
Matinee in the garden on May 9th. Scenario of the matinee "May 9 - Victory Day" in the senior group. Purpose of the festive events


The proposed scenario is the scenario of one of the many activities dedicated to Victory Day, held in the Kolobok group from 2009 to 2013.

The material reflects both the direction "Familiarization with the phenomena of public life" and "Formation of knowledge about the history of the state."

We believe that the urgency of the problem of patriotic upbringing of the younger generation is beyond doubt, and therefore does not require additional substantiation. As for the novelty of the approach to this problem, we believe that the excessive desire for innovation for the sake of innovation itself does more harm than good.

In our work, we make extensive use of the experience accumulated by teachers of older generations. We also closely follow the latest developments of the leading teachers of our time and apply these developments in our daily work, adapting it to our conditions and capabilities.

In this regard, taking this opportunity, we express our deep gratitude to our colleagues: Z. Ya. Root, M. Eremeeva, E. Gomonova, N. V. Burtseva - teachers of preschool institutions, whose experience inspires us and often serves as the basis for our events.

We consider the upbringing of patriotic feelings in children to be one of the difficult tasks of moral education. It includes fostering love for loved ones, for kindergarten, for hometown and home country.

The most difficult work for us is the work of fostering love for the native city and native country. This raises many questions. How are patriotic feelings manifested in preschool children? How can a preschooler express these feelings? What should the educator strive for?

After all, a preschooler perceives the reality around him emotionally, therefore, patriotic feelings for his native people, for his native country are manifested in him in a sense of admiration for his people, history and achievements of his country. It is these feelings that need to be evoked in the process of introducing children to their country.

Such feelings cannot arise after several, even very successful, lessons. This is the result of a long, systematic and purposeful impact on the child.

Of course, patriotic education cannot be achieved through one matinee per year. Acquaintance of preschoolers with the history of their native country is a long and complex process. It cannot be passed from time to time. A positive result can only be achieved by systematic work, and this work is carried out not only in the classroom, but should also take place outside the classroom. In the classroom, we bring complex topics that require explanation, interpretation.

We distributed all the work on raising the feelings of love for their native country in children weekly. We use various forms of work to acquaint children with the phenomena of social life, familiarize themselves with the traditions and culture of their people, form knowledge about humanity, form ideas about family, kin, clan and ancestry, as well as form knowledge about the history of their native country.

Depending on the goal, it can be: a target walk, conversation, didactic games, reading fiction, etc.

We conduct classes once or twice a month, depending on the age group. The knowledge gained in the classroom is consolidated in various forms of work outside the classroom. And throughout the year, the educator and music director return several times to what the children learned earlier.

Some themes are repeated in each group, but with a certain complication. If in the middle group the topic, for example, Victory Day, can be devoted to the final event, then in the older group it can already be entertainment followed by a thematic excursion to the memorable places of the native city, and next year, already in the preparatory group, it will be a grandiose matinee with invitation of veterans and multimedia presentation.

Festive parties are a very important link in this chain of events.

These are, for example, matinees dedicated to such topics as "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "April 12 - Cosmonautics Day", "May 9 - Victory Day".

Each lesson is conducted using visual material.

We try to include a multimedia presentation in every matinee. After all, a patriotic song or poem, accompanied by a video sequence, evokes a very strong emotional response in children. Seeing how great, beautiful and diverse our country is, they learn to love it, to feel a sense of pride in their compatriots. The teacher and music director select material based on the capabilities that we have, as well as based on the age characteristics of children.

In almost every lesson, children learn new, previously unknown words. We believe that we should not strive to ensure that children remember them all at once. But it is advisable to repeat each new word with the children in chorus, so that each child speaks this new word, which contributes to the expansion of the children's vocabulary.

The soundtrack of the song "Native Song" sounds,

muses. Y. Chichkov, to lyrics K. Ibryaeva.

Children enter the hall, sit on chairs, the music stops.


Our country Russia is big and beautiful. For each person, it begins with the parental home. In whatever corner of it you were born, you can proudly say: "This is my Motherland!"

The song "Where the Motherland Begins" sounds softly,

muses. V. Fable, words by M. Matusovsky.

(Against the background of music)

Our Russia is a very godly country.

It is rich in wide beautiful rivers.

It is rich in cities and villages: small and large, noisy quiet; old and new ...

It is rich in minerals - gold and silver, precious stones, oil, gas are stored in its depths.

It is rich in forests, fields, meadows ...

But its most important wealth is its people, our compatriots. Each of them glorifies their Motherland in their own way. Builders erect houses, scientists make discoveries that glorify her name, composers write songs about her, poets devote their poems to her. Listen to one of them.


Russia is like a word from a song

Young birch foliage.

