
The legislative framework of the Russian Federation. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation ФЗ dated June 4, 142


The next block of amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation was adopted. This time they concern objects of civil rights.

According to the amendments, the objects of civil rights are things (including cash and documentary securities), other property (including non-cash funds, paperless securities, property rights), the results of work and the provision of services. In addition, the objects of civil rights include intellectual property and intangible goods.

The definition of an indivisible thing is concretized. It is confirmed that a thing, the division of which in nature is impossible without its destruction (damage) or change of its purpose and which appears in circulation as a single object of real rights, is indivisible even if it has component parts. The latter can be replaced if the essential properties of the thing are preserved. The penalty may be levied on an indivisible thing only as a whole. However, a law or a judicial act may establish the possibility of separating its component part from a thing, including for the purpose of selling it separately.

The concept of a single real estate complex is introduced. The rules about indivisible things apply to such objects.

It is stipulated that the fruits, products, income received as a result of the use of a thing belong to its owner, regardless of who uses such a thing (unless otherwise provided by law, other legal acts, agreement, or does not follow from the essence of the relationship). Previously, as a general rule, it was the person who legally used the thing (for example, the lessee) who had the right to the specified fruits, products and income.

Significant changes relate to securities. Thus, the procedure for the protection of violated rights to uncertified securities, the consequences of the reclamation of the latter and the loss of accounts certifying these rights are spelled out. Joint-stock companies, which are holders of the registers of shareholders of these JSCs, were obliged to transfer the maintenance of the register to a person holding the appropriate license. One year is allotted for the fulfillment of this requirement from the date of entry into force of these amendments.

Some of the changes concern the protection of intangible goods. In particular, it is established that information defaming the honor, dignity or business reputation of a citizen must be refuted in the same way in which they were disseminated, or in another similar way. The person is given the right to demand the deletion of the relevant information up to the seizure and destruction without any compensation of the material media. This is possible if the denial cannot be communicated to the public.

The statute of limitations for claims in connection with the dissemination of false information in the media has been established - 1 year from the date of their publication.

A separate article is also introduced on the protection of the private life of a citizen. It does not allow, without the consent of the person, the collection, storage, distribution and use of any information about his private life (except in cases expressly provided for by law). It is also illegal to use this information when creating works of science, literature and art if it violates the interests of a citizen. A mechanism for deleting information about a citizen's private life obtained in violation of the law has been spelled out.

1. The bankruptcy commissioner or persons who, in accordance with Articles 113 and 125 of this Federal Law, have the right to fulfill the obligations of the debtor, make settlements with creditors in accordance with the register of creditors' claims.

The establishment of the amount of creditors' claims is carried out in the manner prescribed by Article 100 of this Federal Law.

The register of creditors' claims shall be closed upon the expiration of two months from the date of publication of information on declaring the debtor bankrupt and on the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings.

2. The claims of the creditors of each priority are satisfied after the claims of the creditors of the previous priority are fully satisfied, except for the cases provided for by this Federal Law for the satisfaction of the creditors' claims secured by the pledge of the debtor's property.

If it is impossible to transfer funds to the account (deposit) of the creditor, the funds due to him are paid by the bankruptcy commissioner to the notary's deposit at the location of the debtor, which is reported to the creditor.

In the event that the creditor does not claim the funds deposited in the notary's deposit, within three years from the date of their entry into the notary's deposit, the funds are transferred by the notary to the federal budget.

3. If the debtor's monetary funds are insufficient to satisfy the claims of creditors of one queue, the monetary funds are distributed among the creditors of the corresponding queue in proportion to the amounts of their claims included in the register of creditors' claims, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

4. The claims of bankruptcy creditors and (or) authorized bodies, declared after the closure of the register of creditors' claims, shall be satisfied at the expense of the debtor's property remaining after the satisfaction of the creditors' claims included in the register of creditors' claims.

Settlements with creditors for such claims are made by the bankruptcy commissioner in the manner prescribed by this article.

The rules of this clause do not apply to claims filed before the expiration of six months from the date of closing the register of creditors 'claims, if, on the day of closing the register of creditors' claims, a judicial act or an act of another authorized state body has not entered into force, the presence of which in accordance with the legislation Of the Russian Federation is obligatory for identifying the debt in respect of which the corresponding claims have been made. These requirements are deemed to have been declared within the specified time period.

5. Claims of the first priority creditors, declared before the end of settlements with all creditors (including after the closure of the register of creditors' claims), but after the completion of settlements with the first priority creditors who declared their claims on time, are subject to satisfaction until the claims of subsequent creditors are satisfied. Until the specified claims of creditors of the first stage are fully satisfied, the satisfaction of claims of creditors of subsequent stages is suspended.

If such claims were made before the completion of settlements with the first priority creditors, they are subject to satisfaction after the completion of settlements with the first priority creditors who declared their claims within the prescribed timeframe, provided there are funds to satisfy them.

The claims of creditors of the second stage, declared before the end of settlements with all creditors (including after the closure of the register of creditors' claims), are subject to satisfaction in a manner similar to the procedure established by paragraphs one and two of this clause.

6. In the event that there are disagreements between the bankruptcy commissioner and the creditor at the time of the commencement of settlements with the creditors of the corresponding queue, at the time of the commencement of settlements with the creditors, the bankruptcy commissioner is obliged to reserve funds in an amount sufficient for the proportionate satisfaction of the claims of the respective creditor.

The amounts of interest on the bankruptcy commissioner's remuneration payable in accordance with Article 20.6 of this Federal Law are reserved in the debtor's account and paid simultaneously with the end of settlements with creditors.

7. The claims of creditors of the third priority, declared within the prescribed period, but established by the arbitration court after the start of repayment of the claims of creditors of the third priority, are subject to satisfaction in the amount provided for the repayment of claims of creditors of the third priority.

8. Satisfied claims of creditors shall be deemed to have been settled, as well as those claims in connection with which an agreement on compensation has been reached, or the bankruptcy commissioner has declared the offset of claims, or there are other grounds for termination of obligations.

The paragraph is no longer valid. - Federal Law of 23.06.2016 N 222-FZ.

The offset of the claim is allowed only on condition that the priority and proportionality of satisfaction of the creditors' claims are observed.

9. The paragraph is no longer valid. - Federal Law of 23.06.2016 N 222-FZ.

The repayment of creditors' claims by concluding an agreement on the novation of an obligation in bankruptcy proceedings is not allowed.

