
Psycho-babble: how to understand that it’s time to break up? How do you know when it's time to break up? Understand that they have separated


In this article, I will tell you when you need to break up with a girl (in what cases).

There are ups and downs in relationships, there are quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings, conflicts of views and interests, etc., etc., but all this can be calmly resolved if desired.

In fact, everyone has the same thing... What I mean is that you shouldn’t leave (destroy) a relationship after the first disagreement, conflict, quarrel, misunderstanding and other things of that kind arise.

There is an expression: breaking = not building. Think about it somehow.

But! If you understand that this relationship of yours = has no future, everything is bad, and then it’s even worse, if you’re at the end of your rope, you no longer have the strength, you endure, suffer, rape yourself, etc. = then something is needed change. Below, I will provide you with some good reasons to break up with your girlfriend...

Emotions (feelings, love) pass through everyone and always. It's only a matter of time. And all because love is feelings, it is emotions. And feelings (emotions) pass absolutely always and for everyone (it’s only a matter of time). And if you are not initially ready for this, you will never have a serious relationship or family.

What I mean is that if you had a relationship for a long time, 5-10 years = this process (that everything has calmed down) is absolutely normal. This requires work on relationships = refreshing relationships, learning to love again, and much more. There is no need to run away and immediately break up when you have a 5-10 year past behind you, have children together, a family, etc. and everything is basically fine. Understand?

It’s another matter if you don’t have common children, a life together, an existence, you haven’t been dating for that long (six months, a year), and there’s no love (feelings) at all, you understand that you’re not happy as before, absolutely nothing you feel for this person, and you don’t know what you’re doing with her at all = then wow... you shouldn’t continue to suffer, endure, suffer, force yourself = you need to separate and move on.

Treason (betrayal)

No comments here.

If a girl cheated on you even once, it’s pointless to build anything serious with her.

A relationship is a transaction in which two people participate: a man and a woman.

In this transaction, everyone has their own responsibilities and rights.

A woman's primary duty is to be faithful to a man. Loyalty is the number 1 main feminine quality. This is necessary so that the man is confident that the children will be from him, that he will invest resources (money, effort, time, energy) in his genetic line, in his offspring, and not in the genetic line of her lover. Understand? If a woman cheated = she broke the terms of the deal. There will never be any confidence in her again. Not with anything. And never. Understand?

It is impossible to forgive (truly) this. Even if you try, every time it will overtake you and overtake you, you will remember it and remember it, you will constantly doubt it, you will remember it, there will be quarrels, scandals, swearing and much more.

It’s better not to pull the cat by the tail, but to finish everything at once. Dot.

You are not happy / everything is bad / she doesn’t suit you / there is no work on the relationship and so on...

If your girlfriend doesn't make you happy, you're not happy with her = why do you need her?

Why bother with her? Why do they suffer with her and suffer themselves? Why is all this necessary, when relationships are needed in order to make each other stronger, better, happier. For what? Just take it and think about it.

If you are not happy with her, you have eternal quarrels, scandals, swearing, conflicts, in short, if you understand that in your relationship there is more bad than good = either you need to change something together, work on this relationship so that everything it was OK (so that everyone was happy with each other, and in general, everything was good in the relationship) OR they just needed to be ended. That's all.

Long separation (distance)

There can be no talk of any development of relationships if you are not around each other for a long time. If you don't work together with each other in a relationship. Relationships = constant work.

If this job does not exist, there are no strong, happy, harmonious, etc. relationships.

As I mentioned just above, in any long-term relationship = all the love, emotions, passion, etc. = in any case, even in a full-fledged relationship (when next to each other), they will gradually cool down. It will never be like before, like at the beginning of a relationship. And you need to be prepared for this.

Now imagine that in TO SPEAK SOFTLY = IN A NOT FULL RELATIONSHIP. When partners are not near each other, they are at a distance. It will happen much faster... love will pass, because there is no interaction with each other at all, no: S*x. Love. Caress. Tenderness. Romantic. Surprises Ave.

Therefore, a long separation cannot be allowed. Don’t delude yourself with illusions that everything will be ok.

You need to either converge and work together with each other = or diverge and not suffer from bullshit.

You're not right for each other at all / she's not right for you

You love sex very much = she’s not very much. You are active = she is not. How can we be together here? Constantly raping each other? Quarreling over this? Make scandals, swear, etc.?