Around forests, fields and rivers

Expansion, Russian soul!

I love you, my Russia

For the clear light of your eyes

(S. Vasiliev)

The song "I look into the blue lakes" sounds,

muses. L. Afanasyeva, lyrics I. Shaferan

Girls in smart Russian costumes perform

Dance with handkerchiefs

Children sit down.

Moose. A. Alexandrova,sl.V. Lebedev-Kumach

At this time, the boys put on their caps.


More than seventy years ago, a mortal danger hung over our Motherland. Fascist Germany decided to seize foreign lands, foreign wealth. She managed to conquer many countries, and it was the turn of our country.

This is how it was ...

1 Child:

Nazis attacked us

No number of enemy tanks

The Brest Fortress is fighting

Under a hail of cast lead

2 Child:

Sevastopol is ablaze with fire

Having spread the St. Andrew's flag.

And with her breast she protects

Odessa is a native sailor.

3 Child:

Defending Moscow Panfilov,

Into the ring on the Neva Leningrad,

But tired people whisper;

"Not a step, not a step back"

4 Child:

We go to fight for every city,

Fight for the street, for the house,

People help the dandy.

Honest, valiant work

5 Child

The men went into a hot battle,

Steel women to the machine

For more mines, shells

It hit exactly the enemy.

The multimedia equipment is turned on.

Children are invited to see a photo presentation about the war

accompanied by the song "At a Nameless Height", muses. V. Basner, words. M. Matusovsky ,

The presentation lasts 3 minutes.

6 Child:

There were battles with an entertaining enemy

Moving east

In the evenings at the dugout

While away the evening

Those who in the morning with a gun

I was in action with a machine gun.

And the soldiers are on vacation

They sing a quiet song.

The phonogram of the song "In the dugout" sounds,

muses K. Listov, lyrics A. Surkova

Children sing along. (Verse 1)


The war scattered young guys - some as telephone operators, some as scouts, some as artillerymen.

Several children stage a poem by S. Mikhalkov "We Are Warriors Too".

Children are distributed throughout the hall, put on elements of costumes, take the necessary attributes.

(the child sits on a highchair, depicting a signalman, headphones are on his head, a microphone or a telephone is in his hands).

Hello, Jupiter? I am the Diamond

I can hardly hear you at all,

We occupied the village with a fight.

And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse (bandages a wounded man sitting on a chair, he groans).

Why are you roaring like a bear?

A trifle left to endure!

And your wound is so light

That will heal for sure.

Sailor (looks at the sky through binoculars).

An airplane is on the horizon.

On the course - full speed ahead!

Get ready for battle, crew!

To leave is our fighter.

Two pilots (look at the map in an open tablet).

1st pilot.

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here,

Fly to the target for seven minutes.

2nd pilot.

The battle order is clear.

The enemy will not leave us.

Submachine gunner.

So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here?

We clean the house behind the houses.


We will find the enemy everywhere.


And there was also a profession in the war - a chauffeur. And she was no less important than the pilot, the tanker.

The next dance is dedicated to the front-line drivers.

The song "Song of the front-line driver" sounds, muses. B. Mokrousov, lyrics B. Laskin.

Boys are performing

Frontline chauffeurs dance


For someone carrying flowers in their hands,

You carried machines in your hands

Soldiers are not born for war,

And so that there is no war.

Guys, today our guest is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Maria Petrovna Sidorova.

Let's welcome our dear veteran Maria Petrovna.

As a very young girl, she volunteered for the front. Maria Petrovna, could you tell the guys a little about how you defended our Motherland.

A short story by a veteran.


On behalf of the entire team and all the children, he congratulates the veteran on the holiday and pronounces words of gratitude.


Maria Petrovna, as a token of our gratitude, we are presenting you with these flowers.

Music sounds, children give flowers.

Children sing the song "When veterans go to the parade" music and lyrics by Z. Root.


Let's remember all by name

Let us remember our sorrow

It is needed - not dead

It is necessary - alive.

Through the centuries, through the years - remember

About those who will never come again - remember!

Do not Cry. Keep your groans in your throat

Bitter groans.

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen,

Eternally worthy.

With bread and song, dream and poetry,

A spacious life.

Every second, every breath

Be worthy!

People, as long as hearts are knocking -

At what cost did you win happiness -

Please remember!

7 Child:

Get up early this morning

Go out into the city - take a look.

How veterans walk

With orders on the chest.

8 Child:

Thank you, dear, dear ones

That protected us then

And defended Russia

At the cost of military labor.


The victory went to our people at a high price.

Millions of fighters remained forever in the ground.

Let us bow our heads and honor a minute of silence. The blessed memory of the heroes.

I ask everyone to stand up.

The soundtrack "Metronome" sounds.