The claims of the creditors not satisfied due to the insufficiency of the debtor's property are considered extinguished. Claims of creditors that have not been recognized by the bankruptcy commissioner are also deemed to be extinguished, if the creditor has not applied to the arbitration court or such claims are recognized by the arbitration court as unreasonable.

10. The bankruptcy commissioner shall enter information on the repayment of creditors 'claims in the register of creditors' claims.

11. Creditors whose claims were not satisfied in full in the course of bankruptcy proceedings have the right to demand the foreclosure on the debtor's property illegally obtained by third parties in the amount of claims that remained outstanding in the bankruptcy case. In the absence of the said property or at the request of a third party, the court has the right to satisfy the claims of these creditors by collecting the corresponding amount without levying execution on the debtor's property. The specified demand may be presented within the period established by federal law.

12. Abolished. - Federal Law of 02.07.2013 N 189-FZ.

13. With respect to claims arising from financial contracts, the amount of obligations under which is determined in the manner prescribed by Article 4.1 of this Federal Law, the provisions of this Article shall apply only to the extent of creditors' claims on net obligations.

the federal law

dated July 31, 1998 No. 145-FZ

Budget Code of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 No. 145-FZ, (Chapter 24.1) (as amended by Federal Law No. 142-FZ of June 4, 2018)

On the execution of judicial acts

Date of publication: 13.06.2018

Date of change: 13.06.2018

Attached file: docx, 43.81 kB



(as amended by Federal Law of 04.06.2018 N 142-FZ)
(in y p and s to a)


Article 242.1. General Provisions

1. Execution of judicial acts on levying execution on funds from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with this Code on the basis of executive documents (writ of execution, court order) indicating the amounts to be collected in the currency of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with established legislation Of the Russian Federation with the requirements for executive documents, deadlines for submission of executive documents, interruption of the deadline for submission of executive documents, restoration of the missed deadline for submission of executive documents.

2. A copy of the judicial act on the basis of which it was issued, as well as a claim by the claimant indicating the details of the bank account of the claimant (bank account details the recoverer upon presentation of a writ of execution in the manner prescribed by Article 242.2 of this Code), to which the funds to be collected must be transferred.

The application is signed by the claimant or his representative with the attachment of a power of attorney or a notarized copy of the power of attorney or other document certifying the authority of the representative.

A duplicate of the writ of execution is sent for execution along with a copy of the court's ruling on its issuance.

A writ of execution issued on the basis of a judicial act on awarding compensation for violation of the right to legal proceedings within a reasonable time or the right to execute a judicial act within a reasonable time shall be sent for execution by the court, regardless of the request of the claimant. Such an executive document must be accompanied by a copy of the judicial act on the basis of which it was issued.

3. The basis for the return to the claimant of the documents received for execution is:

failure to submit any document specified in paragraph 2 of this article;

inconsistency of the documents specified in clauses 1 and 2 of this article with the requirements established by the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings;

submission of the documents specified in clauses 1 and 2 of this article to the Federal Treasury body (financial body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, financial body of a municipal formation), in which the debtor's personal account is not opened;

violation of the term established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the submission of a court order for execution;

submission by the claimant of an application for the revocation of the court order.

3.1. The basis for the return to the court of enforcement documents received for execution is:

Submission by the court of an application (or a judicial act) to revoke the executive document;

Submission by the debtor, either by the claimant, or by the court of a document canceling the judicial act subject to execution;

impossibility to return the documents received for execution to the claimant.

In the event that court orders are returned to the court on the grounds specified in paragraphs two and three of this clause, a notification is sent to the claimant with the attachment of all documents received from him.

3.2. The grounds for returning the documents received for execution to the recoverer or to the court are the impossibility of transferring funds to the bank account details provided by the recoverer or the court or the court indicated in the court order, and the failure to receive the specified bank account details of the recoverer within 30 days from the date of sending to the recoverer or to the court of a notice of clarification of the bank account details of the claimant.

4. The return of the executive document to the claimant is not an obstacle for the new presentation of the said document for execution within the period calculated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The action (inaction) of the bodies executing judicial acts in the manner prescribed by this chapter, or the refusal to perform such actions may be appealed by the claimant in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 242.2. Execution of judicial acts on claims against the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal formation for compensation for harm caused to a citizen or legal entity as a result of illegal actions (inaction) of state bodies, local government bodies or officials of these bodies, and on awarding compensation for violation of the right to legal proceedings within a reasonable time or the right to execution of a judicial act within a reasonable time

1. For the execution of judicial acts on claims against the Russian Federation for compensation for harm caused by illegal actions (inaction) of state bodies of the Russian Federation or their officials, including as a result of the publication by state bodies of the Russian Federation of acts that do not comply with the law or other regulatory legal act , as well as judicial acts on other claims for the recovery of funds from the treasury of the Russian Federation (with the exception of judicial acts on the recovery of funds by way of subsidiary liability of the main administrators of federal budget funds), judicial acts on awarding compensation for violation of the right to legal proceedings within a reasonable time or the right to execute a judicial act within a reasonable time at the expense of the federal budget, the documents specified in paragraph 2 of Article 242.1 of this Code are sent for execution to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

2. The chief administrator of the federal budget, who represented in court the interests of the Russian Federation in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 158 of this Code or acted in court as a defendant in claims (statements) for the collection of funds from the treasury of the Russian Federation or the federal budget, within 10 days after the issuance (adoption) of a judicial act in the final form, it is obliged, in the manner established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, to send information on the results of the consideration of the case in court to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as provide information on the existence of grounds for appealing against the judicial act.

If there are grounds for appealing a judicial act, as well as in the event of an appeal against a judicial act by other participants in the judicial process, the chief administrator of the federal budget funds within 10 days after the issuance (adoption) of the judicial act of the appeal, cassation or supervisory instance in the final form is obliged in the manner established by the Ministry Finance of the Russian Federation, submit to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation information on the results of the appeal against a judicial act.

In order to implement the right of recourse by the Russian Federation, established by clause 3.1 of Article 1081 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation notifies the relevant chief administrator of the federal budget about the execution at the expense of the treasury of the Russian Federation of the judicial act on compensation for harm.

The chief administrator of federal budget funds, in the manner established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, quarterly submits to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation information on the actions taken aimed at exercising the right of recourse by the Russian Federation, or on the absence of grounds for filing a claim for the recovery of funds by way of recourse.

