
How to wash a hat made of fur, wool and other materials. How to properly wash a hat at home. Is it possible to wash an army hat?


A fur hat can become quite dirty during wear. Dust and other dirty substances fall on it with wind and precipitation. Thick fur promotes the accumulation of dirt inside the product. To keep your hat looking beautiful, it needs to be cleaned periodically.

Ways and means

There are several reliable ways to remove dirt from fur products at home. Regardless of what kind of fur your hat is made of, cleaning it is quite simple. If there are no difficult old stains on the headdress, you can easily refresh a mouton, mink, raccoon or arctic fox hat.

There are two ways to clean a fur hat: mechanical and chemical. First, carefully examine the surface of the product and determine what type of cleaning the fur needs. If there are lumps of dirt, other contaminants, or tangled hairs, which is typical for fur with long pile (Arctic fox, raccoon, fox), you first need to carry out mechanical cleaning.

To do this, you need to use a special fur brush with stiff bristles. If the fur has fluff, for example, like that of the Arctic fox, a small amount of cotton wool is wrapped around the brush. This prevents hairs from being pulled out and allows for better cleaning of the product. This makes it easier to comb out lumps and other dirt.

To clean a mouton hat and other hats with short thick fur from dust at home, you can use the following method. You need to wet the gauze with water and squeeze it well. Then cover the hat with gauze and pat the underside with your hand. Dust accumulated in the pile will come out and settle on the damp fabric.

Then comb the mouton cap thoroughly with a special brush. To add shine, you can treat the fur with a 3% vinegar solution. Soak a cotton swab in it and walk over the surface of the headdress.

After you have superficially cleaned the hat, you can begin to remove stains and also clean the lining of the product. This can be done at home using simple folk remedies:

  • shampoo and other mild detergents;
  • salt and ammonia;
  • vinegar solution;
  • starch, talc;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • gasoline.

Cleansing folk ways

To clean a fur hat at home, you can use regular shampoo or other liquid detergent. Detergents for washing woolen products are well suited for this purpose.

Dissolve a little shampoo in a container of warm water until foam forms. Take a sponge and apply soap suds to it. Gently handle the fur of the hat with light movements. Then rinse off any remaining foam with a sponge soaked in clean water.

Processing must be carried out carefully so that water does not get on the base of the product. If the hat gets wet through, it may become deformed and lose its shape.

You can clean a fur product at home from dirt using salt and alcohol. Dissolve 80 g of salt in 200 ml of water. Pour 2 tablespoons of alcohol there. Stir the solution until the salt is completely dissolved and soak a cotton swab in it. With light movements, walk over the entire surface of the hat, removing dirt.

A solution of ammonia with hydrogen peroxide removes dirty substances from the surface of fur well. Mix a teaspoon of peroxide with a glass of warm water. Add a few drops of ammonia and stir. Apply the product to the product using a swab or spray bottle. After complete drying, comb the fur well.

Greasy and old stains from a fur hat can be removed by preparing a mixture of gasoline and potato starch. Pour a little gasoline into the container with starch to make a mushy mass. Then apply the mixture to the stain. Wait a while until the mixture dries. After this, shake the product and remove any remaining product.

A mouton hat can be removed from shiny and worn areas at home by treating it with gasoline. To do this, soak a cotton swab in gasoline and lightly wipe the problem areas with it. To remove the gasoline smell after treatment, you can sprinkle these areas with starch. Lightly rub the powder into the pile, wait until it dries, then shake and comb the fur.

Cleaning light-colored hats

If your fur hat is a light or white shade, it will develop a yellowish tint over time. Mouton, mink, and white fox caps can be removed from yellow plaque at home using folk remedies. A proven effective method is to clean white fur with potato starch or talcum powder. These substances perfectly absorb dirt and clean the pile.

Apply the powder to the entire surface of the headdress and rub it into the pile. Wait a few minutes, then shake the product well. Tap the back of the product with your hand to dislodge any remaining powder. Finally, comb the fur with a brush.

You can also return the snow-white hue to your headdress by using hydrogen peroxide. Dilute it with water in proportions 2:1. Wet a cotton swab with this mixture and carefully treat the surface of the pile with it. Hydrogen peroxide will remove the yellowish coating and refresh the appearance of the cap.

