
How to prevent shoes from stinking later. How to remove unpleasant odor from shoes. Excessive foot sweating


Based on my own experience, as well as the observations of people I know and don’t know (from forums), I have compiled my list of brands that have specifically taken care of keeping our feet dry. Including during the spring thaw.

I am posting in alphabetical order. I accept additions and objections.


Famous British shoe brand with 200 years of history.

Very comfortable shoes, in the production of which the best materials and modern developments are used. With the help of special technologies, it was possible to achieve waterproofness: the GORE-TEX membrane (it is also used by some other brands, we will talk about them below) allows air molecules from outside to enter the boot, but retains larger water molecules. But from the inside it acts differently: it removes steam molecules - and the feet remain dry, even if they are hot (for example, indoors).

The indisputable advantage of the Clarks is their durability and discreet style, not the most elegant, but even models from ten years ago look current. Of the minuses: in Russia it is easy to run into a fake.

Review of Clarcs boots:

“Of course, their price is “cheerful”, but they are worth it (...) very comfortable. In the heat - cool, in the cold - warm, in the rain - dry. If I have the opportunity to buy these again, I will have no doubts. "I completely forgot about shoes, I just had them, and I didn't think about the need for a new pair in the new season. I don't just advise, I recommend."


These are shoes for sports and active winter recreation. You can’t go to the office in them, and, in my opinion, they’re uncomfortable while driving.

Columbia boots are reliably protected from getting wet by a “galosh” made of thermopolyurethane. Tested for myself: you can wade in streams if the water level is below the edge of the galoshes.

The upper is usually made of nylon and leather (sometimes with fur). Modern models are insulated with Omni-Heat™ material, which is very effective. Although these boots can get really hot, especially if you move quickly, your feet remain dry - moisture is quickly absorbed and wicked away.

On the plus side: Columbia boots provide good ankle support. Of the minuses: too sporty, too warm and quite heavy boots.

Review of Columbia boots:

“My choice fell on boots from Columbia (...) The boots withstood long walks in the frost with a bang. I was very pleased that my feet did not freeze a bit. My feet are still warm, dry and comfortable. My boots are very stable. This checked. I walked calmly and did not slip"


My first Ecco boots are now 12 years old and in excellent condition. But lately, they say, defects and inconvenient models are more common.

And yet, this brand is still considered one of the standards of comfort. The company has its own developments, for example, special two-layer insoles with foam material that absorbs moisture and keeps feet dry. In the evening, the insoles should be removed and dried, and if the shoes are used every day, then replaced with spare ones to give the material a rest. Otherwise it will lose effectiveness.

The shoes also use a GORE-TEX climatic membrane, which we have already described above.

The Ecco design in the European sense is traditional and comfortable, although it may seem too simple for Russian tastes. However, these shoes are quite suitable for a casual style. Of the minuses: some women's shoes rub their heels.

Review of Ecco boots:

"I give the boots 4 out of 5 (...) The boots look confident, very cozy, comfortable, high, thick soles, complete comfort... But up to -10 approximately. Not very warm - this is the only negative. I live in St. Petersburg, here is the most "The theme is these shoes. Otherwise, everything is great - very comfortable"


Everyone probably knows the slogan of this brand: “GEOX - shoes that breathe.” It is considered to be one of the best in terms of internal microclimate thanks to several patented know-how.

The porous sole provides ventilation to the foot and removes the steam formed inside. At the same time, the manufacturer assures that the outside of the shoes does not allow moisture to pass through, so the feet of the owners of such shoes will always be dry.

There are a lot of rave reviews about these shoes, but sharply negative ones are also common: some people’s initially high expectations were not met, others got shoes made in Asia and not of very good quality (there are practically no complaints about European and Latin American “geoxes”).

Review of Geox boots:

“There are holes in the sole of GEOX shoes (...) water really doesn’t get in there! I can run about my business in them all day long, never take them off, and when I come home, I find that my feet are not sweaty and don’t smell. Now about the disadvantages ": 1. The inner surface of the insole stains the socks; 2. I discovered that the fur is faux fur. 3. Nooooo, they don't get wet on top! They just have a wet look (even though they are dry inside)"


Like some of the brands mentioned above, Salomon uses Gore-Tex technology to keep your feet dry. On the outside, the materials are treated with dirt- and water-repellent compounds, so the shoes can be worn in any weather.

