
Where do the socks go from the washing machine and how to avoid it! Where do the socks go from the washing machine? Where do the socks go?


However, in the world there is still a lot of unexplained, inexplicable from the point of view of formal logic and official science. Over the solution of some of the phenomena, the heads of the high-browed wise men of future generations have yet to break their heads.

For example, socks. It would seem that for many centuries that this artifact for everyday use is adjacent to us, one could study it thoroughly. But no. Socks continue to amaze the imagination with their amazing properties.

I assume that socks are only partly related to objects in our world. They really belong to another parallel universe where they periodically fall through the boundaries of space and time. How else to explain the mysterious disappearances familiar to every sock owner: in the evening you take them off carefully, and in the morning you discover the loss of one, and in some cases both socks (is this not related to the activity of sunspots or the phases of the moon?).

The following fact does not lend itself to scientific explanation: you put 10 pairs into the washing machine, and you take out 5 pairs plus 7 pieces of scattered socks that do not fit together. David Copperfield is said to have struggled with this trick for several years and retreated in annoyance without obtaining a clear result.

What physical (metaphysical?) Laws explain the sudden and unprovoked movement of socks within the space of the apartment? You leave, for example, near the bed, and after a while you find them in the closet. You put it in the closet - socks are found in the bathroom. You throw it off in the bathroom - and ... it's even scary to imagine where they will be next time.

Let's turn to history. The first prototypes of this garment were found on Egyptian mummies. Of course, you can associate the wearing of socks with the death of the pharaoh, or not, but you certainly need to take note of the fact. As well as the historical evidence - the wisest people of their time Socrates, Sun Tzu and Gautama Buddha did not wear socks. Accident, you say? Coincidence? Nothing in the world is accidental, friends.

It is known that the medieval alchemist Giacomo Piazzo (1434 - 1507) showed close attention to the mysterious properties of socks. He studied the object throughout his life and conducted several thousand extremely deep and thoughtful experiments. Piazzo exposed the socks to various chemical compounds. The composition included sulfur and the blood of flying dogs. Mercury and bile of the Balkan boar. Essential oil orchids and the secretions of Moroccan spiders.

The scientist drowned socks in the sea, tested them with fire and cold, destroyed their structure by hundreds different ways... A description of the experience has come down to our time, where Piazzo sends one sock on a passing brigantine to Mesopotamia, and the other with a caravan of merchants to the Basque country. True, the end of the experiment remained hidden from us in the darkness of time.

And if you, friends, decide to continue the work of the great alchemist and decide to conduct experiments on your own, be careful, please. Do not joke with things whose physical, neurochemical and astrological properties are not fully understood. Take care of yourself.

Harmony to you - with yourself and the mysterious world of socks!

About mystically disappearing things. Of course, the vast majority of the missing have no mysterious background. Things are lost, forgotten, stolen. But who needs your worn socks? This is where it is difficult to suspect malicious intent! But they disappear, I confirm. The main thing is to think sensibly. The conspiracy of brownies leaving the owners barefoot is too extravagant a version even for my blog. Let's consider all the facets of the strange phenomenon. There are special situations, yes. Mystical stories happen, but not out of the blue. Mikhail wrote to me two years ago. He spent the night at the apartment of an unfamiliar girl, and in the morning he drove home without socks, which disappeared in an incomprehensible way.

“I am tormented by one question. I met a girl, socks disappeared in the morning, they examined the whole apartment. She has a two-room apartment, not large, no pets. So it is not a pity for them, but a fact. Why such a loss? "

Stories of this kind are not uncommon. Cheating, empty lustful relationships, frivolous attitude to sex are considered sinful. There is no need to be overconfident and think that such views are outdated. Morality and decency are the basis of human existence, because we do not live alone. Why such a loss? I think Mikhail himself knows. To the fact that you need to change. Build relationships, start a family. Otherwise, anxiety will grow. You are undressing in someone else's apartment with another random lady and you don't know what otherworldly forces will leave you in the morning. Not fun. The site is often visited for such requests, when adultery and casual sex are accompanied by frightening mystical incidents: icons fall, a knock is heard at the window, things disappear. One girl was surprised that every time she slept married lover, the wall clock stops.

