
Soft brittle nails are the reason. Why nails crumble, break, exfoliate. What to do if your nails are bent


Hello dear girls.

N natural, and most importantly, well-groomed nails have always been in fashion. They serve as one of the main adornments of every girl, they emphasize her status, her style. A neat manicure is our business card and a very important component of our appearance. The beauty industry now produces a huge number of products for nail design and so I want to apply all this for myself. But only for this, it is desirable to have at least medium-length nails.

I really like long nails, but unfortunately I never had them in my life. I have naturally thin, soft nails that I can only grow a few mm and then with great effort. I believe that this is my heredity, since my mother has the same problem and no amount of super-proper nutrition and care can make nails hard, like some lucky ones.

When I searched the Internet and in various literature "How to strengthen thin nails" or "Is it possible to improve nails that are naturally bad" I have always come across basic and well-known recipes that many of us use. I have probably tried all the existing tips, but selected the most effective ones for my thin, brittle nails. With the help of them, I can grow my nails at least a little, but here it is very important to preserve the achieved result, otherwise my nails break or exfoliate very quickly. Any impact and mechanical impact has a detrimental effect on my nails.

A little about my manicure. Why I rarely painted my nails with varnish.

My nails are so bad that I always use nail polishes only on holidays. When I remove the nail polish, my nails are simply in a deplorable state, they flake off and I have to cut them off.

Therefore, most often they are in their natural state (in order to do different procedures with them) or covered with a hardener. Now there are a huge variety of hardening varnishes. The most famous is "Smart enamel", he was my first tool with which I was able to grow nails. Since then I realized that my thin and brittle nails simply cannot do without hardening varnish... Such a tool makes the nail plate firm and protects against impact and damage. Then the nails deteriorate and break less and I can grow them back. The more layers of varnish you apply, the harder your nails will be. Periodically, the hardener needs to be removed and applied in a new way, since it is able to protect the nails only when it is on them. You can always find out detailed information on application in the instructions with your product, because they are all different.

Important: try to pass the hardener along the sides and on the inside of the protruding edge of the nail, this will further protect it. It is quite difficult to do this carefully, but since the varnish is transparent, these shortcomings will not be visible. Will it interfere with the breathing of the nail? I think that no - the nails do not have lungs. I believe that the hardener is not able to improve the structure of the nail, it can only make it stronger. When we remove the fixer, the nails, of course, will again become defenseless, thin and soft.

Also a great helper for my thin and brittle nails is base for varnish and fixer... I learned about them thanks to Hayrek. Rather, I knew about their existence for a long time, but I started using it recently. Base for varnish protects the nail from the effects of varnish, some bases can also strengthen. Your usual hardener can also serve as a base for decorative varnish. But since I got many layers of varnish, it started chipping off the very next day, that's when it comes to the rescue. varnish fixer. The fixer can be of any company, as well as the base. Very convenient for me is a drying fixative, which, in addition, accelerates the drying of the varnish.

Such a manicure lasts not 1 day, but about 3 days, given that I do all the homework myself, my nails are constantly in the water. And the main thing is that the nails are under powerful protection from external adverse factors and the likelihood that they will break is less.

My manicure tools and what I do with the cuticle.

Of the tools, I have a glass file for shaping nails, scissors for cutting nails and cuticles, nippers, a trimmer and orange sticks. So far, all this is enough for me.

Although I love the look of cuticle nails, I try very hard not to. After all, the more often you cut it, the faster it will grow - such a vicious circle.

I rarely cut the cuticle, only when it grows back a lot. Basically I push it back with an orange stick after softening. If you regularly look after it and do not start it, then pushing back is quite enough.

I do manicure the same way as everyone else, I have no secrets.

1. I clean the old varnish from the nail plate with the Krimle impregnated nail polish remover or conventional nail polish remover. Try also buy acetone-free nail polish remover. Such funds are not entirely harmless, because the acetone in them is replaced by other chemicals, but in any case, they act more gently on our nail plate. And try to use such a liquid as rarely as possible, a maximum of 1-2 times a week (this applies to problem nails).

