
Brief description of adolescence. Transition period: psychology. Adolescence and youth


The document contains information describing adolescence, lists ways to solve problems that arise during adolescence, and also gives recommendations to parents on how to properly behave with a child in this age path.



Adolescence and its features

Adolescence is an important and difficult stage in a person's life, the time of choice, which largely determines the rest of life. It can be compared with Ivan Tsarevich stopping at a fork in the road near a stone on which is written: “You will go to the left ..., you will go to the right ...”. In ancient times, this stage was considered the same qualitative change in the state as birth, marriage, death. What are the main changes that a modern teenager feels in himself?

Adolescence is marked by the rapid development and restructuring of the child's social activity. Powerful shifts are taking place in all areas of the child's life, it is no coincidence that this age is called "transitional" from childhood to maturity.

Adolescence is considered as a stage of personality development, the process of transition from a dependent, guarded childhood, when a child lives according to special rules set for him by adults to an independent life.

At this time, stable forms of behavior, character traits and ways of emotional response are formed and formed, which in the future largely determine the life of an adult, his physical and mental health. That is why the role of the family environment is so great in providing conditions that do not impede, but, on the contrary, facilitate healthy development adolescent personality.

Observation of children in various situations reveals the dependence of the manifestation of the type of temperament on the motives and needs that encourage activity: when performing meaningful, interesting work, the child can be very active and becomes slow when included in uninteresting activities. There are the following types of accentuations: cycloid, hyperactive, asthenoneurotic, sensitive, psychoasthenic, demonstrative, unstable, conformal.

At the age of 13-14, the system of values ​​and interests changes. What was valuable depreciates, new idols appear, the nature of relationships with adults and parents often has a protest character. At this age, teenagers are drawn to everything unusual, often carried away by informal trends. The modern teenager has a pronounced desire for individualization, for the assertion of his "I".

Outwardly, the crisis of age is manifested in rudeness, secrecy, deliberate behavior, the desire to act contrary to the requirements and desires of adults; in ignoring remarks, avoiding the usual sphere of communication. The difficulty is that a teenager does not know how to analyze the reasons for what is happening to him.

A teenager often has an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, self-esteem fluctuates, at this time he is very vulnerable, conflicted, and can become depressed. He must be very smart, very handsome, very brave, very capable, etc. in his own eyes.

At the same time, the restructuring of a teenager's attitude towards himself affects not only his emotional state, but also the development of his creativity and life satisfaction in general. Education at this time fades into the background.

Rapid, uneven growth begins, as a result of which the teenager becomes disproportionate, clumsy. The child's body is undergoing a deep restructuring, and at a very fast pace. Rapid physical development is accompanied by a number of contradictory moments. Often there is a rejection of their body and appearance, then they exhaust themselves with diets, sports, just suffer and withdraw into themselves. Such phenomena should not cause much concern to parents, but it is necessary to know them and take them into account when organizing the life of a teenager.

Since a teenager strives for extreme positions in assessment, he tends to overestimate or underestimate his qualities and properties. Adolescents are critical of the negative traits of their character, worrying about those traits that interfere with their friendship and relationships with other people.

A teenager's self-esteem is unstable: he tends to consider himself either a genius or a nonentity. Any little thing can radically change the attitude of a teenager towards himself. If he is forced to admit that something is wrong, his opinion of himself falls on all counts, however, such a contradictory self-assessment is necessary in order to develop new, adult criteria for personal development in him.

The self-esteem of adolescents is contradictory, not holistic enough, so many unmotivated actions may occur in their behavior. Teenagers are bigger than others age groups suffer from the instability of the social, economic and moral situation in the country, today having lost the necessary orientation in values ​​and ideals - the old ones have been destroyed, new ones have not yet been created.

Features are manifested in a disdainful attitude to learning, poor academic performance, bravado, failure to fulfill duties: avoiding performing any duties and assignments around the house, preparing homework, and even attending classes. Adults sometimes do not notice or do not understand such irregularities of behavior, they are equally discouraged by exorbitant excitement and inexplicable fatigue.

Such adolescents are faced with a large amount of "extra time", but they are characterized by the inability to meaningfully spend their leisure time. The majority have no hobbies, they do not study in sections and circles, do not attend exhibitions and theaters. Unfortunately, in their free time, asocial behavior of adolescents is predominantly manifested (prostitution, drug addiction, substance abuse, etc.).

Wasted time pushes teenagers to search for new “thrills”. Alcoholization and drug addiction are closely intertwined in the structure of the diviant lifestyle of adolescents. Very often, teenagers celebrate their "merits": successful adventures, hooligan acts, fights, petty theft by drinking alcohol. It turns out that one of the available forms of entertainment for teenagers is a fight. So, almost a third of teenagers (29%) admit that they fight because there is nothing to do, there is nowhere to put their energy, life is boring.

Subsequently, explaining their actions, teenagers have a wrong idea about morality, justice, courage and bravery. Least of all (15%), adolescents are engaged in the study of history, mathematics and art, cinema and amateur photography.

Throughout adolescence, there is a clearly defined dynamics of aggressiveness. Forms of aggressive behavior are typical for most adolescents. 27% of adolescents do not deny their participation in the beating of dissidents, that is, those who have other interests.

