
What does tr. The meaning of the word tr. Passed public discussion and submitted for domestic approval



iP, -a (-y), m. (simple). The same as chatter.


iPANY, th, th.

    About fiber: scuttled. G. len.

    Torn, tattered (colloquial). Worn clothes. A tattered book.

    Disheveled, unkempt (colloquial). Tousled hair.


Beating, dragging (colloquial). Give someone a beating. THREE... The first part of compound words with the meaning:

  1. pertaining to three, eg. three o'clock (train).


іHVіRSTNY, th, th.

    Three miles long.

    Compiled on a scale of three miles to an inch. Triple map.


іХYEARLY, th, th. Three years old. G. child.


іХDOLNY, -th, -th (spec.). Consisting of three rhythmic beats. D. the size of the verse.



    Field 3-inch gun.

    Board three inches thick.


IHDIUMOVY, th, th. Size (thickness, width, height caliber) of three inches. Three inch board.


іХKILOMETROVY, th, th. Three kilometers long. Three kilometers distance.


iX-FOLD, -th, -th. Repeated three times, magnified three times. Threefold. T. champion (who won this title three times).

noun tripartiteness, -i, f.


iHLETIIE, -I, cf.

    The term is three years.

    what. Anniversary of the event of the former three years ago. G. wedding (three years from the date of the wedding).

    adj. three-year-old, -ya, -her.


іХLETOK, -tka, m. Animal at the age of three years. Three year old salmon.


iCHLINEAR, th, th. Caliber in three lines (in 8 values). Tri-line rifle.


iXDIMENSIONAL, -th, -th; -ren, -rna.

    It has three dimensions: length, width, height.


iHPALY, th, th. Having only three fingers on the hand or foot (about animals - on the paw).


іХPERSTNY, -th, -о- On the sign of the cross of the Orthodox: made with three fingers.


іHPOLYE, -i, cf. Before the introduction of grassland: crop rotation with the division of arable land into three fields, each of which is sown first with winter crops, then with spring crops, and left fallow for the third year.

adj. three-field, th, th.


iХPROGRAM, -th, -th. About devices: working on three programs (in 4 values). T. loudspeaker.


іХPERCENT, -th, -th.

    Constituting three percent of something. T. income.

    Gives a return of three percent. T. loan.


іCHRAZOVY, th, th. Realized, used three times. Three meals a day. Threefold procedure.


іХRUBLіVKA, -i, f. (colloquial). A banknote in denomination of three rubles.


іCHRYADNY, th, th.

    Consisting of three rows, forming three rows (in 1 value). Triple laying. T. seam.

    About accordion: with three rows of keys. Triple accordion.

    About agricultural machines: designed for spreading seeds, fertilizers, and processing crops in three rows. Three row planter. T. beet harvester.


іХSMENKA, -i, f. (colloquial). Work at the enterprise in three shifts.


іХcentennial, -i, cf.

    A term of three hundred years.

    what. Anniversary of the event of the former three hundred years ago. G. city (three hundred years from the date of foundation).

    adj. tercentenary, -ya, -her.


іХ-LEAVED, th, th. Having three doors. T. closet. Three-leaf window.


iXSTOP, -th, -th (special). Consisting of three poetic feet. T. amphibrach.


іХSIDE, -ya, -her.

    With three sides (in 3 and 6 values).

    With the participation of three parties (in 10 values). T. contract.


іХТONKA, -i, f. (colloquial). A vehicle with a carrying capacity of three tons.


IX THOUSAND, th, th.

    Numbers, in a row. to three thousand.

    The price is three thousand.

    Consisting of three thousand units.


іХCOLOUR, -th, -th. Three colors, painted in three colors. Tricolor coloring. T. flag. Tricolor violets (pansies).

noun tricolor, -i, f.


iXHOUR, -th, -th.

    Three hours long. G. exam.

    Scheduled for three hours. G. train.


iXMEMBER, -a, m. An algebraic expression is a polynomial consisting of three monomials.

adj. tripartite, -th, -th.


iHETAGE, th, th.