3. For the execution of judicial acts on claims against the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for compensation for harm caused by illegal actions (inaction) of state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or their officials, including as a result of the issuance of acts by state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that do not comply with the law or otherwise a regulatory legal act, as well as judicial acts on other claims for the recovery of funds from the treasury of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (with the exception of judicial acts on the recovery of funds in the order of subsidiary liability of the main managers of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation), judicial acts on awarding compensation for violation of the right to execute a judicial act within a reasonable time at the expense of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the documents specified in paragraph 2 of Article 242.1 of this Code shall be sent for execution to the financial body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The chief administrator of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, who represented the interests of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in court in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 158 of this Code, shall be obliged, within 10 days after the issuance (adoption) of the judicial act in the final form, in the manner established by the financial body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, send to the financial authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation information on the results of the consideration of the case in court, as well as provide information on the existence of grounds for appealing against the judicial act.

If there are grounds for appealing against a judicial act, as well as in the event of an appeal against a judicial act by other participants in the judicial process, the chief administrator of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation within 10 days after the issuance (adoption) of the judicial act of the appeal, cassation or supervisory instance in the final form shall be obliged in the following order, established by the financial authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, submit to the financial authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation information on the results of the appeal against the judicial act.

In order to exercise the right of recourse by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, established by clause 3.1 of Article 1081 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the financial body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation notifies the relevant chief administrator of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of the execution of the judicial act on compensation for harm at the expense of the treasury of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation may establish the procedure for the submission of information by the chief administrator of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the financial body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on actions taken aimed at exercising the right of recourse by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or on the absence of grounds for filing a claim for the recovery of funds by way of recourse ...

4. For the execution of judicial acts on claims against municipalities for compensation for harm caused by illegal actions (inaction) of local governments or their officials, including as a result of the publication by local governments of municipal legal acts that do not comply with the law or other regulatory legal act , as well as judicial acts on other claims for the recovery of funds at the expense of the treasury of the municipal formation (with the exception of judicial acts on the recovery of funds in the order of subsidiary liability of the main managers of the local budget funds), judicial acts on awarding compensation for violation of the right to execute a judicial act within a reasonable time, at the expense of the local budget, the documents specified in paragraph 2 of Article 242.1 of this Code shall be sent for execution to the financial body of the municipal formation.

The main manager of the budget of the municipal formation, who represented the interests of the municipal formation in court in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 158 of this Code, is obliged, within 10 days after the issuance (adoption) of the judicial act in the final form in the manner established by the financial body of the municipal formation, to send to the financial the body of the municipal formation information on the results of the consideration of the case in court, as well as provide information on the existence of grounds for appealing against the judicial act.

If there are grounds for appealing a judicial act, as well as in the event of an appeal against a judicial act by other participants in the judicial process, the chief administrator of the funds of the budget of the municipality within 10 days after the issuance (adoption) of the judicial act of the appeal, cassation or supervisory instance in the final form is obliged in the manner prescribed the financial body of the municipality, to submit to the financial body of the municipality information on the results of the appeal against the judicial act.

In order to exercise the right of recourse by the municipality, established by paragraph 3.1 of Article 1081 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the financial body of the municipality notifies the relevant chief administrator of the budget of the municipality about the execution of the judicial act on compensation for harm at the expense of the treasury of the municipality.

A municipal legal act of a representative body of a municipal formation may establish the procedure for the main manager of the budget of a municipal formation to the financial body of a municipal formation of information on actions taken aimed at exercising the right of recourse by the municipal formation, or on the absence of grounds for filing a claim for the recovery of funds by way of recourse ...

5. The execution of judicial acts is carried out at the expense of the appropriations provided for these purposes by the law (decision) on the budget. When executing judicial acts in amounts exceeding the appropriations approved by the law (decision) on the budget for these purposes, appropriate changes are made to the consolidated budget list.

6. The execution of judicial acts is carried out within three months from the date of receipt of the executive documents for execution.

The execution of judicial acts may be suspended in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the event that a notification is sent to the recoverer or to the court about the clarification of the bank account details of the recoverer, the course of the period specified in the first paragraph of this clause shall be suspended for the period provided for in clause 3.2 of Article 242.1 of this Code.

6.1. In the event that the executive document provides for the indexation of the awarded amount or other types of calculations, the financial body calculates funds for payments under the executive document in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation or a judicial act.

7. Bodies executing judicial acts (the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, financial bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, financial bodies of municipalities) keep records and store executive documents and other documents related to their execution.

Article 242.3. Execution of judicial acts providing for the levy of execution on federal budget funds for monetary obligations of federal government institutions

1. An executive document providing for the levy of execution on federal budget funds for the monetary obligations of a federal treasury institution - a debtor, shall be sent by the court at the request of the claimant or by the claimant himself, together with the documents specified in paragraph 2 of Article 242.1 of this Code, to the Federal Treasury body at the place of opening in in accordance with this Code, the debtor, as the recipient of federal budget funds, has a personal account to record operations for the execution of federal budget expenditures (hereinafter in this article - the debtor's personal accounts).

2. The body of the Federal Treasury, no later than five working days after the receipt of the executive document, sends the debtor a notification of the receipt of the executive document and the date of its acceptance for execution, attaching a copy of the judicial act and the claimant's statement.

If there are grounds specified in clauses 3 and 4 of Article 242.1 of this Code, the Federal Treasury body returns executive documents with all received annexes to them to the recoverer without execution within five working days from the date of their receipt, indicating the reason for the return.

3. The debtor, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the notification, submits to the Federal Treasury body information on the source of the formation of the debt and on the codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation, according to which federal budget expenditures must be made for the execution of the executive document in relation to the budget classification of the Russian Federation of the current financial of the year.

For the execution of the executive document at the expense of the federal budget, the debtor simultaneously with the specified information submits to the Federal Treasury body a payment document for transferring funds in the amount of full or partial execution of the executive document within the balance of the financing of expenses reflected in his personal account of the recipient of federal budget funds, according to the corresponding codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation.

If the debtor violates the requirements established by this paragraph, the Federal Treasury body shall suspend, until the violation is eliminated, the execution of operations for spending funds on all personal accounts of the debtor, including the personal accounts of its structural (separate) divisions, opened in this body of the Federal Treasury (with the exception of execution operations executive documents, decisions of tax authorities on the collection of taxes, fees, insurance premiums, penalties and fines, providing for the collection of funds from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation (hereinafter also referred to as decisions of tax authorities), as well as payment documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for settlements for wages with persons working under an employment agreement (contract), transfer of withheld taxes and payment of accrued insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with these calculations), with notification of the debtor and its structure separate (separate) subdivisions.