A minute of silence.

9 Child:

Let's not forget those heroes.

That lie damp in the ground,

Giving life to the battlefield

For the people, for you and me ...

10 Child:

Glory to our generals,

Glory to our admiral

And to ordinary soldiers -

On foot, floating, on horseback,

Tired, hardened!

Glory to the fallen and the living

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Sound the song "Victory Day"

muses. D Tukhmanova, sl. V. Kharitonova.

Children perform a changeover march with balloons and flowers.

The holiday is over.

musical director,

Sokolova Irina Ivanovna,

educator MKDOU "CRR - kindergarten No. 5" Dolphin ",

Semiluki, Voronezh region, Russia

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The script for the festive event dedicated to May 9th. Developed by: musical director: I.M. Rukhlina , educators: Khudyakova LB Kovaleva M.V.

To the music, children enter the hall (sports exercise "A SOLDIER GOES IN THE CITY")

Copper pipes rejoice.
The earth sings, hums,
We praise, we praise the warrior,
People's fighter,
And the gallant marshal,
And a brave fighter.

1 child

It was a great Victory Day
Many years ago,
Grandfathers remember Victory Day,
Each of the grandchildren knows.

2 reb.

Honoring the great Victory Day
The whole vast country
On Victory Day, our grandfathers
They put on orders.

3 reb.

Black clouds scattered
The sun rises over the Motherland.
And the voice of the people is mighty
Sings a victory song.

Song "Victory".

Ved. Yes, guys, people will never forget this day. He brought peace to our people, and a calm childhood for our children. We owe this to our grandparents. The path to the great victory was difficult, long but heroic. We must always remember this.

We are about the first Victory Day
We love to listen to their story,
How our grandfathers fought
For the whole world and for all of us!

Let the stork nest on the roof,
The cranes are curling in the sky,
Let there be peace, we need it so much
The children of the whole earth need it.

Song "About the world".


Veda... We will never forget those soldiers who did not return from the war, soldiers who died in a valiant battle. We will bow low - low at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where an eternal fire burns and fresh flowers lie.

All chrome: Glory to the fallen heroes!

Song "About an unknown hero".

Victory Day, holiday
The main!
Clouds float peacefully in the sky
Never again will we hear
The terrible word "war"
(sit down)

Veda... With pain in our hearts, we grieve for those who did not return from the battlefield. Let's honor them with a minute of silence! (minute of silence)

Dance staged "Darkie".

Reb... Thanks to all the sailors, gunners, pilots, tankmen, border guards, signalmen.

To everyone who protects our world
For your glorious deeds.

Glory! Glory! And praise!
Dancing "Sailors"


Veda... On this festive day, people rejoice and sing, faces sparkle with smiles, and couples are circling in a victorious waltz right on the streets!

Waltz dance "Blue kerchief".

Glory, glory to the veterans,
Glory to the Motherland!

Congratulations to our grandfathers,
Congratulations with all our hearts!
Let the victory salute thunder
On this day over the whole country!

Veda... Glory to Victory Day, glory!

Children Glory!

Glory to the veterans!
Children Glory! Glory!

Guys, let's spite the bad weather,
Let's embrace the planet with our round dance
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over her,
We will not give it to anyone in insult.

Song "Solar circle".

Targets and goals:

  • Formation of the foundations of the worldview:
    • interest in social phenomena;
    • ideas about the active role of a person in the life of society.
  • Education of cognitive activity.
  • Education of political consciousness.
  • Development of the desire to learn more about the Motherland, about its defenders and their exploits.
  • Fostering a benevolent attitude towards people of different nationalities and towards people around them.
  • Fostering an elementary understanding of the content of works of art.
  • Development of inclinations for artistic creativity.


Leading: On May 9, 2006, the Victory salute will be thundered for the 61st time. And the immense suffering of the war years and the immense courage of the people are still alive in the memory of the people. The whole world knows May 9, 1945. Our country has been going to this day for 4 years. But what years they were ...

1st reader:

Forty-first! June
Year and month of the nationwide struggle.
Even the dust of the times
This date cannot be delayed.
The country was rising
And she went to the front as a group.
Reddish stars
Carrying out banners on the canvases.

2nd reader:

Forty second! To Leningrad
Girth on three sides
Hitler was walking with a force of forty divisions.
Bombed. He brought the artillery closer
But he did not shake even a micron,
Didn't pause not for a moment
He is a heartbeat of Leningrad.
And seeing this, the enraged enemy,
The city that was supposed to be taken from the raid,
Seemingly tried and tested strategists
He called for help: Frost and Darkness.
And they came, ready for victories,
And the third, Hunger, followed them.

