
A promising plan of lessons in modeling in the middle group (children with TNR). Komarova T. S Art classes in the middle group of the kindergarten Lesson notes Perspective plan lykova modeling drawing middle group

Pathology of the uterus

Perspective plan for modeling and applique work in the middle group.

Modeling 1


Improve the ability to sculpt from plasticine. Teach children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine, flatten balls, roll small peas. Educate thinking.

Complex lessons in the middle group P. 45

Plasticine, board.

Application 2

"Beautiful flags"

Teach children to work with scissors: hold them correctly, squeeze and unclench the rings, cut a strip along the narrow side into equal segments - flags. To consolidate the techniques of neat gluing, the ability to alternate images by color. Develop a sense of rhythm and a sense of color. Elicit a positive emotional response to the created images.

Komarova T. S. "Visual activity in kindergarten: Middle group" Pp. 29

Modeling 3

"Apples and Peaches"

Strengthen the children's skills to sculpt round objects of different sizes. Learn to transfer impressions from the environment in modeling. Strengthen children's knowledge of fruits. To cultivate a positive attitude towards the results of their activities, a benevolent attitude towards the works created by their peers.

Komarova T. S. "Visual activity in kindergarten: Middle group" Pp. 27

Plasticine, board, stack.

Application 4

"Vegetables on a plate"

Teach children to arrange objects according to a pattern. Continue to introduce children to use scissors, cut vegetables from a square, rectangle, smoothly cut corners, turning the part. To educate accuracy in work.

Complex lessons in the middle group P. 66

Colored paper of red, orange, green, sheets of white paper in the form of a plate, glue, scissors.


Modeling 1

"Cucumber and beetroot"

To acquaint children with the techniques of sculpting oval-shaped objects. Learn to convey the characteristics of each subject. Strengthen the ability to roll clay with straight hand movements when sculpting oval-shaped objects and circular - when sculpting round-shaped objects. Learn to pull with your fingers, round the ends, smooth the surface.

Komarova T. S. "Visual activity in kindergarten: Middle group" Pp. thirty

Cucumber, beets. Clay (plasticine, modeling boards.

Application 2

"Flower bed"

Teach children to make a flower from 2-3 paper forms, beautifully combining them in color, shape and size. Show flower decoration techniques: cut the "shore" (edge) with a fringe, turning the paper circle in your hand: stick the smaller shape onto the larger one, applying glue to the middle of the base flower. Arouse interest in the design of a collective flower bed or meadow. Foster independence and accuracy.

Lykova I.A.Picture activity in kindergarten. page 24

Modeling 3

"Cockerel cockerel, golden comb"

Teach children to create an expressive image of a rooster from plasticine and natural materials; show options for combining artistic materials: a torso with a head made of plasticine, a tail and wings made of natural material, and vice versa. Develop the ability to form a composition. Arouse interest in experimentation in artistic creation.

Lykova I.A.Picture activity in kindergarten. P. 32

Application 4

"The train is racing" Knock-knock-knock ”

Teach children to hold scissors and cut them in a straight line: cut a paper rectangle into narrow strips. Arouse interest in creating a "railroad" out of cut strips. Introduce safety rules when working with scissors. Develop consistency in the work of the eyes and hands. Raise accuracy, interest in mastering the instrument.

Lykova I.A.Picture activity in kindergarten. P. 22


Modeling 1

By design

Teach children to determine the content of their work, to use familiar techniques in sculpting. To form the ability to choose the most interesting works from the created ones. Develop the imagination, creativity of children.

T. S. Komarova "Classes in the visual activity" p. 32

Clay, modeling boards.

Application 2

"Teddy bear"

Teach children to assemble a familiar toy from parts by sticking them in the specified sequence; transmit the movement of the paws.

G. S. Shvaiko "Classes in fine arts in kindergarten, middle class." page 24 Blanks for the bear.

Modeling 3

"Modeling vegetables"

Introduce children to the technique of pressing in the middle of the ball, smoothing the surface of a sculpted object with your fingers.

Complex lessons in the middle group P. 65


Application 4

"Decorate a napkin"

Teach children to make a pattern on a square, filling the middle and corners with elements. Learn to cut a strip in half, after folding it; hold the scissors correctly and operate them correctly. Develop a sense of composition. Reinforce the ability to accurately glue parts.

T. S. Komarova "Classes in the visual activity" p. 34

Square sheet 16x16 cm. Strips of different colors 6x3 cm, scissors, glue, napkins, oilcloth, brush.

Modeling 4

"Cast out what kind of toy animal you want"

Teach children to independently determine the content of their work. Strengthen the ability to sculpt using different sculpting techniques. Foster independence. Develop imagination.

T. S. Komarova "Classes in the visual activity" p. 57

Clay (


Application 1


Strengthen children's knowledge about migratory and wintering birds. To form the ability to consider and examine objects. Continue to develop the ability to arrange parts on a sheet in a specific order. Reinforce neat sticking skills.

Modeling 2

"Girl in winter clothes"

Arouse in children a desire to convey the image of a girl in a stucco image. Learn to highlight parts of a human figure in clothes (head, fur coat expanding downward, transfer them in proportions.

T. S. Komarova "Classes in the visual activity" p. 51

Doll. Clay (plasticine, modeling boards

Application 3

"Beads for the Christmas tree"

Learn to cut corners of rectangles and squares to get oval and round beads; Alternating beads of different shapes; stick neatly, evenly, in the middle of the sheet. Strengthen children's knowledge of the round and oval shape. Continue teaching children safety techniques when working with scissors, evoke a festive mood, a desire to decorate the Christmas tree.

