
Do husbands return to their ex-wives after divorce? Do ex-husbands often return to the family? How often do husbands return after divorce?


Today, divorce is nothing new. People disperse all the time. The reasons for this are very different - from everyday problems to betrayal.

What happens after is a purely individual matter. Having received the status of “ex”, some women fall into despair, others quickly recover, find a new companion, others remain lonely, continuing to maintain good relations with their ex and hope that he will return.

At the very moment of separation, the wife is confident that she will never take her husband back again. But after a while, emotions calm down, regret comes, and with it the question creeps in: do husbands return to their ex-wives after a divorce?

The answer is yes, and life partners return in more than 50% of cases. But how expedient this is still needs to be clarified.

Men who decide to get a divorce believe that they will cope just fine without their significant other. But, judging by statistics, the number of people who left for a good reason and built a relationship with a new passion is very small. The overwhelming majority want to prove something to someone by their actions - their spouse, mother, friends, themselves.

Ex-husbands go through three main stages after divorce:

  1. At the first stage, the chosen one considers himself a male, he is full of confidence and independence. He awakens to the desire to conquer the highest peaks and win the most beautiful girls. Now he doesn’t regret one bit that he broke with his past life.
  2. The second stage is calming. The uncontrollable desire for sexual pleasures with beautiful ladies disappears, I want to be alone, to relax.
  3. The third stage is rethinking and awareness of what happened. There is regret about breaking up with your beloved, and a desire to establish relationships again. At the same time, the person understands that the period of youth and fullness of strength is behind. He walked around, felt what it was like to be unmarried again and... missed him. According to statistics, it is at the third stage that the ex-husband returns to the family. Or strives to return. Everything will depend on how acute the conflict was, and whether the spouse can forgive and accept back.

When do exes come back?

When the faithful will be pulled back depends on what kind of conflict there was. For example, if the breakup occurred because of a mistress, then expect the first calls within six months. Of course, it is impossible to accurately predict. But if we take a typical situation - getting used to each other with a new person, identifying shortcomings, making comparisons - then perhaps your chosen one will run away even earlier.

If the reason for the separation is the insolvency of the head of the family, then it will take him less time to return. Men tolerate their defeats very poorly and when they realize that they are not able to support their family, they sometimes disappear without thinking about the consequences. It will take time to reflect and realize the mistake. How much depends on the individual.

Also, the husband may return out of pity for his wife. Let's say he is a good person and, having divorced his wife, continues to visit her and provide moral support. It is not easy for such a person to see the suffering and torment of a loved one; he strives to help somehow. It seems to him that the only consolation for his ex here will only be a return. That is, sacrificing oneself. Then he will say with a clear conscience: “I did everything I could,” without thinking that he is turning life together into torment.

The fastest to return are those who hid behind the reason - to breathe a breath of freedom. Even statistics show that such individuals always run back. The period of “living for yourself” quickly turns into a test - a man gets acquainted with everyday trifles. He cooks for himself, irons, cleans, does laundry, but, as a rule, he is bad at creating home comfort. Realizing that the idea was ridiculous, the companion asks his wife for forgiveness. But here the passion needs to think carefully. The spouse can run like this endlessly.

Why are they coming back?

Ex-husbands return after divorce for the following reasons:

  • The bad recedes into the background. There comes a period when grievances are dulled, the soul is freed from negative feelings towards the ex, and forgiveness comes.
  • Spouses rethink the mistakes they made in marriage, analyze the situation, and reevaluate the motives and consequences of the breakup.
  • Love that, even after parting, does not give rest.
  • Children. When common concerns related to the well-being of the child bring them together, the spouses may decide that a new stage in the relationship has arrived. However, this is a misconception. After all, the knot of conflict that served to break it remained untied.
  • Old connections are severed, and new ones are not born. It happens that after a separation, a husband cannot start a new romance for a long time. And no matter how strange it may seem, the wife becomes an outlet here both sexually and morally.
  • Comparing the new one with the old one. A divorced partner may be too demanding when he leaves for someone else. He will also constantly compare his passions, which will make his mistress a loser.

It also happens that relationships are restored due to several of the listed reasons. But at the same time, the desire to renew ties must be mutual. If only one side wants this, then it is clear that it will be difficult to establish contact.