Salomon is especially famous for its sneakers and running shoes. But their remarkable characteristics were largely inherited by boots: light weight, good foot support, comfortable last - they are ideal for walking and active recreation.

And although the style of these shoes is sporty, they usually look “universal”, quite acceptable for everyday life outside the office.

Review of Salomon boots:

"Boots in which it is impossible to get wet, even if you constantly walk through water or melting snow!!! I tested them on a hike in the spring - 2 days through mud and melting snow. By the end of the first day they got wet. But in the evening it turned out that they remained inside dry!!!"


This legendary brand was created by Nathan Schwartz, a native of Odessa who emigrated to the USA. As a man who spent the first half of his life in a city with exceptionally wet winters, he knew a lot about durable and waterproof boots.

The innovation he introduced was the technology of fusing rubber soles and leather uppers of boots. No stitching - no holes through which dampness can penetrate. When it comes to sweat, natural leather naturally absorbs and evaporates moisture. The company's slogan is "If you love Timberland shoes, treat them as badly as possible."

A plus that becomes a minus: the style of Timberland boots is so attractive that now no one can copy it. On the one hand, this indicates the relevance of the model, on the other hand, the risk of fakes increases.

Review of Timberland boots:

“Damn cool boots. My feet feel great in them, like in heaven! The coolest thing is that you can wear them in autumn, winter, and spring. They are not afraid of puddles in autumn and spring - the timbs are waterproof. They are very easy to clean from dirt. And in winter I wear timbas with a woolen sock - even in forty-degree frost, my feet will be warm and comfortable."

What kind of shoes do you wear?

Each of us has encountered the problem of odor from feet and shoes. If not at home, then at your relatives or at a neighbor on the train who dared to take off his shoes. What can be done to prevent such a problem from overshadowing life and relationships with others?

Firstly, need to find out the cause of the smell. Where does it lie: in sweaty feet or is the whole problem in the shoes. And secondly, start solving the problem.

What to do if you have excessive sweating of your feet?

Increased sweating of the feet may be caused either by fungal diseases or by the quality of the shoes. Low-quality shoes made from leather substitutes do not allow the feet to breathe, as a result they become sweaty, and humidity and heat are an ideal environment for fungi. So check the skin of your feet for the presence of a fungal infection, and if found, begin treatment.

There is also physiologically increased sweating. In this case, special medications that reduce sweating will help. For example, formidron, Teymurov paste, and salicylic-zinc paste have such properties. Be careful not to apply these products to damaged skin. In addition, special deodorants for feet have been developed that will also refresh them.

Certainly, Don't forget about hygiene. If you have a problem with sweating, be sure to wash your feet with soap twice a day. To disinfect your feet, you can make special baths. For example, if you make a decoction of strong tea and soak your feet in it for about 20 minutes, it will perfectly tighten the pores and disinfect the skin due to the tannin content. You can also take baths with tea tree oil, which is also an excellent antiseptic.

But what to do if everything is fine with your feet, but the problem is in your shoes?

How to remove the smell of sweat from shoes?

There may also be several nuances here. Shoes may smell on their own, as a result of poor quality manufacturing, or they may become saturated with the smell of foot sweat and begin to “smell” in any humidity.

So, how to remove odor from shoes if they initially smell unpleasant? Of course, the best advice is to buy good leather shoes with high-quality materials. But it happens that in a store, among other smells, it is difficult to smell what your couple smells like. And, if you have already discovered this at home, then to remove the smell from new shoes, there are several recommendations:

  1. you need to treat the inner surface of the shoes with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate;
  2. pour baking soda, flour or powder into shoes, leave overnight, and then shake out or vacuum thoroughly;
  3. put a cotton pad soaked in vinegar in your shoes overnight, then wipe with ammonia solution;
  4. treat the inner surface with a special deodorant for shoes.

Okay, that's sorted out. What to do if old shoes smell bad?

