
Traffic rules for children of the second junior group. Abstract of an open lesson on traffic rules in the second junior group “Little friends of a traffic light. Game to consolidate knowledge of traffic signals










Synopsis of traffic rules classes in the second junior group: "Look on the road and don't get into trouble!"


Mukhidaeva Anna Petrovna

Topic: "Look at the road and don't get into trouble!"

Target : Formation of knowledge about the rules of the road.


Educational:learn to distinguish between traffic signals and obey them; distinguish and name the modes of transport. learn to distinguish between the carriageway, sidewalk;

Understand the meaning of green, yellow and red traffic lights;

Consolidate knowledge of road signs (pedestrian crossing)

Developing: develop interest in cars, traffic rules, knowledge of signals for cars and people.

Educational: To give an idea of ​​how important it is to follow the rules of the road. Consolidate knowledge about road traffic in order to preserve life and health (for yourself and others); To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to adults and to each other; Develop a culture of communication, enrich the vocabulary. To foster a conscious pedestrian and road safety stance.

Activities: communicative, play, motor, cognitive.

Materials and equipment:traffic light layout, "zebra" rug, steering wheel, road layout with a pedestrian crossing, two dolls, images of road signs ("pedestrian crossing" sign), blanks for construction (blue square, white triangle, walking man), didactic game "Sparrows and Cars ".

Preliminary work: monitoring transport; conversation about the city, didactic games and role-playing games (driver and pedestrians) according to traffic rules. Learning poetry. Reading works on traffic rules.

Methods and techniques:

1. Verbal: the teacher's story, questions to the children, conversation, explanation, explanation, instruction. 2. Practical: search and practical actions. 3. Game: creating a game situation, games,

The course of the lesson.


Children sit on high chairs.

There is a knock at the door. The teacher opens the door and brings the Bear toy into the group.

Who came to us? (Answers of children)

Look, the Bear has a wounded paw. What do you think happened to him? (Hurt, hit, cut, etc.).

Let's ask the bear. ...

Educator: Bear, what happened to you?

Mishka: When I was crossing the road, I was almost hit by a car, it drove over my paw.

Educator: Bear, don't you know how to cross the road correctly? After all, you are no longer small.

Mishka: Nooo, when at school we repeated the rules of behavior on the road, I played with the guys on the playground and skipped class.

Educator: (addressing the children) Guys, you need to do something, how can Mishka cross the road if he does not know the rules of behavior on the road? Trouble may happen to him ... We need to help him ... How will we help him? (Answers of children)

Educator: Bear, sit down, and the guys and I will show and tell you where to cross the road?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Do you need a road for cars?

Children: Yes.

Educator: That's right, cars are driving along the road. Tell me, is it possible to play on the road and cross it anywhere you want?

Children: No!

Educator: Right. Let's remember what they call people walking down the street?

Children: By pedestrians.

Educator: Well done! Tell me, do pedestrians have to comply with the Traffic Rules?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Of course! And we are teaching these rules. And we must cross the carriageway in specially designated places and where the "Pedestrian crossing" sign is installed. It is installed at the crossing of the carriageway, next to the markings of the pedestrian crossing, such markings are called "zebra".

This sign is not difficult at all,

But so reliable

He helps on the way

We will cross the road.

Educator: What is the name of this sign?

Children: This sign is called "Crosswalk".

Educator: Let's repeat again how pedestrians walk on the sidewalk?

Children: At a calm pace, on the sidewalk, on the right side, so as not to interfere with other pedestrians who are walking towards you.

Educator: But what should we do if we need to cross to the other side of the road?

Children: Cross the road at the crosswalk.

Educator: Right. The road must be crossed in a special designated place and only at the green traffic light. You must first stop, look around, and only then, making sure that there is no danger, you can cross the road.

Educator: And what is the other name for the "pedestrian crossing" sign?

Children: Zebra.

Educator: Why?

Children: Because the zebra also has black and white stripes.

Educator: Yes, that's right! But I know that Masha and Katya were in a hurry to visit us and ran across the road in the wrong place. Can you do this?

Children: No!

Educator: Remember Bear, and you guys: walking across the road not on a pedestrian crossing is life-threatening!

Didactic exercise "Our street"

The game is played on a street model.

With the help of puppets, children, on the instructions of a teacher, act out various road situations:

"Is it possible to cross the road where you want?"

"Help to cross the road correctly" (Children reinforce the model of behavior when crossing the road: stop, look at the traffic light, look around, and cross the road at the green light of the traffic light).

Construction of the "Pedestrian Crossing" sign

The children are given construction blanks, and they assemble a pedestrian crossing sign from three elements.

Physical education "On the road"

We're going, we're going home

By car.

(movements imitating steering wheel turn)

We drove up the hill: bang!

(hands up, clap over head)

The wheel went down: stop.

(hands across the sides down, sit down)

Educator: Well done! Let's repeat again to Mishka where does he need to cross the road?

Children: On a pedestrian crossing.

Educator: Mishka, I hope we helped you, and now you will know how to cross the road correctly?

