
Elena Proklova: scandalous details of the divorce. Elena Proklova told why she divorces her husband Elena Proklova divorces her husband the reason

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The actress admitted that after breaking up, their relationship with Andrei Tereshin became much better

Elena Proklova admitted that after breaking up, their relationship with Andrei Tereshin became much better

The news of Elena Proklova's divorce from her husband, which appeared on the website last summer, became the leader in the ratings. No wonder, fans found it hard to believe that after so many years of marriage, the couple decided to leave. Later, information appeared that despite the divorce certificate, the spouses continue to live under one roof. Therefore, when Elena Proklova came on the air of the program "Alone with everyone", one of the first questions was how you manage to get along so well with your ex-spouse.

“People do not converge because they want to give, they are looking for a person who will love them unconditionally. In fact, this is some form of slavery. It was not by chance that I broke up with my husband. It seemed to me before that I could tell a person what was good or bad in him, control and indicate. Today I want my beloved man to be happy with me, so that he would like to be near, but not under duress. To achieve mutual understanding, I had to not only shake myself, but also my husband. Divorce gave us a sense of freedom. Not living in a marriage, as society perceives it, is, in my opinion, more correct for everyone. Freedom is love, which is probably bestowed upon us from above, ”said the star.

By the way, Elena Proklova has been married to Andrei Trishin for 30 years. The couple have a daughter, Polina. When asked by the TV presenter about whether other couples close to divorce could adopt her situation and do the same, the actress concluded that everyone has their own life.

“I think there is nothing terrible and catastrophic in divorce. Nobody bothers to thank each other and let go, especially when all the debts have already been fulfilled. I cannot advise anyone to apply my experience, I can only offer to look at it from the outside, ”Elena Proklova said about her understanding of what it means for her to be herself in the“ Alone with everyone ”program.

We will remind, recently Elena Proklova got into a scandal after she stated that she had relationships with many famous actors, including married. Among them: Oleg Yankovsky, Oleg Tabakov, Andrey Mironov, Mihai Volontir.

Volontir's widow - Efrosinya categorically refused to believe Elena's confessions. She is sure that her husband was faithful to her, and Proklova's statements are just a fantasy. Efrosinya lived with her husband for 50 years, and calls their love real and strong. According to the widow, her husband could not associate anything serious with Proklova.

Elena Proklova told about another novel that she had at the age of 16. Oleg Tabakov, who at that time was 33 years old, became her chosen one. Proklova was not going to take the actor away from the family. However, she did not hide that his attention flattered her very much.

In addition, the actress previously said that an affair with Oleg Yankovsky led to her pregnancy. But since he was a married man, the actress decided to have an abortion, because she did not want to break up the family.

Larisa Golubkina, the widow of Andrei Mironov, was not surprised by Proklova's confessions and said that she knew about this connection. Golubkina does not hold any grudge against the actress and has forgiven her for a long time.

Actress and TV presenter Elena Proklova gave a frank interview to the magazine "Caravan of stories". For the first time, she told reporters that she was filing for divorce from her husband Andrei Trishin.

Andrey and Elena have been together for thirty years. They have common daughter- 20-year-old Polina. But the marriage cracked. Elena Proklova said that their interests with her husband diverged so much that she was ready for a divorce, because she did not want to live with a person with whom she had nothing in common.

Elena Proklova shared intimate details of family life, saying that she lives with her husband on different floors of the house and eats in different kitchens.

"Andrei loves to eat from the newspaper, and I like to eat from good dishes," - said the actress.

The actress and TV presenter said that Andrei Trishin is carried away by safari, and she does not accept the killing of animals. Andrei, in turn, cannot be dragged into the theater - he is not interested in cultural family outings.

Elena told the publication that she was ready for a divorce, but her husband did not agree with her position and did not want to leave. Proklova does not exclude that relations with Andrei Trishin may improve, but she categorically declares that she will not live with a person because "it is necessary" and will not put up with disagreements that only cause irritation.

Meanwhile, there is no official confirmation that Elena Proklova divorced Andrei Trishin, despite information in some media outlets.

We add that Elena Proklova was married three times. In her first marriage with director Vitaly Melik-Karamov, her daughter Arina was born. Now she is 43 years old and she is a mother herself.

In the second marriage with the doctor Alexander Deryabin, who treated Arina, Elena had two children - twin boys who did not live a day. The tragedy destroyed the relationship, Elena divorced.

Elena met Andrei Trishin by chance, thanks to sibling... Trishin was a watchmaker. Now he has changed his occupation and is engaged in the construction business. Elena Proklova and Andrei Trishin lived together for 30 years.

Biography of Elena Proklova:

In September, the actress will turn 62 years old, but she looks much younger. The media discussed the plastic surgery of the actress, which even somewhat changed Proklova's appearance. At the same time, Elena herself is not afraid to openly speak about the fact that she is resorting to plastic surgery.

Proklova has been acting in films since childhood. Her paternal grandfather was an actor and assistant director.
For her role in the film by Alexander Mitta "They Call, Open the Door", in which she played the main role, Proklova was recognized as the best actress in 1965.

Elena was a master of sports in rhythmic and artistic gymnastics. She graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, worked at the Moscow Art Theater. For four years she hosted the program "Malakhov +", then the social show "Housing and Communal Services".

Now viewers can see Elena Proklova in entrepreneurial performances, the actress does not act in films and TV shows.

Elena Proklova's personal life was very stormy. In numerous interviews, the actress admits that from her youth she was spoiled by the attention of the opposite sex, so she got used to it as much as to breakfast. She was spoiled by both success and fame.

