand, but she couldn’t pull me out either.
\"And what are we going to do? \" - I asked, looking out of the pit.
\"I'll call for help now, sit down, I'll quickly\" she answered sharply and rushed away, not even having time to give me anything to shout.
Well, what do you think happened then ... The teacher came running, but quite our class. Everyone looked and laughed. The teacher, swearing, pulled me out of the pit, it was terribly embarrassing. But, the girlfriend was in the role of the savior of a negligent comrade who climbed into the pit, straight October, and not a friend.

Probably each of us had or has a childhood best friend. I envy those who still maintain relationships and remain unchanged ... unfortunately I don’t have one.
More precisely, there is a best friend, but she is not a childhood friend, we have been together since the university. We have with her great relationship but the story is not about her. I'm in recent times I remember that childhood friend of mine and I understand that I miss her. Of course, in my childhood I had a lot of girlfriends, we were very close friends, we were a mountain for each other, but we had a special relationship with only one. I don’t even remember the moment when we met her, we apparently were so small that it’s impossible to remember. I appreciated her for the fact that she never attached, everything happens in childhood, sometimes you don’t even intentionally do something bad to someone. You just don't fully understand what is good and what is bad. Well, she wasn't like that at all. I remember when I fell off my bike and tore my leg so much that you could see the bone, she was the only one who helped me get home then, the rest of the girls only looked sympathetically, that’s when that attitude appeared that made her stand out from the rest. She was from a simple family, brought up by her grandmother and mother, at that time they did not live very richly. I was from a wealthy family, my parents always tried to buy me the best. At school and in the yard, some girls were envious, it was evident, and most often those who themselves had things no worse than mine were envious. But I never saw even a hint of envy from her, she was always sincerely happy for me. She was very kind and naive. I always tried to teach her a little not to trust everyone in a row, as she was very responsive and very often burned on this. Once we liked the same boy) We argued so stupidly with whom he would be, although he did not pay attention to both of us) And that's how we saw him with a girl with one and realized that there was nothing to argue about, and then we decided that the guys are not worth swearing because of them) I remember how we guessed at Christmas time, did the whole floor in wax)) I thought my mother would kill us, but we all washed up together until the morning and laughed that it was all nonsense, we were nobody there they didn’t see it in the mirror then)) She often stayed with me overnight and then we could chat all night about nothing. Somehow they promised each other to be friends at the wedding and to be godparents to children)) We were very inseparable. But unfortunately nothing lasts forever, I then met my future husband and that's when the first crack appeared in our relationship with her. I had to be torn between them. In the evenings I began to visit him more often. And she remained alone. I understand her, I probably offended her then. But I kept holding on to her. When we finished school, I entered the university, and she went to a technical school. Here an abyss formed between us, she fell into the wrong company, then she did not want to hear me. I thought that I turned on the “mother” again (and it often happened, I raised her sometimes). For some reason, she began to believe that since I was at the university, she became more arrogant. That it is not she who needs to reach out to me, but I must go down to her. I didn't like her company, I didn't like those new friends of hers, they smoked, they drank. I was friends with other girls, we had other conversations, other interests and a different life. Then I realized that I was older than her, although the difference between us was only a year. Each time I asked her to call, as she would be free to meet, chat or just take a walk. But in all that time she never called. I still remember her home phone number. A couple of times I caught her and we met, she talked about herself, I about my life. And we agreed that we would meet again next weekend, but again she did not call. And as soon as I stopped trying to change something, she disappeared completely. I already unlearned then, got a job, I made other friends, she finally showed up on VKontakte. She just texted hello and how are you? I answered her the same way. It seems to me that then she understood everything and wrote that she was very sorry about what had happened. That it turned out that those friends are not friends at all, and she no longer communicates with anyone, that she really wants to meet, but is afraid that there is already a big gap between us. Resentment still played in me then, but I agreed. And to my surprise, no matter how much I wanted to return those former relationships, I realized that the gap between us is simply huge. It was difficult for us to find topics for communication, we just told how and where we got settled, how we live and what's new. We parted on nothing, everything was clear without words. Vkontakte last from her was "Forgive me please." I am now writing and crying ... unfortunately childhood is gone, and with it our friendship with her. It has been 5-7 years since our last meeting, we still do not communicate. A year and a half ago, my grandfather died, she wrote with condolences. She said that she got married ... it turns out that we had a wedding with her a week apart) I have June 1, she has June 8. She is raising her son. I seem to be happy) I'm happy for her, but damn it, I miss her terribly ... and the worst thing is, I don't see any reason for us to communicate and meet. Maybe I just miss that time, but more and more often I think about it ... I decided to share with you) I need to speak out to someone, they say it becomes easier this way. Hopefully I will too. Thank you all for reading and not passing by) Take care of your childhood friends, this is the only thing that connects us with that time))

