
Who is the mother of the son-in-law. Who is to whom after the wedding. Who is the brother's wife from the point of view of his own sister?


Hello, Alexander!

You can call your nephew's wife a daughter-in-law. No special term is used to define the relationship between the wife of his uncle's nephew and the uncle himself.

In the literal sense, you and your nephew's wife are not relatives, because kinship is based on biological - blood ties between the identified persons. Kinship is a relationship by origin

The relationship can be direct or lateral. Direct relationship is determined by a series of successive births separating the ancestor from the descendant (grandfather - father - son).

Lateral kinship is based on the origin of persons from a common ancestor (brother and sister, uncle and nephew).

The number of births that separates relatives determines the degree of kinship.

You are your nephew's uncle, that is, one of your nephew's parents is your sibling. This is a descending relationship along the lateral line in neighboring generations. The degree of your relationship is 3rd (the number of births that preceded the emergence of relationship, with the exception of the birth of their ancestor).

All human relationships that arise as a result of marriage are inherent.

Property is the relationship of one of the spouses with the relatives of the other, as well as the relationship between the relatives of both spouses. The property is not based on blood affinity. Sometimes the property is called "kinship through marriage", but, in fact, in-laws are simply "their" people, not relatives.

I will give an explanatory table of property terms to understand the inherent relationships:

Spouses are persons who are married.

Husband (spouse) is a man in relation to a woman who is married to him.

Wife (spouse) - a woman in relation to a man who is married to her.

Parents of spouses

Father-in-law is the husband's father.

The mother-in-law is the husband's mother.

Father-in-law is the wife's father.

Mother-in-law is the wife's mother.

A matchmaker is the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse, that is, the father of the son's wife or the father of the husband's daughter.

Svatya is the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse, that is, the mother of the son's wife or the mother of the husband's daughter.

Brothers and sisters of spouses

The brother-in-law is the husband's brother.

The sister-in-law is the husband's sister.

Brother-in-law is the brother of his wife.

Shurich (obsolete) - the son of a brother-in-law.

Sister-in-law (obsolete sister-in-law) is the wife's sister.

Spouse of a close relative.

A son-in-law is the husband of a daughter, sister, niece.

Daughter-in-law (son - son's wife) is the wife of a son in relation to his father (father-in-law).

The daughter-in-law is the wife of a son, brother, brother-in-law, brother-in-law.

The intercourse is a woman in relation to the wife of a brother-in-law (intercourse), the intercourse is women whose husbands are brothers.

Sister-in-law's husband = wife's sister-in-law's husband. In-laws are men whose wives are sisters.

A brother is the wife of a cousin.

The terms son-in-law and daughter-in-law have a broader meaning than other definitions.

In other words, a son-in-law is a man in relation to his wife's family: to her parents (father-in-law and mother-in-law), her sisters (sister-in-law), her brothers (brothers-in-law) and the wives of the latter (daughters-in-law).

In other words, a non-woman is a woman in relation to her husband's family: his mother (mother-in-law), brothers (in-law) and sisters (sister-in-law), uncles and aunts, nephews, brothers' wives (mother-in-law) and husbands of sisters (sons-in-law).

Nikita Khrushchev at the UN (was there a shoe?)

As you know, history develops in a spiral. This fully applies to the history of the United Nations. For more than half a century of its existence, the UN has undergone many changes. Created in the wake of the euphoria of the victory over Nazi Germany, the Organization set itself bold and largely utopian tasks.

But time puts a lot into place. And the hopes for a world without war, poverty, hunger, powerlessness and inequality were replaced by a persistent confrontation between the two systems.

Natalia Terekhova tells about one of the brightest episodes of that time, the famous "Khrushchev's boot".


The most tumultuous meeting of the General Assembly in the history of the United Nations took place on October 12, 1960. On this day, the delegation Soviet Union headed by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, introduced a draft resolution on granting independence to colonial countries and peoples.

Nikita Sergeevich made, as usual, an emotional speech that was replete with exclamation marks. In his speech, Khrushchev, sparing no expression, denounced and denounced colonialism and the colonialists.

After Khrushchev, the representative of the Philippines rose to the rostrum of the General Assembly. He spoke from the position of a country that had experienced all the hardships of colonialism and, after long years of liberation struggle, achieved independence: “In our opinion, the declaration proposed by the Soviet Union should cover and provide for the inalienable right to independence not only of peoples and territories that still remain ruled by the Western colonial powers, but also by the peoples of Eastern Europe and other regions, deprived of the opportunity to freely exercise their civil and political rights and, so to speak, swallowed up by the Soviet Union. "

Listening to the simultaneous translation, Khrushchev exploded. After consulting with Gromyko, he decided to ask the Chairman to speak on a point of order. Nikita Sergeevich raised his hand, but no one paid attention to him.

