
Conspiracy for sore throat. Rules for using conspiracies for sore throats and effective variants of rituals Conspiracies for sore throats for children read


In the modern world, unlike the Middle Ages, magic has become something absolutely stupid, which is treated with disdain and ridicule, but despite this, people continue to believe in the power of words, at all times, warning “not to throw words to the wind” . There are countless examples in history where people were saved directly by prayers. A conspiracy is a correct, clear combination of words that can influence a person’s aura, soul and body.

A spell for the treatment of sore throat, performed according to the rules, will not harm

Using spells for illness

Conspiracies apply to everything. Adversity, mental anguish, broken heart, help in creating a happy marriage, bad - one type of conspiracy. Other types of rituals will help restore fertility, solve problems of physical health, improve sleep, memory, etc. What are the benefits of sore throat conspiracies? There are obvious advantages of conspiracies:


A conspiracy executed according to the rules will not harm. They do not contain any chemicals, and children can be treated using this method without fear. The best is passed down to us from the past.


You know what exactly you are doing, you are in control of the situation. All conspiracies and prayers have been tested by more than one generation.

Always at hand

If you feel uneasy, you don’t have to run to the hospital or to the doctors; you can calmly heal yourself at home with spells.

As practice shows: Medicines may not help solve a particular problem in all cases., and sometimes can make the situation worse.

It is in difficult times that a person raises his hands to God and asks for his help. The easiest and most accurate way to do this is through a conspiracy, directly addressing the forces and clearly formulating the request, even pointing to the problem area.

Conspiracies for sore throat

Cold weather and sore throats come outside. Oh, how I don’t want to go to school or work with a hoarse voice, fever and loud cough, and even more so to infect my loved ones with an illness. We are overcome by sore throat, and this always costs a lot of money on antibiotics and inhalers, which may not cure, but simply spoil the same microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. So, before rushing to hospitals to see doctors and shelling out hard-earned money at pharmacy checkout counters, try to talk about the problem. Maybe she will leave you on her own? The main thing is to believe in the words themselves.

Conspiracies addressed to God

Try to turn to God, the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Spirit, since the Christian God is the most powerful. He listens and constantly helps those in need. Here are a couple of examples of good conspiracies addressed to the Lord God.

Conspiracy One

A spell for a sore throat addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos:

“Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, blessed is the Lord among your wives, blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to the Savior of our souls. Amen. With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I begin, the heat, the bitterness from the white throat - I drive it out. I'm kicking you out - I'm banishing you for thirty-three years. At thirty-three are the winds, at thirty-three are the sides. We know four sides, but we are never with our body in the rest. We meet messengers from there in our dreams. As soon as the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. My words are not molded, but strong. Forever and ever. Amen".

To carry out this ritual, you will need a knife and warm boiled eggs. This ritual for the treatment of sore throat is read 12 times, “sawing” the sore throat with the unsharpened part of the knife, the butt, and freshly boiled eggs are applied to the sore area.

The second conspiracy, addressed to the Mother of God

“Oak, oak, take from the servant of God (name) the toad with all the roots, with all the shoots, with all the five, with all the children. Mother Solomonida midwifed Jesus Christ and asked the Lord God. It’s not I who drive, it’s not I who drive, it’s the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself who drives. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading this prayer, it is important to lick the patient’s forehead and spit over the left shoulder. It is important to repeat this procedure as many times as necessary until complete recovery.

“The first time, at the Lord's hour. The second time, in God's hour. The third time, the Lord's hour."

“You should not be here, do not drink red blood, do not break white bones, do not give tumors to the servant of God (name). Go there, the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.”

As mentioned above, it is necessary three times, stroking and lightly pressing on the disturbing area in the process. This prayer must be read several times until the sore throat leaves you alone.

Prayer for the treatment of sore throat addressed to the Lord

A very effective hex for a sore throat

This conspiracy for a sore throat is powerful in that the patient must be seated near an open fire (fire or stove), so this ritual should be performed outdoors.

The tonsils of the servant of God (name) are conjured

tonsils speak out from the fire,

from evil spirits:

you shouldn't be in a white body,

in red blood, in a zealous heart,

in a wild head.

Wherever the smoke flies, that's where the sore goes.

To perform the ritual, you need to sit the sick person in front of a fire, set fire to a sheet of paper and “fumigate” the sick person’s head, that is, circle the lit sheet in a circular motion around the head.

Conspiracies addressed to the forces of nature

There are also excellent conspiracies based on appealing not to the Christian gods, but directly to Mother Nature herself.

When pronouncing a conspiracy for a sore throat, you need to choose the most effective and proven ones.

A couple of excellent prayers addressed to the pagan gods:

“Dawn-lightning, red maiden, pull out the roots along with the roots! You should not be here, you should not drink red blood, you should not break white bones, you should not crush tumors on the servant of God (name). Go where the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.”