TS Komarova "Fine arts classes" p. 53 Beads, paper rectangles and squares of different colors, thread, glue, brush, napkin, scissors.


Application 1

"They brought beautiful pyramids to the store."

Exercise children in cutting rounded shapes from squares (rectangles) by smoothly rounding the corners. To consolidate the techniques of using scissors. Learn to pick colors, develop color perception. Exercise children in the arrangement of figures in size in decreasing order.

TS Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. P. 56

Paper squares of different colors and sizes, 1/2 album. sheet, scissors, glue.

Modeling 2

"Snow woman-frantija"

Continue teaching children to create expressive stucco images. Learn to plan your work: to conceive an image, divide the material into the required number of parts of different sizes, sculpt consistently, starting with large parts. Show techniques for decorating a sculpted figurine with additional materials. Develop an eye, a sense of form and proportion.

I. A. Lykova Visual activity in kindergarten. p. 76

Application 3


Teach children to carefully cut out parts, assemble them together in a pattern, and glue them evenly. Use scissors according to instructions.

Complex lessons middle group page 178

Colored and white paper, glue, scissors, napkins.

Modeling 4

"Come to visit." (Sparrows at the feeder).

Teach children to transfer a simple posture in modeling: tilt the head and body down. To consolidate sculpting techniques. Show that you can get a more expressive color by mixing two original colors. Develop a sense of form, ability to composition.

TS Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. P. 65

Plasticine, modeling board, stack.


Application 1

"Flying planes"

Teach children to correctly compose images from parts, find the place of one or another part in the general work, and carefully stick them. Reinforce knowledge of the shape (rectangle, teach smoothly, cut off its corners. Arouse joy.

TS Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. P. 64

Paper rectangles for body, tail and wings, scissors, glue, brush, napkin.

Modeling 2

"Funny helicopters"

Teach children to sculpt air transport (helicopter). Pay attention to the methods of fastening the parts (smearing, using toothpicks or tubes). Clarify the concept of the structure and method of movement of the helicopter. Make dads happy with their crafts.

I. A. Lykova Visual activity in kindergarten. p. 96

Application 3

Decorative applique on a square

Teach children to make a pattern on a square, rhythmically placing geometric shapes in the corners, in the middle, along the edges. Learn to transform shapes by cutting them (a square into 2 triangles, a rectangle into 2 squares). Reinforce cutting techniques. Foster independence.

TS Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. P. 69

White paper 18x18cm, strips of colored paper, scissors, glue, brush, napkin.

Modeling 4


Teach children to sculpt relief paintings as a gift to loved ones - mothers and grandmothers. Show options for the image of colors with elements - hearts. Learn to sculpt hearts in different ways: model with your fingers; cut with a mold or stack. Arouse interest in framing stucco paintings. Pr - develop a sense of form and rhythm. To cultivate an aesthetic taste.

I. A. Lykova Visual activity in kindergarten. p. 104


Application 1


Teach children to compose an object from parts, carefully cut out parts of the applique, from a circle - a torso, two semicircles - wings, a small triangle - a beak, two small circles - eyes, two triangles - ears, two triangles - paws.

Complex lessons p. 247

Colored paper, glue, scissors.

Modeling 2

"Blind what you like"

To develop the ability of children to evaluate the impressions received, to determine their attitude to what they saw. Strengthen the desire to create interesting images in sculpting, using previously learned techniques.

TS Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. P. 75

Application 3

Icicles on the Roof.

Arouse interest in the image of icicles with different applicative techniques and the creation of the composition "Icicles on the roof of the house." Continue to learn to cut with scissors, independently adjust the length of the cuts. Show a way to cut icicles out of accordion-folded paper. Develop a sense of form, color, rhythm.

I. A. Lykova Visual activity in kindergarten. p. 116

Modeling 4

"Little goat"

Teach children to sculpt a four-legged animal (oval body, head, legs). To consolidate the sculpting techniques: rolling between the palms, attaching parts to the sculpted body of the animal, smoothing the attachment points, pinching, etc. Develop sensorimotor experience.

TS Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. P. 73

Clay, modeling board, stack.


Application 1

"Vitamin basket"

To teach children to place ready-made forms in the composition "Vitamin basket";

develop the ability to use glue, develop fine motor skills; to educate in children the need to use healthy foods, a sense of empathy, a desire to help.

"Basket for vitamin products", preparations of vegetables and fruits from colored paper, glue, napkins, individual oilcloths.

Modeling 2


To develop an interest in artistic creativity, to consolidate the concepts: open space, weightlessness, attraction, planets, stars, satellites, meteor shower, comets, a Martian, etc. To develop children's observation, memory, interest in the world around them. Teach children to show imagination, creative imagination. Continue work on the formation of verbal communication skills.

Plasticine, a board, napkins, a container from a kinder surprise.

Application 3

"Eternal flame"

To consolidate the application techniques in the cutting technique, to consolidate the knowledge on safety with scissors. Develop fine motor skills, develop tactile sensations, develop imagination. Templates of the Eternal Flame, squares of corrugated colored paper (different colors, brush, pencil, napkin, oilcloth, scissors, glue.

Modeling 4

Modeling a ladybug from dough

Introduce children to work with the dough, it is elastic. Convey the characteristic features of their structure. Develop thinking, attention. Complex lessons p. 253

Salted dough of black, red, green color.