According to statistics, most cases when a husband wants to return back after a divorce occur on the initiative of the men themselves.

The perpetrators of the breakup can earn forgiveness in half the cases, but only on condition that they are able to convince their passion that they have changed and realized their guilt. Men are luckier in terms of receiving forgiveness - wives forgive their spouses much more often than they forgive themselves. Especially when it comes to cheating.

Men's pride is much more sensitive, and problem solving is more categorical than that of women. Therefore, if the culprit of the conflict is the spouse, there is less chance of the partner returning.

But the possibility cannot be ruled out. A lady needs to find wisdom within herself and use different tactics to get what she wants. Without losing your dignity.

By the way, the most inappropriate attempt to return marriage is one that humiliates women's dignity. For example, a woman suffered from the betrayal of her beloved, but, seeing that he is not doing anything to earn forgiveness, she initiates the return of her husband herself. Moreover, he chooses not the most worthy methods. This not only reduces the chances of restoring the marriage, but also greatly undermines the reputation of a beautiful person. And the reason for this behavior is low self-esteem and self-doubt. In such situations, former companions, if they return to their wives, do not do so for long.

Does a woman need her ex back?

If, after a breakup, you granted forgiveness to your partner and decided to take him back, take a break and honestly answer these questions:

  • Do you have a guarantee that your companion has changed and will not repeat past mistakes? If so, which one? You must understand that the probability is in equal proportions - 50/50. Therefore, prepare yourself not only for the honeymoon, but also for not very pleasant surprises.
  • Why do you need this relationship? If you are one hundred percent sure that your husband is your soulmate and you can’t live without him, then it’s your business. But if in doubt, don't rush. Perhaps divorce is a chance for a new life? Perhaps your spouse never appreciated your feelings and care for him? And if he was an avid reveler or an alcoholic, wouldn’t he return to his old life after a while?
  • What is the purpose of renewing the relationship? Maybe you have blurred priorities or a fear of being alone? And he, for example, sees you as a housekeeper and nothing more. Here even fortune telling is unnecessary - you will part at the same point as last time.
  • Does the end justify the means? Perhaps you decided to get back together not because you love and want to be together, but for the sake of the children, for example. You, as a good mother, have set the goal of raising them in a full-fledged family, no matter what. But, unfortunately, the following can happen - you will become psychologically dead, your feelings will atrophy. You will persuade yourself to stay, to endure a little longer, but deep down you know that you are deceiving yourself. The only excuse for torment will be the thought that you are suffering for the sake of a “high” goal - for the sake of the children. This behavior is fundamentally wrong. As a result, you will not live your life, and as you know, it tends to “pass by” quickly.

How to understand that his intention is sincere?

  • A once loved one is trying to awaken in your memory the best moments from your life together. Not verbally, but effectively.
  • Shows that he has changed, talks about those things that he rethought during separation.
  • Maximizes what you love and minimizes what you don't. This applies to all things and actions.
  • Confesses his fear of losing you again.

It would seem that divorce is an extreme measure, after which there can be no talk of restoring the family. But, according to statistics, every third man after a divorce would like to return to his ex-wife, and every fourth man does so. Why do men return to their families after divorce?

A few years after marriage, many men begin to feel burdened by the bonds of marriage. Some husbands declare that they are incapable of family life, that they are not ready for a large number of responsibilities, or even strive to find adventures on the side.

Problems can begin even after a couple of decades of marriage. When going through a midlife crisis, a man sometimes believes that his family doesn’t understand him, he wasted half his life, and his wife has changed a lot, not for the better.

In these cases, men often choose a drastic solution - divorce. However, if the marriage is married, then divorce is virtually impossible for a believing man, only in the event of his wife’s betrayal.

According to psychologists, a man experiences divorce more easily than a woman. They have virtually no “post-divorce syndrome,” when separation from their wife is acutely experienced. However, the much-desired new life that men who decide to get a divorce strive for often disappoints their expectations.

Do husbands return after divorce?

Sometimes after a divorce, not even six months have passed before the ex-husband begins trying to return to his wife. Sometimes people leave for ex-wives from new families: there all the difficult stages of family life need to be gone through again, whereas in the old family much has been settled long ago and each other’s habits have been studied.