One of the elements of the microenvironment, in relationships that form a personality, is the family. At the same time, it is not its composition that is decisive - complete, incomplete, disintegrated, but the moral atmosphere, the relationships that develop between adult family members, between adults and children. In joint classes, not only the character of a son or daughter is revealed to parents, but also children get to know their parents better. A teenager needs Team work with adults.

Unfortunately, in our time, there is a growing number of dysfunctional families in which there is complete neglect, lack of control of behavior on the part of parents, indifference to the fate of a teenager, from which children with behavioral deviations appear.

But even in seemingly prosperous families, many psychological problems can be identified that lead to a crisis. adolescence. Only 15% of parents wrote that they know everything about their child. Only 6% of parents encourage their children to study in circles, sections, clubs, 3% introduce children, in their opinion, to interesting guys.

There are 4 unfavorable situations in the family:
Overprotection various degrees: from the desire to be an accomplice in all manifestations of the inner life of children to family tyranny.
Hypocustody often turning into neglect.
The situation that creates the "idol of the family"- constant attention to any impulse of the child and immoderate praise for very modest successes.
A situation that creates "Cinderella" in the family.Many families have appeared where parents pay much attention to themselves and little to children.

Ways to solve the problem

Formation of the circle of interests of a teenager based on the characteristics of his character and abilities. The maximum reduction of the period of his free time - "the time of idle existence and idleness." The inclusion of a teenager in such activities that lie in the sphere of interests of adults, but at the same time creates opportunities for him to realize and assert himself at the level of adults.

Decreased aggression by attending sports schools, daily exercises at home using dumbbells, iron weights and boxing gloves (let teenagers beat each other in a peaceful fight, releasing accumulated energy so that aggression does not accumulate like static electricity that tends to explode with painful discharges). Physical education can become a common and joyful activity for every family member.

Do not make excessive demands on a teenager that are not confirmed by his abilities. Honestly point out his successes and failures (and explain successes with his abilities, and failures with insufficient preparation). Do not praise a teenager, explaining his failures as an accident, because. this forms the effect of inadequacy in a teenager. A passion for art, a joint visit to the cinema and the theater, a discussion of literary novelties, help in designing - this is not a complete list of those areas in which an adult can be with a teenager.

  • Always be sensitive to the affairs of your children.
  • Analyze with children the reasons for their successes and failures.
  • Support your child when he is having a hard time.
  • Try not to shield your teenager from difficulties.
  • Learn to overcome adversity.
  • Constantly supervise the child, but without hyper guardianship.
  • Encourage even barely arose needs for knowledge, for harmony and beauty, for self-actualization.
  • Tell your child about your problems, about what worried you when you yourself were at their age.
  • Buy your child books on psychology, self-knowledge.
  • Always lead by example (teach by deeds, not words).
  • Talk to children as equals, respecting their opinion, avoiding moralizing, screaming, edification, and even more irony.
  • Please take care of your appearance.
  • In no case do not prohibit relationships with the opposite sex, do not stop talking about the relationship between boys and girls.
  • Get to know your child's friends, ask them to inform you about pastimes, but don't turn into a spy.
  • Remember: distrust offends!
  • Keep track of what books your child reads, what movies he watches.
  • Always be for your child, first of all, an older, wise friend, and only then a loving (them) mother (dad)!

Questionnaire "Are you good parents?"

The questions on this test must be answered with "yes", "no", "don't know". So:
1. You often react to some actions of the child with an “explosion”, and then regret it.

2. Sometimes you take help or advice from friends when you don't know how to respond to your child's behavior.

3. Your intuition and experience are the best advisers in raising a child.

4. Sometimes you happen to trust a child with a secret that you wouldn't tell anyone else.

5. You are offended by the negative opinion of other people about your child.

6. You happen to ask your child for forgiveness for your behavior.

7. You think that a child should not have secrets from his parents.

8. You notice differences between your character and the character of a child that sometimes surprise you.

9. You worry too much about your child's troubles or failures.
10. You can refrain from buying an item of interest for a child (even if you have money) because you know that the house is full of them.
11. Do you think that up to a certain age the best educational argument for a child is physical punishment (belt).

12. Your child is exactly what you dreamed of.

13. Your child gives you more trouble than joy.

14. Sometimes you feel like your child is teaching you new thoughts and behaviors.

15. You have conflicts with your own child.

Counting results.

For each answer "yes" to questions: 2,4,6,8,10,12,14, and also "no" to questions: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 10 points are obtained . For every "I don't know" you get 5 points. Calculate your points.

100-150 points. You have great opportunities to understand your own child correctly. Your views and judgments are your allies in solving various educational problems. If this is accompanied in practice by such an open behavior full of tolerance, you can be recognized as an example worthy of emulation. For the ideal, you are missing one small step. It can be your child's opinion.

50-99 points . You are on the right path to a better understanding of your own child. You can resolve your temporary difficulties or problems with your child by starting with yourself. And don't try to make excuses based on the lack of time or the nature of your child. There are several issues that you have influence on, so try to use it. And don't forget that understanding doesn't always mean accepting. Not only the child, but his own personality too.

0-49 points . It seems that you can only sympathize more with your child than you, because he did not get to the parent - a good friend and guide on the difficult road of gaining life experience. But all is not yet lost. If you really want to do something for your child, try something else. Maybe you can find someone to help you with this. It will not be easy, but in the future it will return with gratitude and the established life of your child.

Adolescence is a period of ontogenesis, a transitional period between childhood and adulthood. Chronological boundaries are not exactly fixed. Adolescence is a period from 10-11 to 15 years or from 11-12 to 16-17 years.