The first recognition came to her after filming the film "They Call, Open the Door" at the age of 10. Later there were roles in the films "Burn, burn, my star", "Be my husband", "Sentimental romance". The stars of Soviet cinema were in love with her - Andrei Mironov, Oleg Yankovsky, Oleg Tabakov, Mikhail Volontir. But the relationship with none of them led to marriage. The actress got married three times.

First marriage

The actress made an offer to the director Vitaly Melik-Karamov herself. And she filed for divorce first. Over time, Elena considered this marriage hasty.

She was 17 years old. An affair with a partner on the site, the famous actor Oleg Tabakov, was in full swing. However, it was necessary to put a final point in this relationship. The first to agree to the role of a spouse was a family friend - Vitaly Melik-Karamov. I had to go down the aisle. For some time, in the absence of his own living space in the capital, the future husband of Elena Proklova shared a room with her brother.

In the first time after marriage, the actress tried to be an exemplary wife - she ironed her husband's shirts before he came home, she was happy to cook dinners. But the jealous and hot-tempered character of Vitaly destroyed the marriage. Elena actively starred, even played performances in the nude. The spouse set the conditions - either he or a career. Young Proklova chose the second option. She filed the divorce documents herself, she did not want to save the family, even for the good of the common child - Arina.

Acquaintance with Deryabin

For a long enough period of life between the first marriage and the second, Elena was free. At this time, she allowed herself what she really wanted, she continued to act, met famous actors on the set, started secret novels.

Relations with Oleg Yankovsky lasted about five years, despite the fact that the actor was married to Lyudmila Zorina. According to Proklova, this person was a stranger to her, she was aware that an affair with him would not lead to anything and would not bring them closer together. Elena decided to get rid of the child, who could become their joint, as a sign of respect for the Yankovsky family, whose son was already growing up at that time.

Elena's second husband was Alexander Deryabin, an academician, herbalist, popularizer of proper nutrition. The acquaintance took place at his workplace. The actress came with her daughter, suffering from peptic ulcer disease, to the academician for an appointment.

Second marriage and tragedy

The future second husband of Elena Proklova turned out to be her fan. He always dreamed of meeting an actress, and took the chance he had for a signal to action. And this marriage did not last long. The couple lost twin boys, who after childbirth turned out to be unviable. Alexander fell into a depressed state, began to drink.

Elena could not come to terms with her grief for a long time. The couple could not find the right words of support for each other. The breakup was not painful. After the divorce, Elena and Alexander went to a restaurant, discussed their future lives. Currently, they continue to communicate, take an interest in each other's affairs.

Third time down the aisle

The builder and architect Andrei Trishin appeared in Elena's life at a time when she lost her twins and parted with her second husband. During the day, young people managed to exchange their difficult life stories. A young 24-year-old boy fell in love with the actress. She, being lonely, helpless, crushed by tragedy, felt an irresistible attraction to him. According to the actress, she always wanted to protect Trishin, from the first days she experienced some kind of inexplicable, inexpressible motherly love to your boyfriend.

The lovers desperately wanted to become parents. For Andrey, the marriage was the first, so he thought about paternity in it more than once. Elena's first pregnancy in this relationship turned into a new tragedy - 8 days after premature birth their son passed away. Doctors put disappointing forecasts - Elena will never be able to give birth.

The girl's second pregnancy was incredibly difficult. The actress was already over 40 when she found out that she would become a mother for the second time. Numerous injections in the abdomen, medication, medical supervision helped save Polina's life.

Third divorce

In 2015, information appeared in the press that, after 30 years of marriage, Elena Proklova decided to divorce her third husband, Andrei Trishin. Despite the fact that the couple had a common daughter, real estate, savings, a large baggage of past years, a wedding - none of this could save their relationship from collapse.

Proklova was attacked with criticism, few people understood true reasons parting. Seemingly, Perfect marriage- what else is needed? But the truth was mundane. According to the actress herself, passion and respect for each other left their long relationship with her husband. The habits, demeanor, lifestyle of partners have become too different to be tolerated. But, despite this, the third husband of Elena Proklova continues to live with her under the same roof.

What is Elena Proklova doing now?

The actress admits that at 65 she feels free, and most importantly, a happy person. She is full of energy, enthusiasm. He is not going to get bored and hope for fate. He is closely engaged in the construction of his own house in Sochi. She is actively assisted in this by her ex-husband, who, with knowledge of the construction business, tries to carefully approach the issue.

The woman does not regret anything that she had to endure, and admits that she would wish many women the same bright fate. All husbands of Elena Proklova are now former.

Actress and TV presenter Elena Proklova divorced the third husband Andrei Trishin, with whom she lived for 30 years. She explained on the TV show why she filed for divorce. It turned out that in Lately the interests of the spouses have become too different. According to Elena Proklova, who had many stormy novels in her biography, recently she lived with her husband on different floors and ate in different kitchens.

Elena Proklova condemns Andrey Trishin's hobby for safari. The spouse categorically refuses to go to the theater. At the same time, as the actress clarified, he does not want to get divorced.

Officially, neither Elena Proklova nor Andrey Trishin confirmed divorce information. The fact that the spouses are parting was reported only by the media, citing their sources.

Elena Proklova has a rich biography and personal life. Actress she was married three times. The first husband was documentary filmmaker Vitaly Melik-Karamov. The couple divorced after 4 years. In her first marriage, the actress had a daughter, Arina. Elena Proklova married the doctor Alexander Deryabin for the second time, who treated her daughter Arina. She gave birth to twins, who died a day after birth. After that, the marriage was destroyed. The third husband is businessman Andrei Trishin. The actress and TV presenter lived with him for 30 years, their daughter Polina was born.

In the opinion ex-husband Elena Proklovoy Alexandra Deryabin, the actress fell in love and is therefore getting a divorce. He also explained that Elena never loved Andrei Trishin, although he was very much in love with her when he invited her to marry.