After I remove the polish, I wash my nails under warm running water using an old toothbrush. This removes all residues of nail polish and nail polish remover, and also serves to exfoliate dead skin cells.

2. Then I shape the nails with a glass nail file. As expected, I only file dry nails and try to drive the file in only one direction.

3. I remove the cuticle after softening it in hot water. I add soap, sea salt, or special commercial softeners to the water. After that, I do nail grooming procedures.

4. Proceeding to applying the varnish. Nails should be dry and sanded (if necessary).

How I care for thin, soft and brittle nails with home remedies.

In the intervals between applying the hardener and after removing the varnish, I can have such a break for weeks, I do a variety of procedures.

In order to somehow streamline my review and make it more readable, I decided to grow my nails with you.

This photo shows my original nails. They were a little longer, but they broke and I had to cut them off. But that's not all, after pruning, they began to exfoliate strongly and the foliation reached half. Therefore, I will have to grow the damaged parts of the nails, cut them off, and then grow healthy ones. I really hope that everything will work out for me.

And what procedures do I do:

1.of course it bath of sea salt... Everyone probably knows about her, but she works.

My recipe: I put a decent amount of sea salt in the dishes and add warm water (about 40 degrees). In the bath, I add either a few drops of iodine, or the essential oil of lemon, mint, eucalyptus, bay. Then I dip my nails in and hold them for about 10-15 minutes. After that, I wash off everything with running water and apply hand cream or oil.

This procedure nourishes our nails with essential vitamins and minerals, strengthening them. The nail plate is whitened, becomes more solid and durable. A bath with sea salt and essential oils should be done once a week for prevention. During nail treatment, it can be done daily.

After the bath, our cuticle softens and this makes it easier to push it back. Therefore, such a bath will be useful before a manicure.

2.The second important part of my nail care is rubbing a variety of base oils into the nail plate... Oils are generally a multifunctional remedy, it is useful not only for nails, but also for the whole body.

My favorite and most nourishing nail oils are Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Cocoa Butter and Rose oil Elixir.

I rub the oil several times a day, especially after my hands have been in the water. After it, my nails bend like paper, and the oil makes them even a little harder, and of course, nourishes them with the necessary substances.

And ideally, you need to rub in the oil just before bedtime, then it will work better.

3. rubbing vitamin AEvit into nails. These vitamins have also been known to me for a long time, but I have recently begun to use them. Before that, I bought these vitamins in bottles, but I did not see the effect. These vitamins are sold in a gelatin shell that must be pierced with a needle, toothpick, or syringe. After that, squeeze the contents onto the nail plate and rub in. One thing is enough for one use.

They are also best used at bedtime. beloved and effective mask for strengthening and nourishing nails from lemon juice and honey.

Mask recipe: I take about 1 teaspoon of honey and add lemon juice to it. You should get a mass of medium liquid that needs to be applied to the nail plate. If the mask turns out to be too liquid, then simply dip the nails into the container and wait 15 minutes. After that, simply wipe your nails with a napkin and apply the cream. I do this mask 1-2 times a week.

This mask nourishes the nails with useful vitamins, makes the nails neat, well-groomed and whitens them.

Lemon juice can be used on its own to whiten and nourish nails.

5. mask with lemon juice and salt. What I like most about this mask is its whitening and firming effect.

Mask recipe: we take sea or ordinary extra salt and mix it with lemon juice. I do not indicate the proportions, since I always do everything by eye. The main thing is to get a consistency convenient for you. We apply this mass to the nails, wait 10 minutes watching your favorite movie and wash off with warm water. After that, as always, I rub hand cream or any oil into the nail plate. I do this mask 1-2 times every 2 weeks.

6.mask for nail growth from red pepper and hand cream.

Mask recipe: Mix half a teaspoon of red pepper (seasoning) and 1 teaspoon of your favorite hand cream or baby cream. Apply the mixture to the nail plate. We keep the mask for about 10 minutes. According to the idea, red pepper can burn, but I do not feel anything at all. Of course, if you have wounds, then this mask is contraindicated, you need to wait until everything heals.