3rd reader:

Forty third!
In the damp steppe under digging,
Where we broke the lines
Where there were long trenches.
Moats, barriers, dugouts.
There, at deserted crossroads, so that the country will remember them,
On the stars, on plywood boards
We wrote down the names.

4th reader:

Another war, but we stubbornly believe
That there will be a day, we will drink the pain to the bottom
The wide world will open its doors to us again,
At dawn, a new silence will rise.

5th reader:

There was still a dumb darkness
The grass was crying in the fog.
Big May Day
Already came into its own.
All over the grass from edge to edge
There is no such city, there is no village,
Wherever May Victory Comes
The great ninth.
Someone sang and someone cried
And someone slept in the damp earth ...

Leading: The war went on for 4 years - that's 1418 days and nights! 34 thousand hours and 20 million dead people! 20 million, just imagine - if a minute of silence is declared for each of the 20 million in the country, the country will be silent ... 32 years!


Quiet, guys, a minute of silence
We will honor the memory of heroes,
And their voices once sounded
In the morning they met the sun,
Our peers are almost.
Let's remember through the centuries, through the years,
About those who will never come again.
Let's remember!

A minute of silence.

Against the background of the song "Zemlyanka", the poem by K. Simonov (3 good readers) "Wait for me" sounds.

1st reader:

Wait for me and I will come back,
Just wait really hard
Wait when they bring sadness
Yellow rains
Wait for the snow to sweep
Wait when it's hot
Wait when others are not expected
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
Letters will not come
Wait until you get bored
To everyone who is waiting together.

2nd reader:

Wait for me and I will come back.
Do not be sorry for the good
To everyone who knows by heart
It's time to forget.
Let the son and mother believe
That there is no me
Let your friends get tired of waiting.
Sit by the fire
Drink bitter wine
For a reminder of the soul ...
Wait. And with him at the same time
Don't rush to drink.

3rd reader:

Wait for me and I will come back
To spite all deaths.
Who did not wait for me, let him
He will say: - Lucky! -
Do not understand those who did not wait for them
As among the fire
By their expectation
You saved me.
How I survived, we will know
Only you and me, -
You just knew how to wait
Like no one else.

Leading: 13 cities were awarded the honorary title "Hero City" for the massive heroism and courage of its defenders shown in the Second World War.

13 reciters come out against the background of a map with hero cities.

1st reader: Moscow. On December 12, 1941, a significant message from the Moscow radio spread around the world. In the summary of the Soviet information bureau "In the last hour" it was said: "On December 6, 1941, the troops of our front, having exhausted the enemy in previous battles, launched a counteroffensive against his flank groupings. and suffering huge losses. "

2nd reader: Leningrad. The hunger blockade of Leningrad began on November 20. The blockade of the city lasted until January 1944. For the massive heroism of its defenders, Leningrad was awarded the title "Hero City".

3rd reader: Stalingrad. In 1942, the fate of the entire civilized world was being decided at the walls of Stalingrad. The greatest battle in the history of wars unfolded in the area between the Volga and Don rivers. On July 12, 1942, the Stalingrad Front was formed, and the day on July 17 went down in history as the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad.

4th reader: Kerch. "Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! All the peoples of the Soviet Union! We are the defenders of the defense of Kerch, we are suffocating from gas, we are dying, but we do not surrender to captivity!" - This is the text of the famous radio program of one of the defenders of the quarries - Colonel Yagunov. The exploits and heroism of the inhabitants of Kerch are one of the most tragic and great pages of the Patriotic War. During the occupation of this city, the Nazis killed 15 thousand civilians, drove more than 14 thousand to Germany. But the spirit of the proud people was not broken, no matter what!

5th reader: Odessa. On August 19, 1941, the command formed the Odessa Defense Region (commander - Rear Admiral Zhukov). It included the formations of the Primorsky army, the forces of the Odessa naval base and parts of the people's militia. 4 defensive lines were created on the territory of the district. For the massive heroism of its defenders, Odessa was awarded the title "Hero City".

6th reader: Novorossiysk. For the fortitude and courage shown during the defense of the city during the Second World War - on May 7, 1966, Novorossiysk was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, and on September 14, 1973, he was awarded the honorary title "Hero City".

7th reader: Minsk. During the three-year occupation in Minsk and its environs, the Germans killed more than 400 thousand people, and the city itself was turned into ruins and ashes. But Minsk did not surrender, did not submit to the enemy, but fought heroically against the German invaders. In 1974, to commemorate the merits of the city's citizens in the fight against Nazism, Minsk received the title of "Hero City".

8th reader: Kiev. For 778 days, the capital of Ukraine was occupied by German invaders, who almost completely destroyed the city. The feat of Kiev is immortalized in awarding it the title of "Hero City". In memory of the events of 1941-1945. the memorial complex "National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War" was erected in the city - one more evidence that the heroic deed of the victorious people is to live for centuries.