Adolescence is very unusual and interesting (for psychology) that it is worth considering its features in conjunction with the problems of education more closely than in relation to primary school age.

First feature.

The success of working with schoolchildren depends on taking into account their age psychological features and experience working with adolescents. Adolescence begins from 10-11 to 15 years, and it is precisely given age considered a turning point. Adolescence (or transitional, since during this period there is a certain transition from a child to an adult) is a restructuring of mental processes, the personality of a student, the organization of his activities, a change in the form of relationships, leadership from adults (teachers, parents). Such difficulties encountered in educational and educational work with adolescent schoolchildren can be explained by several reasons:

  • - insufficient knowledge of the features mental development in this age;
  • - intentionally ignoring the peculiarities of the development of the child in adolescence;
  • - using methods to work with adolescents that are not suitable for them age features(refusal to correct methods).

Also, adolescence is considered the most difficult for training and education than younger and older ages. The reason is that the child turns into an adult (transition to a higher level of mental development), and this is a difficult process, because: “it is associated with a serious restructuring of the psyche and the breaking of old, established forms of relationships with people, changes in living conditions and activities » . The student becomes inattentive, irritable, he is not interested in the material being explained and the advice of his parents. He begins to think that he is already old enough and can be responsible for his actions and solve his problems, since he is an adult by the type of logic of thinking, but if we consider his past experience, we can say with confidence that this is still a child who: “ Having previously unquestioningly accepted the instructions and demands of adults, he now treats them selectively and critically, he believes that these instructions and demands should be sufficiently reasoned and logically convincing (from his point of view). He has his own opinion (to the surprise and chagrin of the teacher, often at odds with the generally accepted), an exaggerated idea of ​​his own dignity, inexplicable touchiness. Such behavior quite often leads to conflicts between the child and teachers and relatives.

The main difficulty lies precisely in the fact that it is necessary to understand the need to change the usual methods of training and education, as well as to change the forms of influence on a teenager (encourage activity, show loyalty when making mistakes in completing tasks).

The second feature.

A teenager rediscovers his inner world, problems of self-consciousness and self-determination appear. The search for the meaning of life and the desire to know oneself are in close connection with each other, just as a teenager begins to learn his new abilities, he tries to find himself in relationships with peers. The only reality that he is aware of is the outside world, where he projects his fantasy. For a teenager, the world around him is just one of the possibilities of subjective experience. A teenager begins to dive into himself and "stay" with his experiences, he learns the world of new feelings, begins to rethink his emotions - they are no longer something that he cannot understand, but as a state of his own "I". Any information can stimulate a teenager to introspection, to analyze their problems. "The discovery of one's inner world is a very important, joyful and exciting event, but it also causes a lot of disturbing and dramatic experiences. Along with the consciousness of one's uniqueness, uniqueness, unlikeness to others, a feeling of loneliness comes. The teenage "I" is still indefinite, diffuse, it often is experienced as a vague anxiety or a feeling of inner emptiness that needs to be filled in. Hence, the need for communication grows and at the same time the selectivity of communication, the need for solitude increases. Consciousness of one's own peculiarity, dissimilarity to others causes a feeling of loneliness, very characteristic of early youth, or fear of loneliness ".

The teenager identifies himself with the group concept "we", i.e. with a peer of the same sex, but this image cannot fully coincide with reality.

Also, a large number of high school students tend to exaggerate their own originality and uniqueness, which passes after a while. A person begins to realize that he is different from others, but at the same time connected with the people around him, that they also need to pay attention.

But when this awareness does not come yet, then the teenager “discovers” loneliness for himself - he can begin to think about the finiteness of his existence and the concept of death. This is one of the most important problems of the teenage crisis. Not everyone is inclined to such a reflection, and another feeling appears - a teenager tries not to notice the "flow of time" and therefore either feels very young, or, on the contrary, very old and has seen everything. All these representations are extremely subjective, since a 25-year-old seems old to a 14-year-old.

Third feature.

A teenager betrays a very great importance of his appearance. He considers himself (in most cases) not beautiful enough, he is not satisfied with his body, which at this age undergoes changes. The “beauty standards” of a schoolchild, as a rule, are overestimated, which, even with a lot of effort, he will not be able to match.

This problem also goes away with age. When a person gets older, he gets used to his appearance and figure, the adequacy in his assessments of himself increases, and dependence on someone else's opinion disappears.

Adolescence is a very complex (psychologically) process that consists of many features and factors; and through which every person must pass.

First of all, adolescence is characterized by intense changes both physically and psychologically. The growth rate during adolescence is comparable to how a child grows up to 2 years old, while the peculiarity of adolescents is the faster growth of the skeleton. Muscle tissue grows somewhat more slowly, which is why many teenagers seem awkward and awkward. Internal organ systems are also developing intensively.

An important point is puberty, which begins precisely in adolescence and is accompanied by intensive production of hormones in adolescents of both sexes. Since the changed hormonal background affects mood, this period is characterized by sharp emotional swings, as well as a tendency to conflict and aggression.

Communication with peers comes to the fore, while study becomes secondary for some. Under the influence of external factors, as well as the internal formation of one's own "I", there is a reassessment of values ​​and self-determination for the future. The contradiction of adolescence lies in the fact that the child seeks to demonstrate his own growing up, but at the same time is not ready to take responsibility.