The famous Foreign Ministry translator Viktor Sukhodrev, who accompanied Nikita Sergeevich on trips many times, told about what happened next in his memoirs: “Khrushchev liked to take his watch off his hand and turn it around. At the UN, he began banging his fists on the table in protest against the Filipino's speech. A watch was clutched in his hand, which simply stopped.

And then Khrushchev, in his hearts, took off his boots, or rather, an open wicker sandal, and began to knock on the table with his heel. "

This was the moment that entered world history like the famous "Khrushchev's boot". I have never seen anything like the UN General Assembly Hall. The sensation was born right before our eyes.

And finally, the head of the Soviet delegation was given the floor:
“I protest against the unequal treatment of the representatives of the states sitting here. Why is this lackey of American imperialism speaking out? It raises a question, it does not touch a procedural issue! And the Chairman, who sympathizes with this colonial rule, does not stop him! Is this fair? Gentlemen! Mr. Chairman! We live on earth not by the grace of God and not by your grace, but by the strength and mind of our great people of the Soviet Union and all peoples who are fighting for their independence.

It must be said that in the middle of Khrushchev's speech the simultaneous translation was interrupted, as the translators frantically looked for an analogue to the Russian word "lackey". Finally, after a long pause, it was found english word"Jerk", which has a wide range of meanings - from "fool" to "scumbag". Western reporters who covered the events at the UN in those years had to work hard until they found an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language and understood the meaning of Khrushchev's metaphor.

Each person has quite a few relatives. Perhaps not all of them are close-minded people, but the relationship has not yet been canceled.

In the language, almost every related thread has its own name. According to historians, this came from the fact that in the old days, starting from antiquity, people lived in large families. All relatives were known and revered, not only close ones, but also distant ones.

Brother of wife and brother of husband

Words denoting relatives have very deep linguistic roots. To understand this, it is worth looking into the etymological dictionary. Almost all words of this group come either from common Slavic roots, or even older. In any case, words similar to Russian can be found in other languages.

Brother wife is called brother-in-law. If you trace the entire etymological chain, then, in the end, you can see that the word "brother-in-law" comes from the word "sew", which initially "connect, tie". In fact, a brother-in-law is a person related to his wife by blood ties.

Likewise, you can find out and "son-in-law". Son-in-law, in particular, is called. It turns out that the word "son-in-law" literally means "of the same kind, relative."

Remained in history and riddles of kinship: “Two husbands, two brother-in-law, brother and brother-in-law with sons-in-law went fishing. How many people are there? "

A little more about family ties

It makes sense to consider not only who the wife's relatives are to the husband, but also to find out the name of family ties from the other side. If the husband has a brother and sister, how can the wife call them and by whom will she be brought to the husband's relatives?

The husband's brother is called a brother-in-law. The husband's sister is a sister-in-law. And the wife will be their daughter-in-law. The word “daughter-in-law” is synonymous with the word “daughter-in-law,” but this is what the father-in-law usually calls his son’s wife, and everyone else calls her daughter-in-law.

The husband's father is the father-in-law, the husband's mother is the mother-in-law.
The wife's father is the father-in-law, the wife's mother is the mother-in-law.
A son-in-law is a daughter's husband, a sister-in-law's husband, or a sister-in-law's husband.

This, of course, does not exhaust the list of relatives. In modern society, not all names of kinship ties are in common use. But knowing them is perhaps useful. At least in order to solve logic puzzles.

15 chose

In fairy tales everything ends with a happy wedding, but in life everything just begins with it! Immediately after registering a marriage, complete with your chosen one, you receive a full set of new relatives. From this day on, you have two families, merged into one and entered into a complex relationship. Once upon a time, the question did not even arise of who communicated to whom and by whom, but today, alas, much has been forgotten and we, even in the closest relatives, cannot figure it out. Let's go back a couple of centuries, when families were large, the patriarchal way reigned, and even the most distant kinship was held in high esteem.

Blood relatives

WITH blood relatives everything is more or less clear: mother, father, brother, sister, uncles and aunts, nephews, grandparents. This is if you do not go deeper. And if you try to figure it out, you might think that all people in the family are brothers!

  • Bratanich- brother's nephew
  • Bro- cousin's wife
  • Bratanna- brother's daughter, brother's niece
  • Brother- a cousin or distant relative
  • Bratova- brother's wife
  • Bratich- brother's son, brother's nephew
  • Bro, bratelnikcousin

It's about the same with the sisters:

  • Little sister, sister, little sister- cousin
  • Sister- cousin, mother's or father's sister's daughter
  • Sister, sister, sisters (ancient Russian)- mother's sister's son (sister's nephew)

Do you know what to call the brothers or sisters of your grandparents? Great aunt- sister of grandfather or grandmother (great-aunt) and Great uncle- the brother of a grandfather or grandmother. And that's not all - there are also cousins, second cousins ​​and a whole series of great-great-great… .