Remember that the fur product should be dried only naturally without the use of electrical appliances. Exposure to heat will damage the headdress.

Cleaning the lining

A fur hat gets dirty both outside and inside. If the inside of the hat is very dirty, the lining must be removed and washed separately. Carefully remove the lining fabric using small scissors or a blade so as not to damage the fur. The lining can be washed by hand in warm water. Then dry the fabric, iron it and sew it back.

If the lining of the hat is not very dirty, it can be carefully treated with a sponge soaked in a soap solution. Gently apply soap suds to the lining to prevent the base of the hat from getting wet. This will help eliminate not only dirt, but also unpleasant odors.

To avoid damaging your fur hat during the cleaning process, carefully read all the recommendations. Treat periodically to keep the item fresh and beautiful. Remove dirty stains from the surface of the product in a timely manner.

A headdress is a very noticeable piece of equipment, and therefore requires regular but careful cleaning. And to do this correctly, you can preserve the beauty of the product only by taking into account the material of the cap. In this article I will tell you how to wash clothes depending on their type.

First, let's look at which cleaning is preferable for knitted items. Here we focus on the label and type of yarn.

Washing a knitted hat

A knitted headdress gets dirty inside from hair and outside from dust. Therefore, it is recommended to wash the entire product. This is how it differs from a fur product, from which the lining is peeled off and washed separately from the fur.

You should first familiarize yourself with the markings on the label of the finished product or on the skein of yarn from which it was knitted. It is the manufacturer’s recommendations that are our priority when choosing a regime and powder. Although, for safety, you can wash any such clothing in a delicate cycle.

Tightly knitted strong threads will retain their shape even after being in the washing machine. However, fine hand-woven fabrics, like caps and berets, should be cleaned carefully. After all, the product can be deformed, stretched, or vice versa – “sit down”, or even fade.

When washing wool knitted hats, you absolutely cannot:

  • sharply change the water temperature;
  • use water above +40 degrees;
  • use powders that are not indicated in the instructions;
  • soak for a long time;
  • rub, twist, wash in places;
  • hang dry;
  • speed up drying with a hairdryer;
  • Apply the powder directly to the wool hat.

These prohibitions will preserve the newness of a woolen product even after numerous washes.

Reliable handcraft

Of course, such washing is safer, because the whole process is controlled by oneself.

  • In warm water (+30) with water, you need to dissolve the washing gel specifically for wool. However, baby shampoo (it does not contain unnecessary additives) or soap shavings will do. But the powder granules must dissolve completely, otherwise it is difficult to wash them out of the threads later.

It should be checked whether this detergent composition is suitable for this garment. You just need to dip a small part of the wrong side into the water for 3 minutes. If the water is not colored, then you can immerse the knitted hat completely for half an hour.

  • Next, do not rub, do not wrinkle it, so as not to stretch. Simply rinse under running water to remove the foaming solution.
  • Then just squeeze the hat - squeeze out the water so that the product does not lose its shape. And her remains to get wet with a terry towel.
  • It is better to dry the washed woolen thing in a ventilated place and only in a horizontal position. Turn frequently to dry evenly. But wool cannot be dried in the sun or a battery.

  • We dehydrate a mohair or fluffy woolen headdress for a couple of hours in the freezer, spreading it on a plastic bag. Then the frozen crystals are shaken off.

Delicate cashmere is cleaned only with your own hands, so as not to wash the shaping dublerin. Although if the label indicates the presence of synthetic threads and the cleaning conditions are specified, you can take a chance and immerse it in the washing machine. But if there is a “hand wash” program.

Rules for machine washing

Now I’ll tell you about the features of gentle and non-aggressive cleaning of a woolen garment in a washing machine:

  • Maximum water heating is 30 degrees. Otherwise, the change in temperature will cause the shape to be lost.
  • Only liquid preparation for wool is poured into the compartment.

  • Knitted items can be washed on the “wool” cycle, or better yet, on the “delicate” cycle. Turn off automatic spin!
  • After washing, leave the item in the drum for 5 minutes to drain the water.
  • Spread the cap on a dry towel on.

I note that natural wool takes almost 35 hours to dry. But at 40% humidity the room will dry out within a day. But no accelerating blows - shrinkage is possible!