    Three stories high. T. house.

    trans. About spoken, written: very complex, cumbersome. Trinity phrase. Three-story swearing (intricate and intricate).


іSHKA, -i, TRіSHNITSA, -s, f. and TRіSHNIK, -a, m. (simple). Three rubles.



technical abbreviation:

  • Technical advice
  • Technical regulation
  • Ternary discharge
  • thousand rubles (sometimes written as tr, or simply tr) - an abbreviation, was popular before the 1998 denomination in Russia.

Examples of the use of the word tr in the literature.

Tram, although he did not move so easily and smoothly, he also danced, and even Borovik awkwardly jumped along with everyone.

There, he replied. Tre, pointing to a large diamond-shaped square near the center of the Canyonade, exactly opposite where they were standing.

Judging by your tone, you don't understand yet," he said. Tre, in whose voice there was a soft reproach.

That's all gathered, - commented Tre when the formation of concentric circles, one after the other, finally ended.

R2D2 chirped again, pointing by turning the dome to the gallery on the left: in that direction it was necessary to go through the Canyonade and then go down to the cafe, which he spoke about Tre"Looks like I'll have to go take a look," Luke said reluctantly.

Nick de Trom threw a free sherkt to Heinrich, and Archie swam to the stern in two dozen powerful strokes, climbed up the hastily lowered ladder, clinging to the railing, and helped to pull up Heinrich.

Enter Kalantarov and Dühring, the head of the medical sector of the base, known among TR- physicists under the unspoken nickname Piano, returned Valery.

Trotsky the most categorical warning in the sense that belonging to the Bolshevik party tre there is real, and not merely verbal, submission to party discipline and a complete unconditional renunciation of any kind of struggle against the ideas of Leninism.

branch i branch of acacia i branch railway I’m Veta pregnant from an affectionate bird named Nightingale I’m pregnant next summer and the collapse of a freight train, take me, take me, I’m flowering anyway, it’s quite inexpensive, I’m not worth more than a ruble at the station, I sell tickets, but if you want to go, it won’t be free for the auditor, he won’t be sick, wait, I I’ll unbutton myself, you see, I’m all snow-white, well, shower me completely, shower me with kisses, no one will notice the petals on the white are not visible, and I’m already tired of everything, sometimes I seem to myself just an old woman who has been walking all her life along the red-hot locomotive slag along the embankment, she is all old with tra I don't want to be an old woman dear no I don't want to I know I will soon die on the rails I am in pain it will hurt me let go when I die let go of these wheels in fuel oil what are your palms in what are your palms are these gloves I told a lie I am Veta a pure white branch of color you have no right, I live in gardens, don't scream, I don't scream, it's the oncoming one screaming tra ta ta what's the matter tra the one that tra who is there that where there there there Veta willow

George, for all his respectability, had a reputation for being extraordinarily smart person in all matters of money, and the lady Tram she was not shy about haggling in her highly tragic style over a fish and could choose a leg of lamb as well as the best housekeeper in London.

Saint-Loup had nothing but debts, but the whole Doncière could not be surprised at his trips, and Courvoisier's money bag went only to tram wow.

In order to accelerate and deepen the integration processes, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia signed an agreement on the implementation of an agreed policy in the field of technical regulation, sanitary and phytosanitary measures.

For the free movement of goods in the Common Economic Territory, it is necessary to confirm the compliance of these goods with the approved uniform quality standards. In order to ensure the possibility of monitoring and regulating the quality of products, in the past few years, a large-scale work has been carried out to develop regulatory documents that establish requirements for each type of product. Each contains norms and standards for the manufacture, sale, storage, disposal, transportation of a certain type of product. This regulation is valid throughout the territory of the Customs Union.

Regulation is a rather complex process that requires constant changes and improvements. Due to the rapid development of production, there are new prerequisites for adjusting existing and introducing new regulatory documents.

Harmonization of the requirements that each contains Technical regulation of the Customs Union and standards established on the territory of the CU member countries will continue to be implemented in the direction of European legislation.