9th reader: Brest. The feat of the border guards of the Brest Fortress became known throughout the country, who held back the division of the opponents for about a month. For the massive heroism and courage of its defenders, Brest was awarded the highest degree of distinction - the title "Hero City".

10th reader: Murmansk. The heroic polar city of Murmansk stood like an impregnable fortress on the northern wing of the Soviet-German front. More than 181 thousand incendiary and four thousand high-explosive bombs were dropped on Murmansk. Most of the residential buildings and 2/3 of enterprises were destroyed or burned down. But the city lived, worked, fought.

11th reader: Smolensk. The highest degree of distinction "Hero City" with the award of the Order of Lenin was awarded to Smolensk in 1985 for the massive heroism and courage of its defenders shown in the struggle for freedom and independence of the Motherland in the Second World War.

12 reader: Sevastopol. The name given to the city at its foundation, translated from Greek, means "majestic, worthy of worship, heroic city". He justified it with his more than two centuries of history. Sevastopol called the people of the country "Hero City" already in the first years of the Second World War. In 1941-1942. books with the title "Hero City Sevastopol" were published. Officially, this honorary title was enshrined in the May Day 1945 order of the commander-in-chief.

13th reader: Tula. In October - December 1941, units of the Red Army and the population heroically defended Tula; in 1976 Tula was awarded the title "Hero City" with the Gold Star medal.

Leading: And at the end of our event, I would like to note the winners of the competition of drawings and posters "Feat Lives Through the Ages", dedicated to the upcoming holiday on May 9 - Victory Day.

Prizes and gifts are awarded to participants.

Farther and farther from us are those terrible years when the war was going on. But Victory Day remains the most important holiday for our country even now. There are events that must not be forgotten. And even in 2016, the memory of the years of the Great Patriotic War is still alive. This is the great merit of the teachers who are trying to convey to the younger generation the importance of this day. Therefore, May 9 is celebrated annually in kindergarten. Educators try to make the holiday interesting and understandable for children.

Features of the celebration of Victory Day in kindergarten

From early childhood, it is important to cultivate a sense of respect for ancestors. The scenario of the holiday must be built in such a way that Victory Day is solemn, but joyful.

In kindergarten, this should be a holiday of peace and heroism of Soviet soldiers. Children should not be told about the horrors of war, death and suffering, bloody battles. It can traumatize the souls of children. Therefore, cruel details should be avoided. More attention should be paid to the happy moments of Victory and to note that everything ended well, the fighters returned home.

When preparing events, it is very important to take into account age characteristics so that the holiday is a success:

  • the matinee should not last longer than an hour in the senior and preparatory groups, and more than 40 minutes for younger children;
  • it is important to use as much visual material as possible and less conversations: slides, newsreels, music and sounds of the war years are required;
  • for such young children, you should not use a traditional literary and musical script, it is advisable to include games and competitions in it.

Purpose of the festive events

Now it is very important to pay much attention to the patriotic feelings of the younger generation. Teachers should be able to convey to children the memory of the war years and the Victory. We must not let us forget about the horrors of fascism and the heroism of our ancestors. This is very important already in preschool age, because modern children often do not understand the meaning of the celebration of May 9. Therefore, teachers need to make a lot of effort to properly organize events for Victory Day.

The holiday should be solemn, imbued with patriotism, but accessible to children. He must perform the following tasks:

  • to convey to kids the importance of Victory Day;
  • foster a sense of respect and gratitude for the heroes of the war;
  • to give children an idea of ​​the difficulties in the life of their peers during these difficult years;
  • to form patriotic feelings: love for the Motherland, pride for its people;
  • teach children to show compassion to their neighbors, to come to the rescue in difficult times;
  • form a positive emotional attitude;
  • prevent the new generation from forgetting about the horrors of fascism and the significance of the victory over it.

What you need to pay attention to

At preschool age, it is important not to burden the child with dry information, not to talk about bloody battles, death and suffering. The children still do not understand this, but the idea of ​​Victory is close to them. From folk tales, they understood what the struggle between good and evil is. And it is important for them that good always wins in the end. It helps to foster a sense of justice in children.

So that the holiday does not remain just a formal concert for children, but fulfills its purpose, it is important to observe several rules when holding it:

  • educators should themselves experience such feelings that they want to awaken in children;
  • you need to involve parents in the preparation of the holiday;
  • a solemn atmosphere should be created in the group;
  • all materials - poems and songs - must be accessible to the understanding of children.

How to celebrate a holiday in kindergarten

In all preschool institutions, events dedicated to Victory Day are held annually before May 9. It is very important not to be formal about their preparation and not to make them the same.