The period of adolescence covers the time period from 12 to 17 years. Due to the fact that during this time a large number of changes, it is advisable to divide this stage into two periods - younger and older adolescence.

younger adolescence

Early adolescence refers to children between the ages of 12 and 14. This time coincides with the transition of the child to a new system of education: if in primary school lessons were held under the guidance of one teacher, then after the 5th grade, students get acquainted with a large number of subject teachers, which makes it necessary to adapt to new conditions.

More and more important is communication, which is primarily focused on peers. In the process of this communication, a teenager learns certain social norms of interaction, and on the basis of feedback from peers forms a certain self-esteem.

older adolescence

The period from 15 to 17 is defined as the older adolescence, sometimes also referred to as early adolescence. The main neoplasms of older adolescence include professional and life self-determination, because it is in high school that a teenager needs to decide what he will do in the future after school. At this age, the image of one's own "I" continues to form, which is based primarily on what assessments the teenager receives from those with whom he communicates. Emotional contacts become extremely important, including getting recognition from the opposite sex.

What is the difference between adolescence and adolescence

Although adolescence is separated from adolescence, defining it as a period from 17 to 20 years old, the line of transition from a teenager to a young man is rather vague. Adolescence and adolescence are next on the age scale, and they have some differences. If a teenager is still in the process of forming his own worldview, which is why it is often difficult for him to decide on certain decisions, then in adolescence the psyche becomes more stable, there is a tendency to logically think about his own actions and their consequences. Physically, young men also differ from teenagers. Their body loses its teenage angularity, the differences in terms of male and female physique are more pronounced.

During adolescence, noticeable psychological changes occur, which are a necessary part of the process of growing up.

Personality in adolescence

The emerging own "I" is most often perceived by the teenager himself as an inevitable stage of growing up. He feels like an adult and at the same time strives to prove it to everyone around him - both parents and peers.

A feature of the psychology of adolescence is a fairly strong dependence on the opinion of a certain group of significant persons. It is noted that adolescent boys are more likely to rely on the opinions of their peers, while adolescent girls gravitate towards the usual way of life established in their own family. However, the authority of parents in both cases becomes significantly lower, and communication with peers comes to the fore. If it is acceptable for a teenager to cheat in front of an adult, for example, to come up with some kind of reason for leaving class, then lying to your friends is considered unacceptable behavior of adolescence.

An important point in the psychology of adolescence is increased criticality to their own shortcomings and the search for ways to eliminate them. Dissatisfaction with oneself, concerning both external manifestations and internal features, is characteristic of the vast majority of adolescents, therefore, reflections on oneself become constant companions during this period.

Adolescence behavior

The leading activity in adolescence is intimate interpersonal communication, during which the teenager receives necessary material to form one's own picture of the world, a system of values ​​and an image of one's own "I". This change of interests can negatively affect academic success, which is why many parents make the mistake of starting to limit teenagers in communication. This should not be done, because without sufficient communication it is impossible to fully psychological development in adolescence.

The changes taking place both in the psyche and in the physiology of a teenager leave an imprint on his behavior. Puberty, which occurs just in adolescence school age, leads to a change in hormonal balance, as a result of which behavior is often extremely unpredictable. Purposefulness in achieving the goal can be replaced by impulsive and thoughtless decisions, and self-confidence - by a sharply fallen self-esteem. If today a teenager craves communication, then tomorrow he may want to be alone with the same force. At the same time, adolescents show the most intense reaction in those moments when someone hurts their pride.

The crisis of adolescence is considered to be the most complex crisis both for the child and for his parents. It falls on the period from 12 to 14 years and is the longest of all other age-related crises. In rare cases, the manifestations of the crisis are absent or pass poorly. To a large extent this is determined social situation and model of education in the family.

Features of the manifestation of the crisis

The main manifestation of the crisis is the exacerbation of adolescent negativism. Adolescent children begin to come into conflict with adults more often, even in cases where there is no objective reason for confrontation. Against this background, there may be a desire to overcome previously set prohibitions, which is why many try cigarettes, alcohol or drugs in adolescence.

However, these are only external manifestations. At the same time, the inner world of a teenager also changes significantly: there is a reassessment of values, self-determination, a gradual and increasing separation from their parents, a feeling that no one understands them. This makes children withdraw into themselves, they become hypersensitive to any criticism, especially from outside. significant people. The reaction to such criticism depends largely on the personality of the adolescent; the same remark can become a reason to prove the opposite in one teenager, and a reason for apathy in another.

Signs of a Crisis

The crisis of adolescence has two main features. The first is a significant decrease in productivity, which even affects the results in those subjects or activities for which the teenager had previously seen an obvious talent. The second and most noticeable symptom for adults is negativism, which consists in a tendency to quarrels and provocations. At the same time, a teenager may strive for isolation and loneliness.

Negativity can manifest itself in different ways:

  • Pronounced.

According to statistics, negativism affects absolutely all areas of a teenager's life in about 20% of cases. This acute period can last several weeks.

  • Medium pronounced.

Negative reactions are observed sporadically, as a response to a situation in the family or school. Such symptoms are typical for three adolescents out of five.

  • Missing.

It happens that the teenage crisis is asymptomatic - about one in five children. Considering that such adolescent children, as a rule, live in families with a trusting atmosphere and the absence of excessive authoritarianism (democratic parenting style), we can conclude that negativism during adolescence is, among other things, a consequence of upbringing.