Mishka: Yes, thank you guys, but now I have to go, my mother will worry. I'll go, see you again ... Goodbye! (leaves)

Children: goodbye, Bear!

An outdoor game "Sparrows and Cars".

The game is repeated at the request of the children 2-3 times.


The teacher asks the children questions to consolidate the knowledge gained: So, can children play on the road? (Not). That's right, well done, on the road we cannot play as it is dangerous for our lives. Now tell me where to cross the road? (On a pedestrian crossing). Quite right, we cross the road only in specially designated areas for pedestrians. Is it possible to cross the road in the wrong place? (Not). Well done, this is dangerous for our lives and is a violation of traffic rules. Now the guys and I are sure that now Mishka will not violate the traffic rules and will be a competent pedestrian, like the guys and I. Thank you bye.

Executive Committee Education Department

Sarmanovsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution Jalil kindergarten No. 1 "Birch"

general developmental type

Long-term plan for traffic rules

in the second younger group

for the 2015-2016 academic year.


Acquaintance with the street. Passenger transport. Freight transport

1. Constructive activity "Wide and narrow path".

2. Walking through the territory of the garden.

2 week

1. An outdoor game "Sparrows and a car".

2. Reading the poem by A. Barto "Truck"

3.D / game "You can - you can not"

3 week

1.Drawing "Road for cars"

2. Viewing pictures about modes of transport

3.Work with parents: folder - moving "traffic rules"

4 week

1.Plot-role game "Let's ride the toys in the car".

2. Didactic game "Name the car"

3. Poem “On the street of our car, car. Small cars, big cars


Traffic lights. Transport on the carriageway of the street.

Introduce traffic lights, color names ,. Pay attention to the fact that the car cannot stop immediately, but a person can. Form orientation in space

1 Week

1. Consideration of the picture "Traffic light".

2.P / game "Colored cars".

3.Work with parents: consultation "We teach the child safety rules"

2 week

1.Verbal game "Show the signal of the car"

2.D / game "Collect the traffic light"

3. Productive activity (modeling) "Merry traffic light"

3 week

1. Learning A. Barto's poem "Truck".

2.Game "Guess the Transport"

3. Memo for parents "Teaching children to be observant on the street"

4 week

1. Consideration of plot pictures on the topic.

2. An outdoor game "Traffic light".

3. Observation "Cars on our street" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about the movement of vehicles and pedestrians


The profession is a driver. " Crosswalk". The street.

To acquaint children with the profession of "driver" (he drives a car, transports goods, people)., To give the concept of "pedestrian crossing". To form the ability of children to draw straight horizontal and vertical lines, depicting a "zebra". To consolidate the knowledge of children about the roadway and sidewalk ...

1 Week

1.Observation of the driver's work

2.Productive activity (drawing) "Pedestrian crossing".

3.Work with parents: consultation "How to teach a child to be safe on the street"

2 week

1. Consideration of pictures - illustrations about the rules of behavior on the road.

2. Reading From Marshak "The Ball", the poem "He usually leaves for work early ..."

3 week

1. D / Game "Collect the traffic light". 2. An outdoor game "Sparrows and a car"

3. Reading a poem by S. Bird "Someone scattered sticks along the way ...";

4 week

1. Subject - role-playing game "The driver drives the car".

2.P / game "Red, green".

3. The poem "In the car, in the car, the driver sits ..."


Driver's work. My friend is a traffic light. Don't get in trouble on the road

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the profession of a driver, about cars. Form the skills of the ability to walk on the sidewalk. Explain about the meaning of traffic lights on the road, about traffic signals. To develop children's interest in cars, driver's work, traffic rules.

1 Week

1. Consideration of the traffic light on the plot pictures

2. Didactic game "Magic lights"

3.Observation of the garbage truck

2 week

1. Conversations on plot pictures.

2. Didactic game "Collect the same car"

3. Poem "Traffic rules, without exception, animals should know ...";

3 week

1. Reading the book "Traffic".

2. Verbal game "Imagine the signal of the car" 3. Recommendations for parents: "When boarding the bus, the child is the first to enter, and the adult comes out first."

4 week

1. Inspection of a truck and a car.

2.C / role-playing game "We are going by bus".

3.Work with parents: folder-screen “Attention: ice! "


Stop, car! Stop, motor! Brake quickly Chauffeur. Types of transport.

To give a general idea of ​​the ways of movement of people and transport. To develop the ability not to violate traffic rules, to walk on the street only with parents and under their supervision

Give children an idea of ​​freight and passenger transport, Reinforce knowledge of the components of a truck

1 Week

1. Cognitive lesson "Safety on the road". 2.Productive activity (design) "Truck construction"

3. Conversation with parents "An example of compliance with the rules of the road is one of the main factors in the successful education of children in the skills of safe behavior on the street."

2 week

1. Examination of drawings depicting a bus and a truck.

2. Observing the movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk.

3. Conversation with children on the plot pictures "I am a pedestrian"

3 week

1. D / game "What is missing." ... 2. Game situation "Let's teach a bunny to cross the road." 3. Consultation for parents "Attention is dear" ..