23 chose

As a child, I was restless and gave my parents a lot of trouble. Recently, my mother and I recalled interesting cases from my childhood. Here are some funny episodes:

Once, on a walk in kindergarten, my girlfriend and I came up with the idea, but should we quietly go home, watch cartoons, because kindergarten is so boring. And so we quietly slipped to the exit, the gate, to our joy, was not closed. And finally - freedom! We felt like adults and were truly happy. We knew the way home very well, since it was three blocks from kindergarten. We had almost reached the house, when suddenly our neighbor Uncle Misha, who was going to the bakery, blocked our path. He asked us where we were going and why we were alone, turned us around and led us back to the kindergarten. This is how the first independent trip ended sadly for us, because we didn’t manage to watch cartoons that day, because. we were punished.

And this story happened to me when I was taken to my grandmother for the summer, I was a little over 3 years old. I played in the house with toys while my grandmother was busy in the garden, and then, tired, I crawled under my grandmother's bed and fell asleep safely there. My grandmother came into the house, began to look for me, first in the house, then in the yard, then all the neighbor's children were raised to help, who examined the surrounding places. They searched behind the garden, near the river and even in the well ... More than two hours passed, adults joined the search. What was going on then in my grandmother's head, only God knows. But then, to everyone's amazement, I appear on the threshold of the house, yawning and sleepily rubbing my eyes. Then my grandmother and I often recalled this incident, but with a smile.

And another case when I already went to school. I was then 7-8 years old. I must say that I really loved poking around in my mother's jewelry box with beads, trying on her high-heeled shoes and various beautiful blouses, but most of all I was not indifferent to my mother's cosmetic bag. And here I am, once again, I decided to conduct an audit in my mother's cosmetic bag and found a bottle of new perfume (as I later found out, my father got these French perfume "Klima" with great difficulty, like everything was in short supply at that time, and gave it to my mother for birthday). Naturally, I decided to open them immediately. But it was not so easy to open them, I tried my best and finally opened it, but at the same time the bottle slipped out of my hands, fell first on the sofa, then rolled onto the carpet. Naturally, there was almost nothing left in the bottle. Mom was very upset then, and a wonderful aroma of perfume hovered in the house for a long time.

I conducted a small survey among my acquaintances on the topic of children's pranks and almost everyone got 2-3 interesting stories. A friend said that she decided to cut flowers out of her mother’s new dress and make an applique for a labor lesson out of them, the employee shared a story of how she and her brother threw tomatoes at each other, which mom bought the day before for seaming, but the most interesting thing was that they threw themselves in the room which has recently been refurbished. And he spoke about the reaction of his mother, who came home from work and saw this art.

Surely you also have funny stories from childhood, I would be interested to hear them and laugh with you.

I was born back in the days of the USSR. It was a happy time, a happy childhood. At that time we didn't have the Internet, phones, other miracle of electronics and we had fun as best we could. I had a best friend - Valya. We were friends with her from an early age. We went to school together, visited each other, played with dolls at each other's houses, did our homework: we did everything together, and were, as they say, "do not spill water." I have always treated her like sister. We even came up with a kind of rite of interbreeding. As I remember now: they took a sheet of paper, wrote on it in turn that we would be friends forever and, with a small needle, pierced our index fingers. Then, as soon as a drop of blood appeared, they applied the pricked place to the leaf. Like real document specialists, we made this piece of paper in two copies, and kept it in a secret corner of our desk. How proud we were of this... Maybe because of that rite I felt her better than the others, despite any difficulties in life.

