
It must be protected from negative influences. On the intended use of funds received from payments for negative environmental impact. Additional ways to protect


If the client plans any traumatic intervention, but at the same time he lives in a metropolis or in adverse environmental conditions, then you must first try to minimize the damage already caused to the skin as a result of environmental pollution. In the Mirra cosmetics catalog you will find the whole range of cosmetics that will protect your skin from the negative effects of the environment.

Of course, if it is possible to exclude the influence of negative factors, then it is necessary to try to do this: quit smoking at least 1-2 weeks before the intervention, if possible, change the usual route of movement, if it involves a relatively long stay near multi-lane roads or near air polluting enterprises. Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to minimize other risks, even realizing the harm caused to their health by working in an environmentally harmful environment at enterprises that do not pay attention to air purification, people still do not often decide to change jobs. What can we say about the change of place of residence, even when it comes only to the urban area.

In addition, the effect of minimizing damage to the skin through the use of certain cosmetic products has been proven. At the same time, it is not necessary to look for funds marked "eco" or "organic" a method of obtaining ingredients for cosmetic product in this case it doesn't matter.

Today there are several categories of cosmetics, the use of which has been proven to reduce the effects of skin damage due to air pollution.

Cleansing agents.

In adverse environmental conditions, it is very important to use products that cleanse the skin without injuring it. Any damage to the barrier properties of the skin worsens the situation, therefore, in the period of preparation for surgery or other interventions, you should stop using soap, classic cleansing gels, alcohol-containing products, as well as products containing acids, both alpha and beta acids (salicylic acid , in particular). Preference should be given to micellar cleansers, as well as gentle professional cleansers, including cleansers for sensitive and damaged skin.


For deeper cleansing of the skin and removal of dead cells from its surface, on which various toxic chemical compounds settle, it is recommended to gently exfoliate the skin 1-2 times a week, and it is advisable to use enzyme exfoliants and avoid products based on acids or mechanical peels with large particles. .

Prebiotics and probiotics.

As it turned out recently, a healthy microflora of the skin (healthy microbe) is able to destroy benzopyrene and protect the skin from damage by many chemical agents. In addition, prebiotics improve the condition sensitive skin, reduce the severity of vascular reactions, and are also increasingly used to treat acne, rosacea and atopic dermatitis. Therefore, we are looking for Bioecolia (alpha-oligosaccharide) in the composition of products, as well as some enzymes of bacterial origin (Alteromonas Ferment, etc.) and prescribe their daily use by applying to cleansed skin before applying the cream. There are also creams that contain prebiotics and probiotics.

Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agents.

Here, finally, we can take advantage of a fortunate coincidence: most topical antioxidants also have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is also known that the regular use of such products improves skin regeneration after injury, so they are often recommended for use after various interventions. However, the best results can be achieved if they are used not only before, but also after interventions. Pay attention to products with vitamin C, vitamin E, niacinamide, extracts of green tea, blueberries, red grapes, centella asiatica, as well as some other plant extracts. Recently, some substances have been found to have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity: for example, black willow bark extract, the active ingredient of which is salicin.


During the preparation for the intervention, it is very important to pay increased attention to protecting the skin from damage. It is hardly possible to expect good results from surgery or laser exposure after, for example, sunburn. Day cream should have a moisturizing and softening effect, as well as protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Usually high-quality sunscreens, especially those based on physical filters, at the same time protect the skin well from other damaging factors. Now there are new products, which include chelate compounds that can bind metal salts. But, in general, even creams that are quite familiar to us, containing silicone derivatives, mineral oil and are difficult to oxidize vegetable oils and their derivatives (jojoba oil, squalane, macadamia, almond, coconut oils) also cope with the task and prevent the contact of damaging substances with the skin.

Summarizing all of the above, during the period of preparation for potentially traumatic interventions (from surgery to permanent makeup) it is very important to pay attention to restoring the protective abilities of the skin and minimizing environmental damage.

Scarcity and constant savings budget funds, the reduction of environmental investments necessitates the clarification and clarification of legal regulations related to the regulation of the ratio of funds received for negative environmental impact and their spending on environmental needs.

The payment for nature management in the form of land, water and other taxes, for pollution of natural resources, the environment, which are not "freeloaders, the Cinderella of society", should go to the restoration of nature, and it is subsidized according to the residual principle, becomes one of the reasons for the increase in cost production, puts a burden on profits and gross domestic product.

By and large, nature conservation, the rational use of natural resources is not only charity, but an urgent need, since in the economic perspective, the destroyed and degraded nature will take revenge a hundredfold and will pay tribute not only to the present, but also to future generations.