Matinees and concerts are mainly held in middle, senior and preparatory groups. For children under 4 years old, such events are not yet interesting and incomprehensible. Such kids can participate in making crafts, drawings and gifts for great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. In cognitive classes, you need to tell the children about what is celebrated in our country on May 9, without focusing on the details and horrors of the war.

From the age of 4, events for Victory Day are more diverse. It can be:

  • cognitive activities and conversations with the obligatory use of illustrations, slides and photographs;
  • matinees and concerts, where children recite learned poems, sing songs about Victory and dance;
  • thematic events in the form of a performance or literary and musical composition;
  • sports events for children of the senior and preparatory groups with war games and competitions;
  • the holiday can be held in the form of a poetry or song contest;
  • for children of the preparatory group, it is possible to participate in the military-patriotic quiz;
  • in every family there are those who died in this war, therefore, children who release balloons with paper pigeons with the names of the dead are written on the wings will have a good educational effect.

Preparation for the holiday

The final matinee is held on the eve of the holiday - May 7 or 8. But it is very important to start preparing for it in advance. Every child needs to be connected to this. Already from winter, in a form accessible to children, in the classroom, you need to talk about the war, about the heroism of soldiers, about the importance of Victory.

You can show a short documentary or read books about children who fought the Nazis. It is necessary to explain to children the meaning of important, but often incomprehensible phrases for them: “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”, “These days the glory will not cease” and others. In conversations, you need to draw the attention of children to the meaning of the St.George ribbon - a symbol of memory and respect for the feat of their ancestors.

It is necessary to focus on how people rejoiced in victory, how they eradicated fascism and survived. What else can you use to prepare for the holiday?

  • Together with older children, you can arrange a wall newspaper or an album with photographs and clippings from newspapers and magazines. It's good if every child prepares something, at least draws an illustration.
  • Be sure to hold an exhibition of drawings and handicrafts on a military theme in each group. And you shouldn't choose only the best. It is important for each child to feel their involvement in the holiday.
  • With children of younger groups, instead of a matinee, you can make a collective craft dedicated to peace on Earth.
  • If there is such an opportunity, on the eve of the holiday, you should visit places of military glory with your children, the nearest monument to the heroes of the war or the local history museum.

How to arrange a holiday

A festive matinee in kindergarten most often takes place in a music or assembly hall. It is very important to arrange this room correctly. Decorations should be strict and discreet:

  • These can be paper flowers and flags made by the hands of children, drawings and crafts on the theme of Victory.
  • The image of the St.George ribbon is required. Small ribbons should be pinned to each baby's chest.
  • You can make a thematic selection of photos of the heroes of your hometown or village.
  • Each teacher must take care of the correct design of the group premises:
    1. For this, you can use children's drawings, flags.
    2. It’s good if we can find the Soviet flag.
    3. You can use balls of three colors: red, white and blue, placing them in the form of the Russian flag.

It is very important to use as much visual material as possible: photos, slides, movie clips, and music. For musical accompaniment, you can take both famous songs - "Victory Day" and "Katyusha", and modern songs about the war, written for children.

Crafts for Victory Day

Young children experience the world differently than adults. In order for them to feel the importance of the holiday, they need to create something with their own hands. Children of any age should be involved in making crafts and drawings. Educators need to choose such a version of creative work so that it is accessible to the child and reflects the solemnity of this day.

  • The collective work "Peace on Earth" in the younger group acquaints children with the symbol of peace, with the meaning of this word. On a large sheet of Whatman paper with an image of the Earth in the center, children glue pre-prepared flowers and figurines of white doves. Each child can also put their own handprint on the poster. To do this, you need to use special finger paints.
  • Together, children can design a festive poster "Happy Victory Day". To do this, everyone sticks on it a flower made with their own hands from red corrugated paper or napkins.
  • Kids can also make the Salute applique. Salute can also be done by drawing with plasticine or using paint.
  • Older children can be taught how to make origami crafts. For Victory Day, it is good to make a tank, an airplane or white doves - a symbol of peace.
  • Good crafts come from salt dough. It can be a star of the Eternal Flame, a tank, a flower, or a mock-up of a St. George ribbon.
  • Greeting cards can be made in a traditional shape or in the form of a triangular letter. Postcards are decorated with a St. George ribbon, red carnations or stars.

Holiday script

It is important that teachers do not approach the preparation of the holiday formally and do not use the same scenarios every year. The event should be prepared taking into account the age characteristics of the children. But at the same time, it is important to make the holiday informative and solemn. It is necessary to focus the attention of children on the fact that May 9 is Victory Day. Therefore, all poems, songs, dances and competitions must correspond to the theme of the holiday. What can a matinee script include?

