
Speech therapy holidays in a correctional school. Synopsis on speech therapy "speech therapy matinee". Logopedic and speech holidays and entertainment. Scenarios - Scenario of a quest game on fire safety in the speech therapy group "Young Firefighters"


Exhibitions held throughout the week creative works students, the exhibition "The Best Notebook in the Russian Language". At the end of the week of speech therapy, a school-wide line was held, at which students were awarded in the nominations: “The most active class”, “The most creative student”, “The most talkative student”, “The best notebook”, etc.

Holding a speech therapy holiday at the end of the school year has become a good tradition in our school.

Scenario of the school-wide holiday "Kingdom of Grammar"

Target :

  • consolidation of students' knowledge.


  • To consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired during the year of study in students.
  • Contribute to the development of learning motivation.
  • Develop and correct attention, memory, thinking.
  • Activate creativity.
  • To instill in students an interest and love for the Russian language.

Props :

  • scenery "Kingdom of Grammar", houses with pockets (red, blue), cards with letters, words, cubes with syllables, strips of paper with proverbs, animal costumes (bear, hare, squirrel, fox), crossword puzzle, musical arrangement.


  • Loser Petya Ivanov
  • First Deuce
  • Second Deuce
  • Grammar Queen
  • stress
  • Period and Comma

Scenario speech therapy holiday

The bell rings. A happy student runs in, waving his briefcase and throwing it aside.

Student Petya: URAAA, re-re-me-na.

(two run after him)

Twos: Petya, Petenka, wait for us, we are with you!

Petya: And who are you?

Twos: And we are your most dear, dear .... (in chorus) - your deuces !!

Petya: (Waves them off) Tired! That you are attached to me, follow me on my heels. And in the magazine you, and in the diary, and in every notebook ...

Twos: Yes, we love you, Petya! You are our very best friend! Where are you without us?!

Petya: Yes, only trouble from you: parents scold at home, the teacher calls to the blackboard all the time ... I’ll go to the kingdom of grammar, find the Queen herself and ask her to save me from you.

(The light blinks, music sounds, Petya finds himself in the kingdom of Grammar. Everything is quiet. The curtain-KG opens. Grammar enters, behind her! -two children - 1- dot, 2- comma.)

Gramm: Why did a soft sign settle in the entrance? Y lives there.

Period and comma (follow on both sides, write down after Grammar): We obey Your Majesty!

Gram: Yes, and please remind everyone that ZHI-SHI is written with the vowel I.

Point and comma in chorus: We obey Your Majesty!

Gramm: And in general, put things in order in the kingdom!!!

Point and comma in chorus: We obey Your Majesty! (they leave).

Gramm: (sees Petya): Who else is this?

Petya: I'm Petya Ivanov, a student of the 2nd "b" class. And these are my deuces in Russian.

I came to ask you for help. You, mighty, you can do everything, save me from these harmful girlfriends. I can't do it alone.

Gramm: Well, well, if you yourself wanted it, and if you found the way to my kingdom, I will help you. Only you will have to work hard and complete all my tasks, otherwise you will live forever with your deuces .... I agree?

Petya: I agree, I agree, I agree to everything, just to get rid of these ... (points to the deuces).

Gram: But first you must answer my riddle: You can't buy at the market, you can't weigh it on the scales. What's this?

Petya: (Crumples) - I don't know.

Gram: Well, you'll know the answer when you pass my tests. For each correctly completed task you will receive a clue to the puzzle. Come on, my faithful helpers sounds, give Petya the first test!

1 task: "Street of vowels - consonants."

Gramm: Vowels and consonants live in my kingdom. A storm passed at night and all the letters were mixed up, help them return home.

(It is necessary to distribute the letters into two houses made with pockets. Vowels - in a red house, consonants - in blue).

Petya: Here's a problem, so a problem, nothing works. Can someone help me? (Addresses children of grade 1, they help).

Ugh! Did it well…

Gram: Well, did my assistants give you a hard test?

Petya: Yes, nonsense, I could do it myself if I thought about it.

Gram: Well done, here you are, as promised, the key to solving my riddle - the letter as a gift (З).

Gram. Letters can form different words. Here's your second test.

Task 2. "Confusion".

Gram: The letters in the words are mixed up. Correct mistakes. (Picture cancer, word poppy, picture juice, word bitch, picture stick, word shelf, picture moon, word Lusha..)