The mask with pepper and cream accelerates blood circulation, blood brings more nutrients to the nails, thanks to which the nails grow much faster. I do this mask a maximum of 1 time per week.

I'm done with homemade recipes, but I still have Purchased nail products. This:

It makes thin and soft nails firm, thus protecting them from damage. This product helps to maintain the length of the nails and strengthens them. In addition, it is an excellent base for varnish, which firmly binds the varnish to the surface of the nail plate and increases the durability of the decorative varnish.

It helps to soften the cuticle, it becomes more susceptible to pushing back. It also disinfects and nourishes the nail cuticle, slowing growth.

Strengthens, nourishes nails, improves their structure, makes them denser and more protected. Also gives a well-groomed and neat look.

A beautiful manicure is impossible without healthy nails. But sometimes even girls who take care of themselves and are anxious about their hands are faced with such a problem as brittle nails. In fact, its causes can be much deeper than it seems at first glance, and indicate some problems in the body. We'll talk about why women's fingernails break today.

Internal causes of brittle nails

Poor quality nails can be caused by a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. Most often, the problem lies in the lack of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, iodine, silicon, etc. Since most of the nutrients come through food, we advise you to reconsider your diet a little.

  • Calcium

Contained in dairy and fermented milk products, egg whites, spinach, sesame seeds, legumes, figs, broccoli, etc.

Essential for bones, connective tissue, a healthy nervous system, and muscle contraction.

  • Silicon

Contained in radish, carrot radishes, turnips, lettuce, mushrooms, and also in nettle leaves.

It is necessary for the formation of cartilage, hair, nails, bones, connective tissue, blood capillaries.

  • Magnesium

Found in whole wheat grains, cereals, rye bread, legumes, bananas, spinach and nuts.

Essential for hormonal stability, normal cardiovascular function and DNA production.

If you are not sure what element your body lacks and whether brittle nails are generally related to this, just in case, diversify your diet, give up diets and global restrictions, and if you wish, go through a doctor's examination. Ready-made vitamin complexes will also help in the restoration of useful elements in the body.

The reasons for brittle nails can be hidden in the following diseases and abnormalities:

  • Failure of metabolic processes;
  • Experienced severe inflammatory diseases;
  • Taking certain medications (antibiotics);
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Lowered immunity;
  • Overwork, severe or chronic stress;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Fungus.

External causes of thin fingernails

Regular mechanical damage to the nail plate can lead to thin nails. We are talking about a wrong manicure or extension. To prevent thin nails when filing, what to do:

  • Use a glass or ceramic nail file (approximately 240 grit);
  • Polish nails only with a soft, non-scratching buff. For thin nails, it can even be replaced with suede;
  • File nails in one direction only: for example, only from right to left.

Extensions and gel polish applied to nails should in theory not harm nails. In fact, such cases are not at all uncommon. This is due to the unprofessionalism of the nail service master, using products containing harmful components, with improper removal of artificial nails, with too frequent carrying out of this procedure - the nails should have a rest from heavy coatings for at least a week.

Another reason for brittle fingernails is regular contact with aggressive media and cleaning fluids, including acetone-containing nail polish removers and nail polishes themselves. Try to do all work that can harm your nails and skin with gloves, and lubricate your hands with cream after finishing.

Cold temperatures are also detrimental to your nails, so be sure to take good care of them during cold periods.

After you have found out why the nails are breaking, you can proceed to their treatment. However, remember that if the reasons are hidden in the internal work of the body, cosmetic methods of treatment will not be enough.

Treatment of brittle nails

Home cosmetic procedures aimed at eliminating brittle nails are as follows:

  • Baths

The simplest and most effective remedy for brittle nails is to take a small amount of warm, comfortable water into a cup, add 1 tablespoon of sea salt or bath salt to it, lower your hands and take water procedures for 20 minutes.

Remember how nails started to get stronger and grow faster after visiting seaside resorts? The described recipe will give the same effect, but at a much lower cost.

  • Oils

Oils have a lot of nutrients that nails need. In addition, their use for nails is very simple and effective: apply the mixture to the cuticles, rubbing and massaging each finger, put on gloves and walk as long as possible until everything is absorbed.