You can even get confused among grandchildren! Judge for yourself: grandson and granddaughter it is not only the son and daughter of a son or daughter, but also the children of nephews. In grandchildren and grandchildren, you can get confused at all:

  • Great brothers and sisters- second cousins ​​and sisters
  • Great-nephew (niece)- grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister
  • Great-cousin-nephew (niece)- the grandson (granddaughter) of a cousin or sister.


Let's go back to the wedding, after which the number of relatives at least doubles - this is in-laws.

For whom you do not marry, and the mother-in-law and father-in-law (the husband's parents) are provided for you, however, as well as the father-in-law with the mother-in-law to your chosen one! But they, in turn, acquire you as a relative.

Let's figure it out in order:

  • Father-in-law and mother-in-law- parents of a husband for a young wife
  • Father-in-law and mother-in-law- the parents of the wife for the husband
  • Swat, matchmaker- parents of husband and wife in relation to each other
  • Son-in-law- daughter's husband
  • Daughter-in-law (she is the daughter-in-law for the father-in-law)- son's wife
  • Brother-in-law- Brother husband, yatrovka or motherfucker- wife in law
  • Sister-in-law- husband's sister
  • Sister-in-law- wife's sister
  • Brother-in-law- the husband of the wife's sister, brother-in-law- men whose wives are sisters among themselves
  • Brother-in-law- brother-in-law, shurich- brother-in-law's son

By the way, if, in addition to family ties, we mention family relations, then most often the father-in-law is more kind than the mother-in-law in relation to the daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law). With father-in-law and mother-in-law can be for everyone - if father-in-law is always a friend, then mother-in-law can be different - both in the form of an "old saw" and in the form of a best friend.

Even "stars" and princesses have mother-in-law!

Close, but not family

It turns out that there are relatives and friends, but not relatives. Not very clear? Let's figure it out now!

If a husband or wife has children from previous marriages, they are considered stepbrothers and sisters. At the same time, the mother's husband - stepfather, and the father's wife - stepmother... Not my own son - stepson, not my own daughter - stepdaughter... So it turns out that they seem to be close relatives, but not relatives.

Close, but not family, are considered the same:

  • Named daughter, named son- adopted children
  • Named mother, named father- adoptive parents

If the young got married, then they have more planted parents - planted mother and planted father substituting parents at the wedding ceremony.

When a child is baptized, the following are added to the number of relatives, but not relatives:

  • Godfather and godfather - godfather and mother in relation to the godson's parents and to each other
  • Godmother- spiritual mother
  • Godfatherspiritual father
  • Godson- godson
  • Goddaughter- God daughter
  • Godbrother (sister)- son (daughter) of the godfather

There was a custom of exchanging pectoral crosses and people who performed this rite by kissing three times also became close:

  • Brother of the cross, brother of the cross
  • Cross sister, twin brother

It also happened that it was necessary to look for a wet nurse for the child when his own mother could not feed. The nurse became dairy mother, and her children and the child she nursed became foster brothers and sisters.

So many relatives around ...

Try to figure it out - who is communicated to whom and by whom!

Relationships can resemble the World Wide Web of the Internet. But the funniest thing begins when you try to grasp who has whom to whom and what word to call him. At first, you try for a long time to build a chain in your head, for example, who is your brother's wife to your sister. By the way, by whom? Let's talk about family ties.

Who accounts for whom

  • As soon as they do not call the one who is the brother's wife. So, they call her brother. Sometimes the wife of a brother is called a sister-in-law (son-in-law). Now, so as not to get confused. Imagine two brothers - Sasha and Lenya. Each has a wife - Sveta (Sasha) and Galya (Lenina). So Sveta and Galya are daughters-in-law in relation to each other. Likewise, the wife of one brother is a daughter-in-law in relation to another brother. That is: Galya is Sasha's daughter-in-law, and Sveta is Leni's daughter-in-law.
  • You can also say who is the wife of a cousin - bro.
  • We go in the other direction, who is the husband's brother to his wife. We remember our heroes, let it be a pair of Sasha and Sveta. That is, who is Lenya (Sasha's brother) Sveta (his wife). Brother-in-law - that's how we call Lenya in this case. Sasha will also be dever in relation to Gala.
  • Digging further. Who is the sister's wife of the brother. Let's imagine that Sasha and Leni have a sister - Nadia. That is, we decide the question of who is Nadya Sveta and Galya (the brothers' wives). It's all the same brother or daughter-in-law. And Nadia is a sister-in-law in relation to Sveta and Galya. There is also a variation - sister-in-law (maybe the form reflects the nature of the relationship? - the author's thoughts).
  • By the way, the son's wife is also called the daughter-in-law. That is, Sveta and Galya will be daughters-in-law in relation to the mother of Sasha and Leni.
  • By the way, bro and brat are forms that also have a certain meaning. This is the name of the cousin. And yes, a cousin is the son of your aunt or your uncle (that is, your mom's or your dad's brother or sister).