You are sensitive = and you want to be loved, to show feelings for you, but she is not very, she does not know how to show her feelings, from the outside it may seem like “insensitivity (maybe it is).”

You’re energetic, active, oh yeah, oh yeah = but she’s not, she’s passive, well that’s it...

You have one thing in life = she has something completely different.

You are developing, changing, becoming better = she is not, lying on the couch, doing nothing, not striving for anything, not changing, not improving, etc. and so on. you are for sports, healthy lifestyle, etc. and she'll have a drink, hang out...

Well, in short. You feel a kindred spirit next to you = everything is ok. If you really don’t suit each other = at all = if there are no points of contact = then there won’t be a relationship, there’s just no way.

You can work on many components of a relationship together with each other = but if YOU ARE DIFFERENT = you really don’t suit each other = then, alas, there won’t be a long-term relationship here. Will not work.

If a person doesn’t suit you = not what you want to see next to you = what’s the point in continuing something?

If you understand that nothing will work out with this girl in the long run (big risks)…

A man must be more far-sighted.

If you understand (see) = that nothing really will work out with this girl = then there is no point in continuing anything further = no. If there is no meaning = you understand... Well, for example, she is still small, 20 years old, has, for example, zero experience, can’t do anything, doesn’t know, hasn’t worked up yet, young, emotional, curious, the first one you had, for example , that is, if you are an experienced man, then you understand that you cannot build a relationship with such a young lady, with such categories, with minors, virgins, etc.

Because nothing good will come from this.

Relationships are a very, very serious topic. Relationships should be built only between men and women. I talked about all this in more detail in the main articles:

Or there are some other reasons (that you see), well, in general, this (you know better).

There are many reasons = I voiced, in my opinion, the most significant (main) ones that came to mind.

Congratulations, administrator.

Can a woman take the first step towards separation if her feelings for her beloved man have not yet cooled down? It’s difficult, but sometimes, having stepped over yourself, you even need to do it. Otherwise, further - an abyss and disrespect for yourself. How to understand and feel that it’s time to break up, and you need to put an end to it first? That it’s time to break off the relationship immediately, because it will be more difficult mentally in the future?

There are many opportunities to smooth out corners during conflict situations with your lover. Minor quarrels are easily resolved thanks to a woman’s wisdom and patience (by the way, these are the main qualities of a wife). But sometimes situations arise when the cup of patience is full - there is no more strength to endure the harmful character trait of the husband, his addiction or some external influences.

It is best to break up in the early stages of a relationship, when it is not so painful. If you notice that some aspect of your boyfriend doesn’t suit you, don’t try to change him for yourself. Adults are difficult to “train.” It’s amazing that after giving birth to a bunch of children from her husband, a woman suddenly notices after many years that “he’s somehow different.” Either her husband became so terrible to her, or she did not dare to part with him in time and turned a blind eye to everything. But in vain! And yet, even if it’s too late, what shouldn’t you put up with?

Wait, there is a fine line here, where exactly some women sometimes go too far. Being convinced teetotalers, they panic if their lover allows himself a bottle of beer on Friday evening or prefers a cheerful feast with libations on some special occasion. Simply, holidays are stolen from men who drink moderately.

The poor man is put into strict limits:

    No friends or colleagues: all the men are drunks who will pour drinks.

    No fishing trips or corporate parties - all they do there is drink.

    New Year, birthdays and other holidays are celebrated only with juice.

    “If you smell it, you’ll fly out of the apartment.”

Such a man, if he endures it, will become a boring henpecked loser, unless he himself is a convinced teetotaler. Or he will run away first. But this is only if the man is not prone to continuous alcoholism.

Such strict limits can be set for a person if he himself suffered from his own alcoholism, went to the doctor, “got coded” and is afraid of breaking down. But, again, these frameworks should not look like an ultimatum: rather, they should be like saving a loved one from harm - delicate and soft.

It’s another matter when a person does not want to leave the state of somnambulism. He doesn’t have a hangover, because the evening drinking smoothly turns into the morning libation and so on in a circle. He stopped going to work a long time ago, doesn’t want to wash or shave, doesn’t have sober days, and at the same time he doesn’t consider himself an alcoholic. The woman does not see him as a man, because instead of him there is a lying layer, “flavoring” the whole apartment with cheap alcohol. By the way, he drinks with whatever he gets out of his wife’s wallet.