This is happening even now, since the state of natural objects, the natural conditions of life, work and leisure of a person, due to the increasing pollution of the environment, are taking priority places along with purely economic indicators of the quality of life.

In this period of time and in the near future, the costs of organizing proper nature management and environmental protection will place a significant burden on the economy, increasing the cost of production and reducing income from its production and profit.

Scientific statements about the dialectical combination and even unity of economics and ecology are abstract and utopian, if you do not see the contradictions between them, do not consider them as an antagonistic unity and as a struggle of opposites.

The decline in industrial production and the consequences of the current crisis lead to a decrease in environmental pollution. The priority of natural factors of life is noted in comparison with the rest, the greater the wealth of citizens, who, along with income and profit, need clean air, proper drinking water, conditioned food, recreational opportunities of the forest, land, wildlife.

At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between natural resources recoverable, renewable, e.g. forest, water, wildlife (if its objects are not brought to extinction, which also happens), and non-renewable, for example, mineral resources - gas, oil, coal.

To restore the former, society must constantly spend its money, otherwise drinking water and useful wood will soon run out, which, without reproduction, will accelerate the ecological (largely unimagined) crisis. For the extraction of the latter, infrastructure and geological exploration are needed (although this is a lot), since the formation of new mineral resources requires millions of years and the further development of the planet.

The spending of pollution charges on the restoration of disturbed natural resources and the entire environment was envisaged to one degree or another in the RF VK RF, LK RF, and the Federal Law "On the Fauna", which were adopted in the 1990s. A number of the discussed norms of these federal laws have undergone changes in the 21st century, and some have been completely excluded from the texts of the relevant codes and other laws. The new RF LC and RF LC do not contain norms on targeted spending of payments for negative impact on natural resources.

According to the Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2002 No. 284-0 "At the request of the Government Russian Federation on the verification of the constitutionality of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the procedure for determining fees and their maximum amounts for environmental pollution, waste disposal, other types of harmful effects” and Article 7 federal law“On the Enactment of Part One of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation,” the fee for negative environmental impact is recognized not as a tax, but as a fee.

In accordance with and. 2 tbsp. 8 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation under collection is understood as a mandatory contribution levied from organizations and individuals, the payment of which is one of the conditions for the commission of state bodies, local governments, other authorized bodies and officials of legally significant actions in relation to payers of fees, including the granting of certain rights or the issuance of permits (licenses). In paragraph 1 of the same article of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a definition of tax is given.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in Ruling No. 284-0 dated 10.12.2002, recognized payments for negative environmental impact as mandatory public legal payments for the implementation by the state of measures to protect the environment and restore it from the consequences of economic and other activities, bearing individual compensation and compensation nature, which are not by their legal nature a tax.

According to the Decree of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2009 No. 8-P, making environmental payments is associated with the need to compensate for damage to the environment; the goal of economic and legal regulation of environmental protection, aimed at ensuring the constitutional right of everyone to a favorable environment, is not so much the fiscal interest of the state in filling the treasury, but rather the conservation of nature and environmental safety.

Financial and fiscal authorities are responsible for the budget, maintaining the single economic space of Russia and the financial vertical of power, managing all income received and its distribution based on the scale and relevance of the long-term and current public tasks presented.

Nature thus becomes a stepdaughter in the annual and triennial laws on budgets. From the point of view of nature management, guaranteeing the environmental rights of citizens, provided for in Art. 9, 36, 41 and 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Federation, this looks inconsistent.

In this case, the rights of everyone provided for in them to a favorable environment and to compensation for damage caused to his health or property by an environmental offense become invalid, virtual.

For several years now, a detailed draft of a federal law on compensation for damage caused by environmental pollution (including past environmental damage) has been prepared and discussed, which has faced serious resistance from opponents of restoring the environment in this way.

Art. 14 and 17 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", according to which there are governmental support entrepreneurial and innovative activities carried out for the purpose of environmental protection, through the establishment of tax and other incentives, the provision of incentives for the introduction of non-traditional types of energy, the use of secondary resources and waste processing, in the implementation of other effective measures to protect the environment.

The introduction of incentives for the rational use of natural resources is rare, but it does occur. In sub. 1 p. 1 art. 67 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of granting an investment tax credit to an organization conducting research, development work or technical re-equipment of its own production aimed at protecting the environment from pollution by industrial waste.

Currently, Rosprirodnadzor collects more than 10 billion rubles. fines that are impersonally transferred to the state budget; the budget of Rosprirodnadzor itself, which has almost 5 thousand inspectors and other employees and carries out tens of thousands of inspections annually, is 3 billion rubles.

Thus, the law does not yet imply in natural resource laws the targeted use of funds received for a negative impact on natural resources for the restoration of the environment. Where will he go further development of natural resources, environmental and tax legislation - should be decided by society, legislative (representative) bodies, the president, and the government.