Valya was cheerful as a girl, but this was only in communication with me. For others, she was extremely reserved. Her mother is a librarian. Imagine how she was brought up. In severity - to put it mildly. When we were just children, this was not particularly striking, and even then I did not care about educational moments. Then I didn’t even pay attention that my friend only communicates with me, she simply didn’t have other friends. Perhaps only classmates, but she kept aloof from them. Valka was two years younger than me. At the age of ten or twelve, this difference is not felt, of course, but by the time I was sixteen, our friendship began to have problems: a lack of coincidence of interests, different circles of communication - all this played a role. Things came to a head when I got a boyfriend. My friend was fourteen at the time. Yes, there are girls now, and even girls who start playing like an adult very early, but Valka was not like that. Under the influence of a strict mother, the young girl was afraid to communicate with boys. God forbid, her mother sees that a guy is standing near the fence and waiting for her daughter ... Yes, and Valya was not yet eager to meet anyone. Maybe she didn’t grow up, or maybe her mother forbade it. And so, when I began to devote most of my time to my boyfriend, my girlfriend, of course, began to get him less. Imagine: then I was with her all the time, and then suddenly I immediately halved the dose of communication. Of course, she became more and more offended, did not answer calls, and gradually after that we had a big fight.

As time went. I went to college, and my friend finished her studies at school, and, naturally, our communication almost completely disappeared. We only occasionally corresponded on the Internet, exchanging dry phrases. I graduated, married the same guy. In a series of family worries, I almost forgot about my best friend childhood.

One evening, tired, I decided for once to go on the Internet, to “meet” old acquaintances at least there. I was surprised by one message - from Valka. She hadn't written to me before that for almost two years. Curious, I hurried to open the letter. In it, a friend asked me about life, asked why I did not write to her. The words in the message were so warm and dear that I seemed to plunge into childhood again. I remembered how we played and had fun, not knowing all the problems adult life. Having written to a friend, I did not expect Valya to answer me right away. During the correspondence, she told me that she, too, would soon begin new life that she is getting married, and even invited to the celebration. But she didn’t say the date, referring to the fact that it is still in the future, but “he won’t get away.” I even admired her naivety. She doesn't seem to have matured at all. I was wrong, in a way.

A little later, I saw her at the student clinic leaving the gynecologist. That day I was not in the right mood, and I did not catch up with her. She didn't see me. But I managed to notice that my friend came out happy, with a sly grin on her face. Then a few more times I ran into her somewhere in a store or in the same clinic. She never told me what she was up to, but it wasn't hard to guess.

After that, I wrote to her online. She reluctantly answered, and I decided to leave her alone. Winter began. I began to devote more time to family and work. On the street began to appear less frequently. The Internet has become the only window to the world. Once again, sitting at the monitor, on one well-known site, I noticed a new photo on the page of a friend. She had a dream for a long time: to break away from her parents and get a piercing in her tooth or tongue. And she did it. The photo showed her happy face, a smile from ear to ear and a shiny pebble in her front tooth. Of course, I immediately congratulated her on the fulfillment of her long-standing desire and waited for an enthusiastic response, a description of the piercing manufacturing process, a visit to the salon and new sensations. But, in response, I received a tearful letter, where Valya complained about life, suddenly opening up. A friend said that her "daddy" does not want to marry her. She told how she made a mistake in it, and asked for advice on what to do next. Of course, what could I advise her? And to be honest, I was shocked by this news. Always a reasonable, modest, exemplary good girl: a step to the left, a step to the right - execution, and then this ... It turned out that, breaking away from her parents, she began to drink and smoke, indulge in drugs and, as a result, even managed to participate in a drunken stupor in an orgy. But she told me all this already at a personal meeting. For the first time in many years, she called me and asked to meet.

Ruth, tell me what kind of a fool I am? How did I get so lucky, huh?” she cried.

I could not find words for a long time and just silently listened to her, sitting opposite, with a cup of coffee. For the meeting, Valka chose a cheap road cafe on the outskirts of the village. I sat and squeamishly wiped away the crumbs from the table with a napkin, left over from previous visitors, which the untidy waitress did not bother to wipe. Hunted, looking around, Valya continued, periodically sobbing:

He refused, you know?! Why didn't he just tell me how he yelled then! And yet, - the girlfriend hesitated a little, - here!

Valka pushed back the high collar of the sweater and I saw a huge abrasion in the region of the collarbone. The bruise was blood-purple, and was the size of a palm. I finally got a voice:

Valya! God! Did he do it?

No ... This is his bouncer, - she said the last word in syllables, - when I came to beg him not to leave me, despite the fact that he strictly forbade appearing at his work. At first, we even talked a little, but when I began to beg him, he called this bully and he, - the girl sobbed, - grabbed me, literally, by the scruff, threw me out into the street.