Work on technical regulation

The introduction of new regulatory documents that establish requirements for products in accordance with the standards of the Customs Union began in the Russian Federation in 2012. The existence of the Common Economic Space implies the existence on its territory of uniform requirements for the safety and quality of products manufactured in each country that is part of the CU, as well as the same procedures for assessing its conformity, mutual recognition by all countries of the competence of certification bodies and testing laboratories.

On the development of a regulatory document for each product, which is the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, as well as the fact that after the entry into force of this document, national standards for products subject to this document will lose their force, the participating countries agreed back in 2010 year. However, for the implementation of these regulations, it is necessary transition period to empower certification bodies with certain powers, to equip testing laboratories, to retrain experts in each country and in each region. It is for this reason that for many types of products that fall under the new regulatory documents of the Customs Union that have already entered into force, the period during which these products can be sold has been extended for some time if its compliance with the previously existing national standards is confirmed.

Conformity confirmation t technical regulation of the Customs Union

According to the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of June 18, 2010 No. 319 on technical regulation in the Customs Union, in order to confirm the compliance of products with the requirements established for them by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, a certificate or declaration of conformity is issued. Decision No. 319 also approved the forms of supporting documents: a certificate of conformity and.

Conformity assessment of products is carried out by certification bodies accredited in the relevant field in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Krasnodar, etc., included in the Unified Register of Testing Laboratories and Certification Bodies.

In order to certify products, the manufacturer, a person authorized by him or the seller of products submits to the certification body a set of documents, which includes:

  • statutory documents of the organization,
  • design and technical documentation,
  • operational documents,
  • information about materials, raw materials, components,
  • a copy of the certificate of conformity of the quality management system,
  • documents confirming the origin of products (if any).

Also, at the discretion of the applicant, other documents confirming the safety and quality can be submitted.

Based on the data provided, the certification body conducts a study and establishes the conformity of the product with the requirements that a certain Technical Regulation of the Customs Union contains for it. If it is established that the product fully complies with them, the applicant is issued a document confirming this fact.

Technical regulation

Technical regulation- a document (normative legal act) establishing obligatory for the application and fulfillment of the requirements for objects of technical regulation (products, including buildings, structures and structures, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal), in contrast to ISO, GOST, TU and other standards that have voluntary application . The concepts of "Regulations" and "Technical Regulations" in Russia were first introduced by change No. 2 (1996) in GOST R 1.0-92. According to these definitions, the Regulation is a document containing binding legal norms and adopted by the authorities. Technical regulation - a regulation that establishes the characteristics of a product (service) or related processes and production methods. It may also include, or be entirely devoted to, terminology, symbols, packaging, marking or labeling requirements.

History of technical regulations

The regulations were supposed to replace the previous system of standardization and regulate only security issues. Outdated GOSTs did not meet modern requirements and were extremely confused. As a result, the mandatory certification of all goods turned into a formality: the certifying government agencies always had the opportunity to find any "inconsistencies" and goods, as a rule, were certified for a bribe.

In 2003, the law "On Technical Regulation" came into force, providing for the replacement of tens of thousands of GOSTs and SanPiNs with several hundred technical regulations. It was understood that the regulations would be introduced by direct action laws, which would exclude the possibility of departments to create additional administrative barriers.

In the absence of national standards in relation to individual requirements of technical regulations or objects of technical regulation in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of technical regulations for products or related processes of design (including surveys), production, construction, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, implementation and disposal developed codes of practice. The development and approval of sets of rules are carried out by federal executive bodies within their powers. Codes of rules, GOST, GOST R, as a result of which the technical regulations are fulfilled, have voluntary application.