(Petya tries, nothing works. The deuces laugh, rejoice, rub their hands ... Petya calls the children for help. The students go out one by one and correct the mistakes).

Task 3. "The animals mixed up."

Pupils of grades 1-2 come out in animal costumes: a bear, a hare, a squirrel, a fox, each sit down on 2 cubes with syllables (for, white; after all, ka; yats, sa ....).

Under the alder in the shade of the branches
The gray hedgehog called the guests.
He put them all on a hummock,
He gave them a sip of dew.
But suddenly over the hill
Loud, loud thunder rumbled.
The guests all fell off the bump,
They shattered into pieces.
One, two, three, four, five,
Help you collect them!

It is necessary to swap the cubes in places to get the name of the animal. Petya tries, nothing works. Twos laugh, rejoice, rub their hands ....

Petya: Yes, this tricky science is grammar, guys, I can’t cope without you, help me ... (He turns to the children, they help).

Gram: Well done! Here's another letter (A) for you.

Deuce 1: Look, what assistants Petya has, they know everything, they can do everything. And let's check them, maybe there are our people among them, find ourselves a new loser? A?

Deuce 2: Come on! Maybe not one, but as many as 5, or maybe 10, or maybe we’ll recruit a whole army! That will be great!!!

The game. Guess the letter.

(It is carried out with all spectators. Twos build letters M, N, F, S, L, T, O ... students guess).

Gram: No, bad deuces, don't confuse my assistants, right, guys? But Pete needs help. You are ready?

Knock at the door.

Gram: What happened? Why so noisy?

Emphasis enters: Because they forgot about me! But I am very important and necessary! And I need to put it right!

Petya: Well, get up somewhere, think about it!

Gram: No, Petya, you can't go anywhere, otherwise that's what happens!

Miniature. Performed by children in grades 4-5:

The boy is in bed.

So I want to go to school as soon as possible. You need to take medicine.

Takes a bottle of medicine.

Reads: “Three times a week, one tablespoon. After eating.'

Starts to squeak.

Mom enters.

What happened son?
Why are you squeaking?
- I took the medicine.
And here it is written ... (reads).

Oh you are stupid.
Because you read it wrong.
Three times after meals
not food.

Oh mommy. Us at school
the teacher said
that changing the stress can change the meaning of the word.
The screen closes.

Emphasis: Do you remember me? I'm not just a dash! (Yes).

Emphasis: Let's check now.

Task 4. "Put the stress" (Grade 3).

Grammar gives the task to Petya, solve the riddle and put the stress. Petya can't cope, 3rd grade helps.

Here is a huge old house:
Walls, towers, a moat dug.
Change the accent -
And it hangs on the door. (for ‘mok - castle´k)
If the first syllable is stressed,
We are drinking utensils.
Change the accent -
And draw us, friends. (Mugs - mugs´)

stress. Fu, feel better, otherwise “stand where you want”! Now I am calm for Petya, I will go and teach others. (Leaves).

Gram. Well done my helpers! And you, Petya, get another letter. (H)

Petya: Yes. How many people live in this country. I didn't know!!!

Gram: And that's not all my assistants! Do you know what words can be made up of?

Petya: It seems like a pre-pre-proposal.

Gram. Right. Here's your next task.

Task 5. Divide the text into sentences. Put a dot where necessary.

Petya calls for help grades 3-4. (2 teams of 4 people - cut the tape with words into sentences.)


Gram: And you managed to complete this task with the help of the guys. Well done! Here is the letter (I) for you. But there are more difficult tests ahead of you. Are you ready?

Petya: Always ready!

Task 6. "The gender of nouns".

2 teams of 5 people participate. (grade 4-5). Balloons with words in the bag. Each participant must run to the bag and pull out the noun f.r. or m.r. Whose team reaches the finish line first, that one wins.

(Words: shirt, bag, work, earth, map, spring, coat, subway, apple, cinema, gold, ax, woodpecker, master, carpet, man).

Gram: And you managed to complete this task. Well done! Here is the letter (I) for you.

Task 6. "Proverbs".

On strips of paper, the beginning of the proverb, you need to pick up the end of the proverb and stick it. 2 teams 7, 8 class participate.