Application 1

"Spring Flower"

Teach children to cut a square by smoothly rounding the corners, cut a circle along the fold in half; make up of parts-circles, semicircles and a narrow strip-images of unblown and blossoming flowers; fix the techniques of neat gluing.

G. S. Shvaiko "Classes in fine arts in kindergarten, middle class." p. 129

Material prepared by the teacher.

Modeling 2

"Sculpting by design"

Continue to develop independence, imagination, creativity. To consolidate the techniques of modeling, the ability to carefully use the material.

TS Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. P. 67

Plasticine, modeling board, stack.

Application 3

Little Red Riding Hood"

Teach children to convey the image of a red riding hood in appliques. Continue to teach how to depict a person (the shape of a dress, head, arms, legs, characteristic details (a hat, observing the relationship in size. Reinforce the ability to accurately cut and paste.

TS Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. P. 83

Colored paper, scissors, glue, brush, napkin, oilcloth.

Modeling 4

"How we played an outdoor game"

Continue to teach children to create images of outdoor games in modeling. Develop imagination and creativity. Consolidate sculpting techniques.

TS Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. P. 86

Plasticine, modeling board, stack.

G. S. Shvaiko "Classes in fine arts in kindergarten, middle class." pp. 69-71

Application 5

Final "Magic Garden"

Teach children to create a collective composition, independently defining the content of the image (magic trees, flowers). Learn to cut with scissors in a straight line; rounding the corners of a square, rectangle. Develop perception.

TS Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. P. 85

Colored paper, gold and silver, large sheet, scissors, glue, brush, napkins, oilcloth.


(under the "Childhood" program)

1. Diagnostics to Reveal the skills of children when working with clay, as with artistic Clay, boards, stack Bondarenko T.M. page 39

section "World material, the ability to roll out a lump, using previously studied - Doronova T.N. page 31

art " techniques, use a stack for applying the simplest ornament

cop. Observe accuracy when working with clay, create a simple

her favorite composition

2.Mushrooms in the basket To acquaint children with the method of circular molding: direct movement - Clay or plasticine, Bondarenko T.M. p.88

roll sausages of different lengths, the ends of the sausages of the soy-board, the model of the mushroom and Komarova T.S. page 57

tweak and superimpose on each other. Sculpt the bottom and the handle separately for Kazakov's baskets p.58

and apply to the base of Doronov p.101


3.How a hedgehog is ready Learn to roll lumps of plasticine between the palms in circular Clay or plasticine, Bondarenko T.M. page 48

curls towards winter movements, straight movements, flatten them between the palm-sheet of green paper, Komarova TS. page 57

nami, encourage sculpting according to the idea. Learn to sculpt toys mushroom objects (dummies)

round shape and different sizes

7.You know To fix the structural features of the bunny (long ears, elongated Piece of clay in the form of a thick one Komarova T.S. p.82

such an animal? Muzzle, short front legs and long hind legs) Fix - sticks, boards, napkins Bondarenko T.M. from 70

(riddle about use techniques of sculpting and joining parts



8. Gifts to Help bake cakes and decorate them smartly. Teach children to decorate Clay, heated color. Bondarenko T.M. page 57

Birthday sculpted products with a pattern, using a stack of plasticine, boards Komarova T.S. from 43

Jacobson p.59

9 funny Make children want to sculpt animals familiar to them: a hare, a bear, Plasticine, boards, Khalezova p.97

animals (by bird, duck. Exercise in technical and pictorial illustrations E. Charushina Bondarenko p.121

illustrations the skills of sculpting animals, to develop the independence of toys of animals Komarova p.62

E, Charushina


10 fish Learn to sculpt a fish from an oval shape, using plastic Clay, boards, toy Bondarenko p.134

sculpting methods. Convey the characteristic shape of the tail. Fins of Komarov's fish p.59 (66)

drink by sticking and pulling clay from the total volume. Nalepami Khalezova p.87

to depict the eyes and scales of a fish in a stack, placing it rhythmically in the form

pattern. To teach the reception of pulling, flattening, transferring characteristic

features of the fish

11 who lives Exercise children in the technical and visual skills of sculpting life - Clay, boards, toys - Bondarenko p.127

winter forest? that's the fox. Develop independence. Use the techniques of the fox Kazakov s. 97

anchoring, pulling, pinching


12.Diagnostics Revealing the ability to create images using clay, plasticine, Clay, sculpture, Kazakov's feeder p.64

under the section "World possession of basic technical skills and abilities when working with Bondarenko p.167

art " clay and plasticine; the ability to adequately assess their

work and work of peers

13.Cups for Arouse interest in working with clay. Teach children to sculpt utensils by applying applicative work (deco-Kazakova p. 71

dolls rolling, pressing and leveling the edges of the mold with your fingers. Educational napkins), clay, Komarova p.80

to be active, independent in work doll furniture, dishes Bondarenko p.161


14. Round dance Teach children to depict the shape of a person, correctly conveying the ratio Clay. Board, Dymkovskaya Komarova p.68

sewing parts. Learn to combine your work with the work of other children doll

Develop imaginative perception. To acquaint children with the Dymkovo doll.