Only after leaving their family and returning to a single life do many men realize how much they loved their wife and children. “We don’t keep what we have, and when we lose it, we cry.”

In the male community, returning to a wife is often secretly frowned upon; it is considered a sign of weakness, which is why many men never dare to return, although they suffer from depression and longing for their family.

Pavlov's dog

Do we often think about how important the established order of things is for us? Men quickly get used to the way of life established in the family. Next to his wife, it is easier and clearer for him, he knows what will lead to praise and what can lead to conflict.

The wife becomes a “life friend” about whom the husband knows almost everything (and who knows him just as well).

It is sometimes difficult to refuse a three-course meal prepared the way a man likes it, traditional walks with his son, and even his favorite sofa, from which it is so comfortable to watch football!

Calculating Males

In many cases, a man is connected with a woman not only by a common feeling, but also by joint property. Then the husband may return because it is expensive to pay for rent, but it was possible to live in the ex-wife’s apartment practically for free. And with a joint budget, life was better than on one salary.

Whether or not to accept a man who clearly needs to make his own existence easier is up to the ex-wife to decide. Such marriages can last a long time, but often there is no happiness in them.

The same is true when the husband is dependent on the relatives of his ex-wife. He may work for one of them, or seek their protection.

Sometimes after a divorce a man is left without a good job and cannot find a similar position. In such cases, sometimes a decision is made to return: for the sake of a good salary, for the sake of connections.

Dispersal field

Some men prefer to live “on two fronts”: they feel good in their new life, but they continue to perceive their old family as a place where they can always return if things don’t work out.

They may spend several days a week with the family, be interested in the personal life of their ex-wife (and even be jealous), and promise that they will return soon.

If the wife still loves her husband, this life can continue for years. She will try to please him, to be “ideal,” and he will take it for granted. Most likely, the ex-husband will not return “for good.” Why, if he is already satisfied with everything?

How to get back together with your ex

Before you start trying to get back together with your ex-husband, you should ask yourself a few questions:

  • What do I need from this relationship?
  • What didn’t suit me in family life? Is there a chance this will change?
  • Do I want to be together with this particular person, or is it just important for me “not to be alone”?
  • How do I see our future together?
  • How will conflicts be resolved in the family?

If it turns out that your fear of being left alone, the fear of not meeting “your” person again, is telling you, it’s better to wait a while before resuming your relationship. Longing after a breakup is quite natural, and new love will come in due time.

You also need to be careful when it is obvious that your ex-husband does not need you, that it is convenient and beneficial for him to be in the family. Are you ready to spend the best years of your life with a man who sees you not as the woman he loves, but as a housekeeper, sponsor or relative of an important boss?

If you are firm in your decision to get back together with your ex, then you should take several steps:

  1. Respect yourself. Do not humiliate yourself in front of your husband, do not cry or beg.
  2. Change, even a bit. Get a new haircut, sign up for a fitness class, treat yourself. Show your husband that you are a beautiful woman who attracts attention and who you want to be with.
  3. Take your time. Give your husband time to think. Talk to him politely, friendly, ask how things are going, offer help (but everything in moderation).
  4. Don't blame yourself in what happened. It’s like you’re starting your story all over again; there’s no need to stir up the past over and over again.
  5. If possible, from time to time, attend interesting events together, go to a cafe for lunch, in a word, remember how your romance began.
  6. Hint to mutual friends that you don’t hold a grudge against your ex-husband, that he is still important to you, that you treat him well and appreciate him. Don't overdo it! There is no need to show once again how much you suffer and how bad you feel without him.

A second marriage to the same person is not a rare occurrence. This is an opportunity to take into account your mistakes and learn to appreciate what you almost lost.

Video: Ex-husband, ex-wife

Nowadays, divorced men are not a rarity, but a common occurrence. Marriages often break up within 5 years of marriage. What a man becomes after a divorce: psychology, new relationships - all this takes on a new emotional perspective.

For some, marriage is a kind of shackles that a person is even glad to get rid of, while others, on the contrary, strive to secure feelings with a stamp in their passport.