You cannot wash a hat with long pile in a machine. Lint can clog the filters and drum, even if placed in a laundry net. The wool will also become very tangled and roll up unsightly on the hat. Therefore, if you don’t want to clean it manually, then it’s better to trust dry cleaning professionals.

Cleaning a pompom hat

A knitted headdress with the same thread pompom is washed as indicated on the product or yarn label, but in a laundry net. Once dry, gently fluff this piece with a clothes brush.

But how to wash hats with a fur pompom? This decoration must be torn off, and the garment itself must be washed according to the instructions on the label. Then sew the fur piece back on.

If it is impossible to rip it off, there is a way out - wrap the pompom in a plastic bag so that it does not get wet. Then, with careful hand washing and rinsing movements, only the knitted part is refreshed.

Since it is impossible to wash a hat with a fur pom-pom, we will clean the pom-pom itself with soap suds. Before that, a cold hairdryer will blow away the dust. By the way, 5% peroxide will renew the white fluff. And a brush moistened with it will carefully remove the top dirt.

The first time you clean it, you can sew on a button. Then later you just need to separate the pompom and the hat without tearing anything off. This is a very convenient solution for children's hats that often get dirty.

How to save a hat that is stretched after cleaning

I offer useful tips on what to do: if the hat after washing has stretched and become too big. After all, even woolen items with the addition of synthetics lose size.

Method 1: temperature contrast

  • Leave the stretched product in hot (60 degrees) water without powder for 10 minutes. At the same time, do not rub it, do not squeeze it.
  • Then pour it with cold water and also for 10 minutes. Indeed, in hot water, wool "sits down", and cold will fix this effect. However, in the "automatic" thing will decrease unevenly.
  • Without twisting, you need to press the cap with a towel and spread it on the second dry one, laying an oilcloth under it.
  • Next - give it the desired shape and leave to dry.

Method 2: hide the defect

The stretched cap should be sutured from the inside out or knitted along loose loops.

An elongated knitted headdress can be fashionably picked up at the back of the head, and pinned on the front with a brooch.

Cleaning a fur hat

Now about how to wash a fur hat. This process is specific, because natural fur shrinks from water, sheds, crumbles, and the glued areas diverge. The inner side (leather underside), when moistened, loses its elastic properties, so after drying it shrinks and cracks.

Professionals make a mink hat from properly stretched and chemically treated fur. Therefore, even from raindrops after drying, this skin shrinks. And the fur hardens and cracks, so you need to use a dry wash.

Dry wash

A hairdryer (its cold blowing) will free the contaminated fur item from dust. If you need to continue the cleansing process, then the steps are as follows:

  • lightly moisten the suede brush in clean water;
  • iron the pile with it;
  • When the fur dries, fluff it with a hairdryer.

For complex stains, use a homemade detergent. His recipe:

  • In a liter of water, it is good to dissolve 100 ml of vinegar and alcohol plus 10 ml of rinse aid, but specifically for wool.
  • Lightly moisten a brush or cloth with this mixture.
  • Iron the contaminated fur first in any direction, then in the direction of its growth.

Fur hats are cleaned with fresh snow in the cold. Then a minimum of moisture will be absorbed. This means that the headdress is not deformed. The main thing is to shake off the snow before it melts.

White fur is cleaned with 5% peroxide. It will restore shine and remove yellowness. You just need to moisten the cotton wool with it and iron the short pile against the growth, and the long one in its direction. Although the same moistened cotton wool can be threaded through the teeth of a comb and superficially combed out the soiled pile.

Cleaning with oatmeal (like any other) is an unsuccessful method. Even if you then shake out the hat dusted with it well, the remains will still collect in the thick fur at the base.

Yes, in the first days the hat will look even fluffier due to the presence of flour. But dust quickly sticks to this loose substance. And in a snowfall, the arctic fox will turn into a hedgehog - any flour contains gluten.

General cleaning of natural fur

So, mechanical washing of fur items is contraindicated.

  • You need to tear off the lining and wash it or sew a new one using this pattern.
  • Then refresh the pile with soap foam, which can be obtained from a washing composition for wool. Remember that moisturizing the base itself is unacceptable.
  • After cleansing manipulations, the fur base should be stuffed with paper, a towel, or placed on a jar. Just the right way to dry it.
  • After drying, the lining is sewn on.