  • A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.
  • Learning to read and write is always useful.
  • Don't rush with your tongue, hurry up with your deeds.
  • Make new friends, don't lose old ones
  • Whoever wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
  • The scientist leads, and the unlearned follows.
  • If you don't taste the bitter, you won't know the sweet either.
  • The root of the doctrine is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
  • Lead the business, and drive idleness.
  • A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

During the execution of the task by the students, the deuces conduct the game "Repeat the tongue twister" with the audience.

  • A beetle buzzes over the lampshade.
  • Already already in a puddle.
  • The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.
  • The quail hid the quail from the guys.
  • The raven raven crowed.
  • Nina did not finish her melon.
  • Crested laughers laughed, laughed.
  • I bought Marusya beads for my grandmother.
  • Kondrat has a short jacket.
  • The cat rolled a ball of thread into a corner.

Twos: Hey, girlfriend, it seems to me that we are losing him (points to Petya), in my opinion, we need to look for a new Petya.

Task 7. Crossword "Hidden words" (grades 3-8).

(Given 9 letters M, arranged horizontally, you need to enter the words in the cells vertically,
from left to right):

underground railway
- measure of time
wardrobe, table, chair...
- room for the sale of goods
- strong wind with snow
- drink white color useful for children
- river crossing
- subtraction sign
- wild animal
- dolls inside each other
- extreme cold
- drink from berries.

(Answers: metro, minute, furniture, shop, carrot, blizzard, milk, bridge, minus, bear, matryoshka, frost, fruit drink.)

Gramm: And then you did it without mistakes! Well done! I give the letter (H).

Gramm: You see, Petya, how good it is to know the Russian language, it helps us in everything, even crossword puzzles cannot be solved without it. So did you understand that “you can’t buy at the market, you can’t weigh it on the scales”? (Petya scratches his head). Arrange the letters in right order and you will know the answer.

Petya: (arranges the letters and the word is KNOWLEDGE). I got it, I got it. Need to study.

Gram: I'm glad you understood. Now, I hope you will love the Russian language and will no longer skip school. Now listen to instructions from my assistants.

Children read poetry.

Grammar, grammar -
Science is very strict.
Grammar textbook
I always take it with concern.
She is difficult, but without her
My life will be bad.

Don't write a telegram
And you won't send a postcard
Even my own mother
Happy birthday, do not congratulate!

Sending congratulations
Remember the rules of declension
Gender, number and cases
Keep it firmly in your memory!

You must know the cases
Punctuation marks.
Hold your head up
At the time of remembrance.

How many rules! How many rules!
Unaccustomed to shiver!
Be careful, and only!
You will remember everything, you will understand everything!

I love you grammar!
You are smart and strict.
You are my grammar

Speech therapy morning "Holiday of correct speech" for students in grades 1 - 4 at school of the 8th type.

OBJECTIVES: To educate the speech and cognitive activity of students

Tasks: To consolidate the skills of the delivered sounds;

    to activate the skills of self-control over speech;

develop memory, thinking, attention;

    activation of mental activity, development of the ability to solve logical problems;

    visual and auditory perception, reading technique;

    vocabulary enrichment;

    develop interest in speech therapy.

Event progress.

The hall is decorated.

Leading: Hello, dear children, teachers, educators, parents. Here it ends academic year The holidays will start very soon. Today we will show what we have learned this year. Let's go to an interesting country. As it is called, we will find out when we compose a word.

DEFORMED WORD (makes 1 student) - SCHOOL

We read in chorus.

Leading: Queens live in this country - teachers and children - students. Teachers teach you to write, read, speak clearly, correctly, and beautifully.

The song "Teach at school" sounds.

2 students leave.

1st student 2nd student

Who wants to talk, we will talk

He must pronounce and we will pronounce

Everything is right and clear, so right and clear,

For everyone to understand

For everyone to understand

Host: We pronounce the sounds clearly, listen carefully. Game "Remember, repeat"





game "Third extra".

Speech therapist says three words and throws a ball to one of the children; the child must catch the ball, say an extra word and throw the ball.

Shorts - T-shirt - Ball - SkirtJacket - apple - fur coat - blousecabbage - fork - spoon - cupmagpie-daw-fox-rook

Dramatization: "Geese"

There are 2 students from class 1.

1st student: 2 cheerful geese lived with granny,

2nd student: One is gray, the other is white

Together: Two merry geese

A girl dressed as a grandmother comes out.