In December 2009, President D. Medvedev submitted a draft law to the State Duma providing for the possibility of applying foreign (in particular, those adopted in the EU) regulations at the request of the manufacturer. Registration of international regulations will be carried out by Rostekhregulirovanie. The official memorandum to the bill reads: The practice of applying the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" showed a rather low efficiency of the legal institutions incorporated in it - over the 7-year period of the technical regulation reform, only 11 technical regulations were adopted. The mechanism for adopting technical regulations turned out to be extremely inefficient - the coordination of documents at the interdepartmental level drags on for years. The standardization system is in an unsatisfactory state today. Domestic industry is deprived of the opportunity to focus on advanced world standards, which creates serious barriers to technological re-equipment. The bill provides for ... legislative consolidation of the possibility of recognizing and borrowing the best world standards for the purpose of their application in the Russian Federation

The concept of technical regulation was introduced by the Federal Law on Technical Regulation No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002. The law separated the concepts of technical regulation and standard, establishing a voluntary principle for the application of standards. Technical regulations, in contrast to them, are mandatory, but they can establish only the minimum necessary requirements in the field of safety, and they can be adopted only for certain purposes, namely:

  • protection of life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property;
  • protection environment, life or health of animals and plants;
  • prevention of actions that mislead purchasers;
  • ensuring energy efficiency.

For the transitional period, until the adoption of the necessary technical regulations, for the indicated purposes, the relevant requirements of the previously adopted GOST (GOST R), sanitary and building codes and regulations (SanPiN, SNiP) should be applied.

The law provides for a closed list of exceptions when other mandatory requirements for products can be established (placement of state orders for defense needs, regulation in the field of communication systems, etc.).

The purpose of the adoption of the law was to liberalize the processes of certification of products and streamline the system of standardization that existed in the USSR, which came into conflict with the modern legal framework and administrative structure. At the same time, the degree of elaboration of certain provisions of the law causes conflicting assessments in professional circles.

Features of technical regulation in the field of ensuring the safety of buildings and structures are established by the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures".

A number of federal laws establish additional requirements for products and various processes. In accordance with the Federal Law of 21.07.1997 N 116-FZ "On industrial safety" federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety are adopted, and in accordance with the Federal Law of 21.12.1994 N 69-FZ "On fire safety"- fire safety requirements. In this case, it is required to comply not only with the norms of technical regulations, but also with the technical requirements established by other regulations, including by-laws.

Technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Community

Integration in Eurasia
Stages of integration
see also

In case of adoption of the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Community in respect of products for which the technical regulation of the Customs Union has been adopted, the technical regulation of the Customs Union or the relevant part thereof shall be terminated from the date of entry into force of the technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Community.

Technical regulations of the Customs Union

The Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation have begun to create a unified system of technical regulation. The government agencies of the three countries are transferring their powers to adopt technical regulations to the Commission of the Customs Union. At the same time, this Commission also coordinates the efforts of the three countries in the entire field of technical regulation. At the moment of entry into force of the technical regulations of the Customs Union, national norms cease to be valid. By January 1, 2012, only supranational norms were to function. Technical regulations have direct effect on the territory of three countries.

47 regulations were included in the schedule for the development of priority technical regulations of the Customs Union for 2011.

In order to form the regulatory legal framework of the Customs Union in the field of technical regulation, a unified list of products has been created, in respect of which mandatory requirements are established within the framework of the Customs Union. For products included in the single list, for which the technical regulations of the Customs Union or the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Community have not come into force, the norms of the legislation of the Customs Union and the laws of the Parties in the field of technical regulation apply. They do not allow the establishment in their legislation of mandatory requirements for products that are not included in a single list.

A single list of products for which mandatory requirements are established within the framework of the Customs Union