After performing the ritual against sore throat, it is important to spit over your shoulder three times, on the side where the throat is most bothered. If you are very worried and the pain is general, then you will need to spit here and there.

There are also excellent conspiracies based on appealing to Mother Nature herself.

A conspiracy to treat a child's sore throat

Parents are especially wary of their child’s illnesses, since the child’s body is sensitive to various chemicals and harmful drugs that can completely ruin the health of a young individual. But a good, proven “grandfather’s” plot for a sore throat can help your baby without causing her any damage. Sometimes getting magical elements for a ritual is not an easy task, but if necessary, you can go to a healer. But if you want to help yourself, then there is an effective conspiracy that will help not only children, but also adults.

How to perform the ritual:

  • An adult must read the prayer;
  • It is important to choose the right day;
  • you need to prepare in advance for the ritual;
  • you need to believe in yourself.

While reading the plot, both the child and the adult must swallow saliva. The ritual must be performed three times a day, with breaks of five hours, until the patient recovers. The given variants of conspiracies for sore throat are far from the only ones, and if necessary you can find a great variety of them, but you must remember: you need to read the conspiracy clearly, distinctly, without changing the words or making pauses.

Remember that the human word has enormous power, use it wisely.

Complete collection and description: prayer for a child’s sore throat for the spiritual life of a believer.

A sore throat is accompanied by a considerable number of unpleasant symptoms. An advanced form of such inflammation can cause serious consequences, for example acute tonsillitis, in other words, sore throat.

A conspiracy against a sore throat is quite popular among people today, since traditional medicine is not always able to cope with the task. Treatment of sore throat in the modern world is carried out by many means - medications, therapy, heating, compresses, spells and other unconventional methods.

Tonsillitis is a serious disease that should never be left to chance - the consequences will be inevitable. There is an opinion among the people that a sore throat can be the result of damage, then only folk conspiracies and rituals performed according to all the rules can cure it. You can also read a conspiracy addressed to the enemy who sent the damage, then his actions will turn into trouble for him, but you should not spoil your aura and direct the magical power in the wrong direction.

The main medications against tonsillitis are harmful antibiotics.

You don’t always want to poison your body with chemicals. It is logical to assume that conspiracies and methods of alternative medicine in this case have an advantageous position. There are several types of magical rituals, the simplest of which are accessible to a novice magician, that is, an ordinary person. They do not require special skills or knowledge, with the exception of the rules for performing the ritual. Complex and most powerful healing prayers and rituals require great strength and skills - only an experienced healer can handle them without causing any side effects.

“Delicious” plot for throat diseases

There are several conspiracies that can overcome a sore throat. Not all of them can be accomplished by an ordinary person. A powerful spell for a sore throat must be read by a powerful magician or healer, otherwise it will not only not work, but will also bring a lot of trouble. Even teenagers can perform simple rituals, but the rules must be followed - unshakable faith in the ritual and magic, a calm atmosphere when performing the ritual and the patient being in bed.

Simple rituals against throat diseases provide treatment at any stage of the disease, which is why they are very popular.

In this case, the main helpers are folk remedies against this disease. For the simplest effective ritual you will need the following ingredients: hot tea and honey. As you know, treating a sore throat does not allow the intake of hot liquids, so the tea should be brought to a comfortable temperature before starting to read the prayer. As soon as the tea reaches a comfortable temperature for drinking, you need to add natural honey to it, then stir the liquid well and begin to read the appropriate prayer.

You should seek help from a strong conspiracy only in the most serious cases, when tonsillitis cannot be overcome by any folk or modern medical means. In this case, treatment will consist of ridding the person of negative energy, removing damage or the evil eye. To do this you will need tools such as a knife and chicken eggs. The eggs must first be boiled and cooled. As soon as they are ready, the healer will begin to read the text of the plot.

At the same time, the following movements are made near the patient’s throat: the knife, with the blunt side facing the person, is held at the level of his throat, approximately 20 cm from him.

The knife makes cutting movements through the air throughout the entire length while the text is being read. Reading is repeated 12 times without stopping or hesitating. After completing the ritual, the eggs should be brought to the throat, so they can absorb all the negative energy.

Elimination of sore throat in children without the use of medications

Most often, treatment of sore throat through magical rituals is used for children. This is not surprising, because the small inhabitants of the earth should not be given strong antibiotics. It is not always possible to eliminate tonsillitis with folk remedies, and besides, many folk remedies are strong allergens. In this case, there is nothing left but to treat the child using magic.

A very simple spell can be used by one of the parents, since the child cannot reproduce it for himself.

In the process of reading the prayer, it is necessary to regularly swallow saliva - this is the entire procedure of the ritual. There is one thing - this ritual should be repeated three times during the day at 5-6 hour intervals. As with any conspiracies, you should not stop or interrupt while reading the text, then the treatment will be successful.