How to help a teenager overcome a crisis

The teenage crisis is a natural stage in the development of a personality, therefore it cannot be “cured” - during this period, a teenager needs help and support. In order to determine a plan of action, it is important to understand which version of the crisis the child is in.

There are two options for the course of the crisis in adolescence:

  • Crisis of independence.

The most typical teenage crisis, in which the child seeks to prove to everyone his own adulthood. In this case, it is important to show maximum patience and provide the teenager with a sense of protection and trust.

  • Crisis of addiction.

V Lately teenagers who do not want to grow up are more and more common; the condition is typical for families in which there is overprotection. The child becomes infantile, does not want to grow up, but excessive obedience can please adults. However, in adolescence, absolute obedience and the absence of one's own opinion negatively affect the child's psyche and may indicate a lack of maturity. In this case, it is necessary to help the child to accept new social roles, to interest him in something new and to provide reasonable support.

It is necessary to leave a teenager alone with his own thoughts during this period, but not always, because parents and the atmosphere in the family are still very important.

How to behave to parents

How to behave as parents of a teenager during a crisis? Psychologists recommend accepting the fact that the child is growing up, and, accordingly, requires a different attitude. At the same time, to show aggression and force means only to demonstrate one's own impotence, moreover, such reactions clearly do not contribute to the formation of a trusting atmosphere. The following tips will help you connect with your teen during a crisis:

  • Treat your child sincerely. Teenagers are very sensitive to falsehood and respond in kind.
  • Accept it as a fact that a teenager needs a lot of time to communicate with friends, and do not be offended by his busyness and inattention.
  • Do not arrange interrogations with partiality. If you want to know something, wait until the teenager comes to a calm state.
  • Tell him about your plans, consult as an equal - this way you will let him know that you accept his growing up and changes.
  • Support, praise and approve. Of course, criticism should be present, but within reasonable limits - remember that teenagers are quite vulnerable.
  • Take an interest in the child's well-being. Physical changes during adolescence can be intense and not always clear to the child, thereby causing fear and exacerbating psychological discomfort.

When to contact a psychologist?

The crisis of adolescence can be acute enough that sometimes parents begin to doubt whether they can help. own child on your own - or is it better to turn to a specialist? In the following cases, the help of a psychologist is highly recommended:

  • A sharp decline in academic performance
  • Apathy, lack of desire to do something
  • Extreme negativity towards oneself, one's body, character
  • Increased level of aggressiveness
  • Lack of social circle coupled with reluctance to make friends
  • The pursuit of wanderlust
  • Deviant behavior

Teenage depression is extremely dangerous state and that is why the child needs help.

In adolescence, the formation of self-esteem occurs on the basis of communication with people around him, and, first of all, with peers. Some collectives have a forced nature, for example, a school class, in which a child is assigned even when he enters school. Others, such as interest companies, are already being formed based on common attitudes and needs. At the same time, in any such team there is a certain structure and hierarchy, the place in which has a significant impact on the development of a teenager.

Roles in the team

If we single out a school class as the most permanent team in which a teenager is present, then in any class there are several categories of roles:

  • Leaders.

You can become a leader involuntarily, for example, when you are appointed a teacher to the role of headman, or you can become a leader at the expense of your own qualities. Those children who are leaders by nature are the authority for the majority of the class.

  • Preferred.

This is a significant majority of the class, basically sharing the positions of leaders.

  • Neglected.

This is also a fairly large group of children, but due to some circumstances they do not receive serious attention from the rest.

  • Isolated.

small group; if you ask other students about these teenagers, they are unlikely to be able to say anything specific about the "isolated" ones.

  • Outcasts.

The most difficult role for a teenager, which he obviously takes unintentionally. Children's groups can be cruel, namely, outcasts, for some reason, are usually bullied. Common to all types of outcasts is self-esteem, formed on the basis of the principle “I am the worst”.

To accurately identify roles, special questionnaires are used, but most teachers, with due attention and without them, can tell who is the leader in the class and who is the outcast.

Children of younger adolescence communicate mainly with their peers of the same sex. However, as teenagers get older, they show more and more interest in the opposite sex. In connection with the sexual development taking place during this period, issues of a sexual nature occupy a special place. Over time, communication between boys and girls becomes more intense. Often, a teenager is embarrassed to communicate, which can be disguised as imaginary swagger.

Communication with friends more and more goes beyond school topics, covering common interests, joint activities, becoming a separate and extremely important area of ​​life. Psychologist D.I. Feldstein identifies three options for communication in a teenage team:

  • Intimate personal.

It occurs on the basis of personal sympathy, in the form of the participation of one teenager in the problems of his interlocutor and vice versa. This type of communication is possible only if common values and understanding of each other's communication partners. This is what friendship and love are all about.

  • spontaneous group.

Random communication on the principle of "I-they", which is typical for various informal associations and teenage groups. A distinctive feature of such communication is a high level of anxiety and aggression.

  • Socially oriented.

In this case, adolescents are in contact in the course of some socially important activity. This communication option contributes to the realization of the social needs of adolescents.

Possible problems in the team

Since in any team of teenagers there are a variety of children, whose interests, characters and upbringing can differ significantly, problems in adolescence are not uncommon.

In children's groups, cruelty can be stronger than in adults, so negativity often falls on a child who is different from others in any way. Nationality, a noticeable difference from the standard norms (overweight / severe thinness, different colour eye, acne in adolescence, etc.) can cause problems in the team.