Citizens, entrepreneurs need clean air and proper water supply objectively no less than wage, other income, profit. Reducing the costs of ensuring sustainable development of nature management, ennobling the natural environment will bring closer the ecological collapse predicted by economists, sociologists, and philosophers.

Some complexity and at the same time a certain optimality in solving the problem is introduced by the distribution of the competence of the Russian Federation and the joint competence of the Russian Federation and its subjects under the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the corresponding constitutions, charters and laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Under the authority of the Russian Federation in accordance with paragraphs "e", "g", "h" of Art. 71 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are the establishment of the foundations of federal policy and federal programs in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation, financial regulation, the federal budget, federal taxes and fees.

In accordance with paragraph "d", "k" h. 1 Article. 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, nature management, environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety, land, water, forestry legislation, and subsoil legislation are jointly administered by the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The law is able to direct the use of payments for environmental pollution to the real tasks of its effective restoration. Currently, natural resource and environmental legislation is at a crossroads - the former, perestroika, was focused on the targeted nature protection purpose of payments; new, especially the tax one, fluctuates, competing with environmental protection.

The legal framework for directing payments for the restoration of the disturbed environment can be used to develop an environmentally beneficial, pragmatic business in order to realize the constitutional right of everyone to a favorable environment and to compensation for damage caused to his health or property by an environmental offense.

It is possible to return to the specific obligations of consumers of natural resources to restore the spent or disturbed parts of nature according to the appropriate rates and methods, or in kind. This would mean a serious turn in nature management and environmental protection, and in a number of cases would reduce the problems of the size of pollution charges and the discussions about their fiscal or compensatory nature.

  • See: Fiscal fees: legal features and regulation / ed. S. G. Pepelyaeva. Moscow: Status Quo 97, 2003; Commentary on the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Part one / ed. A. N. Kozyrina. Moscow: Prospekt, 2005.
  • In accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 2014 No. 219-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" art. 14 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" becomes invalid from January 1, 2015 - Note. ed.

Life safety

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1. Negative FACTORS, and protection against them

1.1. The system of factors affecting life and methods of protection

1.2 Microclimate and methods to reduce the adverse effects of the microclimate.

1.3 Ventilation.

1.4 Influence of illumination on life activity.

1.5 The impact of noise and vibration on life.

1.6 Noise and vibration protection

1.7 Influence on human activity of electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency and radio waves.

1.8 Electromagnetic and computer safety

1.9 Types of ionizing radiation and activity of sources of ionizing radiation

1.10 Dose characteristics of ionizing radiation

1.11 Human background exposure and exposure limitation requirements.

1.12 Harmful substances.

1.13 The effect of electric current on a person.

1.14 Electrical safety

1.15 Fire and explosion safety.

1.16 Means of collective protection.

1.17 Personal protective equipment.

1.18 Basic concepts in the field of labor protection


2.1. Life safety system.

2.2 Indicators of the negativity of the technosphere.

2.3 Program of action to improve working conditions and labor protection for 2008-2010.

2.4 Protection of the population and territories from emergency situations.

2.5 Civil defense of the country.

2.6 Basics of labor protection.

2.7 The system of normative legal acts on labor protection.

2.8 System of labor safety standards.

2.9. Structure of the labor protection system

2.10. Labor protection authorities.

2.11. Algorithm for managing labor protection at the enterprise.

2.12. Ensuring public health

2.13 Ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population

2.14 Ensuring industrial safety

2.15 Ensuring environmental safety

2.16 Fire safety in the development of master plans for enterprises.

2.17 Forced evacuation of people from buildings.

2.18 Ensuring labor protection
1.1. The system of factors affecting life and methods of protection

Negative factors affecting life include harmful and dangerous factors.

Harmful factor- a factor whose impact on a person can lead to a disease.

Danger factor- a factor whose impact on a person can lead to injury.

Negative factors are divided into physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological.

Physical factors- moving machines and mechanisms, increased levels of noise and vibration, electromagnetic and ionizing radiation, insufficient illumination, increased level static electricity other;

chemical- substances and compounds that are different in their state of aggregation and have toxic, irritating, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on humans

biological - pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.) and their metabolic products, as well as animals and plants;

psychophysiological- physical overload (static and dynamic) and neuropsychic (mental strain, monotony of work, emotional overload).

Work in which the risk of injury is very high is classified as especially dangerous work. The main types of especially dangerous work are:

Installation and dismantling of heavy equipment weighing more than 500 kg;

Transportation of cylinders with dangerous substances;

Repair, construction and installation work at a height of more than 1.5 m.