“Even before the wedding, my husband and I were doing this ... As usual, clothes are in different corners. After the disgrace we dress, his sock is gone. Well, nowhere. He had to go home in my brother's socks. At home, his grandmother says: "What are these socks, you didn’t have these, they conjured it up on you!" I went and burned them. And these socks were the best of my brother, and laughter and sin. Sorry for socks. Then I found his sock in the next room under the linoleum. And she did not burn it, but washed it and returned it. "

In this one can see the tricks of the brownie, the warning of the spirits (to personify the phenomenon). Or just energy, which shows that the situation is wrong. The sock is associated with the sexual sphere of relationships. Can you guess what it looks like? Therefore, such stories are often associated with sex. Here on last week again there was a request: "The brownie stole a lover's sock." This kind of story happens with panties, tights, any underwear.

“Maybe not exactly about socks, about tights. Once my then young man and I were drinking wine and a wild desire overwhelmed us, and since there were still people in the apartment, we retired in the bedroom, closed the door. In wild ecstasy, they began to throw off their clothes, then it is clear what they did. Having satisfied their base instincts, we thought it was time to go to the people and began to dress. There were no tights! We searched the whole room, climbed under the sofa, into the cupboards and even looked at the chandelier. No. Well, okay, I dressed without tights, fortunately, there were pants. We sat with the people, I was impatient to use the toilet. What do I see! In the corridor, picturesquely wound on a box of potatoes, hang my tights! Well, where did they come from ??? We did not leave the room, no one came to us, maybe they themselves ran away, ashamed of the sight? Some kind of poltergeist.

Where do the socks disappear in the apartment?

Socks have a place to disappear. There are many places in the apartments where you can find them over time. I myself just put my lonely socks in a special bag. V a large family losing something is a common thing. And once a year I put my lost socks in pairs. Solitaire adds up to 80-90%! Here are a bunch of other comments on this tricky topic. Find out EVERYTHING about missing socks)

“I fasten the socks in pairs with plastic clothespins, with them in the washing machine, in the dryer and in the dresser. Now I don’t know grief either with the disassembly of the socks, or with their “steaming”.

“We still have a car of the old owners. Stopped draining after a short time. The drain could not be opened. The master was summoned. Children's sock, bust bone and stiletto heels. And five rubles as a gift. The master left in shock. "

“I have an elastic band that tightens next to the door. I found 2 more candy wrappers and a pack of the orbit, apparently, it fell out of my pocket or the child shoved it. "

“At my acquaintances, the dog used to carry socks. Wherever he sees socks, one will definitely take them away. "

“Mom told me. She was still small, her father and brothers could not find the socks they had left since the evening in the morning. And so every morning, no, that's all. And nobody took it. Until the grandfather showed ingenuity: he tied a string to his socks, and in the morning they found along the string ... a rat mink. Frozen, poor fellow, so she was insulated. "

"And my cat loves to carry his son's socks, hides it under the pillow, buries it in the duvet cover, drags it on the wall, etc."

“Once, in stagnant times, I hung my socks over the stove to dry (silly, but I was young). And one sock was missing. Then I found it. In a teapot closed with a lid. I don’t remember if we drank tea before this find. ”

“In a month, up to 5 pairs of socks disappeared:“ What is it! ” And only when I took out another clean duvet cover to replace, did I find a sock house in it ”.

“The socks are after the second wash. It turns out that a couple of socks got stuck in the drum, and after the next wash with large items they would pop out and re-wash. Believe in science and technology! "

“Yesterday we came back from a walk, my daughter got dirty in her jacket. I threw everything into the typewriter. I take it out to hang, but there is no sock. Once again the drum got in and checked. No. I already looked behind the gum. No. I revised everything around. After the third shaking of the washed things, the sock was found. Stuck in my pants. "

“I was thinking about the brownie, right socks and slippers are constantly disappearing…. I take off the sock, it curls into a ball, and I put 2 balls by the bed ... in the morning there is always no right one. And at night she burned, these are my cats tying, playing and rolling behind the sofa, there is no way to get out of there, so we neigh! And the sneakers, apparently, are carried by the dogs, the sneakers are usually in the corridor or in the kitchen, but I don’t understand why the right ones are dragging ”.

“My boss's husband and son steal each other's socks. On a dark night they go to work. She constantly knocks them at the battery. "

“I used to drag my dad out of the drawer in the morning before school. He always had a lot of them and they are all cool. Our size difference is insignificant: I have 39, he has 41 ".