It is absolutely not worth combining unconventional treatment with traditional one - antibiotics will only harm the baby and disrupt the effect of prayer, but additional treatment with folk remedies is permissible, since they consist of medicinal herbs that contain magical power and energy.

Useful healing spells:

Conspiracies for sore throat: comments

One comment

My daughter constantly had a sore throat, I don’t even know why, no one in the family had this. One day my mother mentioned that maybe they had cast a curse on her or put the evil eye on her? I didn’t attach any importance to this, but the thought was hovering somewhere nearby all the time. In June, during the heat (!!), my daughter fell ill once again, and I decided to try to read the prayer. I read and read, didn’t believe it, but continued anyway. A week later, the sore throat went away, as it usually happens, but now my daughter began to breathe better, she recently caught a cold, and still didn’t get sick, which is already a miracle! I never believed in this, but apparently it works, and just in case I will continue to say prayers.

How to cure a sore throat with the help of spells

Sore throat is an unpleasant, but at the same time serious disease. You should not treat him with disdain. Delayed or incorrect treatment can lead to serious complications. Therefore, if official medicine does not help you or your child, prayers and conspiracies will come to your aid.

Conspiracy for a sore throat

A sore throat spell can also be used along with drug treatment. Such measures can improve the condition of a sick person. With the help of prayer, the general condition and well-being significantly improves, pain sensations decrease, and the patient’s health improves.

An important aspect in the use of magical spells is that they can be used at various stages of the disease. It doesn’t matter how long ago a person had a sore throat. The important thing is that they can be used without danger.

Prayers and spells can be both simple to use and quite complex. But it is best to start with simple and uncomplicated conspiracies. Magic rituals that are difficult to perform are best left for last. If the ritual is difficult to perform, it is recommended that it be performed only by a knowledgeable person, a healer or a magician.

Honey plot

This is a simple magical ritual aimed at treating sore throat and its symptoms. You can do it yourself, without anyone's help.

  • Prepare some tea. It is best to make it from a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  • Wait until the tea becomes warm.
  • Add May honey to it (or any flower honey, but always natural).
  • Stir thoroughly.
  • Cast a magic spell and drink it.

“The pain is sharp, malicious and dull, let it dry up like a dry sliver! Let my throat stop hurting and peace finally come for me! Mother Nature, take your illness to the red mountain ash and the powerful spruce, but let it leave me and never bother me in the future! Let it be so! Amen".

It is important that the honey drink is not very hot, as it can burn a sore throat.

Chicken egg spell

A spell for a sore throat using a chicken egg is used in a very advanced form of the disease. When no other methods help you or the disease has already gone far and there is a risk of complications. Hard-boil a few chicken eggs. Cast a spell twelve times over a person with a sore throat.

“With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I begin, the heat, the bitterness from the white throat - I drive it out. I'm kicking you out - I'm banishing you for thirty-three years. At thirty-three - the winds, at thirty-three - the sides. We know four sides, but we are never with our body in the rest. We meet messengers from there in our dreams. As soon as the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. My words are not molded, but strong. Forever and ever. Amen".

The spell is cast without interruption and without being distracted by extraneous conversations. At the same time, you should have a kitchen knife in your hands. The blunt side of the knife must be used to make cutting movements in the throat area. The distance should be at least twenty centimeters from the throat.

Chicken egg spell

After reading the spell, you need to apply warm eggs to the sore spot. Thus, they will absorb the entire disease, and the patient will definitely recover.

Magic spell for kids

Angina spares no one. Little children who get a sore throat after eating ice cream are no exception. Not every loving mother will decide to treat her precious child with medications or use antibiotics, which have a detrimental effect on the baby’s body.

Therefore, such folk methods as spells are often used in the treatment of such patients. This treatment is aimed at treating sore throat and diseases of the ENT organs. Young children are often reluctant to take medications, especially if they taste bitter.

This plot is perfect in such a situation and will be effective. Usually it is read by the baby's mother or grandmother. When casting a spell, you must swallow saliva. This should be done by both the baby and the one who casts the spell.

“In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, amen, amen, amen. willow, willow, take your mouth, and if you don’t take it, we will swallow it with its roots. Amen, Amen, Amen."

A good, strong and effective prayer for treating a sore throat is the Our Father. It is suitable for treating both children and adults. It is read over a sick person and he feels much better.

A spell for a sore throat is one of the best and most painless ways to treat the disease. Don't neglect it. Perform all the steps of the magical ritual as expected, believe in a positive result and everything will definitely work out for you. The disease will recede immediately.

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Conspiracies and rituals for the treatment of sore throat

Magic surrounds a person, it helps him and, with due persistence, harms everyone who treats it without respect. With the help of various rituals, you will be able to punish the enemy, improve your own life and get rid of health problems. Traditional medicine offers many ways to overcome infections or viruses, but does not provide any guarantee. While helping, medications can harm both a child and an adult patient, and a conspiracy for a sore throat is always safe. For a hundred years, problems that arose in the throat, nose or other organs of the respiratory system were treated with prayer or spells.