Earthworks in the zone of location of energy networks;

Installation of cranes and crane runways;

The most traumatic professions include: driver (20%), locksmith (6%), electrician (6%), gas fitter (6%), gas electric welder (4%), handyman (3%).

Occupational diseases occur in long-term workers in dusty, gassed rooms, in persons exposed to noise and vibrations, as well as those engaged in heavy physical labor.

To protect against negative production factors, a special set of measures is organized, called "labor protection", and protection from harmful factors is carried out within the framework of "industrial sanitation", and protection from hazardous factors within the framework of "safety measures".

In addition to the factors listed above, human activity is influenced by the microclimate and illumination.

The above judgments make it possible to compile a system of factors influencing human activity.

Figure 3.1 - The system of factors affecting life.
Protection methods

Harmful and traumatic effects generated by technical systems form dangerous zones in the environment. These zones are characterized by the following ratios:

C > MPC; I > PDU; R

Simultaneously with dangerous zones in the habitat, there are zones of human presence. In a production environment, this is a work area and a workplace.

By varying the mutual arrangement of hazardous zones and zones of human presence in space, it is possible to significantly influence the solution of tasks to ensure life safety.

A radical way to ensure safety is protection by distance.

Distance protection - this is breeding in the space of dangerous zones and zones of human stay.

time protection- this is the alternation of periods of being in the zone of action of dangers and periods of being in a safe zone.

Hazard Improvement not only reduces the levels of hazards, but also, as a rule, reduces the size of the danger zone;

Application of eco-bioprotective technology the use of dust collectors, water treatment devices, screens and other means to isolate the area of ​​human stay from negative impacts;

Use of personal protective equipment a person from dangers provides:

Wearing PPE for daily use at all times;

Application in emergency situations short-term PPE).

The presence of a temporary residence zone implements the time protection method. The separation of the zone of permanent residence and the source of danger implements the method of protection by distance.

By varying the mutual arrangement of hazardous zones and zones of human presence in space, it is possible to significantly influence the solution of tasks to ensure life safety.

1.2 Microclimate and Mitigation Methods

One of the necessary conditions for normal human life is to ensure normal meteorological conditions in the premises, which have a significant impact on the thermal well-being of a person.

Meteorological conditions, or microclimate, depend on the thermophysical features of the technological process, climate, season, heating and ventilation conditions.

Human activity is accompanied by a continuous release of heat into the environment.

The thermal well-being of a person, or the heat balance in the human-environment system depends on the temperature of the environment, the mobility and relative humidity of the air, atmospheric pressure, the temperature of surrounding objects and the intensity of physical activity of the body.

Q tp \u003d f (t os; w; φ; V; T op; J).


Parameters - the temperature of the surrounding objects (T op) and the intensity of physical activity of the body (J) - characterize a specific production environment and are very diverse.

The remaining parameters: ambient air temperature (t os), ambient air speed (w), relative air humidity (φ) and atmospheric pressure of the ambient air (B) - are called microclimate parameters.

Influence of microclimate parameters on human well-being

Under natural conditions on the surface of the Earth (sea level), the parameters of the microclimate change within significant limits.

The ambient temperature varies from -88 to +60 0 С;

Air mobility varies from 0 to 100 m/s;

Relative humidity varies from 10 to 100%

Atmospheric pressure varies from 680 to 810 mm Hg. Art.

The parameters of the microclimate have a direct impact on the thermal well-being of a person and his performance.

For example, a decrease in temperature and an increase in air velocity can lead to hypothermia of the body.

When the air temperature rises, the opposite occurs. Researchers have found that at an air temperature of more than 30 0 C, a person's performance begins to decline.

For a person, maximum temperatures are determined depending on the duration of their exposure and the means of protection used. The limiting temperature of inhaled air at which a person is able to breathe for several minutes without special means protection, about 116 0 С.

Temperature uniformity is essential. Its vertical gradient should not go beyond 5 0 С/meter.

A person's tolerance for temperature, as well as his sense of heat, largely depends on the humidity of the surrounding air. The higher the relative humidity, the less sweat evaporates per unit time and the faster the body overheats. A particularly adverse effect on a person's thermal well-being is exerted by high humidity at t os > 30 0 С, since almost all of the heat released is given off to the environment during the evaporation of sweat.

Insufficient air humidity can also be unfavorable for humans due to intensive evaporation of moisture from the mucous membranes, their drying and cracking, and then contamination by pathogens. Therefore, when people stay indoors for a long time, it is recommended to limit the relative humidity in the range of 30 ... 70%.