Yes, there were attempts to talk to him, and to go to the doctor, and to call on family and friends for help. But in response to all his pleas, he gets a big blow under the nose of everyone suffering for him and sends him off with obscenities somewhere very, very far away. And he didn’t care about threats of divorce. Well, I don’t care: it’s time to break up, because there’s no point in carrying on with everything further and continuing the relationship. By the way, this also applies to drug addiction (which, by the way, is even worse).

External influence

This is all that does not concern relationships within the family. The influence of relatives, friends and ex-girlfriends. Somewhere you can also get around the sharp corners, but sometimes patience comes to an end when everything goes too far and the agreement of all parties is impossible. This chapter should be divided into several parts.

Influence of relatives

Most often, this happens to be a not entirely reasonable mother-in-law, when the husband is also a mother’s boy. Just imagine that you are in the place of the daughter-in-law of such a mother-in-law. In general, you are a conflict-free person, you are not rude to your mother-in-law, you do not contradict, but all the bad things are constantly flying at you:

    “Ugh, she cooks disgustingly, son, you’ll ruin your stomach with her ‘slop’!”

    “How sloppy she dresses you: she ironed your shirt, but didn’t smooth out the crease at the collar!”

    “She spends a lot of money. Bring me your salary, I’ll decide what you need!”

    “Son, I understand that it’s five in the morning, but I was doing laundry, and it seems to me that the machine is acting up. Maybe you’ll come now and take a look?”

And here's the story. He jumps out of bed, runs to look at her washing machine, gives her every penny of his earnings and tries to snack on her “healthy” dishes. At your timid attempt to talk to your man, he boils, because his mother is right about everything. These are your relatives who are bullshit, but his are the gods.

By the way, this can be not only the mother-in-law, but also the father-in-law, older brother or sister. In any case, it is most likely useless to fight here; you are unlikely to be able to save the relationship, because you will always be in last place. More precisely, even “in the crowd.”

Influence of friends

This is the case when you could not fit into his company. It is in this case that it is best to break off relations with your lover from the very beginning, if you have not become “your boyfriend” among his friends. Look, when you first started a relationship with him, he was so in love that his friends faded into the background. But having returned from heaven to earth, he is unlikely to abandon his old friends forever.

I couldn’t fit in and “pulled the blanket over myself” - in general, it was my own fault. At first, he will begin to be torn between two fires, meeting with them secretly, but friends are unlikely to like such friendship when it is like a secret date for lovers. If a guy chooses friends in this regard, then it is better to break up immediately, because life together will not work.

The influence of his ex

Be afraid of her friendship with your boyfriend if it crosses all boundaries. That is:

    He proves that even though they broke up, she still remained his best friend.

    He calls her back, consults and runs to help at her first call.

    He invites her to family holidays and generally acts with her as if they were never separated.

Remember - his ex-girlfriends are not your friends. If you can still somehow find a common language with his male friends, then keep in mind that your ex had both love and sex with your boyfriend. In this sense, only you should be your man’s best friend.

If you miss the moment when your predecessor needs to be “liquidated” from your joint relationship, then she will push you out. And then you will definitely have to say goodbye to your boyfriend. By the way, such an omission may cost you more - he, without hesitation, may cheat on you in the future, since you are so resigned.

You need to break off relations with such a monster at the first manifestation of his aggression. Of course, there are cases when a woman has done such mischief that a man could not restrain himself and slapped her in the face out of frustration - for example, after many years of marriage, he found his wife in bed with another. This can still be explained somehow. But systematic aggression with assault cannot be forgiven. Is it dangerous. At this point, any quiet alcoholic will seem like an angel.

What matters to a tyrant is not the reason why he rages. He will find her easily. Any petty disagreement will be an excellent reason to flex your fists on a weak woman. You broke his favorite mug - get it, distracted him from the computer - get it, called him to dinner in the wrong tone - get it again. And this will continue ad infinitum.

Love is gone

Yes, it’s just that both of you are no longer interested in each other, but for some reason you live together. For example, for the sake of unsuspecting relatives or joint children. Sex has been reduced to zero, romance is a thing of the past. Minor quarrels arise only because you annoy each other with your appearance.