The mixture means different combinations of oils: olive, sunflower, peach, jojoba, wheat germ, etc. And also the addition of liquid vitamins to them. They can be found in capsule form in almost any pharmacy for a very small price.

Vitamin A for nails can be rubbed both in pure form into the cuticle, and in a company with vitamins E, D. Vitamins in capsules are also very convenient because they can be added to all your favorite cosmetics: creams, gels, shampoos, etc. ...

Before using vitamins, it is necessary to conduct a reaction to an allergy: drip a couple of drops on the back of your hand or wrist, wait a couple of hours and evaluate the result: whether there is a rash, itching and other unpleasant sensations.

Now you know what to do with brittle nails on your hands, how to preliminarily assess your health by them and you can prevent the situation from aggravating.

Stay great!


A beautiful manicure can only be done if you have healthy, firm, smooth nails. Any effort is reduced to zero when breaking the plates, especially in the corners. For a manicure to always be perfect, it is important to understand the question of what is lamination of nails and how to solve this problem. There are many ways to give strength to the plates both in specialized salons and at home.

What peeling nails look like

The horny plates that cover the phalanges of the toes and hands of a person are called nails. Throughout life, they grow at a rate of 0.1-0.12 mm daily, they can renew and recover on their own. The thickness of the free edge of a healthy plate is about 0.38 mm. In the presence of pathologies, the indicator may increase or decrease.

The main substance that determines the strength of the stratum corneum is keratin. Luster and elasticity depend on the presence of lipids and water. In the normal state, all layers of the plate are tightly pressed against each other. Gaps and microcracks begin to form under the influence of aggressive factors. Their increase leads to the formation of cavities and delamination of the plate.

Such marigolds are distinguished by dryness, lack of shine characteristic of healthy plates, fragility, slow growth, fragility. To understand the cause of the disease, you need to contact a mycologist to study for the presence of a pathogenic fungus. Treatment requires an integrated approach, should include the intake of vitamins, dietary supplements, cosmetic procedures.

Reasons for delamination of fingernails

To get rid of the pathology, it is important to understand what factors provoked it. Fingernails exfoliate for various reasons, both as a result of internal problems of the body, and under the influence of external aggressors. Chemical compositions for cleaning and washing, hot water, alkaline solutions negatively affect the condition of the nails. Plates often exfoliate on the hands due to the use of formaldehyde varnishes. They can be damaged by improperly removing artificial nails or using varnish solvents containing acetone.

Often, fingernails begin to exfoliate due to a decrease in the content of fat-like substances in the structure or dehydration. For musicians (harpers, pianists, guitarists), this pathology can be an occupational disease. Stenographers can also receive mechanical damage when typing, which provokes foliation of the marigold. Frequent bruises, squeezing the plate lead to splitting... The habits of picking or scraping something also lead to the fact that the nails begin to exfoliate.

As for the endogenous factors (internal problems) that provoke the development of pathology, these include unbalanced nutrition. A diet low in zinc, silicon, protein, sulfur, silicon, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium provokes foliation of the nail plates on the hands. Often, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and the endocrine system face the problem. Onycholysis can be the result of intoxication of the body, skin diseases, injuries.

In children

If your child's nails began to exfoliate, then it is recommended to establish the cause of the pathology at the appointment of a mycologist. Often it is caused by the following factors:

  • mechanical injury;
  • burns;
  • avitaminosis;
  • fungal infections;
  • stress;
  • metabolic disease;
  • puberty (puberty in adolescents);
  • weak immunity;
  • problems with the adrenal glands.