Together with sweat, the body loses a significant amount of mineral salts (up to 1%, including 0.4 ... 0.6 NaCl). Under adverse conditions, the loss of fluid can reach 8 ... 10 liters per shift and it contains up to 60 g of table salt (in total, about 140 g of NaCl in the body). The loss of salt deprives the blood of the ability to retain water and leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Atmospheric pressure has a significant impact on the process of breathing and human well-being. When working under conditions of overpressure, the indicators of lung ventilation decrease due to some decrease in the respiratory rate and pulse. Prolonged exposure to excess pressure leads to the toxic effect of some gases that make up the inhaled air. It manifests itself in impaired coordination of movements, agitation or depression, hallucinations, memory loss, impaired vision and hearing.

Hygienic standardization of microclimate parameters of industrial premises

The industrial microclimate standards are established by the system of labor safety standards “General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area”. They are the same for all industries and all climatic zones with some minor deviations.

In these standards, each component of the microclimate in the working area of ​​the production facility is separately normalized: temperature, relative humidity, air speed, depending on the ability of the human body to acclimatize in different time year, the nature of clothing, the intensity of work performed and the nature of heat generation in the working room.

Optimal and acceptable microclimatic conditions can be established in the working area of ​​the production facility.

Optimal microclimatic conditions - this is a combination of microclimate parameters, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, provides a feeling of thermal comfort and creates the prerequisites for high performance.

Permissible microclimatic conditions - these are combinations of microclimate parameters that, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, can cause stress in thermoregulation reactions, but which do not go beyond the limits of physiological adaptive capabilities.

The optimal parameters of the microclimate in industrial premises are provided by air conditioning systems, and the permissible parameters are provided by conventional ventilation and heating systems.

Methods to reduce the adverse effects of the microclimate

Methods for reducing the adverse impact of the industrial microclimate are regulated by " Sanitary regulations on the organization of technological processes and hygienic requirements for production equipment” and are carried out by a complex of technological, sanitary, organizational and preventive measures.

Consider the main methods:

Thermal insulation;

Heat shields;

Air showering;

Air curtains;

Air oases.

thermal insulation surfaces of radiation sources reduces the temperature of the radiating surface and reduces both the total heat release and the radiation. Structurally, thermal insulation can be mastic, wrapping, filling, from piece products and mixed.

Heat shields are used to localize sources of radiant heat, reduce exposure to workplaces and reduce the temperature of surfaces surrounding the workplace. The weakening of the heat flux behind the screen is due to its absorption and reflectivity. Depending on which ability of the screen is more pronounced, there are heat-reflecting, heat-absorbing and heat-removing screens.

Air shower . The cooling effect of air showering depends on the temperature difference between the body of the worker and the air flow, as well as on the speed of air flow around the cooled body. To ensure the specified temperatures and air speeds at the workplace, the axis of the air flow is directed to the chest of a person horizontally or at an angle of 45 °.

Air veils designed to protect against the breakthrough of cold air into the room through the openings of the building (gates, doors, etc.). An air curtain is an air jet directed at an angle towards a cold air stream.

Air oases designed to improve meteorological working conditions (more often rest in a limited area). For this, schemes of cabins with light movable partitions have been developed, which are flooded with air with the appropriate parameters.
Ionic composition of air

The aeroionic composition of the air has a significant impact on the well-being of the worker, and if the concentration of ions in the inhaled air deviates from the permissible values, even a threat to the health of workers can be created. Both increased and decreased ionization are harmful physical factors and therefore are regulated by sanitary and hygienic standards. The ratio of negative and positive ions is also of great importance. The minimum required level of air ionization is 1000 ions per 1 cm 3 of air, of which there should be 400 positive ions and 600 negative ones.

To normalize the ionic regime of the air environment, supply and exhaust ventilation, group and individual ionizers, devices for automatic regulation of the ionic regime are used. As a group ionizer in recent times finds application "Chizhevsky's chandelier", which provides the optimal composition of air ions. At most enterprises, this factor is not yet taken into account.

1.3 Ventilation
Natural ventilation systems

An effective means of ensuring proper cleanliness and acceptable parameters of the microclimate of the air in the working area is ventilation.

ventilation called organized and regulated air exchange, which ensures the removal of polluted air from the room and the supply of fresh air in its place.

From the point of view of aerodynamics, ventilation is an organized air exchange, regulated by SNiP P-33-75 "Ventilation, heating and air conditioning" and GOST 12.4.021-75.

Natural ventilation systems.

Mechanical ventilation systems.

Figure 7.1 - Ventilation systems.
natural ventilation

natural ventilation called a ventilation system, the air in which is carried out due to the resulting pressure difference outside and inside the building.

The pressure difference is due to the density difference between the outdoor and indoor air (gravitational pressure, or thermal head ∆Р Т) and wind pressure ∆Р В acting on the building.