You are interested in other men, and you yourself turn a blind eye to your husband’s spree. On the contrary, I’m glad that he’s not at home, because you want to take a break from his disgusting sight, voice and smell. It’s not that you hate him, it’s just that he’s like a foreign body to you. And the feeling is mutual - he doesn’t even want to hug you in passing.

So, in this case, there is no need to pose the question: “to break up or not” - you just need to calmly separate, and not make a joke on others, thereby ruining each other’s lives. It will be painless for both, even for children. Because by separating wisely, there will be no aggression, children can meet with both parents whenever they want without scandals and division.

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to “read” men. It’s like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man and you immediately know everything about him and understand what’s on his mind. You would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem - you would not have any problems in your relationship at all.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you can’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

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Not every meeting ends in a serious relationship, just as not every couple makes it to the registry office and building a family. You could be wrong. Over time, you can understand that the guy is no longer needed. Often girls make the mistake of thinking that they need to be patient and wait for something to change. However, the situation is only getting worse. When is it time to break up with a guy?

Experts from the women's magazine website say that you should not delay breaking up if you clearly understand that it is time to break off the relationship. Not every good beginning has a good ending. Sometimes a situation arises that you want to break up, because this solution will be the best for both you and your partner.

Sometimes it's hard to understand that it's time to break up with your boyfriend. This occurs in a situation when the relationship reaches a dead end and a crisis ensues. This is a period in a relationship when partners are faced with a choice: continue to build it further or break up, look for new loved ones.

It’s not difficult to understand that it’s time to break up when a person reaches the boiling point: “I can’t stand it anymore. Tired). I hate it. Everything is over". When a girl is clearly aware of such a thought within herself, then she does not create a situation of choice “I want or I don’t want.” She is sure that she no longer needs the guy, and is ready to part with him without a twinge of conscience.

This situation is good because the girl does not hesitate. She is clearly aware of her desires and is ready to say goodbye forever to the partner who is no longer interesting to her. The reasons that prompted the girl to take this step are not discussed here. This can be either a lack of love, a subsidence of feelings, or a desire to live differently, not to live with a guy. The girl is ready for a life where she will be alone again and will be forced to look for a new boyfriend.

This situation inspires and inspires the girl, despite the fact that she will have to go through the process of separation. However, she is determined.

Circumstances are completely different when a girl hesitates. Crises happen in all relationships. Sooner or later, partners reconsider their desires and interests. If they suddenly start thinking about breaking up, they inevitably find reasons why this needs to be done. But here some things can stop you:

  1. The habit of being with this guy and not another.
  2. Fear of being alone.
  3. Reluctance to break off relationships and be left with nothing.
  4. Loss of benefits that an unloved person gave and brought.

It should be understood that any obstacles that prevent a girl from realizing her desire only aggravate the situation. The relationship can be continued, but it will not be desirable and happy. The girl will suffer next to the guy who is not interesting to her. This is much worse than having to solve some love problems or overcome difficulties and obstacles with your partner.

How do you know when it's time to break up with your boyfriend?

  • You clearly feel this need. You really crave and scream in your heart that you want to leave your partner.
  • You notice “alarm bells” that indicate that the guy is no longer needed. We will talk about these calls further.
  • Your plans and desires for the future are at odds with those of your partner. No matter how much you want it, none of you will change your goals for your partner’s plans.
  • Your partner doesn’t suit you in any way. You realize that you are different, despite the fact that you seem to be good people.

Not all men are destined to build long and happy relationships with you. However, while you waste your time on an unloved person, you are depriving yourself of the chance to meet true love.

Which guy is no longer needed?

All people are good. However, not every guy you need to build a relationship with. There are certain signs that may indicate that the union should be broken off, otherwise you will become increasingly unhappy and the relationship less strong and harmonious. Which guy is no longer needed?