Household reasons for the disappearance of socks in the apartment

  1. Collected by other family members and carried by themselves.
  2. Children or pets hide.
  3. Remain in the drum washing machine or under a rubber cuff.
  4. Get into the filter.
  5. Crammed into pillowcases and duvet covers.
  6. Fall over the battery.
  7. Fall from the balcony.
  8. Find themselves under the sofa and bed.

The question of where the socks disappear in the washing machine is of concern not only to housewives and mothers. This problem has long been occupied by many scientists who put forward the most diverse and even incredible versions.

At the same time, the versions that socks are converted into energy or disappear in a parallel world are no longer even considered by serious scientists. There are significantly more supporters of the theory that socks are much more often moved through the drain hole to the filter mesh of the washing machine and wait until they are surprised to be found there.

Very often, by the way, socks and other small things become the cause of the breakdown, described in, when the washing machine does not drain. We advise you to read, because other possible reasons are described there.

Modern washing machines do not consume socks

This phenomenon is known primarily from older models of washing machines. New washing machines - and this is emphasized by some large manufacturers of such equipment in their advertisements - do not have a tendency to swallow and hide socks: if you put 1 pair of socks and the same amount of stockings in the wash, you will get the same amount at the exit. Washed and fresh!

You can read a lot of tips, for example, put socks in special bags for washing. This will help avoid a long search for your favorite sock after washing inside the machine, on a filter or in the drain. It also happens that the master caused by the breakdown of the washing machine pulls out a twisted sock from the drain hose of the machine, or even two.

If the sock somehow leaked there and prevents water from escaping, the consequence of such a blockage is almost one hundred percent a flood in the bathroom or kitchen and a call to the masters. And there is no technical defect, but only an incorrectly positioned toe. But this entails significant costs - not only for cleaning the drain, but also for eliminating the results of the flood caused by the toe.

Socks don't dissolve in the air

Unlike some opinions, socks do not dissolve in water or air during washing. Even if we are talking about very thin stockings, they cannot dissolve in any way and, accordingly, disappear without a trace in the washing machine. But what happens to socks disappearing without a trace and where do they end up from the wash, this, perhaps, will remain a mystery that will not be able to unravel in the coming decades. And all because all the magic of washing happens behind a closed hatch, which is often, by the way, when trouble happens to the washing machine.

Of course, there are also completely mundane assumptions that the allegedly missing socks simply do not reach the wash: they get lost on the way to the car, are dragged somewhere by pets, or really "crawl" into the drain filter. Be that as it may, materialistic science should triumph: our socks do not fall into other dimensions, and they do not turn into energy!

Well, if you find a shortage of socks after washing and no breakages happened, be on the alert! After all, it is likely that, God forbid, this can cause a breakdown in the future. If a breakdown occurs, then feel free to contact our workshop, we will solve your problem quickly and efficiently.

Call now by phone in Kiev 383 90 60 to call an experienced craftsman at home to repair the washing machine!

© Any reprinting of this article, as well as partial or full use of materials (information) from it in any form, is permitted only with a direct link to our website

Now let's talk about serious things. Yes, yes, because the regular, but always sudden disappearance of socks is one of the main reasons for stress among city dwellers. And even the interest in the murder of Laura Palmer cannot be compared with the interest in this mystery: where do they go?

The Moscow 24 portal tried to understand the main reasons for the year-round migration of socks and decide what to do about it.

Who's guilty

Probably, each of us has our own fantastic story of the disappearance of the sock (or even the whole pair). Gathering many years of experience, we will analyze the most realistic versions of the loss and possible location.

Laundry basket

Let's start with a simpler option. Check the bottom of the laundry basket frequently. Very often, it is there that small (and sometimes not very - up to T-shirts) items of clothing disappear forever. The risk of falling into this category is especially high for those who, due to being busy (well, or ordinary laziness), wash less often two or three times a week and constantly save up mountains of linen until X-day.

Cats / dogs / others like them

Those who have been living with pets for several years know perfectly well that for cats and dogs, everything that lies badly automatically becomes a toy. So, once again leaving the socks in a not entirely legal place, do not be surprised if you manage to find a second sock for your favorite pair only in three years. Under the skirting board. When moving.

Drawer in the closet

Another "devourer" of socks is rightfully considered the drawer in the closet where you, in fact, keep your sock collection. And God forbid, if you do not observe the ideal order there: when the socks are simply piled up in a pile, they will periodically roll over the edge of the box when opening / closing. I mean from the side of the wall.