4. If payments for the execution of an enforcement document are periodic, the debtor, along with the documents specified in paragraph 3 of this article, submits to the Federal Treasury body information on the date of monthly payment under this executive document.

At the same time, if in such an executive document the debtor indicates a state authority (state body) exercising the budgetary powers of the main manager (manager) of federal budget funds, he has the right to entrust its execution to the federal government institution subordinate to him with the transfer of copies of the documents specified in paragraph 2 of this articles, for payment of the executive document in accordance with this article and with the limits of budgetary obligations (budget allocations) and (or) the amount of financing of expenditures brought to it, as well as with the simultaneous sending to the Federal Treasury body of the corresponding notification on the order of the execution of the executive document to the federal treasury institution ...

If the federal treasury institution fails to fulfill the executive document transferred to it in accordance with the requirements established by this article, the Federal Treasury body shall suspend, until the violation is eliminated, the conduct of spending operations on all of its personal accounts, including the personal accounts of its structural (separate) divisions, opened in this body of the Federal Treasury (with the exception of operations for the execution of executive documents, decisions of tax authorities, as well as payment documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for payments for payroll with persons working under an employment contract (contract), transfer of withheld taxes and payment of accrued insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with the specified calculations), with the notification of this federal treasury institution and the relevant state authority (state body) implementing the budget tny powers of the main manager (manager) of the federal budget funds.

5. In the absence or insufficiency of the corresponding limits of budgetary obligations (budgetary allocations) and (or) the amount of financing of expenses for the full execution of the executive document, the debtor shall send to the state authority (state body) exercising budgetary powers of the main manager (manager) of federal budget funds, under the jurisdiction of of which it is located, a request-demand for the need to allocate additional limits for budgetary obligations (budget allocations) and (or) the amount of financing of expenses in order to execute the executive document indicating the date of its receipt by the Federal Treasury.

6. The state authority (state authority) exercising the budgetary powers of the main manager (manager) of the federal budget funds, within three months from the date of receipt of the executive document by the Federal Treasury authority, ensures the allocation of limits for budgetary obligations (budget allocations) and (or) the amount of financing of expenditures in accordance with the request-requirement.

7. The debtor is obliged to submit to the Federal Treasury body a payment document for transferring funds in accordance with the established procedure for full or partial execution of the executive document no later than the next business day after the day of receipt in the established manner of the limits of budgetary obligations (budget allocations) and (or) the amount of financing of expenses for the corresponding codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation in accordance with the first paragraph of clause 3 of this article.

If the debtor fails to comply with the requirements established by this clause, the Federal Treasury body shall suspend until the violation is eliminated the execution of operations to spend funds on all personal accounts of the debtor, including the personal accounts of its structural (separate) divisions, opened in this Federal Treasury body (with the exception of execution operations executive documents, decisions of tax authorities, as well as payment documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for payments for wages with persons working under an employment contract (contract), transfer of withheld taxes and payment of assessed insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with these calculations), notifying the debtor and its structural (separate) divisions.

8. In case of non-fulfillment within three months from the date of receipt of the executive document by the Federal Treasury body, as well as in case of violation by the debtor of the payment deadline specified by him in accordance with paragraph 4 of this article, according to the executive document providing for payments of a periodic nature, the Federal Treasury body shall suspend until the moment the violation is eliminated, the implementation of operations for spending funds on all personal accounts of the debtor, including the personal accounts of its structural (separate) divisions, opened in this body of the Federal Treasury (except for operations on the execution of executive documents, decisions of tax authorities, as well as payment documents providing for the transfer or the issuance of funds for settlements on remuneration of labor with persons working under an employment agreement (contract), transfer of withheld taxes and payment of accrued insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with these calculations) with notification of the debtor and its structural (separate) divisions.

Operations on the personal accounts of the debtor are not suspended when the debtor submits to the Federal Treasury a document confirming the execution of a court order, a document on deferral, on payment by installments or on postponing the execution of judicial acts, or a document canceling or suspending the execution of a judicial act on the basis of which the executive document was issued.

If the debtor fails to fulfill the executive document within three months from the date of its receipt by the Federal Treasury body, the said body shall inform the recoverer about this within 10 days.

9. When the Federal Treasury body receives the claimant's application to revoke the executive document, the said body returns to the collector the unexecuted executive document in full or in part, indicating in the accompanying letter the reasons for its non-execution.

Upon receipt of the claimant's application for the revocation of the executive document to the Federal Treasury body during the period of suspension of operations for spending funds on the personal accounts of the debtor (with the exception of operations for the execution of executive documents, decisions of tax authorities, as well as payment documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for settlements on remuneration of labor with persons working under an employment agreement (contract), transfer of withheld taxes and payment of accrued insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with these calculations), the specified body notifies the debtor of the cancellation of the suspension of operations on the personal accounts of the debtor, and the executive document returns to the recoverer in the order defined by paragraphs one and two of this clause.

10. In the event that the court satisfies the claimant's application for the recovery of funds from the state authority (state body) exercising the budgetary powers of the main manager (manager) of the federal budget funds, in the manner of subsidiary liability on the basis of a fully or partially unfulfilled executive document on monetary obligations contained in it. maintaining the recipient of federal budget funds, an executive document on the collection of funds from the state authority (state body) exercising the budgetary powers of the chief administrator (administrator) of federal budget funds is sent to the Federal Treasury body at the place of opening the personal account to the chief administrator of the federal budget funds as the recipient of federal funds budget for execution in the manner prescribed by this Code.

11. The body of the Federal Treasury, upon full execution of the executive document, sends the executive document with a note on the amount of the transferred amount to the court that issued this document.

12. The body of the Federal Treasury keeps records and stores executive documents and other documents related to their execution in the manner established by the Federal Treasury.

13. If accounts are opened for the debtor at an institution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or in a credit institution, the enforcement document shall be executed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings.

Article 242.4. Execution of judicial acts providing for the levy of execution on funds from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for monetary obligations of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

1. An executive document providing for the levy of execution on funds from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the monetary obligations of its state institution - the debtor, is sent by the court at the request of the claimant or by the claimant himself, together with the documents specified in paragraph 2 of Article 242.1 of this Code, to the body carrying out in accordance with with this Code, opening and maintaining a personal account of a government institution of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, at the place where the debtor, as a recipient of funds from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, of personal accounts for accounting operations for the execution of budget expenditures of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter in this article - the personal accounts of the debtor).

2. The body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, no later than five working days after the receipt of the executive document, sends the debtor a notification of the receipt of the executive document and the date of its acceptance for execution, attaching a copy of the judicial act and the claimant's application.