15 .Helicopter Learn to transfer the shape of a helicopter using techniques: rolling, Plasticine, board, toy Bondarenko p.

flattening, smearing. Deepen children's knowledge about helicopter helicopter


16.Modeling according to a fairy tale Strengthen the ability of children to sculpt utensils. Show new sculpting techniques: Clay, board, illustrations by Khalezov p.95

K.I. Chukovsky roll the ball, flatten it into a disk, press it into the middle and fingers to the fairy tale, Bondarenko's toy tableware

"Fedorino grief" pull back and trim the edges. Learn to compose a composition based on literature. P.205

(tableware) work; arouse interest and desire to display episodes in sculpting

literary work

17 my favorites Induce the desire to independently choose your favorite character and Applique of the rug, colorplas- Kazakova p.76

toys to convey its characteristic features of tilin


18. Dymkovo bird To create in children an interest in a folk toy, a desire on their own Dymkovo toy, clay, Kazakova p.73

to mold the same toy, to convey the characteristic features of a bird, a plaque

parts ratio

19 goat Teach children to sculpt a four-legged animal (oval body, head, Clay, boards, toy Komarova s75

(Dymkovskaya straight legs). Reinforce sculpting techniques: rolling between palms, goat Bondarenko

toy) smoothing of the attachment points, pinching, etc. Teach by molding p.246

make horns, apply details in a stack.


20.Bas-relief To develop a concept in children, to teach to convey in a plastic way Clay, Kazakov's tablets p.78

"Beautiful flowers" an image of a flower, place it on a clay plate

21. Diagnostics by Revealing the skills of children to create images with the help of clay and plastic - Clay, Khalezov's tablets p.87 (137)

section "World lina, independently choose methods of image and artistic

arts»New materials, create decorative compositions, take part

in collective work. Interest in the results of work,

the ability to give an adequate assessment of their work and the work of their peers.

Possession of basic technical skills and abilities



1.Diagnostics by section Revealing the skills of children to construct buildings according to the model and according to the idea; Building material, Tarkovskaya 26

"Construction". Knowledge and distinction of building material. dolls, samples of buildings

City of masters.

2.Mushroom (from natural Teach children to design , using natural material: chestnuts, acorns Natural material: porridge-

material) tans, acorns, layouts and sil-

lustration mushrooms, doll


3.Teremok Learn to build a house and transform it into a tower. Learn to construct buildings Building material, Binder p.27

of the corresponding size toy-animals Tarkovskaya 38

4.Fence (manual labor) Learn to make a fence, fold a strip of paper in half, cut the paper Colored paper, scissors, Lishtvan p.52

stripes model of the house Binder p.27


5.Gate Continue to teach children to build buildings according to the size of the car, to work not Building material, Binder p. 32

in a hurry to clean up the workplaces toy car Lishtvan p.54 (61

6 a garage for your car Learn to build a garage that matches the size of the car. Fix the name Building material,

building material. car


7 dog kennel Teach children to bend the sheet along the fold lines; learn to cut a circle along the cut line Scissors, colored paper Binder

8 garlands for New Year's To consolidate the previously acquired skills in working with glue, paper, scissors; Colored paper, scissors, glue Binder p.77

holiday (manual labor) to educate children to be interested in working together


9.Diagnostics by section Revealing skills and abilities: folding the square in half, ironing Color paper, glue, samples Binder p.23

"Construction" fold lines, gluing parts to the main form of work, work diagrams

Tram (manual labor)

10.Diagnostics by section Revealing skills and abilities: to be able to see the image in natural material; Natural material, clay

"Construction" be able to hold parts together using expressive means

A bird from a natural material.


11.Modeling large snow To reinforce in children ideas about familiar objects in the environment, to know

figures their purpose, to see the features, to visually highlight the main parts. Educated

to develop the ability to listen to the teacher, to follow his instructions.

12. Notebook in hand Strengthen the ability of children to bend rectangular sheets of paper in half; to develop Colored paper, "Construction" glue

rock dad (manual labor) artistic taste, cultivate accuracy in work 80


13. Gifts for mothers and grandmothers To consolidate previously acquired skills in working with paper; learn to make a new toy, Colored paper, glue,

kam for the holiday (manual labor) conveying a fabulous image in it. Instill love for loved ones and the desire to make them scissors. Samples


14. Bridges To consolidate the skills acquired by children in the middle group. Learn to construct different types of Builds. material, "Construction"

length of bridges, using different design options for bridges sample-options for buildings p.74


15 construction Develop constructive ability, imagination and thinking of children, creativity Build material

by design

16.Bus for Exercise in the ability to bend paper of different shapes in half, four times. Learn to decorate the bus Colored paper, pencils

gnomes (manual labor)"Construction" 80

17.Diagnostics by section Revealing skills and abilities when designing from ready-made geometric shapes:

"Construction»The ability of children to construct a building according to the model and according to the idea, to know the building

material, analyze your work and comrades

18.Diagnostics by section Revealing skills when designing from paper: Ability to fold in two ways

"Construction»Square, iron out the folds, glue to the main shape. Be able to give an adequate assessment

his work and the work of his comrades.