Something that people who travel often come across. And we are talking about the dacha as well. If at some point you realize that you have significantly fewer socks, and some of the "survivors" are still without a pair, just check the bags with which you usually go on a trip. Perhaps it is there that the missing copies are trying to sink into oblivion.

Washed linen

And there they can hide too. Take a closer look at duvet covers and pillowcases after washing and drying: it is possible that the sock got there after the "Spin" mode.

Washing machine

The most popular and insidious option. Everything is simple here: when washing, small items of clothing at some point can get under the rubber seal of the machine. If all of the above points in your search did not help, try checking the "secret hideout" under the rim of the washer. Just in a fit of passion, remember: not a single sock is worth the subsequent repair of household appliances - be careful.

Alternative theories of extinction

Usually desperate citizens end up settling on them. What is meant? Beautiful romance: brownies, aliens, interdimensional portals that suddenly opened in the apartment ... So you always have a choice of whose theory to accept (just first check our more realistic assumptions - you see, aliens will not come in handy).

What to do

Believe it or not, there are methods to combat this worldwide sock uprising. Boring, but they work:

- do not be lazy to store socks in one place and preferably in order. Not thrown sock - not lost sock;

- if your washing machine really eats things, wash your socks in a special mesh bag;

- do not overload the laundry basket, wash more often;

- the simplest advice: buy a year's set of socks for every day. And you will be happy.

Where the socks disappear or how the brownie was looking for his house.
Once upon a time there was a brownie. So small, funny. Never did anything wrong to anyone.
He had a job. Strange truth, work. But every work is work. Although he was small, he cleansed the houses of all bad thoughts.
It happens to climb into the house, look around, listen. How many terrible thoughts are flying in this house. The brownie will wait when people go to sleep and then his work begins. He finds socks in the house and takes one of the pair. so that no one would think that socks disappear and stuffs this sock with all sorts of dirty and terrible human thoughts and takes away from people. And this is how the brownie works every night, cleaning and cleaning people's apartments, as far as possible.
True, he also had his weaknesses. He was very fond of chocolate and all kinds of sweets, kindness and love. And he wanted to live only in the house where it all was.
He liked to bask in the steam of warm kitchen food and to have fun with music at home. To dance with people from the bottom of his house soul.
So he went from house to house and he was tired of his work. He decided to find a house for himself and acquire warmth. He wanted to rest after work and listen to good thoughts.
He visited one house - there is dancing, there is no smell of food; he visited another - it seems that there is food, but they have not been dancing there for a long time. And he wanted to get into the house with good thoughts.
So he wandered, wandered. How many clothes I changed, I wore off my boot, all working and hoping to find rest.
One day he sees a brownie standing such a nondescript, grayish house. But around him the birds are singing and the flowers are growing. He wandered into that house to see what was happening there. Whoever lives in this house may find shelter there. He hears music and plays there and someone sings a song. And the girl is dancing there. Both fun and love live in that house.
The breeze blows dust off the windowsills. The rain is pouring over the flowers. And the kitchen smells like food. And the girl is so cheerful, if she doesn’t sing, then she’s busy with something all the time.
I waited for the brownie night to do my usual work, to collect bad thoughts. Found a sock, stretched it out, sits and waits. When these bad thoughts will fill his sock. And the sock is still empty and empty. I looked around the brownie to see if stray thoughts were flying around the room and didn’t find it. He was very surprised, he even crawled into his sock with his little pen, and suddenly some little thought crept into the sock. But alas, there was nothing there either. The brownie was very confused, even a frost ran through his body.
“Have I really found a place, a house that will serve me as a rest?” The brownie whispered with trepidation.
He put the girl's sock in place and smoothed it, as if he had not touched it.
And the brownie remained to live in this house. He works at night, and rests during the day, watching the girl. He really likes this girl. Sometimes he really plays a little bit. Either he bites off a piece of chocolate, then scatters the bread crumbs, or teases the girl with the dog. When the dog starts barking into the void, he gets a thrashing from the girl. The girl does not see that these are the tricks of the brownie.
Well, all people who have lost one sock, pay attention to your thoughts. by secret... The more socks go missing, the harder he has to work.
Believe it or not. Of course, everyone has their own brownie at home, or maybe that's all, just fictions about brownies ...