If there are grounds specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 242.1 of this Code, the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation shall return executive documents with all received annexes to them to the recoverer without execution within five working days from the date of their receipt indicating the reason for the return.

3. The debtor, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the notification, submits to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, information on the source of debt formation and on the codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation, according to which budget expenditures of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation should be incurred. Federation on the execution of the executive document in relation to the budget classification of the Russian Federation of the current financial year.

If payments for the execution of an enforcement document are periodic, the debtor, along with the information specified in the first paragraph of this paragraph, submits to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, information on the date of monthly payment under this executive document.

To execute the executive document at the expense of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the debtor, simultaneously with the information specified in the first paragraph of this clause, submits to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a payment order for the transfer of funds in the amount of full or partial execution of the executive document within the limits of the balance of the financing of expenses reflected in his personal account of the recipient of funds from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, according to the corresponding codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation.

If the debtor violates the requirements established by this article, the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, until the violation is eliminated, the implementation of operations for spending funds on all personal accounts of the debtor, including the personal accounts of its structural (separate) divisions, opened in this body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent agreement (contract), transfer of withheld taxes and payment of accrued insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with the specified calculations), with notification of the debtor and its structural (separate) divisions.

4. In the absence or inadequacy of the corresponding limits of budgetary obligations (budget allocations) and (or) the amount of financing of expenses for the full execution of the executive document, the debtor shall send to the state authority exercising budgetary powers of the chief manager (manager) of budgetary funds of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in whose jurisdiction he is, a request-requirement for the need to allocate additional limits for budgetary obligations (budgetary appropriations) and (or) the amount of financing of expenses in order to fulfill the executive document indicating the date of its receipt by the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

5. The public authority exercising the budgetary powers of the main manager (manager) of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, within three months from the date of receipt of the executive document by the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, provides the allocation of limits for budgetary obligations (budget appropriations) and (or) the amount of financing of expenditures in accordance with the request-requirement.

6. The debtor is obliged to submit to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a payment order for transferring funds in accordance with the established procedure for full or partial execution of the executive document no later than the next business day after the day of receipt of the budgetary obligations limits in accordance with the established procedure ( budget allocations) and (or) the amount of financing of expenses according to the corresponding codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation in accordance with the first paragraph of clause 3 of this article.

If the debtor fails to comply with the requirements established by this paragraph, the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation shall suspend, until the violation is eliminated, the execution of operations for spending funds on all personal accounts of the debtor, including the personal accounts of its structural (separate) divisions, opened in this body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent agreement (contract), transfer of withheld taxes and payment of accrued insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with the specified calculations), with notification of the debtor and its structural (separate) divisions.

7. In case of non-fulfillment by the debtor within three months from the date of receipt of the executive document to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as in case of violation by the debtor of the payment deadline specified by him in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article, according to the executive document , which provides for payments of a periodic nature, this body suspends until the violation is eliminated the implementation of operations for spending funds on all personal accounts of the debtor, including the personal accounts of its structural (separate) divisions, opened in this body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (with the exception of operations for the execution of executive documents, decisions of tax authorities, as well as payment documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for payment of wages with persons working under an employment agreement (contract), p. the transfer of withheld taxes and payment of the accrued insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with the specified calculations), with the notification of the debtor and its structural (separate) divisions.

Transactions on the personal accounts of the debtor are not suspended when the debtor submits to the authority that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a document confirming the execution of an executive document, a document on deferral, on installments or on postponing the execution of judicial acts, or a document canceling or suspending execution of the judicial act on the basis of which the executive document was issued.

If the debtor fails to fulfill the executive document within three months from the date of its receipt by the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the said body informs the claimant about this within 10 days.

8. Upon receipt of the claimant's application to revoke the executive document to the authority that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the specified authority returns to the collector a fully or partially unexecuted executive document with an indication in the accompanying letter of the reason for its non-execution.

In case of partial execution by the debtor of the court order, the specified document is returned to the recoverer with a note on the amount of the transferred amount.

Upon receipt of the claimant's application for the revocation of the executive document to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, during the period of suspension of operations for spending funds on the personal accounts of the debtor (with the exception of operations for the execution of executive documents, decisions of tax authorities, as well as payment documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for settlements on wages with persons working under an employment agreement (contract), transfer of withheld taxes and payment of accrued insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with these calculations) the specified body notifies the debtor of the cancellation of the suspension of operations on the personal accounts of the debtor, and the executive document returns to the recoverer in the manner determined by the first and second paragraphs of this clause.

9. In the event that the court satisfies the claimant's application for the recovery of funds from the state authority exercising the budgetary powers of the chief manager (manager) of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in the order of subsidiary liability on the basis of a fully or partially unfulfilled executive document on the monetary obligations of the recipient under its jurisdiction funds of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, an executive document on the collection of funds from the state power body exercising the budgetary powers of the main manager (manager) of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation shall be sent to the authority at the place where the main manager of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation opens a personal account as the recipient of budget funds of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation Federation for execution in the manner prescribed by this Code.

10. The body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, upon full execution of the executive document, sends the executive document with a note on the amount of the transferred amount to the court that issued this document.

11. The body that opens and maintains personal accounts of state institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation shall keep records and store executive documents and other documents related to their execution in the manner prescribed by it.

12. In the event that accounts for the debtor are opened at an institution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or in a credit institution, the enforcement document shall be executed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings.

Article 242.5. Execution of judicial acts providing for the levy of execution on funds from the local budget for monetary obligations of municipal government institutions

1. The executive document providing for the levy of execution on the funds of the local budget for the monetary obligations of his state institution - the debtor, is sent by the court at the request of the claimant or by the claimant himself, together with the documents specified in paragraph 2 of Article 242.1 of this Code, to the body that opens and maintains the personal accounts of a municipal treasury institution, at the place where the debtor as the recipient of the local budget funds of personal accounts for the accounting of operations for the execution of local budget expenditures.

2. The body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government agencies, no later than five working days after the receipt of the executive document, sends the debtor a notification of the receipt of the executive document and the date of its acceptance for execution, attaching a copy of the judicial act and the claimant's application.

If there are grounds specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 242.1 of this Code, the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions returns executive documents with all received annexes to them to the recoverer without execution within five working days from the date of their receipt, indicating reasons for return.

3. The debtor, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the notification, submits to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions, information on the source of debt formation and on the codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation, according to which the local budget expenditures for the execution of the executive document in relation to the budget classification of the Russian Federation of the current financial year.