4 week

1. Didactic game "Build a truck"

2. Coloring of silhouettes of cars.

3. The poem "Funny tires rustling along the roads ..."


The street. Passenger transport

Continue to acquaint children with the rules of behavior on the street, consolidate knowledge about the pedestrian crossing. To acquaint children with a variety of passenger transport. Mark the salient features of freight transport. To form knowledge about the rules of behavior in public transport through game images

1 Week

1. An outdoor game "Colored cars".

2. Reading of the poem by B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur".

3. Board-print game "Collect the picture - transport"

2 week

1. Consideration of illustrations about passenger transport.

2. An outdoor game "Birds and a car"

3. Didactic game "Lay out the traffic light"

3 week

1.Productive activity (design) "Garage for cars".

2. The tale of D. Bisset "About the baby bus who was afraid of the dark" 3. Individual conversations with parents about how to acquaint children with traffic rules.

4 week

1.Work with parents consultation "The child learns the laws of the roads, following the example of family members and other adults"

2. Word game "Imagine the signal of the car"

3.C / role-playing game "Bus"


Road signs "Traffic light", "Pedestrian crossing".

To acquaint children with the road sign "Pedestrian crossing". Consolidate knowledge of traffic light regulation of vehicle and pedestrian traffic

1 Week

1. D / game "Which light lit up?"

2. An outdoor game "Train". 3.Recommendations to parents of younger preschoolers about traffic rules

2 week

1. Reading the poem by Y. Pishumov "Cars" 2.Productive activity (drawing) "Paint over the traffic light", "Draw a pedestrian crossing"

3 week

1. Poem by S. Ptitsin "Someone scattered sticks along the road across ..."

2. Working with parents: consolidate children's ideas about freight and passenger transport, analyze its appearance at home

4 week

1. Reading the poem by V. Kozhevnikov "Traffic Light"

2. Conversation on the illustrations "The ABC of a Little Pedestrian". 3. Subject game "Crosswalk"


Traffic situations

Expand children's understanding of the world around them. Know the house where you live, your neighbors, friends. To consolidate the concepts: house, yard, street, traffic rules. To form the ability of children to answer the teacher's questions

1 Week

1. Cognitive lesson "Don't get in trouble on the road." 2.Situation: what traffic signals warn about

3. Poem by Y. Simbirskaya "Like daddy has long legs ..."

2 week

1. Conversation "Truck and passenger car, bus".

2. Reading V. Berestov "About the car" A. Barto "Truck".

3. Work with parents: Consultation "Safety in public transport".

3 week

1. Word game "Imagine the signal of the car"

2. С / role-playing game "A trip to visit".

3. Consideration of the illustrations "Traffic situations".

4 week

1. Game situation: "We are walking down the street."

2. Examination of the machine that brought food to kindergarten

3. Poem “On the street of our car, car. Small cars, big cars ... "


The street is full of surprises. Where should children play?

Targeted walk with parents to the carriageway

To consolidate the knowledge of children received during the year. Convince children of the need to respond to the lights and sound signals of cars

Strengthen the ability to walk on the sidewalk, do not go over the curb.

1 Week

1. Conversation "Pedestrians walk on the sidewalk."

2. Reading familiar verses about traffic lights, transport. 3. Memo for parents "Lessons on the behavior of children on the street"

2 week

1. Consideration of plot pictures on the topic. 2.Productive activity (drawing) "Coloring the silhouettes of cars."

3. An outdoor game "Cars"

3 week

1. Game situation "The bear is driving down the street"

2.D / game "Where are the cars in a hurry?"

4 week

1. Playing the nursery rhyme "Chiki, chiki, chikalochka ..."

2.Productive activity (design) "Construction of a road from sand" followed by playing around

Traffic rules project

in the second junior group No. 7

MBDOU No. 4 p. Vinsads

"Traffic letter"

Educator N.V. Shilova

Project on traffic rules in the second junior group No. 7 MBDOU No. 4

"Traffic letter"

DOWNLOAD (with photo)

Project type: cognitive - play

Duration of the project: from 27.01.2017. until 24.02.2017

Participants: pupils of the second junior group, educator


Children are very often the cause of road traffic accidents. Moreover, accidents are increasingly occurring not on large transport routes, but on small roads. Therefore, ensuring traffic safety is becoming an increasingly important state task, and the advance preparation of the smallest pedestrians and passengers - children, who are already facing serious difficulties and dangers beyond the threshold of their own homes - is of particular importance. Another reason is that preschoolers are not yet sufficiently able to control their behavior, they have not yet developed the ability to foresee possible danger, so they calmly run out onto the road. It is known that the habits established in childhood remain for life, therefore, the study of the Rules of the Road is one of the main tasks today, and this will be facilitated by the work on the project dedicated to the study of the Rules of the Road.

Problem: children's ignorance of traffic rules, rules of behavior on the street and on the road, traffic light signals.