Now, knowing all the methods for a specific material, you can move on to practical actions. After following all the recommendations, you will enjoy the freshness and cleanliness of your updated hat.

I also suggest watching the video in this article with visual tips. Ask all questions in the comments. Or maybe you have your own effective way? Please share!

Whether we like it or not, when the cold season comes, we have to take out a hat from the far corner of the closet and put it on when going outside. Naturally, the inside of the product will regularly get dirty from skin and hair. On the other hand, the top layer is also constantly polluted from exposure to the external environment. Therefore, one day the need for washing or cleaning inevitably comes. Along with this, the question arises of how to properly wash a fur hat and get rid of dirt. If you do not study the information about this and do not use it, but simply throw the product along with other things into the washing machine, then after drying it may become unwearable.

How to wash a knitted hat

If not washed correctly, a knitted hat tends to change in size: it will stretch or, on the contrary, shrink. But with a careful and careful approach, the item can retain its original appearance.

The first thing you need to know and consider is that it is not recommended to soak a wool hat. If there are stains, you should treat them with alcohol or a solution prepared before use, consisting of water and ammonia in equal proportions.

The water temperature should not exceed thirty degrees. A special detergent is dissolved in it, which is intended for washing wool items. Liquid detergents are also suitable in this case, since they not only do their main task well, but also will not spoil the shape and color of the product.

The hat is placed in water and gently washed with crumpling movements for two to three minutes. It is forbidden to rub it or twist it at the end, as otherwise the hat may stretch greatly and lose its attractive appearance.

After washing, rinse it in water at least four to five times until the liquid with it becomes clear.

During the last rinse, add a little fabric softener to the water and leave it in the basin for a quarter of an hour to drain excess water.

Under no circumstances should you dry a wool hat on warm or hot radiators or a rope. In the first case, there is a risk that the product will sit down, and in the second case, on the contrary, it will stretch. Dry it on a flat surface with a clean cloth or put it on a three-liter jar. You can also use a hairdryer.

The washing machine has a special "wool" mode. By setting it or another mode, “delicate wash”, and also setting it to thirty degrees, in principle, you can wash a knitted hat there too. In this case, spin should not be used. In extreme cases, you can leave the minimum speed.

How to wash a fur hat

Fur products look very impressive and beautiful. However, if you do not care for them correctly, then after a while the fur will lose its attractive appearance and fade. This is a clear sign that the item needs to be cleaned.

To remove minor dirt and dust, the product is simply cleaned, then ventilated and dried, preferably in the fresh air. Of course, it cannot be washed in the usual sense of the word. Natural adsorbents, for example, semolina and starch, cope well with dirt and dust.

They will clean a hat with light fur even better. Light particles pass freely into the pile and collect all the dirt. At the same time, they will not damage the color and structure of the fur in any way. Pour semolina or starch into the pile and carefully rub all areas as if they were being washed. At the end, shake the product and comb out the residue with a soft clothes brush. You can also use a vacuum cleaner for this purpose.

A more serious method must be used when global cleaning of the product is required. This is done as follows:

  1. It is necessary to tear off the lining. You can mark the places where it was sewn, so that later it will be easier to carefully sew it back. It is washed and ironed separately. If it has completely lost its appearance, then they sew a new one, trying it on with the old lining.
  2. They take the hat and turn it inside out, carefully examining it. If there are cracks, they need to be carefully mended and sealed with adhesive tape. Then they will serve properly for several more seasons.
  3. To clean, place a fur hat on a jar, dilute starch with gasoline until it reaches the consistency of a slurry, and rub in. After treating the surface, leave the hat for a quarter of an hour, after which the remnants of the used product are cleaned off with a brush. This must be repeated until pure starch remains.
  4. At the end, after thorough shaking and combing, the hat is dried in the fresh air, but so that direct sunlight does not reach it.

To make the fur shiny, it is wiped with glycerin and then combed.

If there are stains on the product, they are removed in different ways depending on what they were applied with.

If the cause is sweat, then a solution is needed, which is then used to wipe the stain. The recipe for its preparation is simple: a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of ammonia are mixed in five hundred milliliters of water.