In adults

Before proceeding to the elimination of pathology, it is important to identify provoking factors. In adults, fingernails begin to exfoliate for one of the following reasons:

  • Aggressive environment. Frequent contacts with household chemicals (detergents, bleaches, washing powders) without gloves negatively affect the structure of the nail plates.
  • Frequent hypothermia of the hands provokes improper blood circulation and splitting of the nails.
  • Improper performance of cosmetic procedures, build-up, removal of artificial plates.
  • Application of varnishes containing formaldehydes, solvents with acetone.
  • Injury to the nail plates associated with professional activities or improper care.
  • Unbalanced nutrition (lack of magnesium, sulfur, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D, E).
  • Metabolic disorders, exhaustion.
  • Hormonal changes in the body in women (pregnancy, lactation, menopause).
  • Skin diseases (fungus, eczema, lichen planus, psoriasis).

Treatment of peeling nails

After identifying the reason why the nails on the hands began to exfoliate, you need to start therapy. It should consist in the elimination of the underlying disease and the complex strengthening of the plates. If the nails are peeling, the following measures are recommended:

  • With vitamin deficiency, vitamin complexes are prescribed: Pikovit, Multitabs, Pregnavit and others.
  • Inclusion in the diet of foods high in iron, calcium: cottage cheese, raisins, almonds, cheeses, milk, broccoli, cereals.
  • Daily baths with lemon juice, warm vegetable oil, iodine.
  • Regular treatment of the nail plates on the hands with oil solutions of vitamins A, E.
  • Therapy of fungal infections and concomitant diseases according to indications.
  • If the nails on the hands exfoliate in a child who constantly gnaws at them, weaning from the bad habit is necessary. To do this, visit a psychologist.

Drug therapy

When fingernails begin to exfoliate, it is important to take a comprehensive approach to treatment. The following strengthening products are available at the pharmacy:

  1. Hand moisturizing creams: Diadem, Traditional healer, Insider. The formulations are regularly rubbed into the area near the nails and cuticles.
  2. Nail wax. The drug is an alternative to the salon sealing of the interlayers of the plate. Its action is based on the properties of natural beeswax.
  3. Healing mud. For the nail plates on the hands, muddy, muddy, peaty with vitamins, mineral components are suitable. The mud is diluted in water and applied to the nails in a thick layer. Keep the composition for up to 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with salted water.
  4. Varnishes with growth activators and vitamins will help protect the plate from external negative factors, seal exfoliated scales. Healing varnishes from the FIONA, Dance Legend, Eveline series are effective.

Folk recipes

If your fingernails are peeling, you can deal with the problem not only in a beauty salon, but also at home. There are many recipes for effective folk treatment of onycholysis with trays, ointments, and applications. Products and herbs that can be found in almost every home or in the nearest store will help to strengthen and moisturize the nail plates:

  • chocolate;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • soda;
  • iodine;
  • gelatin;
  • citrus fruit;
  • olive oil;
  • carrot;
  • nettle;
  • tea tree oil;
  • glycerol;
  • Linden;
  • pumpkin;
  • celandine;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • aloe;
  • chamomile;
  • Red wine.


The most accessible and simple method for those whose fingernails exfoliate are salt baths.... To prepare them, you need table salt and 1 liter of warm water. In addition, the bath can be supplemented with aromatic oils or herbs. Such procedures significantly strengthen the marigolds. Below are several recipes for medicinal baths for lamination of nail plates:

  1. With essential oils. Bergamot, myrrh, tea tree, cedar, pine, patchouli are suitable for the bath. 2 drops of the product are diluted in a small amount of vegetable oil, 1 liter of warm water, 2 tablespoons of salt are added. Hands are lowered into the bath for 20 minutes, while massaging the cuticles and fingertips.
  2. With soda. 200 ml of water is heated to 37-40 degrees, add 1 tbsp. l. soda and ½ tsp. iodine. The bath takes 5-7 minutes.
  3. Herbal. For the bath use calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine. Any herb or mixture is taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., brew with 1 glass of boiling water. The resulting product is cooled to 40 degrees, the fingertips are dipped into the resulting broth. Hands are kept in the bath until they cool completely.
  4. With lemon juice. 1 tbsp. l. the product is diluted in 5 tbsp. l. heated vegetable oil. They put their hands in the bath for 15 minutes, after which the product is not washed off, but blotted with a napkin.