  1. The one who lies to you. Lies between partners are the key to breaking up a relationship, not to maintaining it. Those people who lie are those who no longer love, value or respect their partners. The relationship has gone down a “bad” track; it has already been damaged in some way. This causes your partner to lie. Do you really like this? Are you ready to spend your whole life on a person who lies to you? Decide to break up with someone who chose the tactic of lying rather than telling the truth and building a normal relationship with you.
  2. The one that stopped making you laugh. When a girl is in love, she doesn’t seem to notice who she’s talking to. She has a veil before her eyes when his jokes seem funny and his stories seem interesting. If suddenly the veil has lifted and you realize that you are absolutely not interested in your partner, then it’s time to break up with him. Things will get even worse from here. Love will not return, just as rose-colored glasses will not be put on again. If you're not happy with the person who doesn't make you laugh anymore, it's time to break up with him.
  3. Someone who is constantly in a bad mood walks around gloomy and devoid of joy. In such a situation, girls usually begin to feel sorry for their boyfriends, look for the reasons for their bad mood, and “cure” them. In fact, the reason for the guy’s sad state may be trivial - he just realized that he no longer loves his girlfriend. For some reason, he does not break up with her, even cheats on her or starts going out with friends just to avoid seeing his partner. He is cheerful and cheerful everywhere, but not in the company of a girl. In such a situation, you definitely need to break up, since everything will only get worse.
  4. The one who stopped exciting you. Society unanimously says that sex is not the main thing in a relationship. However, when a person himself is deprived of the opportunity to have sex with a loved one, or, on the contrary, he craves sex, but feels disgust for his current partner, then this slogan does not work here. Sex is part of a relationship. If you feel disgusted or uncomfortable with your partner's body, this is the main sign that it's time to break up.
  5. Someone who does nothing for the sake of a relationship. All initiative comes exclusively from you. You offer to spend time together, plan a vacation, create romantic evenings, and in response he either turns his nose up or takes advantage of everything, but offers nothing himself. The lack of any initiative is manifested in the fact that only you try to pacify all quarrels, only you solve problems, after a scandal only you try to reconcile. The absence of any proposals from the partner indicates that he no longer wants to build further relationships. He is either shy or hasn’t realized it yet, which is why he doesn’t break up with you.
  6. The one with whom you constantly quarrel over small things. It is quite normal to get used to your partner, which will also go through quarrels and scandals. Only if conflict situations are not resolved, and quarrels begin to arise over every little thing, then this already indicates some rejection and even hostility towards the partner. If your partner doesn’t like absolutely everything about you, and you don’t like everything about your partner, then it’s time to break up.
  7. The one you don't want to relax and spend time with. More and more often you find yourself thinking that you want to relax separately from your partner. You are satisfied when he goes to his friends or does his own thing. The more you distance yourself, the lighter and happier you become. This already suggests that your relationship has broken up.
  8. The one with whom nothing changes. Stability is good, but only at the level of feelings. There must be dynamics in a relationship. If you have some plans, but you cannot implement them, then the relationship is unpromising. If you don’t achieve anything for a long time, it means that the relationship is slowing you down and not developing you. It is worth thinking about their necessity if you are not ready to spend your whole life on what you already have, without dreaming of something more.

When is it time to break up with a guy?

Psychologists clearly answer the question of when it’s time to break up with a guy: if you feel oppressed, disadvantaged, unhappy and unfree. A girl must remember that life was given to her for happiness. She starts a relationship with a guy only in order to realize her desires. The point is to continue them if, in fact, the girl is more unhappy in the relationship than without them.

Not every partner is suitable for a girl. Not every person can build a relationship. These are not bad people, but the partners have different characters, plans, values ​​and habits. It is quite normal to meet a person who is good at first glance, and after some time to realize that next to him you are the most unhappy, unfree, oppressed or disadvantaged.

Relationships are built by partners. However, many things can go wrong. If in a relationship you cannot realize yourself, express yourself, develop, grow and become stronger, then your partner is suppressing you. This can happen indirectly, which is often the case. That's why people realize quite late that they wasted their time on unpromising relationships. Since your freedom may not be infringed upon or humiliated, it may seem to you that everything is going well. Why then do all your plans and goals remain unrealized?

It’s definitely time to break up with a guy if he clearly infringes on you, humiliates you, oppresses you, beats you, or insults you. There is nothing here that is worth enduring or worth maintaining a relationship for. If your partner puts you down as a person, then he is not worthy of your time and feelings. He does not value relationships, but uses them to assert himself, show his strength, become more self-confident, etc.

Another question may arise if a guy starts cheating. Some people have doubts about their further behavior: should they break up or maintain the relationship? The choice always remains with the girl, but she must understand the following: if the guy does not repent of what he has done, then he will continue to cheat. You can't call it a relationship anymore. Why save them then if the guy continues to hang out with other beauties?

Bottom line

Not every relationship is worth holding on to. Situations arise when you should definitely break up with a guy without hesitation. The result will be a happy future, where there will be a loved one, with whom love, prospects, and happiness will come.