Conspiracy for a sore throat

Who is this treatment method suitable for?

Can such approaches be used to treat children? It is completely harmful for children to be treated with antibiotics; unlike traditional methods and magic, medications weaken the little patient’s immunity and make him defenseless against new threats. Prayers against sore throat are absolutely safe, and you can read them both in the hospital and at home (by yourself without the help of healers or magicians).

Induced sore throat

Diseases that strike an adult or child completely suddenly have long been associated with the negative magical effects of ill-wishers. Sore throat is a disease that literally eats away at the throat, as if it prevents a person from speaking or expressing his own opinion. Magicians claim that the symptoms of a disease in the tonsils themselves are an alarm signal that must be responded to without delay.

It often happens that even compresses, antibiotics and potent drugs do not help and the child still suffers from a sore throat. What should be done and how to get rid of suspicious inflammation? A sore throat spell is a time-tested way to eliminate a threat to the health of an adult or child.

The nature of a magical ritual for health

When is a conspiracy read and how effective are conspiracies for sore throats for children? Rituals and magical rituals for angina are as simple as possible and accessible even to a novice magician. A caring parent will not have to run to consult expensive sorcerers or healers. If you have a strong desire, you will be able to read a spell or prayer without their help. Approaching powerful rituals without preparation is unwise and dangerous, both for the person performing it and for the one whose healing is asked from higher powers. The sore throat spell and various prayers should help the first time, and not waste the beginner’s time.

Impact on energy is a kind of control that another person has mastered. Diseases are often a reflection of induced damage or evil eyes. It is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to prevent the consequences of someone else’s hatred or malice. What can a person do if he wants to avoid pain in the throat, nose or other organs of the respiratory system? Precautions to protect your health:

  • cleaning the house and living quarters from negative energy;
  • protections and blocks placed by a professional magician;
  • prayers for water for any symptoms of illness of one of the family members;
  • amulets and amulets against negative external influences;
  • strengthening your own energy;
  • special attention to the immediate environment (most often the ill-wisher disguises himself as a friend or comrade).

A physically strong person must also be spiritually strong. A visit to the temple and confession will allow you to cleanse your soul and open it only to good energy. Only people with weak inner strength, exhausted by daily problems and internal fears, are subject to negative influence. Nothing comes from outside if inside, the vessel of the human soul is filled. Reading a conspiracy for a sore throat without faith in the help of magic words is a waste of time and effort. But it is impossible to get rid of the disease forever with drug treatment alone.

Treatment of a child for a sore throat using spells

Conspiracies for quick healing are completely different. Methods, well-known spells and rituals with a long history - all these means in the fight against sore throat are available to everyone. The conspiracy will work if you do not neglect the recommendations of healers and magicians. Popular and quick rituals that drive away illness in children:

Delicious ritual for sore throat

Before performing the ritual, you should ensure a calm environment and remain alone with the little patient. You can perform rituals at night or early in the morning. A strong conspiracy does not need witnesses or assistants and consists in the fact that a person literally charges water or other liquid with the correct energy. It is especially important to carry out such rituals if there is a suspicion that damage or the evil eye has been cast on a child. The baby should sit comfortably in bed and completely trust his mother or father (the person reading the plot). You can treat a disease even in its advanced form with a simple ritual.

Make a spell for a sore throat using chicken eggs

It is necessary to read complex conspiracies only after careful preparation. Eggs should be pre-cooked and cooled. The principle of the conspiracy is quite simple - with the help of magic words and rituals, the patient gets rid of negative energy and damage. You need to charm eggs with the following words:

“With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I begin, I drive out the heat and bitterness from the white throat. I'm kicking you out - I'm banishing you for thirty-three years. At thirty-three are the winds, at thirty-three are the sides. As soon as the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. My words are not molded, but strong. Amen".

Then you should run a knife over the throat (carefully and without scaring the child), as if cutting off invisible threads. Then the eggs are brought to the throat (they absorb all the negativity and extraneous energy).

Prayers and tea with honey.

The simplest and most affordable recipe will help with a sore throat. Under no circumstances should you use hot tea for a sore throat. Honey (preferably homemade or from a local apiary) is added to the cooled liquid and prayer words are spoken. The ritual must be performed in a half-whisper, without unnecessary noise or shouting. The following words should be read:

“The pain is sharp, malicious and dull, let it dry up like a dry sliver! Let my throat stop hurting and peace finally come for me! Mother Nature, take away your illness from the red mountain ash and the powerful spruce, and let it (or the child’s name) never bother me again! Amen".