Granny: The geese washed their paws in a puddle near the groove (2 boys in geese masks)

geese, geese

Geese (answer) ha-ha-ha

Grandma: Do you want to eat?

Geese: yes yes yes

Granny: Well, fly

Geese: The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.

Grandma: Oh, screaming grandma! Oh, the geese are gone. One gray, the other white - 2 funny geese.

Host: Guys, everyone has their own house where they live. Both in humans, and in animals, and in

birds. Only the house is called by different names.

What is the name of the animal house? - mink.

What is the name of the bird house? - nest.

Let's help the geese get home.

And so that they can return, you must correctly complete the task:

    Images : magpie swallow sparrow

Cards: magpie swallow sparrow titmouse

Sign the names of the birds, choose the right name.

Call it in one word. - Birds.

What question does the word "birds" answer?

Match the actions of objects to the word birds. (fly, sing, chirp)

2nd task.

How to call in one word? - answer

What are these animals? – wild

    A child comes out dressed in the clothes of a watchman: a hat, a gun, a drum

To prevent the wolf from coming back and eating our geese, we have a watchman who guards the house.

Under the drum roll comes the watchman

R - r - r

I serve the owner, I guard the gate!

If a thief does not pass through the gate, let him climb through the fence!


Under the drum roll goes away.

3 Our pictures are mixed up. Expand, explain.

What is the name of the clothes that we will wear in the summer? -summer

Name clothes with R sound.

The game "Who will pick up more words" Let's take a look at who's wearing what. Answer my questions. Pictures will help you with this.

What can be connected?

What can be tied?

What can you wear?

What can be worn?

What can be fastened?

Well done.

Sounds surround us everywhere: a bell rings for a lesson, a crow screams, a car drives, etc.

1st student: There are many sounds in the world:

The rustle of leaves, the splash of waves,

And there are speech sounds,

We must know them for sure.

2- student: The sounds in the word disappear,

They reappear.

The word itself is changed

They themselves change.

3- student: Daughter d disappeared in the word

T stood in this place.

It was a dock, it became a point

So the words change.

4 - student: Sounds are different: CONSONANTS AND VOWS

5- student: Friendly vowel with consonant

Put together a syllable.

Host: If the syllables stand side by side, words are obtained.

"Living syllables"

Children have syllables, Others read words.



1st student: The word is divided into parts,

Ah, what happiness!

Can every literate

Make a word out of parts.

2nd student: What kind of LI? What is MON?

There is no meaning in the words.

And as they say, the lemon will immediately become sour.

Clap the words game

We will separate them with the help of claps. How many parts.

How many times we clap our hands - so many syllables in a word.

shirt boots coat

socks dress boots

hat skirt shoes


The snow is melting, the stream is flowing. The sun warms up. When does it happen?

SPRING. We read, we divide into syllables.

Name spring words. The children are called.

Pictures are exhibited: spring, sun, grass, leaves, flowers, birds, butterflies.

Music sounds. Against the background of music

Let's make phrases from pictures and cards. (Heats, blooms, turns green, green, sing, flutter)

Substitute cards for pictures and read together.

And who will pick up more words for the word SUN?

They call.

I also want you to have more good grades and smile more often, especially to your mothers. You are their little sunshine.

You smile - mom smiles.

Music "From a smile to everyone brighter."

Let's smile at each other and end our holiday.

Did you like it?

The holiday is over.

Silinskaya Svetlana Leonidovna
Speech therapist
MKOU School No. 4 for children with disabilities
Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russia

Purpose: To check and summarize the knowledge gained on speech therapy classes.

Development auditory attention and memory of phonetic perception;

Consolidation of the concepts of "sound", "syllable", "word";

Development of the rhythmic side of speech;

To consolidate the skills and knowledge to classify domestic and wild animals;

Strengthen reading and writing skills;

To cultivate the ability to listen to a friend, to behave culturally at a holiday.


Speech therapist: Guys, today our kids will show you what they learned in the classroom. They will tell you poems, please listen. Pay attention to how children pronounce sounds.

Poems for children

  1. In a bright jacket Amanita

Proudly sat down on the slope.

We do not need fly agaric -

Let's not go to the slope.

  1. A mole made his way into our yard,

Digs the ground at the gate.

A ton will enter the mouth of the earth,

If the mole opens its mouth.

  1. Here are the kids Masha, Misha.


Misha MaShe is writing something.