Compresses and masks

To prevent the nail plates from exfoliating, you need to regularly make medical masks or compresses. To increase efficiency, the procedures are repeated at least three times a week. It is recommended to do a gentle hand massage before applying the mask. Below are popular recipes for firming masks and compresses:

  1. Lemon based. Squeeze juice from 1 citrus, add olive oil and salt (1 tsp each). The resulting composition is rubbed into the skin of the hands, cuticles, nails, and left for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day for 1-2 weeks.
  2. Fruit remedy. Use a blender to grind the pulp of an avocado or kiwi. The resulting puree is placed in rubber gloves, after which they are put on hands. After 15 minutes, remove, wash off the product with warm water.
  3. Oil compresses. Sea buckthorn, olive, lemon or castor oil is suitable for them. Any product in the evening is rubbed into the area around the fingers, skin of the hands, cuticles. Leave the compress overnight.
  4. Based on vitamin A. A liquid solution of the drug can be purchased at the pharmacy. For the mask, take 2 drops of vitamin, sunflower oil (1 tablespoon), salt and apple cider vinegar. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add 1 tsp. salt, ½ tsp. vinegar, vitamin A. The product is rubbed into the nails with light massage movements, left for 12 minutes. Apply the recipe regularly for 7-10 days.


Another effective remedy that is popular among women whose nail plates are exfoliating on their hands is medical applications. Famous recipes are presented below:

  1. Melt a church candle in a water bath to a comfortable temperature. Dip your fingertips into soft wax and allow the mixture to harden. Leave the application overnight, remove in the morning with warm water.
  2. Apply cocoa butter to the nail plates, leave for 1 hour. Wash off the oil with warm water, apply a moisturizer to your hands.
  3. Take 2 tablespoons of chopped mint leaves, 1 tsp. pounded cottage cheese, 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Mint is poured with boiling water, insisted for 1-1.5 hours. Squeeze out, mix with the rest of the ingredients. The resulting mass is applied to the nail plate. Keep the applique for 20 minutes and then rinse it off.

Salon procedures

If the nail plates are seriously damaged, then it is better to seek the help of specialists. Most beauty salons offer the following revitalizing treatments:

  • Paraffin and wax applications help the nails to quickly strengthen, improve blood circulation. Soft, warm paraffin wax is applied to your fingertips. After 15-20 minutes, the composition is removed.
  • SPA manicure is a complex of procedures: aromatherapy, nourishing masks, massage, baths, paraffin therapy.
  • Japanese manicure. Hands are kneaded with jojoba oil, after which a water massage is done. The end of the session is a mineral mask and the application of polishing powder with beeswax on the nails.
  • Salon sealing. If the plates exfoliate strongly, you can resort to this procedure. It includes a salt bath for hands, processing with a sanding file, rubbing in natural wax with fortified oil.
  • Ultraphoresis with vitamins A and E. The procedure allows you to quickly deliver vitamins to the tissues, which ensures quick recovery of the exfoliated plate.


Lack of proper hand care makes people feel ashamed to show them. Observance of simple rules of prevention will help to avoid delamination of the nail plates, to preserve their strength, smoothness and beauty:

  1. It is important to sleep at least 8 hours a day, often walk in the air. Otherwise, the human body will be brought to chronic fatigue, health problems will appear.
  2. It is recommended to eat fractionally up to 6 times a day.
  3. At least 1 time in 6 months, it is worth taking a course of taking multivitamin complexes to prevent the development of vitamin deficiency.
  4. At the first signs of pathology, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist to be checked for the presence of a fungal infection.
  5. The diet should be rich in foods high in magnesium, calcium, zinc. These include meat, seafood, apples, nuts, cheeses, milk, cereals.
  6. All household work should be done only with rubber gloves.
  7. For a well-functioning gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  8. To replenish the reserves of silicon in the body, you need to use seaweed, wheat germ, decoctions from licorice root or raspberry twigs.
  9. It is not recommended to use acetone-based varnish solvents.
  10. It is important to arrange a rest from funds for 7-14 days, so that the nail plates have time to recover and get stronger.
  11. You should not save on varnishes and other manicure products. Low quality cosmetics negatively affects the condition of the marigolds.
  12. To keep your hair and nails healthy, it is important to drink plenty of fluids.
  13. It is recommended to use moisturizers to keep the skin of your hands and nails healthy.