You should not turn to strong conspiracies unless necessary. The children will recover gradually, and even if not in a couple of days, but without harm to their energy. Strong rituals can end unpredictably and only harm the baby. A powerful conspiracy against a sore throat (purulent) is allowed when the health and life of the child is in danger.

Stepanova's conspiracies

It is not without reason that the conspiracies of the famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova are so popular. The long-term practice of the folk healer has shown how strong the power of the most powerful energy in the universe can be, the one that is hidden in every person (you should only find it in yourself). A conspiracy for a sore throat will only work when a person gives in return sincere, unshakable faith. Stepanova's spells and rituals help against many diseases affecting the body and mind. For treating children, such conspiracies are best suited, because any words spoken during the ritual cannot harm the baby. The healer said more than once that everything comes from God and everything returns to him. It’s as if the eternal, inexplicable cycle of phenomena in nature for humans not only harms, but also helps. Absolutely all of Natalia’s spells are based on the principle of equilibrium and balance.

Universal health spells can help in cases where the cause of a child’s illness is not completely clear. Reading magic words is allowed only on the waning moon. Water, milk or tea are suitable for the spell. When left alone, you need to say:

“I speak to the servant of God (name) All twelve pains, All twelve ailments. From daytime and night shaking, From midday fire, From twitching and shooting, From blinking and blindness, From yawning and yawning, From itching and stabbing, From boredom and scraps, From damage and black sickness, From the deeds of an agile sorceress. You, evil shaker, calm down, You, blindness and deafness, shake off, You, pain and itching, stop, You, stinging prick, stop, You, corruption and evil, shrink. Stop mocking you, It’s time to obey, Otherwise I’ll drown you in holy water, And I’ll tar you in a barrel, I’ll send you across the sea-ocean. The key to my words, the Castle to my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen."

Stepanova suggests treating a child’s illness as a reason to pay attention to the lifestyle of the whole family. Are all friends sincere, do all relatives give love and leave envy at the doorstep? Illness is a reflection of the collected thoughts and intentions of everyone who enters the house. Children are the most sensitive and susceptible in the family, so their diseases cannot be ignored. After treating the child, a complete cleaning of the living space should be carried out, and then several more spells should be made for the good health of children and adult family members. The healer’s book presents a variety of spells and rituals that will help improve life and restore health to every member of the household.

Conspiracies for throat disease

If you cannot read the prayer words yourself, you should consult a specialist. For a child, help from a friend will be less stressful, so you should call magicians or healers only in extreme cases. It is important to create all the conditions for the future ceremony. The position of the Moon and celestial bodies can also play a cruel joke on a beginner mastering the magical craft.

What should parents whose children suffer from sore throat know? The baby may need drug treatment, especially if the general condition of the little patient worsens. You should also not neglect any help, because traditional medicine shows good results in the treatment of childhood diseases. After the baby recovers, you should begin to find out the reasons that contributed to the development of the disease.

Magic will help you heal

In case of a sore throat, sore throat or tonsillitis, it is necessary to take all possible measures to quickly rid the child of the problem. Children suffer from such diseases with pronounced symptoms, and helping them is the primary task for any parent. Along with traditional medicine treatments, there are options that few people know about. There are many rumors and misconceptions among people about conspiracies and rituals that relieve acute symptoms and reduce inflammatory processes.

Sore throat, a disease that gives complications to other organs. A

Can words in a prayer or spell help against an infection or disease in the throat? The world around us consists of mysteries that a person only has to solve; whether to believe in them or not is everyone’s choice. Every day, conspiracies help to overcome unpleasant and dangerous illnesses without consequences or complications.

    On the one hand, of course, I don’t believe in all this, but there should be a place for it. After all, before our great-grandmothers, etc. I don’t think they cured a sore throat with herbs and honey with raspberry jam. Even in our time, having super new medicines, many people get a sore throat for several weeks, and in general every second person has complications. Well, as a very curious person, I waited for the right case, when my wife got sick and I started talking, of course, without her knowledge, otherwise I would have been screwed (healer 80 lvl.) In a couple of days I’ll write what happened.

    Oh, it’s already our “summer” of 2016. I got sick, and not just with ARVI, and not with a regular runny nose, but with a sore throat. And at work, the project is very important, we stay on overtime, not to mention taking sick leave. And as you know, it is difficult to endure illness on your feet. And I heard from my mother that you can talk about a sore throat. I decided to try it, what the hell isn’t it? And I want to note that although many consider this to be traditional medicine, and some do not consider it to be medicine at all, it works. The very next day I felt significant relief, and after a couple of days it completely went away, which means this is a working method, I recommend it to everyone, guys)

    Hello, I would like to ask you for advice: my child has a sore throat, he has an allergic reaction to almost all the drugs that are prescribed and available, and due to his age he simply cannot speak. Please tell me, can I make this plot instead? Will there be a positive effect?