Another possible problem is that in a teenage team certain material values ​​are of significant importance: smartphones, branded clothing, size. pocket money. Often, on this basis, there is a stratification of the student group of adolescents into "golden youth", middle class and the so-called poor.

As already mentioned, the leading activity in adolescence is communication, schooling and additional hobbies or activities.

Additional education

Additional education methods include various courses, circles and other forms of classes designed to provide a teenager with access to knowledge, skills and abilities that are not included in the course of the school curriculum. Although a teenager, as a rule, is already a member of various informal associations, formalized groups are distinguished by the ability to productively organize children's leisure time, and also help them in professional self-determination.

Additional education for teenagers can relate to completely different areas: the study foreign languages, the practice of public speaking, programming, robotics, art schools and much more. However, parents seeking to organize the child's leisure time as efficiently as possible should, in choosing such activities, rely primarily on what the teenager himself aspires to.

Sports and healthy lifestyle

Adolescence is a time when proper physical development is especially important, because during this period there is an intensive growth of the body, in particular, development of cardio-vascular system. Whether a teenager receives regular physical activity depends on how hardy and strong he will be in the future. In addition, playing sports helps the proper development of muscles and training of the whole organism as a whole. However, the main thing is not just to motivate the child to play sports, but also to correctly dose the duration of classes and the load. The most suitable types of exercise for teenagers are fast running, gymnastics, cycling, swimming, and outdoor games. It is important to remember that the average duration of physical activity for a teenager is 8-10 hours a week, but this figure is individual and depends on the characteristics of the body of a particular teenager.

No less than physical activity, it is important for a teenager healthy lifestyle life. includes not only activity, but also a number of other points that can lay a solid foundation for the health of a teenager in the future. These are measures for hygiene, hardening, proper nutrition, as well as a positive psychological state.

The following factors can interfere with normal physical and psychological development:

  • lack of movement (which is relevant for modern children, who spend a lot of time either at a desk or at a computer),
  • irrational nutrition, including the habit of fast food,
  • stressful situations
  • bad habits (after all, many teenagers, in order to demonstrate their own coolness or just out of interest, begin to try alcohol, smoking, and even drugs),

The main responsibility for instilling the basics of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents lies with the parents, who should first of all demonstrate their own positive example. In addition, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the harm of some habits need to be explained in detail, and not just introduced unreasonable prohibitions.

In adolescence, sexual desires arise, while adolescents are characterized by increased excitability. Hormonal restructuring leads to an increase in the level of sexual desire, which often puts a teenager in a dilemma: on the one hand, he wants to try something new, unknown, and on the other, all sorts of prohibitions and restrictions that exist in society put pressure on him.

The first love

First love is a very common occurrence in adolescence, and it is not only strong and new sensations for the teenager himself, but also the increased anxiety of parents. Very often, first love is synonymous with unhappy love, as children are just learning the art of understanding and accepting a partner. But this in no way means that parents should limit their child from contacts with their chosen one - this experience is required in order for the child to learn to build relationships and be successful in this in the future.

Adolescence in girls

Puberty in girls during adolescence begins earlier than in boys, by about a couple of years. During this period, the body develops intensively, the production of sex hormones increases, due to which the figure is formed according to the female type. There is a development of not only muscle, but also adipose tissue, while a certain amount of the latter is a necessary condition for the formation of the menstrual cycle. The production of estrogen hormones is also responsible for the formation of the menstrual cycle. Such a hormonal explosion entails not only changes in the physical plane, but also affects the mood. The psyche becomes unstable and vulnerable, the girl worries about her own appearance and relationships with significant peers.

For the appearance of the first menstruation, a teenage girl must be prepared by telling her about the meaning of this process and that this is a natural phenomenon. It is also important to teach the necessary hygiene procedures during this period, since non-compliance with hygiene during menstruation can cause various diseases and infections.

Adolescence in boys

The period of puberty of teenage boys lasts about five years, and its onset is quite individual. When the process begins, the boys begin to sharply overtake the girl classmates in height and weight, while their figure is formed according to a different type than that of girls - the pelvic bones are narrower and have more elongated shape. The production of sex hormones is activated, which is associated with the appearance of facial hair and a change in the timbre of the voice. At the same time, the restructuring of the vocal cords is more intense than in girls, which can bring some psychological discomfort.

Puberty leads to intensive growth of the genital organs. In addition, teenage boys have their first wet dreams. Therefore, as with girls, it is necessary to talk with boys about changes in his growing body.

Adolescence is a rather turbulent period, and anyone can face all sorts of problems, which he, due to emotional instability and the lack of formation of his own “I”, perceives extremely sharply. Parents should not leave a teenager alone with his problems, providing him with support and creating an atmosphere of understanding and trust.

Acne in adolescence

Acne in adolescence has an extremely negative effect on self-esteem, since both girls and boys during this period are extremely critical of their own appearance. The reason for the appearance of acne in the first place is the intensive growth of the skin, which is associated with rapid growth bones. To protect the skin from stretch marks and damage, the activity of the sebaceous glands is activated, and this is already the cause of acne. Additional factors for the appearance of acne in adolescence can be improper skin care, malnutrition, lack of vitamins and hormonal changes.

For teenage acne, there are special treatment complexes, but the most effective would be a visit to a dermatologist who will determine the cause and prescribe a treatment that affects both it and the manifestations of acne in adolescence.