  • It is better if the children are dressed in costumes close to the uniform of the 40s. You need to use at least homemade caps, caps and toy rifles. You can create nursing clothes for girls.
  • Children should enter the hall to the music of the war years. Better if it is a famous march or waltz, for example, "Farewell to a Slav."
  • In the solemn part of the holiday, you can show slides, talk about the importance of Victory Day. Children can read short poems or act out a small play.
  • For a matinee in kindergarten, you need an entertainment program in the spirit of the holiday. These can be contests, sports, quizzes, or war games.
  • The song "Victory Day" must be performed, and the children present the guests with gifts made with their own hands. It is advisable to invite grandparents to the holiday, many of whom remember the difficult years of their post-war childhood.
  • It is advisable to end the holiday on a joyful, bright note. Show children how important Victory is for the preservation of peace. You can perform the songs "Solar Circle", "Stork on the Roof", "Children of the Earth" and others.
  • It's good if porridge is prepared for lunch according to a front-line recipe, so that the children join the fighters' everyday life and feel like heroes.

Interesting ideas for Victory Day in kindergarten

  1. Theatrical performance about the heroism of Russian soldiers based on fairy tales. This is close and understandable to children. Using the example of the struggle of heroes with the Nightingale the Robber or the Serpent Gorynych, it is easier for them to convey the idea of ​​the importance of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. At the end of the performance, a song about peace or a happy childhood is performed.
  2. Several boys can stage the song "Let's Serve in the Army", the poem "On the Border" or "We Are Military".
  3. Even congratulating a veteran and giving him a gift can be beaten. For this, the sports competition "Package" is held. Children of the two teams overcome various obstacles: they climb into a hoop, jump over a stick, walk along a bench, etc. The winning team presents a package with a gift to the veteran.
  4. You can include the "Fireworks" game in the matinee program. For her, children need to distribute bundles of ribbons. Each child has salutes of the same color: red, yellow, green or blue. There are as many adults involved in the game as there are colors of ribbons. They stand in different parts of the hall, raising their hands up with ribbons. Children move around the room to the music. At the signal of the presenter "Fireworks, light up!", They gather around an adult, in whose hands ribbons of the same color as theirs. All raise salutes up and shout: "Hurray!"
  5. Before the holiday, you can recreate a military photo chronicle with children of older groups. Using improvised means, homemade costumes and toys, children represent the participants in the war. The teacher takes pictures of them, and then a collage is created from the pictures. What kind of photo subjects can I use? The nurse drags the wounded, the girl says goodbye to the soldier, the soldiers are at rest and others.
  6. It is good to use outdoor games on a military theme. They can be included in the matinee program or make a sports competition. These are the games "Help the wounded", "Hit the target", "Line up", "Carry the cartridges" and others.
  7. The musical director should prepare a dance with the children to the military music. Boys can dance "Yablochko", a sailor dance, girls - to depict fireworks in the form of a dance with ribbons.

Educators must understand the importance of keeping the memory of the war years alive. It is necessary to raise children as true patriots who are proud of the history of their homeland and respect the heroism of their ancestors. This feeling does not arise by itself. Patriotism must be brought up from childhood. How adults will tell children about Victory Day depends on how they will perceive this holiday in the future.

Under the Victory Day march, children enter the hall, stand up in no particular order.


Flags and posters everywhere

The city is festively dressed

Happy Victory Day, you guys!

Day of Victory helmet ...


1st child.

Victory! Glorious victory!

What happiness was in her!

May the sky be clear forever

And the herbs will be greener.

2nd child.

Do not forget this date for us,

That ended the war.

To the victorious soldier

Bow to the earth hundreds of times!


The day the war ended

And all the barrels fired in honor of the fireworks,

At that hour, there was one at the celebration

A special moment for our souls.

Glory to Victory Day!

Everything. Glory!

Leading : Glory to the veterans! Happiness, peace on Earth.

Everything.Glory! Glory! Glory!


3rd child.

For the native country people

Giving their lives.

We will never forget

Fallen in gallant battle.

Leading. With pain in our hearts, we grieve for those who did not return from the battlefield. We will honor their memory with a minute of silence, and everyone in their hearts will thank them for the happy world in which we live.

Let us all stand and bow our heads in memory of them.

A minute of silence.


Through the centuries, through the years ...


About those,

Who will never come again -

Please remember!

All sit down; children are left in the middle of the hall, dramatizing a poem


1 boy with a tank: So that we defeat all enemies quickly,

I want to become a tanker, I will learn how to drive a car

And ride well and shoot well.

Everything will be like this, but for now I am leading this tank into battle.