First of all, divorce from a male point of view, in most cases - freedom, which promises new victories, achievements, opportunities for self-realization, career and financial prospects. At the same time, male representatives rarely initiate divorce, but are happy to support such a proposal from their spouse.

Do men suffer after divorce?

Compared to women, there is a significant difference in how men cope with divorce. They are less adapted to loneliness. However, men do not tend to show their feelings, so it is much more difficult for them to cope with divorce psychologically. After a marriage ends, men experience many disappointments. At first, freedom becomes the reason for high spirits.

The “newly made” bachelor feels absolutely happy. How a man's life changes after a divorce:

  • First, the dejected mood disappears.
  • Enthusiasm and new strength emerge.
  • There are no regrets about separating from my wife.
  • Feels that he did everything right and this is the best way out of the current situation.
  • Doesn't feel guilty. Especially when the wife often caused scandals, the man believes that the ex-wife got what she deserved. If she was still prudent, then he can try to make amends financially. The man is sure that with this he will atone for his guilt.
  • He does not remember married life; such thoughts irritate him.
  • There is no fear of the life ahead. The man is confident that he will not make any more mistakes.

Divorce through the eyes of a man is liberation from boring guardianship. From a psychological point of view, this is a previously experienced situation. Boys begin to separate themselves from their mother at the age of 5-7 years. Gradually they try to free themselves from maternal care, and, having matured, from marriage ties if family relationships are unsuccessful.

There is a significant difference when young people dissolve marriage bonds and the psychology of men after a divorce at 40 years old. In the first case, everything is less painful. Young people quickly find new life partners. After 40 years, many men try to return to their ex-wife after a divorce. The reason lies in reality, which turns out to be not as rosy as expected, and the strength is no longer the same as in youth.

In the first 12 months after the divorce, a man is sure that now a beautiful, caring, devoted and loving woman will definitely pay attention to him. He is waiting for amazing sex, strong emotions and new sensations. Partially these dreams come true.

Then there comes a period when new relationships usually do not live up to their expectations, cease to bring joy and lead to another disappointment.

How long men go through a divorce depends on the reasons that caused it. There are five stages through which a “newly minted” bachelor goes:

  • Negatives. The man does not believe that he is free, it turns out that he is at a crossroads and subconsciously is not yet ready for a new life.
  • Anger. A man cannot quickly restore a full life, especially if there is no permanent woman nearby, and the expected passionate sex is absent.
  • Bargain. This stage is short-lived. The man begins to wonder whether he should return to his ex-wife. He has experienced all the delights of a lonely existence, and wants to resume his previous relationship. However, such thoughts come in flashes and quickly evaporate.
  • Depression. This is the most dangerous period. The man begins to experience depression, a dark streak in his life. This condition is aggravated if new romantic relationships do not begin in the first three years.
  • Acceptance. This is the recovery stage. She helps to throw away the past and finally start a new life. The man stops worrying about the breakup of the marriage, and the negative attitude towards this fact and his ex-wife disappears.
  • During this entire time (until it reaches the stage of acceptance), divorced people sometimes behave strangely and do things that they do not expect from themselves.

How a man behaves after a divorce

The stronger sex does not feel guilty for breaking up a relationship - this is the psychology of a man after a divorce, if he is the initiator. Often relationships with ex-spouses become tense and even hostile. Cases of friendship are rare. Usually, a marriage breaks up when another woman appears on the horizon or the relationship goes wrong, and the marriage bond begins to be perceived as a “noose.”

Regardless of the initiator of the divorce, some men like to take revenge, just like women - calling them on false dates, sharing explicit photos, etc. any reaction from the ex-wife will only inflame them. Many men, having spent their time in restaurants, tired of casual relationships and left alone, suddenly realize how good it was at home. Plans begin to be developed on how to return to the family.

Most men go through depression after divorce. Divorce leaves a minimally unpleasant feeling. Some men even cry, for months at a time, but cannot find solace in the arms of others.

How quickly do men get married after divorce?