Natural ventilation is divided into:

Unorganized natural ventilation;

Organized natural ventilation.

Unorganized natural ventilation(infiltration or natural ventilation) is carried out by changing the air in the premises through leaks in the fences and elements of the building structure due to the difference in pressure outside and inside the premises.

Such air exchange depends on random factors - the strength and direction of the wind, the air temperature inside and outside the building, the type of fences and the quality of construction work. Infiltration can be significant for residential buildings and reach 0.5 ... 0.75 room volume per hour, and for industrial enterprises up to 1 ... 1.5 h -1 .

Organized natural ventilation may be:

Exhaust, without organized air supply (duct)

Supply and exhaust, with an organized air supply (channel and non-channel aeration).

Channel natural exhaust ventilation without organized air flow is widely used in residential and office buildings. The calculated gravitational pressure of such ventilation systems is determined at an outside air temperature of +5 0 C, assuming that all pressure drops in the exhaust duct path, while the resistance to air entry into the building is not taken into account. When calculating the network of air ducts, first of all, an approximate selection of their sections is made based on the allowable air speeds in the channels of the upper floor 0.5 ... 0.8 m / s, in the channels of the lower floor and prefabricated channels of the upper floor 1.0 m / with and in the exhaust shaft 1 ... 1.5 m / s.

To increase the pressure in natural ventilation systems, nozzles - deflectors are installed at the mouth of the exhaust shafts. The thrust is increased due to the rarefaction that occurs when the deflector flows around.

aeration called organized natural general ventilation of premises as a result of the inflow and removal of air through the opening transoms of windows and lanterns. Air exchange in the room is regulated varying degrees opening of transoms (depending on the outside temperature, wind speed and direction).

As a method of ventilation, aeration has found wide application in industrial buildings characterized by technological processes with large heat releases (rolling shops, foundries, forges). The intake of outside air into the workshop during the cold season is organized so that cold air does not enter the working area. To do this, outside air is supplied to the room through openings located at least 4.5 m from the floor; in the warm season, the inflow of outside air is oriented through the lower tier of window openings (A = 1.5 ... 2 m).

The main advantage of aeration is the ability to carry out large air exchanges without the expenditure of mechanical energy. The disadvantages of aeration include the fact that during the warm period of the year, the efficiency of aeration can significantly decrease due to an increase in the temperature of the outside air, and, in addition, the air entering the room is not cleaned or cooled.

Mechanical ventilation systems

mechanical ventilation ventilation is called ventilation, with the help of which air is supplied to the production premises or removed from them through the systems of ventilation ducts using special mechanical stimulators for this.


The main task is to prevent a negative impact on you or to weaken their strength as much as possible. In this regard, it should be noted:
Firstly, nothing happens just like that, and if there is a negative impact, then the person himself attracted him with his thoughts, emotions, feelings or actions.
Secondly, if the negative impact has reached its goal and the natural energy protection of a person has been broken, then there is reason to think about what shortcomings weaken and eat you from the inside. It is necessary to get rid of emotions with low vibrations - irritability, anger, envy, jealousy, fear, etc.
In order to extinguish the negative energy of the negative impact from the outside without losing your own, you need to put up protection.
I recommend immediately "Mirrorizing" the directed negative energy to the source of influence with an increase of 10 times, 100 times, no matter how much it is a pity for the "villain". Some will say it's not humane. I explain - if you are not an expert in this matter, then you will not be able to carry out a serious attack, and if you are a specialist, then you understand the full extent of your responsibility.
There are other ways to remove the negative impact and correct your energy. Here are some simple ways:
Even if you fail to remove the negative energy completely, then by your actions you will significantly weaken it.

You will need a candle and fresh chicken eggs. Option 1.
You can help yourself by rolling out negative energy onto a fresh chicken egg. It absorbs energy very well. Roll out first counterclockwise, then clockwise. Going through all major energy centers(chakras). That way you can take the pain away.
Option 2.
Place a glass of water at the head of the bed at night. Break a raw egg into it and say: "Take everything bad from me." In the morning you can see that “strings” are floating in the glass - these are your evil eyes. Examine them, then stir and pour.
Option 3.
You can help another person if you go around him with a lit candle, first counterclockwise, then clockwise, working through all the energy centers. It is good to say the prayer “Our Father” aloud at the same time.
Option 4.
By photo. Take a photo of the person you care about and put it on your left hand. Rub your hands well beforehand, this will activate your energy, which has an exit through the channels that open through the palms and fingertips. Hold the photo in your left hand, and take the egg in your right hand and move it clockwise over the photo. At the same time, read the prayer "Our Father" 3 times. Repeat this procedure twice more. Do not break the eggs, but throw them immediately into the toilet so as not to intercept the dirt that is now in them.
It should also be noted that any defense is significantly weakened by your negative emotions. Therefore, it is always necessary to maintain optimism and adequate perception, even in critical situations.
Never hold a grudge against other people, it is very weakening. A session of forgiveness makes it possible to get rid of the burden of claims, resentment, remove negative emotions, improve mood, strengthen your energy body, filling it with pure energies.