    I have a feeling that my daughter was already born with a sore throat. My throat hurts five times a year and doesn’t go away at all. The doctors are already laughing. But I did not despair and looked for information. I found your wonderful site and made a spell for flowing water. It happened 3 months ago. Of course, no one can guarantee you instant healing; she was cured as usual with pills, but she hasn’t been sick for 2 months. For me this is a victory. thank you very much

    He resorted to the “tea with honey” spell. I can say it is effective and the symptoms go away quickly. Every year I get a sore throat and the constant use of antibiotics from time to time has less and less effect in relieving the symptoms and treating the disease. A spell without harm to health. I learned it from my mother, and now I pass it on to my friends and family. Simple and easy to implement. Therefore, I think it can be read even by children.

    My daughter got very sick once and since then we have had a sore throat 2 times a year, a couple of times it was purulent with complications. We thought about pulling out the tonsils, but the doctor advised us to wait. But I can’t watch how every time my child coughs, he grimaces in pain, trying to cough up everything that has accumulated. We decided to try to charm the eggs. My daughter liked the description and decided to do something that would be fun for her. We did everything according to the instructions and sent my husband to bury the eggs. After a couple of minutes, the sore throat went away and we haven’t been sick for a year now!

    I also used to constantly have a sore throat. I actually got sick with it several times a year. And every time I was treated with antibiotics, I killed my entire immune system with them. There was no longer any health because of this. We decided to try conspiracies against this scourge. We made several different ones. Thank God it helped. The hated disease has not returned for almost a year. It's good that traditional medicine exists.

    My child was very tormented by tonsillitis - so much so that he was already sick with it once every two months, which is why the chronic stage developed. God, how we suffered and didn’t go to school, I’m all stressed, my husband can’t work calmly. It’s so good that I found this site and now I have cured my son and continue to treat the whole family with conspiracies.

To improve the results of drug therapy, you can read conspiracies and prayers for a sore throat. They help improve the general condition of the patient, reduce pain and other unpleasant sensations, and improve health. Magic rituals can be used at various stages of the disease. It is important to have unshakable faith in a positive outcome.

Honey plot for sore throat

To cope with unpleasant symptoms and illness, you can do a simple one yourself. First, you should prepare tea and it is best if it is made from medicinal herbs. When the tea has cooled, add a spoonful of natural honey to it and mix thoroughly. After this, the following conspiracy should be said:

“The pain is sharp, malicious and dull, let it dry up like a dry sliver! Let my throat stop hurting and peace finally come for me! Mother Nature, take your illness to the red mountain ash and the powerful spruce, but let it leave me and never bother me in the future! Let it be so! Amen".

The enchanted tea should be drunk. The ritual should be repeated every day until complete recovery.

Conspiracy for a sore throat in an adult with an egg

This ritual can be used when the disease has already become severe. To carry it out, you need to hard-boil 12 chicken eggs and leave them in hot water. The person who will perform the ritual must pick up a knife and, while reading the plot, move it with the blunt side in the area of ​​the patient’s throat. The plot goes like this:

“With your prayer on my lips, Holy Mother of God, I, the Servant of God (my own name), begin treatment. With my word, I drive away the heat and bitterness from the throat of the Servant of God (s) (name of the patient) forever. I remove the burning pain, let it be blown away in all directions by a gust of wind and it will never come back together. As sleep comes, the illness will go away the next morning. My words are strong, but my deed is easy. From now on and forever. Amen".

It is important to pronounce words clearly, without hesitation and, without being distracted, to think about every word. After this, the patient’s throat must be covered with warm eggs. Improvement will be felt immediately after the eggs have cooled. By the way, they need to be thrown away.

Conspiracy for a sore throat in a child

Very often, to treat sore throat in young children, the doctor recommends using folk remedies, since they are natural and safe. The ritual should be performed by a blood relative, and it is best if it is a mother or grandmother. The following plot must be read over the child three times a day:

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! (repeated three times). Natural willow, I command you, Servant of God (my name), by rights of family ties, take away the pain from my baby’s throat. And if you don’t take it, I’ll swallow it whole. Amen".

It is important to constantly swallow saliva while pronouncing the spell; it is good if the child does the same. The spell should be repeated at intervals of approximately five hours. In addition, it is recommended to repeat the “Our Father” prayer over the child throughout the day.

A simple conspiracy for a sore throat

This spell must be read by the patient himself three times in a row and after each reading, he must spit over the left or right shoulder, depending on where the throat hurts. If pain is felt on both sides, then you should spit both to the left and to the right. sounds like this:

“Dawn-lightning, red maiden, pull out the roots along with the roots! You should not be here, you should not drink red blood, you should not break white bones, you should not crush tumors on the servant of God (name). Go where the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.”