Photo of delamination of nails

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Luxurious manicure is an important element of the modern woman's style. However, if the nails are soft and brittle, they will not grow back. First you need to find the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it. What can be used to cover soft nails?

How can you cover soft nails

Very soft nails: reasons

There are many reasons why nails can feel soft. Let's take a look at the main ones:

  • injury to the nail plate;
  • prolonged exposure to harmful chemicals, low-quality varnishes and other things;
  • wrong manicure;
  • stomach and intestinal problems;
  • arthritis;
  • peripheral vascular disease;
  • heredity;
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • unhealthy diet, lack of vitamins and minerals, in particular vitamins A and B, iron, calcium, sulfur.

As you can see, soft nails are not just a cosmetic problem, but also a serious sign with which your body is trying to inform you about certain malfunctions in its work.

What to do if your nails feel soft

One of the basic rules for strengthening and restoring nails is their nutrition with useful substances. Mix equal parts lemon juice, beeswax and any vegetable oil (even sunflower oil will do). Rub the resulting natural cream thoroughly into your nails and cuticles. It is very important not only to apply this mixture, but to massage your fingers for a long time (at least 10 minutes).

You can also make a nourishing mask that needs to be kept overnight. Only olive oil is suitable for its preparation. It must be mixed in equal parts with freshly squeezed lemon juice. This mixture should be slightly warmed up in a microwave or water bath prior to application. After you have applied a warm mask to your nails and cuticles, put on natural fabric spa gloves. Rinse your hands well in the morning without using soap.

For nails to be strong, they must receive adequate nutrition. Folk methods at home will help you solve this problem.

You can also visit a nail salon and take a course of hand paraffin therapy. This is a very useful procedure to help you restore your nails. At the moment, it is incredibly popular, so almost all salons offer it. And, of course, do not forget that you need to do a high-quality manicure especially often on weakened and soft nails - at least once every 3 weeks.

Feel free to use the tips described above. If you are not allergic to the foods you are using, all of these nail restoration methods will be of great benefit to you. With a little patience, you will soon be able to flaunt the most luxurious manicure.

What to do when you have thin brittle nails on your hands? How to grow long beautiful nails? Brittle and soft nails can sometimes indicate an iron or calcium deficiency in the body. But not always. Sometimes it takes extra effort. With the help of our tips and tricks, you can make your nails prettier and stronger.

1. Soda to keep your nails soft

  • Baking your nails with baking soda: At least 2 times a week, remove dirt and germs with a damp brush with warm water and baking soda.
  • To make your nails strong, moisturize them!

2. Moisturizing cream for brittle nails

  • In the morning or evening, massage your nails with a moisturizer - your favorite moisturizer for the face and even a moisturizer for the lips will work great.

3. Lemon

  • Wipe your nails morning and evening with a lemon slice.

4. Sweet almond oil

  • To strengthen your nails, massage them with almond oil several times a day.

5. Olive oil and lemon

  • Periodically massage your nails with half a lemon soaked in olive oil.

If you have brittle nails, it is likely that you are iron deficient.

6. Foods with a high iron content

Women's Daily Iron Requirements:

  • Women 19-50 years old = 18 mg;
  • Women 50 and over = 8 mg
  • Pregnant women = 27 mg.

Iron rich foods

  • Offal, veal liver
  • shellfish
  • chocolate
  • cabbage and broccoli
  • dried fruits
  • meat and poultry
  • oily fish

Are your nails soft, brittle and cracking? Natural conditioner daily nail baths are an easy solution for fragile nails.

7. Revitalizing nail bath: olive oil and lavender essential oil

  • Add 5 drops of lavender essential oil to a bowl of olive oil. Soak your nails for ten minutes.

8. Revitalizing bath for nails: olive oil and essential oil of ylang-ylang

  • Heat 100 ml olive oil in a bowl in a water bath and add 20 drops of ylang ylang essential oil.
  • Dip your fingers in a warm solution, but not hot, hold for about ten minutes.