Anastasia Mirsaidova
Perspective plan for modeling in the middle group


TS Komarova “Classes in fine arts in middle group "

I. A. Lykova “Visual activity in kindergarten. Middle group "

GS Shvaiko “Classes of visual activity in kindergarten. Middle group "

D. N. Koldina " Modeling with children 4-5 years old "


1 Molding subject "Eared pyramids" Learn to sculpt pyramids from disks of different sizes with the top of the animal. Show planning Lykov's works “Visual activity in kindergarten. Middle group ",With. 28

2 Molding from plasticine "Basket with berries" Learn to sculpt a hollow object with a handle. Continue learning how to roll small balls between Koldin's palms " Modeling with children 4-5 years old ", With. thirteen

3 Molding"Cucumber beet" Introduce the techniques oval sculpting... To teach to convey the peculiarities of each subject Komarov “Classes in visual activity in middle group ", With. thirty

4 Molding from plasticine "Pie" Continue to sculpt rounded objects, flattening the ball between the palms, decorate Koldin's products, p. nineteen

1 Molding"Big and small carrots" Learn to sculpt elongated objects. fix sculpt large and small objects Komarov, p. 28

2 Molding“Mushrooms” Reinforce the ability to sculpt familiar objects, using familiar techniques to clarify the shape of Komarov, p. 36

3 Molding“Plums and Lemons” Strengthen the ability to sculpt oval-shaped objects Komarov, p. 43

4 Plasticine "Leaves are flying in the wind" To consolidate the ability to apply a thin layer of plasticine on cardboard

1 Molding from plasticine "Snail" Continue to roll the column out of the ball and roll it up with a spiral, pull back and round off the ends of Koldin, p. 42

2 Molding-Plot "Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs ...." To learn to sculpt a hedgehog, conveying the characteristic features of the appearance, to experiment with artistic materials when creating a prickly “fur coat” by Lykov, p. 52

3 Molding on Dymkovo toy "Duck" To acquaint with toys, draw on a streamlined shape, painting Komarov, p. 47

4 Molding based on the Hungarian fairy tale "Two Greedy Bear Cubs" Teach to sculpt teddy bears in a constructive way (in pairs) Lykov, s. 84

1 By design To consolidate previously learned techniques in sculpting familiar objects

2 Molding“Fish” To consolidate the techniques of pulling, flattening when transferring the characteristic features of the fish, to teach to designate with a stack of Komarov's scales, p. 40

3 Molding“Girl in a fur coat” To teach to highlight parts of a human figure in clothes, to convey them in compliance with Komarov's proportions, p. 51

4 Molding from plasticine "Green Christmas tree" To learn to transfer the structures of the Christmas tree, connecting columns of different lengths to each other in a certain sequence. Koldin, p. 25

1 Holidays

2 Molding storyline “The Snow Maiden is dancing” To teach how to sculpt a Snow Maiden in a long fur coat in a rational way - from a cone, to place it vertically, giving stability. Show the methods of transferring Lykov's motion, p. 68

3 Molding“Cup and saucer” Continue sculpting the ball by pressing your thumb into it, align the edges with your fingers. Roll out the column and attach. Strengthen the ability to roll a ball and flatten Koldin, p. eighteen

4 Molding from plasticine "Pyramid" To consolidate the ability to roll balls of different sizes and flatten them between the palms, arrange the resulting circles in a certain order Koldin, p. 41

1 Acquaintance with small sculptures To acquaint with a new type of fine art - small sculptures. Learn to understand the content of the sculpture and its expressive facilities... To give an idea that the sculpture is made of various materials Shvaiko “Classes of visual activity in kindergarten. Middle group ", With. 76

2 Molding from plasticine "Aircraft" Continue to roll the columns on the cardboard back and forth and connect them. Exercise with the Koldin stack, p. 32

3 Molding(collective)"Birds on the trough" Teach to convey a simple pose. Learn to unite your work with your comrades. Komarova, s. 65

4 Modeling with additional... material "Ship" Continue to learn to roll an oval out of the ball, flatten it and press in the middle with your fingers, tighten and trim the edges. Learn to complement the image with Koldin's details, p. 22

1 Molding from plasticine "Family of matryoshkas" Learn to sculpt an oval-shaped object in a plastic way, press down the craft from below for stability. Continue introducing the anti-aliasing technique. Strengthen the ability to decorate a product with a Koldin bas-relief, p. 33

2 Molding(collective)“Duck with ducklings” Continue introducing Dymkovo toys. Learn to sculpt figures on a stand, conveying the difference in Komarov's size, p. 52

3 Plasticine "Flower - seven-flower" To consolidate the ability to apply a thin layer of plasticine on Koldin's cardboard, p. 35

4 Molding"Little goat" Learn to sculpt a four-legged animal. Reinforce tricks Komarov's modeling, With. 73

1 Molding"Round dance" Teach to depict a human figure, correctly advanced ratio of parts with the size of Komarov, p. 63

2 Molding“A bird pecks grains on a silver platter” To strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar objects, using Komarov’s previously learned techniques, p. 82

3 Molding“Bowl” Teach to sculpt with familiar techniques and new ones - pressing and pulling, leveling them with Komarov's fingers, p. 70

4 Molding"Lamb" To acquaint with Filimonov toys. Arouse the desire to mold Komarov's toy, p. 78

1 Plasticine "Spring Rain" To consolidate the ability to apply a thin layer of plasticine on cardboard, complementing the drawing

2 Molded from plasticine "Teremok" Learn to divide the pillars and lay them out the desired image in the form of a bas-relief. Strengthen the ability to work with the Koldin stack, p. thirty

3 Molding from plasticine using natural material "Swan on the lake" To consolidate the ability to combine natural material and plasticine in the craft. Exercise in the connection of Koldin's parts, p. 43

4 Plasticine "Bouquet of flowers" To consolidate the ability to apply a thin layer of plasticine on cardboard

Theme: "Autumn"
Summary of GCD for modeling in the middle group

"Mushrooms for Squirrels"

Integration of educational areas: Artistic creation, Communication, Cognition, Reading fiction.
Tasks: teach children to sculpt mushrooms from two parts (hat, leg), to clarify the children's idea of ​​the structure of the mushroom for a more accurate transfer of the proportions of the parts. To foster interest in the knowledge of nature and the reflection of impressions in various types of visual activity.
Software content: develop creativity; evoke an emotional response in children - a desire to help the squirrel; teach children to sculpt familiar objects, using previously learned techniques: to form the ability to roll out a ball, flatten it, the ability to pinch all the edges of a flattened ball with a slight pulling back, smooth the surface of a sculpted object with your fingers; rolling out the cylinder-leg; connection of parts.