There are quite a few ways to remove sweat odor from shoes you've already worn:

  • You can use the recommendations that apply to new shoes.
  • In addition, it is very important to always dry your shoes to prevent bacteria from establishing themselves in the damp environment of your boots. For drying, you should purchase special shoe dryers. There are models with an additional ultraviolet radiation function. It will help disinfect and therefore remove the smell of sweat from shoes.
  • If you don’t have a dryer, you can dry it yourself. Just under no circumstances dry your shoes on the radiator! As a result, it deteriorates and will serve you much less than expected. You can dry it by filling the cavity of your boot or boot with newspaper. It will absorb all the moisture.
  • It is better to have several pairs of shoes for each season so that you can change them while one pair is drying.
  • It is also important to avoid wearing closed shoes for long periods of time. Therefore, when working or studying, change into open shoes to give both your feet and shoes a chance to rest.
  • You can use activated carbon tablets. They have adsorbent properties and will absorb not only moisture, but also an unpleasant odor.
  • It is also very important to monitor the hygiene of your feet and shoes. To keep your feet from burning, you need to wear cotton socks. Insoles should always be dried, washed and replaced after two to three months. You can get special insoles with antiseptic properties. They will help keep your shoes fresh. There are also insoles with activated carbon, which will also help remove unpleasant odors.
  • For woven shoes (sneakers or slippers), the ideal option to remove the unpleasant odor is to wash them.

Shoes are one of the most important parts in a person’s wardrobe. A person chooses shoes based on several criteria, such as durability, comfort, reliability, appearance and much more. The material from which the shoes are made and its price are also taken into account. Some, when choosing between leather made from artificial materials and genuine leather, prefer the first option, chasing a low price and forgetting about quality. Shoes made from genuine leather are incomparable to others made from nubuck, artificial leather and other materials.

Despite everything, nowadays the first places are occupied by shoes made of genuine leather and mostly of high quality. Why is that? The fact is that genuine leather has a number of significant advantages over artificial leather:

1) Shoes made of genuine leather are very durable

The service life of leather shoes is much longer, while shoes made of artificial leather will last no more than 2 years - numerous cracks appear on them, they become stiff and other defects appear due to weather conditions and other factors. Leather shoes will last you 3-5 years, and if you take proper and careful care of them, the period will increase. Leather shoes are a good buy due to their high reliability;

2) Leather shoes allow your feet to “breathe”

Due to the structure of natural leather, it retains numerous pores, so leather shoes “breathe” perfectly and air constantly passes through it, which allows the skin of a person’s feet not to get wet or dry out. Artificial leather does not have such properties, so feet in it often sweat and become wet, which has a bad effect on both human health and comfort;

3) Great for any season of the year

In summer, leather shoes will not be hot, but in winter it will be very warm, again, thanks to the pores in natural leather;

4)High level of convenience

Thanks to tanning during the creation process, leather shoes “adjust” to the shape of a person’s foot. Shoes made of genuine leather have the property of “wearing in” - stretching in the right places and taking on the shape of a person’s specific feet. Artificial leather (all of them are made from plastics and oilcloth) cannot reproduce this effect. Therefore, leather shoes, selected according to size, fit perfectly on the foot and do not change their shape. It is important to remember that high-quality leather shoes will never stretch “along” - the heel and toe areas of good shoes are always reinforced and tightly connected to the sole.

In addition, it has increased “flexibility”, i.e. at the point of “bending” when walking, leather shoes do not crack for a very long time, unlike artificial ones, and also do not cause any inconvenience due to the flexibility and softness of the material.

Also, leather shoes can be “repaired” and will last for a long period of time, unlike artificial shoes.

5) Leather shoes perfectly protect your feet from temperature changes.

Leather shoes do not deteriorate when the temperature changes in winter - cracks or other defects will never appear on them, and also, due to their strength, they will perfectly protect the foot from sudden cold or warming.

In addition, leather shoes are softer and have waterproof properties - they do not get wet from the inside, so their thermal protection does not decrease.

6)Nice appearance

The appearance of leather shoes is always better than those made of artificial leather.

In Bashmachok stores, you can always choose high-quality, comfortable shoes at affordable prices

  • Posted by: Administrator
  • 31.01.2016

Every person is familiar with the unpleasant problem when shoes start to stink. And this happens not only with worn, trampled shoes, but also with a new pair of leather shoes. This is not always due to poor hygiene and a cheap manufacturer. What should you do if your shoes...