There is also a spell for a sore throat using flowing water. This ritual is performed in the bathroom, with your back to the sink or bathtub, the main thing is that there is running water. You should start the ritual before sunrise, but if the disease manifests itself more clearly in the evening, then it is better to do everything after sunset. Open the tap so the water flows and start reading the plot:

“Like the sun that fills the beautiful world with life,

So I will be filled with happiness and health.

Like the sun that goes beyond the horizon, my illness will go to distant lands,

But he will never return again. Amen".

The spell must be repeated three times and after each reading, you should spit into the sink over your shoulder, depending on which side of your throat hurts more.

There are various conspiracies and prayers for sore throat. They are safe if you read them according to clear rules. These rituals are performed without chemicals, so even children can be treated with them.

A conspiracy for a sore throat from the healer Stepanova

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracies are very famous. The practical experience of a healer shows how strong and powerful energy can influence a person. can only help in one case, if a person sincerely believes that he will recover quickly. This plot can be used in the treatment of children, because it is harmless.

General health conspiracies help when the reason for the baby’s poor health is not completely clear. This ritual is performed only with both water and milk. All this action must take place in private.

“I speak to the servant of God (name) All twelve pains, All twelve ailments. From daytime and night shaking, from midday fire, from twitching and shooting, from blinking and blindness, from coldness and yawning, from itching and stabbing, from boredom and pain, from damage and black sickness, from the deeds of an agile sorceress. You, evil shaker, calm down, you, blindness and deafness, pump yourself out, you, pain and itching, stop, you, stinging prick, stop, you, damage and evil, shrink. It’s enough to mock you, it’s time to obey, otherwise I’ll drown you in holy water and tar you in a barrel and send you across the sea and ocean. The key to my words, the lock to my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

The healer suggests that if a child is ill, reconsider the lifestyle of the entire family, whether everyone enters your home with good intentions. Illness is a reflection of the evil thoughts of many. Children's illnesses should not be left to chance. After the baby recovers, you need to carry out a conspiracy for the health of the whole family.

Church hex

There is a conspiracy for a sore throat, addressed

“Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, blessed is the Lord among your wives, blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to the Savior of our souls. Amen. With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I begin, the heat, the bitterness from the white throat - I drive it out. I'm kicking you out - I'm banishing you for thirty-three years. At thirty-three are the winds, at thirty-three are the sides. We know four sides, but we are never with our body in the rest. We meet messengers from there in our dreams. As soon as the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. My words are not molded, but strong. Forever and ever. Amen".

In order to carry out this ritual, you will need a knife, boiled (warm) spoiled eggs. To recover from a sore throat, you need to read this text 12 times, and symbolically cut your sore throat with the non-sharp side of a knife, then apply stale boiled eggs to the inflamed part.

Prayer for treating a sore throat in a child

Every parent is attentive to the painful condition of their child. The baby's body is sensitive to chemical drugs. They are capable of harm. To protect yourself, you can try an old spell for a sore throat; it won’t get any worse, because it won’t do any harm. Sometimes it happens that an ordinary person does not have some components for the ritual, then it is worth turning to a traditional healer. If you want to help your child yourself, then there is an effective conspiracy for sore throat. It will also help an adult.

The ritual should be carried out like this:

  • the prayer must be read by an adult;
  • you should choose the day correctly and accurately;
  • you need to prepare for the ceremony several days in advance;
  • you must believe in what you are doing.

“In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, amen, amen, amen. Willow, willow, take your mouth, and if you don’t take it, we will swallow it with its roots. Amen, Amen, Amen."

When reading the plot, both a small child and an adult should swallow saliva. The ritual is performed three times a day, at mandatory intervals of about five hours, until there is improvement. There are many prayers for a sore throat, but they are all implemented according to one rule: the plot is read without replacing words, clearly and without pauses.

Text addressed to the Mother of God

The text of this ritual is read aloud:

“Oak, oak, take from the servant of God (name) the toad with all the roots, with all the shoots, with all the sons-in-law, with all the children. Mother Solomonida midwifed Jesus Christ and asked the Lord God. It’s not I who drive, it’s not I who drive, it’s the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself who drives. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the prayer, you need to lick the sick person’s forehead and spit over the left shoulder. This will have to be done until complete recovery. Prayers for relief from a sore throat are directed to the Lord.

This prayer should be read 3 times and the words slightly changed:

“The first time, at the Lord's hour. The second time, in God's hour. The third time, the Lord's hour." “Our Father” (read in full) “You should not be here, do not drink red blood, do not break a white bone, do not give a tumor to the servant of God (name). Go there, the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.”

You can massage the sore part, and read the text four or five times until the throat is completely healed.

Magic ritual for kids

The disease can occur even in the smallest baby. Many parents do not risk treating their children with medications: injecting them with a strong antibiotic, which will affect the fragile organism of the baby, etc.