If payments for the execution of an enforcement document are periodic, the debtor, along with the information specified in the first paragraph of this paragraph, submits to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions, information on the date of monthly payment under this executive document.

For the execution of the executive document at the expense of the local budget, the debtor, simultaneously with the information specified in the first paragraph of this paragraph, submits to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions, a payment order for the transfer of funds in the amount of full or partial execution of the executive document within the remainder of the financing of expenses reflected in his personal account of the recipient of the local budget funds, according to the corresponding codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation.

In case of violation by the debtor of the requirements established by this paragraph, the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions, until the violation is eliminated, the implementation of operations to spend funds on all personal accounts of the debtor, including the personal accounts of its structural (separate) divisions, opened in this the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions (with the exception of operations for the execution of executive documents, decisions of tax authorities, as well as payment documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for payments for payroll with persons working under an employment contract (contract) , transfer of withheld taxes and payment of assessed insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with these calculations), with notification of the debtor and its structural (separate) divisions.

4. In the absence or insufficiency of the corresponding limits of budgetary obligations (budget allocations) and (or) the amount of financing of expenses for the full execution of the executive document, the debtor shall send to the local government body exercising budgetary powers of the chief administrator (manager) of the local budget funds, which is in charge of it, a request-request for the need to allocate additional limits for budgetary obligations (budgetary allocations) and (or) the amount of financing of expenses in order to execute the executive document, indicating the date of its receipt by the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions.

5. The local self-government body exercising the budgetary powers of the main manager (manager) of the local budget funds, within three months from the date of receipt of the executive document to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions, ensures the allocation of limits for budgetary obligations (budgetary allocations) and ( or) the amount of financing of expenses in accordance with the request-requirement.

6. The debtor is obliged to submit to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions, a payment order for the transfer of funds in accordance with the established procedure for the full or partial execution of the executive document no later than the next business day after the day of receipt of the limits of budgetary obligations (budgetary appropriations ) and (or) the amount of financing of expenses according to the corresponding codes of the budget classification of the Russian Federation in accordance with the first paragraph of clause 3 of this article.

If the debtor fails to comply with the requirements established by this paragraph, the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions shall suspend, until the violation is eliminated, the operations to spend funds on all personal accounts of the debtor, including the personal accounts of its structural (separate) divisions, opened in this the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions (with the exception of operations for the execution of executive documents, decisions of tax authorities, as well as payment documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for payments for payroll with persons working under an employment contract (contract) , transfer of withheld taxes and payment of assessed insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with these calculations), with notification of the debtor and its structural (separate) divisions.

7. In case of non-fulfillment by the debtor within three months from the date of receipt of the executive document to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions, as well as if the debtor violates the payment deadline specified by him in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article, according to the executive document providing payments of a periodic nature, this body suspends, until the violation is eliminated, the implementation of operations for spending funds on all personal accounts of the debtor, including the personal accounts of its structural (separate) divisions, opened in this body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions (except for operations on the execution of executive documents, decisions of tax authorities, as well as payment documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for settlements on wages with persons working under an employment agreement (contract), transfer of withheld taxes and payment of the accrued insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with the specified calculations), with the notification of the debtor and its structural (separate) divisions.

Operations on the personal accounts of the debtor are not suspended when the debtor submits to the authority that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government agencies, a document confirming the execution of a court order, a document on deferral, on installment plans or on postponing the execution of judicial acts, or a document canceling or suspending the execution of judicial the act on the basis of which the executive document was issued.

If the debtor fails to fulfill the executive document within three months from the date of its receipt by the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions, the said body informs the claimant about this within 10 days.

8. Upon admission to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions, the recoverer's application to revoke the executive document, the said body returns to the recoverer a fully or partially unexecuted executive document with an indication in the accompanying letter of the reason for its failure.

In case of partial execution by the debtor of the court order, the specified document is returned to the recoverer with a note on the amount of the transferred amount.

Upon receipt of the claimant's application for the revocation of the executive document to the body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions, during the period of suspension of operations for spending funds on the personal accounts of the debtor (except for operations on the execution of executive documents, decisions of tax authorities, as well as payment documents, providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for settlements on wages with persons working under an employment agreement (contract), transfer of withheld taxes and payment of accrued insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance in connection with these calculations) the specified body notifies the debtor of the cancellation of the suspension of accounts of the debtor, and the executive document returns to the recoverer in the manner specified in paragraphs one and two of this clause.

9. In the event that the court satisfies the claimant's application for the recovery of funds from the local self-government body exercising the budgetary powers of the main manager (manager) of the local budget funds, in the order of subsidiary liability on the basis of a fully or partially unfulfilled executive document on the monetary obligations of the local recipient of funds under its jurisdiction. budget, an executive document on the collection of funds from the local government body exercising the budgetary powers of the main manager (manager) of the local budget funds is sent to the body at the place of opening the personal account of the main manager of the local budget funds as the recipient of the local budget funds for execution in the manner prescribed by this Code.

10. The body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions, when executed in full, the executive document sends the executive document with a note on the amount of the transferred amount to the court that issued this document.

11. The body that opens and maintains personal accounts of municipal government institutions keeps records and stores executive documents and other documents related to their execution, in the manner prescribed by it.

12. If accounts are opened for the debtor at an institution of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or in a credit institution, the enforcement document shall be executed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings.

3. Execution may be levied on an indivisible thing only as a whole, if a law or a judicial act does not establish the possibility of separating its component part from the thing, including for the purpose of selling it separately.

Judicial practice and legislation - 142-FZ On Amendments to Subsection 3 of Section I of Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the amendments made to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation by the Federal Law of 02.07.2013 N 142-FZ "On Amending Subsection 3 of Section I of Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Law N 142-FZ), which entered into force from October 1, 2013, the keeping of records for the registration of rights to uncertified securities is carried out exclusively by the registrar. Joint-stock companies that, on the date of entry into force of Law No. 142-FZ, were holders of registers of shareholders of these companies in accordance with Article 44 of Federal Law No. 208-FZ of 26.12.1995 "On Joint Stock Companies", retain the right to maintain these registers until October 1, 2014 of the year. After that date, such joint stock companies are obliged to transfer the maintenance of the register to the registrar.

Article 1.