The psychology of men after a divorce from their wife gradually comes down to the idea that all women are the same. After a divorce, a bachelor rarely marries quickly, fearing a repeat of the previous unsuccessful attempt. During this period, he needs affection, tenderness, attention, sympathy. He starts going to clubs, meeting friends, and starting non-binding relationships. As soon as a man feels that a woman is beginning to control him, this leads to rejection and even breakup of a new relationship.

For the first two years, a man persistently searches for a new “soul mate.” He is sure that the new way of life will be radically different from the previous one. However, time passes and everything repeats itself, as in the first marriage.

It often gets worse. After a series of disappointments, sexual dissatisfaction, a feeling of loneliness appears. After all the ordeals, 2 years after the divorce, the psychology of men changes. If your personal life is not settled during this time, then memories of your ex-wife and the good aspects of marriage begin to return. In this case, the man can try to return to the family.

Wives who have received the status of “ex” should not worry that they can put an end to their lives. Of course, at first, it seems that the world has collapsed and there will be no happiness without a spouse, but over time everything passes and ex-wives regain happiness. Some continue to repeat: “I want to return to my ex-husband,” others simply remain on good terms with him. Very often, it turns out to restore the marriage, forget about the divorce and start all over again. Each outcome is individual.

Naive male psychology

Men who decide to get a divorce believe that they can live just fine without their wife. However, this can be doubted. Statistics show that only a small part of the stronger sex gets divorced for good reason and then builds their lives further. The other part just wants to prove something - youth, success, attractiveness. Men go through three main stages after divorce.

  1. At the first stage, he is a male, completely confident in himself. I want to conquer the highest peaks and meet beautiful girls. Now the representative of the stronger sex does not regret the divorce.
  2. At the second stage, the man calms down a little. He no longer wants sexual pleasures from strangers, he just wants to relax for his own pleasure.
  3. At the third stage, understanding and awareness of what has been done occurs. A man regrets leaving his wife and understands that he wants to restore the relationship after the breakup and get back together with her. There is also an understanding that he is no longer as young and full of strength as he thought.

Statistics show that most men return to their family after the third stage. At least they want to do it. In the future, everything will depend on whether the woman accepts her husband again and agrees to forgive him.

Reasons why a man leaves

Most often, the initiator of divorce is the representative of the stronger sex. There comes a time when he is already tired of everything, it seems that he himself is better off coping with all the problems. Then men take a drastic decision - divorce. The main thing is that they do not yet realize their action and do not understand whether it will make them worse or better.

So, why does the husband leave the family?

Chances of reconciliation

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Men very often return to their family after a divorce, statistics prove this. However, when this happens depends on the reasons why the marriage broke up.

  1. When a husband’s separation from his wife occurred because he decided to leave for another, the woman can expect reconciliation. A man in such a situation does not think whether his mistress needs him as a permanent partner. Most often, ladies looking for married representatives of the stronger sex only need money from them.
  2. If the husband decides to leave the family due to his insolvency, you need to give him time. The stronger sex is very confident in itself, so when its representatives realize that they are not able to support a woman financially, they simply leave, without thinking about the consequences. Only after a while the mistakes are realized, but the wife can decide whether to forgive her husband or not.
  3. The husband returns because he feels sorry for his ex-wife. He sees how she suffers, how she cannot get out of depression. It is almost impossible to restore the previous relationship after reconciliation in such a situation.
  4. Did your spouse want a breath of freedom and leave? Statistics show that such individuals return the fastest. However, a woman should think about whether she should forgive her husband, because there is no guarantee that one day he will not “get tired” again.

When will my husband return?

Women have a very difficult time when a marriage breaks up. Why this happens is not difficult to understand. They put so much effort into him, pour their soul into him, but the husband simply leaves, sometimes without explanation. Whether he will return or not is a question that gnaws at the fair sex. As it has already turned out, this is what happens, only not immediately, but after some time.

  1. If the husband left for his mistress, the first time will be very good for him. He will receive affection, care, a rich intimate life. Later the euphoria wears off. The man regrets leaving and dreams that he and his wife will get back together. There is an awareness that in a relationship there is something more valuable than intimacy and money - mutual respect and understanding.
  2. If the marriage broke up simply because the husband wanted freedom, it will take more time. Men should live on their own for some time, learn all the intricacies of everyday life. You have to do your own laundry, clean up after yourself, and prepare food. After some time, the husband will understand that he lacks the comfort that his wife created. Only then will he try to do something to restore the family.
  3. It often happens that a woman initiates a divorce. There can be many reasons why this happens - a husband’s betrayal, another man, a desire to build a life differently. The union can be restored if the couple loves each other and both realize their mistakes. It is important to understand that a marriage breaks up not through the fault of one person, the problem is hidden in both.