And (the name of the 2nd boy) brings us here for some reason a children's plane (laughs)

2 boy (with an airplane, making flight movements)

And I want to fly a fighter, I want to become a famous hero.

Look - the most courageous pilot sets off on a flight for exploits.

On a fighter plane I fly to war and in the sky I will defend my country. You (name of 1 boy) do not understand anything and therefore you do not fly on a plane!

2 girls come out

1 boy (indignantly): Why do the girls come here wondering?

Girls have no place in war!

2 boy: Hey. leave the battlefield, you cannot help us!

1 girl (fits 2 boys) How can we not? I’m a nurse, I do the dressings with a bang. You're ... hurt, as I can see. Let me bandage you (makes a bandage) Everything, the bandage is done, patient. Now you need to go to the hospital and spend 10 days alone.

2 boy: There is no time to get sick at such a time, I need to fly into battle on a fighter (pretends to fly)

1 boy (addresses the second girl): Why did you, I don’t understand in any way, brought the receiver to the war?

2 girl: I'll tell you one secret. The thing is that I am a radio operator. Now I will decipher the report and I will draw a path for you on the map, so that you do not run into minefields - here the whole earth is covered with mines. (encrypts)

There was a cipher just now from headquarters. and we received the order:

You cross the room obliquely, then move to the far corner.

There he should stand for 3 minutes and shoot at the enemies from the cannon.

1 boy: (indignant) No, I don’t play such games, I don’t perform such tasks (runs away)

Girl 2: There is no discipline here, and after that they are men.

1 girl: But we will not be able to defend our land in battle without the boys.

2 girl: Perhaps, in vain we scared them so much, they ran away from us somewhere.

1 girl: Let's go after them as soon as possible and invite them to dance with us

run away, return with the boys and everyone starts to dance


Leading.Now we will make sure that our boys grow up to be real defenders of their Motherland.Courage, ingenuity, courage helped our soldiers to win in such a difficult war. And now we will play - we will test your resourcefulness, quickness and attention.

Here is an envelope sent by veterans

Veterans want to know

Are the boys ready to defend their homeland?

And here is the first test.

Listen to the assignment:

Our army is big -

Both on land and in water

She guards the borders

Do you know everything about the kind of troops? (Children call the kind of troops)

    Amusement game "Be attentive" (shows the children 4 flags: blue, blue, green, red) - Guys, be careful! If I raise the blue flag, you will swim; if blue - fly; if green - jump; if red - shout "hurray!"

Host: In the second task, the veterans ask if the guys know the proverbs and sayings about the war. (children take turns answering)

Stand together for peace - there will be no war.

It is a soldier's job to fight well and skillfully.

The Russian soldier knows no obstacles.

Commander's order - Motherland's order.

Whoever fights for a just cause takes on double strength.

Stand for each other - and you will win the battle.

Whoever stands for a just cause will always win.


A skilled fighter is always well done

Now we will find out

What are our boys fighters.

The game "Deliver the report" . children are divided into two teams, each team is given a "secret package", which must be delivered to the "headquarters", but for this it is necessary to overcome an obstacle course: jump over a ditch, go through a "minefield", crawl under a "barbed wire", etc. e. Pass the packet over the relay. Whose team to cope with the task faster and more successfully won.

Leading : Many difficulties fell to the lot of our soldiers. But in between battles, the soldiers sang songs that helped them to withstand the fight against the enemy.

R ebenok: There are songs loved by the people,

They live in everyone's heart.

These songs will not grow old for years

These songs are loved and sung.

Rebenok: Tanks are coming into battle with menace,

Tankers will not let you down!

Cities are taken with a fight,

Singing songs merrily!

Use Song .................................................

Leading: - Well, and this song fighters

Humming in the trenches

And the weapon was named after her.

Masha and Tanyusha know this song,

Let's sing our favorite "Katyusha"!

Use song .................................

Leading: - The song about the blue handkerchief

The gramophone began to sing softly.

In the old days, the military

Again he carries us away.

The record is spinning in a waltz,

Little blue, modest handkerchief

Calls you and me to dance!

Musical and dance composition "Blue kerchief"

Leading: Guys, you all have St. George ribbons on your chest. Now I will tell you what they mean: St. George's ribbon is a symbol of Victory Day. Black means smoke, and orange flames, of which there were a lot during the days of the war.

1 CHILD. We are for children in the world

Wouldn't play the war

So that in the morning at dawn

Listen to the silence of the world!

2 CHILD. We are for the whole planet

Green like a garden

To carry on calmly service

Peaceful homeland of soldiers!

3 CHILD. Let the guns blast tonight

At parades and at the movies.

We are for peace - no need for war,

It's definitely decided!

Leading: Shine smiles, warmed by the sun. Peace and happiness to you, children of the planet!

Isp. .................................................................