Example: “I apologize to everyone who has ever directly or indirectly suffered from my actions, words, thoughts. Accept help in restoring the lost, including energy potential, and take away your energy programs that are harmful to my health.”
Radiate energy of joy and Light into the world and by this you will be able to increase your energy vibrations. And high-frequency energies already have protective functions in themselves.
The most protected are people with strong positive energy and highly spiritually developed. Pure-hearted people have a very strong defense.
And negative energy does not penetrate their aura. She, as a rule, returns to the person who sent the negative. It should be noted that any negative impact, directly or indirectly, returns to the sender and rebounds on his loved ones.

A little about protection.

Properly built and developed protection protects both from energy strikes and from negative impacts.
If you are forced to constantly face a person you don’t like, then try not to shake hands with him. And if this cannot be avoided, if he is the first to extend his hand, then, seeing him, mentally cross your palm three times.

If a person wants to give you some object, then hold your hand for a second and mentally cross this object that they want to give you three times.

When someone begins to praise you strongly, bite the tip of your tongue slightly and mentally say: “I wish you the same as you wish me.” Then the evil eye will not work.
If you feel something is wrong, say to yourself: "I return everything that is yours, I take everything that is mine."

If there is a suspicion that negative energy was transferred to some object, do not pick it up. And cross three times (you can mentally) with the words: “Yours is yours, and mine is with me.” Or say: "To you is yours, to me is mine." Believe me, all the bad things that that person wished for will immediately return to him. And he will not want to do bad things to you next time.

If you find something at your doorstep, take a broom and a dustpan, cross them three times, then cross what you found, and sweep everything onto the dustpan. And say the following: “Where there is dirt, there is trouble, but everything is clean and good for me. Amen!"

Whatever technique you use, you need to understand that building a defense is created by a conscious effort of will, your conscious intention. And all techniques, by and large, are “crutches”. To build protection, a certain mental image is used, which is created and held for the maximum amount of time.
Therefore, the construction of protection begins with an idea, which, with further practice, is transformed into a stable mental image. You can imagine anything and in any way, while the mental image is already an energy structure, which is a stable picture.
To build the right stable mental image, training is needed. During the time of development, this mental image will be “recorded” in the subconscious in the form of a basic program.
The simplest form of defense is the construction of protective shields.
A shield is an energy structure formed by compacting a section of the biofield in order not to penetrate destructive energy impulses.
A slightly different option is an energy wall.

Another option is an energy cocoon.
Through breathing, a strong thick cocoon is created, uniform throughout the entire volume, without breaks and thinnings. In this case, the correct rhythm of breathing plays an important role.
When counting to 8, we inhale, then when counting to 4, hold our breath, when counting to 8, exhale, then when counting to 4, hold our breath. Repeat 15 times, and then the breath itself will enter this rhythm and only then create an energy cocoon of silver or gold color. Silver is weaker, and gold is stronger protection.

As a protection option - a triple sphere.
Surround yourself with a triple protective sphere:
The first sphere is silvery white, the upper edge a meter above your head, the lower one a meter under your feet.
The second sphere is golden and mirrored, reflecting all negativity back to its source. The third sphere is violet, dissolving the negative and grounding it to the center of the Earth for transformation along the light cord. This is a powerful defense. Everything that you do consciously will work for as long as your energy lasts. So, if you are not confident in yourself, protection should be updated as necessary. Listen to yourself, trust your intuition. And remember - evil never goes unpunished.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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AT last years environmental protection in all countries of the world is given great attention. A large percentage of all water pollution is accounted for by synthetic detergents (SMC), which is associated with a high rate of development of the production of detergents. Many years ago, M.V. Lomonosov said: "Chemistry stretches its hands wide in human affairs." And how right he was! Store shelves are full of household chemicals. Household chemicals are all around us. Starting in the morning, going into the bathroom, we brush our teeth with toothpaste, wash our hands, dishes, do laundry, and this goes on all day. Synthetic detergents are among the most actively used.

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Any detergent is a chemical solution of a complex composition, therefore, it is a chemical pollutant that can cause acute poisoning, chronic diseases, and also have a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect. Synthetic detergents are based on surfactants - various salts of sulfonic acids or polyethylene glycol ethers, as well as various excipients that improve washing ability, stain removal enzymes and fragrances. They are one of the main factors that have a negative impact on the natural environment.