Grease stains are wiped with a cloth soaked in gasoline. At the same time, if the product is short-haired, then you should move against the pile, and if it is long-haired, vice versa.

Yellowish spots on light-colored pile are sprayed with hydrogen peroxide with the addition of ammonia from a spray bottle, and then dried in the fresh air, even in the sun.

A mink hat can also be cleaned in several ways, depending on how dirty it is.

For cleaning, you can use regular shampoo. Then the product is wiped with soap foam, and then removed with a damp sponge. Instead of shampoo, you can use liquid soap or wool cleaner.

In this case, you need to be very careful so that the foam does not soak into the leather base. Otherwise, the hat risks being reduced in size after drying. In addition, getting wet too much will worsen the condition of the fur, making it tougher and the fibers less elastic.

If the specified cleaning products are not found, then you can use other available products found in every home that will also do an excellent job of the task. For example, salt and alcohol are used. To do this, prepare a solution in the following way:

  • A tablespoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of water;
  • add two tbsp. spoons of alcohol;
  • Wipe the hat with a brush or sponge.

They also use vinegar, soak a cotton pad in it and treat the item.

Glycerin will help restore the shine and fluffiness of the product, after processing which the fur is thoroughly combed.

When using any product, the product must be dried only naturally without the use of a hair dryer or other heating devices. It is best to do this outdoors, but in the shade so that direct sunlight does not fall on the hat. After drying the product, its pile is combed again.

The white hat will have to be cleaned more often than others, as it will get dirty faster. To prevent the color from fading and the fur from deteriorating, you need to know how to clean it.

In the city, the hat will in any case darken due to smog and dust. However, getting rid of this pollution is not at all difficult. You just need to sprinkle the pile with talcum powder, lightly rub in and leave for two to three hours. After this, the cap is shaken, and the remaining adsorbent is removed with a brush. Instead, you can use starch, semolina. Starch, by the way, is able to adsorb even greasy stains from oil.

With yellowed fur, hydrogen peroxide diluted in water will help. The surface of the hat is sprayed with the solution or treated with a moistened sponge, and then hung out to dry in the fresh air. This method will be effective for cleaning not only natural, but also artificial fur.

Knitted hats with a fur pompom look very cute and funny. Most often it is attached with tape to make it easy to remove for washing. One way or another, it is highly not recommended to wash the product with a pompom. If it is sewn, then it is better to cut it off, and after washing, attach it with tape.

The Arctic fox pom-pom can be cleaned with the following solution: dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia and three teaspoons of ordinary salt in five hundred milliliters of water. The fur is thoroughly moistened and then combed out.

The rabbit's pom-pom can be combed out with a comb, and the yellowness on the white fur will disappear if it is sprayed with hydrogen peroxide or moistened with vinegar.

In addition to wool and fur, there are other fabrics from which beautiful hats are sewn. In order for them to retain their attractive appearance for a long time, it is necessary:

  1. It is possible to wash a fleece product in a washing machine by setting the “delicate wash” mode, or even better, by hand in not hot water, adding a liquid detergent.
  2. Drying is done naturally.
  3. The white cap can be cleaned with starch or semolina with several repetitions.
  4. Hats with fluff need to be treated with special care: it is better to buy a special product for this or clean them with magnesium and aviation gasoline, sold at the pharmacy; Apply the solution with a sponge, being careful not to touch the lining, and after processing, shake the cap.
  5. The fur product is not washed at all so that it does not crack.

After washing, the hat is rinsed at room temperature without twisting. Excess water is removed by wrapping the product in a terry towel and then stretching it over a jar. You can stuff a towel into it to help the hat dry faster. When lumps form on the fur, they are removed with nail scissors. If the stains are too heavy, and if you cannot get rid of them yourself, it is better to take the hat to the dry cleaner.

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Washing a hat seems like nothing could be easier. I threw it in the washing machine, after half an hour I took it out almost dry, and it was done. Of course, this can be the case if the cap is made of acrylic. But a chic mink or a hat made of pure wool cannot be subjected to such a test. What to do? Let’s figure it out right here and now whether it’s possible to wash hats made from different materials.