Introduce into the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 N 62-FZ "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 22, Art. 2031; 2003, N 46, Art. 4447; 2006, N 31, Art. 3420; 2012, N 47, Art.6393; 2014, N 16, Art.1828) the following changes:

1) in article 6:

a) supplement with part three as follows:

"3. Unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or federal law, a citizen of the Russian Federation (with the exception of citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside the Russian Federation) who also has another citizenship or a residence permit or another valid document confirming the right to it permanent residence in a foreign state (hereinafter also referred to as a document for the right of permanent residence in a foreign state), must submit a written notification of the existence of another citizenship or a document for the right of permanent residence in a foreign state to the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized to exercise control functions and supervision in the field of migration, at the place of residence of this citizen within the Russian Federation (in the absence of such, at the place of his stay within the Russian Federation, and if he does not have a place of residence and place of stay in the elakh of the Russian Federation - at the place of his actual location in the Russian Federation) within sixty days from the date of acquisition by this citizen of another citizenship or receipt by him of a document for the right of permanent residence in a foreign state. ";

b) supplement with part four of the following content:

"4. Unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or federal law, the legal representative of a citizen of the Russian Federation under the age of eighteen years or limited in legal capacity (with the exception of citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside the Russian Federation) is obliged to submit a written notification of this citizen has a different citizenship or a document for the right of permanent residence in a foreign state in the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized to exercise the functions of control and supervision in the field of migration, at the place of residence of this citizen within the Russian Federation (in the absence of such - at the place of his stay within the Russian Federation, and if this citizen does not have a place of residence and place of stay within the Russian Federation - at the place of his actual location in the Russian Federation) within sixty days it from the date of acquisition by this citizen of another citizenship or receipt of a document for the right of permanent residence in a foreign state. ";

c) supplement with part five as follows:

"5. The submission of a notice of the presence of another citizenship or a document for the right of permanent residence in a foreign state by a citizen of the Russian Federation specified in part three of this article, or by a legal representative of a citizen of the Russian Federation specified in part four of this article, is carried out personally or in the prescribed manner by post by sending, upon presentation by the person submitting the specified notification, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document proving his identity on the territory of the Russian Federation (including a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation and recognized by the Russian Federation in this capacity, if the specified notification is submitted by a foreign citizen who is the legal representative of a citizen of the Russian Federation specified in part four of this article). ";

d) supplement with part six of the following content:

"6. The following information about the citizen of the Russian Federation, in respect of whom it is filed, shall be entered into the notification specified in part five of this article:

a) surname, name, patronymic;

b) date and place of birth;

c) place of residence (in the absence of such - the place of stay, and in the absence of a place of residence and place of stay - the place of actual location);

d) the series and number of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document proving the identity of the said citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation;

e) the name of the existing other citizenship, series, number and date of issue of the passport of a foreign state or other document confirming that the specified citizen has a different citizenship, and (or) the name, series, number and date of issue of the document for the right of permanent residence in a foreign state to the specified citizen ;

f) the date and basis for acquiring another citizenship or obtaining a document for the right of permanent residence in a foreign state;

g) information on the extension of the validity period of the document for the right of permanent residence in a foreign state or the receipt of a new corresponding document;

h) information on the application to the authorized body of a foreign state on the withdrawal of the said citizen from the citizenship of this state or on the refusal of the document he has on the right of permanent residence in a foreign state (if such an appeal is sent). ";

e) supplement with part seven of the following content:

"7. A copy of the passport of a foreign state or other document confirming the existence of another citizenship and (or) a document for the right of permanent residence in foreign state, as well as a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document proving the identity of the said citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation (including a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation and recognized by the Russian Federation in this capacity, if the said notification filed by a foreign citizen who is the legal representative of a citizen of the Russian Federation specified in part four of this article). ";

f) supplement with part eight as follows:

"8. The form and procedure for submitting notifications specified in parts three and four of this article shall be established by the federal executive body authorized to exercise control and supervision functions in the field of migration.";

g) supplement with part nine as follows:

"9. Citizens of the Russian Federation shall be exempted from the obligation to submit a notification specified in part three of this article in cases stipulated by international treaties of the Russian Federation or federal laws.";

h) supplement with part ten of the following content:

"10. The legal representatives of the respective citizens of the Russian Federation shall be exempted from the obligation to submit a notification specified in part four of this article in cases stipulated by international treaties of the Russian Federation or federal laws.";

i) add part eleven as follows:

"11. The rules specified in parts three to ten of this article apply to citizens of the Russian Federation who have (acquired) citizenship of one or more foreign states or who have received one or more documents for the right of permanent residence in a foreign state. The federation of each other citizenship or the receipt by him of each new document for the right of permanent residence in a foreign state, this citizen or his legal representative is obliged to submit a new notification about this in accordance with the rules established by this article. ";

2) Article 30 shall be supplemented with paragraph "g 1" of the following content:

"g 1) keep records of notifications received from citizens of the Russian Federation that these citizens have citizenship of another state. The rules for such accounting are established by the Government of the Russian Federation;".

Article 2.

Chapter 32 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 25, Art. 2954; 1999, N 28, Art. 3491; 2001, N 11, Art. 1002; N 47, Art. 4405; 2003, N 27 , Art.2712; N 50, Art.4848; 2004, N 30, Art.3091; 2005, N 1, Art.13; 2008, N 15, Art. 1444; 2009, N 52, Art. 6453; 2010, 19, Art. 2289; 2011, N 11, Art. 1495; N 50, Art. 7362; 2012, N 30, Art. 4172; N 53, Art. 7633, 7637; 2013, N 51, Art. 6685, 6696; 2014, N 19, Art.2310) shall be supplemented with Article 330 2 as follows:

"Article 330 2. Failure to fulfill the obligation to submit a notification that a citizen of the Russian Federation has citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state or a residence permit or other valid document confirming the right of his permanent residence in a foreign state

Failure by a person to fulfill the obligation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation to submit to the appropriate territorial body of the federal executive body authorized to exercise the functions of control and supervision in the field of migration, a notification that a citizen of the Russian Federation has citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state or a residence permit or other valid a document confirming the right to permanently reside in a foreign state -

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to 200 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one year, or by compulsory works for a term of up to 400 hours. "

Article 3.