Justification of the problem:

The main causes of accidents and accidents with children: crossing the street in the wrong place; riding bicycles, roller skates, scooters on the carriageway; playing on the streets; non-observance of traffic light signals and requirements of road signs; walking on the carriageway with a sidewalk or shoulder. Consequently, preschoolers need to purposefully educate and teach the rules of safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport.

Purpose: developing in children the skills of safe, conscious behavior on the roads.

Objectives: teaching children the necessary minimum of traffic rules and road signs; to teach the child to use the acquired knowledge competently; increasing the competence of parents on issues related to traffic rules.

Expected results: children's interest in the topic, children have formed initial knowledge of traffic rules and skills of safe behavior on the road and on the street.

Product of the project: Creation of a corner in the group according to the rules of the road with a layout of the roadway, houses, cars. Collective application "The street of our village".

Stage 1 (problem statement):

To pose a problem to the children "Why do you need to know the rules of the road?"

Stage 2 (discussion of the problem, acceptance of tasks):

To bring to the children the importance of this problem: “Ignorance of traffic rules can lead to trouble!”;

Select fiction, prepare visual illustrated material on the topic of the project;

Study methodological literature;

Conduct conversations with children on the topic: "My friend is a traffic light", "ABC of a little pedestrian";

Replenish the subject-developing environment;

Conduct consultations with parents on the topic.

Stage 3 (work on the project):

Organize work on solving project problems through:

1. Consideration of material on the topic: "Traffic rules", "My friend is a traffic light", "Rules of conduct on the road and on the street", illustrations depicting vehicles.

2. Artistic creativity: application "The street of our village", coloring according to traffic rules.

3. Reading fiction:

A. Barto "Truck";

A. Domohovsky "Wonderful Island";

B. Zhitkov "Traffic Light";

B. Zakhoder "Chauffeur";

V. Berestov "About the car";

V. Rope "Learning to cross the road";

V. Kozhevnikov "Traffic Light";

V. Semerin "Stick to the road rules strictly";

N. Migunova "Learning to cross the road";

O. Bedarev "ABC of Security";

S. Volkov “About the rules of the road”;

S. Marshak "The Ball".

4. Conversations on traffic rules:

"My friend is a traffic light"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the basic rules of traffic, tell what irreparable consequences violation of traffic rules leads.

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the work of traffic lights, its signals and the actions of pedestrians. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the rules for crossing the street. Fix the color names (red, yellow, green). Develop spoken language.

Conversation on the illustrations "The ABC of a Little Pedestrian"

Purpose: to give children an elementary understanding of traffic rules.

The objectives of the conversation based on illustrations are to familiarize children with the rules of the road, the formation of the initial skills of safe behavior on the road and on the street.

The children were presented with a presentation (printed illustrations) about traffic signs, traffic light signals.

5. Didactic games:

Didactic game "Traffic light"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, about its signals, to develop attention, visual perception; educate independence, quick reaction, ingenuity.

Material: red, yellow, green circles, traffic light

The course of the game: The presenter, having distributed to the children circles of green, yellow, red colors, switches the traffic light sequentially, and the children show the corresponding circles and explain what each of them means.

Didactic game "Assemble the car"

Purpose: To teach how to make a whole from parts. Development of perception of form, color, mental operations. Aligning nouns with adjectives

Equipment: cut pictures "Transport".

The course of the game: each of the children is given a picture cut into 3-4 parts. The task of the children is to collect the image and name what happened.

Didactic game "Smart machines"

Purpose: To form children's ideas about various types of transport, to consolidate knowledge about sensory color standards, to exercise in distinguishing objects in shape and size, to develop visual-figurative thinking, to develop the ability to combine objects based on certain characteristics (classification) Material: 3 game cards, silhouettes different types of transport (motorcycle, bus, truck and passenger car of 3 types) in the amount of 36 pieces of different shapes, colors and sizes.

Course of the game: Start of the game: to interest children with a poem

Look what happened -

All cars got lost.

Rather, help the cars

And take them to the right garage

Card number 1. Children are invited to "put the car" in the garage of the same color as the car: Look, these are not simple, but colored garages. Take the car of the right color and take it to the right garage.

Card number 2. It is necessary to choose a typewriter in accordance with the size of the garage: Look carefully,

What is the difference between garages here?

Large and small garage -

You will, of course, give me the answer.

Pick up a typewriter of the right size,

And you take her to the right garage.

Card number 3. It is necessary to choose a car according to the silhouette in the garage:

See how different the garages are.

Each has its own machine,

Look at the picture and boldly forward!

6. Outdoor games:

"Sparrows and the car"

Purpose: to teach children to run in different directions, without bumping into each other, to start movement and change it at the signal of the teacher, to find their place.

Course of the game: Children - "sparrows" sit on the bench - "nests". The teacher portrays a "car". After the teacher's words: "Fly, little sparrows, to the path" - the children get up and run around the site, waving their arms - "wings". At the signal of the teacher: "The car is going, fly, little sparrows, to their nests!" - the "car" leaves the "garage", the "sparrows" fly into the "nests" (sit on the benches). The "car" returns to the "garage".