Often nails become brittle due to lack of calcium in the body... Strengthen your nails with foods high in calcium

9. Calcium makes weak nails strong

It is not always necessary to take nutritional supplements! A balanced diet should include foods rich in calcium. Ideal calcium intake: 5 dairy products per day: yoghurt, milk, cheese, butter, etc. ...

Here are some foods that contain the most calcium:
- pressed and boiled cheeses
- milk (skimmed or up to 2.5% fat).
The problem is that in our time, manufacturers underestimate, overestimate or incorrectly indicate the fat content of dairy products.

Calcium-rich foods

  • 970 mg calcium in hard cheese (such as Cantal)
  • 850 mg calcium in cabbage leaves
  • 300 mg calcium per serving of yogurt
  • 250 mg calcium in almonds
  • 160 mg calcium in dry figs
  • 165 mg calcium in dandelion
  • 155 mg calcium in watercress
  • 137 mg calcium in cooked white beans

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  • 137 mg calcium in egg yolk
  • 120 mg calcium in shrimp
  • 115 mg in semi-skim milk
  • 100 mg calcium in black radish
  • 100 mg calcium in spinach

A balanced diet is good for your health and strengthens soft, weak nails!

Soft brittle nails are a thing of the past if the diet includes these foods: sardines, salmon, mackerel, whole grains, grilled meats, raw vegetables and boiled vegetables with a little vegetable oil, along with a little soy, walnuts, almonds, hazelnut.

For beautiful nails that don't flake, use an effective age-old remedy like brewer's yeast.

10. Brewer's yeast if you have very soft nails

  • High in protein and vitamin B8, yeast also makes strong, soft nails.
  • Take brewer's yeast as a supplement or add to salads, yoghurts, and other foods.

11. Horsetail

Horsetail, thanks to its silica content, prevents bone loss and strengthens brittle brittle nails.


  • Add 10 g of the dried plant to 1 liter of water and boil for 10 to 15 minutes. Filter, then let cool, apply a compress on nails with horsetail decoction at least 5 times a day.

12. Royal jelly

  • Pure royal jelly is rich in vitamins and therefore ideal for strengthening soft and brittle nails.
  • Take one gram of royal jelly every day before breakfast for a month.

Strengthening your nails is useless if you don't know how to care for them!

13. Pay attention to your nails!

  • Nails are porous fabric, so in order not to damage it, do not use chemical household products without hand protection using household gloves.

14. Wash your hands without fanaticism.

  • Do not keep your nails in water too long, especially hot water.
  • If you must wash your hands frequently, use disinfectant and cleaning gels, wipes - without contact with water.

15. Chill is the enemy of nails!

  • In winter, be sure to protect your hands from the cold with gloves.

16. Heat is the enemy of nails!

  • When it is hot, the nails become dry, so you need to lubricate them, even with a little oil.

17. Beware of working with your nails

  • Do not use your nails to type, open a window, or dig out the ground.

18. Give your nails a break from nail polish.

  • The varnish makes the nail dry and brittle.
  • Nail polish remover - even without acetone, dries up nails.

19. Shorten your nails in time

Even if your nails get stronger, trim them in time so they don't become brittle and brittle again.
But be careful!
- Do not cut your nails with blunt scissors
- Do not cut nails immediately after the bath, wet, as this contributes to their delamination
- If the nail is broken, treat it with a file as soon as possible, this will save the nail from further destruction
- Avoid metal files that damage your nails. Choose lime glass or cardboard
- Start slowly, always in one direction, and then from front to back, push firmly but not hard.

20. Moisturizing cuticles

  • Do not trim the cuticle surrounding the nail (s).
  • It is necessary to moisten and lubricate the cuticles, and then carefully push back with a wooden spatula.
  • This procedure is necessary for the nail to develop normally. If the cuticle is cut off all the time, it will grow even faster.

Do you have soft nails?

  • Take time to heal and especially to moisturize your nails.
  • Cleansing and moisturizing are the first steps required to strengthen very soft nails.