If you don’t want to waste your time on a relationship that won’t give you anything good, then break it off. If you see that the guy no longer shows love and respect, then break up with him. If you feel that it is better to live without a relationship than with the guy you are currently dating, this clearly indicates your true desires that should be realized.

Hello dear readers of the Samprosvetbyulleten blog!

“How do you know when it’s time to break up with a man? We've known each other for several months now and I can't figure out if he's the right man or just another "balabon." Doubts gnaw at me. He says he loves me, but he might go somewhere with old friends from college on the weekend instead of spending time with me. So he can be busy for weeks for me. I know that he doesn’t have another, but it’s still unclear how he really feels about me and whether I have any prospects with him,” Victoria wrote.

“...lately I began to wonder if he is the right man? I am dissatisfied with many things in his behavior, but I feel sorry for the time spent on him, and I’m not sure that I will find something better. Before him, I was alone for 5 years. Relationships with him are like a zebra, then everything is fine - a white stripe, then suddenly a black one. I have the impression that I am the only one who needs our relationship, but he doesn’t seem to care. But if I let the relationship fall apart, then I've lost. How do you know when it’s time to break up with a man?” — wrote Irina.

Read about how to understand whether a man really loves you →.

If you are starting to wonder if you did the right thing and if it is right for you, then this is for you.

Would you like to know what red flags predict that there is no relationship prospects with this man and he will only bring problems? Most of us are not good at predicting relationships and don’t know when it makes sense to break up. In this article, I will show you the red flags that warn you that a man is not right for you and should not continue a relationship with him.

13 red flags that show a man is not right for you

1. From the moment you started dating, there is no personal growth for both you and him.

Before entering into a relationship, you should experience some problems together (go through a small crisis and be able to get out of it) and be sure that you are both able to overcome difficulties. If you could not cope with the problems, could not survive the crisis and become even stronger after that, then you should think carefully before making a decision about a relationship.

2. You are not one of his three priorities in life.

He finds time to work extra hours for a big bonus, plays on the computer every day, helps his uncle in the garage, meets with a group of old friends on weekends, and goes on vacation with them. But he can't answer your call or can't meet you. This means you are not a priority in his life.

Notice the top three things he does each week. Are you on this list? If not, perhaps you are simply closing your eyes to the truth and don't want to see that you are not important to him.

3. You have a feeling that the man is hiding something from you.

It takes time for trust to develop between two people, but if you constantly feel like he's hiding something, you likely need to put in a lot more effort before committing to a relationship. You should know basic information about him, what he does for a living, his education and lifestyle.

You must be able to rely on him, to be confident that he will do what he promises. If you have a feeling that something is going on in his life and he is hiding it from you, then you are most likely with the wrong person for you.

4. The friends you trust don't like him, and he in turn doesn't like them.

When you're in love, it's unpleasant to hear criticism from friends about your new beau. But if friends you trust have bad feelings about a man, then you should listen to them...

5. You never know if he will show affection or be cruel.

Accusations and attacks often go hand in hand with charm and cajoling when we are dealing with dangerous men who manifest and try to keep their victims close to them. Your safety is the most important thing and no excuse can make emotional or physical abuse acceptable.

6. He treats other people poorly.

Such a man always has reasons not to pay child support, he believes that the world has turned against him, he had a bad breakup, he is a witch, his boss is a monster, and he himself is perfect and never makes mistakes.

If he blames and scolds everything and everyone around him, perhaps he just doesn’t want to look at himself from the outside? What are the chances of building a healthy relationship with such a person?

7. He doesn't value your opinion.

He always expects you to do what he thinks is right. Every choice or opinion you make is immediately rejected by him.

Sometimes women are happy to let a man decide everything for them, but if your opinions, preferences and choices are consistently not welcomed, you are with the wrong man.

8. He has money for entertainment, but he cannot pay rent.

At first it’s a lot of fun to be with such a man. He knows how to have a good time. But over time, it becomes clear to you that he has problems with priorities if he is going to go to the Maldives with you, and he himself is in rent arrears.

9. He is already married.

I will not dwell in detail on married men. If this is your case, see → .

10. You are the only one who gives it all.

Relationships cannot be one-sided. If a man doesn't make an effort to develop or maintain the relationship, you will soon feel empty, exhausted and unsatisfied. If a man takes more than he gives, it's time for you to start thinking about yourself.