Rules for knitted hats

Everyone wants their favorite knitted hat to last a long time, not deform, and not fade. This is possible subject to the following washing rules:

  • read the information about washing methods and the required temperature on the label on the inside of the hat or on the skein of yarn from which it was knitted;
  • It is not recommended to soak a hat, especially a woolen one. Serious stains can be treated separately with alcohol or ammonia in half with water;
  • it is better to wash a knitted hat with a liquid agent, and wool with a special agent for such products;
  • water temperature - no more than 30 degrees;
  • Do not rub or twist the hat, otherwise it will become deformed;
  • rinse 3-4 times, adding conditioner at the end. The hat is not squeezed out, but left in a basin or on a wire rack to let the water drain;
  • dry at room temperature, you can put it on a three-liter jar;
  • When washing in a machine, do not use the spin mode;
  • finely knitted items, such as caps, berets, are not recommended for machine washing. Should be carefully cleaned by hand, especially items with fur.

How to clean a wool hat

Wool products are very difficult to use and clean. Wool can roll, the shape of the product is deformed from hot water and improper drying. Therefore, you should follow the necessary recommendations for washing such products, including mohair hats, drapes and even felt sauna hats:

  • Hand wash in warm water is recommended;
  • use special wool washing products or laundry soap shavings;
  • turn the hat inside out and soak in the washing solution for half an hour, checking first that it does not fade;
  • rinse in cool water, gently scrunching and turning the hat several times. Gently squeeze out the bulk of the moisture and wrap it in a soft towel that will absorb the remaining moisture;
  • Dry on a flat horizontal surface in the shade at room temperature. The room must be ventilated (balcony, terrace).


Caring for a fur hat

Natural fur does not tolerate water; it can crumble, shed, or lose its shape. The fur can shrink and crack, so you should not wash a fur hat in a machine, or even by hand. There are only special cleaning methods for fur. It is advisable to remove the lining and wash it separately. To regularly remove dust and small splashes of dirt, it is enough to iron the pile of the hat with a damp brush and fluff it with a hair dryer.

For more serious cleaning, consider the step-by-step instructions:

  • inspect the cap and seal or mend the cracks;
  • Cover the fur with some sorbent substance that will collect all the dirt. It can be warm starch, wheat bran, semolina. They must be rubbed into the fur pile, distributed throughout the pile in a circular motion, lightly rubbed;
  • remove the sorbent with a brush or vacuum cleaner, comb the fur with a sparse comb and then shake the hat. You can repeat this procedure several times;
  • dry in the shade in the fresh air (balcony, veranda) away from heating;
  • Attach the lining back to the hat.

Important. It is impossible to use flour as a sorbent, dust sticks to it, and if moisture gets in, everything sticks together, since there is gluten in the flour.

If the fur has turned yellow

If the hat is heavily soiled, turned yellow, deep cleaning with a special solution is required. Let's consider suitable solutions and cleaning technologies:

  • make a paste from equal parts of starch and refined gasoline, rub it into the product, clean it with a brush after half an hour;
  • Dilute hydrogen peroxide half and half with water. Soak a cotton pad with this solution and iron the pile, you can spray it with a spray bottle;
  • combine magnesia powder and purified light gasoline in equal amounts, soak the sponge with this solution. Apply to the fur, leave for half an hour, then shake the hat;
  • mix alcohol (100 ml) and rinse aid (10 ml) in a liter of water, wet a brush or napkin with this solution and iron the fur.

Popular textiles

Hats made of different variations of faux fur are quite popular and in demand among all ages, as they are inexpensive, quite comfortable, and warm. Externally, they are often as spectacular as those made from natural fur. This material does not tolerate high temperatures, it is deformed, the shine and smoothness of the pile disappear.

If a hat made of this type of textile does not contain elements made of natural fur, it can be washed in a machine, observing the following conditions:

  • wash in lukewarm water;
  • use special liquid detergents for wool;
  • spin mode - no more than 800 rpm;
  • dry in the shade, away from heating;
  • After drying, it should be combed well.

The main thing is details

Whether a hat with a pompom can be washed depends on the material of the product. A fur pompom is not subject to any washing, so you can wash a hat with a fur pompom only by unfastening it from the hat. You can attach the pompom back with ribbon or thread. Or you can sew a button so that you can easily separate them in the future. If it is impossible to open the pom-pom, it is placed in a waterproof bag, tightly tying the hole. In this case, only the knitted part of the hat will be washed.