"Birds and a car"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, orientation in space, attention

Material: steering wheel or toy car

The course of the game: Children - birds fly around the room, flap their arms (wings). The teacher says: Birds have arrived, Birds are small, Everyone flew, everyone flew, children run, smoothly flapping their arms Waving their wings. So they flew, Waving their wings. They flew onto the path and sat down, tapping their knees with their fingers. The seeds were pecking. The teacher picks up a steering wheel or a toy car and says: The car runs down the street, puffs, hurries, blows the horn. Tra-ta-ta, beware, beware, Tra-ta-ta, beware, step aside! Children - birds run from the car

"Colored cars"

Purpose: to consolidate the colors of the traffic light (red, yellow, green), to exercise children in the ability to react to color, to develop visual perception and attention, orientation in space

Material: rudders of red, yellow, green, signal cards or flags of red, yellow, green.

Course of the game: Children are placed along the wall or along the edge of the playground. They are cars. Each is given a different color wheel. The presenter stands facing the players with signals of the same color as the rudders. The presenter raises a signal of a certain color. Children who have rudders of the same color run out. When the presenter lowers the signal, the children stop and go to their garage. Children walk during the game, imitating cars, observing traffic rules. Then the host raises a flag of a different color and the game resumes.


“Buses” are the teams of children “driver” and “passengers”. Flags are placed 6-7 m from each team. At the command "March!" the first players with a brisk step (running is prohibited) go to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where the second players join them, and together they make the same path again, etc. The players hold each other by the elbows. When the bus (front player - "driver") returns to the seat with a full complement of passengers, it should blow the whistle. The first team to arrive at the final stop wins.

Purpose: to teach children to walk and run in a convoy one at a time, to speed up and slow down, to make stops at a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push their comrades, to be attentive.

Description. Children stand in a column one by one (without holding on to each other). The first is a "steam locomotive", the rest are "cars". The teacher gives a beep, and the "train" begins to move forward slowly at first, then faster, faster, and finally, the children start running. After the teacher's words, “The train is approaching the station,” the children gradually slow down - the train stops. The teacher invites everyone to go out, take a walk, pick flowers, berries in an imaginary meadow. At the signal, the children gather in a column again - and the train begins to move.

7. Role-playing game:


Purpose: formation of skills of safe behavior on the road.

Tasks: to systematize the existing knowledge and skills of behavior on the road; to promote the use of practical skills of behavior on the road in play activities; to promote the development of correct road behavior; to encourage the creative initiative of children in play activities with different characteristics, abilities and interests; the use of problem situations during the game; use complicating tasks for the development of children; foster friendly relations between children in the process of play activities.


Target. Introduce the profession - Chauffeur.

Expanding the vocabulary of children.

Foster interest and respect for the chauffeur profession.

Equipment: a bus made of high chairs, a steering wheel, a driver's cap, a pump, toy cars - passenger, cargo and passenger cars.

"Drivers and pedestrians"

Purpose of the game: To expand knowledge about the rules of the road.

Objectives: to continue teaching children to navigate by road signs, to comply with traffic rules, to develop the ability to be polite, attentive to each other, to be able to navigate in a traffic situation, to consolidate children's ideas about road signs, about the ways of movement of pedestrians.

8. Play with the layout. "Our street"

Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers in street conditions; to consolidate the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe traffic light; to teach children to distinguish between road signs (warning, prohibition, prescriptive, informational and directional) intended for drivers and pedestrians.

Material: street model with houses, intersections, cars (toys), pedestrian figures, traffic lights (figure), road signs, trees (models).

Game progress: the game is played on a model (for pedestrians). With the help of figures, children act out various road situations. So, at a controlled intersection, the figures cross the street at a green traffic light, stop at a yellow one, wait, and continue to stand at a red one. Then the figures walk along the sidewalk or the side of the road to the pedestrian crossing, indicated by the information and direction sign "Pedestrian crossing", and there they cross the carriageway.

Construction of various streets from building material to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules. Laying out from the counting sticks (traffic light, transport, road).

Physiotka "Zebra"

On an asphalt road (alternately raising hands - forward, up, spread to the sides, lower)

The rhinos were outraged:

There is no way for pedestrians!

How to cross the road?

They're going by, whack and whack, (hands on the belt - turns to the sides)

Either a taxi or a truck

Now a bus, then a minibus -

It's creepy to get out on the road!

The artist mole came up: (walking in place)

Let's draw the transition!

Black and white track

From nut to nut.

Zebra gasped: - Friends! (head tilts to the sides)

He is striped, like me!

Since then, the people have been calling (tilting the head back and forth)

"Zebra" this transition.

10. Counseling for parents:

Consultation: "How to teach a child to follow the rules of the road", "How to acquaint children with traffic rules?", "A child learns the laws of the roads by the example of adults"

Placing information in the parent corner: "Memo on the rules of the road", "You need to know!".

Outcome of work:

1. Created in the group a corner of the Rules of the road.

2. A layout of the roadway has been created.

3. Children know the concepts: traffic light, road signs, transport, sidewalk, road.

Result (s) Achieved: Children have initial knowledge of traffic rules and the need to comply with the RPA.