Guess what Misha is writing.

  1. The poor hedgehog is huddled -

He can't do everything.

Turn blue skin -

The poor hedgehog is huddled.

  1. He does not eat with us nor Schey,

He doesn't eat vegetables either.

That's skinny as Kashchey.

  1. Black night Black cat

Jumped into the Black Chimney.

In the chimney - Blackness.

Find a cat there.

  1. Cooks Sam Samovar,

Knocks Sam Dump Truck,

Self-propelled walks,

The plane flies by itself.

  1. - Hare, Hare, what are you doing?

I gnaw the stump.

And why are you happy, Hare?

Glad your teeth don't hurt.

Music sounds and Leshy appears with a basket in his hand.

Leshy: Hello children! I just came to you from the forest and brought you a basket full of wonderful .... What do you think I brought you?

Students try to guess what Leshy brought in the basket. Then Goblin suggests, without looking into the basket, to take what lies in it.

Speech therapist: What did Leshy bring you from the forest?

Children: Circles.

Logope: And what do these circles mean?

Children's answers

Speech therapist: Correct sounds. Leshy brought forest sounds to you in a basket. Listen to forest sounds.

Sound recording.

Speech therapist: Now tell me, what sounds did you hear?

Speech therapist: Well done! You correctly named all the sounds of nature. Guys! Look at your circles, they are different blue and red. Why? Who will say what the red circles mean and what the blue ones?

That's right, vowels and consonants.

II. “Find her house for Karinka”

Speech therapist: Guys, I have a lot of pictures. Goblin, take one picture, name what is drawn on it, name the first sound, and tell me in which house this sound lives.

III. Game "Train"

Goblin: I have a lot of different animals in the forest. They really want to go to the city to their friends - the guys, but they cannot understand who should go where.

Speech therapist: Goblin, we will help you. Now we choose from the guys the conductors of the cars, into the 1st car, the 2nd car, into the 3rd car. In the 1st car you need to put those animals whose names consist of 3 sounds, in the 2nd of 4 sounds, and in the 3rd of 5 sounds.

IV. Riddles "Mushrooms".

Speech therapist: Goblin, and we know that there are a lot of mushrooms in your forest.

Goblin: Yes, but they always play hide and seek with me. Now listen to what kind of mushroom it is.

a) I grow up in a red cap

Among aspen roots

You will recognize me from a mile away

I am called…. (boletus)

b) They wear red berets,

Autumn is brought to the forest in summer.

Very friendly sisters

Golden ...... (chanterelles)

c) There are no mushrooms friendlier than these, -

Adults and children know.

Grow on stumps in the forest

Like freckles on your nose.

d) Summer is the first sign

Under the birch in the cold

brown mushroom

On a spotted root (boletus)

d) He was in the forest

Nobody took him

young in a red hat

Good for nowhere. (fly agaric)

Speech therapist: Oh, how many mushrooms. The guys solved all the puzzles. Goblin, and in your forest and berries are apparently invisible? Tell me, please, what kind of forest berries are used to make jam?

Goblin: Well, for example, from lingonberries. And the jam is called from lingonberries - I don’t know? Do you know?

Speech therapist: Children know. Guys, tell me, what is the name of lingonberry, mountain ash, cranberry, blueberry, viburnum, blackberry jam.

Dance "Good beetle"

V. "Name the tree"

Speech therapist: Well, now we know how rich your forest is. But you still have a lot of trees. And can you read the names of the trees, they are encrypted with me.

Leshy: I'll try (tries but can't)

No, I can't, please help.

Speech therapist: B R Y A Z A S I N O A Y A K L

1 3 4 6 5 2 2 3 4 1 5 1 4 3 2

VI. "The syllables are messed up"

(Sound music, knock the fox)

Lisa: Oh guys! And Goblin, you are also here, then I just need you, I lost you, I wanted to ask you for help.

Leshy: What happened?


Speech therapist: Guys, here we are with you and made up the inhabitants of the forest. Let's read it together again.

Goblin, fox, do spiders live in your forest?

And the guys know the song - about a funny spider.

Song "Spider"

Fox: I brought you a treat (nuts)

Speech therapist: Well done, guys! You did a good job. I'm looking forward to the next holiday.

speech holiday

for students of special (correctional)

educational institutions of the II type



words for mom

(grades 1-11)

Defectologist teacher

State Special

institutions for students

pupils with disabilities

health opportunities

general education

boarding school I-II type

Kuzemka Ludmila Yurievna.