Vocabulary work:

Active dictionary- September October November.
Passive vocabulary- leaf fall, golden autumn, ice crust, cloudy.
Material: plasticine, stacks, a modeling board, napkins, dummies of mushrooms, a toy - a squirrel, a wicker basket.
Preliminary work: a conversation about the forest and its inhabitants, examining illustrations depicting mushrooms; drawing mushrooms, looking at dummies of mushrooms, talking about useful and poisonous mushrooms, observing while walking.

Reading the poem by G. Lagzdyn "The Tale of a Mushroom Picker"

Under the aspen, under the oak trees,
Today mushrooms are hiding
Under birches and under trees
Under the leaves and needles,
White-legged and good-looking
They are so similar to each other
As if in a hurry, in a terrible rush
The russula scattered.
And in sedge the barnacles
Boletus mushrooms are stinging
They drink aspen juices
Stretch up, lose weight
And solyushki, and solyushki,
Cheerful girlfriends
Round dances lead amicably,
Though they are standing, but ... they can be seen walking!
Who's there with the red head
Say hello to me?
Boletus. I see.
Climb into the basket. I will not offend!
On a hemp, on a hemp!
In the heat, and in the shade!
The hat is pressed against the hat,
Honey mushrooms grow together.
Sisters are dancing around
Yellow-red chanterelles
The sun shines in the glade!
The mushroom picker will not pass, he will notice !!
Load your thick visor
Pulls far and wide !!
Among the twigs and cones
A juicy saffron milk cap is hiding!
In a concave hat, as in a cup,
Two insects are swimming.
Fat-legged boletus
I'm used to joyful screams,
like a dwarf, under a white spruce,
even in the shade, but tanned !!
He pulled his hat on,
He tortured the mushroom picker ...

I. The course of direct educational activities:

Educator:- Guys, I want to ask you a riddle, and you try to guess:
-Small, remote,
I walked through the ground
Found Little Red Riding Hood !!
(children's answers)
The teacher invites the children to remember about the hikes with their parents in the forest, about what they saw in the forest.
Educator:-What kind of mushrooms are they? (Boletus, chanterelles, mushrooms, boletus, fly agaric, etc.)
-Guys, look, I also have a mushroom (takes out a mushroom made of plasticine)... Let's take a look at it. What parts does the mushroom consist of (cap and leg);
-Right. What shape does the hat look like? (damn, plate);
-Right, (asks 3-4 children to name the form for fixing);
- Guys, what shape does the leg look like? (roller, cylinder);
-Right, (survey of 3-4 children to consolidate the form).


Educator:- Guys, someone is knocking on our door. Look, Squirrel has come to visit us! Let's say hello to her. - Hello, Squirrel!
(The teacher examines the squirrel toy with the children).
Educator:-Quiet, guys! The squirrel wants to tell us something (brings the squirrel to his ear)
- Guys, Squirrel asks us to help her. In the forest, she had little squirrels in a hollow. She prepared nuts and apples for the squirrels for the winter, but she did not have time to collect the mushrooms. Let us help her (children's answers);
-Do not be upset, Squirrel. Look how many guys we have in the group. They are all kind and very fond of animals. We will help you, and your little squirrels will not starve in the cold winter. We will make a lot of mushrooms for you.
-Before starting work, we will do finger gymnastics with you:
-One, two, three, four, five!!! (counting fingers, bending),
-Let's collect the leaves, (bend, unbend fingers),
-Birch leaves, rowan leaves, (bend our fingers)
- Poplar leaves, aspen leaves, (bend, unbend fingers),
-We will collect oak leaves, (bend, unbend fingers),
- We will collect the autumn bouquet for mom! (we spread our hands to the sides).

II. The educator shows the sequence of work.

1. Leg: take a piece of white (yellow, gray) plasticine and make a mushroom leg - roll out a roller (cylinder);
2. Hat: we take plasticine of red (orange, brown) color and sculpt a hat - roll out the ball, flatten and bend it to make a bowl; if we sculpt a small mushroom, you can leave the hat in the form of a ball, if a large mushroom, then bend the hat with its edges inward (outward), or make it flat, like a plate. Be sure to make a recess for the leg in the middle of the cap.
3. We connect: two parts, a cap and a leg - the mushroom is ready !!!
The teacher invites children to choose plasticine (color) for their work.
Independent activities of children (help from a teacher if necessary). During the work of children, Vivaldi's music "Autumn" sounds.