Subparagraph "a" of paragraph 1 of the second part of Article 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 52, Art. 4921; 2002, N 22, Art. 2027; N 30, Art. 3020, 3029; N 44, art.4298; 2003, no. 27, art. 2700, 2706; no. 50, art. 4847; 2004, no. 27, art. 2711; 2005, no. 1, art. 13; 2006, no. 28, art. 2975 , 2976; N 31, Art. 3452; 2007, N 1, Art. 46; N 24, Art. 2830, 2833; N 49, Art. 6033; N 50, Art. 6248; 2009, N 11, Art. 1267 ; N 44, Art.5170; 2010, N 1, Art. 4; N 15, Art. 1756; N 21, Art. 2525; N 27, Art. 3431; N 31, Art. 4164, 4193; N 49, Art. 6412; 2011, N 1, Art. 16; N 23, Art. 3259; N 30, Art. 4598, 4605; N 45, Art. 6334; N 50, Art. 7361, 7362; 2012, N 10, Art. 1162, 1166; N 30, Art. 4172; N 31, Art. 4330, 4331; N 47, Art. 6401; N 49, Art. 6752; N 53, Art. 7637; 2013, N 26, Art. 3207; N 27, Art. 3442, 3478; N 30, Art. 4078; N 44, Art. 5641; N 51, Art. 6685; N 52, Art. 6945; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2014, May 7) after the numbers " 330 1, "supplement with figures" 330 2, ".

Article 4.

Introduce into the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1, Art. 1; 2003, N 27, Art. 2700; N 50, Art. 4847; 2004, N 34, Art. 3529, 3533; No. 44, Art.4266; 2005, No. 1, Art. 40; No. 19, Art. 1752; No. 27, Art. 2719; 2006, No. 1, Art. 10; No. 18, Art. 1907; No. 19, Art. 2066; N 31, Art. 3420; N 45, Art. 4634, 4641; N 52, Art. 5498; 2007, N 16, Art. 1825; N 26, Art. 3089; N 31, Art. 4015; 2008 , N 49, Art. 5745; N 52, Art. 6235, 6236; 2009, N 7, Art. 777; N 23, Art. 2759; N 29, Art. 3597; 2010, N 1, Art. 1; N 19, art. 2291; N 25, art. 3070; N 27, art. 3416; N 30, art. 4002; N 31, art. 4164, 4193, 4198, 4206, 4207, 4208; N 46, art. 5918 ; 2011, N 1, Art.23; N 7, Art. 901; N 15, Art. 2039; N 19, Art. 2714; N 23, Art. 3260; N 30, Art. 4585, 4590, 4600; N 48, Art. 6728, 6730; N 49, Art. 7025; N 50, Art. 7342, 7346, 7362, 7366; 2012, N 6, Art. 621; N 31, Art. 4320, 4322; N 41, Art 5523; N 47, Art. 6402, 6403; 2013, N 8, Art. 718; N 19, Art. 2323; N 27, Art. 3477; N 30, Art. 4032, 4036, 4040, 4082; 31, Art. 4191; 44, Art. 5624, 5644; 48, Art. 6165; 49, Art. 6327, 6343, 6344; 51, Art. 6685, 6695, 6696; No. 52, Art. 6961, 6980, 6986; 2014, N 6, Art. 566; N 14, Art. 1562; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2014, May 7) the following changes:

1) the first paragraph of Article 19.7 after the numbers "19.8" shall be supplemented with the numbers ", 19.8 3";

2) supplement with article 19.8 3 as follows:

"Article 19.8 3. Violation of the established procedure for filing a notification that a citizen of the Russian Federation has citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state or a residence permit or other valid document confirming the right to his permanent residence in a foreign state

Violation of the established procedure for the submission by a citizen of the Russian Federation or a legal representative of a citizen of the Russian Federation of a notification that a citizen has citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state or a residence permit or other valid document confirming the right to his permanent residence in a foreign state, expressed in untimely submission of such a notification, either in the provision of information that should be contained in such a notification, in an incomplete volume, or in the provision of knowingly false information, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles. ";

3) in part 1 of article 23.67 the words "articles 19.15" shall be replaced by the words "articles 19.8 3, 19.15".

Article 5.

Introduce into the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31, Art. 3451; 2009, N 48, Art. 5716; 2010, N 31, Art. 4173 ; N 49, Art. 6409; 2011, N 31, Art. 4701; 2013, N 30, Art. 4038) the following changes:

1) part 2 of article 10 shall be supplemented with clause 10 as follows:

"10) the processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the citizenship of the Russian Federation.";

2) Part 2 of Article 11 shall be supplemented with the words "on the citizenship of the Russian Federation".

Article 6

1. A citizen of the Russian Federation (with the exception of a citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside the Russian Federation) who, on the day of entry into force of this Federal Law, has citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state or a residence permit or other valid document confirming the right to his permanent residence in a foreign state, is obliged, within sixty days from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, to submit to the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized to exercise control and supervision functions in the field of migration, at the place of residence of this citizen within the Russian Federation (in the case of absence of such - at the place of his stay within the Russian Federation, and if he does not have a place of residence and place of stay within the Russian Federation - at the place of his actual location in the Russian Federation) a written notification that he has other on citizenship (nationality) or a residence permit or other valid document confirming the right to permanently reside in a foreign state.

2. The legal representative of a citizen of the Russian Federation who has not reached the age of eighteen years or has limited legal capacity (with the exception of a citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside the Russian Federation) who, on the day this Federal Law enters into force, has citizenship (citizenship) of a foreign state or a permit residence or other valid document confirming the right to permanently reside in a foreign state is obliged, within sixty days from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, to submit to the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized to exercise control and supervision functions in the field of migration, at the place of residence of this citizen within the Russian Federation (in the absence of such, at the place of stay of this citizen within the Russian Federation, and if this citizen does not have a place of residence and place of stay within the limit akh of the Russian Federation - at the place of his actual location in the Russian Federation) a written notification that this citizen has a different citizenship (nationality) or a residence permit or other valid document confirming the right to his permanent residence in a foreign state.

3. The form and procedure for submitting notifications specified in parts 1 and 2 of this article are determined in accordance with Federal Law No. 62-FZ of May 31, 2002 "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" (as amended by this Federal Law).

4. The rules provided for in parts 1 and 2 of this article shall not apply in the cases provided for by parts nine and ten of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 62-FZ of May 31, 2002 "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" (as amended by this Federal Law).

5. With regard to citizens of the Russian Federation who acquired the citizenship of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea on the acceptance of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the formation of new subjects within the Russian Federation of March 18, 2014 and the Federal Constitutional Law of March 21, 2014 year N 6-FKZ "On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new subjects within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol", the rules provided for by Articles 6 and 30 of the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 N 62-FZ " On Citizenship of the Russian Federation "(as amended by this Federal Law), apply from January 1, 2016.

Article 7.

This Federal Law shall enter into force upon the expiration of sixty days after the day of its official publication.

President of the Russian Federation V. Putin