Hearing and speech rehabilitation teacher

State Special

(correctional) educational

institutions for students

pupils with disabilities

health opportunities

general education

boarding school I-II type

Krasnodar Territory, city of Krasnodar

Topchiy Tatyana Grigorievna,

Miroshnichenko Nadezhda Nikolaevna


Continue work on the development of coherent, independent, oral speech;

To expand the possibilities of auditory perception of children with hearing and speech impairment;

Continue work on correcting pronunciation skills;

Encourage children to use knowledge and skills in verbal communication in independent speech;

Develop memory, speech, thinking, imagination;

Cultivate a culture of communication.

List of sources used:

O.E. Zhirenko, L.A. Obukhova "The holiday is the expected miracle!" (pp. 122,183-185, 187, 190).

Event progress:

Leading: - Mommy, mommy! How much warmth is concealed by this magic word, which is called a person - the closest, dearest, only one.

Mom follows our path. Mother's love keeps us warm. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us.

To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" children go on stage.

On the multimedia screen - photos of children with their mothers.

1st student:

Dear mother, dear!

Before me is your image dear,

I remember you cheerfully

Young, beautiful and simple,

2nd student:

Who loves us, children,

Who loves us so tenderly?

Without closing the eyes of the night

Is everything taking care of us?

Mom dear!

3rd student:

Who shakes the cradle for you,

Who amuses you with a song

Or tells a fairy tale

Who gives you toys?

Mom is golden!

4th student:

If, kids, you are lazy,

Disobedient, playful,

As it happens sometimes

Who then sheds tears

She is all native!

5th student:

You gave us years

heartfelt warmth,

And through all the hardships

Always led forward.

6th student:

You, beloved mother,

The only native

We send our congratulations

And our bow to the earth.

presenter: - Mom from the first days of the birth of the child warms him with her warmth, affection and care.

Lullaby A. Maikov.

Leading: - Many guys know their mother the way she is at home. But a mother is completely different when she is busy with her work at work.

1st student:

You only know your mother at home.

Native hands protect

Home affectionate comfort,

So familiar and familiar.

And you don't always see your mom

In her labor worries.

3rd student:

And if mom sometimes

Comes tired from work

Warm her with your care

Help her in everything.

2nd student:

You don't send telegrams with her,

Do not treat patients with her.

Do not rush with her on a steam locomotive,

You don't see it in the store.

And her difficult affairs on the collective farm

You don't share yet.

Leading: can boys become mom's helpers?

Dramatization of the poem "Helper".

And rubs his eyes with his fist:

2. Vova: I'm not your girl at all

I won't go for milk!

4. Mom: Well, you make a mistake

You won't help me

I won't let you walk.

6. Vova: Well, come on already can,

He walks sideways:

8. Vova: Maybe it won't be seen

All the cans behind their backs?

Tall like a father


10. Uncle: Can you help your mom?

12. Aunt: See soon:

The boy helps his mother

Take an example from him.

Vova walked home proudly.

Though he jumped up the stairs,

Didn't spill milk.

14. Vova: Mom, what else to buy?

I can go now.

Gesture song "About Mom (at the teacher's choice)".

Leading:- In Russian there are many beautiful and kind words about mother, about woman.

Pupils come out and tell proverbs about mom.

Where the mother is, there the child goes.

The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.

No sweeter friend than my own mother.

When the sun is light, when the mother is warm.

Recitative of the poem by A. Barto, against the background of the music "Mother for a mammoth".

Leading:- Know how to appreciate your mother's love, do not insult her with rudeness, do not upset her with your disobedience.

1st student:

Different children live on the planet,

But all the children in the world love their mothers.

Mothers can do anything, mothers will help.

Moms know everything!

2nd student:

Here are our mothers!

We are always proud of you

smart, calm,

We will be worthy of you!

3rd student:

Let femininity and beauty

Will be with you as long as possible

After all, what for women of the year,

When everyone appreciates her, loves her!

Leading: - There are holidays dedicated to our women, mothers, grandmothers: "Mother's Day", "International Women's Day".

March 8 is celebrated in the first month of spring, when the sun begins to warm the earth, nature awakens from its winter sleep. The first spring flowers appear on spring thawed patches.