Wincing in pain, she straightened the collar of her jacket. I couldn't find the words. I wanted to beat him and read lectures to my friend at the same time. Seeing my tension, Valya continued:

After that, I came to him a few more times, asked, begged, but he made it clear that he simply abandoned me as an unnecessary thing. And then I decided to act differently. I couldn’t come to his work, they didn’t even let me on the doorstep, and therefore, I wrote him a letter, and, lying in wait in the dining room where he dined, handed me. He took it, which surprised me. He opened it right in front of me and read it. There were only a few lines, so after a second, he looked at me angrily and said that if I did this, I would say goodbye to my life.

What was that letter? - I said uncertainly.

After a pause, fearing my reaction, my friend whispered in a barely audible voice:

I wrote, if he does not want me to tell his wife everything, then let him give me money for an abortion, and more ... For silence.

I asked a lot.

We sat in this cafe for a long time. They said goodbye when it was already dark, and went home. This conversation never left my mind. Maybe under the impression or from experiences, I don’t know, but strange things began to happen to me.

One day I was returning from work. It was already late, I stayed up checking my students' notebooks - I didn't want to drag home a heavy pile. It was about eight o'clock in the evening, winter, the eve of the New Year. Shop windows are shining all around, every tree is hung with flashing garlands, holiday posters are everywhere, but I was depressed. My heart was not calm. Suddenly, I heard a barely distinguishable voice against the background of the noise of cars. He looked familiar to me. It was very difficult to distinguish the words. Listening, I decided to get closer to the supposed source. The snowy winter that year was very warm, throughout the winter the temperature did not fall below minus twenty. And this is in Siberia. In the corner between the fences of houses, I saw a silhouette. I don't know why, but I felt that the voice was coming from there. As I got closer, I didn't see anything. It seemed that it was a shadow falling from a nearby trash can. As I was about to move on, I heard that voice again. Now I was able to recognize him - it was Valya's voice. She hummed something mournfully. I couldn't make out the words. There was no question of approaching the mysterious silhouette now. I gathered all my will into a fist and did not turn around, continuing the path. At home, I calmed down a little, immersed in business.

When I almost managed to convince myself that the events of that evening seemed to me due to fatigue, I met with a strange phenomenon again. This time it happened on a clear frosty day. I was returning with purchases from the store, where Valya and I often crossed paths, when suddenly someone called me. It was no longer quiet, but so obvious that I turned around, looking for someone calling me with my eyes. People calmly passed by - no one heard ... Goosebumps ran down my back. The call was repeated more insistently. I was even able to make out snatches of phrases.

Rita... Please... Help!

Like last time, I tried to concentrate, to convince myself that everything seemed to me, but without much success. All the way to the house I heard this breaking voice, it sounded literally from everywhere. Bursting into the apartment, she locked all the locks, and even moved the heavy bedside table, which she did not move even when washing the floors.

Subsequently, this was repeated several more times. On the street, at work, in the store - everywhere her hysterical voice called me. I turned around, but there was no one there.

After that meeting, our communication again came to naught. I wrote to her several times, but there was no answer. Several months have passed. At this time, Valya should have given birth, according to my calculations. I began to write to her every day, but she was still silent. Anxiety grew, I began to worry in earnest about the well-being of my friend. Until one day I saw a missing person in the local newspaper. My heart broke. I recognized Valka in the photo. It was the same photo - with a piercing on the tooth. Until now, I didn’t really know anything about her lover: who he was and what he was, I only knew his name, and that he was very rich. On another page of the same newspaper, there was an article about a local businessman. I will clarify - our town lived only at the expense of the local sausage factory. The vast majority of residents worked there. Over time, entire dynasties even lined up. My father used to work there too. In those days, a certain Sergey was in charge of the enterprise. And then it kind of pissed me off. I remembered how Valya mentioned the name of her lover once - Igor Sergeevich. Who is now the owner of the plant. I read from the article that Igor Sergeevich is introducing a new product to the consumer, a smoked sausage called Valio. I involuntarily chuckled, amazed at my sudden guess.

There was a loaf of the same sausage in the kitchen - my husband bought it after work. On the verge of a quiet hysteria, on wadded legs, I went to the refrigerator. Seeing an open loaf there, she took it with trembling hands. For a long time, not daring to fulfill the idea, she stood with him in her hands. Finally, she took out a knife and carefully, in thin slices, began to cut the meat. Suddenly, the blade hit something hard. Taking the lump of meat with trembling fingers, I took out a small hard object from it.

Twilight was gathering outside the window, from the windows of neighboring houses one could see the bright flashing of New Year's garlands. And I sat for a long time, staring at Valya's piercing stone, shimmering with a golden sheen.

edited news Elfin - 29-09-2013, 16:31