They prefer to perform rituals and use traditional methods of treatment and reading prayers. These procedures are aimed at treating tonsillitis and ENT diseases. Often it is not possible to give the baby medicine, the child knocks it over, but a conspiracy for a sore throat will not cause harm or inconvenience. Not only the mother, but also the baby’s grandmother can read it. When pronouncing, you should swallow saliva. Both need to do this: both the child and the person performing the ritual.

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! (repeated three times). Natural willow, I command you, Servant of God (my name), by rights of family ties, take away the pain from my baby’s throat. And if you don’t take it, I’ll swallow it whole. Amen".

Very effective magic for sore throat

Before starting the ritual, the sick person must be seated near an open fire and take a sheet of paper. You need to set it on fire and fumigate the patient’s head with smoke clockwise, saying:

“The tonsils of the servant of God (name) are spoken, the tonsils are spoken from fire, from evil spirits: you will not be in a white body, in red blood, in a zealous heart, in a violent head. Wherever the smoke flies, that's where the sore goes. Amen".

Magic words of the Moscow Matrona for a child

You should contact us if you have a sore throat; you should read the Orthodox prayer for a sore throat many times:

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. I pray that you heal the child, so that his throat does not constrict and his mouth does not become swollen. Let the infection go away with rinsing, the inflammation will no longer be oppressive. My child will soon recover, the Lord God will be glorified in bright thoughts. Thy will be done. Amen".

This text will help your child too. But don’t put off going to the pediatrician. Be sure to gargle and treat. If possible, it is worth lighting several candles, placing an icon of the Blessed Elder, giving praise to the Lord God, and apologizing for all the sins committed. You definitely need to believe that the sore throat will go away soon.

Prayer for a sore throat in an adult of the Moscow Matrona

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Heal me from terrible tonsillitis and dangerous pustular inflammations. You heal people's illnesses, teach us to become kinder. Ease my throat pain so that tonsillitis does not torment me and my stomach does not swell. My nose began to breathe from the drops, my body was not ill. Thy will be done. Amen".

Help from the forces of nature

Rituals address not only the gods, but also nature. To get rid of a sore throat, you should choose a proven and powerful plot.

“Dawn-lightning, red maiden, pull out the roots along with the roots! You should not be here, you should not drink red blood, you should not break white bones, you should not crush tumors on the servant of God (name). Go where the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.”

After completing the ritual against a sore throat, you should spit over your shoulder 3 times in the direction where the pain is stronger. If it is general and strong, then you will have to spit in both directions.

Ritual on honey

When pouring tea, to taste into a glass and say the plot for a sore throat three times:

“The dog’s throat doesn’t hurt, the cat’s throat doesn’t hurt, and my baby won’t have a sore throat. As soon as he drinks the tea, the neck will go away. Amen, amen, amen."

After completing the steps, give the patient a drink.

Milk spell

This conspiracy for a sore throat can be carried out on any day, during any phase of the moon, in the morning or evening. The ritual is performed with a glass of warm milk from a freshly milked cow, but since not everyone has the opportunity to get it, regular store-bought milk will do. You need to pour milk into a glass and say 3 times:

“As the throat hurts, the bird flew in, as the bird flies away, the throat goes away. Fly away, black raven, fly away. As I say, so it will be, amen, amen, amen.”

Having completed the algorithm, you need to give the sick person something to drink.

Spell for sore throat on a chicken egg

Used only for very complex and severe forms of the disease. If other methods have not brought results, then you should try this option. You need to hard boil a couple of eggs, whisper over them 12 times:

“With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I begin, the heat, the bitterness from the white throat - I drive it out. I'm kicking you out - I'm banishing you for thirty-three years. At thirty-three - the winds, at thirty-three - the sides. We know four sides, but we are never with our body in the rest. We meet messengers from there in our dreams. As soon as the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. My words are not molded, but strong. Forever and ever. Amen".

The conspiracy for a sore throat is read without stopping or distraction; at the end they always say “Amen.” You need to prepare a knife before the ritual. With the non-sharp side, you need to draw lines at a distance of 20 cm, as if cutting the throat. Then apply warm eggs, they will take over the entire illness, and the sick person will recover.

For tea with honey

Everyone knows that you need to treat your throat with tea, but not hot tea. Add honey, preferably homemade, to a warm drink and read the plot for a sore throat in a half-whisper:

“The pain is sharp, malicious and dull, let it dry up like a dry sliver! Let my throat stop hurting and peace finally come for me! Mother Nature, take away your illness from the red mountain ash and the powerful spruce, and let it never bother me (or the child’s name) in the future! Amen".

You can also make viburnum. It will take a couple of days to fully recover. Do not unnecessarily resort to strong rituals. This should be done if the sore throat is purulent and poses a danger to the life and health of the baby.


There are many conspiracies, including those in a person’s name. It doesn’t matter which of them will be read, it is important to do everything, observing all the subtleties of the procedure, only then the conspiracy for a sore throat will not help forever, but for a long time.