This holiday is celebrated not only in our country, but also in other countries of the world. For the first time in Russia, this holiday was held in 1913 in St. Petersburg.

And since then, March 8 has become a women's holiday. The day of a woman who is not dearer, dearer and sweeter. Children call this holiday "Mother's Day".

Dance Waltz.

1st boy:

I sing of what is eternally new.

And although I don’t sing a hymn at all,

But in the soul the word born

Gets his music...

This word is a call and a spell,

In this word there is a soul.

2nd boy:

This is the spark of the first creation,

Baby's first smile.

This word will never deceive ...

This word is "mother", "my mother".

3rd boy:

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked for centuries!

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

4th boy:

From any misfortune conjuring.

(It’s not good for her.)

No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly

Proud, sublime mother.

All participants take the stage.

The song "Solar Circle" sounds:

1. Solar circle, the sky around - this is a drawing of a boy!

He drew on a piece of paper and signed in the corner.

May there always be sunshine!

May there always be heaven!

May there always be a mother!

May I always be!

(the words of the chorus are printed on paper and the guys pick them up according to the word).

speech therapy holiday in the primary grades of a correctional school of the VIII type.

Speech therapist: Hello, dear children! Here comes the end of another school year! You have learned a lot this year. We went through sounds and letters, divided words into syllables, learned to form sentences from words.

With someone we still learned how to pronounce sounds correctly. The children from the 3rd grade will tell you a comic poem

3rd grade kids:

  1. Sasha lives in the world,
    porridge in Sasha's mouth -
    Not rice porridge
    not buckwheat porridge,
    not semolina, not oatmeal
    in sweet milk. Polina Vlasova
  2. In the morning in Sasha's mouth
    our simple words

Our simple words
in Russian. Yana Lipstova

3. But what can be clearly understood
make it clear to everyone
nice, clean, clear
as people say.
Our Sasha is so writhing,
that he cannot understand.
Will say a word
and I'm not happy about it! Serezha Madar

4. He will say: “Goodbye!”
And you hear: “To the building!”
He will ask: “Where are the galoshes?”
And you hear: “This is a horse” Vova Vokhmintsev, Ksyusha Frolova

5. When he reads aloud
barely understand:
and he swallows letters,
and whole words. Serezha Suslov

6. He is in such a hurry from the raid
read, ask, say
like someone is drowning
and he runs to save ... Ilya Nikulin

He can but doesn't want to
follow the speech.
We need a translator
translate it. Golubev Seryozha

Yes, not all guys get everything at once.

There are guys with whom we are just learning to pronounce some sounds, someone has already learned in a year.

And the guys 4 "B" will sing mischievous ditties to you:

Now we are students
We will sing ditties to you,

Like in your favorite school

We live wonderfully. Marina Kislova

We do not understand our Dasha,

After all, there is porridge in the Soul's mouth.

But not buckwheat and not pilaf -

This mess is something of words. Arsen

For lessons with a speech therapist

I'm running fast.

After all, the teacher is strict

I can show the language. Denis B.

We sat in order

We do exercises together.

Not with feet, not with hands,

And with their tongues. Nikita

Every officer must

Speak well R

Otherwise he is a soldier

Will not line up.

“Line up!”, “Equal!”, “Attention!”. Nikita

This is what we sang in love

About you and about myself.

If you recognize yourself

So our work is not wasted. Together

And in our speech therapy classes, you learned letters, studied sounds. What letters are: vowels, consonants. What consonants are divided into? (for voiced and deaf). Well done! And what sounds are there? (non-verbal and verbal) (Bird voices, baby's cry, mother's lullaby).

Our guys want to tell you poems about sounds.

There are many sounds in the world:
the rustle of leaves, the splash of waves,
And there are speech sounds
we must know them for sure Danil Bl. (1 class)

"K" bubbles, "G" cackles,
"x" laughs, "R" growls Natasha (1 cl.)

"Sh" tickles. "Ch" sneezes,
"D" hammers, "T" rumbles Roma (1 class)

"P" puffs, and "B" mumbles,
"V" grumbles, and "F" snorts Artyom (1 cl.)