Conclusion: the project contributes to a deeper assimilation by children of the rules of behavior on the street, consolidation of knowledge and skills, the formation of a conscious attitude towards their observance, the development of a sense of control, responsibility for their actions.

List of studied literature:

Avdeeva N.N., Sterkina R.B. "Safety". - SPb: "Childhood - Press", 2004

Belaya K.Yu., Zimonina V.N. How to keep preschoolers safe. - M .: "Education", 2000, edition 2

Belaya K.Yu., Zimonina V.N. Your safety. -M .: "Education", 2000, 2nd edition

Izvekova N.A., Medvedeva A.F. Classes on the rules of the road. - M .: OOO "TC Sphere", 2009

V.R. Klimenko Teach traffic rules for preschoolers. - M .: "Education", 1973

Kozlovskaya E.A. Prevention of child road traffic injuries. - M .: "Publishing House Third Rome", 2008

Komarova L.G. We build from Lego. - M .: LLC "Linko - Press", 2001

Traffic Laws. - M .: "Education", 1984, edition 9

Saulina T.F. Three traffic signals. - M .: "Education", 1989

Startseva O.Yu. School of Road Sciences. - M .: OOO "TC Sphere", 2009, edition 2

Cherepanova S.N. Traffic Laws. - "Scriptorium Publishing House 2003", 2008

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in kindergarten with children 3-4 years old "My friend is a traffic light"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU №43, Kolpino St. Petersburg

Description: This material will be of interest to preschool educators, teachers of extended day groups, primary school teachers can use to conduct extracurricular activities on this topic for elementary school students. The synopsis is designed to familiarize children with road signs and their meaning.
Target: Introduce some traffic signs.
- to consolidate the knowledge of children about traffic lights, about its signals;
- develop the ability to answer questions with a complete sentence.

Educator: Guys, today I suggest you go on a trip according to the rules of the road. Do you agree?
Educator: Imagine, you need to go on a visit and you need to cross the road, and there are cars, buses. For this you need to know the rules. Listen to the riddle and tell me the answer.
I never sleep
I look at the road.
I will tell you when to stand
When to start moving.
Children answer: Traffic light.

Educator: Right. What colors are shown on the traffic light?
Educator: What does each traffic light color mean?
Educator: And now the second riddle is prepared for you:
You can't take this tape
And you can't weave it into a pigtail.
She lies on the ground
Transport runs along it.
Children answer: Road.
Educator: Tell me can we walk the road?
Educator: Why can't we walk on the road?
Educator: And tell me the transport that you know?
Educator: And who is driving, what is it called?
Educator: And the people who ride the bus, tram, minibus, how can we call them in one word?
Educator: I suggest you a little respite in the form of a physical minute.

The road is not a path
The road is not a ditch
Look to the left first
Then look to the right.
Turn left
Smile to a friend next to you.
Stomp your right foot
Stamp with your left foot
And go home boldly.
Educator: Well done, they listened to the words carefully, the movements performed everything correctly. We continue the conversation, listen carefully. Another riddle.
A man walks over me.
Calls me a zebra.
Children answer: Crosswalk.
Educator: What does a pedestrian crossing look like?
Educator: And to find out what else a pedestrian crossing is called in another way, listen to the following riddle.
Under the feet of Seryozhka,
Striped track.
Boldly he walks along it,
And all the people followed him.
Children answer: Zebra.

Educator: They answered well, you know the rules, I suggest you play a little and collect the sign. And we need to collect a traffic light. Remembering what colors are on a traffic light?
Educator: And what shape are they?
Educator: And in what order are they located?
Educator: I invite you to the tables,
And I suggest you collect the road sign.
Educator: It turned out to be a very beautiful sign. But in order to better remember everything and consolidate the knowledge gained, I suggest you also draw a traffic light sign. But for this, you need to stretch your fingers.
Finger charging:
One, two, three, four, five.
(We unclench the fingers from the fist, one at a time, starting with the thumb.)
Fingers went out for a walk.
(Rhythmically unclench and squeeze all fingers together.)
One, two, three, four, five.
(We squeeze in turn, fingers wide apart into a fist, starting with the little finger.)
They hid in the house again.
(We squeeze all fingers together rhythmically.)
Educator: Now, I am sure for sure that you will get great work. We sit down at our workplaces and get down to work, or rather draw - a traffic light.
Educator: Good work, you have worked wonderfully well, you can rest.

Stick to the road rules strictly
Do not rush like a fire
And remember: transport is a road,
And the sidewalk for pedestrians!
And parents are also instructed
After all, your children are looking at you.
Always be a worthy example
And trouble will not happen on the road!


Outdoor games, physical minutes

Additional activities


Topic: "Truck".

Target: to acquaint children with transport. by means: a truck; to give an idea of ​​its constituent parts (body, cab, wheels, windows, steering wheel). Form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe driver's work. Develop speech. Foster respect for the driver's work.


1. D / and "A truck carries cargo to a construction site."

Objective: to reinforce the notion that trucks carry goods.