  1. Quality. Of course, the cheaper the shoes, the more often you have to change them. Although it happens that a new pair begins to emit a characteristic smell. Basically, a new pair smells like the materials and glue it's made from. These odors dissipate quickly and there is no need to worry.
  2. But if a fungal smell appears, you will have to make an effort and use various methods to eliminate the smell and germs.
  3. Wearing the same pair for a long time. The longer one pair of shoes is worn, the more particles of skin and waste mixed with road dirt and dust remain in it. Together, they provide a breeding ground for the proliferation of microorganisms that produce a stench.
  4. Synthetic materials. They do not allow air to pass through and as a result, the skin does not breathe and sweats. Fungi multiply and infect not only shoes, but also feet. - a long and expensive pleasure. It is easier to prevent a disease than to get rid of the consequences.

The smell of new shoes - what to do

If odors cause trouble, irritate and do not disappear for a long time, you can use the following remedies:

  • Before wearing, a new pair is wiped with hydrogen peroxide and then aired. It will gently clean the surface of oxides and excess formations;
  • Potassium permanganate will serve as a gentle remedy. It has a bactericidal effect, which will prevent the development of bacteria;
  • You can use shoe deodorant. A new pair should be treated overnight so that it has time to dry;
  • Table or apple cider vinegar will absorb and eliminate unpleasant odors. Moistened cotton pads are placed inside and then ventilated well;
  • When new shoes have already absorbed moisture, household products will help - activated carbon (for a black pair), flour - they will all absorb moisture and destroy bacteria. It is enough to pour them inside, and then clean and dry the pair.

Old shoes smell, what to do?

In order to get rid of the odor from your favorite shoes, you should use the following recommendations:

Winter shoes smell - what to do

Winter shoes require special care.

Important! Dry your winter boots daily, even in dry weather.

Sweaty feet, what to do

Feet require careful care. Since, by getting rid of heavy sweating, you can... To do this you should:

Folk and pharmacy remedies for unpleasant shoe odor

These simple methods will help:

  1. wiping shoes with Formidron;
  2. Using steam to remove bad odors. If you don’t have a steam cleaner, the spout of a boiling kettle will do;
  3. Baking powder and cat litter are effectively used as a powder;
  4. Coffee beans mixed with salt are left in the shoes. They will eliminate odor and absorb excess moisture;
  5. Lemon and orange peels will help get rid of old odors;
  6. Dry tea bags are left overnight. The tea leaves will absorb moisture and eliminate bad odors.

Personally, I like 100% leather shoes as my feet tend to sweat a lot and the breathable leather helps them stay dry. But how exactly do real leather, faux leather and synthetic leather breathe?

How does genuine leather breathe?

I had the opportunity to attend a test conducted by CHIKO Shoes. The goal was to find out the breathability of materials, and the result amazed me.

To understand the essence of the test, it is necessary to understand how moisture is forced out of the shoe. Due to body heat, the temperature and humidity inside are almost always higher. This creates a pressure difference so that heat and moisture are forced out.

The greater the difference between the heat and humidity inside the shoes and outside, the greater the pressure difference pushes them out.

If the material is breathable, heat and moisture are expelled from the shoe and this ventilation ensures that your feet remain dry and comfortable. If the material is not breathable, heat and moisture are locked inside the shoe, leaving your feet unhappy and smelly.

CHIKO Shoes used a special testing device to test the breathability of the material, which created an artificial pressure difference between the outside and inside of the material.

The device simulated the pressure difference inside and outside the shoe. After water was poured onto the inside, due to the change in pressure, moisture appeared on the outside of the material. Looking at how much moisture has appeared on the upper side, you can understand how breathable the material is.

Test 1 – Faux Leather (Microfiber Leather)

Microfiber leather is a type of high-quality leatherette with good functions like real leather, but without the cruelty to animals. Faux leather (microfiber leather) is a breathable and durable material, but is slightly less expensive than real leather.

Ventilation “pores” are created artificially and are evenly distributed over the entire surface. The test result shows that microfiber leather is breathable.

The moisture bubbles that were forced out of the material were evenly distributed, like ventilation “pores.” I never would have thought that leather substitute was so breathable. Apparently, from now on, I have to add faux leather to my list of acceptable shoe materials.

Test 2 - Genuine cowhide leather

Everyone knows that genuine leather is breathable. Therefore, it was not a surprise that moisture was forced out through the natural leather during the test. But what caught my attention was the size of the bubbles, they were very large and scattered throughout the material.

The natural pores on the skin are so breathable and obviously distributed randomly. Without a doubt, genuine leather shoes will continue to be my favorite. If you don’t know how to keep leather shoes in order, read the article.