"C" whistles, and "Z" rings,
"Sh" makes noise, and "Zh" buzzes. Dima S. (1st grade)

Sounds in a word disappear
Sounds change the word
themselves change. Danil Ts. (1st grade)

In the word "daughter" "d" disappeared,
"t" stood in this place.
There was a "daughter", it became a "point",
so the words change. Misha B. (2 "B")

Pronouncing sounds clearly
we listen carefully.
We read the letters correctly
write them diligently. Artyom K. ("B")

Guys, it happens like the students just told us in the poem. One letter replaces another and a completely different word is obtained.

Baba Yaga runs in and grabs a chest with letters.

I learned to print

She hit the keys.

And that's what happened

Let me read it all first:

“A HANDLE floats across the sky.

Lies in a briefcase cloud.

The dog has a big dad.

Came from work LAPA.

Boiling in a saucepan MASHA.

KASHA runs through the garden.

Sit, purring MOSHES.

Flew to the lamp CATS.



Baba Yaga, please give us our letters.

B.Ya. - No, I'm bad! Until my tasks are completed, I will not give you a chest with letters!

Now I’ll cut all the letters, and you try to add them up and guess what letters are here!

Task number 1 "Assemble a whole letter from parts"

B.Ya. Well done guys, you did it!

And now I propose to play the game "Echo". I'll check how well you can hear the last syllable in a word.

You need to repeat the last syllable of each word three times.


Gather up, kids!


The game starts!


Don't feel sorry for the palms!


Hit your hands more fun!


What time is it?


How much will it be in an hour?


And it's not true: there will be two!


Think, think, head!


How does the rooster sing in the village?


Yes, not an owl, but a rooster!


Are you sure it is?

So so so.

But really how?


What is twice two?


The head is spinning!


Is it an ear or a nose? (Holds on ear)


Or maybe some hay?


Is it an elbow or an eye? (points to elbow)


But this is what we have?


Are you always good?

Yes Yes Yes.

Or only sometimes?

Yes Yes Yes.

Tired of answering?


I allow you to be silent.

Competition 2: "Who will tell the tongue twister better"

Me: Guys, let's show Baba Yaga how we can tell tongue twisters.

Greek rode across the river,
He sees the Greek - there is cancer in the river.
He put the Greek hand into the river,
Cancer for the hand of the Greek - tsap!

Four black, grimy little imps
Drawn in black ink drawing.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on a cuckoo hood.
How funny he is in the hood!

Skinny weak Koschey
Carries a box of vegetables.

A cunning magpie to catch a hassle,
And forty forty - forty troubles.

The parrot said to the parrot:
I'll scare you, parrot, parrot.
The parrot answers him:
Parrot, parrot, parrot!

Carp once crucian
Gave me a coloring book.
And Karas said:
“Color, Karasenok, a fairy tale!”
On the coloring page Karasenka -
Three funny little pigs:
The little carp repainted the piglets into crucians!

Several children speak.

Competition 3: "If you hear the word three"

B.Ya. I call the most daring from each team, one person.

I will tell you a story
in half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three" -
take the prize immediately.

Is it clear when to take the prize? On the word "three"

Once we caught a pike
gutted ... but inside
I saw small fish
And not one, but whole ... two.
Dreaming boy tempered
become an Olympic champion.
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
and wait for the command "One, two, ... march!"
When you want to remember poetry
do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
once, but better ... five!
Newly train at the station
I had to wait three hours...
Well, you are a prize, friends,
did not take when it was possible to take.

I am 4 team competition: “Collect words from letters”

Children at the tables make up words from letters.

V .: These are our guys! They already know how to read and write. All tasks were completed. Did you like Baba Yaga?

Now the guys from 2 "A" will tell us their poems.

Mothers used to read to us

About rabbits and foxes.

And now we read

About the moon and about spring. Kristina

We will overcome all sciences

Everything will work out for us

Because our mothers

They study with us. Ivan Mokhov

We'll take a break for the summer

Let's pick up strength.
And at the beginning of September

Let's get together again. Sasha Slepnev

There is no more important science.

Doesn't know boredom at all.

Attention, seriously.

It's not too late yet.

B.Ya. Yes! I see that you are great! And I can't read or write.

V. Baba Yaga, and you come to our school in September and study with our children.

B.Ya. Thank you guys for the invitation. I see that you are great! You know a lot, you know a lot. I'll have to give you the chest!

Q. Well, well, our holiday has come to an end. But what about our letters? (looks into the chest, and there are sweets).

Shainsky's song "Learn to speak the words" sounds