What to do as a woman

The marriage broke up. Women experience this much harder than men. Representatives of the fairer sex become depressed and try to understand why this happened. There is no need to look for reasons, you just need to wait a little time. Why? If a woman really wants to achieve reconciliation so that she and her husband can get back together, she needs to behave correctly. There are several basic tips that are recommended to be followed.

  1. Self-respect should always be there. If you see that a man feels sorry for you, nothing can be worse than this. The husband must see in his wife a self-sufficient and strong-willed person, otherwise the marriage cannot be returned.
  2. After the dissolution of the union, try to change a little not only internally, but also externally. When you see yourself with a new haircut, hair color, and a new wardrobe, it will cheer you up and help you cope with depression.
  3. In the case when a wife wants to achieve reconciliation with her husband, she should not put pressure on him. Obsessiveness is a very bad quality.
  4. Don’t look for the fault of the breakup in yourself; perhaps you just didn’t get along in character.
  5. There is no need to do anything that will harm your ex-spouse. Jealousy, anger and the desire for revenge are very bad. That's how men don't come back.
  6. When you have mutual acquaintances with your ex-spouse, you can use them for your own purposes. The main thing is to do everything quietly and unobtrusively. You can hint to them that you feel good, that you are not suffering or worried.
  7. Never think about why the union broke up. Draw conclusions for yourself, look not only for your spouse’s mistakes, but also for your own.
  8. If you decide to forgive your husband, if you get back together with him, start all over from scratch. Don't ask why he left or why he decided to return. If you stir up the past, you can ruin everything.

Men very often return to their ex-wives after separation. In such cases, it is very important for women not to draw hasty conclusions and think carefully about whether they can forgive their spouse. Sometimes a lady “throws herself on a man’s neck without looking,” and only later realizes that she was unable to let go of the offense. Before you make peace, understand whether you trust your ex-spouse and whether you have forgiven the betrayal. If this is not the case, there is no point in taking a step forward. Why? It will just end in another breakup, quarrels and scandals.

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Women are usually not interested in artificial intelligence research and the problem of introducing solar panels. But at the same time, they know well how to leave a man with less losses for themselves and free themselves from the burden of a hateful relationship.

Some women do this delicately and gently, trying not to hurt the man’s pride. Others act confidently and harshly, breaking all ties, preempting any questions and objections, burning bridges.

Then on forums they talk about how they survived the divorce and how long it took to restore their peace of mind. But few women are interested in how a man behaves after a divorce.

What does a modern woman do after a divorce?

Fortunately, gone are the days when a woman’s life stopped when her husband left. Now she can, of course, cry, but not for long. Then he goes to the hairdresser, gets his hair extended or cut, changes its color, files his nails or makes them longer, paints them scarlet and buys lipstick to match his nails.

Then he will put on a beautiful dress and high-heeled shoes, buy a bottle of wine and drink it with his girlfriends. While drinking wine, she will tell all the details of breaking up with a man, they will drink to a happy liberation from the burden of a boring relationship, and then to the next one, which will definitely be, will turn out to be rich, handsome, kind, gentle and generally the best and not a bit like the previous one , abandoned.

Then the woman will sign up for courses in makeup, floristry and yoga. She will lose weight, become prettier and decide that being alone is not so bad.

Then she will still want to wait for a man from work or even get married. But this desire will steadily disappear after each general cleaning and after each cooked pot of borscht.

A woman will go to the sea or to the mountains and start a holiday romance there. He will fall morally in the eyes of society and in his own and rise above everyone else at breakneck speed on a wave of pleasure.

She will return home, cry a little, looking through photographs of her vacation with the abandoned man. And she will go to work, tanned, thinner, happy, with a sparkle in her eyes and a seductive smile.