Bad habits

Adolescence is a time when children test the strength of previously established limits, in addition, they try to prove that they are already becoming adults. Because of this, and also because of the desire for new things, teenagers can try smoking, alcohol and drugs, and these bad habits quickly become part of life and cause a significant impact on health.

The older he gets, the more likely it is that he will become addicted to one of the bad habits. Despite existing age restrictions, both tobacco and liquor can be sold to teenagers, not to mention drugs - dealers see teenagers as one of the most "soft" categories of potential buyers of lethal substances.

Attitude towards bad habits very much depends on how a teenager is brought up. If an example of a healthy lifestyle is initially demonstrated in a family, conversations are held about the dangers of such habits, then adolescents from such families are more resistant to provocations about alcohol, smoking or drugs.

Psychological addictions are a separate specific class of problems of adolescence, which is defined as an obsessive attraction to a particular activity or object. A teenager can fall under the following types of addictions:

  • Computer addiction in its various forms.

It could be gambling addiction social networks or from watching TV shows - in any case, the pathological impact of addiction on personality development in adolescence is obvious.

  • Sect dependency.

Since adolescence is a period when a child seeks himself and tries to form a certain worldview, a competent influence on his psyche will easily make him a member of a sect, which is not so easy to get out of.

  • Shopaholism.

Obsessive desire to make meaningless and aimless purchases is another type of psychological addiction. Acquired things often become the meaning of replacing inner uncertainty and emptiness, but they bring only temporary relief.

The object that has taken possession of the psyche of a teenager replaces many activities, including those that are vital. Therefore, when a teenager’s behavior is deformed and his versatile interests are shifted towards one thing, parents need to help their children, if necessary, visit a psychologist.

How can parents find a common language with a teenager

In any difficult situation, including during the teenage crisis, it is important for adolescents to have some support in the form of a stable situation in the family, an atmosphere of support and trust. If you doubt that you know how to build a productive dialogue with your child in adolescence, you should stick to the following plan:

  1. Create a certain mood for the conversation: do not conduct a dialogue in an excited state, you need to calm down.
  2. Be clear about the question or topic you want to talk about with your child.
  3. Find a moment when the teenager is ready for a dialogue, state to him a pre-formulated situation and let him know that the decision belongs to him, but you are ready to help.
  4. Encourage your child by saying that you believe in his strength and that he will cope.

Excessive pressure is not the best tool for productive interaction with a teenager.

Adolescent school age and learning activities

With the onset of adolescence, there is a change in the type of learning activity. If earlier all classes were held under the guidance of the same teacher, now teenagers are forced to adapt to a new system of education with numerous subject teachers. Considering that during this period, learning itself fades into the background, and communication with peers becomes the leading activity, it is not surprising that some adolescents experience a decline in academic performance (as well as interest in learning). An additional negative factor affecting learning is the physical restructuring of the adolescent's body, which may result in increased fatigue and decreased performance.

All these features of adolescence lead to the fact that it becomes difficult for children to do absolutely all school assignments. For this reason, it is important not to force the child to learn under duress, but to teach him to set priorities correctly and plan his own time. Additional help the growing body will be provided with properly selected vitamins and minerals, preferably in a complex specially designed for teenagers.

By the end of school, teenagers face the need to decide where and what specialty to enter in order to receive a full-fledged professional education. Throughout adolescence, the formation of "I" - the concept leads to the emergence of a certain vector of interests, which determines, among other things, the professional interests of the child.

An important role is played by vocational guidance centers for adolescents, which are created to assist in choosing a profession, including through special tests, the results of which show what the child is predisposed to. A visit to such centers can answer many questions regarding professional self-determination.

Adolescence is a difficult period during which a global physical and mental restructuring of the body takes place. Although a teenager is no longer a child, adults cannot yet name him, which is why parental assistance in difficult situations during this period will help to overcome many problems and features of adolescence.

For boys, this is a difficult crisis period. And not only for the children themselves, but also for their parents. signs transitional age Boys are different, everyone has their own. Quite often, adults at this stage lose friendship and contact with adolescents. Parents need to communicate with them more often, as they may miss one of the most important points in raising a child. If adults are not near the boy during a very important period for him, then the teenager runs the risk of falling into bad company, which can result in addiction to alcohol, drugs and other unpleasant consequences.

You need to be able to hear your grown-up boy, empathize with his problems, help him mentally survive the difficulties. If parents know that they are right, you need to patiently explain to your child what his mistake is. Also try to make convincing evidence-based arguments. So the child will quickly trust his loved ones. If parents have to criticize their son, then a serious argument must be made so that he understands. You can’t put pressure on a teenager, it’s better to just ask for help, so he will quickly make concessions to adults. Reproaches and humiliation have a very strong effect on the psyche of the boy, so you can’t do this.

You should not compare your teenager with his friends. After all, he is, first of all, a person, individuality and does not have to be like other children. When parents communicate with their child, it is necessary to do it in a friendly tone, then he will trust them completely. Let the teenager control what he can. Therefore, it is worth giving your child the independence that he needs so much. However, if you notice any changes in the child's behavior (for example, his reaction to some things has become inadequate, he does not want to look you in the eye, etc.), then you need to think about this phenomenon very seriously. It is possible that there is a need to consult with a narcologist. After all, it is in adolescence that you want to try everything forbidden, without thinking about the consequences. And as you know, people get used to drugs very quickly, but it is almost impossible to quit this addiction without the help of a specialist.