III. At the end of the work, Belochka thanks the children for their help.

She is very glad that she met such kind and sensitive children. Now her squirrels will feast on mushrooms all winter and remember the guys. Children put mushrooms in a squirrel's basket. She thanks them again and says goodbye to the children.
Cleaning of the workplace by children (scrubbing boards and desks from plasticine, washing hands, etc.).
Used Books:
1. Komarova T.S. - Visual activities in kindergarten. Middle group. For classes with children 5-6 years old. / M: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2008 .-- 128 p.
2. Lykova I.A. - Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. Middle group. / M .: "Karapuz", 2009. - 144 p.

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Komarova T. S

Classes in visual activity in the middle group of kindergarten

Lesson notes


The visual activity of children 4-5 years old attending kindergarten continues to develop. This is due to the development of mental processes, the acquired experience of cognition of the surrounding reality, the formation of figurative representations in various games, design, drawing, modeling, application. Thanks to this, images, ideas about objects and phenomena, become more detailed.

At this age, the imagination continues to develop in children. On the one hand, this is facilitated by pictorial activity, and on the other hand, the developing imagination leads to the enrichment of the images created by children in drawings, modeling, appliqué and construction.

At 4–5 years of age, the sensorimotor experience of preschoolers is expanding. This, in turn, leads to the development and improvement of graphic and visual skills and abilities.

However, for the successful development of visual activity, which brings children a sense of satisfaction, which causes the desire to draw, sculpt, cut and paste, purposeful pedagogical guidance is needed, including the systematic conduct of drawing, modeling, and application classes; selection of topics of activities that are interesting for children and accessible for the image; the formation of skills and abilities; development of aesthetic perception, imagery, imagination, artistic and creative abilities and much more.

This book proposes a system of lessons in drawing, modeling and application, developed on the basis of the provisions and tasks of the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.

Visual activity is part of all educational and educational work in a preschool educational institution and should be interconnected with all its areas. Only under this condition will she be successful and be able to bring children satisfaction and joy.

Of particular importance for the upbringing and development of a preschooler is the connection between drawing, modeling and application with a variety of games (role-playing, didactic, mobile, etc.).

In this case, it is necessary to use various forms of communication: the creation of images and products for the game ("vegetables to play in the store", "treats for your favorite toy animals", etc.); the use of game methods and techniques; the use of play and surprise moments, the organization of play situations (at the beginning of the lesson Mishutka comes to visit the children, says that the toys would like to arrange a festive dinner, but they do not have enough dishes, and asks: “Guys, help us, blind the dishes, because you can do everything! ”etc.); drawing, modeling, application on the themes of games ("How we played the outdoor game" Hunters and Hares "(" Sparrows and a Cat ")", etc.).

Such a versatile connection increases the interest of children in both visual activity and play. Drawing, sculpting and appliqué classes are associated with the work of familiarizing themselves with the world around them: creating images, children reflect in them their impressions of objects and phenomena of the social and natural environment. Images of works of fiction, folklore (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, riddles), as well as images of musical works become the subjects of drawings and modeling.

For the development of children's creativity, it is important to create an aesthetic developmental environment, gradually including children in this process, causing them joy, pleasure from the cozy, beautiful environment of the group, play corners; using in the design of the group individual and collective drawings, applications created by children. Of great importance is the aesthetic design of classes, a thoughtful selection of materials for classes, visual aids, paintings, toys, objects, etc.

Of particular importance is the emotional well-being of children in the process of classes, created by interesting content for them, the benevolent attitude of teachers to each child, the formation of his confidence in his abilities, respectful attitude of adults to the results of children's artistic activities, the use of their work in the design of group and other premises of the nursery. institutions, educating children of a positive, benevolent attitude towards each other, etc.

The development of any abilities of preschool children is based on the experience of direct cognition of objects and phenomena. It is necessary to develop all types of perception, to include in the process of mastering the shape and size of objects, their parts, alternate movements of the hands of both hands (or fingers) so that the image of the movement of the hands is fixed and on its basis the child subsequently creates images; generalized modes of action and features of creativity were formed. This experience should be constantly enriched, developed, forming figurative ideas about already familiar objects.

In order to develop in children the freedom of creative solutions, it is necessary to teach them the formative movements of the hands, aimed at creating images of objects of various shapes, at first simple, and then more complex. This will allow children to depict a variety of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. The better the child masters the formative movements, the easier and freer he will create images of any objects, showing creativity. It is known that any purposeful movement can be made on the basis of existing ideas about it. The idea of ​​the movement made by the hand is formed in the process of visual, as well as kinesthetic (motor-tactile) perception. The shaping movements of the hand in drawing and sculpting are different: the spatial properties of the objects depicted in the drawing are conveyed by the contour line, and in sculpting - by mass, volume. Hand movements when drawing differ in character, pressure, range, duration.

It is important to remember that all types of visual activity should be interconnected, because in each of them children reflect objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, games and toys, images of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, riddles, songs, etc. Creation of images in drawing, modeling, applications and the formation of creativity is based on the development of the same mental processes (perception, imagery, thinking, imagination, attention, memory, manual skill, etc.), which also develop in these types of activity.

In all classes, it is important to develop the activity and independence of children. Children should be encouraged to remember what they saw interesting around them, what they liked; teach to compare objects; to ask, activating the experience of the children, what similar things they have already drawn, sculpted, how they did it; call the child to show the others how one or another object can be portrayed.

As in the second junior group, the lecture notes are compiled according to the following structure: program content, methods of conducting the lesson, materials for the lesson, connection with other lessons and activities.

In some cases, options for classes are offered, and the educator can choose the option that seems more appropriate to his group, working conditions. At the same time, if the teacher has the opportunity to conduct more than 10 classes in a given month (and this is how classes are planned for each month for a year), then he can use the proposed options or conduct classes at his own discretion.