  1. Cars and equipment.
  2. Low voltage equipment.
  3. High voltage equipment.
  4. Apparatuses operating on gaseous fuel.
  5. Pressurized equipment.
  6. Pressure vessels.
  7. Equipment for work in explosive environments.
  8. Attractions, equipment for children's playgrounds.
  9. Elevators.
  10. Wheeled vehicles.
  11. Tractors.
  12. Agricultural machinery.
  13. Machinery for forestry.
  14. Tires.
  15. Rolling stock of railway transport, incl. high speed.
  16. Subway rolling stock.
  17. Light rail transport, trams.
  18. Maritime transport facilities.
  19. Objects of inland water transport.
  20. Small ships.
  21. Buildings and constructions.
  22. Building materials and products.
  23. Rail transport infrastructure, incl. high speed.
  24. Subway infrastructure.
  25. Car roads.
  26. Pyrotechnic compositions and products containing them.
  27. Explosives for civil use and articles containing them.
  28. Light industry products (finished piece goods, carpets and rugs, knitwear, clothing and leather goods; shoes; furs and fur products).
  29. Toys.
  30. Goods for children and teenagers.
  31. Products for child care.
  32. Tableware.
  33. Products for sanitary purposes.
  34. Perfumery and cosmetic products.
  35. Oral hygiene products.
  36. Container and packaging.
  37. Individual protection means.
  38. Fire safety equipment.
  39. Fire-fighting equipment.
  40. Medical products.
  41. Sanitary products.
  42. Furniture products.
  43. Chemical products.
  44. Synthetic detergents.
  45. Goods of household chemicals.
  46. Paints and varnishes and solvents.
  47. Fertilizers.
  48. Plant protection products.
  49. Gasolines, diesel and marine fuels, jet fuels and heating oils.
  50. Alternative fuels.
  51. Lubricants, oils and special fluids.
  52. Instruments and systems for accounting for water, gas, thermal energy, electric energy.
  53. Instruments and systems for accounting for oil, products of its processing.
  54. Food products.
  55. Alcoholic products.
  56. Feed and feed additives.
  57. Corn.
  58. Tobacco products.
  59. Hunting and sports weapons, ammunition.
  60. Telecommunication means.
  61. Coal and products of its processing.


Submitted for public comment

Passed public discussion and submitted for domestic approval


Russian technical regulations

Currently operating

Statement of compliance with the technical regulations on the box with kefir

Suspended action

The Commission of the Customs Union recommended to suspend the entry into force of national technical regulations, the objects of regulation of which coincide with the objects of the technical regulations of the EurAsEC and (or) the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

From December 31, 2010 to January 1, 2014, the Federal Law of December 27, 2009 No. 347-FZ “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Low-Voltage Equipment” was suspended.

  • Technical regulation on the safety of equipment for work in explosive environments


Lost their power

Approved but not yet effective

  • Technical regulation on the safety of high-speed rail transport. Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.07. 2010 No. 533. (Entering into force on July 26, 2013)
  • Technical regulation on the safety of railway infrastructure. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2010 No. 525. (Entering into force on July 26, 2013)
  • Technical regulations on the safety of railway rolling stock. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2010 No. 524. (Entering into force on August 2, 2013)


Currently in Ukraine during 2003 ... 2010. 30 technical regulations have been adopted.


  1. Consumer Protection Law / Preamble
  2. According to experts, for example: etc.
  3. Business opposed the parliamentary amendments // Novye Izvestia, 13.03.07.
  4. The State Duma and the government divided technical regulation // Kommersant, 19.03.07.
  5. the federal law"On technical regulation", article 16, paragraph 10
  6. FEDERAL AGENCY FOR TECHNICAL REGULATION AND METROLOGY ORDER N 1573 dated April 30, 2009 On approval of the List of national standards and codes, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical regulation on the requirements of fire security"
  7. Dmitry Medvedev submitted amendments to the law on technical regulation to the State Duma
  8. The President submitted to the State Duma a draft federal law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" // Website of the President of the Russian Federation, 12/16/09.
  9. Federal Law On Technical Regulation No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 Article 5.1
  10. Draft acts establishing technical requirements will have to be posted on the Single Portal -
  11. Draft technical regulations of the EurAsEC - State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus
  12. Technical regulation and technical regulations of the customs union :: Customs.Ru
  23. Public discussion of draft technical regulations of the Customs Union
  24. Draft technical regulations of the Customs Union submitted for internal approval
  26. New in federal legislation for 10/25/2011 \ Consultant Plus