A future man needs a father

When a boy begins adolescence, his father should be with him first of all. In order for a teenager to grow up as a worthy member of society, he needs to communicate with his dad as often as possible. The same, in turn, is obliged to set an example for his son. For a boy, this communication is very important. If the relationship between a teenager and his father does not go well, then the child develops psychological stress, incomprehensible aggression, which he will try to throw out on his mother or other family members.

Therefore, the father must try to make his son interested in communicating with him. At this age, a healthy lifestyle is simply necessary for a child. For this, it is necessary to organize for him sports activities, and also monitor nutrition (it must be balanced). Then the child will understand that with this lifestyle there is no place for drugs and alcohol.

In some cases, depression and inattention may be noticeable in a teenager. Education at this age, as a rule, goes to the last place. Psychologists say that adolescents' thinking becomes more developed, but they do not use it due to the fact that communication with peers is more important for them than with teachers.


The main problems of adolescence:

  • the teenager believes that his rights are infringed, so he restores them due to quarrels and scandals with his parents;
  • The child feels that he is being treated unfairly. As a result, he tries to prove that he is no longer small and can figure everything out on his own;
  • falling in love for him is now in the first place, and he doesn’t need his parents at all (as most teenagers think);
  • Suicidal thoughts often come to the mind of teenagers. Therefore, parents need to do everything so that their child gets this idea out of his head as soon as possible.

What is adolescence?

Mom and dad remember how their son, it seemed, quite recently reached out to them with his little hands, opened his toothless mouth, and today he has already become almost an adult man. What is adolescence transitional age? This is the period when the body begins to completely change physically and psychologically.

It is at this time that boys reach maturity, although they are still children. The age of growing up begins as early as 10 years old, but it ends differently for everyone, as a rule, at about 15-17 years old.

Physiological signs

Let's look at the sexual characteristics of adolescence in boys:

  • A thin voice turns into a rougher, more confident one, as a lot of male hormones appear.
  • The sexual organs are enlarged.
  • There is more hair all over the body, as well as on the face (beard and mustache).
  • Muscles increase.
  • Shoulders become wider.
  • Spontaneous ejaculation often occurs at night;
  • Pimples and blackheads appear on the back and on the face. Over time, they will disappear on their own. Although doctors recommend treating them so that there are no scars and scars in the future.

This is how boys show up. During this period or a little later, adolescents may enter into their first sexual relationship. Therefore, already an 11-year-old child needs to be explained what contraceptives are and how to use them.

The behavior of a teenager, as well as the character, changes dramatically. Many psychologists are sure that the characteristics of adolescence are very complex. Some experts say otherwise. In their opinion, if you behave with a child as it should be, be his friend, then everything happens in an easy form. And if parents begin to take better care of their teenager, then from an obedient and kind child he can become stubborn and rude. Arguing with adults becomes a habit for him. Scientists have identified common signs of adolescence in boys, but this happens individually for each child. Some earlier, others much later. The sexual development of boys can occur both very calmly and very rapidly, reflected in the character. Parents need to be vigilant in any case and behave in accordance with the evolving situation.

Psychological signs

What are the psychological signs of adolescence in boys? These include the following:

  • Teenagers are disposed to conflict situations; without rebellion, they cannot imagine their existence.
  • They react painfully to any situation, it seems to them that they have no friends, but their enemies (including their parents) surround them.
  • Adolescents underestimate self-esteem, and from this it becomes psychologically unbearable for them to live.
  • The opinions of adults at this age are not considered at all, but they will listen to their peers with pleasure.
  • They react very sharply to criticism, aggression appears, from which it becomes bad for everyone around them.
  • They only learn from their mistakes.
  • They are not afraid of suicide, they do not understand what pain they bring to relatives in their own words about the possibility of committing suicide.
  • They get angry at their parents if they control them.
  • They throw out all their negativity on others, defiantly stubborn. In addition, many children fight with adults not only with words, but also with the use of physical force.
  • They want love, understanding and attention from their parents. They desperately need help and moral support.

Each teenager has his own characteristics, both physiological and psychological. But you need to remember that they are still children. The age of 12-14 years is considered the most difficult and problematic, as the guys refuse to listen to any suggestions. Around the age of 17, they calm down and begin to perceive their importance in life. If the son lacks attention, love, care, then he takes it very painfully. He may become confident that he is indifferent to everyone. Therefore, parents are obliged to behave with the child in such a way that their child could not doubt their love.

Help mother

The problems of adolescence can be avoided, and the mother should help her child in many ways, surrounding him with love and care. The father, as a rule, does not nurse the child. Therefore, it is in adolescence that a child will not feel his affection and tenderness. Mom helps her son with her love and support, because now he urgently needs to feel needed. That is why parents need to be close to their teenage child. Of course, you should be friends with him, but do not be afraid to be strict if necessary. It is impossible that the child, as they say, "sat on the neck."

If which he considers serious, then the parents should be sensitive and understanding. It is impossible to laugh at his problems or feelings, as this can lead to the development of complexes. Note that when experts describe and physical development teenager, they mean the general direction. Therefore, parents need to take into account the individuality and character of their child.


Now you know the characteristics of adolescents, as well as what changes occur to him during the transition period. Be attentive to your children, surround them with love and care, and also respect their personality.