She will have men, she will compare each one with the previous one. Then he will decide that a second education is better than a second (third, fifth) husband and will engage in self-development.

On average, a divorced woman suffers for six to eight months. Then she is reborn into even stronger and more determined than she was.

How does divorce affect men?

Men hate talking about how they were abandoned. They are a little more willing to share the details of how they themselves left their women. But even in this case, it will be unpleasant for them to remember many moments.

So how do men cope with divorce? At first they are confused. After all, the ground has been cut out from under their feet, they are deprived of everyday amenities, and most importantly, a woman who is so familiar, so familiar, and so beloved, it turns out, is far away. What if some strange man is already hovering around her?!

Then the man starts drinking? Even if he hasn’t drunk before, even if the first glass makes him sick. Anyway, he starts drinking and drinks for a day, a week, two... depending on what his body is capable of. Being abandoned, even a teetotaler gets drunk at least once. Drunk, he calls a woman and says all kinds of nonsense.

Then he stops drinking and calls already sober. His speech is more coherent, but he still cannot formulate the essence of the call.

An abandoned man eats all sorts of crap, ordering fast food delivery or buying “just add water” convenience foods. He also tells the woman about this over the phone or Skype, takes photographs of the mess in the apartment and sends them to her on her mobile phone. A woman simply must understand that a man is simply on the verge of extinction because of her irresponsible decision to leave him.

Then he starts to get sick. His complaints exactly repeat the descriptions of diseases from the medical encyclopedia. The woman, by phone or correspondence, will have to diagnose him and prescribe treatment. But since a man cannot swallow a pill, dilute a suspension, or choose the right syrup at the pharmacy, she will have to look after him. How can it not? Well, then he will die. And she will have to live with a load of guilt and a sense of her own heartlessness.

If all this does not help, the man will roll out his machine guns and launch a massive attack. The following will work as machine guns:

  • Mother-in-law - who better than her knows how to influence her daughter and force her to return to the house, to the family, to her husband!
  • Father-in-law - even if he has a rather tense relationship with his son-in-law, he will still be suitable as an agitator for the strength of marriage and family.
  • Children - in most cases they stay with their mother, but the father maintains contact with them and remembers in detail how good they all had together, how great they had time, going to the zoo, circus, cinema, theater! But all this can be returned, you just need to often tell mom how bad it is without dad and let him come back soon. If the children stayed with their dad, then everything is much simpler. It’s enough to call your mom every morning and every evening and tell her how boring it is in the house without her breakfasts and bedtime stories.
  • Mother-in-law - if she rejoices at the gap between her son and “this ungrateful piece of trash,” then this option is not suitable. But if she is upset and wants the reunification of her son’s family, then she can also be sent to the departed woman as a truce.
  • Wife's friends - everyone has long known that the way to a woman's heart lies through her friends.

If this does not help, the man will try to arouse jealousy. He will hire a priestess of love so that his wife will know about it, and it will be good if he does not catch any infection. If he catches it, he will hide for a month or two under the door of the venereologist’s office. If he doesn’t pick it up, he will be disappointed to learn that this act of his did not in any way affect the heart of the insidious woman!

Seeing his ex with a new one, he will become furious and try in every possible way to spoil the beginning of a new relationship. Whether it works out or not doesn’t matter. The main thing is to try.

A man will get a dog. Or even a cat. But this will not replace a woman for him. And he will again begin to go through the stages of anger, disbelief, threats, persuasion.

On average, this loose state will last a man one and a half to two years. Either he will return his ex during this time, or he will find a new one and begin to live with her.

They say that there are men who behave differently. They throw themselves into their work, achieve success in a short time, earn money, recognition, and a name. Women who previously would have preferred not to notice him begin to hover around them. The ex-wife will also become interested and appear in his life. And then the man will either offer her to reunite the family, or turn his back on her forever. Such men are left with a wound forever. They then live as successful and wealthy, strong professionals and distrustful loners. Women will not be with him for long, unable to break through the barrier of coldness and indifference.

In general, a woman who has recovered from a divorce is again attractive and interesting, and a man has gained a little weight, is somewhat flabby, has acquired chronic gastritis, or has thrown himself into business and spent half an hour with the woman twice a week after work.