2. D / and "Show me what I will name." Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of truck parts.

2. P / and "We are trucks." Purpose: to teach children to "drive" cars without colliding with each other.

3. P / and "Let's help Bunny to transport the crop." Purpose: the ability to work together.

1. Reading and learning the poem by A. Barto "Truck"

Purpose: to develop memory, develop an interest in fiction.

2. Learning the rhyme "Stop, car, stop, motor!"

3. Reading the poem by Y. Pishumov "My car".

1. Examination of the truck (body, cab, wheels, windows, steering wheel).

2. Observation on a walk for a truck.

3. Constructive game "Build a garage"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the concept of "garage", to teach how to build a garage from cubes.


Main educational activities

Didactic, plot - role-playing games

Outdoor games, physical minutes

Reading fiction

Additional activities


Topic: Getting to know the street

Target: to acquaint with the concepts of "road", "street"; to clarify knowledge about where cars go and where people go.

Literature: Garnysheva TP How to teach children traffic rules? Lesson planning, notes, crosswords, didactic games.

2. D / and "Where are we walking?" Purpose: to bring children to the understanding that walking is possible only in certain places.

1. Fizminutka "Travel".

2. P / and "Traffic light". Target:

3. P / and "Sparrows and a cat". Purpose: to develop the ability to perform simple movements.

Reading works of art:

1. V. Suteeva "Different wheels".

2. I. Ischuk "Fast train".

3. S. Marshak "The Ball"

1. Guessing riddles according to the rules of the road.

2. Examination of illustrations and street layout.

3. Conversation "How to cross the road."


Main educational activities

Didactic, plot - role-playing games

Outdoor games, physical minutes

Reading fiction

Additional activities


Topic: "Traffic Light".

Target : to give an idea of ​​the traffic light, to teachunderstand the meaningred, yellow, greentraffic light signals;

develop speech, interest in traffic rules; to educate the attention and culture of behavior of children on the roads.

Literature: TI Danilova “Traffic Light Program”. Teaching traffic rules for preschool children ”.

1. Role-playing game “Let's take Katya to kindergarten”.

2. D / and "Red and Green". Purpose: to fix that the traffic light has three signals.

3. D / and "Collect the traffic light"

1. P / and "Sparrows and a cat". Purpose: to develop the ability to perform simple movements.

3. P / and "Traffic light". Target: the ability to accurately execute commands.

1. Reading the work of S. Marshak "If the color is red ...".

2. Memorizing a poem about a traffic light.

1. Conversation "Dangerous Road". Purpose: to remind you that you can only cross the road with adults at a green traffic light at a pedestrian crossing.

2. Communication situation “My friend is a traffic light”.

3. Making riddles about traffic lights.


Main educational activities

Didactic, plot - role-playing games

Outdoor games, physical minutes

Reading fiction

Additional activities


Topic: “How transport helps people”.

Target: introduce children to specialized transport (fire department, ambulance, police, etc.); educate children about how machines help people.


1. "The fourth extra". Purpose: development of attention, thinking, speech of children.

2. Subject-role-playing game "Drivers". Purpose: to form the ability to interact in stories with two characters.

1. Physical minutes "Machines".

2. P / and "Colored cars".Purpose: to train children in the ability to react to color, develop attention, fix traffic rules.

1. Reading the work of V. I. Miryasova "Passenger car", "Truck".

2. Reading an excerpt from the work of S. Volkov "About traffic rules".

1. Making riddles about transport.

2. We observe the traffic from the kindergarten site.

3. Constructive game "Garage". Purpose: to develop a desire to construct buildings according to their own design, to teach how to play buildings.


Main educational activities

Didactic, plot - role-playing games

Outdoor games, physical minutes

Reading fiction

Additional activities


Topic: "Labor of the driver".

Target: to acquaint children with the profession of a driver, to show its social significance. Consolidate knowledge about freight, passenger, light transport. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. To cultivate attention, respect for adults.

Literature: TI Danilova “Traffic Light Program”. Teaching traffic rules for preschool children ”.

1. Subject-didactic game "Chauffeur". Purpose: to form the ability to interact in stories with two characters.

2. D / and "Show me the transport that I will show." Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of different types of transport.

3. Game - imitation "I am a chauffeur".

1. P / and "Drivers".

Purpose: development of attention, speech of children, physical activity.

2. P / and "Bus driver".

Purpose: to consolidate the concept of "forward", "back", to teach to act on the signal of the educator.

3. Physics "Machine"

1. Memorizing the poem by A. Barto "Truck".

2. Reading E. Pavlov "Ambulance".

3. Reading N. Dedyaev "Fast cars".

1. Situational conversation "The driver brought vegetables to the kindergarten."

2. Constructive game "Bus".

3. Making riddles about transport.


Main educational activities

Didactic, plot - role-playing games

Outdoor games, physical minutes

Reading fiction

Additional activities


Topic: "What is transport".

Target: activate the dictionary "pedestrian", "driver", "passenger"; to consolidate the types of transport (cars, trucks), education of safe behavior on the road.

Literature: Traffic Laws. Younger and middle groups. / L. B. Poddubnaya.