11. The man did something unforgivable.

Cheating, especially at the beginning of a relationship, destroys trust and then the relationship itself and cannot be tolerated. Also, any abuse and disrespectful behavior means that it is time for you to run away from the man. Men who treat you poorly should be cut out of your life. This is not the case when you need to be patient and understanding.

12. You are always trying to change a man.

You can't start a relationship and then try to change the man's behavior that doesn't suit you. Arguing, criticizing, trying to control someone else's behavior is unhealthy and creates resistance and disappointment for both partners. If there are a lot of things you don't like about a man and you want to change them, then perhaps it's time to find someone else.

13. You fantasize about past or imagined future relationships.

When we are unhappy with a man or when we have doubts about future success, we often start thinking about other people. We can compare our beau with a former love or with someone else. There is nothing wrong with the comparison itself, but when we begin to idealize past relationships and dream about other men, this is an unmistakable sign that the current relationship is terrible.

Of course, this is not a complete list; perhaps you could add to it based on your own experience. But I have given the main points that are worth paying attention to. If at least one of the points applies to your situation, it's time to seriously think about whether the man next to you is suitable.

Why do we stay in unpromising relationships?

We often hold on to unpromising relationships for too long, hoping that things will change for the better. The reason for this is the wrong attitudes instilled in us by our parents and those close to us.

1. Did I win or lose?

We realize that we have made an effort, especially if the acquaintance or relationship has lasted a while and we want to get our “investment” back. For many, this is like a defeat. Some people say that if I break up, then I lost, and if I get married, then I win. That is, they view their dating and relationships through the lens of winning and losing.

The attitude “I won or lost” is formed in the family and close environment, when the child is constantly compared with other children or with his own expectations, when the child feels that the love and support of his parents is dosed, depends on conditions and must be earned. The child develops the idea that he himself has no value and is not worth love. Value lies in comparison with others, with some expectations and standards.

“If I am better than my schoolmates, brother, sister, and so on, my parents will love me more.”

Not only parents and loved ones can influence, but also peers. In order to belong and enter the circle of friends, you must meet the standards of this group. Here again, a person’s value is determined through comparison with others and is assessed from the outside.

Women who view their success in dating and relationships as a win or a loss:

  • allow a man’s shortcomings to destroy their emotional world;
  • feel like a victim of people and events;
  • their lives are controlled by the attitude of men towards them;
  • ready to please or please a man to the detriment of their well-being;
  • they derive strength from their popularity with other people and their approval of their actions;
  • they lack the courage to express their feelings and beliefs;
  • they are easily influenced by strong personalities.

If in dating and relationships you always have two options in your head, either “win” or “lose,” try first changing this attitude to “win or don’t get involved.” This means that if a man's behavior and his views on life and relationships do not suit you, you will not get involved with him.

With this mindset you can't lose, you either win or move on.

If you use the “no contact” attitude as a possible scenario, you feel free because you don’t have to constantly push the man to have things your way, you don’t have a negative attitude towards what is happening. If your boyfriend doesn't meet your needs, then you simply don't contact him.

2. I won't find anything better

Many women are simply afraid to be alone and therefore try to preserve what they have. It is better to be in any relationship than in none, they think. And they continue to hold on to a man with their hands and feet, even if their needs are not met and they are treated poorly.

This attitude is followed by insecure women with low self-esteem. But the truth is that there is nothing worse than being in a bad relationship. Fear of loneliness should not force you to stay with someone who is not right for you. Breaking up can be difficult and painful, but it is always better than an unhealthy and painful situation.

Many women who are now happily married may have also stopped dating an unsuitable man at some point. Life is the result of all our choices, conscious and unconscious. If you can control the choice process, you can control all aspects of your life.

If you are one of those who are afraid that you won't find a better man, try implementing the following principles into your life:

  • use a creative approach - look for ideas and opportunities outside the present moment and your environment;
  • be firm, don't be afraid to say what you want and say no when you don't want something;
  • clearly define your goal and move progressively towards it;
  • think positively;
  • Remember that the world is rife with opportunity.

Breaking up, even when it is the only choice, is difficult. But we must not forget that any pain is only a small part of the pain that can be in a bad relationship with a person who is not suitable for you.

The main thing is to remember that breaking up with an unsuitable man is the first step towards your true happiness.