
Dangerous adventures in a parallel universe. Watch Online Dangerous Adventures in Parallel Reality HD


Kazuki Yotsuga, day after day, becomes an unwitting witness to the battles of robots. Moreover, you have to dodge the explosions. He does not forget to write about all this in his blog. Only here's the bad luck: no one but him sees all this. For which he is known as an eccentric, at whom the whole school makes fun. Everything changes on the day when school beauty Mitsuki Sanada invites him to her home. To his surprise, she believes him and doesn't think he's crazy. He even introduces his father, scientist Ken Sanada, who explains that everything seen is not hallucinations, but events taking place in a parallel world. And he asks to conduct a series of tests on him. But as a result of a fatal mistake, Kazuki finds himself in another world and falls into the heart of the battle, where he tries to save the pilot of one of the robots. Soon Kazuki realizes that it will be possible to return home only if he manages to end the war, which has been dragging on in this world for more than one year.

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Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure (Jap. デュアル! ぱられルンルン物語 Dewar! Parare Runrun Monogatari) - anime directed by Katsuhito Akiyama, released in 1999. As described in a review by Anime News Network, this anime is what you get when you take Tenchi from Tenchi Muyo! "And give him a robot from Evangelion. At the same time, the robots in this anime look and move exactly the same as the Evangelions.

Plot [ | ]

The main character, Kazuki, suffers from hallucinations - he regularly sees huge robots and their battles, and he has to dodge explosions that only he sees. Due to the fact that he describes his visions on the Internet, the father of the main character, Mitsuki Sanada, Ken Sanada, became interested in him. According to his theory, there is a parallel world, which Kazuki sees for some unknown reason. To prove this theory, he wants from Kazuki to a parallel world. After Mitsuki accidentally sits on the lever of a machine invented by Ken, Kazuki is indeed transported to a parallel world, where there is a war in which robots built using alien technology are involved. Since Ken from a parallel world leads one of the warring parties, he does not have time to complete the research necessary for Kazuki's return. Since Ken will be able to find a way to transfer Kazuki to his homeworld only after the end of the war, Kazuki has to take part in it and become a pilot of one of the robots.

To explain to Kazuki's parents he and Mitsuki's sudden disappearance from their homeworld, Ken came up with the legend that the teenagers ran away from home together. In a parallel world, neither Kazuki nor Mitsuki existed, and their parents were childless. Since they had nowhere to go, and Ken could not return them to their homeworld, he settled them in his home. To explain to those around them their cohabitation, Kazuki was announced younger brother Mitsuki, Kazuki Sanada, and Mitsuki herself is Ken's daughter. Later, all the other pilots moved into Can's house, without any explanation for those around them.

Characters (edit) [ | ]

Kazuki Yotsuga (Japanese 四 加 一 樹 Yotsuga Kazuki) - main character... Due to the fact that he constantly dodges explosions that no one else can see, Kazuki is a school celebrity. Being transported through the fault of Mitsuki to a parallel world, he found himself in the center of a battle between two robots. In this battle, he accidentally took the place of the wounded Yayoi and was able to launch her robot. Although it was previously believed that a man cannot control such robots in principle, in battle Kazuki showed excellent skills. At the same time, his level of "life sympathy" (Japanese ラ イ フ シ ン パ シ イ Raifu Sinpasii) turned out to be negative, which was also previously considered impossible. Thanks to his unique pilot skills, he was invited to join the ongoing war, to which he agreed without much hesitation. Since in a parallel world Mitsuki became as popular as in home world, Kazuki, declared her younger brother, has to constantly face her fans who want to buy a dinner made by the hands of their passion or send a love letter through Kazuki.

As it is later revealed, in a parallel world, Kazuki's counterpart is the robot Zinv. Due to Kazuki's connection with alien technology, each of his battles destroys the border between the worlds and if you do not destroy either technology or Kazuki, then both worlds will perish. After the destruction of Zinwa, Kazuki was transported to a new parallel world. In this world, his parents left ten years ago, and for this reason he himself remained to live in Can's house and was still surrounded by the same girls as in the previous parallel world.