The book contains children's drawings and applications; their purpose is to show variants of the pictorial solution of a particular topic (or a variant of the topic of the lesson, for example, "Drawing oval-shaped objects"). In this case, one lesson can be illustrated by 2-3 children's works.

We hope that the book will help teachers of preschool institutions, groups of additional education, leaders of circles and studios in working with children.

Fine Arts Program

Continue to develop children's interest in visual arts. Elicit a positive emotional response when asked to paint, sculpt, cut and paste.

Continue to develop aesthetic perception, imagery, imagination, aesthetic feelings, artistic and creative abilities.

Continue to develop the ability to examine and examine objects, including with the help of hands.

To enrich the ideas of preschoolers about art (illustrations for works of children's literature, reproductions of paintings, folk decorative arts, sculpture of small forms, etc.) as the basis for the development of creativity. Teach children to highlight and use expressive means in drawing, modeling, application.

Continue to develop the ability to create collective works in drawing, modeling, application.

Strengthen the ability to maintain the correct posture when drawing: do not hunch over, do not bend low over the table, to the easel; sit freely without straining. Teach children to be neat: keep your workplace in order, after finishing work, remove everything from the table.

Teach to be friendly when evaluating the work of other children.

Arouse the desire to view the created images.


Continue to form in children the ability to draw individual objects and create plot compositions, repeating the image of the same objects (rollers are walking, trees on our site in winter, chickens are walking on the grass) and adding others to them (the sun, falling snow, etc.). ).

Form and consolidate ideas about the shape of objects (round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular), size, location of parts.

To help in transferring the plot to arrange images on the entire sheet in accordance with the content of the action and the objects included in the action. To direct their attention to the transfer of the ratio of objects in size: a tall tree, a bush below a tree, flowers below a bush.

Continue to consolidate and enrich children's ideas about colors and shades of surrounding objects and objects of nature. Add new ones to the already known colors and shades (brown, orange, light green); form an idea of ​​how you can get these colors. Learn to mix paints to obtain the desired colors and shades.

To develop a desire to use a variety of colors in drawing, applications, to pay attention to the multicolor of the surrounding world.

To consolidate the ability to properly hold a pencil, brush, felt-tip pen, crayon; use them when creating images.

Teach children to paint over drawings with a brush, pencil, drawing lines and strokes in only one direction (from top to bottom or from left to right); rhythmically apply strokes, strokes throughout the shape, without going beyond the contour; draw wide lines with the entire brush, and narrow lines and dots with the end of the brush nap. Reinforce the ability to cleanly rinse the brush before using a paint of a different color. By the end of the year, to form in children the ability to obtain light and dark shades of color by changing the pressure on the pencil.

To form the ability to correctly convey the location of parts when drawing complex objects (doll, bunny, etc.) and correlate them in size.

Decorative painting. Continue to develop the ability to create decorative compositions based on Dymkovo and Filimonov patterns. Use Dymkovo and Filimonov products for the development of aesthetic perception of beauty and as samples for creating patterns in the style of these paintings (toys fashioned by children and silhouettes of toys cut out of paper can be used for painting).

To acquaint children with Gorodets products. Learn to highlight the elements of Gorodets painting (buds, kupavki, rose trees, leaves); see and name the colors used in the painting.


Continue to develop children's interest in sculpting; improve the ability to sculpt from clay (from plasticine, plastic mass). To consolidate the sculpting techniques mastered in the previous groups; to teach pinching with a slight pulling back of all the edges of a flattened ball, pulling out individual parts from a whole piece, pinching small parts (kitten ears, bird beak). Learn to smooth the surface of a sculpted object or figure with your fingers.

Learn the techniques of pressing in the middle of a ball, a cylinder to obtain a hollow shape. Introduce the techniques for using stacks. Encourage the urge to pattern sculpted items using stacks.

To consolidate the techniques of accurate sculpting.


Raise interest in the applique, complicating its content and expanding the possibilities for creating a variety of images.

Form the ability to properly hold and use scissors.

To teach cutting, starting with the formation of the skill of cutting in a straight line, first short and then long strips. Learn to compose images of different objects from strips (fence, bench, ladder, tree, bush, etc.). Learn to cut round shapes from a square and oval shapes from a rectangle by rounding the corners; use this technique for depicting vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers, etc.

Continue to expand the number of objects depicted in the application (birds, animals, flowers, insects, houses, both real and imaginary) from ready-made forms. Teach children to transform these shapes by cutting them into two or four parts (circle - into semicircles, quarters; square - into triangles, etc.).

Reinforce the skills of neat cutting and gluing.

Encourage the expression of activity and creativity.

By the end of the year, children may

To highlight the expressive means of the Dymkovo and Filimonov toys, to show interest in book illustrations.

In drawing

Depict objects using the ability to convey them by creating distinct shapes, choosing colors, accurately painting, using different materials.

Convey a simple plot, combining several objects in a drawing.

Decorate the silhouettes of toys with elements of Dymkovo and Filimonov painting.

In modeling

Create images of different objects and toys, combine them into a collective composition; use all the variety of learned techniques.

In applique

Hold the scissors correctly and cut them in a straight line, diagonally (square and rectangle); cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, smoothly cut and round the corners.

Gently stick images of objects consisting of several parts.

Create patterns from plant forms and geometric shapes.