  • a knitted hat with the same thread pom-pom is washed according to the manufacturer’s recommendation on the product label; it is advisable to place the hat in a laundry net, and after drying, fluff the pom-pom with a brush;
  • a fur pompom can be cleaned with soap foam or 5% hydrogen peroxide, and combed carefully with a damp brush;
  • moisten a pom-pom from an arctic fox with a solution of ammonia (1 tsp), ordinary table salt (3 tsp) in half a liter of water;
  • rabbit fur pompom. You can remove yellowness by spraying with hydrogen peroxide or table vinegar and thoroughly combing with a wooden brush or comb.

It is better to air dry the pompom in the shade. It is not recommended to wash painted pompoms, just clean them.

Bottom line. If the hat is not consumer goods, but an expensive product in every sense, one question needs to be resolved - will it be possible to properly clean it at home, after which you won’t have to run for a new hat. After all, there is professional cleaning if in doubt.

Wearing a hat every day leads to contamination not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The reason for this is not always clean hair and constantly secreted particles of sebum and sweat from the scalp, which accumulate on the inner surface of the hat. This leads to the appearance and proliferation of harmful bacteria, which causes a person’s hair to become dirty faster, dandruff to form, and in some cases, alopecia (baldness) may even occur.

Therefore, it is very important to properly care for your hat and clean it on time. This will not only extend the life of the product, but will also protect against the above problems.

In order to clean the inside of a hat, you don’t need to go to the dry cleaner and pay a lot of money. You can do all these procedures at home, and the result will not be worse at all. You just need to use the tips below and know what means you can use for this.

Each hat needs its own cleaning

First, let's figure out which hat we will clean. After all, each headdress requires a special approach. For example:

  • You can simply wash a regular wool hat by hand in warm water.
  • A felt hat can be cleaned with a steam cleaner and a brush, and if there are small greasy stains on the inside or outside, they can be easily removed with a cotton pad dipped in a small amount of gasoline or ordinary medical alcohol.
  • In no case is it recommended to wash a leather hat, as the skin loses its tannins due to washing. In this case, an ordinary bulb will help you, it perfectly absorbs the remnants of dirt and adds shine. Just wipe the hat with a piece of onion until it darkens, then replace it with a new one. Then leave the product for 5 hours so that the unpleasant smell of onions disappears.

How to clean the lining of a fur hat

The most difficult to care for is a fur hat. Even if the fur looks good on top, the lining tends to get dirty much faster and more strongly.

If there are minor stains, use the same rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad and gently rub the stains until they disappear. To refresh the lining, turn the hat inside out, put it on a three-liter jar and clean your hat with a sponge and soapy water. Then leave it to dry there on the jar so that it does not lose its shape.

The most effective way to bring the lining to the appropriate form is to remove it and wash it. Therefore, arm yourself with scissors and a blade and gently rip it off, and do not forget to mark the places where it was attached with colored threads or chalk so that you can sew it correctly later.

After you have torn off the lining, wash it thoroughly and send it to dry, and examine the internal state of the fur yourself. If small holes or cracks are found on it, we advise you to sew them up with cotton thread, and then stick a plaster on this place, which should be wider than the gap.

To make the fur shiny, brush it with a wire brush with frequent fine teeth, this will help get rid of small grains of dirt between the hairs. Then make a paste from a mixture of potato starch and kerosene, and apply this paste to the fur against the grain, leave it for a while, during which the starch has absorbed excess dirt and iron the headdress in the direction of the pile, then shake well. A solution of salt, water and alcohol will also work well to remove contamination. To do this, dissolve three tablespoons of alcohol and one tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and use a brush to clean the headdress from the outside and inside. For hats made of light fur, cleaning with semolina or talc works well.

By the time you do all these manipulations, the lining will probably already be dry after washing. All you have to do is carefully sew it in place, and your fur hat is like new, both outside and inside!

And if you still decide to dry-clean your hat, then it’s worth considering that the fur product can withstand only 6 such procedures. Therefore, in order for your hat to serve you as long as possible, try to have it dry cleaned no more than once a season. And you can clean it at home, both outside and inside, much more often, as soon as the need arises.