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PRINCIPLE OF WORK SMS. The composition of SMS includes surfactants that perform the main work. Surfactants have two poles - hydrophilic, that is, one that loves water, and hydrophobic, that is, one that is repelled by water, but easily combines with its opposite - with fats. The effectiveness of surfactants lies in the fact that, having contacted with one substance, they increase the solubility of this substance in another substance, in which the first substance was not previously dissolved. An example with synthetic detergents: these detergents combine with fats with hydrophobic groups. And the hydrophilic parts of the products allow you to break down fats and dissolve them to a greater extent in water, while fats by themselves do not dissolve in water.

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The Russian Federation does not have a particularly environmentally friendly approach to the production of various chemicals. Production of goods household chemicals is no exception to this rule. An example is the use of long-outdated technologies for the production of washing powder. Such technologies are cheap, but do not meet modern environmental quality standards. In all developed countries, such technologies are safely banned for use. The production of synthetic detergents is based on a cheap raw material base, or rather on products of oil and gas processing.

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The main contaminant found in the composition of washing powders is STP - sodium tripolyphosphate. The content of this substance in powders varies from 10 to 30%. ESRD is highly toxic. The main problem of its use lies not only in the harmful effects on living organisms, but also in the complexity of water purification from the WBC content. Sodium tripolyphosphate is the substance that provokes the overgrowth of the reservoir. Overgrowth of a reservoir significantly worsens the organoleptic properties of water, which reduces to a minimum the possibility of its use for drinking purposes.

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Citizens of the Russian Federation spend approximately one million tons of washing powders during the year. Laundry detergents contain environmentally hazardous phosphates, which, when released into a pond or watercourse, infect the local fish fauna and vegetation, and also lead to a surge in the activity of small algae, which may ultimately cause the reservoir to become overgrown. About three hundred thousand tons of phosphates annually enter the reservoirs and watercourses of our country. All this not only negatively affects the state of the natural environment, but also the health of the population using contaminated fish for food.

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Outdated technologies are also used on the territory of less developed countries neighboring Russia, which leads to a multiple increase in environmental damage. So, for example, on the territory of Ukraine, the release of phosphates into nature is about two hundred thousand tons per year. The situation in the Moscow region is illustrated by a map of wastewater discharges.

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It was all of the above that caused the ban on this technology for the production of washing powders in the developed countries of the world. There are the latest technologies for the production of washing powders that exclude the use of phosphates. Instead of phosphates, safer substances are used - zeolites. Zeolites do not enter into chemical reactions with biological systems, which makes them so harmless.

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It is necessary to know that companies using phosphate-free powder production technologies in their native countries produce hazardous phosphate products in the Russian Federation. Moreover, the release is made under the same brand.

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Avoid products that contain: A-surfactants. These are the most aggressive of surfactants that cause immune disorders, allergies, can affect the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, destroying living cells. Phosphates. They have been banned in many countries for more than 10 years. They enhance the toxic properties of A-surfactants, their penetration through the skin and accumulation in clothing tissues, leading to degreasing. skin and violation of the blood properties of NTA or sodium nitrilotriacetate. Possible reason Cancer Sodium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite is a poisonous substance.

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Any detergent should be handled with extreme care. No matter how carefully you rinse your clothes, some of the powder still remains in the fabric and, putting on fresh clothes, the body contacts the powder, which enters our body through the pores of the skin. Sensitive people, and especially children, immediately feel itching or redness on the skin. Therefore, with each wash should be set to washing machine extra rinse mode

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Washing powder should be stored away from food, dishes, children's toys. Pour the powder should be very careful, otherwise the dust of the powder can get into your lungs. It is advisable to open the door to the bathroom during machine washing, and go out into another room yourself, so that as little as possible of the harmful substances contained in the powder enters the lungs. It is advisable to ventilate the apartment after washing. To have less contact with washing powders hand washing should be avoided. If you still have to wash your hands, then you should do it in special gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after washing.

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In order to stop causing such deadly harm to nature with your life activity, you need to find out what is in the composition of synthetic detergents that is harmful not only to humans, but specifically to NATURE? CHLORINE Destroys proteins, kills bacteria (all, including useful) and microorganisms, destroys the structure of water and soil. PHOSPHATES (both POLYPHOSPHATES and PHOSPHONATES) The use of phosphates has already been banned in many countries for about 20 years. Because phosphates very easily enter water bodies, where they influence the increased formation of blue-green algae, leading to poisoning. NITRATES Like phosphates, they cause a rapid bloom of algae in water bodies, which greatly depletes the water of oxygen, resulting in the death of the flora and fauna of water bodies.

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