1. Subject - role-playing game "Trip to the city".

2. D / and "Transport". Purpose: development of memory, attention, thinking, speech.

1. P / and "Truck". Purpose: fostering team spirit, developing speed, physical activity, desire to win.

2. P / and "Colored cars".Purpose: to train children in the ability to react to color, develop attention, fix traffic rules.

1. Reading G. Georgiev "Traffic Light".

2. Learning the counting room:

“Where have you been so far?

Stopped a traffic light.

Red is clear

The path is dangerous.

Yellow - the same

As red

And green in front -

Don't delay, go! "

1. Observation of the road, transport from the kindergarten site. Goal: we continue to talk about road safety in the winter season.

2. Situational conversation "Safety at the site".


Main educational activities

Didactic, plot - role-playing games

Outdoor games, physical minutes

Reading fiction

Additional activities


Topic: "Three signals".

Target: we continue to acquaint children with the purpose of traffic lights; teach to be a diligent pedestrian; foster a desire to comply with traffic rules.

Literature: Avdeeva N.N. Safety on the streets / N.N. Avdeeva. - M.: LLC "Publishing house AST - LTD", 1997.

1. D / and "Collect the traffic light". Purpose: to consolidate the skills of organized behavior on the street.

2. D / and "Light the fire". Purpose: the ability to distinguish between traffic light colors and name them.

1. P / and "The most attentive"

Purpose: to consolidate the skills to act depending on the traffic signal.

2. P / and "Traffic light". Target: the ability to accurately execute commands.

3. P / and "Colored cars".Purpose: to train children in the ability to react to color, develop attention, fix traffic rules.

1. Learning an excerpt from S. Mikhalkov's poem "Traffic Light"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of traffic lights, to develop children's memory.

2. Reading poems by N. Sorokin "Crossroads".

1. Conversation "What is a traffic light for?" Purpose: we continue to talk about the purpose of the traffic light and its three colors.

2. Drawing "Traffic light". Purpose: to bring children to the image of objects of a rounded shape.


Main educational activities

Didactic, plot - role-playing games

Outdoor games, physical minutes

Reading fiction

Additional activities


Topic: "Traveling by transport".

Target: systematize the knowledge of children that you can travel by plane, train, car, boat. Formation of the skills of safe behavior of children on the road.

Literature: Traffic Laws. Younger and middle groups. / L. B. Poddubnaya.

1. Subject - role-playing game "Bus". Purpose: to form the ability to interact in stories with two characters.

2. D / and "Find and Show." Purpose: development of attention, memory.

1. P / and "We are machines"

2. Physics minute "On the streets of the car."

1. Reading E. Kuzmin "My cars"

2. Reading V. Lyaskovsky "If you are brought up"

1. Observation of cars on the road. Purpose: to remind that the car is a danger. Rules for crossing the road.

3. Modeling "Machine". Purpose: to continue teaching children to sculpt objects from plasticine, consisting of several parts.


Main educational activities

Didactic, plot - role-playing games

Outdoor games, physical minutes

Reading fiction

Additional activities


Topic: "Our street".

Target: to clarify ideas about the sidewalk, street, road, light, freight, passenger transport. Develop attention, thinking, speech in children

Literature: TI Danilova “Traffic Light Program”. Teaching traffic rules for preschool children ”.

1. Subject - role-playing game "Transport". Purpose: to form the ability to interact in stories with two characters.

2. Role-playing game "We are pedestrians".

1. P / and "We are machines"

Purpose: to teach children to imitate the movement and hum of a motor, "drive" along the road without leaving the sidewalk.

2. P / and "Sparrows and a cat". Purpose: to develop the ability to perform simple movements.

1. A. Barto "Truck".

2. E. Kuzmin "My cars".

3. V. Lyaskovsky "If you are brought up."

1. Making riddles about traffic rules. Purpose: development of thinking.

2. Situational conversation "What I saw on the street." Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the immediate environment.


1. Avdeeva NN Safety on the streets / NN Avdeeva. - M.: LLC "Publishing house AST - LTD", 1997.

2. Garnysheva TP How to teach children traffic rules? Lesson planning, notes, crosswords, didactic games. - SPb .: LLC Publishing House "Childhood - press", 2011.

3. Danilova T. I. "The Traffic Light Program." Teaching traffic rules for preschool children ”. - SPb .: LLC Publishing House "Childhood - press", 2011.

4. Koldina D .: Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes

5. From birth to school. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education / Ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2012.

6. Perspective planning of the upbringing and educational process according to the program "From birth to school", ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Second junior group / author-comp. N. A. Atarshchikova, I. A. Osina, E. V. Goryunova. - Volgograd: 2011.

7. Traffic rules. Younger and middle groups. / L. B. Poddubnaya. - Volgograd: ITD "Coryphaeus".

8. Traffic rules for preschool children / Comp. N. A. Izvekova, A. F. Medvedeva, L. B. Polyakova, A. N. Fedotova; Ed. E. A. Romanova, A. B. Malyushkina. - M .: TC Sphere, 2006.