Seiyuu: Takayuki Yamaguchi

Mitsuki Sanada (Japanese 真 田 三月 Sanada Mitsuki) - main character. Mitsuki is friendly to Kazuki, jealous of the other girls and, if possible, tries to prevent the development of a romantic relationship between them and his newfound "brother". However, she herself does not make any attempts to develop a romantic relationship with Kazuki. Usually friendly and calm. However, she may be temporarily infuriated by such actions of her father as moving into the house of another neighbor or declaring her and Kazuki as relatives. For unknown reasons, when traveling between worlds at the same time as Kazuki, she always arrives at the place a month before him. Once in a parallel world, she, like Kazuki, agreed to become a pilot in order to speed up her return home. After settling in Ken's house as his daughter, Mitsuki took over all the cooking and began to vigilantly monitor the quality of food living in the house. As a result, Ken and Kazuki were forced to eat their favorite instant noodles at night, secretly from her. Despite the fact that Mitsuki is constantly jealous of the girls around Kazuki and the fact that in the world that emerged after the destruction of Zinwa, Kazuki's neighbors did not disappear, she recognized this new world great.

Seiyuu: Rie Tanaka

Ken Sanada (Japanese 真 田 賢 Sanada Ken) - Mitsuki's father. In the original world, a scientist whose theories no one recognizes. In a parallel reality, he is the commander of the Earth defense forces, as a result of which he no longer has time for science. At the same time, in both worlds he behaves like a madman.

Seiyuu: Ryunosuke Obayashi

Di (Japanese デ ィ ー Di:) - an alien found in an alien artifact and one of the pilots. Although her original body could not be saved, scientists were able to recreate a new one. In place of her left eye is her astral body, which looks like a luminous ball. She is poorly versed in the feelings of people and is forced to live in an artificial body, since her real body cannot exist for a long time on such a primitive planet like Earth. Ken put Di in the same room as Kazuki, explaining that so she can feel new emotions. Nevertheless, the outraged Mitsuki divided the room with a partition and it turned out that Di lived in the room next to Kazuki. Falling in love with Kazuki, Di gave up technology and returned to her original body. In the world that emerged after the destruction of Zinwa, she became Ken's adopted daughter and acquired a body that allowed her to fully live on Earth.

Seiyuu: Ai Uchikawa

Yayoi Shvael (Japanese 弥 生 ・ シ ュ バ エ ル Yayoi Shubaeru) - the original pilot of the first robot, which was later piloted by Kazuki. She fell in love with Kazuki after he saved her. Like other pilots, she eventually settled in Ken's house. She also became a teacher in his class. The fact that, in addition to a sister like Mitsuki, Kazuki received the attention of a teacher like Yayoi only increased the envy of other students towards him. In the world that emerged after the destruction of Zinwa, Yayoi became Kazuki's teacher, constantly visiting his home for breakfast.

Seiyuu: Chie Nakamura

Mitsuki Rara (Japanese 羅 螺 み つ き Rara Mitsuki) - the representative and mascot of the Rara army, as well as Mitsuki Sanada's double in a parallel world. During television appearances, she behaves provocatively and dresses appropriately. Nevertheless, on close acquaintance with Kazuki, it turned out that in fact she has a kind and gentle character, and she is shy about her role as "Miss Rara" and participates in regular performances solely to end the war faster. Like other girls, she is in love with Kazuki and soon after meeting him, she switched to his side. In the world that emerged after the destruction of Zinwa, he suffers from sleepwalking and finds himself in Dee's bed, then in Kazuki's bed.

Seiyuu: Megumi Toyoguchi

Ayuko Rara (Japanese 羅 螺 鮎 子 Rara Ayuko) - in the original world, Ken's wife escaped from him. In a parallel world - Hiroshi Rara's wife. Since her husband went bankrupt in a parallel world and was able to continue his work only due to Ayuko's financial assistance, Ayuko pushes them around as he wants. For his own purposes, he does not disdain by any means, including without hesitation ready to "brainwash" her own daughter. After it was revealed that Zinwa had successfully survived self-destruction, Ayuko tried to put her daughter in bed with Kazuki so that through her she could influence him and use Zinwa for a new war.

Dangerous adventures in parallel reality for free in good quality

Director: Akiyama Katsuhito

Release date: 1999

Time: Series ~ 00:25:00

Genre: 90s , Foreign , Animated series , Adventures , Anime , Fantasy

Society of adolescents is cruel and not because one of them deliberately strives to hurt another. Perhaps the reason lies in the peculiarities of the psychological perception of the surrounding world through the prism of a changing organism. Etsugi Kazuki's vision of the world exceeded that of his classmates. The guy noticed strange creatures, objects that did not exist in reality. His problems began to be noticed by friends and students of the school. Yetsuga could suddenly dodge like a flying object, but no one else could see the object. Soon he finds an explanation for his condition. It turned out that what he sees exists, but only in a parallel reality. Sanada Mitsuki begins to show attention to Yetsugi, which surprises the guy. She is the most popular girl in school and would not have paid attention to him just like that. And so it was. Sanada took a classmate to her father, and he was sent to a parallel world.

Added Episode 13